This has the potential to be one of the stories of the year, showcasing white guilt/pusillanimity in the face of the overwhelming and horrifying reality of black crime.
As is so often the case, we find ourselves in nearly 70 percent black Baltimore (if you haven't bought The City that Bleeds yet, what are you waiting for?), a city whose recently sworn-in city council voted unanimously to condemn President-elect Donald Trump's rhetoric.
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80-year-old white woman, serving her final days as a councilwoman in 65 percent black Baltimore, attacked by two black teens. Only days later, she hugged the family. |
Uniting with black gangs to burn down the city, good; a President-elect who wants to Make America Great Again (a depressingly aracial message), bad.
Nevertheless, a white female member of the Baltimore City Council recently found herself carjacked and viciously assaulted by two black "teens" (13 and 15 years old) inside her secure parking garage.
It was roughly 10 a.m. in the morning when this attack happened.
The 80-year-old white woman was pulled out of her car, slammed to the ground and punched in the face by these black males. Hilariously, The Baltimore Sun reports "Police said a security gate prevented the teens from exiting the garage. Two garage employees stopped one of the teens until police arrived, police said. The other teen ran from the scene."
Both of the black "teens" are in custody, but what happens next in the story makes this one of those you'll never, ever forget. [Spector encouraged after meeting with carjacking suspect's family: Former Baltimore councilwoman advocates for change in juvenile-justice system,, 12-13-16]:
Former Baltimore City Councilwoman Rikki Spector, the victim of an attempted carjacking earlier this month, attended a hearing Tuesday for one of her accused attackers.
Still upset over what happened Dec. 2, Spector is keeping close tabs on the teenagers charged with attacking her, and on the juvenile-justice system."I want to know how this can be righted," Spector said.
Determined to make a difference, Spector went to juvenile court Tuesday for a detention review for one of the teenagers charged in the assault and attempted carjacking that left her battered and bruised. The former city councilwoman is now advocating for change in the juvenile-justice system.
"The system isn't working for the kids, not working for us. You can look at me and see that," Spector said.
Boys ages 13 and 15 are accused of attacking Spector inside a gated, guarded and patrolled garage near her home. She struggled with the teens as they tried to steal her car.
The 15-year-old had no prior incidents. The court put him on home detention until his trial in January. Spector met with his family outside the courtroom.
"I hugged the family and told them how huge it was for me to see them there, because this is what it takes to help this boy never be in this situation again," Spector said. "I put myself in their place. If that had been my boy, son or grandson, I would want somebody to have a heart, to understand they truly didn't want this to happen, sorry it did happen and will do everything in their power to make sure it doesn't happen again."
Spector said she's encouraged and is partnering with the family.
"The parents, grandparents, football coach and attorney (are) begging to minimize (the) punishment and give us a chance to help this boy," Spector said. "It's very important to me and this young man. Their presence spoke volumes."
Police told 11 News that, in the past year, the 13-year-old has been charged with carjacking, robbery, destruction of property, auto theft, drugs and assault. He remains in juvenile custody. His detention review is next week. Spector plans to be at that hearing, as well.
Spector said she never became afraid during the attack. She still remains angry and wants consequences for the teens while showing compassion as she continues to heal.
"I'm tough, I'm tough," Spector said.
Spector said she's seeking legislative, community and court solutions.A black 13-year-old charged with, in just one year, "carjacking, robbery, destruction of property, auto theft, drugs and assault." He must be spending time at the aptly name Freddie Gray Youth Empowerment Center in 65 percent black Baltimore!
In a sane world, these two black "teens" would be executed for their evil criminality (which they cannot possibly be rehabilitated into a productive, contributing member of society) - because punishment must be unusual or else it serves no purpose - and their parents/guardians publicly flogged as a reminder of the consequences for rearing children with such poor moral judgement as to attack and beat an 80-year-old woman.
In our world, they will probably get a hug from the 80-year-old white woman and a tax-payer supported job at the Freddie Gray Empowerment Center.
"the system isn't working for the kids..."
uh NO - something is wrong with the "kids" - something which cannot be fixed.
Well, she seems ok with it, so make sure the scamps know this, remind them that she is very wealthy and set them free.
I absolutely love it when these nation wreckers get mauled by their pets.
Oh my, I can't take anymore of this insanity. Take all of the blacks and all of these idiot social justice warriors and put them in 25 states. In the other 25 states put people who are still sane. The insane 25 can spend the rest of their miserable lives putting square pegs into round holes. IDIOTS indeed.
What can you say to this - liberalism is a severe mental disorder.
My brother in law went to Seattle for a night out on the town one weekend with some friends, walking around the city they came across a group of "teens" and were beaten to unconscious, the girls in my brother in laws group were punched in the face and had clumps of hair pulled out. The orcs then grabbed what phones, wallets and a camera they could and ran off. The police said because they couldn't provide any good description of the suspects they doubt any arrests would be made but they'll check the local pawnshops for the stolen items. So that's where whites find themselves in 2016 America- going into any major city is like strolling down the streets of Mogadishu.
This Spector woman is delusional. In every sense of the word. She will never get it. Even it meant her life. The Spencers', the Biehls' (and others) only goal is to destroy US. Just look at their actions. Actions speak louder than words. "Its ok, awww would you fine young boys want some cookies and milk?." Perhaps next time she wouldn't be so lucky. The punishment for these punks has to severe and it has to be harsh. A couple of hard slaps with a ruler will not cut it. The punishment has to cruel and unusual or its just BS! Hey,wait, silly me, this is 65% black baltimore. what was I thinking?...
Try them as adults give them life in solitary confinment and make their failies pay for their up keep lock em up and throw away the key give them the Sheriid Arpio diet A BALOGNA SANDWICH AND ORANGE and make the pay this womans hospital stay and and hold them and their reletives financial liable for this clear hate crime lets hope they rot in prison until they carry them out in coffins
I'm sure I'm not alone in noticing Spector is Jewish, not white, which should please the anti-semites here. Set gorillas loose in the city, and there's no controlling who gets attacked.
"I hugged the family and told them how huge it was for me to see them there, because this is what it takes to help this boy never be in this situation again," Spector said. "I put myself in their place....
To put herself in their "place" she'd have to reduce her IQ by about two standard deviations. She'd have to look at the world without thinking beyond satisfying the latest impulse which triggers something in what is laughably called their brains. And become someone who sees assaulting an old person not as an act of cowardice but a badge of tribal honor.
As for this thug being a "boy" -- in Africa child soldiers of 13 and 15 years commit the most gruesome atrocities (like assaulting old women). Though to be fair to Africa such child soldiers usually have to be drugged up by older "liberation fighters" to get them to this level of callousness. But here in the Homeland, such "boys" (I guess they got demoted from "teens") are par for the course.
How's that integration working for you, comrade?
If that had been my boy, son or grandson, I would want somebody to have a heart, to understand they truly didn't want this to happen, sorry it did happen ..."
"Didn't want this to happen?"
"Sorry it did happen?"
Uh, no.
They intended this from Day One, to bring the war to YT by striking at White elders and thus spread the terror. Who knows, perhaps even as I tap away on the keyboard, the teens -- I mean "boys" -- have posted video of this to World Star Hip Hop.
...and will do everything in their power to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Well, if the boys were merely breaking off a radio antenna or perhaps keying the paint job, they could be straightened out. But here we have a full-on assault against her person (and old people can have a difficult time healing). This is not a trivial incident. And what will these boys' parents do, anyway? Does she think that they are like herself when she was a parent (having grown up under segregation)? Does she not understand that the discipline of that society has long since evaporated?
This is why it is a misnomer to refer to a "juvenile justice system" when dealing with Africans-in-America. This duo has passed the initiation test to be full fledged warriors in the insurrection against YT.
Where is Colonel Dubois when you need him?
Reminds me of the story of Amy Biehl, brutally murdered by blacks in South Africa only to have her parents hug and give jobs to her killers, or the recent rape and murder of 19 year-old Maria Ladenburger in Germany by an Afghani invader, whose senior EU official father solicited donations for more rapefugees at her funeral, that you and Jared Taylor discussed on his podcast.
Some will point out that Spektor is either Jewish or half-Jewish, but frankly, the lemming, self-hating mentality is the same in all three instances.
Those of us with an antiquarian bend to the sinister are sometimes tempted to peruse the dreaded Negronomicon, that ancient volume written by the Mad Minnesotan DeWhyt Lybrul, whom is rumored to have ended his days residing in a padded cell at Arkham's progressive institute for the treatment of the terminally delusional. Regardless, after unlocking the University's volume (which is kept secure in a vault deep under the library) I once more came across references to the dread Sivvil Rites.
DeWhyt claimed that these Rites, when chanted, created a bizarre new dimension which he termed the "Space to Destroy." Within such spaces, entire cities could be laid waste by the most feral of chthonians who were somehow "empowered" by the demonic Phred'i-graii. Delving deeper into the worm eaten pages, my eyes widened in horror as I came across accounts of otherwise temperate white ladies and gentlemen actually embracing these ferals and then joining a degenerate cult in which such chthonians walked about the streets in the form of mere boys!
What madness could this be? Surely it must be the type of morphine nightmare about which Coleridge warned the discerning aesthete! Not daring to read any further lest I too call down a Space to Destroy, I slammed the volume shut, locked it in its vault with trembling fingers, then fled out into the clean New England sunlight which dappled the University green. (And it is only the yellowist of journals which claimed that I was raving "Stoddard was right!" Ridiculous. Everyone already knows that!)
In any event, I decided it was time for a motor trip to clear my head. To where shall I navigate the Model T? I know! That great city on the Chesapeake which is a symbol of everything reasoned and scientific in America, where Francis Scott Key wrote his epic:
R. "Ace" Rielst
Department of Physical Anthropology
Miskatonic University
President Trump grew up in NYC, at a time when Blax were under control. He has been sued (at least twice) for refusing to rent to Blax. He KNOWS what made America great and HOW to get us there again. Please PK, DO NOT sell him short on his desire and ability to get us back to greatness. Why do you think he put Dr Ben Carson as HUD Boss? Well, think about it for a minute...if a White makes changes that negatively affect the Blax, all hell will break loose. Not so much with a Black man in charge. DJT KNOWS what he is doing, and is making shit happen even before he is sworn in. Please chill out on the neg rhetoric on our new President. He will deliver. He already is! Getting WHITE Americans working again will make the entire world better, but that does NOT mean, he will ignore the Black problem. MAGA and Long Live the Republic!
Unreal. Suicidal altruism- fatal flaw in modern Whites. Especially females.
Males are programmed to protect the tribe's territory. Orcs have invaded; unleash the White men. No voting rights for females.
And Giuliani needs a position in Trump administration. How about a Czar position. Task him with ENDING inner city crime. Not reduce, END!
Unleash him on the orcs. Lieutenant Nugent can help organize the strike patrols.
Hey PK. Rikki (((Spector))). This is actually a "Red Force on Red Force" incident. The vibrantly diverse "teens" just thought she was wearing our uniform. Shame they didn't finish the job and then graduate to a lifetime of free tuition at N.U. Woulda been a "Threefer".
Normally I would be appalled at this, but hey. It could have ended well, the old delusional bat could have died. Instead, she hugged thefamily. The system, which pprovided among other things, a paid ( by our taxes) football coach, teachers, housing, food, etc. Has failed this yard ape? How, old woman, have WE failed?
What I would like to see is subsidies for white people to move out of these cities. Leave the SJWs to thier pets.
She's tough my ass, she is nothing but a brain dead liberal. In other words, a mental case.
I encountered a stupid old woman like this one at a gym. She said that Obama was as cute as a button and she loved him.
Can't fix stupid, therefore whatever beatings this type endures, so be it.
Female in FL
She is exactly the kind of person who would have followed Jim Jones to her death. She will ignore reality even as it smashes her head into the concrete.
Nobody(white)would wish harm on an 80 year old woman, but I struggle to feel sorry for her. If she doesn't care, why should I?
As a member of Baltimore city council she is reaping what she sowed.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Stupid, stupid woman.
ot: check this hilarious video! Love this comedian Sam Hyde. Does a great Mike Brown standup u should see. But this is really funny! Trolls a hipster crowd with a relentless list of gay dysfunction facts. Watch them freak! Image if he did same thing with negro facts!!
The rot in these peoples brains is so deep as to render them completely and utterly hopeless. There's simply nothing, and I mean nothing that will ever change their attitudes. They need to be culled from the heard, which I suspect is just a matter of time.
My mother is 81 so I can't even imagine someone beating her. I can say however if anyone laid a hand on her,let alone beat and rob her, their bodies would never be found.
I read this story, watched the videos, and heard Ms Spector's words. The overwhelming feeling I got from all this was that Rikki Spector is most concerned about how Rikki Spector appears in the court of Public Opinion. Her ego is astounding! Yet again, on display for all the world to see is the Democrat mindset advocating compassion for these 'poor youths'. They are NOT just misguided teens, Rikki, they are MONSTERS. Evil. soulless creatures created by people like you, Rikki. People like you who advocate a sick social system that only exists to pander to the masses to ensure they vote to keep stupid hags like you in power. 'Thank God they didn't have a gun or a knife' she says! Frankly, I'm amazed they weren't packin, and you probably are too, Rikki. That family you hugged, well, they didn't do such a hot job of instilling values in that kid, huh? It's time to get Old Testament on this behaviour....eye for an eye. THAT message would be heard loud and clear. But of course, people like Rikki just want to appear magnamimous in the public eye, and so ensure this sort of attack will occur again, and again, and again.
But from now on I bet Rikki will be looking over her shoulder if a pair of black kids approaches, won't you? You hypocrit hag.
Obviously the coin hasn't dropped with Ms. Spector. The key question is how many times does she need a boot in the face before she she can grasp reality? I certainly do not condone violence, but when there is this depth of denial I have to admit to a certain schadenfreude when liberals reap the consequences of their social policies.
I wonder if Rikki Spector is related to Phil Spector?
Doesn't the surname say it all?
Only ((( they ))) can perpetuate such liberal SJW nonsense.
I believe you made a grammatical mistake, don't you mean "parent" in the singular and not "parents" in the plural? Because you know Homo Africanus Criminalus don't raise their young with any father around, the "baby mama" does it alone and cries on TV when her offspring does the perp walk that "I'ze didn't raise my kid to be like dat!" when obviously she did.
This Jewess and her kind are the enablers. The Orcs their bio-weapons against us evil YT's. It is official, you can not even curb-stomp any sense into (((these people))).
Spector, huh? Didn't I comment on that name just a couple of days ago? How come these Spectors/Spectres/spooks are so prominent in the culture war?
I went to see my granddaughter play the trumpet in the middle school concert in Virginia last night. Disgusting number of negroes. Some of those middle school "teens" were huge, and looked closer to age 30 than 13. Damn, those creatures are ugly! And of course, they're also the ones who are loud, obnoxious and smoking outside the entrance.
A few years ago, a black family moved in across the street from my daughter. I told her then, sell up and move, because this neighbourhood is doomed. But their mortgage was underwater, they couldn't afford to move, and they never really took my warning seriously. Anyway they said, the black family were lovely people, their kids played with my grandkids, no problems.
When the old lady who lives directly opposite the nest came home one night to find a burglar in her house, I commented, "Black, of course." My SIL didn't know. I said, check with her, I guarantee he was black. And when she confirms it, tell her "I told you so". (This was the lady who was so shocked when I proudly owned that I was not just "prejudiced", I was a rabid racist.) I don't have to tell you people how that worked out.
Lovely people they may have been. Hey, everybody "Knows A Good One". But they have visitors, who notice things like an old woman living alone, who goes bowling every Saturday night.
Anyway, this lovely family has moved on, and been succeeded by another crew, not so lovely. The other day, there was a great commotion, some idiot leaning on a car horn. I went out and asked "What's all the noise about?" This revolting fat black sheboon yells, "I'm callin' her to come get her stuff."
She's parked 20 feet from the front door.
I suggested, "Why don't you walk to the door and talk to her?" She yelled something that I didn't catch, but the tone told me all I needed to know, so I told her to shut her mouth and went back indoors.
When my SIL innocently looked out to see what the commotion was about, she started in on him. He retreated indoors, where I explained what had happened. He begged me not to upset the neighbours, because they would key his car and vandalise his house.
I think this liberal Yankee settler is starting to learn the facts of life. But he's very stubborn, it will take time.
It's a damned shame that White people have to live under siege in their own homes. In the old days, when White people had gangs, I'm told that an informal system of discipline was maintained in their neighbourhoods. Maybe we need to adopt the old ways. If threats of violence or vandalism are countered by assurances of massive retaliation, without benefit of legal niceties like a fair trial, I'm sure that would go a long way toward nuisance abatement.
No idiot, it WILL happen again, and again and again! You are the problem! Hugging them? You are a too-far-gone complete ignoramus! Did it even occur to you that you could be dead right now because of what these savage's did to you? After I was their victim, I saw the light! You, on the other hand, hug the family. Are there any sane white people left?
So she gets carjacked and punched, the "teens" family gets hugs from her?
Next time, when they stab or shoot her, will she buy them a new car?
If they rape her will she buy the family a new house?
Wow, those "teens" really culturally enriched grandma. It's cool that she is so forgiving. Perhaps she can open up her home to these "boys" while they turn their lives around. I'm fairly certain they'll get their sh*t together any day now. It will only take a few more program$ and perhaps some $tudent Recreation Center$. Has she given any thought to midnight basketball? Also, I've heard cake sales do wonders to turn black lives around. I tell you, we just haven't tried hard enough.
I'm going to write a check to the United Negro College Fund right now. And if there really is a Santa Clause, the "youths" who beat up granny will find a nice set of shiny rims for the next car they steal under the Christmas tree.
She wants to give them a chance. Wow. Just like the hundreds of thousands it cost to gibs that one jig a heart transplant (stokes I think was the name) it always backfires. They cannot help but be violent. This should not ever be the case; helping the "teens" get second and third chances to not do TNB. But as always the liberal wimps will reach out to help because rayciss YTs owe because slabery an sheeeeeeiiiitt.
Baltimore (Bodymore, Murderland) is a port city.
It will make a really good embarkation point for the ships-full of transportees back to the Muddaland. These feral "teens" and deyz famblies are candidates for the documentary films that should be made about the repatriation effort. Send them over with sail foams to let them capture the details of their own lives, as long as they last. Then when people ask where they all went, all we have to do is show them what the Blacks did by and to themselves and their disappearance will be completely understandable.
"or the recent rape and murder of 19 year-old Maria Ladenburger in Germany by an Afghani invader, whose senior EU official father solicited donations for more rapefugees at her funeral, "
This father seriously needs to be committed. Yes, he is indirectly responsible for his daughter's death. Any normal parent wants to protect their child, not throw their kids under the bus. The fact that this father solicits donations at her funeral shows that not only did he not realize he made a mistake but he's is being totally disloyal and disrespecting his dead daughter. Poor excuse for a father.
"Unreal. Suicidal altruism- fatal flaw in modern Whites. Especially females.
Males are programmed to protect the tribe's territory. Orcs have invaded; unleash the White men. No voting rights for females."
Females have every right to vote so don't give me that. Also, Whites males haven't done squat to protect the territory, in fact thanks to White males, the USA is where it's at with diversity. It's greedy elite White males that brought Black slaves here in the first place. It's White male politicians who created and passed the 1965 Immigration Act opening up our doors to the third world so they could gain political power. It's mostly White male politicians who over the past 40 years, have allowed massive illegal immigration into our country, mainly from Mexico, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration because White males in business want the cheap labor.
If I may PK.....I'd like to offer this delusional assanine liberal shit loving bitch....her next encounter with the lowlife vile nasty negro that she surely thinks is capable of rehabilitation. If this is not the one of the most ugliest negro's in MUST be close. Not only will this negro beat'll rape you and kill you too. This is what you old liberal white women have to look forward to. Just look at this story Ms Spector.
No more soft treatment no one stupid excuses hold these punks and their reletives liable for what they do make them pay a the price for their crimes
I care not a whit for Rikki as she, and her ilk, are propagators of paint job theory. She obviously has the financial means to move out of the area but, that means she would lose her position of power, small as it may be. No sympathy for her.
It's greedy elite White males that brought Black slaves here in the first place.
Actually, it was (((them))).
It's White male politicians who created and passed the 1965 Immigration Act
You mean the Hart-(((Celler))) Act.
turning a blind eye to illegal immigration because White males in business want the cheap labor.
Some didn't want it, but had a choice: either go along to get along, or go out of business. In the next couple of years I hope that choice is no longer necessary.
She gave a hug to the family? What was she thinking? This boy will grow up to be a larger thug than he is now. You don't rehabilitate Negroes. I hope most whites give up the Negro worship soon and join us white realists.
God, I am so sick of negroes. They are everywhere. Notice that the reporters are all black. Also notice that in about half of all commercials, the actors are black. You would think that the way they are represented and the cost they inflict on society that they are over 50% of the population. And there is always a concerned, connected, father who with his all knowing wife who dotes on their little rug rats.
As I listened to the clip, I heard the word, rehabilitate. You cannot rehabilitate a feral ape with no conscience. What you can do is incarcerate them in a 12 x 20 foot cold water cell and solitary confinement. Negroes understand one thing and that is the crack of the whip on their naked backside. You will know it has learned its lesson when it passes out in agony from the pain.
The rap sheet on the 13 year old was quite long. His mom apparently must not have been too on top of things as this latest assault wasn't his first time in the rodeo. In Trump's America, we won't hear about "rehabilitating youth" who are victims of "streets gone roan". No, the white jailer will look like Bull Connor and have the disposition of a scorpion. I can almost hear him now:
"That's right, Sambo. This is gonna hurt you much more than it is me. Sucks to be you right now, huh Sambo? Oh, and if you keep this sh*t up, you little piece of excrement, the heat will be cut off in your cell and I'm taking the blanket and pillow from your concrete bed. Kinda makes ya wish you hadn't done all those robberies, carjackings, etc. Your mom isn't going to like being sent the bill for your upkeep here at Negro University. You've racked up quite a bill here, Sambo."
The first step has been done now that Trump is elected. As a New York real estate developer, he has a keen sense of the devastating destruction negroes have on property values. The negroes who decide to remain in America must be kept on a very short, tight leash. In fact, it might not be their choice at all but ours. The time has long passed to bring the negro to heel.
Perhaps her name is mis-spelled: it should be spelled as SPECTRE, as in a malevolent apparition, or for you James Bond afficiandos, S.P.E.C.T.R.E. - the
SPecial Executive for Counterintelligence,
Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. Seems to fit either way.
I know I am preaching to the choir here, but what kind of idiot enters a secured, gated garage where the chance of exiting usually depends on knowing a pass code? Future time orientation is something that would have made that situation come out a bit differently.
Who are you virtue signaling to?
Would Rikki Spector be as forgiving and as interested in the rehabilitation of the German men who herded her ancestors into the gas chambers as she is in the Negro boys who nearly took her life? If not, why not?
Egalitarianism, altruism, universalism--these will be the death of this civilization. man is out of balance with nature: the inferior is lauded and adored, put on a level with the superior, which is often, in turn, brought down and cast in the gutter. Nature is out of balance. "Out of the corruption of women, comes the forgetfulness of races..."--Bhagavad Gita 1.41
It could be argued that a people who loses its WILL to survive, DOES NOT DESERVE TO SURVIVE. Also, as in this woman's case, if you turn the other cheek to your enemy, he will invariably hit you on both sides of your face.
There is an element of Stockholm Syndrome here. Spector doesn't want to admit that she is the victim of a serious crime, so she invents a fantasy world where the perpetrators are mere "boys" going about some mischief, not hardcore thugs out to destroy her.
But Anonymous makes an interesting point:
I read this story, watched the videos, and heard Ms Spector's words. The overwhelming feeling I got from all this was that Rikki Spector is most concerned about how Rikki Spector appears in the court of Public Opinion.
Spector is, after all, a politician in Baltimore (even if retired). If she had gotten in front of the cameras and said "Hang the b*st*rds high," she'd lose votes for her party from the city's majority demographic, not to mention her prestige as a "community leader." Can't go back to the terrible, terrible legacy of segregation, can we, where Africans-in-America were put on chain gangs or even (horrors!) lynched for such "trivial" offenses as assaulting old people, can we?
So (former) Councilwoman Rikki reads the right words off of the cue cards. She's assaulted by thugs? No problem, let's raise YT's taxes so we will have more programs for the African-in-America constituency. Let's "have a heart" so more Africans-in-America will vote progressive. And let's give huggies to the perpetrators' families to get invited to all the trendy DWL parties.
BRA = Baltimore Relishes Africans
+1 PJT
Look at this (((woman))) in the still shot of the second video. She's wearing the bruise like a medal, preening and proud. The eyes squinting shut, lips pursed in rapture. Oh the suffering, it hurts so good! Through our suffering we shall "repair the world", with the help of my dear Dinduviuses & Devontavians I shall rid the world of evil YT, our nemesis. Tikkun Olam, Tikkun Olam!
Maybe I'm wrong but this case and a few others recently posted on this blog seem to be exhibiting a very disturbing trend.
I haven't done a complete search and analysis but it looks as if the cases where a white person (usually an older person)is beaten up but subsequently forgives and embraces their black assailants is given a complete showing on television. But the cases where the white victim does not show any of this kind of forgiveness are simply ignored.
If I'm right that means that the media has an agenda for these type of stories. The media seems to be trying to train the large white viewing public to be more docile and submissive.
Notice in the treatment of this incident the old white woman who forgave her attackers is portrayed as admirable and virtuous. Of course she is a white politician on a mostly black council. If she had called for immediate retribution it would have been bad for her career. But her "Christian Charity" is presented as a lesson for us all.
This pattern - if indeed it is a pattern - looks suspiciously like a coordinated effort at mind control. On the Mainstream Media we see very little of the black on white violence that has recently become so common. But when we learn of such an attack on TV it seems the white victim is always forgiving the black thugs.
This appears to me to be selective reporting. If an attack fits the MSM agenda it gets reported. If not, it is ignored.
This is just now only an hypothesis. I will need to do more research.
On a side not....
Can we please stop worshipping and expecting Trump to "fix" all of our current problems.
I voted for the his no nonsense approach against the (((Media)), but i think we are going to be greatly disappointed.
For God sakes hes now being seen hugging the foul mouthed demented Negro Kanye West.
"Unreal. Suicidal altruism- fatal flaw in modern Whites. Especially females.
Males are programmed to protect the tribe's territory. Orcs have invaded; unleash the White men. No voting rights for females."
Radical feminism has done a lot to undermine White men. Still, we should remember that White women have stepped up to the plate to fight for their nations, such as Marine Le Pen and Frauke Petry. And it was White women in many american cities who led the opposition to forced busing.
It ain't over yet.
Oy vey, lifelong liberal politician gets attacked by dindus even though she has been trying to avoid them by using a locked down condo with a parking garage. I have no doubt she never stopped in "those areas" all while looking down on suburban Whites for not wanting to live with them.
Why are we supposed to feel bad for her? This is exactly what she had coming.
If liberals weren't allowed to have parking garages with security guards they would be screaming to lock them up. Working class Whites don't have that luxury and simply have to live with the possibility of getting their head bashed in over a wrong look or 5 dollars.
I haven't posted a song parody for an SPBDL sing along in a while, but the newa is getti.g so depressing that I have to. I apologize in advance for basing the parody on a song from the disco era; NyQuil can have some very bizzare side-effects.
White Man!
Why are you watching football?
I said, White Man!
Stay away from the mall
I say, White Man!
It's time to locate your balls
Because we've got some work to do
White Man!
The time's come at last
I said, White Man!
Return to the head of the class
I say, White Man!
It's about time to kick ass
We've got a leader who represents you
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
Soon a new day will dawn,
Now that Obama is gone,
The tide has finally turned at last
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
BRA should pay their own bills,
Since we took our red pills
White Guilt is a thing of the past
So, White Man!
It's time to start building that wall
I said, White Man!
I'm thinking 60 feet tall
Yes, White Man!
Get 'r done by next Fall
Then we should just kick the mongrels out
So, White Man!
There's only one way ahead
I said, White Man!
Most of the muds want us dead
I'm telling you, White Man!
You better stock up on lead
Before our retreat becomes a rout
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
Soon a new day will dawn,
Now that Obama is gone,
The tide has finally turned at last
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
BRA should pay their own bills,
Since we took our red pills
White Guilt is a thing of the past
White Man!
You better listen to me
I said, White Man!
I'm one of those of who can see
Attention, White Man!
Don't you want to be free?
From the third world undertow?
White Man!
You know you have to decide
I said, White Man!
Whether to fight or go hide
Hey there, White Man!
There's no way off this ride
So strap in because here we go . . .
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
Soon a new day will dawn,
Now that Obama is gone,
The tide has finally turned at last
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
It's time for us to M-A-G-A
BRA should pay their own bills,
Since we took our red pills
White Guilt is a thing of the past
(repeat and fade)
"Fixing it" is simple. Rip the punks heads off and necklace their families in the town square
"This pattern - if indeed it is a pattern - looks suspiciously like a coordinated effort at mind control. "
NEXT: Water flows downhill. Pattern or just coincidence?
She is a old jew, who is two faced about blacks. The blacks should be sent to israel and jews to nigeria. Let them have more of each other
Unreal. Suicidal altruism- fatal flaw in modern Whites. Especially females.
Males are programmed to protect the tribe's territory.
Both males and females are hard wired to serve the tribe. The problem is that Whites have been sold the big lie of universalism which states that all people are in the same tribe.
Women are more prone to arguments based on empathy but they aren't at fault for our current situation. White males helped elect Obama to both terms. Both cuckservative and liberal propaganda depends on White males.
But even worse is how there are White male billionaires that are actively spending their money to help the establishment. Fox news won't touch the great lie of equality and yet the owner is as White as they get.
Wealthy White males are a big part of the alliance to turn the US into Brazil. They see us all as beneath them and in their minds we might as well be Mexicans as Whites are far more likely to organize for better working conditions and wages. Whites are also more selective in their products and will do things like blog about a company that is using a dangerous additive. Mexicans are more likely to trust the authorities and accept life as it is. There is a liberal/capitalist alliance that basically wants a Big Dumb Continent with cheap labor and continual growth from an ever expanding population. This alliance has no concern for first world standards which ironically includes the environment. Liberals get to minimize the influence of pesky Whites that call out their lies while business owners get their cheap labor. Both groups hate Whites for their brainpower and ability to change the world. Both groups would much rather have predictable Mexicans while keeping gated communities and private schools for their own offspring. Whites create too many revolutionaries and this keeps both liberals and capitalists up at night.
And it was White women in many american cities who led the opposition to forced busing.
This is a good point.
Brown v Board was passed entirely by Anglo males. Sorry no (((conspiracy))) involved there.
LBJ was the most anti-White president to hold office and he was entirely White, not to mention Baptist and Texan.
Let's look at the other Presidents responsible for the current mess:
Woodrow Wilson - White male.
Lincoln - White male.
FDR - White male.
As the saying goes, the worst enemy of the White male is in the mirror.
I would also point out that White women are more likely to select for intelligence in mates than White males. Just look at how many White males will go for the girl with big boobs that is dumb as a rock. A lot of geniuses have been born thanks to White women quietly not buying into blank slate. Among liberals I would bet that the men are more likely to believe in paint theory. Women are naturally skeptical of overhyped sperm.
Why don't she hand her pet Negro some shekels and he can start to turn his life around.
If I'm right that means that the media has an agenda for these type of stories. The media seems to be trying to train the large white viewing public to be more docile and submissive.
This pattern - if indeed it is a pattern - looks suspiciously like a coordinated effort at mind control. On the Mainstream Media we see very little of the black on white violence that has recently become so common. But when we learn of such an attack on TV it seems the white victim is always forgiving the black thugs.
This appears to me to be selective reporting. If an attack fits the MSM agenda it gets reported. If not, it is ignored.
And the mainstream media (MSM) has been pushing this agenda since the 1950s. The MSM gave full support to the Civil Rights Movement; it has justified Long Hot Summer Riots; it has studiously ignored black criminality and dysfunction; it went hellbent for leather in bringing down white rule in South Africa; it makes movies and documentaries glorifying the Civil Rites Struggle; it now provides the agitprop front for BLM; and it is attacking Trump.
The reality is that the MSM has been and continues to be an enemy to white people and white interests. But here's the odd thing: most White people pay -- pay -- to have the enemy's agitprop and disinformation pumped into their homes! Then they wonder why they are losing their country.
So what can white people do?
* Boycott the media
* Kill your television
* Create alternative media
* Control what your children watch
* Patronize movies with a pro-White view
* Continue that Internet Infowar Insurgency
And always...
Stay Alert
Stay Armed
Actually, it was (((them))).
Eyeroll, I guess we should just ignore Dutch involvement in the slave trade?
Were the land owners Jewish?
Was Lincoln Jewish?
Were the Union volunteers Jewish?
How about the Northern reps that wanted to control the South? Jewish as well?
Oy vey you need to face the harsh reality which is that Whites come with their own desire for egalitarian fantasy and that exists outside of Jewish influence. As pointed out here before Sweden has never had a Jewish minority and yet they are in the process of cultural and ethnic suicide.
This appears to me to be selective reporting. If an attack fits the MSM agenda it gets reported. If not, it is ignored.
This is just now only an hypothesis. I will need to do more research.
In my humble opinion, Pat, you've hit the nail quite squarely on the head, as per usual. But don't befuddle your brain too much in trying to find a MSM agenda. It is here. Naked and unabashed. Perhaps this list will provide readers here with what our MSM is overtly concerned as "fake news sites". Anyhow, here it is:
I just spent the last half hour or so listening to Nomi Prins give an interview about the World Bank from one of the sites. Funny how these "fake" news sites all seem to make more logical sense than the horse manure that we are fed on a daily basis by the MSM. I don't call myself "Formerly Miss Greenbaum" for nothing!
Use that list to try to ascertain the truth for yourself. I am only sorry Paul's site didn't make the cut, as well as a few others. I consider it to be a badge of courage and honor to be on that list. Amren made it, a site I have been banned from for discussing citizens like our (((Ms. Specter))) and the like. A vampire loathes a mirror and sunlight.
We have met the enemy. The enemy has exposed itself. Pay f*cking attention!
For God sakes hes now being seen hugging the foul mouthed demented Negro Kanye West.
Long Island Guido
I'm going to give him a pass on that one. Trump is a smart man. He has the (((MSM))) pitching the "rayciss" meme against him 24/7. He has to be seen as a guy who is extending the olive branch. I mean, Jezus F*cking Tap Dancing Christ, the guy isn't even officially in office and you have the current administration putting out stories that they want "election tampering" (supposedly by the Ruskies) looked into!!! The hypocrisy is beyond belief!
Listen, I know there is little time left, and I am not getting any younger, but I am taking a huge breather now that the Wicked Witch of Arkansas is not going to be in the White House. They may well pull some fast stuff between now and the inauguration. Trump has already hired a lovely white female to sing at the affair. Can't wait for the howls and screams from the (((MSM))) to lament that she is no Beyonce'. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to Trump pulling them all down from their pedestals. And Lord help them if they decide to kill him. There exists about 50% of this country, mostly white, who will stage an insurrection if they pull that. And yes, I will be one of those you see marching on Washington. The line in the sand has been drawn. We are officially at war. Nothing else matters to me than the survival of my country and my people. God help anyone who tries to stand in our way. If a civil war is what they want, they will get one in spades.
Why don't she hand her pet Negro some shekels and he can start to turn his life around. Bernie
As smart as (((they))) are, they don't seem to understand that unleashing a million and more young, Muslims into neighboring countries will backfire on them eventually. They are a small country, filled with arrogance and hubris. What they are doing to the Europeans and us will return to them one thousand fold. I'm not sure, but I believe Jesus referred to this many times in the bible.
"Whites create too many revolutionaries..."
Really? Then where is the resistance?
The truth is, just about everyone is going along with the program pretty quietly.
"Spector is keeping close tabs on the teenagers charged with attacking her, and on the juvenile-justice system."
And when they find the key to rehabbing this pair, maybe they will pass it along to our local education system, which is currently overwhelmed by TNB.
Maybe Ms. Spector could visit the 54 percent black middle school in my town that has teachers ready to quit because of its abusive black population.
Possibly she could muster more than the 10 concerned black "parents" who attended a meeting to address the problem.
I'm certain, however, that she would applaud the $30,000 the school system recently spent on pamphlets discussing white privilege. After all, white guilt indoctrination must be started early to maintain the utterly insane climate we live in today. The money would have better been spent to inform vulnerable white students how to protect themselves from the savages.
To Anon: 12:05 - masterfully written!
Spector lives in the "safe" upscale part of town, not in the area she was elected to represent which is neither safe nor upscale.
Not on topic, but Baltimore related...
If you all remember the rapper, Lor Scoota who was tragically killed after an antiviolence rally... Whose manager was killed two weeks later...
Yeah, THAT "Lor Scoota"!
Well I missed it, but apparently in October a person of interest in Scoota's death was in fact killed. Poor Scoota, if only he'd lived awhile longer he might've been the next big name rapper to have his life cut short. But the way it worked out, his signature tune "Bird Flu", a paen to dealing hardcore drugs will likely be the only vestige of his humanity that survives this terrible chain of tragic events (unless he left the gift of living timebombs, niglets!).
"Anonymous said...
I'm sure I'm not alone in noticing Spector is Jewish, not white, which should please the anti-semites here. Set gorillas loose in the city, and there's no controlling who gets attacked.
December 13, 2016 at 10:16 PM"
Works for me, how about you?
Long Island Guido said...
On a side not....
Can we please stop worshipping and expecting Trump to "fix" all of our current problems.
I voted for the his no nonsense approach against the (((Media)), but i think we are going to be greatly disappointed.
For God sakes hes now being seen hugging the foul mouthed demented Negro Kanye West.
I agree 100%. But.....As long as his cabinet picks aren't hugging Kanye we're ok. I'm gonna give things a little time. Trump's smart and there's a game that needs to be played right now. I will say this: We do need to start pushing back and soon. Things'll never change if we keep sitting on our asses!
It seems that Ms. Spector had a spot of bad luck with her gated and security staffed parking garage. Maybe she should try parking on the street anywhere within a few blocks of Baltimore's city hall. It would be an opportunity to see how her working constituents are forced to live. MLK boulevard is just a bottles throw away. She'll soon be doing some hugging like you've never seen.
Eyeroll, I guess we should just ignore Dutch involvement in the slave trade?
A lot of (((those Dutch))) had Spanish surnames because (((they))) were refugees from Ferdinand and Isabella's explusions. There were enough remaining in 1939 that they were specifically sought out by the occupation troops for shipment to the camps.
Were the land owners Jewish?
Doesn't matter. There wouldn't have been a tobacco export industry without Africans. Old-growth timber guaranteed export markets for Northern colonists regardless.
Was Lincoln Jewish?
Lincoln wanted the Africans repatriated.
Were the Union volunteers Jewish?
The Irish draftees sure weren't.
On the topic of The Donald, I find it so entertaining how easily the hysterical left's hyperventilations are demolished. "The most homophobic"... up against a screencap of Trump at his rally, holding up the rainbow flag with TRUMP written across it. "The most racist"... Trump with Kanye West and a host of mothers of victims of Black-on-Black violence. Etc, etc.
This is the kind of meme-war which can get the mushy center to start laughing at leftards when they bring this stuff up. Once everything they say is dismissed with derision, do you think anyone is going to pay attention when they say "islamophobic", "sexist"... or "racist"?
Then our message will have an open channel, and we can dismantle what remains of BRA.
I love Donald Trump. He is so shifty. For a heavy set guy he sure is fast on his feet.
I'm referring to his cozying up to Kanye West. West is damn near certifiable. He has had a number of public breakdowns in which he has acted loony. I think he was sent to a mental hospital or clinic after his most recent breakdown. I may be wrong. I don't follow pop stars.
I keep reminding the readership that blacks have diagnosis of schizophrenia at more than three times the rate of whites. This fact should be better known because it helps explain why the police end up shooting so many of the black male population. The cops get calls all the time of someone who is running around in public naked and raving. They often end up in shooting the crazy guy if he is carrying a gun or knife (or sword).
Kanye West, except for the grace of God, is one of those schizos who get themselves shot. He is rich so he gets, I presume, excellent care. Otherwise he's the kind of black guy who often gets shot to protect the public.
So why does he get singled out by the next President for a photo-op? Is this Trump's way of showing respect for the 'black community'? In the parlance of the Web. LOL.
Of all the blacks that Trump could single out for the spotlight, West is the most likely black guy to blow up disastrously. I think Trump and his people must know that.
A peek into her bank statement and into her contact list would
convince you that she's not going to jeopardize her cush promontory
at the top of the food chain by going against her so called diversity
agenda for just a black eye. And about her car, she could probably
afford the factory that made it. She's not an everyday elderly lady.
She deserved more in my humble opinion.
Agreed. Loving this.
If this woman lived in Georgia she could have been assaulted during a home invasion and been set on fire, so I guess she is lucky? She looks like an extra zombie from the Walking Dead now though.
You are not displaying the property reaction as a well, educated musical... We regret to inform you that you must report to the nearest FEMA re-education camp immediately.
Thank you,
Your friendly gov't official
P. S. Remember, we're from the government and we're here to help you!
First off, they were not " kids " , as in harmless tykes. They were adults in a child's body. Secondly, she is lucky she is not dead. She may not have felt afraid during the attack, but her lack of fear proves nothing because she was helpless during the entire attack. A blow slightly differently placed could have killed her. Any hugging she should be doing should be with a psychotherapist. Perhaps her rather odd psyche would be improved in a more constructive way if she were to spend time in a battered women's shelter with victims of " teens " or their dads, or with other victims of street thuggery, especially if those victims were working class white - or black - females who don't have the money for gold plated recovery cars like this imbecile received.
@December 14, 2016 at 8:09 AM
I usually do no weigh in on this issue (I can't stand the dishonesty this time) but just look at the percentages. How many white women voted for Obama as opposed to the percentage of white men doing so? How many white women vote democrat vs. white males. How many white women voted for Clinton vs. the percentage of white males doing so? What percentage of white women compared to the percentage of white males work as social workers helping blacks for a living (and then complain that they make less money than males when they refused to take a job in a more lucrative field because they felt so good about themselves uplifting the poor mistreated blacks who are persecuted and are not at all to blame for their predicament and behavior and who definitely have just as high an IQ as whites and run faster to boot).
White males obviously are trying to protect their people and women at least when compared to white women. White women, by percentage, are supporting the enemies of their people and especially their own brothers, fathers, sons, and friends. This is an ugly and unfortunate fact. If you are onboard with us defending white people, welcome. However, you cannot deny the facts.
The actual facts of the issue lead many women to believe, or instinctually react as if, it will not hurt them if they throw their fathers, sons, and brothers under the train. They will still be used as breeding stock. They will however have far inferior offspring that way, except at the 100 meters.
@December 14, 2016 at 8:09 AM
We're glad to have our white women with us. Those who are with us. It is, again, in the percentages.
I would also bring to your attention the correlation between the success of the so-called women's liberation movement and the increase in the attacks and misfortunes of white people as well as the massive importation of hostile non European foreigners.
Again, we are glad to have our white sisters who do support us and please keep voting pro white. Try to turn our misguided sisters to support the interests of their own fathers, sons, husbands, and brothers.
This one is even worse, Paul!
Oil 'n Water --please name the school, principal, town or city.
Also black keeds usually dont have 'parents.' Capisce?
"Lincoln wanted the Africans repatriated."
Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't. In his last public address, he called for making them citizens and giving them the vote.
No, in this case the punishment should be light. Perhaps community service, carrying Ms Spectors groceries, or dusting her (no doubt) expensive furnishings. Maybe then her heirs will get it. She doesn't.
I wasn't speaking of her luck. It was our ill luck she survived.
Don't think that is going to happen. Try the link from the home page of this site Those who can see. This is happening all over the white world. I think someone wants to decimate the white race. For what reason,only God (if there is one) only knows. Stupid people are much easier to control.
As far as Trump hugging Kanye, it is a smokescreen. He picks a famous, (but batshit crazy) rapper, poses with him, talks about bringing jobs back to America so the inner cites can work... it destroys the left's" waycissst" argument. Meanwhile, the jobs will actually be taken by people that can show up to work, sober, and pass a drug test. Crime is hammered, and if there is a disproportionate impact, the blame can fall fully on those who oppose his policies. A very astute man, our president- elect.
Well the fact they will never be punished is all the reason they need.
I believe your right,Pat. I think I read somewhere that Oompra said that racism will die with the older white people,that's us. I believe most people on this site are older and have had real experiences with the nogs. I myself am 58,former Marine,grew up in Marietta Ga. Even then it wasn't a good idea to go to Atlanta. I may be a conspiracy theorist,but I think somebody wants us gone.
As I write this I am listening to an A&E show about Compton- the city, the riot, and the mindset.
First there was and is no guilt about the LA riots; none at all. It was the equivalent of an unusually exciting get together. A fascinating look at urban lunacy.
My take on this is that blacks will never change. My question is : how will they react to the coming information / police state. How will they react to being chipped? Will rap encompass the new electronic reality of total control? What will they call the state of complete submission to the police controllers?
Yep in a sane world, they would feed to the crocs. The DWL force is strong with this one. Must be a life time believer.
How selfish & thoughtless is this old bat? Never mind the next senior citizen these two Burr Heads (RIP Dad) maim or even kill, I gotta get my SJW on! Sick, sick thought process these people have. Fry the little pricks!
Anon. 11:10
"please name the school, principal, town or city."
Omaha. Nathan Hale Junior High. Don't remember principal's name.
Check archives at There has been more than one write-up on this ongoing story.
Hope this helps.
Perhaps her rather odd psyche would be improved in a more constructive way if she were to spend time in a battered women's shelter with victims of " teens " or their dads
She's seen first-hand what inter-racial dating ads don't show you, but she refuses to learn. We can hope her next encounter is (a) soon and (b) corrective of her cognitive defect.
How will they react to being chipped?
It will not be difficult to blow these chips, shield them from the readers, or carry a host of different ones or a spoofer to change "identity" at will. The wily hacker will beat this too.
Overture to any liberals trolling or patrolling;
Spend some real time in that other part of town.
Many of your anglo brethren can't afford your
getaway neighbourhoods and your getaway sequestered vacation destinations.
You are complicit in enforcing terrible hardships upon them.
As computer programmes and cheap labour limit your possibilities,
you might have to join them in their hell.
Did you ever wonder about the percentage of trump voters
who used to be liberals? I thought not. I'd guess about half of them, +/- 10%.
They will accept you. They don't wish harm on anyone, they just
want a safe environment to live in. They're not voting trump, they're
voting safety.
"Groups of teens" should be fair game for anyone wanting to exercise their second amendment rights!
Criminals like these need to be sent to hell, not jail!
can i beat her up next?
Every time a White liberal gets assaulted by a black criminal, an angel gets its wings.
(((Spector))), enough said.
" She’s leaving City Hall after 40 years of service on the Baltimore City Council, during most of which she was the only Jewish voice there."
Had the family been doing a good job to begin with the yout would not have beat the white woman up. The black yout was not taught to respect others regardless of skin color, nor to respect the elderly.
If the black yout does not get any punishment then for sure next time the yout will kill.
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