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Summer Servings program in Indianapolis, anyone? |
This comes from my friend Walt: Irony – Defined
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47.5 million people.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U. S. Department of the Interior, asks us: “Please Do Not Feed the Wildlife.” Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”In the great city of Indianapolis, the simple request of the National Park Service is going unheeded[Program seeks to fill meal gap while students out of school, FOX 59 Indianapolis, June 3, 2013]:
Indy Parks, area schools and churches are taking part in the Summer Servings program, which offers free meals to children while school isn’t in session.
“We know how many students during our school year depend on us for breakfast and lunch and so we’re concerned that those children especially have access to food during the summer, so we’re excited the Summer Servings program will be offering breakfast and lunch at a number of sites throughout the summer,” said John Althardt, spokesperson for Indianapolis Public Schools.
There are more than 200 serving sites in Marion County. The only requirement is that students be 18 years old or younger.
“The Summer Servings program provides free, nutritious meals for children during their summer vacation, all summer long,” said Maureen Faul with Indy Parks.
According to the most recent hunger study from Feeding America, more than 20 percent of children in Marion County are considered food insecure, meaning they’re not sure where their next meal will come from.
“Hunger is a huge problem and it’s something I think a lot of people just aren’t aware of,” said Faul. “We have great supporters in our community who make food available to children and adults, but make no mistake about it, hunger is a real issue. It’s a real issue during the school year and that’s why we’re so concerned and we want everyone to be aware of the Summer Servings program during the summer months.”
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and students from IPS School 27 will officially launch this year’s program and Martin Luther King Jr. Park at 17th and Broadway streets at 10 a.m. Monday.
You can find a Summer Servings location near you by calling 211 or visiting summerservings.org.
Summer Servings program fails to take National Park Service advice to heart
So a large percentage of the IPS K-12 public school population will be able to eat for free all year around!
It's important we remember the words from Vickie Carson, who sent out a press release regarding feeding etiquette for those visiting Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky (courtesy of the National Park Service):
(MAMMOTH CAVE, Kentucky - August 27, 2012) Wildlife reminder: look, enjoy, do not disturb, do not feed!
"Just because animals are nearby doesn't mean you should try to get closer or try to feed them," said Vickie Carson, the park information officer. "The deer at Mammoth Cave are a good example. This summer in particular we have talked to many people caught in the act of holding a cracker or cookie out to an approaching deer."
The fact that feeding wildlife is a citable offense is one reason not to do it; for those convicted, it carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison and/or a $5,000 fine.
There are other reasons which form the basis for the law.
Why is there a law that prohibits disturbing or feeding wildlife?
· Nutritionally, it is bad for the animals. Human food can make wildlife sick.
· It interferes with an animal's ability to forage for its own food. Animals can become dependent on humans.
· Wildlife fed by humans can become nuisance animals, breaking into tents, cars and homes. Rangers trap, move and sometimes kill nuisance animals.
· It makes an animal an easy target for poachers. The deer that linger near the park roads this summer may be killed by poachers in the fall. (Hunting is not allowed in the park.)
· Animals that expect to receive food from humans can become a safety hazard. Some animals carry diseases that are very harmful to humans, like Lyme disease and hanta virus.
"In the long run, a moment's pleasure of snapping an extreme close up or having a deer eat from your hand can be detrimental to its health and well-being, and even lead to its destruction," added Carson. "It is not a humane act."
Just think of all the Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) and Crusading White Pedagogues (CWP) rushing to have their picture captured serving food to the almost entirely non-white clientele of the Summer Servings campaign in Indy... sure, it might be worth a short-term boost in their white people's self-worth (helping poor, helpless non-whites), but once the non-white population grows too large, those white people will be democratically voted out of office.
This program is not a humane act.
It leads to all of our destruction.
PK, much to my surprise, I had noticed that race realists and pro-white commenters far outnumber the mealy-mouthed libs and 'diverse' commenters on godlikeproductions. GLP's competitor site, AboveTopSecret, seems to be the exact opposite.
Of course, I'm not naive enough to believe that these 'conspiracy' sites are not already completely infiltrated by now, but it SEEMS like most of the race realists posts on GLP are genuine, if only because their views are so against the status quo.
I dunno. I trust you and your blog, PK, and a handful of other race-realist sites, but by default, I find it hard to 100% trust 'conspiracy' sites -- not because they're 'conspiracy' sites, but because they make such useful COINTELPRO and propaganda tools for the government. The mix just enough truth in...
"Hunger is a huge problem?" More like the "hungry" are huge. Welcome to Amurkistan, home of the world's fattest poor people.
I am of two minds about this post, PK. I agree that people that have babies should support them. I also believe that children do need to eat and that learning cannot occur when their needs for food, clothing, shelter, and other basic needs are not met. But I also do not like that idea that we should reward people with money because they have no male in the house for every baby there and that we are all on the hook for their support.
Well, I work with the nutrition dept. for the school board. These "youths" don't have to be enrolled in school to be eligible for free breakfast AND lunch. They can even bring their children as young as infants (all though they are encouraged not to, because we would have to buy special formula). The meal sights are congregated in "high-risk" areas for maximum use (and we can't have the poor dears make an actual effort to attend). They hire security guards (job program for blacks), who are advised to just let "youths" who look older than 18 to eat their meal in peace, and then tell them not to come back again (like they heed their advise).
This article has really opened my eyes regarding hunger in our country.
Perhaps there should be some sort of government intervention in order to alleviate this hunger situation, especially since the USA is the richest nation on Earth.
I would suggest the government provide a stipend of some kind to the poor which would enable them to purchase fo...what's that...they do?...Huh...er, ah....Never mind.
Let us be real. If we WHITE people did not feed the animals, who would?
The simians can not feed themselves. Look at the numerous nigglets. Some can't even figure out how to open a milk container. THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE.
This is America. This is our future.
God help us. War is coming.
Permanent welfare has been a disaster. But remember the context in which it arose. By the 1950s, mechanization had made Negro labor in cotton culture redundant. The planters, who'd used blacks for centuries, no longer had any use for them and basically turned them loose. Millions had already migrated north during the war. Millions more came in the fifties. Then the mill and factory owners who'd employed the Negroes decided they could make larger profits by sending their factories to the Third World. Negroes again became economically superfluous. Some people said "Let 'em starve", but the American people wouldn't do that. Now we have millions of Negroes who have no economic function and are completely dependent on the government, just as they used to be dependent on the planters. The only solution is to bring back manual labor that Negroes are capable of doing, then see that they do it.
Having lived in DC, the city state of freebies and gibs fir the entitled, I can say that I did take advantage if the summer meal programs. I figured why not as my taxes paid for the stuff. Furthermore, I was paying nearly 2 k a month in rent while half retarded, wet brain section 8 sistah Grrrrrrls were paying like 300. So last summer in the morning and in the afternoon, I would pack up the kids and go get free breakfast and free lunch st the school. Banners were everywhere saying that ANY kid in DC from age 2 through 18 could grub for free. Needless to say I was the only white mom there with my kids and the diversity present either gave me dirty looks or looked at me like I was nuts. Hey, speaking groidian here 'ain't no shame in my game'.
Many black people cannot digest milk, so I would always scrounge up the left over non used milks... Otherwise it would get thrown out.
It always astounded me that this one old hag groid summer teacher would look me up and down. Why? All that was needed was DC identification and your kids could eat. I saved money that way.
The entitlement of these folks is boundless. It is like white people are big walking ATMs. That hag groid would see me with all the milk and whisper something to her colleague. Meanwhile, my taxes pay fir her salary, her benefits, and my kids will pay for her when she is in the home.
These spout about commuuuuuunity. Truth is they only care about their own. Then they wonder why white people are tired of their crap.
White Mom in VA
This is choice!
So we all kick in for a Billboard in Detroit that says:
Long long ago in a land far far away (65 years ago about 40 miles South from my home) there were government farms on which the poor and destitute could send a family member to earn an income during the farming seasons.
These poor and destitute people were skinny,white and proud Nordic folk. They most likely would have felt embarrassed about working on the welfare farms and may have been suicidal had they taken free handouts once let alone for generations on end.
I think that blacks should be forced to do SOMETHING to earn their daily bread. Free shit only reinforces their idea that they deserve something for nothing. We could call all the gibs from the past 50 years as a break even for reparations. Cut them off today and send them out like an 18 year old into the college of real life for once.
God helps those who help themselves(this doesn't include helping oneself to YT's Iphone or the local Church free meal every day after buying booze with "spange" money).
Don't feed the Africans.
Blacks that expect to receive food from humans can become a safety hazard. Some blaacks carry diseases that are very harmful to humans, like HIV, herpes, and chlamydia.
"In the long run, a moment's pleasure of snapping an extreme close up or a black licking its fingers at your table can be detrimental to your health and well-being, and even lead to your destruction," added rjp. "It is not a humane act. It can also cause blacks to develop such conditions as diabetes, hypertension, and morbid obesity."
More free meals yet no reduction in benefits.
When I was a kid, the only summer program was "Summer Reading Is Fun". It was half a day of reading and crafts for one week in the summer for elementary students.
I miss my youth summers. My summers meant disappearing for 5 or 6 hours of hiking and playing in the garage with power tools. We didn't care about lunch when we were having fun.
But summer for Dvonte and LaShonda only mean free lunch everyday .....
when I was a kid there was a similar program at a local park. we white kids hated when the ngr's would come into the park and just like that no-whites for the rest of the summer. (shit I even seen a good friend cut down the damn basketball hoops!) what I guess i'm saying is that where they go trouble, violence, and belongings get taken! and as usual if there are any poor white kids that could use a meal they won't be able to get one. gee, I wonder why! so this is discrimination! and what the piss the food stamp program doesn't shut down for summer like the public schools now do they? almost like they want these poor ngr mothers to sell the EBT card for drugs. you can get another program going in d.c. for Ebt trading for drugs rehab! throw more taxpayer money at them. yea that's going to work unlike them! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
Indianapolis Marion County Police Department Summer Servings flyer. Notice the info at the bottom to report race discrimination.
RINO Mayor Greg Ballard is a globalist. He wants to end coal, spends our tax dollars on "renewable energy" scams, and works to have us all riding our bikes and living on top of each other with the violent ghetto dwellers. He hates the idea of liberty, freedom, and private property.
Here is Greg Ballard talking about the bike trails that go through the violent ghetto in Indianapolis. He won't talk about the shootings and attacks on the bike trails, though.
Nancy Pelousy tells musicians "creative" types to quit working since taxypayers will pay your healthcare comrades:
Greg Ballard just hosted the "Prayer Breakfast" for the 10-Point Coalition in Indianapolis. This is the group that worked during the Black Expo 2012 to keep youth violence down. This group is a not-for-profit, but funnels millions of dollars of taxpayer money through various black up-liftment programs.
Immediately following the 1968 riots, the Federal Government provided box lunches in my city and, I would assume, all cities affected by the riots, to any black person.
The lunches typically consisted of a carton of milk, sandwich, chips, dessert and a apple.
It did not take long for the lunch recipients to activate the local fire alarm boxes. When the fire apparatus responded to the false alarms, the A.A.'s would throw the milk and apples at the Firefighters.
That was more fun than midnight basketball.
Indianapolis spends $1.1 million on new basketball courts to curb black crime.
I hate this shit.
A woman with three kids in Indiana with no other income recieves $770 in food stamps per month. If twenty percent of the children are hungry then it must be those whos parents work for a living. I make a measly 2000 a month working I have one child. My relatives incouraged me to sign up for ebt and after filling out the booklet they awarded me sixteen dollars a month.
Anonymous 1:55 said :
"Now we have millions of Negroes who have no economic function and are completely dependent on the government, just as they used to be dependent on the planters. The only solution is to bring back manual labor that Negroes are capable of doing, then see that they do it."
I agree 100%. WHY do we have so many Mexicans and assorted third world mystery meat working in the agricultural industry when we have an over abundance of shiftless monkey shines sitting at home all day doing NOTHING but watching TV and sippin' on for-tays? It seems to me that we have more than enough low skilled "native" african workers to do all of that field work. The africans proved that they could successfully pick cotton and other crops, so it seems to me that they are perfectly capable of working in the fields just like the mexicans and mystery meat third world turds (credit to White Mom).
Another benefit of having the africans actually WORK for their bread would be a reduction in violence. After working 10-12 hour shifts in the field, I doubt that these africans would have much energy for gang banging. Also, by employing these africans and putting them to work in the agricultural sector (can't call work in the fields for obvious reasons)they would have less time to loiter around and take the "L" train into Whiteyville for some fresh prey.
This is just one if the many mountains of bullshit being piled onto working Whites in the Former United States (FUSA). I mean how insane is it that we import MILLIONS of low skilled, low IQ brown people to do field work while we have a nearly identical population of blacks doing NOTHING but lounging around sucking off of the White tit? Destruction by design. It's as simple as that
St. Louis has something similar, called the "School's Out Cafe." Most of the eligible kids' mothers get the EBT card, yet they still need to be fed around noon every weekday during the summer.
Ex New Yorker here....Remember all the cities where they stopped having Easter egg hunts because the Jungle Queens were shit kicking each other over pieces of candy. I can't imagine the mayhem that will take place with them fighting over scrambled eggs and a cheese danish.
With the "older teens" showing up it looks like a good place for a few stabbings and shooting. I guess they will have armed guards for crowd control. Nothing better than a nice AFTER LUNCH SHOOT OUT.
"By the 1950s, mechanization had made Negro labor in cotton culture redundant. The planters, who'd used blacks for centuries, no longer had any use for them and basically turned them loose."
Ha! When I went north once, I talked to a very nice older white lady who asked me some questions about the South, then became uncomfortably silent. You could tell she wanted to ask something but couldn't figure out how to ask it politely. Finally she blurted out, "Do you have a lot of - BLACK PEOPLE - working in the fields?" I looked at her and gently replied that no, we have things like tractors now.
We just got a card in the mail about the free lunch program for the summer here in NOLA today. I'm sure we'd be beat up if we went - but we have better food here at home anyway, so no thanks.
OT - one of my bleeding heart friends posted this video that "proves" how wrong-headed racial profiling is. http://www.upworthy.com/know-anyone-that-thinks-racial-profiling-is-exaggerated-watch-this-and-tell-me-when-your-jaw-drops-2 One of these stupid experiments in which some white guys pretends to be stealing a bike and most people don't try to stop him. That's because he doesn't look or act like a bike thief. Since when do bike thieves come out in the middle of the day with a bag full of equipment and talk to people about what they're doing and take a long time about stealing the bike? Who steals a bike from a well trafficked trail? Bikes are stolen from crowded city streets. Thieves go for a quick snatch and grab, and usually no one tries to stop them. Also, bike thieves don't dress as well as this guy. Sorry for the ramble, just the most ridiculous liberal thing I've seen today.
'The Bell Curve' was written by two white libs who, unlike most of their ilk, could do advanced mathematics up to and including statistical analysis. They retained enough intellectual honesty to write the truth. The problem is stupid, in all colors. But if you say that the African bell curve is shifted one standard deviation below the norm (where a standard deviation is 15 IQ points), that's less controversial than saying African IQ averages 85, although you're saying essentially the same thing.
It's science, and not all the politikorrekt agitprop in the world will fix it so the libs can live with themselves.
The 'Bell Curve' authors (one died around the time their work came out) worried that the Dependency State would run out of other people's money under the tsunami of genetic debris unable, unwilling, and unfit to participate in a civilized society. This was a simple extrapolation of trends current at the time. Those trend have only continued.
I suspect that the MINIMUM IQ required to function in today's high-tech society is now around 100. Back before the Seventies that was probably less, say 85, for an assembly-line job (perhaps still less, considering some of the lemons Detroit used to churn out). So the stupid of all colors are now effectively subfunctional and unemployable, since manual labor has all but disappeared except in the agricultural sector, which requires over 90% less labor than it did at the founding of our nation.
What do we do with the stupid? The writers of 'The Bell Curve' had no real suggestions: they merely honestly identified the problem. To my way of thinking, the most humane thing we could do would be to make tubal ligation or vasectomy mandatory as a condition of food stamp participation IF applicant's IQ is less than 100. Poor gratification delay skills would effectively, under this policy, exercise negative selective pressure on the low-IQ population. After all, no one would be forcing the stupid to sign up. Don't work/don't eat can probably not be imposed under the current regime--let alone if there were any great demand for the low-skill work the stupid could do. (Road improvement comes to mind, but we have paving machines for blacktop roads and box-blades for clay, gravel, and dirt roads, leaving what, pothole filling?)
My local health department used to (and may still) offer sterilization and depo-provera implants. There wasn't much demand. But what do you want to bet that if we offered slight benefit increases if mothers sterilized their minor children, starting around ten, the gibs-me-dat attitude would drive demand much higher?
In many oriental martial arts, one of the fundamental principles is that of using the opponent's strengths and weaknesses against him. Enlightened policy should take a leaf from that book and use the stupidity, avarice, and poor impulse control of low-IQ populations against them (Free Obama-phone or automatic food-stamp cost-of-living raises for life if you get permanently sterilized might be a starting point. Then, using the food pyramid, subtly encourage the consumption of less-than-healthy items.)
It's probably an evil idea, but if it is completely voluntary and not coerced, then no one can really protest: if the stupid are allowed, not forced, to sign away their dubious birthrights for a pot of freebies, that is their business. Who are we to object, since the long-range consequences would be so salutary?
Oh, wait a minute! Planned Parenthood already does this with abortion, and the libs just love that outfit. Yet if any of them were to see my 'modest proposal' above, their heads would explode with self-righteous outrage, even though my approach doesn't involve murder and theirs does. All of this just demonstrates that libs only love the lower orders around election time and, like the late, unlamented former Klansman Robert Byrd, are mere cynical hypocrites.
My earlier post seems not to have gone through the cyber gauntlet (or is it the NSA?), so I'll sum it up:
An original 1960s Star Trek episode involved a human-built space probe that had merged with an alien space probe and gotten its directives scrambled in the process, thinking its job was to sterilize all life forms since they contained errors. Kirk defeated that probe with a logical paradox (it had convinced itself he was James Roy Kirk, its designer). Kirk pointed out that 1) it made an error, 2)it failed to recognize its error, and 3) it failed to correct its error by sterilization. The probe blew itself up after Scotty transported it out of the Enterprise and into deep space, eliminating itself and its error-prone software.
America made an error (the African slave trade). It failed to recognize that error (the Lincoln repatriation plan was never enacted). America, like the ill-fated robot probe, also failed to correct its error by sterilization. Unlike the malfunctioning space probe, America can correct its error by sterilization of the low-IQ population rather than by self-destruction.
Blogger Jassi said...
Long long ago in a land far far away (65 years ago about 40 miles South from my home) there were government farms on which the poor and destitute could send a family member to earn an income during the farming seasons.
These poor and destitute people were skinny,white and proud Nordic folk. They most likely would have felt embarrassed about working on the welfare farms and may have been suicidal had they taken free handouts once let alone for generations on end.
I saw a book once [forget the name]
by a guy who grew up in the 1930s
at one of these farms. [georgia? tenn? alabama?]
He became a leftist journalist and covered a riot [60s or 1970s]
where blacks nearly killed him..
in the book he 'forgave them'.
3 in 4 blacks born tro single mothers.
the less 'alpha' males are the ones that stay and raise kids...
so its the jungle bongos [like obamas dad] that are siring more.
I'm still wondering WTF the EBT card is for. All these hongry chillun's while mammy buys steak and lobster with the EBT.
If they're really hungry, stop giving them the equivalent of cash in the form of an EBT card. Give them actual food that they can come and pick up if they really want it. Nothing fancy, just basic nutritional food.
If they want more choices in their diet, let them get a freakin' job and buy what they want.
Oh, wait. I'm being rayciss again. Work for what you want? What am I thinking?
Ex Detroiter
There is not a groid in any hood more poor than my mothers family in the dust bowl in western Oklahoma. They never considered leaving to California. They all stuck together in the community, and in five years they coined the term "tall cotton". Today they are still there, life has been good. When you hit a rough patch you go like hell through it. Putting your hand out don't grow the wheat.
What pushes it over the edge, almost to the level of obscenity, is that most of these people are obese. We've constructed a society where the more worthless you are, the fatter you get to be.
PK your words are so poweful thanks for all your hard work
there has to be an alternative to having babys on the govt dole, race aside
really, it is not logical to do this for anyone.
Taxes pay for water treatment roads emergency services police fire all these services are given free to anyone without any proof they ever paid toward them, add feeding clothing housing medical care, schooling,baby delivery, child care,
It is staggeringly insane and unfair and will not stand,
I have just scared myself...
RJP said "Some blaacks carry diseases that are very harmful to humans, like HIV, herpes, and chlamydia." When I was in Vietnam a guy gave me a book, "The Bondage of the Free", and in the book the author told why in the pre-snivel rights era in the south there were separate drinking fountains and lunch counters for Whites and the groids, and the reason given was due to the very high rate of what were referred to in those days as veneral diseases, what we now know as STD's, among the groids. I saw the book listed on Amazon or E-Bay, so there are still copies of it out there.
Anon, June 7, 2013 at 1:55 PM: absolutely nails the problem. Amplify it: we made them dependent on government to stop tendency to violence, riot, and potential insurrection (rebellion would be a bit out of their league).
"Gibsmedat" was the natural result of social programming to stop insurrection. Feeding the wildlife may make it dependent . . . but, every now and again, the coons will bite the hand that feeds them.
Hmmm.. Watermelon: natural. Fried chicken: unnatural (does not exist in nature). Grape soda: unnatural. Skittles: unnatural.
Today's food stamp/EBT program reminds me of an old joke: "An old lady gives an orange to a little boy. His mother says, 'What do you say to the nice lady?' The boy replies, 'PEEL IT!'"
It is not sufficient for us to provide these ingrates with mere food; it must be prepared, packaged, and muthafucka it better be tasty. Americans would never abandon its do-gooder "feed the hungry" programs, but the EBT implementation is outright wasteful and insulting to the people who fund it. The banks take a cut of each transaction; the gummint hires platoons of bastards to run the program, and looks under every rock to find "customers" for the program -- including illegal aliens; and the actual food is processed, retail product sold at stores at an inflated retail price. I would love to see the whole system replaced with grain distribution centers. Once a week, they line up for a bag of dry rice, beans, and cheese, and take it home to boil it up or whatever. Packaged dinners and fast food are a convenince for people whose work schedule may not allow them to cook a proper meal every day. Said work schedule helps to pay for said convenience.
Those who are too stupid/lazy/unfortunate to be gainfully employed have all fucking day to boil their pot of free beans.
"The fact that feeding wildlife is a citable offense is one reason not to do it; for those convicted, it carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison and/or a $5,000 fine."
My God, this country is fucking insane. Let it burn. It deserves to die.
You people are the worst liars. Right now we have President Barack Obama. He is a black man. His ancestors came from the very first Africans forced into slavery by the United States and brought to this country in the belly of a hell ship. Imagine his great-great-great grandfather shackled in leg irons and thrown into a stinking, squalid ship and made to row across an ocean, singing their beautiful spiritual hymns. Most of these unfortunate souls were thrown overboard during the journey and until this day, sharks congregate around these routes waiting to be fed. His ancestors could have come from a family of princes and kings in huge African cities. Today we can only imagine the grandeur of these places, huge stone buildings with great ornamentation, libraries filled with the intellectual accumulation of thousands of years of African science and philosophy. All destroyed by the white slave traders.
But through what can only be an act of God, this son of Africa has come to lead us in America. Despite the horrible history of the American people, Barack loves this country. He is a champion of freedom and liberty. A man who will bring us prosperity and happiness, but only if we discard our preconceptions and follow his lead.
I don't agree with anything I read here. You always misrepresent the accomplishments of Africans in this country. Africans have been critical to all the good things that have occurred here. We are hard working people with unique abilities. Our love of family and country are unique in our society. We have given you the finest leader this country has seen. Please give President Obama your support, stop this constant criticism of those of us from Africa, who were brought here against our will. Stop the racial hatred and instead extend friendship to those of us with an African heritage.
In Chicago they get school breakfast and lunch but if you can't make it to school on time for the breakfast they have breakfast "in the classroom" where they can eat at thier desks. It is also offered year round.
Why can't they just feed thuer dam kids?
I feel like I need to say something, because of all of the negative and defeatist feelings from some of the commentators, that evil is winning the fight, and that their families will not survive to see tomorrow. I, however, would like to give you hope.
You will never know who I am, you will pass by me on the street without a passing glance, you will not give me a second of attention. I will not voice my opinions publicly, I will not give you a passing glance on the street, I will not make myself known to the world. I am a member of Those Who Can See. A member of arguably the most secret & popular ideology in America today.
Why should this give you hope? Because our numbers are rapidly growing. You are saying "Wake Up!" to current members already and you don't even know it. We can't make ourselves known, the implications are too devastating to members in this day & age. Therefore, we individually arm ourselves with knowledge, preparedness and weaponry. Members may pass each other on the street and not even know it.
The bottom line is this: You are not alone. You have an army that is greater than you think. An army that continues to grow by the day. We are at your gym, supermarket, class and work. You may feel alone, but we are all around you. However, like I said above, you will never know who I am.
Keep Faith.
HEllo US People, I haven't posted since one week because im my new city i have to choise a school for my little daughter.
In the public school, i have seen only oone family of african, no arabs and one indian (no problem). Two yeras ago in north suburb of Paris she was the only one white in her classroom... The african family comes with 4 children from 8 to 3..they surely come in my rich city because of H.L.M (your section 8 program). When there is one family, they will not make a lot of problems but surely their children will be in late in the program school, then they will grow up and say french are racists because their children are bad at school or our daughters dont want to kiss their monkeys faces!
So i say myself i want to put my daughter in private school catholic, i see no african no arabs no indians, only two metis with french surnames...it costs me 90€ more than in public and i ask myself if it's the just price to escape africans.
I'm sure when my daughter will grow up there will be more blacks and arabs in college public so she has to go in private college it's why i want to put her in private school now to take the good method and to be sure having a place...
What would you do in my case?
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47.5 million people.
OK, so the USA has 47.5 million people on food stamps. This after half a century of war on poverty and every social engineering program in the playbook.
What gives?
You'd think that the numbers would be going down, not up.
By the 1950s, mechanization had made Negro labor in cotton culture redundant. The planters, who'd used blacks for centuries, no longer had any use for them and basically turned them loose. Millions had already migrated north during the war. Millions more came in the fifties. Then the mill and factory owners who'd employed the Negroes decided they could make larger profits by sending their factories to the Third World. Negroes again became economically superfluous.
it's not to be denied that globalization has had an impact on the economy. But white and Asian people deal with it by developing new businesses and adapting to the information age economy. Why can't blacks do the same, given all the government programs directed at them (minorities only contracts, etc., etc., etc.)?
I could see at least some rationale to these programs if there was a payoff in terms of an expanding black economic class that was not being propped up by AA hires. Well, again, we can see what has happened in reality with the many Detroits which are spreading across the Homeland.
You wonder what this country will look like in another generation.
blacks seem not to care who will feed the many children they bring into the world. its the way they have been raised to be always be on assistance of any kind and shows a lack of responsibility.
did you hear the latest coming out of kill-a-delphia? the crane operator had a half smoked blunt filled with the black man's all time favorite vice WEED! so ole Leroy got high and helped a wall come down at the wrong time. and just think with lib-rat states passing the favorite pastime of young & old alike negroes! this will be happening a lot in the near future. I wonder if lib-turds and their pets ever think about the consequence! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
ClayCo. officer injured in shooting, suspect dead
Pretty much exactly the type of news you would expect from Clayton County.
"I make a measly 2000 a month working I have one child."
Well, that is your fault woman, for not being married before child/being a single parent/not having enough education/family support/not being a skilled worker, etc.
Why are you entitled to my sympathy and hard earned money?? You are a stranger to me. YOU have made your bed.
Look, I did things the right way and my children and I are taken care of by my hard-working providing husband. I keep the home going, and he funds our operation. I don't rely on others to pay my way. Just my husband. And he loves to provide for us because he is greatly rewarded and appreciated by all of us. He wants for nothing, because I make sure he is happy.
If you want to be financially comfortable, then make yourself appealing to a man who will marry you and provide for you and your child. That is how things work in Western Civilization. This is not Africa or Denmark.
Married couple/families are the key to individual prosperity in America. Married families operate like a small economy. If everyone else would simply get their individual shit together, we would have a bunch of little healthy private economies operating and things would chug along nicely, instead of giving dependent White Mom free milks to collect and take home for her stash.
This is NOT a socialist nation, we run on self-determination, individual liberty and freedom, individual sovereignty, and private property rights. If you don't work, you don't eat.
Maybe you could find a nice church to attend and get accepted as a member so that they can counsel and support you while you get back on your feet. Then you can preach the gospel of self-determination to other welfare queens.
Or find a way to live on less. Or get more education and become more marketable.
Geesh. This is a nation of entitled whiners and moochers.
If anyone could have qualified for free lunches etc, it would have been me and my 9 siblings. We were of a working poor family. My father would have beat the crap out of us if we'd taken a handout. If I didn't have lunch money (I usually did of course, but often chose to save it for other things), I would just go somewhere and read through the lunch period. I wasn't starving, missing a meal here and there wasn't going to kill me. I carry that with me to this day, intense shame at the idea of taking a handout.
Anyway-it's just naivete to think that this, yet another "gibme" program, is about feeding the "hungry" (I'm sure we all here are aware of the obesity rate in the black community). It's just one more wealth redistribution program. As fewer and fewer people in this country are truly poverty-stricken, the definition of poverty gets defined downward and downward. In America, poverty is not having a cell phone. The only people in my opinion who truly need and deserve free meals are the elderly. Especially since America decided to destroy the concept of "family" (real families) and people no longer take care of their own.
I live in europe and follow this blog with interest and symphaty.
Unfortunately european culture and life-style have been drastically influenced by the new 'cultures' brought by America esp since 90's, and with America I actually mean BRA (hip hop, mtv, 'anti-racism' etc)
negroes in europe have always been an unfortunate presence due to past colonialism and recent immigration, but at least they were perceived (by themselves and by european people) like the wild, simple creatures they actually are. Everyone knew their place in society. Refugees, good for nothing. Unpleasant yes. Dangerous yes. But it was all very clear.
After 20 years of media brain wash by MTV and american shows/movies/influence? Well It's all changed.
Our negroes have been made (by others, not by themeselves as always) like your USA negroes. Anti-racism (ie racism against whites), hip hop 'culture', gibsmedat policy and all the worst things taught by BRA are now integral part of euro society, be it UK, France or Italy (google for the heroics of the negro called Mario Balotelli)
So thank you BRA from europe. The thing that really drives me crazy? BRA is actually run by white people (please don't pretend that white-educated-half-negro Barack Obama is the cause of this).
Very informative and intersting blog here. Apologize for my english, not my first language.
Basketball does not discourage crime. It's rare to find a hoop in most white Chicago city ir suburban hoods because it will be overwhelmed by hood rats that follow the natural progression:
Liter on the way there, noise disturbance, disagreement, fight, shooting, scatter, harass people on the wat home.
Greg Ballard supports a new bike trail following the Fall Creek Parkway, and it is ENTIRELY in the black ghetto. And it has federal funding and FULL SUPPORT of the local DWLs. At one point, the this greenway trail disappears from the parkway and out of public view, down under a dark bridge just a few feet away from high trees, dense brush, and the running water of the creek. I can only think of the local gang thugs hiding down there, waiting for their prey.
This particular stretch of trail then exits from the other side of the bridge SMACK DAB next to the youth basketball courts, which are always full of shirtless black males 24/7.
How the hell do they think that nice white girl blonde joggers and senior bicyclists are going to put themselves in a rape-rob trap like that?? Next to the basketball courts is an open air amphitheater for rap concerts and spoken word performances in the "community". Maybe they will hold the Black Expo concerts down there.
It is going to be a long hot summer.
OK, so the USA has 47.5 million people on food stamps. This after half a century of war on poverty and every social engineering program in the playbook.
What gives?
Jobs went to China.
USA added 100 million turd worlders and their fam-lees
Blacks went from 10M to 43M.
thats what happened.
Greg Ballard supports a new bike trail following the Fall Creek Parkway, and it is ENTIRELY in the black ghetto. And it has federal funding and FULL SUPPORT of the local DWLs. At one point, the this greenway trail disappears from the parkway and out of public view, down under a dark bridge just a few
You people are the worst liars. Right now we have President Barack Obama. He is a black man. His ancestors came from the very first Africans forced into slavery by the United States and brought to this country in the belly of a hell ship. Imagine his great-great-great grandfather shackled in leg irons and thrown into a stinking, squalid ship and made to row across an ocean, singing their beautiful spiritual hymns. Most of these unfortunate souls were thrown overboard during the journey and until this day, sharks congregate around these routes waiting to be fed. His ancestors could have come from a family of princes and kings in huge African cities. Today we can only imagine the grandeur of these places, huge stone buildings with great ornamentation, libraries filled with the intellectual accumulation of thousands of years of African science and philosophy. All destroyed by the white slave traders.
Let's not forget how today white Americans still force African and Caribbean blacks to move to America where they will be oppressed by the terrible legacy of slavery instead of enjoying all the benefits of black majority rule in their own homelands.
And not only that, today white Americans have big armies patrolling their borders, preventing oppressed blacks from escaping the terrible legacy of slavery by moving back to Africa where they could enjoy all the benefits of black majority rule.
"unable, unwilling, and unfit to participate in a civilized society."
I think "unwilling" is the key. Lets see, If I don't work, I don't make money to buy food. But if someone (gubmint) gibs me money for food (EBT), why should I work? Catch 22.
Romanticizing the urban poor makes me sick. Maybe I'm naturally oversensitive, or maybe someone just slipped me decaf coffee this morning. Right off the bat I am reminded that those race traiters are still at it. Leading us down a slippery slope of economic strife, social turmoil and cultural chaos. I defy the greedy, grasping, stingy, yellow bellies who incite pogroms, purges, and other mayhem, and I defy the powers of darkness that they represent.
I will not let blacks define me. Instead, I will show them that I am in control by changing the world around me for the better. The better for me and mine. When black people say that bigotry and hate are alive and well, they're right. And they are to blame.
They remind me daily, letting blacks belittle all fine social standards brings greed, corruption, and "It's our turn" to characterizing the government. Oppressive measures are directed against the white citizens, and lies and deceit are the stock-in-trade of the media and educational institutions. No other place on the globe allows the minority to dictate and make the rules for prosper and gain at the expence of the majority. Why do we allow it here?
Many people on this site despair that there is no solution. But there is, and this article by Paul illustrates the way.
Some of the less temperate here write about the coming armed conflict. There will be plenty of violent incidents that have a racial cast. For example there is the coming Oakland race riot that I wrote of the other day. But the biggest race tinged riot to date was Katrina and that only killed about 1,800 people. Not nearly enough to effect the socio-political situation.
We will no doubt have more race riots and perhaps they will occur at an accelerating pace, but they won't matter much of themselves.
The real solution is - eugenics.
Eugenics a century ago was embraced by almost every intellectual in the world. But WWII and the Nazis altered public perception. The Nazis were wrong in there application of eugenics in a genocidal manner, but there are other less controversial methods too - methods that were not available before.
For example a Nazi might just kill the hungry kid and its mother. The saner technique would be to feed the innocent youngster but keep the inadequate and/or overburdened mother from having more children until she gets back on her feet.
There were no contraceptives at the time of WWII. If you wanted to lower a person's reproductive ability you had only two choices: kill them or sterilize them.
Many women are self sufficient until they come upon hard times. America will never accept that these women be permanently sterilized. And it wouldn't work anyway. The churches would provide food to the kids when the women shunned government food programs that required the mother to be sterilized. Brutal methods will be opposed and circumvented. We need methods that address the problem of dependency in a manner that is acceptable to a largely Christian nation.
Many people would support the idea that women who are on welfare or food stamps or school food programs be made infertile for the period of their dependency. If there is a poor mother of four, the situation isn't improved if another child is added to that already stressed household.
We want parents to keep their kids and provide for them. If they can't do that we want them not to have anymore in until they are in a position to be good parents again.
This is eugenics. That is a hated name at present but it will reemerge as a social policy because it's needed. The policy that I outlined above is not cruel, it is compassionate. Christians can embrace it. There are no death camps or mass roundups. When person applies for welfare of any kind they simply have to not produce anymore children for the duration.
We only need some kind of shot that interrupts fertility for about a year. That's well within the scope of current science I would think.
Some program like this is logical and probably inevitable. A food subsidy program of any kind means that we accept that the government has a role in usurping or supplementing a parental duty. That leads inevitably to the realization that the parents in question suffer other deficits or else they could properly feed their kids. The principal duty of a parent is to guard and support the children. If a parent endangers the children by introducing yet another child in the home. The government has a duty to intervene.
Ex New Yorker here...
With the "older teens" showing up it looks like a good place for a few stabbings and shooting. I guess they will have armed guards for crowd control. Nothing better than a nice AFTER LUNCH SHOOT OUT.
Let's not forget that 10 year old LaQuanda might get some special tutoring from 16 year old DeVonte. Heck DeVonte might even allow Ondray and Trovolus to assist. Nine months later America has a 11 year old LaQuanda who magically got pregnant from eating the school lunch.
I enjoy hearing from friends in Europe, such as blancdeseinesaintdenis and euro disaster.
Putting your child in US public schools is child abuse, so I agree with you, blancdeseinesaintdenis.
As was stated in the Wall Street Journal once, American youth "culture" IS black ghetto "culture." Stay away from all poisonous emanations from BRA, euro disaster.
"Most of these unfortunate souls were thrown overboard during the journey and until this day, sharks congregate around these routes waiting to be fed."
Leaving aside all the other nonsense in this post, do you really believe that sharks still congregate along trade routes because of something that happened three centuries ago? I think sharks are more intelligent than this (unlike negroes).
"Barack loves this country. He is a champion of freedom and liberty."
Assuming this post is not sarcasm, I guess this is why Barak tracks our phone calls.
Sam said...
and in the book the author told why in the pre-snivel rights era in the south there were separate drinking fountains and lunch counters for Whites and the groids, and the reason
You just reminded me why I stopped using water fountains -- the time I saw negro suck the water out of the spout, full mouth on the valve, I was so disgusted that purchasing something to drink has always seemed so much better.
This is funny in a way, because two days ago had you asked me why I will not use water fountains, I could not have told you.
Anonymous said...
You people are the worst liars. Right now we have President Barack Obama. He is a black man. His ancestors came from the very first Africans forced into slavery by the United States and brought to this country in the belly of a hell ship. Imagine his great-great-great grandfather shackled in leg irons and thrown into a stinking, squalid ship and made to row across an ocean, singing their beautiful spiritual hymns. Most of these unfortunate souls were thrown overboard during the journey and until this day, sharks congregate around these routes waiting to be fed. His ancestors could have come from a family of princes and kings in huge African cities. Today we can only imagine the grandeur of these places, huge stone buildings with great ornamentation, libraries filled with the intellectual accumulation of thousands of years of African science and philosophy. All destroyed by the white slave traders.
I hope you are saying this as a joke because just refuting this paragraph could end up as a doctoral dissertion on bullshit people have claimed to be facts.
Anonymous said...
What pushes it over the edge, almost to the level of obscenity, is that most of these people are obese. We've constructed a society where the more worthless you are, the fatter you get to be.
June 7, 2013 at 7:34 PM
Just as gay is now the "new black" with all the anti-discrimination against the Alphabet Soup people (LGBTQ), and gay everything, everywhere on the idiot box, fat will be the next big thang for the hoomin rights gang. Fat fucks will be glorified, employers will be required to hire lazy fatties, and everyone will be taxed to the gills to pay for their health care.
Don't think it won't happen. Amurkistan is an insane place.
blancdeseinesaintdenis said...
...then they will grow up and say french are racists because .... our daughters dont want to kiss their monkeys faces!
You gave me an idea .....
Imagine a video where a white girl is shown making-out (kissing) with a gorilla and then she turns to the camera and says "He is the best lover I have ever had". Then show it at dinner time, and before or during NFL and NBA games.
Anonymous said...
"I make a measly 2000 a month working I have one child."
Well, that is your fault woman, for not being married before child/being a single parent/not having enough education/family support/not being a skilled worker, etc.
Please be a little more kind to her. She was merely stating that because she doesn't have a great job, but has a job, and she is entitled to essentially nothing. To be honest $770 is a very high food budget for 1 adult, who doesn't work and should have time to cook, and 3 children.
Regarding the statement about sharks following the route of the slave ships: Many Black folk believe the paths of hurricanes which strike the East coast take the routes of the slave ships due to retribution for slavery.
However, according to my intense research, Black people suffer the same fate as whites from hurricains.
Well, another stupid Black myth debunked.
"Today we can only imagine the grandeur of these places, huge stone buildings with great ornamentation, libraries filled with the intellectual accumulation of thousands of years of African science and philosophy. All destroyed by the white slave traders."
This is ludicrous fantasy. White people did not go into the interior of Africa until the 1800s. It was simply too dangerous - not only would blacks and Muslims kill them on sight, there was no cure for the terrible diseases unknown in the European world and to which Whites had no immunity. Blacks and Muslims traded slaves to each other and Portuguese and Spanish slave traders bought them at the coast. Sometimes they had to remain on islands off the coast of Africa - they weren't even allowed to set foot on the mainland, and didn't want to.
No one knows how many hundreds of millions of slaves were traded internally within Africa, or what their fate was. There are legends of some great African Empire in Timbuktu but by the time White people arrived whatever had been there was long gone, corrupted and fallen from internal forces, not external.
Negroes be all HOUNGRY an sheeit. It will be interesting to watch entire cities go cat 5 chimpout when the EBT card runs out.
If my parents allowed us to go hungry they would have been cited for child abuse. All these children in Indianapolis have one thing in common. Parents that receive welfare and food stamps. Parents that buy sub par foods with them. Parents that trade EBT cards for dope, cigarettes and booze. Then cry cause "day cant feed day babies". Also very few know their fathers. And receive nothing in the way of financial support from them. As long as they are allowed to breed like rabbits with no repercussion for their actions this type of behavior will continue.
Leaving aside all the other nonsense in this post, do you really believe that sharks still congregate along trade routes because of something that happened three centuries ago?
Shark infestation of the shipping routes is another terrible legacy of slavery.
Seriously, the original post appeared to be satire. Though given what we have seen posted by certain trolls, it is no doubt being taught in some black studies program even as we read this.
You need to do some reserch so you dont come off so laughable. Obamas ansestors are from Kenya he was the first to claim America as his home country, and thats debatable. Read the history about who was really selling slaves to Americans. Look on wkipedia and disvover who was the first slave owner in America, and how slavery became legal in America its all tied together. It will make you rethink your sad PC story above. It will make you crap your whitey tighties.
Mich Mike
@Anonymous June 7, 2013 at 10:18 PM:
Now THAT was funny. Thank you, whoever you are. I've been chuckling at your post all day.
anonymous@June 7, 2013 at 10:18 PM
from Canada here.....I hope to hell that that whole rant was tongue in cheek....because if not and there are more like you ..your country is doomed
Maybe her husband died? Maybe he left her?
Don't judge.
Look, more white women should be having kids period.
White Mom in VA
This is for you, White Mom in Turdville. THIS guy is qualified to give out advice. You should listen to him and keep your pants on.
The problem with single women having the vote:
Shaming single motherhood. Single mothers are CHILD ABUSERS and a burden to society:
Either way you cut it — whether the dysfunction is predominantly genetic, environmental, or both — the act of shaming women away from the single momhood cesspit and cutting off the flow of their financial lifelines is good for the women, good for America, and good for Western civilization. And most importantly… it’s good for the children. Especially those children who have evaded the misfortune of being born to selfish single moms.
I sometimes post as Shlomo Steinberg and Harrison Limprist and this one got me to respond as genuine!
I HOPE it was satire!
Weren't the slaves from WEST Africa while Kenya is in East Africa? Perhaps superior African aerospace technology was capable of coast to coast air travel.
I know a pathetic "single mom" bartender "Holly". She is white, lower class, flirts and wears lowcut tops for tips. She has two white kids out of wedlock with two different men, and is living with a new man she is not married to. She has a young daughter, and this new boyfriend lives with them.
She told me that she openly flirts with her auto repair guy and he gives her a huge discount. She gets extra shifts at work so she can "make ends meet". She calls in sick more because she is a "single mom" and can't find childcare. She says single moms deserve school vouchers, subsidized rent and daycare.
She is a HUGE burden to society and a terrible example for her children. She whores herself out and flirts with men so they will pay her. Shameful.
"Single women are bankrupting this country. And they don’t give a shit, as long as they get theirs, which includes tingles." -Roissey
"This is the reality we live in. It’s status whoring and self-righteous hypocritical white girl preening all the way down. The people have suckled on the Big Daddy Government teat for too long, and they ain’t giving it up.
Single women are the worst teat sucklers because it is in the nature of women, before they have had their estrogenic rocket fuel burned out of them by marriage and children, to extract as many resources from the tribe’s public pot as they can manage, and to dispense as much of the public till to sympathetic groups in a showy self-annihilation of pathological altruism." -Roissey
Today we can only imagine the grandeur of these places, huge stone buildings with great ornamentation, libraries filled with the intellectual accumulation of thousands of years of African science and philosophy.
We can only imagine this because it did not exist.
All destroyed by the white slave traders.
The slave traders were Africans.
it costs me 90€ more than in public and i ask myself if it's the just price to escape africans.
It is well worth paying.
Please put down the crack pipe. Not only is Barky NOT the descendent of slaves, if the entire goddamned Continent of Africa disappeared tomorrow, the world GDP would drop by......wait for it....2%. That's it. THAT'S the African contribution. And while Eygypt was building the Pyramids, Michaelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel, Greeks were building the Parthenon, and Americans were putting a man on the freakin' moon, your chosen race still needs international help to frigging FEED itself.
By the way, where is all your great African art? African literature? Anything that added to the collective sum of human culture or knowledge? To ahead, i'll wait.
Well mr anonymouse 6:31 am, When I made my statement I was not looking for any sympathy. I work 40 hrs a week at 15 dollars an hour and after taxes I take home 2000 dollars amonth. The point I was making is that a lot of working families find it hard to by food after other expenses. I could make more money if I moveed to one of those diverse cities you all live in but my little girl means more to me than money. So mr. anonymous you can go back to picking the scabs off your nose.
Oh and thanks Lorraine but here is a shocker im not a woman my wife died four years ago.
He is a black man.(Who has a white mother.) His ancestors came from the very first Africans forced into slavery by the United States and brought to this country in the belly of a hell ship.
Daddy Obama voluntarily came from Kenya on the east coast because he wanted to study in the US whereas slaves were unwillingly sold because they were the property of other west coast Africans.
Honey Boo and tyler perrys neverending dissertation of black comedies starring Big Mama and her farts.
One of the things I learned driving around the ghetto was that all those little "bodegas" or "cornerstores" around the projects in NYC would sell you anything for Food stamps. Back in the early 90's when food stamps came in a booklet and the coupons looked sort of like money you could buy cigarettes and 40's of malt liquor for TWICE the cash price. And believe me business was brisk.
I even knew of a store that sold glass crack pipes for $4 in food stamps or $2 in cash.
When thet switched to EBT
I was told by a lowlife that when people in the projects got arrested and were sentenced for a "long" jail stay say, 18 months that it took welfare 3 months to find out about the arrest and another 3 months to shut off the benefits card. So enterprising scumbags would visit the inmate and pay $25 into thier commissary acct (ie: jailhouse bank acct) and take thier "personal belongings" whatever they had on them at the time of arrest home for them.
Of course the benefits card was in the "personal belongings" and they would spend away until the card was shut off. Averaging $386 a month for a $25 investment..Call it "Ghetto-nomics" if you will but thats only a fraction of how these lowlives rob you. I used to drive a nurse from Arthur Kill correctional who told me she was sued by an inmate who claimed he had dysentery and she refused to give him Immodium or anything, he was being shipped back up to Plattsburg in a bus ,this was in july the middle of summer. so the scumbag sues the state pays for evrything the trial, his lawyer evrything. Nurse testifies she never even saw the guy. Corrections officers say that if the guy shit himself on the bus they would have surely known it as the bus had no A/C. and its a long ride from staten island to plattsburg like 6 hrs.
No worries, judge rules in favor of scumbag and awards the lowlife something like $12,000 bucks, half goes to his lawyer and the rest went to his "girlfriend" and we the taxpayer paid for the whole charade.
Reading this blog is reminding me of all the shit I saw when I drove around the projects for a living.
"What would you do in my case?"
I would find a way to make the area hostile enough to all non-Whites that they left... one way or another.
The only bounds on this are what I could do without getting caught. There are no moral restrictions, period.
"do you really believe that sharks still congregate along trade routes because of something that happened three centuries ago? I think sharks are more intelligent than this (unlike negroes)."
If you were talking about Europeans you would have to shake your head in disgust at this, but given the prevalence and persistence of Cargo Cults among Blacks and other non-Westerners the only thing you can do is nod and laugh!
What do we do with the stupid? The writers of 'The Bell Curve' had no real suggestions:
OK. I read and enjoyed the 700 ?
pages. The charts were unbearable
[and my IQ was measured in grade school at 125, I was able to skip 3 years of HS and go on to college]
BUT the book did urge..... 'inclusiveness'...its exact words:
By the way, where is all your great African art? African literature? Anything that added to the collective sum of human culture or knowledge? To ahead, i'll wait.
It was all destroyed, destroyed by the terrible legacy of slavery.
Oh, wait a minute! Planned Parenthood already does this with abortion, and the libs just love that outfit.
Libs like abortion because it get women to not be home makers..
remember it takes gov, ooops, a pillage to raise yr child.
from Canada here.....I hope to hell that that whole rant was tongue in cheek....because if not and there are more like you ..your country is doomed
Well, the country may be doomed, at least as currently constituted...but I'm pretty sure that the rant was indeed tongue in cheek. Then again, given what is taught in black "studies," and what is on the telescreen ... who knows? Reality has long since ceased to be important in BRA.
Anon @ 10:18:
Imagine his great-great-great grandfather shackled in leg irons and thrown into a stinking, squalid ship and made to row across an ocean, singing their beautiful spiritual hymns.
I don't often laugh out loud, but that did it for me. I'm still laughing. Thank you, anon; brilliant satire. I can't believe some people here took it seriously.
Please choose a handle so we can recognise you, and come back often.
"@Anonymous June 7, 2013 at 10:18 PM:
Now THAT was funny. Thank you, whoever you are. I've been chuckling at your post all day."
Yes that was some very clever and very funny stuff. Keep it coming. I laughed so hard my sides almost split! In a way also very sad as there are probably many white people who believe that stuff.
Good for you. You sound like a wonderful man.
White Mom in VA
So do your part by getting married and having kids,
White Mom in VA
The problem with the satire posted by anonymous on June 7th is that it is the type of thing brood sows in da hood actually teach their niglets.
After all, dey wuz all ancient flyin' Egyptshuns and sheeit.
Da problem be dat da ebbil ebbil white mens dun stoled ever'thang from da glorious black race and dun beat dem down. Den he went into Africa and tore down all da buildings to erase da evidence, burned up da liburies, destroyed da books and all dat. Lots of dem fancy buildins gots taken down stone by stone and rebuilt up in dat dere Eurup place so dey could claims it fo' demselves and make da black man looks bad. Dats what happened to dat dere "Cropolis" what wuz stolen by dem Greeks. Den da ebbil whitey dun kilt off da black geniuses so nuffin could get rebuilt. Eben da chinese done stolted dat dere Great Wall which wuz acutally builted thousands of years ago in Zimbabwe!
Mmmm Hmmm! Fo' sho'! And dat be da hisstory of da worl'!
"But why dey do dat, Momma?," asked Donterkavion and Sherillazenobia.
"Cause dey know we iz smarta dan dey iz and dey gots to keep us down so's we cant takes ober!"
"I hates dem white peoples!," Donterkavion screeched as he stormed out of da house wid a chip on his shoulder da size of a mack truck. He jes had to go finds hisself some honky to glare at to show his resentment at all da glorious black race dun been put through.
"I iz gonna show dem!," Donterkavion sulked. "I is gonna beat up a old white bitch and steals her purse! I be gettin some of what wuz stolt back fo' de black people!"
Facing a felony arrest charge for beating up a 70 year old white lady and robbing her, Donterkavions' brood sow momma appears on tv screeching, "He beez a good boy! He ain't dun nothin'! He beez a aspirin' rapper!Dis be boolshit! ya'll is rayciss!"
Mmmm Hmmm!
Lol....this is great satire. African libraries lol.
Instead of things like r-selective, use an analogy to sea turtles. We have all seen the nature shows where thousands of them hatch on land and then run the gauntlet to make it into the ocean. Most don't, but enough do.
This is a successful evolutionary reproductive strategy. It's all that it is. Nigs use the same one.
People have to stop insisting that we are all the same and that right and wrong is the same for everyone. In Papua Ng, there's a tribe that makes the murder of another man a prerequisite to manhood itself. Murder for them is "right" and it does no good at all to appeal to "universal truths" (white moral norms) that are neither universal nor even true.
"Either way you cut it — whether the dysfunction is predominantly genetic, environmental, or both — the act of shaming women away from the single momhood cesspit and cutting off the flow of their financial lifelines is good for the women, good for America, and good for Western civilization. And most importantly… it’s good for the children. Especially those children who have evaded the misfortune of being born to selfish single moms."
Well, guess what? Single moms don't become single moms by themselves do they? It does take a man to impregnate them. It does take a man to walk out the door and leave his kids to starve to death for all he cares because he doesn't want to bother with his kids or support them. Thus the single mom ends up on some type of state support. Yes, single moms are 50% of the problem but they sure as hell aren't a hundred percent of the cause. The other 50% are all of these selfish men who won't keep their pants on you know "boys being boys", won't take care of their kids and skip out.
How about why single men shouldn't have the vote?
I can see going back to having to own real estate with a certain minimum value to be able to vote in a jurisdiction. If you just rent, you have no skin in the game and shouldn't have any say about the rules. You can pull up stakes any time, but the owner of land can't run away from the consequences of their errors so easily.
America made an error (the African slave trade). It failed to recognize that error (the Lincoln repatriation plan was never enacted). America, like the ill-fated robot probe, also failed to correct its error by sterilization. Unlike the malfunctioning space probe, America can correct its error by sterilization of the low-IQ population rather than by self-destruction.
The error was manumission, not the slave trade. Why can't even people who see blacks clearly see this? Yankee hangover, still?
Admit it to yourselves, guys. The slave-freers made the mistake, not the slaveholders. Yankees waged the bloodiest war in American history against their own kind, and since that didn't seem quite insane enough for them, they then freed the Africans into our midst.
Blaming all of that on the slave trade is like breaking into the zoo, slitting the zookeeper's throat, turning all the animals loose, and then blaming zoos and zookepers for the ensuing chaos.
It's crazy talk.
Well, guess what? Single moms don't become single moms by themselves do they? It does take a man to impregnate them. It does take a man to walk out the door and leave his kids to starve to death for all he cares because he doesn't want to bother with his kids or support them. Thus the single mom ends up on some type of state support. Yes, single moms are 50% of the problem but they sure as hell aren't a hundred percent of the cause. The other 50% are all of these selfish men who won't keep their pants on you know "boys being boys", won't take care of their kids and skip out.
How about why single men shouldn't have the vote?
Single men don't vote for stupidity and insanity anywhere near as reliably as single women do.
But hey, I'm the guy who thinks we need to flush universal enfranchisement for any demographic group down the crapper. I'd put a whole battery of barriers betwixt the idiots and voting. IQ tests, citizenship/literacy tests, real property ownership, net taxpayer, no welfare, you name it.
The ship has sailed on "they don't get pregnant by themselves," honey. Remember "my body, my choice"? It doesn't matter whether you agree with "my body, my choice," or not, because it's the law of the land. Guess what? "Your body, your choice, your responsibility." If it's to be "her body, her choice," then it must be "her responsibility," too. Men cannot be ethically or morally responsible for reproductive choices that exclusively belong to women.
One of these things must go:
1. Men having half the responsibility
2. Women having all of the power
And since 2 isn't going anywhere, and is in fact the law of the land, 1 must go.
P.S., the lion's share of divorces are initiated by the woman. So your 50% thing is a lie.
We owe you no apologies, blacks are the same wherever they are, put your tea and crumpets down and quit whining
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