Every so often, the truth inadvertently slips out. NIKOLE HANNAH-JONES published a long article (School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy of Ferguson Michael Brown beat the odds by graduating from high school before his death — odds that remain stacked against black students in St. Louis and the rest of the country) lamenting the horrible conditions of all-black public schools in metropolitan St. Louis versus the idyllic state of nearly all-white public schools.
The nearly all-white public schools consist of individual white students who collectively produce some of the top test scores, highest graduation rates, and stunning rates of efficiency on various standardized tests and in AP course participation in the state of Missouri.
![]() |
So, white people have magical powers which liberate black people from the lack of opportunity found in areas of concentrated blackness... |
Also, the quality of life these individual whites collectively create in their nearly all-white schools is reflected in the low expulsion rate and few disciplinary problems disrupting the education process.
The nearly all-black public schools (like the one Michael Brown graduated from) consist of individual black students who collectively produce some of the lowest test scores, poorest graduation rates, and shockingly pitiful rates of efficiency on various standardized tests and in AP course participation in the state of Missouri.
Also, the non-existent quality of life these individual blacks collectively create in their nearly all-black schools is reflected in the high expulsion rate, radical disciplinary problems disrupting the education process scaring away teachers and creating huge turnover rates.
The New York Times decided to excerpt some of Nikole Hannah-Jones work. [How School Segregation Divides Ferguson — and the United States, 12-19-14]:
ON Aug. 1, five students in satiny green-and-red robes and mortarboards waited in an elementary school classroom to hear their names called as graduates of Normandy High School. This ceremony, held months after the official graduation, was mostly for students who had been short of credits in May.
One of those new graduates was Michael Brown. He was 18, his mother’s oldest son. He had been planning to start college in September.
Eight days later, he was dead, killed in the streets of nearby Ferguson, Mo., by a white police officer in a shooting that ignited angry protests and a painful national debate about race, policing and often elusive justice. Many news reports after Mr. Brown’s death noted his graduation and his college plans. The implication was that these scholarly achievements magnified the sorrow.
But if Michael Brown’s educational experience was a success story, it was a damning one.
The Normandy school district is among the poorest and most segregated in Missouri. It ranks last in overall academic performance. Its rating on an annual state assessment was so dismal that by the time Mr. Brown graduated the district had lost its state accreditation.
About half of black male students at Normandy High never graduate. Just one in four graduates makes it to a four-year college. The college where Mr. Brown was headed is a for-profit trade school that recruits those it once described in internal documents as “Unemployed, Underpaid, Unsatisfied, Unskilled, Unprepared, Unsupported, Unmotivated, Unhappy, Underserved!”
Just five miles down the road from Normandy lies Clayton, the wealthy county seat where a grand jury recently deliberated the fate of Darren Wilson, the officer who killed Mr. Brown. Success there looks very different. The Clayton public schools are predominantly white, with almost no poverty to speak of. The district is regularly ranked in the top 10 percent in the state. More than 96 percent of its students graduate. Eighty-four percent head to four-year universities.
The article continued, but it for the sake of brevity, this appears to be Nikole Hannah-Jones thesis (We even Tweeted it to her!):
Thesis: Without whites, blacks fail; without blacks, whites thriveHannah-Jones primarily goal with her long article, and it being excerpted at the New York Times, seems to be based on to showcase the magical properties white people have at unleashing black potential trapped if surrounded by only blackness.
She even responded to us on Twitter!:
yeah, in a system based on white hierarchy, proximity to whiteness required for access to opportunity. Duh.So, Nikole Hannah-Jones attributes to white people magical powers that heroically liberate individual blacks incapable of flourishing if only exposed to blackness...
That makes a lot of sense!
It's truly misguided to continue and judge individual blacks by the academic standards established by individual whites, for when they are collectively aggregated we learn the truth of the racial gap in learning is embedded in the genetic code of the respective races.
No amount of magical thinking or proximity to whites can change the DNA of blacks, though proximity to blacks can negatively impact the DNA of a white females offspring...
The main question Nikole Hannah-Jones will never entertain is why, in the absence of whites individual blacks can't collectively creating the type of social capital required for thriving communities?
If proximity to whiteness is a necessary condition for opportunity, how did those black Ancient Egyptians ever build those pyramids?
RexHymens here:
Just in case anyone reading didn't catch the sarcasm about "blacks building pyramids" please allow me to explain that the architects, and overseers of the pyramids were most definitely NOT black. They were Egyptian, they were basically Arabic, just as they are today.
The only black involvement was the black slaves shoving the stone through the sand.
Grunt work. Just like the american slaves.
Under direct supervision (with whips) african blacks can be useful grunts. That's why they have been chosen as grunt slaves for thousands of years.
Anyway, Nikole, I'm amused that your drug-addicted alcoholic teenage single mother didn't bother researching how to spell "Nicole" before naming you, but I am not surprised that you are unable to explain why blacks are unable to form successful...well....anything, without whites nearby.
Black countries are 3rd world hellholes. Black cities are the same. See Detroit. Black towns, neighborhoods, apartment complexes, you name it. All crap.
Thanks, Mr. Kersey, you are doing The Lord's work here.
Ancient astronauts and Calypso Louie Farrakhan helped with the pyramids when they parked the mothership with Dayton rims and spinners at Cairo.
Calpyso Louie played a fine musical interlude so those noble africants could get their groove on while building the pyramids.
Didn't the Kansas City school system build school facilities under Federal court order and great expense for the purpose of uplifting the negro? Everything was changed except the negro - as close as one can come to a controlled experiment in the social sciences. There is a reason the Hanna-Jones don't bring this example up.
Your privilege and position in polite society requires you to not notice. At least publicly notice it.
Sheeit some of that YT mastery of tricknology and scienmajistics be rubbin' off on a nagra and sheeit.
If proximity to whiteness is a necessary condition for opportunity, how did those black Ancient Egyptians ever build those pyramids?
It's da juju that Whitey done stoled from dem! Dey dint need Whitey when dey had deyz own juju, but because Whitey stoled it dey needs Whitey until dey can get it back.
Da way to get da juju back is to kill Whitey and EAT HIM! Das why all da face-eaters an sheeit!
(Man, doing this Ebonics stuff is harder than it looks.)
Could it possibly be that Miss Nikole Hannah Jones is one of those magicial mystical Africans that actually realizes on which side her bread is buttered? Nah. Probably not.
Your questions are just too hard PK.
Good article.
Apart from different expectations, white parents encourage their children to challenge themselves and perform beyond the expectations of the teacher. Black parents, on the other hand, tend to inculcate in their children the idea that respect is only given once it is earned. Therefore, to take this argument to the next logical conclusion, a teacher in a classroom has no more utility than a flag pole or a dry erase marker. In addition, most black parents themselves having negative experiences in the classroom (the result of constant disruptions due to disobedience) their understanding of how a successful classroom environment operates is missing. You simply cannot have 26 students carrying on exactly as they please while the instructor attempts to teach. It cannot be done. I am speaking from experience of having been a teacher for ten, very long years.
Beyond educational expectations lies behavioral expectations. If a child knows that poor behavior will not be tolerated and he will be severely punished for stepping out of line, he will do as he is instructed. If, on the other hand, a child is told that his misbehavior is not his fault but the fault of his teacher or the environment, he will have no reason to follow instructions. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why blacks refuse to accept this fact.
A friend of mine who is just beginning her teaching career has asked me why I do not go back into teaching. She works in a Title One school and is quickly getting burned out. I did not have the heart to tell her that at my somewhat advanced age I cannot stand to be around niggers anymore. Period.
The Kansas City School District was THE crucible for this kind of research, and it's been a near-Biblical level failure. Two and a half BILLION dollars spent with one purpose - uplift black people. That's it. Nothing more. They literally were on no budgetary constraints of any kind. If they could dream it, it would be bought. They also attempted to get white kids back from the suburbs with 'magnet schools.' At the end of the day, nothing changed - not black achievement, not the white/black gap, and only a handful of white students came in from the suburbs. Basically they built a nicer ape cage.
Breaking-Joe the Joke Biden will attend the funeral of the police officers slain while on duty in NYC.
Biteme Biden is working on his best crocodile tears right now.
We had bussing at the local elemenatry school in the 1980s but it is over now.
They also had us read Animal Farm in the sixth grade but I'm sure that is over as well.
Another Gentle Giant
Aldine ISD police say a 16-year-old student at Nimitz High School was so upset with his substitute teacher for taking his phone, he pushed her onto the ground.
The video shows the student, who's described as 6 foot 3 and 325 lbs., standing up and pushing the teacher three times and on the third time the 66-year-old woman fell to the ground.
I've always wondered what the Egyptians think about this blacks built the pyramids crap?
Might be time for a webbernetts search to get some good laughs.
Has anyone else noted that we have not had a negro on this site lately. Guess they gave up on us racist.
But I bet they read the articles, and comment section still. What was the name of the half negro who told us all the reasons negros fail...
The question which is never answered is, if the system is a white hierarchy, then why such consistency in test scores across races with whites coming in second?
And why does white hierarchy have to do with test scores anyway? You either learn the answers or you don't/ can't.
Fellow travellers flock together:
Note how the narrative changes from "Race is just a construct" to "Race is so real that it is the explanation for the difference in test scores between blacks and whites."
Of course, if a white person were to stand up and say, "Wait a minute, do whites impart a special educational bonus (perhaps via their midichlorians) that uplifts the black," the response would be (yep!) "That's racism!!!!"
The main question Nikole Hannah-Jones will never entertain is why, in the absence of whites, individual blacks can't collectively create the type of social capital required for thriving communities?
Consider her statement: " in a system based on white hierarchy, proximity to whiteness required for access to opportunity."
Then logically, a city like Detroit today which has has a black hierarchy would be the Paris of the West. Or Zimbabwe, after getting rid of the white hierarchy, would now be the most prosperous and democratic country in Africa.
But "logic" is one of those white hierarchical concepts, isn't it?
Magic thinking rules in the land of cargo cults, otherwise known as BRA.
The video shows the student, who's described as 6 foot 3 and 325 lbs., standing up and pushing the teacher three times and on the third time the 66-year-old woman fell to the ground.
Sounds like another "unarmed teen."
Good thing the teacher was not armed and shot the unarmed teen. She would have been branded as a "racist" and her home town would be burned down by the forces of social justice.
Regarding Egypt and pyramids:
If the negroes and Africentric "education" can only point to ancient Egypt, pyramids and "commercial glider flights" as great black achievements-- all falsehoods-- then there really must be NO real achievements to mention. A historian I read in my youth identified 18 or 19 races of man and their contributions to the world. He concluded that African negroes were the only race with ZERO contributions.
Libscrunt DWL Joan Walsh (who?) says it is the height of white privilege to blame sobama for worsening race relations in the Kwanstain:
LOL! That kind of kool-aid drunk stupidty is probably hazardous.
Look at that classroom. Full of filthy feral skells. Ive seen this way to many times now. Wonder if that poor old lady was a liberal progressive?
"Anonymous said...
We had bussing at the local elemenatry school in the 1980s but it is over now.
They also had us read Animal Farm in the sixth grade but I'm sure that is over as well."
We read Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" in elementary school (That was before the bussing started for me in Jr. High.)
Nobody I meet has ever even heard of that story... Its probably banned now.
I've never forgotten it.
Every time I laid eyes upon the two Janets - Reno and Napolitano, I always thought:
"That must be exactly what Diana Moon Glampers would look like."
Blacks need whites but hate whites. Funny isnt it? I mean they truly are the sickest most demented creatures on this planet.
I used to actually stick up and defend them when I was younger. Amazing what you learn as you get older.
@ Rex Hymens at the very top, who wrote:
<< Anyway, Nikole, I'm amused that your drug-addicted alcoholic teenage single mother didn't bother researching how to spell "Nicole"... >>
Why would you say this about her mother? Be a gentleman. Express yourself with integrity.
- Man in Florida
Your tax dollars at work:
One small entertainment is watching local tv talk shows with leading area negroes as guests dressed up all shiny and using incorrectly "big" words they just learned and mispronouncing many of the rest. I'm thinking that nearly all are really quite stupid. If you see a negro doctor coming into the room-- run for your life! But negro ambulance-chasing lawyer ads are another comedy treat.
Black cops of NYPD say they fear fellow officers, they could always resign if it is too much to handle:
Hmm. If whites thrive without blacks, and blacks need whites to survive, then wouldn't that mean blacks are a uh...what's the word I'm looking for PARASITE! Or as my namesake suggests: a plague.
"< Anyway, Nikole, I'm amused that your drug-addicted alcoholic teenage single mother didn't bother researching how to spell "Nicole"... >>
Why would you say this about her mother? Be a gentleman. Express yourself with integrity."
Statistical probability?
Many (much higher % than humans) blacks have drug-addicted, alcoholic teenage single mothers.
Look it up.
Da Greeks done stole geometry invented in Africa and dint gib it back.
Philadelphia Mike here.
My sympathy goes to the 16 year White Grosse Pointe girl who was murdered in Detroit and her 3 friends who were shot.
By why, I ask, were you there in the first place? And why were you smoking marijuana in THAT neighborhood?
You don't need Philadelphia street sense to suspect that something smells rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Were they scoring a dope deal? Whatever they were doing, they should have known better. Growing up right next door to the most blighted city in the nation should have been lessen enough for them.
As parents, it's our obligation to do our very best to teach our children well. Yes, they often don't listen. But still, we have to keep trying.
Philadelphia Mike
I just saw the link for that unfortunate White substitute teacher who was brutalized by a "gentle giant" feral negro.
It looks as though that young feral negro buck is on the accelerated high school to prison program.
I was encouraged to see the White newscasters not only condemn the violent actions of the feral thug...but they also criticized all of the young negresses who just sat there without offering any aid to the elderly woman.
The tides are turning...not just here...but world wide.
Don't take a gloomy approach my fellow realists. All is NOT lost. As the negroes act in a way more akin to their natural state, they will bring down their own demise.
Philadelphia Mike
I am reposting a comment that I wrote 2 days ago about Ms. Nikole Hannah-Jone's article about these "apartheid schools" in St. Louis.
When addressing busing, the author wrote: Today, about 5,000 (black) students get to escape the troubles of the St. Louis public schools — a small fraction of the number who apply for the privilege of doing so.
1st comment: "Escape?" Yes a very apt term. But who are these blacks trying to escape from? Why( ! ) from themselves, of course. The reality is that blacks can never escape from themselves. They are...who they are. Plain and simple. They just can't seem to catch on, can they. Latch on...yes. Catch on...no.
2nd comment: "apply for the PRIVILEGE of doing so". Again that magic word. Privilege. You bet your ass it's a privilege to be educated among the hard working, law abiding, self accountable, tax paying Whites.
So, black folk, when your children are being bussed into the White school districts, don't forget that you have been extended a privilege which you haven't earned nor deserve!
Philadelphia Mike
I get tired of hearing the news media 'explaining' that Eric Garner was an innocent victim of cop over-reaction.
We need real investigative reporters. The guys on TV only seem to watch other guys on TV. No shoe leather is expended.
Why has no one interviewed his doctors or his friends? Garner was a huge and apparently very sick guy. Some say he weighed 350 lbs. Others say 400 lbs. He had a number of ailments including asthma, heart failure and apnea. He was never choked and did not die from being choked. He died of a cardiac incident. Hardly a surprise. He looked like a heart attack waiting to happen.
How come we don't know what drugs Garner was taking? I suspect it's because knowledge of his medical situation would tend to exonerate the police.
I'm in roughly the same situation as Garner although I'm about a inch shorter, a hundred pounds lighter, and also forty years older. If I were to wrestle six cops I doubt if I would survive.
If you are in heart failure you can go about your daily business for decades as long as you don't over exert yourself. And you must take your pills religiously and get tested routinely.
Garner didn't look to me like he was the kind of guy who was punctilious in his personal habits. When had he had his INR last checked?
The police should be commended - they didn't Tase him. I fear being Tased more than being shot. Taser International warns cops not to use their device on people with cardiac problems. The cops seemed to act very circumspectly toward this guy. But even if Garner had gone peacefully instead of resisting he didn't have much of a life expectancy. He likely would have died within the year. I'm just guessing of course.
Heart Failure is very common among blacks. 3% of all black male adults have it. They also get it as young as age 35 - something almost unknown in whites where it is only common with great age. If we are going to retrain our cops we should alert them to black health problems although in this case they acted appropriately as far as I can tell.
Pat Boyle
Heart failure and related diseases is the #1 killer of all people in general and the mortality rates increase with age. Cancer is a distant 2nd
Stun guns shouldn't be used on anyone. When you give a cop a stun gun or even pepper spray they think it's non lethal and have a tendency to use it more than is necessary.
SC native
I think the fantasy of Afrocentrism is contained to negros here in the US. I remember something about Dr. Zahi Hawass (sp?) addressing this by saying it's pure fiction, DNA on the mummies of all classes confirms this. He seemed quite aggravated about even having to address the question since everybody but American Negros know the truth. A recent sequencing of King Tut's DNA shows he was of European lineage.
Now the Kushites ruled Egypt for one or two dynasties, they just ruled that's it. Anybody who wants to see the difference in Egyptian construction and Nubian construction can google this. The Nubians imitated the Egyptians but could only build extremly small scale models.
Keywords would be:
That should get anybody started. Bear in mind the ancient kingdoms of Cush and Abysinnia (sp?) are heavily Semitic even if they are dark. These folks will get pissed from what I understand if you compare them with sub Saharans. It seems everybody dislikes them and the American Negro is lower than that. I've been told the North Africans put sub saharans in cages beside monkeys. Kinda disrespectful to monkeys but I'd laugh my ass off if I saw it.
Anyway a few google searches will give you plenty to laugh about. Enjoy.
Anonymous said...
Regarding Egypt and pyramids:
4500 years ago when the Great Pyramid was built there were no Negroes in Egypt.Egypt and Mesopotamia were always included in Western Civilisation (Caucasian)for a good reason.The age of the pyramid builders ended after the area became mixed and much later in time.It would be like comparing Detroit today with a few generations ago.By modern times, like the age of the blond Balkan Queen, Cleopatra, there were already negoes in Egypt.
Black gorrila nigger family threaten to shoot up precinct.
X Baltimore here.
Can't wait to see new site and name. Thank you PK and all you nice folk that comment.
"Stun guns shouldn't be used on anyone. When you give a cop a stun gun or even pepper spray they think it's non lethal and have a tendency to use it more than is necessary."
Correct, when suspects/criminals resist arrest they should be shot.
The full text of Harrison Bergeron is available here.
Gentle Giant goes apeshit:
Note the cheering of the rest of the class.
SC native
Very true, I think comparing the old kingdom building with what's left of Nubia in the Sudan makes your point. What's there is a pale comparison to what they were trying to copy.
What amazes me (not really) is that the negress is so dumb that she doesn't realize the implications of what she is saying.
All she can do is flail about trying to find a reason for black incompetence and failure and naturally (for her kind) lands squarely on a "blame whitey" theme.
Silly negro. You've simply confirmed the truth of the statement- "You need us, we don't need you."
Now shut up and go build a subsistence tribal community and get the hell out of the modern world where you don't belong.
Nomiki Konst on Fox News about the NYPD cop situation: “We should be mourning the deaths of these slain police officers especially since they are minorities”
Sounds like Only Non-White Lives Matter.
And the tension rises, folks.
Now a group of black NY cops have claimed that they fear their fellow White cops.
Man, oh, Man. The blacks are just alienating one group after the next.
With each day, I see that White light at the end of this abysmal black tunnel shining brighter...and brighter...and brighter.
Philadelphia Mike
Token Liberal here:
I read every one of the comments on the New York Times article with relish.
SO, SO, SO many liberals admitting that blacks are disruptive bullies and that they'd be handicapping and potentially endangering their children if they sent them to schools with a significant percent of blacks.
Also a lot of comments accusing the author of the piece of being disingenuous at best for not stating that many black schools get more money per student than many white schools. The fallacy that black schools are awful because they're underfunded needs to die.
The facade is crumbling.
Yeah....day dun built da peeramids an sheet...
A laugh?...Nornamdy HS (now all black)that st swisher gadumated frum team's name and school emblem is the Vikings !!!!!!!!
How much more Nordic or White could a people be than the Vikings?
Don't think the groids there have noticed this yet, as if they had? They'd be screaming "Dat be waycist"
That is of course the groids haven't claimed to have settled Greenland first?
The link to Normandy's home page :)
"RexHymens here:
Just in case anyone reading didn't catch the sarcasm about "blacks building pyramids" please allow me to explain that the architects, and overseers of the pyramids were most definitely NOT black. They were Egyptian, they were basically Arabic, just as they are today. "
That's not true at all, North Africa was inhabited by native Mediterraneans, with Levantine and Jewish minorities, blacks got there later as slaves.
The North Africa we see today is the result of the Arab invasion of 647 AD, search this "Muslim invasion of North Africa".
Ex New Yorker here.....These people are filled with self-loathing and hate. Any person with any kind of self respect would stand on their own two feet and stop blaming others for their failures. It's a shame how weak black people really are. Truly the Pity Pot People. Wait until the Mexicans get nice and settled into the country. Once the blacks find out that Mr. O does not give two shits about them things should get interesting. They are all being used. Every body is a slave. Pawns in a game they know nothing about.
The Communist are still protesting against the KILLER COPS in New York City. They seem like well paid professionals. This is the PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION scam done big time. The solution to the problem of BRUTAL WHITE KILLER COPS will be a Federal (or private) police force. The people won't mind. Just as long as they have their television, football games, beer and junk food.
I thank God every day that I am living far from the maddening crowd. I was a high school drop out that made it on my own and have not HAD A JOB in fifty years. I lived an adventuress life and now I'm just some old guy with no teeth and only one good eye. The American people seem to get dumber by the day. I can't even imagine what it will be like once the food riots start.
D-FENS said...
Didn't the Kansas City school system build school facilities under Federal court order and great expense for the purpose of uplifting the negro? Everything was changed except the negro - as close as one can come to a controlled experiment in the social sciences. There is a reason the Hanna-Jones don't bring this example up.
Yes KCPS Spent more than it took to put the first shuttle in space. It failed, and now the district is unaccredited. I was a front row witness to the devolvement of a 5 star rated school down to 3 stars in two years.
It's a perfect example of the fact that even an insane amount of White tax money, teachers and administrators could pull Blacks up to the level of Whites.
what did south africans contribute to civilization?
first spoken language
first weapons
first mud huts
first wars
and ????
A bit off topic. Most of you probably know the name Colin Flaherty. The guy wrote White Girl Bleeds a Lot, chronicles negro violence against white people. I didn't read the book, only because I figure I know the full history on the subject. Colin has a few youtube videos where he discusses, not just the savage brutality, but the bigger picture of the mainstreaming of negro behavior. I watched a few and I thought he had a really intelligent view of the full problem. I would highly recommend his work. I'll get his book, just to see his perspective on the whole negro mob violence horror.
In the videos I watched, Colin did seem to be completely unaware of the role of "squids" in what we are all facing. Could be Boblybuski can give him a call and discuss this. Or Colin could be a "squid" himself, it's so hard to know without professional guidance. Bogo, can we trust this guy?
Paul, you really had to go and Tweet her? Make her back up her negro lunacy?
They must be moved, removed or excised.
Anything else just rolls it into the future.
On the topic of KC schools, I read this article almost 10 years ago, before SBPDL. Kind of a watershed moment for me in how I thought about these issues.
re. SC Native
From what I have been able to discern, the Kushites, Nubians, or what have you, did not begin to have pyramids built until after they conquered Egypt after its fall during the third intermediate period. Their reign, being the shortest of any non-Egyptian rule, began in 760 B.C.E. and lasted until 656 B.C.E. The pyramids which were built were numerous, but were primarily built during this time frame. Supposedly a few were built up to the 300 A.D. period, but the majority were built during the Nubian time frame of the 25th Dynasty (if you can call it that). Considering these people had never built much in the way of stone constructions prior to their conquest of Egypt, and did not really build much of anything afterwards leads me to conclude they used Egyptian architects and labor to build them.Thus I believe it would be more accurate to say they had them built for them, but did not build them themselves. Once again Negros claiming the work of others as their own achievements. Sickening isn't it?
The irony is, Blacks have something uniquely their own to be proud of: Black music from roughly 1890 to 1980. Probably collectively the third greatest music in the world (First: Germans/Bach/Mozart/Beethoven; Second: Italians/Verdi/Puccini).
Black literature is fifth rate at best, no one with a choice reads it; and there is really no barrier to entry, an obscure divorced mother in England wrote a best seller (Harry Potter); Dashiell Hammett was nothing but an ex-Pinkerton; Eric Ambler an ex-engineer. If you can entertain people with stories they will buy them. Black authors can't even manage THAT.
Music isn't nothing -- classic Motown, R&B, Jazz still moves people today. Listen to Nat King Cole and try not to be moved by "Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire." Or Louis Armstrong singing "Its a Wonderful World."
Black people DO have heroes, men and women worthy of emulation and respect and remembrance. Armstrong grew up in an Orphanage -- his mother was too drunk and stoned to take care of him. He ended up the most adored entertainer in the World, who changed music TWICE.
All this phony addiction to magic shows Black people refuse to embrace real heroes and role models and engage in fantasy. That is not going to be a good outcome for them. Ultimately Black power rests on extorting money from Whites. When/if the Chinese run things Blacks will be treated worse than the Tibetans.
Bernicegreenbaum I hate to disagree with you but black parents inculcate their children with nothing. The feral groids pop out and that's it. If this were a case of earning expect a program could be established to do so. The only thing they respect is force and flashy displays of wealth (see any rapper, pimp or black preacher).
Second, I have no sympathy for the old lady who took the phone. She should have declined the job when she saw who was in the class. I think she is lucked she wasn't raped. The Afrocentric analysis of this is that she asserted her white privilege in trying to take the phone and this oversized groid was just disrupting the white hierarchy.
Finally does anyone else find it strange that the "white hierarchy" is led by a black president, a black atty general, a black homeland security secretary?
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Damn PK, duh its racism. No reasoning, no logical example cited, just racism. Hierarchy. Fo' syllables an' sheeit.
I've seen this kind of "educated" negress throughout my government service. They are bright enough to understand that they can't act completely ghetto at work and will be advanced. Also, if they do act too ghetto and don't advance fast enough then they attack YT's hierarchy (which is hilarious due to the fact that the fed.gov hierarchy is chock full of AA retards).
Big word misuse is never called out. I used to, but started to sound like a smart-ass, so I stopped. It is funny to sound out a "word" in a mass email just to realize what they may have meant due to the context of the entire message. The red squiggle under the word isn't a gold star for using a big word, its YT's racist spell check.
Asians and Indian students seem to thrive in the white man's racist school system. There is a reason she didn't bring up this fact either.
To all of the realists out there, stay safe, stay aware, and keep your powder dry. I do believe our interesting times have begun according to the ancient Chinese proverb. God bless P.K. and the work he does. Merry Christmas!
Love, Mikey™
Even though she knows, and believes, everything she wrote is true, she now probably regrets all of it.
After enduring a black person's talk about how it was necessary for blacks to be integrated into white schools so blacks could learn, I said "What is it about sitting next to me in school that makes you able to learn better than if you sit next to another black?" Could have heard a pin drop and although it was 30 years ago, I'm still waiting for an answer.
"Didn't the Kansas City school system build school facilities under Federal court order and great expense for the purpose of uplifting the negro? Everything was changed except the negro"
Not only in Kansas city, but in many cities across the country money was and is spent in trying to uplift the average black into the position of the average white (never to the level of Asian as there is no black/Asian or Native/Latino etc achievement gap). I've not once heard any evidence to suggest that any of the measures taken to make us all the same have succeeded.
I'd heard that Detroit spends 25% more than the state average per student to educate those residing in the post-city . Look up graduation rates in Detroit and tell me if it's working. I'd say it isn't, and it's not just that the kids aren't interested in school, they're also outright dim and aggressive. Graduating high school in this day and age isn't even a challenge, and the fact that only 25% or so graduate is damning evidence of some kind of extreme cognitive deficiency in an entire race/ethnicity/subpopulation being that Detroit is 85% diverse or so. Add in the violence in those schools, and there is really no way a sane person would consider blacks to ever be able to potentially catch up.
Meanwhile, people such as my wife learn 3 languages (English she learned literally by accident), can read and write, and do all the basic math required to work in non-technical fields with almost no formal education. If I recall, she dropped out at the age of 13, yet she's sold cars, and been hired to travel for buying wholesale fine jewelry. Giving someone money and airplane tickets is risky. I'm not sure I'd hire many educated blacks to wash windows let alone make inventory decisions and I certainly would not give them access to company funds.
If you have a keen intellect, it's hard not to learn. People go online, find tutorials, and learn almost everything under the sun these days. Some kid recently taught himself nuclear fission or something similar just from internet forums. He was sought out by the government to work on nuclear reactors. He's 16. And white.
I go to a local library, and all I see the blacks doing is looking at butts on facebook. In a 50 thousand square foot mecca of knowledge, with hundreds of thousands of books, all they can think to do is look at pictures of butts. Call me racist, but I think most blacks are literally retarded.
Carolina Cicero-
And all that, sadly, adds to something someone told me some time ago...someone in the know about business...
Where firms hire a lot of blacks, yes, they get this and that from Uncle Sambo, of course, but...
"The quality of the product or service starts a downhill slide that has only two cures." I was told.
"And those are?"
"Chapter 11 or....Beijing."
That was his point: It's not just price that counts, or labor costs, oft...blacks eff things up, the quality falls and...customers flock to the competition.
I can point out, same as a few here, one fast food chain, that, depending on their locale...either does well or...doesn't. Wanna guess which one?
There's one nearby. Whites won't go nowhere near it. Guess why! And the service is beyond horrid.
Yet, I went into such somewheres in an all-white area. Store run by retirees. Yes. Food? Great! Service? Great! Cleanliness? Superb!
Now, wanna guess which one isn't...isn't..in dire financial trouble? No, really, guess! Okay, yeah, I made this one too easy...
My learned comrade was right: Due to their "blackness", no, they ain't worth a rip. And they wonder and scream as to why they can't have jobs???
Class dismissed.
Token Liberal here:
I just read this crazy article that made the rounds a few weeks ago.
"It is now a week since Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for shooting and killing Michael Brown. A week since he testified that he felt as if Brown was an “it,” “a demon” that would not die. A colleague tells me she and her husband are taking their 1-year-old son apple-picking. An old high-school friend posts pictures of a warm, wholesome Thanksgiving dinner. I want to scream, Fuck your apples! Fuck your turkey! Fuck your holidays! Fuck your smiles! Fuck you! Fuck. Your. Children. Since the grand jury's announcement I've been simultaneously addicted to and repulsed by social media. Professionally, I have no business on Facebook when there are stacks of papers to grade. Yet, that's also what feeds my ire: How can I do anything, how can anyone do anything remotely normal like motherfucking apple-picking?"
Summary: Angry negress who has a PhD in Affirmative Action Studies from Harvard and who teaches English (!) at Phillips Exeter Academy goes on an illiterate, profanity-filled rant about how resentful she is of the same white children she's tasked with teaching.
In a just world, she'd be fired over Christmas break.
Ho Ho HO! St. Louis-area negro yoof points pistol at cop, experiences deff! White cop apparently not hit! Merrrrrry Christmas!
(Article mentions cop's "service revolver" REALLY!?)
Off topic. We had another Police shooting last night. A member of the diversity clan in Berkeley, Missouri. A stellar example of Blackness pointed a handgun at a Police officer at a Mobil Gas Station and was ventilated for his efforts.
Berkeley is next to Ferguson and the protest and looting is already starting.
Eddie in St. Louis
This Middle School Principal was interested in success.
Her success at the casino with school money.
Eddie in St. Louis
Nikole Hannah-Joses: “yeah, in a system based on white hierarchy, proximity to whiteness required for access to opportunity. Duh”
I think you may have missed the subtleties of Nikole Hannah-Jones' statement, and therefore her point. Granted… the logical outcome is the same.
I believe what she is saying is that the framework and intricacies of the system in place in the successful (not overrun... yet) areas of the country was all done by whites. Whites set it up according to their world view, culture and societal standards. Since blacks have a different world view, culture and standards, they can’t operate successfully in the "whitey" framework of life.
That is where her statement stops, just like all these over-schooled propeller head college campus dwellers. If offers no solution and no path forward for anyone. It is also complete crap, in my opinion.
Anyway... the obvious outcome of this is that large areas where the societal framework is in place, run and occupied by blacks would obviously be the examples for us to look at for a successful place for blacks to occupy and excel in their own culture and world view. Areas like Detroit, Baltimore, Somalia, Liberia, naturally come to mind where the entire framework has been created and run from a black world view or outlook. This is the natural state for them and from their perspective is successful. This is what they want and we will all get if things continued. We all know this won’t happen because the natural expansion of blacks would stop from lack of people if there weren’t areas with a “whitey” framework to sustain the areas of “black” framework.
I am happy PK made such a beautiful, well-researched and well-thought out post from my original little comment.
My niece is such a tiny, sincere little white girl. Such a lovely little girl in every way.
She is not going to be subjected to PTSD being employed to lift up blacks. Not happening.
I am not sure how the black author can leave white parent's choices and feelings about how we raise our children out of the discussion.
Liberals are usually so big on "choice".
I pray to you Jesus, on the eve of Your birthday, get me out of this concrete jungle NYC ghetto safe and sound.
100% White town. No sirens, no protests, no dead cop chants, no confrontations, NO BLACKS.
Birds, trees, grass, stars at night, silence - paradise.
I KNOW that I am going to heaven, because I live in HELL - EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Anonymous at 7:17 AM is the first one to actually grasp what she is saying. It's all WHITE peoples fault. Blacks need to do things their way and then you will see a civilization as has never been seen before.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to all. Let it go for now. Turn off your computer. The blacks will still be here when you return. THERE WILL NEVER BE A TIME WHEN WE ARE FREE OF BLACKS.
"Liberals are usually so big on 'choice'."
To outline your sarcasm:
On abortion, yes. On firearms ownership, right to association, health care, community service, energy supply, funding welfare, private property rights - not so much.
I've got a little addition to your Christmas jingle. Not sure if anyone has ever thought of this. It came to me a few years ago. "May all your neighbors be white." Enjoy!
The burn it all down crowd will be busy for Christmas:
Parasites need their host to survive, its their biology.
Token Liberal to Anon @ 7:17:
"I believe what she is saying is that the framework and intricacies of the system in place in the successful (not overrun... yet) areas of the country was all done by whites. Whites set it up according to their world view, culture and societal standards. Since blacks have a different world view, culture and standards, they can’t operate successfully in the "whitey" framework of life."
I don't have a problem with multiculturalism or different teaching styles as long as they produce something, and in the US today, you can find any kind of school you want with any teaching style you want.
Public school, charter school, homeschool, Catholic school, boarding school, Sudbury school, bilingual school, Hebrew school, Montessori school, unschooling... as long as your kid is prepared to get a job or go to college after ~13 years, what difference does it make to me?
One of the (many) things that I find so frustrating about blacks is their insistence that all kinds of YT (and Asian and Jewish) pedagogy be raciss and sheet, but they don't propose an alternative system that works for them, they just bitch about the existing system(s) and come up with ridiculous reasons why the existing systems don't work for them.
As I said a few months ago, public schools work pretty well for everyone except blacks, but for SOME MYSTERIOUS REASON, black kids don't get the same educational outcomes and even if they graduate, they're not prepared for work or college.
(It's like IQ tests: if you can come up with some alternative that works better for you, great. But if the existing tests all work for everyone except you, then the problem is you.)
I know neopagan hippie kids who didn't wear shoes to school who are making a living as herbalists. I know Mexicans who barely speak English who are making a living selling Christmas trees. I know high school dropouts who are making a living fixing computers. I know former teen moms who are making a living cleaning houses.
If you're 1) smart, 2) hardworking, OR 3) willing to learn an obscure skill, there's a place for you somewhere in the US economy. (Yes, unemployment and underemployment are things, but those are different than being UNEMPLOYABLE.)
If you have a different worldview, culture, and standards, that's fine, but when you can't produce adults who can function in a country as tolerant of idiosyncrasy as the United States, that's a problem.
I've got negro fatigue! I owe black people nothing.
So PK is trying to hold a conversation with one of the "talented 1/10" ?
It can't be done. Realize that there "smarter" ones are equal to our B- or C+ students. Their phrases and comments are "odd". They can not understand correlations and cause/effect. They may be able to write something that has some meaning, but the implications and conclusions are lost on them.
Saying that blacks, together, in an all black school will not achieve is ADMISSION that it is the fact they are BLACK. To say they need the presence of WHITE kids would improve the black kids education is PROOF that being BLACK is the problem.
Who taught White students? Who did we sit beside to learn how to learn? Asian kids?
Why do we not have an education gap with Asians, since they are "peoples of colors" and a "minority" too in this racisss land of Whites? Huh?
Hey, darkies, why aren't Asians as bad off as you?
We've tried to deal with our own Addison and Constricted Gasbag here on this blog. They represent the best of the best of the negro and they come in at around C+.
I want total separation. Segregation Today, Segregation Now and Segregation Tomorrow.
This hyphenated Niggarella is stating that blacks, even with the best opportunities, will not achieve as much as Whites since, from some mythical concept pulled out of her ass, Whites have occupied the "best" areas of all situations.
This is actually very clever. Any job, area, field, etc. where Whites are, is by her "opinion" racysssss. Thus, Whites have no defense since they occupy and hog the better situation, no matter what it is because that is what Whites do naturally (but all peoples are equal........)
A White farmer farming land, in his family for 200 years, and planting wheat the way any farmer would, is denying a black the "right" to this since the White farmer (Boer?) has taken the best field first. Thus, the black is held back.
The point she is making that Whites must be removed from everything since only then with the negro "have a chance" since no Whites exist. Very clever call for extermination.
Never ending "guilt". She makes one mistake with me. I never feel guilt. Never.
More on the goot boi who din do nuffins but had an extensive criminal record at a young age:
Artist depiction shows how Comrade Kommissar DeBlasio has the back of NYPD officers:
Long Island Guido said...
I used to actually stick up and defend them when I was younger. Amazing what you learn as you get older.
No. What's amazing is what we'll believe when we're young.
Blacks NEED to be near Whites in schools. They do. They need to be near our best and brightest so they can cheat from them in tests and group work. They need them so they can work on having skills when they hit the streets so hhey rob and harm our students. THey need our daughters so they can rape and rob and harm in schools. They need our sons to beat on and rob. That is why blacks need to be near us in school. Not for learning.
This is the same bullshit thinking that went on in the city of Yonkers, New York back in the 1980s. You had housing projects on the west side of the city near the Hudson river that was all minorities and obviously their schools were located there as well. On the East side predominately white of European ancestry and it is still the case today.
The city was brought to court with the charge of deliberately segregating the east side from the west side. The NAACP filed a lawsuit against Yonkers, outgoing Jimmy Carter DOJ took the case, assigned to preside over the case was a white liberal jewish red diaper doper baby judge who ordered the schools to be desegregated.
Why? Same thinking behind the dumb ass on twitter who thinks that,because blacks are bussed into the east white side, that somehow they will do better than they did on the west black side. If you look at the education stats and student performance among blacks after desegregation and contrast those with before desegregation and not much has changed. In fact, the schools all over that city have gotten worse.
And after a long hard fight from the citizens of the East side of Yonkers, the judge ordered hundreds of units of public housing be built in those predominately white neighborhoods for the sake of diversity.
After all of that money, time and energy wasted on that housing debacle, whites and blacks STILL self segregate in these neighborhoods. The whites simply stay with whites and the blacks stay among their own in the public housing area. The liberal white guilt dream of blacks and whites forced to live together in ebony and ivory harmony was a total failure.
Oh and they haven't learned their lesson. Look out America! When leftists get tired of spreading the wealth, they will spread the poor. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you, the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" plan. Obama via HUD will force all cities and suburbs to accept subsidized housing in the name of racial diversity, superceding all local zoning ordinances. http://www.mrltavern.com/2014/11/spreading-poor-obama-hud-and-lefts.html
Today I read here a lot of posts on Egypt and Sub-Saharan blacks. It's good to see that no one is taken in by the loony 'Black Athena' propaganda. For some reason Amazon seems to think I'm interested this strain of crackpot anthropology. Every day I get book recommendations for titles like 'The African Origins of Civilization' or 'Christopher Columbus and the African Holocaust'. I don't know why this should be. There's something wrong with their algorithm.
One thing I have learned - there's a awful lot of such books. I read a book maybe five years ago by a standard white academic woman who refuted at great length the African origins of Masonic practices and specifically the idea that Mozart was a black man. This claim struck me as particularly outrageous but life is too short to follow up on the claims that Socrates was black or Beethoven.
The problem with refuting these pop black scholarship efforts is that these books are so easy to proliferate because any crazy claim can be made without evidence. Refutation requires serious scholarship - so as Gresham's Law tells us - bad knowledge drives out good.
The simplest refutation of all these wild claims of black accomplishment in the distant past is - where did it all go? If blacks had all these empires and civilizations where did they go? Their answer seems to be whitey ruined everything. The mythology seems to work this way: blacks created civilization, whites stole it and today blacks are poor. I imagine that black mothers try to console their children who fail in school with this sort of fairy tale.
The civilizational gap between the advanced races like Western Europeans or North Eastern Asians and tropical races like African Bantus or Papuans is just huge. But most places on earth the populations are separate. So you don't find many Australian Aborigines in Finland. But in America white kids sit next to black kids in the classroom. This places a considerable psychic burden of the blacks. They discover early on that they are inferior in everything except at recess.
The Black Athena mythologies seem to be a product of American school integration. I'm just guessing of course. Maybe I should look into it. I need a new project for the New Year.
Pat Boyle
SC native
I think that's right and yes before then Nubians used mud brick so the possibility is very high that it was a real Egyptian that designed these small pyramids. Dey bes gypsuns and sheet
Anonymous @ December 24, 2014 at 5:19 AM said
"What is it about sitting next to me in school that makes you able to learn better than if you sit next to another black?"
That's a great line. I'm gonna have to use it, the next time I encounter an uppity one.
TMH, your constant battering of Boglo over his statements (which are true) reeks of Troll. Please give it a rest. You add nothing to the discussion, attack a respected White and never refute anything.
By the way, TWMNBN Tim Wise says "Hi" and to "keep up the good work".
"...give a cop a stun gun..or pepper spray....they...use it more than necessary."
You're basing this on what, exactly?
Analog man: Never thought of it that way b4. Thanks.
Hunter of Morons said...
TMH, your constant battering of Boglo over his statements (which are true) reeks of Troll. Please give it a rest. You add nothing to the discussion, attack a respected White and never refute anything.
I disagree. SBPDL shouldn't be all about Bogo, I agree there. But he is a very divisive figure and certainly a fringe or unbalanced personality. I've read a lot of his writing and he has little to say about blacks and what they're creating. He does have a lot to say about Jews, hispanics, Christians, asians, Republicans, tea party people, patriots and the squids he is so obsessed with. I don't think he is very respectable. That's all I want to say about it.
Merry Christmas to PK and all SBPDL readers.
The name Colin Flaherty sounds like the most irish possible name I've ever heard. 0% chance that Colin Flaherty is "Squidish."
That's not the correct attitude Bernice. You should have warned you're friend of the impending stress and trauma that accompanies the attempted education of Africans. If only to say I told you so whilst adding one to the ranks of the awake. She most likely would've been floored by your admission of honesty about negro fatigue but after a couple of years in the trenches would be wishing she had listened.
SChool Report Card for Sambo:
Math F
Reading F
Social Skill F
History F
Languages F
Recess/P.E. A+
What is pathetic is the report above will get him a 4 year, fully funded, scholarship to Univ of Alabama thanks to Nick Saban needing Sambo to catch da ball.
But the White kid with all A's (except a D in P.E.) won't be able to afford college and ends up hauling out the gym clothes from Univ. of Alabama.
Bogo does make sense.
He is clear that the issue is BIGGER than the negro and that in the scheme of things, the negro is the smallest part.
We hear blame the "gun". The negro. Bogo is looking at the people holding the gun.
The negro has always been, and always will be, a tool. A garden tool for the black slaver who brought slavery to America, or a oar for the Arab spice boats. or a pack animal for the North Africans. The negro is a dumb tool.
We need to study and discuss those who are really responsible.
All this "civil rights" and tolerance BS is just a cover for parasitism, all they really want is to keep one hand on your wallet and the other hand on your daughter's ass (and this doesn't just apply to unproductive minorities either). "Civil Rights" and "tolerance" sounds so much better than "sponging" and "robbery." In any case, we need to move beyond complaining about minority behavior and begin demanding our own schools, our own neighborhoods, and our own territories as part of the reparations the U.S. Government and establishment OWE us for the half-century long systematic genocide they have been waging against us.
Someone on an earlier reply stated that I don't refute the nonsense I complain about from the likes of a Bobylubski. Here's a short refutation.
Everyone friendly with PK's site recognizes that black dysfunction is a real problem. It's not an abstraction. The country has spent obscene amounts of our wealth trying to "help" blacks. Our culture's collective consciousness seems to be increasingly drawn to everything involving blacks. Negroes exhibit extrodinary criminality, usually violent criminality. They destroy schools, neighborhoods and in concentrations, entire large cities.
Blacks are responsible for this. They are responsible along with an endless stream of do-good social engineers, politicians and religious philosophies. Jews are present in every one of those categories. So is every other flavor of human being. Could be Jews are even disproportionally involved. My argument would be that is because of their culture. As a group, Jews are wildly liberal. I can't conclude an entire group of people have engineered all the disaster we see accumulating because… because of what? Records show that old Lyndon Baines Johnson was a Protestant. He did more to destroy America than Max Horkheimer could have dreamed of.
Jews aside, the problem with these fantastical conspiracy dramas is that they leave you helpless. If all these powerful, shadowy forces are creating all this, then what can you do? Nothing. Well, you could write all about it on the internet. Does it motivate you to speak out at school board meetings? What about voting for your local state reps? Does it motivate you to file a discrimination suit if your kid is rejected from a school in favor of a black kid? It does none of those things. If you buy it, it paralyzes you.
As I've pointed out before, blaming "squids" for all the problems is precisely like the negro blaming you for all his problems. And you don't respect that. You know it's crap.
If this theory were correct, wouldn't Coonstructive Feedback have figured out how to compose a coherent sentence by now? If only white behavior "rubbed off" on the schwartzes!
SC Native
Pat I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this negro fantasy. I heard about this stuff for the first time in college back in the late 90's. It seems that only american negros believe this, to everybody else it's just another form of monkeyshine.
Whiskey seems to have only two notes to repeat endlessly - White women luv black men because they're strong (WTF?)and blacks created great music/jazz. He's full of fecal matter on both points.
As I've pointed out previously, jazz was a fusion - originating in a lot of European folk music and tunes, augmented with instruments uniquely American (like the banjo) and still based on the Western music scale and tones. Blacks had NONE of this. They had drums. No scales or melodies of the West. They had chants, not songs. Note also that other things attributed to them (their "stepping" and some dancing styles) are also bastardized forms of European folk dances. Vanishing American used to have a post with videos of a modern American White "flat footing" dancing compared with some Irish/Scottish dances. The origins are quite clear.
Additionally, most of the lyrics and a good portion of the music attributed to blacks was actually written by Jews. As far as being "moved" by "Chestnuts Roasting on Open Fire," it's a lovely song - but would be incomplete without the mention that up until WWII, Christmas songs were almost EXCLUSIVELY religious. Christmas was Christ - the trees and presents were beloved traditions, but still only external to the central theme. Now, almost all the "holiday" music we hear was Jewish written in the 40s, 50s, and later - and it's turned Christmas into a holiday about winter and snow. Nary a mention of a manger - it's all shopping and snow and Santa and snow and city lights. I like a good tune as much as anyone, and I enjoy most of these songs - but what was done to Christmas music was NOT an accident. Note I don't say it was an organized or pre-planned conspiracy, but these changes came from the character and culture of those tasked with writing the songs. Culture, like liberalism, isn't something you just happen to pick up - it's mostly organic and innately connected to race)to rebut TMH's main theme).
How do we disconnect negroes from college courses due to their abilities in African tree hockey and feetsball? Total mockery of our education system. A whitewash to get groids onto the teams. Colleges should be about learning, not games. Work on separating these aspects and you have the beginning of a strategy.
Regarding TWMNBN, Kevin MacDonald hypothesizes that their survival mechanism is to create discord in other racial/ethnic groups while maintaining their own racial integrity. It's true that they are a very disruptive presence. This has been of benefit to the hard sciences and mathematics where bad ideas are weeded out quickly (string theory may be an exception). It is devastating in the social sciences which can go for generations before being corrected.
I have yet to read any of MacDonald's books, but I intend to. I am currently reading E.O. Wilson's "Social Conquest of Earth" . Has anyone read Arthur Kemp's "March of the Titans"?
I hope this makes it past the gatekeeper since previous attempts to say this have been unsuccessful.
"Jews aside, the problem with these fantastical conspiracy dramas is that they leave you helpless."
Rants against conspiracies are indeed pointless unless they lead up to action against the conspiracy. Ultimately though, whites are responsible for their own actions, and in this case, their own refusal to take action. If white Christian America has been deceived about race by their "elder brothers in the faith", it's because they want to be.
Token Liberal here:
Good discussion today.
One of the things that will turn people is the fact that the current system isn't doing blacks themselves any favors.
They can't help what they are. They didn't ask for this any more than a kid with a missing chromosome asked for it.
Rachel Jeantel was illiterate. They said she was reading at a 4th grade level, but that's being generous. Literacy is foundational, but somehow the system just let her keep on keepin' on without any academic skills whatsoever.
She could be sitting in between Einstein and Aristotle and she'd still have an IQ of 75.
How was it doing her any favors to put her in a high school classroom to begin with? It's not fair to her, it's not fair to the teacher, and it's not fair to the other students (some of whom might be capable of actually learning something). And if the system is "graduating" "students" like that, should we be surprised that a high school diploma is worthless?
I read somewhere that her dream is to be a cosmetologist, and if she can make a go of that, bless her. But it's a waste of everyone's time to try to turn her into a scholar.
To go back to the OP, the fantasy that black kids who sit next to white kids become smarter is laughable. It's because white schools don't put up with shenanigans and because a black parent who gets their kid into a white district is already somewhat motivated to see their kid learn something.
I wonder how much most black people understand the concept of active listening and taking control of your own situation. They think kids just sit there in the classroom and become educated through osmosis. The concept of investing in your own education is lost on them.
Brutal , but true.
How do we disconnect negroes from college courses due to their abilities in African tree hockey and feetsball?
Perhaps we can make colleges and universities liable for crimes committed by any criminals to whom they give scholarships, whose criminal record was or should have been known to them (e.g. they can ask for juvenile records and deny scholarships if refused).
We may also be able to stop some of the misandry in academia by making persons and institutions liable for libel over moral panics from hoaxes if they have ever downplayed a real crime by an athlete.
From what I understand, they no longer discuss the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 either. I wonder why?
Ex Baltimore? I'm jealous! I'm still in that rat infested third world hellhole.
"Jews aside, the problem with these fantastical conspiracy dramas is that they leave you helpless."
And so long as we cannot collectively recognize who or enemy is, their agenda, and their tactics helpless we are.
The continuity of agenda over the last few centuries and the current hastening of the pace should make it quite clear that we are at the current time helpless.
As I've pointed out before, blaming "squids" for all the problems is precisely like the negro blaming you for all his problems. And you don't respect that. You know it's crap."
The negro is a mindless tool.. a piece of farm equipment once and now a wrecking ball to demolish our towns and cities.
Blaming the negro for BRA is like the negro blaming the guns for negro violence.
Re Whiskey ratings of music...no mention of Spanish classical guitar. Listen to Andres Segovia if you want to hear how a guitar should sound, and it ain't strummin'.
Also, listen to English Baroque, Renaissance, Elizabethan music. Wonderful joyous rhythms and melodies; simple but very engaging.
Also no mention of Debussy which is unforgiveable.
Rants against conspiracies are indeed pointless unless they lead up to action against the conspiracy. Ultimately though, whites are responsible for their own actions, and in this case, their own refusal to take action. If white Christian America has been deceived about race by their "elder brothers in the faith", it's because they want to be.
It hardly even matters who the oligarchs are. Your basic point, amplified to all whites (please note that TWMNBN self-identify as "non-white", so don't fall for it) is an underlying one that cannot be refuted - as I have pointed out numerous times myself. The ruling oligarchy is by necessity small, no more than 1000 families at most. Yes, they're completely evil and deserve whatever fates - no matter how horrible or how eternal - may befall them (Justice rarely if ever comes to them in this life). It's still a secondary point.
The central point is most whites choose to believe lies instead of truth, even when they're hit right in the face with it. That's the BIG problem. As can be seen today in South Africa, where they are actively being exterminated, whites there continue to choose to cling to these lies even as it leads to their own demise - like the drug-addict who keeps on shooting-up even though he has to know at a fundamental level it is literally killing him. Why? What is the key to something so supernaturally powerful that it literally compels a whole people to not only sacrifice themselves to it, but their own children?
To PK: I posted this yesterday to no avail...are you banning me also when I agree with other posts you allowed?
Good replies to Whiskey's usual nonsense about black music, especially when the two songs he attributes to Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong were actually written by Whites and Jews, like 90+% of that so-called "black music".
Anyway, the bottom line is quite simple:
If Blues, Jazz and Rock are wholly African/black music styles, why are they played on instruments that only work in a Western/European scale then, hmmm?
I tell you why, BECAUSE every single one of these music genres have nothing to do with African music and are simply PLAGIARIST and/or RIP OFF attempts by negroes to play massa's music. It is all the same with the way blacks have APED Southern culture, accent, food, music and gospel. All they do is imitate and bastardize anything YT does and claim it as their own. My ancestors hail from Louisiana and I for one always cringe when negroes claim zydeco music and creole food when it has always been nothing but a vulgar imitation of Cajun music and cuisine!
White Country, Folk, Classical and Christian music are the roots of all modern music. Listen to african music recorded in the early 20th century and you will hear not one trace of any Jazz or Blues.
Here's Beethoven playing Jazz back in Europe long before negro slaves could tell the difference between a string and a stick in the American South:
"What is the key to something so supernaturally powerful that it literally compels a whole people to not only sacrifice themselves to it, but their own children?"
This is an excellent question. In response I'd point out several things that are too often not understood.
1. It's not just a question of poor leadership. It's a fact well known to leaders that they can only lead people in the direction they already want to go and are headed.
2. As scientific racists we are also determinists, and so we must acknowledge that things are the way they are for necessary reasons. Conspiracy theories suggest that conscious human direction (i.e., free will) is the primary force that shapes history, but determinists must take a different view.
3. You are onto something when you refer to supernatural forces. Religion has been with humanity since before the first ziggurat was raised, and organized religion has co-evolved with civilized people since civilization's foundation. Some sort of religion may be indispensable to organized society, but the Christian West has been beset and now is finding itself thoroughly tranmogrified by the logical working out of its central doctrines of tolerance, sacrifice, love, and racial egalitarianism. Constraining the irrational forces of religion is a necessary, though not a sufficient, condition for restoring freedom to the white race and assuring its continued existence.
4. Conformity of thought is as indispensable as religion if an organized society is to be built. Though primitive man was plagued by his own conformities, technological civilization has greatly magnified the need for human conformity. This likely has even caused genetic change. We aren't the same people we were thousands of years ago, and maybe not even centuries ago (cf. The 10,000 Year Explosion). Many have noted the sheep-like qualities of mass man. These mass men form a herd, and each is as constitutionally unable to rebel against the system as a sheep to rebel against its flock. This isn't strictly a matter of IQ, but depends on other, more rare personality factors too. High-IQ supporters of the system are common, even though it should be clear the system has enslaved and targeted them for extermination too.
5. The exponential growth of the technological system has changed the culture, which is slowly altering our genetics with each new generation. Examples are everywhere. Just to name some of the most significant: transportation technologies, the technique of statecraft called the welfare state, and the revolutions in agricultural technologies, birth control technologies, technologies of war, along with the technologies of mass education and mass communication. In a sublime irony, you could say the white man is being killed by Progress, which along with his crazy religion is another of his fatally addictive opiates. Given continued "Progress", his demise is certain.
You should listen to WVON on iheart radio over the net. On Wednesdays they have The Urban Business Roundtable! Talk about hibba jibba mispronounce, made up "big" words and that gotta blow my nose sounding baby talk they use for the inspirational but simpleton like stories of the success of urban peoples. Funded by none other that Melody Hobson's Aerial Investments
TMH is not a troll. He's only writing what (I'm sure) lots of other people are thinking including myself. I've been very busy this Dec. but I'll be sure to respond to Bogo, and you if you want, very soon. The nonsense has got to stop.
You said it all. Well done.
Bravo TMH. But, don't worry. He'll be back with even more rubbish in his next post.
Stay safe brother. Stay sane. You've inspired me to follow your path for the future of my children and bloodline.
Baltimore Watcher
Not to mention his criminal sheet was the thickness of a Stephen King novel. Even his homies claimed that he wasn't one to back down from anyone, especially cops! He resisted arrest and paid with his life. No sympathy here!
Yep, seeing how they've pretty much destroyed the fraction of sympathy once held by Hispanic and Asian groups. Okay, okay, let's not kid ourselves, they couldn't stand them before the shooting anyways, but maybe a few DWL's will be changing their tune. But then again, if a writer for the SPLC gets gunned downed by a bunch of blacks without a word of condemnation, it truly reveals how utterly insane these people are.
Me too. I remember being offended as a 16 yo at work when a trucker passing through the area asked me "Is this a white town?" Now I thank my lucky stars it was a white town and I got to grow up in it.
Correct. It is the Copts who are the descendants of the ancient Egyptians, to the extent there are any. Many of them retain lighter skin and more European facial features than the Arabs they are surrounded by, who are descended from Muhammad's invading armies from the Arabian Peninsula.
Anonymous said...
2. As scientific racists we are also determinists, and so we must acknowledge that things are the way they are for necessary reasons. Conspiracy theories suggest that conscious human direction (i.e., free will) is the primary force that shapes history, but determinists must take a different view.
Good points overall, but I have reservations about your point 2. I'm not so sure that the case for determinism has been made, but in any event I have to live my life on the assumption that it has not. I still have to make my own decisions and take responsibility for them exactly as if I have free will.
More to the point, what some people deride as a "conspiracy theory" explanation of our predicament is not incompatible with determinism. It could be, as Kevin MacDonald explains in his book The Culture of Critique, an evolutionary group strategy (free download of the book at the link).
Either road, we have to fight for our survival as if it matters.
And please get yourself a handle, as I hope to see more contributions of that calibre from you.
Sounds like Yentl...
Bogo, can you hear me?
Bogo, can you teach us?
Bogo, you have all the facts...
This blog has nothing to do with Black people, urban violence or race relations. It's all about Bogo, evil Jews and how much we should all hate "repukes".
A big win here on SBPDL for Stormfront. PK, you'll never post this because clearly you've lost control. Everything is Bogo and Bogo knows it's all the Jews.
Used to be a cool blog dealing with facts. Now it's just another Jew Hatred site.
For years, we've had the "magickal Negro" tale shoved into our ears - it's just nice to know that we're all "magickal crackas" that can, with a wave of our well-fed, pink fingers, can turn blacks into nice white folks! Not even the federal gov't. can do that, and they've been trying for 50+ years!
"Good points overall, but I have reservations about your point 2. I'm not so sure that the case for determinism has been made, but in any event I have to live my life on the assumption that it has not. I still have to make my own decisions and take responsibility for them exactly as if I have free will."
Science itself would be impossible if it couldn't predict outcomes. Only in a deterministic world can that happen. "Free will" is a notion that nobody can formulate into a testable scientific hypothesis, because its origin is actually in religion. The nutty idea that the predictable nature of cause and effect characteristic of the whole world somehow stops when it hits the human brain and once again starts after humans exercise their free will derives from Christianity and is the philosophic underpinning of antiracism. Anyone believing that humans have free will will have no problem believing that blacks and whites can change their behavior anytime they want to, any way they want to. A belief in free will is the antithesis of and is toxic to a scientific view of race.
"More to the point, what some people deride as a "conspiracy theory" explanation of our predicament is not incompatible with determinism. It could be, as Kevin MacDonald explains in his book The Culture of Critique, an evolutionary group strategy (free download of the book at the link)."
I've got a signed copy of that book and have read many of his lesser known scientific papers and essays as well, and even corresponded with him. In the preface to CoC he admits that "modernity" has caused problems for whites too, but then that's the last we hear of it. He never attempts to evaluate the relative damage caused by technological expansion versus ethnic strategizing. He's an adherent of the "technology is only a neutral tool" school of non-thinking. But that technological development always has unforeseen consequences, and that these unforeseen consequences are frequently horrific, is something that's easy to show. For example, development of transportation technologies has erased the natural geographic barriers that once existed between the races; the same barriers that provided the genetic isolation necessary to their creation and continued existence as separate races. Nobody thought about this before hand. It wasn't the point; not why it was done. Nor was doing it the result of a conspiracy. But unless reversed, and soon, this one development alone will ultimately doom the white race.
Bogolyubski said...
Sounds like Yentl...
No, he didn't, you poor pathetic loser. If you don't like the comments on this blog, don't read them. If you don't like Bogolyubski's comments, you don't have to read them, either. Just click next to his name, and the comment will magically disappear. Just stop bitching, and impersonating others.
PK, I've posted several comments warning you about this troll, but you keep deleting them. His purpose is to wreck your blog. He'll do it, too, if you don't crack down on him, hard.
Anon said
"Free will" is a notion that nobody can formulate into a testable scientific hypothesis, because its origin is actually in religion.
What does that prove? In a deterministic world, religion itself is a necessary result of the big bang. All religions. So, ultimately, its origins are in physics; which gets us nowhere.
Anyone believing that humans have free will will have no problem believing that blacks and whites can change their behavior anytime they want to, any way they want to.
Nonsense. A belief that people can freely choose between options in no way implies that the options are unlimited.
You may be right. There may be no reality outside the domain of physics. But until the science advances to the point where it can answer some basic questions, such as the nature of consciousness, it's really no more use than religion. Knowing that all my choices are predetermined doesn't relieve me of the onus of making decisions. That's the human man's burden.
Chalk it up to what I like to refer to as DcD or darky cognitive dissonance.
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