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He was right. |
Clayton County was the first school system in more than 40 years to lose its accreditation in the entire United States of America.
We wrote about this story on March 4, and now the "nations newspaper" sort of follows suit.
Not even the fine folks at USA Today dared mention the racial implications of why Atlanta Public Schools are in such a crisis mode. On the cover of today's USA Today, two hilarious stories were published detailing the massive cheating in Atlanta school's and questions that have been raised over dramatic improvements in Washington D.C. classrooms.
The dramatic improvements in Black test scores triggered red flags and spurred investigations of the school systems. Law enforcement is involved in both cases and one of the absolutely starkest examples of obvious Human Biodiversity (HBD) is transpiring before the eyes of the nation: the only way to close the racial gap in learning is to cheat, manufacturing improvements via falsification of results that both nature and nurture provide.
Strangely these gains triggered questions immediately over the validity of the improvements, showing that even those who grade the tests understand that no amount of Waiting for Superman, guidance from Crusading White Pedagogues or infusion of trillions of dollars into the education industry can close a racial gap in achievement that only a lowering of standards can alleviate.
Our question is to those who have done so much in the advancement of HBD via writing excellent articles, books, blogs, producing videos, etc., and it is simply this: What would the application of HBD look like in a country that, on virtually every level of human interaction (church, academic, business, entertainment) the integration of Black Run America (BRA) and Black Privilege has occurred? Subservience to the concept of improving Black Failure (inevitably caused by persistent white racism) is primary condition of being a good, morally upstanding 21st century American citizen, but Black Failure is appearing more and more to be a condition that no amount of nurture can alleviate.
What's the end game? What's the vision of a United States where -- and it is happening -- the idea of BRA and Black Privilege is no longer economically viable? What happens then?
We ask this question because these twin articles published by USA Today showcase that all the wishful thinking of Disingenuous White Liberals is coming to a crashing, highly public end.
The United States of America has immolated itself as a nation in the pursuit of bettering its Black population, an endeavor that no amount of money, set-asides, entitlements, policies and crocodile tears from those suffering from debilitating levels of white guilt can ameliorate.
In the process, this attempt undid America.
Black Run America is collapsing before our eyes and no amount of intervention can stave off its demise.
USA Today failed to mention the racial implications of the falsification of test results, but we did back on March 4th.
So our question is this: What comes next? Because like it or not, the answer is coming.
The hard work you put into this blog shows. You are the Sailer of the younger gen.
I now visit this blog daily to get your unique perspective of what is going on in this mad house called BRA.
You are spot on about the consequences of life for BRA when the money runs out.
I really enjoy your writing style.
"We ask this question because these twin articles published by USA Today showcase that all the wishful thinking of Disingenuous White Liberals is coming to a crashing, highly public end."
I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To stretch my Montgomery GI Bill I got my core classes out of the way at a two-year college in South Carolina. There were an inordinate amount of black students and learning was impossible. The noise in the student union was constantly deafening and the smell of black & mild cigars was always wafting from the gazebos. For all I know, they were shooting craps on the side of the library building. My psychology teacher would try to form a study session based on Jeopardy and some Cromagnon would shout, "Jeopardy be played out." I guess Alex Trabec just wasn't keeping it real enough to hold their attention.
What disgusted me was how much I struggled to earn that money, and how I was now surrounded by people who had been given loans and scholarships on the basis of nothing besides race, and that they not only took it for granted, but disrupted everyone else around them.
I heard Chris Rock recently say that all the old racist white people are dying off and it's time to move forward; he isn't the first to put this idea out there, but he's wrong on two counts. White racial consciousness is not going away, and is not some vestige of the Klan or Jim Crowe. It is the result of what they call facetime, real first-hand interaction that is hardening whites to the hopelessness of trying to live, work, or reason with blacks.
In Europe, it's the same shit, different pamper. Young people are overwhelmingly receptive to the BNP, Phil DeWinter, Geert Wilders, and others who can muster the balls to say that Islam is violent and incompatible with the very Western society it is draining.
People must be reminded that just 13 percent of the population, coupled with white leftists have brought our country to it's knees. White leftists have destroyed the education system completely. Even for whites it's been ruined as highly diverse states must dumb down the curriculum to accommodate our brown skinned rulers. Every other developed nation, even some higher third world one's have surpassed the US in terms of educating it's populace.
I can't imagine the US still being viable in 30 years if the demographic projections that DWL's like to crow about are correct.
Probably nothin'. The racial spoils system is enjoyed by a relatively small percentage of the population. They've already concocted incredibly intricate rationales for it, and the rest of the public doesn't have any say in the matter.
This must be why Obama was dissing NCLB recently -- damage control. But fortunately, modern "socioeconomic" theory is there to provide any sort of impressive sounding explanation for why the test or testing process was somehow wrong. Probably because of latent racism within the Bush administration causing them to structure the NCLB goals and standards the way they did, ensuring this unfortunate, but inevitable, outcome.
So their conclusion will simply be we need a do-over correcting the racist false consciousness somehow implicit within the way Bush constructed NCLB. The only people who would say otherwise are FOX-viewing rubes not fit for polite society.
What does Clayton and DeKalb county have in common? They are both run by the blacks. Blacks are always bitching and complaining that "Da Man" won't give a brutha a chance. This is what happens when unqualified blacks take over. Safe to say that Clayton County won't be the last black school "in more than 40 years to lose its accreditation in the entire United States of America".
Can't it be more obvious to USA Today? What could possibly be the reason Atlanta Public Schools are going down the toilet? To most black people Booker T. Washington was a "bitch ass uncle tom", for acting white and getting ahead in life without affirmative action or welfare.
I wouldn't be surprise IF "Do your country a favor, kill a liberal"! becomes Die hard conservative's slogan.
Anonymous said...March 28, 2011 6:52 PM
"I can't imagine the US still being viable in 30 years if the demographic projections that DWL's like to crow about are correct".
Nor sir can I..It is astonishing beyond all comprehension that someone can SOMEHOW beleive that you can take one people (i.e.-whites. Along WITH the civilisation that they have created). Usurp that population with another race & then SOMEHOW expect that civilisation to survive?!!...It has NEVER happened anywhere, anytime!.
It takes a minimum average i.q. of 90 just to MAINTAIN an industrial society. Africans have an average i.q. of 70-75! (boderline mentally retarded compared to whites!. 2 to 3 standard deviations below the white average!). Amereican blacks average 78-85. Mestizo's average about 89. Arabs around 90.
More than 90% of all immigrants coming to the U.S. (& Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.) are these SAME low i.q. third worlders!....Really, I mean REALLY, do we think that THESE people are somehow going to be able to sustain a first world nation/society?...NO!!
We in the U.S. already have a vast third world population of some 38 million negroes & more than 42 million Mestizo's. Blacks with their appalingly low average i.q.'s & their extremely low impulse control (therefore making them wildly disproportionate in crime stat's & std rates) are the most problamatic.
What do you get when you bring the third world into your lands?...Mmmm, the third world!.
@7:19 PM
Highlighting the all too overlooked truth about blacks in this country and how they blight society in such large numbers is not racist. It is realist, because it is true!
Blacks never want to tackle their own community's shortcomings, but would rather point the finger and place the blame elsewhere.
Enough is enough. Blacks are blacks biggest problems in this modern world in the U.S. People are tired of the b.s. in general with this trouble making, handout demanding, free pass getting minority population.
Again, blacks are only 13%, small numbers that are manageable and can be dealt with. We need to start dealing with it, head on. NOW!
Obviously SBPDL is hitting the nail on the head. Well done!
Nope.....This Is Great Stuff. You might not like it because most folks here see past all the bullshit. I liken it to a breath of fresh air.
I remember once reading about how incredibly costly and difficult it is to educate (and babysit) the mentally challenged in our public school systems. Now consider the fact that the average IQ of black people borders on functionally retarded, you begin to understand why public education has all but failed utterly.
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Functionally retarded being passed through the (highly gouged white) tax payer's school system to later join society with a net worth of $5.00 and then...either end up as baby machine female or an incarcerated male.
Oh the wonderous contributions of the 13%.
Forced integration of the 60s...has turned around and AGAIN has proven to be a wasted social experiment of the DWL...
People WILL segregate...with their feet and dollars...
Sadly...with all that has been done in the name of "healing race relations", it still has not worked for black people as a whole.
Hell, you could give each adult black person one white slave, a scholarship to a private university, a business that generates profits and free Jordans AND it would still fail.
The real question is, what will be done about white liberals? Obviously, blacks are enabled by them...DWLs are the real "problem" behind all this.
Well put.
The demographic reality of the "browning" of America, along with the ideological supremacy of the socialist/multicultural agenda, means that WE ARE DONE as the greatest nation on earth. I'm just glad that I'll be dead by the time everything has collapsed for good.
You know, in that picture, Booker T. Washington looks like he could be saying "Nigger Please!".
The charade lives on because people can yell racist to end all conversations. I wish this were a perfect world with everyone being equal in ability. I can not live in la-la land and risk the well being and futures of my wife and children. The demands of perpetual white flights force me to mal-invest monies that would otherwise contribute to those around me.
When the nation does crumble under this heavy weight I foresee ageism against the boomers.
The young will wonder why this was aloud to go on for so long. My grandparents and great-grandparents saw this coming but the boomers were to eager to build this plastic utopia.
Oh well, history will judge us as the greatest of fools.
some things to think about
1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)
2. blacks have way more kids than whites
3. black men are more masculine than white "men"
so long white boys!
More feral black thug behavior
When will you report on the rape of the 11 year old hispanic girl by 19 black men in Cleveland, Texas?
"some things to think about
1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)"
Diarrhea, you are like a broken-record stuck on repeat. What's the point of being incognito if you're just going to copy-and-paste your previous talking points?
Fact: More than 99% of married white women do not have black husbands.
Fact: In spite of their mindless breeding habits, blacks remain 12% of the population because they kill each other off.
Fact: If you define "masculine" by one's ability to commit crime and father out-of-wedlock children, blacks win.
"so long white boys!"
If there's no white boys, who is going to father Diarrhea's kids???
"some things to think about
1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)
2. blacks have way more kids than whites
3. black men are more masculine than white "men"
so long white boys! "
Point 1. Some white women like black men, not all. And frankly those women aren't worth having any way, so take them.
Point 2. Blacks have more kids. Probably so, but they don't care of any of them, we whites are left with that burden. Besides, Hispanics are out-breeding even you Africans! So kiss your black-@sses goodbye, BRO!
Point 3. Black men only think they're more masculine, besides intelligence will trump any masculinity real or imagined, that you think you may have. I can tell you that as a white, middle-aged male that I'm very confident in my masculinity, BRO!
I ski, rock climb, run, and can probably hold my own against many men half my age; so give the physical superiority meme a rest. Besides, the only sports that blacks even excel at are basketball and football, and even that is suspect (Caste football). Look at the worlds great explorers, practically all white. Strongest men, mostly white males from Europe. Top fighters, swimmers, wrestlers, the only sports that blacks are excelling at is B-ball and sprinting.
So shut up with the self indulgent claptrap...you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Note to any white gals out there. When the shit hits the fan if you're a gambler, then I wouldn't place my chips on black if you know what I mean.
Anonymous at 1:00pm... "Black men are more masculine than white "men"..So long white boys".
There is no such thing as a black man. Black males remain forever young, with their maturity levels arresting at the age of the average 9 year old white male. With an adult black male you get a semi-retarded (by white standards) quasi-human incapable of creating anything of value or making constructive life decisions. Real men look after themselves and their families while bettering society in the process. Does that sound like a black male?
It is always us white men who have to look after blacks and their illegitimate progeny and come to your rescue during your endless crises. There is never a black man to be found as they do not exist. You really are such a worthless race that I now consider you to be a stunted, withered and diseased low branch on the human evolutionary tree that I feel must be lopped off to save itself.
The Federal Government will continue pouring money into revitalization projects for dying concerns, but it’s too late; affirmative action, over regulation, and massive immigration from the third world has effectively weaken this country.
The United States can no longer compete on the international stage for the aforementioned reasons: We were once the most revered nation on the planet, our captains of industry were free to choose the best man or women for the job, however DWLs unconstrained by their false ideology have effectively drove American industry off our shores through over regulation, and over taxation, we as a nation have giving into over consumption by those with little to contribute, while busily engaging yourselves in the mindless pursuits.
Look for the wealthy to create tax havens outside the United States; while divesting themselves from virtually every major city and urban centers leaving them to state control... international bankers will call for austerity measures by the federal government, and higher taxes will ensue further depleting the resources of the middle classes, whites will bear the brunt of the national debt.
The middle class is the last line of defense against the world dictatorship; look for redistribution of wealth to continue unabated through quantitative easing and higher taxation for the foreseeable future.
The Standards and Poors-500 should continue to climb through the 2nd quarter of 2011 then fall precipitously in the third quarter due to a shortfall in tax receipts; the real unemployment numbers will soon reach 29 to 35% the international bankers will have know choice but to pressure the government to cut spending and halt further quantitative easing, the money won’t constricted as it has in the past; instead you will see an over abundance of money and rampant inflation due in part to bilateral trade agreement made between Russia, China, and Brazil and these countries among others will stop buying our debt.
The wealth of this nation is not in her vast resources because if that was the case Africa would be the super power of the world; nor does it owe her wealth to the bondage of her people, because there again Africa has a long history of enslaving her people and to this very day slavery to still exist in North Africa; so what is it that has made the United States so successful?
It could be argue that we freed ourselves from the bonds and constraints imposed by the King of England, which allowed this great nation to prosper like never before, but look at Countries like Haiti and Jamaica who freed themselves from similar constraints, no that can’t be it either.
Maybe the true wealth of the nation relies primarily on people that live and work within her boarders, when laws and regulation begin to tie the hands of industry, penalizing them with a less productive workforce, and chasing the employers out of the country with increased taxation, over regulation, and affirmative action policies that cripple industries, is it any wonder why this once great nation has falling so far so fast.
Currently only 50% of the people of the US pay into the federal income tax system through either underemployment, or unemployment; whichever the case, it’s clear the numbers are dwindling fast in the private sector and it is hampering efforts to rise taxes on the companies who already pay the highest tax rate in the world which amounts to about 35% of their net profits. The middle class will be burdened with supporting the third world populous in perpetuity until the whole financial system collapses.
If anyone thinks that blacks care about this country, you are wrong, they do not. They do not care if this nation falls into civil war or even if the nation falls economically. Blacks love chaos. They can better hide their uncaring, lazy, selves. They have no shame.
If whites, male or female, think that blacks like them, you just haven't been paying attention.
Donald Trump said that he liked Whoopi Goldberg. They were friends. Ha! She sure threw him under the bus quick enough. Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate and Whoopi shit a brick and played the race card on Trump in about five seconds flat.
Obama the great fraud. Just one more reminder of Black Run America.
Anonymous said...
"The demographic reality of the "browning" of America, along with the ideological supremacy of the socialist/multicultural agenda, means that WE ARE DONE as the greatest nation on earth. I'm just glad that I'll be dead by the time everything has collapsed for good."
Why wait until then? Why not just end it all now, lol?
croc-tears said...
"The charade lives on because people can yell racist to end all conversations. I wish this were a perfect world with everyone being equal in ability. I can not live in la-la land and risk the well being and futures of my wife and children. The demands of perpetual white flights force me to mal-invest monies that would otherwise contribute to those around me."
Run, Forrest, run.
"Oh well, history will judge us as the greatest of fools."
Stupid is as stupid does, lol.
Anon said:
"some things to think about
1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)
2. blacks have way more kids than whites
3. black men are more masculine than white "men"
so long white boys!"
Actually no.
1. Nice "black logic" there, what a massive sample size. Heidi Klum = all white women. White women overwhelmingly date white men and birth white babies, sorry but this is the truth.
The lie that white women prefer blacks is an absurd fantasy peddled by black supremists. Could this misguided belief be the reason so many white women are raped by black men? I
believe it is. I believe that white women
rebuff black men 99 percent of the time, which
leads to the black ego being shattered and
the inevitable rape taking place.
2. Another misnomer, blacks high birthrate is
dependent on white handouts. Blacks don't
have to think about caring for their child
with money from their own pocket. White
people must plan and budget for children as
we don't get section 8 apartments and a check
for each brillohead.
3. Again, if by masculine you are referring to frequent contact with law enforcement, joblessness, feral lifestyle and little to no value to our society then yes, you are correct. Most black men I see around my neighborhood are either exceedingly skinny or super obese. They spend their day shuffling up and down the sidewalk going nowhere.
"When will you report on the rape of the 11 year old hispanic girl by 19 black men in Cleveland, Texas?"
From Anon:March 29, 2011 1:00 PM
"1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)"
Dream on BOY!!... The 2010 census shows that of the more than 51 million married with women, less than 290,00 are married to black men. Thats less than 6/10th's of 1%!!...The most recent dating survey sites show that white women are the LEAST likely to date outside of their race!...I have seen the type of "white" women who go for your breed. I would say at least 95% of them are fat, ugly, stupid & morally degenerate.You can have them!...The 1% of black males who do bag a white woman are invariably financially successful (entertainers, atheletes)..That they are so vacuous shows that they are not fit for ANY white man!....Once you go black, we DON'T wan't you back!.
"2. blacks have way more kids than whites"
The birthrate for blacks in America is only slightly higher than that for whites. When one considers that blacks have a much higher mortality rates in infancy & old age plus the enormous rates of mortality from homicide (the leading cause of death for black males from 15-24 is homicide). Plus much higher rates of AIDS, diabetes et.al, it is YOU that should be worried!. There are 210 million whites in this country, 42 million latinos & 38 million of you!..Do the math!!...True Africas population is exploding, but there numbers are a result of western medicine & largesse. When the economic collapse comes, their numbers will plummet!.
3. black men are more masculine than white "men"
A MAN takes care of his wife & his children!. A MAN takes responsibility for his actions. That is what it means to be a MAN, to be "masculine"!...I'm 49, 176lbs & am in great shape. I'd take you on ANY day BRO!. You?, you are an inept, infantile "child race"!. An abject failure in every corner of this rock called Earth!..Always needing a hand out or a lift up. NEVER, EVER taking responsibility for your actions!. Yours is an intellectually morally degenerate race that has contributed nothing of value to the human lexicon..For the few depraved white women who decide to be with your kind because they perceive you as more "masculine", then again you can have them!!. Those kind of white women are not worth the dirt under our shoes!.
"so long white boys!"
Hmmm, is that a threat?!..Bring it on BOY!. Go ahead, just KEEP pushing us BRO!. If you wish to unleash an unimaginable fury upon your kind, just keep pushing us (for WE have had up it to our teeth with your depravity & criminality & destruction of our cities & the raping of our women!). Keep it up, you WILL be sorry, I assure you!.
"51 million married with women": Oop's, meant to type "white" not "with"!.
Don said...
"The most recent dating survey sites show that white women are the LEAST likely to date outside of their race!"
What is a "dating survey site"? Sources, por favor. And maybe they date out less because nobody wants them?
All I will say about Blacks in general is that the human race apparently started in Africa, millions of years ago. So Africans had this massive head start and the best they could do was small villages covered in shit. The African continent has all the environmental/climatical types (from desert to super rich farmland) and it's all shit, from top to bottom. The only African country that made something of itself (and I'm not talking about oil bought success, even that doesn't help the avergage citizen) was South Africa. You guessed it, run by whites Now, run by blacks, it's just as much a shithole as any other African nation and murder capitol of the world.
"If you wish to unleash an unimaginable fury upon your kind, just keep pushing us (for WE have had up it to our teeth with your depravity & criminality & destruction of our cities & the raping of our women!)."
Don, don't let them get to you so, keep your cool. Stay calm and focused in knowing that you are the better man, AND the man with the wallet. There is no competition.
Don't adopt their uncontrollable rage, it will eat you alive from the inside out.
"white women LOVE black men"
Sources, por favor.
"black men are more masculine than white "men""
Sources, por favor.
BTW Diarrhea...although there are white guys who will take you on dates, and bang you like a cheap whore...no white guy is ever going to marry you. Remember you heard it here first!
Anonymous 3-29 1:00PM said:
1. white women LOVE black men (heidi klum etc...)
This is mainly mythology, and I feel it is safe to say that women en masse are each fairly unique in their tastes. It would be faulty to lump all white women in a group due to the actions of some of its most conspicuous members.
White women are mainly drawn to black men out of an anachronistic curiosity; because our country is only surfacely integrated, the notion that there's complete egalitarianism when it comes to relationships and dating is pretty farcical. Basically, there are white women who do consciously seek out other raced men to nest with but they are in the minority.
However, I will say that most white women are not turned off by black men. I believe this is the driving force behind the stereotype of white women loving black men (white women who are turned off by black men are in the minority, let's face it). This just may not necessarily lead to marriage.
Everyone else:
Fact: More than 99% of married white women do not have black husbands.
91% of white women marry white men, but 13% of black men have white wives (Pew Research, 2008). The former figure looks jarring compared to the latter due to the fact white people make up such a large percent of the population, while blacks are only 13-15%.
Point 1. Some white women like black men, not all. And frankly those women aren't worth having any way, so take them.
I have seen the type of "white" women who go for your breed. I would say at least 95% of them are fat, ugly, stupid & morally degenerate.You can have them!
The reason segregation flourished following the Civil War was due to white men's irrational fear of interracial sex between white women and black freedmen, even though white men had been having sex with black women for generations. White men were not concerned about the women themselves, but protecting the "virtue" of whiteness that lay with their women. In this case, I find it unsurprising that any white woman who moves across some nebulous colorline is labeled disparagingly, which is just pathetic. Reasonal and rational people know this is not reality because there are "fat, ugly, stupid, and morally degenerate" white women with white men. Also, we know that those terms are subjective.
This certainly speaks to how white nationalist men - or those holding like views without the "shame" of the "Nigger Guy" moniker - view their women, not to mention it speaks volumes about the natural competition between all men in general.
Don said:
Once you go black, we DON'T wan't you back!.
This is that last point in a nutshell. If a desired for white woman is with any man that we view as competition, she will have her character raked through the mud. Women do the same thing.
Heidi Klum is in the stratosphere when it comes to women in general and she was definitely smitten with Seal's "virile blackness"; like rational people, their relationship was not predicated upon racial sexual curiosity. Class plays a huge part in this arena, as well. Beautiful, finally-set people will go with other beautiful people. I have to admit, though, I have seen attractive black men with so-called ugly and fat white women. That more speaks to this idea of a black man wanting to experiment with white than anything having to do with the woman herself.
"And maybe they date out less because nobody wants them?"
Of all ethnic/racial groups, black women are least likely to be married.
Maybe because nobody wants them.
I should add that I also believe it is largely a myth that black men love white women. If we only consider marriage statistics, black men still overwhelmingly prefer black women (the same being for white men and women and Asian men). One could argue, though, Asian women love white men, as the rates of marriage for Asian women to white men are nearly as high as their rates of marriage to Asian men. Still, there is a level of racially curiosity that goes into the attraction.
I dated an Asian woman a few years back and she was in it for all the wrong reasons, many of which had to do with my race and how it could benefit her standing. This usually coincides with a bashing of their same-raced male (or female) counterparts. She was promptly cut loose.
You have to wonder is there anyone dating or marrying interracially who've fell in love without initial attraction to their partner's color. It would be a sad testament to how far we still need to go if that is never the case.
From anon: March 30, 4:28am: "Don, don't let them get to you so, keep your cool. Stay calm and focused in knowing that you are the better man, AND the man with the wallet. There is no competition."
Sir, you are correct & I apologise. My anger is building up to a fury & I'm trying to keep a wrap on it....On March 9th (just a few weeks ago) my wife was assaulted by a black in what we can only assume was an attempted car-jacking, thank Odin she was not seriously hurt-just badly shaken up (some bruises on her left arm). She was just getting out of our local Safeway grocery store here in Tempe AZ, when she was loading her VW Passat.. A black male approached her in the parking lot & grabbed her left arm & tryed to force her into her car. She still had a bag of groceries in her right hand in a plastic bag & swung it around & clipped the dirt bag on the left side of his skull. The bag split open & croceries spewed everywhere..Thankfully in the bag were some canned goods because when she hit him it split a gash in his scalp. He fled bleeding & holding his head!...I'm soo proud of my wife!. She filed a police report but as of yet he has not been apprehendid. .I terrifies me to think of what could have happened to my dear wife had she not had been so quick thinking?.
In September 2009 my nephew who worked as a Pizza delivery driver was mugged & severly beaten by three black "youths" in Gilbert AZ. He was hospitalised for three days. Thankfully all three were captured (there were witnesses).
I beleive Tempe & Gilbert may me what, 1/2% black!.
I don't hate these people. I just don't want anything to do with them anymore!...I will try not to let them get to me but I have seriously HAD IT!.
"All I will say about Blacks in general is that the human race apparently started in Africa, millions of years ago."
If you accept the 'Out of Africa' theory, then that could very well be the first instance of racism, since pre-caucasoid peoples would never have left such an eden as Africa unless they were forcibly kicked out by racist blacks.
Those caucasians migrated and eventually developed an advanced civilization. Which brings us to the present, where blacks are again using depravity, criminality, and destruction to force whites out of their lands. This time, however, I think the results will be different.
"I don't hate these people. I just don't want anything to do with them anymore!...I will try not to let them get to me but I have seriously HAD IT!."
I am sorry to hear about your wife. I am a woman, and I know what she must be going through. You don't have to hate blacks, but you must know that you can outsmart them easily and you can pity them. Feral black thugs terrorize people in every city no matter how large their population, and the law does nothing to protect us. Black crime is out of control. I am frustrated too, we have all had close encounters with the dark side. But as a white man, you must use your brain and your higher IQ.
Stay strong brother, do not engage blacks in public, arm yourself, educate your friends and children, vote with your dollars, call your local law enforcement about loitering blacks, elect conservative officials who will end "feed the blacks" programs, speak out about these issues, encourage whites to have more babies, and keep reading this and other blogs for support and encouragement.
Don't get yourself arrested for losing your cool and lashing out at a low IQ black retard. Blacks are irrelevant to whites, and are working furiously to eliminate themselves; no need for you to get your hands dirty.
Don, good for you and your wife!
As for anger, it is everywhere and it's getting stronger. I tell my non-western friends to get ready to get out of the country, and protect their assets and families so that they won't get caught in the fury that will be released on Europe once the welfare states collapse. I believe Europe will see a return to national socialism, and that people will be furious once the pc-crap is removed from our societies. Then information will flow freely, and those who still can't see will find themselves without a friend in the world, except maybe each other.
I do fear this, and keep my roots shallow so that I can get out on a short notice.
Only in America can anger translate into freedom, and hopefully Europe will learn about freedom someday, but if America falls to fascism then all of western civilization will decline as science and knowledge take a back seat to some doctrine, written by national socialist, and probably christian, ideologues.
It's important to remember, as the pendulum turns and starts to swing back, that we stop once we achieve freedom, and put it to rest, or it will come back and hit us in the back of the head.
LAPD guy, if you're reading this, I salute you!
Thahk you all my brothers & sisters!
When I think of how close I came to losing her that day?..I just shudder. Thank the Gods my beautiful Laurie is a brave & tenacious German/Irish woman!..Had she panicked & that vermin had gained the upper hand?, well I know what would have happened.
That night I hugged her so hard & didn't want to let her go!. I was at work when this happened & when she called me to come to the police station my rage & sense of utter helplessness was overpowering!... We are workiing on getting her a "cancelled/carry" liscense for her Walther PPK (it was in the night stand by our bed at the hous!) I also brought her a portable spray can of Mace for protection. She & my youngest daughter have also just signed up for a womens self defense class at her gym.
Again, thanks everyone. I just hope that someday we are beyond these evil times in which we seem fated to live. I just want to take care of my wife & children. I want my grandchildren to live long, happy lives..Thats all I want!.
From Don: "cancelled/carry" liscense
I meant "concealed/carry"..Geez my spelling sucks lately!.
I live in an a state that consists of 95% percent Scotts-Irish descendants. I'm happy to live amongst people of my own heritage. There aren't many blacks in this area, maybe 5% of the population in my county. The black folk around here are generally well behaved and polite people that I generally respect.
The most troublesome folks are white Meth-addicts that commit petty burglaries, to get money in support of their habit.
I've generally had good experiences with blacks throughout my life, until I got to high school. That's when the uppity, brash, disrespectful black attitude started to really manifest itself. By the time I was out of there I had come to thoroughly despise that particular race of people. I've felt many emotions concerning these feelings, ranging from guilt, to anger, to hate, at times.
I don't hate blacks, but I thoroughly hate the attitude of many. If blacks would just criticize their own people on occasion, and call their behavior for what it is-uncivilized. Then, that would go a long way in my book, but usually all I ever see are excuses and the worn-out cry of Racism (TM). Come on black people, you've got to do better than this.
Ret'd LAPD here. I can't comment too much on this topic except to say that as schools became more black, crime went up. Just that simple. More calls for service, more gang fights, more weapons, metal detectors were installed (pre Columbine, for the apologists), cops were assigned to schools, and for some reason, some predominantly black schools changed their name from "school" to "academy". I guess it was meant to be "uplifting", a term liberals only seem to use when talking about "giving blacks a sense of self worth".
Regarding carrying a concealed weapon or CCW, I am a proponent of concealed carry. But please everyone, think outside the box. If you have to use a firearm in self defense, outside your home, you may be sued or arrested. Cover yourselves by taking classes, especially if you live in a state where concealed carry is automatic (like Arizona). You have to prove yourself to be responsible and eager to avoid confrontation to any douchebag attorney who is salivating at the chance to sue you. The media will likely not be sympathetic with you and if your attacker is/was a minority, character assassination is assured. Know your state's laws and CYA
Don, the same thing happened to the mother of a friend of mine, years ago when she was pregnant with my friend. The guy tried to force her into her car and she attacked him with the car keys that she was holding. Not just a little jab - she really hurt him. And she was a Mennonite! Raised to be non-violent - but when her baby was threatened she turned into a lioness. So often women are taught not to trust their natural instincts - to be polite, to be nice, not to be "racist" by crossing the street to avoid the black guy. But the instincts are still there, if we'll only heed them. Thank the ancestors who made your wife a fighter!
Oh, and by the way, the vast majority of white women *are* turned off by black men. Among all the (mostly very liberal, voted for Obama) women I know, it simply wouldn't even be considered. The differences are just too great. I would be no less surprised to find that one of my friends was dating a black guy than to hear that she was dating an extraterrestrial. Actually, considering some of the people I know, I 'd be less surprised about the extraterrestrial.
"...changed their name from "school" to "academy"..."
So true LAPD. These schools are a joke. Don't you know that because of the "legacy of slavery" and "institutional racism", black children need to constantly have their self-esteem boosted? These taxpayer-funded "project" charter schools are full of catchy colorful slogan posters, black history celebrations, lists of value statements are printed on charts that line the hall ways and classrooms.
These kids must chant and rap positive affirmations aloud each day because they are so easily distracted by their culture of anti-intellectualism and laziness. Once the kids get back home to their black "community", most of the progress is lost. Blacks parents believe that the building itself is somehow magical, and will insure that high IQ and learning are transferred via osmosis to their challenged kids. I have a friend who enrolled her white child in a school like this, but she pulled him out within weeks because of the poor behavior of the blacks and mexicans. There is nothing magical going on in these schools.
The schools are basically replacing black mothers and fathers, who are unable to effectively raise black children in at atmosphere of self-inflicted poverty. We have a project school in our city, the newspaper prints an article each week on the kid's progress, it is quite PITIFUL how hard the teachers have to work even to get the children to learn, and how uninvolved these minority parents are:
Anonymous said...
["white women LOVE black men"
Sources, por favor.]
I did not make this claim.
["black men are more masculine than white "men""
Sources, por favor.]
Again, I did not make this claim.
[BTW Diarrhea...although there are white guys who will take you on dates, and bang you like a cheap whore...no white guy is ever going to marry you. Remember you heard it here first!]
I am not Desiree, you idiot. Not every non-racist who post here is a black female. And good luck finding a woman with so much hatred in such a small "package", lol.
"Oh well, history will judge us as the greatest of fools."
History is written by the winners, and the ones destroying our civilization can't read or write. If the world emerges from the coming Dark Ages in 1,500 years or so, there will be nothing left to judge us by but artifacts. The SBPDL book should have been published on stone tablets.
There were students that went home after these tests and told their parents the teachers cheated. That is how it was first discoverd. The teachers didn't do it because they felt they had to it was merely because they didn't do their jobs in the first place. What ever happend to teaching kid's morals?. This shouldn't be about black or white its about how the public school system is going down the toilet!!! my kids are white and to a prominetly white school. Their schools are also lacking..
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