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Blackwater was needed after Katrina to make sure emergency workers would be safe |
Entire cities were destroyed in a moment, battered by powerful waves that rendered once happy homes, busy markets and businesses a painful memory of a past nature swiftly uprooted.
100,000 troops will be deployed to help the stranded.There is no need for order to be restored. The Japanese are resilient, and though hundreds of thousands lack electricity, water, food and shelter, looting and rioting is not occurring.
Blackwater (now called XE) is not required to restore order to a nation that just endured a disaster ripped from the pages of a Toho Company script.
New Orleans in 2005 during the aftermath of Katrina was a completely different story. The racial aspects of the Japanese earthquake survivors and those in New Orleans are a stark reminder that though man can not tame nature, the worst impulses of man's nature can be tamed. Or they can be indulged.
In Japan, family, community, honor and loyalty are ideals that hold that nation together, even as the waters recede into the ocean reveling a hellish terrain that once was home. The threat of a nuclear meltdown isn't enough to conjure excesses that would replicate the behaviors of a much different community outside the Superdome in 2005.
In New Orleans during Katrina, a distinct portion of that community showcased for the world to see that nature has the ability to wash away man's civil mask, revealing the fragile reality of disorder within our nation. It only takes the absence of order to render one segment of the American population into a bubbling vat of chaos.
It took Blackwater engaging the Black rioters of New Orleans to restore order in a city where only Shania Twain CDs remained at a looted and pillaged Wal-Mart store:
In an hour long conversation I had with four Blackwater men, they characterized their work in New Orleans as "securing neighborhoods" and "confronting criminals." They all carried automatic assault weapons and had guns strapped to their legs. Their flak jackets were covered with pouches for extra ammunition.A 2010 flood in Nashville required no such intervention on the part of Blackwater (XE) to restore order.
Blackwater is not alone. As business leaders and government officials talk openly of changing the demographics of what was one of the most culturally vibrant of America's cities, mercenaries from companies like DynCorp, Intercon, American Security Group, Blackhawk, Wackenhut and an Israeli company called Instinctive Shooting International (ISI) are fanning out to guard private businesses and homes, as well as government projects and institutions. Within two weeks of the hurricane, the number of private security companies registered in Louisiana jumped from 185 to 235. Some, like Blackwater, are under federal contract. Others have been hired by the wealthy elite, like F. Patrick Quinn III, who brought in private security to guard his $3 million private estate and his luxury hotels, which are under consideration for a lucrative federal contract to house FEMA workers.
A possibly deadly incident involving Quinn's hired guns underscores the dangers of private forces policing American streets. On his second night in New Orleans, Quinn's security chief, Michael Montgomery, who said he worked for an Alabama company called Bodyguard and Tactical Security (BATS), was with a heavily armed security detail en route to pick up one of Quinn's associates and escort him through the chaotic city. Montgomery told me they came under fire from "black gangbangers" on an overpass near the poor Ninth Ward neighborhood. "At the time, I was on the phone with my business partner," he recalls. "I dropped the phone and returned fire."
Montgomery says he and his men were armed with AR-15s and Glocks and that they unleashed a barrage of bullets in the general direction of the alleged shooters on the overpass. "After that, all I heard was moaning and screaming, and the shooting stopped. That was it. Enough said."
Before emergency workers, food, water, and the US Army could get to New Orleans, Blackwater was sent in to restore order. They did their job.
They won't be needed in Japan.
There's not much else to say. Mother nature has the tendency to simultaneously bring out the best in man and the worst in man. Let Japan in 2011 vs. New Orleans in 2005 be a lesson for us all.
I'm not a geologist nor am I a seismologist. But I do know that an earthquake hit New Zealand two weeks ago and Japan on Friday. Both nations are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. So is California.
If an earthquake of the magnitude of the one that hit Japan were to strike Los Angeles, what type of behavior would the inhabitants of the City of Angels exhibit? What we see now in Japan or what we saw in Katrina?
I imagine XE would be called in immediately.
Because the Japanese are human beings and the blacks are ..... well you fill in the blanks!
No looting in Japan.
No blacks in Japan.
Coincidence?? I think not!!
I'm sure the donation for japan will be sincere and heartfelt by many anonymous people.
Many colleagues I know have been touched by this earthquake and are looking for other sources to help by sending their money or old stuff.
I'm 100% sure the japanese will recover!
I can't say the same for haiti LOL..
But...but...but Japan needs more diversity so that they can be a strong country!
"New Orleans in 2005 during the aftermath of Katrina was a completely different story. The racial aspects of the Japanese earthquake survivors and those in New Orleans are a stark reminder that though man can not tame nature, the worst impulses of man's nature can be tamed. Or they can be indulged"
Heh. I tried to make this point over at American Thinker. No "N" bombs, no "send em back!!" stuff. Nothing. But this simple thruth was far too much for them. The comment wasn't posted.
We have a looooong way to go.
Head to the Telegraph website that asks the same question. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest/100079703/why-is-there-no-looting-in-japan/
You'll notice and be a little bit encouraged by some of the comments that echo "No blacks or Mexicans = no looting."
One of my first thoughts after hearing of Japan's quake (other than sympathy) was "I wonder if DaWon will be offering American aid or troops." Immediately after that I thought that the Japanese would be willing to accept first response and/or crisis teams, because those are almost all White. Sure enough, I later saw news reports of various elite rescue teams preparing to leave for Japan and there was no diversity to be found. The Japanese have already experienced the results of diversity in the U.S. forces stationed in Okinawa (a number of blacks "soldiers" have robbed, raped, and killed).
A number of other sites (Alt Right, Ace of Spades) have featured reviews of a new movie about aliens and Los Angeles. While the neocons crow about how "pro-military" the movie is, all I could think was how wonderful it would be to have someone clean out LA for us.
"The poor are left to suffer and die"? the guy says???????
The poor, in this case, are lazy, and too damn stupid and lazy to leave NO when they were told to do so.
There are poor who are white. Where were they?
Screw the stupid like Moyers and his ilk. They perpetuate the kind of behavior we saw after Katrina. Their smugness shows just how superior they feel to everyone, blacks included.
When you do a comparison, SBPDL, it is important to compare two 'like' things so the outcome won't be so terribly weighted to one side.
It's like if I compared Sarah Jessica Parker to Kim Kardashian. We all know my girl Kim would win in every category, maybe save talent and intelligence and depth, but even then that would be too weighted towards SJP.
You wanna know why there's a difference between New Orleans and Japan? Well, the latter has a huge population of poor people of all shades who had nothing but the clothes on their backs and the shacks they lived in to their names, and the latter was a disaster in the one of the top five economies in the world, a society more organized and efficient (and community oriented) than most Western countries.
You figure it out, SBPDL. There were no blacks in SE Asia when that tsunami struck and they faired much worse than Japan. They probably got as much aid (or close to it) as the Haitian earthquake victims did.
You are an idiot.
The Japanese are kind of people who commit suicide if they dishonor their family, disgrace their ancestors, or bring shame to their nation. They have elementary school kids that would absolutely smoke the average American high school senior in math and science. They were a fully functional industrialized nation within 50 years of Commodore Perry's landing in 1853.
They are the antithesis of Africans.
You are right Desiree.
Trying to compare Black people in New Orleans to the Japanese was a complete injustice to the latter who built that nation into one of top economies in the world.
What was I thinking?
"You wanna know why there's a difference between New Orleans and Japan?"
We already know.
It's the same reason there was no looting after the flooding in Tennessee and Iowa, or the ice storms in Kentucky.
Because blacks are primitive, immoral, and criminal...while whites and Asians are civilized.
There is not a single place on earth where the black crime rate is low.
To Desiree....
The thugs who WILLINGLY stayed behind to LOOT after the hurricane...find themselves in a predicament that the SMART wealthy people avoided, which was rising water, no services like electricity and clean water.
The breaching of the levies...trapped and allowed the media to DISPLAY for ALL AMERICA...
"Looting niggers" with their stolen goods, all across America to watch, night after night.
WE SAW them with our own eyes.
America got to watch thieving niggers wade through water who were richly endowed with their POOR control of temptation which results in the stealing other people's possesions.
WE SAW them with our own eyes.
Thieving welfare niggers, thieving nigger cops...all on camera.
WE SAW them with our own eyes.
NIGGERS galore...were filmed stealing and commiting crimes for days and weeks in New Orleans.
Blacks by nature are just common social parasites and thieves....
There sure are plenty of race realists leaving comments on this story at the UK Telegraph site.
Desiree said:
There were no blacks in SE Asia when that tsunami struck and they faired much worse than Japan. They probably got as much aid (or close to it) as the Haitian earthquake victims did.
SG Says:
The SE Asian Tsunami covered an enormous area (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand) as compared to a tiny half island that is the country of Haiti. So if SE Asia got as much as Haiti, it would be very little in comparison. But note that SE Asia recovered after less than two years, while Haiti still screams for more money to "rebuild".
Desiree said:
"It's like if I compared Sarah Jessica Parker to Kim Kardashian. We all know my girl Kim would win in every category, maybe save talent and intelligence and depth, but even then that would be too weighted towards SJP."
SG Says: Oh, OK. I thought you were actually a serious commenter, not a TV addicted stooge.
"while Haiti still screams for more money to "rebuild"."
The blacks in Haiti have no intention of rebuilding, Haiti still looks like it did the day after the earthquake.
The problem with the comparison is, as was mentioned, a sophisticated, rich society with a poor region...
Mind you, WHY is it a rich, sophisticated nation after being bombed back into the Stone Age in WWII? Haiti was 'free' for 200 years. How have they fared?
New Zealand is in the middle of nowhere...and they are an advanced economy...with a population of only 4 million!
What do New Zealand and Japan have in common besides advanced civilizations? What group of people is not in either country?
Looting does occur in poor areas, but we all know which group of people can be counted on to loot, without fail.
Is it DNA? Personally, I don't think so. It's rooted in their cultural values (or lack thereof). Of course, I could be wrong since I can't think of one Black country that is a sophisticated, advanced society.
Looking for help here...
- Apollyon
"Well, the latter has a huge population of poor people of all shades who had nothing but the clothes on their backs and the shacks they lived in to their names, and the latter was a disaster in the one of the top five economies in the world, a society more organized and efficient (and community oriented) than most Western countries."
Could the IQ disparity between these two races of people be more obvious, Desiree?
"Looking for help here..."
It's DNA. It's observable in blacks throughout the entire globe.
The blacks in Haiti have no intention of rebuilding, Haiti still looks like it did the day after the earthquake.
(end snip)
UMMMMMM Haiti didn't look too damn "healthy" and was a shit hole before the earthquake...
We have a looooong way to go.
Not as far as before. Maybe it's just me but this Earthquake event has been an eye opener for more folks than ever before.
You are right Desiree.
That's what people tell me.
Trying to compare Black people in New Orleans to the Japanese was a complete injustice to the latter who built that nation into one of top economies in the world.
What was I thinking?
Is that your quip?
SBPDL, yes, you don't know what the hell you are thinking two-thirds of the time. It is sad to me that you spend so much energy on a writing a blog in which most of the entries make not one bit of sense. You are a racist, this is true, and that is your right, however, try to be a clever, intelligent one, although racism is absurd by nature and good luck in the ring with her.
I imagine that in a region in Southern India, for example, if a disaster hit, they would not behave as efficiently as the Japanese because their country is less rich.
And there is not one 'nigger' in India, and, no one would say the Indian people, in spite of the huge numbers of privation among them, are less-than or stupid. We see how they perform in our universities.
I imagine the same chaos would ensue in Mexico or Honduras or any number of poor countries around the world.
Because poor areas have less unity, less organization at the top, and less resources to respond to a disaster. The people have nothing and will behave as if Armageddon has struck. The common denominator seems to be poverty.
The response to Katrina was criminal. I loved the way Barbara Bush stated the true feelings of those (whites) at the top:
"What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them." –Former First Lady Barbara Bush, on the hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 5, 2005
Here's a good one:
"I mean, you have people who don't heed those warnings and then put people at risk as a result of not heeding those warnings. There may be a need to look at tougher penalties on those who decide to ride it out and understand that there are consequences to not leaving." –Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), Sept. 6, 2005
How do you think the poor European immigrants in turn of the 20th century East Coast tenements would behave in a disaster, hmm? Probably identical to the behavior of the Katrina victims because they were poor.
I hope you don't move to say that it's evidence of 'BRA' if Japan gets less aid than Haiti. I will then have to tell you they are richer and don't need it.
In sum, SBPDL, you are still an idiot.
@ AV:
If you remember during the LA riots in the 1990s, most of the people you saw looting were Latinos. Apparently, looting knows no race, but it does know class.
I remember seeing a caption of whites wading in the water and blacks wading in the water following Katrina. The newspaper said whites 'found' the bags of items they were carrying; the blacks 'looted' the bags of items they were carrying. And this was Yahoo! news.
That says a whole lot about media bias and reportage.
"UMMMMMM Haiti didn't look too damn "healthy" and was a shit hole before the earthquake..."
LOL True.
However, the tent cities that sprang up have become the new norm. The collapsed buildings remain in ruins.
You mean the 'before' and 'after' pictures are essentially the same?
How long do you think it will take Japan to be back on their feet? One year?
- Apollyon
"You are a racist, this is true"
Just like a broken record.
The Japanese will rebuild. The Haitians will want Haiti rebuilt.
"Apparently, looting knows no race, but it does know class."
There are poor people in Japan.
There were poor whites in post-Katrina Mississippi.
There were poor whites in post-flood Tennessee.
There were poor whites in post-flood Iowa.
LOLOL Try again Diarrhea!!
"How long do you think it will take Japan to be back on their feet? One year?"
Probably less, but I assure you they will begin the clean-up right away.
While the blacks in Haiti and New Orleans sat (and are still sitting) on their behinds waiting for aid to come, waiting for someone to come clean up the rubble, to rebuild, to restore order, I guarantee more progress has been made in Japan over the past few days than has been made in Haiti in over a year. And even then most of that meager Haitian progress can be chalked up to non-black, non-Haitian help. Blacks seem to think that wealth and innovation are things that have always been in existence, that the rich and educated are simply hoarding them away from blacks, and are being stingy with these limited resources. This is why blacks are, and will always be, by and large, poor and stupid. Wealth and innovation are created. The Japanese, even after having their economy destroyed (i.e. everyone was poor) and their country bombed to smithereens, still managed to rebuild and emerge as one of the world's largest, most innovative economies in just a few short decades. Japanese Americans had all of their possessions, businesses, and wealth confiscated and were interned for several years here in America. Many of the people who experienced this firsthand are still alive today, yet Asian Americans are the most educated, richest, healthiest, and least criminal race in America. You can stop using the excuse that blacks behave like a bunch of wild, uncivilized retards because they're poor and have faced racial oppression here in America. If being poor and oppressed causes this behavior, then please explain away the Japanese.
The fact of the matter is that blacks, as a group, are incapable of functioning in first world industrialized societies. Yes, there are many black individuals who can do this, and do it very well, but the overwhelming majority of blacks cannot. And it is not because of White racism, poverty, etc... It is because blacks evolved in a different environment where planning ahead and working in complex social structures was not necessary due to the year round abundance of food easily obtainable shelter. Blacks cannot delay gratification and often think more about what is better for them than what is better for society at large. I work with children at my job. The racial demographics are very diverse, and everyone is middle class, yet I, and others, including our black employees, can see serious behavior differences among black children and children of other races. It's time we stop pretending these differences don't exist.
"There sure are plenty of race realists leaving comments on this story at the UK Telegraph site.
I'm following it too, some great comments there, but also a lot of political correctness.
Desiree said:
"and the latter was a disaster in the one of the top five economies in the world"
And Katrina was a disaster in the TOP economy in the world. The US is the land of opportunity for everyone, if you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.
With each comment you prove again and again how logic-impaired you are.
The antipathy that Asians have for blacks is much more visceral than the hatred that pretty much any other group has for them (except maybe Latinos). When Bob Sapp used to go to Japan, his fans would pelt him with bananas due to his percieved resemblance to a gorilla. Koreans despise them whenever their own enclaves are adjacent to black neighborhoods, as in Philadelphia or LA. The less advanced Asians, the Laotians, Cambodians, and Vietnamese, seem to mingle more freely with blacks, but their societies are not nearly as advanced as the aforementioned Asian groups.
Awesome vid!!!
Think of the overwhelming numbers of poor people of all creeds/races during the Depression...
Big thing that kept blacks in their place...was that they knew society wasn't going to give them a "free pass" while playing the "victim" card while looking for a hand out.
Once the poverty pimps made a lifestyle out of pimping dumbass greedy lazy blacks for a living...we see the likes of Desiree...justifying that blacks are the product of their "manufactured self wallowing victim-hood" and it is the white person's fault.
The fault here, "white folk" feeding, housing and clothing what Darwin sees fit to die.
@ Anon 12:06PM:
There are poor people in Japan.
There are significantly less poor people per capita in Japan than there was in New Orleans. Give me damn break. Again, how do you think a European immigrant-filled tenement neighborhood would fair in a like disaster? Or an Indian city? Or Mexico?
Bad; so bad, in fact, I would even wager that the reaction would leave you questioning your racial convictions with regard to 'disaster responses'. You are all ignoring the obvious: poverty, disunity, etc. If this is something you cannot understand, you will understand nothing.
Are you acknowledging that Latinos did loot in the LA riots, and that looting does expand beyond black? Well, baby steps, I guess. You did only mention whites and Japanese. You are skating on thin ice logically, be careful.
@ Anon 1:13PM:
And Katrina was a disaster in the TOP economy in the world.
And the response to the disaster was a response that would be seen in a third-world country. Yes, it occurred in the world's top economy but you forgot organization and efficiency. That is something the US lacks, but we do have a surplus of anti-poor sentiment at the top that spear-headed this lack of response.
This has nothing to do with race. I'd suggest you learn how to be hypothetical and ask yourselves how you think any impoverished, non-Western society would react/respond to a catastrophic natural/social disaster. If you think a bad reaction would only be seen in countries with blacks, well, I'll save you some surprise: you'd be wrong.
@ Hirsch:
The less advanced Asians, the Laotians, Cambodians, and Vietnamese, seem to mingle more freely with blacks, but their societies are not nearly as advanced as the aforementioned Asian groups.
So, an open-mindedness towards blacks equals being less advanced? Yes, I am sure Laotians are terribly less advanced than some of the anti-black Larry the Cable Guys who read this site.
What a stupid thing to say. Hirsch, are you less advanced by virtue of your previous dalliances, than, say, someone whose preferred partners are only Swedish stewardesses? If your analysis is true, then it should be able to be applied to any hypothetical. I think it is flawed.
@ AV:
Think of the overwhelming numbers of poor people of all creeds/races during the Depression...
How do you think the white Euro immigrants in turn of the 20th century East Coast tenements would have faired in a natural disaster? I am giving you a platform to answer that question. If what Upton Sinclair wrote in 'The Jungle' was even 50 percent true, your answer will be the same as mine: bad.
Desiree is so white that when she sees Bryant Gumbel, she clutches her purse tighter.
Haiti = Every black community in America - white tax payers
"I'm following it too, some great comments there, but also a lot of political correctness."
Of course, but it's among the best representation I've seen in a mainstream news source in a long while. Online comments are a good barometer of public sentiment, and I'd say it's at least 60/40 on the race realist side.
Somebody said;
"You wanna know why there's a difference between New Orleans and Japan? Well, the latter has a huge population of poor people of all shades who had nothing but the clothes on their backs and the shacks they lived in to their names, and the latter was a disaster in the one of the top five economies in the world, a society more organized and efficient (and community oriented) than most Western countries."
Japan was destroyed less than 60 years ago. Completely and utterly destroyed, perhaps they cut out the WW2 section of your history book in order to insert a lengthy piece concerning the merits of the Civil Rights Movement. These people had nothing but the clothes on their backs, and they built a viable economy in 15 years, and became the second strongest world power in 30 years.
Now I will just call you names like you do when people disagree with you, idiot-whore-piece of shit.
@ Desiree,
I'm honestly just relieved to see that you're still alive after that rape-related post. I thought your heart was going to give out from the arythmia of lashing out at any target in sight.
What could possibly be accomplished if I tried to reason or argue with you? I could have F Buckley ghostwriting all of my posts with a team of thirty interns vetting sources before I hit "post comment," but what would be the result?
Just go back to calling people an idiot, making Kosher jokes, and telling people to lick your ass.
"How do you think the white Euro immigrants in turn of the 20th century East Coast tenements would have faired in a natural disaster? I am giving you a platform to answer that question. If what Upton Sinclair wrote in 'The Jungle' was even 50 percent true, your answer will be the same as mine: bad. "
Just fine, thank you. I present San Francisco, 1906. Burned just about to the ground and then built itself back up to (albeit a Democrat enclave) a large, vibrant city.
Ohhhhhhh...... so close, Diarrhea.
Every black community in America
- White Taxpayer
= Haiti.
Let's face it....genrally speaking, the Negro is a very fragile, insecure, and impulse-oriented creature with very little impulse control, and when societal structures and barriers are removed....CHAOS, MAYHEM, BEDLAM, AND ANARCHY. God help the USA if ever law and order are done away with.
@Desiree -
I liked how you totally ignored the fact that SE Asia recovered after the tsunami..Can't say the same thing for Haiti.
@Hirsch -
You can't blame the other SE Asian groups that you mentioned for mingling with blacks.
Those guys are usually chiggers who like black culture a lot and probably secretly wants to be black or the fact that they are in a black majority school under peer pressure to act like them.
But their parents will in the end still disown them should they bring home a black guy or a black girl as they expect an Asian or a white spouse and nothing else.
That's why black-asian inter-marriage rates are still the lowest no matter what group they are.
"There are significantly less poor people per capita in Japan than there was in New Orleans."
So what? You said it was about class, yet poor Japanese do not loot, poor whites do not loot, while blacks do.
"Are you acknowledging that Latinos did loot in the LA riots, and that looting does expand beyond black?"
Yes. Latinos are almost as bad as blacks.
Good point.
Desiree said:
The response to Katrina was criminal. I loved the way Barbara Bush stated the true feelings of those (whites) at the top:
"What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them." –Former First Lady Barbara Bush, on the hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston, Sept. 5, 2005
I guess the truth hurts. And in your eyes it's apparently also criminal. Even the television show The Boondocks (which is not conservative) had an episode dealing with this phenomenon where the black underclass actually used Katrina to acquire wealth they never would have had otherwise.
Desiree bases every one of her specious rationalizations on flawed assumptions, false analogies (Swedish stewardesses?), and absurd projections ("..learn how to be hypothetical...") from her fevered imagination. In stark contrast, the other posters on this site base their conclusions on both recent and historical facts. Yet Desiree still has the unmitigated gall to arrogantly assert her intellectual superiority. In addition, her defending the indefensible actions of black apologists of the Cleveland 18 reveals her character to be nothing less than disgusting.
As a relative newcomer to SBPDL, I at first thought that it was possible to engage in logical discourse with her. Now I realize she has neither the intelligence nor the moral fiber to make it worth anyone's time or energy (this will certainly be my last post on the subject).
@ Southeast Asian
Chiggers? You mean like these?
"The response to Katrina was criminal."
You pathetic piece of shit, no one owes you anything. Only a lazy, dependent negro would accuse someone of a crime for not providing help fast enough.
Whites in Mississippi (ignored by the media) endured the same hardships after Katrina, but instead of whining and complaining, they were self-reliant.
Black people are just jealous of Asians, because they're more successful.
Here is a video of some black chick who probably got in school through affirmative action, complaining about Asian students.
I would like to see "Black Guy" explain this one.
-Pissed off White Dude
The reason Desiree is melting down is simple. In her world, NO ONE talks to her, or about blacks, in anything other than PC. If so much as a crack in the PC egg even begins to show itself, all she (and all negroes) has to do is get all "Oh no you di'int!!" in response, and the cowardly (or careful) whites back down.
So here, she is confronted with whites who do not have to worry about losing their jobs for speaking the truth. Her "all up in yo grill" shit has not only no effect, but the opposite effect. Her "as a black I ALWAYS gits my way" upbringing/conditioning, is useless here.
Hence, the comedy/tragedy, that is Desiree.
I guess the nice young lady didn't get the memo that you guys are "okay with" Asians.
It would be interesting to see just how many white people outside of Stormfront.org have the courage to admit their hatred for all non-whites, including Asians.
-Black guy
I love Asians. Except the ones who like black people.
Desiree: if races WERE different in the ways described above, how would you expect the world to be different?
Black Guy,
That might be the first time that that site you mentioned has been even brought up here.
There is a difference between "hatred" and a desire to be around ones own race. DWLs talk a big game, but enjoy residing in towns with little to no Black people.
You've said many times you prefer being around Black people. Does that mean you 'hate' good sir?
I don't think the people at that site you mention like us much here.
"It would be interesting to see just how many white people outside of Stormfront.org have the courage to admit their hatred for all non-whites, including Asians."
Whites don't hate Asians, you tool. Asians largely behave like whites, they have the lowest crime rates of all ethnic groups, they emphasize hard work and academics, and unlike blacks, they don't destroy neighborhoods.
Well I'm white and have nothing but admiration for the intelligence and high morals and ideals that seem to be inherent in the vast majority of the asians I've worked with (IBM) and met over the past forty or so years. And I've known, and worked with some great blacks over the years. But they were the vast minority, anomalies, to coin one of Dezzies fave words. I don't "hate" blacks, I just want nothing to do with them, whatsoever. This includes my tax dollars.
"Just go back to calling people an idiot, making Kosher jokes, and telling people to lick your ass."
+ 1 Billion
@ Black Guy
A wise man once said it is hard or nearly impossible to fully comprehend one's own motives, to say nothing of guessing the other man's. That you seem to know the intent and feeling of all whites regarding Asians is, well, less than wise.
One web link does not a case make.
Hard as it may be for you to comprehend, black guy, there are degrees of like, preference, dislike, etc. of many gradations preceding hatred. I don't hate Asians. Neither, however, do I regard them as my friends and/or allies. I lived in an Asian country for a few years, and my home county has grown heavily Asian in the last fifteen years, and they are far from the fabled "model minority" to live amongst - check out this VDare post -http://www.vdare.com/walker/071017_chinese.htm.
Neither, however, do I regard all Asians as alike. There is a distinct pecking order amongst them, and the Japanese have always been at the top (the other Asians resent and are jealous of the Japanese, but respect them nonetheless). Japan will rebuild rapidly and in an orderly fashion, because the Japanese culture (which is irretrievably bound to race) requires courtesy and cooperation in a crowded but homogeneous homeland. Were America, too, not burdened by a large population of hostile and generally incapable minorities, natural disasters here would always be met with the stoicism, resolve, and community effort routinely demonstrated by the mid-west after tornadoes, or the White South after floods. The black race and black culture are dysfunctional and, as even your hero Abraham Lincoln admitted, totally unsuited to life in a White, Western country.
@Hirsch -
HAHA! Yeah!
And there's one more interesting fact I've learned from a friend who completed his studies from a young age in america..
These Asian wannabes known as "chiggers" or "kiggers" (refering to korean americans) usually have little to no contact with black people at all and all their info about black people are from the western media movies and TV shows who have never or rarely shown black people as criminals or in a negative light.
My friend used to be an avid follower of the NBA and really idolized will smith until he ended up in a class where the majority of the "students"(is this the correct term to describe them?) are black.
After a couple of altercations and conflicts, needless to say, I think you guys should know the rest.
Personally IMHO, we need to grab all those asian "I wanna be black" groupies(like the ones in your link) and throw them into this school -
Black Guy,
Prior entreaties (and insults) have failed to dissuade you from cherished misperceptions. Yet I remain ever faithful in your as-yet-undemonstrated capacity for understanding. When you accuse Whites of “Hate” I know, that you know, that we know what you are really saying. You are saying: Don’t protect your culture, your institutions, your communities, your countries, your money, or your women and children. Be passive, be compliant, work for the benefit of other peoples instead of your own, and then please die quietly. Behavior outside this framework is…Hate.
You must surely know that this is unadulterated bullshit rejected wholesale by every white man not driving a Toyota Prius festooned with a “Coexist” bumper sticker. You prefer your own people, we prefer ours.
There were no blacks in SE Asia when that tsunami struck and they faired much worse than Japan.
Yes, SE Asia did fare worse than Japan, but even in those poor regions of Asia, you didn't see mass rioting and mayhem like we saw in Haiti and New Orleans. In SE Asia and India, even after people lost everything, some their entire families, they were out the very next day clearing debris and burying the dead. In Haiti, they're still sitting on their asses, waiting for someone else to come fix their mess. Being poor can only be used as an excuse for so long. Everyone else can see reality for what it is.
"You must surely know that this is unadulterated bullshit rejected wholesale by every white man not driving a Toyota Prius festooned with a “Coexist” bumper sticker. You prefer your own people, we prefer ours."
I agree with you 100% my friend.I do prefer my own people and I don't begrudge you for feeling the same. That was never the point of my recent post. What I'm doing is calling bullshit on this white/Asian love fest.
These people aren't black, but they aren't white either and that is all that matters.
So, when I say you hate non-whites I'm not being judgmental, because I'm not Desiree. I don't really care to much about white people.
-Black guy
I love your honesty. It is a rare thing among white people.
Because I can read, Abraham Lincoln is no hero of mine. During the Gettysburg Address he told a group of "freed" blacks to consider leaving the country because he believed blacks and whites could never live together(I'm beginning to think he was right). That being said I love Los Angeles way to much to leave. Sorry.
Despite the many fairy tales told to school children, Massa' Lincoln freed no one with his silly emancipation proclamation
Tell the truth, you people like Asians because they aren't trouble makers. Translation, you can treat them like shit and they won't fight back.
-Black guy
Us white guys love Asians: especially the women. NOBODY loves you as much as an Asian woman loves you. Plus, as an added bonus, they hate Indians (dots, not feathers) and black people. My kind of civilization.
@ SE Asian:
Well, it seemed as if someone punched you in the gut when Hirsch referred to you and your fellow Southeast Asians as 'less advanced'. Instead of taking him head on over his criminally stupid supposition, you appease like the Good Minority lapdog that you are.
What should have been apparent to you is that he was only telling you what most whites believe about the 'darker ones', like your SE Asian lot: you people are at the bottom!
I am glad you managed to recover nicely. Such a hard hit from reality would have caused a TKO for those less dense to the truth. Lucky you.
@ Hirsch:
I am not surprised you didn't even bother to defend your idiocy. Next time when you say something as fucking stupid as 'mingling with blacks equals being less advanced', try to remember how all of that black pudenda you've claimed to 'devour' (LOL) would effect your evolutionary status, pea brain.
Such monstrous ignorance deserves jail time! And for a bit of hypocrisy, Hirsch: So, Black guy is overstepping it by using one incident (more than one incident exists) to demonstrate white feelings towards Asians, yet, you are allowed to arbitrarily decide what makes someone less advanced?
I bet you'd think Michelle Malkin (Filipino) is more advanced than Margaret Cho (Korean).
Holy Moses' burning bushes. And, just for you: you can get on your knees and kiss my black ass; rim it good for every thing Whitey has done to blacks in the past and everything he will undoubtedly continue to do to us in the future. Do you like this better?
Hmm, I think Black guy is on to something. Why is it that Asians populate black enclaves with their businesses and yet there are so little of them in white communities? Oh, yes, I know why: because, in spite of this farcical camaraderie you all claim to have with Asians, Asians are not allowed there.
You all may hate blacks the most, but a lot of Asians think white people are racists. In some of the women-oriented forums I've been in, Asian girls always talk about being the only Asian at their schools and being teased by whites (which made them hate their own appearance) and how white guys only want to date them as a fetish.
Yes, you all love Asians. What a great laugh.
The response to Katrina was criminal.
That's true. In bringing in troops to perform policing duties, the federal government was in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Government action, like most things, should have been restricted to the states. FEMA, like so many other federal agencies, should not exist.
But that's not exactly what you meant, is it?
I've read up a bit on Blackwater and so am familiar with Jeremy Scahill. He's one of these permanently unshaven left-wing shock journalists who is always pretending to blow the lid off this or that major corporation with pretentious, self-congratulatory "hard hitting" stories; he's popular with college students and Democracy Now! types. Note that in the embedded video he breathlessly mentions the $2000 debit cards, funded by the taxpayer, that were handed out to the Negroes, who were later caught buying alcohol and tattoos with them.
It's curious that Scahill doesn't mention the many poor Caucasian inhabitants of New Orleans who not only looked after themselves, but knew what it took to keep their own neighborhoods secure without benefit of federal handouts.
"There are significantly less poor people per capita in Japan than there was in New Orleans."
So being poor is an excuse for rape???
Africa In Our Midst
Lessons From Katrina
Silent Running,
That article you link to from "The Nation" is the primary reason I believe their is no reason to panic.
50 - 60 years of intense propaganda from every corner all gone in one day. Reality can be a cold bucket of water.
Black guy, perhaps you ought to learn the difference between "to" and "too." Standard grammar and proper spelling and word choice go a long way towards making one's comments seem more intelligent.
I can't say I've ever treated anyone like excrement, despite what I may have thought of them. I suppose you could consider my choosing a grocery line based on it not having Asians in it(Chinese or Indians, either will haggle for twenty minutes over a penny's difference in the bill) as horrible White racism. Since the "Asian" population in my county has increased by more than 150% in the past decade, they're the ones treating the remaining Whites poorly (we can't afford to move, unfortunately). Most Whites won't fight back; I will.
(snip) Tell the truth, you people like Asians because they aren't trouble makers. Translation, you can treat them like shit and they won't fight back.
-Black guy
(end snip)
I will speak the truth, US PEOPLE...dislike blacks because no matter how nice you are to them, they will stab you in the back and steal from you.
Blacks are "trouble makers".(aptly stated)
"It would be interesting to see just how many white people outside of Stormfront.org have the courage to admit their hatred for all non-whites, including Asians."
Likewise, it would be interesting to see how many black males have the courage to admit their fondness for giving oral sex to donkeys.
"Tell the truth, you people like Asians because they aren't trouble makers. Translation, you can treat them like shit and they won't fight back." (Black Guy)
A perfect example of black "logic", where reason is mugged by tribal thinking, Leftist ideology and constant victimisation.
Black Guy begins by providing the correct explanation of the fact that Whites prefer Asians to Blacks (which does not mean necessarily "liking" them) : Asians are not trouble-makers.
Of course. That's blindlingly obvious. I mean, anybody prefers non-trouble-makers to trouble-makers, don't they ? That's perfectly rational and reasonable.
However, having acknowledged reality for a split second, Black Guy cannot leave it at that. Because it would elicit the next logical, obvious step : if other races (and even Blacks themselves, at times) do not like Blacks, it's mainly because they are trouble-makers. Perfectly reasonable, and therefore not racist.
That would mean shouldering some responsibility for the actions of one's group, and generally speaking for one's own shortcomings -- which is the last thing Blacks are prone to do.
So, in the very next sentence, Black Guy jumps again into his imaginary world and customary comfort zone of victimisation : considering that someone is not a trouble-maker is equivalent to treating him like shit, he says.
Yeah, right. Allowing Asians to receive the best education in the world, to graduate with flying colours and to go on occupying some of the best jobs in the world is, obviously, treating them like shit.
That's black logic for you.
"black logic"
Black logic is a symptom of a diseased brain that is run by raw impulsive behavior.
Anyone who cares to "observe" black behavior will see jails are filled with violent blacks or blacks looking for "easy street by commiting crimes in lieu of work".
The 70% bastard rate speaks to the their inability not to breed with every passing set of "ripe" genitalia...in da 'hood.
Anyone taking the time to OBSERVE just the 2 undeniable facts mentioned above...will see that whites and Asians have "impulse control" via "family values" and "social norms" that go back to higher civilzations, expectations and religous values.
Sadly blacks can't even trace back 3 generations without finding out that "they are all cuzzins"...
Sadder still...blacks had "no religion" or societal norms prior to having their asses shipped here.
Once here they could try to pretend to worship as Christians and play by "society's rules". (which they now claim as "actin' white"), only to fail. That is why we see these women now dressing in "African garb" and pretending that Kwanzaa speaks to a religion.
Blacks are doomed by their flight from reality and engaging in circular logic (blame whitey).
Thier continued desire to destroy their gene pool by making it a puddle of slime with unwanted (sickly) babies, raised by clueless gov't check worshipping whores, while the "baby's daddy" is rotting away in jail...getting angry with society who rejects his black "logic"...
"Translation, you can treat them like shit and they won't fight back."
Black Guy's fantasies about white-on-Asian "treatment" can't change the fact that it is blacks who are constantly committing violence against Asians.
This article is AMAZING:
"Where are the Japanese looters?"
Note esp.:
"I reject racial explanations out of hand. Without any evidence of genomic differences yielding significant differences in behavior, the observation that New Orleans' looters were largely black is indeed racist."
The OBSERVATION is racist!
Holy Fudge.
"Black logic", along with "Black intellectual", are the top two oxymorons.
I just had to laugh at all these comments about blacks, whites, asians. Blah blah blah. Shame on you all...and how old are all of you? I'm 19 years old first generation Nigerian-American. 19! How old are you all really? Japanese culture and community is that of a family where they have respect for one another and take care of each other. What was seen in New Orleans and Haiti was a disorganized community. It has NOTHING to do with race because there are many countries in Africa where people take care of each other like family.
America's culture all together is all about individualism where more value is placed to the individual than as a community...well at least in theory. It makes me laugh how when people see me in a prestigious university they assume it's because I MUST be poor, or because I'm black and not because I graduated high school with a 4.3 G.P.A.
You all make me sick and it's disgusting to see that people are so dim-witted that they don't acknowledge that what makes someone isn't the color of their skin but the community and surrounding in which they grew up in. Are you saying there are no white felons, killers? No asian killers? No hispanic killers? Thieves? Of course there are there are bad people in all races. The media did such a good job at showcasing the bad things that happened with Katrina...I had family in Sri Lanka at the time and the same thing happened there.
Black logic is a symptom of a diseased brain that is run by raw impulsive behavior.
Anyone who cares to "observe" black behavior will see jails are filled with violent blacks or blacks looking for "easy street by commiting crimes in lieu of work".
...are you kidding me? What is "black logic". So because I'm black I'm looking for easy street by committing crimes!?
You all are pathetic and I sincerely hope in the feeble minds of you all that there is still hope for you to learn something new..Old dogs that NEED to be put down..seriously.
I hope none of you have children because that would just be more scum upon the earth.
Onye (A BLACK female) :/
"That might be the first time that that site you mentioned has been even brought up here."
You might be absolutely correct on that one, but it was a very smooth link between your site, Stormfront, and the political cesspool. They were discussing your book and the interview with James Edwards, an admitted white supremacist, I'm mean separatist, sorry about that one.
"There is a difference between "hatred" and a desire to be around ones own race. DWLs talk a big game, but enjoy residing in towns with little to no Black people."
Also, a very true statement. Desiring to be around people of like minds doesn't necessarily equal hatred, but you have to admit that more than a few white people, when blacks are removed from the equation they would prefer to live apart from all non-whites, even Asians. The video of the "cute" little white gal ranting about Asian students talking in Libraries prove that fact.
I rather be hated than begrudgingly tolerated.
"You've said many times you prefer being around Black people. Does that mean you 'hate' good sir?"
I love being around black people. I have wonderful friends and a great family(grew up with both parents).
I have to really think about the hate part, because I have had no exposure to white people socially and limited exposure at school or work.
If you were familiar with just how segregated Los Angeles was when I was growing up and still is to this day, you would have a bit more insight into my worldview. That's why I often times agree with you.
"I don't think the people at that site you mention like us much here."
I read their mission statement, so I would beg to differ with you on that point.
-Black guy
Robert Marchenoir
"Yeah, right. Allowing Asians to receive the best education in the world, to graduate with flying colours and to go on occupying some of the best jobs in the world is, obviously, treating them like shit."
"Allowing" Asians to receive an education. Wow!
-Black guy
"The video of the "cute" little white gal ranting about Asian students talking in Libraries prove that fact."
Just as this video of rioting negroes proves that more than just a few blacks are subhuman animals who do not belong in a civilized society.
""Allowing" Asians to receive an education. Wow!"
Any foreigner who comes here for an education must be authorized, this isn't exactly newsworthy.
What's a Nigerian-American?
Are you saying there are no white felons, killers? No asian killers? No hispanic killers? Thieves? Of course there are there are bad people in all races.
For someone who is in college you seem to lack understanding of standard deviations
They were discussing your book and the interview with James Edwards, an admitted white supremacist, I'm mean separatist, sorry about that one.
In other words, guilt by association.
"I have to really think about the hate part, because I have had no exposure to white people socially and limited exposure at school or work. "
You are like the guy who talks about sex 24/7 and isn't getting any. You talk way too much about your "self" segregation from whites that no one, NO ONE believes you. You are a fraud.
You can not exist in America, especially CA for 25 some years and not encounter white people, and have a strong white culture smacking you in the face every day. Who built all that shit around you, that bed you sleep on at night, that screen door you open each day to get into that car you drive to work? All created by white people. You are not the segregationist that you think you are.
What a fraud. You have zero credibility here.
Here is what you don't get, Black Guy.
Whites (dominant culture here) have tried and tried to improve black people's lives using techniques that work for white people. We outlawed slavery, outlawed discrimination in the workplace, gave a helping hand or two or three or four..., created government jobs and hired blacks disproportionately, wrote laws for protection, etc.
Black people finally have a level playing field and lots and lots of free stuff and not much obligation to society.
The struggle is over dude! Celebrate black people! You have laws now that protect you, and you can sue anyone back to the stone ages for the slightest inconvenience if you scream "racism". So what more do you want? I really cannot figure out what your grievance is. You must explain this. It sounds like you have had a comfy black life full of goodies, yet you are STILL a victim of your own perceived grievances. What gives?
Why not just get on with it, and spread the word that black people are responsible for their own misery? Once the mexicans start screaming for a level playing field, no one will listen to you anymore.
"...are you kidding me? What is 'black logic'. So because I'm black I'm looking for easy street by committing crimes!?" (Onye)
How wonderful of you to provide (unintendedly) the answer to your own question.
Black logic is the word "so" in your last sentence above.
Think it over. If you can. With all your 19-year old Nigerian-American wisdom.
Onye :
"What is 'black logic'."
Well, here's a hint. Asking first :
"So because I'm black I'm looking for easy street by committing crimes!?"
Then, saying in the very next sentence :
"You all are pathetic... Old dogs that NEED to be put down..seriously."
Is black logic.
First, you try to persuade us (as though it were relevant to the current debate) that despite the disproportionate crime, violence and anti-social behaviour originating from the black community, you yourself are a decent, "19-year old Nigerian-American girl", honest, peaceful, intelligent, kind and gentle and law-abiding.
Then, in the same breath, you immediately proceed to spout your hate against us, insult us for our (alleged) old age, and disseminate death threats against us.
That's a wonderful example of black logic. A black person expressing a wish of genocide agaisnt Whites is a terrific way of persuading Whites that Blacks are not a menace to them.
Another one is trying to disprove the general tendency of Blacks to dishonesty and law-breaking through your own, supposed example, by boasting about your Nigerian roots.
Nigeria happens to be one of the only countries in the world which has given its name to a certain type of worldwide scam, which is accompanied by threats, violence and probably even murder.
At the very least, if you had the wisdom you pretend to have, you would have avoided to mention your Nigerian connection, or toned down the rethoric and threats, and preferrably both. But then, you're only 19-years old. And black.
Failing to see how your very words and attitude undermine your, ahem, thesis, is black logic.
re Onye...
Having to answer and re-answer the same old leftist thinking of blacks and their progressive masters is tiresome, but here goes...
America's culture is not “all about individualism”. That is a banal leftist meme that progressives mindlessly spout, because it is overgeneralized and therefore doesn't require any mental discipline on the part of its purveyor, and because it supposedly implies all that is wrong with American traditional society, i.e., code for white society. America is instead about optimizing individual liberty within traditionalist conservative constraints. If that were not true, then historically we would not see essentially all-white communities freely assisting each other through adverse circumstances, which in point of fact we have seen repeatedly for hundreds of years since the nation's founding.
Concerning a disorganized community, you make the same mistake made by progressive studies when attempting to prove that only socioeconomic status is the contributing factor to black underachievement. Specifically, you deliberately refuse to acknowledge that a family or a community is the product of its members, most especially the hereditary makeup of those that comprise its primary race. When intelligence and IQ are low, as is the case with the majority black underclass, their self-destructive (not just 'disorganized') families and communities will mirror that fact. (BTW, the same circular logic can be applied to your vaunted GPA, i.e., exactly what standards or lack thereof were in place for you to achieve it).
You offer anecdotes instead of facts to support your claims. Not only are your examples anecdotal, they are most likely pulled from your imagination or from other progressives. Also, statistically speaking, the specific is not the same as the majority, and cannot by itself be used to support a thesis. For the umpteenth time, only facts, historical or otherwise, are the basis for logical discourse, analysis and synthesis. SBPDL and other sites such as OneSTDV, Unamusement Park, and View from the Right, have enumerated thousands of facts and statistics. That you resort to subjective anecdotes, ad hominems, and drama queen antics of the progressive feelings-based milieu is more than enough to prove that you have no logical basis for your beliefs. Furthermore, it proves that you are a prime example of (dare I say it?) 'black thinking'.
BTW, are you actually Desiree hoping to pass yourself off as someone else? You both sound exactly the same in terms of your lame semantic ploys, absurd self-righteous indignation, name calling, and total lack of logical thinking.
re Onye...
One more point... your metaphor of putting down old dogs proves that you are a vicious human being filled with mindless hate and revenge, and therefore a prime example of your race.
"Anonymous said...
""Allowing" Asians to receive an education. Wow!"
Any foreigner who comes here for an education must be authorized, this isn't exactly newsworthy.
Except when most of them are either natural or naturalized citizens, and not "foreigners".
And I agree with Black Guy. Instead of constantly seeking white approval and being begrudgingly tolerated, Asians need to rediscover their clannish selves and form segregated Asian-majority neighborhoods. That way they will have something to aspire to other than the disingenuously complimentary "Model Minority" Status, also known as the "You are still a Chink, but at least you are not a Nigger" Status.
"What was seen in New Orleans and Haiti was a disorganized community. It has NOTHING to do with race .."
Right, that's why we saw all that looting by all those white people who didn't know each other during the Nashville flood of 2010 (one of the most expensive natural disasters in U.S. history). And then afterwards there was that infamous incident with Taylor Swift, where she went on TV and said, "Barack Obama doesn't care about white people."
"Are you saying there are no white felons, killers? No asian killers? No hispanic killers? Thieves? Of course there are there are bad people in all races."
The distribution is different.
"Except when most of them are either natural or naturalized citizens, and not "foreigners"."
Then they're "Americans", which means having full access to public education, just like every other American.
"Asians need to rediscover their clannish selves and form segregated Asian-majority neighborhoods."
Asians seem to be pretty self-reliant and intelligent.
Although you apparently believe you know what is best for them, I have a feeling they are capable of determining their own needs, without your advice.
"You are still a Chink, but at least you are not a Nigger" Status."
"Nigger" status is achieved by embracing behaviors that are criminal, anti-social, and immoral.
With low crime rate, low murder rate, low illegitimacy rate, and high educational and employment rate, Chinese have nothing in common with blacks.
Yeah, that ditzy valley girl is just seething with murderous hatred for Asians. I can totally see her posting on Stormfront, cuz Nazis are, like, totally kool! And this is the proof is whites hatred for Asians? "Oh my God, like, they talk on their cell-phones in the library!"
A sure sign that the return of the Chinese Exclusion Act is immanent.
To Desiree/Black Onyx Woman:
On the Black Thinking Style:
"Following the arguments and actions of black leaders, listening to black callers on talk radio, led me over several years to an increasingly bleak view of black thinking styles. For one thing, it seemed to me that many blacks have a marked tendency to pick up some slogan and then just use it without much logical connection to the subject at hand. I also became increasingly aware of the "hustle," the way many blacks at all levels—from street people and politicians to celebrated "intellectuals" like Cornel West—did not use ideas as ideas, but as a hustle, as a way of manipulating people’s feelings. Suggestibility and the substitution of rhetoric for reason are general human weaknesses, but it seemed to me that these failings were noticeably more pronounced among blacks. Of course there are many blacks who are rational and logical and intellectually competent. But the proponderance of irrationality among the black population is hard to ignore." -Lawrence Auster
"Sadder still...blacks had "no religion" or societal norms prior to having their asses shipped here."
American blacks who descend from African slaves were already born into a slave class. They were not chased around and captured by the evil whites, like most blacks claim, but handed over as merchandise.
These low rank Africans were criminal, living in captivity, mentally challenged, the lowest of the low in Africa. Now, several generations living in The West have given blacks a leg up, but they still descend from the lowest of the population of blacks on the planet. Double whammy.
I would assume that they had no culture, structure, or religion at all in Africa. Just slaves, never more than that.
You (Black Guy) are like the guy who talks about sex 24/7 and isn't getting any. You talk way too much about your "self" segregation from whites that no one, NO ONE believes you. You are a fraud.
A totally funny thing I have noticed on this site is the love/hate relationship with Black guy. First, in comparison to me, Black guy is so great!!! You'd love to take him out to a bar and have drinks, etc.
He's the 'black guy' you could see yourself maybe tolerating...
However, when Black guy says he is perfectly happy being around just blacks, and has no desire to be around whites, you all get so angry!
Wow, just WOW!
But I thought you people didn't want anything to do with blacks? Why does Black guy's declaration that he is pro-segregation chafe your ass so much? Is it like getting 'rejected'? 'Iced out'?
Is this why you call him a fraud because you can't take the hurt?
You can not exist in America, especially CA for 25 some years and not encounter white people, and have a strong white culture smacking you in the face every day.
Um, it is possible to have 'encountered' whites and still be socially underexposed to them. I encounter many white people everyday--I lived in a dorm with all white girls for a whole year at my first university--but most of my significant socially interactions and contacts have been with people of color.
And I live in Vegas; it is possible to do this. If you were black, you'd understand this.
Black guy, be flattered. These dudes want your friendship so bad and that's why they turn into fussy babies when you tell them you're not interested! I'm just waiting to hear the bride price!
An apropos website: http://tinyurl.com/46fz6j8
Then they're "Americans", which means having full access to public education, just like every other American.
They're American citizens, which at this late date is a purely technical classification.
I work in a field that tends to attract a lot of blacks and foreigners. One day a Hispanic female coworker of mine, who speaks with a thick accent, was telling me about an argument she'd had earlier with a customer. I asked if the customer was also Hispanic and if the conversation had been in Spanish, to which she replied "Oh no, she was American." American equaled Caucasian.
The same is true of all the other ethnicities I work with: Koreans are Korean, Filipinos are Filipinos, Mexicans are Mexican, and Caucasians are American.
This anecdote is indicative of a vast trend in the West, the evidence of which is all around us. Nonwhite immigrants don't consider themselves Americans. For the most part, they continue to identify with their home countries. With the second, third, and fourth generations, the problem becomes worse rather than better, with the children of immigrants creating a very romantic picture of an Old Country they have never seen. I call this once-removed nationalism, and it is almost always stronger than regular nationalism. In the case of children, huge numbers coupled with a public education that despises whites and all that they have built make once-removed nationalism all but inevitable.
If the Asians at UCLA considered themselves Americans in the traditional sense, they'd have been babbling on the phone in English.
Following this fascinating link given by the above poster :
"While there are many decent, upright black people, there is a notable failure on the part of blacks effectively to resist the bad people in their communities." (Lawrence Auster)
Unfortunately, that's something which is also true of Muslim communities.
So now, America (and much of the Western world) have squared the magnitude of their multicultural problem.
"Oh no, she was American."
Same thing over here. When third-generation Arab immigrants with French citizenship speak about "the French", what they really mean is "the white natives", "the other guys", "not us".
It does not prevent them from insisting that they are "French like everybody else", whenever a native has the audacity of hinting at their foreign roots.
Silent Running,
"In other words, guilt by association."
That's how you feel about us Negroes, isn't it?
So, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
-Black guy
Silent Running,
"If the Asians at UCLA considered themselves Americans in the traditional sense, they'd have been babbling on the phone in English."
Part of being an American is being able to have a PRIVATE conversation in any language.
If I choose to "babble" into the cell phone that I pay for in fucking Klingon it's my business.
-Black guy
"You can not exist in America, especially CA for 25 some years and not encounter white people, and have a strong white culture smacking you in the face every day."
Really? While you check out the map, bear in mind that nearly 60% of all black people in California live in Los Angeles.
-Black guy
"Part of being an American is being able to have a PRIVATE conversation in any language." (Black Guy)
Black logic at work, again.
The point of the girl in the video was not the language used. It was that Asians were disturbing the privacy of library users by babbling away in their cell phones, oblivious of the quietness which is a requirement in such a place.
The whole point of the girl in the video was : if you want to have a private conversation on your phone, keep it private, don't impose yourself on others, and get out of the library to babble as much as you want.
Funny you don't get that, Black Guy.
Do you mean to tell us that basic courtesy and plain old decency are unknown territories to black thinking ?
Do you mean to tell us that a Black Guy is so self-centered that he cannot even fathom the concept that thoughtless use of one's own liberty might impinge on the liberty of others ?
Black Guy,
LA is less than 10% black.
The entire population of California is less than 8% black.
So....the distribution of black people in LA doesn't seem all that unusual. Black people tend to live in big cities.
"That's how you feel about us Negroes, isn't it?"
It's not a feeling, it's a numerical fact.
Dysfunctional black behavior is never limited to a small minority of blacks, look at the crime stats, the out-of-wedlock birth stats, the high school dropout stats, etc. It's not only commonplace, but to make matters worse, it's tolerated by the black community at large. Blacks refuse to publicly criticize other blacks, and the ones who do (Bill Cosby) are ostracized.
Amazingly, blacks will march in a millisecond to support 6 black thugs who beat up an innocent white kid, but they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the atrocious behavioral patterns that are epidemic among their brethren.
@ Robert Marchenoir:
I think you are stretching it. The white girl in the video that Black guy linked was being a racist--or 'racially insensitive'--by making fun of the way Asians speak on their cell phones.
Do you think she would have made a video if it was another white girl or guy yapping on their cells in a library? I don't think so.
Her goal is the same as SBPDL's goal of publicizing so-called 'black problems': to further stereotypes.
This is not a difficult concept. White racists do not like Asians. You might like them more than Latinos or blacks, but you still don't like them.
And that's the point. This camaraderie you all are trying to pretend you have with Asians is a fucking farce! ;-)
"White racists do not like Asians."
Diarrhea, you are a black racist.
Therefore, you are un-fucking-qualified to speak for white racists.
I'm a white racist, and I have nothing against Asians. You are full of shit, as always.
"Do you think she would have made a video if it was another white girl or guy yapping on their cells in a library?"
Yes, if the white girl was speaking loudly in an exaggerated southern/redneck accent, or an exaggerated Boston/New England accent.
"This camaraderie you all are trying to pretend you have with Asians is a fucking farce!"
For what reason? Unlike negroes, Asians have largely embraced white behaviors and white values. They get married before having children, they obey the law, they emphasize education and hard work, and they make good neighbors.
re Desiree...
Once again you resort to the banal leftist tropes. Why should the UCLA girl or any of us care about being 'racially insensitive', since it is only by your amorphous definitions and guilty-until-proven-innocent mentality that accuses us of being so? What this issue really amounts to is, why should we care about your feelings at all? The hair-trigger emotions you have are up to you, but like all blacks on the progressive plantation you absolutely refuse to accept personal responsibility for them.
Her minor gibe about a speaking style in no way detracts from her primary point, specifically that Asians are the major culprits in rudely disturbing the privacy of library users by yakking on cell phones.
Finally, you impose your own projections onto your opponents (“White racists do not like Asians...”). Thus like all good little progressives, instead of using facts and logic, you are steeped (marinated?) in a feelings-based milieu, to the point where progressives as a class assume they know other peoples' emotions.
But of course your black mentality, including incessant use of obscenities, precludes you from ever understanding any of this.
Desiree :
"The white girl in the video that Black guy linked was being a racist--or 'racially insensitive'-- by making fun of the way Asians speak on their cell phones."
No. You have exposed the fraud of "racism" in a single sentence.
Making fun of the way other people speak is not "racism". It's a perfectly natural, inocuous and light-hearted practice. There's no need to be "racially sensitive" (at least in the way you mean it).
Western (white) civilisation includes humour. That's the capacity to make fun of others -- and to accept graciously to be made fun of.
Apparently, black thinking does not extend to humour.
"This camaraderie you all are trying to pretend you have with Asians is a fucking farce."
This camaraderie is straight out of your imagination. Multiculturalism is bad, whatever the races involved.
That being said, some races coexist better than others with Whites. Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, non-Muslim Indians are among them.
Nobody pretended that massive immigration of Asian people into ethnic European countries was a good thing, something we should strive for.
This "farce" is only in your head.
Also, does adding "fucking" to "farce" really makes you feel better ?
@ Anon 8:11PM:
Yes, if the white girl was speaking loudly in an exaggerated southern/redneck accent, or an exaggerated Boston/New England accent.
So, you are acknowledging that she was deliberatively making fun of the way someone speaks, and furthering stereotypes. Glad you agree with me.
@ Anon 8:20PM:
Unlike negroes, Asians have largely embraced white behaviors and white values.
The Demented Crayola Fantasy of white people: one paradigm, a whole bunch of colors. This is the definition of white supremacy.
They get married before having children, they obey the law, they emphasize education and hard work, and they make good neighbors.
So does everyone who's middle class. And? This does not change the fact you still dislike Asians as a white racist. They make up about 3 percent of the population and most of the time whites come into contact with them is in college. After college, not so much, and there is no effort to change this. Yes, a total camaraderie.
@ Anon 9:10PM:
Her minor gibe about a speaking style in no way detracts from her primary point, specifically that Asians are the major culprits in rudely disturbing the privacy of library users by yakking on cell phones.
Tell this point to the other yahoos who think she's still an egalitarian not furthering stereotypes about Asians.
Finally, you impose your own projections onto your opponents
assume they know other peoples' emotions.
But of course your black mentality, including incessant use of obscenities, precludes you from ever understanding any of this.
Wow, that was pretty hypocritical. I cannot believe you contradicted yourself within 3 sentences but okay. Good luck with getting that together.
The archetypal 'white racist' does not like any race besides whites. It is from that standpoint in which I speak. Maybe you are one of the rare few who like Asians enough to delude yourself into thinking all of you do?
Because you don't. If there were no blacks or Latinos or any other minorities around, you'd go after Asians. First the 'dark' ones, then the 'light' ones. All of this other stuff is a fucking farce.
"So, you are acknowledging that she was deliberatively making fun of the way someone speaks, and furthering stereotypes. Glad you agree with me."
You said she wouldn't make fun if the girl was white.
I disagreed.
I also disagree that she was perpetuating a stereotype.
I'm glad you see it my way.
"This camaraderie you all are trying to pretend you have with Asians is a fucking farce."
"All of this other stuff is a fucking farce."
It is perfectly acceptable, in the English language, to use a name without the epithet "fucking" in front of it, notwithstanding pervasive appearances to the contrary.
"The Demented Crayola Fantasy of white people: one paradigm, a whole bunch of colors. This is the definition of white supremacy."
Whites are more intelligent than blacks, have greater morals than blacks, and are more civilized than blacks.
If by white supremacy you are referring to obeying the law, having children in-wedlock, and getting an education...
Then yes, these are superior choices to the black preferences for breaking the law, having out-of-wedlock children, and dropping out of school.
"This does not change the fact you still dislike Asians as a white racist."
As a black racist, you are projecting your own hatred of Asians.
I have Asian neighbors, they're no different than my white neighbors, good decent people. However, I do not want black neighbors.
""This camaraderie you all are trying to pretend you have with Asians is a fucking farce!""
Wow, and just WOWIE WOWIE WOW WOW!
You are such a jealous hater, Desiree. First white women for their glossy hair, and now you hate Asians, who are foreigners, and more acceptable than you, one of our own American citizens. Hmmm. I feel the same way. I like Asians, they act in a civilized manner in public just like white people.
You have just shown us more of your inner-self. Thank you, it was very enlightening. And you gain so much credibility with your funny little cutsie endings and emoticons.
;-D and ;-} , LOL, and LMBAO! and a giggle giggle too.
Desiree is just mad and jealous because blacks are truly alone in the world, not able to form an alliance with any other race.
No one wants to be friends with the blacks - not whites, not asians, not hispanics, not black Africans even. Blacks are desperate to form any alliance with any non-white to take down the white man. They just can't seem to play nice and make friends in this world.
Not even with each other.
I have Asian neighbors
Do you have Asian friends? I'll take that as a 'no', unless you plan to make something up for rhetorical effect because racist whites don't hang out with minorities, especially if their is a great possibility that minority might steal your very-likely-to-miscegenate white wimmenz. I too have Asian neighbors, and black neighbors, and white neighbors, and Latino neighbors... And?
As a black racist, you are projecting your own hatred of Asians.
I have no hatred for Asians. I will admit that in comparison to blacks, whites, and Latinos, they seem to mingle interracially less, in terms of friendships, etc., which is bizarre to me, as someone who's always had friends of all races. But I hold no animus against Asians because I have never been mistreated by any of them, all of my interactions with Asians have been totally positive. I have never been discriminated against by Asians. Never.
The point that Black guy originally brought up, and one I agree with, is that this phony alliance with Asians is for the sole purpose of consolidating a hatred against blacks.
Which is the point of this post, the point of all of SBPDL's posts.
Just try to be really, really honest next time around. When you say, 'Latinos absolutely HATE blacks!' or 'Asians hate blacks just as much as we whites do!' try to disguise the tell-tale twitch that really says that you people will go after Latinos and then Asians if blacks weren't around. For Latinos and Asians, first the 'dark ones' then the 'light ones'.
'Cause all of this is a facade. A 'fucking farce', as I have repeated and will continue to repeat due to its colorfully vulgar and alliterative nature (okay, Bob Marchenoir?).
Try to hide it better next time! ;-)
Blacks are desperate to form any alliance with any non-white to take down the white man.
And racist whites are desperate to form any alliance with every non-black to keep down the black man. Matter of fact, it is less about keeping down the black man--although that is a huge part of it--and more of keeping up the status quo of white rule.
Recall: distraction techniques.
Why is it that Asians populate black enclaves with their businesses and yet there are so little of them in white communities? Oh, yes, I know why: because, in spite of this farcical camaraderie you all claim to have with Asians, Asians are not allowed there.
It's funny because I think you people like Asians more than they like you. Most Asians think whites are racist even if they won't say it to your face. The girls think white guys only date them because they're Asian. All of your 'interactions' with these people is a little dance. Unlike blacks or Latinos, Asians are so tiny a population that they will not create a coalition to fight against the racism they experience. Their culture dictates stoicism and a 'seen and not heard' mentality, quiet living. No protest unless it is what's best for the 'community'.
Another reason whites love Asians. As Black guy said, 'because they won't fight back'. Got it!
"Do you have Asian friends? I'll take that as a 'no',"
Once again, as a black racist, you are projecting your hatred of Asians. I can only assume it's born out of rabid jealousy because they rank at the opposite end of the IQ spectrum from your people, and because they behave morally, like civilized human beings.
Asians come here with nothing, and within one generation, they ascend into the middle class, they purchase homes, and they put their kids in college. Blacks like you hate them for their success.
"Another reason whites love Asians. As Black guy said, 'because they won't fight back'."
Fight back against what? The only people attacking Asians are blacks.
"Another reason whites love Asians. As Black guy said, 'because they won't fight back'."
LOL You're just as ignorant as Black Guy.
Of course Asians fight back, if you actually knew any Asians, you'd already know this.
This dumb negro learned her lesson the hard way.
"racist whites don't hang out with minorities"
You are a racist black.
That means you are un-fucking-qualified to speak for racist whites.
desiree: "Wow, that was pretty hypocritical."
Once again, you can't tell the difference between thinking and emoting. I directly infer what you are thinking by the nonsense you write in your posts. As to your feelings, once again and for the last time, I couldn't care less, although thin-skinned blacks such as yourself have historically (i.e., facts) been quick to throw lawsuits at whites because of supposed harm to precious black self-esteem, all under the pretense of racism.
As to your torturous rants about white relationships with asians (BTW, a misnomer, since Asia is a geographical location that includes many different racial groups, thus 'Orientals' is the accurate, correct term), you once again cite no facts whatsoever to support your incoherent claims. Are you ever going to grow up intellectually about what it takes to participate in rational discourse? The answer is 'no', because of your black mentality (NOT feelings).
You know, desiree, dealing with someone such as yourself who is stupid to the point of arrogance is really tiresome. Why do you keep coming back to re-display it? Is this some kind of course project for you? Is the contrived progressive system that passes for a university education these days giving you top grades for all your pseudo-intellectual blather?
desiree, I live and work in a Southeast Asian country, which like most oriental societies has a traditionalist conservative culture. I know exactly what orientals think about blacks, because I know the terms their language has for blacks (it's pejorative to the max), and I hear directly from their mouths what they think about blacks (it's not pretty).
Thank God there is freedom of expression here, unlike the US which has been dragged down by blacks and their progressive masters into a tyranny of political correctness. May you and your ilk rot in the bowels of hell for what you have done to a once free nation called America.
It's not that complicated. When it comes right down to it, it's the savages (black people) against the civilized people (everyone else). And amongst the civilized, we may not all like each other equally, but we LOVE each other compared to how we all feel about the savages (black people).
"Robert Marchenoir said...
The point of the girl in the video was not the language used. It was that Asians were disturbing the privacy of library users by babbling away in their cell phones, oblivious of the quietness which is a requirement in such a place."
I do not think that it is the volume of the speech that is annoying to her and you. It is the fact that they are speaking another language on the phone, or as you so succinctly put it, "babbling" on the phone. Even if the Asian kids had taken it outside, racist people like the both of you will still complain about their "babbling" or "babble" outside the library or in a public place.
By the way, just in case you do not know the meaning of the word "babble", which I highly doubt it, since you seem to be too smart or educated for it, the word "babble" actually means to make incoherent, inconsistent, or meaningless sounds resembling the gibberish of babies. So I take it you think of Asian languages as a bunch of people making stupid and ridiculous sounds. Well, if that is the case, then that is just another reason for Asian Americans to separate, since it is very clear that racist people have no respect for their languages and cultures.
You are a racist black.
That means you are un-fucking-qualified to speak for racist whites.
I am not a black racist; you are projecting again. And I probably am unqualified to know everything about white racists, but the point here is that the white/Asian love fest, as Black guy called it, is a fucking farce!
LOL You're just as ignorant as Black Guy.
Of course Asians fight back, if you actually knew any Asians, you'd already know this.
LOL! Yes, you know tons of Asians. I am fully aware Asians can throw it down one-on-one. You idiot, that is not even the point.
Wow, just wow! You cannot even formulate an on-topic answer. Wow!
I'll go slowly: what I mean by 'not fighting back' is that they will not organize against white people or white racism, even if they are victims of it (and they are).
There. You got it now?
Fight back against what? The only people attacking Asians are blacks.
Refer to point above.
@ Anon:
I directly infer what you are thinking
White people infer a lot of things about minorities, usually wrongly, but okay...
although thin-skinned blacks such as yourself have historically (i.e., facts) been quick to throw lawsuits at whites because of supposed harm to precious black self-esteem, all under the pretense of racism.
This does not apply to me, but okay...
As to your torturous rants about white relationships with asians (BTW, a misnomer, since Asia is a geographical location that includes many different racial groups, thus 'Orientals' is the accurate, correct term), you once again cite no facts whatsoever to support your incoherent claims.
See, here's the thing you should understand. What I referred to is The Dance. The Dance is something that all minorities intrinsically know by virtue of being a minority in a white man's country. It involves a set of very coordinated steps that engage the dominant culture (ie. White), sometimes mingle with White, some smiles traded, and then The Dance is over.
And when The Dance is over, minorities know what happens. Sighs of relief that we 'survived' and sometimes pejoratives like 'cracker', 'gringo(a)', etc. are exchanged among like-hued friends over a beer.
See, what you do not realize is that there will always be a chasm between the minority and the majority dominant culture. Always.
White people would get an ear-full if they actually heard what ALL minorities think about whites. You will not learn this when we are around you in work or party settings. There is a great deal you all should learn about our private conversations. I have to give Asian people props for hiding it as well as they do because they are hiding it, and they do it better than Latinos and blacks, maybe even better than Native Americans.
I am not trying to form any alliance here, nope. I am pretty sure Asians have negative views of blacks if everything is taken holistically. But since I have never been the victim of this Asian-black hatred, I have nothing but good emotions for these people. I've always been treated kindly.
Again, Asian people like you guys a lot less than you believe, which is why I had to add my comments to this thread. Whites only see what they want to see because they are afraid of minorities as a coalition (which is why you people like Asians best because they don't form coalitions; where's the Asian 'La Raza' or 'NAACP'?) It is, and here it goes, a fucking farce, this alleged white/Asian love fest. It does not exist in any way that is deep, and I am sure this is how you like it, as a white racist.
I suggest you go to Asian forums where they discuss race and you'll have fun.
"I am not a black racist"
Yes, you are. You just lack the courage to admit it.
You can not hide the real YOU, that's why you'll never find a white guy to marry you. No white guy is going to marry a racist black girl.
Remember that you heard it here first.
I highly encourage you to seek a black husband, although as we both know, that is also statistically unlikely.
"what I mean by 'not fighting back' is that they will not organize against white people"
They sure are willing to organize against racist black people.
Desiree :
"White people would get an ear-full if they actually heard what ALL minorities think about whites."
So, what you are really saying is that all minorities say racist things against Whites.
Nevertheless, Whites are the only ethnic group whose racist utterrances, alleged or otherwise, are socially and legally taboo, could break your career, alienate your friends and drag you to court.
Thanks for confirming what we already knew. Thanls for validating the whole concept of BRA.
Hi, i just found this blog after googling the absence of looting in Japan. Incredibly honest discussion going on here. As an Asian American, I find Desiree's statement that she has never run across any 'smart' Asians incredibly disingenuous and full of confirmation bias. I went to a well known school which everyone has heard of, and some of the most brilliant students were East and South Asian. I'm not sure how anyone can doubt this can be true, unless you spent all your time listening to the faux victimhood tirades "scholars" from "disciplines" like Black Studies. We may never resolve any of these social questions in our lifetime, but the discussion is so honest, it's quite frankly illuminating.
There is one group of Asians who are more resilient than any other single group on the face of the globe. The Vietnamese, even in farflung Australian prisons, are the most feared group. What they lack in physical stature is more than made up by a castiron ability to hold grudges and remember wrongs. Read any one of Mark Brandon Read's books about his years in Pentridge Prison. In terms of education and civility, the Vietnamese lag well behind their northern neighbors. In terms of their ability to fight, in a literal sense, well you can read about Indochina.
@ 'Asian' anonymous:
First of all, I don't believe for one second you are Asian; you are white, like 98 percent of the people on this site.
I don't know where you read in this 'discussion' that I stated Asian students didn't look 'smart'. However, if you were already familiar with this blog, you would have seen that I stated this weeks and weeks back.
Aha, yes, you are not Asian, nor did you just stumble upon this blog.
That aside, when I stated that Asian students at my university don't strike me as the stereotypical brainiacs, that does not mean that they are not intelligent. Unlike the 98 percent of commenters on this blog, I know that looks can be deceiving.
Do you follow? Asians at my school are incredibly trendy, and, pardon me, if obsession with fashion does not link up with 'studious' in my head.
Of all the students I have seen who look outwardly 'studious' and thus ooze 'stereotypical brainiac' are the Indian students and the African students. Yes, there are Asian students who look this way, as well, but given the large numbers of Asians at my school, and that the majority of them look 'trendy', I cannot and will not make the same sweeping statement.
Do you follow? I hope so.
And there is nothing honest about the discussion going on in this thread. Just a lot of 'blacks are garbage' BS; if that's honesty to you, you may not be in that smart 'Asian' lot.
PS. the language 'faux victimhood tirades' and quotes around 'scholars' and 'disciplines' further proves my point about your whiteness. You are not Asian.
@ Anon 1:03/1:08PM:
They sure are willing to organize against racist black people.
But they won't organize against racist white people, who actually hold power! Thank you!
Yes, you are. You just lack the courage to admit it.
Delineate, completely, how I am a racist. If I was a racist, my closest friend would not be white. I have had white friends, Latino friends, black friends my whole life. When I was in California, I grew up around Latinos and Asians in a suburb that did not have very many blacks. Last time I checked, racists cannot have intimate relationships with people outside of their race. You are projecting your filth.
You can not hide the real YOU, that's why you'll never find a white guy to marry you. No white guy is going to marry a racist black girl.
Remember that you heard it here first.
You remember that snagging a white partner is getting easier and easier these days. I will not be jumping through any rings of fire just to qualify.
I don't know what's the point of you telling me this. The suggestions of a racist white guy mean nothing to me. You are wasting your energy. But I'll give you some credit: a racist white guy will not marry a black girl, although that is a no-brainer.
I highly encourage you to seek a black husband
I am not interested, thanks! ;-D
In terms of education and civility, the Vietnamese lag well behind their northern neighbors.
What is your definition of 'civility', Hirsch? What is 'education'?
I think cultural relativism is lost on most of SBPDL's readers. Civility is relative. In the West, if someone, say, eats with their hands, they are considered uncivilized to that degree, maybe, feral. Eating rats may be uncivilized to someone but no big deal to another.
It is no secret that Southeast Asia is less 'modern' than China or Japan, but uncivilized is a harsh word.
India has modern enclaves but many of its populace is poor. However, when brought from this poverty, they succeed. Just like Africans, just like Southeast Asians.
And what is education? If we measure by Western IQ tests (and take Pioneer Fund-backed research as truth), some groups are less equal than others. As an aside, why has no one ever explained to me why whites, conspicuously, are the 'average'? The creators of IQ were white, so I'll put 2 and 2 together...hmm.
But there are certain things that cannot be measured by IQ tests, like risk aversion.
A person knowing how to do multi-variable calculus will be a proverbial idiot if in a society where hunting and agility are markers of ability and he cannot do either. What use is he?
My calc professor makes a joke that if you are trapped in a cave and water is rushing in, you can do a limit problem to determine how long you have to get out before the water will kill you. But she knows that's only in theory. Knowing how to do that limit problem will not save you if you cannot employ survival skills.
There is a reason IQ tests are widely-panned. IQ grows with learning the material used to measure IQ by IQ tests. IQ will be low if you do not know about any of that material.
This is a no-brainer!
Ah, you people will never get shit. Keep holding on to these ridiculous notions. This is why I love the Asian cultural ideals: they stress overcoming obstacles and hard work for everyone, no matter if some of these people would be deemed 'unreachable' in the West.
We deserve everything we get. This explains perfectly why Japan's response to its disaster was better than ours in just one US city: strong organization at the top (preparedness), strong sense of community. All of this is embedded in their culture and their indigenous religions.
This has nothing to do with race. Notwithstanding rich America, every country with hordes of poor people and histories of corruption and faulty governments will suffer come catastrophe. It's a shame that the response to Katrina happened in this country. It might as well have been in a third world country. Criminal! American culture explains the response and the response of the citizens affected: no sense of community.
By the way, weren't the Vietnamese colonized by the French; did they not go through a totally purposeless war with the United States? War-torn and colonized countries seem to be the 'shittiest'. I'm sure all countries were fine before the arrival of the West, the Arabs, the invading powers.
a castiron ability to hold grudges and remember wrongs.
Your lies change every minute. First you say that Asians at your school are not intelligent, then you say that they merely don't look intelligent. Lies upon lies.
You make racist statements about whites on a regular basis, but then come back with the "I have white friends" excuse. Pathetic!
Here's a link that you will enjoy, black trash: http://tinyurl.com/6yzempm
As I pointed out before, and you ignored: most Asian college students in our country can do MUCH better than your third-rate school. The Asians you encounter there are either academically slumming, or they underachieved in high school, and are stuck in the ghetto of academia until graduate school.
I am a racist, but a couple of my dearest friends are radical black activists (who, off the record, are deeply ashamed of current black culture). One of these friends was an icon of the civil rights movement...and she would call you on your bullshit, Desiree.
Desiree, with all due respect, go fuck yourself. Even if you don't believe that I'm Asian, I definitely believe that you are black. A racist black. An ignorant self-absorbded racist black. I'm done. Keep up the good work, guys. I love living in the US, but the minute they tell me that I have to shell out for slave reparations, I'm defecting.
Does this mean an end to the white/Asian "love affair"? I predict anti-Asian hostility will begin to bubble to the surface real soon. Remember there are just so many token math nerd and girlfriend slots to go around.
They chased that "cute" little white gal out of school. It won't be long before they start getting all "uppity" like all of us niggers, or niggas as we say in "Da hood"
-Black guy
"There is a reason IQ tests are widely-panned."
LOL They're only panned by negroes and DWLs.
Within the IQ research community, IQ tests are highly predictive of cognitive ability and considered extremely reliable.
Even after decades of efforts to construct an IQ test that shows all races to be equal, no such test exists.
"It won't be long before they start getting all "uppity" like all of us niggers"
Asians emphasize hard work, education, and obeying the law. They have nothing in common with negroes.
"But they won't organize against racist white people, who actually hold power!"
You keep mindlessly repeating this statement, but offer zero evidence. Give examples of Asian acceptance of mistreatment by racist whites "who actually hold power", otherwise STFU.
"You remember that snagging a white partner is getting easier and easier these days"
LOLOL Keep dreaming!!
Remember you read it here first. No white guy is going to marry you.
Black guy,
You're mistaken. White people often visit Asian countries, but rarely visit African/black countries. In the same way, white people like Asian neighborhoods, but dislike black neighborhoods. The DWL mindset is appropriate for Asian Americans, because Asian Americans are tolerant of white people and aren't prone to lawlessness.
@ 'Asian' anonymous:
Do not be upset I exposed you. If you were an actual Asian, you'd formulate a more vociferous defense, not to mention, you'd try to explain that you HAD just FOUND this blog googling away.
As such, you folded, and proved even more strongly that you are not Asian, but just another random white guy who reads this blog.
Thank God I am so smart. I am not a racist against anyone, this includes Asians. As I've stated before, I have never been mistreated by any of them my whole life, thus no irrational animosity towards Asians. I think this has to do with several things: (1) I am of a high class status, and behave accordingly; (2) I have a twin sister, and everyone LOVES cute twins (X100) who look so much alike and hang out with each other; (3) Well, I'm just a nice person.
Is your 'racist black' accusation (by the way, sounds very similar in syntax to someone else on this thread) about me towards whites or Asians?
Well, you've bowed out. Because you'd lose. Always.
@ Anon 4:40PM:
A school is a school; it's what you make of it. If you are lazy, you'll do bad in any school. If you are studious, you'll do well in any school. My professors are very qualified in their fields. No one is incompetent and, at the end of the day, all students are responsible for their grades and their progress. UNR, my last university, boasted Asian students that came off smart to me, more so than the Asian students at UNLV, and UNR is only a little bit better than UNLV. I merely stated that I have not seen the stereotypical brainiacs that are seen in the media, but I have seen smart Asians. It's just that, as a whole, the Indian and African students seem more intelligent.
@ Disarray anon:
Yes, there is a difference between look and actuality. Many Asian students are trendy but that does not make them stupid. I haven't seen their report cards.
I don't need to lie about anything. What I say about whites on this site is simply truth; it does not change the fact I like everyone and my closest friend is a white woman. Sure, I may feel more 'comfortable' around colored peoples but I don't dislike whites. Don't get it twisted; I am not like you. I do not like racist whites, though, but this is not something you can spot by look alone. So I'll be friends/lovers with anyone. I don't discriminate.
By the way, if you think linking animal cruelty is a good 'gotcha' to my linking a website where men are enjoying each other's bodies, you are a severely sick fucker. Thank God I opened it in a tab instead of window so I didn't have to see that shit.
You obviously are very immature. And, no thanks to your 'offer' in the Fareed Zakaria thread; my twin and I would rather be forced to look at that link, and you probably wouldn't know what to do anyway...
@ Black Guy:
They chased that "cute" little white gal out of school. It won't be long before they start getting all "uppity" like all of us niggers, or niggas as we say in "Da hood"
LOL! She stated she gets 'epiphanies' in political science; she'd flunk out anyway. She's proof of something I've known for a long time: white families flood universities with their children and lower degree values because they think all of their kids should be in college.
Well, that's not true. If the student wants to party more than study, they shouldn't be in college. Not everyone is meant to go to universities.
'Alexandra Wallace' is living proof of this, and UCLA is a good school.
Funny that you'd delete my comments when 'Disarray' anonymous linked animal cruelty. I thought you disliked animal cruelty? You made a big ado about it. I don't agree with your viewpoints on race but there is a commonality along the animal front. I think you should delete his comment. He is a sicko.
LOLOL Keep dreaming!!
Remember you read it here first. No white guy is going to marry you.
Please remember that I live in Las Vegas, a liberal, diverse metropolitan city. That's all I will say about this.
@ Anon 8:33AM:
Formulating a test should not be the plan; equality of opportunity should be. Then, you'd see all races being equal.
Take a male of each race measured and raise them in the same environment. I guarantee they'll all have the same IQ. IQ is bullshit and I don't trust the Pioneer Fund.
You still have failed to answer the $60,000 questions: why are whites the average? does this have to do with the fact whites invented IQ?
Thank you.
"I am not a racist against anyone, this includes Asians."
You've already been exposed as a racist, you stated openly that blacks are superior athletes. If you were an actual non-racist, you'd formulate a more vociferous defense.
LOL @ Disarray. You really have no dignity at all, do you?
Well, if you did you wouldn't come here for your daily dose of abuse. But don't worry, give it a couple of years and maybe we'll mold you into a decent human being yet.
Actually, I think that Disarray is beyond redemption. As SBPDL has previously noted, Disarray presents the average black point of view. It's so shocking to see an outwardly law-abiding, educated citizen hold such reactionary, backwards views. Not one drop of critical thinking skills in that one.
To Desiree, Black Guy, and any sensible person who is attempting to reason with SBPDL or any of the habitues commentators that agree with this blogger,
Give up!
There's no point in arguing with these people. They are probably the victims of indoctrination which they are of course blind to.
Last anon,
What would be arguments as to why the fine citizens of New Orleans through inhibition into the wind and required Black intervention, when the Japanese did not?
This is unbelievably stupid. If a black doesn't like what an Asian says, then Asian identity is denied. UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. It's just like talking to black people in real life. "race relations" in black-speak really means "black relations", because other minorities don't count, especially when it's clear that ALL ethnic groups can't stand American blacks.
"There's no point in arguing with these people."
This is correct. My opinion of negroes is based on a lifetime of observing and interacting with black people. There is nothing that anyone could say that would change my mind about negroes. Frankly, I have no earthly idea why some of you waste your time trying.
"They are probably the victims of indoctrination"
LOL Do you ever get tired of repeating these lame cliches??
The only indoctrination I ever received was the "We Are All Alike" mantra, which I naively believed for years and years. Racism is not a result of "ignorance", racism is a result of experience.
You are a Marxist. Not only are IQ tests invalid in your line of thinking, but any test that can measure ones mental acumen (SAT, ACT, MCAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, military aptitude, police recruits) are somehow outside the realm of consideration.
Though you might not believe in IQ tests, they believe in you.
Desiree is selective about her opinions about IQ. When it comes to negroes in general, IQ tests are meaningless and don't accurately measure the value of ghetto intelligence. But when it comes to her own (alleged) IQ, it's the be-all end-all of human value.
Desiree makes a good point - Japan has the Worlds fifth largest economy so they did not loot. Where as Americ has the largest economy in the world and true Americans did not loot either.
However - Africans that inhabit America looted the shit out of New Orleans.
African Americans cannot be blamed for their actions. It is like punishing a bear for shitting outside or a rooster for crowing in the morning. Animals act on instinct.
Seems from reading the comments here blacks want to be judged as individuals while at the same time judging whites as a collective. Black individuals are not the problem. Group dynamics are. Asians and White people evolved in a scarce environment that required extended planning, inventions like structures, and advanced social structures like the family unit. The tropical enviromentin Africa never required any of these things and thus modern black men, can't care for their children, destroy all physical property, and can't plan beyond day to day. Nothing racist about it. A large minority of blacks in any society will cause trillions of dollars worth of damage and crime rates will sky rocket.
On the other hand this helps white people because as the PMC (private military corporation) becomes the army of choice whites will once again gain preeminence on a global scale through our multi national corporations. The US will be a huge jumping off point. Governments and wealthy individuals are going to need protection in the future when traditional police and military collapse under the weight of integration.
Why is Desiree trying to create disunity and discord among the SBPDL readers? I am what Desiree would call a racist white but I get along with any decent individual. I have talked to my black friends about the black community as well. Seems like they all agree. The black community has a lot of work to do before they can lecture whites or Asians on any aspect of morality or politics.
I dont even know how I got to this website but im glad I did. Im a black man and can admitt that the black culture which was once strong family oriented goal oriented had very high morals is not so anymore. Instead of people wanting to be like some of the more intelligent black seniors we have been directed and fooled by the success of the athletes music artist and dope boyz. Can it be fixed of course with a strong effort but a whole generation. You can't build up without a solid foundation. Closing blame our government im going to give u a example why would a person deal with the stress of work if they can sit on un employment for years and get 4/5 of what they was making. Welfare have some serious guidelines dont let someone sit on it 10 years and have no progress with their lives welfare was created to aid people not to provide a living.
@ Anonymous at August 29, 2011 5:41 PM
I'm a frequent reader and sometimes commentator on this blog, and I find it refreshing reading the excerpt above. That someone like yourself adopts a candid approach, to a much sensitive subject in this PC era, is quite refreshing. Your input is important in discussing the many dysfunctions we're facing in BRA, in light of the Liberal approach, that is evidently failing it's people, Black & White alike.
You should comment on newer threads and explore this blog. It's always enriching to have someone share their experiences, especially since you have firsthand knowledge of a certain reality some of us aren't as familiar with.
Take care
Hi, I agree with you and would like to share my ideas with you. This post is quite educational..Thanks Forever
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