There's a quote from Lee Kuan Yew, the first prime minister of Singapore, that - with a laser focus - obliterates the concept of 'democracy' in a multiracial society [Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew: "It's Stupid to be Afraid", Spiegel International, August 8, 2005]:
SPIEGEL: During your career, you have kept your distance from Western style democracy. Are you still convinced that an authoritarian system is the future for Asia?
Mr. Lee: Why should I be against democracy? The British came here, never gave me democracy, except when they were about to leave. But I cannot run my system based on their rules. I have to amend it to fit my people's position. In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion. Supposing I'd run their system here, Malays would vote for Muslims, Indians would vote for Indians, Chinese would vote for Chinese. I would have a constant clash in my Parliament which cannot be resolved because the Chinese majority would always overrule them. So I found a formula that changes that...Watching the standard-of-living and quality of life rise exponentially for those citizens of Singapore is a testament to the simple wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew, who understands what so few in America wish to embrace.
Well, that's an unfair statement: he understands perfectly what the fine citizens of a city like Jackson, Mississippi -- in a multiracial society, voting in accordance with ones racial interests is a worthwhile, noble goal (as long as you aren't white). Out of a population of just over 175,000 people, 80 percent are black. The capital of Mississippi, Jackson has just seen the election of the city's second black mayor -- the lifelong, card-carrying member of Organized Blackness, Chokwe Lumumba.
No, it's not the name of a song from some 80s band imagined during a five-day long drug binder, that's the actual name of the black mayor-elect of Jackson, Mississippi. Receiving 85 percent of the votes cast, Lumumba's landslide victory is the victory of the type of racial thinking (call it 'progressive' in the eyes of Disingenuous White Liberal) highlighted in a democracy that Lee Kuan Yew warned about.
Once again proving the Detroit Corollary correct (remember: this was devised to point out the fallacy in Robert Putnam's study on homogeneity vs. diversity), the 80 percent black city is one of America's most economically destitute and crime-infested cites.
But, it's still a progressive-city, with the continued transfer of power - democratically, of course - from antiquated white-rule to that of enlightened black power [“Jackson, hell yes:” Chokwe Lumumba elected mayor, People's World, 6-10-13]:
Chokwe Lumumba - a founder and leader of the Republic of New Afrika, the New Afrikan People's Organization and Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, defense attorney for Tupac Shakur and others, and a first term city councilman - is the new mayor of Jackson, Miss.
In a stunning turn of events Chokwe defeated Jackson's three-term incumbent and first African American mayor Harvey Johnson, the white Republican-financed young Black businessman Jonathan Lee, and others to win leadership of the city with the second highest percentage of Black people in the United States.
"Mississippi Goddam" persists: about 90 percent of the state's whites regularly cast their ballots for Republicans thereby continuing the historic dominance of white supremacy in the state. Blacks became the majority in Jackson in the 1980s, but were unable to elect the first African American mayor until 1997.
The city lost 19,485 white residents from 2000 to 2010, even as it added 7,976 black residents. While most U.S. cities are experiencing gentrification, Jackson is still dealing with white flight - and resources are fleeing with them.As Jackson begins to see a government go almost completely black, why does crime continue to plague the streets of the city, and businesses continue to stay away from opening stores or branches in this "Singapore of the West."
The 80 percent black population of Jackson has just elected, with 85 percent of the vote, an openly black nationalist politician. It's becoming increasingly a monoracial society, where blacks have voted out white people due to a clear majority in the ranks of registered voters.
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Just like in "Birth of Nation"... it's time for blacks to enjoy the fruits of democracy and total power in Jackson. |
Racial interestes triumph economic interests and safety concerns in Jackson, but... hey, the 80 percent black residents of the city can smile knowing a black nationalist is going to bat for them in the office of the mayor.
But the miracle that powered Singapore isn't going to be repeated in 80 percent Jackson.
Instead, the idea of 'economic democracy' is being floated as a way to finally shake off the cobwebs of white oppression and persecution. Lumumba sat down with a militant black newspaper and gave his vision of the future for Jackson and its black ruling-class [Jackson, Mississippi, Mayor-elect Chokwe Lumumba on economic democracy, San Francisco Bay View, June 20, 2013]:
Chokwe Lumumba: First of all we’ve got to stop giving all the contracts to nobody except white business. Right now we’ve got 85 percent of the population of Jackson is Black, as I mentioned before, yet 85 percent of the business participation and income is white.
So what do we need to do? Well, we have to take a close look at who we’re giving contracts to, and we have to give them to somebody other than just white corporations, as that opportunity avails itself. We have to make sure that whatever corporations get these jobs, they employ the people in the city, rather than employing a whole bunch of people from out of the city. We have to make sure that whoever gets contracts from us agrees to do joint ventures or subcontracting and various things with other companies who can be developed to do those jobs in the future if they weren’t capable of doing them on their own in the present. So there’s a lot of different things going on toward the objective of developing a democratic economy...
I think we have to tighten up on that. I think that our compliance with some of our objectives is not as good as it should be, and even our objectives have been wanting in the past. At one point, the EBO (equal business opportunity) requirement or EBO expectation or goal was only 8 percent, which means that 8 percent of the contractors and things that do business with the city had to be Black, or not had to be Black, but that was the goal. That was woefully inadequate, and so we’re definitely planning on changing that.
Ann Garrison: It’s 8 percent in a city that’s 85 percent Black – you had a rule that a minimum of 8 percent of the contractors with city funding had to be Black, and you’re going to raise that number?
Chokwe Lumumba: No question, no question. Once we win this mayorship, there’s no question it’s going to be raised. But also, I think that the City Council right now has been expecting more than that, even though that’s not a written goal at this point, because a written goal is antiquated, but a contemporary goal would be much higher.This is the clearest portrait of what 'democracy' breeds in America, when practiced in perfect harmony with the racial pitch played by a politician like the black nationalist Lumumba.
Read these words again.
Read exactly what 'democracy', what 85 percent of the voters in 80 percent black Jackson, have just elected to assume the role of mayor in a city whose destiny looks hopelessly like the antithesis of Singapore.
But blacks have voted for their racial and economic interests, driving away white people in the process; shouldn't the city be flourishing - in the absence of white privilege - like, Singapore? There shouldn't be any clashes, with the black elected officials and citizens of Jackson partying like its 1865 again!
True to form, as if channelling their best impression of D.W. Griffith's hilarious scenes of elected black officials in the Reconstruction South of "Birth of a Nation," Mayor-Elect Lumumba is gonna throw a party, block-party style [Lumumba releases details of 'The People's Inaugural Events': Block party, neighborhood celebrations precede swearing-in ceremony, ABC 16 Jackson, June 24, 2013]:
Mayor-Elect Chokwe Lumumba is planning a block party, neighborhood celebrations and a prayer service leading up to his inauguration ceremony on July 1.
Organizers said the events are an effort to include all Jackson residents as part of the Lumumba administration's theme of "One City, One Aim, One Destiny."
In a news release distributed Sunday, Lumumba's transition executive committee released details of "The People's Inaugural Events," which will begin Friday with a block party from 3-7 p.m. at Smith Park. The event is free, family friendly and will include food, games and entertainment, organizers said.
Lumumba will participate in neighborhood celebrations Saturday and Sunday in every ward in the city. On Saturday, he will be in Presidential Hills from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Grove Park from noon to 3 p.m., Westside Park from 2-5 p.m. and Battlefield Park from 4-7 p.m. On Sunday, Lumumba will be at Parham Bridges Park from 1-4 p.m. and Leavell Woods Park from 3-6 p.m.
Inauguration day will begin at 8 a.m. with a prayer service at Word and Worship Church. Organizers said Bishop Jeffery Stallworth will preside over the service with other Jackson clergymen offering "prayer and words of spiritual inspiration" to the mayor-elect, organizers said in the news release. Lumumba and other elected officials are expected to attend the service, which is open to the public.
The inauguration ceremony is set for noon at the Jackson Convention Complex. U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., will officiate the ceremony. Myrlie Evers-Williams, the widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, will be a special guest at the event, organizers said.
Well, no matter.
Blacks in Jackson are about to party like its 1865.
This is a wonderful opportunity for McDonald's to open a series of franchises. Add to that, NIKE can put in shoe stores.
There will also be room for a black owned GM dealership to sell Cadillacs for "0" down and no payments till Jan of 2017.
Let us see the blacks build this city up the same way they built America. No mo Whiteass Honkey racists to hold down the proud black man. No mo rayciss White school teachers kicking D'Washixirho out of school for raping an 11 old in the girls room. No sir. No mo Massa.
No mo racism. No mo discrimination. No mo White man denying opportunity for ANY proud black man to open a business. No mo greedy White landlord evicting a single mom with 7 lovely kids. No mo, Massa.
Check out his celebration schedule. On several occasions he is planning to be in two places at one time. The old Firesign Theater song; "How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?"
Isn't it amazing that all of us racist White folk can maintain healthy cities and towns and even bring economically depressed areas back from the brink. Hell even our poor, destitute Whites seem to be able to maintain some semblance of civility despite their fate.
Jackson is now on the road to becoming Detroit. Corrupt, bankrupt and soon a wasteland. Let the countdown begin........
-JSF- in Minneapolis
Is anyone else staring to feel a building rage whenever they see something referred to as being "free?" I don't mean like White people being free of blacks. I mean references to "free" lunches, "free" phones, "free" healthcare (really, sickness care), etc.
Pure gibsmedat, that I HAVE PAID FOR.
I am really getting tired of it.
Yes, yes I am.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
The comparison with Singapore is ironic. The Han Chinese minority gradually took over the city from its Malay majority because of their superior economic performance. Everyone should read Thomas Sowell's books on the 'overseas' Chinese.
The Han started moving south in the reign of Wang Mang at about the time of Christ. They have displaced other ethnic groups and races by their superior economic performance. Singapore is a prime example of Racial Realism. Advanced northern races create wealth and take over.
A more relevant example would be Uganda under Idi Amin. He and his regime drove out all the Indians who were the small shop keepers. Then he ran out the whites who were in the civil service. He got an all black country but one that quickly fell into ruin - corruption, poverty and violence.
We should remember that the Founding Fathers weren't too sure democracy would work. They only allowed political participation from free white property owning males. Gradually those restrictions have been loosened. Now we hold election in which welfare recipients are allowed to vote. It remains to be seen if governments elected under such conditions can govern and prosper.
If recent history is any guide, this black nationalist mayor will just run his city into the ground faster. He's going to give out contracts based on race. Expect the electric power to fail and the taps to run dry.
If they destroy themselves financially, which they will when the rest of the Whites leave under racist black rule, Obama has promised to transfer federa tax dollars (Obamabucks) from whites to bail them out. Call it "stimulus".
This is all just part of the larger plan for White Americans. Individual battles, small dispossession campaigns, and once UN Agenda 21 is ushered in and family
cars and single family dwellings are zoned as "blight", the bigger transfers in the form of GRAs and eminent domain over private property will take place. Just you wait and see.
I was very inspired by this man today:
Ex New Yorker here....I am thrilled to hear about another Negropolitan paradise. The more the better. I can not imagine a city with that many blacks in one place. That makes the old days in New York sound like a birthday party. I hope they party hardy on July first. I wonder what the body count will be.
"Mississippi's progressives are determined to enhance the power of Blacks, win back the House and transform Mississippi into a battleground state in the years to come. "
Imagine a White man saying this. Bring it on, baby.
We have to make sure that whoever gets contracts from us agrees to do joint ventures or subcontracting and various things with other companies who can be developed to do those jobs in the future if they weren't capable of doing them on their own in the present.
So white businesses have to essentially help create black businesses to take their business?
Jackson-Evers International Airport
Another airport named for a negro. Add this to Atlanta, New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit.
Lumumba releases details of 'The People's Inaugural Events': Block party, neighborhood celebrations precede swearing-in ceremony, ABC 16 Jackson, June 24, 2013. .... Organizers said the events are an effort to include all Jackson residents as part of the Lumumba administration's theme of "One City, One Aim, One Destiny." In a news release distributed Sunday, Lumumba's transition executive committee released details of "The People's Inaugural Events," .... The inauguration ceremony is set for noon at the Jackson Convention Complex. U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., will officiate the ceremony.
Lumumb's transition team? A tribute by Lumumba to Lamumba? Inauguration ceremony?
The theme in actuality is "One City, One Aim, One Destroyer
"The People's Inaugural Events," which will begin Friday with a block party from 3-7 p.m. at Smith Park.
Notice all the events end before dark ....
I recommend his Wikipedia page. His entire life has revolved around "being black".
Chokwe Lumumba was born August 2, 1947 in westside of Detroit, Michigan as Edwin Finley Taliaferro which he refers to as his 'slave name'.
So his parents were slavers?
Unless he is actively using skin fading cream, seventy years ago this mulatto would have graduated college, moved away, and led people to believe he was white and Southern Italian, or something like that.
I would be interested in seeing a family photo of the Taliaferros. Wonder of he looks more like his father, the milkman who slipped his mother an extra bottle on occasion, or the postman who delivered her a special package.
"...transform Mississippi into a battleground state in the years to come."
Oh, it will become a battleground state. Just not in the political sense.
My wife attended school up to high school in Singapore. I saw a few of her textbooks and they were definitely more rigorous than what we have here. Their education system follows the traditional British system.
We visited Singapore several years ago. I was impressed with the cleanliness of the city, the efficiency of customs/immigration at the airport. I am not a fan of public housing. But there public apartment houses were well maintained.
One thing she hated was the muslim call to prayers at o'dark thirty. The government there didn't put up with any crap from muslims or criminals.
Black thug breaks into white woman's house and beat her..not deemed a hate crime:
Here's the reason that nothing is going to happen until something drastic occurs.
The majority of the violence in the inner cities is black on black, especially the one wants to address this on a political or news level because to them they are "expendable" considering the welfare queens will crank out 3 to 4 babies for ever 1 thug that dies from black on black violence.
Aside from the occasional one-off black on white crime it's a non-event as it's mostly (90%+) black on black...
The ONLY way the politicians and media will take notice is if it becomes more the majority black on white crime, but white flight usually occurs before this can happen.
In the event the tables do turn and you see more black on white crime you'll continue to see the standard black on black crime.
A lot of black supremacists are mulattoes or high yellers: lani guinier, Julian bond, Jeremiah wright, Eric holder... Etc. Looks like this geek had an Italian pap.
"The defeat of the personhood amendment and the election of Chokwe Lumumba are hallmarks of this process, and give renewed impulse and energy to recent motion of social justice forces throughout the country to make electoral work a key part of our struggle for freedom."
"...a proposed state constitutional amendment defining "personhood" as beginning at conception and prohibiting abortion "from the moment of fertilization" was defeated by 55 percent of voters in Nov. 2011.
Defeating an amendment that would make a fetus a person by law is considered a "hallmark" of their "progress" and a force of "social justice"? ?
Killing their own black brothers and sisters is progress.
This IS the culture of death.
"Jackson is still dealing with white flight - and resources are fleeing with them." - Whites are at all times surrounded with floating orbs packed full of resources.
"A lot of black supremacists are mulattoes or high yellers: lani guinier, Julian bond, Jeremiah wright, Eric holder... Etc. "
Interesting observation. And true. Resentment toward white relatives who rejected them? Have to show creds with negros?
You are really hitting your stride. Stylistically, content-wise, topic selection, etc...keep up the good work. Don't know how you do it.
Well, maybe I do...
It's amazing to watch your progress from those early days.
As for your current posting, and this "roaming block party" that's being planned, I am once again reminded of the Cargo Cults, a topic I'd love to see you cover someday.
You know it's over when it's almost impossible to satirize a society.
Best as always.
Jackson Mississippi is doomed to become an ever worsening African shithole run by blacks but with all the failures and dysfunctions blamed on da ebbil whiteys.
We all know the blacks will never take any responsibility for what they do or what they create. They'll destroy everything that white flight leaves behind and then wail dat da ebbil whiteys done run off with eberthang and left dem wit nothin'.
Nothing. Exactly what they would have had if there'd never been any whites there in the first place. It would have been nothing but a ramshackle collection of tar paper shacks, incredible poverty and mind numbing stupidity.
It will now regress to the mean.
Africa in our midst, indeed!
there is hope
When blacks vote along racial lines and take over a city by sheer numbers and proceed to turn the city into a shithole, they should be prohibited from running away from what they've done. They should be forced to stay and suffer the consequences instead of fleeing to white areas.
When they howl about the conditions, they should simply be told that this is what you wanted, what you created and what you got. Now shut up and live with it, motherfuckers! You aren't coming here (to white areas) to fuck them up too.
It's past time to stop letting niggers run away from their own beds that they've shit in. Let them stew in it and enjoy the stink and the filth.
June 25, 2013 at 5:13 PM
pat said...
We should remember that the Founding Fathers weren't too sure democracy would work. They only allowed political participation from free white property owning males. Gradually those restrictions have been loosened. Now we hold election in which welfare recipients are allowed to vote. It remains to be seen if governments elected under such conditions can govern and prosper...
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will mark the end of the republic". -BF
Nero fiddled, we twittered.
I am afraid it's gonna get ugly. I don't want that, no sane person does, but when most in this country have avoided reality for so long, when most have been content with the bread and circuses, the fall back to Earth will be more of an avalanche of flabby, fast food fed flesh and mostly empty heads rattling with their tiny pea brains all a-stutter. The bread will run out, and the circuses will close. I pray people wake up before it is too late for them to protect themselves from the savages.
Read exactly what 'democracy', what 85 percent of the voters in 80 percent black Jackson, have just elected to assume the role of mayor in a city whose destiny looks hopelessly like the antithesis of Singapore.
And as Albertosaurus notes, if we had a republic with a limited franchise (say, based on land ownership), only a fraction of those blacks would even be eligible to vote.
But blacks have voted for their racial and economic interests, driving away white people in the process; shouldn't the city be flourishing - in the absence of white privilege - like, Singapore?
The beauty of white privilege is that it is ubiquitous and all-powerful. When we finally split into two or more countries, the niggers will still blame us for all their economic woes. Even if there's not a racist-ass cracka for hundreds of miles, we will be blamed. Whites need to become utterly inured to this accusation, because the day the darkies stop using it is the day they start acting like hipsters.
It remains to be seen if governments elected under such conditions can govern and prosper.
I disagree. The Athenians answered the question of democracy when they voted to invade Syracuse. We just haven't been paying attention.
Chokwe Lumumba? The People's Inaugural Events?
These people are a parody of themselves. There are so many levels of irony...or what is the opposite of irony? I feel like the guy in the AT&T commercial when he is introduced to the concept of infinity times infinity...
Despite the typical PC media garbage, I'm seeing a backlash against blacks and their ghetto thug culture that I've never seen, from people who I would never have thought. If Zimmerman is found guilty and blacks riot en masse, the gig is up for blackie. The tipping point is near.
no one wants to address this on a political or news level because to them they are "expendable" considering the welfare queens will crank out 3 to 4 babies for ever 1 thug that dies from black on black violence.
If those numbers were accurate, there would be a whole lot more blacks. Blacks murder each other so frequently that it's not unusual for a black mother to give birth to more than one future victim.
This IS the culture of death.
And long may it last.
Resentment toward white relatives who rejected them? Have to show creds with negros?
In my opinion it comes from never being fully accepted by either race. This is why whenever anyone says that miscegenation "isn't hurting anyone," they're lying. There is a strong element of cruelty in creating a halfbreed child. Since mulattoes can rarely hope to pass for white (and being white is uncool anyway), they go for black and try to out-nigger the niggers. Hence the rage.
Another high yellow flim flam. Looks like some new Detroilets down South. I'll make sure and bypass those areas even if it adds hours or an extra day to a trip.
Gee, I wonder how the media would react if Kalispell, Montana elected a White Nationalist as mayor?
This guy sure seems to hate white people but I bet he LOVES white tax dollars and "Gibsmedats."
Democracy is the fairest system in the sense that it favors the majority.
But what if the majority like to have unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, children out of wedlock, don't like to read, wakeup at 2 pm on weekdays, eat pleasure food, and basically act like non-human animals?
then the government and overall state of that society will end up reflecting that animalistic mentality...
Welcome to the Third World.
those cunt progressives are already putting words to the excuse letter! we tried but all those dam whites wouldn't come back into Jackson and rent or open up new business. this ngr rat infested city will be known as the new Detroit of the south. empty of all serious human being's that know how to fucking spell, read, and write! can't wait till the openly black nationalist mayor (smartest no-doubt) will spew his hatred at any giving moment towards the race that he can't achieve to be. hey chokwe lumumba go fuck your black self bitch boy! we are waiting to hear about your attempt at being civil.--FAIL! GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
avoid the groid! plese shop in european delies, like italin german food stores is more expensive but your are maintaining culture, helping your community and most important avoiding the groid!! the youtube video showing the groid beating a white woman during home invasion comments are interesting many blacks saying no it is not about race
Meanwhile Dear Leader is rambling on about climate change or ozone hole, global warming? With plans to shut down coal plants which provide most of the energy in this country. Luckily the coal industry has some senators in their pocket but will Dear Leader, the one, go around congress and the senate with his laser like focus since he is an expert on every topic ever?
Silent Running said..
"In my opinion it comes from never being fully accepted by either race. This is why whenever anyone says that miscegenation "isn't hurting anyone," they're lying. There is a strong element of cruelty in creating a halfbreed child. Since mulattoes can rarely hope to pass for white (and being white is uncool anyway), they go for black and try to out-nigger the niggers. Hence the rage."
This is exactly right. In the book, "Zebra" by Howard, the very worst of the "Death Angel" candidates named Larry Greene was light enough that he had "freckles" that could be seen on his skin. The other blacks would tease him and reject him in prison, even to the point of calling him a "snitch" because he had White in his skin. He tried to "out black" the other negros and was more vicious and sadistic in his thinking because of this. He found NOI philosophy a comfort and became one of the most fanatical of the killers. He is currently in prison, though he comes up for parole every year.
"if Kalispell, Montana elected a White Nationalist as mayor?"...I would buy a home and move my family there tomorrow.
"But what if the majority like..."
we go John Galt on their lazy asses
Frank Melton was Jackson's second black mayor, and was a real law and order and pro-second amendment type. He wanted to be alerted to every single homicide occurring in the city during his term as mayor so that he could respond to the scene of each crime and gain insights into how to stop violent crime. He played it fast and loose with the rules, but not in the corrupt manner of a typical big city black mayor/despot, but more like a renegade TV cop or PI.
It's interesting that a black nationalist mayor got elected in the same city that voted in Frank Melton 16 years ago.
Anonymous said...
Democracy is the fairest system in the sense that it favors the majority.
But what if the majority like to have unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, children out of wedlock, don't like to read, wakeup at 2 pm on weekdays, eat pleasure food, and basically act like non-human animals?
then the government and overall state of that society will end up reflecting that animalistic mentality...
Welcome to the Third World.
June 25, 2013 at 11:44 PM
What if the majority are a bunch of apathetic dolts who have been programmed by mass media since birth?Most people in this country have been properly socialized to believe in nonsense like egalitarianism,feminism,gay rights,affirmative action etc.They will vote accordingly.
Who says democracy is the best form of government?Some Greek philosophers from over two millennium ago?
Democracy is just another idea that sounds good in theory,but not in practice.Very easy to corrupt and pervert.If more people were open minded they would realize that Monarchies worked just fine for most of the history of mankind and allowed European cultures to flourish.
With the Election of Black Nationalist Chokwe Lumumba as Mayor, is 80 Percent Black Jackson, Mississippi Set to Become America's 'Singapore'? Or Just More Proof of the Detroit Corollary...
(PK NOTE: Don't forget to watch "The Pruitt-Igoe Myth" on Netflix -- or via the Internet -- so you can take part in our review session on Thursda
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