Remember: Pittsburgh is one of America's largest cities with a white majority. And it's thriving.
It's black population stands at 26 percent, which is responsible for keeping alive all of those metrics combining to create a misery index (high unemployment, high school dropout, STD/AIDS, crime, and fatal/nonfatal shootings).
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An anti-violence in overwhelmingly white Pittsburgh. It's not white people making the Steel City violent, but the black minority needing to march with open caskets through the city streets... |
Back in 2011, the police chief of Pittsburgh literally admitted it was black-on-black crime - in this overwhelmingly white city - keeping the city's homicide rate high. [City police chief focuses on black-on-black crime, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 3, 2011]
In late 2014, the black newspaper in Pittsburgh, the New Pittsburgh Courier (in response to black-on-black violence), started a series called "Under Attack By Us!" Not even Mars Attacks! has the kind of over-the-top violence and mayhem the black population of Pittsburgh serves up on a daily basis.
And, because of the morbid reality of black dysfunction in a white society requires an increasing amount of money to try and stop - the Pittsburgh’s Coalition Against Violence (blaming the "no snitch" mentality) - we get yet another march against violence complete with a casket... [Downtown Pittsburgh rally calls attention to violent deaths of blacks,, Oct. 17, 2015]:
Breonna Thorne had no qualms Saturday about hopping into a coffin to protest gun violence that's killed hundreds of black Pittsburghers over the years.Thorne, 19, said plenty of former classmates at the North Side's Perry High School never made age 20.
“I know at least six,” said Thorne of Spring Hill.
About 60 people joined Thorne and Lee Trent, 27, of South Park, who occupied a second coffin, in a march from the City-County Building, Downtown, to Point State Park.
The Rev. Maurice Trent, Lee's father and pastor at Lighthouse Cathedral Church in St. Clair, said he organized the march along with Pittsburgh's Coalition Against Violence to send a message that murder is not acceptable.
“Whenever there's violence, we have to raise our voices,” he said. “We are here to say this is not normal.”
Seventy-one people were killed in Pittsburgh last year — a 54 percent increase over 2013 — and 79 percent of the victims were black, according to Pittsburgh police statistics.
Maurice Trent said his first funeral was for a 14-year-old boy who was fatally shot in 2000.“I'll never forget it,” he said. “That's when I knew what our calling was.”
Protesters marched with a police escort down Grant Street to Sixth Street and Liberty Avenue to the park, pushing the coffins and carrying signs while loudly denouncing gun violence.
“We've lost too many good people in this city, and it's time to stop this,” said Jarrod Chark, 35, of Beechview.
Passersby waved to marchers and stopped to photograph and record the procession with cellphones.
At the park, leaders urged the crowd to call police if they witness crime. Nearly all the participants raised their hands when asked if they knew someone who was murdered or harmed by gun violence.
Tim Stevens, 70, a longtime civil rights activist and chairman of the Black Political Empowerment Project, said murder of teenagers, while common now, was unheard of during his childhood.
“Unfortunately, we are now within three degrees of death in the urban setting,” Stevens said. “Either we have lost someone to violence personally, or we know someone who lost someone to violence, or we know someone who knows someone who lost someone to violence.
“This will not stop until we stop it.”Black Lives Don't Matter.
I love Pittsburgh but even that city seems to be headed in the wrong direction. I could be wrong but aren't east coast states like New Jersey, directing their welfare recipients to relocate to Pennsylvania? Whenever I'm in Pittsburgh and watch KDKA evening news the blacks never disappoint. Always the stars of the first, second, and third story, without fail! Spent many wonderful growing up summers in the area. Fond memories.
I believe it is everyone's turn to speak up now, not just attention-whoring black people. As Philly Mike always used to say, be bold, be loud, be fearless.
That last word is key. "They" are tired of you stepping up and having your say, you have had your turn and now you have to step aside and shut up. As soon as you open your mouth, you are attacked full force from all angles in an underhanded attempt to make you neuter yourself for them. Don't do it for them. Don't make it easy for these people that will not offer you or those around you anything anyway. That goes for lib-minded whites as well. You will realize that you had nothing to lose and everything to gain when you talk back and make them defend their moronic position and see them rethinking their entire plan for dealing with you. You managed to untie your hands from behind your back and you, unlike them, actually know what you are doing.
Enough pot shots. Maybe even make a game of it to see how strongly you can voice your position while remaining as calm and collected as possible. It comes across much more intimidating that way.
You won't see the immediate results, but imagine discussing another topic with Paul and co. in the future a few months from now when the next stupid black people event takes place. I have seen a ton of realism emerge since 2012 and it is growing like a giant snowball with fear being thrown to the wayside along with the yoke of diversity.
It's embarrassing to think how I never would have questioned that word before. Multiculturalism and diversity are two words that are on the chopping block now, people are actually starting to question them and to look for data and what the results of them are. The numbers are in and they don't look good. Paul and other dedicated writers display them in often humorous form for us, and a lot of time the jokes write themselves.
And Mike, I never understood the true power of your words until now. Thought you were only talking to some of us, but we all need to do this for it to work. And it's working.
I'm just gonna leave this here:
We need more journalists that are realists.
Washington, D.C. – This morning, Young Invincibles released a new report, titled Closing the Race Gap, that takes an unprecedented look at the driving forces behind racial disparities in the job market.
The report finds that young African Americans need two more levels of education than their young white counterparts to have the same chance at employment. For example, young African American adults need to earn an associate’s degree to have the same job prospects as young white adults with just a high school degree. The report also details a series of policy recommendations that Congress should consider as it prepares to reauthorize the Higher Education Act.
Maybe that is because our their high-school is the equivalent of our junior high or even elementary school. They are forced to pass a bunch of these teens that are clearly not up to the task but to do anything else would be racist. Where I live, you may not see a black out in public for months, but you will ALWAYS see one on a regular basis working in any large store/chain. I can't believe the nerve of these @ssholes to complain about not being able to find a job. Maybe they can't get a job they aren't capable of, but only a moron would complain about that. And those pesky records of assault etc. often come back to haunt them. Must be racist to arrest someone for harming others or stealing their property. I wouldn't want to hire a shifty criminal either.
I think most people just assume blacks are stupid but just hope for the best when they have to deal with them, as often they have no choice in the matter.
We are seeing the direct result of coddling and championing blacks like they are the second-coming, no questions asked. The more they get the more they complain and the more they demand. I can see why one would describe them as a cancer on society.
"This will not stop until we stop it." (the murders that is)
Truer words never spoken, the one factor that all this violent crime has in America that the government refuses to admit is this, non-whites commit as much as 90% or more of the violent crime in every, major urban area of the nation.
As a noted politician said years ago (and suffered for it greatly): want to lower the crime rate? Kill non-white babies.
"Victim of Gun Violence" indeed. It should be entitled "Victim of Fellow Negroes" - much more honest and to the point.
The average white has NO IDEA the horrors that the negro is capable of on a daily basis.
I had an electronics assembly job some years back in Phoenix AZ. Small shop & ALL white (thank the gods), well my boss was a very cool & laid back fellow & brought in a police scanner to our shop. Now Phoenix then prob had about a 3% negro population?. Well needless to say, depraved criminality was a DAILY endeavor for the negro. It was truly beyond belief?.
And virtually none of those calls coming thru to the Phoenix PD EVER made it on the nightly news. The average white hears of only a minute fraction of what is really going on out there..
I had a friend (now deceased) that spent 8 years on the beat as a Phoenix cop. He told me stories that the average white would be utterly horrorfied by & concurred that only a tiny fraction ever gets reported on the local news. Almost ENTIRELY negro (& a substantial fraction were also Latino). And people wonder why white cops are so trigger twitchy when confronting negros?!..
Now.. Imagine these horrors multiplied many fold when you have cities with high negro populations like NOLA, Memphis, Detroit, Baltimore, etc, etc... The mind reels.
"Protesters marched with a police escort down Grant Street to Sixth Street and Liberty Avenue to the park, pushing the coffins and carrying signs while loudly denouncing gun violence."
It's those damn guns again! If only enough black people protest loudly enough maybe those guns will stop shooting black people.
Black lives matter, because when they are abruptly ended by fellow matterers the funeral homes stand to make lots of money. IF THEY GET PAID. Black lives matter cult members, at least they keep somebody workin'.
"Maybe that is because our their high-school is the equivalent of our junior high or even elementary school. They are forced to pass a bunch of these teens that are clearly not up to the task but to do anything else would be racist."
Spot on.
My youngest daughters best friend teaches english literature. Trying to get negro or latino students to show even the remotest interest in it is a futile endevour?. She was DE FACTO told by the school admin that she could not fail the black/latino students because minority failure rates would be off the charts in all subjects..
She now is working on her masters degree to teach at the university level..
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
Meanwhile, Sweden gets a double helping of "vibrant diversity".
And Marie le Pen is on trial for speaking out against the Muslim hordes in Paris.
Where I live, you may not see a black out in public for months, but you will ALWAYS see one on a regular basis working in any large store/chain.
This is because the chains are worried about EEOC investigations and lawsuits. I've read accounts of how EEOC investigators will harass you even if your employees are mostly Hispanic or Asian. They want to see Blacks and won't care if few applied. The larger the company the bigger the target.
I can't believe the nerve of these @ssholes to complain about not being able to find a job. Maybe they can't get a job they aren't capable of, but only a moron would complain about that.
I think a major problem is the liberal underestimation of how much basic intelligence is required for many jobs. People with low IQs need constant direction and simple tasks. There are only so many of those jobs to go around and it doesn't help that Blacks are being taught in school that they would be wealthier if not for White people. That makes them less eager to work basic job if they believe they should be farther up the pay scale.
Then on top of it Blacks are told by Hollywood that they can all be athletes, rappers and concert promoters.
There is a similar problem with young Whites being taught all sorts of unrealistic bullshit by liberal teachers and Hollywood but they are going to be better at adapting to reality once the lies wear off. This is because the Bell Curve predicts that Blacks have a larger percentage of workers that can only handle basic tasks which limits their employability.
“Whenever there's violence, we have to raise our voices,” he said. “We are here to say this is not normal.”
Actually, yes it is. Very normal. When you have large numbers of africans you get africa. The proper term for these feral savages should be "American-africans" not the other way around. You can take the african out of africa but you can't take the africa out of the african.
In america we have the added problem that when the police take action to stop the american-africans from killing each other and generally ruining civilized society, the locals and White-guilty liberals scream "RAYSISS!" And next thing you know the police officers are portrayed as the problem.
American-africans are a protected species in this country, and every cop now knows that if he kills one, he will likely lose his career, recieve terrorist death threats on him and his family, and may go to prison- REGARDLESS of whether or not the killing was legal and justified. Darren Wilson has had to go into hiding and has lost his career because he shot a drugged up negro that was charging him after promising to murder him. The FACTS didn't matter to the media or the negroes or White-guilty liberals, he was a White cop, the attacker was a negro and that's all that mattered. Not allowing a negro to murder you is now considered racism.
So, if you expect anything other than the negro violence to get far worse very quickly until every city become a ghetto african warzone you are delusional. We now have over 50 years of history to study the negro following the "civil rights" laws and having segregation laws repealed. Whites were told, repeatedly that the negro was NO DIFFERENT from them, and that integration of the negro into White society would be a wonderful change for America. Clearly, that was utterly wrong. The crime statistics tell the story. As well the statistics on broken homes, welfare, substance abuse, school drop-out rates, EVERY single measure we use to determine how successful and functional American society is has taken a drastic nose dive whenever the negro is introduced to the system.
"This is not normal" would be an accurate statement if you meant that it is not normal for non-black society, but for the negro it is completely normal.
Notice the caskets? What's in them? DEAD BLACK PEOPLE. What does that tell you?
Caskets kill Black People. They need to demand an end to violent caskets and such.
Same in Chicago. The overwhelming majority of arrests are black and hispanic. When whites are arrested, alcohol and taverns are somehow intertwined in the summary (ie bar fight, drunken bs, dui). When whites are arrested for other more serious crimes, "black culture" symptoms can be usually be quickly idemtified in their behavior (wear their pants down past their ass, listens to rap, call eachother niggaz n bitches, link cards in their pocket, wears their hat cocked, litters everywhere they go).
“We've lost too many good people in this city".
Good boys, turning their lives around, din do nuffins, aspiring rappers/athletes, planning to go to community college.
Just like "one man's trash is another man's treasure", one civilization's scum and lowliffes are another's "good people". Where whites and other civilized hominids see violent drug dealers and gang members the black "community" sees "good people" who's loss is a tragedy. Rest assured better than 95% of the "victims" are career criminals who would love nothing more than to kill, rape, rob, and eat (in no particular order) anybody who seemed like an easy victim.
This viewing every degenerate criminal as a "good boy" is a testament to their completely different standards of civilization and decency. They aren't like us at all.... not one bit. They are content to live in the darkest jungles of Detroit or Port Au Prince. The vice, crime, squalor, violence, and depravity are external manifestations of their genetic programming.
Or as Confucius once said, you can't take the jump out of the frog, the bark out of the dog, or the nig out of the nog.
Something to think about, but a majority of us already know the following,
but I'd like to post it as either a reminder or just to share with our new
members, welcome to the most realist site on the web today. Thank you yet
once again to Paul for giving us all the opportunity to be a part of it.
"The Ten Cannots"
By: Rev. William J. H. Boetcker
1.) You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2.) You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
3.) You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
4.) You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
5.) You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
6.) You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
7.) You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
8.) You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
9.) You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative
and independence.
10.) And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should
do for themselves.
Read this article where black city council members brazenly admit they did not consider a white applicant's qualifications but simply voted against him based on the color of his skin. Is this not the very definition of racism?
Breonna Thorne had no qualms Saturday about hopping into a coffin to protest gun violence that's killed hundreds of black Pittsburghers over the years.
Now I understand why they can not stop the violence. It's those coffins gone wrong! If there were no coffins, then black people wouldn't be buried!
Time to crack down on coffins!
(OK, that's absurd, but no more absurd than anything else coming out of BRA.)
"I love Pittsburgh but even that city seems to be headed in the wrong direction. "
Not to piss on your parade, but by my estimation 25% negro is past the point of no return and living or visiting there would be incredibly risky.
I was born and raised on the Northside of Pittsburgh. I went to a city high school that resembled something between a zoo and a prison. The above story highlites black on black crime but we still have plenty of black on honky crime here as well though the media don't give it much air time. A couple of months ago a White man in Mckees Rocks was walking home with a friend when three "youths" attacked them and beat the White man to death. The sudpect was recently captured but is not being charged with a hate crime of course.
The report finds that young African Americans need two more levels of education than their young white counterparts to have the same chance at employment.
But what exactly does that mean? That black education is inferior? That employment tests go wrong and disparately fail black applicants?
Or does it mean that blacks are graduated from various levels of education even though they have not earned it? The system is passing them along to keep the stats looking like everyone is equal?
Sooner or later this meets a brick wall. Incompetent applicants are given jobs via the EO bureaucracy, but sooner or later they are going to fail. They won't be able to reach higher management positions, so they drop out or scream "Discrimination!" Meantime, businesses are undermined, the tax base erodes, confidence is fellow workers goes out the window.
It just may be this is why business elites are hellbent for leather in support of globalization. Export factories to countries where the workforce is more efficient than blacks (i.e., just about anywhere outside of Africa).
Amazing, isn't it, the effects that Africans can have on the American economy.
We are seeing the direct result of coddling and championing blacks like they are the second-coming, no questions asked.
Yes, this worship of blacks by many Americans is something worthy of further study. It runs from the hagiography of a street thug like Michael Brown, esq., to the beatification of Nelson Mandela.
It's a real pathology.
The following sums up things nicely:
We now have over 50 years of history to study the negro following the "civil rights" laws and having segregation laws repealed. Whites were told, repeatedly that the negro was NO DIFFERENT from them, and that integration of the negro into White society would be a wonderful change for America. Clearly, that was utterly wrong. The crime statistics tell the story. As well the statistics on broken homes, welfare, substance abuse, school drop-out rates, EVERY single measure we use to determine how successful and functional American society is has taken a drastic nose dive whenever the negro is introduced to the system.
Again, blacks have been given everything they have demanded, and more. Yet they still can not act up to the level of white civilization. As has been discussed on SBPDL, one reason for their pathological violence is the desire to strike against a civilization into which they can not assimilate. And DWLs continue with their egalitarian delusions, to the point of flooding the telescreens with completely bogus images of blacks who act like whites.
Meantime, cities disintegrate.
"This is not normal" would be an accurate statement if you meant that it is not normal for non-black society, but for the negro it is completely normal.
And that's the thing. There are various calls to bring back American greatness. But whatever greatness which was there in the past was due to a primarily white civilization. Displace the whites, displace the civilization.
Not to piss on your parade, but by my estimation 25% negro is past the point of no return and living or visiting there would be incredibly risky.
You are more generous than me.
I think 10% is too high unless it is an area where criminals are actually locked up and not given a dozen second chances.
In liberal areas they get slapped on the wrist until they commit a serious felony. Up until that point they cause all sorts of problems. The irony is that the worst Blacks are a scourge on Black areas. But both Blacks and liberal judges don't want them poor youff to be locked away for 10 years. So they slap them for property crimes and theft until they run someone over or get caught with a large amount of drugs.
Before liberalism it was widely accepted that some people are just born bad and there is nothing society can do but remove them from the population. It was the job of the judge to identify and separate them from criminals that could be reformed. Liberals however adopted blank slate in the 60s and decided that all street thugs were victims of society.
Re Minnesota / Dayton
I am from Minnesota; my family was here before Mark Dayton's. The chief problem this man has is that he cannot adequately explain the rationale for acceptance of those immigrants who arrive with a religious agenda and a belief system ( Islam ) which is overtly contemptuous of individualism and humanism - the very ideal systems which are responsible for their entry. Dayton is tying himself into knots and blaming his fellow citizens about their understandable concerns. No community wants its primacy challenged if the challenge is perceived as hostile. Thus is elementary sociology.
Dayton and others used to praise unanimity and consensus. They are now going to have to praise fragmentation and continuous dissent. The gathering storm of secession will not go away but rather gain power. The liberals will gave no one to blame but themselves since they have disparaged all ethnic white majority politics but praised minority ( soon to become majority in many areas ) politics. Whites will indeed move out before they become subservient to liberal idiocy.
I have spent some time there visiting family. This summer I made my observations with open eyes (thanks PK) and can tell you that Africans are Africans no matter where on earth you find them. Everyone else was great. I did see a lot of half-breeds. That will be a problem.
Dayton and others used to praise unanimity and consensus. They are now going to have to praise fragmentation and continuous dissent.
Be interesting to see how the DWL ideological machine reinterprets the reality on this one. Of course, the dysfunctions which African-Africans wills bring to Minnesota will be blamed on the failure of institutions, "racism" and gunshots gone wrong. But there is a tipping point at which the excuses no longer work and society disintegrates ala Detroit or, come to think of it, Mogadishu.
Then again, perhaps this is what hostile elites want. Wreck a functioning white middle class state, play off whites against blacks, continue the looting of national economies. You know the drill.
I still cant believe the state was that White just a few decades ago. I guess the whole country too. Btw keep up the Vdare posts love them.!
It just may be this is why business elites are hellbent for leather in support of globalization. Export factories to countries where the workforce is more efficient than blacks (i.e., just about anywhere outside of Africa).
Quoted for truth. The EEOC must be abolished, and all "diversity", "anti-discrimination" and "disparate impact" laws repealed. They are weapons pointed at the jugular of the United States—no, not pointed at. Piercing.
"You are more generous than me.
I think 10% is too high unless it is an area where criminals are actually locked up and not given a dozen second chances. "
I was just commenting on the other fellow's remark. I often visit an area with around 3.5% and that seems third world. 10% is more than enough to ruin quality of life, but still early enough in the the regression-to-Africa to sell your home while it still has any value. If I saw more than two or three black faces a month where I live I'd be putting up the "for sale" sign and moving another 60 miles north.
I don't like them and I don't want to be anywhere near them. Not the "good ones" not any of them any time for any reason.
Yes, this worship of blacks by many Americans is something worthy of further study. It runs from the hagiography of a street thug like Michael Brown, esq., to the beatification of Nelson Mandela.
It's a real pathology.
I was thinking about the other day about how it is much easier to understand Black people. They're generally predictable.
I just don't get a lot of White people. I don't see how so many White people can go along with this farce of race not existing when everyone has internet access.
When I was in college I was very liberal but still took the time to read arguments for and against racial differences in intelligence. It was pretty obvious to me that liberals were working from a dishonest basis and did not want to approach the subject objectively.
What I don't get about White people is how few of them actually do this. Even worse is how many White people will quote a liberal writer like Gould even though anyone can verify that his "peer reviewed" book was wrong about Morton's skull measurements. Why didn't Gould just perform his own study on African and European skulls to prove the raysists wrong?
Here's a Scientific American (which is owned by a left-wing German company) blogger admitting that Gould was wrong but still calls anything related to race and intelligence "pseudoscience".
I just don't get a lot of White people. Programs like Affirmative Action clearly work against them and yet so few seem to bother checking to see if liberals are lying about race. Conservatives are only better in that they oppose quotas. They still believe in paint theory as seen by the recent article in the conservative WSJ journal that asked, Why aren't there more Black scientists?
I just don't get how that is mainstream White while we are the niche. You can write an article like "Why doesn't Haiti produce micro chips?" and most White people will take it seriously. To me that is like asking "Why aren't there polar bears in Arizona?".
I just don't get it. It's not a gray area, liberals have been lying about the racial differences and it is easy to verify. It's not a two-sided debate. There are egalitarian liars and racial realists.
Of course there will always be egalitarians that prefer lies to truth but I just can't believe how many White people go along with it.
Does she think it will be any better there?
I would guess my town is about 1%.
Guess the race of the perp that committed our only public shooting for the year.
The target at least knew him and was not an innocent bystander.
Off topic, but Trump continues to surge in the polls. Time is running out, and no one took him seriously at first!
In addition, I think his attack ad against Sanders was a great move- I think he needs to jab him into oblivion before the rest of the Dems do.
Think about it. They are the two candidates that most people want one way or the other, considering the alternatives. The media has tried to make it look competitive, but people have to hand it to Trump. The guy talks big, but he delivers. He gets things done. Sanders has promised a lot of stuff and thinks that he can just rob the richest to pay for it all. I'm sure he'll say the same about the military. Anything that white libs and their coalition want to hear.
The news is crawling with indignation over the recent San Fran Mission District middle school election- too many white kids were elected by their peers to represent the school. Principal tried to stymie the results and ended up making the situation way worse than it ever would have been. But when a black homecoming court or class president is elected at a primarily white school, it is a thing to be celebrated!
People are mainly pissed because of the lesson she is teaching her students about democracy.
Trump isn't afraid of all this b.s., that is why I like him along with the fact that he speaks what needs to be said, whether some want to hear it or not, even if it does happen to include Fiorina's wicked stepmother face. Her comeback of "you too" was so witty and well thought out it is surprising that her campaign is currently tanking. How Trump has basically demolished Bush III was outstanding. Trump has what it takes for the job. We had our affirmative action president, time for the real thing.
It's not gun violence. It's negro violence. Blacks commit the overwhelming amount of crimes using guns and the NRA and it's members get the blame and more laws get passed that restrict our freedom. All because of the violent nature of a very small percentage of our population.
Black males between the ages of 18 to 49, which comprise just 4% of the population, commit 52.2% of the murders in this country.
all the peeps in picture are --what color? Of course, its Yahoo left news,
Hmmm, opening a funeral home in Pittsburgh sounds like a good business opportunity. Get a gold hearse with some 22" spinners and you`d have them lined up out the door.
You`d probably have to accept EBT tho :/
In was a wondrous nation.
Now it's a "coll story bra".
And yet, just 11 years ago, Sept. 29 2006, Mr. Dayton was calling for a fence across the Mexican border, and increased security across the northern border with Canada.This was all expressed in a letter to the president Bush.
Now, he's retired from senate, and governor of Minnesota, and it's Come on in, you're all welcome to come to Minnesota. Black gangsters from Chicago? Come on up. Western hating Somali Muslims? Come on up. We have plenty of jobs, and social services for you in St Cloud.
Go up to the court house in St Cloud on any weekday, and you will see a steady stream of Somali women in burkahs headed up to social services to get welfare. That's all day, every day, that's not an exaggeration. When I got my license plates renewed this spring, I watched a black woman with designer clothes go to her new white Cadillac escalade with a packet of papers they give you to apply for assistance. Sounds like raciss stories? See for yourself, go up and watch. If we leave Minnesota, as Mr. Dayton suggests, whose taxes are going to pay for this?
Now, drive a few blocks west to Waite Park, and observe any busy corner there. Guaranteed you will see a white jobless person holding sign begging for help. The reality of homeless is it's pretty much a synonym for jobless. St. Cloud hasn't been a place one goes for employment in decades. Our children leave St. Cloud to work after graduation. And yet, we've had a steady stream of Chicago blacks, and Somalis coming to St. Cloud to look for work.
Mr. Dayton insists we don't have enough B+ talent locally to fill the estimated 94,000 new jobs in Minnesota. Seriously, 94,000 jobs? You couldn't find that many openings if you threw in Wisconsin, and the Dakotas.
B+ talent? Bwa hahahaha! This isn't even D- intelligence folks. I've had to work with these idiots who come in as temps. They can't even grasp the simple task of sweeping a floor! NOT AN EXAGGERATION! They can't even learn to sweep easily. Show them how, and come back, they'll be wandering around like ants, talking on cell phones. Other tasks are no better. It's like trying to teach algebra to cats. Cats who wander around with headphones playing rap music, dressed in designer clothing and shoes inappropriate for industrial work.
1 negro, in most political environments, is beyond the point of no return. They fvck like roaches.
They're like those internet phishing scams promising millions from Nigeria. "They have a line of sh!t that just won't quit."
If a community as a whole, has not one drop, it'll progess.
Tim Stevens, 70, a longtime civil rights agitator and chief primate of the African Political Empowerment Project, said murder of teenagers, while common now, was unheard of during his childhood.
He was a teenager until 1965, when all-of-a-suddenly, something changed in this country. Why, whatever could that have been?
Everything this ook and his ook ilk have worked for, strived for and dreeeeeamed for, has made his world what it is today. Roll in your shit, little *iggy.
According to a Pew Research Center study, the median black household net worth in 2013 is a ridiculously low $11,000.
I haven't seen any reports on the median net wealth of black adults, but it must be in the low thousands.
How is it possible, with the trillions of dollars we've spent to uplift them, their windfall of housing stock taken over by pushing Whites out of city after city, and the endless wealth opportunities available in America, that they are as poor as third worlders?
It certainly isn't their behavior.
Blacks are intelligent, thrifty, industrious, and well behaved. Just like unicorns.
It must be the Voodoo Demons such as;
Guns - metallic honkey monsters that stalk blacks in the night.
Jim Crow - the red neck devil terrorizing black voters.
Structural Racism.
Systemic Racism - evil ghostly twins zombifying negros.
The Great Pumpkin.
Books - The White demons that cause blacks to knuckle their foreheads in agony.
Alarm clocks - screaming demons interrupting negro sleep.
Slavery - haunting blacks and paralyzing their brains.
Santa Claus - the blue eyed debil making it dark and cold.
Racial Microaggressions - frightening little elves hurting black's brains.
Getting rid of these demons is extremely and endlessly expensive and will require draining Whites of much more of their financial blood.
Here's a Scientific American (which is owned by a left-wing German company) blogger admitting that Gould was wrong but still calls anything related to race and intelligence "pseudoscience".
He does not look like a member of the Tribe, but he does look Scandinavian and they are pathologically altruistic in the current US environment. He's the kind who would do just fine when fighting the climate for survival, but too trusting to live among people who aren't all similarly looking out for each other rather than themselves.
I went to school in Pittsburgh in the early 80's. Great city. When I first arrived a new friend and native of Pittsburgh told me all the great places to go to in the city. But she did say, "Stay away from The Hill section." I asked why. She simply said, "Blacks." Good advice.
Years later, I had a co-worker who was a super lib. We went to lunch one day, in NYC, and after exiting the restaurant, we made a right and then she stopped in her tracks. She said, "let's take the long way back to work." We turned and walked the other way. What concerned her? A bunch of loud "teens" down the block. She was a champion of 'vibrant diversity' except when she had to actually be near vibrant diversity. When I called her out on it, "What, you don't want to walk by the black kids?" she got very defensive and denied it. I know better. Talked a good game but didn't want to be near them.
By the way, went to a job fair last week in Denver. Plenty of tables with about 50 companies looking to hire. Some were for menial type jobs, others for higher end jobs. Anyway, I didn't see any blacks there. None, except for the guy at the Army recruiting table.
"We needs jobs das what we needs! Our keeds ain'ts gots no jobs." Shut up you stupid, moronic, childish, violent, destructive, entitled, filthy, failed race. I am sooooo freaking tired of their predictable act.
Anonymous at 3:08 p.m.
It's like trying to teach algebra to cats. Cats who wander around with headphones playing rap music, dressed in designer clothing and shoes inappropriate for industrial work.
TOO FUNNY! If I was a stand up comedian, I would steal that in a heartbeat.
There needs to be some levity to this black wave of destruction and you sir or ma'am provided it. I'll never look at my cat the same again. Thank you.
Recent title I saw for an article: 'Drug courts' scrutinized after shooting of New York City officer.
You know what heading I would like to finally see?
'Blacks' scrutinized after shooting of New York City officer.
Makes sense, but of course so did stop and frisk.
America's Love/Hate affair with the common Negro ground ape is utterly fascinating. You have NO IDEA how much entertainment you all provide to those of us watching this from afar.
Wow, what a bizarre world you have created for yourselves...
Good f*ing luck; seems it can only end with some sort of utter disaster.
Something funny on decades tv is watching the opening scenes from 70's tv shows. Happy days, Milwaukee, all white. Lavern and Shirley, Milwaukee, all white. Mary Tyler Moore, Minneapolis, all white. Bob Newhart show, Chicago, all white. Fast forward to 2015, not so white.
Californian said...
"It just may be this is why business elites are hellbent for leather in support of globalization. Export factories to countries where the workforce is more efficient than blacks (i.e., just about anywhere outside of Africa)."
Economics can explain much about human behavior. It speaks volumes that factories arent being built in africa where there is an over abundance of natural resources and labor. If the africans are so intelligent and capable, I think those nasty capitalists would have exploited them long ago.
President just threw his full verbal support behind BLM. He isn't running so can afford to appeal to his darker half while actually offering them nothing other than words, just like with "if I had a son", etc.
A black ineffective president still is an ineffective president, the time is out and what has he gotten the black community? Mostly just looked the other way while they looted public systems and gave out huge sums to cities like Baltimore and Newark that were gone with nothing to show for it. With all the focus on results that the American people want to see, why aren't blacks held accountable for their part of the failure? If anything it is part of the learning and accountability process that moves capable citizens forward. Funds to cover any combination of worst case scenario possibilities are given yet nothing changes, nothing gets done, and no one seems to care or want to talk about it.
I hope Obama eats his words on this one, because having such a moronic message that the president has to take out time from his day to explain it to everyone say a lot. Maybe your message sucks, and if all you are is a barrage of messages then what is the point of your (bowel) "movement", anyway?
Does anyone think Obama is going to go back to the streets to protest just like in the old days, or do you think he's going to cozy up with some rich white people who can keep him and his family dynasty going?
The more you entertain and submit to Black Li(v)es Matter the more they demand and the more they complain. It is like fighting the tar baby. The more you engage the worse off you are. Someone in BLM is going to take it too far, do something so stupid that even the mainstream media won't be able to keep it out of the spotlight. They are corrupt and deceitful characters with underhanded and even violent tactics that serve only to spread disorder and destruction. That is their sole purpose, other than getting attention, feeling relevant, and feeling cared or respected when they give none in return.
One of their primary beliefs/tactics is an end to "respectability politics", which basically means being rude, loud, and making constant demands and offer zero concessions. They demand intangibles like "respect" and an end to "white supremacy", but their only exchange for it is a thinly veiled threat in the form of "or else".
Giving these morons the floor is like giving a black teen a mic at a public gathering. People having to listen to and put up with a self-centered and undisciplined moron. Can you even imagine one of these Bantus actually trying to lead us... oh wait, forgot, he's half.
Obama completely blew his chances to look like a rock star coming on the heels of GW the 2nd. His lazy approach leaves no real legacy and someone like Trump could seize this opportunity to show how real leader acts and accomplishes things. The contrast will be incredible.
"Something funny on decades tv is watching the opening scenes from 70's tv shows. Happy days, Milwaukee, all white. Lavern and Shirley, Milwaukee, all white. Mary Tyler Moore, Minneapolis, all white. Bob Newhart show, Chicago, all white. Fast forward to 2015, not so white."
I was just watching Lavergne and Shirley a few days ago and thought the SAME thing. Back then Lenny and Squiggy understood the girls would never want them or date them. And they just dealt with the rejection.
If it was Lenny' Ma'rquivas and Squigg'ish'da'beethoven they would have just beaten and raped the girls.
*cue laugh track*
Black Lives Matter to host Democratic presidential town hall:
The Democratic National Committee approved the extra forum for 2016 hopefuls on Wednesday, but remained steadfast against adding another candidate debate to the schedule, according to letters first obtained by the Washington Post.
The letters, sent from the DNC to prominent activist groups the #BlackLivesMatter network and Campaign Zero, affirm the party’s support of the growing social movement and heed their request to hold a forum that explicitly addresses issues of race and social justice.
“We believe that your organization would be an ideal host for a presidential candidate forum — where all of the Democratic candidates can showcase their ideas and policy positions that will expand opportunity for all, strengthen the middle class and address racism in America,” Amy K. Dacey, chief executive officer of the DNC, wrote in the letters obtained by the Post. “The DNC would be happy to help promote the event.”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the Dems just signed their own death warrant. Surely some of you can help the BLM crowd write some incredibly uncomfortable and diabolical questions. It would be hard overkill a parody of BLM, they are already so loud, chaotic and without purpose.
BLM brings NOTHING good to the situation because as we know by and large, the negroes don't reciprocate. Say it three times with me, if you need to, it is important in understanding these 'folk'. So basically you have someone making demands of you, you running around like a hopeful and lowly server while they stiff you on the tip no matter what the outcome. We have all experienced that behavior from them before, in many many recurring situations. It is too far off the charts to be a coincidence on so many levels. All the excuses happening all at the same time wouldn't explain their epic failure in everything civilized.
BLM is like an evil and more sinister version of Ralph Nader. Conservatives need to help them be "heard".
5-10% negro is the "warning track". At 10% call the realtor. Use public school demographics which are published yearly. You may be too late if you rely on the census.
In a Houston Home Depot, mostly black workers. The greeter just inside wearing camouflage jeans and vivid red tennis shoes didn't know where anything was, said he jus works at the front doe. Then I asked another one where something was, and he actually knew, but his heavily negrofied speech patterns indicated he didn't finish high school ( or was socially promoted ). Then at check out a customer wanted assistance at the self check out section, however the groidess there convinced the frustrated shopper to go to the regular checkout.
No wonder US companies choose to go over seas.
who said...",,,Use public school demographics which are published yearly...."
Great point!
When I moved from the Boston, MA area, to Tucson AZ - with two school aged sons in tow (16yr/12yr), the first thing I did prior to leaving in order to sure-up a location for a rental before buying a home, was to go online and check the school demographic - as well as the data depicting the percentage of kids on "free-lunch programs". These indicators gave me a 100% sure-fire way of determining which neighborhoods were infested with low-life (aka blacks/mexicans). After living here for 11yrs now, I've noticed there are small 'pockets' of infestation among middle/upper income Whites which can make things incredibly hard in determining where to live, but when you include the school data - it becomes very easy to decipher where the trouble-spots are. The biggest threat in Tucson AZ are the mexicans of course, and so far, blacks are a mere 4%, mexicans coming in at 35%.
However, on another note...the Whitest HSchool in one of the most sought-after areas of Tucson is rampant with heroin use.
On another, another note...working with the federal govt (USBorder Patrol), we are forced to have "Committee for Diversity and Inclusion events (affectionately known within the Patrol as DIC), each event 'honoring' a minority demographic (barf). The last one was for the hispanics. We were all gleefully spoken to by some mexican woman who headed-up some lame "hispanic's are wonderful" group (federally funded I'm sure), whose mission is to push for, and enlighten Whites of, the hispanic population's rapid growth. She had the 'coglioni' (balls) to stand up there and tell a room full of Whites how hispanics will soon be the majority in Arizona while expecting all of us to hoot-holler, whistle and clap with enthusiasm in response to that FACT. Nationwide, we all see disgusting & blatant, in-your-face proclamations of the genocide of the White race, and all of us guilty-Whites are supposed embrace our extermination...otherwise, YOU ARE RACIST!
Now that everyone not black has been sold out for blacks, we are now going to be sold out to foreigners... . legal or illegal.
Legislation is expected to be passed that employers must now hire a specific number of foreign workers.
What other country has screwed over its majority class so blatantly?
Blacks and muslims are the same creature.
I wish I could leave this country.
It speaks volumes that factories arent being built in africa where there is an over abundance of natural resources and labor. If the africans are so intelligent and capable, I think those nasty capitalists would have exploited them long ago.
And it also says something that blacks in Africa, with half a century of majority rule, one man one vote, and no more YT, have run their own "independent" countries into the ground. Look at how once wealthy colonial states like Congo and Rhodesia have become failed states, ruled over by Big Men. And now that they have destroyed their own countries, Africans are invading Europa.
Similar pattern in the USA, where blacks have trashed quite a few American cities, and having done so, migrate into white territories.
Rinse, wash, repeat.
Tim Stevens, 70, a longtime civil rights agitator and chief primate of the African Political Empowerment Project, said murder of teenagers, while common now, was unheard of during his childhood.
He was a teenager until 1965, when all-of-a-suddenly, something changed in this country. Why, whatever could that have been?
* Civil Rights Act? Naaaaa....
* War on Poverty declared? Nope....
* Open housing laws? Don't be silly....
* Movement for black studies on campus? Absurd....
* Immigration acts opening the frontier to third worlder migrations? It is to laugh...
I guess we all have to scratch our heads on that one!
I just don't get a lot of White people. I don't see how so many White people can go along with this farce of race not existing when everyone has internet access.
A lot of it goes back to contemporary liberal ideology. Too many white people want to believe in equality between the races, and will refuse to recognize or even consider evidence to the contrary. They will instead reinterpret reality to conform to their beliefs.
One example of this is the much cited "Magic Negro" on television. The telescreen images provide a comfortable reality to the true believer--and bear in mind most of these true believers arewhite. Your average black probably has a much more realistic view of race than your white liberal or mainstream conservative.
One reason for whites believing in equality between black and white is because if they had to face the reality, they would face that they are in a world of hurt. The reality is that most blacks can not be uplifted such that they can maintain white civilization. The result is pathological levels of violence, trashing of education, a non-stop welfare state, and you know the drill. This has been demonstrated on several continents.
Far better to believe in that ideological delusion about equality than face a harsh reality.
It's the Stockholm Syndrome writ wide.
I quit school in blue-collar Philadelphia in 1971. I decided to go back and finish a few courses in 1972 and get a diploma. In those days, it meant something.
Looking for an easy out, I enrolled in the "Black History" class. The Black teacher couldn't get the Negroes to shut up long enough to teach a damn thing. It was a zoo. They had zero interest in it; no more so than any other course work.
I quit again, joined the USAF, got a GED, and went to college on the GI Bill.
The lesson I learned was: The argument that they weren"t interested in learning Whitey's history was bullshit. They weren't interested in learning anything.
If you can't teach someone the basics of reading, writing and simple arithmetic in 12 years, you have a much bigger problem than culturally-biased education.
Chinese kids, Eastern European refugees, and others making their way to "the great melting pot" could do it despite being poor and speaking no English on arrival, why couldn't the paint-job-theory Negroes?
I think a billion-dollar grant to study this phenomenon is in order. Perhaps if we elect a Black president and show them that anyone can succeed in America, that after eight years or so, we'll see some progress....
"Then again, perhaps this is what hostile elites want. Wreck a functioning white middle class state, play off whites against blacks, continue the looting of national economies. You know the drill."
This is how it works in conspiracy land. Whatever happens, it's what "they" want; "they" engineered it. Conversely, if something doesn't happen, it's because "they" don't want it to. This way, everything is explained. It's a very satisfying way of looking at the world because there are no loose ends. Very tidy. Every question has a clear answer.
Meanwhile, out in reality, all the time, $hit just happens. People aren't so smart. They make mistakes; they try for one thing, and get something else entirely. Smoke cigarettes, get cancer. Believe in universal brotherhood and get racial destruction. Invent the internal combustion engine, get smog, get climate change. Invent scientific agriculture, get a worldwide population explosion, deforestation, dustbowls, desertification. Invent scientific birth control and use it, and watch your own group's population drop in relation to the rest of the world's. (Incredible! Who'da thunk it??)
It would be nice if the world really did work like it does in conspiracy land. Then there might be some hope, because at least in theory, one could always hope to be part of the invincible conspiracy, or maybe even rule the world oneself with God-like power. Of course, to avoid the occurrence of anything undesirable, such a ruler would also need to be both omniscient and omnipotent, those two other attributes of a God. So it's quite impossible after all, right?
Oh, but that's just what "they" WANT you to think!!!
I have a friend who was a middle-management executive in Europe. Her employees were college-educated marketing people in Western European countries and mostly white at that level.
It took her at least three years to fire anyone for almost any reason. Here was the logic of the government's of Spain, England, Germany and Italy where she worked:
"If you fire them for incompetance, they become the State's problem and they'll be on the public dole. We want them employed, and paying taxes on your Pound/Dollar/Euro."
The "solution?" Their economies stagnate. Companies won't hire anyone during times of prosperity, because they know when the economy cycles, they can't do layoffs. They work short during the good times, turning away business, because they will go under carrying deadwood in the lean years.
Yet they they think they can absorb Blacks and other Muslims from Africa, and still get by.
American politicians are cognizant of this, yet do the same. The workforce participation rate in America is the lowest since the 1970s, with 40% of people who want jobs unable to find them; I wonder why?
But don't worry. The rigged unemployment stats say we're doing great, as long as we don't count those people.
Just thought I'd repost this in case anyone was foolish enough not to read it the first time. Thanks I.I. Applies no matter where in the world we are.
1.) You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2.) You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
3.) You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
4.) You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
5.) You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
6.) You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
7.) You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
8.) You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
9.) You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative
and independence.
10.) And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should
do for themselves.
Pittsburgh = toast. Once the orc population reaches more than 10% the inevitable decline begins. The tipping point is achieved; now Time takes care of the rest. Good luck.
ps. what is the genetic basis for negroes smelling so awful? Their skin exudes some truly nasty chemical combo that just reeks. Anyone know the actual gene difference that leads to this?
Californian said...
"Economics can explain much about human behavior. It speaks volumes that factories arent being built in africa where there is an over abundance of natural resources and labor. If the africans are so intelligent and capable, I think those nasty capitalists would have exploited them long ago. "
Excellent point!. PK, you should run with this concept.
Our dear negro brethren, please explain. The African continent is a land(s) filled with riches beyond the dreams of avarice. That it is without fail a squalid, stinking sh$t pile, speaks VOLUMES about the capabilities (or lack thereof) of Homo Africanus?!
If, as the lefties keep pounding away on that "there is no such thing as race.. Race is just a social construct" blah, blah. Then WHY are the lands (africa) that are the most endowed with the riches of this earth not only are the least developed but are now actually regressing since the colonialists left? (a few areas are experiencing short term gains while china sucks Africa dry of minerals)
How is it that lands like Germany, Japan or south Korea with NO natural resources & devastated by war built their countries into mighty industrial powerhouses? (oh, & Africa has received FAR more in international aid than either Germany or Japan did after WW2 from the Marshall plan, & BOTH lay in ruins!)
Black readers, please explain...
The vast majority of Whites who appear to "worship" Blacks are very much realists as much as we are. At least those with slightly above average intelligence or better are very aware of the racial differences. The exception being dumb kids who emulate Black "culture" (whiggers). Anyone with the capabilities necessary to achieve a relatively high amount of wealth and power internally knows the score. It is just that we have allowed our society to reach a situation in which agreeing with and living by "the narrative" is more beneficial than living in reality.
Sad, isn't it
"Conservatives are only better in that they oppose quotas. They still believe in paint theory"
They do not "believe" in it, just assist educated Liberals do not believe in it. They support it and speak favorably in regard to it, but they know it isn't reality.
AZ Ray, I didn't mean to anger you like that sir. I am sorry for the rude comment and your post, although misguided, was insightful.
IT is over in Pittsburgh. That city has tons of black people. Over 25% is more than enough to de-stabilize a city. The city is not growing at all or barely. To me when it gets to around 10% even, that is shaky. At the very least one hopes it is all or nearly all kept to one or two areas. But yeah, 25% is a LOT. But hey, another typical moronic democrat city. Also always look at the census trends over the decades. The whites- as usual- are dropping like a stone. Luckily for Asians or else we would not be able to walk out of our homes without an uzi..
They kill our neighbors. They kill our family. They ruin our schools. They beat up our children. They kill our law-enforcement, and publicly admit to their hatred for them. They take no responsibility for their actions, and kill their leader (MLK), but they storm into white establishments/restaurants during brunch and hypocritically shout 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' before they head home and kill one another. (Google "Black Brunch, Black Lives Matter NYC.") No they don't. Not even to them.
In return, they want US to care about them. They want US to pay them to sit at home, buy their fancy cars, do drugs and not work. I see it every day in Brooklyn. Not one day goes by where I'm not reminded of this: these people sit on the corner at 10am, drunk on Hennessey, fighting each other, in front of "they kids," and scream at them when they want attention. Stopping "Stop and Frisk" was the worst thing to happen NYC. Violent crime is up 63% YTD since then. Now Cops are afraid to do their job because of what is called (NYPD internally) as the YouTube affect.
Luckily gentrification is happening in my neighborhood, but not before my wife's life was threatened several times by one of THEM when she had two pitbulls. My wife and I have seen this animal without her dogs, walking with her daughter - but put some Henny in her, and let her walk with her pit's, and she threatens every YT on the street.
I saw one of them, the other night, beat her kid in the face on the playground, but deny it to her other non-snitches. Soon thereafter, she starting screaming at the kid, blaming HIM for being wrong party by "blowing the whistle to her bitches," instead of blaming the other children for the massive welts on his bleeding face. (The kids were approx 6yo, completely incapable of this type of blunt-force trauma) There's a major difference between Mothers and Bitches with Babies.
These people have no hope until they learn to love themselves more than they hate us.
I live near Pittsburgh, have worked there and went to school there briefly. I can understand how it may seem like a Whitopia in comparison to most major US cities, but please don't romanticize it. The black areas of the city, which wind in and out the White neighborhoods, are as dangerous and dilapidated as any in this country, and even more importantly, the city ahs always been dominated by corrupt Liberal democrats. The current mayor and city council are the sort of trendy hipster SJWs that plague every other US city, with their complaints that Pittsburgh is "too white". Pittsburgh just got a negrophile police chief, imported from Wisconsin, I believe, who since Baltimore has been kowtowing to the BLM mob. Mixed race couples are becoming more common, and as for Monroeville, home to the famed mall from "Dawn of the Dead" (as well as recent riots and gang shootings), it is well on its way to becoming the next Ferguson. Those old blue collar democrats who leaned left economically, but leaned right on everything else, disappeared with the steel mills (there is only one remaining in the Steel City). And their heirs are too busy cheering on black-dominated sports teams to even notice their country is being ripped out from beneath their feet. Mark Twain allegedly said that he wanted to be in Pittsburgh when the apocalypse hit because he would still have five years left. And that is all the seeming tranquility of Pittsburgh is, we are merely lagging five years behind the decay of the rest of the country.
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