The middle of the road.
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A relic fit only for the age of Black-Run America (BRA): the shrine to the Michael Brown in Ferguson is - seriously - in the middle of the road on Canfield Drive. |
On the white line.
Where people drive cars.
As Roddy Piper's character in They Live! said, "White line's in the middle of the road, that's the worst place to drive." [Ferguson officer placed on leave over remarks about damaged memorial, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 12-28-14]:
A Ferguson police spokesman was placed on unpaid leave after acknowledging remarks to a Washington Post blogger in which he called the Michael Brown memorial a “pile of trash,” city officials said Saturday.
One day earlier, the city stood behind the spokesman, Officer Timothy Zoll — claiming he had been misquoted — after an inquiry into the damaged memorial in the middle of Canfield Drive. But officials retreated in a one-page statement issued Saturday.
Zoll was “confronted with the results” of a department investigation into the remarks attributed to him, city officials said.
The officer “admitted to department investigators” that he made the statement attributed to him” and had “misled” superiors about the interview.
The unpaid leave is effective immediately while disciplinary proceedings begin, according to the statement.
City officials emphasized that Zoll’s remarks “do not reflect the feelings” of the Ferguson Police Department.What happened on August 9th in 67 percent black Ferguson has launched a revolution; I'm still not quite sure people understand just who will ultimately benefit from the actions of these revolutionaries...
Everyone in town is telling the naked Emperor that his clothes look great!
It seems this demographic has a thing for being in the street. Whether walking down the white line in the middle of the night or slow walking diagonally across a pedestrian walkway at the mall. I used to have to cut through the CME projects in Albany,Georgia to get to and from work and once saw three children, one still in a diaper walking single file like ducks down the side of the street, NOT on the sidewalk but along the eleven o'clock at night.
Why'd they put a white teddy bear in that shrine? Weren't they able to find a black bear at Big Lots or Kmart in Ferguson?
This is a very obvious attack on free speech. In his opinion, it was trash. Blacks continue to build up Michael Brown into a saint who needs to be deified. The more they play up his death, the more pathetic, not to mention desperate, they appear. The only thing keeping me fro plowing through that garbage in the street would be fear one of the Jeebus candles would break and rupture a tire, rendering me trapped in Negroburbia.
"City officials emphasized that Zoll's remarks "do not reflect the feelings" of the Ferguson Police Department."
Surely, the FPD do not believe the display is a "pile of trash"; rather, a pile of "something else with the letters T, S and H."
Well, it does look like a pile of trash, what a fitting tribute to a fallen thug.
So how will the pile of trash end? It reminds me of the danger of being the first to stop clapping. Obviously, law enforcement is afraid to remove it although its presence in the middle of a public roadway almost certainly violates the law. Any negro suggesting that it be removed will be deemed a traitor. Perhaps a groid attempting to add trash to the heap will be struck by a vehicle driven by a white cop. It the city just waits for the groids to eventually quit placing the trash in the road, the heap would eventually return to dust, but this could take several years. There are a number of ways this could go and not many of them are good.
However, this trash heap could provide an opportunity for an enterprising motorist. Someone could have a wreck because they lost control while swerving to miss the heap because they thought it was a parade or another protest in the roadway. They could then sue the city because the city knowingly permitted the dangerous trash heap to remain in the public roadway in violation of the law. The city would then be able to justify its removal. As usual, only the taxpayers would lose.
What are those candles with Jesus or something religious on them doing there? I thought those were something Mexicans Catholics lit. Maybe it is fitting since we've dubbed him St. Swisher. We had riots at a mall in a Kansas City suburb the same night other parts of the country had riots at their malls. I want to know who coordinated that although my first guess is to wonder what Eric Holder and/or Al Sharpton were doing that evening. Poor white teddy bear.
Who will ultimately benefit?
I don't know.
What I do know is that no foreign threat bothers me anymore. The real threat has taken over most formerly-American cities (at least east of the Mississippi), is putting us into bankruptcy, is destroying the education system and the culture, makes everyday life coarse and dangerous, is protected and promoted by the media and government.
The big White teddy bear is in honor of Darren Wilson for standing his ground against the criminal Michael Brown trying to kill him.
Anonymous said ”What are those candles with Jesus or something religious on them doing there? I thought those were something Mexicans Catholics lit. . . “”
The significance of the markings is that it provides a clue as to where the negros stole those particular candles.
White line fever, a sickness born
Down deep within my soul
White line fever, the years keep flyin' by
Like the highline poles
The wrinkles in my forehead
Show the miles I've put behind me
They continue to remind how fast I'm growin' old
Guess I'll die with this fever in my soul
I wonder just what makes a man keep pushing on
What makes me keep on hummin' this old highway song
I've been from coast to coast a hundred times before
I ain't found one single place where I ain't been before
White line fever, a sickness born
Down deep within my soul
White line fever, the years keep flyin' by
Like the highline poles
Merle Haggard
It was a pile of trash, just like the guy it was meant to memorialize.
Someone has already run over it and someone else set on fire. If they want a memorial so bad have it at their house.
Here is a very good compilation of whites killed by blacks in the year 2014 alone, just the year 2014:
This is obviously not a list of all whites or non-blacks injured in attacks and rapes by negroes for 2014, just those souls whose lives were taken. And 2014 isn't over yet.
Speaking of 'in the middle of the road.'
A car with 5 blacks in it stops dead in the lane on I-435 in Kansas City. There are ample shoulders on both sides of the road where this happened....but the black people, with their lower IQ's, don't pull onto the shoulder. They stay in the road until the car stops dead from some as yet unknown malady (police are investigating an empty fuel tank). And then a semi, expecting that cars in the lane would be moving, not stopped dead in the water, hits the car, killing all five occupants. I can't wait for the litany of excuses for plain old Negro stupidity.
The cop only said the "memorial" looked like a trash pile after it had been run over and scattered.
He wasn't disciplined for calling it a trash pile but for lying about what he'd said to his superiors.
The problem I see here is that fear of political correctness and thus being attacked for making an honest statement about how the "memorial" looked after it was run over is what led him to try and cover up what he'd said.
Everything is being manipulated to make it seem like he called the original undisturbed "memorial" a trash pile and the police officials are saying that it doesn't represent what they think simply in order to stop any negro chimpouts.
If common sense ruled the day, the "accused" could have simply said, "Yes, I said that the "memorial" looked like a trash pile after it was run over. So what? It does."
In a sane world, that would have been the end of it as far as rational people were concerned. However, perhaps not as far as irrational, "offended" negroes were concerned.
If I were handling the situation, I'd have just told the person making the comments to not do so again as the MSM and negroes will use anything said (no matter how innocuous) as an excuse to rant, rave, and carry on. Let's try to avoid giving them an excuse. You know how stupid and volatile they are."
Guess what happened after wimpy white liberal sucked up to race hustler Azealia Banks?
What do they want? Your money! When do they want it? NOW!
In answer to the question of who will benefit (cui bono), conspiracy theorist/antiracist lunatic Alex Jones has pointed out that the video production was funded by an organization called the Bronx Public Defenders, that received $1.5 million in DOJ grant money. After doing a little checking, I found out that in the last 2 years alone the city of New York has given this organization $47 million. Nevertheless, we are supposed to believe that the idea and funding for this video came directly from Eric Holder's DOJ.
Alex Jones, being a Christian, says that this public funding is all part of a divide and conquer plot on the part of shadowy "globalists" controlling the federal government, and that blacks and whites would of course be living together in perfect harmony if it were not for these globalist schemes to set the races at each others throats. And why would the DOJ want a race war, you may wonder? To provide a distraction, and an excuse to invoke martial law, of course! So folks, don't let the New World Order/Illuminati/Eugenecists devils succeed! Be sure to hug your local pavement apes and tell them there's no hard feelings. The real enemy isn't the raping and robbing negro. And it certainly isn't the police who protect them. It's that man behind the tree! You know who.
He's such a very moral man, that Alex. Surely he will get a kiss from rabbi Jesus when his shade floats up to that great talk show in the sky.
Hope everyone had a nice and White Christmas. Spent some time in the Smoky Mountains, very peaceful and groid free. The only thing in the middle of the road are animals crossing the street. This is getting more ridiculous by the day, but can't say it's unexpected in today's BRA. Thanks to PK for pointing all this out.
A poster commented on the riots at the malls the day after Christmas, and how it's becoming an annual tradition. These "teens" need to be treated as terrorists. Supposedly these mobs state their intentions on social media, but guess no one's monitoring that. Awful.
NC Guy
-For poster Rebel: you posted something about a week ago and ended it with WHO THREW THAT HAM AT ME or something similar. My cousin told me a story about a fat sheboon caught stealing at a grocery store (at least 15 yrs ago) when a ham fell outta her dress while leaving, and those were her first remarks. We either know the same people or that story has gone viral!
I can foresee a Rocky-esque statue standing there one day, hands up and all. Another fallen soldier in the war on whitey's law.
It has been suggested we give them their own Black state, much like reservations. No need, they seem to be taking over most of the major cities just fine....and only 13% of the population? Gotta be more than that, those fuckers are everywhere.
How dare he use free, and even honest in this case, speech?!
Another mob of "teens"
Ten White People Set on Fire by Feral Blacks in the Last Few Months
Philadelphia Mike, here.
Get the word out. Send the link for this article to your friends and family.
Philadelphia Mike
Cop killer video produced with "globalist" funding:
The Dispatch article leaves out the part about the "memorial" being destroyed again on Christmas Eve night. Of course the local primitives are blaming eebil whitey. They launched an investigation but didn't see that a crime had been committed. The officer was referring to the current state of the burned "memorial" as trash. He should know better than to diss black folks' burned trash.
What no crack pipes or blunts? That be racjism or something. Call the UN its a crime against Hannity! When da man going to own up to stealing the pyramids? They was originny in Afreaka not Eggyp!
Why don't they just rename the city Brownsville and get it over with.
Does Putin search you as you try to board a plane? Does China tax a third of your income? Does North Korea insist you hire negroes? Does Iran sponsor the knockout games?
"The unpaid leave is effective immediately while disciplinary proceedings begin, according to the statement."
That's one way to purge the Ferguson police department of whites - throw them out under trumped-up BS charges.
Truth is the new hate speech.
I hope a manure truck comes by and unloads on it.
They've sprayed graffiti in the street, also! Time for a public works project. I'm sure they don't usually repave streets in the middle of winter in Ferguson, but they should make an exception. Just like they've made an exception from enforcing the law here.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
It's a race to the bottom. I am saddened, when in moments of weakness, I allow myself to reflect on how bad things have gotten. Critical thinking, part of that white privilege so racist and so mean, seems to have vanished in the workplace. I know it has been gone from the public schools for many years, I remember "educators" telling us that college places a premium on critical thinking before we went back to learning how to multiple guess.
The military hid the extent of the problem from me. Do, don't think. I noticed that anything black NCO's were in charge of would a) be done exclusively by white soldiers as the "brothas played grab-ass and hit on white wimminz, and b) it would invariably be done incorrectly, not due to the sergeants inability to grasp and convey the simple task entrusted in him/her, oh no, it dem dumb ass white boys not be unnastandun meh.
Finally, I'm free and going to college. Ah, the place where thought is encouraged and the fundamental questions of "why", and "how" would be discussed, analyzed and then answered by experts in their respective fields. Wrong again young man. Expensive high school 2.0 with more black people whining, and the DWL's practically doing back flips to ensure they were accommodated. Topics were not discussed in lectures, we were talked to for three hour intervals. Any topic broached concerning controversial issues, was quickly ended with a "we don't want to hurt anybodies feelings in here, this is a safe place for "learning".
Now I'm in the workplace. I know gubmint work is a net minus, but the missions of the various departments did begin with good intentions. You know, the road to hell is paved with them. Everything is a sound bite. Words are said in one sentence and then contradicted in the next. When asked for clarification of contradictory statements, superiors accuse you of insubordination. AA is in full and complete effect in every situation. The YT's are so overworked, it naturally flows to our offices as it navigates down through incompetence, many hours are spent in unpaid overtime just to get simple things right on track. Not completed mind you, but on track.
Fuck-ups are hidden and the trail to the perpetrator (often an illiterate AA) is so convoluted it is impossible to tell which one of the many suspects it actually began with. By then its too late anyway and it just has to get done. Often the orders are delivered from the smacking lips of a sullen negress who is upset her day was ruined by having to walk to YT's area to get the magic so da probrem go away. I've stopped trying to explain, and have taken to writing the solution down in simple step by step processes. It still takes another five or six times before it is implemented incorrectly.
Merry Christmas, fellow racists. I think a Black Motorists Collective type organization (funded by YT)should post bail on that 'peaceful protester' done for arson. Let him do his thaing there.
Alternately get the genius(es) who set the last dead-thug-pyre up back on scene.
Friendly Firemen could then squirt those citizens over the road there before leaving.
A.N.Z.U.S mate out~
Watch it from 22.30 lol
Just a few minutes
The picture tells me it's a garbage heap. A road and safety hazard. I don't kiss law enforcement's ass; I respect them, but don't fear them. If I'm breaking the law, you better say something. If I'm not, go away. Has anybody seen this yet, the white devil voodoo mens, and a token black open carrying in the Detroit
Hair a mess with the woman, hat backwards with the man (who is a trainer for new cops!). Negro men who survived past age 19, invariably stopping for photos and questions. . . The new Latina mix (?) hire is the only one to be taken seriously.
One could pull in a dumptruck full of so many furry off casts, chimps, gorillas, orangutans, bears, dolphins, seals what have you and completely block the street. In the most over the top way possible.
Yep, still no allowed to say it.
The middle of the road, eh? Wow. Can't say I'm surprised. Just another example of their lack of brainpower.
They are so consumed by their own self-righteousness that they can't even see how obnoxiously arrogant they come across. There isn't a real discussion about race going on, just a lot of lecturing and grandstanding, shaming and name calling, with endless demonstrations. No to mention, childish shrines.
Incredibly, they respond with just another arrogant jesture ( suspending a person for what he thinks ) that demonstrates they don't even spend 1 minute thinking about the point.
Over-the-top intrusions into our family lives, they've acomplished that. Our free speach, now they've acomplished that too. They're working on the visual with TV as you read. The choice of reading material and thought processes have been approved for destruction also.
The following is copied and paste from the site "White Genocide project'.
Legally chasing down and forcing white areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “forced assimilation“.
A combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide, as defined by Article II, part (C) of the United Nations Genocide Conventions:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
[N.Ga] I owe black people nothing!
I feel sorry for you Americans you have negros and rag head muslims we in Aus have a muslim problem but our darkies are so lazy and drunk they only cost the taxpayer a fortune to support them but only riot among themselves .40000 years and they invented a stick and a bark hut.
Who benefits? Difficult to say, but let's take a stab at who most definitely will not benefit. The American negress is an interesting study in contrasts. Being female, it is expected that she is the fairer sex, slightly more civilized than her male counterpart, a bit inclined to primping, as all women are, and seeking a mate who will validate her femininity and need to be loved. Case Study: American Negress Michelle Obama. This filthy, disgusting, obese bitch is the very antithesis of beauty, refinement, and elegance. No Jackie Kennedy, she. Nor even a Rosalind Carter or even a Hillary Clinton, who despite their particular house frau appearances, still managed to pull off looking somewhat dignified when dressed in a gown and pearls. Not Empress Michelle, though. Her fruity husband is ten times more attractive than she. Dennis Rodman looked better in a dress than she looks at most state dinners. She looks awkward at regal affairs and functions, out of place, and most of all angry.
And this is where we can find the common denominator among African American women. Despite their many failed attempts at beauty, the over arching quality all negresses possess is a seething anger that completely overwhelms anything else about them. It effectively puts up a barrier between them and other people. The next time you find yourself around this species of female Africanus Erectus, note the unmitigated rage that dwells within them. They lack both the intelligence, finesse, and self-confidence of white women, and in its place is an unjustified sense of entitlement that instantly repulses anyone around them. No one wants anything to do with such creatures beyond any superficial social obligations, which is why, when you see photos of Michelle, she is often seated very much alone, usually with a scornful look across her ape-like puss. Not unlike a gorilla who's been cooped up in his cage too long.
So, black women would appear to NOT benefit from the current revolution. Which makes us turn our attention toward black men - the creatures who do their very best to prey upon the resentful black bitches. Right away, we can deduce that anyone attempting to spend any sustained amount of time around negresses most likely comes away feeling emasculated and exhausted, trying to comprehend their unjustified sense of entitlement in an increasingly technological world which clearly has no place for them anymore. So the male species spends a great deal of his time trying to understand what is possibly the most useless human being ever placed on Earth by God. So the black man spends a great deal of his time spinning his wheels and going nowhere with his primary mating partner. It is hard to see where the negro comes out ahead in this arrangement when the cornerstone of any black "community" is built upon something as egregiously idiotic and savage as the black woman.
Hey Beyond Hatred, can I be your jr ? Beyond Hatred Jr. as your 2 worded name simply sums up my thoughts EXACTLY ! This shht out here today is simply too surreal for me to accept. I think it's truly time for all of OUR surreal moment in history. We need to take OUR COUNTRY back from the devils that are in control !!!! December 27, 2014 at 8:00 PM
No. Jr. sounds diminutive. Never, ever diminish yourself or your people. Way Beyond Hatred would be better. ;)
"Surreal" is a good word for the existential threat that PK and others are chronicling every single day, in words and in pictures. What goes on right now is unprecedented in the history of the human race! Years, or even generations from now, these blog posts will be read by our descendents with amazement. We are warning them of what can happen when organized and comprehensive psychological warfare succeeds- it can lead to total annihilation by co-opting the minds of its targets, the Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs).
And to the trolls, we've seen some truly substandard performances lately. Don't they have more advanced, remedial courses in Trollsmanship at the Cass Sunstein Academy of Online Disinfo? You're just too obvious. Saul Alinsky would be ashamed of you. Please up your game so we can have something more worthwhile to work with.
-Beyond Hatred
Some malcontent will undoubtedly torch the "memorial" again.
Where's this vaunted 'Polar Vortex' when we need it? Let the net-negatives burn more stuff or simply freeze for dey Saint Swisher Sweets.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
AA is in full and complete effect in every situation. The YT's are so overworked, it naturally flows to our offices as it navigates down through incompetence, many hours are spent in unpaid overtime just to get simple things right on track. Not completed mind you, but on track.
December 29, 2014 at 12:27 AM
And this ladies and gentlemen is how BRA is able to chug along, enriching us with its vibrancy along the way...
And this ladies and gentlemen is how BRA is able to chug along, enriching us with its vibrancy along the way...
One can only imagine the peerless success story America would be in 2015 had the negro been sent back to the warm embrace of his Motherland.
The Bell Curvites had a little march for justice (aka let's legalize crime for blacks) in Horn Lake, Ms. on 12/15. There were about 40 marchers shouting the usual bull sh#t, so funny, the News filmed it. Hundreds of motorists passing by rolled down their windows and screamed "ni**ers" at them! Many heads exploded! Oh, those evil white racists in MiSSiSSippi!
@ Anonyumous,
Re:...."Spent some time in the Smoky Mountains, very peaceful and groid free. The only thing in the middle of the road are animals crossing the street."
Funny thing is, you can say the same thing about "Da Hood"!
Happy New Year all.
I. Dindu Nuffins
A stark, unsentimental look at Detroit's rapid slide:
And from Colin Flaherty, Black Mob Violence at Christmas, All Over the Country:
There were chimpouts at malls in at least 8 cities in the last week, but will the M$M treat these as anything other than isolated events? No.
Riddle me this, lurkers and trolls, why has there been ZERO mainstream attention paid to the fact that "teens" have made the mall a no-go space for whites in many American cities?
Could it be that reporting the truth is RACIST?
Excellent line:
Truth is the new hate speech.
This would make a great bumper sticker.
D-FENS said... Does Putin search you as you try to board a plane? Does China tax a third of your income? Does North Korea insist you hire negroes? Does Iran sponsor the knockout games?
Good points.
It's difficult for me to get too worked up about Putin invading Ukraine, or ISIS running amok in Iraq, when we see our own government inciting riots against white people and opening the frontiers to third world invaders.
"Know your enemies--they are your leaders!" -- old rightwing saying
Oh no!
Christmas gone wrong!!
Can't BRA get anything right!!!
And from Colin Flaherty, Black Mob Violence at Christmas, All Over the Country:
Looks like the above American thinker chimp out article has been scrubbed. 404 error.... just another day in BRA.
Second link is however valid.
"Anonymous said...
Guess what happened after wimpy white liberal sucked up to race hustler Azealia Banks?
What do they want? Your money! When do they want it? NOW!"
I had an exchange over the Christmas holiday along these very lines. An angry "educated" black man at a Christmas party I was invited to started going off on how blacks in America were disrespected, how they could never get any respect, and that this country was "built on their backs". I immediately called bullshit and demanded that he prove how 13% of the population, most of which was completely illiterate, was the essential building block that led to all of the wealth the America has ever generated. Of course the only thing he could babble on about was slavery. I countered that with questions about how did black slaves build the northeastern/Great Lakes canal systems, or the railroads to the Pacific coast, or the railroads in the northern States. Before it was done and over with I used the phrase "obsolete farm equipment". Ten years ago that would've been a social death sentence, this year there was actual laughter.
Speak up, speak up, speak up. There are more allies out there than you think.
City officials emphasized that Zoll’s remarks “do not reflect the feelings” of the Ferguson Police Department.
Incredible. Not policies. Feelings. The Ferguson Police Department has official Feelings that all police officers are expected to reflect.
What a feminized, infantilized bunch of wussies American men have become.
The police spokesman is wrong, it's not a “pile of trash”; it's a pile of shit.
I feel sorry for that White bear and wish I were in a position to save it.
Truth = Racism
In my fantasy I am doing the following:
"Ima light these Jesus candles in memory of Gentuhl Giant. Oops, I just knocked over a lit candle and have created a raging inferno on this pile of highly-flammable Chinese goods."
As I was reading some of the comments on the "full list" from the original site "things white people like", I said wow as I put this all together and truly thought to myself, blacks are REALLY ignorantly wee-tah-ted !!
Hence that the majority of them don't even know the definition of the word satire, I can only laugh at their simple minds. They're own horatian satire is about the only GOOD thing they're good at, well sort of. One commenter posted:
Me (their handle)
"This site is Great, but you’ve left out Hunting. White people, and by no means all of the, but ALOT of them want to get in touch with nature, and live off the land. Alot of camping going on, and alot or fishing. Alot of ‘Extreme Sports’ somehow football isn’t extreme enough?
Also, fairplay is big with them. While it’s hilarious to think that they would be into playing fair after their track record, it’s still worth noting.
Love it." end of comment.
This comment is very special to me. As this commenter mentions how "we YT's" love to live off the land, I thought to myself well duh negro, you know we have to live off of something good, you know, something that you losers do with us YT's everyday.
I laugh that the negro is so stupid that they don't even realize that their own satire they spew against us only exposes even more of the truth about their own uncivilized culture
here in north america. Do they not realize that they have millions of distant cousins in their own homeland that......wait for off the land !!
Yes, you have to love the satire
from any and all of this, even as we continue on our downward spiral. It's about the only humor we're ever going to "once" enjoy
out of this BS in BRA.
In ebonics I say:
Dey gots a hole list of 136 thangs dat wyte ppl like. I look'd at dis list n thought,
hay, errythang on dis list b
sumthin dat da blackies either
don't liek ta do or CAN'T do.
Since dey b so gud at exposing da shhtload of thangs YT can do, unless there is a list of "things black people like" that I am not aware of, would someone please post it. If there isn't such a list yet, I think it's time we add a little satire of our own and make one up. With recent events taking place, I'm sure we have many right off the top of our heads that we can name.
How about it PK ?
The top 200 things black people like. I'll start it off to name a few:
01 - Destruction ! First and foremost.
02 - Eating CHICKEN !!!
03 - Streets, they walk in them all the damn time. It's no wonder how they acquired one of their other monikers, the pavement ape !
04 - Rioting. Like children throwing a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.
05 - Platinum EBT cards. What would they do without em ? Live off the land perhaps ? LMAO, just kidding...WE are their land !!!
No more us, no more EBT, then what are they going to do ????
Everybody, please add your 2 cents. I need a good break from NFS (Negro Fatigue Syndrome), and perhaps a good overdue laugh in the process. Thank you everybody for your time and input !!
Love this site !!! We're not alone!
Anonymous @ December 28, 2014 at 8:40 PM:
Regarding the I-435 crash:
Your comment reminded me of the 1993 Sunset Limited Amtrak derailment in Mobile, AL. I learned about this incident from the most excellent show "Seconds from Disaster".
Apparently, an affirmative action 1st officer of a cargo tugboat (Willie Odom) headed for Tuscaloosa got lost in fog at between 2 to 3 AM and instead of pulling over onto the bank to get his bearings, he stayed in the middle of the water, rammed a bridge knocking the train rail out of whack - just enough to derail the Amtrak, but not enough to break the rail and and give the train a red-light warning. Around 50 people died either being burned to death or drowning in the muddy water of the river. The lucky ones died on impact. It's the worst Amtrak disaster in history. He also did not know how to read radar which would have alerted him to the bridge ahead.
After watching this episode, on a hunch I Googled "Willie Odom" + affirmative action, and just as I suspected, he was an AA hire after regulators determined there were not enough minority tugboat pilots.
A strike against this "Seconds from Disaster" episode is that it was very kind to Willie Odom. Too kind. They tried to make it look like if the 87-year-old bridge had been structurally designed better, this wouldn't have happened. Well, gee, it worked fine for 87 years, now didn't it?
SFD episode:
Federal plan to recruit more tugboat pilots may have backfired:
What if a White citizen were to run over and destroy the memorial purely by accident. And the memorial wadded up in the steering and the person lost control of their vehicle and ended up hitting two or three Black citizens before the vehicle could stop. What do you believe would happen. Who's fault would this be? Any sane government would have never allowed this road hazard to accumulate. And suspending a police officer for calling a soggy wet, dirty pile of stuffed animals, cards and beer cans, "trash", is a sign that the town of Ferguson is beyond help.
Mark yet another piece of the American dream destroyed by BRA and DWL's. The only difference this time is it started at the top. Never has a president purposely destroyed a town using race and the Federal justice system. And he isnt done yet.
What negros like the short list.
1, doing nuttin
2, crack
3, white hos
4, chicken
5, fing things up
6, basketball
7, smoking blunts
8, BBQ ribs
9, fing up cities
10, white hos. They really like em...
Anonymous @8:40:
Rebel here.
Same thing happened in Indiana:
Minivan full of negroes just STOPS in the f***ing middle of the interstate and gets plowed over and a little kid dies. Nobody knows WTF they were thinking. This was on I-69 in the middle of nowhere. Read: Super fast major interstate highway.
20yo negress "Monique" was driving. She was 36 weeks pregnant. Her 4yo little girl "Tavionna" wasn't in a child seat and was killed in the crash. She also had a 20 month-old son who was taken by Lifeline helicopter to the hospital. Another passener was 20yo "DeJour-Kyrie" was also flown by helicopter to a hospital with internal injuries.
This negro is only 20 years old, but she already had a 4yo, a 14 month-old and another one on the way. No mention in any of the stories about any father(s).
WTF?!? She just STOPPED in the middle of the interstate! A nice older white couple from Michigan was driving along in a pickup truck, crested the hill and slammed into the back of this negro's van. That was STOPPED in the MFing middle of the interstate! And the kicker: Monique (the dumb shit driver who STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSTATE) is suing the old man looking for a ghetto lottery payout. Her claim is that he failed to keep a sufficient lookout for her and caused little Tavionna's death. Even though Monique had alcohol and pot in her system and an open bottle of vodka in the car and was driving on the interstate with little Tavionna not in a child safety seat. Oh, and she STOPPED HER F-ING CAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE F-ING INTERSTATE.
What is with these dumbasses and being in the middle of the street? I'm close with a lot of medical professionals. One of them never noticed until I pointed it out that whenever you hear about a pedestrian being hit by a car, 99% of the time it's a negro. They started paying attention and then said to me later "Man! You were right about that." Every time someone comes in they're always black! Why do you think that is?!? I said because it doesn't occur to them for some reason that walking in front of moving traffic could hurt them. It occurs to every other race on earth and most animals. But not negroes. They have no apparent ability to figure out cause & effect.
Even as the corporeal remains of the Gentle Giant (TM) were still cooling, I maintained that this was an epic struggle for primacy between two groups of BRA's most privileged subjects.
It seems as though we can finally select the victor.
In this heavyweight bout between the LEO and the Negro, the Negro wins by unanimous decision.
The Diversity Kommisars of the Ferguson PD conducted a Kafkaesque "investigation" of Officer Zoll and found him guilty of Crimethink. It'll be interesting to see if he keeps his job. (Why he would want to, other than "the precious" I cannot imagine)
Why, even the illustrious Poleez Cheeph of NYC has ordered the rank and file to stop turning their backs to the UTTERLY EXECRABLE Mayor DeBlasio. Their brother officer, Officer Liu has not even been interred yet.
Many of the LEOs who post here believe me to be a knee jerk cop hater. I am not, nor have I ever been such. I have merely attempted to point out whom LEOs serve.
I think the plights of Officers Liu, Ramos, Zoll, and the rank and file of the NYPD illustrate this point better than words can.
Your paymasters consider you wholly expendable and will sacrifice you on the altar of diversity in a heartbeat. What remains of the white middle class (not much, I'm afraid) are your only friends and supporters...
Am shocked a convoy of humans haven't driven past midday (NAPAs asleep) and let a lit road flare out an open door onto that dung heap. Group formation would shield identity of the garbage cleansing vehicle.
You're welcome.
NC Guy:
Rebel here.
"Who trew dat ham at me?!?!?!" is an old story that's been around for generations. Whether it has a basis in fact is anybody's guess. But it typefies the negro mentality. Steal. And if you're caught red-handed (black-handed?), make a gigantic spectacle of yourself and lie as loud as you can! That's our monkeyshines. LOL
The old story goes that a negro was leaving a store with their trench coat stuffed with stolen food and before the thief can get out of the store (s)he drops a canned ham from under their coat and onto the floor in front of everyone. It's obvious that they are stealing and just got busted being a terrible thief. So the negro stares at the ham on the floor, looks around at everyone else and loudly screams "WHO TREW DAT HAM AT ME!?!?!" So the negro goes from being a dishonest, lowly thief to being an innocent victim of violence.
It's what they do.
Man you missed tons! Gaming systems, air Jordan's, silly ass clothes, watermelons, EBT cards, free shit.......
More on the I-435 crash. The Kansas City Star reported this morning that the negress driving the car that stopped right in the Interstate was driving on a revoked license.
Never thought about it like that but your explanation makes more sense than anything I could think of.
SC Native
I've noticed here in SC that negros walk in the center of the road and it seems to be almost universal. No matter the setting, country or ghetto, they do the same thing. One of me relatives who has spent time in Africa hunting noticed the same thing. We were talking about this at a family get together and one of the older family members said it's because if you walk on the side of the road in a jungle something might eat you. Walking in the middle is the best place to be in that case. Now the lowcountry of SC is swampy and there are things that will bite you but not like west Africa. I think this middle of the road thing is just a holdover from de mudderland. I still see it today after 340+ years (that's 34 negro generations right?) and even a big thug moon cricket is scared to death in the woods at night. Just my two cents, it makes sense to me.
Has the mystery of how the Egyptians built the pyramids been solved?
It would be interesting to know how the remaining Whites in Ferguson are reacting to all what's going on in this shithole we call Ferguson.
Are they moving out of Ferguson? Have the real estate values been seriously destroyed yet? Are they taking their White children out of the public schools? Are they doing their shopping in other towns not so black?
If the webmasters have the time, it would interesting to me, and probably all your readers, to know how the remaining Whites there are responding to what's going on. An article or two about this would be welcome [ as all SBPDL articles are welcome]. Thank you.
From : Joe
Boom boxes
Sleeping until noon.
Letting their bitches peddle ass.
Tormenting animals (dog fighting).
Got to comment on this post. I was working in Nashville, Tn for a few months not too long ago. News reports of car / pedestrian accidents weren't uncommon.
On my way to work one afternoon I saw an African male walk right out into traffic. He walked across all 4 lanes of Murfreesboro Road and never looked towards on coming traffic.
Everyone had to hit their brakes hard to avoid hitting the stupid sob. After that, whenever I heard about a car / pedestrian accident on the news, I just assumed it was just another dumb f*cking African.
I also hoped it was the stupid sob that walked out in front of me. Dumbass!
"He's such a very moral man, that Alex. Surely he will get a kiss from rabbi Jesus when his shade floats up to that great talk show in the sky."
Judging by the roster of his past and current sponsors he's probably getting plenty of rabbi kisses in life.
Jones is a long time bullshit artist, sensationalist, and rumor monger. He should not be trusted and anything he says should be very thoroughly researched, scrutinized, and independently verified.
He has long ridden the paintjob theory explaining away black dysfunction to some conspiracy of men, rather than the conspiracy of God/nature/evolution who provided them with genetic traits fit for animalistic level of survival/society in the plains of Africa.
Among the more inexplicable TNBs is their desire to shuffle along in the middle of the street seemingly oblivious to oncoming traffic.
There is some speculation amongst race realist scholars that this is either a "fuck you" to whitey, or the typical "looks at muh" behavior. Other negro studies experts believe that like a possum or armadillo they simply wander aimlessly lacking the brain power to discriminate between walking on a sidewalk, or in the middle of a road.
This is one of the remaining great negro mysteries.
Put on leave for voicing a personal opinion. What a crock of shit! Anyone here remember when everyone was entitled to their opinion?
I wonder at what point the rank and file police officers will all come down with the "blue flu? "
They're memorializing the original pile of trash that was cut down during his rampage, Michael Brown
Yes, by Arabic people using what would be called " outdated construction equipment" nowadays.
This pendulum is swinging back. It's more encompassing than we are willing to anticipate. It has much more kinetic energy. It has so much potential. We shouldn't cheapen it by encouraging speed over true and sound projected thought. Savor the oncoming log haul. The commies did as much when they took the universities in the 60s. The 114th is so monumentally historical. Don't get to caught up in the current MSM ribble -rabble. IOWs, stay cool until the 114th has found it's feet in late spring/early summer. I advise a supportive role until then.
Australian aboriginals are the same when it comes to wandering into oncoming traffic with complete oblivion. Worse are their kids that will launch their (usually stolen) bicycles straight into your path on the wrong side of the road. It must come with the melanin.
Another pathetic reminder of how delusional most of Black America is. No matter what the evidence, St. Brown was murdered in cold blood by a racist Cracker cop.
And thus, this "memorial" should become, as several posters have pointed-out, a permanent, age-enduring monument to his "gentle giant" nature and his status as another casualty in the "war" against YT.
I spent two ER shifts this weekend listening and having to put up with mind-numbing entitlement whining by - you guessed it - "people of color" - despite us being very busy with REAL emergency patients. Their "needs" not being immediately and happily met is another sign of the "institutional racism" that is American society.
NOTHING will make these beasts happy. NOTHING.
And BTW, I agree with the office that this "monument" looks - and is - a pile of garbage, to put it nicely.
Civilized and White America needs to put an end to this coddling, delusional BS and MAKE people start being personally and societalally responsible, or suffer the consequences.
"Jones is a long time bullshit artist, sensationalist, and rumor monger. He should not be trusted and anything he says should be very thoroughly researched, scrutinized, and independently verified."
Hear, hear! If I had a nickel for every so-called fact that's not a fact this mook puts out, I'd be rich. His function in America's political ecology is to confuse and deflect revolutionary sentiment into harmless, state-approved channels.
"There is some speculation amongst race realist scholars that this is either a "fuck you" to whitey, or the typical "looks at muh" behavior. Other negro studies experts believe that like a possum or armadillo they simply wander aimlessly lacking the brain power to discriminate between walking on a sidewalk, or in the middle of a road.
This is one of the remaining great negro mysteries."
I believe the motive is it gives the negro a sense of power to make YT slow down or swerve to avoid hitting him. He likes the idea of simultaneously angering and scaring YT too. Remember that case a few weeks ago (Detroit, I think), when that white man did strike a pickaninny with his truck, and then made the mistake of obeying the law and stopping to render aid? He was beaten to death by a mob of nigs.
Also, there's an element in it of what convicted rapist of white women (and Republican hero!) Eldridge Cleaver wrote about -- revenge against the white man, and defiance.
Rape was an insurrectional act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women ... I felt that I was getting revenge.
- Eldridge Cleaver, "Soul on Ice"
(He's a)Rebel said...
I said because it doesn't occur to them for some reason that walking in front of moving traffic could hurt them. It occurs to every other race on earth and most animals. But not negroes. They have no apparent ability to figure out cause & effect.
It's a favorite sport here, too. When driving downtown, negroes dodge in and out of Main Street traffic like it's a game of double dutch. Add to her basic and very real negro stupidity, poor impulse control, and lack of future time orientation, the bitch was also high and drunk. She's now on the fast track for the negro lottery. Losing a child is never easy, but the way she's going, she'll have shat out around 3-4 more by the time she hits 30. More cash, money in the bank for the next 25 years plus.
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Re Alex Jones and
Jones is a long time bullshit artist, sensationalist, and rumor monger. He should not be trusted and anything he says should be very thoroughly researched, scrutinized, and independently verified.
He has long ridden the paintjob theory explaining away black dysfunction…
I've listened to him on occasion. He can be entertaining. But since Ferguson he has been hitting the "paint job theory" and the negroes and white people should attack the cops stuff pretty heavily. He's always talking about how terrible the KKK is. WTF? Where exactly is the KKK, I'd join right up if I knew of a local branch.
"... [Alex Jones] has been hitting the "paint job theory" and the negroes and white people should attack the cops stuff pretty heavily."
No! Alex wants everybody to join forces to oppose the "globalists". He says attacking cops would play right into the hands of the globalist conspiracy. That's what THEY WANT you to do, capish? So just say you oppose globalists, and especially, send Alex some fukkin' money. Buy some Oxypowder or Nascent Iodine from him. THAT is what all good, patriotic, Christian Americans should do. That's the way you restore freedom! ;-)
bernice: "One can only imagine the peerless success story America would be in 2015 had the negro been sent back to the warm embrace of his Motherland."
You never know. In an alternate universe, maybe that USA gets invaded and conquered by foreign enemies -- because we weren't littered with biological detritus in all our cities. NRA types like to think it was the 300,000,000 privately owned firearms that scared off the Russkies, Germans and the Japs; but maybe, just maybe, they noticed our minefield of turds, and decided our grass just wasn't green enough to be worth the trouble.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
"And this ladies and gentlemen is how BRA is able to chug along, enriching us with its vibrancy along the way..."
You, sir/ma'am, are absolutely correct. It is a rock and a hard place scenario played out daily by us YT gubmint drones.
I can sympathize with LEO's, and would never want to do what they do or be in the impossible position they are in. I'm torn by decisions that waste money (YT's money), they have to face scenarios that impact citizens lives up to the life or death level daily. I am insulated, they are on the front lines.
So what do we, the government employee local to federal, do? I've posted minor strategies I employ to make the AA's uncomfortable, but these are pinpricks to the gigantic edifice and it does go rolling along unstoppable from its own momentum. Quit? Nigga please, I gots moufs ta feed. The pension (or precious as some have labeled it) does have an appeal. You know, financial security in your most vulnerable age after childhood.
The country is going downhill, and we drones do play a major role in its demise, but we are not all alone in our guilt. 30 percent of voting age adults do so. The choosing of the lesser of two evils is due in part by poor primary turnout. The same goes for alternate parties besides the R and D jerseys. "We won't vote our way out of this" is a reactionary and defeatist philosophy. Politicians are creatures of consensus and will respond as long as they are made to stand the test of public opinion occasionally. We, I'm just as guilty, let them get away with it with our apathy.
I've stated this before, but I believe it needs to be repeated. Make them (muds) live by civilizations standards. Shame them, as we should all shame our brethren, who fail to meet YT's standards of civilization. It does take a village. Anybody who doesn't want to live in the village is free to leave. Make them want to leave.
The highly esteemed University of Michigan is to pay new coach Jim Harbaugh 8 million dollars per year for their black football team to beat Ohio State's black football team.
No word on whether this massive influx of capital will have any affect on the state's five decade long economic slump.
Processed food and circus.
USA is a silly country with big military and the best propagandists.
Bernice, your commentary about black women is spot on. It's one of the best I've read online. It completely describes their mindset and their attitude.
I've read that a lot of black men are so sick of black women, are going to Brazil to find a wife. I don't blame them.
The other night the husband and I are in another town getting gas. In walks Trayvon Jr. with that swagger. Because I ascribe to whenever around blacks, never relax, I'm on guard and watching him like a hawk. I placed my hand in my pistol compartment in my purse. He makes eye contact with me and looks down. Blacks know when whites are on to them.
He walks up behind my husband really close. My husband turned around and gave him the death glare. He milled around the store and eventually paid for the gas.
On our way out, we drive by and see his partner in crime smoking a cig in the passenger seat (yes near the pumps, dumb fucker) and we gave him the death glare too. We drove by again to make sure he saw us profiling him. They quickly left.
The moral of the story, they are not to be trusted ever. They're like Yosemite, you never know when they're going to blow.
Anonymous said...
...unless there is a list of "things black people like" that I am not aware of, would someone please post it.
You're a bit late to the party, Anon. First, that site is not run by negroes, but by a White (SWPL) man. It's self-mockery. It's a White thang.
Secondly, there is already a response to it. It's this very blog. Check the archives for the numbered posts, or better still, buy PK's book "SBPDL: Year One".
But this site has moved on from the gentle mocking tone of its origins. Some people think it should have a new name for that reason. I don't know, I kind of like it this way. It's kind of classy to maintain our traditions, and honour our origins. Never deny or apologise for where you came from. Especially if you're SBPDL.
@December 29, 2014 at 2:56 PM
"Now the lowcountry of SC is swampy and there are things that will bite you but not like west Africa. I think this middle of the road thing is just a holdover from de mudderland.
Don't be too sure about that, there's plenty of stuff in a SC swamp that can bite.And living in west Africa is not that bad. They sweep their yards(like you also see in the south) to prevent snakes and crap from hiding in the grass and getting into a house.Just because a person lives near a jungle doesn't mean they go into it. But walking in the middle may be because of animals, I do it myself if I'm walking at night but of course there's little traffic here in the suburbs.
Walking on the roadway may also be because that's where they walked during Jim Crow and when they were slaves.They had to stay out of the way of white people on the clean sidewalk and walk in the dirt roadway.
There was a story a while back in the Carolinas where folks were upset that the KKK had left some hard rock candy with their literature in it at people's doors.
I, of course, had to point out that I'd much prefer that to a mob of blacks coming through stealing everything in sight.
That account got blocked from further comments on that TV station's page (facebook) not too long after that.
"I believe the motive is it gives the negro a sense of power to make YT slow down or swerve to avoid hitting him. He likes the idea of simultaneously angering and scaring YT too. "
I have personally observed the same zombie like behavior by negroes in all negro areas. While I have no doubt they get great satisfaction in inconveniencing YT, one could counter that they seem to engage in the middle of the road shuffling/ambling even in the presence of only their peers.
"So just say you oppose globalists, and especially, send Alex some fukkin' money"
This seems to be the punchline of the whole thing doesn't it? "The world is going to end, buy my snake oil."
I would concur with the poster that said that he is likely serving to deflect and control revolutionary sentiment.
Take these three postulations:
1. What he says is true (ie. all powerful conspiracy who would kill opposition at the drop of a hat)
2. He is true (as opposed to controlled/false) opposition to this nefarious group.
3. He is still, not only alive, but also has access to so many large radio markets with no real competition.
By my estimation, only 2 of these could simultaneously be true. The way I see it, 1 and 3 are pretty near true so 2 is a big question mark.
Rebel here.
While I was looking to see if any criminal charges were filed in that case where the minivan full of coloreds stopped in the middle of the interstate, I found this story:
It looks like this is the town right near where the idiot stopped on the highway up in Indiana.
"Laquinda" and "Theressa" were having a screaming chimpout while driving a u-haul truck and one of the negresses tried to jump out while it was moving. Laquinda let go of the wheel to grab her and they smashed through an intersection and killed a white guy sitting there on his motorcycle. Dead. Not doing a damn thing but minding his own business. And to top it all off, Theressa then went on facebook and attacked the family, telling them that they all "should die, too".
She then had her family all come into the sentencing and say how devestated she was after the accident (after she had felony charges filed against her) because she cried a lot. But she still went on hate filled rants online at the family.
Just one more example of "Around Blacks, Never Relax." They WILL kill you, whether you have any interaction with them or not.
Anonymous said...
"... [Alex Jones] has been hitting the "paint job theory" and the negroes and white people should attack the cops stuff pretty heavily."
No! Alex wants everybody to join forces to oppose the "globalists". He says attacking cops would play right into the hands of the globalist conspiracy. That's what THEY WANT you to do, capish?
You are quite correct. It would indeed play right into the hands of the globalists. Alex sure does know his globalists. One way to defeat them is with iodine.
These days I listen mostly waiting and hoping for him to introduce his new guest… Bobgobulski. That would be an awesome interview.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
So what do we, the government employee local to federal, do?
For starters, stop working UPAID overtime!
If you and other YT's are going to voluntarily cooperate with a system hellbent on White genocide, then as a race we'll be in Trotsky's dustbin of history in no time...
One can certainly collect a paycheck, but working unpaid to keep BRA going is insane...
Another Not Quite Humans In The Middle Of The Street story:
Tampa near the dog track, checking out a property for local demographic profile for the benefit of somebody in PA that saw it for sale online.
Me in a red Eclipse with Northern tags accelerating, NOT slowing down, right toward the middle of 8 of them with a .38 on the passenger seat and a direct stare on my YT face.
1 toxic amoeba split into 2 toxic amoeba as I continued on.
btw, the 'hood failed the demographic test.
A twist on black lying occurs at elementary school. A typical ploy is for a black child to stand up and shout ( in the bus or in class) "she spit on me!"
"She" is usually a vulnerable white girl who will then have to try and disprove his assertion, by apparently gathering counter witnesses. Meanwhile, being vulnerable, she becomes scared and cries. This kind of sadism is learned at a very early age - first grade- and illustrates amorality in the family. Hard to believe a parent would want their child to learn social dysfunction at such an early age. My question is "cui Bono?" No one does , which is frightening. That parents might choose this behavior thinking that simply hurting a white child is reward enough is doubly so.
bubo notes an interesting factoid:
The highly esteemed University of Michigan is to pay new coach Jim Harbaugh 8 million dollars per year for their black football team to beat Ohio State's black football team.
I'm sure U of MI is but one of hundreds of state-funded schools where similar examples could be cited, even if the 8 million is at the higher end (I have no idea if it is or not). There is nevertheless a lesson to be learned with this factoid which should be taken to heart. Any white parents going into debt to send their offspring to the University of Michigan or any other school where the opiate of Amurika is proferred are tossing their kids upon the altar of BRA. Don't do it. As with the Repukes and the Banana Empire itself, Institutions like the U of MI are beyond redemption or reform. The only cure for what ails them is total annihilation and destruction. They are part and parcel of BRA, whose genocidal features are not a bug in any way, but a feature.
They are nothing but indoctrination centers whose inmates will come out groveling and worshipping negroes. It's yet another shit-sandwich and grape-drank emporium engineered to help YT dig his own grave. Nobody is holding a gun (yet) to the heads of white parents forcing them to borrow counterfeit cash from Banksters to send their kids to indoctrination centers. The Ministry of Truth's endless repetition of the mantra 'that you needum a universutee degree to git you a decent job' is yet another lie. The edumacation racket has nothing to do with learning. It's just another Scheissgeld and Dormerde deli special, covered with crunchy maggots. Don't buy what they're selling.
In the last analysis I think African Americans hate whites because a small subset of them a long time ago brought them here, and they are challenging us to send them back. Lincoln wanted to do so immediately after the war but of course was killed and nothing ever happened. This itch has to be scratched and it has been the infernally brilliant American left which has exploited this frustration to its political gain and the nation's loss- but then this is to be expected since leftists are anti- national to the core.
It will be interesting to see how the Amerindians from Mexico and points South react to this since their immigration is entirely voluntary. I think the political elites are rolling the dice on this; sensing AA's are verging on hopeless they need a more functional ethnic group to exploit for votes. Where this will go over the decades is towards underclass implosion, I think.
I Don't think I've ever seen an advertisement for guns or ammo on Alex's websites, but plent for generators, food storage , etc.
His goal seems to be to paralyze the alienated white and thus he promotes hide-in-your- basement thinking. He is essentially a shill of course. He knows the psychology of the frightened listener only too well; listening to him sounds like The Voice of America, it's 1952, and you live in Budapest.
"Lincoln wanted to do so immediately after the war but of course was killed and nothing ever happened."
It's unlikely that Lincoln was ever sincere in his anti-black rhetoric. He assumed dictatorial power during the War, arresting at least 14,000 civilians for opposing him, and yet we are supposed to believe that he couldn't even ship the negroes under his control back to Africa? BS.
Besides, in Lincoln's last public address he's on record as wanting them to stay in America and vote Republican!
"The amount of constituency, so to speak, on which the new Louisiana government rests, would be more satisfactory to all, if it contained fifty, thirty, or even twenty thousand, instead of only about twelve thousand, as it does. It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers. ... The colored man too, in seeing all united for him, is inspired with vigilance, and energy, and daring, to the same end. Grant that he desires the elective franchise, will he not attain it sooner by saving the already advanced steps toward it, than by running backward over them?"
- Abraham Lincoln, last public address, Washington, D.C., April 11, 1865
Lincoln is more responsible than any other single man in history for the current racial situation in America.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
That damned YT work ethic
You'd be amazed how quickly they get out of the way when you rev the engine of your old pickup and speed right at them. That shuck and jive becomes a dead run. I live in Baltimore city and got tired of this walk in the street bullshit. The gas pedal works every time.
What part of Baltimore do you live in? I've had the ecstasy same experience in my neck of the woods.
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