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You can't judge by character either in Black Run America |
As commenters have pointed out, the NYT's sympathetic coverage of the Cleveland 18 is reminiscent of its sympathetic coverage of the Jena 6, the high school football stars with long records of violent behavior, who stomped an unconscious high school student. In contrast, the NYT's intensive coverage of the Duke Lacrosse 25 who were falsely accused of rape, was unsympathetic in the extreme.
In other words, this is another Jena 6 story -- a bunch of young black guys in a southern small town do something bad to somebody nonblack and then the national press turns it into a story about how these young fellows are, when you stop to think about it, the real victims.
Black privilege in BRA allows Black people to openly claim racial loyalty while simultaneously denying the same to whites. Black privilege allows Blacks to take pride in one Black person's achievement and then spread that achievement over all Black people as fellow racial kinsmen.
When one Black person does acts horrifically -- as, in the case, 18 different Black men gang raping an 11-year-old -- laying claim to Black privilege means that the act reflects poorly only upon one person. Black privilege can also extend to the absolution of a Black individual for a dastardly act when that act can be justified as being a reaction against institutional racism, the white power structure, or inherent white privilege.
The gang rape of an 11-year-old Hispanic girl by 18 Black men can be excused, rationalized, can be glossed over endlessly thanks to exercise of Black privilege.
On the other hand, white privilege means that a white person doing something good is merely a reflection of individual achievement; but when a gang of whites does something reprehensible, it is a reflection of the entire white race and its obvious moral shortcomings. Do you need proof? Recall, then, the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax for just one example.
That interracial rape is overwhelmingly Black-on-white (and increasingly Black-on-Hispanic) and the ramifications of such data is never discussed, but the rare instances of white-on-Black rape becomes international fodder for the sexual depravity of white males everywhere.
The Black individual who achieves academic success and becomes a doctor, lawyer, dentist, inventor, scientist, etc., is proof that all Black people have the innate ability to be the next George Washington Carver or Super Soaker inventor, despite the increasing evidence that this isn't the case.
This is the idea behind Black privilege, and it is the dogma of Disingenuous White Liberals, Crusading White Pedagogues, and Holier-Than-Than White Conservatives, not to be diverged from, doubted, or disputed. The greatest Black privilege of all is that an entire race is excused of any responsibility for high levels of rape, murder, indeed, any of the crimes commonly committed by Blacks that make many cities uninhabitable.
Black crime is excused away because of injustices committed by whites 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 years ago against Black people, injustices which irremediably stain all whites living today. Or as Larry Auster wrote:
Ahh, but you’re forgetting Rep. Al Green’s point to Washington Times reporter Kerry Picket yesterday. The KKK doesn’t have to be committing terrorist crimes now, or even during our lifetimes, to warrant being investigated along with Muslim extremists. According to Green, KKK crimes committed in the distant past should have been the subject matter of the King hearings. Further, according to Green’s repeated insinuations, if Picket disagrees with that notion, then she is a defender of the KKK.Every week another Black-on-white killing transpires in America, yet the media, government, and academia highlight only those by whites-on-Black (even if such terror attacks must be manufactured). FBI stats show that no attacks by so-called white hate groups have occurred within the last two years; in that same time a Black freedom fighter killed eight evil white bigots in Connecticut in an act for which the Media had great sympathy in their reports.
Black privilege in Black Run America (BRA) means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 18 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.
And white privilege is that those actions are your fault.
The photos of the rapists at http://abcnews.go.com/US/gang-rape-charges-18-men-sparks-racial-tensions/story?id=13095476&page=3 make me think that they are all mentally retarded. Their facial structures seem to be very strange.
I remember back in the 80's, at my inner-city high school, the black guysl would brag from time to time about "pulling a train" on a girl, which I always thought sounded like rape. Then rumors would start about the supposed victim of the rape, and her reputation would be ruined. This was a very common thing.
I wonder if this was what these young miscreants were bragging about while showing their cell phone videos to everyone.
I live in Texas. The Latinos are infuriated. When this thing goes to trial, and the press starts to reveal the nasty details and cell phone videos, expect bullets to start flying.
I think what the people in the videos are overlooking is that this incident was captured on video and I am pretty sure they have the right folks.
In the last video, the reporter mentioned 'societal breakdown'. Yes there is one without a doubt, and it is among the blacks of this nation.
Blacks are overwhelmingly the aggressors in most if not all crime. Enough is enough and we need to take our country back from these people. It has got to stop!
I am also tired of the excusing of the black crime for things in the past. That argument is so lost on everyone because it does not have merit. Black women are raising black monsters and the rest of us have to pay for it. This really does fall on parenting or lack thereof. Again, enough is enough!
It's really too bad that whites never valued our own hegemony to stave off what is going on now. In the sense of fairness and supposedly what was right, those before us took a different route. Shame on us for that and some good it did us, eh?
Yes, the hispanic men might stand up and show some grit on this one. I wish white men were more outraged about what happens to their women and young girls, but I don't see much reaction. Not like those hard core white men from back in the good old days.....
I say segregation for all! We cannot live together. Gang rape, pullin' trains, miscreant gang behavior is all just part of black culture and blacks don't even blink at it.
Imagine the gang rapes that occur on any given Sa-erday night at Da Club.
One of the mothers of the accused rapists has said, "These boys have to live with this the rest of their lives.”
Not necessarily. I'm generally against capital punishment, but if the inverse had happened, if 18 white boys had raped an eleven year-old black girl, I would not hesitate to give the black father an Armalite AR-10 and let him have his own rough justice on the spot. If these boys are executed, they will be spared the shame of having to live with their actions.
In most recorded gang rape incidents, in every one from My Lai to the incident on Hill 192, the victim usually goes unconscious after the third or fourth man. Eighteen men is unfathomable, especially committed against a girl who was probably not sexually active.
I watched the first video and I honestly can't stomach watching any of the others.
To call the reaction of those who agree with Quanell X (which seems substantial given the video showing a lot of people clapping or making statement to that effect) disgusting does not do justice to how sickening this is.
I'm not sure words can articulate how vile the black community's indignant reaction is.
"I say segregation for all! We cannot live together."
You have to start doing a better job at convincing people of this, because I still see a lot of wiggers, tokens, and ugly funny looking half breed children running around.
-Black guy
Pregnant black women are carrying weapons of mass destruction in their wombs.
Yes, SBPDL, these guys represent every black person in America.
I'm glad to see you are giving 'nuance' one hell of a workout today.
You are officially the biggest fucking idiot in the world. I'll be sure to remember this post when someone on here decries the actions of white pedophiles, saying they don't represent all whites. Well, it was SBPDL who started it.
I imagine the synapses in your brain work in a way best illustrated by watching someone (slowly) make fire by striking two rocks together.
If the typos and 1+1=3 logic weren't enough to indict your below average intelligence, this is sure to do it! Congratulations, ass clown, you are not smarter than a fifth grader.
The sad thing is you are obviously a pervert who jerks off to the notion of there being victims to black crime. It's orgasmic to you, which is disturbing. You no more care about this little girl than you do a flattened pigeon in the road. If these were white men, you'd bury the story. Just like the gang-rape of the CBS reporter by white Egyptians was never mentioned.
You, SBPDL, are a perverted, piece of shit hate monger. I wonder when your equally (or more) stupid readers will realize what a fucking fraudulent reactionary you are who is making them pay $23 for a book they can read on the blog for free.
Using a little girl's victimization to push an agenda?? Are you sick? Are you out of your damned mind??
I didn't know you could go so low. But you've obviously been practicing your limbo moves. You should be ashamed of yourself. I would've suggested finding your nearest redneck and borrowing his hunting rifle to use on yourself but I think I've made myself clear enough.
Fucking despicable.
If this Kwahnell Ecks troublemaker pushes just a bit harder, the Mexican community will boil over and you will see retaliation like you'd never believe. They might even drag the perps out of jail and administer some good old fashioned street justice.
The Mexicans are not saddled with any form of guilt. They are not sniveling, hand-wringing castrati that shake in their boots at the sound of the word "racism!".
As for outfits like MEChA and La Raza: now is your chance. Show us your stuff. Put up or shut up.
Here is what the gettho lawyers will come up with to defend these fine upstanding black children:
"The girl was racist by virtue of refusing to date youf. This caused said youf to snap."
Or how about: "The girl was known to be promiscuous."
Or: "If the Trojan don't fit, you must aquit."
Aside from lawyer-talk, it just occurred to me that the UN should classify Blacks as weapons of mass destruction. Clearly, any nation on which they are inflicted pays a huge toll in terms of death and suffering.
Latinos are acutely aware of the destructive potential of weaponzid blacks. Wherever I travelled in South and Central America, blacks were treated like dirt, kept in the seclusion of shantytowns und solely unleashed for the purpose of spicing up soccer games.
If a gang of blacks pulled this thing on a mestizo or - god beware - white girl in Colombia, the consequences would be biblical and forthcoming in a timely and extrajudicial manner.
I hope that the menfolk related to the eleven year old have the good sense to bide their time, do the deed and then vanish over the border doubleplus quick. Buena suerte muchachos!
You know what? If people were forced to read this web site, this problem would begin to disappear.
The problem is, the only exposure most have to these animals (and this includes the savages in the videos who are all upset bout they po boys bein attaked an whatnot, cause how dey know dey guilty cause lotsa folk done slep wit dat girl!!) is the nightly news that only shows the animals POV.
I do not know what anyone needs as proof at this point, that blacks and whites cannot coexist. Yeah, yeah. I saw the latest great white hope, Allen West's, latest sound bites. The world is saved lawdy!!
It is truly time for a cleansing fire. I say bring it savages. This time it will not be the South LA riots, but a disaster for your side.
Given their reaction to it, I think Gang Rape of Non-Blacks By Black Thugs is a Top Ten on the list of Stuff Black People Like.
Consider the rampant black-on-white rape, and the rising incidence of black on Hispanic rape, black thugs will do anything to keep from having sex with black women. Finally something black and white men have in common!
I quote from the 1st video link"
"Is there no other race in Cleveland that slept with that child?"
Pardon me. "Slept"????? That term usually denotes voluntary intimate relations. At least the way I've always heard it used. And an 11 year old,in Texas,can not legally consent to having sex with anyone. Period. The law doesn't allow it. Period.
So we have a black "community leader" or whatever the hell he calls himself who can't figure out the difference between the rape of a child and voluntary sex between consenting adults.
In black terms,if one party consents to sex and the other one doesn't,is that considered close enough???? It's 50%,after all,and that's almost a majority. I'm starting to think that this is a working definition in "the community."
Anyone here remember that old Heinlein story,"Coventry"? It's long past time to dust off the concept. Build a wall,make sure that "the community" is on the far side of it,and toss some seeds and hand powered agricultural implements over the top once a year. Otherwise,leave them to themselves.
Ex Gladio Libertas
One of life's mysteries, which I have spent precious little time contemplating, is why blacks haven’t been the most vociferous opponents of America’s systematic population replacement program. Indeed had they the vision of a mole rat, blacks would have screamed murder at the immigrant tsunami, knowing that it ultimately would result in their being deposed as America’s eternally cosseted victim class.
In a 90/10 white/black country most Racist White Oppressors would be willing to shoulder the burden of their feeding, housing, and criminality. Blacks could have leveraged the ludicrous white-guilt industry to live forever from the trough of handouts, AA, and government jobs (though I repeat myself).
But now the delicate stasis is broken, irredeemably. In a horrendous miscalculation of their eternal “bad for whites=good for us” equation, blacks have invited millions of others to America to share their meal. To paraphrase the old man from Indiana Jones, “They chose poorly.”
Unlike neutered, perpetually apologizing whites, our hispanic and asian colonists haven’t the slightest interest in subsidizing, or even tolerating, black pathology. When hispanics suffer the hum-drum 18 animal rape of an 11 year-old girl, there will be no epicene white spokesman groveling an encomium to “diversity.” Instead there will be blood. Blacks will one day absorb this reality, to their despair.
Whites also are beginning to absorb reality. As the financial and criminal burden of multicult America grows unbearable, more and more will begin to cast the scales from their eyes. They will ask questions they know they should not. And they will admit the honest answers. They will start speaking, organizing, and coalescing--as all other peoples do. And when the day comes that whites openly acknowledge their common bonds and unite to pursue their own legitimate interests…well, that is the day the black gig is up.
What a mess. Your country was cursed from the start. You have let this beast grow. Where do you go from here?
The gang rape by a bunch of violent Africans is bad enough, but what's worse--and the essence of the discussion here--is the *endorsing* of this rape by Quanell X, the community local to this particular rape, and the black community at large.
I actually saw a video where Quanell was calling for the rest of the "men of other races who slept with this child" to be arrested. As if the barbarians he is defending "slept with" this poor girl.
This is not an isolated incident. IT IS A TREND. The incident and THE BLACK COMMUNITY'S ENDORSEMENT OF THE CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR AND DEFENSE OF THE PERPS is the reason for SBPDL's blog.
I consider SBPDL's work to be more and more a public service every day. More people need to be aware of what we already see.
Desiree, let me ask: how would you like to pull a train for those 18-28 "yoofs"? If such a horrible thing did happen to you, would you spew vitriol at someone who wrote condemning the crime?
From Gedaliah Braun:
In his 1990 book Devil’s Night, Ze’ev Chafets quotes a black woman speaking about the problems of Detroit: “I know some people won’t like this, but whenever you get a whole lot of black people, you’re gonna have problems. Blacks are ignorant and rude.” (pp. 76-77.)
If some Africans cannot clearly imagine what their own rude behavior feels like to others—in other words, if they cannot put themselves in the other person’s shoes—they will be incapable of understanding what rudeness is. For them, what we call rude may be normal and therefore, from their perspective, not really rude. Africans may therefore not be offended by behavior we would consider rude — not keeping appointments, for example. One might even conjecture that African cruelty is not the same as white cruelty, since Africans may not be fully aware of the nature of their behavior, whereas such awareness is an essential part of “real” cruelty.
I am hardly the only one to notice this obliviousness to others that sometimes characterizes black behavior. Walt Harrington, a white liberal married to a light-skinned black, makes some surprising admissions in his 1994 book, Crossings: A White Man’s Journey Into Black America:
“I notice a small car … in the distance. Suddenly … a bag of garbage flies out its window . … I think, I’ll bet they’re blacks. Over the years I’ve noticed more blacks littering than whites. I hate to admit this because it is a prejudice. But as I pass the car, I see that my reflex was correct—[they are blacks].
“[As I pull] into a McDonald’s drive-through … [I see that] the car in front of me had four black[s] in it. Again … my mind made its unconscious calculation: We’ll be sitting here forever while these people decide what to order. I literally shook my head . … My God, my kids are half black! But then the kicker: we waited and waited and waited. Each of the four … leaned out the window and ordered individually. The order was changed several times. We sat and sat, and I again shook my head, this time at the conundrum that is race in America.
“I knew that the buried sentiment that had made me predict this disorganization … was … racist. … But my prediction was right.” (pp. 234-35.)
Maybe people are buying the SBPDL book because they want to support SBPDL, and his agenda. He's a modern-day-Paul-Revere-type-messenger, trying to wake everyone up before we're all raped and slaughtered by feral savages in our sleep.
Supporting a cause with MONEY isn't something black people like (see yesterday's post about how the ghetto has killed the huge profits of the NBA).
Desiree...let me get this straight. You are giving the black community around Cleveland TX, the ones who are supporting and defending the rapists (who actually RECORDED at least parts of the rape, are you serious?) the rape cheerleaders, shall we call them...with their head cheerleader QX...you are giving these people a PASS, and you are attacking the SBPDL host for reporting on it? You are really doing that?
As I have pointed to Larry Auster before, now you began to see why the original KKK came into being being. In the Reconstruction South, white males had no rights and no power. Black depravities were condoned by Yankees running the show as the former slave holders just deserts.
And, after reading about this rape, you now know what it was that got some people lynched for their behavior--both black and white.
"...The sad thing is you are obviously a pervert who jerks off to the notion of there being victims to black crime. It's orgasmic to you, which is disturbing. You no more care about this little girl than you do a flattened pigeon in the road..."
Yep, that's our Desiree.
She comes here, complete with all the black "logic" in the world, and uses it almost daily, to...excuse away black violence and stupidity.
This one, however, not even she can find an excuse for. So she's goin' all ghetto, and with the all the force she can muster, she is...what?
I'll tell you what. Her "anger" at SBPDL is directly proportional to how heinous the black crime du jour that she has to rationalize away is. This one is indeed the bottom of the barrel. So instead of lashing out at the niggers who did this, she be all up in SBPDL's grill.
I guess THIS one shouldn't have been used as ANOTHER example of the savages in our midst, huh? Because of the chirren, Desiree?
Actually, you black POS, YOU'RE the one who couldn't care less about the little girl, and you know it, you piece of filth.
What a disgusting, phony, black POS. Not ONE word of horror about the savages who did this. Not one word about how her people are being given a pass in the examples provided.
Desiree is complete garbage - not one bit better than the savages who raped that girl.
I was waiting for Desiree's comment. Ummm, I notice she completely side stepped the entire concept of the post. An entire community, including interlopers with shady pasts and the mainstream media, are excusing the behavior of these teens and young 20-somethings. The quotes in the original NY Times article and the Houston Chronicle paint a picture of people unable to come to grips with the criminals in their mist. The pleading "how could these boys get sucked in" shifts the responsibility elsewhere, as if some other force was responsible. Even the neutral quotes from the community ask for prayer for all involved, oh hell no. Sorry, when death threats are leveled at a rape victim's family for snitching and the press indirectly provides the accused rapists cover, it is an example of a sick system. White boys, Hispanic boys or Asian boys accused of something like this would not have a Wh/His/Asian Al Sharpton type sent in to give them cover and rally the crowd, and we all know Al Sharpton would show up to make sure justice was served in front of a news camera. This is a symptom of the problem within that community and their enablers that the kneejerk reaction is to cover for teens caught on tape gang banging an 11 year old.
If Diarrhea got gang-raped by 18 white men and boys (I know, highly unlikely for a multitude of reasons)...
1. Would it be a race-based hate crime?
2. Would it be OK with Desiree for us to defend her rapists?
3. Would Malcolm X2 or whoever he is come forth to defend the rapists and to demand that all the other men who had slept with her be arrested?
I think what would really happen is that lots of black people would scream, "Whitey waciss!" then they would start fires, break windows and start stealing everything they could grab.
Finally Dizzy says something true!!!!
"Yes, SBPDL, these guys represent every black person in America."
"Yes, SBPDL, these guys represent every black person in America."
- The average Black commits murder about 7.1 times more often than the average "White" (where "White" includes Hispanics etc.)
- The average Black commits interracial murder about 13.8 times more often than the average "White" (where "White: includes Hispanics etc.)
- The average Black kills a "White" 15.9 times more often than the reverse.
- Weapons violations are committed by Blacks at nearly 5 times the rate for Whites;
- Blacks are caught receiving or buying stolen property at nearly 5 times the rate for Whites;
- Blacks are involved in prostitution at almost 4 times the rate for Whites;
- Blacks are arrested for drug crimes at over 4 times the rate for Whites;
- Blacks are more than three times as likely as Whites to be caught at forgery, counterfeiting, and fraud, and almost three times as likely to be caught at embezzlement;
- Blacks are more than 3 times as likely to be thieves as Whites;
- Blacks are more than 4 times as likely to commit assault as Whites;
- Blacks are almost 4.5 times as likely to steal a motor vehicle;
- Blacks are more than 5 times as likely to commit forcible rape as Whites;
- Blacks are over 8 times as likely to commit murder as Whites;
- Blacks are more than 10 times as likely to commit robbery as Whites;
- Nearly 25% of all Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 are in jail or on probation - this does not include those wanted or awaiting trial;
- For all violent crimes considered together, Blacks are almost 5.5 times more likely to commit violent criminal acts than Whites; all this according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report.
"You are officially the biggest fucking idiot in the world."
Like a broken record.
Absolutely unbelievable that the blacks in the videos are outraged at everything EXCEPT the behavior of the black rapists.
I think what the people in the videos are overlooking is that this incident was captured on video and I am pretty sure they have the right folks.
I don't think they're overlooking anything. It's much worse than that. Show them the video, and the same people would insist that it had been doctored in some way to frame these proud black men.
The liberals did an excellent job of pounding their ideology into our skulls, and it is now buried very deep. Even among those of us Who Can See, there are degrees of clarity. Assuming that you could convince these blacks by showing them the evidence is a projection of your own sense of fairness and justice. For the most part, these things do not exist in the black mind. The Negro is quite simply the least fair-minded and most aggressively partisan and tribal creature on the planet.
I'm one-eighth Cherokee(like Asa Carter, the author of the following speech) and endorse what George Wallace said in 1963:
"Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever."
"Is there no other race in Cleveland that slept with that child?"
Just imagine the reaction if an 11-year-old black girl had been gang-raped by 18 white males...
Do you really think blacks would be asking this question???????????????????
"You, SBPDL, are a perverted, piece of shit hate monger."
Diarrhea, you once said "I believe white people should know the sins of their forebears"...
Well, likewise, I believe you should know the modern-day sins of your brethren.
Don't you agree?
I'm waiting for a few developments in this story:
Firstly, if the jury has even one black on it who harbors Quanell X-like sentiments, you can expect a hung verdict or outright nullification. Then, when enough time passes, be prepared for the Hollywood movie based on this tragic incident, with a couple of details changed.
Eighteen young white males will be driving past a black church when they decide to abduct and rape a young black girl. A brave black lawyer (preferably played by Denzel) will come to the girl's aid and shield her as the aforementioned whites burn a cross in the girl's town telling her to leave.
This has already happened. Chante Jawan Mallard, a black woman, killed a white man with her SUV during a drunken blackout. She was so wasted that she drove home with him still lodged in her windshield. She was a registered nurse and Forensics estimated that the man could have lived, had she decided to take him to the hospital at any point. Instead, he died. Chante went in the house, had sex with her boyfriend, and later dumped the body. She finally got caught when she was at a party and confessed, laughing, "I killed this white man."
They turned it into a movie starring Mina Suvari of "American Beauty," fame. "Law and Order" and "CSI" also took the time to fart in the American public's face with their versions.
I read this story on Steve Sailer's blog today and I am not surprised. The blacks in this town are Orenthal James Simpsoning these 18 rapists. Other commenters are correct when they mention tribalism, as this drives blacks complete lack of logic and outright lying when viewing or observing simple facts.
OJ is black and he killed two white people, therefore he is innocent. 18 men raped an 11 year old that is not of our tribe, therefore they are innocent or were forced to commit the rape by surrounding nefarious forces(white racism, poverty, etc.).
Expecting a different reaction from the savages to the acts of their vicious offspring is wishful thinking.
There was a Dave Chappelle skit about what he would have to see to believe that R Kelly "slept with" and pissed on that 15 year old girl. Seems illustrative.
Yes, SBPDL, these guys represent every black person in America
Do you know what a standard deviation is?
Judging from the popularity of gang-rape among blacks, this must be something like "speed dating" to them.
Completely expected reactions. SBPDL knew what he was posting and the reaction he'd elicit: '(All) blacks are savages', '(All) blacks are beasts', etc.
Completely predictable and completely unsurprising. None of you disappointed.
If I was gang-raped by several white men in an isolated Southern town I would never, ever let some race hustler use it as a hammer to beat the white race as a whole. Are you kidding me? Those would be the actions of those few men, and them alone!
You people are too stupid to get (or it, too, suits your agenda and worldview) that SBPDL, not to mention yourselves, don't give a flying fig about this girl. Matter of fact, when the Duke Lacrosse scandal came out, I am sure all of you immediately thought that woman was lying as well. She was, but because she was black, you did not care in the first place.
I am not giving anyone a pass on this crime. I had a friend in junior high (she was white and Latino) who was gang-raped by 5 Mexican construction workers who'd followed her in their truck on her way to school. This is not a laughing matter. She came back and was setting fires and acting out, a completely different person.
SBPDL does not give two shits about this girl, and his reportage on it serves to not enlighten the world about anything but his anti-black agenda.
It would not make one bit of difference to me if the girl was black. Do you not realize that the black community would want these guys heads? Are you kidding me?
Stop getting your knowledge about blacks from a white guy who claims he was 'mugged by reality at an early age' yet grew up in a Whitopia. He's obviously not only a race hustler himself, but a liar.
It is funny to me that he only discusses a group of people who have absolutely no real power instead of the white liberals he claims are giving us so much. You'd be better served by a racist who is not an intellectual coward. I'd like to see him discuss liberals, and we'll see how well he does.
All of you people are idiots.
"ugly funny looking half breed children running around."
Black Guy, you are a true black self-hater. You should be happy that I want voluntary segregation since you are such a fan of it. Like I asked before, are you ready to see your black people fall from trees like rotten apples once we stop feeding them??
What idiot moron thinks that any child is ugly? You are a sick man.
You obviously are talking from your ass again. I don't care about your shallow comments and uninformed opinions, you are a fraud, and you never have anything useful to add to the conversation.
Once again...
The lowering of standards in order to admit more negroes...
It never ends.
I will be the only one to say it but its not like they raped a white woman.mexican girls are easy. That's the hard truth. Most of them have a new litter by the time they enter high school. This girl probably was willing with the first few and the others seized the opportunity. I'm not defending blacks but I can't imagine they are so stupid to film a 18-on-1 rape.This chick consented to some of them, no way she didn't. These savages should be under the jail but let's not pretend she's white. We all know it - its why you're all defending her "honor" from a distance. Blacks and Hispanics are garbage. The black lesbian is right: I don't give a shit about this girl. The only difference between a black and a Hispanic is their skin color.
SBDL, blacks will defend these savages because this is what happens everyday - same ole, same ole. Hispanics would defend a pack of their own savages for raping a white woman.As far as Im concerned, this is not news, just a report from the feedlot.
RobertB said:
In the Reconstruction South, white males had no rights and no power. Black depravities were condoned by Yankees running the show as the former slave holders just deserts.
This is a myth. Learn your post-Civil War history. White Southern males following the Civil War were still very much in power, it was just the presence of "free" blacks that made them believe the tables were turned and they were now at the brunt of subjugation.
What you have stated is a romanticization of history. The Ku Klux Klan, much like the Tea Party of today, arose because of the fears of white men losing their power. A Reconstruction congress, which boasted many black congress people, did not negate the realities of white power and the realities that the Emancipation Proclamation was ineffective in bringing about the true equality desired by freedmen.
I should note that I am not saying the Tea Partyers are tangential to the KKK, but I am saying that both have come about over the same things: the question of where do whites stand when blacks have equality or power, respectively.
In terms of rape and the KKK, I remember reading about a Klan leader who'd raped a woman and she was so humiliated by the abuse, she committed suicide. Indiana Klan grand dragon D.C. Stephenson was a prolific rapist of women.
In terms of this case, it is such a terrible tragedy. It seems like something you'd hear about coming from Pakistan, not the United States. Or something coming from a war crimes trial. What would possess a group of men - black, brown, white - to rape one female? I'm not saying one-on-one is "better" but a gang-rape?
It's not excusing their behavior but when I hear crimes like this, you wonder if the people are mentally ill. Or drinking or doing drugs. She was just a little girl. If it were my daughter, I'd have to forgo my own politics and off each and everyone of them. It's sick.
Way off point but anyone else notice that the Japanese aren't going all Katrina?
The savages must go.
"'(All) blacks are savages', '(All) blacks are beasts', "
Not "all".
But otherwise, Diarrhea finally stated something truthful.
"The Ku Klux Klan, much like the Tea Party of today, arose because of the fears of white men losing their power."
The KKK arose out of an accurate recognition that free blacks would wreak havoc and lawlessness on a civilized society...much as they still do today.
The Tea Party arose out of a concern that out-of-control tax-and-spend policies are bankrupting the country and collapsing the economy.
BTW, you're a fucking idiot.
Have you watched the videos? Have you seen that "Black" leaders in the community of Cleveland are defending these men?
You interpreted this entry as an attack on all Black males. If I wanted to do that I'd just point out the differences in how people react to natural disasters.
I'd point out the devastating earthquake in Haiti (6.1) caused that island to descend into chaos -- more so than usual -- but the 8.9 earthquake in Japan has not caused the same situation to occur.
Wonder what the difference was in the inhabitants of those two islands?
Or the Nashville flood vs. the Katrina flood in New Orleans?
What could be the difference? I can't figure it out?
Unlike white families that are victims to Black-on-white insane amounts of rape, murder, crime, etc., Hispanics will fight back.
Already Brown-Black tension is rising in most major cities where they interact... this, to borrow a phrase from Peter Brimelow, is going to end in tears.
Desiree, that you read into this entry as an attack on all Black males shows us that you truly believe understand the notion of "Black privilege" and that it must be rigorously defended.
The Ku Klux Klan, much like the Tea Party of today, arose because of the fears of white men losing their power.
Speaking of learning history. The original KKK in part rose as a way to protect white women from the very same crap that black thugs perpetuate today.
" because of the fears of white men losing their power."
Snape, you and your people should fear the white man losing his power too. Blacks will die out quickly from disease and starvation if they can't get their free baby formula and diabetes meds, all invented by the white man.
That Dayton Police Story is amazing. But this nonsense is transpiring all over America.
Firefighters test are biased because Blacks can't pass them. Hell, any test is biased because of the propensity for Blacks to fail them.
Blacks don't number 2 pencils at all.
How many other cities have this problem of few Black police officers?
How about Nashville?
"This chick consented to some of them, no way she didn't."
Please stop.
An 11-year-old does not have a legal right of consent.
This is why we have laws.
Put them in suits and ties, pretty dresses; gold teefs and crookward hats; basketball uniforms and football helmets; janitor outfits, etc...
At the end of the day, they are still just black, and hate this country and everything it (used to) stands for.
Some sites have taken to endorsing Allen West as OUR answer to Obama. Classic mistake. "We'll show em!" stuff on steroids.
This country is sinking and we are STILL playing games - rearranging deck chairs. Reality sucks, but it is well past time we played by realities rules.
If you are not very familiar with the ins and outs of black underclass culture, I recommend the "crump" dancing documentary called "Rize". Crumping is a high T aggressive black style of dance that is highly violent and sexually expressive. This film is a a very truthful and revealing account of black ghetto life, and the phenomenon of "crumpin" life in California. Hard to watch for sure, but important.
It shows are tax payer dollars hard at work!
Anonymous at 8:45am makes a great point about the legal right to consent of an 11 year old. Texas stat rape laws say that regardless of the "i didn't know" defense or the child saying yes, the stat rape laws apply to anyone having sexual contact with a child under age 14. The guys caught on videotape or cell phone photos at the scene will be behind bars. Texas can also try them all as adults for the kidnapping/unlawful restraint aspect. I think the 'community activists' understand this, and are trying to make this a spectacle and hold that 'convict and we riot' sword of damocles over the city, to try to spare some of these 'boys'. Best advice for the younger boys caught is to admit what they did and implicate the older teens and 20-somethings so that the younger teens can go to juvie and have lighter sentences....but that would be "snithcin'".
Blacks may have finally hit rock bottom. Just when I think that they cannot possibly sink any lower in their universal and nonchalant disregard for human life, their incredibly reprehensible reaction to 18 black men raping an eleven year old girl confirms that blacks are simply and utterly incapable of empathy. Thus, incredibly, poultry is higher evolved mentally than black people. Yes, it's true. Blacks' brains are considerably less developed than those of the very chickens' that are sacrificed in order to nourish the soulless, non-empathetic black scourge.
These stupid blacks have messed with the wrong group of people...raping a Latino in Texas? Hope the mexican gangs decimates these morons and their families. Latinos HATE blacks.
Anonymous at 8:17AM said:
The KKK arose out of an accurate recognition that free blacks would wreak havoc and lawlessness on a civilized society...much as they still do today.
Anonymous at 8:29AM said:
Speaking of learning history. The original KKK in part rose as a way to protect white women from the very same crap that black thugs perpetuate today.
This is simply rhetoric and folklore. Neither of you have rebutted that the Ku Klux Klan emerged out of fears over an ebbing white male supremacy, and white women were "protected" insofar as it was important to keep black men and white women from having sex; "she" as a person was ancillary. If you like the romanticization of history that suits your politics, that is fine. But you are wrong. Someone stated that white males in Reconstruction-era Southern states had no power and were basically living under black tyranny, and that is false. The mythological view of reconstruction was that you had "noble Southerners" suffering beneath incompetent black rule and the South had to be rescued and whites "rose up" and the KKK was simply a "patriotic group".
Much like what that other person had claimed. And that is untrue. All of that was helpfully set into motion by Thomas Dixon's "The Klansmen". But it's hardly an accurate representation of history!
And if it is false - and it is - the KKK could not have risen from such a condition. I imagine the organization's "history book" is an odd play-by-play of "Gone With the Wind" and "Birth of A Nation". I wouldn't be surprised if a 30s-40s era Disney could have put it to a Merry Melody it's so fantasic and overwrought!
I read just last night about a black woman losing her case in a Southern court even though a white man had beaten her with an axe handle. They said there were "no laws against white men beating black women with axe handles". This was 1890s Mississippi. Imagine the animus just after the end of the Civil War. Your versions of history do not past the test.
Anonymous at 8:32AM said:
Snape, you and your people should fear the white man losing his power too. Blacks will die out quickly from disease and starvation if they can't get their free baby formula and diabetes meds, all invented by the white man.
This is third time I've stated this on here: I am not black, nor am I afro-multiracial. I do not have black "blood" in my veins. I am Jewish, and I don't understand why it is so important to peg someone's race if they disagree with you. Someone trying to give you an accurate account of history is not necessarily black. The occasional "white liberal" trickles in, although I consider myself apolitical.
Desiree...you still have no comment about the "black co-moonity" and Quanell defending the animals who raped the child in Cleveland TX?
To me, the defense of the barbarism in this case is almost as disturbing as the gang rape itself.
"I don't understand why it is so important to peg someone's race if they disagree with you. "
Oh sorry! ;My bad. I shall address you as Mr. DWL (promoter of blacks.) in all future posts.
"Someone trying to give you an accurate account of history is not necessarily black..."
Well...acutally, they are NEVER black if the account is actual. You, like blacks on this site, do not state actual hard facts, only your opinions about how things should be if life was fair. Blacks love their mythology, ideologies, and storytelling. And apparently as a self-appointed handler of blacks, you do too. Blacks have no love for you, why do you insist on fighting their battles?
Maybe SBPLD blocked her again. Woo hoo!
I am Jewish, and I don't understand why it is so important to peg someone's race if they disagree with you.
Are you for real? Of course racial and ethnic bias have nothing to do with it, right? The fact Quanell X is black has nothing to do with his 'facts', perspective nor defending the misunderstood boys? You being Jewish has nothing to do with your perspective?
Don't block her. Desiree is the perfect example of BRA, and their "black first, black only" mentality.
Again, for all of you who are lauding Allen West, and can't wait to turn OUR country over to him - just because he said the very same things we are not allowed to say in public, for fear of our jobs, etc - stop! They are hard wired to side with their own, no matter how heinous the crime.
Anonymous at 12:15PM said:
Blacks have no love for you, why do you insist on fighting their battles?
To you, I am fighting their battles for the simple reason I am not condemning blacks. You should realize that the amount of animus you hold for blacks is not inversely proportional to my feelings for them. I am virtually feelingless in terms of the whole race, or anyone's whole race. I don't know every black so it would be foolish of me to subscribe any notion either way to the whole group.
Apparently that is not the de facto standpoint on this site. SBPDL helpfully showcased a heinous crime done to a young girl and, while I do not agree with his viewpoints in many of his posts (I believe "Desiree" may have had a point with his goal for this one), things like this can potentially bring out some good, if only to highlight the monstrosity capable of man.
The Asian and white actress Tura Satana, of "Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" fame, was gang-raped by white males when she was just nine-years-old. She states it was because she developed early and was one of the only people of Japanese-descent in her all-white neighborhood, which had made her a target of abuse.
I don't think crimes such as these should be used to stoke racial tension, and I find it simultaneously disappointing and interesting that "Quanell X" would try to make an excuse, or at least question the whole case indirectly. I don't think his response should be an indictment of blacks as a whole, though, which is what many people are trying to do here.
Given the history of the South - and Cleveland's to the East, which is much more "Southern" than the West - and the possibility that race-based abuses of power could have occurred, the reaction of these blacks is not very surprising. Eighteen men - a very large amount of men you'd only think of in a rape-as-warfare situation - being arrested could raise eyebrows of those thinking the cops were after anyone "black".
That's just Devil's Advocate there. I'm not justifying it; I'm just trying to understand it.
You said:
You, like blacks on this site, do not state actual hard facts, only your opinions about how things should be if life was fair.
Being ideational is not a crime, and I am sorry if it offends your sensibilities. I did not know recorded history was an opinion, by the way! I think what would be good for many on this site is to not use a so-called "hard fact" as a universal descriptor for all blacks, or anyone. That is simply a stalling mechanism to hide the fact you have no real ideas to help curb this race problem in the US, not to mention it's bona fide propaganda.
I clearly remember Fox News discussing Saddam Hussein's rape rooms to legitimize the invasion. If they did exist, I don't know if dropping bombs on civilians could ever be justified by it.
Remind me to bypass your dung the next time around.
"This is simply rhetoric and folklore."
No, it's simply fact. White have always recognized the violent and criminal nature of blacks.
"It would not make one bit of difference to me if the girl was black. Do you not realize that the black community would want these guys heads? Are you kidding me?"
So....let me get this straight. The black "community" wants to give these savages a pass on raping the Hispanic child, but if she had been a negro, they would "want these guys (sic) heads"?
So you're admitting the black community is racist in this case.
So essentially, you're proving SBPDL's point about black privilege.
That's how it is, and WE all know that's how it is. The surprise is not that YOU know how it is, the surprise is, Desiree, that you slipped up and let the truth appear in one of your posts. Amazing!
professor snape said:
"You fool. I answered. What does every American want? If you cannot provide an answer to this question, you are un-American!"
Your assertion is merely that--every real history book ever written about Reconstruction makes this quite clear.
I have a masters degree in poly-sci, bone head. All southern white males lost their right to vote for ten years following the end of the civil war. The KKK was begun as a response to Northern oppression by General Nathan Bedford Forest. It was disbanded when reconstruction ended. It was later revived by mostly Northerners in Ohio and Indiana and spread from there.
No white man ever need fear a black man in a one on one fight--nor when white men fight together. Blacks only succeed when they fight three or more to one white man.
I really do hope the Hispanic community rises up and executes some vengeance. God knows, the white community is too damn chicken—it to do anything.
It is telling how blacks think. Just look at the comments of desiree. She does not express remorse or disgust. She goes on to defend her people.
I think every white person who imported a black to America should have been lynched for saddling us with this horrific burden.
By the way, I ordered you book this weekend. Looking forward to it.
If the whites who imported the blacks into our country could have foreseen the pestilence they were forcing upon their future generations, they would have happily all killed themselves on the spot before they would have wrought this hellish burden upon us.
"Dickerson, 68, is the great-grandmother of one of the defendants in the case. Her grandson has not been publicly identified by police because he is a minor."
Let's be generous and say that her great-grandson was the YOUNGEST rapist at 14, which means she became a GREAT GRANDMOTHER at no older than 54. So she was a grandmother at what, 35? And a mother at 16? And the great-grandson is raping at 14?
Does anyone see a pattern here?
professor snape--
you must be joking, right? Ever see the freed slaves? Ever read any of the interviews done with them? Why would any white man fear a 10 year old in an adult's body? Its not as if they were all Japanese or Chinese and could actually compete with the average white man, after all.
Nope, Snapes, the white man responded purely to the black man's rapaciousness. There were, of course, the heinous laws passed by the illiterate black state congressmen as well--men who couldn't even read the laws the yankee carpet baggers were paying them to pass. But, both add up to one thing, black depravity and the white man's response to it. Now I suppose I could start a bibliography of real history books sitting here on my shelves, but I think it would be more fun to read your list of "afro-american studies" books which never seem to have footnotes or bibliographies the way real history books do.
Snape wrote:
"Being ideational is not a crime."
WTF is "ideational"? Did you mean "idealistic"?
Are you sure you're not black?
Doug said:
"I think every white person who imported a black to America should have been lynched for saddling us with this horrific burden."
Really? so you would lynch George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? Monroe? The list is quite long, and without those men, there would be no America as it was the South that fought the Revolutionary War, predominantly.
The slave holders in the South knew slavery had to end, they were trying to buy time so as to be able to remove the blacks while recouping their investment. Liberia was bought and paid for by Americans so as to be a place to repatriate freed African bondsmen. Had Lincoln lived, he fully intended to deport every last one of them back to Africa.
I would strongly suggest you people read books about Washington, Jefferson, Davis, Lee as well as the South's greatest orator on this topic--Calhoun. Then comment on these men.
@ snape
He says: "I don't know every black so it would be foolish of me to subscribe any notion either way to the whole group"
Really? I mean, really??
This is the exact form of argument that has us "struggling" to - as snape says, find "real ideas to help curb this race problem in the US"
So, snapes, one has to know EVERY single black to figure out that they vote overwhelmingly Liberal? Commit crime with horrific frequency? And on and on?
If we don't personally know every, single black in America, we can come to NO useful conclusions? Or is it that you don't like the obvious conclusions?
I can't wait til you are the victim of black crime. Or maybe your 11 Y/O daughter. I bet your lawyerly defense of all those blacks you don't know would end right there.
What an ass. What an absolute ass. And I don't even know you.
I'm going to keep it very simple. What these black guys did is heinous and horrible. Many women gang-raped can suffer trauma to their urinary tract and reproductive organs. I hope that does not come to this girl. There are women in war-torn areas who are ashamed to leave the house because they are torn and incontinent from the savagery within EVERY SINGLE MAN ON THIS PLANET!
None of you are incapable of rape, always remember that. It is snaking in every one of you.
But I think it is terrible that you would even think to put upon all black people what a few of them did, not to mention the reactions of the townspeople. Hello? People in relation to criminals will always defend their loved ones. What the fuck do you expect?
That is their reaction; not the black community's. I was shocked at the videos. I told my mother about this crime and she looked as if someone knocked the wind out of her. You know why? Because all women know a woman who was raped, or are a victim of male abuse themselves.
I was friends with a girl who was gang-raped and I would never, ever be dismissive of such a thing. Are you kidding me?
Exercise some fucking common sense and apply those reactions of those blacks to those blacks only. They are not representative of all black people. Is this a difficult concept?
I hope all of you employ the same amount of phony outrage to the white women who are raped and date-raped and gang-raped by white men every year. Do you care about them? Do you care about the sexualization of young white girls by white men? Most crime is intra-racial, you know.
Give US some individuality. A white man named John Chester Stiles raped and violated a 3 year old girl and filmed it out here in Southern Nevada. Shall I say that is indicative of all white men? What about all of the white pedophiles who go to third world countries and violate those children? Shall I say that is what you people do to kids?
SBPDL is a coward. He insists on raking through the coals an entire group of people based on the actions of our poor lot. He WILL NOT go after white liberals because their is no 'underclass' of white liberals to stoke the reaction of the reactionaries. He'd be dead after a month! No more 'Paul Kersey' the race hustler.
You people are SICK to even take a girl's private abuse and use it for your own agenda. I am sure you'd all think I was crazy if I said we should look at this and use it as a justification to castrate all men all around the country. Because men do this every day. This is not a race thing; this is a gender thing, and history shows men are most cretinous shits on the planet.
Bunch of fucking yahoos. SBPDL does not give a shit about this girl. Neither do any of you. When you show outrage for ALL women's rapes at the hands of ALL races of men, then you will have effectively overcome your own hypocrisy. White women are raped by white men every day. What about them, assholes?
One last thought on this for all of you vis-a-vis The Founding Fathers and slavery. You are all forgetting that as late as 1865 slavery was legal on 7/8ths of the world's surface area. Our forbears could never have conceived that the white men of today--that they would have actually bowed down to Africans. Such a thought was beyond their comprehension, as it was for all Europeans.
Nor could they imagine that those same white men would gladly and willingly give up their children's inheritance to the third world immigrants. Its what they referred to as "posterity" when, in the Federalist Papers they referred to the vast expanse of land as sufficient living space for "our posterity". in other words, they never intended for America to be inundated with immigrants, the land was for future generations to expand in to. That was just one of the reasons the South went to war and why the Indian tribes sided with the South in the war.
I don't know every black so it would be foolish of me to subscribe any notion either way to the whole group.
I don't know every rattlesnake,but I'm not about to let them have a rattlesnake convention in my back yard.
Although having typed that,I have to admit that I'm being manifestly unfair to rattlesnakes,which taken as a whole,aren't all that bad. They have a bite which can be damaging,and in severe cases,lethal,but they're usually decent enough to warn you that you're bothering them. (The rattle is there to tell you to go away.) And the rattlesnake does its part to control vermin.
But having given credit where due,I still don't want rattlesnakes in my back yard. The potential for severe damage is too great to allow for any serious attempts at peaceful coexistence. Same thing goes for blacks. I don't know every one of them,but I know enough to know that I don't want them anywhere around me.
Ex Gladio Libertas
I can't believe these savages are supporting these rapists. It really highlights the low IQ and explicit tribal nature of the African.
I was reading the NOI website - they call for the separation of whites and Africans. They want their own land, given to them by none other than the white man, and, they want the white man - surprise, surprise - to fund their black state for 25 consecutive years.
I find I'm in agreement with the black nationalists, minus, of course, the land gift and 25 years of 'reparations'.
How about repatriation and a parting gift instead.
I would support a generous subsidy for ALL Africans, if they would voluntarily relinquish their citizenship and relocate to their ancestral homeland: mother Africa.
Let them build-up their own continent. Let them send an African into outer-space. Let them show us what human advancement truly looks like. Let them show us that the white man's intellect, ingenuity and creativity pale in comparison to the African mind.
I really see no other solution to the black problem other than repatriation because at every corner, at every turn, the African has failed in Western Society.
Why keep torturing ourselves?
"I would support a generous subsidy for ALL Africans, if they would voluntarily relinquish their citizenship and relocate to their ancestral homeland: mother Africa."
This would only work if they would all leave; they're like a deadly contagious bacteria.
I care very much about victims of crime, regardless of race. Never in this article did I say all Black males are rapists, those are your words and your interpretation of my thoughts on Black privilege and race.
Listen here you insufferable Marxist, I don't sit around trying to analyze the criminal mind; why some men decided to gang rape, murder, steal or engage in beastiality.
I believe that those who do evil to others should be punished. We live in a time of utter lawlessness, when the Federal government is more worried about lowering a police test score in Dayton so Black people don't keep failing.
I'm beginning to realize why this site is becoming popular; and why people hate it so much.
Read my entry on "RAPE as a TOOL of WAR" from 2009.
These 18 Black men deserve death for the raping of an 11 YEAR OLD!! They raped an 11-year-old.
Let that sink in for a moment. Worse -- members of the Cleveland Black community have defended these monsters.
Perhaps in South Africa, where 25 percent of Black males have admited to raping would this be tolerated, but we are still in America. Only in the Black community is the gang raping of an 11-year-old by 18 Black men tolerated.
I have become numb from reading Thugreport.com and other sites that document crime. Sometimes I wish I could move to Sweden or emigrate to Japan where crime is so scarce I dare even utter the term in connection with these fine groups of people.
Mark my word: Hispanics aren't going to capitulate like whites do in similar instances of violence directed at them by individual Black people.
Black privilege is an idea that Hispanics aren't bothered to acknowledge. You'll see what I mean as the truth of this story in Cleveland starts to come out.
But let this be known: those who do evil others should be punished. A societies toleration of crime is an indication of its decline.
"None of you are incapable of rape, always remember that. It is snaking in every one of you."
Spoken like a true nymphomaniac in the throes of some sick rape-fantasy.
Desiree, you crazy, girl. Get some hep. Soon.
Desiree why don't you go start your own web-site or blog, and quit bothering us with all your "Black" hyperbole.
If you think what's being said on here isn't factual, or true then defend your positions elsewhere. Your arguments are boring, non-factual, and passe', please do us all a favor and go to a NAACP meeting and leave us (white people) the Hell alone!
"I'm going to keep it very simple."
I'm going to write a typical long-winded diatribe.
Quoting online author toughlove49:
"A few thoughts on the macabre statistics of this crime. If just one, two or even three rapists had committed this crime, we might credibly be able to attribute their participation to individual aberration. A tiny sample cannot reliably represent an entire population. But when a huge group of individuals all engage in some common abominable behavior, it is no longer a question of random chance and individual aberration. When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it. Probably the very first white man to happen on such a crime would have dialed 911 immediately. We need to look seriously at what is going so terrifyingly wrong with the moral upbringing of black males in America. I have a hunch where we can start: the virtual disappearance of black fatherhood. I'd be willing to bet that not one of the 28 suspects lived under the same roof as his biological father. It's not a coincidence that all the relatives of the suspects that I have seen quoted in the news are mothers or maternal grandmothers--not a single father could be found by journalists to comment on the crimes of his sons."
"None of you are incapable of rape, always remember that. It is snaking in every one of you."
Desiree. Really?
Can you grasp, by this statement alone, how destructive your African culture is to the human mind?
You're trying to put us(I don't care if you're talking about 'all men') on the same plain of existence as these soulless African savages, or, any monsters who would gang-rape a child, or any woman for that matter!
It seems the Negro soul, courtesy of Desiree, is on display, just as in rap-music, for all the world to witness/hear.
What a profound psychological admission this is, Desiree.
This cynical, pessimistic, morally nihilistic world-view of your's in indicative of your African race. Though you may have a spattering of Caucasian DNA pulsing through your hardened feminized veins, you will NEVER be more than one degree away from savagery; if not in action, then in thought alone.
You are the African, the African is you.
I have a hunch where we can start: the virtual disappearance of black fatherhood. I'd be willing to bet that not one of the 28 suspects lived under the same roof as his biological father.
While there is truth to that. AFAIC it is just more excuse making. Insinuating that race has nothing to do with any of it. Not much different than saying it is because of slavery, or oppression or poverty or...
@Anon. March 14, 2011 7:11 AM: That was a superb & very insightful post.
I live in Tempe Arizona & I have a very close freind who is from Durban South Africa, she & her family moved here in 1999. She is a registered nurse near retirement. She worked for many years as a nurse at a large Durban hospital.
The absolute HORROR stories that she has told me about SA & the nature of blacks could turn one's blood cold!..She told me gang rape was the NORM in Africa among blacks (actually rape in general-she said her most common case for females were for AIDS & victems of rape!). She had treated many, many of it's victims. She actually told me of one horror story (after she broke down in tears) of a two year old toddler who had been gang raped by a group of "youths" from a Zulu tribal slum. Two years old!!. The toddler bled to death.
If chaos comes to America, this will be the fate of our DAUGHTERS & our WIVES & our MOTHERS!. (females in metro ares & heavy black ares of the south woud be most in danger). Unless WE (Mr. WHITE man!) grow a pair & send these devils who would try such a thing into the abyss!.
"We need to look seriously at what is going so terrifyingly wrong with the moral upbringing of black males in America. I have a hunch where we can start: the virtual disappearance of black fatherhood."
Never forget the lesson of the elephants.
My wife is "Hispanic" (though white). Her friends are all white Hispanics. When we go out on the town she and her friends send the males into the bar/club to ascertain how "dark" it is. Every time. If I count more than 2 black males, we go elsewhere (unless the blacks are obviously gay). When white women tag along they always voice some SWPL guilt, but just enough to make it known they pretend to disapprove, but not enough to alter the course.
This is the New America. On Saturday night we paid 50$ each (25 for women) to go to some new club. We walked in and some negro was rapping on the stage. The whole group (all Hispanic less me and one Asian dude) said "fu$k this". We left. All of us would rather cut our arms off than listen to some no-talent black rap about his shoes and car. I utterly love hanging out with white Hispanics.
Point is, blacks are not going to find the New America to be tolerant of their behavior.
You have a thick, impenetrable skull housing a brain incompatible with logic or reason or humanity. You are a disgusting louse, a festering carbuncle filled with malignant pus.
You stated--
Never in this article did I say all Black males are rapists, those are your words and your interpretation of my thoughts on Black privilege and race.
then, you go on to say--
Only in the Black community is the gang raping of an 11-year-old by 18 Black men tolerated.
Are you so myopic to contradict yourself in one comment?
Let's show another example--
I care very much about victims of crime, regardless of race.
then you say--
I have become numb from reading Thugreport.com and other sites that document crime.
Well, which is it? I, for one, would like you to be honest. Because I know you are a liar, and you lie for a living, you lie to get by. Just like every other white male on this site, who jokes about black men, for example, liking white women (and, by the way, why make fun of a black man for liking white women if they are so 'wonderful'? Shouldn't that be flattering that a black man wants such a 'fine creature, SBPDL? You don't even realize by making fun of a black man who likes white women, you are saying she is a less-than), you don't give a rat's ass about the rapes of white women at the hands of your fellow white men.
As history has repeatedly documented, racist white men only care about white women violated by a man of color, especially a black man. Because it fits your agenda.
I will say it again: you do not give one shit about this young girl; you only care about the fact her attackers were black. If they were white, you would not care even half as much. If her attackers were Latino, like she was, it would be yet another story to become 'numb' to. If she was a black girl and her attackers were white, you'd bury this or take up 'individuality', which blacks are not afforded.
Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck illustrated this a while ago, and you must be too dense to realize how you fit this. Hahaha! How hilarious and unsurprising.
Billo and Geraldo Rivera got into a shouting match over an illegal Mexican immigrant who was drunk behind the wheel and killed a (white) American; Bill used it to try to (stupidly) justify why we should close our borders, based on this one incident, all the while failing to realize that Americans kill Americans drunk driving EVERY DAY. He did a similar thing with a black High School football star who was gunned down by an illegal Mex. immigrant gang member.
Glenn Beck--your twin--discussed a story wherein two Latino-American girls were kidnapped by some illegal immigrant men and gang-raped and strangled to justify closing the border, not realizing that Americans do this to Americans.
(to be cont'd)
You are doing the SAME THING: using something to justify your anti-black agenda. Don't even feign neutrality with me; you are not clever enough. Do you realize that this crime represents the opportunity to examine why men do this to women? This is isolated and has nothing to do with black people as a whole! But statistics show and history shows that this happens to women all over the world by men all over the world since the beginning of time. The test is, can you find gang-rape amongst white men? Yes. Asian men? Yes. Latino men? Yes. Indian men? Yes!
Seems like there's a common denominator there, SBPDL, and it's a penis. This is a MALE thing, because men cannot control their rape impulses.
My point from the start is that this was disgusting. Your ignorant drone commenters think I am justifying what these black Cleveland residents are doing. No, not at all! I cannot believe, though, you do not see that these people have predictably taken up defense of these men because they are friends/family members of them? 'Love' tends to make people cast aside the simple notion of right vs. wrong.
But that is how people are. No one wants to think their loved one is 'bad', when they very well may be. That knows no race; always remember that.
Again, SBPDL, why don't you spend your time discussing white liberals, the ones you say are spear-heading BRA? And you will watch as your pathetic site dwindles in importance because these people don't care about liberals, they just care about hating blacks. There exists no other reason for them to be on here, as this post has helpfully revealed to me: they only want to hate blacks.
And I don't know why you block comments from dissenters, SBPDL. The drones will just swarm them, anyway, helping their cult leader without a 2nd thought, just like under that Fareed Zakaria thread, which none of them read. Your readers are one-track; they are racists. And you are basking in it as Grand Dragon.
"You stated--
Never in this article did I say all Black males are rapists, those are your words and your interpretation of my thoughts on Black privilege and race.
then, you go on to say--
Only in the Black community is the gang raping of an 11-year-old by 18 Black men tolerated."
These statements are not contradictory, you stupid fucking piece of shit.
1. The black community tolerates rape.
2. Not all black men are rapists.
SBPDL, PLEASE ban this dumb fucking racist whore.
"Your readers are one-track; they are racists. And you are basking in it as Grand Dragon."
My god, the African mind is truly bizarre. Notice the buzzword: Grand Dragon - the liberal play-book, 101.
"Again, SBPDL, why don't you spend your time discussing white liberal"
It's implicitly understood the white disingenuous liberal is behind all that is BRA - they're the brains behind the charade, Desiree, not the low IQ Africans.
We all know and understand this, including yourself under all that self-hate and denial.
Under BRA, it's best the microscope be positioned on the symptom of the problem, i.e., Africans in America, not the root, i.e., DWLs, because the symptom is a reservoir of undeniable truth, certified and backed by fact, for anyone to see.
Reality is as it exists. A = A.
The site is called: Stuff Black People Don't Like.
Africans hate to have their behavioral patterns analyzed and they enjoy a great deal of immunity from analysis is the MSM - which is why SBPDL and other sites that examine black degeneracy are exploding in popularity ... not wanton racism, Desiree, no matter how much you wish it was so.
If the site was called: Stuff Black People Like, then I can see why the DWL would be examined - but again, this is SBPDL. Period.
"Your readers are one-track; they are racists."
Just like a broken record.
"Again, SBPDL, why don't you spend your time discussing white liberals"
Why don't YOU?? If you want to discuss white liberals, then do it on your own blog that no one reads.
You don't dictate the discussions here.
Being "racist" is a necessary requirement for life in the US (outside of Portland etc). I avoid blacks because I am racist. This increases my safety.
@ White Guy:
SBPDL does not have the intellectual faculties or the cojones to discuss white liberals in a way more substantial than just in passing. I think it fails to penetrate your thick Neanderthal skull that he discusses many things that have nothing to do with 'Stuff Black People Don't Like' right here on his blog. I'd be interested in his analysis of 'DWLs', wouldn't you?
Why he has failed to discuss at length and in detail the white liberals that he believes are causing 'BRA' is anyone's guess. (I personally believe he believes blacks are the cause, not DWLs, hence his lack of pieces on these people.)
Will you hazard a guess, White Guy, one that is better than the stupidity you had just offered up? If white liberals are the root of your 'black problem', you destroy that root as you would with dandelion weeds. Do you know anything about horticulture? If not, save me your sad attempt at analogy. Because without this 'DWL' root, White Guy, you would have no pesky black dandelions (virtually all of which do not impact your life).
This is if what you and the cult leader say is completely correct, and I have no problem admitting that there are those liberals who foster despair for political purposes. I don't believe the true ones do, but the politicians are certainly capable of it.
But the question is whether SBPDL's lack of discussion is because he's incapable? I think that might be it!
Also, White Guy, intelligent people--and you would know nothing about this, as you have so helpfully showcased--are careful people, and careful people don't make sweeping generalizations about groups of people based upon the actions of individuals.
We've been here before.
I will say, White Guy, I enjoy the way you have conspicuously avoided the (accurate) accusation that racist white men do not give a flying fig about white men raping white women.
A lack of answer is all the answer I need, and history only verifies that I am, indeed, correct. That is good to know for white women; they should know that their pedestal status comes with conditions. How lovely.
"SBPDL does not have the intellectual faculties or the cojones to discuss white liberals"
If you have the intellectual faculties or the cojones to discuss white liberals, then do it on your own blog that no one reads.
Otherwise, STFU.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it, then for sure there must be something terribly wrong with the culture of young black men in general. A sample size of 28, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with this crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
White People
Black gang rape is so common, popular, and accepted in black culture, it's been frequently written about in black literature, much the same way that incest is commonly accepted in black culture (jus' ax Ofrah). Here's an example:
from MAKES ME WANNA HOLLER by Nathan McCall Published 1995 pages 44-45
“Different groups of guys set up their own trains. Although everybody knew it could lead to trouble with the law, I think few guys thought of it as rape. It was viewed as a social thing among hanging partners, like passing a joint. The dude who set up the train got pats on the back. He was considered a real player whose rap game was strong.
I think most girls gave in when trains were sprung on them because they went into shock. They were so utterly unprepared for anything that wild that it freaked them out. By the time they realized that they'd been set up, they were stripped naked, lying on a bed or in the backseat of a car, with a crowd of crazed looking dudes hovering overhead.
I always wondered what went on inside girls' heads when that was happening to them.
Afterward, most girls were too ashamed and freaked out to tell. They knew that if they snitched to the cops, the thing would become public news and their name would be mud. But every now and then, some chick squealed, and somebody caught a charge. Then guys got their buddies to go to court and testify that the girl was a footloose ‘ho’ whom they each had boned.
Most girls seemed to lose something vital inside after they'd been trained. Their self esteem dropped and they didn't care about themselves anymore. That happened to a girl named Shirley, who was once trained by Scobe and so many other guys that she was hospitalized. After that, I guess she figured nobody wanted her as a straight up girl.
So Shirley let guys run trains on her all the time.
(end quoted passage)
Um....isolated incident? I don't think so. Black tradition? Ding ding ding!!!
Desiree is losing it.
hey Desiree,
why don't you stop your babbling for a minute and address what this post is about .. how the black community is INEXPLICABLY defending these fucking animals instead of condemning them .. what's your take on that ?
Desiree, where's all the your other fellow black contemporaries at, how come they're not coming to your defense? Are you the only black person reading this Blog?
And please answer the previous posters question please! Why is the 'African American' community not uttering a peep of condemnation towards these gutter gangsters? How about it.
I can only hypothesize as to what's going on the minds of most 'African Americans' in regards to this, and that is we're getting back at Whitey ( I know the victim was Hispanic), but to the 'African' anyone not black is white, so in essence, for a perceived injustice committed towards the 'African', it's simply Okay to let all guilty 'Africans' off in retribution and retaliation for some perceived past injustices?
Much like that sham OJ Simpleton Kangaroo court trial!
Disarray wrote:
"Seems like there's a common denominator there, SBPDL, and it's a penis. This is a MALE thing, because men cannot control their rape impulses."
Disarray, you are a FUCKING MORON. You accuse SBPDL of making a general statement about all blacks (something that he has not done), then you make the exact same statement about men.
How retarded are you?
Why don't you just issue an open invitation to 28 men from this site to come out to Vegas and run train on you? Then you will have some idea of what that little girl went through. Maybe then you will have some sympathy for her instead of defending her rapists just because they are black.
You are black trash, Disarray. Always remember that.
Interesting, SBPDL, that you did not post my comment. Proof you an intellectual coward, dishonest as hell, and that the main goal for this post--like all of them--is to demean ALL black people for the actions of a few idiots.
Yes, over 200 white male pedophiles did not stop the sexual abuse of children in a sex ring that spanned across the US, Canada, Britain, Europe, Asia.
Is that not a huge sample size, SBPDL, enough to condemn white people over and above the way that commenter tried to condemn all blacks?
And the Japanese soldiers in China, going door-to-door, gathering girls and women, then gang-raping and killing them? Is that not large enough a sample size to condemn all Japanese men?
You are a liar and a dishonest coward. You have proved my points over and beyond anything you could do with a simple, typo-strewn answer.
If your goal is not to condemn all blacks, or say this rape is in accordance with all black sexuality, why stifle the dissemination of a few news links?
Do you hate that I am absolutely correct? That I am absolutely correct that this is what MALES do?
Like I said before: you no more care about this girl than you do roadkill, although given the Animal post, you probably do care more about roadkill. Your commenters have showcased your goal was only to stoke their reactions to a crime where the perpetrators are black. Don't even feign neutrality, you piece of crap.
You are a disgusting racist coward, not to mention, like all white conservative, right-wing men, you don't give a shit about the rapes of white women by white men.
The site grabs the interest of White people that like hating Blacks. WTF is the "African mind"? What's with the superiority complex? Its funny the host of this site goes on and on about BRA. Blacks in mass aren't controlling shit in America and if blacks are winning or getting a leg up in society I definitely don't see it. Like White men don't rape? Most of the articles posted on this site are some old south savage negro propaganda. Articles on ghetto hood people is NOT Black culture.
To Desiree:
Is that not large enough a sample size to condemn all Japanese men?
It certainly supports the thesis that Japanese soldiers at that time had a privilege in their minds to engage in such behavior (The civilians back home were not made aware of this however..) but the Japanese military no longer has that privilege because some White guys stopped them.
Simply disgusting (and not all of them were White.. but..) but where are their White defenders...? Can you point out them out...were there conferences held by Whites questioning the truthfulness of the victims? We have an excellent parallel with the Duke lacrosse team incident wherein there was swift and vitriolic reaction to the "evil" White men... even when one had an iron clad alibi.
SBPDL's point is that when BS like this happens... then Black (and some leftist Whites, witness the atrocious NY Times article..) enablers will come out of the woodwork
and defend these buffoons.
I know of a few examples of jury nullification where Black men were accused of raping someone of another race and Black jurors opted not to convict. I would wonder if the incident happened in a Black country (or a country filled with Ghetto fabulous types..) if there would even be a trial.
You are a disgusting racist coward, not to mention, like all white conservative, right-wing men, you don't give a shit about the rapes of white women by white men.
Bullshit, I can't speak for SBPDL but White conservatives have a pretty vehement reaction to White rapists also... what we certainly don't do is hold conferences questioning the virtue of 11 year old victims when there is video evidence that an assault occurred.
whenever blacks are criticized and called out for being the useless lowlives that they are .. they NEVER EVER admit to it and take responsibility and never will .. always deflect, blame whitey, do whatever it takes .. but take responsibility ? what is that .. blacks are a plague to white society
My views on crime -- regardless of the race of the perpetrator -- can be summed up in this clip:
Someone above asked what "the African Mind" is. Here is your answer:
Am deeply sickened by the community which tries to excuse such a horrible behavior, especial the leader QX or whoever he is, he should be leading in condemning such things, rather than trying to get 'other races who slept with that child' arrested. What person of any respect ever talks of 'sleeping with a child?' Shame on anyone, black or white, supporting the criminals. To me it does not matter what color these scum are, the issue here is the dirty crime that has been committed against the child. This post, and a lot of comments here seem more interested in the talking about all the bad things related to blacks than having these morons who have defiled such an innocent soul severely punished, though no amount of punishment in the world would rectify the crime. And for the video that talks about 'these boys not being born evil' and whatnot, you are right, they were not born evil, they just chose to act evil, and it has nothing to do with any social background, I have friends from some of the roughest parts of South Africa, most of them never having know their dads, but they don't go around gang raping children. Even the dumbest moron on earth knows that rape is wrong, nobody needs to teach them right and wrong. Personally i wish the worst possible punishment on them, and may i note that I am a black South African, so I do not hate them because they are black, n HATE them i do, very, very much. I hate them because they are evil, not even worth to be called animals because I have seen dogs and cattle with more compassion than they do. How dare the video say 'if' they committed the crime when they even had it on video? What more proof do you want? Can all y'all sickos out there gathering to talk about these criminal's rights or whatever you talk about take just one second and think about the poor little girl? how she feel, how she will have to live with it, how it will affect her.
@ Anon 3/15 1:44PM:
I think you fail to realize the context of the discussion that you quote. The point someone else made was that 18 black men committing, or allegedly committing, this crime is a large enough sample to implicate ALL black male sexuality.
They also asserted that there was no way the same amount of white men or Asian men would all join in on a sexual crime or fail to call the police.
And this person based this on one news story.
But, by my quoting of two links where over 18 white and Asian men participated in the rapes of children and women and girls, respectively, disproves their extreme, all-or-nothing thesis.
Do you get it?
Simply disgusting (and not all of them were White.. but..) but where are their White defenders...?
The vast majority of those pedophiles, like most pedophiles, were white. Their defenders (one of my friends, who is British, is a pedophile sympathizer but she's a weird rich woman and the rich have odd values) need not show their faces enough to do a conference but, hell yes, they exist. Have you heard of Judith Levine? Alfred Kinsey was a pedophile sympathizer as well. Again, they will not show their faces.
Questioning a crime, especially by a group of people who feel they have not a clue as to what's going on in an investigation, is not 'earth shattering'. It happens all the time. Not exactly an indictment of black culture or black people.
SBPDL's point is that when BS like this happens... then Black (and some leftist Whites, witness the atrocious NY Times article..) enablers will come out of the woodwork
and defend these buffoons.
SBPDL's point was to bait his reader's emotions and rake in the support like someone who's just won big at poker. Exhibit A: most of the comments under the post.
There will always be defenders of the seemingly indefensible. Again, this is not an indictment of the black race. You had some NAACP people 'defend' Michael Vick, but that is not indicative of me or my family!
Bullshit, I can't speak for SBPDL but White conservatives have a pretty vehement reaction to White rapists also
If this is true, SBPDL should highlight white women victimized by white men (who are the main type of man raping white women), too. This would serve to prove that he and the white men on this site do care at least as much about a white woman raped by a white man (more likely) as a white woman raped by a man of color (less likely) and his posts on 'crime', especially sexual ones, are not indictments on black people.
Excuse me if I am skeptical. Again, this crime was representative of a penis problem, not a race problem.
what we certainly don't do is hold conferences questioning the virtue of 11 year old victims when there is video evidence
Keep it confined to these blacks in Cleveland. I have an idea of the why with regard to this case: the defenders of the suspects are family/friends of them; naturally people cannot help defending their loved ones, regardless if it's nonsensical. Then the friends/family of the defenders get in on it, sharing like views, and so on and so on. Cleveland has a little over 7000 residents, so it would seem like ALL the blacks are defending the suspects.
This doesn't make it right and it seems in compatible with logic, but I'm pretty positive that's how it happened. Once again, not an indictment of all black people.
This blog is about STUFF BLACK PEOPLE LIKE. Black people like blacks gang-raping non-blacks.
Are you saying that black people like white people raping other white people, and that is why SBPDL should cover that topic?
Are you saying that black people like rape of all kinds, and THAT is why SBPDL should cover the topic?
Quanell X, Inez Dickerson and lots of other people have come out in support of raping pre-pubescent Hispanic children. There is ample evidence to support that black people like the gang rape that happened in Cleveland.
Those are a few links related to something else black people like: black rape of elderly people, especially white elderly people. Black rape of the elderly is rapidly growing in popularity and could become a numbered SBPDL post in the future.
Come to think of it, Desiree may be right. Black people may like ALL instances and forms of rape, and it may be racist of us to focus on this example of a rape of a pre-pubescent Hispanic child, a case where 28 black men and boys all chose to participate in a rape, rather than report it. They chose to use their cell phones not to call 911, but to document their crimes for nostalgic purposes.
28 black guys raping an 11 year old girl.
I keep trying to let that sink in, but the horror of it just does not compute. It's just too vile to imagine.
Even more horrifying, and telling...is that this rape isn't surprising. It's well within the expected behavior patterns of the perpetrators involved.
The black community responds with "she beez axin' for it an' sheeit" and a "black leader" demands arrests of all the other races who "slept with this child." This is the behavior we have come to expect. Blaming, denial, refusal to accept responsibility. It's casebook black pathology.
This crime, the black community's reaction to it, and Desiree's fetid, feral existence are the reasons why this blog exists, and is necessary.
The problem with this is site that it attempts to depict black people as monolithic in support of being degenerates. This stereotypical view of blacks as committing rape against whites is nothing new. I didn't know White Fear and a need to defend the "Myth of White Superiority" was still so prevalent. Whats with white people and the need to claim "others" as savage and primitive? Now isn't this an over-generalization of whites?
Criminal behavior and acts of harm to anyone is deplorable whomever does it...Period. Don't try to act like it is an exclusively black thing.
Blacks in general are not getting some supposed privileges over whites. When there are laws passed taking away the rights of whites then I look as this site as having some validity.
I am black and I don't know one black person that views rape as something that is excusable. I don't know any black guys sitting around with their dicks out waiting to rape women. Just like all whites are not racist and waiting to go out lynching blacks.
Desiree is right. SBPDL and his/her supporters could care less about the child being raped. This site has an agenda.
That's your view of the "African Mind"? Some primitive superstitious bullshit? The "pagan" beliefs and religions of Africans. As if the proper "Christian" idea is anymore valid. A faith many whites follow. That is fucking hilarious. I say this as an atheist. All superstitious beliefs are illogical.
This article is like calling the Dark Ages the White Mind. A time of famine, disease, religious zealots, war and conflict, corruption and mass idiocy. While most of Europe was in ruin, Africa and other continents prospered and yet this is something that is never brought to light.
You talk about affirmative action? WHITE Women in this country are the biggest benefactors of affirmative action in this country and white people in general have been riding affirmative action for 500 years on other peoples' continents. Some videos on some trifling and ghetto blacks can never erase that amount of destruction and prejudice.
SBPDL and his/her condescending and pompous followers need to do some deep history research before making mass generalizations on a group of people. Actually traveling and interacting with a black people in mass before making statements.
Just because a group of idiots do something, it doesn't necessarily speak for the whole. This is the African Mind.
Ghana Empire
Mali Empire
Songhai Empire
Ethiopian Kingdoms
Keep believing your White Supremacy myths and grabbing your references from Americas worst and despicable list.
"The problem with this is site that it attempts to depict black people as monolithic in support of being degenerates."
Actually, that's what makes this site refreshing.
"This stereotypical view of blacks as committing rape against whites is nothing new."
Pull your head out of your ass.
"Whats with white people and the need to claim "others" as savage and primitive? "
Your post is overly dramatic, not surprising. You forget that America is the white man's homeland. Do you know as much about the founding documents? Our founding fathers? Have you studied them with as much excitement? Don't you just hate white people, your oppressor? Are you as familiar with your own American history as you are with your African history? Probably not, because you have drunk the Kool-Aid of black supremacy and the idea of the white devil.
America is not the black man's homeland. Africans have homelands elsewhere and always will. Whites are interested in defending America and its dominant culture, which is white European. Whites have built this country, every part of it. Where is your home? Isn't that the real problem? You should choose to love America instead of longing for distant Africa.
If you love Africa and your black people so much, then I encourage you to relocate to the African continent permanently. You would be so much happier there, right? Everyone knows that Africa is such an exotic, beautiful, warm, and rich place to live, right? You would not be as special there, since you would not be a "minority" any longer. You would also not have the goodies that the white culture offers.
Problem is, you love what the white culture had created in America. You are addicted to it, yet you hate it, and you would not leave for anything. It is so good for you here. If you are not thinking seriously about going home, then stop dreaming about the motherland, and please learn your own American history and work to assimilate.
Oh, and read some past posts, you can get up to speed about black crime rates, rape rates, and general black buffoonery.
It's the same in England, Blacks act like animals and get away with it. No one wants to live next to these people.
Foreigners whom I know that moved to England used to feel sorry for blacks due to Hollywood propaganda, but not now. All the foreigners that I know who come in contact with these degenerates loath and abhor them.
I can't wait to leave London and get away from these people.
I've been spending some time in South Florida and it's a cesspool. Mostly Haitan blacks and Latinos from Guatemala.
The Haitian blacks are rude, abrupt and mannerless oafs who bump into people and don't know the word "excuse me".
The Latinos keep to themselves and just work. As a white woman I usually go to the Latino markets as they're cheaper and have fresher produce. Latinos are smart. They want the white man's money and will usually be nice to them in the store as they only want my money, which is fine. Say what you want about me when I leave the store.
Fast food restaurants and Walmarts in this area are full of the precious darkie population. But these same elites who want them here live in gated communities far insulated from these freaks and don't have to interact with them.
The pet darkies who work at Walmart and other retail stores are pudgy cretans who only got that job because of affirmative action and white guilt.
Black folks? Not so much. The arrogance and bloated sense of entitlement is heir apparent and quite nauseating.
I'm more of a white separatist now than I've ever been. When I lived in Orange County CA I rarely saw a pet darkie in my hometown. I didn't realize how sweet that was.
Blacks hate whitey but want to live in whitey's world. Can't have it both ways folks. Oh and spare me the drivel that whitey took this nation away from the American Indians. Someone is always taking land and property from someone. To the victor belongs the spoils. If the pet darkies are so damn smart, why is Africa so messed up?
I generally avoid black folk as much as possible.
Marilyn Monroe (you wish), you are a fucking idiot.
No one gets a Wal-Mart job because of affirmative action and white guilt. Working at Wal-mart is pretty bottom of the barrel and requires no skill, as the numerous shitty Wal-Marts across this country have proven.
I don't know what a 'pet darkie' is, but if Africa and the every other corner of the globe colonized by whites had not been colonized, it would not be a shithole.
That's kind of what colonialism does to a country. Rip resources from the people, not to mention put value into 'rocks' that are valueless and make the inhabitants war and kill each other over them; force foreign languages and religions on these peoples; make them slave not for the benefit of their communities, but for capitalists; force them to run their countries using foreign systems of governance completely antipodal to their culture.
If Africa had never been touched by the West and maybe even the Arabs, she would be fine.
Africa is 'messed up' because of your ancestors, your forebears. I know your 'worldview' prevents you from recognizing this obvious truth.
Case in point: if Native Americans had not been hunted down like animals by early American savages, they would not be nearly extinct in the States, rotting in impoverished reservations.
This was their country, just like Africa was the blacks' continent, and Europe was for Europeans. But when you people exploited the land, you decided to move outward and exploit everything and everyone else in sight, under the guise of religion and supremacy.
Someone is always taking land and property from someone. To the victor belongs the spoils.
Spoken like someone who doesn't know shit. I doubt you'd be singing the same dismissive tune if, say, Iran decided it wanted the US.
Always remember this, Marilyn: the only people who've benefitted absolutely from global colonialism are whites.
I generally avoid black folk as much as possible.
Yes, we are so missing you. Please. If you prefer to avoid blacks, it's pretty ironic that you come to a site where the subject is blacks. I know why: because your self-esteem and self-worth is predicated upon feeling superior to someone. Well, ain't that flimsy?
I think you are missing us, Marilyn. Thanks for playing.
I learned from the second video that black ladies wash their face in bacon grease and that they are psychotically in denial of reality and utterly demented.
Small wonder they are worth $5.00
I think they've been overpriced.
Lol a lot of salty crackers............on a side note I pray for this little girl and hope she knows that it was their evil not hers and she will be blessed
THIS is a perfect EXAMPLE of why it is *not*
a moral wrong to STERILIZE BLACK MALES
(while still others should be castrated) – and then
then move on to also sterilize the black females.
They are the ONLY group in history to contribute
nearly NOTHING to society -- other than violence,
low brain-functioning offspring (who they, in their
arrogance and ignorance, then force society to raise),
leeching off of others, disease, sexual irresponsibility
demands for preferential-treatment; constant-whining;
and (as evidenced in case-after-case) double-standards.
Even though there is the occasional, anomalous black
who has honestly 'bootstrapped their way to the success'
-- everyone know that 99% of all of the black people, in
general and all over the world, should simply be sterilized
If our society considers itself to be “moral” then we all know
that sterilization (and often castration) of the black male is
the most decent, most moral choice we can make for them.
The procedure is cheap and painless AND it helps prevent
the arrival of innocent offspring being brought into a world
where those who sired them care nothing about them and
where they are forced to live as mental and moral inferiors.
It’s a win-win for everyone involved and for the entire planet.
Desiree - rather than debating in a civil fashion, you are acting like a teenager by calling people names. If anyone is the idiot, it's you.
This is a blog about stuff we HATE about black people. You're either a self-hating black who comes here for punishment or you're a Jew who hates whitey.
I was giving an intel report from what was happening in MY area, yet you chose to take the low road and go on and on and on about all these oppressed brown people across the country and call me a foul name.
Am I a racist? Damn straight I am. A white separatist who would prefer to never see a non-white person again, especially arrogant black women like yourself who have a constant chip on her shoulder.
I guess I'm not too much of a fucking idiot. I'm engaged to a man who has plenty of money. We're getting married in June. I don't have to work and I live the good life. I guess that's what white privilege gets me.
Oh and BTW tell your black men to stay away from our white women, k?
Desiree - what do you say to a black guy in a suit?
Will the defendent please rise!
Any group of 18 individuals who rape a solitary child if proven... should be summarily executed.
Equal opportunity punishment.
dear commenters, thank you, I read most of them.. even diseree. Also watched Fallen Skies ep1 on deathwishguy's advice.. not too bad, definitely better than expected
word to all the right-bloggers, i read your shit and it's almost always spot-on.. and often hilarious. Good to know
The cracks are so big, even the DWLs are falling into them, wouldn't be surprised if it's deliberate... Peace out niggers and niggerinos
I'm both Haitian and African American, also a minister of the gospel. And to be honest, no preacher better not try to sweet talk these men out of there crimes.
They have emotionally scared this girl for life. I don't know much about race, but I do know justice when I see it. And that girl deserve justice and sadly the punishment those boys receive could never fulfill it.
All I can do is pray and hope, that someone considers that, suicide or even homicide might be taunting that poor little girl.
For the jackass who suggested these morons would not be dumb enough to film the rape, consider the black university of Minnesota basketball players whofilmed themselves raping the passed out whit gitl. Were any of these assholes in college:? No but they wre black! Grow up, your problems are no longer because of anyone but youtrselves.
This whole thread is bullshit. This shit goes on in every race. To say that it is just Black people doing shit like this is or that Black folks are breaking down society is the signature of one that is truly retarded or just plain voluntarily ignorant. The majority of people on welfare in this country are White and Latinos breed like rodents first and then wonder how they will take care of their litters afterwards( welfare checks!). The majority of them don't even finish high school or pay taxes. Break down society? You need to take a good hard look at yourselves before thinking you can make bullshit generalizations about other groups.
Black girls and women are raped far more often by black males than white females are. It is not a race thing, it is about a lack of boundaries and integrity that comes from being free of reproductive responsibility combined with low social value.
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