Well, it's not because of white people.
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Without a black or Hispanic population, there would be virtually no crime (or need for police) in America's Gotham City |
We've mentioned the Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City report produced yearly by the NYPD before, and the 2014 edition has recently been released.
Recall: of 8.3 million people, New York City is 33.3 percent white, 28.6 percent Hispanic, and 25.5 percent black.
In 2014, the record indicates 1.1 percent of those arrested for shooting incidents (gun crime) were white; that same year, 74.6 percent of arrested suspects were black, with 22.9 percent of the suspects arrested classified as Hispanic.
A staggering 97.5 percent of those arrested for shootings in New York City in 2014 were black or Hispanic.
How about murder victims/those arrested for murder?
In 2014:
- Blacks were 62.4 percent of murder victims and 61.8 percent of those arrested for murder.
- Hispanics were 25.2 percent of murder victims and 31.8 percent of those arrested for murder.
- Whites were 7.5 percent of murder victims and 2.9 percent of those arrested for murder.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 93.6 percent of those arrested for murder in New York City.
How about rape victims/those arrested for rape in 2014?
- Blacks were 39.7 percent of rape victims and 43.2 percent of those arrested for rape.
- Hispanics were 36.5 percent of rape victims and 45.8 percent of those arrested for rape.
- Whites were 17.9 percent of rape victims and 4.7 percent of those arrested for rape.
In short: in 2014 blacks and Hispanics were 89 percent of those arrested for rape in New York City.
Robbery victims/those arrested for robbery?
- Blacks were 33.7 percent of robbery victims and 61.5 percent of those arrested for robbery.
- Hispanics were 37.3 percent of robbery victims and 29.6 percent of those arrested for robbery.
- Whites were 15.4 percent of robbery victims and 6.1 percent of those arrested for robbery.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 91.1 percent of those arrested for robbery in New York City.
Without a black or Hispanic population, would New York City need 1/10th the size of its current police force?
Of course not.
Off topic, but the family of Walter Scott in South Carolina just got a 6.5 million dollar settlement. Isn't that case still pending? Interesting, just like how they handed out about the same number to Freddie Gray's family. From what I heard, neither of these guys were bread winners earning high six to seven figures annually, so what gives? And why is it now the norm to distribute tax payer money in the millions before cases are decided?
When one comes from a community that is already prone to crime and opportunism, why are lottery-sized rewards being offered to the families of thugs who disobey police orders? Maybe Freddie Gray was on to something with his who crash for cash schemes. If you play the numbers with the rewards currently being handed out, it is only a matter of time.
With all the stats out there regarding crime and anti-social behaviors, I am amazed that many more people are not already realists. Probably because they feel that they have little need to brush up on the details of taboo subjects, but when one is faced with the numbers it is clear, stark, and disturbing. Those hunches that you had for years regarding black people and their behavior come true and you wonder how and why you didn't see it sooner. We are not encouraged to talk openly about race in this country, and stats like the ones PK posted are why.
When comparing blacks and whites along these lines doesn't just lead to differences- it leads to extremes.
These numbers help correlate all of the similar sounding stories that we have all heard and told from personal experience- that they are much dumber, incredibly lazy, prone to violence and lacking in empathy. How anyone, even an ivory tower liberal, can dismiss these numbers and their implications is beyond me. But these numbers, when brought up again and again can't be ignored.
Thanks to the internet people across the globe are becoming awakened to the true nature of the negro and what he has in store for your nation.
I know that diversity is our strength.
I know that multiculturalism is the greatest thing on earth.
I know these things because they teach it in school & Obama said so on TV.
Did the Big Apple in the '70's as a kid with my folks. Today's article just convinces me it was a one time thing!
Wow! Those numbers are staggering. Fairly certain that similar numbers are the norm in all large urban areas. Trouble from elementary school all through life. Very sad indeed.
Off Topic but maybe fuel for PK's next article...
I like the quote at the end of the story something to the effect of: "Even if ONE of the teens make it, then the program is worth it". Kind of shows you were there are expecting as far as success rate. One out of 25 sounds about right. I would love about 5 years from now, find out were each of the 25 are at. How many in prison? How many are single moms? How many are dead? And finally, how many actually became firefighters? I wonder how much in taxpayer funds are going to this program?
Dear Blacks,
So I was taught in school how the White race is uniquely evil, cruel, and vicious. No other group of people is so devoid of a moral compass or a sense of ethics and fairness than those with White skin. Beyond the lack of ethics, the sheer will and steely determination to deliver pain, steal, and carry out extinctions against others without wavering is unsurpassed.
This is the group that passed out small pox infected blankets, developed then deployed atomic weaponry on civilian populations, conducted non-consensual human experiments with biologicals and chemicals, enslaved and trafficked millions globally over the centuries, colonized and exploited each continent, etc.... and that is not even counting the warfare that they inflicted upon each other over the millenia!!!
Beyond this group's lack of hesitation to destroy other populations, their ability to craft technologies that allow them to methodically murder in large numbers is chilling. Everything from the firearm, to flight, to fissure of the atom --- this group is the one whose cleverness to create these instruments of destruction is unsurpassed.
Why do I bring all of this up?
This group, the white race, is currently a mix of content with the status quo and ashamed of its past. This has created a system of "moral locks" on what this group is currently willing to do. The last thing the non-whites on the Earth would want is for this group to feel trapped, surrounded, and outnumbered. What happens next is that then this group will find itself energized, racially awakened, aware, unified in spirit, and willing to remove the locks of their own ethics, once they feel they have nothing to lose.
Dear black assholes living in the lap of luxury (and destroying it) that white ingenuity creates - Those locks are currently in place, do you really want to keep acting up to a point that whites are willing to put extermination on the table? Knowing what this group has shown itself willing and capable of doing to others who act as obstacles?
Do you not think that right now, somewhere on this planet, that there is not a white (or Asian) super genius working on gene research who could discover an exploit in your chromosomes and just rid the world of you once and for all with the intentional release of a contagion? Maybe one of your family members "knock out gamed" his grandparents, and he devoted his life's work to such a thing....
I know you are not good at science, Blacks, but Technology never moves backwards.
Genetics is only going to open more doors of our understandings of humanity, and with that research an entire list of ethical and moral conflicts and questions will arise. A frustrated population will be far less sensitive to pleas of morality if you've already expended all good faith though decades of inexcusable and irreversible behavior. The kinds of decisions that would be made, with no moral locks in place, well, they aren't pretty.
On second thought, you better *HOPE* it is whites who make these inevitable discoveries. They can still be guilt tripped and have DWL's and Christians in their ranks to argue ethics. Good luck with atheistic Asians who are pragmatic, emotionless bean counters, especially those with colonizing aspirations and a thirst for African resources like China.
They would not hesitate at all to develop a contagious genotype specific bioweapon and release it on blacks, then move their surplus population to Africa to begin mining operations. Would the world be worse off?
But according to the Left;
Mestizos and blacks bring about rainbows and unicorns.
According to New York's reality;
Mestizos and blacks create something more akin to a sewage overflow and a chimp infestation.
By the way, the latest scientific studies prove that violent chimp behavior is natural and not human induced.
According to cuckservatives;
We shouldn't be divisive and should be optimistic.
According to ungelded realists;
Divisiveness is crucial to getting the truth out and optimism is cowardly and damaging.
White New Yorkers need a good halftime pep talk. We're getting out-murdered, out-robbed and -- worst of all -- I can barely say it -- we're being out-raped by those blacks and mexicans! This is unacceptable boys, and we'll never make it to State if we don't step up our game! We've still got the second half ahead of us, so let's get out there and HUSTLE dammit! Get a testosterone shot from the trainer if you need it. It's what we pay him for.
Why cant these stories make it to mainstream media. Seriously. What is racist about this. Im honestly asking the question. Things will never change if we dont admit there is a problem.
I was BANNED from fark dot com for using those Hate Facts in an argument with a liberal.
What's even more hilarious is the percentage of blacks arrested for crimes in the midst of the "snitches get stitches" mentality. Evidently it's not hard to figure out who the perp is :)
The tax-payer-funded Plague of the Beasties.. is spreading across every city in the country; and I'm the evil awful bad-guy, for committing the vile unpardonable apparently immoral sin.. of *noticing*.. etc..
@Detroit Refugee:
- Town whose name means "highest point".
- Pub whose name means "well done".
- West of the pool table (if it's open).
- Dell laptop.
- 9 PM.
I recently asked a negro about these crime stats. It's argument was "blacks and browns are forced to commit crime due to White supremacy. Whites take all the resources for themselves and don't share wealth or opportunity."
I responded "why would Whites have to share those things? Aren't blacks and browns equal to Whites? Why can't they earn wealth and take opportunity like the Whites have?"
"Because of White supremacy!" Was the response.
"Let me explain it this way: in my house we have Human Supremacy, because the dog, cat, and gerbil are not Equal to us Humans in intelligence or capability. If they were, they would each have their own bedrooms and pay a share of the mortgage. By stating White supremacy as the reason blacks and browns live in poverty and crime is admitting that they are NOT equal to Whites. Are you able to understand that or is it not simple enough? I can explain it more simply if need be."
As someone who lives in the NY metro area...i have my popcorn ready for when NY shity turns to chaos.
Enjoy your sodom and gomorrah, anti white, diversity obsessed, non english speaking shit hole while it lasts!
Hi all, remember the Mayor of Memphis who vowed to "dig up the General". Well, he just got voted out of office! The new Mayor is WHITE!!!!! There were 3 blacks running and 1 white. The black vote was split, the White guy got over 40% of the vote. Heads are exploding. The TV stations are barely talking about it. Am afraid the new Mayor is a DWL, but he says he will do something about the crime. Doubt he can because the Judges just let the perps go.
OT - Okay, I'll ask first. What is the race of the shooter in the latest campus shooting at Northern Arizona University?
Since there are no pictures on the internet of the shooter, I am 99% sure he is black.
Ohio born
These statistics continue to be rationalized by DWLs with the same lame arguments:
Legacy of slavery (150 years ago)
Poverty (not working; spending their welfare money on sneakers, cell phones, etc.)
Single parent families (negro sluts having unprotected sex age10 then giving birth to numerous chillens to multiple baby daddies who don't work and spend lots of time in jail)
Food deserts. (physiological damage to their otherwise high-functioning brains)
Crime! Violence! Ruined neighborhoods! Bad schools! (all by their own hand)
In short, Institutionalized Racism! and White Supremacy! (what do they even mean?)
And there we have it.
NJ Woman
P.S. And not feeling welcome in libraries (otherwise they'd be reading around the clock)
Hate facts? Or facts. Someone please explain the difference
Texas here:
Solid post.
And aren't Hispanics counted as Whites sometimes?
The main thing that the habitués of this blog worry about is the loss of America. There are a lot of personal stories posted here about how they grew up in an America that seems to be slipping away. They recall playing outside and their parents felt they were safe. They did not have to guarded. The only thing that my mother ever seemed to worry about when I was a little boy was that I might be molested by homosexuals at a public restroom. The gays were, even then amongst us, but the blacks weren't.
There are more postings about the situation with the blacks than there are proposed solutions. The most common proposed solution is segregation. Some advocate complete retreat to the wilderness. There not that many blacks in Montana or the Dakotas. So they recommend pulling up stakes and moving to the empty lands in the northwest.
There is also the San Francisco solution. When I moved to San Francisco in the mid sixties it had about 13% blacks. Today it's down to 6%. Detroit got more blacks while San Francisco got less. But this is hardly a universal solution. Driving the blacks out by raising rents and property values is not a solution that for every municipality.
So the only popular solution to the black plague on this blog is some sort of segregation. But the whites in Rhodesia and South Africa have already tried and failed with a much stronger form of segregation called apartheid. Apartheid is basically turning the nation into a police state and such a state is not the America that we are trying to preserve.
So we have a problem. Anything short of the complete expulsion or elimination of blacks is not likely to work - if we want to restore traditional America. It is tough to face that conclusion since getting there also seems deeply anti-American.
I have no easy answers. There will be some difficult choices for white Americans ahead. Paul today points out that 91% of the crime in New York is caused by minorities. I thought I had read somewhere that it was even higher. But the question is not how bad is it but rather what do we intend to do about it?
For the foreseeable future we are likely to do nothing. This is called - 'kicking the can down the road'. But the black problem will not go away and the policy choices will not get easier.
Ben Carson is an idiot:
So I was taught in school how the White race is uniquely evil, cruel, and vicious. No other group of people is so devoid of a moral compass or a sense of ethics and fairness than those with White skin. Beyond the lack of ethics, the sheer will and steely determination to deliver pain, steal, and carry out extinctions against others without wavering is unsurpassed.
I also learned that their ability to use modern technology to carry out their desires of greed and destruction is a key characteristic and how they defeated noble and peaceful people like the American Indian. In fact the misuse of their own technology makes them inferior to all ethnic groups. I believe in racial equality and that White people are the worst.
To the Anon. @ October 8, 2015 at 9:10 PM
Whoever you are. You plagiarized my mind, me thinks. Almost word for word, I've thought of a contagious genotype specific bioweapon as the answer. It's really the only option now.
Great job whomever wrote it. We need to share this world wide. Starting today in every paper, and every site.
The Camp of the Saints, indeed.
Okay. Big deal. You show that 97% of violent crime in NYC is caused by black people. But you conveniently skip the poverty statistics. 98% of black people in NYC live in crushing poverty and material depravation. When people are poor, any color people, then they are drawn into violent, often incomprehensibly savage crime.
If we could get these black New Yorkers into a solid middle class situation, with good education, good jobs, nice houses etc., then we would see a fantastic drop in criminal activity. Hunger and the harsh, dehumanizing conditions under which black New Yorkers live, is the real source of crime city-wide.
Whites as a percentage of shooters is actually going to be lower.
This is because they are not involved in the "unknown" shootings where no one talks.
The answer as to why there are not more race realists is because many people have no clue how lop-sided the numbers are.
How many times have you heard: "There are bad people in every race" or "About 90% of Whites are killed by other Whites and about 90% of Blacks by other Blacks so that shows we are all the same when it comes to criminality."
Of course, they have no clue what the raw numbers are or what the per capita is for these groups.
They also have no clue that collectively, minority cops - Blacks, Hispanics and Asians - far outnumber White cops in places like NYC and think that it's Whitey who is abusing all these "vibrant representatives of diversity" captured on the nightly news video.
Pat Boyle said: "There is also the San Francisco solution. When I moved to San Francisco in the mid sixties it had about 13% blacks. Today it's down to 6%. Detroit got more blacks while San Francisco got less."
City planners know- although it is career suicide to admit it- that the city that finds a way to reduce the number of blacks wins, while the city that doesn't loses. Just another fact of life that can only be whispered not discussed.
"I also learned that their ability to use modern technology to carry out their desires of greed and destruction is a key characteristic and how they defeated noble and peaceful people like the American Indian. In fact the misuse of their own technology makes them inferior to all ethnic groups. I believe in racial equality and that White people are the worst."
I'm hoping you are being satyrical?, otherwise you are a supreme hypocrite.
You sit here & denigrate us with a technology that OUR PEOPLE created!. You eat food produced by white farms that was transported on roadways & with vehicles that are ALL the creation of white genius..
You are given the freedom to spew your bile because of the democratic institutions that are ALL the product of the white west..
Vile filth.. A day a justice is coming, like a whirlwind..
Tell you what. If you hate us so much then give up everything that is given to you by white genius (science, technology, infrastructure, modern medicine, pharmacueticles,democracy, FOOD!.. Give up your television & radio, your refrigerator & running water). EVERYTHING that you enjoy in this modern world, everything you need to survive in this modern world, is the product of European mans genius!..
It is true that White Society has hand-cuffed itself in an attempt to uplift the swarthier races.
In prisons, any sign of compassion by guards is perceived as exploitable weakness by the inmates.
This is the same dynamic at work in today's society. We created BRA as a social experiment to try to mainstream a race of problem children. Now they think this is the norm and that it will last forever.
Picture some "Red Dawn" scenario, in which a Putin sends them all off to the Gulag and they say: "Tha's racis'!" and the response is: "Dah!"
That's the day Negroes become Race Realists themselves.
I particularly like the " lack of opportunity" excuse- my answer to that is to ask them to name some specifics. How can you claim lack of opportunity when you get first choice of almost all government jobs, college scholarships if you just squeak by on a barely passing high school grade, have to do the least at whatever job you do get for the employer fearing a racial discrimination suit, can simply take over good neighborhood schools at will, and have had free housing, daycare, lunches, and groceries and spending money your whole life besides. I bet there are a lot of poor people in Appalachia who would like that kind of lack of opportunity
You are joking right??? Black New Yorkers have the highest educational spend per hesd in the US. You can't wrap a turd.... it's still a turd.(meaning gift wrap)
Pure gold my dear...... Pure gold!
"In fact the misuse of their own technology makes them inferior to all ethnic groups. I believe in racial equality and that White people are the worst."
You are a moron. Negroes are stabbing and shooting each other every day all over this country. (And all over the world.) Not Whites, idiot. Negroes. Negroes are the ones "misusing technology". Guns being the only form of "technology" they are likely able to use, they can't even get that right, leaving Whites to clean up their shot-up brothas in the hospitals and pay for their care.
And speaking of Native Americans, they get jack compared to the negro hoard. Without negroes, not only would America be mostly crime-free, but we'd have all the wasted gibs money to help people like Native Americans who aren't vile and worthless.
NJ Woman
I think taking the chance to live in a police state (aparteid) is a better option for whites. We already live in a police state under Obama. Blacks in South Africa were much better off than they are now.
Please stop sounding like the complete morons elite liberals think that you are and stop attacking Anon's obviously satirical post at 9:10. Why "obviously"? If you actually read the post, you would have seen the phrase, "I know that you are not good at science, but...". Do you think an actual DWL would ever dare to pen such a line or think such a "racist" thought?
I would like to know more about the white criminals in NYC. Who and what are they?
The great difference in white and black attitudes is that white people (other than intellectuals) would like to incarcerate or exterminate white criminals whereas blacks wish to protect theirs. Both feudal systems and public executions of career criminals in Europe from the 13th to 17th centuries had quite the effect on the Caucasian genome, likewise east Asians but for even longer periods of time. It shows. Africans have no experience with those effects. Eliminating even a fraction of the most impulsive and violent from the genepool has a dramatic effect upon how all may conduct their lives. Protecting them has an even greater effect.
Hi all, remember the Mayor of Memphis who vowed to "dig up the General". Well, he just got voted out of office! The new Mayor is WHITE!!!!! There were 3 blacks running and 1 white. The black vote was split, the White guy got over 40% of the vote. Heads are exploding. The TV stations are barely talking about it.
Amusing but I'd rather not see a White guy in charge of a place like Memphis.
For starters the type of White guy that is elected won't clean house and replace all appointees with competent people.
But more importantly the Black establishment will blame him for the same problems that Black people have in every city.
Also I question the type of person that would force their family to live in a place like Memphis.
They're either:
1. Batshit crazy DWL
2. Sociopathic career politician
My guess is that most fall into #2.
That's the day Negroes become Race Realists themselves.
In Africa they already are.
Only in the West (which includes SA) are they raised to believe that Whites have conspired against them and keep them from becoming millionaires or famous scientists.
In fact actual Africans find liberalism to be strange and against the obvious.
P.S. And not feeling welcome in libraries (otherwise they'd be reading around the clock)
Once the population gets high enough they start taking over libraries.
The Black homeless start using them as a warm place to take a nap.
You also get the youf that take over the computers and use them for purely academic reasons.
I'm hoping you are being satyrical?, otherwise you are a supreme hypocrite.
LOL yes it was satire, but I understand that it can be hard to tell these days.
Schools teach the equality of races while depicting Whites as morally inferior to all races.
It's obviously contradictory but then so is liberalism.
The way to keep blacks away is to eliminate non federal entitlements and Subsidized mass transit, landlords who accept section8, high sales tax (refunded thru income tax - ie you have to report an income), stores that accept ebt, Nike stores, etc....
And speaking of Native Americans, they get jack compared to the negro hoard. Without negroes, not only would America be mostly crime-free, but we'd have all the wasted gibs money to help people like Native Americans who aren't vile and worthless.
I grew up around American Indians and the worst were copying American gangsta culture.
What's funny is how liberals think all non-Whites are part of some rainbow coalition against White males. In reality the natives don't like Blacks and wonder why Whites waste so much effort on them. I've never seen an American Indian/Black couple. I've also never seen a Black person working at one of their casinos.
*It's poverty. *It's lack of education. *It's lack of opportunity. *It's lack of funding. *It's white privilege. *It's white supremacy. *It's the legacy of slavery.. etc.. etc.. etc.. - I call it the DWL "It's not this it's that" syndrome.. It's not *THIS*.. it's actually *THAT*.. The thing-itself isn't really *THIS*.. The thing-itself is *THAT*.. The "It's not this it's that" syndrome.. It's delusional. It's the willing choice to stay divorced from reality. It's a self-imposed and self-destructive mental illness..
When I was 10 yrs old, I was mugged by a group of black kids for my bicycle. There were about 10 of them, and they all had their own bikes-no one was riding double. I got my bike back when I caught up to the kid who was trying to pedal his way back home with my bike while still riding his. He made it about 100 yards after his friends cut me loose and I ran down the road after him. He had stopped to strip my bike and didn't notice me approaching until I was right on him. He bolted onto his bike and took off. I wonder what lies he told his buddies when they asked what happened to the bike.
10 kids with their own bikes yet they just had to take one from a white kid on his own.
That 25% black number does not look good. I can't imagine expecting every fourth person that I saw to be a groid. I'm pretty sure 25% is well past the tipping point for most neighborhoods from what I've heard people say here in the past. I have seen quick break downs before of what kind of behaviors and environment to expect as negroes begin to reach critical mass, but I couldn't find any of them on short notice.
What I did find, however, was something that might be interesting info for realists out there. It discusses the tipping point for the acceptance of ideas:
Pat: "Rhodesia and South Africa have already tried and failed with a much stronger form of segregation called apartheid."
Those systems did not fail on their own merits. Rhodesia and South Africa were defeated by external White and "White-appearing" enemies, through boycotts and relentless propaganda. The same thing happened in our South -- twice, nearly 100 years apart, White Rule was quashed by Yankee troops.
It can work. The only other solution, to which you've alluded before, is not an "easy answer".
There is also the San Francisco solution. When I moved to San Francisco in the mid sixties it had about 13% blacks. Today it's down to 6%. Detroit got more blacks while San Francisco got less. But this is hardly a universal solution. Driving the blacks out by raising rents and property values is not a solution that for every municipality.
I don't consider it a solution at all because property values decrease in areas where you send Blacks. So gentrification is just a shuffle game that favors wealthy urban liberals. It also only works under the right conditions. The Quickbooks guy has spent millions of his own money trying to gentrify Detroit and it just isn't working. You need a solid economic base like NYC or SF that isn't dominated by Blacks. You can't gentrify Detroit or Baltimore just by fixing up shops and turning lights on in skyscrapers to make them look occupied (yes they have actually done this).
Gentrification also discourages the Whites that move in from having families. They have a hard enough time paying the rent for themselves. Sure most of them are liberal but the end result is that fewer Whites have children.
I used to support gentrification until I lived in a gentrified area. I found it to be a depressing existence where you are surrounded by deluded liberals that work long hours just to live in a fixed up WWI cottage with their cat. You buy $7 beers and eat $12 appetizers that are made by Mexicans that drove 2 hours at 4AM to get to work. The worst part about gentrification is that the White people paying all this money to live in a relatively safe area are generally unhappy.
I just don't believe in it at all. Gentrification only exists because of race denial. If White people were racial realists then they wouldn't accept paying $1500 for a one room apartment. They would reach the logical conclusion that it makes more sense to stop the problem at the root instead of creating these White islands in areas where Blacks took decent housing and destroyed it. But Whites have been led to believe this is what they deserve as Blacks are eternal victims that are never responsible for their actions.
A bit of a rant and not directed at you Pat. I just got really frustrated living with DWLs and seeing the aspects of gentrification that are not shown on TV.
I have no easy answers. There will be some difficult choices for white Americans ahead. Paul today points out that 91% of the crime in New York is caused by minorities. I thought I had read somewhere that it was even higher.
It's higher in every city with Blacks.
There was some study a while back that showed how common it is in Black areas for people to not report crime. It's not just the "no snitching", a lot of people just don't bother because it happens so often or because they don't think reporting will do much.
Ever called 911 in an area with Blacks? The 911 operators get pissed off that you bothered them with something like car prowling. Remember that recent DWL that called the cops at the 7-11 and was told to call his insurance company? This is why people stop calling them.
Relax, Ray. He's on your side.
Hate facts? Or facts. Someone please explain the difference
"Hate facts" are facts which run contrary to The Narrative. For instance, the genetic differences in IQ and impulse control between Blacks and Whites are undeniable, but cannot be incorporated into public policy nor even discussed in most company because they are "hate facts" which contradict The Narrative's doctrine of universal human equality. This allows the cultural Marxist hate machine to blame Whites for their relative success, demonizing them for "stealing" success from Blacks.
Essentially, if a fact is pro-White it's a hate fact.
Pat Boyle said ”. . . So we have a problem. Anything short of the complete expulsion or elimination of blacks is not likely to work - if we want to restore traditional America. It is tough to face that conclusion since getting there also seems deeply anti-American.
I have no easy answers. There will be some difficult choices for white Americans ahead. . . “
There isn't a clean solution. Present America will not deport all blacks nor will it exterminate them. A strong response to the undertow won't occur until a majority of whites feel truly threatened by blacks. Presently, blacks are a nuisance or inconvenience to most white people. Most of us can avoid blacks most of the time. The average white person's experiences with blacks is not sufficiently intense to cause an abandonment of the values and core beliefs of most whites.
If blacks ever exceed 40% or so of the population enough whites would be affected sufficiently to cause these more extreme solutions to be considered. However, I don't believe that blacks will ever comprise over 40% of the population. It seems more likely to me that their population will increase until there is enough push back from whites and other non-blacks to curb their expansion. We will simply reach an uncomfortable population balance where blacks reach their maximum population proportion that can be tolerated by non-blacks.
It seems to me that if blacks do reach a sufficiently high number we will have something like a run away chain reaction and society will quickly collapse. There is probably some black to non-black population ratio that cannot be exceeded without a seismic shift in the host society. Certainly, there are nations with black populations far greater than 50%, but they are not first world societies. So it seems that white nations will form stable first world societies, and black nations will form stable third world societies, but anything in between is unstable. But it also seems that it is easier to destabilize a first world society than to destabilize a third world society. Perhaps a good analogy would be to represent a first world society with a domino standing on end while a third world society is represented by a domino lying flat. It is much easier to knock down the domino standing on end than it is to raise the other domino to an upright position. Whites in South Africa attempted to upright the domino and failed.
According to Yale's recently anointed genius DeRay McKesson, looting is a 'righteous tactic'.
In Defense of Looting, by Willie Osterweil, was one of several pieces recommended by McKesson for students to read, including a New York Times piece entitled Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us.
In the piece, Osterweil says it is looters who turned Michael Brown's killing into a national issue. He wrote: 'If protesters hadn’t looted and burnt down that QuikTrip on the second day of protests, would Ferguson be a point of worldwide attention?'
He concludes by praising looters for 'getting to the heart of' protests against heavy-handed policing. He wrote: 'When, in the midst of an anti-police protest movement, people loot, they aren’t acting non-politically, they aren’t distracting from the issue of police violence and domination, nor are they fanning the flames of an always-already racist media discourse.
'Instead, they are getting straight to the heart of the problem of the police, property, and white supremacy.'
I wonder what other forms of criminal behavior are "righteous tactics" as well? Do they just keep pushing more and more ludicrous ideas until someone calls them on it? If your heart is in the right place, are any actions that you make righteous?
And now we have someone who wouldn't make a successful janitor at Yale teaching some of our "brightest" minds.
It's a banana republic political payout. They award these large sums to their constituents simply because they can.
I just watched a PBS documentary on African grey parrots and I was struck by two thoughts afterwards:
1) African grey parrots are generally regarded to be one of the most intelligent non-human animals, and in addition to being able to learn how to speak in context with a vocabulary of 100 or so words, they are thought to have the cognitive ability equivalent to that of a 4 to 6 year old (white) child. The natural home of African grey parrots is countries in central and western Africa, the very same countries whose human populations all rank in the top 10 in terms of lowest mean IQ, including Equatorial Guinea, whose population has an average IQ of 59. If you think about it, the IQ bell curve for the Equatorial Guinea black human population likely lies closer to the IQ bell curve of its grey parrot population than to the IQ bell curve for white people!
2) In this documentary, the scientists studying these birds describe two distinct subspecies of African grey parrots, the Congo greys and the Timneh greys. While they overall look and act fairly similar, there are notable differences between the birds in terms of size, coloring, temperament, and intelligence. What I find fascinating is that these same scientists who readily admit that there is a genetic basis for differences in "size, coloring, temperament, and intelligence" between subspecies of parrots would be shunned from the scientific community for suggesting that genetics may therefore also account for differences in "size, coloring, temperament, and intelligence" between different subspecies (aka "RACES") of humans.
"In fact actual Africans find liberalism to be strange and against the obvious."
Most of them also realize that the USA's cradle-to-grave-gibs-muh-dat negroes are good for nothing and full of crap.
"I call it the DWL 'It's not this it's that' syndrome."
There's always a new excuse and a new "solution" to the negro plight for those DWL types, isn't there? They REFUSE to apply Occam's razor by simply thinking "chimp." Once you think "chimp," EVERYTHING falls perfectly into place - from the negroes' "performance" in academics and in the workplace to their destruction of the world YT built for them to their behavior at malls, swimming pools, movie theaters, etc. And of course there are some trainable ones, which makes it seem as though they might all be OK to live with.
- Tobias Benjamin Goode
A @ 9:21
You state: Uncle "Ben Carson, MD*AA", is an idiot" and then proceed to offer a reason.
He's black, no?
There is your reason.
Also, he is an AA Medical Doctor. He got in to college and med school due to his skin color. How do we know this without any research? Because AA applies to all blacks. So, it is best for all to assume he's an MD*AA.
He talks so slow that he actually sounds retarded.
Numbers, unlike blacks, don't lie.
In a sane world, the Emergency Broadcast system in NYC would be blaring a warning about this 24/7. "Stay indoors and away from windows. Seek shelter in an interior room of your house. If you see a person with brown skin, you are in immediate danger! Stay tuned to this station for....."
In the piece, Osterweil says it is looters who turned Michael Brown's killing into a national issue. He wrote: 'If protesters hadn’t looted and burnt down that QuikTrip on the second day of protests, would Ferguson be a point of worldwide attention?'/
yup--blacks luv attention from gov [$] and media [propaganda in their favor].
"Hispanic" is kind of a misleading term, since many blacks from south of the border are often labeled "Hispanic" as well as many mixed race blacks or "hispanics"are sometimes labeled as "white" to pump up white crime figures. I think Colin Flaherty mentioned this.
Anon said:
"Relax, Ray. He's on your side.
October 9, 2015 at 12:47 PM"
If so then I apologize. I did not infer that from his post..
I'm just soo damned angry anymore. No, it is beyond anger, it is pure rage. And for gods sake, I don't know what to do?..
Every passing day, more of our women are raped. More of our cities & countries are destroyed. Our numbers shrink while the dark, mindless hordes explode in number.. A future destroyed for our progeny..
The labor of MILLENIA being tossed away like the days garbage. That we could have prevented this, but did not.
What has been the point of our 45,000 years on this rock meant if we are to only throw it all away in the span of a couple of generations?. All of the struggle?, all of the effort?, all of the children?, just to hand ALL of it over to ones who despise us??.
Does one HONESTLY think that our heritage will be spared by these savages?.. Michaelangelos "Pieta". Beethoven's 7th symphony?. Salisbury cathedral?... On & on& on, will waste away into oblivion..
And almost no one seems to care?
I actually think Carson is legitimately intelligent. I saw him for the first time speak at a medical school graduation and I had never heard of him. My first thought was "who is this affirmative action buffoon and what incoherent babble are we about to be subjected to?" After hearing the things he talked about, I honestly believed him to be gifted. After doing some interviewing of prospective students for an elite northeast university, and talking and listening to all varieties of minority applicants and comparing their words to their grades/test scores, I consider myself a good judge on who's actually intelligent and who's not. For example, from the first time I heard Obama before the 2004 Democratic convention, he struck me as classic AA (and he admitted as much in the one response he wrote as editor of the Harvard Law Review).
(Mind you, I'm not endorsing Carson for president. Like you all say, I realize that when push came to shove, he'd side with criminal blacks over whites. I'm just saying he's intelligent.)
Affirmative Action doctors are usually "hidden away" in high-paying administrative jobs in hospitals or else practice in fields where they (and the hospital) know they won't have many responsibilities and can't do too much damage to patients. Carson was not only a practicing neurosurgeon working long hours, he was a pediatric neurosurgeon--a field with some of the highest stakes, certainly not a dumping ground for AA doctors, and certainly not a field an AA doctor would willingly choose to participate in, especially with plenty of higher paying jobs out there for them with less hours, accountability, and responsibilities. As an AA doctor, you can virtually name your job, salary, hours and responsibilities. If Carson was AA, why would he willingly choose a job that required a decade or more of post-graduate residency and fellowship to get into? That's not the nature of AA, they are used to and accustomed to things handed to them. Furthermore, while a place like Johns Hopkins is happy to hire as many AAs as they can and slap them on billboards, they're not going to let one loose in the OR and risk the lives of babies just to fill quotas. Hopkins would have properly vetted Carson before giving him such a delicate job.
I hear ya! Would enjoy beers & realism over a game of pool. Unfortunately work takes precedent.
6-6am 6 or 7 days week.
Judt seen the texas gunmans name "Tramain Crayton Scott"....... mmmmm
Anonymous said...
Texas here:
Solid post.
And aren't Hispanics counted as Whites sometimes?
its truly nonsense in the world. when they're a perpetrator they're White, when they're a victim they're Hispanic.
Never try arguing with blacks. It's like talking to pigeons: the effect is about the same.
On Ben Carson -- I've spent an afternoon with him (with just one other person).
My first impression... weakest handshake I've ever encountered.
He's just incredibly effeminate and, very diminutive. He's as petite as Michelle Obama is butch.
Let me state this simply: most conservative whites are hopeless when it comes to race IF they support Ben Carson and find him appealing (as a way to absolve them of the original sin of racism).
Put even simpler: Carson is unimpressive and you wouldn't know his name if he weren't black.
A @ 3:22.
My day job is an Optometrist. Yeah, I know we are hacks that work for Wal-Mart, but I wish to inform you, that in my profession, I have NEVER seen or met a Negro Optometrist. Never.
I am forced to attend worthless "continuing education" ever year and I have NEVER seen a Negro OD. Never. My point? Uncle Ben may be smart, etc. but he stopped an even smarter and better White, asian or jewish person from attending what ever Medical School was forced to accept this black penis. You can "feel" for him but, he is not necessary nor needed in a White nation. No black will vote for him, no real White woman will vote for him (No Jungle Fever, no Mandango Sex, not lust to "F" a monkey), so he does not have a chance in hell.
Our best is the Donald. Whether or not he is a really good psych-op Manchurian Candidate or the real thing, we all might as well have some real fun with him as we collapse into utter violent chaos. BUT, I am glad a negro is drawing attention to guns, the 2nd Amendment and all that. It takes the heat off of Donald and it drives the limpdick Liberals crazy that a negro is not staying on the Plantation. This election, our last, is turning out to be the most fun. As they say, we are going to hell in a hand basket. Actually, we are going to hell on a Saturday Night Live set. (Loved your comment PK)
Are the darker parrots more violent, less able to delay gratification, poorer, less likely to come from two parrot homes, etc...?
Or does this only apply to people?
Burn New York, Burn.
Off topic...How'd you like to be on this cruise ship: http://www.cruisehive.com/carnival-breeze-passengers-fight-while-waiting-in-line-for-cheeseburgers/8581
If I was on that cruise ship, I think I'd jump overboard.
No matter how often or how reliably certain populations revert to violent ugly behavior, Western society will refuse to admit to the pathologies of those populations. Muslim, black, hispanic...ALL cultures are equally valid, kiddies! Except for white cultures, of course. Those are monstrously evil and exploitative.
For the useful idiot moron above who cited the NYC "poverty" of blacks and wetbacks as an excuse for their inbred, ingrained, congenital propensity for murderous violence, there's not a shred of evidence that poverty, as such, reduces to cultural pathologies such as we routinely witness with blacks and Mexicans in our country. One has to be a totally brain dead, thoroughly indoctrinated graduate student in "sociology" to actually believe this crap.
If this were the case, we would witness almost zero violence amongst wealthy blacks and Mexicans, but just the opposite is the case as evidenced by myriad violent crimes committed by black NFL, NBA and baseball stars, many of whom are millionaires ten times over. Genes, my friend, are destiny.
Moreover, during the Great Depression when the vast majority of Americans were dirt poor, crime was almost nonexistent - and that applied to all races and ethnicities. But Marxists and their useful leftist tools categorically reject character and values as formative in the lives of those they wish to politically control, and it's for a good reason. Vicious, brutal, retarded human beings who cannot control their base impulses, sexual appetites and criminal instincts are infinitely easier to exploit as a group than intelligent, politically well-informed whites who exercise self control and self reliance.
Nick A. Pinney
non-american here, meh, thats nothing, our 8.5 percent black population commits 99% of the crime here in Toronto, if they dissapeared, my house tax would go down 49% with a reduced police force and my friend (east asian) would not have screws in his shoulder from a home invasion robbery. No, we are not the same. Even our genorous gibs me that and free housing to swellfare blacks is not enough to tame and civilise the feral beasts. BTW, all human races here know and are fed up with their chimp-like behaviour.
All of the "it's the environment, stupid" commentators rely on folklore reasoning's ability to stay de jour. It seems every time the populace starts to understand the race-crime link someone like Julie chimes in about crushing poverty.
Ultimately the misunderstanding boils down to accepting that there is no God - figure handing out good environments to the deserving and bad ones to the undeserving. The old textbook example wherein the proven robust plants and the proven weaker plants show deterioration in poor soils which apparently shows convincingly the power of environment is irrelevant to human beings: we are our own soil managers, and we have adapted to the soils we live in whether poor or rich. In other words has it occurred to a few that perhaps the underclass needs rottenness? Because if things weren't rotten, hey what do you do all day?
I have always appreciated Marlin Newburn's commentaries on the underclass. He is an experienced prison psychologist. HE SEES.
Off topic:
Shark Tank has a new (guest?) Shark, a black guy that looks like JJ from Good Times.
I'm guessing since Blacks make up 13% of the population, and say .001% of genuine, non-criminal entrepreneurs, they needed another one.
Have you killed your TV yet?
PK: "My first impression... weakest handshake I've ever encountered."
Was it a boring "white" handshake, or a 12-step jive broham-slap shake?
I might add, that was a terrible thing you did -- keeping him for a whole afternoon, which he could have spent performing life-saving rocket surgery. (Keep up the good work!)
Well, darn, Detroit Refugee... I was hoping to meet you. I'm sitting here listening to Pink Floyd and Tom Petty covers. But the joint opens at 1 PM Mon-Sat so tell me if any of that works for you.
Let me state this simply: most conservative whites are hopeless when it comes to race IF they support Ben Carson and find him appealing (as a way to absolve them of the original sin of racism).
Well most of them believe in the conservative version of paint theory where instead of White people it's welfare and government unions preventing millions of Ben Carson. The Black guy that stole your bike would have been a Ben Carson if he had been raised in a proper environment.
They also want to believe that Blacks just need the right role model. Sound familiar?
Here here!
How does it get to that point? How does the majority have the voice of a minority?
"... the texas gunmans name - Tramain Crayton Scott."
And there were MORE shootings Friday at the same place (Texas Southern, a negro cawj). Apparently that cawj has had a lot of gunfire show up and wreak havoc lately. Dorms gone wrong or something.
As of 9:40 ET Friday, I couldn't find any pictures of the suspooks, even though a couple are in custody and there's still an apehunt underway. There WAS a photo of the NAU shooter released, though. Go figure.
- Tobias Benjamin Goode
Cruise ships are very dangerous, esp when Israeli billionaire owned.
If you doubt me, search, crime and disease on the seas.
and....ya mean like Ted Kennedys buddy, KILLER Patrick Chavis? >
Affirmative Action doctors are usually "hidden away" in high-paying administrative jobs in hospitals or else practice in fields where they (and the hospital) know they won't have many responsibilities and can't do too much damage to patients. Carson was not only a practicing neurosurgeon working long hours, he was a pediatric neurosurgeon--a field with some of the highest stakes, certainly not a dumping ground for AA doctors, and certainly not a field an AA doctor would willingly choose to participate in, especially with plenty of higher paying jobs out there for them with less hours, accountability, and responsibilities. As an AA doctor, you can virtually name your job, salary, hours and responsibilities. If Carson was AA, why would he willingly choose a job that required a decade or more of post-graduate residency and fellowship to get into? That's not the nature of AA, they are used to and accustomed to things handed to them. Furthermore, while a place like Johns Hopkins is happy to hire as many AAs as they can and slap them on billboards, they're not going to let one loose in the OR and risk the lives of babies just to fill quotas. Hopkins would have properly vetted Carson before giving him such a delicate job.
MLK's sister in law Carjacked in Atlanta by her own people. Is anything sacred?
"The only other solution, to which you've alluded before, is not an "easy answer".
Not an easy answer, but it is the only one that would fix the problem. It would also make for living in interesting times!
I knew a guy who called 911 because he was caught in the middle of a rolling gun battle and the 911 operator ask him what he was doing in that neighborhood (he's white) and refused to dispatch a cop. So many crimes go unreported in dark neighborhoods that I bet the crime rate is easily double.
Anon @ 12:36 said
A bit of a rant and not directed at you Pat. I just got really frustrated living with DWLs and seeing the aspects of gentrification that are not shown on TV.
Thank you. This is what I read these comments for. There is no substitute for experience, and, as you say, you won't hear this stuff on TV.
Very good points made in this post:
Dear black [expletive deleted] living in the lap of luxury (and destroying it) that white ingenuity creates - Those locks are currently in place, do you really want to keep acting up to a point that whites are willing to put extermination on the table? Knowing what this group has shown itself willing and capable of doing to others who act as obstacles?
What white people need to do is this: when a black or DWL starts the guilt tripping, respond by saying: "Yes, White people are the most ruthless killers on the planet. And if you do not knock off your tantrums, we will give you a demonstration by annihilating you."
Thing is, there is nothing wrong withe being ruthless killers--it is the only way to survive in the face of the barbarism of which blacks represent the apogee.
I'll repeat what I was told by quite a few Whites in South Africa: "We should have done what you Americans did with the Indians--pushed the blacks into reservations or otherwise wiped them out. Had we done so back in the 19th century, we would not today have to face an exploding black majority."
Do you not think that right now, somewhere on this planet, that there is not a white (or Asian) super genius working on gene research who could discover an exploit in your chromosomes and just rid the world of you once and for all with the intentional release of a contagion? Maybe one of your family members "knock out gamed" his grandparents, and he devoted his life's work to such a thing....
Indeed. Imagine something like the Manhattan Project for just such an end. Given the Internet, it would not take much to get a network of Whites, Asians or whatevers to bring about just such a development. And given how White people are being overrun in their own lands, they would be entirely justified in implementing a high-tech response.
@ Mr. Rational
Ya'al hotshots gotta pay $2 per hr. to play pool over there? I think today I'd have me one o' them Newcastle btls with a Miller Lite draft. I'm afraid that's to big a drive for lil ol me. I'll let you and Detroit shoot some pool.
Uncontained Unreloted Yankee.
I recently asked a negro about these crime stats. It's argument was "blacks and browns are forced to commit crime due to White supremacy. Whites take all the resources for themselves and don't share wealth or opportunity."
This may be just black SOP: "Blame YT."
It may also be another example of black magical thinking. They see resources and opportunity as fantastic objects which Whites mysteriously appropriate. Thus, the reason that blacks can not start businesses and grow the economy of cities they dominate--even with all sorts of AA and grants and etc--is because YT has somehow taken all the wealth which would otherwise be falling from the sky like so much rain over the savannas and forests.
Bear in mind the use of such terminology as "streets gone bad" and "bullets ringing out." Blacks see themselves as the victims of supranatural forces. A black majority controls a city like Detroit and blacks are unable to create opportunity? So YT must have stolen it!
Even in black majority countries in Africa, blacks can not use natural resources to create wealth. Must be YT's fault, when those eeeeeevil colonialists left, they took all the wealth.
Then again, what do we expect? Until whites showed up in sub-Saharan Africa, blacks were largely incapable of producing civilization that your Europeans, Chinese, Hindus or even Mayans of 5 or 10 or 20 centuries ago produced. A century or two of white colonialism was not sufficient to change black genetic dispositions. One can hardly expect a primitive to understand how, say, an automobile assembly line or fractional banking system works, much less create and maintain such on their own.
So YT must have stolen it!
He looks White, but as shootings go, this is just a standard weekend shoot 'me up. It's got the word "university" in it, which makes it national news in the wake of the Oregon ordeal. In reality, it happened at a frat, not a classroom.
Google "House Party Shooting" and you'll find several of these deals within the last few weeks involving Negroes and with higher death tolls.
They didn't make national news because this is just standard fare and makes for poor headlines without the school-shooting angle.
When people are poor, any color people, then they are drawn into violent, often incomprehensibly savage crime.
Notif they are Mormons. Isn't that right Paul?
This is the Camp of the Saints, it is only not seaming like it right now because we've ignored the biblical command to keep ourselves separate. The consequences for defying this is outlines in Deuteronomy 28 or you can read the daily paper
It was likely her brother
De facto, not de jour
@October 9, 2015 at 6:08 PM
Actually as somewhat of a wine expert I can tell you that much of the best wine grapes come from poor soil and it's the genetics and clones that make good wine.The roots must delve deep to a stable environment and it's frequently gravel where it has good drainage if it's too wet but deep enough for moisture if it's too dry in the growing season.Rich soil is no good because the roots then won't go deep.Stressed vines also produce better grapes for wine.
Perhaps the Negro needs a lot more stress to become productive.
Only when it's convenient and fits a narrative.
Christians get bashed fairly regularly on this site. Well, I'm here to tell you I try to be a Christian man but I am a race realist.
I don't agree with importing more negroes to this country, or Muslims, and they should be held accountable for their actions.
I have seen black "preachers" on tv encouraging black violence. They're not preaching what Jesus would do.
Therefore I have no problem believing they are not the "same as us", they're primitive and taking advantage of Christian generosity.
I disagree with churches "sponsoring" and importing people with a proven track record of hatred towards my country.
I am also the proud owner of a brand new AR-15 and several hundred rounds of ammunition.
I don't see a problem being a Christian man and protecting myself AND my family from anyone meaning to harm us.
Because of my different point of view, I can no longer attend church on a regular basis. I may be condemned to hell in the end, but I can live and die with a clear conscious.
Don't forget. All the technology is invented by Black people, and White people steal it and take credit for it.
Please tell me you forgot to take your meds?
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