“Instead of going to Mars, we have invaded the Middle East. … It’s time to end the era of stupid wars and rebuild our country,” said Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech mogul to the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. [Peter Thiel gave a remarkably critical speech of the Republican Party right in front of their faces, Business Insider, byMatt Rosoff, July 23, 2016]
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Dream for something more than the closing of the racial gap... |
There can be no doubt that, outside of Donald J. Trump’s historic speech, Thiel’s address was the second most important of the entire convention, laying out a vision for America’s future free of pointless foreign involvement and entirely dedicated to rebuilding our infrastructure and rededicating NASA to venturing to the heavens (instead of Obama’s hilarious directive of outreach to Muslims).
Only a week after the RNC, the Democratic National Convention made clear it was firmly committed to keeping America’s feet on the ground and entirely dedicated to uplifting would-be black cop killers like Michael Brown, whose mother was allotted time to address the nation as part of the Mother’s of the Movement.
Also at the RNC, Eileen Collins, the first female space shuttle pilot and commander, would speak on NASA and America’s abandoning of space exploration, noting, “The last time the United States launched our own astronauts from our own soil was five years ago,” she said. “We must do better than that.” [So, Space Shuttle Pilot Eileen Collins Speaking at the RNC. That Was Interesting, Wired.com, by Eric Niler, July 21, 2016]
Creating a sense of optimism about the future for Americans who still want to dream about a better tomorrow was a stroke a genius for the Republicans, while the Democrats were left shaking their fists (and, because it seemed advantageous at the time) and U.S. Constitution at the GOP for daring to nominate a man who wants to Make America Great Again.
You almost got the sense from the DNC that Hillary Clinton and her party agreed with the Black Lives Matter statement that, “America was never great,” which is why a new America must elected.
To understand why Thiel’s comments were so revolutionary, we must take a step back in time to the words of Eugene Cernan, the last man to step foot on the moon. Cernan, who was part of NASA’s last mission to the moon, Apollo 17, wrote these words in his autobiography addressing a hopeful destiny for America:
"The main reason that we will venture back into deep space is simply that we must. It is necessary, not a frivolous whim, and a lust of science is not enough of an explanation, for we really don't know what we will learn on Mars. We will go because it is logical to do so, and our curiosity as a species will not allow us to remain locked to our home planet much longer. Humankind must explore, for we want to learn what lies over the hill or around the corner. Inspiration, sweat, challenges, and dreams got us to the Moon and they will get us to Mars and beyond. It is our destiny." [The Last Man on the Moon, by Eugene Cernan, p. 343]
With a hopeful message of future exploration into space, the GOP couldn’t be more different than the Democrats, who have bowed before the pressure exerted by Black Lives Matter. The growing BLM movement just put out a list of six demands, which our friends in the Democrat Party will soon work to implement:
As part of the effort, the groups are demanding, among other things, reparations for what they say are past and continuing harms to African-Americans, an end to the death penalty, legislation to acknowledge the effects of slavery, as well as investments in education initiatives, mental health services and jobs programs. [Black Lives Matter Coalition Makes Demands as Campaign Heats Up, New York Times, by Yalmiche Alcindor , August 1, 2016]
There can be absolute no doubt the eerie parallels existing between the Black Lives Matter movement, which is entirely dedicated to transferring white wealth to improve only black lives (breaking down law and order in the process, to benefit black criminals), and the opposition that existed to NASA’s efforts to explore the heavens when Apollo 11 was about to complete it’s historic first mission to the moon in July of 1969.
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The Mercury Seven... with John Glenn's passing, all are now gone |
As documented in 'Whitey on the Moon': Race, Politics, and the death of the U.S. Space Program, 1958 – 1972, there was fierce opposition to NASA that was entirely racial in nature. Time magazine would derisively note the lack of black involvement with the launch of Apollo 11, noting:
Never forget it was only a span of 66 years between the Wright Brothers first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903 to Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, but for white liberal writers at Time magazine, they could only ask, “Is the Moon White?”:
If to many the moon seemed white, it also seemed middle-aged. Excitement about the voyage was strongest among those old enough to remember how fantastic the project seemed a generation ago. The young, who have grown up in the TV and space age, seemed the most blasé of all. [Time, July 25, 1969, p. 16]
This paragraph is important to think of today, noting how Donald Trump is energizing both elderly, middle-age, and young Americans with a vision of an America whose government puts America First. There can be no doubt Americans watching the first moon landing on July 20, 1969 believed this historic act would be the first of many exploits in space (one wonders where a young Donald Trump was on this day), fondly recalling this memory as they watched the 2016 GOP Convention.
What could have been, many Americans have probably thought over the years, when you consider we abandoned space exploration more than four decades for… for what exactly?
Medgar Evers, was gunned down in Mississippi. That is why the New York Times, on July 21, 1969, asked Evers’s brother Charles to write an editorial giving his opinion on the moon landing. Charles, just elected mayor of Fayette, Mississippi, penned a roadmap for our country’s future we would sadly take as he wrote:
As a daring adventure, this exploration of the moon compares with the voyage of Columbus in 1492. There are a lot of similarities. Like our astronauts, Columbus left behind a world crowded with people who didn’t have enough to eat, people who had no decent clothes to put on their backs, people who had no doctor to look after them when they were sick . . . .
But there were some things about Columbus’s voyage different from this moon shot. The political leaders who sent Columbus toward a new world made no claim to be concerned about the agony of poverty and deprivation. It didn’t cost Queen Isabella billions of dollars to send her explorers. She didn’t have to take food out of any child’s mouth in order to put Columbus on those leaky old boats.
The billions of dollars spent on this moon exploration program mean that it will be even longer before America begins to keep her promises to the poor.
America needs to look at the earth, not at space. Before one more dollar is spent on outer space, we must make sure that not one child here on earth goes to a dinner table with no food on it. [New York Times, July 21, 1969]
For the past four decades, America has followed a blueprint more closely in line with Mr. Evers then with Eugene Cernan’s hopeful vision of the future ($22 trillion, 80 welfare programs later...). It could easily be stated the 2016 Democratic National Convention was nothing more than a reiteration of Evers hope for where America’s national treasury would be dedicated (diverted).
But one can see in Thiel’s speech a renaissance of the spirit which motivated the Wright Brothers to pursue flight and achieve man's first foray into the skies in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (in 1903), culminating in Apollo 11’s mission to the moon only 66 years later.
I thought of a solution to our plight that will satisfy all parties. The former Republican platform consisted of
A) Diversity is our strength
and B) We must wage war to build nations in the Middle East
In the spirit of Christian charity, we should lend the Middle Eastern countries our strength, ergo--send them our blacks!
How have you not talked about "Hidden Figures" yet? Please do. I would be very interested in reading your thoughts on the subject and upcoming film.
Reparations ?
We Whites have paid so much: in treasure, blood and lost accomplishments; we should rue the day we began importing the beasts.
Now that we have a President with family ties to Israel we can be sure that there will be no more US involvement in wars in the Middle East, good relations with our gallant little ally, and no more disrespect to Netanyahu. Yippee!
The Useless Nations has totaly failed and there still is no World Peace the so called UN was suppost to bring no longer should we be forced to send our military into for forgein intaglment to satisfy a bunch of war mongers and terrorists supporting nations from around the world its time to close our over seas bases bring our troops home to guard our borders and let these UN war mongers crack their fools heads open with their own messes they have created and lets get rid of the Useless Nations as well
More important than anything is making sure we integrate our schools. You must have your children spend as much time as possible with negroes...
And look at what we have to show for the "War on Poverty." Those things are even more stupid than they were in 1969. What an absolute disgrace.
Female in FL
We will eventually put a man on Mars, and beyond. It`s inevitable. And when we do, it will be because of white people.
If however, the first couple of attempts should fail, it will be because we insisted on diversity and tried to, once again, bring blacks along.
Blacks don't give a fuck about space exploration. All they know is that's money we aren't spending on them. To be curious and yearn for greater things is definitely "acting white".
The Mercury 7, and the space program in general, showed what white people are capable of. Ferguson, MO, Dorothy Dow and Amanda Blackburn showed what black people are capable of.
Gods speed, John Glenn....
Stay alert, stay alive.
OT - 19-year-old [nog] accused of strangling girlfriend to death
Probably trying to break up with him, which we all know cannot be tolerated by the low IQ, low impulse control homo erectus. Disruhspekt...
Gwinnett Gladiator
The black power structure knows deep down at some level, that if whites ever make space travel and off-planet colonization convenient and practical, we might leave and never come back. Then they'd have to fend for themselves. And that scares them to death.
When one factors in the complete refusal to examine the spin off value of technology developed from the space program one could be forgiven for thinking that we are destined to live in mud huts as long as it is all "equal". It is no accident that critical thinking has been discouraged in our public education system. Now wait for the slew of celebrities and entertainment professionals to mock space exploration.
Another good read."White woman attacked in a car with kids" pretty sick. World Net Daily.
Instead of linking to a hollywood movie created by people that hate every single person here, you should put footage of the actual events.
Obama receives a undererved peace prize for nothing and he is possibly igniting a conflict in the middle east I sure hope the peace prize commity can live with itseld but they also awarded the prize to terrorists leaders like Nelson Mandela(African Natuional Congress)and Yasir Arafat(Palitine Liberation Organization(PLO)as well as a phonie scieists and con man AL GORE and americas #1 worst presidents ever Barack Obama
A "Nation" is NOT a piece of ground, a Nation is a People. People with the same language, culture, and race. If the USA can return to being a White Nation we can accomplish anything and everything!
The democratic party suffers from severe white guilt. The only problem with "their" guilty feelings are they want everyone to pay for it!
So, to stop wasting time bitching about jigs, lets do something about it. Where is the most lovely place we can move all our families to and start making our own white territory? Constructive action is the most important thing to consider. We are all over the country and not unified. That to me sounds counter productive. Especially all the keyboard bravado we have and strong feelings of segregating our selves for the survival of our race. Now is the time. These fucks will have us outnumbered in 5 yrs. We won't have a chance in hell or a pot to piss in. Submit your ideas here. I'm ready to get the hell out of Ohio and want to make real plans for a white nation.
"How have you not talked about "Hidden Figures" yet? "
These women were used to do tedious calculations before computers were readily available and easier to use. They did not design the spacecraft, rockets, aircraft or plan the experiments that generated the data they processed. I find it hard to believe that John Glenn specifically asked a negress to verify by hand a computer calculation before his orbital flight. A feel-good, affirmative action story like this would have been thrown in our faces years ago. As far as I know, no one ever asked Glenn about this. Now it is too late.
Two specific items lead me to suspect that there is at least some embellishment here. Although one of the protagonists is claimed to calculate the flight path of Apollo 11, at the time of the landing she was actually at a conference in Pennsylvania. You would think that she would be on hand at such a critical time. The trajectory calculations were continuously updated by computers at the Mission Control Center in Houston.
Another questionable claim is that the same woman above calculated the trajectory and liftoff time of Alan Shepard's flight so that he would splash down in the proper recovery zone. Shepherd's flight was suborbital, basically a parabolic lob akin to an artillery projectile. The time of liftoff has absolutely no bearing on where it lands. An orbital flight, on the other hand, has to consider time of liftoff in order to rendezvous with a target or splash down in an area where it is daylight.
I have debated whether to see this film or purchase the book. On one hand, I would like to find out how much it differs from historical fact. On the other hand, I loathe handing over shekels for propaganda.
We should turn this into a positive for our side by asking, "If these women of color from HBCUs could enter a STEM field and make such a vital contribution at a time with outward discrimination, why do we need special programs and affirmative action for them today?"
One huge ass shuttle, put the nogs inside.Ignition, take off, one way to Uranus.
I watched the first lunar landing live on black and white television. What I remember most was not the landing itself, not the exploration, great as they were, but rather the mental picture of the ascent of the lunar module back into space.
Here were two men in a complicated craft with no back-up and primitive computers on board with hundreds of millions of people on earth watching. The module either fires up and propels them off the desolate surface to return them to the command module, or they are simply dead. No in-betweens.
It was so cool to see the module lift and separate from the spidery legs of the LEM and shoot up into the lunar atmosphere. That sticks in my mind the most.
Then about ten years ago, I heard a black woman on television, bemoaning the fact that her husband had not been included in the space program, saying that whites had not wanted to see, "Coons on the moon."
I believe that PK recently recalled that Pres. Kennedy had pushed for a black to be in the program, even though the only one to half- way qualify had finished last in his class. It was only through the backing of Curtis Lemay that prevented the AA appointment from happening.
This woman's attitude is typical of blacks - it can't be shortcomings on our part, so it must be white discriminatory practices. The denial of the facts is within all of them, higher to lower functioning, it makes no difference. They simply cannot face their limitations as a people.
I would love to see NASA re-engaged in exploration, but at this time the only space I am concerned with is that which blacks take up in this country.
I know that Trump is not the cure-all, but his rise just may demonstrate the pendulum beginning to shift to the right.
Which is more difficult; three men travelling a total of half a million miles across a void to and from another heavenly body in a mere 60 odd years since the Wright Brothers? Or repatriating 40 mil people across an ocean?
It can be done.
In the spirit of Christian charity, we should lend the Middle Eastern countries our strength, ergo--send them our blacks!
After the West discovered black Africa there were two routes to bring out the slaves: across the Atlantic towards the Caribbean, North and South America, and across the Sahara towards the Muslim middle East.
More blacks went towards the Middle east than were shipped on boats to the West. But fewer blacks survived the trip. The mortality rate for the trek across the Sahara was considerably higher than that in the slaves ships.
Passage on a slave ship was not pleasant. The slaves were packed in below decks such that they couldn't stand. But there are two points that are often overlooked. First the white slavers - mostly Dutch for Virginia and the American South in the early years - wanted to keep as many black slaves alive as possible and secondly the whites who manned these ships also had high mortality rates. Both races died in great numbers from disease. The whites died of malaria. The blacks were largely chosen for their resistance to malaria. The blacks tended to die of tuberculosis. Slave ships were death ships for both races. It was very risky to be a crew member on a slave ship.
But the mortality rate on the ships was low compared to that on the trip through the Sahara. More blacks began that trip but maybe fewer got to the other end in the Muslim destination. When the blacks got Middle East the men and boys were castrated. This was done with knife by the slave merchants. Many bled to death and other died of infections.
There are few blacks in the Middle East today. This because the Muslims neutered all the men. The many, many black slaves that they brought across the desert died and were not allowed to reproduce.
Lots of blacks in Africa are in fact Muslims, but the real Arab Muslims in Middle East have contempt for black Africans. America has so many blacks today because we as a Christian nation have always treated blacks better than almost any other country. Remember America only accounted for perhaps one quarter of all the blacks shipped West. Brazil got most of them and the Caribbean. But the slave islands and Brazil tended to work them till they died. They simply had more shipped in from Africa. In America we imported fewer slaves and gave them much better conditions.
In the nineteenth century on the big gang oriented cotton plantations the slaves had individual houses, personal gardens, and better food than most whites at the time. It was good business. Most of these plantations had a nurse or some kind of doctor to keep the slaves healthy. The biggest plantations had hospitals. We stopped importing slaves early and relied on 'natural increase'.
You have been lied to about slavery.
The movie Elysium is a good example of that.
Hidden Figures --> http://www.vdare.com/articles/hyped-figures-john-glenn-and-the-pc-myth-of-katherine-johnson-unsung-black-women-were-not-what-got-us-to-the-moon
Now for a touch of humor. Check out this video.
Apparently some in Washington DC (my birthplace) failed to consider the local population when they decided to build a big Vegas style casino. My guess is that the high rollers from Europe and the orient won't want to mix with the crowds seen here.
Paul, just read your VDARE piece. Excellent!
The negress computers were based at NASA Langley in VA. The trajectory calculations for Gemini and Apollo were performed at the Real Time Computer Complex at Mission Control in Houston. For Mercury, these were probably done at the Mission Control Center at Cape Canaveral. For Glenn's orbital flight, I am not even sure what needed to be checked, since there were a couple of unmanned Mercury-Atlas orbital test flights previously.
In all fairness, it is possible that techno-ignorant journalists could have screwed up the details or deliberately embellished them.
I participate in several space-related forums and there is a buzz starting about this film. Wondering about the best way to effectively push back on factual inaccuracies and improbable history without too much social ostracism. I have already been "unfriended" on Faceberg by a conservatard over Israel.
Anyway, I will retire in two years so It's not like it will be an issue on a future job background check.
Pat - It looks like "Semites" were involved in both the trans-Sahara and Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
It is amusing that American negroes take French or Arabic names for prestige.
"There are few blacks in the Middle East today. This because the Muslims neutered all the men."
Could've been done, and could still be done today, right here in America. But (((Jesus))) wouldn't like it.
Thank you for the historical slave analysis. It always interests me to learn about mistruths of this era, especially how other countries differed in their involvement in the slave trade.
Hidden Figures = fake news.
Off topic, saw a commercial today for "Saving The Children." It was your typical scene from an African village, filth,mudhuts, scores of emancipated niglets and a small group of coddlers begging for 65 cents a day to save the children.
This plainly illustrated the strength of the muhdik, that's all they have on their minds.
Female in FL
The purpose of NASA and future space projects is diversity, so let the people who will benefit from it (blacks, illegal aliens) PAY FOR IT.
Bu..bu..but they ain' got no moneys.
Pat, I have read numerous sources stating 12 Million Slaves were brought over to Central and South America by the Portuguese, Spanish and Hispanic slavers.....(since they had a head start on us from around 1520 until Anthony Johnson, a Black Slave owner, sued the State of Virginia for the "right" to own slaves in the 1700's since his AFRICAN indentured servants didn't want to go back to Africa, or be "freed" and wanted, instead, to be Slaves). Anyway, of these 12 Million, 11.5 ended up in the Caribbean, Central America and South America.
Only 500,000 ended up in America.
Also, other factoids:
In 1860 the largest slave holder in South Carolina was William Ellison, a free black man and plantation owner.
In 1830 America’s 319,000 plus free blacks owned 12,700 plus black slaves
We didn't start Slavery. The Hispanics and Africans forced it on us.
SBPDL said ”Hidden Figures --> http://www.vdare.com/articles/hyped-figures-john-glenn-and-the-pc-myth-of-katherine-johnson-unsung-black-women-were-not-what-got-us-to-the-moon”
If blacks and AA were similar in 1968 to what they are today, Johnson's function is clear. Busy work double checking computer results would be the only safe place for an AA employee pretending to be a NASA scientist. If she screwed up her calculations the results would disagree with the computer results, and most likely the computations would be re-run until her calculations and the computer's calculations matched. I seriously doubt that if her calculations disagreed with the computer's that Glenn would have tossed the computer calculations and gone with Johnson's without further investigation.
Ironically, or not, Charles Evers endorsed Trump for President.
'Save the Children' ad--contrast that w Will Smiths new Christmas film, he, a star w beautiful White women. 'Collateral Beauty.'
Pat Boyle said...
Now for a touch of humor. Check out this video.
http://wpgc.cbslocal.com/2016/12/09/fight-breaks-out-at-opening-of-mgm-national-harbor/ Apparently some in Washington DC (my birthplace) failed to consider the local population when they decided to build a big Vegas style casino. My guess is that the high rollers from Europe and the orient won't want to mix with the crowds seen here.
---About 8 years ago I spoke to someone who was working on a Detroit Casino.
I assume to bring people down or across from Canada.
I wonder how it went.
"We didn't start Slavery. The Hispanics and Africans forced it on us."
Oh, FFS. Poor, helpless whitey!
If the "Hidden Figures" story was even remotely true, that movie would have been made 20 years ago, instead of being made in a year in which Hollywood coincidentally has orchestrated a near all-black Oscars to atone for the previous year's "sins".
Which is more difficult; three men travelling a total of half a million miles across a void to and from another heavenly body in a mere 60 odd years since the Wright Brothers? Or repatriating 40 mil people across an ocean?
Category error. The first problem is mostly engineering, the second is mostly political.
40 million could be removed from America in 30 days using equipment on hand, and the will to use it.
CENTURION (he uses all caps) responded to my post about slavery in the US and other related issues. We don't disagree. His figures support mine. I rely primarily on the books by Fogel. Fogel was an economist who won the Nobel Prize for his work on negro and slavery issues. He was a white man who married a negress. His books can be difficult because in one case the printing is so bad and in the other he, as an academic, cites everyone who ever touched on the subject at hand. But it's nice to read someone who can be trusted.
I think I mentioned before that I am supposed to be the direct descendent of Abraham Piersay - the man who brought the first black slaves into the British colonies that became the United States. I don't know if this is really true but I have cousin who is into genealogy who traced that. She didn't know who Piersay was. I recognized the name immediately from my reading about Jamestown.
Piersay was the richest man in Jamestown. He had brought over many white indigents from the London slums who were supposed to work in the fields to pay off their passage debts. They could not do that because they died. The average white bondsman lasted about half a year in the fields. The whole colony was failing, so the colony heads asked Piersay to find some blacks who might survive longer. He did. He sailed off and found some Dutch slavers. Piersay returned with the black slaves and the colony was saved.
At the time the whites in the New World seemed to die of malaria. African have a relative defense against the falciparum variety of malaria and a total immunity to the vivax variety. They still do but it's no longer very important.
In any case there were not many blacks in continental America until about half way through the eighteenth century. Almost all of the slaves who travelled the 'Middle Passage' went to sugar plantations further south. America never got more than about a fourth or a fifth of the total crop of slaves who crossed the Atlantic. And of course more were being marched across the Sahara. So continental US was always a minor player in the slave trade.
An interesting corollary to this is in the efforts to get rid of fossil fuels. Some liberals accuse the US of not trying to develop 'alternative' fuels because Brazil does so well with their conversion . But Brazil runs its cars on fuel from sugar cane. We try to make fuel alcohol from corn. The corn growers think this is great - they make big profits - but it doesn't make much economic sense. America simply doesn't have the right climate for massive sugar cane plantations. That why we never had as many black slaves as the more southerly nations in the Western hemisphere had.
I apologize for being so pedantic. Just be grateful I don't write everyday.
I should write a little something on today's topic.
I remember the day John Glen orbited the earth. It was a wonderful day for America and Americans. I was thrilled.
But then somehow we as a nation lost our way. I remember reading Jerry Pournell about how he couldn't believe how the space program has ground to a halt. I couldn't believe it either. But now there are some American billionaires who want to build a ship to sail to Mars. I do not begrudge them their money. The government seems to be too easy to distract with petty racial issues.
I suspect that Mars will be about as far as normal humans will ever get from Earth. For the further planets and the stars we will probably have to adopt more far-out technologies - probably robots but who knows? Larry Niven has a story (Protector) about a man who sits in his space ship and stares attentively at the control panel for ten thousand years. This space man is human but changed.
I think I already admitted that I would like to be a robot. I would also welcome some enhanced abilities.
Under globalism and Diversity, some win out, some lose out. And every people lose something by gaining something. Is it worth it?
Jews win out in money and influence since they are smarter. But as Muslim numbers rise in EU, they may lose out.
Blacks win out in sports and sex culture cuz they are stronger and bigger-donged and funky. But they lose out in brainy fields and money. Black women lose out sexually as no men want them and as black men go with white women.
Mexicans win out by moving across borders and living in the US. They gain access to medicine and material rewards. But most of them won't amount to much since they are mediocre in everything: sports, arts, intelligence. Also, Mexico will remain dependent on leeching on the US than developing its own talent pool.
Asians win out in academics and middle management, but Asian men lose out in sex because all women see them as inferior. Asian women win by marrying superior men, but they lose identity and culture as their kids are raised by non-asian fathers.
Muslims win out by moving to Europe and having better material lives. But their lower IQ means depressed economic prospects, and their cultures will erode under homomania.
White elites win out by having cheaper workers, but they lose out demographically to the non-white hordes who keep arriving. Also, white men lose white women to bigger-donged negroes who can whup white boys in schools and sports fields.
And so on and on. Some groups win more than others. And for every gain, there is a loss.
What PC does is suppress candid discussion of what people lose from globalism and Diversity.
PC only focuses on what various groups GAIN but suppresses discussion of what they LOSE. Also, on occasion that what they LOSE is discussed, only whites are blamed for the problem.
We need to inform every group what they have to LOSE due to Diversity and Globalism. We need HONEST SPEECH, but PC calls it 'hate speech'. Alt Right provides Warning Label to globalism sold to all peoples. Globalists are like pushers who sell dope to junkies by promising only the thrills and fun without mentioning any of the long-term dangers. Guess what happened to Russia in the 90s because it trusted the globo-dope-pushers?
With nationalism and unity, each people can at least win in their own nation. They will not gain the world, but they will keep their own nations.
Under globalism and diversity, each people may gain something, but they lose much more... unless that group happens to be Jewish or homo. Indeed, they may lose their entire nations just for more consumer goods and MTV.
PC pill is sleeping pill that prevents people from being awake to what they will lose out.
PC is like advertising that only mentions the GAIN without the side effects, the LOSS, the dangers.
PC is advertisement and propaganda.
Alt Right is Consumer Report on Globalism. Alt Right spells out the dangers of PC and Diversity for all groups.
Female in FL @ 1:38 pm: "scores of emancipated niglets..."
I'm fairly sure that you meant to say "emaciated" rather than "emancipated".
Emancipation has an entirely different connotation for the black folk.
Spell-check and predictive text can cause all sorts of errors.
PAT BOYLE - it in fact saddens me that you don't write prolifically each and every day!
Liberal whites are more dangerous than any black movement. I believe my hatred of them has surpassed my hatred of blacks. Blacks are gonna be black. White liberals will be the end of our country eventually.
There has been a race war declared on YT since the magic negro was fraudulently "elected",
So, 12% of the population commits 85% of ALL crime, collects 70% of ALL welfare, and in some areas 100% of Murders, 90+% of ALL rapes, 70%+ of ALL B&Es,
and the idiot whites cower in fear , the white guilt-ridden idiots vote for the magic negro, HRC, & every commie-marxist demoncrat to run,
while thier Brethren are attacked , robbed raped , murdered , forced to pay support for the savages , while the magic negro tears OUR home apart, tramples the U.S. Constitution, and imports savages from every 3rd world shithole on the planet , to build his own private army of scum to finish off the AMERICA he despises.
Stand up for yourself, for your Family, for your People, for your Home,AMERICA,
arm& train yourself to resist tyranny ,oppression & terrorism,
If attacked by niggers for being WHITE defend yourself,run'em over, blow 'em away,
Drop 'em like bad habits & standUP for who YOU are
I worked in the Caribbean Islands and one thing that seems to be overlooked for the most part is that all the blacks down there are also descendents of former slaves. The only difference is that they don't have the chip on their shoulder about it like American blacks do, and they also don't have the gibs/welfare system we have here. While there is a good amount of crime down there, there is also a good work ethic, and appreciation of whitey because they bring in tourist dollars. You never hear them complaining that their ancestors were slaves, so they are owed reparations, most know they would be living back in Africa if not for slave trade.
"Obama receives a undeserved peace prize for nothing"
That's pretty much only an award for being a rabid Marxist. Outside of the hard sciences NOBODY who wasn't somewhere to the left of Trotsky has won one of those in my lifetime. At this point I'd liken it to the "gold stars" the Germans used to pass out to nation wreckers, traitors, and subversives. It is a badge worn only by the enemies of whites and western civilization.
Do what I do, wait 6 months to ayear after the book comes out, then buy it for $2 at the local Goodwill, or check it out from the library. At that point nobody is making any royalties off of it, and if it turns out to be garbage, you only lost $2 and the time it took to read it.
Mr. Rational,
That is quite a statement. 40 million in 30 days.
I have pondered this many times. My solution would be to gut out oil tankers and pack them in, but that would be nowhere near over a million per day you are suggesting.
How could it be done on such an aggressive large scale?
I'm rueing!
OT: Hey PK, u are probably aware by now, but there is a massive effort to f&ck with Twitter for their anti-White policies in banning alt-right accounts. A group started by Anglin at Daily Stormer have flooded Twitter with FAKE n*gger Twitter accounts and are sowing chaos with a very cool strategy. They are making it so Twitter cannot figure out who is real and who is fake and will make them start cancelling real negro accounts by accident. Nuttiness to ensue.
You can read about it at Anglin's site and maybe add your shoulder to the wheel with an analysis and post of your own. It's hilarious!!
The Charles Evers speech (which included the comment about taking food out of the mouths of children to basically fund the space program) really disgusted me as it shows the gibsmedat mentality in full bloom. A mentality that says, "Do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves!" When I was five years old, my mother took it upon herself to transform the backyard into a garden growing as much produce as could be grown throughout the spring and summer. Much of it was canned for the winter months so we wouldn't starve. Even my older brother and I helped out in the garden to the extent possible. Despite all that, we had some really lean times but we made it through without anyone giving us handouts.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for any lazy black assed moron (and fambly) who sits on their front porch wailing while holding their hands out for gibsmedats? Should I have complained that the city was spending money on keeping the roads paved, the lights burning and the water flowing instead of giving the money to every lazy bastard in town who wouldn't even try to do anything to help themselves? Sorry but I'm NOT a negro nor will I ever act or think like one.
As a kid, I watched the moon landing and was utterly awe struck by the accomplishment. Every time I read about a negro wailing and complaining because the money wasn't given to negroes instead, it just pisses me off. My message to them? Do the world a favor-Proceed to the nearest bathroom, shove your head in the toilet and drown yourselves!
Pat Boyle:
I use CAPITALS since to me, (being conceited, obnoxious, and a "legend in my own mind"), CAPITALS look cool.......important.....influential......powerful.........
Please keep writing. I love (appreciate) your essays. They are both interesting and informative and the more facts WE have, the better we can endure the assault of the Ignorant.
Mr. Rational said...
Which is more difficult; three men travelling a total of half a million miles across a void to and from another heavenly body in a mere 60 odd years since the Wright Brothers? Or repatriating 40 mil people across an ocean?
Category error. The first problem is mostly engineering, the second is mostly political.
40 million could be removed from America in 30 days using equipment on hand, and the will to use it.
December 9, 2016 at 3:18 PM
From your keyboard to President-elect Trump's eyes!
" Kennedy had pushed for a black to be in the program, even though the only one to half- way qualify had finished last in his class. It was only through the backing of Curtis Lemay that prevented the AA appointment from happening."
WINGS/AIRPOWER magazine had a super comprehensive article on this very subject. Sorry, but I don't remember the axact issue though I still have it in with hundreds of other issues. Those of you that are better than I at computer searches could find it if interested, Chuck Yeager was against it.
Larry Niven has a story (Protector) about a man who sits in his space ship and stares attentively at the control panel for ten thousand years.
Phsspok is a Pak, not a human. In the Nivenverse, the Pak are humans' ancestor species.
This space man is human but changed.
Phsspok is the Protector stage of the Pak lifecycle, the only one that's sapient; they are extremely long-lived and physically tough but not biologically immortal. The transition from fertile breeder to sterile Protector is induced by consumption of Tree-of-Life.
Here's a recommendation for the entire "Tales Of Known Space" Nivenverse.
How could it be done on such an aggressive large scale?
With stuff already on hand.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA1dVYyXc8Y Figure 60/hour, 16 hr/day each.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyYUH2M6ZNc Figure 120/hour, 12 hr/day each. There are probably 1000 such machines in my state alone. Per the book, you can Compost Everything.
When Americans get onto a war footing, these and a hundred other tools will be taken up and employed. Those arrayed against us do not think we will, but once they push us to the breaking point there will be no restraints. The people who keep pushing are, frankly, suicidally foolish.
The people who actually get the job done need to let as few eyes see as possible, make sure that there's a plausible cover story with lots of moving pictures of the Potempkin villages and the transportees in them, and that the real evidence is disposed of. It won't do to let (((others))) write our history with us as the bad guys.
Damn (((them))) for giving us such lousy options, but (((they))) wouldn't have it any other way.
From your keyboard to President-elect Trump's eyes!
It will not happen unless he's assassinated or otherwise removed. That's the spark, and I sure hope that wake-up calls like this one throw some cold water on it.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have the ability to look at such things without flinching. It's an awful and terrible thing.
Maybe, just maybe, because the breeding sows best contribution to the program was sweeping the floors where the YT eggheads did the gruntwork?
Racoon, you are absolutely correct. One letter does make a YUGE difference in my post!
Female in FL
How about we make the modern-day equivalent of the moon landing project, the repatriation of the negroids to their proper location on our planet? Africa.
Some top shelf White minds should be able to figure that out pronto. Ya listening President Trump?!
"Liberal whites are more dangerous than any black movement. I believe my hatred of them has surpassed my hatred of blacks. Blacks are gonna be black. White liberals will be the end of our country eventually."
Someone somewhere long ago noted that no Nation can stand against treason from within. These days people don't seem to even know what treason is anymore.
I believe, the reason the Democrats, Gays, Communists, Perverts and Liberals are so LIVID about this election is that they CAN not discuss what really happened without exposing their lack of "free speech".
I sincerely believe that web site like this one, (SBPDL) are far more popular and followed than THEY CAN ADMIT. Get it? If they were to come out and say, they lost the election due to AMREN, SBPDL, VDdare, Daiy Stormer, Drudge, etc, then the masses may wonder what they hell they are talking about !!
In that situation, the dumb masses will go to those sites and......read MORE of the truth. The Democratic Dictatorship class can not have that.....(thus they are silenced by their own bigotry and sickness).........and that is funny as hell.
So, they make up some "fake" blogs to blame. Better to say all the above are "FAKE" than to face the truth. Then, if the masses go to SBPDL or AMREN, they are pre-propagandized into thinking these blogs are "FAKE" and everything on them just can't be true. Clever, but it won't work.
Once you understand that "A = A" (Than you Ayn Rand) or that 2 + 2 = 4, then you can not go back to sleep.
They are desperate, and a desperate fag, or child molester, or Marxist is extremely dangerous. They will kill. Just look at their pathetic noisy protests. Just wait until the day Trump is at the Capital to be sworn in......there will be HUGE gay, pervert, smelly unwashed feminist, (with their dirty bodies smelling like fish), Marxist, etc. riots and protests. When you piss off the deranged, they go deranged. Be ready. I am.
So, they are caught. Admit "Racial Awareness" has woken enough Whites to swing an election, of keep silent and gag yourself. Admit America is turning into a turd world dump due to open borders, or keep quite as more and more White Americans see the browns, yellows and coal colored peoples destroy everything the White Man built.
We just had our last election. Now comes Civil War 2.
I would love to know the reach of this blog. To think that Trump, Hannity, Rush, Pat Boyle, Bloomberg, and the Ambassadors of every county, are reading this, makes me feel soooo good.
"Jews win out in money and influence since they are smarter. But as Muslim numbers rise in EU, they may lose out."
The Zion project has always been about getting Israel populated and powerful, but lots of Jews in Europe and the US, while feeling that (artificial) familial connection to Israel simply don't want to go there. Scaring them into going has been part of the plan since before WW2 seeing as you can't build a powerful Nation without numbers, and the tendency to only select from one demographic makes the numbers hare to achieve without throwing in some added motivation, hence the need for "anti-Semitism" around every corner. I think this immigration disaster, contrived though it is, serves a few purposes, the least of which is the celebration of diversity.
Rue, rue, rue the past . . .
It was never as it seemed . . .o
If only we could turn back time
White Guilt is a bad dream . . .
Gutted oil tankers or converted cargo containers stacked on top of one another. If you've ever seen them up close they are massive and could easily carry 20k people per trip. The containers could then be off loaded and shipped to various countries in Africa, where they can also be used for housing, so they can't complain about being dropped off with nothing.
"Blacks don't give a fuck about space exploration. All they know is that's money we aren't spending on them."
Yes, a lot of Blacks are spoiled, self-centered brats. Funny thing is that nobody ever requires anything from Blacks. I look at it this way, if we have to pay for them and we don't, they should have to live up to certain requirements such as no more irresponsible breeding habits such as having kids you can't afford and no more deadbeat Black dads. Also, they should be required to behave, keep their neighborhoods clean, not commit crime and not be disruptive and obnoxious.
For those of you with the same problem I have, wouldn't it be great to get a full night's sleep once again? Can't remember the last time. Instead it's the current one-to-three times a night up - to the bathroom, and mostly awake by the time you hit the sheets again - routine. And then try to go back to sleep. "Party time" when you're younger, "Potty time" when you're not. Eeeesh!
Anyway, during one of those episodes, I came up with the following…
We have all probably thought about black repatriation, but the social/political barriers are many and treacherous and reduce the concept merely to a dream.
But, ask yourself these questions: Who has almost single-handedly influenced blacks across the country? Who contributes to countless ultra liberal causes? Who pumped life into the BLM movement?
George Soros, of course. And how does he accomplish his agenda? By aligning himself and his money with black leaders and organizations around the country who in turn persuade easily-led blacks to follow certain paths of behavior.
If this can be accomplished by one man on the left, why can the same strategy not be employed on the right?
There already exists a prominent black leader in Minnesota propounding a separate section of the country for blacks. It is likely there are other black leaders advocating for the same thing.
It would take only one wealthy and influential person on the right to meet with these leaders and - monetarily, if necessary - convince them of the benefits that could be derived from taking it a step farther; repatriation to Africa.
Blacks have historically felt oppressed. Even they know they will never be compatible with whites. Many simply hate white people. Starting and growing such a movement wouldn't be that difficult, especially if headed by their own leaders.
No politics involved. No coercion by whites to leave. No torn nation or race war. Repatriation is "their own" idea. In fact, they demand it. Everyone benefits.
And then the kicker…the decades-long dream of blacks to receive the long-elusive prize - reparations (in reality, merely a payoff for leaving). This ace card could be used to finance transportation to the motherland, purchase property and supply outright grants. The nature of blacks dictates there must be gibs-me's at the end of the rainbow.
All incarcerated blacks could be released - to the delight of many in the black community - and put directly onto conveyances.
Older blacks with AA income or retirement benefits would probably not be as willing to leave as the younger ones with not much to lose and a large payday to gain. But older blacks are beyond reproduction years anyway and are much less inclined toward TNB.
Flies in the ointment would be their losing the EBT watering trough and the "Who's gonna help us?" attitude many of them have. Also, unlike whites who pitch in to get things done and who create jobs, there would definitely be employment problems.
Costs would be phenomenal, but weighed against current and future expenses of them remaining in the country, acceptable.
Pipe dream? It only takes one person. Soros' mirror image.
Anyway, there it is. Sounded pretty good at 1:30 am. Should I have tried harder to go back to sleep? What do you think?
I think we will eventually go to Mars. The spacecraft will probably be about 8-10 astronauts with a few blacks. By the time the crew spends a few years with them I suspect we will see some air hose failures soon after landing.
I was thinking today of a political issue. We must pretend that all blacks are smart as well as all women. This is simply not the case. We all understand the mean and standard deviation of all combinations.
The Charles Evers speech (which included the comment about taking food out of the mouths of children to basically fund the space program) really disgusted me as it shows the gibsmedat mentality in full bloom.
The US has indeed ended its manned space program, and has put food into the mouths of African-in-America children: EBT, school lunches (breakfasts, dinners), container ships full of food aid to Africa itself, and etc. And yet for reasons which appear inexplicable, Africans are still waving their begging bowls and demanding more.
In a sane society it would be time for Africans to step up to the plate and show us what they can do. Like create businesses, repair civic infrastructure, graduate from school, and perhaps even take care of their own children.
Africans can, of course, create food deserts insofar as they trash cities which White civilization has bequeathed to them.
So here's a thought: give each African-in-America 40 acres and a mule. Let them farm the wastelands of Detroit, Selma, Newark and Baltimore. Under African dominance, these once-cities have been returning to the very earth from which they arose, anyway. And while blacks are scratching away at the soil, let us see White men and White women proceed to the stars.
And then the kicker…the decades-long dream of blacks to receive the long-elusive prize - reparations (in reality, merely a payoff for leaving). This ace card could be used to finance transportation to the motherland, purchase property and supply outright grants.
We could do this now. We could offer Black felons free transport to Liberia, a container-apartment and a stipend for several years if they gave up their citizenship and accepted permanent exile. The transport, stipend and payoff to the Liberians could easily be cheaper than prison, and have a shorter term as well (exploiting the strong time preference). $20000 plus $10k/yr for 5 years beats $20k/yr for life hands down.
The Freeport of Monrovia has a container terminal. What I can find does not state how big a ship it can handle, nor how fast its handling cranes can work. It might be best to ship in conversion kits to turn containers into housing, so the existing imports become housing for transportees. The bulk iron ore carriers might also be usable to bring in containers, if cranes are available to unload them. As the containers are light and could be removed many at a time, this should go quickly. This would make possible a triangle trade for the ore carriers: ore to destination (China?), carry some full containers while stopping at other ports swapping for converted containers in trade-deficit countries like Indonesia, and back to Monrovia.
Northern states could boost incentives to expatriate by transferring Black prisoners to more remote, colder prisons. In Michigan this could easily be done by closing the Detroit House of Corrections and moving more from Jackson to Marquette.
Once the felons are going, we can pay their famblies to follow. It won't move more than maybe a million, but it'll make good docuganda for the official histories.
"I think I already admitted that I would like to be a robot. I would also welcome some enhanced abilities."
A human being can't be a robot, of course, anymore than he can be a rock or a tree. But the white race's aptitude for technology is its cynosure. White people nowadays love their technology so much they want to be absorbed into it. Their own racial or physical destruction has been reduced to a mere detail in their minds. In a significant aspect, just like his Christian/utopian fantasy of a world in which racial differences are unimportant, or his Christian desire to have "life" after death, excessive love of technology is a manifestation of the white man's racial death wish.
Civilization is an unnatural condition for human beings that fosters such unnatural behavior and fantasies. It's a fact well-known to zookeepers, for instance, that breeding habits of confined animals are disrupted. Couplings between separate races or species can occur or be induced that would never happen in nature. Likewise, under the influence of civilization, white women are easily persuaded to copulate with NAPAs. The white race's civilizational myths and aspirations are clearly leading it to destruction, but it doesn't care; it barely takes note of the connection.
no matter how much you offer the black to go back and stay in the mother country they will come back
"Bud said...
I think we will eventually go to Mars. The spacecraft will probably be about 8-10 astronauts with a few blacks. By the time the crew spends a few years with them I suspect we will see some air hose failures soon after landing."
Blackie will probably pull the White guys' air lines after stealing their wallets and phones. Then they'll post the video on Otherworldstar Hip-Hop.
yr caption--
The Mercury Seven... with John Glenn's passing, all our now gone
It is 'are now gone.'
Anonymous said...
How about we make the modern-day equivalent of the moon landing project, the repatriation of the negroids to their proper location on our planet? Africa.
This is not a long-term solution. It's just kicking the can down the road.
Africa is far too valuable to waste it on Africans. The longer it takes for that reality to be accepted, the more Africa's resources - soil, water, minerals, wildlife - will be degraded before we move to rescue them.
It's obvious what needs to be done. What inevitably will be done in the end.
Wood chippers will not be required. My guess is that some kind of biological agent will be used.
repatriation to Africa.
Anyway, there it is. Sounded pretty good at 1:30 am. Should I have tried harder to go back to sleep? What do you think?
They tried that already. It's called Liberia. Most of the dindus refused to go even though they got way more than 40 acres and a mule if they did. They were given an ENTIRE COUNTRY. FOR FREE. Yet most of them refused to leave the horrendously oppressive and racist USA. Funny how that is.
You should visit Liberia to see the Blacktopia they've created.
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