Before we get to the sordid details of extreme poverty in Los Angeles and your tax-dollars going to help in its proliferation, a quick excerpt from Starship Troopers.
It's quite apropos for the conversation of Section 8 Vouchers, growth in the non-white population of Los Angeles/California, and white taxpayers subsidizing their own dispossession:
![]() |
The future of Los Angeles as depicted in Elysium: a hellish 3rd world landscape far more dystopian than already found in the city... |
Briefly, thus: All wars arise from population pressure. (Yes, even the Crusades, though you have to dig into trade routes and birth rate and several other things to prove it.) Morals—all correct moral rules derive from the instinct to survive; moral behavior is survival behavior above the individual level—as in a father who dies to save his children. But since population pressure results from the process of surviving through others, then war, because it results from population pressure, derives from the same inherited instinct which produces all moral rules suitable for human beings.
Check of proof: Is it possible to abolish war by relieving population pressure (and thus do away with the all-too evident evils of war) through constructing a moral code under which population is limited to resources?
Without debating the usefulness or morality of planned parenthood, it may be verified by observation that any breed which stops its own increase gets crowded out by breeds which expand. Some human populations did so, in Terran history, and other breeds moved in and engulfed them.
Nevertheless, let's assume that the human race manages to balance birth and death, just right to fit its own planets, and thereby becomes peaceful. What happens?
Soon (about next Wednesday) the Bugs move in, kill off this breed which "ain'ta gonna study war no more" and the universe forgets us. Which still may happen. Either we spread and wipe out the Bugs, or they spread and wipe us out -- because both races are tough and smart and want the same real estate.All wars arrive from population pressure?
Well, what's happening in the United States of America, with the extreme growth redistribution of wealth to help primarily nonwhites through EBT/Snap, welfare, healthcare and housing via Section 8 Vouchers, we might be reaching critical mass.
Example: Los Angeles. It's been 13 years since Los Angeles opened the waiting list for Section 8 Vouchers, which only gets you placed in the lottery program. Back in 2004, 300,000 people applied.
In 2017, officials anticipate 600,000 applying to be part of the subsidized housing program, with only 20,000 names eventually pulled out in the lottery system to be placed on the waiting list.
Translation: only 3 percent of those 600,000 people applying in Los Angeles for Section 8 Vouchers will even get to the lottery stage. Those 20,000 "Section 8 Voucher lottery winners" will then be waiting a new voucher to come available (roughly 2,400 do each year in L.A.).
Interestingly enough, the city of Los Angeles has 50,000 vouchers, only covering eight percent of those who will be applying for the chance to be part of the lottery system.
We call this a situation defined clearly as "population pressure":[LA prepares for 600,000 applicants to subsidized housing program; only a fraction will get help,, June 5, 2017]:
In yet another sign of L.A.'s growing poverty and lack of low-income housing, local officials are preparing for a torrent of applications when they open up the wait list for federal housing aid later this year.
The city stopped taking applications for Section 8 housing over a decade ago because there were too many people already waiting for the limited rental assistance vouchers.
Last time L.A.'s waitlist opened, in 2004, about 300,000 people applied. When the process opens for a two-week window this year, officials are expecting at least twice that number. As a result, only a fraction of people who apply will make the cut.
"It's like a perfect storm," said Carlos VanNatter, director of the Section 8 program at the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles. "We have a ton of people who are eligible income-wise and need the assistance, but we don't have that much assistance to give."
Section 8 vouchers typically require the user to pay 30 percent of their income towards rent, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development paying the rest. To qualify, a family or a person must receive very little income—a maximum of $45,050 for family of four, for instance.
At least 800,000 people in Los Angeles meet the income requirements for Section 8, VanNatter said.
The problem is not unique to Los Angeles. High demand for vouchers has led to some disasters when wait lists opened up elsewhere in the United States. In 2010, in East Point, Georgia, about 30,000 people reportedly showed up at the housing authority the day the waitlist there opened, leading to crowd control issues. Last year, in Portsmouth, Virginia, officials had to cancel an in-person application event after thousands lined up and some suffered from heat exposure.
Even taking the application process online, which L.A. plans to do this year, is not a guarantee things will go smoothly. When Santa Ana opened its wait list in 2015, the surge in web traffic crashed the server.
"We broke the internet," Judson Brown, operations supervisor at the Santa Ana Housing Authority told KPCC at the time.
VanNatter said L.A. is in the process of finding a contractor who can handle the expected online traffic and connect with people who may be eligible for Section 8—particularly non-English speakers and senior citizens who may need help with an online application.
But even those who apply have a small chance of getting help. The contractor will pull names at random in a lottery to determine which of the applicants get on the wait list. Officials said they expect to pull about 20,000 names, but haven't settled on a number.
"Just to be realistic to ourselves and applicants, we're not going to have a waitlist of 600,000 people," VanNatter said.
The city has a stock of about 50,000 vouchers, of which about 2,400 become newly eligible during any given year as people leave the program. Nearly half those are set aside to house homeless in permanent supportive housing developments.There is no example from recorded human history of a people willingly being taxed to see their posterities future be sacrificed to help an alien people thrive in the present; the latter's high fecundity rates breeding out the racial group subsidizing this alien population via welfare, healthcare, EBT/Snap, and Section 8 Vouchers.
Remember: "All wars arise from population pressure."
Section 8 is the cancer that is killing America-it's a "weaponized" program to force negroes into White neighborhoods they could otherwise never afford to live in.
None of the people who do get the vouchers will be white. I was on the Section 8 waiting list since 1994, saw many many so called refugees and other illegal immigrants (oh, she's an elderly woman from Vietnam so she got it) Everyone but me gets the voucher. A black woman I knew from a so called advocacy group kept calling me stupid anytime I tried to get help with it. I wrote every politician that I could. No one could ever help me. Then they claim that there's no more Section 8 in my City. This is a lie. I was told that I would have to go to court to force the agency to make a decision. But as with everything else, Blacks and immigrants can scream discrimination but white people are not allowed to speak the truth.
Remember: "All wars arise from population pressure."
It is in the interest of preventing Civil War II that I propose that mandatory contraception or sterilization be used to prevent criminals and public charges from having children. This will eliminate the population pressure from the 'hood.
Every ghetto and barrio must be a baby-free zone. Every. Last. One.
I said the same thing (more or less) on the AmRen site about the dude who was cheated out of an honor because of some bleeding heart liberal who love NEGROES. I hope every one on AmRen and SBPDL I am calling these precious people NEGROES. I don't want to insult a hair on their nappy heads.
I am for abortion when it come to Negroes. Non white people want one fucking thing from the white people and that is a handout Hoss.
This country needs to come to the stark realization that it is keeping pets that it cannot afford to house or feed. Immigration needs to be examined as we are, apparently, Full!
With the existing mass of unemployables, there needs to be a move to "dust off" the old WPA and CCC rules, regulations, and guidelines to get people OFF the welfare wagon and produce something of value through their labors - gaining experience and skills in the process.
In Santa Monica, the list is 30,000 [the city had 80k in the 1980s, before
the building binge].
No new applicants needed. 30,000 on a list in a city with 90k people.
I AM NOT SURE ONE NEED BE A CITIZEN TO GET INTO A HOUSING PROJECT. i mean low income, oops, 'affordable housing' that city has put 1/3 billion dollars into.
Pygmies are suffering from absolutely savage treatment at the hands of other Africans. In the Congo, Bantu soldiers have been gang-raping pygmies — including such humiliating ordeals as raping the village chief before his entire family and tribe — in the belief that these will give them “supernatural powers.” Africa’s population is expected to quadruple this century. “Congo soldiers raping pygmies for supernatural powers,” The Sydney Morning Herald (May 10, 2009). (Thanks to “Wilhelm” for giving me this shocking piece of information.)
This has got to be more of that terrible “fake news.” Come on now, put on your baseball thinking cap (be sure to turn the bill to the left) how could a race of gentle, loving, benevolent and brilliant rocket surgeons, a race that built the pyramids and flew gliders around them while the white man was still living in caves, ever commit such heinous crimes?
Silly goyim, you can't raise your GDP without a growing population. We monitor your GDP very closely. You're in debt goyim. You've got to meet your debt obligations and the only way you can do that is to increase your population. Besides which, we need more men in uniform to make the middle east safe for your greatest ally.
There is a massive movement now taking place in America. I can't actually tell just when this movement started. It may have been caused by that twisted way of thinking that developed during the 1970's. What we now have is the VICTIMHOOD STATUS QUO movement. Very soon the universities will give in to the outcry and demands of the numerous new victims and they will have classes called VICTIMHOOD STUDIES. To prevent the different groups of victims from fighting with each other the classes may have to be segregated.
More and more working class "wealth" is transferred over to the ever enlarging victim classes. This could start fighting and conflict among the different groups. A form of jealousy may start taking place based on the different class of victim.
Say a Mexican hunchback midget lesbian handicapped feminist gets a new wheel chair ramp because she is a CLASS SIX victim. The single mom black lady with two kids who lives across the street may get jealous because Latrina is only a CLASS FOUR victim. Stuff like this could start a whole new type of VICTIM CLASS warfare.
The sex perverts in Washington may have to pass a VICTIM RIGHTS bill to solve the problem. It can be called the "gibs an gets" bill. Soon after that we can have VICTIM PRIDE PARADES. Thousands of people marching in the streets carrying signs as they bitch and moan and cry and weep about their miserable fucking lives. They can proudly wear their "Poor Me" tee shirts and their "I'm fucked" baseball caps.
NBC can start a nightly TV show called THE PITTY POT HOUR. These losers can then complain about how "they not be gettin' theirs". Every night a NEW CLASS of victim can be explored with all the gruesome details about their torment and suffering. Maybe even a game show called THE BIGGEST VICTIM and the winner can be on the cover of People Magazine. July will become VICTIMHOOD MONTH. I think the blacks and gays have the other months taken.
I think it is only fair that these people get the fame and recognition they deserve. It would be great if there were a government funded program called ADOPT A VICTIM. The bleeding heart liberals could let them move into their basements or garages. If no room there, maybe allow them to put up a tent in the backyard.
The empire is dying. One mind at a time.
We live on a finite earth, we have the technology for everyone to live in comfort IF and only if we control our population growth, and limit those who are dysfunctional.
A two child policy makes sense, and is in general, practiced by civilized people even in absence of external influences - my parents were born in Hong Kong, there was never any restriction on the number of children they could have, but they stuck to two, as did every other Hong Konger I knew, this in spite of the generous social safety net left in place by he British government. Public housing was cramped, increasingly sought after since new construction haven't kept up with population expansion (courtesy of mass immigration from Mainland China), but Public Housing in Hong Kong, and Singapore, and Taiwan, and Japan, NEVER have the kind of problem that The Projects have in United States, there was never any need to disperse the low-income with any scheme akin to Section 8...
I don't think a Two Child Policy would work nationally in North America, if it ever come into play it would be long after US and Canada is completely filled to the brim with orcs and persecution will overwhelming target whites. I don't agree with the Duggar's way of life, both the way they disadvantage and exploit their daughters and to the extremes they went to in reproduction (19 and counting), but whites should definitely have more than two children, if they can.
I've said it before, that those on welfare should be restricted to two, some disagree and said it should be zero, but it should be two, because there are currently a great number of whites on welfare as well. Black CHILDREN are more likely than white children to be on welfare, because blacks have a greater number of children on welfare, sixteen! Simply restricting it to two on welfare will greatly cut down the black population without reducing the white population - especially when you consider that whites get on welfare and off welfare, and those whites who need it the most are probably recent college students or recent graduates.
Most of us have developed to a point where we live longer lives and our childhood is longer. It used to be that grade school was all one need, then off to trades and marriage by sixteen. Now most of us are in school till 25, then we are in some entry position (or a low-wage completely unrelated to our degree) and juggling with our student debt, so we can't afford to have kids till we are in our 30s. While we are at school and work, blacks start breeding as young as fourteen, as young as twelve (there was a shooting article posted here once that mentioned two tween parents...)
It makes future sense to pay everyone to have two children, and just two children, instead of the current scheme of paying blacks to a small army of thugs that never give back. I would of course, like 'everyone' to exclude blacks, but since that can't be done, just a universal limit of two on welfare, to reduce blacks, and a universal encouragement to have two, with government support, to increase whites.
Hate to bust your bubble because it's mostly 88% of Mexicans who need section 8 while the another is 12% black. I know this by living in California for awhile
The nanny state is crumbling under its own weight. I love it.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"Section 8 vouchers typically require the user to pay 30 percent of their income towards rent,"
Here's a quick math quiz, what's 30% of nothing?
Really this couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. If the whole of California sunk into the ocean from the great quake 2.0 our nation would be far better for it. They've all made that bed and they can die in it when the time comes.
As far as "war", how much food and water do you guys figure that 600,000 strong army has stockpiled? Wars aren't so much dependent on guns as supply lines, boots, and rations. You can't eat guns and bayonets won't help you find potable water.
Flee the cities NOW. It is not a matter of if, but when.
I'm sure they have some extra room up in Simi Valley and Santa Barbara for those vibrant but down-on-their-luck people. C'mon, share the wealth! Diversity is a blessing!
600,000 applicants.
20,000 selected for lottery.
(What happened to first come, first served?
2400 slots yearly, with 1/2 already taken.
1200. Why the lottery, why pick 20,000 names when 1200 spots are a realistic goal? Is this a ploy to pacify the masses by making them think they have a chance? Also, where are the other 598,800 living? If they have been sheltering themselves this long, can they not continue to do so?
I have a better solution: take the 600,000 applicants, call them in for a meeting. Any who have prison records, door 1. Any who don't speak English, (Ebonics is not English) , door 2. Any without viable skills, door 1. More than 1 child? Door 1.STD, addiction ? Door 1. Finally, after narrowing down the numbers to close to 1200, award them a voucher, with the caveat that in 2 years time, its either out of the program, or door 1.
Door 2 is instant deportation to whatever nation you are from. In the case of ebonics speakers, they get to go to Africa and search for the kingdom from the Black Panther movie.
Door 1? A clean, fast death. Why waste time and resources on those who can not and will not contribute. At least as compost they will serve a purpose.
Section 8 is a pure political payoff for delivering votes in da'Hood. Most heads of households in Section 8 are usually Democrat precinct committemen types or involved in some other aspect of the vote delivery machine or a blood relative of a local Democrat biggie
Pretty simple & straight forward really
"other illegal immigrants (oh, she's an elderly woman from Vietnam so she got it) Everyone but me gets the voucher"
Why should we allow immigrants, illegal or legal who are a burden on our government? This should not be allowed.
LA and Southern California are an extension (culturally, not legally yet) of Mexico el Norte with its rich, vibrant cultural traditions such as child molestation, violence, superstition, trash, filthy food trucks, corruption and general Hispanic "culture of death". Corruption runs rampant, government services such as trash pickup, road maintenance etc. cease. Schools become horrendous especially for the few white children and the dull, sullen, brown squat monsters, five feet tall and five feet wide watch hated whites living (for now) above the fray. So far whites in LA lead a segregated life away from Mexicans (this term includes all people south of the Rio Grande) while keeping their vaunted 'liberal' lifestyle at enormous cost in money, time, convenience and safety. This is about to come to an end.
Sixty years of U.S. Government wars, Section 8, EBT, immigration, Affirmative Action etc. have not only consumed the wealth of the country but also destroyed large areas where wealth had been created leaving thousands of square miles of urban wastelands. Enormous debts have been piled up never to be repaid, inflation has destroyed the ethic of saving and frugality while creating a vast, useless, unskilled dependent class that keeps the Left and its corporate allies in power. The Left believes this will never end.
Watch the financial markets, they are on shaky ground now. The debts are enormous and all financial institutions are interlocked, markets are at all time highs and the U.S. Government hasn't changed in spite of the election of 2016. This is unsustainable exactly like a mere ten years ago but financially and demographically things have just gotten much worse.
When the financial system crashes there will be no successful bailout like in 2008 - 2009, the problems are too great. Instead there will be the great reset with the "liberal" institutions crashing to the ground as other white people's money disappears. Section 8, EBT and all the other gibs me dat programs will cease as the economy grinds to a halt. The nogs/Mexicans and other minorities will find that they are on their own.
Southern California and much of the U.S. depends upon elaborate, interlocking utilities such as natural gas, water and electricity to make life possible. These will break down without skilled attention by white people which costs a fortune to maintain, something Mexicans and other wogs cannot do. When utilities fail and water dries up in the Southwest look out, life will become much worse very quickly making the Rodney King riots look like a picnic.
As PK says our job is to survive, not help the system which is trying to destroy us.
NE Whitopia.
Just a simple question? This need for housing (?), right, well, just where are these 600,000 living now?
Are they camping on the streets, 600,000 LA Homeless?
Are they so fed up with the White Racism, which refuses to provide them with a "home", that they are willing to go back to Mexico?
Again, simply, where are they living now that NOW requires them to find a place, paid for by White Families, since supposedly they need a place to live?
Answer me that, Liberals.
" there needs to be a move to "dust off" the old WPA and CCC rules, regulations, and guidelines to get people OFF the welfare wagon and produce something of value through their labors "
The problem being they are largely incapable of doing any work with a value even equal to the cost of feeding them, typically the "value" they add to any project is a net negative with incompetence, sloth, theft, rape/assault on actual productive employees. Would YOU hire any of these bushmen?
"A two child policy makes sense"
Go back to your ancestral homeland (insect hive).
My mother's parents had 8 children among whom are two teachers, a pilot, two home buiders, an author of technical books, a software developer, and an 0-10 admiral in the US Navy. White Europeans breeding beyond 2 children is what has created the luxurious first world civilization you now enjoy and apparently prefer to your own native clay.
The problem isn't quantity but quality. Encouraging our best to breed MORE is the pathway to innovation and the betterment of society. At the same time we must encourage degenerates, dullards, and sociopaths (and mud races) to be spayed and neutered.
"Anonymous said...
"other illegal immigrants (oh, she's an elderly woman from Vietnam so she got it) Everyone but me gets the voucher"
Why should we allow immigrants, illegal or legal who are a burden on our government? This should not be allowed.
June 12, 2017 at 6:45 AM"
Please, don't use "we". "We" have no more say in what the U.S., state or local governments do than "we" have in who the next Emperor of Japan will be. The U.S. is a democracy meaning government by faction (oligarchy and plutocracy) i.e. government of the super wealthy. Elections function as a safety valve giving the appearance of citizen control while maintaining the existing power structure.
If "we" had any say in the matter there would be no immigration, third worlders would be kicked out, Section 8, EBT and the rest of the gibs me 'dat would end. Foreign aid and wars would cease and there would be a fifteen foot tall wall topped with three feet of concertina wire on the Mexican border. The fact that none of these things have happened or are likely to happen shows you how much power "we" have and how much power the oligarchs have in the U.S.A.
Trump is unlikely to change these things either. He is mired in Washington politics, stabbed in the back by the Republican establishment and relies on the very oligarchs from Wall Street to run his financial policies he railed against during his campaign. Now his DHS secretary is publicly calling for amnesty for 1 million wogs (meaning 10 million). Trump's DHS secretary claims there is solid "bi-partisan" support for amnesty and indeed there is just not amongst those who voted for Trump.
BTW, there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant", it's a contradiction in terms. An immigrant is one who enters a nation legally i.e. following that country's laws for the purpose of obtaining citizenship. A tourist is one who enters a country legally i.e. following that country's laws to visit that country etc. The proper term is "illegal alien" which describes the status of tens of millions of people mostly from the third world in the country. They are illegal aliens, criminals and if "we" had any say in the matter they would be summarily deported.
NE Whitopia
I need to research Section 8. Judging by the way it's destroying my neighborhood, I had assumed that it was a much bigger program, and accepted all comers. I also need to re-read Starship Troopers.
As far as "war", how much food and water do you guys figure that 600,000 strong army has stockpiled? ... You can't eat guns and bayonets won't help you find potable water.
No future-time orientation means they'll stay put until all the local food is gone. They'll drink whatever they have, with no care to sanitation. This is why one of the first things a serious dindu-cleansing effort must do is to shut off the electricity and kill the municipal water systems. White people will be good for several days on what's in their water heaters and use bleach to treat anything else, but dindus are not that bright and many will wind up with dysentery to add to their starvation.
No electricity means no sail foams and no gas pumps. Black people keep their cars almost empty because they steal each other's gas, so they won't be getting very far unless they can steal transportation. Some may try to walk out but with dysentery they'll dehydrate and die even faster than the ones staying put.
Carpet tacks and roofing nails on the roads will stop most of the vehicular flow.
Come to think of it, I'm really surprised that nobody has tried to use tacks to stop Dindu Bike Week. Just put up some barriers saying "ROAD CLOSED" in the wee hours and dump a few hundred boxes worth on the roads inbound; the roads will probably have to be swept by hand to clear them, and in the mean time many of the dindus may go home. Repeat with boxes-worth scattered anywhere that the dindus are gathering. If you're really clever about it, drop tacks from drones ahead of incoming groups of dindus.
The city could also impose a special hotel tax on specific dates to pay for cleanup, security and a crime victims compensation fund. Let the dindus pay an extra $100, see if they don't decide to stay home.
This is mainly incorrect. The majority of head of household generally is a black female. Fact! Has more often than not several kids and several baby daddys. Furthermore, always expect to see the boyfriend drug dealer shacking up there as well on our dime. Just another day in "da hood."
I'm old enough to have seen first-hand the changes over the past 40+ years since the effects of desegregation have taken root.
We left Jersey City in 1968 just before the Newark riots to...guess where?... Right across the river from Newark. I remember the bridges across the Passaic River being left open and armored personnel carriers being parked on the stationary bridges. Still, bullets flew across the river.
Since then, the entire city of Newark has been ceded to the blacks. The problem has spread like a plague along that side of the river consuming adjoining town along the way. At the other end of Route 21 is Passaic. Bad in the 70's, it is unlivable now.
Camden, Trenton, Elizabeth, Patterson, Irvington, the Oranges...and that's just off the top of my head...have all swung out of control under the weight of each city's black population. Crime in each of the cities is almost exclusively black-on-black as the whites have fled the area decades ago and know which areas still have a police presence and can be judged almost 'safe' during business hours.
In Newark, for example, they built NJ PAC (performing art center) close to the (non-beating) heart of the city. At night, after the shows end, you step out the doors into a phalanx of police which line the path to the parking area across the street. No lie. 20-40 cops just to make sure you can make it across the street to your car.
It is clear and obvious what the problem is yet no one will ever come out and say that the predominance of blacks in a city is detrimental to the host. The numbers never lie. Any concentration of blacks immediately stresses the local police to the breaking point. They almost overnight become responsible for 80-90% of the city's crime rate. This continues unchecked (because it's racist to check it) until the whites matriculate out of the city, leaving it to the destruction of the blacks. How long can this conceivably go on?
It happens everywhere they go, so it can't be just a fluke.
The problem is the government and their mouthpieces, the 'free press'. We see their slanted, opinionated replacement of journalism everyday. White man kills a black? Potential racism. Black kills a white? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt...turning his life around....plans for college....misunderstood...
Eventually, I see entire states being ceded. Then regions. NJ, NY will become true, welfare states completely subsidized by the federal government. The whites will be gone just so they don't have to pay the exorbitant taxes to keep this failed experiment going. They will fall back and dig in somewhere else. Somewhere along this time-line I expect the breakdown of the entire system, if you consider this a system. Something this unwieldy simply can't be sustained forever.
In the end, something will ignite the fuse and all the government has to do is stand back watch the melee play out. All the usual indignation, of course... the 'free press' will make sure of that.
I'm not as sure of the outcome as I would've been 20 years ago. As you can see, generations have been lost. The precious snowflake crowd and pseudo-academics are lost to us. Even if we gain them back, they are relatively useless. I see the difference even between myself and friends only 10 years younger (40+). Completely absorbed in sports, no knowledge of politics or the goings on in the world. Completely oblivious. But they will always come down on the correct side of this argument.
Younger than that, I would have to take it on a case-by-case basis.
Jim in Jersey
Time to tax all them rich people in CA that are not paying their fair share! Especially the Hollywood types! They need to generate a few trillion in new taxes. That should fix their system. Free houses for everybody, yay!
They already have "Victimhood Studies" degrees. They don't call them that, but they are rife in the sociology, psychology, anthropology and English departments at major universities.
He'll, even "Constitutional Law Professor" Obama got in on it at the University of Chicago. He only taught one course and it was about Negro victimhood.
"Elections function as a safety valve giving the appearance of citizen control while maintaining the existing power structure. ... Trump is unlikely to change these things either. "
The election of Trump in the face of fanatical and nearly unanimous opposition from Hollywood, the media, academia, the deep state, and all the other elements of the "existing power structure" was supposed to prove that the citizens still do have control. But now that the lifelong liberal Trump, the self-described "least racist person in the world", isn't changing things to the taste of those who voted for him (what a surprise!), that's just more proof of an invincible conspiracy whites are powerless to oppose. This is a pessimistic view which offers no hope of change whatsoever, but I guess it's preferable to taking responsibility for your actions and admitting that by voting for someone like Trump you are part of the problem.
It's the same old story, repeated again and again. The people dupe themselves, but their own defective worldview isn't the problem. No! It's a conspiracy!
In regards to the previous post, concerning Jackson, Mississippi and their "need" for a Movie Theater.
Note, they have no intentions of showing any movies. They want the money, from the White Man, to build a Theater. That is where the graft and kick-backs are.
"Sho,de bild" a $1 Million showcase (cargo cult) "fo da peeples". They have no intentions of it surviving or doing anything but temporarily bringing in......CASH, ....that the lying politicians (redundant) can steal, as they say they are building a Theater.
It will get built, with horrific cost over-runs, shoddy work, stolen materials and tools, etc, through over-priced no-bid "Negro" Contractors, etc. etc. etc.
Any white sub-contractor who gets any work will find himself beaten if he makes any effort to cross the streeets... and everything in his truck(s) will be stolen. Sure, the "city" will provide cops (negro cops) who will help their cousin/brother/dad/son steal everything by telling such relatives when the coast is clear (no Whites around).
It will get built about 5 years after construction begins. Why let a nice White Money Cow end so fast. If this stupid monkey mayor was smart, he would try for a 8-Plex Palace....8 times the graft.
BUT, let us have some fun here. Could you imagine the horror, nightmare, disaster of a darkened room full of darkies? COULD YOU? What a horrific "sight". Jabbering, yelling, farting, gun shooting, yelping chimps.....God, it makes you want to cry before you laugh.
There will be shootings the very first night. There will be at least one drive by. There will be "couples" having sex in the theater. The drugs, alcohol and fights will be worth the cover charge. Speaking of cover charge, just how much money will a negro pay to see a movie? Pay for popcorn and a coke when in their baggy pants they will have Malt Liquor, Huge bags of cheetos,
Oh, don't even try to get any of them NOT to smoke, even cigarettes, during the show. As for sitting down? Ever witness, back in school, any negro who could stay seated in a chair for more than 12 seconds? Anybody expects them to stay in the same chair for 120 minutes? Really.
They can always have a Grand Opening with the PLANET OF THE APES series. The humor, satire and irony of such an evening would be lost on the......apes........(notice the APES in the movie series have NO sense of humor?). Will the "movie" be sub-titled in Ebonics? Dubbed into Ebonics with sub-titles in Mexican?
I hope there is Closed Caption Cameras (night adjusted) to film what happens from the moment the first negro RUNS into the place till the last one is carried out on the stretchers.
I would pay to see a movie about negroes going to the movies.
This is a long read, but it MUST be required reading for all of us, all new converts to our Race Realism, and anyone who wants to witness real genius.
The Speech By Enoch Powell:
Anonymous said...
"None of the people who do get the vouchers will be white...."
I know a disabled white man who has been waiting for over 10 years in California for a Section 8 voucher. He told me once that a conventional housing complex went up just down the street from him. Who lives there? Mexicans, many who don't speak English. I told him that as a white man, he is being pushed to the side in favor of nonwhites.
//Paintjob Theory said...
As far as "war", how much food and water do you guys figure that 600,000 strong army has stockpiled? ... You can't eat guns and bayonets won't help you find potable water.//
You need to remember that cannibalism is an African tradition still honoured to this date: one of the complaints made by the pygmies to the UN is that the bantu troops in Congo were using them as an 'emergency food source'...
//Go back to your ancestral homeland (insect hive). // You make it sound so easy. Why don't the Boer go home to get away from the bantus? Oh wait, they can't! Both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) doesn't have a Right of Return for those of Chinese Ancestry. Meh, at least I still HAVE an ancestral land that exist out there. (*knock on wood*). I also have to pay back my student loans before I leave for purer pastures. A lot of Chinese HAVE already gone back to China though - but keep in mind that the immigration quotas remain the same - so what kind of immigrants NA getting now instead of Chinese? It should be South Africa whites, but it's not! GOOD LUCK!
If you had actually read my comment before replying, you will realise that I am actually supportive of white people having more than two children -- you people are after all, an ethnic minority. The One-Child-Policy in China was only applied to the Hans-Chinese majority. I have also noted that the two-child-policy can't be applied nationally in North America - but that those on welfare should be limited to two children - this will stop blacks from multiplying like a plague by having sixteen children on welfare. A limit to two will cut down on black population (they will continue to kill each other, and themselves through bad habits, but without replacement), WITHOUT impacting poor whites who tend to have only two children or none (and poor whites, should be subsidized to HAVE two children instead of none).
It makes sense to ME and a lot of orientals that there should be a birth policy that favours whites and limits blacks in white countries but that will never happen except in a work-around (the two-on-welfare and two-with-support). Blacks are stupid, but white people fight their fights...The white love of negroes is seriously a bigger deal-breaker than the dairy smell and the hairyness. I can't believe my aunt-in-law's sister married a German, he seem sensible, and unlike American whites he probably has zero black genes floating in the background, but that their children are not Chinese means that they are at greater risk of being coal-burners who will bring to the reunion a chimp that will kill us all.
Anonymous AChineseInCanada said...
We live on a finite earth, we have the technology for everyone to live in comfort IF and only if we control our population growth, and limit those who are dysfunctional.
There are 1 billion africans. If things continue, by 2090 there will be 4 billion africans, all over the globe.
"Disparate Impact" claims that if a "situation" does not have the proper ratio of all the "races", then that situation is, by default, racists.
So, why doesn't Trump demand that Section 8 (and all "public" housing) have the national ratios for tenants, or vouchers?
70 White
15 Negro
10 Aztec
5 Mystery Mud.
Would that not be "fair"?
Off topic, but today I was treated to a barrage of rocks, a few baseball sized, as I sat in traffic next to the...wait for it...housing projects!
There was a bunch of rocks already in the lane, so they`d been at it for a while. I was in a dump truck, so they bounced harmlessly of the bed, but could have easily shattered my window.
Got up the road a ways and called the police. Took me three calls to talk to a human. After I told them the situation, I got a long pause and "yeah...we`ll send some one out." In other words, they didn't give a fuck.
Cant say as I blame them. The Ray Tensing trial is moving quickly and the city is holding its breath as to whether there will be riots, so they`ve got bigger problems.
I`ve noticed previously that the sign above where I was sitting in traffic has multiple bullet holes in it, so I figure I got off easy. Still, annoying as hell. And I would have been pissed to no end had that been my personal truck.
This was Hamilton Oh for anyone who curious.
Stay alert, stay alive.
//Anonymous said...
"None of the people who do get the vouchers will be white...."
I know a disabled white man who has been waiting for over 10 years in California for a Section 8 voucher. He told me once that a conventional housing complex went up just down the street from him. Who lives there? Mexicans, many who don't speak English. I told him that as a white man, he is being pushed to the side in favor of nonwhites.
June 12, 2017 at 2:54 PM//
He needs to reconnect with that 1/something part of him that is Indian, or Irish, the Irish was persecuted, so if there was a box that ask if he's a racial minority without specifying which, just check it!
I've said it before but it needs to be repeated: Rich white people need to 'adopt' poor white people. Start with your closest family (parents's siblings and their children, grandparents's other children) then to distance relations, and family friends. Poor whites need help, and they need to be helped directly by better off whites because the charity isn't going to do it.
The white man you described might be passed over because he isn't in one of the 'vulnerable groups', such as 'racial minority' (a weird term), or a 'recent immigrant', or homeless - the last one is tricky, they count as homeless those who have registered with a homeless shelters, but those places can be so violent, many white people are couchsurfing or sleeping under bridges and miss out on housing help.
I've mention before that Toronto is getting more homeless whites on the streets due to a combination of high rent and the shelters being filled with blacks, well, recently, the police (which has a black chief now) kept clearing a camp under the bridge, and that camp is white. They want the whites to go to the shelters, but they'll be separated.
Seriously, if you are a rich white, you need to help a poor white. You can't make it as a LAMOE. Every one lost to the zombie horde is one less that could fight by your side.
As for me, time for me to practice my Mandarin and ask my Aunt to set me up with a FOB who still has his Chinese or Taiwanese citizenship.
I tried to warn you, even as a child, I pointed out to my DWL teachers that they were giving the country away. The white continent I grew up in and adapt to seem to be going going gone. So Long And Thanks For The Fish!
In California, you are not worth shit unless you are a government employee, silicon valley executive, welfare client or illegal alien.
OT - good article on Shelley v. Kraemer and the (((tikkun olam))) behind it.
I've lived in SoCal all my life, have not visted L.A. in twenty years but recently decided to tour my old city by subway and at every stop was shocked by what I found, MacAuther park was a perfect example, what was 20yrs ago a beautiful park and innercity lake has been transformed into a 3rd world hellhole, a tent city of illegal aliens and a lake of trash filled with old blankets and dead fish, my other stops were much of the same, a once great city filled with 3rd world welfare grubers selling cheap tacos and phoney jewelry on the sidewalks, doubt I'll ever vist again as compared what it once was is so depressing...
Think about this. Your government is selling lottery tickets to move "people" into your neighborhood.
PJT in previous post you mentioned dropping a MOAB. I would like to suggest a new weapon - MOANB.
a Utica, NY resident says about the Islamization of the city through UN-directed refugee resettlement.…/
sccroll down, on homepage.
"OT - good article on Shelley v. Kraemer and the (((tikkun olam))) behind it."
That's nice, but those (((lawyers))) didn't decide the case. Supreme Court Justices did. All except one of them were white, and they even included a former member of the KKK by the name of Hugo Black.
The logic of their decision is pretty hard to argue with.
In order for racially restrictive covenants to be enforceable, you'd have to repeal the 14th Amendment.
Ex New Yorker said...
There is a massive movement now taking place in America. I can't actually tell just when this movement started. It may have been caused by that twisted way of thinking that developed during the 1970's. What we now have is the VICTIMHOOD STATUS QUO movement. Very soon the universities will give in to the outcry and demands of the numerous new victims and they will have classes called VICTIMHOOD STUDIES. To prevent the different groups of victims from fighting with each other the classes may have to be segregated.
More and more working class "wealth" is transferred over to the ever enlarging victim classes. This could start fighting and conflict among the different groups. A form of jealousy may start taking place based on the different class of victim.
Say a Mexican hunchback midget lesbian handicapped feminist gets a new wheel chair ramp because she is a CLASS SIX victim. The single mom black lady with two kids who lives across the street may get jealous because Latrina is only a CLASS FOUR victim. Stuff like this could start a whole new type of VICTIM CLASS warfare.
The sex perverts in Washington may have to pass a VICTIM RIGHTS bill to solve the problem. It can be called the "gibs an gets" bill. Soon after that we can have VICTIM PRIDE PARADES. Thousands of people marching in the streets carrying signs as they bitch and moan and cry and weep about their miserable fucking lives. They can proudly wear their "Poor Me" tee shirts and their "I'm fucked" baseball caps.
NBC can start a nightly TV show called THE PITTY POT HOUR. These losers can then complain about how "they not be gettin' theirs". Every night a NEW CLASS of victim can be explored with all the gruesome details about their torment and suffering. Maybe even a game show called THE BIGGEST VICTIM and the winner can be on the cover of People Magazine. July will become VICTIMHOOD MONTH. I think the blacks and gays have the other months taken.
I think it is only fair that these people get the fame and recognition they deserve. It would be great if there were a government funded program called ADOPT A VICTIM. The bleeding heart liberals could let them move into their basements or garages. If no room there, maybe allow them to put up a tent in the backyard.
The empire is dying. One mind at a time.
June 12, 2017 at 12:02 AM
This is pure gold...well done Ex New Yorker!
"Please, don't use "we". "We" have no more say in what the U.S., state or local governments do than "we" have in who the next Emperor of Japan will be. If "we" had any say in the matter there would be no immigration, third worlders would be kicked out, Section 8, EBT and the rest of the gibs me 'dat would end."
Actually, "we" do have a say. The White populace has sat back for nearly half a century and let this happen. People should have been marching in the streets all over the nation to block the 1965 Immigration Act. They should have been marching in the streets all over the country to block illegal immigration.(I realize illegals aren't "immigrants" per se but no need to split hairs.) Whites have sat back and allowed this and even encouraged this.
And they never stay long either, they are held to higher standards that they just cannot eminate. The only ones who stay usually have jobs that pay well. But, they still are a stain no matter the wallet size.
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