On Thursday of this week, we'll be discussing the documentary in-depth (do your homework).
Read up on Pruitt-Igoe.
Enjoy the documentary.
But how about a few 'Easter Eggs' before Thursday?
Between 2004-2011, 736 people were arrested for homicide in the city of St. Louis (out of 1079 cases):
- 93 percent of those arrested for homicide in St. Louis were black.
- Five percent of those arrested for homicide in St. Louis during that same period were white.
![]() |
Do you begin to understand why people might want restrictive covenants and why residential segregation exists? |
The graphic above is meant to nominally mirror the one created by the NY Times and titled "A Chicago Divided by Killings". There were 506 killings in Chicago in 2012, a 17% increase over the previous year and the second highest annual total since 2003. Twenty-first Ward Alderman Antonio French Tweeted a link to the Times' graphic and stated that it would interesting to see a similar map of St. Louis. I agreed and figured I'd give it a shot.Watch The Pruitt-Igoe Myth.
The premise of the Chicago item was that killings there followed that city's racial divides. The St. Louis map would seem to show very much the same. Race, income and educational attainment are closely aligned in neighborhoods across the city. The divide is so great, that in the "near homicides" neighborhoods (the 20 in which there were 20+ homicides over this period), the average homicide rate is estimated at 57 per 100,000 residents, while the rate in the "not near homicides" neighborhoods (the 20 that saw 0 or 1 total homicides) is estimated at 1 per 100,000 residents. There are more than two St. Louis's, but there are certainly two incredible extremes in the city. Still, the most stark numbers may be the victims. Of the 567 homicides from 2008 to 2011, for which the race of the victim is available in the SLMPD annual reports, 502 are listed as black, while 64 were white. Over that period, 89% of those killed in the city were black. In a city that's very nearly 50/50 black/white, those 64 homicides would give an annual murder rate of ~10/100,000 for white residents and ~78/100,000 black residents.
We'll be talking about it Thursday.
Here is part 1 free:
I watched it.
It blamed the government, police, business, and(of course) white racism for all the ills of the city.
This country has reverted to a third world status. No one is compelled to obey the law, in any form, except the lowly White people.
From Obama, clearly a criminal committing acts of criminality, to Obama's so-called justice department, to the courts, to congress, all violating their oaths of office, doing, spending, breaking the law, ripping off taxpayers,bankrupting the country, taking vacations and trips costing taxpayers millions of dollars, sending Americans to fight wars in countries that have done nothing to the US, while the US takes in people from those countries that White taxpayers have to support. Why send American troops to fight wars in those countries while those people come here to live? Like most of the US government it doesn't make sense. Why are White people expected to obey the law when no one else does? Crazy upside down country.
Mr Kersey:
Is there something that your friends at SBPDL are plotting on for Thursday that you have not invited me to?
Is it because I'm Black?
You and Cali are usually up in arms about "Black on White" murder.
The stats from St Louis seem to indicate that WHITE FOLKS in St Louis are not getting killed by Black folks. The Blacks appear to be killing themselves.
Yet you propose "Restrictive Covenants".
What about us GOOD COLORED FOLKS that have never killed anybody?
Why would we be denied the honor of living next door to you?
I get the message sufficiently from you when you refuse my invitation for dinner and drinks in the place of your choice in Peachtree City.
Myth is bullshit. It's nothing more than exculpatory excuseology for the blacks that caused all the problems at the PIs. But it's still good watching for those of us who can see, and who can read between the lines.
One of my uncles was SLFD, and the first half of his career was spent based at and with the third closest rescue squad to the PIs. Yeah, he has war stories. And almost all the gray hair he ever got, the PIs gave him.
Just as I was when Hunter Wallace and OD virtually screened Myth, I'll be here to answer all the St. Louis questions I know you'll have on Thursday.
Constructive Feedback writes:
The stats from St Louis seem to indicate that WHITE FOLKS in St Louis are not getting killed by Black folks. The Blacks appear to be killing themselves.
I respond:
The Chief of Police of the SLPD two chiefs ago (Mokwa) at one time tried to allay white fears of black crime by stating that "75% of city homicides involve both suspects and victims that have similar life and criminal histories." Dog whistling for thug black on thug black. Presumably, some of those murders within the 25% are black-on-white, in fact, I bet most of them are.
And that's true, but moot.
If you multiply the city's per 100k homicide rate by 0.25, (because according to Mokwa, only 25% of the murders in the city were "real" murders to be worried about), this means that St. Louis City still had a homicide rate 2.75 times higher than the entire murder rate of the next most murderous jurisdiction in the metro area, St. Louis County, and dozens of times higher than the surrounding white suburban-exurban bedroom community counties.
Why would we be denied the honor of living next door to you?
Can you give a sound, sensible reason as to why you insist on wanting to live next door to me. Benefiting from my endeavors and taxes is not a valid reason.
Constructive Feedback said...You and Cali are usually up in arms about "Black on White" murder.
I assume you mean me?
The stats from St Louis seem to indicate that WHITE FOLKS in St Louis are not getting killed by Black folks. The Blacks appear to be killing themselves.
Regardless of who is being victimized, a city in which there are high rates of murder is not going to be pleasant for anyone. And with the murder also comes the violent assaults, the gangbanging, the flash mobs, and all the rest of the havoc.
And this havoc means that your average white citizen will be unable to safely visit, work, or shop in those parts of town. They become NO GO areas.
Hardly a model for civilization.
Yet you propose "Restrictive Covenants".
I have not proposed restrictive covenants.
My concept for turning around the situation in what PK calls BRA is much more complex. It involves having a political movement which stands up and tells the truth on race and then weathers the ensuing firestorm. Plus ending all governmental, academic and corporate bureaucracies which enforce "diversity." And confronting black leaders over their own dysfunctions. And supporting the rights of white people globally. And lots of other stuff.
What about us GOOD COLORED FOLKS that have never killed anybody?
Why would we be denied the honor of living next door to you?
Well, I can turn the question around and ask: Why force someone to sell you a house when they did not want to do so? Is it not their own property, to be disposed of as they wish?
The dilemma goes beyond the individual but how people act collectively. What concerns whites is that large enough numbers of blacks and you end up with an explosion in crime, educational decline, and endless race hustling. Especially the race hustling. Having a large black community means that I as a white person will be pushed to the back of the line via affirmative action and all of its clones.
I'd have to be nuts to accept any of that.
Or a DWL!
Part 2 free:
And the last part 3
I have been in low income high rises on occasion as part of my former career.
The stairwells and elevators were full of poop and pee, dirty diapers thrown out of windows, kids riding the roofs of elevators and jumping on to adjacent elevators, etc.
One day the city government sent clean-up crews to clear out debris in in the Flaghouse Court Apartments. It cost $250,000 (1970's dollars) and within a week, the places was just as bad.
It's like the woman said in the documentary "it was a dream home and we woke up one day and it fell apart" or something to that effect.
The St. Louis Housing Director complained that the city could not afford full-time clean-up crews. Why do you suppose the tenants did not form a volunteer group to clean up? (rhetorical). How about the former tenant complained about the smell of urine in the elevators? I suppose some white businessman in a 3 piece suit on his way to work would stop in the building to take a piss in the elevator. Whenever I was in the neighborhood, I routinely took a crap in one of the stairwells.
Well, all of the high rises in my town of Baltimore have been imploded. As a result, we have no more crime here.
The End.
Jim wrote:
The St. Louis Housing Director complained that the city could not afford full-time clean-up crews.
I respond:
Even high dollar high rise market rate apartment buildings don't have full time cleanup crews. That's because they don't need to; their tenants won't make messes everywhere and break and steal everything. It's the responsibility of the tenants to do their best to maintain decent living environments.
You also saw in Myth the complaint that the Feds budgeted money to build the PIs but "forgot to budget money to maintain them." Uh, hello? That's what tenant rent was for. It's just that a lot of PI residents were never much in the mood to pay rent. And what rent the PHA collected, a lot of it got diverted to other purposes rather than maintenance.
You also saw complaints about how "rents went up every year." Uh, hello? It was the mid to late 1960s -- With Keynesian monetary policy, everything went up in price every year. And even worse with PI rents, b/c so many non-payers meant that those who did pay had to pick up the slack.
Smell of urine in the elevators? Recently I road the elevated train from the car rental facility Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport to the terminal. The car reeked of urine. Just nasty. I stood for fear of sitting in someone's excrement. This must be the way feral blacks communicate their superiority over others by marking territory as do wild animals.
Stuff South African black people don't like:
Nelson Mandela is about to kick the KFC bucket.
(My prayers go out to the white people in S. Africa.)
Crime stats be wayciss!
My city has had a rash of shootings lately. We are up to 60 so far this year, up over 20% from 2012. This is impressive, considering we have only about 165K inhabitants. Almost all these shootings (over 90%) are black on black. When asked about this on a local radio program, our chief of police assured us residents that these were gang shootings, not random, and that law abiding citizens had little to fear. As you stated, this sort of mayhem does affect us white folks by making parks, downtown areas, etc, no go areas. Also, the local trauma center is owned by the county, so whitey pays when Dontavious rolls up at 3AM with a gunshot wound to the leg.
I used to be in the armed forces. I have lived in apartment complexes, on and off base, throughout the world. None of them had "full time clean up crews". Usually there was a handyman or two and landscapers who would show up once a week. The residents were responsible for taking their garbage to the dumpsters. And yet, the place never got trashed. Strange.
I assumed the Pruitt-Igoe Myth would be an agenda piece....the usual drivel of pipe smoking liberal academics blaming everyone and everything except the residents of these high-rise shitholes.
They offer the same blind analysis of the 60's riots... blaming "racist" society, while insinuating that "white flight" is racism in and of itself. The fact that whites were fleeing crime, not blacks per se (though they do go hand in hand), goes over the head of these career academic hacks.
Trial junkie here. Speaking of black on white crime in St. Louis, Google "Nicholas Stix, Isabella Lovadina." At the top you should see an entry at N. Stix's site which includes a CBS 48 Hours episode (a rare one featuring a black on white murder) on a 2009 home invasion in LaSalle Park.
Isabella Lovadina was a female police officer visiting friends who happened to be among the few white people living on the street. Two Trayvon Martin types broke into the apartment and murdered a woman named Gina Stallis. The victims then fought back and though Lovadina was seriously wounded saved their lives.
Incidentally, none of their black neighbors came to their aid or called for help. Gina Stallis' young son called 911.
Trial junkie:
That immediate street where that happened is virtually all white and fairly upscale. The Bellcurvius murderers were from the Bell Curve part of the city, and were on that street with the pretext of robbery or burglary.
Here's the defense that one of the murderers tried to use:
Trial junkie here. Thanks Countenance for the correction. I had thought the street Gina Stallis' family lived on was mainly black.
The 48 Hours piece is well worth watching for anyone who hasn't seen it.
It may not be you specifically. It's your nephew that ends up living with you breaking into cars (Treyvon style) or the brother inlaw that comes to visit with the car stereo booming, or the teenage son and his friends fighting other kids. Why stack the odds against a peaceful neighborhood. Why would you prefer living with us? Why not move to an affluent black neighborhood with good schools and low crime?
Paul Kersey:
In a strange and perverted way I rely on your RESEARCH upon "The Americanized Negro" to prove my point that the OVERLAY forces that many have invested into (The Post-Racial Progressive-Fundamentalist Alliance) is bad news for BLACK DEVELOPMENT.
I do make the distinction between YOUR RESEARCH and YOUR "ANALYSIS"/OPINION.
Give the American Negro direct access to $17 Trillion in sovereign debt and he too would be living the high life.
[quote]Can you give a sound, sensible reason as to why you insist on wanting to live next door to me. Benefiting from my endeavors and taxes is not a valid reason.[/quote]
Out of the 8 homes that surround my house, 4 consist of "Kind White Folks".
* You CAN'T tell that a 'Negro' lives in my house as my yard is kept and I just got my house painted
* My children - based upon the report cards and standardized tests have "Exceeded Expectations" rather than needing remedial education material
* I pay my taxes and I am gainfully employed
* When a White family who lives in the back of my property moved in (replacing a Black family who moved out) I became friends with the White guy and told him about how he and I need to share responsibility for cutting the bushes that surround the storm drain along the easement. I told he usually get a beer and some power tools and knock it out in an afternoon.
I believe that it should be an HONOR for Mr Kersey to call me his neighbor.
If any loud Rednecks moved into the community - I would join with him to bring them in front of the Home Owners Association.
I am a literate Black guy and could read the Restrictive Covenance that would ensnare the Red Necks on some sort of violation.
My HOA doesn't play. They will put a lien upon your house in a minute. I only fear a letter from the IRS more than a letter from them.
All of this combined is the reason why Paul Kersey should be proud to have me as a "Black Neighbor" and a "Black Friend".
The Pruitt-Igoe video was "cute".
Constructive Feedback said...
What about us GOOD COLORED FOLKS that have never killed anybody?
How many of you GOOD COLORED FOLKS know other GOOD COLORED FOLKS with thug sons and welfare queen daughters?
In other news, it was over 90 today in Chicago in the city and was humid. Have only heard one helicopter and a few sirens but they don't tend to travel as much at the end of the month.
[quote]And supporting the rights of white people globally. And lots of other stuff. [/quote]
Can you itemize the WHITE RIGHTS that are being trampled upon globally?
(As with the Black community) I have not seen any conversations among the "Good White Folks" - as you are - trying to get yours head around a "Black Commander In Chief" who is executing a "White Supremacist" foreign policy.
When America chose to bomb Libya - where its leader was called a TERRORIST for blowing up an airliner - BUT the NATO/US troops destroyed the Nation's NAVAL ships (at least 8) and then blew up its communications infrastructure (satellite dishes, telecom switching stations, etc) ..............were there any RIGHTS violated?
Is this not AMERICAN IMPERIALISM just because the DWL got a BLACK MAN to lead the charge?
Tell me again about these GLOBAL WHITE RIGHTS that are being violated?
(Do you notice that I can talk about Current Events without bringing us "Slavery" or "The Civil Rights Movement"?
I learn from the debating tactics of Mr Kersey's friends JUST AS he researches Black folks.)
The Pruitt-igoe movie is at the link below. I started to watch. According to the people interviewed (that I have seen so far) it is all the fault of the government that did not spend enough money for maintenance. Sort of interesting was the pictures of the old "slumlord" dwellings that were replace by the very nice, modern buildings of the project. Then we see the place a few years later looking actually as bad as the old slums.
To my fellow residents of the western burbs of Chicago, shooting at Oak Brook Mall. Comments section on this article at The Chicago Tribune is closed. Here we go.,0,481337.story
Why not move to an affluent black neighborhood with good schools and low crime?
Is this from a comic strip?
Give the American Negro direct access to $17 Trillion in sovereign debt and he too would be living the high life.
Why do you think there is a national debt of $17 trillion?
Who do you think pays taxes in this country? Who do you think those tax receipts are disproportionately distributed to by this country?
I told he usually get a beer and some power tools and knock it out in an afternoon.
I am a literate Black guy and could read the Restrictive Covenance that would ensnare the Red Necks on some sort of violation.
It shows .....
Trial Junkie:
906 Rutger St., St. Louis MO 63104. Google Street View has it. It's obvious to see that it's definitely not ghetto.
Unfortunately, in between that and Lafayette Square, another very expensive posh gentrified area, lies some low rise Bell Curve housing projects, and some time back had some Pruitt-Igoe style high rises (Darst-Webbe). But in its place are low rise mixed use market rate-subsidied projects.
That part of St. Louis is really spotty, you could be in expensive or gentrifying, then cross a street or boulevard and be in hard core ghetto, then cross another street our boulevard and be back in the first world.
Africans ruin everything!! The Pruitt-Igoe buildings look exactly Czech "panelaks." The video tries to make it seem like the buildings and segregation caused the dysfunction. Many Czechs live in buildings like these and they are clean and perfectly safe. It's not the buildings, it's the occupants. Africans do not belong in a first world society!!!
Czech panelaks:
You will see that there is no difference between these buildings and the housing in St. Louis. The difference is the occupants. As WhiteMom says, "you can't polish a turd."
Anonymous above wrote:
The video tries to make it seem like the buildings and segregation caused the dysfunction
The irony is that the PIs were supposed to be segregated. That's where its hyphenated name came from: Pruitt-Igoe: Pruitt was William Pruitt, a black WWII Air Force pilot from St. Louis, and Igoe was William Igoe, a long time white Congressman from St. Louis, ergo the Pruitts were for blacks and the Igoes for whites. But the same year the first PI buildings opened, and just before they did, 1954, the Missouri Supreme Court found state residential segregation statues unconstitutional, so the PIs were "integrated" from the beginning. By "integrated," I mean almost all black, because sans de jure segregation, whites who might have wanted to move there knew the time of day and didn't move there and found other options.
Therefore, segregation can't possibly be the reason.
I'm sure there are any number of high rise public housing projects for poor whites in Europe that are very much safe, livable and first world.
At C.D. Peacock (a higher end Chicago area jeweler) in Oakbrook Center Mall (Chicago suburb) a daytime smash and grab with a sledgehammer was attempted. Yes they apparently walked into a jewelry store with a sledge hammer ....
One suspect shot. Only description ... of three involved, one had a neck tattoo. Two got away.
"Why send American troops to fight wars in those countries while those people come here to live? Like most of the US government it doesn't make sense."
It makes perfect sense. Those wars are usually fought to enhance the security of a particular middle eastern democracy, even if they are never advertised as such. Hint: Look at which politicians support the military intervention. Not all interventions are to support this middle eastern democracy. Some are clearly intended to check Russia (Balkans in the 1990's) and China (Africa in present day).
Resettling the refugees here serves several objectives. They or their young are a pipeline of talent (for language, cultural and complexion reasons) for the military and intelligence agencies. The local governments get a population boost which helps in proportional representation, share of the loot even if the refugees can't vote. We take troublemakers off the donating country's hands. Then there is the source of cheap labor for local industry just doing their part for to welcome the newcomers.
If the refugees turn to terrorism, the War on Terror is promoted along with further restrictions on our freedom (spying, intrusive searches at the airport). All the better to keep tabs on US.
So you see, there IS a method to this madness.
I don't see how a city that is half black functions. And I don't see how whites go on living in such a place of malfunction and terror, for them. There can't be a viable downtown, which in a normal city is the place where everyone from every part of the city goes and mixes for purposes of employment, consumption and entertainment. But a 50% black downtown is a horror for whites. So my assumption is that there is no downtown, just a smoking crater at the center. And the whites that exist in such a city have shopping centers, malls, in the white sections. But even the tightly circumspect areas in which they can move with some safety are vulnerable to random guerilla attacks. So why do whites stay put in such cities, cities like St. Louis? I suppose that's a rhetorical question. I just don't understand white inertia in the face of the misery blacks make of whites' entire lives, their one and only lives.
Anon @1901hrs regarding political correctness (cultural marxism) and liberalism:
A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
–This definition has been attributed to students at Texas A&M University
countenance said ....
That part of St. Louis is really spotty, you could be in expensive or gentrifying, then cross a street or boulevard and be in hard core ghetto, then cross another street our boulevard and be back in the first world.
I went to the store last night. I came across some tourists on the way back that were obviously not sure where they were going. I asked. They were trying to get to a place about a mile away and were lost. I pointed them in the right direction but also advised them to take a taxi as the route has a few sketchy places. The YMCA and west bound street corners. If they go four blocks south of me and four blocks west, they are in Cabrini Row Houses .... not good. Four blocks west three blocks north is the Sedgewich projects. Also not good. Know where you are at ... always.
@Constructive Feedback
You talk as if every African person is married, responsible, employed, law abiding and so on..The fact is, the majority of you are not. Most of you behave like savages, and this behavior is not limited to just the USA. I have personally witnessed the savagery in Europe and Asia. Your men roam the streets looking for women to grope and potential customers for illegal drugs. Loud, obnoxious, and disrespectful, annoying everyone in your path. (Nothing like the Africans we see on the TV, who appear to be civilized.)
The Africans like you who have half a brain use their language skills to complain about Whites and Asians. Why can't you use that intelligence to form companies and produce products that people want, rather than bitch and moan about the White man. I'm sure that most of the readers here do not mind a Black person who obeys the law and goes to work. It's not the color of your skin that is the problem, it's the savage behavior that is associated with it. Because of this, every Black person I meet is considered a criminal until they prove otherwise. (I learned that the hard way, thanks to the lies on the TV).
So instead of pointing your fingers at Whitey and his so-called "racism" (more like survival instinct), maybe you should try to civilize your savage brothers. They won't listen to us. Honestly, I don't see why you would want to live near us, we have to many rules. Murder, theft and rape are not tolerated in the West.
Ricpic wrote:
I don't see how a city that is half black functions.
Consider the bookends of American urban areas: Portland, Oregon as the best, Detroit as the worst. St. Louis is in the middle, but slowly trending toward Portland. How does St. Louis function? Somehow. Sure, the city budget has its issues, but it's nowhere near absolute bankruptcy and insolvency like Detroit's.
St. Louis Downtown isn't the employment and shopping center that it once was, in fact, the last big name department store is soon going to close. What it is becoming is lofts and nightclubs for young whites. However, there have been any number of violent crimes committed at the hands of the YKWs against whites in the Downtown loft and club district. In fact, the former left wing Democrat Governor of Missouri was jacked at gunpoint in that area a few months ago.
So why do whites stay put in such cities, cities like St. Louis?
St. Louis is by no means the city it was, because it was built on the backs of riverboat and river commerce, and as that became less important, so did St. Louis. Why are whites slowly coming back, in spite of the obvious risks? Because St. Louis is practically a living museum in some parts. Not much in the way of prosperity, and far from the most exciting place in the world, but it can be awfly nice to look at.
I was in St Louis three years ago for the Lady Gaga concert. When I saw the map with the bad neighborhoods with multiple murders, just out of curiosity I looked up the Fox Theater on Google maps to see how far away I was from the dangerous neighborhoods. I was right down the street from the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood, the most murders in the city!
Fortunately it was so cold that night, that no one except for diehard Gaga fans were out.
Anonymous said...
@Constructive Feedback
You talk as if every African person is married, responsible, employed, law abiding and so on..The fact is, the majority of you are not. Most of you behave like savages, and this behavior is not limited to just the USA.
I went to the store last night, as I already said, and the Out door was closed, and a theater tape was up. I had to wait for multiple customers, all black entering singly, to get through before I had a chance to leave. They have no respect.
They don't give a shit for who feeds them. Shut down the ZOO.
@ the Documentary at Topic of this Post:
I watched the whole thing. I found it to be typical libtarded expression of the poor oppressed nonhumans (Gag) and how such things as racist buildings and racist areas of the city just keep holding them down.
Here's a novel approach..GROW UP NIGGERS!! Take some responsibility and quit trying to blame the very race who has time and again picked and propped you up, even though with every passing day you prove, unfailingly, how worthless you are. Those projects failed, as all of the others do, because nonhumans do not belong in civilised society.You cannot sustain yourselves, without humans propping you up, let alone improve upon your circumstances in any fashion.
Domesticated is one thing, I will grant nonhumans as much. Civilised is another, and that mark is drastically fallen short of.
@Trial Junkie: Watched that whole Vid as well (Isabella Lovadina). Was a bit terrifying. I won't deny that I was clutching my gun through parts of it. Reminds me why I excercise my ccp without fail. If it were me in their situation, the whole thing would have ended right there on the street.
I always enjoy your posts, man. That one was exceptional.
@ CF:
Honestly, CF, I have no idea why you browse or post on this site, let alone make back-handed remarks at the author.
If you consider yourself a productive exception to the norm of your species, fine, go on and let us be. You cannot deny, however, that the vast majority of your species are total wastes of flesh, and give this site and many others like it more than enough reasons fluorish.
The fact is that the data and the research, in any of the negative manners and realms that your species effects has upon the human ones, does not lie. You cannot honestly expect those of us who want to see the truth to remain silent about all of the negative effects and otherwise outright horrors that your species affects upon our society. Nor can you blame us for discussing possible solutions and outcomes, one way or the other, in the face of your species' copious dysfunctions and malevolences.
So why CF? You won't win any hearts, let alone have a leg to stand upon around here. I will grant that there is a small fraction of nonhumans (less than 5%) who do function adequately within human society/civilization. But all of those 5% have close ties to the criminally tendent and otherwise deplorable nonhumans who ruin it for the 5%. Beyond that, within that 5% there is still the supressed existence of the deplorable behaviors that are only a paper-thin line from surfacing within the 5% when it suits your purposes (Look at the major race-baiters as examples: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharp, etc).
So Why, CF? Why do you waste all of our time?
It truly is a fucking shame that P/I wasn't open just as intended,segregated.Then the stark comparison of cleanliness of both races would be on display,front and center for all,and no amount of bullshit could cover it . Until toads can no longer come to us for money or help of any sort they will never have any motive to change.When they finally have to face life head-on,with no help or excuses,and it is sink or swim-things will either start to dawn on the toads or they will be no more.
You can download the movie here:
The audio is a little out of sync, but otherwise, it's viewable.
Constructive feedback, you have comprehension issues. Very few people here are on the side of the ruling elite. We criticize our governments quite a lot.
You think that your people's violence somehow is negated by the violence of the US military and its allies. I disagree and would say that your violence is harnessed by that same elite to keep other people afraid here in the US.
Maybe something simple like 2 wrongs don't make a right would be something you understand. Just because a government commits horrible crimes against the world, it doesn't mean that blacks are innocent when they kill a lot of people.
So don't argue that stuff. You couldn't do it well even if you did really get what people here were saying.
All the shit you say about your house and kids doesn't mean much either. We're talking averages. You are an exception or an outlier if you are what you claim. Your civility won't raise the average and change the fact that intelligence is heritable and most black people are demonstrably retarded by most people's standards.
I've been around 'rednecks.' I've been around 'libtards.' I've been around tons of people of many races. They have their pluses and minuses but none can compare to blacks in complete lack of civilized behavior. Again, on average I'm saying. White rights,which you don't believe in, are trampled on by forced integration and the fear we must live in due to your TNB. Denying that after the importation of blacks a city crumbles is like denying that the sunrise follows night. It's visible.It's not confirmation bias. We have a shit ton of examples.
PK has said that some black individuals are decent but as a collective they are a liability. Black neighborhoods across the nation provide ample evidence of this. Not sure how you could honestly deny this.
I personally think you'd do better away from us. You're smart right? You're like anyone else right? Then why do you care if we wish to have neighbors who are similar to ourselves in both race and character? You'll be fine without us.
I myself am married to a non-white caucasian and I wouldn't be offended by whites wanting to not want us around much. How could you be so offended? You're descendents of slaves for Christ sake. After hundreds of years most of you still haven't learned the only language used in the country. Had any number of you decided to just culturally integrate and act normal I don't think much of these problems would exist. In the presence of civilized blacks who don't go on about race and inequality most white people are fine.
It's your constant reminder of your equality that tips us off to the fact that you're not like us. You ever notice whites or anyone else mentioning their credentials in every post?
Take a cue. You're annoying and a walking stereotype of pathetic black victimhood, even if you did go to college, earn a degree, make money, have great kids and mow your lawn.
Thanks for the homework! Watched it on Netflix. Can't wait to read your analysis of it!
I actually put this film in my Netflix queue earlier today along with another feature entitled "Detropia" which is supposed to chronicle the fall of Detroit. I suspect both films will be the usual "blame Whitey" tripe, with nothing focused on how the actual residents played the most significant role in destroying their towns. Because to point out the obvious would be----rayciss!
"Constructive Feedback",
If you are indeed black, and behave as civilly as average white folk, then surely you must see how many black people DON'T.
You tell me the SOLUTION to the black dropout rate, drug trafficking rate, std rate, polygamy rate, multiple "baby mammas" and "baby daddies", welfare, section 8, foodstamps, obesity, calling each other "nigga" and "bitch" constantly, going to jail and prison. no father in the house, jumping white people, raping white people, black on white crime in general, high murder rate, black on black crime in general, littering, etc...
If you can't see that these are CULTURAL characteristics of black people on a large scale, you are BLIND to reality.
WHAT can CHANGE black culture???
Tell us, Oh Black One.
I think old House Negro here should go live in the BLACKEST neighborhood in any of the following cities:
Milwaukee, Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit, Rochester, Indianapolis, Baltimore, etc...
You go live with YOUR people, Toby..
Why do you think even BLACK PEOPLE hate BLACK PEOPLE.
Hey Blackie, the only REASONS you want to live next door to us are all reasons involving Whites being MORE pleasant to live around then blacks, for example:
1. Low crime rate - crimes are committed by the population.. ie: PEOPLE
2. More scenic.. It's the RESIDENTS of white neighborhoods that make it so scenic..
3. No GARBAGE on the lawn and in the street. Need i say more?
4. No inconsiderate music at all hours of the day and night...
I could go on and on, but you get the point.. Black people want to live in NICER neighborhoods, and those NICER neighborhoods are NICE because WHITE PEOPLE make them nice. And the BLACKER they get, the WORSE they get..
Old Blackie here doesn't want to live with HIS people.
When I was in college, there was a South Campus and North Campus. the North dorms were mostly black.. I heard that the reason for this is because you can put in a request for which campus you are interested in staying on, before you actually get to the school, and that word of that spread back to NYC and that blacks would tell other blacks to request north because of course, it's black thing.
Well I've been in all the dorm buildings, and the difference between the mostly black ones and mostly white ones could not have been more obvious:
In the black one there was garbage everywhere, writing on the walls and in the elevators, empty drug bags on the ground everywhere, tobacco from emptied cigars in the starwells, and black females walking around, gesticulating like MEN, exclaiming such things as "Yo I was about to beat this bitch's ass fuck thay bitch with her cheap ass weave", and "How that nigga gon' say that I suckef his dick, I ain't even sit on dat nigga's lap"...
The whole scene was so foul, and it literally STUNK to high heaven, not to mention the black dorm was infested with BEDBUGS, and at one time COCKROACHES.
It made me truly ashamed to be a student there.
Any Americsn who goes OUTSIDE can tell you something about black culture just by hearing a car go by, playing popular black music:
Lick it like a Lolly??? That song was about licking a person's penis.. performing ORAL SEX. That is APPROPRIATE? I saw four girls on the corner who appeared to be about ten years old, singing it together and giggling. THAT'S a significant part of black cukture, NOT something anomalous..
How many times do you hear in POP black music the words "bitch, fuck, nigga, ass, weed", etc..
Black people as a whole disgust me.
Heh. I'd love to know what CF's white neighbors REALLY think of him...
CF mumbled "(As with the Black community) I have not seen any conversations among the "Good White Folks" - as you are - trying to get yours head around a "Black Commander In Chief" who is executing a "White Supremacist" foreign policy."
If you read CF's postings closely, you find a more disjointed word salad this week than normal. I think he skipped his medication schedule at the clinic and decided to "Wing it". I can't wait for the "Egyptian" part, always a favorite!
I think the author of the blog should meet with Destructive Feedback, video it, and post it here.
The cops are going to do everything they can to keep Bellcurvius away from Grand Center (Fox Theater, Powell Hall, Channel 9-PBS, etc.), so if you didn't venture beyond GC, you were going to be alright. But you're right, you're literally steps away from ghetto.
BTW, Lady Gag? What for? You know she's open borders, right?
CF is a liar. Homeowner's Associations ARE Jim Crow, you dummy. Thank the white man that you live in a civilized society. Or do you have too much "black pride" to do so?
Do you also talk in Negro word salad in front of your White neighbors?? I doubt it. You have learned to use checks and balances in your interactions with Whites. That is good.
You own the white man everything. He probably delivered your children at the hospital. He employs you, he feeds your underclass brothers, he educated your kids, he built your house. Say thank you to him. You owe him everything. Teach your children to thank the White people too.
If what you say is true about your "neighborliness", then you have properly assimilated into White Western society and behave like a White man. That is what Whites really want- for Negroes to behave like Whites. Congratulations!
Your underclass black brothers and sisters, however, are expressing their African tendencies when left alone. I have lived next door to Section-8 welfare blacks in the inner-city and the stories I could tell would make you cringe.
Here are the main points:
loitering, pooping and pissing outdoors, feral black teens, blowing junk food wrappers, purple drank, chronic unemployment, loud cursing, packs of dirty neglected children roaming the streets at all hours, rocks thrown at windows, random gunfire, lowered property values, urban assault vehicles, drug dealing, street ball, midnight basketball games, stolen goods market, bootleggers, P-Shakes, high weeds and grass, domestic abuse, yelling, Mutha Fucka this and that, Nigga this and NIgga that, prostitutes, obesity, shitty abandoned cars, crying babies, child beatings, filthy smells, rats, roaches, rotten overflowing trash cans, bus stops, loud parties, gas station food marts, obnoxious extended family members, unlicensed home daycare, ghetto entrepreneurialism, car theft, social services visits, police warrants, 3am loud phone conversations outdoors, neglected pit bulls, hostility, crime, burglary, property theft, graffiti, fear, crumbling sidewalks and streets, abandoned mattresses, broken furniture, trash dumping, ugliness, animal-like behaviors, unpredictability, Ebonics and the list goes on and on.
Black people create Africa wherever they go. No question about it. They are unable to maintain civilization without Whites. Unless they are smart bargainers like you, CF. You are not as rebellious and proud as most blacks. At least in person in front of Whites...
But you still follow Whites around instead of living with your beloved black people? You could teach your fellow ghetto blacks a few things about assimilation into the White man's civilization if you did not hate them so much.
So you want a medal just because you haven't committed a homicide??
A majority of black men are criminals. Some fraction of these become murderers. A third do serious time for something.
Whites and blacks simply have different understandings of right and wrong.
If whites didn't avoid blacks the numbers would be far different. Only imposition of de facto apartheid by people who ACTUALLY LIVE THERE AND KNOW prevents predation on whites.
Blacks would far prefer a white victim. The numbers on interracial domestic homicide bear that out in clarity.
Oh and I forgot.
When you have a black ghetto with thousands underclass, decrepit, needy blacks, the ambitious DWLs come in SWARMS to provide "services" and "outreach".
Every day, it seems, often ringing my bell, I had church groups, Jehova's Witness blacks, heat assistance reps, Democrat campaigners, CDC free weatherproofing reps, white missionaries with free food boxes, food pantry reps, summer feeding program stations, ghetto poll takers, social services reps, people begging for change, people begging for gasoline, auto repo tow trucks at 2AM, CDC mosquito control, mosquito spray trucks, DWL neighborhood "revitalization" project members taking surveys, urban gardening nuts, truancy officers on patrol, "Fee Obamaphone!" tents with long lines of blacks, neighborhood association "block parties", Animal Control trucks, Fire Dept. on call for trash burning, Crime Watch groups, Police "Weed and Seed", police patrols, and police dept. "night walks against crime", "Mayor's walk against crime", "free hot dog dinner with diabetes screening", "Health Department Immunization Fairs".
All for da "community".
My God, White people have NO IDEA what goes on in the hood supported with White tax dollars. NO IDEA how much outreach and support is required for these people to exist. It is no wonder CF wants to flee from this failed culture.
@ CF
I've been following this blog for quite some time and you still haven't answered the important question:
What Black-Run cities/countries/neighborhoods are civilized, productive, safe etc.?
None of you trolls seem to be able to answer this. I honestly don't see why you even bother posting here. If you want any support from PK or any of us, start fighting Black dysfunction the right way (not begging for government goodies or blaming Whitey). Or better yet, form a Black separatist group. White America would gladly give up some real estate to rid itself of the groid. You could make a new Liberia and there would be no White racism holding you down. You seem to be more intelligent than the other Blacks, so maybe you could be one the the elites of this new country and loot your subjects like they do in Africa and Haiti. Once you've looted all the wealth in this new country, I'm sure there's a church group you can exploit in White America to get more. Whitey would be free of the savage groids and you would be free of the horrible discrimination and racism. Sounds like a win win for all of us.
I was in a college class this morning and one of the articles I had to read was about Lagos, Nigeria. The article discussed violent crime in Lagos. It was "credible", from the AP and all. Anyways, it said in the LAST QUARTER of 2007 there were 768 murders of civilians and 70 police officers killed. Lagos makes south Chicago seem like a desirable place to live. So you can get an idea of what life would be like in a totally Black Run environment. With the current explosion of the African population, the world is in for a big surprise. White America needs to get off its ass and stop this nonsense before it's too late!
It appears that CF has finally made himself an unwelcome guest to everyone who regularly comments here.
Two countries...
The Pruitt-Igoe buildings look exactly Czech "panelaks." The video tries to make it seem like the buildings and segregation caused the dysfunction. Many Czechs live in buildings like these and they are clean and perfectly safe. It's not the buildings, it's the occupants.
I have some experience in the Czech Republic and have visited friends who live in panelaks. From the outside, they look like American housing developments, minus the usual layer of grime, trash and gang graffiti. On the inside you see clean hallways and well kept apartments. The difference? Czechs are, for the most part, decent people. Let's note that Czechs have lived for centuries under the occupation of Communists, Nazis and Austro-Hungarians, yet this has not caused them to revert to endemic violence or trashing their abodes. There is a strong work ethic, good educational culture, and respect for law & order.
Meanwhile in Lagos, Nigeria:
Anyways, it said in the LAST QUARTER of 2007 there were 768 murders of civilians and 70 police officers killed.
70 police officers? That says something. Normally, the cops are not targets unless you are in a country with a low level insurgency. Please note that Nigeria was one of the better prepared countries for independence, and that part of Africa did have some well organized pre-colonial kingdoms. And this is what they end up with?
One reason for the high rates of killing is the cities are flooded with people looking for work and/or services. Of course, this is one reason that apartheid South Africa had its pass laws. Without such controls, the cities become swamped and collapse of the weight of too many unproductive hands.
There was a video bouncing around the net a few years back showing the Nigerian solution to prison overcrowding. They lowered the threshold for the death penalty and started holding public firing squads for convicts. Well, that's one way to deal with the problem, I suppose...
Constructive Feedback said...Can you itemize the WHITE RIGHTS that are being trampled upon globally?
* White French colonists in Algeria being forced to flee their homes and farms by the Arab terrorist front which took control of the government in 1962.
* White missionaries being subjected to ghastly tortures and mass murder in the Congo in the 1960s (please note that the missionaries were trying to help the Congolese, not exploit them).
* White Rhodesians being forced out of the country of their birth by a black majority rule marxist regime.
* White South Africans being subjected to government sponsored "Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer" murders.
* White South Africans being reduced to second rate citizens via affirmative action/BEE.
* White Americans being reduced to second rate citizens via affirmative action/every manner of black race hustle.
* White Americans being denied equal access to government, university and corporate grants, contracts and programs under "minorities only" policies.
* White Americans being denied equal protection under the law via government policies which do not cover them against "hatecrime" attacks.
* White children being kidnapped via forced busing by a gang of liberal social engineers (granted, black children were also victimized by this).
* White taxpayers being forced to subsidize endless black dysfunctions: welfare dependency, school trashing, high violent crime rates.
* White students and workers being forced to attend "diversity" indoctrination sessions in which their civilization and ancestors are disparaged.
* White people having their free speech rights curtailed thanks to "hatespeech" and "biascrime" laws.
* White people being subjected to the violence of black/third world flash mobs and gangbanger drivebys.
* White people being driven from cities which their ancestors built due to black inability to maintain modern metropolises, as well as the endless race hustling (again, Detroit).
* White Americans seeing their cities burned by black rioters.
* White Europeans seeing their ancient capitals being burned by black/third world rioters.
* White people being unable to speak the truth in mainstream media forum without being censored for "hatespeech."
I am sure the good people on SBPDL can add more...
CF said...(As with the Black community) I have not seen any conversations among the "Good White Folks" - as you are - trying to get yours head around a "Black Commander In Chief" who is executing a "White Supremacist" foreign policy.
SBPDL does not deal (usually) with American foreign policy. There are plenty of websites which do. And if you look at the general trend of race realist websites, you'll see an aversion to imperial adventures.
US support for the Arab Spring uprisings can be termed white supremacy only by stretching the term. The uprisings have seen the replacement of several generally pro-West Arab strongmen with much more militant Islamic mob rule. This is in part due to liberal fantasies about universal democracy breaking out in the Middle East, in part to cynical moves to undermine nationalist governments which stood in the way of globalization.
As for Obama, I'd say that many race realists consider him to be a sock puppet (not unlike other recent denizens of the Oval Office) who brings in the black and DWL vote while it is business as usual on Wall Street and the Middle East.
I still want to hear CF's honest opinion about twerking and what it does to him as a black man. Does he become hypnotized by that large gluteus flapping up and down? It is clearly a genetic urge among blacks to zero in on "da booty so dey cain gets dey lubs on". Also, I want CF to watch the "Can I Smell Yo Dick?" video on YouTube and again, give an honest black man's assessment of it.
@ Californian
You are right! Despite the hostilities against Czechs (many of which could easily be worse than what American Blacks have dealt with), Czechs do not behave anything like Blacks. They have been ruled by others for most of their history since the Great Moravian Empire. The Soviet Communists ruled Czech with an iron fist, as they demonstrated in Prague in 1968. Neighboring Slovaks also had a similar history. Many Czechs and Slovaks live on much less than a typical welfare queen in America, yet they aren't acting like animals.
Blacks in America do not have a clue how good they have it here, yet they still want more. They will always want more, and the more that is given to them, the more they will act out.
Segregation makes perfect sense. If I wanted to destroy America, I would have ended Segregation too. Now we face a similar fate to South Africa, if nothing is done to stop BRA.
Angry Anglo
OT: Indianapolis, IN: Taxpayer subsidized IndyGo transit plans public hearings on Low-Income, Minority Services required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
June 24, 2013
News Release
INDIANAPOLIS (June 24, 2013) – As a public agency that receives funding through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), IndyGo is required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ensure that its programs and services do not exclude minority and low-income populations. Last year the FTA enhanced its requirements for Title VI to include a public input process for Title VI policies. On June 24 and 25, IndyGo is holding three public input sessions to solicit feedback on its proposed Title VI policies.
The proposed policies define thresholds of what IndyGo, the public and its riders should consider a major service change.
Furthermore, the FTA also requires that agencies receiving federal funds institute procedures for identifying when a major service change will result in a disproportionate burden to low-income populations and disparate impact to minority populations.
“IndyGo is committed to ensuring the fair and equitable delivery of transit services in Indianapolis,” said Annette Darrow, director of planning for IndyGo. “Each major service change is meticulously analyzed for Title VI compliance and these public input sessions will help us define the threshold for a major service change.”
The public will have an opportunity to attend public input sessions on the proposed Title VI plan. The sessions begin with a short presentation and time will be allotted for attendees to ask questions and submit feedback on the proposed plan.
What's wrong with "White Supremacy"? Isn't that the truth?
Occidental Dissent is talking Southern secession again.
Love it!
I love this video. "My name is Paul Weston and I am a racist"
Constructive Feedback said...Can you itemize the WHITE RIGHTS that are being trampled upon globally?
I wanted to add some more items:
* White people losing their right to association and control of property by open housing laws.
* White people being criminalized for displaying traditional white symbols such as the Confederate battle flag and the Cross of St. George.
Constructive Feedback said...Can you itemize the WHITE RIGHTS that are being trampled upon globally?
How about:
* White scientists having their work censored or themselves censured when it demonstrates racial reality (e.g., Rushton, Richwine, etc.)
Hi Countenance:
Looking back, I should have been scared silly. I guess what you don't know won't hurt you? LOL.
As for Lady Gaga, she is a magnificent musician/singer and a white New Yorker of Italian descent. Her politics do not interest me in the slightest.
(Damn. Incoming)
I "Waste My Time Here" BECAUSE...............PAUL KERSEY IS MY DEAR FRIEND!!!!!
Do you have to have a mutual affirmation of friendship to consider someone "The Closest White Person" that a fella has ever become friends with?
[quote]Most of you behave like savages, and this behavior is not limited to just the USA[/quote]
At this point I am supposed to:
1) Find WHITE FOLKS that "Behave Live Savages" in pursuit of the pacification using "Misery Loves Company"
2) Get defensive - providing you with the numbers that show that out of 40 Million Negroes in America just under 1 million are in the Prison system.
3) RECALIBRATE YOUR FOCUS. (Again) While the NEGRO MIGHT INDEED IRK YOU ---- HE DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER IN THIS NATION OR WORLD to engineer what turns out to be the "Biggest, Hairiest Negro Around": SOVEREIGN FINANCES.
I appreciate my friend Paul Kersey's research. I USE his research to convey some of my messages.
I REJECT his slanderous intention and the analysis that he develops based upon his inferences.
I as ONE NEGRO have no power to force the Progressive Negroes who are in bed with the Dishonest White Liberals as they team together to FIGHT THE WHITE CONSERVATIVE WOLVES. (You all)
When you consider the big picture - it is the WHITE LIBERAL / WHITE CONSERVATIVE canine fight that has far more substantial impact on your long term future. For you "The Negro" is merely a good whipping boy. In focusing on HIM, your minds are put at ease - knowing that you have no answers for the more substantive, structural problems that plague the nation and large expanses of Europe as well.
That is quite a list that you have conjured up.
I don't recall the poster who keeps saying "We Don't Own The Negro S*#t" but it is amazing that when I talk about HISTORY - I am called a troll of "White Guilt".
But when California goes through the notes of the White European imperialist / colonialist - I am supposed to accept your CHERRY PICKED HISTORY LESS - in which you focus upon the ATTACKS at the point of "European settlement" but you evade the talk about how they SETTLED.
It seems, Cali, that you have the RIGHT to "settle" where you want around the world. Then when the "Savage Natives" attempt to upset your "Prize Winning Flower Garden" that you have constructed in what was their land - THEY are considered the INVASIVE SPECIES.
And to RJS(?) - please tell me why you believe that various HUMAN RACES are considered distinct SPECIES?
Did Kim Kardashian and that Negro Kanye West just produce an INTER-SPECIES being when they exchanged genetic material the good ole fashioned way?
[quote]* White people being criminalized for displaying traditional white symbols such as the Confederate battle flag and the Cross of St. George.[/quote]
Name a White person who was ARRESTED for flying the flag of the American traitors who took up arms against the United States?
Constructive Feedback is another of these deluded, self declared never wrong,'intellectual' niggers. I have met these assholes time and time again. Same fucking goatee and glasses, putting their damn finger on their lip when they talk behavior. Listen you dumbass, we don't want you around, your people are bad news. We have enough proof and letting you near us is like saying one small spot of rust is ok. One pregnant termite is ok. One glob of black mold is ok. It isn't and your people have no respect for us, as evidenced in your desire to corrupt our women, and your lack of willingness to take any responsibility. Just like this board, leave us alone! But you wont because you wont be happy untill all white people bow down and let you have your way. You want a good neighborhood? Go find like minded blacks and build one and pay for it yourself. You will have to keep out your own nephews and cos' and relations, forever, as well as any of your kids who give into their natural nigger behavior or are influenced by rap stars and world star hiphop or whatever that site is called.
Trial junkie and countenance.
Lasalle is not an upscale neighborhood. I live in St Louis, literally a one minute walk from there and it has one block, like most of St Louis, that is white. It is surrounded by section 8 and gangsters. Stop pretending you know what Lasalle Park is like.
The reason why I live here is because I use public transportation. Taking your life and getting up and moving isn't easy for everybody. I love the architecture too and I am one of those stubborn folks who won't leave. My area is not bad but public transport, which caused me to quit my job it's so bad, is a nightmare obviously.
I've been sought after by a sales company and actually rigged it so someone would pick me up, as I warned them that Trayvon race riots and racist mobs would be a hassle for me -at least first thing in the morning. I don't like to get verbally abused and intimidated by several black thugs until at least noon.
You need the other person's permission/blessing to be their friend.Kind of like making sure a woman actually is interested in you before you try to get physical with her.Know anything about that? Permission is made of more than a lack of screaming.
Name a White person who was ARRESTED for flying the flag of the American traitors who took up arms against the United States?
I'll also note that students who have flown Confederate flags on campuses have been subjected to disciplinary measures.
As for "taking up arms"...if during the Civil Rights Era it was ok for blacks to engage in mass acts of civil disobedience, and to initiate uprisings ("riots") which destroyed property and killed people, then how can you complain about the Confederacy?
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