The grotesque amount of energy expended to uplift black America would be undeniably hilarious if it weren't so tragic (the opportunity cost in what could have been invested is staggering to comprehend when you consider the sunk cost that is the quest to uplift blacks).
And even in the tragedy that is post-World War II domestic policy in America, one can't help laugh at the sheer folly of the attempt to fool nature with extreme nurturing... courtesy of the white taxpayer.
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Encouraging children to excel in school... isn't that a parents job? |
In a country whose black population is responsible for almost weekly marches against violence, vigils against violence, prayers against violence, bicycling against violence, tenting against violence, and spending untold trillions trying to get blacks to abide by the laws set forth by the white man to govern civilization, there's something tragically funny about the following story: at an almost entirely black charter school in Indianapolis, black city officials, community leaders and 'role models' greeted the black students with high fives and cheers as they entered the school... [Men fight back against youth violence with high-fives and cheers,, 10-5-15]:
Hoping to fight back against violence gripping young people in Indianapolis, dozens of men traveled to an Eastside middle school to remind students of their worth and potential.
The men — coming from all ages and professions — lined up outside Tindley Preparatory Academy, greeting students with high-fives and words of encouragement as the middle-schoolers arrived for class Monday morning. It was their way of thanking the boys at Tindley for their hard work.
The message is as timely as ever following a weekend marred by the slaying of three Indianapolis teenagers.
On Sunday, 17-year-old Steven Kendall was shot and killed near an Eastside convenience store on East New York Street. Hours later, 17-year-old Coriana Johnson and 18-year-old Makayla Mitchell were found dead from multiple gunshot wounds in a car parked in the 2000 block of Berwick Avenue on the Westside.
Of the 105 victims of criminal homicide this year, eight are under the age of 18.
“These kids are growing up in a challenging area where they’re seeing a lot of gun violence and they see it every day,” said U.S. Attorney Josh J. Minkler, one of the organizers of Monday's rally. “Yes, they go to a nice school. But they need to know that the community is behind them."
indley Preparatory Academy sits just footsteps north of East 38th Street and North Sherman Drive, one of six “hot spots” identified by public safety officials as having a higher amount of crime.
But Tindley's location isn't stopping young people from making a positive impact in the community, Minkler said, and there are many success stories coming out of the school.
The problem is those stories are often drowned out by the latest tragedy.
“We’ve heard a lot about the negative things the youth in this community are doing, and it’s just nice to see the positive things and recognize them and appreciate them,” he said. “It’s about time these kids got their due.”
On Monday, what started as a collection of public safety officials and church leaders huddled outside the school rapidly ballooned into a group with more than 70 people — all flanking the front entrance of the school.
Initially, drowsy youngsters wore looks of confusion as they inched toward the front doors. When they drew near, the men called out to them with wide smiles and outstretched arms. Their words came with high-fives, firm handshakes and pats on the back.
Jolted awake, the students’ arrival began resembling the Indianapolis Colts blasting through the tunnel and onto the field for a Sunday afternoon game.
“It’s all about you!” men in the crowd repeated. The boys responded with wide grins of their own and energetic dashes into the school.
Among the supporters was 17-year-old Andrew Porter, a senior honors student atCharles A. Tindley Accelerated School.
Wearing a maroon blazer worn by older Tindley students, Porter recalled looking up to the big kids when he was a middle-schooler at Tindley Preparatory Academy.
“All this … it’s like extra encouragement for them,” Porter said. “Once they see people in the blazer and see that they made it in the high school, they think, ‘If they did it, then I can do it.’"
This isn't fiction... it's reality, courtesy of black Americans. And it gets better. [Students receive encouragement after recent violence involving young people, Fox 59 Indy, 10-5-15]:The U.S. Attorney's Office has been working with the Tindley students. Last year they signed a pledge, agreeing not to touch a gun and tell an adult if they see a one. There are also plants to start a teen court at the school to teach kids about the legal system and work on problem solving skills.
"Coming from the community that I come from, I think it’s very important because we don’t really have a lot of inspiring people out there, so the people that are here doing this for us -- I think it’s amazing," said Tindley Preparatory Academy student Brennan Kitc.
After all the students were greeted, everyone went inside the gymnasium for an assembly. Similar rallies are planned at John Marshall High School and Avondale Meadows Academy within the next month.A gun is a tool, nothing more and nothing less. It isn't the gun that is a weapon: it is the person holding it, putting a live round into the chamber, pointing it at another individual, and pulling the trigger that turns the formerly inanimate object into a weapon.
There is nothing more pathetic in the world than America's slavish devotion to uplifting its black population.
Tragedy? Yes.
Comedy? Without a doubt.
"There are also plants to start a teen court at the school to teach kids about the legal system"
That will be useful knowledge for most of them in the near future.
Incredible. They should have a full cap & gown ceremony every day, for every stoodint who stays awake during all his classes. And after the parents of the slacker-stoodints get chimped off because they baby aint get no respect, they can have the ceremony for all of them. Every damn day.
If they wanted to remind them of their worth and potential, they should have led them to the nearest pile of dog crap followed by the back of a police car.
This coddling is truly comical now. These mini bucks are damn near getting a ticker tape parade for dragging their black asses to the place that gives them free meals.
The use of the ridiculous term "gun violence" is merely one of many transparent and weak sauce "strategies" parroted by blacks, and created by their lib lemming enablers to direct blame away from the main perpetrators of said violence. Just cut to the chase already: It's called: Black violence, whether they use a gun, knife, Draino, or their bare hands for that matter. They are, for the most part, as everyone knows by now, inherently violent.
Prudent people will adjust their safety and well being strategies accordingly. Liberal self-loathing sheeple will continue to wear their pajama pants in public...
Guns always seem to be at their most violent around negroes.
Streets tend to get meanest when negroes walk on them.
Robberies and rapes have a knack for seeking out negroes for assistance and then going wrong, resulting in murder.
Schools fail negroes above all other students.
- Tobias Benjamin Goode
Believe it or not this same simple shit has happened at my local middle school a block and a half from my front porch. That same school is called Arsenal middle school. It was the Arsenal for the revolutionary war. Thank God my mother worked two jobs to pay for my catholic schooling as I didn't have to be subject to that middle school. It sucked thirty five years ago and it even sucks more now. 99% black on a bad day. Funny thing is when I went to that other school they needed not one official to pump me up for education. The liberal morons must think this is the way to get young common Negroes ready to start school. Just like a football game they run into school ready to fight each other at the drop of a dime. Go team negro!
Hoping to fight back against violence gripping young people in Indianapolis....
Gripped by violence...attacked by streets gone wrong...while shots rang out...and Cthulhu rose from R'lyeh...
"The men — coming from all ages and professions — lined up outside Tindley Preparatory Academy, greeting students with high-fives and words of encouragement as the middle-schoolers arrived for class Monday morning. It was their way of thanking the boys at Tindley for their hard work."
Hahaha!!! Simply showing up to school is considered "hard work" for blacks. You can't make this shit up! This article reads like something straight from the pages of The Onion!
You know, negros are really taking the fun out of satire. The realities of the negros pathetic existence does all the funny for us. Also, the look on that white reporter's face makes me wanna vomit. Have a nice day everyone.
Black kids behaving in class = Praise & Rewards
White kids behaving in class = Expected
Black kids handing in work = Praise & Rewards
White kids handing in work = Expected
Black kids not being violent = Praise & Rewards
White kids not being violent = Genetic
I could go on......
Nog coddling has become an epidemic. WTF is white privilege?? I just looked up privilege in the dictionary:
a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
Do blacks have special rights? TOO MANY TO COUNT
Do blacks have advantage? YES
Do blacks have immunity? MOST RULES DON'T APPLY TO THEM
The United States has an upside down society. Darwin's survival of the fittest has become reversed, in that poor behavior and poor performance gets rewarded. In this scenario blacks will devolve rather than evolve and become better.
I think we should pay blacks just for waking up in the morning. Give them an app to tap on their smartphones that pumps $25 into their EBT accounts every single day. Just for being black and awake. And we should hold ceremonies at the end of every month for them just for existing. A big parade, free food, fireworks, trophies, ribbons, the whole shebang.
Because after all, they're worth it!
I applaud these men for taking the time to provide positive reenforcement to these children for going to school. However, I fear that it won't be enough because what any child needs is a consistent presence to instill values and model healthy behaviors.
Omg LMFAO!The football lineup.Preparing them for their future in the National Felon League.Isn't that cute.So when will we see these so-called students do the Ray "committed murder got into the hall of fame"Lewis gorilla rage dance that he always did before games.How pathetic is that whole scene.My god .And I love the white female reporter,just drooling over the black "yoot".
The negro men were more likely standing at the school looking to get some muh dick with the students - male and female.
Obanana is releasing 6000 inmates shortly. Wonder how many are melanin-enhanced, and will be back to their jungle life of crime very soon in a community near you?
Ya think anybody's tracking these apes? What a disgusting President.
Thanks PK for another post shedding light on BRA epic fails, here is another perfect example how they can not be helped, it's all about failure and blaming YT or anyone else that will feel sorry for this travesty of a race...
You know how the black community leaders are always asking for more resources? Well here's a yuff program shut down due to violence and break-ins!! Poetic Justice at it's finest!!
So what's next? Mobile vans to hand out coupons to McDonalds to every black "teen" who managed to put his pants on before hitting the skreets? Extra rewards for having them pulled up above the knees? Jeez, can these people get any more pathetic. I wouldn't mind if I wasn't certain that in some way I was paying for this nonsense.
It's like the time they had to throw a ticker tape parade in China-Town to get those Chinese immigrants to send their children to school,then offer them programs so that their poverty wouldn't force them to slaughter each other.... oh wait.
Seriously though. Fawning over these negroes when they manage to achieve the absolute minimum standards of civilization does nothing to improve their narcissism and grossly over-inflated egos. It's no wonder they feel so entitled.
This is the brainwash given to coloreds from jump. When the weirdly named negro graduates(thanks to false progress reports and shade grades) he will enter a workplace expecting all to cheer and fall down because "negro has arrived". These retarded negros infiltrate workplaces and destroy the business, doing nothing, filing false harrassment, attacking non negro employees, yacking on sail foamses, arriving late, disregarding dress code, gathering negros only together in order to force owners to fold to their negronics, WHY? They have been prepared by academies like this, they were taught these values in their churches, they saw on tv news how they are victims and Whites are to be taken out.
The newscaster sharking up to this doomed "academy" should be knocked upside her head for this shit show. The White instructors involved in this temporary stool school should be re-educated or exposed for treason. This academy will fold in no time, just watching the colored mama screaming and chimping for little wuts his weird name, shows the impending violence soon to erupt there. Mamas and fambly members will soon arrive and catagory 5 when little Trametrius or Shandavious show poor grades. Gunfire from opposing "academies" will erupt, and the mudshark newscaster will report with sincere upset and sadness and the questions of WHY WHY WHY did this happen? Academies, the new hustle for an old game.
“All this … it’s like extra encouragement for them,” Porter said. “Once they see people in the blazer and see that they made it in the high school, they think, ‘If they did it, then I can do it.’"
Apparently blacks view getting through high school the same way that white children of the 60s viewed becoming an astronaut. Extremely difficult, but possible. Of course, because BRA has diverted funds from space exploration and furthering scientific knowledge to pretending to educate blacks who return nothing to society there is no longer a need for astronauts.
Somedays I just don't know how much longer I can take this madness.
What's next? A brand new Lamborghini for every black student who gradjumakates from high school? Just hab de white debil pay fo it.
Death Wish is not a movie but rather a fatal white pathology.
"It was always my belief that a negro is one part thief, one part pigment, and the rest superstition." The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart {1908}.
This reminds me of how the special ed teachers and staff celebrate and cheer and heap praise on the retarded kids for drawing on the paper and not on their desk, or for throwing garbage in a garbage can instead of on the floor.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
By gum, if I ever get a hold of that darn violence, I'm gonna collar it, take it to the woodshed, and beat it within an inch of its life. It's been threatening the Africoon community for far, far too long. Why can't it stop threatening the Black community? Much like those zip codes goan roan, gnome sane?
What's next? A brand new Lamborghini for every black student who gradjumakates from high school? Just hab de white debil pay fo it.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
Well, no, but plenty of people to meet and greet negro students when dey walk in duh doe in skoo, cuz dats how it works in real life. Your boss greets you at the door and says, "Great Job, LaJaveeus! Thanks for coming in today!!! We all knew you could do it!"
When I worked with dually diagnosed mental patients (who were suffering from various psychoses and varying levels of mental retardation), it was decided by the libtards in charge that all patients would be praised to raise their self-esteem and make them "feel good." Everyone was instructed to praise the patients even for the simplest of accomplishments or even an attempt to accomplish something.
Imagine seeing someone praising an idiot because the fool tried to dress himself without assistance. Nevermind the fact that the idiot was putting his arms through the legs of a pair of sweat pants and couldn't figure out why he couldn't get them on so that his head would be sticking out. OR praising someone for putting on their shoes even though they were on the wrong feet. Insert eye-roll here.
Ever see that sort of thing and have to put up with a libtard gushing ecstatically, "You're dressing yourself! Good job! You're so smart!!" No? Well, now you don't have to feel "deprived" because you get to watch negroes praising each other for the most minor of questionable accomplishments!
Reading this article about negroes makes me feel like I'm back in the nuthouse surrounded by patients and moaning libtards. Gaaaaaah!
While on the other hand, da po violence and evil skreets makes a plaster close up doors at it's "youf center".
ST. LOUIS COUNTY (KMOV) – Violence and a series of break-ins means a North St. Louis County youth program is closing its doors.
The organization Operation Help or Hush was using the school space at St. Greater Marks Church for community youth programs, but it’s now coming to an end.
Pastor Tommie Pierson says a series of break-ins and gun fire after a Friday night event were just too much.
“When you think you’re doing something good and suddenly it blows up in your face, I felt pretty horrible,” said Pastor Pierson.
On Friday nights the space was used as a place for teens to hang out.
“Kids need some place to go, they have all this energy, we tried to provide a space for them to let off some steam, but we ran into problems,” he said.
Now Pastor Pierson hopes they can utilize the space in another capacity. Operation Help or Hush also hopes there’s a future for more youth programs which are so desperately need in North County.
But Pierson says they can’t do it alone.
“If I can reach their parents, we can have great success around here,” he explained.
LMFAO on so many levels it ain't even funny, no wonder how I shyt myself..........I couldn't stop laughing so hard.
Fkin cretins. Worthless sub-human filth. The devil.
Yep, dem kiddies definitely need somewhere to go. How about Africa? I'd call that a dayum good start !!!,
And once again, LMFAO at the last comment: "If I can reach their parents"........... Omgëèęêē !!!
If I were a nicer person I would probably feel sorry for the black people. What does this strange episode mean? It seems to mean that the black adults recognize that they as a people are not smart enough to succeed in the modern world. They think more education is the answer so they expend a lot of time and energy to support their kids. This is not an unusual response. Other races have done much the same.
We make fun of 'Tiger Moms' - Asian mothers who drive their kids ruthlessly to excel in school. Lots of white moms struggle and crimp to get their kids in elite pre-school programs. A few years ago they were playing Mozart in their nurseries.
So even though I'm not all that nice, I try not to ridicule these black people.
It's not going to work of course. If it did then the Japanese kids who already do so well in the math courses would also be running into the schoolhouse to cheers from the whole Japanese community. The problem that blacks have in the classroom isn't so much their absolute intellectual slowness but rather their relative slowness. Back in Africa or in American schools pre-integration they were not exposed to the performance of the children of the other races. In a classroom of all black kids you as a black kid could still feel OK about yourself as you struggled with algebra because everyone was also struggling.
But if there were a group of Chinese, Koreans or Germans in your class you would soon notice a pattern. There's nothing like an algebra course to bring out the feelings of inferiority in the darkies.
In 1969 - long before there was an Internet - I had to go to the Public Library to get access to Jensen's article on racial limits of education. He wrote that the 'gap' between white and black school performance was not closing. Many liberals were outraged but no one has ever refuted the conclusions of that article in The Harvard Journal of Education.
Those little black kids after they run in the schoolhouse door past their supporting parents and community will still have to sit in a class with Asians and Caucasians. Enthusiasm will not help them diagramming a sentence or solving simultaneous equations.
"People are always talking about the “n” word and how demeaning it is, yet Black Americans use it as a term of endearment when it comes to hanging with their friends. Especially when we say it’s racist for white folks to use it but we as Blacks can. This is a setback all in itself. The word itself means ignorant, and any one from any race can be considered ignorant. Somewhat ironic that Black Americans call each other ignorant as an expression of friendship. How can we as a race expect to be treated any better if we ourselves are calling ourselves ignorant every other second??????"
Posted by Kuuleme Stephens, a black woman - Slave Mentality vs. Entitlement Mentality: The Downfall of the Black American Community (Safe Link)
In a world gone insane, only the insane are sane.
The liberal morons must think this is the way to get young common Negroes ready to start school.
Liberals still think it's only a problem of motivation.
If the African American IQ is 85 then a lot of them are going to fall behind regardless of motivation.
Liberals have already dumbed down the curriculum so what is next? Hand out diplomas to everyone who is 15?
"Once they see people in the blazer and see that they made it in the high school, they think, 'If they did it, then I can do it.'"
It's the blazer! It's got to be the blazer! The secret to negro equality. How could we have missed it all these decades? The blazer = education! When you don that garment, you're magically bestowed with the ability and training to do anything! Just like the Scarecrow's diploma in The Wizard Of Oz. Never mind that the Scarecrow already HAD what he was searching for; that's not important. The important thing is the talisman - THAT'S where the power lies.
In all seriousness, encouragement is obviously a good thing, but it only comes to fruition if followed up by ACTION and ABILITY on the part of the encouraged toward the goal at hand. This step of rewarding teenapers for doing the things a 7-year-old should have already established as bedrock behavior just goes to further illustrate the "standard deviation below the mean" nature of the negro. And there is some nurture involved as well - rather, lack of nurture. Instead of having a family to instill positive values in the very young, the negro comes from a fambly; i.e., a do-nothing welfare mammy, no babydaddy in sight (in prison?) and a buck of the week to slap the keeds around (or possibly murder them like a male lion that takes over a pride).
Then there is the question of innate ability. Plenty of negroes do have enough brains to go a long way without having to exploit their darkness (but unfortunately even those will usually pull the R card once they reach a level of society or employment that exceeds their abilities). The rank-and-file ghetto picaninny, OTOH, can be encouraged night and day and rewarded just for showing up to school, but still won't do well in academics. After struggling for awhile, the standard excuse for dropping out ooks forth: "Skoo borrin an' rayciss, yuno whamsane, dawg?"
Failure is disheartening and leads to giving up, while success leads to greater focus and higher goal-setting (even among negroes, oddly enough). The negro's strong points include things such as "Take the ball and run in the direction you're facing, try to knock everybody out of the way if they block your path, and if you make it to the thing that looks like a big tuning fork, slam the ball on the ground as hard as you can and dance and strut around in look-a-meee fashion, showing everybody how you can get down. Gullible YTs out there will not only think you're a fellow human, but a superhuman, and will actually cheer you on and pay you loads of money, which you will of course immediately squander, but there will be more where that came from! And you can always blame YT that you ran out of money."
Knowing what negroes ARE good at and what motivates them to spring temporarily into action, it's no wonder there's a need for a cheerleading squad and a line of high fives to entice them to enter a school building ... where negro kryptonite (a book) lurks inside. When they STILL do poorly in academics and can't be motivated to try anymore, the next logical step will be to have wite wimmins and crack pipes waiting for them at the "academy."
Neck is sore from head shaking.
- Tobias Benjamin Goode
Once again, PK does a grand slam DUNK "on da homiez" !!
Ahhh PK, your site is like a job application to them, for they cannot handle the truth. It cuts too deep. It hits the nerve hard. It isn't colt 45, it's something
they can't regurgitate because it's something they can't even "swallow" = comprehend!
I like the way this was written:
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an age of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age. Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men built fortifications round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labor in plowing or sowing, perpetual spring reigned, flowers sprang up without seed, the rivers flowed with milk and wine, and yellow honey distilled from the oaks.
Then succeeded the Silver Age, inferior to the golden, but better than that of bronze. Jupiter shortened the spring, and divided the year into seasons. Then first, men had to endure the extremes of heat and cold, and houses became necessary. Caves were the first dwellings, and leafy coverts of the woods, and huts woven of twigs. Crops would no longer grow without planting. The farmer was obliged to sow the seed, and the toiling ox to draw the plow.
Next came the Bronze Age, more savage of temper, and readier to the strife of arms, yet not altogether wicked.
THE HARDEST AND WORSE WAS THE IRON AGE. Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honor fled. In their places came fraud and cunning, violence, and the wicked love of gain. Then seamen spread sails to the wind, and the trees were torn from the mountains to serve for keels to ships, and vex the face of the ocean. The earth, which till now had been cultivated in common, began to be divided off into possessions. Men were not satisfied with what the surface produced, but must dig into its bowels, and draw forth from thence the ores of metals. Mischievous iron, and more mischievous gold, were produced. War sprang up, using both as weapons; the guest was not safe in his friend's house; and sons-in-law and fathers-in-law, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, could not trust one another. Sons wished their fathers dead, that they might come to the inheritance; family love lay prostrate.
The earth was wet with slaughter, and the gods abandoned it, one by one.
"All crimes shall cease, and ancient fraud shall fail,
Returning Justice lift aloft her scale,
Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend,
And white-robed Innocence from heaven descend."
Anybody care to share what age we're living in ?!?
Apparently blacks view getting through high school the same way that white children of the 60s viewed becoming an astronaut. Extremely difficult, but possible
The sad part is that they only need to show up.
It's not like they will be held back in these schools.
Liberals truly are the scum of the earth. They're making us pay for what are basically "show up and drool" classes while berating us for not caring about education.
They don't want charter schools OR standardized testing. What they want are taxpayer funded Black schools with zero accountability. They want to continue their failed social experiment behind closed doors which will of course include black history which really means spending years talking about slavery and how the white man has held them back.
Liberals are the main problem. Cuckservatives are naive but they are at least willing to try something new. Liberals don't want face the reality of intelligence differences which means supporting the status quo. Africans are the same the entire planet over but liberals want to indoctrinate everyone into believing otherwise.
"The United States has an upside down society. Darwin's survival of the fittest has become reversed, in that poor behavior and poor performance gets rewarded. In this scenario blacks will devolve rather than evolve and become better".
Spot on, & what is most terrorfying is that the worst elements of this already profoundly inept race are the ones procreating in the highest numbers!.. On yours & my dime!..
I keep telling myself, "this can't continue. It has to break somewhere". And yet our cities & our society sink that much more with each passing year..
If you crunch the numbers, we are already in considerably worse shape than Greece was after the economic meltdown of 2008. Our debt-GDP ratio for us is higher than theirs was. Utterly unsustainable. The only think keeping us afloat is than since the Bretton Woods accord of 1944, the U.S. dollar suplanted the British pound-sterling as the worlds "reserve currency". The only thing that keeps the greenback solvent is that other powers are buying up our treasury bonds & commodities (I.E.- Oil) are largely pegged against the "petro-dollar". Well, Russia is throwing a monkey wrench in that one!. Selling its oil-commodities-minerals off the dollar grid..
America, for much of the world is becoming a "bad bet". Collapse of the usurious-fiat-zio dollar is a mathematic certainty..
What happens after that?.. An end of BRA. An end of this current, insane paradigm we are living in.. It WILL be very difficult. There will be great suffering. The USA will most likely split up into numerous new states (think USSR, post 1990) But we WILL come out stronger & hopefully, more sane?!..
Professor Crunk is in fine form today:
More Negro Street Theatre. That's what they do best. It's laughable.
The problem that blacks have in the classroom isn't so much their absolute intellectual slowness but rather their relative slowness. Back in Africa or in American schools pre-integration they were not exposed to the performance of the children of the other races. In a classroom of all black kids you as a black kid could still feel OK about yourself as you struggled with algebra because everyone was also struggling.
But if there were a group of Chinese, Koreans or Germans in your class you would soon notice a pattern. There's nothing like an algebra course to bring out the feelings of inferiority in the darkies.
The liberals in education are aware of this problem and in majority black schools they simply slow down the curriculum for everyone.
The other thing they will do is stick White kids in gifted classes just for being able to do algebra at age 12. They will also use the White kids as tutors which means repeating what they already know.
This has created a new problem whereby White graduates leave these schools thinking they are all prodigies when their education level is in fact below average. They spent their time in AP classes with 4.0 GPAs without realizing that their coursework would be below average in an all White school.
So these grads show up to Jr colleges thinking they are geniuses and immediately fail 100 level classes. They have to take remedial courses to catch up and I"m guessing the entire experience doesn't endear them to liberal politics.
This is a real problem that Jr colleges have to deal with. The other major problem are the Blacks that show up and expect to be "passed along" like they were in High School. The liberal professors in many classes will do this at the freshmen level but they can only be taken so far. What happens is that they run into a math or hard science professor that uses standard testing and doesn't give a frig who you are or if you can pass or not. The NYTimes recently whined about Blacks not getting enough STEM degrees and of course tried to blame the usual suspects. But the harsh truth is that liberals have created this mess and it can't be fixed at the college level. Many of the STEM degrees are accredited which means they have standard testing. The professors in many of the technical disciplines are not liberal (especially medicine) and are in fact sick of dealing with the end result of liberal fiction.
So what happens is that a lot of these Black students are shuffled into degrees like Black Studies or Hospitality Management where they find liberal professors that lower the bar for them. And that's only for a minority that stick around.
A little off topic here but I'd like to know what is racist about this?
Well, I am confused. CNN shows a white woman chatting with a policeman in the video and identifies her as the mother of the Oregon shooter. Is she white? I cannot find any other picture of the mother in any other MSM article. If she is white, then the shooter was adopted?
That video is so pathetic.
For all that white news-broad's efforts to create feigned excitement, only that first kid was able to show any enthusiasm after much ampping-up by the sheboon. The other niglets were totally bored with the whole empty charade. Who can blame them, it's a joke.
Good grief, that video makes my blood boil. That kid is being taught to think that the simple act of entering a school building is worthy of news cameras and being patted and pampered as if he had done something. Can you imagine trying to work with him in 10 years - will he think his boss and co-workers are racists because they don't treat him that way every morning? If those people wanted to do something for his education, they'd go in the building, sit in the classrooms and smack every kid who interrupted the teacher. And they'd call out the teachers who tried to just pass out work sheets and think they'd taught something.
In a previous story I said that I didn't see how the camping pastor could quit since he thought his camping out had helped. Same thing here. If these fools think that rah-rah line actually helps kids learn, how can they not arrange a rah-rah line every day?
I think it was mentioned in one part of Gone With the Wind how you had to constantly praise the darkies for their every little achievement, like children.
Texas here:
They're like a cargo cult; a weird mix of culture and technology and superstition with no real understanding.
Invoke the magic words: "Preparatory Academy."
Don the vestment: blazer.
Do the tribal dance: running and high-fiving.
Oooga-boooga! Academic success and no crime!
Or, I dunno, go to school, learn the material, behave responsibly....
A little off topic here but I'd like to know what is racist about this?
"Racist" is Newspeak for anything not liked by a DWL.
Woody Allen once said, "90% of life is just showing up."
It's certainly true for these kids. Could we set the bar any lower?
Wantin' credit for some shit they're supposed to do. Remember that brilliant Chris Rock bit? --> "You know the worst thing about niggas? Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, "I take care of my kids." You're supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "I ain't never been to jail!" What do you want, a cookie?! You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!"
Howard W. Campbell
Does anyone remember the movie "Billy Madison"? After he returned to school, his father threw a big party every two weeks for completing a grade. Why don't we just do that for the students in IPS and be done with it.
Euro American said...
Well, I am confused. CNN shows a white woman chatting with a policeman in the video and identifies her as the mother of the Oregon shooter. Is she white? I cannot find any other picture of the mother in any other MSM article. If she is white, then the shooter was adopted?
The killer is, just like Obama, black. His mother is black. Father white. The media is in a tight coordination to suppress any information on the mother. The motivation for this media obfuscation is obvious. This despite the fact that the killer lived with his mother. The mother knew he had serious mental issues and the mother was a serious fan of firearms. She made internet posts itemizing all the firearms she owned and which were presumably fully available to her killer son.
Just read an article, didn't see any video, about the Harvard prestigious debate team losing to inmates. Here is a short article of this feel good moment.
"BOSTON – A group of New York inmates has toppled Harvard's prestigious debate team.
It took place at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison in Napanoch. The Ivy League undergrads were invited last month to debate the inmates who take in-prison courses taught by Bard College faculty.
Harvard's team won the national title this year and the world championship in 2014.
But the inmates are building a reputation, too. The club has notched victories against teams from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the University of Vermont.
Against Harvard, the inmates were tasked with defending the position that public schools should be allowed to turn away students whose parents came to the U.S. illegally. Harvard's team responded, but a panel of neutral judges declared the inmates victorious."
Maybe someone here can find a video and post.
If it is anything like the all african-American female debate team from Towson University winning a national championship by beating Oklahoma, then the video should be pretty funny. If anyone has not seen the 2 female champions in action I suggest you go to YouTube for some surprises. Like africans in America everywhere the rules of debate don't matter and mofukers is a noun to be used with abandon. You can skip through the boring white people to get to the real debaters. Enjoy.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any lower in American standards, look down at you feet and you will see the Negro.
That video is so heartwarming. We are watching the future leaders of our country. Young black men that will go on to be doctors, astronauts, judges, senators, scientists, writers, business owners, farmers, tailors, computer scientists, artists, engineers, architects, policemen, bakers, psychiatrists, podiatrists, generals, admirals, entertainers, reporters, elephant trainers, associate deans of diversity programs, government workers, technicians, experts in topiary, captains, dentists, pilots, mechanics, mechanical engineers, TV newscasters, supreme court judges, Obama administration appointees, comedians, basketball and football players, plumbers and so on.
America's future depends on our African-american youth. No other country on earth can match the concentrated power of our African-americans. Not even China. It is what truly sets us apart from other nations.
I wonder how much tax/city/govt grant $$ was spent on that program before it went belly up?
I have been itching to tell this story, I was waiting for the right time.
One morning back around the end of May earlier this year, the teenage negro girl who was my across the street neighbor needed a jump-start. She had a full size Bronco that her cousin had given her. It was really sad, I popped the hood and there was shit everywhere. I think most of the wires were for speakers that were no longer there. Anyway this sucker was dead, I told her-look, this is not getting started any time soon, do you want me to drive you to school?
So I'm driving her to the hs a few miles away and she tells me she has the SATs the next day so she really hopes her ride gets fixed. She also tells me she is going to college for a degree in criminal justice, I said "great, that is a growth industry". She didn't get it.
We turn into this school and it is huge, twice the size of the one I went to 20 yrs ago. So I asked her how many kids go here, and she tells me "um, about a hunrit..hunrit fifty thousand". I let out one of those real long whhaaaat?s before I could catch myself, I happen to know that the population of the entire county is only 170k, I looked over to see if she was joking but no, she followed it up with a "yeah it's alot".
I just smiled and thought to myself.. awww, she doesn't know what numbers mean. She got out of my truck and I told her "good luck with your test tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do great"
I meant it too. Now it is kind of a running joke around here anytime you get asked for a number of something. How many beers are left? 150 thousand.
I use this random personal experience often to point out the differences between education and intelligence. I'm sure it was trained to do some math problems to pass tests, but when asked to estimate the population of her school, does not compute.. To me it just seems like a perfect example because here is a kid just a few days away from graduating hs, who had gone to majority white "good schools" her whole life, and still does not grasp on a basic level what numbers mean.
This story is also a good reminder for all of us, don't give them too much credit. I see it all the time in here and I still do it myself, because it is hard to imagine how something with a room temperature IQ interprets the the world around itself.
Good luck out there, a hundred and fifty thousand...
Black kids get applause for just showing up to school? It's like they have already given up on rewarding good grades, now they are just happy if the little basturds get out of bed.
Just read an article, didn't see any video, about the Harvard prestigious debate team losing to inmates. Here is a short article of this feel good moment.
A debate between two great institutions: a prison and a lunatic asylum.
That's America in 2015.
Well, I am confused. CNN shows a white woman chatting with a policeman in the video and identifies her as the mother of the Oregon shooter.
That link does not show a white mom.
it shows a white dad.
OMGeeeeeeeeeee......... LMBAO, oops, I mean white....
Julie said...
"That video is so heartwarming. We are watching the future leaders of our country. Young black men that will go on to be doctors, astronauts, judges, senators, scientists, writers, business owners, farmers, tailors, computer scientists, artists, engineers, architects, policemen, bakers, psychiatrists, podiatrists, generals, admirals, entertainers, reporters, elephant trainers, associate deans of diversity programs, government workers, technicians, experts in topiary, captains, dentists, pilots, mechanics, mechanical engineers, TV newscasters, supreme court judges, Obama administration appointees, comedians, basketball and football players, plumbers and so on."
"America's future depends on our African-american youth. No other country on earth can match the concentrated power of our African-americans. Not even China. It is what truly sets us apart from other nations."
October 7, 2015 at 12:08 PM
LMAO! But you missed a couple. One in particular. President!!!! Oh, I forgot we
already see what we got (taken) out of this one. Eh, but just like history, it's
bound to repeat itself.
Nice story, though. Our future here in Amfreaka has me yearning to live each and
every day I wake up in this country. It is truly a beautiful DIE-versity sight to
be able to see all these young, energetic, full of heart black men be all that they
can be. We know that OUR future depends on THEM, so it's very refreshing to see
these young black men rise up beyond them mean skreetz in all them faulty zip codes.
Young black men, be the best that you can be, one day your own will depend on you
to take care of them. Good luck with that. I'd say let me know the outcome, but I
think I already have a great idea on how it'll turn out. Enjoy the dystopia you
create down to the very last breath all you oxygen thieves steal. I love you all !!!
Room temperature IQ.... that could be the title of PK's next book on negroe intelligence. What a gem. Thank you
What the hell is a "preparatory academy" ? Is that just a pretentious way of saying school?
"I have been itching to tell this story, I was waiting for the right time. One morning back around the end of May earlier this year, the teenage negro girl who was my across the street neighbor needed a jump-start."
Sir, you foolishly risked your Life allowing a negro to get that close to you. Even if the negro didn't attack you, you never can know when an opposing gang rival might do a drive-by shooting in it, and catch you in the crossfire.
You are a foolish man.
Schools need to be re-segregated. Black schools can teach life skills such as....
Reading a weigh scale (top level drug dealers)
Fractions (mid-level dealers)
Counting (street dealers)
Photography (mug shots)
Physical education - running, hurdling, climbing (all great for resisting arrest)
Biology (raping)
Microbiology (sexually transmitted diseases)
Poetry (rapping)
But seriously...... whites needs to try harder to avoid the negroe. Avoid black businesses, boycot negroe sports, negroe coddling TV channels.
We now know the REAL problem: Hot Spots.
All they do is change the terms. Change the nouns. Change the excuse. Gun Violence is getting old and so are the "MEAN STREETS". Pathetic. The human mind is pathetic if all it can do is fight reality and invent excuses and illusions so one does not have to "see".
What's a brain for? The Black brain is a waste.
So, the newest vogue idea can be more funding to fight the: Gun Violence found on the Mean Streets in the Hot Spots caused by the Wrong Zip Codes that offer no Opportunity nor Jobs for the Young Men of the Community". There. That sounds so SJW/DWL perfect.
That research is worth a few Billions in grants to Pastors and City Councils all over BRA.
The END can not come fast enough.
Here's the thing: had this event occurred 50 years ago, it would not have been unreasonable to say "OK, segregation just ended, perhaps blacks need a 'hand up' to attain white levels of civil order and education. Let's give 'em the benefit of the doubt."
But we've had a half century of integration and war on poverty and closing that education gap and positive role models on the telescreen and marches against violence and etc., etc., etc. The result? The USA is exactly where it was the day after Brown vs Board of Education. High levels of black drop outs, high levels of black crime. (I shouldn't say "the day after Brown..." at least back then cities like Detroit were still intact.)
It's like a permanent loop in The Matrix. No matter how many times they reset the scenario, it always ends up with the same outcome. And it will do so until people take that Red Pill and awaken to the reality of race.
Noble Axe - I think you're being a bit unfair. She was merely giving you an estimate, an approximation if you will, not the exact number. I think you should lighten up and be more like the happy, grinning, delusional FOX reporter in the video - she sees the glass half full. After all, are a few decimal places really that important?
NJ Woman
P.S. Props to you for giving her a ride.
Well, I am confused. CNN shows a white woman chatting with a policeman in the video and identifies her as the mother of the Oregon shooter.
That link does not show a white mom.
it shows a white dad.
October 7, 2015 at 12:47 PM"
Ummmm, I just checked and instead of the video with a white woman talking to a policeman and the voiceover saying "the mother of the shooter, shown here", there is just a black box. When you click the video it just jumps to a different video. The people at CNN are sure up to some brainwashing.
(The video you are talking about with the Dad is below the black box)
Here is a story like the "50,000 students" story.
I once sold life insurance. I was trying to sell to a black customer. He said "we blacks do not need life insurance because we know when we are going to die. We have a dream that a black chariot swoops out of the heaven to pick us up".
I did not miss a beat. I replied "If you know you will die, then you could buy life insurance shortly before and leave your relatives a lot of money. You could at least buy enough to cover your funeral expenses." He had NO IDEA why he would want to leave at least enough money for other people to bury him.
The things white people are interested in do not interest blacks.
Ever see that sort of thing and have to put up with a libtard gushing ecstatically, "You're dressing yourself! Good job! You're so smart!!" No? Well, now you don't have to feel "deprived" because you get to watch negroes praising each other for the most minor of questionable accomplishments.....
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
That was me. I did that. As a teacher, I would praise the niglets to high heaven, with such completely moronic lies like: "You're so smart!" "I KNEW you could do it!"
Because I love children, I really enjoyed seeing the beam in their eyes when they accomplished the most rudimentary of academic disciplines, because for that moment, they truly felt worth something. What made it special for me was that they lived in a world that, despite the "Black Lives Matter" crap, didn't really care whether they lived or died.
Problem was, it was a lie. Their accomplishment, which for them really WAS a big deal, was in the real world of super smart Asians, whites, Jews, quite mundane. It really comes down to being a perennial weed in a garden of beautiful flowers. It will never be different. Pat made a good point earlier when he said that the world really has no room or tolerance anymore for the negro. Eventually they will be exterminated, regardless of how we might feel, one way or the other. Further problem is, many of US will also be looking forward to a premature Big Sleep. Not trying to be a downer, but logic tends to point in that direction. The current population on the Earth is simply too large at this time. The carrying capacity is well past its prime. The people who operate the world know this only too well. How to do it without leaving any prints is the greatest challenge.
The real tragedy of the schools is that the curriculum has been DRASTICALLY dumbed down so the blacks could pass classes.
Prior to the skoos being desegregated the difficulty of the subjects was far higher. What was 6th grade in the 1950's is senior year high skoo now.
I sit with my kids every single night and at every chance to teach them. They are both just toddlers but at 2 and 3 they already know the alphabet, can count to 20, know all the colors, animals, lots of facts.
It amuses me to no end that when they see black kids, in pictures and tv, we keep them safely away from them in real life, they identify them as "monkey-boy" "monkey-girl" i swear on my life they were never taught that, they just made that association. Probably because I take them to the zoo every few weeks and they always giggle like crazy at the monkeys and apes.
They're very smart kids. My mother-in-law was a teacher for 40 years and she is with them daily while my wife and I work, and Educating these dear children is our primary focus. We're already teaching them spanish and german (and learning it ourselves for the sake of teaching them) and we look forward to every weekend so we can take them to museums and other educational recreations to spark their hunger for knowledge. My 3 year old is FASCINATED by how a seed becomes a plant.
My children will coast through public education, and I WANT them to go to public skoo so they can learn racial reality first-hand. They need to SEE how negroes behave and live. They NEED that experience (as did I) so they have a frame of reference when the REAL education begins at age 10-12.
I won't shelter them in private schools, though I want to. They need to learn the Truth about the negro as I did.
"A group of New York inmates has toppled Harvard's prestigious debate team."
I'm sure the inmates took the "con" side of the debate topic.
Anyone who has attended public schools with a significant number of blacks in the last 30 years knows this story is bullshit.
Pat Boyle-
Can you provide a link to "Jensen's article on racial limits of education"???
A bit OT, but relevant to the topic
Former UN General Assembly head arrested for bribery
Go ahead and guess the race...I'll give you three guesses, but you'll most likely get it the first time.
I'm still very hopeful that a real all-out race war will begin soon, but as the hottest days are now behind us, it seems we might have to wait another year. Hopefully as BHO's days draw to a close and Trump waltzes into the white house things will heat up.
Inferior Infidels
That passage was so elegantly written. Were those your words or were you sharing someone else's prose?
Great stuff nevertheless!
"America's future depends on our African-american youth. No other country on earth can match the concentrated power of our African-americans. Not even China. It is what truly sets us apart from other nations."
Our negroes are better than their negroes.
"Professor Crunk is in fine form today:"
Fine form indeed. You know the rot has reached the bone when a bunch of white race-traitor sluts is proclaimed "America's new First Family". The Statue of Liberty should be torn down and sold for scrap; what it represents is obsolete. Erected in its place should be a statue of Kim Kardashian, heavily pregnant with a black man's child. Race mixing is the new ideal of America, much more so than an antiquated notion like "liberty".
Yep, she's black, and couldn't concur more that the media is in full court press to suppress the shooter's uruk hai genetic background. One of the internet news agencies leaked a picture that CNN used. CNN bleached it to make the turd appear white. He was mocha brown.
"You know the rot has reached the bone when a bunch of white race-traitor sluts..."
The kardashian girls are not White they are armenian half breeds.
Remember everything is about negros. Muk Dik, looks at me and Gibs.
I'll say one thing,that was a nice looking school!Gotta give credit to the community for building it...LOL!! That lady reporter,can she get any more annoying!?
Hey WTH (White Trash Hillbilly), Inferior Infidels here.
Nah, I admit I didn't write that one myself, but it was too good to pass up and figured that it truly made good enough sense and worthy of posting here :)
But great stuff indeed. Thanks for the heads up!
I tell people that my grandparents lived what would have been considered the American dream and for many of us, we're just living in the midst of America's
nightmare, surrounded by brain dead zombies who take what they want when they
want without no apathy whatsoever. To me this country is truly diseased.
The heck with a cure for cancer, we need to move forward with the cure for the
negro. As another poster mentioned, the only thing that will make a wrong a right
as far as the negro is concerned would be sending them ALL back the motherland.
I know that I could easily EASILY live my life happily ever after if I NEVER had
to see another negro in the rest of my god fearing life. Talk about a dream.....
It's about the ONLY dream that I could ever wish to come true...... then and only
then could the pieces of the puzzle fall into place all on their own.... nah mean ?
Well as I get ready to call it a night, I hope you all stay safe out there.
If you are like me and live in a negro infested city where you haven't moved
just yet, always watch your back. You never know where a cretin is lurking...
My g/f wasn't hip to the night vision capabilities of my camera surveillance
system I have hooked up until she saw a couple of negro's on it walking down
the street. She was like whoa, they light up brighter than the street lights.
I almost choked on my own saliva I LMAO'd so hard. I think it was the way she
said it. She's truly goofy like that. But funny as hell. I (finally) got it all
configured where I can watch it on my ipad and on the laptop wireless through
wifi and on my ipad on wifi and 4G mode, and I believe all of the bugs worked
out of it. My laptop was having connection issues at first, but after running
it for a couple of weeks straight and re-connecting it when I saw it disconnect,
it's been up and going for 3 weeks now with no disconnections. Me happy with that!
But anyhoo, take care family! Catch up with you all later.......
I have been itching to tell this story
Thanks, another testimonial for the record.
"The kardashian girls are not White they are armenian half breeds. "
Oh, sure. Let's redefine white to save our pride. And of course, all of this is gonna change once Trump gets in office!
Just today on NPR (of all places) they published a Vanderbilt University study that shows that inner city black kids coddled and given K2 preschool, yet within 3 years they fell behind white kids that had no access to any preK2 classes.
"By the end of second grade," Farran says, "the children who'd had state pre-K were underperforming the control children. And that continued into third grade."
Let me repeat that: The kids who'd gotten no pre-K (white) started doing a little better than the kids (black) who got state-funded pre-K."
link to article :
NPR must have hated to publish this article.
In reply @ Anonymous October 7, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Who said: "...I won't shelter them in private schools, though I want to. They need to learn the Truth about the negro as I did..."
By everything you've written in your comment, as well as the quoted line above. I believe you're on to something here, regarding whites schooling with blacks. Dumb White Liberals who NEVER school with this race at a young age will NEVER know reality, race reality. I'm assuming you've made sure this feral race is no where near, or even close to the 20% mark at your child's school - because that could be dangerous.
Best of luck to you and your little brood! ;)
Funny, if there was a murder at his neighbor's house, it's "I dinsee nuffin. No snitching.". But when Kunteeshia won't roll over for him, all of a sudden he remembers how to dial 911.
Go to YouTube:
1 Race and I.Q. Denial Explained
2 Prof. Philippe Rushton "Latest Research on Race
This is your brain on African genes. Any questions?
I was flipping through the channels. We have Direct TV. The channel TV1, the channel for blacks, had an advertisement for a new show that caught my attention.
I have read from blacks that blacks are not serial killers like Whites, blacks don't kill family members like Whites, and other garbage.
This new show is a crime show about true stories of black killers! HAH! Blacks in love triangles that kill, blacks cheating on spouse with spouses family members that kill, blacks stealing and cheating that kill, serial killers, and so forth.
Those blacks that say only Whites do these type of killings are out right lying and denying reality.
I am sorry I did not get name of black the crime show. Blacks can't accuse Whites of being more violent. This black show exposes the violent black. And these killings are brutal, heinous crimes, makes White killers look like saints.
I took an Astronomy class from a Oxford-trained scientist from India when I was a lowly undergrad. We had several good discussions about American culture and how the lower classes act compared to others around the globe. He, being steeped in the classical British university system, routinely failed the bottom half of his classes every semester. "The lowest fifty percent deserve to fail," he said. The semester project assigned to every freshman student in our class was this: we were given the data compiled from a binary star system and told to compute the energy outputs for the system.
These were freshman students at a local community college, most of whom had never passed a 100 level math course. I had better luck, but even my algebra and euclidean geometry wasn't going to get me through this. I took the task to the campus math lab, where the professor in charge of the lab told me, "I have no idea how to do this."
Having learned to plot wave vectors as a naval cadet in JROTC, I still had no hope of figuring out the advanced calculations required for the project. I went online and found an obscure website produced by a major engineering school located in Moscow, Russia. By emailing back and forth with the engineering students there, I was able to get the calculations for the assignment.
The assignment took up three whiteboards, filled top to bottom across the front of the classroom and some six pages of notes to describe. I was one of a handful of students who managed to complete the project and thereby passed the class with a well-deserved "B". I don't think anyone in the class of some forty students ever received an "A". The instructor said quite frankly, "I don't give "A"s, because no one ever earns them."
At graduation a year later, when families came and heaped lei and gifts on the students; my instructor said he could never understand the fuss made over students earning a minor, post-high school degree. "When we go to school in India,"he said,"a student is expected to work hard, do well, and graduate." "Why?" he said, "would you make a big deal out of doing something that's expected of you?"
I told him that it was because we are always amazed we manage to graduate at all. It was meant as a joke, (and it was the only time I saw him laugh) but as I see the daily reports of dysfunction and criminality that bleed across the pages of the daily media, I begin to see that his observations were quite correct.
The vast majority of Americans seem to think that the most mundane and ubiquitous accomplishments are reason for celebration, while those that truly excel and complete truly difficult and worthy things are degraded or ignored.
A society of mediocrity can only go downhill. The last decades' push for collegiate education for everyone has done little to increase literacy or excellence and much to increase the degradation of the academy and society in general.
We use to have a society based on meritocracy, now we have a society based on artificial equality and all costs.
I have Armenian ancestry and the Kardashian family is embarrassing. Kris Jenner had no shame, pimping the daughters, leaking the sex tape, and the daughters like it! Only in Amerika can one be famous for no reason. Look at all the no talents, black and White.
Regarding black crime is called
For My Man. LOL.
FMG said...
"the world really has no room or tolerance anymore for the negro. Eventually they will be exterminated, regardless of how we might feel, one way or the other. Further problem is, many of US will also be looking forward to a premature Big Sleep. Not trying to be a downer, but logic tends to point in that direction. The current population on the Earth is simply too large at this time. The carrying capacity is well past its prime."
My, my Bernice, youre sounding so Malthusian. The tipping point is near and when reached will turn wickedly ugly fast. We can eliminate some dead weight now and make it easier for ourselves or we can wait and suffer even more when we take the inevitable plunge. Proper application of eugenics over the last century would have prevented this from happening. It's not too late to get started now.
And soon those same young orcs will be entering jail. Will those goofy clapping idiots be there at the doorway again?
I think the story about them photoshopping the orc Oregon shooter to look White is fake. The image was created in some chat room and people ran with it on blogs. CNN are DWLs, but I think that story is fake. They are hiding the sow Mom, though.
But they will be great at recess and gymclass.
It's another gang association for them, soon jackets will be fighting rival jackets(already are). Waiting for more carnage, hope that tv newscaster reports the fallout.
To White Trash Hillbilly
You asked for a reference to the Jensen article.
"I took an Astronomy class from a Oxford-trained scientist from India when I was a lowly undergrad."
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, went to Magdalen College Oxford, famously saying...
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
India is essentially, for all the claims of its exported natives, an enormous gutter. Their claims of intelligence belied by the ignorance,filth, poverty and want Dickens described a century+ ago. Perhaps the professor should have stayed home, sparing us his Holy cow jumping over the moon abstracts, teaching hygiene, plumbing, internment of the deceased, and so on. Leaving open a teaching post for a White man, or woman,to whom the concepts involved were not such a leap in the darkie.
Like the garden variety negro, Indians display the same antithetical narcissism,lack of reflection, and greed for shiny things only Whites can imagine and create.
Shameless in demanding proximity to those who have no wish to be around them.
In short another rock for our kind to push uphill in perpetuity Sisyphus like. Parasitical ingrates surplus to our needs.
Passing opinions, making demands, of our kind. In OUR lands!
Note that when Amin kicked them out of Uganda, India wasn't good enough. Then as now British traitors passed laws over the heads of the people to take in 10,s of thousands. I put them on a par with the Aborigine, or Bushman.
Another flavour of nig-nog. Indigestible. Like curry. Or that ear infection, the sitar.
The cheerleading lady reporter should bear in mind what became of her colleague recently. In her quest to project the media enforced paradigm of three wise monkeys, obsequiesness,self abnegation, and suicidal ignorance of the immutable laws of Mother Nature. The new Flat Earth faith. With no Magellan in sight.
Here is an example. Perfect in it's metaphor.
Old Oscar, the too lippy for his own good homosexualist, also said this...
“Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.”
A White man that is.
Neither anthropomorphism, or hollywood narratives, have any connection to the World we inhabit. They'll get you killed.
Jan Sobieski
Much obliged Pat
Yup, nothing like teaching them how to lawyer up or circumvent the entire interrogation process from the get go.
It is in the right place at least at 38th and Keystone. Just north of the deepest darkest most murderous drugged out part of the jungle. You wouldn't catch me sending my boy or girl within 10 miles of that "preparatory" school.
LOL, cheering on the groids for dragging their sorry @$$ to skooo. Can't wait to see what they have to do to get these same groids to go to their jobs. The cheerleaders will have to be on their knees with their mouths open.
Anonymous at 12:39 AM said:
"At graduation a year later, when families came and heaped lei and gifts on the students; my instructor said he could never understand the fuss made over students earning a minor, post-high school degree. "When we go to school in India,"he said,"a student is expected to work hard, do well, and graduate." "Why?" he said, "would you make a big deal out of doing something that's expected of you?"
I told him that it was because we are always amazed we manage to graduate at all. It was meant as a joke, (and it was the only time I saw him laugh) but as I see the daily reports of dysfunction and criminality that bleed across the pages of the daily media, I begin to see that his observations were quite correct.
The vast majority of Americans seem to think that the most mundane and ubiquitous accomplishments are reason for celebration, while those that truly excel and complete truly difficult and worthy things are degraded or ignored. "
Amen....I still remember my high school graduation...people passing with high Cs and low Bs being rewarded with new cars, gift cards, expensive stereo systems, televisions, etc...all for graduating with mediocre grades. Same with college. Graduating with 2.5 GPAs in "business" or sociology degrees and having parents pay for large extravagant parties our backpacking trips across Europe or Asia, parties where people kiss and hug one another and pat each other on the back for their "great accomplishment."
Then reality sets in as they have to move back in with Mom and Dad while they figure out "what they are going to do with their lives."
A gun is a tool, nothing more and nothing less.
Yeah, so is a chainsaw but would you trust a negro with either 'tool'
The things white people are interested in do not interest blacks.
You're right about that.The average negro thinks like the lowest 1% of the white underclass trash.
Insurance? Funny story but most won't buy it because they think their wife will kill them for the money lol
Homeowners (tenant's)they never have even though it's dirt cheap and cost practically nothing. Like 1 BigMac a week.
This is why when you see a story about a building burning down all they do is watch it burn and cry woe is me and wait for the Red Cross or Salvation Army aka White people to come and help them.Tenant's ins. covers a number of things including extra living expenses but yet for 3 bucks a week they just won't buy it.
They wouldn't even buy car insurance if they weren't forced to register the car and get plates.And then don't make the payments so they still end up driving without insurance. This is why I always get (and have to pay for) uninsured and under-insured coverage in the event one of these dummies does some damage.
Same thing happening in CHICAGO but can be thwarted with the facts and a few good trolls: research 'Ogden - Jenner merger' where racist blacks want to effectively kidnap and enslave white kids to delude the reality of an unchecked "resources" pipeline and ultimately failed great society.
RE: Tragedy/Comedy
Oh, just can't make this stuff up.
Didn't need to wear a blazer when I was going to high school. I knew that without an education I would be a manual laborer. Too bad they have no clue what whites did and still do to make sure their future is going to be good.
To Anonymous at 3:13 pm: I really admire the time and energy you and your wife are expending on your children, and it sounds like all of you are already reaping the results of your intense care. With such smart and racially aware children, you might want to consider private or even home schooling and keep them away from the public school systems. Do you really want them getting their first 12 years of schooling, so important to their lives, entrenched in the company of negroes but worse, the libtard school systems and idiotic teachers who abound? Your children will get exposed to disillusioned whites as well as darkies and their nonsense soon enough. Please think about it.
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