Never forget, white people were supposed to go quietly into the night and embrace their inevitable minority status in America (circa 2040).
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Merry Christmas! |
But something unexpected happened, documented quite succinctly I might add, by Jared Taylor and myself in this new podcast -- "In the Shadow of the Sword: Muslims are spoiling Christmas all across Europe."
The merriest of Christmases from SBPDL to you and your family. Hold them close this holiday and know that in the coming year, every laugh and smile you share over the next few days must be the fuel to fire your drive, determination and dedication to remind our enemies in 2017 that we have no intention of going quietly anywhere.
Thank you, Paul, for your wishes, and for all that you do for us on this blog. A Happy Christmas to you and your family, and also to all the readers of this blog.
Wishing everyone at SBPDL a White Christmas.
2017 will be anything but boring.
Stay alert, stay alive.
A merry Christmas to all readers and commenters of sbpdl. A merry thank you and Christmas blessings to Paul and his family. Thank you for your knowledge and insight. From, southeastern Michigan.
Happy Christmas, peace be with you all.
Happy holidays everyone. On other sites, I'm a prolific commentator. Here, I just lurk and sporadically give my two-cents worth. The most astounding thing that makes this site worthwhile are the truly insightful commentators. I learn so much that I'm able to formulate new ideas. Thank you to all who take the time to do this. Moving to 2017, all patriots have to continue the fight to excise the black criminal cancer from the body politic and those coddlers who allow the destruction to continue. I'm urging everyone to employ all legal means necessary to achieve these objectives.
Merry Christmas PK to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to Paul and all the SBPDL readers and commentators from Denver.
In the spirit of giving, here is a link to some vibrant levity. Enjoy.
May your 2017 be healthy, happy, prosperous and as vibrant-free as possible.
Merry Christmas and may God bless us all.
Just a note from the podcast, "largesse" alliterates with "barge", not "Fargo".
♪♫♪ Grandma got run over by a Muslim
Walking through the market Christmas Eve ♪♫♪♫
Merry Christmas, Thanks to all of you.
Merry Christmas
Also re the postcast, check your pronunciation of "derisive":
Certainly the fate of AFFH under the Trump regime will be a litmus test for whose side Donald J. Trump is really on. But expecting "Mr. Carson" to dismantle it on his first day as HUD Secretary, as you venture at about minute 52 of the podcast, is wildly optimistic. If you read the AFFH final rule (available here: ), it says right on the first page that the justification for the rule is the underlying Fair Housing Act, which is title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Trump, a guy who has said he has "no problem with Affirmative Action" is very unlikely, it seems to me, to try to repeal the Civil Rights Act, which basically is what would have to be done to eliminate AFFH.
Merry Yule to y'all, be safe and secure against the storm.
8mm my apologies as I've not commented in awhile, everyone from CENTURION to FMGB has said their piece far better than I could.
The bottomline is that there are are many Muslims in these war-torn countries who don't give a damn about politics but simply want to live in peace.
Having said that, importing a few hundred thousand into western culture - thousands of whom are going to commit these heinous acts - is no solution.
End immigration and solve these problems in the countries where the problems exist.
Shall we bring millions into the US and Europe? That simply transfers the issues to a new local.
You can't empty Africa and Asia into the US and Europe and expect that to solve the underlying issue.
Thank you Paul. I know that we non-Americans don't live it the way you guys do, but we are being worked up to it slowly. 2017 was the year Australia grew an African crime problem. This was unthinkable just ten years ago. Its everywhere.
PB (also named Paul)
Merry Christmas everyone! Cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate Paul and all posters, it truly is refreshing.
Just got done reading the local paper, here are a few tidbits I thought readers would enjoy.
1. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that an historically negro church sustained damage because of Hurricane Matthew. The steeple is stil laying alongside the church despite pleas for donations and soul food sales. YT let the congregation down.
2. A negress with 4 keeds managed to buy a home in the Tampa area back in 2005. Value was $175,000. She got a grant from the city for over 80k, as well as a federal grant for over 40k. She got a mortgage for the rest, $800 a month. Because the contractor used Chinese drywall, the homes in that area are worth 6k. Your tax dollars at work.
Female in FL
Merry Christmas to y'all!
Merry Christmas PK!
All will change, for the better, in 2017...
Merry Christmas good sir! Keep up the great work into 2017!
Merry Christmas to Paul and all of the wonderful commenters who make this one of the best sites on the web.
Here's a good Christmas read. And this was written years ago!
Checked Drudge this morning and found the following story (in the Daily Mail of course) about Christmas Eve mall brawls. As I was reading, I thought, "well let's not jump to conclu- oh never mind, they're all black."
Merry Christmas PK, Pat, Analog man, Ms Greenbaum, Brian, JJ, Texas, Kyle, both rexs, oooogabooooga, and our good Lovecraftian professor, and to all that come here. Im happy to say that there are so many good commenters that I can no longer recall them all off the top of my head. I wish all the best to all of you.
Mr Turner
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Merry XMAS to all readers, however, before I go there is a video of holiday shoppers doing their last errands. Guess what the common denominator of the perps are in these disruptions? YOU guessed it!
Please Do Not Forget. All we have done is buy breathing room before complacency sets in again. This agenda must be relentlessly pushed by all legal available means. We will fade into the night if it's time to go back to the six pack and pro sports.
IT is time for White People to stop being so nice: Therefore:
To all others: FUCK YOU.
"I'm dreaming of a White Neighbor..."
"Just like the ones I used to know...."
I agree that whites need to kick back and assert their white privilege they say we have. I recently read that the Santa in the huge mall in Minnesota was going black this year, and as we might know the cast of Alexander "Hamilton" who lectured Mike Pence was a non-white cast. The cast of the musical "Annie" was made black. It seems the left is trying hard to erase any vestige of the white race by inundating us with black faces. I wonder if the leftist media would portray Martin Luther King as white?
What PK's blog and several other blogs have done for us is they have given us a voice. For that I am thankful. If not for the white race, we would not be able to write in this blog today. I think we are now on the right track.
Merry Christmas to all white realists out there!
Merry Christmas Paul, to you and yours.
10mm Auto
Merry Christmas to Paul and all my cherished commenters. May I share that Trump was criticized at the dinner table on Christmas Eve by my kookie, delusional sister-in-law and niece. I announced to the table that I loved him from the get-go and have been giddy with joy since Election Day. To my delight, my brother-in-law, his wife and their 20-year-old son (who is majoring in Criminal Justice to become a state trooper) said they too voted for Trump and were optimistic for the first time in decades. My husband and I were so pleased. Thank you Santa. Best gift ever.
Merry Christmas everybody! 2017 should indeed be interesting! Thanks PK for all you do.....
Isn’t life wonderful today? The libtards and their pets are just flipping their wigs, taking a huge dump all over their own lives & existence. They’re solely responsible for making themselves miserable over the Holydays, they have nothing good to say about the “Trump Train,” so it’s eating the lining right out of their stomachs while ‘I’ have a good Christmas day with family.
I feel as if I finally got my hands on that wrecker bar, pried the bars apart, & escaped the imposition of terms by the “O” administration!
Have a great transition into the New Year PK & all who comment here at SBPDL!
Ah the Reds are gearing up with that warm, fuzzy holiday cheer they are so famous for.
(((White))) Marxist Univ. professor (Is there any other kind?) Tweets, "All I want for Christmas is WHITE GENOCIDE."
In other news:
State Supreme Court Upholds Conviction of Christian-Newsom Murderer Lemaricus Davidson:
I was disgusted with the Freepers responses regarding the State Farm commercial. They fell all over themselves about the Negro proposing to the stupid white chick.
Female in FL
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all. Have a safe and groid free 2017!
My Christmas wish...?
That PK does a standup routine like Sam H. does here, except with n*gger statistics...
Merry Christmas White People!!!!
It's OUR holiday!! N&ggers have Kwanzaaa...
Merry Christmas to Paul and family and to all fellow posters. Thank you all for your contributions to a site that is a haven of rationality and truth.
Merry Christmas to all and here's hoping that 2017 is a turning point for our cause. There are more of us now than I would've dared to hope only a year ago, but we are still a little shy of critical mass. Oh, well. The train is rolling along and more passengers are boarding. The tide is turning.
Merry Christmas to all ! May 2017 be the year of Looney Left discomfort without measure.
Merry Christmas to Paul & all of you who are the remnant of believers that stuck it out and hung together. Still a lot of work to be done, but truth and reality is on our side.
I'm optimistic for 2017.
Merry Christmas to all, especially, to Paul, Californian, PJT, Oil & Water, and so, so many others! Insightful comments to what Paul brings to light is what keeps me coming back to this site. Call me out on sh*t as much as you please! I will stand corrected and argue whatever I feel is unfairly directed at me....(notice I am silent right now, PJT!)
I love you all! Stay strong and don't give up. If you have a loved one next to you right now, (Christ, even a pet cat or dog!)....give 'em a hug and a "Merry Christmas' wish. Love the truth and love yourselves for telling it. Hate the lie, for that is where Satan thrives....(talkin' bout you, MSM, (((tribe))).......)...look, cockroaches can't stand the light. Let it shine on 'em!
"(((White))) Marxist Univ. professor (Is there any other kind?) Tweets, "All I want for Christmas is WHITE GENOCIDE."
I bet he would change his attitude just before his throat is cut.
Funny, now and again they have done positive reading about black on black crime. ;)
I'm the "asinine" commenter who said "always vote republican and cut off the life support to the hive". Yep, right you are, asinine. It's not like we had the 94 congress and Contract With American wherein further payment past the first illegitimate child was CUT OFF. And it's not like Republicans follow through with smaller government by getting rid of programs like foundation for the study of the political ramifications of hair-weaves', 'association of meeting planners'(really, that one) and other, bullshit, make-work programs. And it's not like in addition to Trump, the republican party is generally feared so much that the nogs physically attack people and block the voters to prevent them from getting in. By all means, tilt at windmills,- quit your job (that'll show 'em, and ruin your life and that of your family, and rob your children of the education and establishment of continuing our dominate white race, that will preserve and pass on our way of life, and vote OUR PEOPLE in. (Oh wait,- that doesn't work,-forgot) Hell, you could even join a militia! Instead of voting people in who nearly always wage war against them and their retarded way of life in some fashion and most importantly, cut their funding, grandstand and quit your job. Oh yes, and give up watching football! That'll really do it! But hey, we're white. We can disagree without losing our minds (because we actually possess them. Even when we're labelled asinine.
One more thing, didn't care for the 'asinine' thing, but I generally think you're a good, intelligent poster. Nearly everyone here is. Merry Christmas everyone.
"End immigration and solve these problems in the countries where the problems exist."
The problem IS ISLAM, their book does not allow any latitude in it's dealings with non muslims. Unlike the Bible, not a word of the Quran has been changed in nearly 1400 years. The Quran encourages muslims to spread islam by fire or sword and by moving into (immigrating)to non muslim areas. When muslims are 1-2%of a population they are "the best neighbors" "very peaceful" BUT! when that population reaches 5+% things change and the demands begin. 11 years in the Muddled East, I speak fairly good Arabic and I tell you there can be no peace with islam, only conversion, enslavement with taxation or DEATH! There is NO OTHER OPTION!
My wife,mother,sister and brother warned my cousins and friends of family members not to talk politics. Of course my father and I were hoping some of our Hillary supporting family members would. No such luck.
Well,I hope everyone here had a good Christmas.
Mine was rather uneventful. I did my best to,avoid the crowds this year and spent a quiet day with my family. I did not encounter one black today, which is always a good thing.
Hopefully in the coming years a system can be initiated to round them up and send them back to Africa. One can only hope.
Saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone I meet...feels like a thrilling act of defiance.
Fight back!!
(((They))) are trying to make us go away...
Orcs are their front line shock troops.
Weird ad. Despite the obvious, the girl looks like she's a 15-year-old picked up at a bus station and he looks like a 40-year-old pimp.
Were coming into a new year and a up coming ingageartion just wait for all the liberals and their riots the disruptions from the dirty little collage bolsheveks and the whining of the little snowflakes
Merry CHRISTmas to you all.
Yep, I'm one of the "guys" who trashes Christianity (actually, it is Paulism but some of you will have no idea what I am saying)...BUT......allow me to show my support of Christmas, since being a loser, soulless, depressed, sad, "Atheist", there would be NO "Holiday Season" without CHIRSTmas, and no CHRISTmas without Christ.
I am not one so foolish, un-read, uneducated of filled with self-righteous Atheism, that I will be so stupid to denounce the existence of Christ, or Christo, or Joshua ben Joseph, since he DID exist. I just have a problem with the mystical-mythical-Egyptian aspects of the Bible, not some of the Historical events.
BUT, just to let you all know what I've been up to, I've been reading an incredibly awesome book about DAVID, actually written by a Jewish Biblical professor at Yale. I can not believe what I am reading. According to him, about 95% of what be "believe" about David is not true.
David vs Goliath? Not true
David wrote most (if not all the Pslams)? Not true
David was an Israeli? Not True.
I'm not making this up. Since I am writing this comment at work, Monday Morning (yep, I like to work and make money), I can not recall the exact title of this book but I encourage ALL OF YOU to read it since it is one of the best explanation of what happened around 1,000BC. I will remember to get the TITLE and post it next time, if the comment(s) are allowed.
(Did you know that David was a vassal of the Philistines, and was working FOR them when he took over Judah and then moved on to the Northern (((tribes))) and took over "Israel" ,which in itself didn't even exist until he forced himself on those tribes? Very interesting.)
It also explains the origin of the word "HEBREW" which is basically Sumerian for "robber, cheat, liar", something like that...I'm working from memory, now. No kidding.
What I am getting at is that I support the TRUTH, the FACTS regardless of where they may lead. The birth of CHRIST is the reason for CHRISTMAS which is the reason for "The Holiday Season", but to NOT call it Christmas is an insult of a real person, who really lived, who really died trying to establish HIS NATION, for HIS RACE, for HIS COMMUNITY.....just like we all want. The Romans of his time are the (((rulers))) of our time.
Joshua ben Jospeh was a right-wing, Anti-Roman, separatist, segregationist, pro-sword, redneck, militia member, and for THAT I admire him.
Merry CHRISTmas.
PK's blog and several other blogs have done for us is they have given us a voice. For that I am thankful.
Agree 100%. But it's gotten to a point where a voice just isn't enough anymore. We need to organize, mobilize, get off our complacent asses and be heard loud & clear. We need to be the squeakier wheel. We're fed up with the bullshit of America's designated pets! Tired of OUR struggle supporting them. Tired of the crimes THEY commit! Tired of the transformation of once great neighborhoods into ghettos & war zones at THEIR hands! Tired of Affirmative Action. Tired of Affordable Housing! Tired of the newest reason or excuse that "European" Americans are responsible for their animalistic behavior. White Priviledge being the latest.
Trump is just a cry out from a fed up nation. He's not going to fix the past 50 years of the monkeyshines hijinks in 8 years. We need to start being seen and heard, loud and clear! We're fed up and we're not going to take it anymore! Label me, call me whatever you want, I really don't care anymore. I'm just fed up with working my balls off and watching the 17% laugh, survive and destroy on my tax money.
"the 94 congress and Contract With American" (sic)
How's that working out for you? We have had plenty of "republican congresses" since and by my estimation we have less liberty, less prosperity, more muds, more degeneracy, more people dependent on the state/welfare system, more socialism. More unpayable debt, more inflation, more anti-white anti-Christian anti-family policies and propaganda, more wars for 'our greatest allies'.... more of the same with marginally better sounding rhetoric. Same shit different pile. Keep pulling that R lever. They've been in a bit of a slump for the last century, but if you wish upon a star I'm sure they'll come around and actually represent us any minute now.
Really what would be best is if the party went the way of the Whigs and created a void which could be filled by a party which actually represented the interests white Christian Americans.
On topic, maybe?
My work is largely tedious and repetitive and I often half watch old movies while I work. A couple weeks ago I watched the movie Apocalypse Now. Yesterday while reflecting upon the spirit of self sacrifice we roundabout celebrate, I thought of the brief monologue towards the end by Brando explaining how we would never win the war because of how far the enemy was willing to go for their cause.
Consider this. Our enemies sacrifice their own children to "Diversity". Their true believers really do put their money where their mouth is. Think of all the stories of the lib-tard who brags about living in a vibrant area, boasts of sending their children to diverse schools, or even becomes a victim of a crime up to and including loss of a loved one and still doubles down for their cause. They actually uproot their families from someplace safe to live in Little Africa, they buy Christmas gifts for the savages who kill their children.
We are not even willing to move AWAY from these war zones.
While our enemies risk their lives and the lives of their own wives and children every day we dare not even risk our shitty jobs. Another reminder, if your job is so great yet you haven't saved enough to survive a year or three it's time to do some careful examination of that situation.
Perhaps now isn't yet time for us to act, but rest assured our enemies are not holding back and are willing to die for the cause of our demographic replacement. I fear our side may need to lose absolutely everything. Only then might the survivors realize that they have nothing else to risk losing by making a last desperate stand.
As PK used to say frequently, all we really need to do is survive. Once we stop feeding them either by choice or by necessity the muds will almost entirely eat each other then starve or die of exposure. Invariably the S will HTF sooner or later either by design or natural disaster. I beg of you all, if you are not in a position to survive at least 6 months if the power went out tomorrow, make it your New Year's resolution to get there ASAP.
Anyway, hope you all had a white Christmas.
I've started building my own Christmas presents in the woodshop.
Around here, I can buy hardware at Lowe's, Home Depot, or any lumber yard which seen to repulse minoritys.
Maybe that bedwetter can start the SJW ball a rolling with his own suicide.
Take California out of the mix and we are the majority!
You will Most likely find Australian jewish organizations being the major impetus behind unrestricted third world immigration advocacy.
Is that not correct?
Why were you disgusted with the "Freeper" response?
Are you a race mixer?
You mean Obama hasn't pardoned them yet?
But that's monochromatic???
Black Lies Matter "protesters" interrupt brunch singing black pride and anti-Trump Christmas carols. They of course still used the tunes written by white men, they just changed the words because anything else would take too much effort. Disqus comments open.
You have to check out the Mall Brawl, as someone has already posted. Drudge Report.
From the Hey Jackass Studios located in America's largest open-air shooting range, this is your weekend update . . .
Last Week’s Totals (12/18 – 12/24)
Total Shot: 64
Shot & Wounded: 57
Shot & Killed: 7
Total Homicides: 8
December to Date
Total Shot: 234
Shot & Wounded: 189
Shot & Killed: 45
Total Homicides: 48
2016 Year to Date
Total Shot: 4317
Shot & Wounded: 3612
Shot & Killed: 705
Total Homicides: 785
Christmas Weekend 2016 stats as of 9:00AM:
11 killed, 35 wounded
Christmas Weekend 2015 Final Stats:
13 killed, 23 wounded
2016 Shot Clock Stats
A shooting happens every 2 hours.
A homicide happens every 11 hours.
Five-and-a-half days to go and the magic number of 800 murders seems inevitable, especially with New Year's Eve falling on a Saturday night. Yes We Can!
"Really what would be best is if the party went the way of the Whigs and created a void which could be filled by a party which actually represented the interests white Christian Americans. "
Wait a minute. Aren't you the guy who is constantly telling us that most whites who claim to be Christians aren't really practicing Christianity? If they aren't Christians, then who and what are you defending?
The problem with Christianity is that a white Christian isn't any different than a black or a brown Christian in the eyes of the Lord. Christianity explicitly denies the importance of race.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Black Lies Matter "protesters" interrupt brunch singing black pride and anti-Trump Christmas carols. They of course still used the tunes written by white men, they just changed the words because anything else would take too much effort. Disqus comments open.
December 26, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Interesting lyrics.
"Peace on Earth and mercy mild
Black and Human reconciled"
I think that says it all.
The part about evil YT going quietly into the night. The night will not be exactly quiet. There will be lots of noise that sounds like gunfire and screaming groids and other POC's. Let us not forget the Jude.
I wished everyone Merry Christmas three days ago. I didn't know we were supposed to all wait to give our holiday greetings on this particular posting. So if I'm not too late - Merry Christmas.
But let me get in first in posting to all of you - Happy New Year!
I'm so excited I have ordered a better brand of champagne for this coming week.
PT, don't disagree with any of that. Just don't see a VIABLE alternative at this time. Throwing a tantrum and voting for a party or candidate who stands no chance of winning gets us nowhere. Am optimistic about Trump though.
Chicago is the perfect sanctuary cIty. 🕊 🕊 🕊
I have noticed, except for the SJWs who frequent such events, despite the high praise such "blackened" classics get, they don't really seem to do well over the long term. I wonder why?
Paul are a champ. You're even better than that pretentious Jew Hating website American Renaissance. Keep it up.
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