Chicago used to do it.
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The streets of Philadelphia... dangerous because of nonwhites |
St. Louis does it.
As does New York City.
So does Philadelphia (if anyone can find Memphis, Baltimore, or New Orleans, please send them my way!).
For the past three years, SBPDL has been one of the few sites (and the originator) of publicizing the data the Philadelphia Police Department makes available for all to see that so few dare view...
And they recently released the 2014 data.
According to the 2010 US Census, blacks are 43 percent of the population of Philadelphia, while whites make up roughly 36 percent of the population. "Hispanics" (Amerindians) make up roughly 12 percent of the population.
The one beautiful fact of the Philadelphia Police Department data is they break out the racial stats of both victim and suspect for homicides and nonfatal shootings without lumping Amerindians in with whites.
Let's get to the numbers!
There were 248 homicides in Philadelphia in 2014:
- 80.7 percent of the victims were black
- 14.6 percent of the victims were Amerindian
- 3.2 percent of the victims were white
There were 1047 nonfatal shooting victims in Philadelphia in 2014:
- 81.4 percent of the victims were black
- 13.5 percent of the victims were Amerindian
- 4.3 percent of the victims were white
Of known suspects, the race of the offenders in the 2014 homicides in Philadelphia (representing 142 of the 248 cases):
- 72.6 percent of the suspects were black
- 14.1 percent of the suspects were Amerindian
- 6.3 percent of the suspects were white
To summarize: 94.7 percent of known homicide suspects/offenders in 2014 Philadelphia were non-white (the number would be higher if the black community would "snitch").
Of known suspects, the race of the offenders in the 2014 nonfatal shootings in Philadelphia (representing only 357 of the 1047 cases):
- 82.4 percent of the suspects were black
- 9.2 percent of the suspects were Amerindian
- 4.7 percent of the suspects were white
To summarize: 95.3 percent of known nonfatal shooting suspects/offenders in 2014 Philadelphia were non-white (the number would be higher if the black community would "snitch").
Only 34 percent of the nonfatal shootings had suspects, compared to 57 percent of the homicides. If each nonfatal shooting/homicide had a suspect (offender), how much of the percentage do you think would be nonwhite?
The "no snitching" culture runs deep in black/brown Philadelphia, keeping violent black/brown people on the streets to prey on the law-abiding and artificially keep down the already high black/brown crime rates as identified by yearly released Philadelphia Police Department Murder/Shooting Analysis (because almost all of the white crime is domestic disputes easily solved - whose offender is not protected by community members - by detectives).
Gun crime has a color. It isn't white.
I recently been BANNED from twitter and 3 other sites for discussing shootings in America. Instead of "gun violence" i call it "Non-White Violence" and then post links to the stats that prove why my term is the correct one.
It's very sad that the Internet is so liberal. The young people today are like Nazi's, they WILL NOT debate unless the debate is 100% on their terms. The instant you make it clear that you wish to discuss facts, but NOT by using politically correct terminology they BAN you.
Wait a minute, Hispanics are now Amerindians? What the fuck? They have Spanish ancestry, or Portuguese. The Spanish ruled the world for much of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Is this now why we need to cater to the whims of "Latinos", because they're all poor old Indians that were oppressed by the Spanish and now I have to pay the price for that?
Fuck the Amerindians and fuck the white boy elites that keep coming up with this masochist crap.
And this information is a surprise to...?
As I wrote in a previous post, the residents of the moderately sized town in which I live are armed to the teeth. Other than the occasional "domestic" homicide (alcohol and or drugs are usually involved) our town is devoid of gun violence. Racism is the reason - our town is 98% White.
These so-called "statistics" completely leave out the real crime in Philadelphia: micro-aggressions. How many African Americans are victimized every day by privileged white persons locking their car doors or calling the police over so-called home invasions? Crimes such as these go un-reported, showing once again that the "criminal justice" system is rigged against African Americans.
The other night I was at home, working on a class I am teaching (Critical Race 201: Ferguson "Looters" as Redistributors of Wealth) when I looked up and was overjoyed to see two African American teens wearing ski masks and holding crowbars walking down the hallway carrying my television set. That was very thoughtful of them, coming to visit me. I am sure they know my reputation around campus as a white person who does not micro-aggress against blacks by locking up their house even in a so-called "high crime" area. And they were even moving my appliances!
Being someone with a social conscious, I called them "comrades" and put my hands up in the air as a sign of solidarity with Michael Brown, the teenager who was gunned down by the cops for the crime of Walking While Black.
Oddly enough, the next thing I recall was waking up in the university hospital emergency room with my head bandaged and a terrible headache. A police officer wanted me to file a report about something called "assault and battery" but that sounds like another construct of privileged white people to re-enslave African Americans.
Ivry Tower, BS, MFA
Critical Race Advanced Progressive Studies
San Franciscan here
PK, I think that you haven't really thought through this gun violence thingy enough.
Q. Who does most of the gun violence?
A. Black people.
Q. Where do they get their guns to do the gun violence with?
A. They steal them.
Q. Who do they steal their guns from?
A. White people who legally own them.
Q. How come white people can legally own guns while so many black people can't legally own them?
A. Because convicted felons and people who have been in the mental health system are not allowed to buy them.
Q. So how do we stop, or at least cut down on the amount of gun violence that black people customarily engage in?
A. The answer is SO obvious. In order to make it impossible, or at least more difficult for black people to have guns that they are by law, forbidden from owning, all guns must be taken away from white people who can legally own them. That way, black people can't steal them from white people. WE are the problem. If we didn't own guns, black people wouldn't have anybody to steal them from and voila! The gun violence problem would be solved!
Damn I'm so smart!
This stuff happens so often I can't even keep up with it.
Young white engineer murdered by 4-5 black males in Orlando. Black robbers put a gun to his girlfriends head he fought the attackers and they killed him.
This is an area just a couple miles away from Universal Studios.
I looked over some of the reports. They still don't mention the interracial crime stats. I'm positive that the black-on-other crime numbers dwarf the other-on-black numbers. Philly is somewhat different than most other large cities in that we still have a significant (and growing) White's still black majority but only slightly. Ironically, they're about to elect a White SJW as mayor (I call him DeBlasio Jr.) who will probably do more damage to the white citizenry than 16 years of black mayors ever did....
PK, you have confused "victims" with "suspects" in the second set of stats. Otherwise (as usual), top post!
"Gun crime has a color. It isn't white."
True statement, but Obama and his ilk (UN) are doing all they can to take the guns away from YT. YT is now expected just to give it all up when accosted and take the beating because of "The Sin of White Privilege" We must all pay reparations and genuflect to the noble Black and his special needs. (sarcasm intended)
Did anyone notice that CNN made the Oregon Hafrican Shooter look more white? These pinkos lightened up the skin and shrunk the nose and lips.
Are Hispanic perps counted as white in this ?
I see you mentioned that Chicago USED to break their numbers down by race. I can only assume they stopped reporting this because of the liberal delusion that by reporting it, THEY were causing the problem. When the racial reality of it is, when they don't mention the race of the offenders, everyone knows what it means. Blacks.
Well played, Chi-town. Well played. You pulled off the social equivalent of the realtor not disclosing the house your looking to buy is infested with roaches. One walk thru, and its painfully obvious.
OT, BUT,,,You know I don't know if anyone else is noticing or if you think it's just some nutty conspiracy theory rant but are you noticing how the media and this so called administration are jumping out with all this ,what seems like,only seems like,white shootings and violence.Meaning that all you think is going on is white males shooting peaceful liberals.How Obama is ready to jump when whitey is involved and the media constantly keeps talking about white violence and white supremacy is the cause.Funny how even when the guy in Oregon was as black as Obama he and the media say he is white and no one ,not one media outlet goes after the mother and tears her to shreds like they do if any parent is white.Notice how they go after the white father but the black mother was the one feeding him all his knowledge and teaching him and buying guns for him.Man,the white mother for the Newtown shooter was dead and they couldn't stop tearing her apart and blaming white gun culture.They were all over her but this black kids black mother Obama makes sure that no one is to say anything.I think and it just seems so obvious that with all these site like this and Colin Flaherty and numerous other sites calling out and exposing the insane amount of BLACK dysfunction and blacks killing cops and cities being torn apart because of blacks,it just all seems to coincidental.It is all done on purpose to try and deflect.Anyway sorry for the rant if it is off a bit but it was bugging me what is happening at the moment.Also being that we have an election coming and all these so called tolerant lefties and dems do not want any repub or conservative in the White House.
PK said, "Gun crime has a color. It isn't white."
But it will be when they succeed in grabbing our guns - that is until there are no more whites left to plant in the ground, at which point who or what dies will be about as important as a dead cockroach.
Rexpectfully, Nick A. Pinney
Is the violence of the lesser primates in Philadelphia due to environmental factors such as White privilege, racial microaggressions, guns, poverty, etc.?
Or is the violence, which creates a great deal of poverty, the natural behavior of the mentally weaker breeds of human?
Accordingly to a Washington Post article titled "Chimpanzees are natural born killers, study says, and they prefer mob violence", it's conclusive that the higher primates called humans aren't responsible in the slightest for the ugly violence of these African primates.
There's an analogy here that stands out like the Empire State Building in the middle of a Kansas wheat field.
This in regards to a couple of recent SBPDL subjects in recent days: I (white guy) would just like to come to the defense of Hispanics in many regards; I have a job which requires me to spend many hours around Hispanic students of a private school; I find them on the whole to be intelligent, polite, well-mannered decent kids; The fact that most Hispanics are fluently bilingual also reveals a brain capacity unattainable by the Negro who, let's face it, cannot intelligibly speak even one language ("Ebonics" being baby-talk: goo-goo-gah-gah, etc..); Hispanics generally work hard, couple up and stay married and have a strong family group ethic; they have cool music and good food too (beautiful women!).. Don't make the mistake of lumping the Hispanic in with the negro: it's not fair. In my view Hispanics are not part of what I now refer to as: the "Plague of the Beasties"; I have no problem with Hispanics; in fact I don't have a problem with anybody on the planet (except our ..*special needs* ..subculture.. etc.: the only primate on the entire God-forsaken planet, for my money.. who is truly.. fucking.. hopeless)..
OT, BUT,,,You know I don't know if anyone else is noticing or if you think it's just some nutty conspiracy theory rant but are you noticing how the media and this so called administration are jumping out with all this ,what seems like,only seems like,white shootings and violence.Meaning that all you think is going on is white males shooting peaceful liberals.How Obama is ready to jump when whitey is involved and the media constantly keeps talking about white violence and white supremacy is the cause.Funny how even when the guy in Oregon was as black as Obama he and the media say he is white and no one ,not one media outlet goes after the mother and tears her to shreds like they do if any parent is white.Notice how they go after the white father but the black mother was the one feeding him all his knowledge and teaching him and buying guns for him.Man,the white mother for the Newtown shooter was dead and they couldn't stop tearing her apart and blaming white gun culture.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
No, you weren't off topic at all. You are precisely ON-topic. It's quite obvious to those of us who aren't completely brain dead that the media, Obama, SJWs, etc. are working overtime to hide the true (black) face of crime in this country. In short, if something doesn't fit their parable, it doesn't make the news. If it somehow slips out from their tentacle-like control, they "white-wash" it. If it's a negro, he din do nuffins. He was a victim. It's YT's fault because there aren't enough programs.
Any of you who live around metro DC, did violence spike this weekend during the anniversary of the Million Man March? I'd really like to know, because Lord knows I'll never hear about it from the news. I'm surprised that murdered family on Embassy Row made the news. Funny how it's all but faded from the news when it was such a horrific murder. But hey, it was only a productive white family and their Hispanic maid who got brutally murdered. The perps were simply misunderstood.
On the last thread, someone said that in order to rid ourselves completely (finally?) of the black plague, the United States needs to be terminated. I'm convinced he (or she) is right. We cannot go on like this. I actively cheer Putin for taking on the fiasco we've created in the Middle East. It's nice to finally see a white man with some balls take on the Amish, who've controlled this country since at least 1913. Putin knows how to clean house real good. He's not a boot licker like our Halfrican Prince in the White House, who is about to go on another spree with his "pen and iPhone" and completely outlaw guns in this country. Our white "men" in Con-gress are, like Boehner, too busy having various crying jags to stop him. And Paul Ryan loves nothing better than to strip down to the waist, pump some iron, and salivate over his reflection in a full length mirror. We, as a country, our completely dead on arrival. Let the empire fall. It's far past time to put a real man in charge of the world. We've had too long a line of pantywaists to be considered a world power anymore.
It's very sad that the Internet is so liberal.
'liberal' but not in he traditional meaning of the term.
Leftist is a better way of stating.
leftists > fakebook, amazon, twitter, yahoo, google.
You must not notice skyscrapers in wheat fields..... You must not notice turds in punchbowls..... You are guilty of thought crime.....
As pennance you must say 10 nice things about negroes and of course ..... Vote Carson !
OT, however pertinent: MLK statue to crown Stone Mountain
Fatigued in Minneapolis said...
This in regards to a couple of recent SBPDL subjects in recent days: I (white guy) would just like to come to the defense of Hispanics in many regards; I have a job which requires me to spend many hours around Hispanic students of a private school; I find them on the whole to be intelligent, polite, well-mannered decent kids; The fact that most Hispanics are fluently bilingual also reveals a brain capacity unattainable by the Negro who, let's face it, cannot intelligibly speak even one language ("Ebonics" being baby-talk: goo-goo-gah-gah, etc..); Hispanics generally work hard, couple up and stay married and have a strong family group ethic; they have cool music and good food too (beautiful women!).. Don't make the mistake of lumping the Hispanic in with the negro: it's not fair.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
Okay, fair enough. I suspect you're missing the point, however. Nobody here has the aversion to Hispanics that they do to the negro. There is not now nor has there ever been a plague set forth on humanity worse than the common and lowly negro. Case in point: I live in a downtown which is experiencing somewhat of a renaissance. The other day a negro (youf of 26) set out for a multi-crime spree, rampaging across town, car-jacking, accosting, burglaring, and generally terrorizing our community. He was finally apprehended and held on a very high dollar bond. His plea? The usual, "Din do nuffins, I wuz drugged and can't remember nothin!" He wanted house arrest (WTF???) with his momma instead of jail. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the court house to have seen the judge's face when that went down! Imagine a white mother allowing her son to stay with her after being charged with such crimes. Most I know would have said, "Here he is...his father and I can't do anything with him....maybe you can!"
It's like those negro senior citizens who DEMAND (again, WTF???) that their community increase security, lighting, etc., because St. Martin Looter King's sister-in-law was assaulted by a "youf". Instead of encouraging the po po to find this criminal, they want (YT) to pay for more security....while their "youf" continue to terrorize different communities. It's like living in a very large apartment house filled with cockroaches. You take out a can of Raid and spray down the perimeter of your unit. The cockroaches will indeed leave your apartment....but your neighbors will be in for a rather unpleasant surprise. No, the only way is to hire an exterminator and spray down the entire building, ridding the entire building of the "problem". But we can't have that, can we?
Speaking of shootings-
The cop who shot Tamir Rice was just found to be justified in his use of force.
Rice is Blackie and the Grievance Industry's child "victim", even though like all other high profile black perps was doing something that led to the use of lethal force by officers-
Waving around a pellet gun and pointing it at strangers in a park. It's one of those few "things" that you are supposed to know not do do- like yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire, or talking about explosives while at the airport. The parent of this boy failed and failed miserably- the cop(s) did what they had to do. They are not in the business of hunting young boys for sport. They are in the business of ensuring safety for everyone. The one group of people that you don't fck with and you leave well alone. But when cops inevitably encounter blacks doing something illegal they must intervene and then blacks act like they are being persecuted when in fact their behavior is just being dealt with in a predictable manner.
If we give blacks more leeway with police it is just the same thing as giving them more space to destroy. It's not like their actions and intentions aren't highly predictable- they just love to cut corners, skirt rules, and help themselves to things that they didn't create or work for. It happens every time. It is how they are.
Once they can successfully lead a city or county then maybe we can let them come to the big kids table and they can have their say on what needs to be done.
Orlando has some very shitty, orc infested areas not far from the main/tourist area of attractions. If you are visiting Orlando and find yourself on Orange Blossom Trail (OBT to the locals) that is the gateway to the ghetto and gets seedier the further you go on it.
""Don't make the mistake of lumping the Hispanic in with the negro: it's not fair. In my view Hispanics are not part of what I now refer to as: the "Plague of the Beasties"; I have no problem with Hispanics; in fact I don't have a problem with anybody on the planet (except our ..*special needs* ..subculture.. etc.: the only primate on the entire God-forsaken planet, for my money.. who is truly.. fucking.. hopeless)..
October 11, 2015 at 7:11 AM""
25% of Mexico's population is here in the USA. Think about that for a second. 25% of Mexico's population is here in the USA. I am SO glad they are here taking jobs away from multiple generations of White Americans; committing crimes, funneling huge amounts of drugs into the USA and alliterating our elections and society. They need to go back to their land and be good citizens THERE.
That you are "comfortable" with them here given their dysfunctionality speaks volumes. We need to secure the future for our people and the future for White children above all else. The gates are breached and the Orcs and goblins are pouring into the city and you want us to keep the "good" orcs, not the MS-13 or nasty tattooed ones or the La Raza ones, but the hard working ones.
Thank goodness, that when the hard work comes of pushing out the invaders, you will not get any say in who stays.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
To Fatigued in Minneapolis
I used to dismiss Hispanics/Latinos as one and the same as the undertow. Then I worked with their children and met a lot of the parents. I saw a lot of my prejudices fade. Not so with the black kids and families that I worked with, but that is of course to be expected.
While not white, they do share a lot of white values and aspirations- you will see them leave blacks in the dust in the next couple of decades as efforts to uplift them aren't a complete waste. I am already seeing more and more of them in professional fields and I'm sure Blackie will bitch about that then too. Blackie can't comprehend the time investment needed for white collar career and all the non-negotiable responsibilities that come with it.
While I don't see Hispanics as my "enemy" I also don't view them as my friend. I find Latin employees to be less friendly and willing to help when compared to whites- a lot of them just don't give a sht and couldn't care less about anything other than then paycheck that they will be receiving. A lot less personable and that makes a big difference to me.
I would break it down as such. Picture a big bathtub.
Whites are warm/hot water.
Hispanics are luke warm/cold water.
Blacks are feces.
How do you want your bath?
You are joking right?? I think I'll hold on to my weapons
"I have a job which requires me to spend many hours around Hispanic students of a private school"
You interact with a specific subset of Hispanics that are sent to a private school. I'd wager they have a high degree of Spanish, i.e. White, blood. If the average Hispanic was so great why are they only capable of creating 3rd World hell holes like Mexico, Honduras, and Southren California? Granted they are maginally better than equatorial Africa but I don't want my kids growing up in el Norte Mexico.
The problem Is not with the minorities. It is with us. We pay them to outbreed us and then vote our money and property. At some point this democracy will not be sustained. Give the opportunity for the best of them to become better and move into our neighborhoods. Vote against the bottom half going to school with our kids. This includes the endless college scholarships given to under achievers.
Your tongue-in-cheek analysis would be funny, if the mocking "logic" wasn't actually true. Many DWLS feel exactly that way.
I think we should try it, though. It worked very well with alcohol in the 1920s and the War on Drugs has been a huge success. We'd have to call it something else, though: how do you win a "War on Guns"? That would be almost as hard as waging a war on the other source of violence, the "Streets".
I approve of Paul referring to 'Hispanics' as Amerindians. These racial classifications are confusing and arbitrary but this it seems to me to be a step forward.
Obviously the term Hispanic is all wrong. It's supposed to refer to an ethic group but it's really a language term. I took Spanish in high school. So you would think I should be classified as Hispanic. But I took French in college making me a Frenchie? This makes no sense in the US but just north of here in Canada this is a real political issue over which people are often killed. They call it the Francophone issue.
You can't understand the Hispanic term without understanding a lot of history. The people of Spain in the fifteenth century were typical European Caucasians. They looked and acted a lot like their neighbors the French or the Italians. They were white.
Then they conquered the Americas but did not send over whole families. The conquistadors consorted with the local Amerindian women which led to a large mixed race population. The English settlers further north in Virginia and Massachusetts had brought wives and therefore their progeny stayed European.
The Amerindians are an interesting case. They seem to be Asiatics who came across the Bering Strait about 13,000 years ago. Columbus expected to find the Chinese but he found instead a sort of pre-Chinese. Amerindians have brains similar to that of East Asians but not as advanced. That means that like East Asians they are better on the non-verbal sections of standard IQ tests but their scores are lower that Caucasians or Chinese. They are primitives.
So in Mexico and Central America they have a wide variety of races all of which are called Hispanic. The elite tend to be all Caucasians. Whereas the stone age peasants tend to be almost pure Indian.
As Donald Trump recently pointed out - 'They don't send us their best'. The illegal aliens that sneak across the border tend to be Amerindian not Caucasian. So Paul's usage makes sense.
"By reporting it, THEY were causing the problem."
Forty years ago, the Associated Press adopted a hands-off policy on the race of criminals, unless there was a compelling reason to include it.
Over the years, that changed to: "unless the suspect is white".
That's how we get news flashes like: "A suspect who gunned down six nuns and stole their gold crosses was wearing a Red baseball cap. Detectives are currently interviewing all members of the Saint Louis Cardinals organization."
Yet, in Idaho last week, when two people in a restaurant, handed a mother and a screaming toddler at the next table a note "thanking" them for ruining their meal, race was front and center.
The reporter found it necessary to include the "victim's" description of the perps as "two "caucasion women in their 50s or 60s".
I wrote a comment on the news site suggesting that they don't even mention the race of murderers, so it's odd that they would do so when mentioning non-criminal irate diners. They left the racist/ageist reference in the story, but removed my comment.
The most peculiar part of the story is that they didn't call the diners klansmen. The mother and baby clearly were not white. No white person in one of the whitest states in the union would ID someone as a caucasion".
My theory is that it was originally written as a race-grievance story, but an editor realized how stupid it sounded and recast the perps as just a couple of mean old baby hating bitches. The "caucasion" ref was either left in by mistake or as a sop to the sulking reporter.
To Anon at 6:26 - that is exactly what is being done. The ones who don't see are the delusional ones.
NJ Woman
This in regards to a couple of recent SBPDL subjects in recent days: I (white guy) would just like to come to the defense of Hispanics in many regards; I have a job which requires me to spend many hours around Hispanic students of a private school; I find them on the whole to be intelligent, polite, well-mannered decent kids
Respectfully, sir, even assuming for the moment that every single Hispanic you have ever met is a veritable saint, what has that got to do with the price of tea in Bangladesh? This class of statements/observations is referred in a court of law as hearsay and to the ordinary layman as anecdotal. It's like saying that just because you personally have dozens of friends who happen to be alcoholics, and who have never ever had a driving accident, that it necessarily follows as a truism that driving while intoxicated is cool.
Sir, for quite obvious reasons I am not about to tell you where I live or what my work and educational background is, but trust me when I tell you that my lifetime, occupational exposure to south American Hispanics and Mexicans (legal and illegal) has been substantial to say the least. Now, while they may be anthropologically classified as Caucasians, as a whole they share very little in common with traditional white North Americans of largely European stock.
Moreover, this deliberate canard promoted by the Marxist open borders crowd that they're largely religious and share our traditional family values is a total, self-serving crock. They're "religious" alright, but in a very superstitious, childlike sense. Even the otherwise well-educated Catholic Mexicans and south Americans know next to nothing about the Old or New Testaments, Catholic church history, or Catholic church theology. A "priest" to these ignorant Mexican peasants is what a witch doctor is to Borneo tribesmen. Little wonder, then, that the Catholic church wants as many ignorant Mexican peasants in this country as possible to fill their churches, and hence their Vatican coffers. This is precisely the reason their Marxist pope recently visited and shut his mouth about abortion, homosexuality and just about everything else they pretend to care about.
Lastly, while I will admit that as as group I would prefer to be around Mexicans than black sub-humans, when it comes to gratuitous violence, cruelty, criminality, and a general disdain for education and a civil society, the Mexicans are right up there with the Nigrahs. All one has to do is look at the incarceration rates for Mexicans in this country and the classes of truly vicious and brutal crimes they're in jail for. Gang-banging is now a way of life for most Mexican male children in this country, and their females typically have children in their early teens, have them in numbers even exceeding the blacks, and are gaming the welfare and health system like hell won't have it.
Gnome sayin'?
Respectfully, Nick A. Pinney
The problem Is not with the minorities. It is with us. We pay them to outbreed us and then vote our money and property.
I understand your point but please do not use the word we.
I've never been given a choice on where my tax dollars go. Even in my liberal stage I thought just blindly handing out money to minorities was stupid.
Fatigued in Minneapolis, you can keep your orcs around you thank you very much. The so called good Hispanics chased me out of California and Florida. Let me tell you what happens when these so called good orcs invade your city.
1. First you notice a lot of trash in store parking lots, you know normal things people throw out like dirty diapers and their entire ashtray from their F150 Ford truck.
2. Loud mariachi music (which sounds like a Polka dancer on meth or screaming monkeys) until 2 or 3 am in the morning. Usually followed by drunk orcs screaming in the street.
3. Trash day is a lot of fun. Trash cans are never lined or trash bags never used. If it's a hot summer day the stench can clean out the most clogged of sinuses.
4. The local stores are owned and dominated by orcs. No casher speaks English and if he/she does it's broken English or just enough to get by.
5. Government agencies and local government starts to be dominated by orcs and their Saturday handlers. Now all of a sudden you're pushed out of the town you and your ancestors built. Move out whitey.
6. They open up rag tag restaurants and if the locals get sick, someone real important has to get real sick before the restaurant closed down. You know health standards are racist right?
7. The Mexican men are horndogs. They'd screw a snake if it held it's head up long enough. I used to get harrassed by orcs in California when I was younger. They were relentless. I never dated them, I found them physically repugnant.
I tell any white person I know, if you love orcs, blacks or even boat people from Asia, YOU befriend aid and help them, don't ask me or my tax dollars. I don't want them near me. My life is complete without them. I can make my own mexican food, asian food and any other ethnic food with ingredients from Amazon, my local supermarket and other online cookbooks I use. And I'm a pretty good I might say.
America was somewhat 90% white and 10% black before the Hart Cellar Immigration Act. It's time for the others to go home.
The fact that most Hispanics are fluently bilingual also reveals a brain capacity unattainable by the Negro who, let's face it, cannot intelligibly speak even one language ("Ebonics" being baby-talk: goo-goo-gah-gah, etc..);
Everyone knows that Hispanics have a higher mean intelligence than Blacks. Even liberals know this, they just want to believe it's still somehow environmental.
Hispanics generally work hard, couple up and stay married and have a strong family group ethic; they have cool music and good food too (beautiful women!).. Don't make the mistake of lumping the Hispanic in with the negro: it's not fair.
It depends on where you live. In SoCal they have their own version of gangsta culture and swagger around like blacks.
In agricultural areas I don't mind them.
"Chimpanzees are natural born killers, study says, and they prefer mob violence."
Naaah. Can't be. They're adorable, intelligent, cuddly, even technologically savvy rascals in TV and movies. And I've seen lots of shows with chimps in them, too, so I've got a ton of experience with them and I really know what I'm talking about. So that PROVES this "study" is flawed and ... wait for it ... prejudiced!
We need to - nay, we MUST - let millions of chimps loose in all our cities, send them to school with our human children and pay them 15 bananas per hour to work for us. They're so much like us on TV! What could possibly go wrong?
If there is the unlikely "isolated incident" or two (or a few thousand - cough, cough) where chimps go against their peaceful, cooperative nature and end up mauling humans, they deserve a free pass. It's obviously our fault for misunderstanding them, doing something to agitate them and in general making life difficult for them.
Embrace the primate diversity!
- Tobias Benjamin Goode
As Donald Trump recently pointed out - 'They don't send us their best'. The illegal aliens that sneak across the border tend to be Amerindian not Caucasian. So Paul's usage makes sense.
Pat, you're one very bright light on this invaluable forum for us few remaining sane and rational Caucasians left without a death wish. Come to think of it, this entire forum is clearly filled with very well-spoken, highly literate posters.
Anyway, while not to appear sycophantic, almost all of what PK says makes sense.
Nick A. Pinney
Well there are latino (more european) and mestisos. I can see Latin Hispanics being actually assimilated and eventually bred out. The mestisos need to go. However, even the white presenting Latinos must be kept to very small numbers where they are subsumed into the white gene pool with no impact on the EUROPEAN genetic stock. Never forget, 50 short years ago this country was 90% white. The jew has been behind the deracination of ALL white countries and ONLY white countries. Israel is the ONLY ethno-state on the planet. Do you think this is an accident?
I approve of Paul referring to 'Hispanics' as Amerindians. These racial classifications are confusing and arbitrary
Try "indios" and "mestizos", which originated from Spanish (like "mulatto"). There are other Spanish words for black/indian and other mixtures, but I don't remember them.
It's very sad that the Internet is so liberal.
'liberal' but not in he traditional meaning of the term.
I think you mean the mainstream sites.
The internet itself is the greatest threat to liberalism.
The vast majority of liberals are naive and think they are fighting for truth and justice.
Truth is actually a major problem because the truth of racial genetics undermines liberalism. Once you accept the reality of race it's hard to believe that liberal plans will work. In fact such truths are more likely to make people anti-liberal because they reveal how much liberals have been lying to the public. In the light of racial genetics liberals end up looking like crazed egalitarians that would destroy civilization before admitting harsh truths about race. I believe only about 10% of White liberals would remain if all facts were put on the table. The remaining 10% would switch to the "pity them because of genetics / Whites are still evil" position which would still be an improvement over blank slate and paint fiction.
It's very sad that the Internet is so liberal.
'liberal' but not in he traditional meaning of the term.
I think you mean the mainstream sites.
The internet itself is the greatest threat to liberalism.
The vast majority of liberals are naive and think they are fighting for truth and justice.
Truth is actually a major problem because the truth of racial genetics undermines liberalism. Once you accept the reality of race it's hard to believe that liberal plans will work. In fact such truths are more likely to make people anti-liberal because they reveal how much liberals have been lying to the public. In the light of racial genetics liberals end up looking like crazed egalitarians that would destroy civilization before admitting harsh truths about race. I believe only about 10% of White liberals would remain if all facts were put on the table. The remaining 10% would switch to the "pity them because of genetics / Whites are still evil" position which would still be an improvement over blank slate and paint fiction.
On the last thread, someone said that in order to rid ourselves completely (finally?) of the black plague, the United States needs to be terminated. I'm convinced he (or she) is right. We cannot go on like this.
Something will have to give at some point.
What liberals and blacks underestimate is how much white people are actually propping up BRA. A lot of this is due to white guilt and the common belief that race doesn't exist. It's not just liberals in the media that perpetuate the lie, it's also the executive that keeps an Affirmative Action hire or the computer technician that takes a risk by going into a black city to work.
The erroneous belief of race not existing leads whites to make irrational decisions or accept lower standards as part of a false hope for an integrated society that doesn't look like Mogadishu.
If racial realism went mainstream that support system would collapse. There is widespread fraud being committed by whites for the sake of black integration. I would never have believed it if I didn't see first hand. The black standard deviation is too great to simply fix with a smudge or a tweak. It requires creating make-work positions and passing college students that barely read at an 8th grade level
The entire system is not as stable as it appears. A lot of Whites behind the scenes are basically lying and cheating for blacks. They are only doing this because they believe it is required for a better future. Take away that belief and now you are asking them to commit fraud for a childish fantasy that will ultimately work against them. Ironically for the system to collapse all these whites have to do is show up and hold everyone to equal standards.
Possible Dindu infiltration methods?
awe, poor victims.
As you're well aware, DC police's handling of violent crime becomes suspect away from the cameras that blanket the city.
I was downtown and there were tons of blacks and a strong police presence with it. The fact that there was no high-profile or mediocre incident reported should be enough to confirm your suspicions.
in DC
Great article, as usual, but I think you err in calling these Philly Hispanics "Amerindian". The mestizo invasion of the Northeast is barely three decades old-the vast majority of Northeast Hispanics are mulatto Puerto Ricans and Dominicans.
A lot worse than Mexicans, closer to Blacks in all respects.
On the last thread, someone said that in order to rid ourselves completely (finally?) of the black plague, the United States needs to be terminated. I'm convinced he (or she) is right. We cannot go on like this.
To some degree, this is already in progress: Globalization, NAFTA, de facto open borders, mass third world migrations, etc., are all designed to bring an end to the nation-states which arose in the 18th-19th centuries. The nation-states are being replaced with a globalized order in which transnational capital is the ruling force.
The globalization is backed up by the Useful Idiots among those "progressives" who believe they are creating a universe defined by everyone holding hands and singing "We Are the World / Buy the World a Coke(tm)." And they'll go on singing even as third world hordes pillage their cities (as we have seen from Ferguson to Calais).
One thing White people might do is realize we all have a common interest, whether in North America, Europa, Australia-NZ, and even South Africa. Rather than giving loyalty to the hostile elites who are now running the show, instead form a transnational network of White peoples. And fight for our common interests.
puerto ricans
PRs are 20% Black, from what I have read.
I agree one hundred percent with what Annie Oakley said about Mexicans. I lived with them for nine years in New Mexico. The reason the males are all so MACHO is because at 30 years old they still live with MOMMY. A Mexican will spend 25 minutes combing his hair. Annie is right about them being horndogs...they will screw anything breathing, including their daughters. Incest is very common.
I had them for neighbors for 9 years and they threw their beer bottles over the fence into my yard. They do not know what a garbage can is. They drive drunk and spend most of the time shit faced. They never leave home. If one gets married they just build another room on the house. I've seen some of their homes and they look like a motel with one room connected to another.
I had some as friends so they are not all losers. I got along with what I called the hipper type. Some of the biker kind were alright because they didn't let the church tell them how to live. I could go on and on about what I saw as I lived around them all those years. The majority are also very stupid.
Brilliant comedy, home-slice. SNL couldn't produce better.
You made my day.
Not the Puerto Ricans, and they're most likely the ones living in Philly. Trust me, as a former New Yorker, they are a nightmare! High illegitimacy rates, very low IQs, completely uncivilized behavior all around. And as far as being bilingual, they can barely speak Spanish, much less English. They are definitely not pure Amerindians. They have a heavy degree of negro admixture and it shows in their phenotype. Sure, they're not as bad as the blacks, but no race is.
Any if the so-called hispanics with a strong amount if African in them (PR's, Dominicans, etc...) display the same degenerate behavior as the Negro.
Last paragraph in the article "black on black crime does not exist."
They are doomed.
In agricultural areas your just undermining poor whites who would otherwise do that work. Someone needs to speak up for them too. Why are we so quick to sideline and marginalize poor white people. Let them work the farms.
Californian said...
On the last thread, someone said that in order to rid ourselves completely (finally?) of the black plague, the United States needs to be terminated. I'm convinced he (or she) is right. We cannot go on like this.
To some degree, this is already in progress: Globalization, NAFTA, de facto open borders, mass third world migrations, etc., are all designed to bring an end to the nation-states which arose in the 18th-19th centuries. The nation-states are being replaced with a globalized order in which transnational capital is the ruling force. ..
i agree that globalization and third world immigration (excluding that from negro countries) will ultimately end the negro. But in the meantime, we will continue to suffer from their presence. It might be your great great great great great grandchildren that will live in a country without many negroes. While not much solace to us as we continue to pay for their lives and are attacked and killed by them regularly, the future will weed them out.
Whatever happens, I am sure in 300 years the TV news will still feature negroes as broadcasters. At this point it is such an accepted practice that it will continue on through infinity. Future societies may raise negroes in captivity, only to use them for TV news, certain sports and some yet unimagined future hyper violent music genre.
Globalization, NAFTA, de facto open borders, mass third world migrations, etc., are all designed to bring an end to the nation-states which arose in the 18th-19th centuries.
America was never a nation state in the true sense of that term. It was always a "proposition nation" with citizenship not restricted to any one race or ethnic group. What is called globalization is merely the American model going global, being adopted now in Europe and in the future everywhere else, provided the system itself doesn't collapse in the meantime.
In this way America, the first and most fanatic anti-racist country, is like a metastasizing cancer that has now spread to the rest of the West. America, with its consumerism and its lunatic ideas about race, is in the process of sociologically, technologically, and financially conquering the whole world, trying to turn it into a giant copy of itself. This is happening because, at least in the short term, this sort of thing is good for business, and as the old saying goes, what's good for business is good for America. Unfortunately what's good for America is very bad for race, and particularly the white race. Unless the "proposition nation" called America is destroyed and the opposite model is returned to, the prospects for the continued existence of separate races is very poor.
For those that really, really like bold. Alright, you have discovered an html tag and you are excited by it. Why not use it for a word or two, something you want to emphasize.
Otherwise, I will not read comments that are in bold. I also will not read comments that have no paragraphs at all. I and many others will not read comments in bold, or bolded italics or underlined bolded italics with a flashing font.
To whomever it is that loves bolded comments, listen, your thoughts are not that important that they need to look different from those of other people. You may have a serious mental illness, though that is just conjecture. Play nice and stop your bolded comments.
This is bold. See how I did that?
If I may be so bold as to throw my two cents worth in, and I sure as hell am; the poster bitching about bold type, and bitching is the proper term,WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!!
Is bold type harder to read? I think not, personally, I find it easier to read, and I have seen others who agree. Not everyone here is an English major, skippy. If you need that, try reading the Atlantic, or possibly The New Yorker. Most if us haven't been in an English class in 40-50 years, but we've seen a lot, and express ourselves fairly well.Oh also I left out punctuation and decided not to start a new paragraph here I don't care if you read it or not see how that works?
I once gave instructions to a man who was lost, and I told him "O.k. you go up to that light, then turn right and go down Main street to the second light..." Well, he had to make a big deal about go up, and go down, so I said " Look buddy, you seem to have a problem with vernacular, so I suggest you proceed due south for approximately six blocks, at which point you will see the state university campus. I'm sure you will be able to find an English Major, and a geography major to assist you. Now you have a nice day now". (Wink, wink).
What is called globalization is merely the American model going global, being adopted now in Europe and in the future everywhere else, provided the system itself doesn't collapse in the meantime.
This is a point which the Russian Eurasianists make, see for example Aleksandr Dugin who has written extensively on this trend. The Russian military move into Syria is, in part, to shore up the Russian southern frontiers against the threat of Islamic "Springs" supported by the US-Atlanticist alliance and spreading into Central Asia.
Future societies may raise negroes in captivity, only to use them for TV news, certain sports and some yet unimagined future hyper violent music genre.
A point to consider is that it was White countries which ended the slave trade globally. As White countries self-destruct in the face of globalization and third world invasions, the world may see slavery coming back big time. And it is going to be blacks who are going to be the first to be led away in chains. Think that Muslims or Chinese will put up with black idiocy for very long? Oh yeah, they may not call it slavery, it might just be some sort of "guest worker with chains" deal for PR purposes. Let's note that Muslims are enslaving blacks in various parts of Africa today, and the Chinese are not very far from Chairman Mao's labor camps.
You also have to consider how blacks have so alienated everyone with their violence, their welfare dependency and their race hustling that the day may come when even the most hardened DWL will be glad to see Africans in America back on the chain gang.
Let me just correct 1 thing you wrote.
"Hispanics" (Amerindians)
It could be a White/Indian mixture but in the NE it's more likely for these 'Hispanics" to be a Negro/ White mixture (with maybe some Indian thrown in) because they are more likely to be from Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic and the islands and places where there were slaves and that sort of thing so the violence is still more of a Negro thing.
Perhaps in Cal and the SW it's more White/Indian "Hispanics"
@October 11, 2015 at 7:43 PM
I didn't read your comment before I wrote mine
Agreed !!
The most glaring question regarding "hispanics" or whatever you want to call them, is that if they are such hard workers and all around good neighbors how come the entirety of central and South America are third world shitholes with violent crime rates on par with or greater than those of sub Saharan Africa?
If they're such great folks why can't they build or maintain their own civilization? Lest we forget, a scant 400 years ago, most of their ancestors were still carving each other's hearts out with stone knives to make sure the sun kept rising in the morning, and as others have pointed out, many of these "hispanics" are no more than halfrican mud blends mulattoes that don't want to admit they're actually black.
Granted, they're better than blacks, but that's just saying that a house full of cockroaches is better than a houseful of rats. Both are parasites, make a mess, destroy things, and lower your quality of life.
To those who commented about SJW-DWL wives on the previous posting:
I have one. She is not a flaming liberal, but not one of us. How do I deal with it? I don't.
You see, after decades of depression, anxiety and thinking, way to deeply, about existence, I came to the wonderful conclusion of: I am the only important thing in the universe (and all else is secondary to me).
Thus, I do not get into monkey fights with my wife. I don't care. Now, we have children and I talk to them ALL THE TIME about race, religion, Federal Reserve Notes and all else. BUT, I never get into any real discussion when the Arrogantly Ignorant wife is around. The kids LOVE It. They love talking to me and we get into some real lengthy and deep discussion. Discussions they can not have with the house "n*&&er lover".
The kids also like it when I tell them how to act stupid in school and ask questions that put the idiot teachers on the line. Example. This last 9/11, the teacher kept talking about the "Twin Towers" but my son kept asking (like he was a good stupid student) why 3 buildings fell down. Drove the ahole teacher nuts. Same about Lincoln, the negro being 3/5 human, etc. You all know the details.
So, don't waste you time with the enemy or the stupid. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THEM. My wife is the first to lock the door when leaving our local minority infected Mall, but will never tell me WHY. She has only WHITE FRIENDS (like 5,000 on Fakebook) but hangs out with no negroes. Typical.
They are born that way. They are not the future and I know she will not pick up a gun and join our side when it comes, so I have no idea what she intends to do when the wars start. Maybe, just maybe, she will have an awaken, but I don't care either way. Maybe she can boil water and dress a deer. If not, she can sit back at the cabin in the NorthWest Republic and wash my camo clothes. They'll be time for killing when the dealings done.
"The young people today are like Nazi's,"
Oh for God's sake, Godwin's Law in your first seven words?
"they WILL NOT debate unless the debate is 100% on their terms. The instant you make it clear that you wish to discuss facts, but NOT by using politically correct terminology they BAN you. "
You do not know who these people are. Remember the cartoon from the early 1990s, how on the internet nobody knows you're a dog?
Some of the kneejerk BS you read is put there by people working for PR firms in whose interest it remains to extend the "great society" nonsense of 60-70 years ago.
Haven't you noticed how often these comments sound like one another--lockstep and sloganistic?
I suspect you're right that the perpetrators of them are young. Young people frequently get communications, PR, marketing, and ad positions as interns or "activists" while still in or just out of college. They are there to encourage others to talk the same way to get positional privilege. I mean, the interns/activists hope to get a job, or a grant or whatever through being able to demonstrate to their masters that other people online picked up and passed along their nonsense.
This is the same for the left and the right, the mechanisms are no different.
This is why the Kersey blog and a few others are so valuable (and so hated by all the Big Brothers/Big Mothers). They encourage people to speak from experience, not slogans. Experience is dangerous because the Global Elites don't yet control individual experience. They're trying--that's what FaceSpook and iCrap are for.
But more and more people are waking up, which is why the meme-floggers' online presence is more and more strident.
Don't you realize that online media are about making advertising money by coalescing a demographic, a cluster of shoppers, around the purchase of ideas through clicking or posting? The media get advertisers' billions for that.
This is why I never touch HuffPo, or Kos, or Democratic Underground, or any of those. I used to read to "keep an eye on what people are saying." That was long after I was banned from all of them, repeatedly, for simply citing data, just like you. Clicks are money. It's that simple. You click or comment on white-hating racist propaganda, and you support it with $$$.
Philadelphia is my home area. Bazillions of blacks were imported from the South as cheap labor starting in the 1920s. The men who ran the heavy industry didn't want to pay white men family wages.
The white men I knew didn't like unions, but organized to keep all the productivity and profit they created from being sent elsewhere. Like to buy armies for Israel or more food for the rapidly breeding hordes of Africa (who are always starving, but somehow keep increasing their population explosively).
Eventually the whole thing got trashed because you weren't allowed to note that most blacks are retarded, violent, and do everything they can, it seems, to underscore that they are not the same species as those who can live in an orderly, productive, kind, clean, cooperative manner.
I don't know why so many people want to live in thrall to black degeneracy. All I can think is that blacks are in fact used as bioweapons by the powerful against the less powerful.
Blacks are such stooges. Anything that the Eskimo Amish tell them about how dey wuz slaves, how they done built da pyramids, how Michael King was Moses leading dem to da Promised Land of weaves, nails, and rims--they are so weak minded they eat it right up, and the Eskimo Amish get rich off the chaos.
Haven't you noticed how often these comments sound like one another--lockstep and sloganistic?
They might even be 'bots. I'd like to see counter-bots which recognize their output and either delete it or immediately refute it with firm citations.
Globalization, NAFTA, de facto open borders, mass third world migrations, etc., are all designed to bring an end to the nation-states which arose in the 18th-19th centuries.
America was never a nation state in the true sense of that term. It was always a "proposition nation" with citizenship not restricted to any one race or ethnic group. What is called globalization is merely the American model going global, being adopted now in Europe and in the future everywhere else, provided the system itself doesn't collapse in the meantime.
This nation was founded as a white nation that only allowed people to vote who had demonstrated the ability for higher order thinking and social ability. The standards for voting correlated with what we know today to be good predictors of higher IQ and higher g: male sex, white, property owning.
Why the hell do you think the Amish went to so much trouble to destroy our (PRO WHITE) immigration policy and (PRO WHITE) voter laws? That is in THEIR DNA not that of this republic!
This was eroded by EUROPEAN interests. Ever heard of something called World War One or the Treaty of Versailles--where bankers and financiers pushed whites into mass genocide, using the pretext of hating "Huns"? Then after the most unjust and unbearable possible "resolution" imaginable, further victimizing Christian and nonreligious whites, along comes World War Two? A war Americans WANTED NO PARTS OF, but were shoved into it?
Good lord, I can't believe the horse shit that passes for history among internet commenters.
This nation was founded as a white nation that only allowed people to vote who had demonstrated the ability for higher order thinking and social ability. The standards for voting correlated with what we know today to be good predictors of higher IQ and higher g: male sex, white, property owning.
Yeah, well, you're just wrong. A "nation state", in the proper sense of that phrase, consists of only one race. In America the standards for voting or citizenship were never based on race, at least not consistently.
There's quite a bit of interesting history involved with this discussed at considerable length in the Dred Scott case from 1856, especially in the dissenting opinions given by Justice Maclean and Justice Curtis. For example, Maclean wrote:
"In the argument, it was said that a colored citizen would not be an agreeable member of society. This is more a matter of taste than of law. Several of the States have admitted persons of color to the right of suffrage, and in this view have recognised them as citizens; and this has been done in the slave as well as the free States. On the question of citizenship, it must be admitted that we have not been very fastidious. Under the late treaty with Mexico, we have made citizens of all grades, combinations, and colors. The same was done in the admission of Louisiana and Florida. No one ever doubted, and no court ever held, that the people of these Territories did not become citizens under the treaty. They have exercised all the rights of citizens, without being naturalized under the acts of Congress."
May I supplement "Negroes in the News"?
Man in the Bronx returns to a crappy nightclub (tnb) from which he was ejected for fighting (tnb) and sprays bullets at the bouncers (tnb). Misses his revenge targets (tnb), but manages to shoot 3 women (tnb), one of whom dies. Race, of course, not noted in news report, but he is a member of a gang (tnb). I think he might be black!
NJ Woman
More history from the Dred Scott case, this time from Justice Curtis:
"On the 25th of June, 1778, the Articles of Confederation being under consideration by the Congress, the delegates from South Carolina moved to amend this fourth article, by inserting after the word 'free,' and before the word 'inhabitants,' the word 'white,' so that the privileges and immunities of general citizenship would be secured only to white persons. Two States voted for the amendment, eight States against it, and the vote of one State was divided. The language of the article stood unchanged, and both by its terms of inclusion, 'free inhabitants,' and the strong implication from its terms of exclusion, 'paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice,' who alone were excepted, it is clear, that under the Confederation, and at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, free colored persons of African descent might be, and, by reason of their citizenship in certain States, were entitled to the [60 U.S. 393, 576] privileges and immunities of general citizenship of the United States.
Did the Constitution of the United States deprive them or their descendants of citizenship?
That Constitution was ordained and established by the people of the United States, through the action, in each State, or those persons who were qualified by its laws to act thereon, in behalf of themselves and all other citizens of that State. In some of the States, as we have seen, colored persons were among those qualified by law to act on this subject. These colored persons were not only included in the body of 'the people of the United States,' by whom the Constitution was ordained and established, but in at least five of the States they had the power to act, and doubtless did act, by their suffrages, upon the question of its adoption. It would be strange, if we were to find in that instrument anything which deprived of their citizenship any part of the people of the United States who were among those by whom it was established.
I can find nothing in the Constitution which, proprio vigore, deprives of their citizenship any class of persons who were citizens of the United States at the time of its adoption, or who should be native- born citizens of any State after its adoption; nor any power enabling Congress to disfranchise persons born on the soil of any State, and entitled to citizenship of such State by its Constitution and laws. And my opinion is, that, under the Constitution of the United States, every free person born on the soil of a State, who is a citizen of that State by force of its Constitution or laws, is also a citizen of the United States.
It has been often asserted that the Constitution was made exclusively by and for the white race. It has already been shown that in five of the thirteen original States, colored persons then possessed the elective franchise, and were among those by whom the Constitution was ordained and established. If so, it is not true, in point of fact, that the Constitution was made exclusively by the white race. And that it was made exclusively for the white race is, in my opinion, not only an assumption not warranted by anything in the Constitution, but contradicted by its opening declaration, that it was ordained and established by the people of the United States, for themselves and their posterity. And as free colored persons were then citizens of at least five States, and so in every sense part of the people of the United States, they were among those for whom and whose posterity the Constitution was ordained and established."
This was eroded by EUROPEAN interests. Ever heard of something called World War One or the Treaty of Versailles--where bankers and financiers pushed whites into mass genocide, using the pretext of hating "Huns"? Then after the most unjust and unbearable possible "resolution" imaginable, further victimizing Christian and nonreligious whites, along comes World War Two? A war Americans WANTED NO PARTS OF, but were shoved into it?
Whites were no more shoved into the World Wars than they were shoved into the American Civil War, or shoved into making citizens and voters of negroes. They've always been up for war, especially when it's good for business. They've always been fundamentally anti-racist.
This idea that white people are only helpless puppets being manipulated by others is a false narrative, and very injurious because it promotes hopelessness and passivity. The idea that some other race MADE whites fight a World War, or MADE whites flood their countries with non-whites, is on its face preposterous. I've been studying this phenomenon a long time now, and I've come to the conclusion that white people are just too stupid to see the consequences of their own actions. The result is invented history, such as you propound here. Whites? According to the conspiracy theorists they're always blameless, not at all responsible for their own condition. They DINDU NUFFIN! Sound familiar?
"Whites were no more shoved into the World Wars than they were shoved into the American Civil War, or shoved into making citizens and voters of negroes. They've always been up for war, especially when it's good for business. They've always been fundamentally anti-racist."
So which Amish Eskimo foundation/PR firm/ad agency/MSM outlet do you work for/are trying to cover up for?
Go ahead, put it right up there on top. Where it stands out against the skyline. It'll make an excellent target.
I have no problem with the Mexicans that came to this country legally and then became U.S. citizens. The problem I have, is finding one.
I have problems with Mexicans coming to this country since:
They are Mexicans
They belong in Mexico
They are not White.
You and I are similarly afflicted with the curse of the liberal woman. I read with great pleasure your words about your spouse..."the house n*&&er lover". This is exactly where I am. I too, have given up any hope of convincing my wife of her lunacy.
Like your wife, mine also has NO negro acquaintances (Im sure she knows that wouldnt go over well at home). If it were not for the extreme density of her skull I would say that a sharp blow might actually be beneficial to her enlightenment, but that blow would have to be from a howitzer to penetrate her cranium.
I truly appreciate your words and you have given me great encouragement. Perhaps when the real fun starts our wives might get together to swap stories about the challenges of marriage to racist bigots.
You, sir, are now among my most kindred spirits. I hope you will find cause to expound upon this matter at greater length in the future.
Your writing seems to have taken a more realist tack of late, i.e. "But in the meantime, we will continue to suffer from their presence."
I, for one, miss your more humorous posts such as imploring us to allow ourselves to be shot by a negro because as medical science advances, our chances of dying are significantly reduced. Those were the good old days. Please, Julie, try to rekindle that magnificent voice you once had. I miss the laughs.
Mexicans are merely the lesser of two evils. I would modify anothers analogy of the big bathtub to say that Whites are the water, Mexicans are like urine, and negroes like feces. While I wouldnt wish to bathe in anothers bodily fluids, I would prefer urine to feces.
I believe that by using Facebook, Twitter and the like you are empowering the very system you claim to despise. Disconnect from these portals of iniquity. I live without any social media, as well as no TV. It really can be done. IF you choose to support these outlets, then stop complaining about the system.
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