Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Paris Accord in Perspective: "But six billion people, just try to imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all."

It's not hard to see, if you just look.

Interstellar was a beautiful movie, but few - if any - people dared notice the Malthusian message at the heart of the movie. 

Something terrible happened in the world depicted in Christopher Nolan's most important movie he's yet directed. 

Why are the New York Yankees playing a Major League Baseball (MLB) game in Iowa? Why was NASA shutdown for refusing to drop bombs on starving people? 

The movie has absolutely nothing to do with global warming or climate change, as so many intellectual dishonest (perhaps 'deficient' is a more apt term) people determined upon seeing Interstellar when it was first released. 

Yet the heart of the Malthusian nature of Interstellar is encapsulated in an early scene, where Jon Lithgow's character [Donald] is reminiscing upon a past filled with hope and boundless potential, only to be lost when every person earth believed they had a right to a 1st World lifestyle:
Donald: I hear your meeting at the school didn’t go so well. 
Cooper: You heard? You know, it’s like we’ve forgotten who we are, Donald. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. 
Donald: When I was a kid, it felt like they made something new every day. Some gadget or idea. Like every day was Christmas. But six billion people, just try to imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all. This world isn’t so bad. And Tom will do just fine. You’re the one who doesn’t belong. Born forty years too late or forty years too early. My daughter knew it, God bless her. And your kids know it, especially Murph. 
Cooper: Well, we used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. 
Donald: Cooper, you were good at something and you never got a chance to do anything with it. I’m sorry.
Billions died off in the world depicted in this movie, because population increases in the 3rd world outpaced food production (no mention of hysterical whites altruistically propping up non-white populations via a transfer of wealth through misguided, suicidal outreach programs). 

Resources are finite, and human potential isn't - as we are constantly lectured while "We are the World" plays in the background - infinite. 

Potable water isn't a right, but a constant struggle to maintain. 

Just in Time inventory is a supply-chain methodology possible only in a high-trust society.

Malthus was, in the end, right.

Wishful thinking won't change this fact.

Redistributing wealth from white nations to the 3rd world won't change this fact.

There is no right to life.

There is no right to liberty.

There is not right to pursue happiness.

There exists only duty and responsibility.

Duty to protect the memory of our ancestors, duty to protect our interests in the present, and responsibility to give our posterity the chance to inherit a world better than the one we knew so they may have a duty to protect the memory of us.

That's how you perpetuate a civilization, nurturing it so one day it will produce explorers, pioneers and caretakers.


Anonymous said...

Quoting Malthus? Uh Oh! Someone call the Human Rights Stadium! Genetics = hatethink

Ex New Yorker said...

"There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture."
G. I. Gurdjieff.

A day does not go by that I can't help but feel like some kind of "stranger in a strange land". I'm an old man now living in the Mid-West. Even today nothing looks real to me. I am convinced the world is some type of cruel "virtual reality game". I spent years studying the history of the gods and their worshipers. So much of our history has been destroyed. The Church destroyed the Library of Alexandria. The history, knowledge and wisdom of the ancient world became nothing but ashes blowing in the wind. Our only history is what the lying priest and scholars have told us.

Those years in New York when I wasn't preoccupied with someone trying to kill me I spent a lot of time as an armchair mystic. A lot of strange stuff happened to me. I cut my teeth on Gurdjieff, Edgar Cayce, Lobsang Rampa, Ray Palmer, Richard Shaver, John Keel and other weird off the wall authors. Good info was hard to find in those early days. Now it's all out there for anyone who is interested.

We live in a world that is like some kind of cosmic chess game. Most people are pawns. Just robots who enjoy playing an adult game of "follow the leader". I became a great people watcher and was amazed at what I was seeing. People really are puppets being led around like dogs on a leash.

I was always my own person. Never a joiner. I never believed in leaders or followers. I was in NY when the MOONIES came to town. They were a bunch of weird fucking robots with their blank thousand mile stares. Look what we have now. College kids who are a bunch of raving maniacs smashing windows and burning cars. Thugs dressed in black mask beating up people and complaining about "safe spaces".

All the stuff I've seen and done. All the books I've read. I thought by now I would have figured this shit out, but I am still amazed at what is going on in this country and Europe. America has become a Summer Camp for the insane. The evil ones are running the camp. The stupid ones are playing useless games. The crazy ones are burning down the cabins and sinking the row boats on the lake.

My brain dead neighbor explained to me last week about why all this stuff is happening. She said it was because of the Russians. She should know. She saw it on television.

Anonymous said...

Six billion? Bwahahahahaha! It's already seven, and most of their are real brown and real dumb - and it's only gonna get worse, and fast.

A lot of people look at Zucker(((berg))), Al Gore, Bill Gates, the Clintons, etc., and tremble in fear; I don't. I simply don't think these ridiculous people are hardcore enough to do what needs to be done. Paris Climate Treaty? GMAFB. Only Mother Nature has the cajones to do what needs to be done, and she will get it done. It's not gonna be pretty. Glad I live in Idaho.

Californian said...

The dilemma is that 6 billion is going to be adding at least another billion Africans. And maybe anther billion after that. And since they have trashed most of their own continent, many of those same Africans will be migrating north into Europa, or will be imported by the hostile elites of the USA and Canada into White homelands.

Stay Alert.
Stay Armed.

Detroit Refugee said...

You know what the blacks deserve?

With a firm voice, and @ bayonet point, a white man saying NO!!
"I'm sorry you hundreds of millions , poor negros, Whites are taxed out" . White countries are closed. You'll have to stay in Africa & make a go of it.

Proudyt said...

In 100 years or so America will resemble a third world country thanks to the amount of brown people entering,all thanks to the white liberals who just want to feel good about themselves.

Anonymous said...

The Baron says:

This is your finest work, Paul. Well done.

Bill in St Louis said...

But they are just like us! Better in fact! On TV they are all judges and scientists and leaders. Thats why we are morally obligated to dumb ourselves down and prop them up. After all, without them will we ever reach the stars?
The time will come when hard (for DWL/SJW types) choices will be made. Until then,
Stay alert, stay armed.

Anonymous said...

We reached the crest of peak nog in the past few weeks. The tandem stories about the first humans arising in the Meditteranean, and the DNA of Egyptian mummies revealing them to be European, puts to death the "kangz" narrative so beloved of the mentally deficient. Two kill shots directed at the heart of the nog mythos.

Anonymous said...

Top of the agenda is getting rid of the propaganda taught from kindergarten on up. These kids are so brainwashed with this global warming climate change bs.
Female in FL

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

I could not be happier about Trump ditching the Paris accord. He actually kept his promise to his voters. That is why the elites hate him and us deplorables. F*ck them with a rusty chainsaw!

The battle has begun and we are officially at war with these a@@holes, who are presently camped out in Chantilly, Virginia, furious at Trump putting America and Americans first. The French voted for a NWO girly man who wants to destroy France. The Germans and the rest of the Europeans are so terrified of being called racist, they have given away their women and their country. Nice work, guys!

But for us Trump voters, we'd be right there with them. The lines have been drawn. Their next move is to get rid of Trump, by hook or crook. Screams for impeachment are already echoing in Congress, most emphatically by the old chimp herself, Maxine Waters. Hillary is openly weeping and screaming like a banshee that her rightful place on the thrown was stolen. They are all such pathetic losers. At least now they are showing their true colors. The masks are off.

I am proud of us deplorables. I wear that badge very proudly. It is funny as all hell to see the elites, the establishment, the DWLs, the SJWs, run around in panic like a Chinese fire drill. Megan Kelly dresses up like an old, ten dollar an hour whore, to interview Vladimir Putin. What a despicable, old skank.

Their long charade is beginning to fall. Sit back, grab some popcorn and a libation of choice, and ....enjoy. Keep the firearms close by and ready - just in case. I've never doubted for a minute they are necessary.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the midst of deprogramming my youngest from the global warming scam. He's smart so he'll get it but I'm disappointed he fell for it in the first place. I raised him to think critically, to question, to search out real answers, to not believe a word said by the media and most authority figures, especially professors. I expect to have him deprogrammed by the end of summer and then I think I'll rub it in just so he remembers the lesson. I won't have an idiot living even partly off my hard work.

I wonder what would happen in Africa if the western economies explode/implode like they should and will someday? What if there's no grain or money flooding into Africa? I wish we could give that a try before our next Great Depression because I think the people worried about over-population could see what de-population looks like and there's no better candidate than Africa.

Food wise, huge chunks of Americans enough yard space to grow their own vegetables. Plant a couple fruit trees and nut trees for variety and keep a couple chickens and even city-size yards can feed a small family. The yard won't grow Cheetos or filet mignon but it'll keep body and soul together and be healthier than what most people eat.

Wouldn't it be fun to see the assets seized of all the global warming/climate change shills? I'd pop some popcorn.

Pat Boyle said...

Global Warming is real but it is not very much like what the 'warmists' claim. Time to clear the air.

A lot of conservatives say that Global Warming is a hoax. It is indisputable that there are and have long been a number of hoaxers among the warmists. They have been caught and their machinations have been exposed (see Michael Mann). But this is not the whole story. In the Edwardian era there was a famous scientific hoax called Piltdown Man. We now know that it was a hoax although many details remain obscure.

When the Piltdown hoax was reveled almost overnight everyone stopped believing in it. The current day Global Warming theory is not like that. Mann's Hockey Stick hoax has been uncovered for decades now, but it hasn't shaken the faith of most of the warmist acolytes. So while there have been conspirators and people of bad faith who have exploited the public's fear of catastrophic warming - the hoax and fraud explanations are not the central features of the warmist movement.

I remember the early days of Global Warming. Most American people however are too young. The two most influential factors in the early days were - Carl Sagan and the International Geophysical Year. I will focus on Sagan.

Carl Sagan was the most famous scientist in the world - maybe the most famous scientist since Einstein. There is no one comparable today, certainly not Neil DeGrasse Tyson - who is more like a game show host than a real working scientist.

Sagan was a anti-nuclear activist. He feared that in a nuclear exchange we would be plunged into Nuclear Winter which he likened to the aftermath of the asteroid (or comet) strike that killed the dinosaurs. As he thought about Nuclear Winter he began to contemplate a similar catastrophe in the opposite direction. He began to worry about Runaway Global Warming. He wrote about how there was a danger of us sliding into a positive feedback regime after we suddenly reached a 'tipping point'. We would get hotter and hotter until the Earth became another Venus. Sagan - the world's most famous astronomer - explained that the surface of Venus was hot enough to melt lead. So we had this universally respected scientist worried about a truly Apocalyptic scenario that might begin at any moment.

Originally the best minds were really panicked about the tipping point phenomenon and runaway positive feedback. You would have to be a fool not to be worried. The consequences were dire, the prophet of doom was well respected, and the unstoppable process that led to the 'end' could begin at any moment.

But of course none of that happened and we now know that it couldn't happen. No one worries about the Earth becoming Venus anymore. Every year the imagined effects of Greenhouse Gas warming have moderated and abated. It is clear that whatever Global Warming there is, will be slow in coming and mild. In fact the warming that is coming will almost certainly be beneficial until at least the end of the century. In the long run we will have to do something about the fact that greenhouse gases do have a warming effect but we should probably wait until we have developed new technologies. Maybe we can avoid all fossil fuels and rely on something like thorium for energy. Or maybe something else.

Sagan died but the idea of a tipping point kicking us over into positive feedback still lives. Sagan's ideas have proven to have been wrong, but most of the public never understood the subtleties of the theory anyway. The prospects of Sagan's vision has been discredited but the fear lingers.


Unknown said...

If you, or anyone you know, are of "breeding age" move to the Pacific Northwest as soon as possible. Washington State, Idaho, and Oregon will be the last place in which Our Folk will survive...and hopefully make a stand.

Anonymous said...

The globalists are really pissed off about this because it was the foot in the door North/South dedicated revenue stream they've been trying to get for decades. Where the money goes, institutional structure will follow. Just wait ten years when they start to explain how democratic it all is that 400 million Americans are out-voted by a couple billion former hunter-gatherers turned urban savages waiting for a handout.

Anonymous said...

Excellent article, Mr. Kersey. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

One other point:

There is no equality here on earth only in the next. All men are created equal; baloney. Not in the physical sense for sure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thpse who would surrender a civilization to avoid social disapproval will be judged harshly by history for their cowardice.

Ex New Yorker said...

We no longer have any kind of political or educational system. What we now have is a massive control system that seems to be getting worst by the day. As each lie gets bigger and bigger the more crazed the people are becoming. America has been living under a false reality for over fifty years. I have been watching it grow to the stage now where most people can no longer tell what is real and what is a lie. This current state of affairs is a well thought out and deliberate action that has been planned for years with the final endgame being the enslavement of the people. What freaks me out is how easy it has been for the elite control groups to work their evil magic on the willing masses.

The schools now teach "white guilt" as their main course of indoctrination and mind control. People live in fear of speaking their mind. You can loose your job based on what comments you leave on FACEBOOK. Universities now hire "thought police" to keep the "great lie" alive. Thinking for yourself is the new forbidden fruit.

The masses are glued to their cell phones. People don't talk to each other. Any time I'm in a restaurant I will see four or five people sitting in a booth together texting on their microwave brain blaster.

The Muslims are on their knees praying in New York City and their future rape victims are cheering them on. The ruling class are having another CLASS REUNION in Virginia so they can decide what kind of bullshit they can ram down the peasants throats. The EMPIRE will be deciding on the new world leaders (aka...puppets) for the ignorant populations. First they have to take a vote on what third world country they will bomb next.

Every day in this country there is a new three ring circus with the over paid circus clowns competing to see who is the latest victim (Kathy Griffin...Maxine Waters...Hillary Clinton). It always seems the dumbest ones get the spotlight. On and on this clown show goes.

There are still safe places in America to ride out the coming storm. When the "fit hits the shan" the first part of the empire to fall will be the East and West coast. What bothers me is that I was really hoping that the planet was going to get warmer. Fuck the Polar Bears. Lied to again.

Anonymous said...

Hello Chinese in Canada

If I were white I would only call myself a Canadian.

I love and respect Asians because my wife is so. Don't worry we don't have any mixed kids. I had two whites and my wife had an Asian before we got married. We were both older when we got married.

It is interesting that Chinese maintain their culture wherever thy go. I don't want to live under blacks. I hope would rather live under Mao Zedong.

Anonymous said...

Only in the sticks. Spend some time in the metros and you'll see how dark it's getting.

Anonymous said...


Proudyt said... In 100 years or so America will resemble a third world country thanks to the amount of brown people entering,all thanks to the white liberals who just want to feel good about themselves.

Uh, since (((1965))) USA population has doubled? and Whites will soon be a minority.
Thats 52 years.

AChineseInCanada said...

I have a memory that is at times, photographic, alas, it's never useful things like instruction manuals or identification, but snapshots of certain emotional moments.

What I've been remembering lately, especially while reading this blog, is the face of..."Ms. L" from almost twenty years ago.

Ms. L was a young white woman with dark blonde hair and light coloured eyes, and she was very Liberal - or she has to appear so, as a teacher. Along with Mr. N, a middle-aged white man, they were running an experimental junior high program in which several classes were co-mingled - instead of having separate periods for Canadian History, Social Studies, and Literature, there would be a block of time where we the students decide which we will study and present. We have to fulfill the curriculum before the end of the year, but it was fluid when we do this-and-that. While we submitted a lot of essays, the bulk of the class was debates.

I don't remember if it was being marked or which student started it first, but the topic was, Is Canadian Society being Changed (by immigration)? In guileless youth, I stated plainly, that of course Canadian Society is being changed - you can't add in something new to something old without that becoming something different. She disagreed with me, she thinks that we are All The Same. I think at one point I actually became sad, when reading about Canadian History, I was sad that the Aboriginals were replaced, I was sad that the French Acadians were replaced, and now I'm sad that the British pioneers after them, the likes of John A, was also being replaced. I felt that in the hasty burial of the past, SOMETHING was being lost, and I felt it was rather unnatural and careless the way it was happening via rapid immigration instead of nature growth.

When I said that who and what the 'Canadians' are, is indeed being replaced by immigration, Ms.L gets this looks on her face, not quite a frown, but that look of someone who is thinking something that they CANNOT say, I wonder now what she was thinking. Was she thinking that I was outlandish and ignorant of the Shining Multicultural Truth, or she actually agreeing with me, but couldn't ever say it?

//It is interesting that Chinese maintain their culture wherever thy go. I don't want to live under blacks. I hope would rather live under Mao Zedong.

June 2, 2017 at 6:11 PM//

Mao Zedong hated Chinese culture (Cultural Revolution: Tear Down the Four Olds), destroyed much of it, such as a City Wall that had survived thousands of years. Mao Zedong imported African students into China and gave them more benefits than Chinese students, he did this under the '(non-white) communist third-world is All The Same', there was a lot of resentment, Nanjing anti-African protests of 1988, that eventually lead to the June 4th Incident, I think one of the signs that showed up even at June 4th was "Don't Take Advantage of Chinese Women".

Mao Zedong was also pro-natalist and was therefore responsible for the plague of population explosion in China, which had to be clamped down on afterwards by the One Child Policy, which had the unfortunate side-effect of causing the Gender Imbalance (traditionally, women join the family of her husband and wait on his parents, so Chinese parents must rely on their sons in their old age) I do not blame the Opium War from centuries ago, I do not even blame the Japanese for the invasion half a century ago, I blame Mao Zedong, for the present problems of China, he was a cultist who brainwashed the youth of the nation, turned them against their own parents. He destroyed much of the Chinese in China.

If I can go back in time and kill someone, I would kill Mao Zedong, and I will kill him by dropping him in the midst of those cannibals in Africa he loves so much.

BlueStateEscapee said...

@Anonymous 11:26 PM
And I'm glad I live in North Idaho.

no watermelon for you said...

You'll notice the LeBron James story seems to have been forgotten. Wonder why? This story is HUGE!
They must have the guy by now,with all those cameras.Why has the story died? This is a mystery!!

Mr. Rational said...

I'm in the midst of deprogramming my youngest from the global warming scam. He's smart so he'll get it but I'm disappointed he fell for it in the first place. I raised him to think critically, to question, to search out real answers, to not believe a word said by the media and most authority figures, especially professors.

Oh for pete's sake.  Did you ever teach him to look at EVIDENCE?

Here's an experiment you can replicate on a tabletop.  It's been blatantly obvious, from the measurements of Sam Langley and the calculations of Svante Arrhenius in the nineteeth century (that's more than 100 years ago, for those of you who have trouble doing arithmetic in your heads) that adding CO2 to the atmosphere is going to do SOMETHING.  Yes, I know that Judith Curry has made an unimpeachable case for the argument that we cannot know exactly what it will do... BUT IT WILL NOT DO NOTHING BECAUSE IT CANNOT.

We conduct such uncontrolled experiments at the risk of the climate system that allows our civilization to exist.

I wonder what would happen in Africa if the western economies explode/implode like they should and will someday?

Giving the green revolution and modern medicine to Africa was another uncontrolled experiment.

When the Piltdown hoax was reveled almost overnight everyone stopped believing in it.

Nonsense.  "Piltdown Man" was taken skeptically by many paleontologists from the beginning, because it didn't fit the expected pattern.  They were right.  Eventually the precise fraud was uncovered, but nobody should have taken that long to quit believing the claims.

Earth is some 30°C warmer than a blackbody radiator in space would be.  We are playing with the IR opacity of our atmosphere in ways we cannot reverse without mass destruction, and building our economies in ways that the changes will continue and accelerate.  This is fucked-up behavior.

Sagan - the world's most famous astronomer - explained that the surface of Venus was hot enough to melt lead. So we had this universally respected scientist worried about a truly Apocalyptic scenario that might begin at any moment.

Originally the best minds were really panicked about the tipping point phenomenon and runaway positive feedback. You would have to be a fool not to be worried. The consequences were dire, the prophet of doom was well respected, and the unstoppable process that led to the 'end' could begin at any moment.

But of course none of that happened and we now know that it couldn't happen.

Precisely what is your PROOF that it couldn't happen?  Judith Curry goes on at length about the uncertainty of the uncertainty monster.  The only way to win that uncertainty game is not to play.  So why TF are we playing?

No one worries about the Earth becoming Venus anymore. Every year the imagined effects of Greenhouse Gas warming have moderated and abated.

No, not really.  We see unexpected changes in atmospheric circulation, in the thermohaline balance of the oceans burying heat where it never was in the history we can examine.  These compensatory changes have limits.  They cannot continue forever, and they won't.

When they stop being able to buffer the imbalances we've created... THEN what?

Mr. Rational said...

The globalists are really pissed off about this because it was the foot in the door North/South dedicated revenue stream they've been trying to get for decades.

Now THAT is true.  Anthropogenic climate change is all too real, but every shred of globalist policy supposedly "defending" against it is bullshit.  A policy which seriously aimed at the problem would promote nuclear power and help build it with a carbon tax.  Neither of those are on the globalist agenda.  Hansen and Environmental Progress are right; Greenpeace and E350 are Marxist fronts.

Anonymous said...

Globull warming and carbon credit scammers are mad that there is no sugardaddy America to pay for it all.
That globalist rat Elon Musk gets literally billions from government grants and loans, he has announced he is leaving the advisory panel that visits the white house.
Hussein Hopenchange was Mr. executive order and now all of those imperial decrees are going into the circular file cabinet.
Maybe Larry Dicraprio can load up some bimbos on his unicorn fart powered jet while Hussein Hopenchange gets on his rainbow powered hyrbid jet and fly around the world to tell the unwashed rubes the importance of globull warming/carbon credit scam.
As for Europe I say thank you everyday to my ancestors for getting the hell out of there.
The best meme of the day featured a stern looking Trump with the caption-if you want an accord in Paris go to the Honda dealership.

Anonymous said...

Reading a comments section the other day and poster found an article out of Norway from 1922 saying all the same stuff they are saying know about the globull warming.
So they can't get today's forecast right but 100 years from the ocean is going to rise by 2 inches?
Stupid human earth monkeys don't control the climate and never will.
The earth will still be here when manboons are just bleached bones in the radioactive sand.

D-FENS said...

Very good summary of the global warming issue, Pat. We should aii be very skeptical of "science" where we cannot conduct controlled, independent experiments to evaluate conclusions that have political, social and economic implications. We can valdate our models of stellar evolution by observing numerous stars of various types and ages. We can conduct numerous experiments at the Large Hadron Collider to verify the existence and properties of the Higgs boson. Significantly, neither the theory of stellar physics or the Higgs boson have any political, social or economic implications other than for the scientists lobbying for funding.

The case for catastophic human caused global warming is based on mathematical models that have been tuned to relatively recent climate where CO2 has only been increasing. The models are constantly revised yet the trials are not restarted. It's akin to getting the answer key in the middle of the exam. Further, there are climate cycles that have periods on the order of several decades yet the models have not even been validated over one of these cycles. Despite all the cheating, the models are already deviating from actual climate data, forcing the climatologists to frantically search for the "misding heat".

Anonymous said...

Aspiring (c)rapper streams SWAT raid live on Fakebook just after waving ca$h around:

Anonymous said...

Serious question: is anyone doing anything politically to cancel the Hart/Cellar Immigration act of 1965? That was the opening of the sewage pipe into our country. Created by (((them))).

Great cause for a smart politician to grab onto and run across the goal line. Country would be behind it. Revoke it completely and create new rules. MASSIVELY restrict Turd World immigration. Strict penalties for illegals. Deportations, quotas, etc. No welfare for immigrants. No business loans. No free education...

You get the picture.

Pull thi abomination out by the root.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post PK excellent.
Mr Turner

Brian in Ohio said...

The answer to all your questions in life is money, and fear sells. "Global warming" is a scare tactic used by asshole`s like Al Gore to make cash.

Tomorrow it will be some other boogeyman.

Nature will have the final say.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Living amongst 3rd World people truly is a 1st world problem. Sadly it can simply become the 3rd world.

Pat Boyle said...

Mr. Rational should consider should consider changing his nom de guerre to Mr. Hysterical.

He is worried about unnamed and unknowable dangers. Man Up! Grow a pair! Face the future! There is no guarantee that everything will turn out sunshine and rose blossoms, but there is no need to cower under the bed because mankind has made changes to the Earth.

A lot of the science is already known. It is known for example that the Earth entered a cooling period about two and a half million years ago. Prior to that time the Earth was warmer and had usually had much higher levels of carbon dioxide. Then we entered a regime where we have cycles of advancing ice and only occasional periods of warmth. These are called Milankovitch cycles on the assumption that they are caused by changes in the Earth's orbital dynamics. The periods of cold (since the cyclic rate changed) are about a hundred thousand years of advancing ice followed by a warm interglacial that of about ten thousand years. We are currently nearing the end of what is called the Holocene Interglacial. If this pattern continues then we on Earth are due for another hundred thousand year ice age. The last time this occurred there was a mile or more of ice on top of Chicago.

All of human history and civilization has occurred during the Holocene interglacial. The world is currently hospitable. It is warm enough for us to sun bathe at the beach. We don't know exactly why. We know that the previous interglacial the Eemian was warmer than it is today but humans were not quite humans yet.

The Time Magazine article of half a century ago that worried about Global Cooling was not a mistake. It just had the timing wrong. There is a cycle of cold and hot that the Earth has been experiencing for the last few million years. As far as we know there will be warmer periods and cooler periods from now until well into the future. No need to panic.

Remember the Greenhouse Gas phenomenon is real. The carbon that was sequestered since the Carboniferous by natural processes is now being released into the atmosphere again and it has contributed to an already well established general warming trend. But the magnitude of the green house effect seems to be tiny. People were alarmed when Sagan and others thought that warming would be severe and begin precipitously. But it didn't. The anthropogenic component of temperature rise is real but it is small and gradual.

It isn't that Global Warming is a hoax (although there are many hoaxers who have exploited the public panic) and it isn't that carbon dioxide isn't a Greenhouse Gas (it is but not a particularly strong one). The whole Global Warming phenomenon has been a case of exaggeration and panic. It is a kind of Chicken Little situation. Trump did good.

The way to understand Global Warming is to ask the question - "Why did Washington cross the Delaware?"


Anonymous said...

You're exactly right Brian. Elon Musk is having a hissy fit about pulling out of the Paris accord. Why? Well, his whole racket is based on global warming, and the government is his biggest customer. Does anyone really believe that people like Musk and Gore give a rat's ass about "muh planet"? No, it's always been about money and control.
Mr Turner

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Mr. Kersey.

This is effectively what I'm telling liberals who are panicking over Pres. Trump's sensible action on the dreadful Paris Accords. Especially supposed environmentalists who won't utter a non-PC peep on immigration, race, or IQ.

Look at these two graphics:

This underscores Mr. Kersey's point about the primary element of civilization being MAINTENANCE.

That requires a certain level of underlying intelligence...which is not equally distributed either in individuals or populations.

This must additionally be a thickly distributed capacity: the population must be "fat in the middle" in the IQ area that corresponds with maintenance.

And some populations have far more individuals capable of both innovating and maintaining.

But IQ isn't everything--China supposedly has a higher mean IQ than the US...but cannot innovate ANYTHING and has to steal all that AND demand trillions in globalist welfare at the Accord table. Primarily from the US, was the plan.

Ashkenazi Jews supposedly have a higher mean IQ than everybody but East Asians...but somehow they can't create anything except constant societal conflict and a sandbox nation...that is mostly paid for by the US taxpayer in dollars and blood.

I left quant and qual sustainability analysis as my profession in 2001. It became clear that good old fashioned ecology--the science of it, hard nosed and courageous in challenging PC and understanding how nature works and how we react and act within that--was being destroyed and rewritten as the religion of Environmentalism and Progressivism.

Even the most sturdy and brave Old Timey Conservationists I knew began giving up as the Democrats were taken over by globalist elites in earnest...

Remember the punishments meted out to the brave souls who tried to bring Sierra Club back to its conservationist roots after Carl Pope sold those out for hundreds of millions of dollars from Jewish billionaire David Gelbaum (and his Mexican wife).

A few links, Paul and readers, fleshing out what's really at stake. It is the very human capacity to create advanced societies...which most people on earth want to live in, but cannot create, so expect Americans to hand them.

Johnar said...

Man, I've been to the northwest. Portland is mostly white but a lot of junkies.

Anonymous said...

Brian in Ohio, nature will indeed have the final say.

But one thing that has distinguished white men and women above all other things is OUR ABILITY TO THINK AHEAD. With unusual INTELLIGENCE. And then RESTRAIN OUR BEHAVIOR. On a GROUP LEVEL.

If we see troubling patterns of any sort, rough waters, smoke on the horizon, etc.--we adapt BEFORE it becomes a catastrophe.


Do don't go picking up the stupid meme that caring about global climate is stupid. It is not. It is one of the boldest instincts and understanding that whites have developed in the past 100 years. Humans have caused climate change before the time of fossil energy (look up desertification in the Sahara region, also the effects of agricultural irrigation in the ancient world, and Roman, Egyptian, and other ancient empire deforestation).

For one thing, CO2 pollution affects the sea more than any other earth system.

The sea is the parent of us all, so much so that we carry it around in our own bodies as a majority of our bodies. Salt water.

We mess with the sea at our peril. And when I was very close to NASA, NOAA, and various large university bodies of data on climate change, what I saw was that the sea serves as a huge buffer...and rebalancer if other things get out of whack.

It is CRUCIAL that the dissident right find some better way to approach the topic of climate change than the PC-soaked, anti-HBD, anti-ecological one that has been in the ascendancy for the past 30 years.

Make no mistake, the discussion of "climate change" at least for the past 20 years has been about Marxist redistribution of wealth and establishment of a globalist religion.

Not about ecological or planetary science.

The science is ROBUST, unbelievably so. We have exponentially expanded our senses in the past 30 years--even last 20 or 15--with magnificent advances in instrumentation and data processing power. These prosthetic senses and brains have given us a view of the world/universe as it is...and our place in it...beyond anything we could have dreamed of even 50 years ago! We are truly blessed and honored with this.

Pres. Trump has shined a light toward the way out of this cave of insanity built by both Dems and GOP, directed by their Big Globo handlers, and I'm delighted.

Brian in Ohio said...

Anonymous said...
You're exactly right Brian. Elon Musk is having a hissy fit about pulling out of the Paris accord. Why? Well, his whole racket is based on global warming, and the government is his biggest customer. Does anyone really believe that people like Musk and Gore give a rat's ass about "muh planet"? No, it's always been about money and control.
Mr Turner
June 3, 2017 at 9:53 AM

In the past, a guy with Musk`s kind of money would have a lot of clout with the President. And the Clintons?...I shudder to think about what kind of loony EPA regulations he could have foisted on us with a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation, should Hillary have won.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Those who talking about a "warming" ocean do not consider the 3,000 active volcanoes at the bottom of said Ocean.

Also, as Pat mentions, and is a fact, it has been warmer numerous times, both during this warming era (warmer 1 AD and warmer 1,000 AD) and far warmer for the Dinosaurs and others.

And, did you know, there was a time when the ENTIRE Earth was covered with Ice? Nature does what it wants and "man" can't change a damn thing.

Eddie from St. Louis said...

Poland told the E.U. and the 3rd World to Fuck Off. Now it's our turn. Nomesayin?

Another guy said...

I've only posted here a few times. I gave my passport back and left the filth behind but it is truly a worldwide problem. I'm replying to you proudyt, because of your preposterous statement that America will resemble a third world country in 100 years or so. After I stopped laughing I want to tell you that I've been lucky enough to have the resources to travel the world. I can tell you when I am in America I can only compare it closely with Brazil. America already has a third world look and feel to nearly everything. Especially the people. It has already happened. 100 years?! Where the hell do you live man (seriously curious if you haven't already been overrun by blacks and browns)?

Anonymous said...

This is just too rich: (original article will be posted after)

"In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, credit ratings agencies like Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s were criticized for giving bogusly high ratings to the bonds of financial firms that paid them. Now, a new report has accused the agencies of inappropriately downgrading credit ratings in a way that disproportionately harms low-income populations and people of color."

So, now we need PC Bond Ratings so the bancrupt Negro/Democrat Cities and States can hide? They have to be kidding? The rating agencies have been beaten to death for lying the last time, now they want to go clean and be honest, and they are ripped for that?

Of course. They are making the Negro look bad.....the negro can't run a city, can't run anything and it is becoming way to obvious.

They way I see it, the only groups dumb enough to hold these Bonds, and invest in Shopping Mall Real Estate Trusts, will be, and should be the Unions, State Pensions, etc.

When the Malls go dark and the dark cities go darker, Trillions are going to be lost by the Police, Teachers, Firemen, etc. Pensions.

Anonymous said...

The Chimps are at it again:

HEMET ( — A disturbing clip has surfaced that shows a group of parents who are accused of exchanging punches outside of a California high school.

The incident unfolded Wednesday outside of Tahquitz High School, which is located on Tital Trail in Hemet.

The clip allegedly shows a group of parents throwing punches, pulling hair, and kicking each other in front of the school. It has since gone viral.

“It’s horrible to hear something like that that’s happening at your student’s school,” said one parent. “That’s not a good example at all.”

The video was shot on Wednesday and has now gone viral with thousands of views, and opinions are flying faster than the fists captured on tape.

“Think about it before you do it in front of your kids. It’s one thing behind closed doors. It’s another thing when there are no kids around but when you are there with kids, it’s just not an example you want to set,” Amber Pifundi, a mother, said.

CBS2 has since learned that a few parents seen in the clip live in the same apartment complex and that the issues arose there, and carried over to the campus.

“They say this, they say that. This one gets on Twitter, and calls the other girl a … it’s a bunch of girls fighting over [expletive] boys,” said a neighbor.

According to a district spokesperson, school leaders were saddened the brawl overshadowed the last day of school.

Parents say this type of behavior gives Hemet a bad name, and that those involved should be ashamed.

“I moved here without knowing about the city and we’ve only been here a year and we’re already leaving,” said a resident.

An officer with the Hemet Police Department says police were not aware of the fight until Friday night. No arrests have been made.

Bill in St Louis said...

If this pattern continues then we on Earth are due for another hundred thousand year ice age. The last time this occurred there was a mile or more of ice on top of Chicago.

Sounds good to me!

Mr. Rational said...

Mr. Rational should consider should consider changing his nom de guerre to Mr. Hysterical.

He is worried about unnamed and unknowable dangers.

Oh for pete's sake again, Pat.  We know what the dangers are, because history tells us.  The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) saw a major shift in a whole lot of things including the life-forms on Earth.  If it happened today, it would melt Antarctica and probably destroy our civilization.  I personally would not be affected because I wouldn't live to see it play out.

This is very much worth avoiding, and all we'd have to do is do what we should be doing anyway:  getting rid of dirty fossil fuels and using nuclear power instead (no, not "renewable energy"—that's a scam).  So how's that hysterical again?

A lot of the science is already known. It is known for example that the Earth entered a cooling period about two and a half million years ago. Prior to that time the Earth was warmer and had usually had much higher levels of carbon dioxide.

The problem is that all life on Earth is currently adapted to much lower levels of CO2.

We also have issues with carbon inventory as methane.  A massive amount is tied up in clathrates (methane ices) beneath permafrost and on the sea floor.  This is a time bomb that thawing and warming can set off.  Methane is some 120x as powerful a GHG as CO2, and it's likely that huge amounts of it will overwhelm the removal mechanisms.  It's believed that this is what produced the PETM.

I was just digging through some bookmarks looking for something else, and stumbled across this graphic of YoY increases in methane measurements around the arctic.  This SHOULD worry you.

CO2 levels were higher in the distant past because the Sun was dimmer; when the Earth went into widespread glaciation, removal of CO2 by weathering stopped and volcanic CO2 built up until things thawed again.  As the Sun turns hydrogen to helium, the density of its core increases and it needs to "burn" at a higher temperature to keep it from contracting.  This makes the Sun (like all other main-sequence stars) brighten steadily over time.

We can't tolerate CO2 levels typical of the distant past.  It's literally too hot out in the Solar system now.

These are called Milankovitch cycles on the assumption that they are caused by changes in the Earth's orbital dynamics.

They correlate too well with known glacial cycles for this to be a mere "assumption".

All of human history and civilization has occurred during the Holocene interglacial. The world is currently hospitable. It is warm enough for us to sun bathe at the beach.

Yes, quite right... but if Earth is supposedly cooling, why has Antarctica lost major ice shelves which were stable since the last glacial and suffering undermining of major grounded ice bodies on the WAIS?

We can stop the vast majority of our GHG emissions.  We can stop feeding the Africans, who are too stupid to run anything except coal plants (and those not very well).  We can get rid of a lot of our air pollution in the bargain.  Why do you consider this a "hysterical" position?

The Time Magazine article of half a century ago that worried about Global Cooling was not a mistake. It just had the timing wrong.

It wasn't a mistake, it was a major omission.  A decade earlier, the Bell Telephone Science Hour paid attention to what Time ignored.


Mr. Rational said...

Remember the Greenhouse Gas phenomenon is real. The carbon that was sequestered since the Carboniferous by natural processes is now being released into the atmosphere again and it has contributed to an already well established general warming trend.

The rate is everything.  The Carboniferous lasted 60 million years; volcanism had more than enough opportunity to keep pace with biological removals.  We're dumping that carbon back into the atmosphere over a couple of centuries.

But the magnitude of the green house effect seems to be tiny.

The total greenhouse effect was about 30°C, and has increased substantially over the last half-century as GHG emissions accelerated.  Surface warming is being ameliorated by things including transfer of heat into deep ocean waters.  Polar ocean waters are massive sinks for CO2.

If these trends go on, they will have side effects.  Heat sinks stop sinking once they've warmed up.  Warm ocean waters are net CO2 sources.  When these reversals are measurable, it will be far too late to stop them.

The whole Global Warming phenomenon has been a case of exaggeration and panic.

No, it has not been.  We had the solution in hand when that Bell Telephone Hour film was made in 1958.  We could and should have quietly fixed the problem by now; it wouldn't have taken us even 6 decades, we would have been done in 3-4.  The reason we have panic heating up is because (a) the effects are now becoming obvious AND a lot more is "baked in", and (b) the same interests which stopped us from responding to the problem in 1958 are still running the show.  They've even created fake opposition (Big Green) which covertly supports their interests.

Dealing with climate change is only the beginning of the level of future time orientation we need.  It's one thing that Black People Don't Like.  The Chinese and Indians don't seem to care either.

None of them deserve a future.

Unknown said...

Fear not, the Long Nightmare of Lies, Big Lies, and all the false promises of "The Amerikwan Dream" are dying. Fifty years ago, a guy named David Rockefeller sat in front of The Parliament of whores he and his globullist buffoons bought and controlled and proudly proclaimed that Wurld Goobermint was going to come whether Americans wanted it or not. Full of Hubris, and smug at the core. Where is this clown now? Dead. Enjoy Hell Fool.
God has All The Time in the World. They are OLD. Hillary looks like she's an undead mummy from an ancient tomb, and the rest of them are just as OLD and Haggard as this Witch is. Time has killed them. They have no real followers. They have bums and freaks that follow their bread crumbs. The Money has run out. Entropy has done them in. Their replacements are dumber and weaker than they are, and have not the veneer of youth either.
They have no armies. Their xenomorphs live like animals fed at the zoo. The Money is Gone. The Debts are too massive to continue. They've been bleeding RED the whole time on their books. Economic Collapse is here. There is no more for their hobos and bums. Like dumb animals in the zoo, these dumb cretins will die as soon as their food is cut off.
Malthus was a fool. The man made disaster isn't global resources, its dysgenic breeding. America has created enough food to feed Billions. Imagine a World of White Farmers. They could support 40 or 50 Billion White people. We could colonise the Moon and Mars. Send Starships past the edge of our solar system.
Dump the bankster scum and their hordes of brown skinned orcs, and space is the future your grandkids will soon enjoy...

Nightowl2548 said...

While it is a legitimate scientific question as to what happens if we dig up all the coal and oil and burn it into the atmosphere, these green lunatics are basically proscribing economic suicide that would impoverish an already depressed Middle America. There is no "catastrophic" warming under way, the weather is exactly the same as I remember as a child, and only a fool would hand over cash to UN kleptocrats. Big liberal scheme to transfer Welfare$$$ to Africa, endless excuses for the obvious reason the place is such a hell hole. They used to blame "aids" with exaggerated fake statistics they pulled out of their ass, now the poor Africans are poor because evil Republicans driving SUVs. In reality there is NO substitute for Petroleum on the horizon, what are you going to pour into a 747 to power it across the ocean? How fun would my trip to Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas have been if I had to stop every 200 miles and plug my car in and wait for hours to charge it up to go another 200 miles when I can just pour in 6 gallons of gas in 60 seconds? The only realistic way here and now to reduce such emissions is to Nuclearize the electric grid. But NO liberals don't want that, heck they are campaigning to tear down the Columbia River Hydroelectric Dam system which provides vast amounts of clean power, so much they export electricity from the North West. Nope, they've got their hard ons for the least effective method of all, solar. The leftist trolls are touting how "China is laughing at us and will dominate solar" blah blah blah. Well if there really were a solar future China would dominate it not because of the Paris ripoff but because the globalists let their slave labor compete against our way of life.

Mr. Anon said...

"Hansen and Environmental Progress are right; Greenpeace and E350 are Marxist fronts."

Is that James Hansen you are talking about? He was - notoriously - not right. The climate predictions he presented to Congress in 1988 were wildly inaccurate.

Mr. Rational said...

In reality there is NO substitute for Petroleum on the horizon, what are you going to pour into a 747 to power it across the ocean?

LNG is a great fuel for gas turbines and would probably enable increased performance.

How fun would my trip to Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas have been if I had to stop every 200 miles and plug my car in and wait for hours to charge it up to go another 200 miles when I can just pour in 6 gallons of gas in 60 seconds?

Burn synthetic methanol or anhydrous ammonia.  You'd fill up more often but you'd have great torque (120 octane allows high compression) and no problems with NH3 spills catching fire.

But NO liberals don't want that, heck they are campaigning to tear down the Columbia River Hydroelectric Dam system which provides vast amounts of clean power, so much they export electricity from the North West.

They are controlled opposition, owned by the oil companies.  Look where their money comes from.  "Renewable" guru Mark Z. Jacobson is financed by a fund established by oil baron Jay Precourt.  Friends of the Earth was financed by the president of ARCO.

That is why their positions are insane.  They're supposed to co-opt and divert the people they can't drive away with hypocrisy.