Instead, in our world, Officer Renn was gunned down by Major Davis Jr. and his AK-47 on July 8.
A full month before the incident in Ferguson, Missouri between Officer Darren Wilson and 6'4, 300 lbs. 18-year-old Michael "Swisher Sweet" Brown.
Had Officer Perry Renn gotten "out of his car" to confront Major Davis Jr. at the black family picnic in East Indianapolis, and survived the confrontation while Davis perished, it's axiomatic the negro insurrection on St. Louis doorstep would have kicked off in Indy.
For in the words of the family of Major Davis Jr. in Indianapolis we see a mentality that unites blacks nationwide: from Ferguson to Sanford, Florida from Oakland to the Oval Office and the Attorney General of the Department of Justice... [Murder suspect’s family speaks out about shooting,, 7-6-14]:
The family of Major Davis Jr., the man accused of killing Officer Perry Renn, is speaking out about the shooting. His aunt, cousins and his children’s grandmother all talked to 24-Hour News 8 on Sunday afternoon.
The family is still struggling to accept that Davis Jr. could be a part of something like this. He is a father with four children, ages 10 and under. His family has had a long, tense history with Indianapolis police officers.
“You don’t know what he been through with IMPD. We do. He’s scarred for life,” said his children’s grandmother, Pam Moornan.
The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun.Speculation is pointless, but the altercation between white IMPD Officer Renn and career black criminal Major Davis and the potential for it having kicked off a Ferguson-style black insurrection shows just how fractious race relations our in America.
Like the Californians living near the San Andreas Fault-line who keep preparing for the "big-one," that massive earthquake science confirms is coming, it's time to realize the utter incompatibility between the white and black races in America is inevitably heading to a tectonic shift in relations the country - as we know it - will likely never recover from.
The fragile nature of white police dealing with trigger happy black suspects (and the latter's community quickly rallying in their defense if something goes wrong in this encounter) is a reminder maintaining law and order, as established by the historical white majority of America, is impossible in a multiracial setting.
And judging by a recent forum on violence in Indianapolis, it's obvious the tremors are already being felt by those willing to realize there are far more frightening scenarios than the Richter Scale registered a 10. [Forum on violence reveals distrust of police, Indy Star, 10-20-14]:
The idea for the evening was to try to answer a question that probably was not answerable: Is Indy a Ferguson waiting to happen?
In a crowd of more than 300 people at Martin University, there were answers in both directions. No, some said, Indianapolis has better police-community relations than the troubled St. Louis-area community. Yes, others argued, there’s an explosive cache of distrust between the police and the public in Indianapolis just waiting for a spark.
What was clear from an evening that hit on the question and often meandered far from it, was that — at least among this nearly all-black crowd — there’s a deep vein of distrust of police.
Several audience members spoke of knowing and trusting individual officers, but also of having doubts about whether justice is a reasonable expectation for black citizens.
One woman, an Eastside grandmother, brought the crowd to its loudest crescendo of applause when she said the police force is out of control in its treatment of young black men. She said she is wary of police.
“We don’t tell our black sons the same things that white women tell their sons,” said LeTava Mabilijengo. To the panel of law enforcement officials that included Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Chief Rick Hite and Marion County Sheriff John Layton, she said defiantly, “If you come for my children, you better understand what you are coming for.”
There was an acknowledgement from law enforcement agencies that they have work to do.
“We own some of that,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter.
Communities across the country have been asking whether they, too, could become the next Ferguson after the Missouri community was catapulted into the national consciousness in August.
Its notoriety came after a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. The circumstances of the incident are still muddled, with some witnesses saying Michael Brown, 18, was shot after he reached inside the police car and attacked officer Darren Wilson. Others said Brown appeared to be surrendering when Wilson fired the fatal shots.
The incident prompted protests, including some that turned into violent episodes of looting. Police responded with tear gas and arrests and a show of military hardware that provoked questions about the militarization of police forces.
Above all, Ferguson has become a shorthand for what can happen when the citizenry, particularly those from a racial minority, are so distrustful of police that such an incident sets off passions.
Monday night’s forum at Martin seemed to forget Ferguson for long stretches as the discussion turned to problems in Indianapolis. Some questioned the lack of public investment in crime hot zones. Some raised the importance of fathers being present as a salve for social ills. Some talked of the need for mentors to felons, both those in prison and those just released.
At times, Hite seemed as if he were trying to recruit to the force some of the young black men who took a microphone in hand and voiced frustration with police officers who were too old and too out of touch.
“I need young people who think the way you do,” Hite told one of them. “Do you know how hard it is to recruit people of color?”
Yet, among some, even that plea seemed incendiary. One woman talked about the frequency of young black men being killed by police across the country. And questioned why any young black man would want to join the police force. She said she didn’t blame the people of Ferguson for standing up to the police.
“I applaud those brothers and sisters in Ferguson,” she said. “They are holding their feet to the fire.”
Officer Renn is dead, his family deprived of ever holding his hand or hugging him again.Because of chance encounter with a "Gentle Giant" in Ferguson, Officer Wilson's career in law enforcement is in serious jeopardy, as is the future livability of the city of Ferguson itself.
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The dynamics of the Officer Wilson/Michael Brown encounter, coupled with the situation only a month earlier in Indianapolis, are proof of the inherent instability of the American Experiment |
It's not just that Indianapolis is a Ferguson waiting to happen; it's that wherever the black population has progressed to a demographic point (between 10 and 25 percent is sufficient numbers to have black agitators in both the clergy and public offices represented in the community) where the police are primarily dealing with 911 calls that lead them into direct contact with the black community a "Ferguson Scenario" could unfold.
No, could is the wrong word
It will unfold.
Looking at pictures of the tragically deceased Officer Renn and the persecuted Officer Wilson, it's obvious you see in their faces the hopes and dreams of every white police officer in America: one wrong encounter with a representative of the black community, and they will in one or the others shoes.
This horrible truth speaks to the failure of the American Experiment in ignoring the enormous implications of The Bell Curve and all those evil white men who dared once pass laws trying to protect the civilization whites had built (and only whites can sustain and pass on to a new generation for maintaining).
The brains of Africans and African Americans are modern style brains. They are just smaller and a bit more primitive as you said.
Pat Boyle
What is a modern style brain? From what I have read Africans not only have smaller brains but less prefrontal cortex relative to overall size.
Interestingly the prefrontal cortex has been identified in teens as less developed and it is theorized that this is why they are more likely to engage in risky behavior. Of course no one is allowed to ask if blacks basically have the brains of teenagers. The prefrontal cortex is also responsible for organizing, planning and staying focused on a task.
"The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun."
Imagine a mind so bereft of logic and common sense that it could come up with this kind of stupid garbage. They're sorry about Officer Renn's murder, but it's his own fault because he just didn't stay in the car when he saw a gun.
What if Major Davis had shot Officer Renn in the car? Should he have stayed at the police station? If he was shot at the police station, should the officer have just stayed home?
How about if maybe it's the damned negro's fault for committing murder? How about that?
All these mental gymnastics just to excuse a negro for doing what they do.
Major Davis and Michael Brown are on opposite sides of the same dark-skinned coin. We have 2 officers under attack by black thugs. One successfully defends himself, and is being dragged through the ringer. One was unsuccessful, and lost his life, and is also blamed posthumously by the "fambly".
If you defend yourself against negro aggression, you're at fault, and a filthy racist. If you are killed by a negro, it's also your fault for just being there.
Why are these people allowed to roam freely among us?
Serious question... Were Roman cities in the Western segment of the Roman Empire full of surly blacks and Mulatto?
Then the plague hit and people in the countryside survived and the negrified cities were left to rot.
Major David Jr is a textbook case for the court ordered use of Vasalgel and being taken out of the gene pool.
Davis is 25 years old with already 4 kids the oldest being 10. He has has a long criminal history like his father before him
Police reports show Davis Jr. had several run-ins with Indianapolis police over the past decade. In August 2005, when he was 16, Davis. Jr. was picked up as part of a truancy sweep, according to a police report. Two years later, police said they found him and another man inside a home known for drug activity, where police also found two fully loaded 7.62 SKS rifles, marijuana, cocaine and $2,293 in cash
As it stands Davis Jr will sit on Death Row for 20 years or more and likely become a hero to the black community like Mumia Abu-Jamal and have another half dozen bastards while locked up.
"Aunt, cousins, Children's Grandmother"
Well, here we have a typical negro nest. no male figures in sight, the birfing sow is either in jail or cracked out somewhere. The little male chimp stares into the camera with boredom on its face. How many times have we seen that look?
No one mentions that he was a multiple felon in possession of a stolen, Russian made carbine and that even if it was his special concealed weapon he is too young to have a permit and with his record he never would get one for his 7.62x39 honey, but those 30 caliber bullets work great on police, zipping through standard body armor.
The MSM is in full TWMNBN mode, casting doubt, giving the sow the full Monty instead of saying, "Don't you feel ashamed at what kind of criminal you have unleashed?"
tHE "Grandmother" is waiting for the Policeman's family to beg forgiveness. It works a lot, look at Amy Biel's Family.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
And we will pay to house him, feed him, and provide him with medical and dental benefits that we blue collar workers don't even get.
Statements like “'We own some of that,' said Police Superintendent Doug Carter" and "I need young people who think the way you [young black males] do" should be taken as a reminder to race realists that whites are not collectively ready to truly snuff out the detestable anti-culture practiced by the great majority of blacks.
And I hate to say it because it's going to really suck for many, but it seems that much more of the civilization we built will have to burn before OUR OWN culture broadly recognizes African behavior AND African NATURE as the serious problems that they are now, and always will be so long as we are forced to live amongst each other.
-Wallace Schoolhouse
*Vote Yes for the new City of St. George*
Imagine a mind so bereft of logic and common sense that it could come up with this kind of stupid garbage. They're sorry about Officer Renn's murder, but it's his own fault because he just didn't stay in the car when he saw a gun.
Totally insane. Well I like the response of the police lodge:
Keep it up black people, watch the white guilt drip away from your terrible logic and low standards.
Ex New Yorker here.....The crime that had me pissed off the most was when those 18 "teens" and "older teens" gang raped an 11 year old Mexican girl in Cleveland, Texas a few years ago. As I recall only 10 or 12 were ever charged. They filmed the rape with their cell phones and showed it to kids in school the next day.
I saw at least a half dozen clips of the "teens" mothers bitching to the TV cameras about how raping a little girl was no big deal. "Dat girl be dressing sexy and sheet and she deserved what she got. My boy din do nuffin. She be wantin' it". One mother claimed her little baby got RAILROADED because he was caught on film doing the rub-a-tub. I don't know how the case turned out. I guess it is still hiding in the memory hole.
When I become president and leader of the FREE WORLD I will make a law that no white cop will be allowed inside a black neighborhood. You can only bust them when they cross the line into a white zone. I will call it the CRIME AND SAFETY ZONING LAW.
These people are bitching and moaning about white cops while their sweet and innocent little coked up babies and keeds are blowing the holy shit out of each other while the camoonity be having vigils on blood soaked fucking streets. Now they want mentors to teach felons to read and write. My favorite is "public investment in high crime zones". The only business making money in the hood are funeral parlors and that is because the only inventory to steal are coffins. I guess it is hard to sell coffins and embalming fluids on the street.
The long tough and difficult STRUGGLE for social justice must go on.
Anonymous said...
It's sometimes pointed out that East Asians have a few more points of (median) IQ than whites in the USA. Let's assume that the testing is accurate and there is no significant cheating (as has been reported). October 21, 2014 at 12:33 PM
Couple problems with the IQ test. Both the East Asian (105 IQ) and the Ashkenazim (115 IQ) scores are somewhat suspect. In the E. Asian case, the testing group might be pre-screened in addition to the standardized cheating. For example, the Asian invaders in the US are certainly drawn from the pool of smarter ones, so testing them only leads to the tautology that "smarter Asians are smarter". The lower-IQ rice farmers are still where they belong, on their own continent.
The other problem with the IQ test is more fundamental- IQ is a very limited measure of intelligence. It was originally designed to screen for good factory assembly line workers, a sort of QC for the little cogs in the machine. That's why there are so many questions about things like matching up figures with each other. Mozart, Shakespeare, and all the other Whites who built our wonderful White civilization for us wouldn't necessarily have tested very high on it, although they could have.
-Beyond Hatred
Whites who feel a calling to law enforcement must find employment in non-Negro counties in his or her state.
Every cop shot while working would be alive if they stayed in their car.
What kind of logic is that?
The bottom line is EVERY time a black faces consequences for their actions they will scream RAYSISS!
We either have to just finally ignore RAYSISS or just stop allowing guilty white liberals to dictate the standards of our society.
Blacks are violent, childish, crude, and incapable to exist in our modern society independently. Without humans to support them, the parasitic negroes quickly regress to their natural state of living- evident in such negro paradises like Somalia, Haiti, Liberia, Congo, and so on.
As long as we allow guilty white liberals to mandate that we treat and consider negroes to be equal to humans this cancer will spread rapidly until America is one big ghetto.
We're 40-50 years from america no longer enjoying a white majority population, and I for one am glad that I will be dead long before that happens.
Soon EVERY city will be a huge ghetto, only the most rural small towns will remain livable by humans, and not long after the negroes will follow the humans there too.
God help us.
Blacks will never be the equals of whites because of the media. Think about it. Outside of Indy, how much time was Davis given in the national news? If not for websites like this one, how many of us would have ever learned of the blacks committing crimes against white people?
Only the most heinous black crimes (white baby shot in crib by youths) gets 30 seconds of national news time. The media is responsible for holding blacks down. When was the last time a black got media time like Officer Wilson?
Black people should demand equal time for black on black crime. There should be national news coverage for every picnic, birthday and funeral gone wrong. Where are the equal rights in the media?
Ex New Yorker here....Some drive by shooters just shot and killed a 6 year old black girl in Kansas City. Same ol same ol. Nothing changes. Time for another vigil.
I have the unpleasant feeling that things are going to get rather rough in the US. Everyone should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. And keep your powder dry.
Southron said...
Major Davis and Michael Brown are on opposite sides of the same dark-skinned coin. We have 2 officers under attack by black thugs. One successfully defends himself, and is being dragged through the ringer. One was unsuccessful, and lost his life, and is also blamed posthumously by the "fambly". October 21, 2014 at 4:19 PM
And both of these incidents have provoked a response: from Whites who support the police-
"I am Darren Wilson" and
"I Will Always Get Out of My Car"
In a different version of The Unraveling (, the squid elite (TPTB, TWMNBN, etc.) lose control of their own police, who have sworn to serve and protect the squids (whether they acknowledge that or not) and to enforce Squid Law. Now the police can clearly see that their beloved squids will betray them and throw them under the bus, something which should have been obvious before. Maybe the squids have made a fatal error.
The brains of Africans and African Americans are modern style brains. They are just smaller and a bit more primitive as you said. Pat Boyle
What is a modern style brain? From what I have read Africans not only have smaller brains but less prefrontal cortex relative to overall size.
Interestingly the prefrontal cortex has been identified in teens as less developed and it is theorized that this is why they are more likely to engage in risky behavior. Of course no one is allowed to ask if blacks basically have the brains of teenagers. The prefrontal cortex is also responsible for organizing, planning and staying focused on a task. October 21, 2014 at 3:57 PM
"Notice (Fig. 10-1) the fissures (and frontal lobes) in the brains of an orangutan, an African bushman, and the great German physicist and J.C.F. Gauss, the great German mathematician.
Africans and some retarded people (Friend, T., "Brains of mice enlarged to help research," USA Today, July 19, 2002, citing Chenn, 2002) have fewer convolutions (“fissures”) in the cerebral cortex of their brains, where abstract thought is performed. Australian aborigines also have smaller and less complex brains. Figure 10-2 shows the back of the brains of an orangutan, an Australian aborigine, and a European. (Baker, 1974, p 293).
In size and complexity, the Australian aborigine brain is intermediate between the orangutan and European brain."
Thanks to the gal (Wiesse Frau?) who directed us to the debate at
-Beyond Hatred
Great last paragraph. Made me chuckle pretty hard.
-Wallace S
I simply cannot understand why all these black folks are always wearing orange in these photos. Is this some kind of fashion statement? Or maybe a cultural thing like wearing their pants hanging down to their knees? Not the most flattering color, for sure. Hmmmm...let me ponder this.......
Let me guess, the suspects fambly is claiming
1. YT Poleece-man gunned down by the illustrious sumdude who is kind of like God in that he can simultaneously be present at any time and place.
2. Major Davis is actually Dindu Nuffins.
3. He beez a good boy, and really, really is Dindu Nuffins.
Trial junkie here. Speaking of situations waiting to happen, I'm afraid another O.J. Simpson-type millionaire black ballplayer will pull something similar to what happened 20 years ago one of these days.
I hope it doesn't happen but the Community will rally around him despite the evidence as with O.J.
Anonymous said...
Ex New Yorker here…..
The long tough and difficult STRUGGLE for social justice must go on.
You're facetious of course. But the struggle does need to end. The negroes must be stopped. No sane group of people on earth would allow negroes access to battle rifles. Not unless they wanted to die at the hands of the negro with the rifle.
Negroes have made just unbelievable progress in their aims to destroy white America over the past decade. We have an entire federal government that is now run by negroes. They are front and center in every and all of our media. They beat people in the street, with no response but apologies from the beaten and the media. They shoot cops at will and when they do, they are asked to speak to graduation classes. Your tax payments allow them to move next door to you and torment you further.
It can't go on.
OK, can you please disable the "Please prove you're not a robot" function?
It makes posting very difficult. I realize there may be other issues here, but one of the advantages of SBPDL in the past has been ease of access.
“We don’t tell our black sons the same things that white women tell their sons,” said LeTava Mumbojumbo.
Nooooo shit, lady.
Perhaps if you did, perhaps if you actually parented these children, they'd be somewhat less likely to behave the same as chimpanzees in the wild, except with guns.
I read some of the quoted article but it gets tedious when I read that blacks don't trust cops. They aren't smart enough to understand that if their dumb asses would obey the law, they would have no reason to fear cops.
I know it's described as one standard deviation, but it seems to me if you measured in common sense it would be more like 10 standard deviations lower. And the DWLs would be right down there with them.
"The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun."
Truly pieces of shit.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
1st comment explains why knee grows are always referred to as teens. The MSM has been trying to tell us all along in their reporting of Shitavious and Shitqueefa's escapades.It was only our distrust in the fourth estate that kept us from seeing it.
Seriously, do you know how hard it is to recruit people of color into the police force? As much shit as I talk on this blog, the muds that work do represent the cream of the crop. Everything YT has to work for is just handed to them. They do not feel like they are treated unfairly in getting these special privileges, only that they are unfairly under represented in the "big man" positions. They really can't see why they should work to attain money or position. It just falls in their laps, why caint dey be da boss? They don't understand that at some level, competence has to be applied to some degree to keep the entire edifice from sinking into an inglorious disaster.
Recommendations (many have been floated on this blog before by many different commentators):
1) All municipalities that meet or exceed 40% knee grow will be policed exclusively by muds
2) Any YT police officer found guilty of exiting his/her vehicle in a predominately mud area for any reason will be summarily terminated from the police force
3) Once a municipality meets or exceeds 40% mud, the local government will be dissolved and an interim council of shit skin will serve out the remaining term limit. No YT will be allowed to run for any office from mayor to dog catcher in said municipality.
4) Once a municipality meets or exceeds 60% mud, all YT property will be assigned a new property value. 80% reduction in value with a 5 % increase in taxes until the next census is conducted, unless said property is repatriated to a mud at a 90% discount.
5) School districts that meet or exceed 20% shit skin will be taught solely by mud educators.
6) Standards in above mentioned schools will be reduced 20% and grade inflation increased 80%. Reading, writing, and attendance are not required for graduation
I believe that these recommendations, if implemented, will finally solve our race relations quandary. What could they possibly complain about then?
I live in a California town where there are a lot of black transplanted Southerners who don't know there way around much less seem to be in a culture shock since they haven't encountered many Asians especially those from India. The black population is 4 percent in CA and what is happening with the wealthy white neighborhood in Baton Rouge, LA which wants to separate from the black neighborhood is happening in CA which predicts the black population will be at 2% in the future. The proposal of dividing CA into 6 states was a joke but started by a Silicon Valley businessman who wanted his wealthy city state separated from the rest of CA. The US will be a more divided country after Obama leaves who has only fostered more of a racial strife alignment with US Atty General Eric Holder who is now resigning. Go figure. 2016 is 2 yrs a long way off and more militarize police will occur. Can't you say "Martial law?"
Funny, sad and true.
Comrade we've noticed you're not being happy enough, off to gulag with you.
Whenever a major altercation happens between a white and black as in the case of a cop vs black thug, the black community always goes into Victimology Mode.
Instantly, a narrative (fairy tale) about how the perp was da victim and everything that happened was someone else's fault begins. Evidence to the contrary is dismissed as lies and racism. Disagreement with their BS is racism. Subsequently, all the protests and outrage as well as demands for change are based on the fairy tale narrative they've created.
The only change needed is to call them out on their BS, present the facts/evidence and when they chimp out in the streets, smack them down hard. In such case, the majority of the population will support the cops/National Guard tasked with the responsibility.
I know. I know. The authorites prefer to listen to the bleatings of the idiot negroes in an attempt to stop massive chimp outs/destruction and violence by attempting to coddle and soothe them instead of just telling them the truth- that they're full of sh*t.
I can understand that. When I worked with psychotic/retarded mental patients, we often had to use the same tactics when a patient was acting out and spewing bs and accusations in order to avoid a massive chimp out on their part.
The funny thing is that the negro community acts the same as the psychotic/retarded mental patients- no matter what happens, it's always someone else's fault, they're always the innocent victim and so forth.
It's just the way negroes are. Like "Bait Car" when they're caught stealing cars, they're always "innocent" and didn't do nothin' and the lies and BS flows from their mouths in a flood. Even when they're shown the video evidence they still stick to their fairy tale story such as "my cuzzin' axed me to move da car. He jes' bought it" blah, blah blah.
It's the M.O negroes use in every situation- make up stories, lie like hell and act like the victim.
3 young teen female groids from Colorado tried to join ISIS!
Why do blacks hate america so much?
"Soon EVERY city will be a huge ghetto, only the most rural small towns will remain livable by humans, and not long after the negroes will follow the humans there too"
Thats a bit far fetched and exaggerated. There will always be majority wealthy white neighborhoods. It will always be majoriry white in the '"sticks".
Now if blacks were on pace with what the Mexicans are doing I might believe that a little more.
@Ex New Yorker, said " The only business making money in the hood are funeral parlors and that is because the only inventory to steal are coffins. I guess it is hard to sell coffins and embalming fluids on the street. "
Actually as someone who used to deliver caskets to the infested areas of Chicago I can tell you they don't make money. Black run funeral homes are notorious for not paying their bills as their customers can't afford funerals.
We had a cash only policy with many of them-which meant I was in the ghetto collecting large bills for caskets while on looking gang bangers stared my white ass down. Thankfully the negro is a rather superstitious animal.
Also, embalming fluid can be sold on the streets. Google up "wicky stick". It is a cigarette or joint dipped in embalming fluid.
And being most cheap caskets are 16guage steel they are at least worth the scrap value, just nigs haven't figured that out yet. But they had no problem stealing the A/C units from the funerals homes for scrap.
A major conflict seems unavoidable and it will not be pretty. All America really is a Ferguson situation waiting to happen and my bet is when the trigger event occurs, it's going to be epic, like an extended Kristallnacht.
I read a lot of these comments, valid from the authors' POV but willfully blind to what the pervasive sentiment is within the black community with regard to law enforcement and the judicial system. You can equate it with stunted brain development and being mentally unhinged but their "reality" is vastly different from our. It's not just the EBT/WorldStar HipHop/low-life thug strata but I've heard the same sentiments expressed sotto voce by older black professionals. Don't get me wrong - the situation is far too entrenched to waste energy on sympathy, but I do think it's a mistake to trivialize the depth and breadth of the hostility. It's also important to be thoroughly prepared and aligned with as many others as possible.
OT but NB: I found that Disqus is censoring any comment that contains the URL of this article on the Michael Brown autopsy, even if it is broken up using the words "dot" and "slash". I got a shorter URL through the same filters on the same site.
Is this "anti-spam" gone crazy, or is it an active attempt to censor and restrict the dissemination of PUBLISHED facts which help break down The Narrative?
3 young teen female groids from Colorado tried to join ISIS!
Hey, great idea! Let's send as many to ISIS as want to go, so long as they give up their American citizenship and surrender their passports on arrival in Syria! It's bound to be fun to watch, especially the whines when they realize that they are never, ever coming back to America.
"Soon EVERY city will be a huge ghetto, only the most rural small towns will remain livable by humans, and not long after the negroes will follow the humans there too"
"Thats a bit far fetched and exaggerated. There will always be majority wealthy white neighborhoods. It will always be majoriry white in the '"sticks"."
Whites are having fewer children than ever, and niggers and mexicans are all having HUGE litters. The crashed economy and high unemployment has frightened whites from having large families, because whites actually PAY for their children's care.
Niggers are housed, fed, provided health care, and otherwise GIVEN everything they need- at the expense of whites who finance it all. And the MORE niglets they have they cannot afford the MORE they are given. We are literally paying poor niggers to have as many niglets as they can shit out.
For decades the niggers were kept safely away from human neighborhoods in "housing projects" however that resulted in those projects becoming gang strongholds so dangerous that even the police wearing body armor didn't want to go into them. So they decided to tear the projects down and give the poor niggers Section Ape vouchers, so the ghetto niggers would be separated, however all that has done is create major gang and violence problems in human neighborhoods. Now formerly white clean safe neighborhoods have become shitty run down dirty ghettos. The humans with any money are fleeing the same way they fled the cities to escape the niggers in those cities.
Look in Chicongo. Aurora, Joliet, Bolingbrook- these were all nice safe clean white towns, until the Section Ape vouchers came in, now they are all being overrun by ghetto niggers. If you want to live in a white neighborhood you need to move at least 100 miles from Chicongo.
It's quite sad, and I don't believe it's an accident. I am moving my family to a small Indiana town with a 97% white population and 0% nigger population. There is no public transportation, and no apartments. I will have to commute 1 1/2 hours each way every day driving 75 miles an hour, but it is well worth it to keep my kids far away from the Chicongo niggers.
PK, I know you've profiled Jackson MS before due to it's numerous negro problems. Check this out:
Indian (dot not feather) store owners are "fed up" (negro fatigued) with the violent robberies & shootings in Jackson...
The City of Jackson is proposing that stores be forced to hire their own security to protect them from the undertow.
The City of Jackson is proposing that stores be forced to hire their own security to protect them from the undertow.
Maybe they need to go "Members Only". Only Members will be allowed inside the store. Non-members can use the walk-up window, which can either be a self-service automated affair or have some human attendance. (Some technology for an armored touch-screen or the like would be required. Imagine St. Swisher, trying to rob something like a bank's drive-through.)
If you have any sort of crime on your record, or have been caught misbehaving in any Members Only outlet (even as a juvenile), you are banned for between 2 years to life. Parents and guardians are responsible for all acts of their charges and can be banned for them also.
The City of Jackson is proposing that stores be forced to hire their own security to protect them from the undertow.
I never understood why East Indians risked their lives to sell in BRA but I guess they have a breaking point as well.
The blacks on the council probably think that black businesses will move in if the Indians head out. Of course they will only learn when their tax revenue drops and by then it will be too late.
Jacksom crime rates are insane, and these are merely the reported crimes.
Thanks 8mm for this article. Quick Summary: White Christian ministers are required by law to "marry" homosexuals now that the blackrobes (Bogolyubski type) have overridden the vote to declare such "couples" not eligible to marry. If they don't fines and Jail time.
Jail time. Think about that.
Many on here have commented that we are not voting our way out of this one, well here we are. Voters voted to remove homosexuals from marrying in their state and IT DOESN'T MATTER. You could not get more opposite a situation as intended by the people. They vote to prevent the dissolution of families and and now religious leaders will be jailed if they do not do what the blackrobes say.
This is pure Tyranny.
"The City of Jackson is proposing that stores be forced to hire their own security to protect them from the undertow."
Lol, since most of the revenue is from EBT/etc, wouldn't that be a waste?
The problem is, it will go on until common, ordinary, everyday white people become one force like the negroes. It will continue until white people realize the news media is spoon feeding them bullshit.
Too many white people don't have to live near negroes and therefore (a) what negroes do doesn't concern them, or (b) it doesn't affect them so they don't care.
I'm not saying there isn't a c, d, e, f, etcetera, there is. My point being, with that attitude, when they decide to fight back, the war will already be lost.
Now is the time to fight this undeclared war against civilization.
"Ive heard the same sentiments expressed sotto voce by older black professionals."
Bingo. I remember an older black engineer stomping through our offices shouting, "This is a racist country!" If there is a SHTF event, you know where his loyalties will be and who he will support- the thug ghetto low life crowd. I've heard blacks from all social strata express the same sentiment/belief and you can bet their skin color is their uniform. Whites had better wake up to that reality before it comes back to bite them in the ass. That "good" negro you know will turn on you in a heartbeat given the right conditions. After all, you're a racist oppressor.
Another thing I've noticed despite all their screeching about white privilege and how whites choose whites over blacks every time and a white country will always support whites first is that they do the same (blacks first!) when they are in any position to do so. It's only wrong to support your own if you're white. White solidarity is racism. Black solidarity is "helpin' a brutha out."
Sorry, negro. But my skin color is my uniform too and my solidarity is also with my own (not yours) just as my aid, help, support and loyalty will be to my own extended family and not to yours in times of difficulty or trouble. Resent that? Tough shit.
Take your begging bowl and your diaper full of resentments, grievances and attitudes and take a hike back to Africa where you can be free and among your own kind. You'll love it there!
Equal rights plus and immunity from all crimes is what they want and they want the coffers thrown open with free gibs just like Obola promised.
(captcha-LTrand) Bwahaha!
Yea if he would have just stayed in the car the 7.62x39(R) bullet wouldn't penetrate the vehicle.
Power web surfer readers who like to find links on the web, look up the members of Davis' family who got caught in welfare fraud.
The Po-Po's don't like it when one of their own is gunned down and will put associates of the shooter on their radar screens which is no place to be.
Anon @ 8:04 Indians (dot) have cornered the quickie mart market but at least they don't have the gibsmedat hand out.
Heard a story on das Radio last night about some blind workers in Louisana who were making mess trays and silverware for the army put out of business when the work was outsourced to Pakistan where they don't have to pay as much for workers.
One blind woman had worked there since 1980 and is now SOL.
Bye Bye Kwanstain:
From Tex Arcane:
The Kwa will be bulldozed and replaced by a Wymmins Wellness Center, a crisis youth counseling centre for transgendered Haitians and a 3000 mile wide parade of statues celebrating the victory of communist heroes over the capitalist bourgeois the day after the ballots close.
The new politburo will immediately pass a series of resolutions confirming the right of children to work at fair wage labor and Obama will preside over a ribbon cutting ceremony at a new textile factory where seven year olds will be taught to fetch spindles from weaving machines without interrupting productivity. It is the worker's paradise that Marx promised when he was living as a bum on Friedrich Engels farm.
Indian (dot not feather) store owners are "fed up" (negro fatigued) with the violent robberies & shootings in Jackson...
Uh-huh, that's interesting. Poor Indians (dot, not feather). Cry me a river.
Question: How do so many Indians (dot, not feather) come to own these small stores and hotels anyway? Anyone ever ask that question?
The answer is, they get preferential (ie taxpayer subsidized, below-market interest rate) loan treatment from the SBA:
In 1982, South Asian immigrant businessmen persuaded the Reagan Administration to reclassify Asian Indians from Caucasian to Asian so that they would be eligible for minority business development low-interest loans from the Small Business Administration and for breaks on federal contracting... In 1982, SBA designated “Asian Indian Americans” as a socially disadvantaged group.
But only an evil White Nationalist would see something worth paying attention to here. So forget I mentioned it.
DHSS Kommissar references black power at CFR shindig:
Hello, Lost-In-Miami here:
"The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun."
Once again I see the classroom spilling onto the street. This is the logic born in the classroom of the 1990’s. And now it is inculcated in the minds of the people that grew up with this twisted training. If the (white) teacher sees an explosive situation developing and grabs the most obvious perp by the arm and removes it from the room; he is ruthlessly prosecuted by the community for touching the child. But if the teacher does nothing he is guilty of allowing the situation to develop. Damned if you/damned if you don’t logic is the lot of every teacher in the ghetto (but esp. white teachers).
These Ghetto-Urchins have been trained that the authorities are feckless idiots that are bound by law not to touch them in anyway. It’s burned in their reflexive brains. That’s why when our Gentle Giant was already shot once (in the car) and told to freeze his training took hold of his impulses and he charged Officer Wilson. Because like the teacher who, can’t touch me, the police can’t shoot me; fo he loose his job. I see it over and over again. Public school training explains our Nation of Monsters and the Aunties and Gram-mas (enemy combatants) that justify their monsters (foot-soldiers) behavior. It all started in the schools! Next time you find your self scratching your head as to how can this behavior is explained. Before you write it off as typical Negro behavior, ask some one with ghetto teaching experience for analysis. Your tax dollars paid the BRA Education Administrators (Colonels in the War Against White America (WAWA)), Big-Bucks, to teach these animals how to behave.
Resume enhancer for communist party usa member:
Afro-Racist State Senator Jamilah Nasheed was arrested the other night in a giant publicity stunt. She purportedly was boozed up but denied this allegation. She fancies herself a "great civil rights leader", by standing up for that scumbag Mike Brown and threatened in a letter to St. Louis prosecutor Robert McCullough on 8-15-2014, "If you decide not to indict this police officer, the rioting we witnessed this past week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occur." So there you have it, a black Afro-racist Missouri State Senator threatening massive violence unless they get an indictment on the white cop. Guilty no matter what the facts say. Guilty for being white.
I wonder what would happen if white cops started staying in their cars (and driving a safe distance away) when called to the scene of a black on black problem? They could say they're waiting for someone who understands the "culture". Then let nature take its course.
I used streetview to look at the area where Office Renn was gunned down. There's a sign for Newport cigarettes on the corner and if that's not a good enough clue, right next to it is a sign for African hair braiding. I've got all the info I need to know that's an area that Davis should be allowed to wave around whatever weapon he wants and his "people" can figure out how to deal with it. What would YT know about it?
Cops used to have broad discretion in how they applied the law. So there were areas of town where "diversity" could act up and areas where they couldn't. And in the "diversity" areas, cops would stop whites, explain the danger and set them on a direct path back to safety with a stern warning to not make the mistake again. Things worked better back then.
I live 3+ hours from the closest large city. It is a 96% white 3% indian feather type and 1% other.
About 3 months ago a indian family dot type purchased a party story in our town. The word got out , and we all stopped goingbto said store.
Thats how we handle the problem in the north country.
Waiting for section 8 to hit...
I wrote yesterday about the posting of the blogger Neanderthal Girl. That comment has engendered comments in today's postings.
Neanderthal Girl is one smart cookie. But I objected to her endorsing the notion that Cro-Magnons became smarter through admixture with Neanderthals. That could be true but it is not at present 'mainstream science'.
I try to always stick to the non-controversial current science. The race hustlers are always looking to discredit racial realists. I don't want to give them ammunition.
The science is on our side. Thirty years ago Stephen Jay Gould claimed that those who measured black skulls in the nineteenth century ('The Mismeasurement of Man') were unconsciously biased. But he was not just wrong he was dishonest. He never made any measurements himself he just called Morton a bigot and claimed that that accounted for his measurement of smaller brains in blacks. But Morton was right. Gould was the one who was biased.
Today we have thousands of CAT Scans and PET Scans that show conclusively that black brains are smaller than white ones. They also show that the black brain has smaller pre-frontal lobes. This is settled science. It is not controversial. You can look at the images yourself.
So I feel it is unwise to exaggerate. The real and accepted science is quiet clear. Exaggerated claims are not needed.
That's why I would never quote anything from 'Erectus Walks Among Us'. Please see my Amazon review from a couple of years ago.
There is some real information the 'Erectus' book but there is also a lot of nonsense. For example he tries to draw a conclusion based on Mike Tyson's biting off the ear of Holyfield. Most of his references are from Wikipedia. Its a crank book and very easy to attack. It would be better to only quote conservative and non-controversial scientists. All real scientists more or less support racial realism. They won't say so, but look at the original papers.
If you look up my old posts you'll see that I described several features of the black brain that were different. I specifically mentioned the smaller frontal lobes. In psychiatry there is specific syndrome caused by smaller or damaged frontal lobes. There is even a nick name for the condition, such people's behavior is called 'acting frontal'.
Individuals who are diagnosed as 'frontal' are impulsive, lack planning, and are violent. These are exactly the characteristics that Paul catalogs in this blog for blacks. That isn't exactly proof but it is evidence.
Pat Boyle
I've heard blacks from all social strata express the same sentiment/belief and you can bet their skin color is their uniform.
Blacks all across the spectrum have a hard time even looking at BRA because anyone who looks at it honestly can't help but come to politically incorrect conclusions. I also don't fault blacks for defending their own or wanting to believe that whites are to blame for their condition. I don't expect the majority to reach the conclusion that genetics are the underlying cause.
The DWLs are the real problem since they not only defend black behavior but also come up with excuses and narratives that blacks would not have created if left to their own devices. It reminds me of a of joke where only someone with a high iq can believe that intelligence doesn't matter. It takes self-loathing whites to concoct elaborate explanations for black failure. It takes self-loathing whites to shut down debate and try to defame anyone who merely questions their assumptions. It takes self-loathing whites to corrupt entire areas of study because they don't like the *possibility* of someone reaching a politically incorrect conclusion.
Great post!
Maybe they need to go "Members Only". Only Members will be allowed inside the store. Non-members can use the walk-up window, which can either be a self-service automated affair or have some human attendance. (Some technology for an armored touch-screen or the like would be required. Imagine St. Swisher, trying to rob something like a bank's drive-through.)
If you have any sort of crime on your record, or have been caught misbehaving in any Members Only outlet (even as a juvenile), you are banned for between 2 years to life.
Those mini markets make their money from EBT since supermarkets can't operate in BRA due to shrinkage. The armored window would work but the natives would flip if they saw whites allowed inside with an ID.
off topic surprise.
but NB: I found that Disqus is censoring any comment that contains the URL of this article on the Michael Brown autopsy, even if it is broken up using the words "dot" and "slash". I got a shorter URL through the same filters on the same site.
Is this "anti-spam" gone crazy, or is it an active attempt to censor and restrict the dissemination of PUBLISHED facts which help break down The Narrative?
I dont like Disqus. I was banned from TakiMag.
Yelp has censored me. Amazon too.
Nice post. Isn't it a shame we have to uproot and/or change our lifestyle because of TNB? The things we do as responsible parents and we get zero breaks. Niggers do get more gibs for multiple sprogs. Good white families get to pay more for gas, child care, and time away from kids due to BRA towns. It's fucked up and wrong. But teach your children why. They will understand and love you for putting them first.
This story was in the news yesterday, a black guy in the voting station telling Obama not to touch his girlfriend.
Of course, the guy must have been joking but not Obama's comment that it was "an example of a brother embarrassing you for no reason." No white politician could make a racial identification with another white person without all-holy-hell coming down on his head. A white person could not use the word "brother" on a black without being attacked for it.
So, on the one hand the constant griping about discrimination and on the other, the deliberate setting themselves apart from whites and collectivizing themselves.
to anonymous who said it will always be 'majority white in the sticks'.
Sadly you are wrong. The rural countryside is filling up with the phucking Chinese, Indians, some goddam Mexicans.
Just moved to my new Southern state. And they are filling up this bullshyte.
No blacks, but all kinds of other Mystery Meat.
You are going to have to start to build your white homelands now.
It doesn't mean a separate country. It mean sticking together on the same streets, homeschooling your children together, working together...
The dot-heads and the Chinese-- you do not socialize with them, even though they want to.
THAT is your white community. Are you up to it?
Neanderthal Girl is one smart cookie. But I objected to her endorsing the notion that Cro-Magnons became smarter through admixture with Neanderthals. That could be true but it is not at present 'mainstream science'.
Mainstream science claims that race doesn't exist and it's actually an illusion maintained by ignorant racists.
Mainstream science also wants you to be aware of race-based health conditions your non-existing race might have.
Mainstream science doesn't see a contradiction here.
@ Pat Boyle I had a textbook in high school and a previous student had wrote down Bonus Erectus in the margin and I laughed out loud.
Laughter is good for your health as the world crumbles and the New Dark Ages begin. Forward!
Cro-Magnum Man
Anon said,
"but NB: I found that Disqus is censoring any comment .."
It could be that SBPDL is on leftist's "black list". Anyone mentioning SBPDL could be a "target of opportunity". It could just be a site trolled by over-zealous leftists. Be careful these "progressive cyber-warriors" can and will put one's ip address on one of many ip address blacklist sites. If you have a laptop then you can release then renew your ip address as a less-than-convenient work-around. Your physical location will have to change though.
Woops, immunity for all crimes not immunity from.
Especially crimes against whitey crackas who keep the noble magic civilization building negro down.
"Individuals who are diagnosed as 'frontal' are impulsive, lack planning, and are violent. These are exactly the characteristics that Paul catalogs in this blog for blacks. That isn't exactly proof but it is evidence."
This is everything you see in a head injury involving the frontal lobe, even in simple concussions during recovery. In healthcare we use that term "being frontal" to describe this behaviour. I'd add in dis-inhibition as well as the above behaviours.
It could be that SBPDL is on leftist's "black list".
The link was to that bastion of BRA, the effing New York Times. I posted the link in my comment above, go look at it.
I posted the same link at Moonbattery, and mirabile dictu! it went through. This makes me wonder if, even in cyberspace, Blacks and Whites live in two different worlds... enforced by some higher policy bent on creating discord by insulating Blacks (and maybe leftists) from information contrary to The Narrative.
It could just be a site trolled by over-zealous leftists.
It was NewsOne, which is on the sidebar here. All comments containing the article title string got held for moderation, which means they are never approved.
The armored window would work but the natives would flip if they saw whites allowed inside with an ID.
Since the owners KAGO or three, let the owners sell memberships to them too. Charge something significant for the memberships, like $100 (plus a background check fee). Violate the rules, you lose your membership. No refunds.
This would let non-Blacks draw Chris Rock's line, without having to say the word.
Anon at 2:09 they can't put your IP address up if you are using a proxy.
Nothing against PK or any other racial realism site but I never view them with my own IP address.
Anon @ 2:09 turn off geolocation in your browser.
"Anonymous said...
Neanderthal Girl is one smart cookie. But I objected to her endorsing the notion that Cro-Magnons became smarter through admixture with Neanderthals. That could be true but it is not at present 'mainstream science'.
Mainstream science claims that race doesn't exist and it's actually an illusion maintained by ignorant racists.
Mainstream science also wants you to be aware of race-based health conditions your non-existing race might have.
Mainstream science doesn't see a contradiction here.
October 22, 2014 at 1:40 PM"
I think that mainstream journalism misinterprets scientific data to say those things more than mainstream science being guilty of actually promoting race denialist ideas.
We often mistake publications with the sciencey titles as being the science itself. I'm too lazy to grab the links but it's very possible to look around and find studies, or at least the abstracts from studies, about race in the public domain.
"Mainstream science claims that race doesn't exist and it's actually an illusion maintained by ignorant racists.
Mainstream science also wants you to be aware of race-based health conditions your non-existing race might have.
Mainstream science doesn't see a contradiction here."
Scot Irish
This is everything you see in a head injury involving the frontal lobe, even in simple concussions during recovery. In healthcare we use that term "being frontal" to describe this behaviour. I'd add in dis-inhibition as well as the above behaviours
Interesting. I remember reading an interview with Ted Bundy's brother. He said that Ted was a really kind sweet person until something happened to change his personality. He fell out of a tree and hit his head pretty hard. His brother said he was never the same after that.
An Anonymous wrote:
Mainstream science claims that race doesn't exist and it's actually an illusion maintained by ignorant racists.
That simply isn't true. The idea that race is just a 'social construct' is held mostly by MSNBC commentators or liberal arts majors. Sometimes you will read that some cultural anthropologist will say that. But never a physical anthropologist.
It's a very silly notion. Race biologically is a synonym for subspecies. Everyone accepts that there are two gorilla species and three subspecies. Common chimps are one of two species and again there are three subspecies. Bonobos all seem to be of one race.
So most animals on earth have a handful of races (subspecies) that correspond to differences in their geographical ranges. But not humans? That means that mankind is not part of nature and obeys different rules. Perhaps we're angels?
All sorts of people believed at one time that man was not a part of nature but not real mainstream scientists.
Pat Boyle
10mm AUTO said ”. . . Many on here have commented that we are not voting our way out of this one, well here we are. Voters voted to remove homosexuals from marrying in their state and IT DOESN'T MATTER. You could not get more opposite a situation as intended by the people. They vote to prevent the dissolution of families and and now religious leaders will be jailed if they do not do what the blackrobes say. . . “
Well, this might not be the correct conclusion. The “blackrobes” have said that the people voted for an unnconstitutional law. If every single person in the state of Utah voted to exclude everyone but Mormon's from living in the State, the blackrobes would also find that to be unconstitutional regardless of the will of the people. We have the Constitution to keep the majority from running over the minority.
Having said this, I don't believe that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marriage, but the ultimate interpreters of the Constitution (blackrobes) apparently believe that they do. It is unwise to draw the conclusion that the declaration by the blackrobes that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry is proof of an arbitrary override of the will of the people. Votes still count and are the most effective method for causing change. Unfortunately, whites can't manage to pull in one direction.
It will be interesting to see how things work out for the ministers. Hopefully, the final result will be a finding by some blackrobes that the right of a Christian minister to refuse creating a union that is an abomination to his/her religion trumps the rights of a gay or lesbian couple to be married by a specific minister. However, if commercial wedding cake makers can be forced to bake cakes for gays and lesbians, it seems possible that the blackrobes could find that outside of a church setting purveyors of marriage ceremonies for profit will have to provide services to gays and lesbians.
OT - I gave up posting a comment on the previous topic after failing 25 attempts to prove that I'm not a robot. This is my 10th attempt for this comment although I reloaded the challenge many more times to find one that I was willing to try. I don't usually have a problem with captcha, but these seem more difficult than usual. Perhaps the challenge is more difficult when being accessed from an IP associated with anonymity or frequently used by spammers. The small and low resolution screen of my computer makes the challenges from sbpdl very difficult to read. This will be my last comment until the test becomes easier.
Pat Boyle,
The American Anthropological Association statement on race purports to be mainstream science.
Also, is man a part of nature? I share your view that he is, but even an evolutionist like Dawkins seems, in the closing pages of The Selfish Gene, to say otherwise.
The idea that man is a special creation, outside of nature, who has been given the natural world to exploit, and who is uniquely possessed of free will, comes directly from the Bible. This is a deeply anti-scientific and anti-racist view that has formed part of the core of the morality of the West. It's a contradiction at the heart of civilization itself.
5:14am- "3 young teen female groids from Colorado tried to join ISIS!"
You are mostly correct. They were groids, they were teens, they were female, and they were three. But they were not from Colorado. Two were from Somalia, the other from Sudan. WTF they were ever doing in Colorado is probably best explained by Rod Serling.
Lost-in-Miami said
It all started in the schools!
I don't believe that. Those brats in school were brats before they ever went to school. The schools have been prevented from applying remedial measures, but they didn't create the problem.
My grandkids attend public school in America, but would never dream of acting that way in school. They do behave at home, sometimes, in ways that my own children would never have done (been allowed to do); I blame the television. Both for what it teaches the kids, and for distracting the parents from teaching their own kids.
Kill your TV. You'll be glad you did. Seriously.
The small and low resolution screen of my computer makes the challenges from sbpdl very difficult to read.
Try using ctrl+ to make the image (and font) bigger.
This went past the CAPTCHA on the first attempt.
10/22 9:19pm- (re: We're not voting out way out of this) ... "Hopefully, the final result will be a finding by some blackrobes... etc"
We won't be hoping our way out of this mess, either. Hoping for blackrobes to vote for you, hoping for mexicans to dislocate the blacks, hoping for EBT to crash, hoping for Ebola to kill them, hoping for God to do something, will not fix anything. If all you do is hope, you get what you deserve and deserve what you get.
Jumpsuits. As in state or county issue.
If you're not smart enough to copy the characters you see on the screen, you really need to be removed from the gene pool, as well. For F's sake, what good is a white race if we don't clean it up as well?
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