“I never thought that as a
National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans,” said Spc. Philip
Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. “And I never thought I’d have to carry
a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace.”[Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans:Originally posted at: http://www.armytimes.com/story.php?f=1-292925-1077495.php, Army Times, September 2, 2005]
How about a quick thought experiment? Put your thinking caps on for this one:
![]() |
A new hope for New Orleans meant getting rid of the underclass population... that has happened |
Remember, that was just a simple, harmless thought experiment.Imagine you are a terrorist organization, in control of a weather modification weapon.
You realize one of the top tourist cities in the entire nation is below sea level. This city is also home to depressed property values in certain, blighted areas that happen to be occupied by an almost entirely black population.
The city is itself 70 percent black, with the area where highly desirable (zoned) residential property is located is 95 percent black.*
What do you do?
You utilize this weapon to create a hurricane that will overwhelm the engineered defenses (levees) created to keep flood water out of the city.
Perhaps you place explosives in certain parts of the levee so that when they go off, the flood water pours into the heavily blighted area.
Homes are washed away.
People are displaced as refuges all across the nation, never to return.
The property goes up for sale at bargain prices in that certain, blighted area: it had been passed down from one generation to another, mortgages paid for, but never appreciating in value because the primary occupants of this ‘ward’ scared away outside investors.**
Again: bargain prices.
Investors swoop in -- legitimate companies that serve as fronts for the terrorist organization that utilized a weather modification weapon to create the storm in the first place.
Gentrification occurs after substantial outside investment, with the inhibitions to actual progress – namely the black population – safely removed from the formerly blighted, lake-front property. It only took a manufactured storm to remove them, a diaspora spread across the nation -- enriching other cities where this organization owns Section 8 Houses...
Property value increases exponentially, which drastically improves the quality of life and sustainability of the entire city. Families resettle in this city, as do outside business interests no longer scared away by the "Murder City" rap this metropolitan-area long carried.More importantly, with the peaceful removal of large segments of the black population, a more business-friendly white mayor/city council can be elected (and wonderfully funded: the joy of campaign donations in buying politicians and favors!)Perhaps using eminent domain laws, those property's that remain unsold in this area of the city can be seized...
Can you name the city?
Can you name the 'natural disaster'?
No, there is no terrorist organization (sorry, Cobra is just for G.I. Joe comics) bent on world domination.
But let this be known -- prior to 2005, this city was headed to a Detroit-style collapse.
And the white population reacted strongly to those 'refugees' of the "natural disaster" with shocking unity.
On September 1, 2013, SBPDL will be bringing to you one of the most important books you'll ever read:
The Day After Katrina: The Rebirth of New OrleansIt will be a no-holds-barred look at the history of blacks in New Orleans, pre-Katrina and post-Katrina.
Understand this: the rebirth of New Orleans meant changing course from the city becoming just another Detroit. That happened.
* Pre-Storm: The Ninth Ward is a historically black district with black working class homeowner neighborhoods. Today, it is still predominantly black with strong ties to the neighborhood. The Lower Ninth Ward’s population is 95% African American; the Upper Ninth Ward’s population is 82% African American.
The majority of homes in the Lower Ninth Ward are single-family owner occupied homes. The percentage of homeowners in the Lower Ninth Ward is 6% higher than the homeowner rate for the city of New Orleans.
Post-Storm: Many
residents in the Ninth Ward did not carry flood insurance policies. Since the Army Corp of Engineers had certified the levee walls to be resistant to flooding, most residences of the Lower
Ninth Ward were considered outside the flood zone. This certification
made these homes exempt from flood
insurance requirements. For the residents who did carry
the months following the disaster were spent trying to navigate the difficult
bureaucracy of the insurance industry, which was contesting many claims by
residents all over New Orleans
I stopped coming to this page..you know why? Because the blacks have won...not a damn thing is being done to bring the plague of blacks to the attention of the mainstream, and it won't because there are too many bleeding heart case liberals out there allowing them to destroy our cities, violate our freedoms and disrupt our daily way of life...these baggy pants wearing monkey thugs are taking over and unless we fight back and have these gansta low life scum classified as domestic terrorists we'll continue to see them spread like a plague and suck off our tax dollars. America is done and gone. You can thank your hippie liberal parents for that.
From where should I purchase your books to make sure the most money goes directly to you?
Oh, it's quiet here in the Lower Nine now. Technically still majority black, but there's really just barely any people. Kind of countrified and nice. And a nice little white enclave is being built up in a certain section. We're trying to get our personal act together here to get in on this. On the Bywater side it's already going on fast, and certain segments of the population are spitting mad. How dare anyone ruin historical character of the neighborhood, blah blah blah. Well in the late 90s part of the "historical character of the neighborhood" included nightly body bags that contributed to New Orleans being the murder capital of the country. People talk like having Starbucks and small white owned kickstarter businesses would be the worst thing that ever happened to the city. It's like they prefer Mother's Day parade shootings. Well too bad - those of us with more sense are coming back and saying "no". Time for the children to stop running the playground.
The Katrina affair was truly Biblical, Old Testament stuff. New Orleans at the time was as bad a modern city as Sodom and Gomorra were back in the Old Testament day. Even the flood could be seen as and in, Old Testament, Biblical proportions.
New Orleans was at that time America's murder rate per capita, number one city in America.
Tourist were warned not to venture south of 9st. The police were considered corrupt. New Orleans even boasted a Chinese termite infestation, the most aggressive termites in the world, of Biblical proportion.
Further, there was talk at the time of NO receiving 5 million dollars a year for levee enhancement, which further was mostly blown on other venues.
G. W. Bush implored the Gov., I've forgotten her name now, 24 or more hours in advance to evacuate the people of NO, but she did not, and he got blamed while she, the liberal democrat in charge and giving the orders, got, just like no noggin Nagen, a public pass, unbelievable.
The NO Negros who subsequently spread out like so many displaced ants, continued in their loser, lower IQed cerebrum ways, spreading their joy of murder, rape, mugging thugging mayhem and theft in different parts of America.
If the Negro were carrying a virulent, contagious virus instead of their negative and destructive personality traits, and further spread out as back then, the planet Earths population of humans could conceivable, by wiped out.
Let us hope the Negro in Africa and elsewhere, contains his hyper urge for sex and does not commit bestiality with the wrong animal ever again. Aids was enough Mr. Negro. Thank you.
I think there is hope. We have hope.
Look at the picture. See the old white man among the masses of turdheads standing upward and looking outward. That is what we must do.
He has his back turned from the stadium and he is towards the sun. The groids are all bent over looking to the scraps on the ground. He has been through hell and he may be poor, but he has his spirit and he is still standing.
It is how we get up.
Whites must turn our backs on decadent, corrupt Amurkistan. We must turn our backs on tall stupid buildings and all the hedonistic stupid trinkets and baubles they contain and employ. We must stand tall and proud like that white man in this picture and always look ahead.
We have a future. We are surviving and we have a future. We have not lost anything.
White Mom in VA
The imposition of BRA requires a financial life support system. One part of the financial life support system is the ability to create money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve System. The more visible means of support (to borrow a phrase from Playtex) is the IRS. The IRS serves an additional function of intimidation to cow the people into obedience.
Take a look at this Star Trek parody, produced at a cost of $60,000 for an IRS meeting in Anaheim CA. Also note all the affirmative action hires.
Send a private message to sbpdl1@gmail.com
let me know which ones you want. Do it this way:
For a $50 donation, I'll send you four signed copies of the books you want (a deal to loyal readers!).
If I was a terrorist organization, with a weather-controlling machine, I would rent it out to the CIA to barter for their creation of Sickle Cell Anemia, AIDS, and crack cocaine, which I would also ask them to distribute into underpribileged comoonities. The delivery of the Sickle Cell and the AIDS, I would entrust to Church's Fried Chicken.
One thing I noticed in the Superdome photo, was that all the garbage cans must have blown away in the hurricane. I wonder where they landed?
Anon: @7:20:
Sickle cell disease is not catchable, it is genetic.
Right Church, wrong pew. Thanks.
This event truly opened my eyes a mile wide as I grew up within a mile of the 17th st breech in formerly 99% white Lakeview. Can't wait for this one PK. Katrina brought out TNB on steroids! Too bad the nags are back stronger than ever. They have spread like roaches to the suburbs using dey section eights. Moving north of Lake Pontchartrain asap,they can have this third world dump
Check out this story about New Orleans public schools. They actually admit that their all black school is geared toward underachievers. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129531693
PDK, it is unwise to doubt the powers of Church's biochemists.
You're killing me, man. Please tell me you've never heard those idiots claim the CIA invented the sickle cell to kill them all off. It is laughable that they don't even know it saved millions of them from dying back in sub-Sahara. It is even more laughable to blame the CIA, since its origin predates the agency by millenia, back when clearly the only person capable of developing the gene was Satan.
Ex New Yorker here......My late wife had a cousin that went to NO back in the late 90's. When she checked into a hotel in the French Quarter they gave her a little map showing where not to go. She was told to stay within a certain "safe zone" and she would not be robbed or get her purse stolen.
Sloppy Joe -
Black crime is not hard to figure out.
...They're hunting.
Katrina is the greatest fucking thing that ever happened to New Orleans (except for the fact that it drove a lot of cockroaches to take permanent refuge in weather-tame and BR Atlanta). At this point, I estimate it would take an unprecedented iceage-type freezeout to fully fix Detroit.
I was born and raised in NOLA.
I remember watching post-Katrina TV coverage, and seeing white people - most particularly, a young smiling couple of non-American whites - standing in that long, long line to get into the Superdome, and screaming, NOOO! NOOO!! RUN AWAY!!! DON'T STAY THERE!!! All the while, there were the soothing overvoices of the news professionals, focusing particularly on these innocent whites, as a huge symbol of kumbaya-made-flesh.
I still don't know what happened to those people. I DO know that if they're still alive, their perceptions of reality have been altered irreparably.
DWL's both local and international shown on videotape at their last moments of innocence, before being locked up for days with those for whom they had previously held such regard, and pity.
Again, O/T.
I just made the mistake of clicking on SBPDL's right margin links. To my surprise, there were links to more than one black garbage blog where rambling, tangential CF appears as a host or contributor.
I.e., "The Root," "Very Smart Brothas," "field negro," "Politics, Policy, Pathology and Hope WITHIN The Black Community," "The Intersection of Madness and Reality," "Racialicious," "Hello Negro," "Another Black Conservative."
Have the links been there all along?
CF recently asked, "my good friend, PK," if he would link up. I am surprised that this blog would do that.
I think of SBPDL as a refuge where white race realists may meet and speak freely, unmolested by scam artist, "looks at me, I be conservative and a realist too," blacks. Yes, I know, one doesn't need to click on them, but it's too late, I did.
I don't give a fig what blacks are thinking or saying.
My lifetime's requirement seeing into those dark minds was more than met a long time ago. It's all a con.
This is really disappointing. I need to rethink coming here.
OT...did anyone see Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday night? Is his inner race realist emerging? He talked about crime in NYC being mostly black/brown. Neocon Monica Crowly looked scared, blathering about family breakdown. Liberal nut Alan Colmes was just blathering nonsense, as usual.
Hilarious link I stumbled across
Contains useful fliers
Ladies and negrohaters, I am pleased to announce that we have a very heavy hitter on our side:
Donald Kersey Part 1
Donald Kersey Part 2
Donald Kersey Part 3
Donald Kersey Part 4
The latest on Ray "school bus" Nagin.
He appeared on Jon Stewart. The biggest laugh of the show was when Jon asked Nagin what type work he was doing. The reply was that is an emergency manager consultant.
From Wikipedia: " Now as a consultant, public speaker and recovery expert, Nagin travels the country and world to give advice to governments, universities and private sector on emergency preparedness. He had worked extensively in Europe, Canada, Haiti, the Caribbean and Australia. ”I think New Orleans is a key study of a horrific catastrophe and how we struggled to plan and implement to get the city back to recovery,” he said. ”I will tell you that there are lessons for Australia in trying to recover and authorities could well look at us. One of the key things is to engage the citizens in a big way. They must be involved so they own the recovery.”
Go figure.
my Katrina experience in pgh no-less! one fine morning @5:00a.m. I was heading off to WORK and I got to my gate and their was a f-ing police/swat member pointing his ar-15 right at me then motioned with that same weapon for me to exit to the left. on the right were more of his co-workers. and I couldn't get to my car because of the sect. 8 house two doors up.(old polish guy stan died and the f-ing kids sold it t a slum-lord) well it turns out the ngr's that moved in were from new orleans and one of the spooks were wanted on the fbi list(no-shit) but before that happened they were selling heroine right out in the open. it was disgusting how many fucked up white kids were coming past my house to see these filthy ngr's. I guess these ngr's just think it's ok to move into a residential neighborhood full of whites, hard working whites and push their hard drugs. they say it was bad in new orleans in the ghetto. well they just brought their way of life to our home. get this! the ngr jumped out of the second floor window to try to get away-failed big time. yet i'm supposed to be ok with their lifestyle choices. not! never will! they are a fucking disease where ever they rest that nappy head! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
I live on the edge of a black ghetto. Most people have NO IDEA how blacks actually live. They are not like us.
There is a big house full of ghetto blacks nearby - older woman, older man in wheelchair, teen girl, 20's young male, 30's male, and a 30's woman who is sometimes there. Lots of traffic there. We keep a close eye on it. None of them work, home all day sitting around on the porch. No cars. They deal drugs.
I assume that they combine EBT, housing vouchers, disability, SSI and the regular welfare mix of checks to get by.
Back yard fenced and full of garbage, broken furniture, dogs, mattresses, falling gutters, etc.
I have recently noticed feral packs of up to 10 sag pants black youths roaming our streets. They are trespassing on private property, walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic, cursing, breaking city-planted sapling trees in half, throwing rocks at our dogs, playing street basketball, blocking alleyways, yelling, screaming, and creating a disturbance until 3am.
Turns out this "family" is also running an unlicensed home daycare to make a little extra money. It is summer, and the little geniuses are on break with nothing to do. The thug parents drop their precious teen babies off in the morning, and the sitter turns them out onto the streets in a feral pack to roam around and destroy our things. And we pay her to do this. Several of us have called the police already, but nothing has been done.
So, I am going to call CPS today and report the unlicensed daycare, trash, and drug dealing, and maybe they will get a little visit. Or not. A white Christian group just came last week to build them a "free" wooden wheelchair ramp for the old man. How nice and Christiany of them! They did not know they were helping drug dealers, and they probably don't care.
THIS is how blacks live, feral, on the edge, illegal activity, and we have no way of fighting against it. And the stupid white Christian DWLs are making life very comfortable for them. The city departments are all run by blacks and staffed by blacks. They are violent ,and full of venom for whites.
Gayle: Yeah you right. A lot of my white friends ended up being in the city, also losing their homes, etc, when the storm hit. They didn't end up on the news at the Convention Center and the Superdome. You know why? They heard what was going on down their. they used their brains, their cell phones (when they worked) and got themselves out, kept themselves alive, and got friends to come get them out without joining the massive black refugee party.
Most of the whites in town have also rebuilt their homes and lives by now, too. Funny thing, that.
I'm from Cajun country. Nice to meetcha.
My brother-in-law was on National Guard Army duty following hurricane Andrew. He said it got violent quickly when people came to the social services office to try and collect their welfare checks. The checks were late going out and many had no new addresses in the immediate aftermath of the storm. He had to point his rifle at people and even use it to shove people. I asked him why he didn't simply shoot them. He realized this would only get him in more trouble. His nerves were almost as bad as someone subjected to combat. Of course the people seeking the checks were black.
I have another idea for a book "Wrong Place for White People". It could be an online guide for places white people should avoid especially in light of the Medias constant use of the, "in the wrong place" excuse when white people are murdered
@Jim: Does wiki really say that? Did they mention his federal charges? Virtually every local leader at the time of Katrina here has been brought up on some sort of federal charges for something: Plaquemines Parish President, St. Bernard Parish President, Nagin (Orleans Parish) some New Orleans City Council members... Louisiana has a long tradition of political corruption but this is even beyond our usual.
I feel like in some cosmic way, Katrina ripped a concealing cover off what's been happening here to show the ugliness.
-- Bitter Ex-Liberal
All the talk about diversity is a lie. Black folks want the tidy beauty of an all white community w shops, restaurants, and employment but they do not want any whites, any jobs, or to put forth any energy to achieve or maintain it. They do not realize that it just dosent happen because we will it too. Good communities are full of people who maintain thier residences, pick up thier trash, thier dog poop, don't deface public property, follow the laws if god and community, control thier behavior, thier childrens behavior and don't make excuses for thier inabilities. Oh and they work, save and invest in thier futures. 100k ayear folks live well but within thier means they have bills to pay. Black folks get 1000k buy a gucci purse and belt and are "rich". Thier childlike dependent nature is startlingly sad, shocking and leads to thier violent tendencies. It is not YT anymore, it is all thier own doing. Why win't YT make my house nice? Why win't YT make my school nice. It is werp worthy if it were not so shocking.
The Spike Lee documentary showed it all. We didn't evacuate si now you better risk your life saving us!
"...did anyone see Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday night? Is his inner race realist emerging? "
I wouldn't get my hopes up. Given who controls the media, anyone who seems to "get it" is either trying to get some market niche or is being positioned into controlled opposition. In other words, they don't really believe what their saying. If they are genuine, they will be fired.
Hope you have a strong stomach. UK Mail likes to use big photos and the groids in this crime are ugly.
Being a honorable man, I have never really understood the pleasure in rape of a child, they hold no sexual attraction for me, rather a feeling of wanting to protect. But where is the pleasure in Gang raping even someone you are attracted to in a romantic way. Would you woo any woman in front of 20 other guys? Is this some power and magic ritual that is beyond White understanding? What is it about negros that they have a need to gang rape the elderly or a little girl or even animals.
Speaking of the A.A. Lifestyle and culture, my daughter is a home care nurse in the hood of a city that is not quite up there with Detroit.
Although I was a Firefighter in the same city for 30 years, I have not experienced even a fraction of what she has seen.
One of my favorite stories was when she was in the living room of one patient. There were a half-dozen toads watching a large-screen TV. The patient, a morbidly obese sheboon was sitting on a BSC ( bedside commode) actually defecating ( for those of you in Rio Linda, she was taking a shit). The room, which was quite hot, smelled as you would expect. The woman used a 3 foot mop to wipe herself.
Since their toilet was clogged up, another woman directed one of the men to "dump dat pot close to the
alley cause dat shiet stink".
Stay tuned for more episodes of The Adventures of a White Ghetto Groid Nurse. WARNING: Do not read while eating.
OT: Mayor Greg Ballard RINO, Indianapolis, launches the "Summer Servings" negro feeding program at Martin Luther King city park today.
Closing the "hunger gap" with our tax dollars! Because blacks can't be expected to feed thei own children.
OT: And when a black teen goes into labor in the hood, 3 firetrucks and an ambulance show up to escort them to the hospital on a stretcher.
All for free!
@ Anonymous @ June 5, 2013 at 5:35 AM:
Don't forget to call the IRS, the state tax board, the city zoning commision (they often have limits on how many kids can be in a daycare facility), and go to the county records office and find out who owns the building. Then sue them for maintaining a public nuisance.
once again I will state that the term liberal or conservative are baloney that doesnt address the way real people act or think, it is a creation of corporate owned media and meant to divide people so we cant act collectively to do anything.
Do you want to stop the media from being allowed to gloss over or not report the predominance of blacks in crime?
Do you want to stop the laws that make it so you have to rent to someone, hire someone, or even verbally disparrage someone?
We whites have got to think clearly and stick together.
There is no person that is all liberal or all conservative whatever the hell those words even represent.
Only a robot would follow those labels exclusively.
Take everyone individually
and get over this phony idea that black entitlements are a product of "democrats" or "liberals." Plenty of other presidents and congresses have had the chance to act and instead held their jobs by being PC.
Using generalizations when speaking is boring and doesnt stand up to an informed debate,
One possible generalization I feel does stand up to debate is the fact that black americans are more prone to crime, laziness, unteachability, and other traits that make their culture different and so destructive.
Whites are shown to be inept,clueless,or grovelling in contrast to the coolness of the blacks on nearly every tv show and movie and commercial.
Remember, we are all from the same DNA and come from Africa, and it is their culture that really is so inferior to ours.
"The Day After Katrina: The Rebirth of New Orleans"
I am looking forward to this one. I am fascinated by natural disasters in all their various forms.
I really can not believe the crap I'm reading. Truthfully, I shouldn't be reading anything on this site. I knew that you soulless animal scum would anger me, but to this degree??? It's nice to know that you have a so-called "forum" where you can let your stink be known. Proof that you sick, demented fucks can come together and bash the negro race is appalling. That's perfectly okay. You want to complain about your land, this and thst, etc. You thieving mofos stole it from the natives, stole black people from their homeland, pillaged and plundered AFRIKA for the natural resources to help fund your slave ships. And we're tthe thieving, murderous animals??? It's funny how evil always wants to turn the mirror away from its own deeds. Its perfectly okay, you filthy, children-killing, sister-kissing, dog-fucking, cave dwellers. We HATE you too!!! We should ride by your fancy house with no drapes in the windows, kidnap your asses, take you in the woods, and hang a few of you in a few trees!!! Strange fruit in deed!!! CIA should inject about 1 million of you demons with AIDS.
Move your family out while you still can.
Northern Scandanavian Lutheran here. Off topic.
As many of us struggle to maintain our middle class standard of living under the crushing weight of taxes and student loan debt, foregoing children well into our thirties, if at all, working harder and harder everyday so we can pay the fees and taxes that support the welfare state, this guy, and fourteen single mothers are able to create a brood that could field a full football squad without any single child having to play both ways. You know you're living in BRA when this guy is asked how many children he has, and he prefaces his answer with "roughly" (he said 18; actually 22). Because of BRA, this man has been able to pass on to mankind his genepool and stupidity to posterity, that in four or five generations, his seed will probably require a whole cellblock of a prison to house and millions of dollars of tax payers money to raise.
How long can this go on before we begin to experience dystopian, Lord of the Flies type civilization? Sheesh.
Heimdallr here,
"We should ride by your fancy house with no drapes in the windows, kidnap your asses, take you in the woods, and hang a few of you in a few trees!!!"
I'll make you a deal: if you can make it past my German Shepard and my 12-gauge, I'll let you hang me and make off with my valuables.
No matter what town you live in, everyone knows where not to go as it's unsafe due to groid infestation. However, I'm surprised that businesses in New Orleans could pass out maps to tourists (of safe zones and where not to go) without the groids freaking out and saying it was racism and "making da black community looks bad."
As for groid fatigue, I've taken the advice given by many on this site and killed my cable tv. I now only have high speed internet and restrict my tv viewing to Netflix. Lots of groid free movies and old tv series with the added benefit of no groid infested commercials. When I cancelled cable, they asked why and I told them I was sick of turning on tv and feeling like I'd woken up in Kenya and every station had essentially turned into BET~ that I live in Knoxville, not Nairobi. In any case, I now have nigga free tv and it's such a wonderful relief! Other people I know have done the same and there's a palpable sense of joy amongst them all for the exact same reason. Not being forced to see groids in everything is like have a 2 ton stone removed from around one's neck.
Kill your tv~ best advice ever!
Hey look, a nigr on a computer!
Anonymous at 8:54: If we can undo all the mistakes of the past and give you and yours $100,000 each and a one way ticket back to da muddaland of Apefrica would you accept? Highly doubtful as your illegitimate offspring would then find themselves in an environment bereft of a white tay payer support system for them to parasitize and once you'd blown the 100 grand, you and they would be totally fucked.
Believe me, I truly wish you'd never been brought here and would much prefer you to be living out your groid existence in a hut made of mud and sticks absent any modern conveniences produced by da ebbil whitey.
How about it? You can be free of us and we can be free of you.
Betcha a dollar to a donut Anonymous at 8:54 is a dumb white guy. He even tried typing in Ebonics. He needs to get a life. He is more dangerous than the toads.
@ Anonymous 8:54:
Rescind your citizenship and we will gladly pay your for your plane ticket back to your motherland. Which shithole would you like?
OT: Read on Drudge, two women brawl at kiddie talent show. The most sickening aspect is the bimbo talking head in the video who asks if it matters who threw the first punch. The reporter ended the story with: "By the end, though, both women were attacking each other." So their is a moral equivalency between being attacked and defending yourself.
Left off the link on the kiddie talent show: http://www.clickorlando.com/news/moms-get-in-brawl-at-childrens-talent-show/-/1637132/20426994/-/1595w6f/-/index.html
Anon: @8:54:
Revisionist history serves well those who choose to remain immature, as the immature deny reality and substitute a preferred illusion in said reality's stead, and further, revisionist history becomes a group illusion and heard mentality, and therefore offers protection from reality by all those who choose to embraced, via a baptism into the faith, of liberalism.
If you firmly believe that this land, North America belongs to those people whose ancestors were here first, then NA truly belongs to whites of European decent, as the white race was not only here first but first by many 1,000s of years before the Mongoloid Amerindian.
You do not have to take my word for it, you can simply research the Solutrians, online.
Our white slave ships to America were not slave ships but rather freedom ships. As the African Negro, having been enslaved by his fellow African Negro and then sold to the whites, were in fact elevated up out of their enslavement and into indentured servitude, from whence they earned their total freedom, with pay, just like the white indentured servant.
However, the Negro here in America chose to do the same as the Negro back in Africa, he chose to enslave his fellow Negro, and in 3/1656 the first Negro slave in America came to be.
The Negro who began slavery, a black Angolan, can be gleaned online, his name was Anthony Johnson.
If you would like more help with reality you can I'm sure continue to patron Paul's SBPDL blog, or you may visit my new blog for other helpful tutorials in reality.
Good luck with your attempt to punch your way through that wet paper bag of illusion you have cocooned yourself into. Should you be successful you will not believe your eyes when for the first time you see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth.
Your friend from the world of reality. Thank you.
Anon: @8:54:
On the aids issue. The Negro illusion that the white man invented aids for the express purpose of killing of the Negro sub-species of human, is just that, illusion.
The fact of aids was that it was only in the lower primate community, in Africa, at least as far back as the early 40s.
The most probable way for aids to then have been brought into the world of humans was by some African male practicing bestiality with said infected, lower primate.
Undoubtedly Mr. Negro enjoyed the tight, wet, lower primate's orifice and bragging rights forthwith gained, however the price of this Negro, "Pandora's box" was subsequently bared by all humanity, with whitey spending billions of dollars and untold man-hours, trying to clean up blackie's mess.
Thanks Mr. Negro, thanks a lot.
Is it really true that New Orleans has been "re-populated" with home-building, societal-contributing tax payers? If so, THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!
OT: Crazy black female in Providence exhibits TNB towards local news crew. Video at link. Watch the feral nature of the groid in action!
I think the couple you saw were part of a wider group of English students who were on some kind of exchange and were caught in the situation. Their experiences were widely reported over here.
They were essentially unharmed, though more by luck than judgement. In the end an armed guard took matters into his own hands and got them the hell out of there after about 36 very unpleasant hours. The girls had been subject to some seriously unwanted attention but managed to avoid the worst with some help from the men they were with.They gave interviews when they got back to England, which were pretty heavily censored, but if you read between the lines it was all pretty clear.
I thought the evul Bushitler and Darth Cheney drove the hurricane there with their magic hurricane driving device to get that valuable geto (ebonics spelling) real estate and because they hate black people?
Anon @ 1711 I thought you quit coming to this page?
Anonymous said...
I really can not believe the crap I'm reading. Truthfully, I shouldn't be reading anything on this site.
Truthfully, you shouldn't be reading at all since your people never bothered to invent a written language. You're welcome.
I knew that you soulless animal scum would anger me, but to this degree??? It's nice to know that you have a so-called "forum" where you can let your stink be known.
It's not a "so-called" forum. It's a pretty excellent blog with a strong readership who have had enough.
Proof that you sick, demented fucks can come together and bash the negro race is appalling.
If you read the articles, you'll see that negroes are "bashing" white folks all over the world, and we're just getting organized here to do something about it. It's not appalling. What's appalling is that more people haven't woken up to see you parasites for what you are.
That's perfectly okay. You want to complain about your land, this and thst, etc.
We didn't need your permission, because while your ancestors were making arrows that could barely sustain a second use and eating each other in mud huts, ours were writing the Constitution.
You thieving mofos stole it from the natives, stole black people from their homeland, pillaged and plundered AFRIKA for the natural resources to help fund your slave ships. And we're tthe thieving, murderous animals??? It's funny how evil always wants to turn the mirror away from its own deeds.
You weren't stolen, moron. You were sold by your own kind. The first slave owner in America was black, too btw.
Its perfectly okay, you filthy, children-killing, sister-kissing, dog-fucking, cave dwellers.
Yes. It is okay. Children Killing? You negroes have mastered that. Your people just shot a child who was rescuing a baby in a stroller during a shooting. Your people just shot an 18 month old in the head. I know family is a foreign concept for someone who probably doesn't know their father and was raised by their grandmother while momma was out hoe-ing or whatever she was doing. We love our sisters in a non-sexual manner that's probably to complex to understand for someone whose great-grandfather probably ate his sister (after muh dikking her of course). Not sure where the dog fucking thing comes from, but I can promise that if you meet mine, you'll be fucked. As for cave-dwelling, I don't really have an answer. Obviously, it worked out well for us, and staying out in the hot sun picking flies out of each other's hair didn't work so well for your people.
We HATE you too!!! We should ride by your fancy house with no drapes in the windows, kidnap your asses, take you in the woods, and hang a few of you in a few trees!!!
You do. Even after all we've done for you, you still hate us. We hate you, too. We're working to make sure that more people see that you are to be hated rather than cared for. Unfortunately for you, hating us doesn't get you too far. Please escalate the violence against us. There are five times as many of us as there are of you and we're well armed, well trained, well fed and well funded. Also, please make sure to burn down your own neighborhoods first like you always do. That's so entertaining to watch while we clean and load our weapons in anticipation of your arrival.
Strange fruit in deed!!! CIA should inject about 1 million of you demons with AIDS.
We ARE the CIA. Why do you think the bulk of the people who actually have AIDS are black? Duh.
Anon @ 0854hrs don't be made because the white man is the only one to ever make a profit off of Africa. BTW where are the records of those glorious wheel inventing African civilizations?
her names Kathy Blanco...
G. W. Bush implored the Gov., I've forgotten her name now, 24 or more hours in advance to evacuate the people of NO, but she did not, and he got blamed while she, the liberal democrat in charge and giving the orders, got, just like no noggin Nagen, a public pass, unbelievabl
' $60,000 for an IRS meeting in Anaheim CA. Also note all the affirmative action hires.'
you r 2 fukkin much..I will check
why cant we be friends?
ST. CLOUD, Fla. -
A school talent show turned into a brawl between angry mothers, and police say one of the women choked the other in front of children.
[RECOMMENDED: Zimmerman applied to be cop | Naked man tried to propose]
St. Cloud police said what happened between Latisha James and Jessica Tyler was out of control.
Here's a link to something more uplifting. Maybe others have tired of white guilt.
Jim, I got that feeling too that Anon is a dumb white person. Despite my disgust for this person, I gotta admit that he/she did not write in the word salad style of our beloved resident negroes. Despite his/her impotent fury, the sentence structure was relatively coherent (that is, as much as someone suffering from a break from reality CAN write well.)
Hey, there, Anonymous @ 8:54 AM! How are ya?
I gotta tell ya (assuming you're black, which I doubt, but let's pretend just for fun):
1. I absolutely DELIGHT in your rage. It makes me happy beyond words.
2. I don't have a fancy house. I can't afford one. Wanna know why? I'm robbed by the gov't to pay for YOUR PEOPLE'S WELFARE, SECTION 8, AND EBT. I live paycheck to paycheck. But you wanna know what I DO have? Guns and ammo. Some come on, 'ho.
3. Lastly...U mad, bro?
Hey, PDK Herald/Crier Project, I think it's kinda interesting you and I BOTH noticed that Anon @8:54 is suffering from a break from reality. Haha. Yes, Anon @8:54, it's THAT obvious.
But don't worry, Anon @8:54, if OBAMACARE won't pay for your psychiatric help, we White folks will be forcibly footing the bill in one way or another to pay for your healthcare.
Remember, Poverty causes Black people
"Imagine you are a terrorist organization, in control of a weather modification weapon."
Very surprised no one caught this. The terrorist organization, and the weather modification weapon do exist. The terrorist organization is the US government, and the weather modification weapon is HAARP. Check out HAARP with an internet search.
@whitefeather you said,
"Remember, we are all from the same DNA and come from Africa, and it is their culture that really is so inferior to ours."
Maybe we came from the same DNA 60,000 or more years ago but we evolved separately since then. Not only did we evolve physically but our brains and neurons also evolved. Some people seem to think evolution only occurs below the neck. It is generally believed that IQ is around 75 percent inherited, in other words the apple does not land too far from the tree. IMO, the blacks in the US have an average IQ of 85, fully one standard deviation below the white average IQ of 100. That accounts for a lot, basically the difference between a Detroit and Seattle. African average IQ is around 70, at which point modern civilization is unsustainable.
Read "The Bell Curve" by Murray and Hernstein to get a better understanding of what we are up against.
Ray Scissom, I enjoyed your rebuttal to Impotent Rage (Possible) Negro.
Anon said...I really can not believe the crap I'm reading.
Well, why don't you tell us where this website is wrong? Are the articles that Paul Kersey posts lacking in veracity? Or is it that you have to face up to some unpleasant truths?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I know this is just piling on at this point, but since I troubled to write it...
we are all from the same DNA and come from Africa
No we aren't; the genetic distance between Congoid and Nordic is greater than that between chimpanzee and bonobo.
it is their culture that really is so inferior to ours.
Culture is a product of genes. If Blacks could practice Western culture, there would be no Black ghettoes and Detroit, Gary and Camden would be thriving cities.
It's nice to know that you have a so-called "forum" where you can let your stink be known. Proof that you sick, demented fucks can come together and bash the negro race is appalling.
In typical |\|1663R fashion, you neglect to mention the facts which make "the negro race" so ripe for bashing. We wouldn't bother, except that all of the "anti-racists" have seen fit to force "the negro race" into White business, White neighborhoods, and White schools where they destroy everything they touch. We would rather not bother bashing them, but naming a problem is necessary for solving it.
You want to complain about your land, this and thst, etc. You thieving mofos stole it from the natives
The first Americans were the Solutreans, who created the Clovis culture. They were Europeans, not Asians. The Asians stole the American continents from Europeans; it wasn't until 1492 that Europeans started in earnest to take them back.
stole black people from their homeland
No, your Black brothers stole other Blacks from "their homeland". They sold them for cash instead of eating them. Shouldn't "African-Americans" feel grateful to my distant White relatives for saving their sorry butts from the dinner buffet? I've certainly never been thanked for that, nor for all the losses my family has suffered due to Black crime and parasitism. Where's MY reparations?
And we're tthe thieving, murderous animals???
Yes, you are. Now renounce your US citizenship and head to some Blacktopia like Haiti or Africa, and don't come back. Us ebil, ebil White debbils is as sick an tarred of "oppressing" you as you are of our "oppression", so why don't you just get out from under our ebil, ebil White thumbs already?
We HATE you too!!! We should ride by your fancy house with no drapes in the windows, kidnap your asses, take you in the woods, and hang a few of you in a few trees!!!
And you wonder why we think you're thieving, murderous animals... that's irony, which you can't appreciate.
This world is becoming one huge giant EBT card for the blacks to swipe as needed.
UN Agenda 21 is so yesterday! This is their new plan:
The United Nations’ Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The 69-page report is entitled, “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development.”
They want this all done by 2030. No more hungry black babies!
@ Anonymous @8:54:
Thank you for providing me the motivation to go into the garage and practice my dry-fire drills and PT. But it was not done out of hatred for you and your kind.
We will fight because we love what's behind us (family and friends), not because we hate what's in front of us (targets, nothing more).
You may be thinking, "Yeah, brave keyboard pounder! You'll be one of the first to get it when we come after you!" Maybe, maybe not; but then again, as Sgt Barnes said in the movie Platoon, "Everybody gotta die sometime, Red."
So go ahead and keep coming back and spewing your ignorance and hatred, BOY. We can always put it to good use.
I can't wait for more tales from the White Ghetto Groid Nurse.
Re Anonymous...
I really can not believe the crap I'm reading. Truthfully, I shouldn't be reading anything on this site. I knew that you soulless animal scum would anger me, but to this degree??? It's nice to know that you have a so-called "forum" where you can let your stink be known. Proof that you sick, demented fucks can come together and bash the negro race is appalling. That's perfectly okay. You want to complain about your land, this and thst, etc. You thieving mofos stole it from the natives, stole black people from their homeland, pillaged and plundered AFRIKA for the natural resources to help fund your slave ships. And we're tthe thieving, murderous animals??? It's funny how evil always wants to turn the mirror away from its own deeds. Its perfectly okay, you filthy, children-killing, sister-kissing, dog-fucking, cave dwellers. We HATE you too!!! We should ride by your fancy house with no drapes in the windows, kidnap your asses, take you in the woods, and hang a few of you in a few trees!!! Strange fruit in deed!!! CIA should inject about 1 million of you demons with AIDS.
Here's the odd thing. PK's articles are well reasoned and articulate. He provides a realistic picture of BRA. Where he shows anger, it is always controlled and in response to some atrocity (whether the murder of an infant by a black, or the trashing of major cities). And he certainly does not call for killing blacks.
Yet Anon's response is a torrent of homicidal invective.
Once again, the critics of SBPDL can not come up with a rational response to any of the points it raises. Or to the question we keep asking:
* "Can you name the black majority cities in America or anywhere else in the world which are ahead of similar white cities economically, in law and order, and in school graduation rates."
One suspects the homicidal rage comes from Anon facing a threat to the ideological delusions which sustain BRA. This is one more thing which makes the case for race realism being correct--the fact that the opposition can never respond rationally.
But there is more.
Underneath BRA's delusion is the assumption that whites must treat blacks as higher up the tree. Certainly DWLs make a fetish of bowing before blacks (often quite literally). Just like a conquered tribe paying tribute to the Big Man by handing over wealth and territory and females.
But by telling the truth, SBPDL disses blacks, and that's what the rage is really about.
How dare white people respect themselves!
the libs will deny race biological differences till the end...why? because if race IQ differences are proven then poof goes BRA because no amount of welfare will EVER reduce BRA dysfunction because it is genetic
I find the comments far mor interesting than the story itself. Unfortunately, the story about feeding the negroes is closed to comments
@3:01 "They want this all done by 2030. No more hungry black babies!"
Sounds like a good start.
Paul...can you do the research/
Anonymous said...
This world is becoming one huge giant EBT card for the blacks to swipe as needed.
UN Agenda 21 is so yesterday! This is their new plan:
The United Nations’ Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The 69-page report is entitled, “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development.”
They want this all done by 2030. No more hungry black babies!
I was shocked. Thought For sure Sharptin would show up.
He basically said it's a culture problem not a "poor" problem
You already are. Family window shot out in Wheaton, IL by sec. 8 kids.
My ancestors are from Ireland, they didn't take any land from Native Americans nor did they own slaves.
Crack a book before you speak of things you know nothing about.
Culture if violence, violence is all you know. Social skills, pass new legislation? No hus kill dey asses!!! Animal
It has become a crime to defend yourself
Anon said... I really can not believe the crap I'm reading.
I love it. Paul, isn't it nice when you get some feedback to let you know that your efforts are not in vain? Thank you, Anon, for your contribution. You made my day.
Anonymous said...
Here's a link to something more uplifting. Maybe others have tired of white guilt.
June 5, 2013 at 2:16 PM
Thank you. Uplifting, indeed. From the linked article:
An investigation is under way after fliers were found in at least one El Paso County neighborhood asking people to join the Ku Klux Klan.
“They hit about 34 houses,” resident Angie Austin said...
Austin is a German immigrant in an interracial marriage...
Austin, whose parents were persecuted by Nazis says the KKK is not welcome in her neighborhood.
Austin has all the best DWL credentials. Including even Nazi persecution. I hope she isn't usurping that one - the copyright owners of the Holocaust story don't take kindly to unauthorised people claiming their holiest of victimhoods. I wonder, for what reason the Nazis didn't like them?
Victor Hugo famously said that there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Just maybe, the KKK is an idea whose time is about to come... again.
Noggin also sent buses empty from NO to wherever they would be safe.
Yo c he b keepin' it real a white man wud haf sent peepul in dem.
Re Anonymous Maddened Negro-
No, you shouldn't be reading this stuff. I pity the poor innocent white who will bear the brunt of you being brought face to face with the dysfunction of your race. Best you continue to deal only with those traitorous whites who tiptoe around lest a dent be put in your fragile negro self-image as always morally correct due to your melanin. Meanwhile, I will continue to note the lack of melanin in the majority of the volunteers who show up to clean trash and graffitti, work in soup kitchens, and leave their families to help total strangers in times of crisis. Like after Katrina. Your fellow blacks' primary "contribution" was to demand that help and sit on ther fat lard asses while whites did the work of restoration. I saw what happened, I was there.
One thing I recall about no noggin Nagen, after it was just about all over and done with, after W. Bush had been blamed a million times by both American Negros and white liberals, especially the LMSM, finally no noggin was asked why he did not use the buses, they had 100s, to evacuate.
No Noggin turned to the white LMSM asking the questions and replied, the buses were under water, oh said everyone and that was that.
I was increduled!
I yelled at the TV, you were supposed to evacuate before the storm, not after. But I yelled in vain. Thanks.
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