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One of the eight people arrested for the brawl over spilled juice at a honors graduation for kindergartners in Cleveland |
These photos are still in high demand: to guilt white people (particular children, born long after that world was toppled and BRA was in place) about their insidious past; and to enrage black people in a perpetual state of animosity regarding how their ancestors were treated.
On May 31, 2013, a photograph was snapped in Cleveland.
Captured in the aftermath of a brawl.
At a kindergarten graduation.
Involving parents.
Black parents.
It was all over spilled juice. [8 ARRESTED: Fight erupts at Cleveland kindergarten graduation, FOX 19, May 31, 2013]:
A graduation ceremony for kindergartners plunged into chaos after reports of shots fired.
It happened around 11 a.m. following a kindergarten graduation at Michael R. White Elementary School on East 92nd Street.
Spilled juice here was used to manipulate public opinion against James Crow (and helped erect BRA)
Students and staff panicked thinking Mike White Elementary had become America's latest school shooting.
Students not hiding in closets crouched under desks - their cell phones their only link to the outside.
One student had this to say, "I called my mom on my cell phone she said she would come get me but police were not letting anyone in the building they had to call the students one by one to come down."
Turns out there was no gun, just a couple of girls fighting with a lot of adults who joined in. But it was no ordinary fight - it turned into a small riot with Ms. Burrell's three children inside the locked down school and she on the outside worried sick.
"I love my babies. If something happened to them I don't know what I would do," said Ms. Burrell.
Michelle Guiden who graduated kindergarten with honors, left her ceremony in tears - an emotional wreck - clutching a drink for comfort given to her by her grandfather.
"She's nervous, still trembling a little bit. I gave her some chocolate milk."
Nobody was injured. Eight people were taken into custody likely to face aggravated rioting charges.Graduating kindergarten with honors?
A ceremony?
Summa cum laude for their ability to color within the lines?
Odds the top photo appears in any major newspaper?
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
FOX19.com-Cincinnati News, Weather
Saw a nigga tonight at the Quikmart w/ a $100 bill trying to pay for a bag of chips, some smokes and 2 40's of Icehouse..........yep, it's the 1st of tha month.
This exact story has featured here before as fights at Kindergarten graduations is just TNB.
Where were the fathers. The one with three chilren - probably all by different fathers. The one, she can wipe herself honor student with the grandfather - probably mom and dad are in the big house and she lives with the grandparents for the next 5-10.
Happy father's day. A very stressful day here in Oakland CA. Maury Povitch will probably need to overtime this weekend. Can't these ho's keep their legs together.
The brawl wasn't the news. The news was that a black actually graduated kindergarten in one year.
I read somewhere that 96% of Cleveland teens hold kindergarten degrees.
Ex Atlantan:
I bet that C-note was counterfeit. The black was probably trying to buy a few relatively cheap items with a fake $100 bill to get some legit $10s and $20s in return.
I beg all the fine commenters here: Please, do not post a joke in this thread. You will fall woefully short of the bar, set at 9:04pm, and only humiliate yourselves. But please do continue your efforts in the subsequent threads.
Picture shows that even under arrest, when you have "the right to remain silent", this black female can't keep that big yap shut. One of the most annoying, obnoxious sounds on the planet; a female groid spouting off some unintelligible babble at high enough decibel to make you wish you had earplugs.
Every event has to be uber celebrated. It's a culture of insanity.
There were a number of photos made famous during the height of the Civil Rights movement. These photographs, reprinted in newspapers across the world, helped shape people's opinions about the need to topple one form of government and legally erect Black-Run America (BRA).
Tremendous work PK, among your best. The photo has been so horribly instrumental in the creation of all our national instrumentation used to create a country dedicated to the eternal pandering to negroes, aka BRA. We have so many powerful images of the destruction wrought by negroes, they are endless, yet so poorly employed. This one is a beautiful representation of the negro anger and violence around something as simple as a kindergarden graduation. No slavery, no police dogs, no fire hoses, just pure unadulterated negro insanity at a school event for 5 year olds.
This is why segregation saved so many lives. They cannot function in our society. They scream, yell and inflict violence on all around them. Move them into separate communities, fully free communities where they can do what they want. Whatever they want. But our money does not flow there and they do not move out. If they do attempt to move out of those communities, they are beaten back. There's the solution, short of huge boats moving them to Liberia, my preference.
Crime happens everywhere. Race isn't real. Poverty causes crime. Racism is to blame for black failure. They just need "goot jawbs." Redlining. Black Wall Street. Rosewood. Lead paint.
And as always.........de turrible, turrible legacy of de slabery.
Ex New Yorker here.....America has turned into some kind of giant zoo. Remember last year the BABY SHOWER shoot out and the two guys who had a shoot out over who made the best KOOL AID.
Here is a story I have been wanting to tell for at least a year. My wife and I had a friend who lived in South Florida. He worked for a company that owned those big cruise ships and was friends with the local police chief and other higher ups. I asked him if he would ask the chief what he knew about the FEMA Camps and this is what the chief and two other high ranking officers told him.
"The camps are for the niggers when they go on the warpath." So it looks like some people are not going to go for that BURN BABY BURN bullshit from the 60's.
I think the Zimmerman trial will end with a hung jury. I don't think any white man in his right mind will vote to convict and any black jurist will want blood.
Students not hiding in closets crouched under desks - their cell phones their only link to the outside.
One student had this to say, "I called my mom on my cell phone she said she would come get me but police were not letting anyone in the building they had to call the students one by one to come down."
That is a pretty advanced sentence fot a negro kindergartner ....
Why wasnn't mom already there? Late night getting fuct by some piece of garbage (similar to herself)? Had to go out to the parking lot for a little pre-party?
"... it turned into a small riot with Ms. Burrell's three children inside the locked down school and she on the outside worried sick.
"I love my babies. If something happened to them I don't know what I would do," said Ms. Burrell.
Another fucking nigger in the parking lot partaking in who know what before kindergarten graduation?
Michelle Guiden who graduated kindergarten with honors, left her ceremony in tears - an emotional wreck - clutching a drink for comfort given to her by her grandfather.
Graduating kindergarten with honors? What the fuck does that mean? She draws trees with blue leaves, the sky black, and grass red? The fabled nigger kindergarten honor student. Give me a fucking break.
Anonymous said... He wanted to crack me up.
The brawl wasn't the news. The news was that a black actually graduated kindergarten in one year.
He did.
I don't know what kindergarten entails, I didn't go -- I quit after two weeks -- I had had two years of Montessori prior to it and kindergarten seemed like retard school (and this was in a 100% white school).
Speaking of Montessori, I need to write a letter to my former teacher.
The kids should've got a rainbow participation ribbon for "graduating" kindergarten. Did those who broke their crayons or had some Kommissarina Moochelle unapproved food in their lunch box graduate?
The kids were saddened when the after graduation party at Chuck E. Spears was cancelled.
How do you graduate from kindergarten with "honors"?
Masterful PK to tie it back to some spilled juice at a 50s sit in. Well played Sir.
This could be a project in itself:
Blacks Give Back .... which we know they rarely do.
lol.. So those "women" in the picture are family members of the "honor" students..
They look so educated!
The reason for all this of course is dis turrrrble slabery. If we could only somehow manage to END dis turrrble, turrble slabery, then by ending turrble slabery we could start to rebuild our nation, as a kinder, gentler...
Wait, WHAT? When, like last year? You're kidding. Okay, then, when?
150 years ago?!?!
You're joking, right? I mean, nobody could POSSIBLY still be... as an excuse... I mean it's ridiculous... are you sure that extra zero isn't a mistake? I mean, maybe it's just 15 years, instead of 150, that would explain a lot of...
No, huh.
150 years ago, and they're still moaning and crying. Well I guess if it worked as an excuse for the first 150 years, it'll work for another 1500.
Jes' get ubsed to it, man, cause it ain't goin' NOWHERE.
Yeah, that 'graduated kindergarten with honors" cracked me up, too. More so than American readers, I would imagine, because out here in the rest of the English-speaking world, to "graduate" means to get a degree, which is something you do at a university.
What does a kindergarten graduation with honours mean? My guess is she reached school-going age with a clean disciplinary record. Quite an achievement.
DaQuantrell comes home from school one day all excited.
"Daddy, daddy! My 2nd grade class went to da pool fo swimmin lessons today. Dey was 3rd graders there, and 4th Graders too! We's all take a shower befo da swimmin, an Ize looking around, and daddy, Ize got da biggest one there!"
Dad says: "DaQuantrell...youse 17"
Use bees raciss!
as many have pointed out here @sbpdl about the blacks who hate everything white about this country. the one thing I just keep on seeing is these black spookettes with the blonde hair extensions and the straight hair just like our white women wear. but then again I guess these spookettes have to try something to sway the men spooks to chase after them again. and i'm seeing more and more of our white women on the arms of those spooks. that has to stop! and lastly did you see the progressives at yahoo are now censoring e-mails to the point of not sending them to the addressee. gee, I wonder if let's say your spike lee (thank god we're not)and your tweeting or e-mailing your black panther homie's about some white guy's phone number or some marching orders to terrorize some old white family. but the fact that they are reading and going through our electronics is sick. not only has the black dysfunction changed our way of life but the gov't now too changes the way we can communicate safely. I guess i'm going back to snail mail! this is not my America!! and I don't even fell welcomed here anymore. ain't that a bitch and where is our WHITE America? we got to unite around our white heritages! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
The baby mamma' here in the 216 just proving that they can be just as ghetto as Philadelphia or Detroit. One had a hammer and the other one a pipe; really? Really. Yep Here in my city you can not even go to a kindergarten graduation without packing something. I wondered if she yelled "its hammer time!" Before she showed her progeny the best way to act at a graduation.
Interesting how sheboon sows refer to their offspring as "babies" - no matter how old they are.
"Ah lubz muh bebbeez! Muh bebbeez din doo nuffins! Muh bebbee ben kilt!" Etc.
A black Kindergarten graduation ...
Those moms must be mighty proud of their twelve year-olds!
Ba doom tss.
Quote: "Where were the fathers?"
Bwahahahaha, that's a good one!
Blacks will chimp out (regardless of the social environment) over the most ridiculous of "issues." That's why many people do not want them around or to be around them. TNB is the reason but in their tiny and pathetic minds, it has to be "raycism!"
The realization that it's because they're (in fact) ill bred, low class, mannerless, uncivilized, ignorant and hopeless savages will never be able to break through their thick fog of stupidity.
They want to behave like niggers , can't help but behave like niggers and will resent anyone who attempts to stop them from doing so.
Chimping out and showing their asses in public doesn't faze them one bit as it gives them the satisfaction of being the center of attention.
"Looks at me! I iz speshul!"
When will negros ever learn how to behave? Selfish, moronic blacks parents can never be expected to act properly in any situation and should be treated as animals as a result.
Someone thought bringing pipes and hammers to a kindergarten graduation was a good idea. Had it been a high school graduation, they would have brought, what, switchblades and Molotov cocktails?
My daughter and I went to an art exhibit at the Metropolitan in NYC a few months ago. The name was "Regarding Warhol, Sixty Artists, Fifty Years." So, it was sort-of contemporary artists from the post WWII period.
There was a large installation of blown up black and white photographs from the civil rights era that showed a crowd being controlled with dogs. Talking about it with my daughter, age 25, the image is shocking. Yes, it is shocking because it forces you to NOT think. Controlling a mob with dogs is NOT cruel and evil. The dogs are just barking. They are leashed and controlled by those police officers. They are not like a pack of wolves; they are just a few dogs on leashes. If they managed to get loose, they couldn't take down a mob. All they are doing is loud barking.
This is not like the Israelis shooting kids who throw rocks. They are just dogs on leashes.
It might be the majority of the public that has a dog for crime control, so that he will BARK and scare intruders. You're not thinking he'll attack the intruders and maul them.
My dog barks like mad when there are deer outside the fence. A video or photo of it would look pretty shocking and violent, I am sure.
I doubt that the artist who created that installation understood that he had been manipulated to believe something that really doesn't make sense. If a state wants to control people with violence, they don't do it with barking dogs.
I don't know. I've been combing the internet since this happened trying to figure out how the concept of "kindergarten graduation" even was conceived of, but all I can find it page after page of people claiming, in hysterical polemic, that it is apparently the most important event of a young child's life, touting the vast importance of kindergarten, reading these glowing, tear-jerker accounts of glorious, over-produced kindergarten graduations, etc. It mostly seems to be DWL stuff, hysterically competing with each other over who can put on the biggest and best kindergarten graduation party and prove they care the most about children and give them the biggest pat on the back. Do the kids really care? Do they even remember years later?
I wonder if any of these "Honor" graduates of Pre-K and Kindergarten will receive basketball scholarships to play in elementary school???
This is probably the last graduation ceremony some of these graduates will ever have.
C'mon everyone knows that White parents riot at kindergarten graduations too, and that evil, racist conservative media covers it up. Also, Jeffrey Dahmer was white, so all white people are serial killers. Also, don't forget the legacy of slavery. The slave owners wouldn't let the slaves graduate kindergarten, so now blacks don't know how to behave at kindergarten graduations. Oh, and race is just a social construct. What else? Oh, white people are racist for noticing it was all blacks at the kindergarten graduation riot.
"This is probably the last graduation ceremony some of these graduates will ever have."
Bingo. The sun people, understanding their limited abilities, celebrate the smallest of achievements. Have you seen blacks and Hispanic babies' first birthday parties?? OMG.
Mexicans and Puerto Ricans rent huge facilities, send custom invitations, hire live bands, rent bounce houses, caterers, fireworks, petting zoos, photographers, dress their babies in princess clothes and tiaras, and have elaborate multi-tiered cakes for baby's first birthday. There are huge piles of expensive gifts. The poor spend thousands on these events to outdo each other in ghetto fabulousness.
This is treating the children like little dolls, conditioning them to feel special for doing absolutely nothing.
The sense of entitlement is a cultural value.
By not getting pregnant
The leader of the blacks, Malcolm X, tells the white man how he rally feels about you.
"Black people are fed up with the dillydallying, pussyfooting, compromising approach that we've been using toward getting our freedom. We want freedom now, but we're not going to get it saying "We Shall Overcome." We've got to fight until we overcome."
"Freedom Failed" -Hunter Wallace
Meanwhile the turrble legacy of slabery hits a beach in North Dublin.
I am sure my grandfather is proud as punch knowing the country he helped create through blood and guts is importing such diverse talent into the gene pool as this.
Anonymous said...
My daughter and I went to an art exhibit at the Metropolitan in NYC a few months ago. The name was "Regarding Warhol, Sixty Artists, Fifty Years."
Don't let negresses find out Warhol had a snap button installed on his head to hold his wig in place. The richest negress in the hood will come out of the snap button installer's shop with a head looking like a disco ball.
If a state wants to control people with violence, they don't do it with barking dogs.
Most blacks are afraid of dogs.
Big Bear said...
DaQuantrell comes home from school one day all excited.
"Daddy, daddy! .... Ize got da biggest one there!"
Dad says: "DaQuantrell...youse 17"
Wonder how many girls (and boys) DaQuantrell tried to molest that day. This should be the very reason for separation. Someone that should be in 10th grade should not be in the same class with 8th or 7th graders.
My sister told me a lot of white parents are holding their kids back a year now.
At the end of my first year of school, 1st grade, I was 6 (September birthday). So I was 5 when I began school. Would it have been fair to me to be competing against 8 year olds? Academically I would have rocked them, but at recess or in gym class I would have probably been destroyed.
Blacks physically mature younger than whites. This is why blacks are the preferred choice for NCAA footsball and bassetball. Even at age 12, DaQuantrell is generally going to have a bigger schlong than a 12yo Ronnie. At physical maturity the difference is less than one half inch.
Kindergarten graduations~hilarious!
But, they screwed up the photo; the two "cops" hooking up latrina are blackies. Now for full DWL effect, it should have been two tall, good looking clean cut professional WHITE policemen, slappin' the cuffs on the poor, defenseless "single mom" who, of course had "nuffin to do wit nuffin." Now that would have been what I have come to expect. By the way, when I view this pic, I see a screaming chimpanzee, not an adult female. I too, can just hear the banter..."dis mah babie gra-du-ashun...lemee go, lemee go!" ha ha ha..
Hey, wow, a bunch of leaping mini-negroes gradumacated from de kinderbarten!
Just in time for slabery!
@Ex-New Yorker: "The camps are for the niggers when they go on the warpath."
This is what bugs me about the Alex Jones-type hysterics: that civilized, well-behaved white people assume and fear that the detention centers are intended TO CONTAIN civilized, well-behaved white people like themselves. The question is best answered by Occam's Magic Razor here: When short-term circumstances make daily life the slightest bit uncomfortable, what group of people is likely to behave in a manner that would need to be quarantined, to protect society at large? Is it (a) You, the White, Conservative, Christian who owns multiple firearms (but if you haven't shot at "the authorities" by now, you never will); or is it (b) Those People, whose thick skin has, for centuries, prevented the osmosis of civilization from entering their flesh and bones?
By all means, be aware of the camps, and resolve that your family will not be placed there; but take solace in the fact that it was built for your benefit, not for your residence. You've got too much to worry about already.
Ah, America. It was nice while it lasted.
Too bad America decided to commit demographic suicide in the name of political correctness and whit guilt.
DWLs who support public school and diversity never send their own kids to schools full of blacks.
Chelsea Clinton went to Sidwell Friends, not DC "publik skrewels".
They know the deal, they just can't admit it because speaking such heresy would mean their gravy train would be interrupted.
One of the most irritating things about living in America is paying high property taxes to fund a public school system that has been dumbed down to accommodate blacks. To keep my little one safe and ensure a good education, I have to pay for private school on top of paying for blacks to go to "publik skrewell daycare"
David said...
Meanwhile the turrble legacy of slabery hits a beach in North Dublin.
Beautiful vid. A wall of whites walking towards fleeing zulu "warriors". Notice all the garbage in the area the zulus formerly occupied. Just like american zulus, trashing every place they go.
Having formerly lived in Cleveland (6 LONG years), this is a subject that I can expand on...
Cleveland has a black population and the attendant problems similar to Detroit and Chicago, albeit smaller. When I lived there we used to say, in regards to the troubles in Cleveland, "Hey, at least it's better than Detroit." That statement may now be passe.
The east side of Cleveland is a serious black ghetto...and I mean serious! Not a white face to be seen for miles. There were a few enclaves of traditionally white areas (Shaker Heights, Cleveland Heights) that had a low percentage of blacks and therefore a reasonably good lifestyle. As you might expect, blacks were slowly creeping into these areas, so I can't say if these areas are still in decent shape.
Between downtown Cleveland and the far eastern suburbs (wealthy & Jewish) is where the blacks swarm and where this incident occurred. No surprise here. Those blacks are violent and have nothing better to do than start trouble at the slightest provocation. I know, because I've been on the receiving end.
Worthless isn't a good word to use to describe these "people", as worthless would tend to indicate that there is no value either positive or negative...it's totally negative.
Case in point...
At the turn of the century (1899 to 1900) Cleveland boasted the highest number of millionaires (all white) of any city in the world. Rockefeller was there, among others. The city flourished in an era before income taxes, the Federal Reserve, and BRA. Philanthropy was rampant and it was an excellent place to raise a family. No more! Cleveland has been black run for decades and the decay is now on full display.
Someone said thay should have had white cops in the photo. White cops don't venture into the east side ghetto for at least 20 minutes after a disturbance call. I did see a white cop in the background...he's probably either a rookie or he pissed off his superiors. This part of town is blacker than black...a white cop there has a relatively short life expectancy.
My advice...If you're white avoid Cleveland. There's nothing there but trouble and a degenerating relic of a once grand city.
Separate, but equal!
one more thing...
Mike White, the kindergarten school's namesake, was a multi-term black mayor of Cleveland (I don't know if he is still in office). During my time in Cleveland, the Cleveland PD had a police officer stationed in a patrol car on the street directly in front of the mayors home, 24/7. I'm certain it was to protect him from the angry, white, gun-loving, Christians, that would certainly have sacked his home and strung him up otherwise.
Those Who Can See is back blogging!
Look at PK 's sidebar, check out TWCS and welcome him back!
I believe MC of TWCS is a her, not a him.
Anon @ 11:14 said
When short-term circumstances make daily life the slightest bit uncomfortable, what group of people is likely to behave in a manner that would need to be quarantined, to protect society at large?
...By all means, be aware of the camps... but take solace in the fact that it was built for your benefit, not for your residence.
History is the best guide to the future. So, in 2012, when the niggers burned London, who did the police crack down on? It wasn't the rioters; it wasn't the Turks or the Sikhs who organized to protect their neighbourhoods; it was the Englishmen who tried to protect theirs.
Last week, when the muds rioted in Sweden, what did the police do? Nothing; they were too afraid they might provoke some downtrodden immigrant into throwing a stone at them. Until, of course, the native Swedes organized to protect themselves; then they came down on the "vigilantes" like a ton of bricks.
The past is prologue to the future. Take note, and prepare accordingly.
"Juice? What the fuck is juice? Grape drank, baby."
The graduation concept in kindergarten is an excuse to have a party where adults drink and smoke into the night. As is traditional alcohol is always served and the party rages day and night until the cops come.
Baby showers, first birthdays, graduations ate all celebrated with major drinking and food in tinfoil trays well into the night by cuzzins and everyone else.
A grade s hool graduation was recently crlebrated at a relatives condo complex's common area, the party went from 3pm to 1am when police were called because so many people (the guests) were driving in circles around the parking lot ( majority reserved spaces) with radios blRing and on phoned calling into the party for they baby mammas to come out. People couldn'tget to thier buildings brcause it was gridlock! Blaring radios shouting, people taking reserved spaces.
Now the condo common area has signs posted and the common area rentals have posted time limits and capacity limits on parties. As well as: "Only unit owners can rent the clubhouse for private events".
Wake up Chicago burbs! They will drive milesssss! To a nice area to stay in hotels, have parties in restaurants, etc. because the hood has no facilities for these events.
Mr Paul Kersey - you are a funny man.
I have nothing to say on this one.
Some people value the posting of former mayor "Michael R White" atop the school as a venerated figure rather than focusing on the consciousness of the people inside of the school (and community)
Dear Ex Atlantan
HERE IS WHAT My Dear Friend Paul Kersey DID NOT show you - as he departed Atlanta to report from Cleveland:
White Man Fires Gun From His Front Porch As Children Play Outside.
@Jay Santos:
Paul Kersey is like Georgia State Senator Tyrone Brooks.
The BOTH are motivated to drive away from their home communities in order to evade reporting upon the pressing problems BECAUSE they understand that by finding an INDICTMENT upon an EXTERNAL ENEMY will unite the congregation and keep them from revolting against the establishment power that they both are seeking to protect.
RE the photo of the young man dumping a liquid on the lunch counter sit-in activists:
* There's a video clip online of Dr. Rushton trying to address an academic conference in which he states his genetic (racial) theories for intelligence. A black woman dumps a glass of water on his head. Why does the public not consider that to be just as outrageous as the events of the lunch counter photo?
* Police dogs versus civil rights demonstrators...shall we look at video of the beating of Reginald Denny? We might also note that the civil rights demonstrators were purposely breaking the law to make a political statement via civil disobedience. Mr. Denny and many more white people were beaten by black mobs while going about their lawful business. Why does the public not consider all this as provocative as assaults on civil rights demonstrators by segregationists?
* Emmett Till...ok, beating a kid to death over asking out a white woman may be a bit extreme. His mother made a big production at the funeral, opening the casket. But what of Miss Christian & Mr. Newsome? Why has that not become a cause celebre?
I can go on, but a couple of things to note:
1. The establishment media considers some images worthy of public dissemination, while others go down the memory hole.
2. A race realist movement must have a propaganda arm if it hopes to compete, much less win.
Propaganda has generally been a weak point on the right. The assumption seems to be that if we have enough guns, we can shoot our way to victory when the final confrontation comes. But like most battles, victory is won or lost before the first shot is ever fired. South Africa had plenty of guns, but the whites were outflanked by the international agitprop campaign against apartheid. The result was collapse on the homefront. We can see similar white/Western defeats in Algeria, Indochina, Angola, Detroit, Birmingham, and more recently London and Stockholm.
Look at the Zimmerman case. The establishment media has turned this into Civil Rights Era version 2.0. If there were an effective race realist/rightist propaganda apparatus, it could turn this situation around--say, by making Zimmerman into a martyr being railroaded by the system; and more generally, by using this case to show how the system is rigged against white people.
Websites like SBPDL do a yeoman job of getting the point across, but they are not enough. Too much of race realism is wrapped up in conspiracy theory, historical reenactment, PhD level scientific data, or strategies for an apocalyptic future.
It's not that these things do not have a place in the struggle, it's that too often they end up driving the train. Meantime, the grunt work of actual pro-white propaganda seems to get lost.
[quote]Why does the public not consider that to be just as outrageous as the events of the lunch counter photo? [/quote]
California Yellow Snow:
1) Because that White man with the water dumped on his head COULD EAT ANYWHERE HE WANTED TO since the day 1 of this nation's founding
2) BECAUSE during that time - a BLACK WOMAN who "disrespected" a White man like that could be RAPED AND THEN LYNCHED and the Concerned Citizens Council would have said "I guess she learned her lesson - along with the other Ninjas who saw what we did to her"
Let's put aside the fact that I have never referred to CF by other than his given handle or abbreviation thereof...
1) Because that White man with the water dumped on his head COULD EAT ANYWHERE HE WANTED TO since the day 1 of this nation's founding
Really? Our young white man could walk into lunch counter in the black part of town and get the same service? A white grade school student is not going to be subjected to harassment in a black majority school?
Even were your statement the case, I fail to see your point. Today, can you show me the campus, government office or major media studio a race realist would be free to state his or her case and not be subjected to censorship, harassment, job termination, and/or mob violence?
The point of my original statement was that by manipulating the media images (e.g., ignoring black-on-white assaults), the media provides us with a distorted view of the racial situation. This is to fit a DWL view where white=bad/black=good.
2) BECAUSE during that time - a BLACK WOMAN who "disrespected" a White man like that could be RAPED AND THEN LYNCHED and the Concerned Citizens Council would have said "I guess she learned her lesson - along with the other Ninjas who saw what we did to her"
How many black women were raped and lynched during segregation for dissing white people? Can you provide us with the numbers?
As for disrespecting, PK has posted numerous cases such as the one where a black armed robber murdered a white infant because the mother didn't turn over any money. Or another in which a black man murdered a white woman for telling him to get a job. Care to name the equivalent cases during the Segregation Era?
In any event, the civil rights revolution was supposed to end this sort of thing. Well, maybe white people started being civil to blacks, but blacks have been perpetrating escalating acts of violence against whites
ever since: Long Hot Summer riots, gangbanging, flash mobs.
All the more remarkable since white people have given blacks everything they have demanded.
Care to explain why this is so?
So ur saying that the color of their skin makes them the source of the problem? Your a racist spoiled cracker...
So ur saying that the color of their skin makes them the source of the problem?
Being stupid (or dishonest) enough to say things like that makes YOU the source of the problem.
I hope you're right, that the monkeys will be quarantined from the rest of us eventually, but these camps are built by the government, we know the government hates whites especially those of us who aren't blind and relatively self sufficient so it's not that much of a stretch to believe that the camps would be for us.
So ur saying that the color of their skin makes them the source of the problem?
The source of the problem is in:
* Genetic differences in IQ.
* Genetic differences in impulse control.
* Genetic differences in ability to think long term.
...not to mention...
* The massive amount of violent crime committed by blacks.
* The race hustling politics on the part of blacks.
* The fact that black majority rule cities tend to disintegrate towards unlivability, at least for people used to a more civilized time.
If they are not saying that negroes are useless and ignorant then I will.
negroes have not contributed a single useful thing to benefit humanity. NOTHING.
Since the dawn of history the Black Man has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”
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