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Will "white flight" be declared illegal? Why don't people move to majority Black cities? |
The sad fact is the state of Georgia is broke. With an astounding number of Black people moving back to the South after failing in virtually every other city they went to during The Great Migration, the stress levels on an already broken infrastructure are going to become shockingly apparent. As this incredible article from Newsone.com admits, Black people are reliant on local, state, and federal government for employment and entitlements at levels disproportionate to other racial groups:
Poor and working-class Blacks, on the other hand, are caught between a rock and NO place—the “hard place” option no longer exists.This above article is an honest look at a problem we have pointed out will eventually manifest itself in America. The Federal Government is already attacking all-white counties and cities, scolding them for not making enough concession to Black Run America. Whose side do you think the government will fall on during a massive Black revolt (which Newsone.com seems to be encouraging)?
Simply put, the current economic crisis is much deeper than job and business creation. Both can be undertaken and still feature exploited workers with no health benefits or a living wage.
So what options exist for the Black poor and working class?
First, at the very least, poor and working-class Blacks need to organize. They should not be seduced by political slogans of hope.
Black youth, whose unemployment numbers are approaching a staggering 50 percent, for example, have to be aware of Arab young people using the “white man’s magic” (cell phones, Internet, FaceBook, and Twitter) to revolt against oppressive regimes. In doing so, some Arabs have made references to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.
Yet, Black youth have failed to capitalize on the growing trend of using technology for political mobilization to address staggering unemployment and other issues that impact their lives.
According to a recent Target Market News Report, Black-Americans spent $9.4 billion dollars on cell phones and connectivity services in 2009. This is regarded as a growing market. Even so, cutting-edge smart phones do not constitute Black political or economic power, especially for millions of Black youth for who technology is used primarily in the hot pursuit of foolishness.
Second, the disproportionate number of Blacks employed by municipal, state, and federal government need to wake up to the budget deficit game being played in Washington. It is not far-fetched to imagine the possibility that they may be sacrificed en masse. Beyond these workers themselves, budget cuts also translate into an assault on working and middle-class Blacks.
And finally, for Black folks who did not have jobs in the first place, surviving in the underground and barter economy—as they have always done—is the most viable option. They, like many of their counterparts across race trapped in jobless urban centers and rural areas, are caught in the middle of history.
An artificial Black middle class has been created in Atlanta, largely due to a massive support network that seeks to improve the quality of Black life at the expense of other racial groups:
Local leaders said black business people come to Atlanta because of the city's strong black middle class, support among other black entrepreneurs and black colleges and universities.The Federal Government has already made it clear that all-white cities, counties and states are a thing of the past (just ask the Somalians of Minnesota and Maine how great the welfare programs are there). Now the Black Caucus is suing the refugee camps outside of Atlanta and calling for the dissolution of these white flight enclaves.
"There are really a lot of proactive efforts to engage small businesses and entrepreneurship here," said Nancy Flake Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the Atlanta Urban League. "The political climate is supportive."
Groups such as the Urban League, the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, Atlanta Metro Black Chamber of Commerce and Atlanta Business League have assisted these efforts.
Atlanta is known as The City too Busy to Hate. In reality, it is a city whose Disingenuous White Liberal class has been one of the most dedicated groups in the erection of Black Run America (BRA) and a metropolitan area that saw its Black ruling political class come under fire in 2009 when it became apparent that they were losing control of the city.
It's a city where 30,000 Black people rioted over the right to sign a waiting list for Section 8 housing that wouldn't be available for five years.
It's a city with some of America's least safe neighborhoods (all Black areas).
It's a city white people fled from, and in so doing established some of the top counties in the nation (they would apologize for this on Oprah). Slowly, and surely, the Black Undertow followed. Gwinnett, Clayton, and even parts of Fayette County all succumbed to the problems that the citizens who fled to them sought to avoid.
The ultimate question is this: Why are cities and counties with majority white populations so desirable and cities and counties with majority Black population so undesirable?
Now the legal system will be used to break up white flight. As we have seen with Marin County in San Francisco, the legal system is in the pocket of BRA. Strangely, Black people still believe that the legal system operates under Jim Crow. This is why Brian Nichols thought he was a Black Avenging Angel of Death (BAAD), courtesy of people like Michelle Alexander who hold a revered place in Black people's hearts and minds.
The mentality of people like Alexander has harmfully impacted thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Black people. Maybe even millions. Newsone.com has basically called for insurrection in this nation by Black people, following on the heels of Middle East uprisings.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution, like The Washington Post and New York Times, rarely publishes articles that deal with race and crime (unless its a story like the Duke Lacrosse hoax). If they did, the paper would just be a print version of Thug Report.
If Black people follow Newsone.com's suggestion and start to use social media to protest a system that provides free lunches, welfare, cell phones, housing, scholarships, allows Black-only groups to help with creating businesses, and employs a disproportionate amount of Black people in government jobs, how do you think non-Black people in America will react?
As we have said before, Black Run America is going to collapse on itself. Attempting to deprive people of the right to "white flight" by suing majority white cities that exist because majority Black cities (and Black-run municipalities) are unsuitable for raising families is a shocking indicator of the power of BRA.
But it's an act of desperation.
I can't exactly see how you can punish the white people for this. Someone please explain it to me? The only thing I could maybe see happening is the tax income coming from these white havens now being directed to the black scum land.
My advice to those with the resources to do so : GET OUT NOW. Those people are going to bleed you dry if they are successful.
As much as many blacks love to trot out the "power of the black dollar", this is further proof that their existence heavily depends on whites. It's even to the point that any black person that does everything the right way is drained by most black people as well.
I pity those blacks because they actually have a shot at functioning in a white society...but are torn between maintaining their "blackness" and shedding that same blackness and becoming American. I imagine if blacks who do nothing to contribute to American society were shipped off, MAYBE (and I put a lot of emphasis on that word) the blacks who do things the right way would be better off.
Trees need pruning to grow and become healthy, black people need pruning to do the same thing socially and economically.
You will see this in the cities:
Read the Turner Diaries at first a work of fiction soon to become a history book.
Do you mean "the city TOO busy to hate". I enjoy your blog but please don't make mistakes like this. Such mistakes show that education is not what it used to be, and call into question the competence of what is written here.
Other than this, keep up the good work.
The morality of sacrifice is a weapon used by the have-nots to infuse the haves with guilt and induce them to abandon all that they have worked for; one does not have to be a cynic to realize that it is a morality that will be quickly abandoned when the have-nots become the haves.
THIS .... Is absolutely fucking unbelievable ... Actually being *SUED* for living in a place/member of, a place that is deemed 'too white' ...
Normally, I'd say something along the line of 'Good GOD, please help us!!' here, but according to DWL's, I've been informed that God is black also ... So no help there.
Fine people of these little enclaves.. All I can say is GET THE FUCK OUT. GET THE FUCK OUT **NOW**.
You may think your little town is 'safe' and it may be for a few years, but better to GET OUT NOW, while you still can.
Take it from someone who has Been There & Done It.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
14 Words
Well now, the parasite does not want its host to die. Whitey has to stay so that the negro can continue sucking all of his life force out. If whitey leaves then what will happen to the brotha man?
Third world sess pool?
No entitlements?
No whites to blame for racism, to excuse black behavior?
No victims to pray on, to murder, rape, and rob?
No white women to chase?
Not that blacks get along with one another, they don't. When whitey is not there, then they cannibalize each other.
They need whitey to try and stabilize their backward ways. Deep down they know, but will not admit, that whitey is what keeps blacks going. Without Ebony and Ivory then there is only chaos for Ebony. They are enraged by this fact. They know that without whitey then they are nothing.
Very sad indeed. All of this self loathing that blacks feel but cannot admit to whitey.
You can't get a white liberal to EVER admit that he leaves the inner-city for the suburbs in order to escape dysfunctional blacks and their criminality. I feel bad for them because they are so brainwashed, but I truly enjoy debating this point with DWLs - their faces turn red, they say things like "you are just mean!", and tell me that it is because of the "good schools". What they don't know is that in my city, their Whitopia suburbs are about to be busted up by school vouchers for the "low income families".
Once the entitled welfare queens decide that they need low-income housing, bus service, free clinics, "community centers", social services office, and a job next to their child's tax-payer-voucher-funded private school education, then the DWLs will have nowhere left to run.
Blacks will destroy a neighborhood very quickly once the government opens the flood gates, I have experienced this first hand. Blacks always drive down property values, which is one of the most important tools for building wealth in the white middle-class. I hope that white people start fighting their own battles. Let the blacks rot isolated in the suburbs.
Our current government hates white people and the goodness they create.
The funniest line I have read in a while; "if the AJC or the Washington Post or the New York Times reported on race and crime they would look like the Thug Report", priceless!
America is going to be like south africa and you racists will pay.
I have no animosity towards blacks on an individual level. I choose not to live around blacks for personal safety and economic reasons.
Hard days lie ahead for the black communities.
Blacks must stop believing the quasi religion of multi-culturalism.
As the national economy continues to slide into insolvency blacks will be the hardest hit.
Blacks must be prepared to support their own families and neighbors. No rioting or mayhem will be tolerated. If the status quo leaders of your people remain on today's course your people will suffer needlessly. The future of the nation relies on the success and well being of non blacks. It is a hard truth to swallow but your peoples arrogance and behavior risk bringing about your demise. I will not blindly follow the tyrants that are sure to rise in the future. Most will.
Blacks that read this should begin their preparations immediately. Godspeed.
"Too busy to hate"
You fixed it in the headline, but missed it further down in the article:
"Atlanta is known as The City to Busy to Hate. In reality, it is a city whose Disingenuous White Liberal class has been one of the most dedicated groups in the erection of Black Run America (BRA) and a metropolitan area that saw its Black ruling"
Midwestern said: I truly enjoy debating this point with DWLs - their faces turn red, they say things like "you are just mean!"
SG says: Holy crap! You must have run into one of the nice ones. I have gotten Nazi, Hitler, Racist, Hater (H8er for you hipsters), and countless others, but nothing ever so mild as just to call me mean.
I had a female friend who was extremely liberal and despite our differences in ideology, we were good friends. She was always going on with the standard liberal catch phrase, "There is only one race, the human race" So one day we were discussing some topic, and she said I was just a racist. So I responded, "OK, if there is only one race, the human race, as you have pointed out many times, how is it possible that I, or anyone else could be a racist?"
She stared at me for a long time, trying hard to think of some answer that would work. She never came up with one and finally said, "Oh, eff you!"
I had a good laugh about it.
"America is going to be like south africa and you racists will pay."
Uh, no. Because we have the right to own guns.
Sorry troll. You fail
SBPDL, reverse transfer payments, when whitey wins the lotto: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mega_millions_millionaires_revealed_PtfrGyyE0qYs9IeIVVJQQJ
"BWAHAHAHAH I love it.
America is going to be like south africa and you racists will pay."
In other words, the goal of negroes is to destroy America the same way they've destroyed South Africa.
In fact, every place where negroes live, they've turned into a shit-hole.
" Holy crap! You must have run into one of the nice ones."
Don't get me wrong, SG. I have lost many "friends" over my viewpoints. I was a DWL only a year ago, and actually voted for Obama, (which I deeply regret and have since joined the local Tea Party). The DWLs have quietly slipped away but have never really confronted me forcefully. I am doing a lot of things right in my life, and so I have some influence with people I know and family members. They are mostly baffled by my comments, but they respect me enough to know that I don't come to hard conclusions for no reason.
No one has called me a bigot, Hitler, or a racist yet, but I am just getting started on friends and family. After a few beers at the local pub in the midst of strangers, who knows what might happen...
White/European peoples are the only race interested in fairness for all. They produce fewer children in order not to overpopulate the world; they reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to make the planet safer for all; they buy into the overpopulation and green movement scams while the blacks and browns destroy their own natural resources, chop down the rain forest, and breed like rabbits.
Whites are the true liberals, blacks are only the pawns in the game of liberal guilt. Blacks are too stupid to realize that they are only being used and this is not sustainable for them. Once whites reduce themselves, blacks will be left out in the cold and starve. Ask any white liberal a tough question about race and they will first consider the plight of the minorities. Their first thought is of diversity and balance, not white people first. They only will support a policy that is fair for all groups, even if whites suffer in the long run. This scores mega points with their liberal friends, but has damaged their influence. No man respects a person who does not respect himself.
Whites will happily pay taxes which redistribute their children's inheritance to the blacks/brown, and support the hiring of blacks/browns as in affirmative action because they see it as more fair than just privileged whites having everything. Whites will put their families at risk in celebration of diversity. Whites will not teach their children white history, and choose instead to promote the history of the brown cultures, Cinco de Mayo, Black History Month and MLK day.
Blacks/browns selfishly want what is best for their own racial group, period. No black will support anything that helps other people. They don't give a rat's ass if another group is disenfranchised.
Whites practice fairness for all to their own demise.
Trees need pruning to grow and become healthy, black people need pruning to do the same thing socially and economically.
I'd agree in theory, Harry, but there are two problems with your hypothesis.
First, in any group, regression to the mean always sets in. Unusually intelligent, low-testosterone black couples can have all the good intentions in the world, but within a few generations, their descendants start to more closely resemble the group average (low IQ, high aggression). This is one reason why decent neighborhoods that bourgeois blacks move to inevitably go bad.
The second reason is related to the first: These high-achieving blacks are exceptional among their group. Anywhere they go to escape the ghetto madness, they are sooner or later followed by cousins, in-laws, that ne'er-do-well nephew they agree to take in for just a few weeks....months....his friends show up.....and boom, it's the ghetto all over again.
The whites who initially welcomed the straight-and-narrow blacks as neighbors find themselves once again in flight, always and forever, on the run from inevitable black dysfunction.
"BWAHAHAHAH I love it.
"America is going to be like south africa and you racists will pay."
Statements like this are important and revealing. They also show that the criticisms leveled at white society are a form of projection -- in short, what they accuse white society of doing is what they themselves will do once they have power.
Black on black violence, abortion, drugs, smoking, drinking, pork, junk food, hypertension, diabetes....
13% will dwindle away...based on the list above...and if we see too much uppity shit...whites and hispanics will help remove them from the gene pool as well....
The hubris of the black leadership is astonishing.
These people are Marxists, through and through. They despise white America with a purple passion. They want nothing less than the eradication of any vestige of white, European, western style culture. You can see the hatred in their eyes and sense the venom coursing in their hate filled veins. They want retribution for what they think was injustice to their tribal kinsman many years ago. This is unfortunate; because what these Communist minded blacks don't realize is that once whites are displaced and the agitation propaganda is thoroughly entrenched, they too will be swept from power.
You see, there is no honor amongst thieves. I you slit my throat today, someone will be slitting your throat tomorrow. In their seething blindness and hatred for everything white, they can't see that a functioning society will not remain in tact. Dis-functional society will quickly rush in to fill the void. In essence, that's what we already have.
BET,MTV and most mass-media has convinced a whole nation that ghetto culture is cool and hip. How utterly devoid of any redeemable qualities is the ghetto culture? It's a poison that's killing not only blacks, but whites as well.
The black-Marxist leadership is dangerous.
Midwestern said...
"White/European peoples are the only race interested in fairness for all. They produce fewer children in order not to overpopulate the world; they reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to make the planet safer for all; they buy into the overpopulation and green movement scams while the blacks and browns destroy their own natural resources, chop down the rain forest, and breed like rabbits."
Well, let us be fair. White people only stopped populating like rabbits after they had populated 4 different continents (5, if you include the numerous mixed-race descendants of the Conquistadores). By then, they had already taken over much of the globe.
If anything, white people should have practiced what they are preaching now (e.g. low population growth) prior to their rabbit-breeding the entire world, and stayed within the limits of the white homeland of Europa. All this jaw-jawing now about how the coloreds are overpopulating the lands outside
Europa sounds a tad bit disingenuous, to say the least.
Anonymous said...
"My advice to those with the resources to do so : GET OUT NOW. Those people are going to bleed you dry if they are successful."
Get out where? Europe?
I love all these Negroes saying the white mans days are numbered. Like they can out breed us or something. Like they have military skills. Destroying a ghetto will be a mopping up operation for future generations of white people.
The Negroes are so stupid they know nothing of conflict and history. Or the history of intellectually superior and disciplined forces defeating numerically superior forces time after time. It is like I cannot stand being around the -15 IQ point crowd, the stupidity is just mind boggling.
Well, let us be fair. White people only stopped populating like rabbits after they had populated 4 different continents (5, if you include the numerous mixed-race descendants of the Conquistadores). By then, they had already taken over much of the globe.
Right you are. What a great point you have made.
The main impetus behind European expansion was due to the scarcity of resources caused by exponential population growth. We can disregard, for now, a lust for capital and other arbitrarily-designated 'precious' commodities which led to the incidental exploitation and abuse of each region's native inhabitants.
What is the old adage? Ah, yes, to paraphrase: "If one does not know his history, he is bound to repeat it."
Midwestern's myopia is astounding. If it had not been for that very action he criticizes, he would not be a Midwestern, but perhaps a jagged-toothed Brit? Not a total loss; they do have universal healthcare.
Another proverbial quip: "Never judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins."
It seems like whites can somewhat fathom (stressing 'somewhat') now how it must have felt to be 'displaced' then, only it is now colored peoples doing the displacement, the "phasing out", as it were?
The current bleating is hypocritical, this is true, but we must remember it is not a total deviation from their intrinsic characters... They invented throwing stones and hiding hands.
Get out where? Europe?
Let's face it: Europeans abhor their American progeny (although France is not the beacon of tolerance). Who can blame them? The archetypal white American--or "American"--is wholly pestilent and a scourge. They are embodied by the Tea Party and, well, let's just say these people are not brightly shining bulbs, are they?
they reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to make the planet safer for all; they buy into the overpopulation and green movement scams while the blacks and browns destroy their own natural resources, chop down the rain forest, and breed like rabbits.
Midwestern, I don't suppose you see any linkage between deforestation and the attempt to "catch-up" with the West? Let's not forget that indigenous peoples in rain-forested areas lived for millennia peacefully and in harmony with nature prior to conquest by the West. Actually, only whites hate the environment, if 'hate' shall be used as the proper descriptor. We have a whole political wing in this country who make it a goal to disprove global warming!
This is something you should not forget next time. Whites, if I lend them a scarce praise, do advocate for the environment (I am being generous in referring to them as a group) more so than colored peoples. But, then again, perhaps these advocates know, by virtue of hindsight, the destructiveness of their forebears' capitalism, and are only trying to right wrongs.
This says nothing, of course, about media access and the "free-time" invariably linked to higher class statuses. It was only a little over a hundred years ago that nice middle class ladies ventured into Northeastern immigrant ghettos to "help" because they had nothing else to do. I imagine usurping superiority is more fun than needlepoint.
Also, Midwestern, don't you find it odd that you call the Green movement a scam and yet poo-poo deforestation "done" by colored peoples? Another thing that is unsurprisingly hypocritical... I think it's fair to say another concept you've failed to grasp is that of "multi-national corporations".
Yes Diarrhea, no surprise for us, it is once again the boogey man of the "multi-national corporations" and evil Lord Whitey himself. And of course with your negro logic, we must hold all whites accountable for every negative event in history. Browns and blacks would NEVER destroy their own lands.
And we must not look too closely at the current status of the blacks in America and worldwide. Let's not shine the light on the destruction that they are intentionally creating on the planet RIGHT NOW. We must distract everyone's attention away from the negro and their criminality, dysfunction, and mischievousness and focus on the evil of the white man.
Ah, those poor brown noble savages. Thou shalt not hold them personally accountable for anything.
SBPDL, Diarrhea is puking all over the comments section again. You have not truly banned her. I know you like the disturbance she creates, but it is becoming difficult to read the posts.
We can all recognize her lingo, why can't you??
"Blacks/browns selfishly want what is best for their own racial group, period. No black will support anything that helps other people. They don't give a rat's ass if another group is disenfranchised. "
Hey Diarrhea, why don't you comment on this gem? Please try, I dare you.
"It seems like whites can somewhat fathom (stressing 'somewhat') now how it must have felt to be 'displaced' then, only it is now colored peoples doing the displacement, the "phasing out", as it were? "
Yes, Dezzie, but you have forgotten that blacks cannot live in large numbers and feed themselves without the assistance of whites. And that whites have a higher IQ and mental ability than blacks. Blacks will always regress to living in mud huts and eating insects, whites innovate and build great civilizations.
If whites are 'displaced' as you say, then blacks will suffer greatly but whites will still thrive and rebuild as they always have, even in smaller numbers. It is in our nature. Name one black civilization that has survived and thrived. What? Haiti? Detroit? Africa? Hello??
Whites do not depend on blacks for their survival.
Rabbit-style breeding of white people is a good thing, you moron.
Hey Simon,
After we whites have been displaced, just whom do you think is going to run the show? Do you still think it will be a technological society, or will America have been reduced to Africa like status by then?
Are blacks going to administer this nation?
What about the Hispanics?
Once we're gone from this continent (hypothetically, of course) just tell me, who's going to be doing the heavy lifting, paying all the welfare taxes, building the infrastructure, etc.
You're just another blow-hard. You know full well that without whites America is just another third world shi!! hole.
If you want to see deforestation take a look at Haiti, and don't be stupid enough to say that whites hate the environment man. Do you know how asinine that is? We all have to live on this rock, so give it a break already.
Liberal stupidity is second only the conservative stupidity these days.
"Well, let us be fair. White people only stopped populating like rabbits after they had populated 4 different continents (5, if you include the numerous mixed-race descendants of the Conquistadores). By then, they had already taken over much of the globe."
I'm sure I speak for all white people when I say, "You're welcome."
"Blacks/browns selfishly want what is best for their own racial group, period. No black will support anything that helps other people. They don't give a rat's ass if another group is disenfranchised."
Hey Diarrhea, why don't you comment on this gem? Please try, I dare you.
First order of business is for you to realize that I am not "Diarrhea", you idiot. Perhaps you are referring to my comments themselves; in that case, truth, to the noses of the willfully deluded, tends to stink to high heavens, much like actual diarrheal stools, and it tends to be insufferable. I'll be sure to bring the smelling salts when you pass out from my odiferous verities.
As for this challenge (I am assuming you want me to address it), I am unsurprised again (my reaction should not be a surprise now, should it?) that you have failed to consult history. Let us not forget--and forgetfulness seems to be a conveniently applied virtue on this website--that if I substitute 'white' for the 'black/brown' descriptor, you will have your point-of-view, not to mention the holistic history of this very globe.
You see, your viewpoints only "work"--and I mean "work" in the loosest possible way--if history is systematically whitewashed (no pun intended) and de-emphasized to the point it's moot. You, hilariously, go forward and belch that there is no beginning, no precursor, no cause, to any effect. Well, that is the hallmark of stupidity.
While you brandish the notion that blacks or colored peoples do not want to take responsibility for their behavior, you conveniently employ the same technique to disregard or assuage the white history of destruction. And remember: whites actually wrote this stuff down; there's no denying it. It happened in brilliant colors and wet tears.
The unfortunate part is that whites like yourself believe that when 'white' is substituted for 'black/brown', the effect is fine. And that is hypocritical. However, I do not expect much. Those whites who have not been properly trained will always think in the ways on their European-dwelling Neanderthal predecessors: "Take! Me take everything; give to them nothing!"
At least when you attempt to debate, try hard to cover your bases, i.e. consult a history text.
Worth remembering: properly-trained whites, such as those on the Left, are good, in that, in spite of their seemingly 'all-white' predilections, they do not usurp Civil Rights from disaffected peoples. One cannot say the same for the Right.
Another note: Please do not "kid" yourself in thinking that conservatives do any global good. They head multi-national corporations, create wars, are idolatrous with the American flag, and deny Civil Rights. I find it humorous that you'd bash the American Leftist and, yet, claim his good deeds.
Shame on you.
I'm sure I speak for all white people when I say, "You're welcome."
And, yet, you will undoubtedly be the first to cry when that backfires. I guess someone should have built a time-machine and told these Europeans to make sure the safety's on before they put the gun in their pocket; now their dumb-as-mud progeny are walking around with bloody feet.
And the blood will run. Yes, it will. And not even a rock shall hide you on That Day.
"And, yet, you will undoubtedly be the first to cry when that backfires. I guess someone should have built a time-machine and told these Europeans to make sure the safety's on before they put the gun in their pocket; now their dumb-as-mud progeny are walking around with bloody feet."
You win the Incomprehensible Mixed Metaphor Award.
Simon be sayin' said...
<<"And, yet, you will undoubtedly be the first to cry when that backfires. I guess someone should have built a time-machine and told these Europeans to make sure the safety's on before they put the gun in their pocket; now their dumb-as-mud progeny are walking around with bloody feet.">>
Oh yeah, I see what you mean.. like this guy.
"odiferous verities...."
Haha. This is like a negro who wears non-prescription glasses to look/sound smart! Please refer to Strunk & White!
Hey "Simon", you ignorant fool. The last Great White Expansion only occurred AFTER the bubonic plague had wiped out 2/3's of Europe's population.
Of course there were a few other times whites had had Great White Expansions in history--most notably the Greeks conquering the known world followed by their cousins, the Romans.
The beauty of all three of these was that the rest of the world was brought up to "modern" times since YT likes to bring his tech with him. 100 years ago we were 20+ % of the world's population, today we are a mere 6-7%. Maybe that constitutes another die off?
No, not yet, that will happen just as the last time--the bubonic plague entered Europe via Venetian war with Islam--Islam used it as a primitive biological weapon to force the capitulation of Byzantium. I expect many whites to die the next time around as well, but, just as in the past, we will rebound with a vengeance.
"And the blood will run. Yes, it will. And not even a rock shall hide you on That Day."
Wow, that sounds alarmingly like a threat. Not surprising, really. The far left are really just a flag and a uniform away from fascism. Your "tolerance" is on particularly glorious display here.
Your phrase, "properly trained whites" gives interesting insight on your views of "equality," by the way. Again, your "tolerance" of people who disagree with you is an inspiration to all.
You know, I don't agree with what YOU have to say, but I recognize your right to an opinion. I believe I speak for most people here when I say that I'd never suggest that you need to be "trained" like a circus seal, or express glee over the thought of your brutal murder. Yet, you've done both, and in a single day. I'd like to thank you for teaching us so much about what "tolerance" really entails.
One final thought:
"Indigenous peoples in rain-forested areas lived for millennia peacefully and in harmony with nature prior to conquest by the West."
This is my all-time favorite leftist masturbatory fantasy. The naivete of it always makes me laugh. Thanks for that.
"...Worth remembering: properly-trained whites, such as those on the Left, are good, in that, in spite of their seemingly 'all-white' predilections, they do not usurp Civil Rights from disaffected peoples. One cannot say the same for the Right..."
And precisely WHICH "civil rights" have been usurped? The fact is that it starts with "civil rights" and continues to include such things as AA, quotas, etc, et-freaking-cetera. And even with all that, blacks have done nothing but regress. They are truly hopeless.
The "Right"? Yeah, all they want is less government, and more individual liberty. So, I will concede your point there; no way blacks can get along with nonsense like that.
What a tool...
Haha. This is like a negro who wears non-prescription glasses to look/sound smart! Please refer to Strunk & White!
Yes, I will be sure to brush up on my "Fun With Dick and Jane" if it appeals to your lower intelligence quotient. And who said I was black? My ethnic heritage is one-quarter Sephardic Jew (yes, NOT Ashkenazi) and one-quarter Italian from my mother and half Puerto Rican from my father. I am not black, you self-satisfied pile of human excrement.
Again, your "tolerance" of people who disagree with you is an inspiration to all.
Be sure to repeat this to the others, although you must forgive me for being a pessimist: I don't believe you will apply this evenly.
I believe I speak for most people here when I say that I'd never suggest that you need to be "trained" like a circus seal, or express glee over the thought of your brutal murder.
You do not speak for most whites on here. Are you blind by affliction or choice? Go through this site's comment sections and you will see how wrong you are.
I will also enlighten you that I am not for equality. I do not like whites; I only like colored peoples. There has never been a colored person who has mistreated me. I cannot say the same for whites. White people have out-lived their expiry date and now must be dealt with accordingly if there is any hope for us developing into a peace-loving global society. I don't believe in 'bombing for peace' but if violence is necessary, so be it. The only whites who shall survive on That Day are the ones who relinquish their privilege and join the "hue"-man race. There will be no discussion and no "free passes".
The European progeny are ignorant, slow, dumb, and enjoy it; they bask in it. Trim the fat. I have two M-16s and I am unafraid to use them. There are people just like me in Philly, Brooklyn, Cleveland, Los Angeles. Obama is a Democratic pawn and the next colored president will not turn "white" when he/she gets into the White House.
You are a buffoonish hypocrite.
This is my all-time favorite leftist masturbatory fantasy. The naivete of it always makes me laugh. Thanks for that.
Disprove it. Otherwise, I will hold on to the environmental beliefs and ideals as practiced by these indigenous cultures, before the hand of the White Man, that is. You know absolutely nothing. I suggest you read up, as a quick example, on Wangari Mathaai.
Hey "Simon", you ignorant fool. The last Great White Expansion only occurred AFTER the bubonic plague had wiped out 2/3's of Europe's population.
RobertB, white people have spread like a viral pathogen across the globe. Your memory and application of history is selective, at best. Do you not know that every colored person is taught white history in schools? Yes, RobertB, I know about 'white expansion', too. If you decide to ignore the barbarism of whites, that is your choice. But it will not change history.
"...White people have out-lived their expiry date and now must be dealt with accordingly if there is any hope for us developing into a peace-loving global society..."
That certainly explains Africa, doesn't it? Damn Whitey needs to leave there NOW, so those peaceful negroes can get back to peaceful livin. An shit. And get out of 'merica, too. Oh, but will you leave all those computers, and planes, and cars, and, well, EVERYTHING negroes have never come close to even contemplating on their own? Thanks a bunch. Oh, and the money. We'll need your money...
As for the violence? You have NO idea what is waiting for you and your 12% No idea whatsoever.
What a tool.
Jesus. Another illuminating comment from "Simon Sez." Again, this is the reality behind the multicultural dream-topia.
Please, Simon Sez, keep expressing these views loudly, to every white person who will listen.
'Yes, I will be sure to brush up on my "Fun With Dick and Jane" if it appeals to your lower intelligence quotient. And who said I was black?'
Hahaha. You don't catch on too quickly do you? Let me try to help you out ROFL! I pointed out that you don't write intelligently, because you use vocabulary words beyond their utility...Dick and Jane would at least recognize an isomorphism..did you get that one too?! LMAO. Good Grief, go back to saying Cracka and Hoe, and you'd have better credibility here (while sporting those super cool non-prescription glasses)! Shit. This is funny.
Wow, Simon Sez...proof, if you're not as full of shit about your ethnicity as everything else, that even Jews can be complete nitwits. You'll have to forgive people on here for assuming you're Black as it's a common tactic among pissed-off Blacks on forums like this to try to come off as "intellectuals" by cramming their posts full of big words they really don't understand and trying to use the florid tone I guess they think "professors" use. What really got me was this:
"...don't you find it odd that you call the Green movement a scam and yet poo-poo deforestation "done" by colored peoples?"
Okay, first off, it's "pooh-pooh", but I'll give you that. Anyone can make a typo. The important thing is that you obviously have no idea what "pooh-pooh" means. It means to deride, disparage or belittle. So.if you stripped millions of acres of vegetation I could "decry" or maybe even "bewail" that deforestation, but if you just stomped on your neighbors begonias and claimed to have committed deforestation, I would "pooh-pooh" your claim, much as I "pooh-pooh" your attempts at coming off as an actual smart person.
Sure, there are more important things to worry about, like your desire for White genocide and claiming to be heavily armed, but posts like yours are so annoying (not for what's being said, as hateful as it is, but for how badly it's expressed) I just can't let them go unridiculed.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended freedom in America for whites. It was then, and is even more so now with all its' add-ons, nothing more than an anti-white law. It ended freedom of speech for whites, it ended freedom of choice for whites, it ended freedom of association for whites, it ended white education and the freedom to practice our white progessive and forward thinking culture where the rule of law prevails. It ended white governance for whites. That law in effect ended white civilization. It was in effect an apocalyptic end of freedom for whites. We surrendered ourselves with barely a whimper. We are now suffering the winners and benefactors of that 1964 monstrosity of a "law" claiming their spoils. Our white civilization is fast disappearing. Civil rights are nothing but code words for the destruction of whites.
Time has long past for whites to quit deluding themselves. We must rise and at least defend oursleves.
While we still can, we must stop all immigration from the turd world to this country, before those people destroy us.
Whites must come together and stand up for our people. The time is now or never.
"Disprove it. Otherwise...blahblahblah."
I'm not doing your homework for you, especially not on such an elementary topic. But "indigenous" people certainly have never lived at peace with each other, and it's questionable how effectively they were able to manage their environments (Maya, anyone?). Examples of tribal warfare over things like land and waning resources stretch back to the dawn of time, before "Western expansionism" was even an issue.
"...I am not for equality...etc."
Clearly. So it begs the question, why EXACTLY do you feel a sense of moral superiority over the people here? What EXACTLY gives you the right to sit in righteous judgement of people who - by your own admission - are LESS hate-filled than you? You're simply the other side of the KKK's coin.
Being brown does not exempt you from the very fitting label of racial supremacist. Additionally, your statements have made it crystal clear that you are not only a supremacist, but a violent, genocidal supremacist. So you're WAY more racist than anyone here.
And yes, let's talk about "That Day," as you've so charmingly labeled it. Do you feel confident that you and your pals from the nation's urban shitholes will have enough resources to take down the entirety of the U.S. government AND military?
Better think carefully about that one, Adolf. They called out the national guard (and Blackwater!) for less than this (I.e. Katrina). What do you think is going to happen if you and your fun bunch decide to spark off your quaint little "race war?"
And don't think that it won't happen. There isn't a future POTUS dark enough or radical enough to sit back, ignore the Constitution, and just ALLOW a sweeping genocide. Haven't you heard? Pogroms just aren't how we roll around here.
I mean, really...have you thought this through AT ALL? I'm starting to believe that you're just trolling, because if THAT'S your plan....? WOW.
That'll be all for me. Old thread is old. And you've already proven yourself a hypocrite and completely unhinged lunatic with your insane ramblings about "THAT DAY."
You should probably see someone about that anger problem, though.
"odiferous verities"
I thought that was funny too.
To Anon 5:53 PM: The phrase "odiferous verities" is taken from an old AOL subscription disc.
Remember those? They gave you an account start-up with a two word pass-phrase to get started. "feather merchant". "algebra advanced". "quota hire". "chair filler". "odiferous verities" was just one of the various phrases.
For those that keep on harping on about how much better white's live. Think about the following statistics. If everyone in the world where to live like white people we would need the resources of 8 earths. But the fact is that 20% of the world (i.e., white people) use 75% of the earth's resources. This means in order for you whites to live like you do you are taking (stealing) most of the world's resources. The rest of the world (80%) has to make do with the remaining 20% which is why black people in America are in the plight they are in. Again, THINK ABOUT THAT!!! Add to that that it is mostly black and non-white people that work hard for very low wages to produce the necessitities that whites benefit from. Whites just do meaningless jobs that give them high wages to sustain their lifestyle.
I agree that black people need to stop relying so much on whites and I think once that happens things will get much better. Without black people who would do all those essential jobs that whites refuse to do. I suppose they would have to go back to using their own poor whites again although even the poor whites are refusing to do them which is why so many immigrants are allowed into the country.
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