Just in time for Father’s Day [Feds Spending $800,000 to Teach Responsible Fatherhood, CNSnews.com, June 12, 2013]:
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For corrupting the youth, anyone associated with Sesame Street must be imprisoned |
The Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (AFC) is providing $800,000 in funding to create a Responsible Fatherhood Research Network.
The initiative is described in the grant abstract as a “multi-year plan” designed “to disseminate information about good fatherhood parenting practices by building research and practice knowledge and capacity” and to “increase positive father involvement in the lives of their children.”
The grant, announced on June 7 and open to applicants until Aug. 2, stated that the network, once established, “will be expected to have a primary focus on economically disadvantaged fathers and families and other under studied population groups.”
In the grant announcement, posted on the grants.gov website, the category of the funding was listed as “income security and social services.”
The ACF website stated that the agency “administers more than 60 programs with a budget of more than $49 billion, making it the second largest agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”
CNSNews.com asked press officials at ACF a series of questions about the grant, but no response to the inquiry was received at press time. The questions asked were:
1. Why is it government's role to improve parenting skills for fathers of low-income or at-risk children?
2. How is ACF going to measure and track the success of the network?
3. How many fathers and children will benefit from this project?
4. Will the recipients of this grant be private or public sector entities?In a city like Richmond, Virginia, where 86 percent of black children are born out of wedlock, how is the allocation of a mere $800,000 going to accomplish the task of teaching responsible fatherhood?
Luckily, Public Broadcasting System (PBS) has supplied an avenue for the maladjusted to be properly conditioned into the type of uniform thinking required to excel in a nation governed by Black-Run America (BRA) -- Sesame Street.
And where the Federal Government's meager $800,000 to help teach responsible fatherhood will fail, Sesame Street is ready to provide a 'kit' (courtesy of Bert & Ernie, Elmo, Big Bird, and even Oscar the Grouch) to teach kids how to deal with parents in prison.
Well, it's an attempt to normalize black (and brown) pathologies, conditioning young white kids to believe there's nothing wrong with a parent ending up in jail.
After all, what are laws but the white man's attempt to keep a brother down? [Sesame Street Designs Online Kit For Kids With Parents In Prison, Breitbart, June 11, 2013]:
Sesame Street has created an online kit designed to help children cope with the emotional issues associated with having incarcerated parents. Nearly two million U.S. children have a parent in prison and according to the kit's web site, "The incarceration of a loved one can be very overwhelming for both children and caregivers. It can bring about big changes and transitions. In simple everyday ways, you can comfort your child and guide her through these tough moments. With your love and support she can get through anything that comes her way."
The kit is aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 8 and offers videos including a musical number entitled "You're Not Alone" as well as an animated video with the title "Visiting Dad In Prison."
Another goal of the kit is to provide caregivers with the necessary tools to help the children cope.Just what might those tips be for children to cope with a parent going to jail for breaking the white man's law? The Sesame Street Web site for helping black (and brown) kids cope with their absentee-father - or mother - being sent to prison is a far better utilization of resources than the Federal Government's $800,000 attempt to teach 'better fatherhood'. Here's the site:
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Your dad's in jail? Obviously it's some sort of anti-puppet initiative by the white man... |
Sesame Street TipsThe pendulum is going to swing back hard in a direction of sanity and order. It will happen so fast, in such a frightening manner, that most people will be incapable of understanding what is happening.
Tips for Coping with Incarceration
Build Security
In the morning, let your child know some of the things that will happen throughout the day. For example, "Grandma will pick you up from school. Then you'll go to the park, and later we'll all have dinner together."
Share Your Heart
Give your child a paper heart to keep in her pocket. You might say, "This is to remind you that I love you and will always be there for you."
Express Emotions
Take time each day to check in with your child and ask, "How are you feeling?" Remember to let your child know that it's okay to have big feelings no matter what they are.
Answer Honestly
When explaining where an incarcerated parent is, you can say, "Daddy is in a place called prison (or jail) for a while. Grown-ups sometimes go to prison when they break a rule called a law."
Stay Connected
Phone calls are a great way to reach out. Help your child to think of something she'd like to tell her incarcerated parent, and give her a photo of her parent to hold during the call.
Prepare Together
Before you visit your incarcerated loved one, let your child know some of the things she can expect to happen. For instance, "We won't be able to sit in the same room with Mommy, but we can see her through a window and read a story together."
With the EEOC going to war with employers daring to run background checks on potential employees (black applicants with a criminal past trying to get a job at the Dollar Tree/Store or BMW plants in South Carolina), which unfairly screen out those black individuals who spent many a Father's Day behind bars, the pendulum is having plenty of WD-40 applied to it -- having grown rusted for being stuck in one place for decades, stories such as those highlighted above are the necessary lubricant to dislodge it once and for all.
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Because it's due for true urban renewal.
Sorry but once a thief, always a thief once it's learned acceptable at mommas knee.
Companies need to screen! Not every place can thug up like Mickey D's
Every time I hear about a riot at a Mikey D on the scanner I laugh. Attract thugs, employ thugs, feed thugs then a you get is thugs
Just more productive white taxpayer money going to ameliorate
black (and brown) dysfunction.
As Mitt Romney said, "Big Bird should pay for his own show." Exactly right.
Off topic
Does anyone know why the Daily Kenn is not being updated?
The first thing liberal leadership must do is wreck anything which works so they then become viable for their attempt to correct the problem they just created. Then the liberal solution must fail or they, the liberals, are out of business.
Therefore first liberal leadership destroys the family, then taxes mostly whites, takes its cut of the tax money and then finally spends what is left on their solution to the problem they created by destroying something that worked wonderfully before they destroyed it.
Liberals and blacks could make my beloved Three Stooges look like amateurs. Thank you.
PS, Tiger Woods, the black mulatto golfer, is not doing well at the US Open, the second major of the golf year. Here's hoping he fails again. Thanks.
The best thing about the super successful throw money at the problem strategy is sooner or later the money runs out. (Apologies to the Iron Lady) As for Nigdonald's I'd eat a pile of rat turds on rye or run through hell with gasoline soaked clothing on before ever doing business with them.
Bwhahaa! The sad puppet makes me laugh. Is that normal? The whole über wonderful each according to his needs third world laughing stock joke marxist shithole that is BRA makes me laugh. Laugh or go insane. (it might be too late for me but I don't suffer it, I enjoy every goddamn second)
Yeah, Anon, you'll enjoy every
goddamn second of it... right up to the second just before a pack of
hooting pavement apes knock your door down and murder you and rape and murder your womenfolk.
This really is an important story. It shows how completely black run america has penetrated. It's believed that so many children have parents in prison, and it's such a normal part of our society, that it's added to a kids TV show.
Like the DOJ directive to avoid criminal background checks, it shows this is a very sick culture. It's become a black culture. 14% of the population?
@anon 8:48am;
Actually Sesame Street does 'pay for itself', all those products with the name or the Sesame Street-only muppets on 'em does it.
But if you think this story surprises me you'd be wrong.
This post was brought to you by the letters 'B' and 'S'...
Well, it's an attempt to normalize black (and brown) pathologies, conditioning young white kids to believe there's nothing wrong with a parent ending up in jail
This is so sad. I have no words. I've been rendered wordless! My vowels and consonants are in SHOCK. Just...sad.
Better use of the money just to gibs it to the niggazz for bus fare to see daddy at the prison.Better yet just forget the whole thing & use the money for more police.
Answer Honestly
When explaining where an incarcerated parent is, you can say, "Daddy is in a place called prison (or jail) for a while. Grown-ups sometimes go to prison when they break a rule called a law."
Answer Honestly, WT makes the laws, We break them. That's how it is. He'll spend most of his time chasing white men to scam, beat and rape. I know that seems gay, but that's how it is. You see, it's the white peoples fault he's in there anyway, so all that's Okey.
How about a Sesame Street show where Elmo wonders who among the 5 possibilities is his true daddy?
The main stream conservative web media (Drudge, Breitbart, NRO, etc.) is on fire with stories about the Detroit pseudo bankruptcy. I expected that this blog would also lead with this story. But no. That was literally yesterday's news.
The principal thrust of this blog is that the fundamental causative factor in urban decay is race. The specific claim is that the change in racial composition is what caused Detroit's precipitous decline.
I certainly believe that as does every regular reader. But the mainstream conservative media is not yet ready to recognize this obvious fact.
There are some cracks in the PC armor plate. Bill O'Reilly has begun to mention that most violent crimes are committed by blacks. Hannity hasn't yet. Nor has Rush Limbaugh. But O'Reilly won't go so far as to admit that the mere presence of blacks is enough to start neighborhood decline.
So I estimate that the mind-set of the typical SBPDL reader is about five years ahead of the general public. Right now the term 'Detroit' evokes a vision in the mind of SBPDL reader's mind of ruin, squalor, and violence. The general public are still learning.
The public have yet to face the terrible truth that there are no easy answers for Detroit. We still seem to be in a period of 'too big to fail'. The whole notion of bankruptcy is to provide a cooling off period in which a troubled entity cab be protected from its creditors and then reestablish itself. A bankrupt private concern under Chapter 11 can shed its losing assets and re-emerge with only its core healthy assets.
But Detroit has no healthy core. It is being choked now with the unfunded retirement obligations to its former civil servants. But even if they summarily default on every one of those obligations they still won't have a decent tax base. Good people are either dying off or leaving Detroit. Potential tax payers are not flocking in.
It will take a couple years for this bitter truth to dawn on the general public. In the short run we can expect to hear more blather about better education. We may get racist attacks on Japanese automakers for failing to open new auto plants in Detroit. We will certainly hear pseudo pundits like Melisa Harris Perry and black advocates like Al Sharpton blame it all on the legacy of slavery and/or white racism.
We will see the State of Michigan asked to take of the financial burden of Detroit. After that we will certainly also have an effort to federalize it. Basically that means print more money.
But slowly the public will begin to see through all the propaganda and begin to suspect that race is not just skin color.
In five years this blog will no longer be 'edgy'. It will be mainstream.
The "Teaching Responsible Fatherhood" program will be a total failure with respect to its stated goals. However, its real objective is probably giving employment to people who wouldn't make it in the private sector for one reason or another (for example, they might be on probation or parole, or have some kind of criminal record).
The whole country has been taken over by blacks. Everything is for blacks, about blacks and twisted into weird shapes for blacks. Blacks on TV, in print advertising, the President. They're loud. They're stupid and aggressive. Stupid and aggressive is a very powerful force.
And the white people just sit on their growing asses, watching TV or playing their game console.
Christ, what a fucking dystopia Amurkistan has turned into. Kudos to this site for lifting the curtain, because out here in the Redoubt it is still 1955. Heading down to a classic car show today. I love a parade!
Sesame Street was multi-cult agitprop when I was a kid back in the 70s. Of course we all watched it, in those days PBS was the only alternative to the Big 3 networks, and my parents were educated professionals who were selective about TV viewing. Dad even got rid of the TV for a while. I always assumed Sesame Street was supposed to be in Harlem or some-such Gotham atmosphere, and watched enough news to know reality wasn't the rosy unicorns-farting-rainbows scenario depicted on the idiot box.
I suppose I've been awake for a long time, which is why I've remained cloistered up here for so long and any temporary relocation to a metropolis has failed. I don't even like visiting the BRA kollective in any large city any more, even Whitopias like Portland and Seattle seem so foreign.
These latest federal money pits to "study the problem" are going down the shitter like every other program they've had for my entire lifespan. A million here, a billion there. Click a mouse and add a zero. I long for the day the machines stop working. I will miss this site, and a few others, but without the agitprop, and the Big Brother spying, I can have the same conversations with neighbors over a picnic table under shady trees. Off to the races now! All of you have a great Father's Day weekend and give thanks to your dad (who we never visited in prison).
Just a black ho (hole) for the white taxpayers to fund and another tale of black disfunction that will fail. Black parenting doesn't not exist and never will. Animals treat their young better than blacks and they didn't have the Government (BRA) to tell them how to raise them.
Enjoy the decline....................
And the white people just sit on their growing asses, watching TV or playing their game console.
June 15, 2013 at 11:30 AM
And so long as the Digital Fantasy World is available for escape, nothing much will change.
The immediate solution (and I suspect most here have been practicing it for years) is to divorce yourself from their collective. Shut off their TV, don't listen to their music, ignore their "entertainment", and generally avoid much contact with the collectivists who subscribe to it.
Total collapse of the System is unlikely without an unlikely event beyond their control (solar flare, EMP) but the collapse of the rigged markets is a real possibility. Bankruptcy, whether local or national, means the ball is out of the debtor's hands, and the creditors get to call the shots. The legacy of BRA will be Promises Broken for all the poor saps who bought into their bullshit. I predict death by a thousand cuts, and the cuts have begun. Insulate, and isolate, yourself from them.
Once again white morons coming to the rescue of their pet minorities via judicial positions being filled by liberal bleeding heart commie judges that know the recidivism rate is out of control, yet they think "rehabilitation" is how we fix society.
Most white Americans worship these hair hated hooligans,criminal or not. Oprah is every middle aged white woman's best friend, she PROVES and reinforces the I.K.A.G.O. mentality to naive white women. Hell I'll be willing to bet through sheer "woman power" ol Hilary Clinton will be sitting in the oval office come 2017. Anyone want to make a bet on it? However the white men who worship the ball catching negro is far FAR worse then any horny dumb white women could ever be, he WILLING gets on his knees before the thrown of black sports "heroes" to suck the negro dick, it's disgusting the way white men look at the black athletes.
Back in the days when white men used to run things rampant criminality was unheard of. Even the wild west wasn't the wild west, it sure as hell has nothing on the wild negro.
-One pissed off Irishman
"The whole country has been taken over by blacks. Everything is for blacks, about blacks and twisted into weird shapes for blacks. Blacks on TV, in print advertising, the President. They're loud. They're stupid and aggressive. Stupid and aggressive is a very powerful force."
Oh, that's not true at all. You forgot about the gays, feminists, greens and the rest here on Gilligan's Island.
"The "Teaching Responsible Fatherhood" program will be a total failure with respect to its stated goals. However, its real objective is probably giving employment to people who wouldn't make it in the private sector for one reason or another"
Exactly. The net benefit of all "social programmes" is ZERO. Every time. Always. No exceptions. Ever.
The bankruptcy of Detroit was set in stone long ago. This is the "selling" stage where Whites listen to the outrage of negros and wait patiently while they climb the walls and scream and throw feces and generally act like chimps. The numbers were inevitable, but the population needed to be "conditioned" to the problem. Tens of thousands of city employees who had a retirement on a Detroit contract are going to get a reduction of their pay and they are going to chimp out even worse, but it will be toned down now that the simians have had time to clear some of their anger; or so the bankruptcy managers hope.
You have got to admire Paul, he called this years ago, feeding stories about this to the blog and writing and publishing books about the degeneracy of Detroit. I am sure everyone read his stuff with a grain of salt, thinking that "something" would happen to halt the decline.
Well, here it is.
To those who are on here and can see, the degeneracy continues. We are going to have a long, hot summer. The difference is, we don't have the money to give to the negros. We are not the same society we were in 1950.
See: http://topconservativenews.com/2013/06/gangbangers-nearly-kill-two-police-officers-in-st-louis/
To all the lovely ladies who defend their sex about the problem of the negro, could you please, pretty please STOP DOING THIS (See: http://topconservativenews.com/2013/06/two-liberal-kiss-the-shoe-of-black-supremacist-leader-in-time-square-to-atone-for-slavery/ )! Please? If you can't act with courage against those who would kill your race, men might as well adopt Sharia Law, put you gals in a bag and teach you some GD respect for your race with a club.
Q: What is the proper defintion of the word "confusion?"
A: Father's Day in Harlem.
Hey 10mm AUTO, what are your views on on the new pistol "baby rifle" rounds like the F.N. 5.7x28mm vs. the old standard 9mm, .45, .357, or even the 10mm? Could you go through the stopping power as I'm partial to the .45 federal hydro-shock rounds in my Glock 21. However I'm worried that the F.N. could punch through my BP-vest, not so much my plate carrier, but I am worried about my concealable armor not holding up.
The F.N. 5.7 has become the new negro holy grail, it's even replaced the Glock here in the midwest as the baddest "G-pistol"- a handgun that an O.G. carries. The leader of New Black Panthers was caught with one a few years ago, and the popularity amongst thugs went through the roof. So as you can assume I'd like to have a little more info on the round, and more a professional view on the subject as opposed to my layman view on it.
-One pissed off Irishman
Of course SBPDL is looking at the racial angle I see a far more sinister angle. The government along with the prison industrial complex is normalising prison. Look at our cousins across the pond where one can go to prison for speaking out against the government and dusky hoards. Think of the kid who posted rap lyrics in America on his Facebook page.
How better to control decent than to control freedom? How many stupid laws are on the books? A little girl saves a Woodpecker from a cat and his hit with an almost $600 fine AND possible imprisonment. Wake up the revolution has started as has the race war we just don't know it yet.
I have an idea for a children's show for blacks called "Destiny Street."
In the opening season, Thugbert gets with Erniepimps ho and gets her pregnant. Big Turd has been banging the same welfare ho and has two illegitmate children by her and is unemployed. He gets mad at Thugbert and pops a cap in his ass and kills him. Off he goes to prison. In the meantime, Erniepimp decides to rob a local sto' and goes in and shoots up the place all the while screechin'about how he dun been kept down by da man, education be actin' white and da reason he be a broke ass nigger is cause of dat dere raycism. Off he goes to prison. All dem chilluns done be gettin' raised by a grandnigga and libs wid her in her section 8 apartment.
In the second episode, Oscar da Slouch takes his raggedy ass into a sto' to shoplift and since he cain't read, he don't know dey be camera's everywhere so he gets busted stealing $500.00 worth of jewelry and goes off to prison.
"Fatherless niglets everywhere you look and not a single one knows how to read a book and all their daddies (whoever dey be) are all in jail cause dey all be crooks~ Welcome to Destiny Street! You can learn to be a thug, a pimp or a welfare ho" .........wait....what the hell am I talking about? That's a reality tv show~ niglets would never go for it!
"One million Negroes behind bars!"
"Two million Negroes behind bars!"
"Three million Negroes behind bars!"
Ex New Yorker here.....Do they have a "kit" for the little kids if their father will be going to the electric chair. More insanity paid for by the tax payer.
The first thing liberal leadership must do is wreck anything which works so they then become viable for their attempt to correct the problem they just created. Then the liberal solution must fail or they, the liberals, are out of business.
Liberals have done everything in their power to wreck marriage and traditional parenthood: promoting a sexual revolution and no-fault divorce; a family court system bankrupting fathers; the welfare state encouraging men to abandon the household; cheerleading radical anti-male feminism; ad nauseam. And now that men have been driven out of the family, liberals scratch their collective heads and hand out grants to figure out the "cause." You're tempted to ask, "is this some kind of sick joke?" But no, liberals are quite serious.
The lunatics are running the national asylum.
We can call it: BRA.
The irony is, your average "kid" these days probably has a better idea of why a parent is in prison than does some DWL grant recipient. The "kids" know the score on the mean streets of BRA. And to many "youth," going to jail is a rite of passage.
One of the many detachments from reality in this program is the assumption that the children have a single mother and father. But what of situations where a child's mother has had children by several day men, or vice versa? How would a mother tell one child that her daddy is in this place called jail, while her sister's daddy is still out on the street?
Perhaps we need more federal grants to explore this vital issue of our day.
@anon at 9:42 I celebrate diversity with six extra magazines of Hydra Shoks and Gold Dots. Got a little somethin' for that ass gnomesayin.
These boots are made for walkin.
Soft armor is puctured by most rifle rounds, 22 Magnum,7.62X25, 30 Mauser, and a host of other calibers. Velocity high enough, and small surface area equals hole in Kevlar. Hard armor with plates will stop these rounds, but is a bitch to conceal, hot and expensive.
The Tokarov can be loaded with a sabot round to match 5.7X28, with a much smaller cost on the firing platform, but 7.62X25 is almost as effective without super ninja squirrell reoading.
Most people don't realize that soft armor won't stop small highspeed rounds, rifle rounds, or knives when pushed hard enough, but may buy you the split second needed to put paid on your assailant even if you get side by side drawers in the mourge for Christmas.
Hey 10mm AUTO, what are your views on on the new pistol "baby rifle" rounds like the F.N. 5.7x28mm vs. the old standard 9mm, .45, .357, or even the 10mm?
The 5.7 did pretty well at Ft. Hood.
The F.N. 5.7 has become the new negro holy grail, it's even replaced the Glock here in the midwest as the baddest "G-pistol"- a handgun that an O.G. carries.
It's typical of blacks to latch on to the most expensive item in any given category (weapons, shoes, clothing, vehicles). It's a matter of status. Soon we'll be seeing silver and gold 5.7's in the waistbands of unemployed ghetto dwellers.
How better to control decent than to control freedom?
Exactly correct. After Boston, no one can say in good faith that America is not a police state. We're just in the "soft" stages. And I don't think the color of the governor of Mass is any coincidence. Ironically, blacks are innately authoritarian.
Anon@4:24: priceless. Think up a moniker and stick around.
"-One pissed off Irishman
June 15, 2013 at 4:00 PM"
Sure, and Bless your White Homeland.
The 5.7 sucks. It has at the muzzle about the same energy as a 9mm. The round was designed to be a mini-armor piercing round, but those bullets are not available in the USA. Further, they do not look good in Court, being a mini-rifle round. "Dat White man be trying to KILL poor black men's jus trying to steal a little money for da chillins, knowwhatimsaying?
Even in the P-90, the round is generally regarded as a "wounder" and therefor a good way to get yourself killed. It also was designed to hit in a burst, not single shot. Avoid.
As to other calibers good for use as NigBeGone, the .357 Mag is top of any class for those who like Wheel guns. In the semi-autos, I like the EAA Witness Match in 10mm. Any good quality .45 (Government or Commander) size is excellent, reliable and enough to drop 'em, though if they are straddling your chest, a 9mm seems to work pretty well, right Trayvon?
As to Ammo, Hydrashocks have an inflated reputation. Remember, the Hydrashock was invented because some hollowpoints were not opening because they weren't moving fast enough out of short barrels to mushroom. The Hydrashock is a trick to get the bullet to open up, but it does not impart any "extra" stopping power to the round. A full power round from Double Tap or Underwood Ammo is what you are looking for pest repellent. As to long arms, well don't get me started, this post will go on all day. Three weapons stand out. M1A in 308. The Garand or a good pistol caliber Subgun is sufficient like the Thompson or the MAX-11.
As to the latter, I just finished building one in 10mm. It holds 40 10mm hollowpoints in a Grease Gun magazine, shoots 2 inch groups at 100 yards (and scoped will reach out to 350) and is lighter and shorter than an AR-15. Mine is called Dragonfly and bears the mark of the White Tree. (See: http://max-11.com/photos/Lainhart.jpg )
I love your blog but I really really really hate the autoplay videos that you embed. I HATE it when my computer starts talking to me without ME starting a video.
re: the EEOC shakedown of employers. "Mr. Rosen (SHOCKING) said the commission has been delivering the same message since the 1980s: "Criminal records need to be used carefully, not with brute force, more as a surgical instrument."
So the same gummint that imposes mandatory sentences for crimes, some being chickenshit crimes, is telling the private sector to waste resources in analyzing, soul-searching and divining the true nature of each individual criminal? If there were a polite way to say "Fuck Off", that is what I would say to the EEOC.
Vests and trauma plates don't cover the face or eye sockets. Remember the Hollywood bank robbery shootout? They got them down by all the cops blasting their feet. They had cut up bullet proof vests into shin guards but had nothing for their feet. If the crooks had invested in a 50cent broken shell extractor they might have lasted a few more rounds. As for personal protection nothing less than .380 or .38 and no full metal jackets. Really nothing less than 9MM. The Federal American Eagle FMJ in 9MM penetrated two feet of ballistic gelatin and was still going. Other than that full metal jackets are worthless in 9MM. A Canadian company called RBCD makes some ferocious rounds. They are odd rounds but extremely powerful. And listen to Gunny Sarge Ermey there is nothing wrong with the 9MM. A couple good rifles you can get on a budget are the Moisin Nagant and SVT-40 a couple of Soviet oldies but goodies. Also the 70 year old SKS is still a good gun from the land of the red star. The best home defense shotgun is a Remington 870 with tube extension for more rounds. I use anon because I caught a page running cross script hacks off a nickname. Ohh and those pages that say you must have javascript on to look they are out to hack you. Not saying P.K. would do that just saying.
I dislike the idea of hood rats running around with the FiveSeveN. The lower recoil impulse may (may) improve their aim. At least the ammo for the non-LEO market is well beneath the capability of the gun. http://www.the-armory.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/product1210.html
In 1998, I came up with this total bull shit plan to change the numerical system of the US to Base 11.
It was going to sponsored on Sesame Street by the new number 10, X. 11 of course would become the new 10.
Can you imagine niggers trying to comprehend that X was the old ten, and 10 was the old eleven.
I laughed and laughed at this idea.
Think of all this new material this prison stuff provides for Sesame Street though.
Possible episodes:
Why your parent has sores in their elbow pit and you have no food and this show is your babysitter.
How mommie sometimes makes money with her mouth or where she goes pee-pee.
Your 12 year old sister's belly is getting big, how to prepare for being an aunt or uncle.
Secretly helping mommy (Uncle lovin'): Sometimes mommie's boyfriend needs some lovin' when she be turnin' tricks.
Daddies not gay, he's on the down low.
Prison sex: How daddy satisfies his needs and urges.
Why white people be persecuting your brother for making love to an 87 year old white woman.
You's untitled.
Back dat' ass up. How to satisfy Trayvon even doh he bees in 4th grade.
Why your grandma is you mama.
Sexting with ShaNiQua or Dontavious.
How to use common appliances to heat the crib.
Roll that blunt!
Making the most out of the school lunch and breakfast programs: How to take some of that food home for the weekend so mommie has more EBT for weaves and nails.
Seriously, I could go on for ever about possible episodes for explaining black behavior to black children ....
"After Boston, no one can say in good faith that America is not a police state."
I'm not an expert, but I am pretty familiar with probability and statistics. When I hear the NSA surveillance system described I thought that they must get swamped with false positives - probably tens of thousands depending on how efficient their algorithm is. That is the drawback to searching a very large population for a very rare target. And given that the "terrorists" are usually goofballs that have to be led by infiltrators, true terrorists are probably very rare. Further, given that the Boston bombers were undetected despite getting a tip from the Russians, the search algorithms are probably not very good.
However, such a system might be effective against a target that is a sizable fraction of the population. So while the system is useless against terrorists, it would be suitable against a target that numbers a few percent or more of the population. Wonder who that could be?
Thanks for the info 10MM, Silent Running, and Anon@7:02. "Hydrashocks" thats right, I forgot how it was spelled, when I read your post I pulled a box out of the cabinet, and sure enough I felt like a dumb ass. I originally started buying Hydrashocks because I have a few 1911s that are finicky on hollowpoints, but the Hydrashocks feed just fine. I also like Hornady 185gr "zombie stopper" soft tip rounds.
I'm a smaller guy 5'6 150 lbs, so when I went for a rifle I bought 3. The first was a Mauser 98k with a scope for deer hunting. The 2 self defense rifles I went with are a Waffen Werks AK-74 in 5.45x39, then I picked up a Colt LE6920 AR-15 with a 16inch barrel, and then to go with it an Adam Arms 5.45x39 conversion kit, barrel, and magazine so I can use the AK ammo in my AR, I thought it was a nifty little way to add versatility to my arsenal. What I'd really like to pick up is .338 Lapua.
When the S.H.T.F. I don't want to wind up with a bullet in me so I bought a couple of bullet proof vests, one concealable, the other is hard armor from InfidelBodyArmor(dot)com with ballistics plates. I ordered my vest on Sunday, and it showed up Thursday, $490- One Bullet proof vest with molle web, Two 10X12 ballistic plates, Two double AK mag pouches, Two AR double mag pouches, a pistol holster, and a double pistol mag holster. Come Hell or high water I WILL live to see the other side of the collapse of western civilization, I'll be a lot sexier to White women when I'm the one with Food, Gun, Shelter, and a small Militia.
-One pissed off Irishman.
Why yo daddys in da slammer!
How about a Sesame Street show where Elmo wonders who among the 5 possibilities is his true daddy?
Hows about a TV show that gets us the down n dirty on SS puppeteer who chased 16 year old boys?
Oh, he was black, its OK.
The "Teaching Responsible Fatherhood" program will be a total failure with respect to its stated goals. However, its real objective is probably giving employment to people who wouldn't make it in the private sector for one reason or another (for example, they might be on probation or parole, or have some kind of criminal record)
A buddy who served in the first sandbox war back in 1991 lives in the boonies where shooting is allowed from dawn to dusk. Using a Walther P-38 and Hydra Shoks we shot into a farmer's field, with his permission of course and never when he was tending the field. The average expansion was dime sized. Using a Colt M1991A1 and Speer Gold Dots the average expansion was the size of a quarter. A Beretta 92 with the excellent and underrated Fiocchi rounds which are actually made in Missouri vaporized some flower pots. The best one shot one stop round is the .357 magnum with 500lbs. of energy. A couple of great revolvers are the Smith & Wesson K Frame Model 66 and 686. In the long barrel version you get more velocity and more expansion as the round gets going faster down the long tube. Another advantage of .357 is you can use .38 rounds if it kicks too hard for a woman or person with small hands.
LOL - check out Google's Father's Day doodle!
Up is down, black is white, left is right ...
Perhaps they can develop kits for confused White school teachers.
Barkavious: " yo miss Johnson dis be my momma ".
Mrs. Johnson: "Why hello miss Pickens. You look very young to be a mother of a 12 year old young man. "
Miss Pickens: "My name be Excretia and Barkavious be my brother. "
Mrs. Johnson: "Oh my goodness! Uh interesting. "
Barkavious: " Miss Johnson look look." He points to Excretia's tummy. " I do dat ".
Mrs. Johnson: " Uh, I don't understand umm.. "
Excretia Pickens: " I want my boy to be a maen so I teach him all the sheet I know. We even do sodomy so he be ready when he go to prison. "
Mrs. Johnson feels sick, but being an obedient DWL blurts out " Diversity is our strength! ".
Today's Sesame Street has been brought to you by Muh Dick.
I'm looking forward to them covering prison gangs. "Mummy, what's an Aryan Brotherhood?"
I mean, if self-segregation works so well and makes sense in prison...
just another day for the EBT crowd! and this I just read-they(FCC) are thinking of using the hate speech rule if the broad casters use the word redskin(s) during a NFL redskins game. apparently Daniel Snyder told the congress that he will not change the name so I guess they are mad at the guy! and this is just like the IRS shit. funny how the gov't(FCC) is preaching against "the bully" we'll they are the biggest bully in the world. tell a progressive the word no and look at what they can do to us. bully! we might beheading for a split sooner than we thought! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION A.S.A.P.!!!
By the way 10mm that's a bad-ass looking machine pistol. Or is it a submachine gun? Either way it looks kick ass.
-One pissed off Irishman
O.T. but read, " In Trayvon Martin case, history's ghosts linger "
There are no boundaries anymore. It's us against them, I see it no other way. Just look at the moron wiggers in the picture wearing their hoodies in support for their brother Americans.
Big Bear said: Sesame Street was multi-cult agitprop when I was a kid back in the 70s
Yes, it was, but now it has gone far beyond showing a white, a brown and a yellow playing together.
(An aside... about 15 years ago, I turned on the TV, and on pops Sesame Street, and Ernie was speaking Puerto Rican. I was traumatized. Now I am afraid that they will have poor Kermit sing "It isn't easy being gay...")
rjp said: Seriously, I could go on for ever about possible episodes for explaining black behavior to black children
There are no explanations for much of negro dysfunction.
It would be much more productive to teach white children the nature of the negro, and coping tactics. Derbyshire might well be available for consultancy.
Nordic Caucasoid said:
"...we might beheading {sic} for a split sooner than we thought!"
Typo or pun? LOL. Can't be sure which after watching numerous Gay Ol' Pedophiles on the talking head shows this morning advocate for amnesty.
There's sure to be some Mohamedans amongst those 20 million illegals.
in this episode sesame street takes on prison rape
In honor of Father's Day... the most confusing day in BRA.
Yahoo is an odd egg. A definite leftwing slant in it's articles but no discernible censorship in its comment section. They must like the number of hits they get from generating controversy.
Hi everybody, today for one time the main newspapers show the savagery of blacks in front of France...
On this video http://www.fdesouche.com/381899-lincroyable-video-qui-ebranle-le-foot-amateur
We can see near Paris blacks and arabs who fight for a simple match of soccer, we can see that they get arms...
It confims what i say around to my family and friends, I dont want my son to play soccer because it's the main sports of Arabs and blacks...I want them to play tennis, hockey on ice, do horses, handball but not soccer and basketball.
It's a pity beacuse i love these sports but i dont want to see my son on the same pitch with these monkeys to put him a knife or a gun on his face.
Where I live I have new neighbours I have to confess I enjoy that it's a young white couple who buy the house...as me and my wife. I would be very upset to see every morning a black or arab...
First-this government is finding more ways to redistribute (white) tax dollars to blacks. Every time you blink, there's another program to "ameliorate" the result of black inborn dysfunction. If anyone was serious about fixing black dysfunction, they'd just pay black women a good amount of money to be sterilised, as that's the only solution which might actually have a chance of working to ameliorate inborn black dysfunction.
Second-the traditional reaction to having a father (and it used to almost always be fathers) in prison was proper shame. Shame has been done away with, the new society has decided that no one should ever feel shame, even when they deserve to. Shame is a good thing, it was one of the most efficient tools for society to keep bad behavior in check. Now there's no such thing as "bad behavior", other than being politically incorrect.
Poverty does not cause crime, criminals become or stay poor.
Criminality is hereditable, there are studies on this.
Maybe 12-13%. And we act like society orbits around them
Blacks actually run nothing. They never ran the NAACP either. A different group has the money and power and did that.
Classic,spot-on and hilarious!!
Classic,spot-on,hilarious! Thank You for a much-needed laugh !
One big f'ing joke, yea right a black father. Give me a break. You just cant miss it. Right in your face, BRA and all its bullshit. When will it end???
Anonymous said...
LOL - check out Google's Father's Day doodle!
June 16, 2013 at 12:33 AM
Anon at 7:02 PM:
I agree a Remington 870 pump can be a good home defense weapon. But I find that pumps are only reliable weapons if they are the only type I shoot. If I try to go back and forth between a pump and a semiauto or O/U, I often forget to shuck the damn thing during the excitement of hunting. I can imagine if someone is shooting at you, the problem could be even worse.
That's why I use a 12 gauge O/U for home defense. I also have a Remington 280 semiauto rifle handy.
Don't be a fool keep that shit to yourself- for a million reasons! 'Nuff said.
Magnifico said...
One big f'ing joke, yea right a black father. Give me a break. You just cant miss it. Right in your face, BRA and all its bullshit. When will it end???
Anonymous said...
LOL - check out Google's Father's Day doodle!
They intend to aggravate you, a white male. It's not an accident, likely a white female involved in the original illustration and approved by some wacky editorial board with nipple rings and tongue piercings. Since you know what's going on, why let it bother you.
So happy I FINALLY found a site that speaks, what it is, I have been saying for 25+ years. This is my "Cheers"!....lol.
blancdeseinesaintdenis said...
I dont want my son to play soccer because it's the main sports of Arabs and blacks...I want them to play tennis, hockey on ice, do horses, handball but not soccer and basketball.
Soccer is white in America, it is further whitened (blanc-ed) in America by being a traveling club team sport. Tennis is still all white in the USA, regardless of Serena and Venus Williams - I could rant on about them for hours as they have almost destroyed the sport as they have no ethics. Hockey will always be white. Nobody in America plays handball. Baseball is pretty much white and would be almost all white if it wasn't for imported "browns" who lie about their ages.
Melanie said...
Shame has been done away with, the new society has decided that no one should ever feel shame, even when they deserve to. Shame is a good thing, it was one of the most efficient tools for society to keep bad behavior in check.
I told a women outside the building I used to work in that "I was all about bringing shame back". She looked at me like I was a nut, at first. I enjoyed talking with her after that but her employer moved their offices.
Lack of shame is the reason for black crime ... street cred ...
Obama went to a "church" and was associated with three murdered members of a "down low" club at the church -- where is the shame.
"Blacks actually run nothing. They never ran the NAACP either. A different group has the money and power and did that."
Generally true. When an actual negro did run the NAACP, he almost ran it into the ground. DWLs and TWMNBN saved them.
Great link D-FENS.
Recent financial troubles stem from published allegations by syndicated columnist Carl Rowan suggesting that Board Chairman William F. Gibson may have "double-dipped" on as much as $500,000 on his expense account since 1986, ..... an organization that is more than $3.5 million in debt.
A $500,000 expense account? And he double dipped? 86-94 is 9 years, that's $4.5 million .... he robbed it blind. A million dollar expense account .... ??? That's nearly $3000 per day. My god. Did this guy play king and "make it rain" at the titty bar every day?
Maybe we need a group called the "Organization for Racial Truth" to form to combat the lies in the culture. It would hold press conferences and appear on TV to counter both the Left and the "conservatives" and lay the facts on the table. It can't be all negative; it needs to offer some solutions, unpalatable as they may be at present. Of course it will be denounced as the "new KKK", but so be it. Right now there is NO ONE representing the truth in the MSM, and a clear, irrefutable presentation of the facts is needed.
"LOL - check out Google's Father's Day doodle!"
OK, children: Which of the following does not belong in the set?
10mm Auto, et al: I don't own a gun, but I've done some reading, and after the .357 Magnum the .40S&W 135gr JHP seems to have the best "one shot stop" potential. But this is old book knowledge and I'd welcome any correction. I have my eye on a Sig P226 so my choices are .40S&W, .357Sig and 9mm. I opted for 500 rounds of .40S&W and 6 15-round mags for SHTF use, as a start. I live in the PRoNJ so I'll never be allowed to carry unless I move. I avoid N-person areas anyway.
Anonymous said... Maybe we need a group called the "Organization for Racial Truth" to form to combat the lies in the culture.
SBPDL and related websites do this via the Internet. But there is a need for an organization which can function outside of the virtual world.
"Maybe 12-13%. And we act like society orbits around them"
It doesn't take large numbers for a violent, determined minority to control society. Hell, look at our government, MSM and Hollywood. Look at England with 3% Muslims being led by the nose down the road to Mecca. We have blacks at 12-13% and Hispanic colonists at 14% and the 67% white majority turns itself inside out to placate them instead of sending them packing. This will not end well, at least for us, and maybe not for anyone.
This was the fucking funniest (but also incredibly tragic) thing I've read in a long time. The "anti-puppet agenda"!!!??? I nearly pissed myself. Thank you for posting this!
Anon @ 1:29
Good choice and good round. You are never going to get guaranteed one shot stops with ANY round from a pistol. Practice and place your bullets as best you can. The Sig is a good weapon, well made and reliable, but we start getting into the area of obsession with incremental improvements when we discusses anything more. It is like arguing whether a sabre or a Katana is a better sword. In the hands of a man who knows his weapon, both are equal in "power".
As to moving, (here comes a long post) a practical man would move to an area where he is surrounded by allies, where his enemies are few and where, when bad times come, his children will still be safe and he will still be free to shape his own destiny. For reasons I have often outlined here in this blog, I have chosen the Northwest. I do not believe the East Coast can hold many more years, let alone decades. La Raza is poised to carve off the lower southwest, Amnesty will simply make it official. The present poison of PC will continue to rot the East till Whites are paralyzed and surrounded at every turn. Your comment about carrying is a perfect example. You are a Westerner, a supposedly free man, yet you have less rights than an Iraqi citizen, who may carry a fully automatic AK-47 and those rights backed by the law. In the FUSA, as the occupying forces increase (gangs of over 300,000 are not "gangs" but racial militia) your rights will be prescribed further and further till you are helpless before your enemies. The intention is to force a feeling of helplessness, to render you speechless and naked before your enemies.
Don't do it.
The Whites of the Northwest learned long ago that those without guns could still die from them (Tolkien!). Waiting for slaughter in your home saves no one and none can alone survive the darkness which is sweeping over these lands. Do not fight and die in a land you cannot call your own, but in a land that can be made free. If you must stay, then I wish you all the best and God Willing, sanity will return to the White Soul soon. The black beasts are gathering their strength, the browns are readying their forces and it is clear that the Government of the USA is merely giving the White Man sleeping pills, drifting us off, while any who wake are stripped of their jobs, humiliated with the cries of "racism" and their children stamped with the blood libel of "White Privilege". This while Whites are killed, beaten and raped on the street in their own Country under banners of "Beat Whitey Night" and "Polar Bear Hunting" and "I wuz just Bored" while the "criminal justice system" cycles them through, training them to be even worse killers.
You must make decisions NOW for the long term future of your family and your children and grandchildren. Good Luck.
Off topic
Does anyone know why the Daily Kenn is not being updated?
June 15, 2013 at 8:57 AM
He fell off a ladder and is in the hospital. They took a bit of skull off to relieve pressure. He is out of action for the foreseeable future.
It doesn't take large numbers for a violent, determined minority to control society.
And what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The men who fought the war of secession against the British Empire were a violent, determined minority. Are their descendents not just as well armed and trained? People are so immersed in democratic ideals that they believe this applies to every aspect of society. But democratic ideals do not apply to war.
This brings me to 10mm's point:
As to moving, (here comes a long post) a practical man would move to an area where he is surrounded by allies, where his enemies are few and where, when bad times come, his children will still be safe and he will still be free to shape his own destiny.
In my opinion, being surrounded by like-minded allies is more important than ensuring that your enemies are few. People are quick to write off places like Arizona, yet anyone can carry concealed in the Copper State. Compare that to places like WA which jumped on the knee-jerk carbine-banning bandwagon after Sandy Hook and actually tried to pass a law that authorized the local sheriff to inspect your home for proper gun storage without a warrant, and the subject becomes quite a bit murkier. True, laws won't apply post-SHTF, but the introduction of said laws speaks to the character of the people.
That use of 'her' to mean both sexes is the most infuriating matter. First, they claim 'him' fails grammatically to cover both sexes but after all the traitors gave up the ghost, bam, the hypocrites fly into action. It's just suffocating to have to watch this destruction take place.
"10mm Auto, et al: I don't own a gun, but I've done some reading, and after the .357 Magnum the .40S&W 135gr JHP seems to have the best "one shot stop" potential. But this is old book knowledge and I'd welcome any correction. I have my eye on a Sig P226 so my choices are .40S&W, .357Sig and 9mm. I opted for 500 rounds of .40S&W and 6 15-round mags for SHTF use, as a start. I live in the PRoNJ so I'll never be allowed to carry unless I move. I avoid N-person areas anyway."
may i suggest and assault rifle for shtf scenario. ak47 aka choppa in groid language or a m4 get the short barrel for close quarters manuverability. get hollow point rounds and nothing less than a thirty round clip. also a red dot sight with back up iron sights.
side arm get a springfield armory or glock for dependability. 9mm and learn to double tap surely a superior whitey can do that.
you guys are too funny lol.
Black fathers = oxymoron and a group that must be lured or paid or rewarded in some way to "integrate" themselves into the lives of their children.
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