In Muslim Population in the Americas: 1950 – 2020 Houssain Kettani, we learn the United States of America had a Muslim population of .01% at the dawn of the 20th century:
United States of America: The Muslim population remained less than 0.01% until 1900, then increased to 200,000 or 0.13% in 1951, to one million or 0.49% in 1971 to three million or 1.3% in 1981 to five million or 1.57% in 1991, to six million or 1.74% in 2001, to seven million or 2.20% in 2009. [International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2010]
A simple increase of 3400% from 1951 to 2009.
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Muslims protest at Trump Tower in New York City |
This is from yesterday's blog which didn't make the cut. It's not great, but I think it's worth sharing. The topic is (as always) failed negro enterprise, aka, why can't they sustain what we left for them, even if it's impossible for them to actually build it? Here goes....
Anonymous said.... Why don't any of these Nigers ever open a store? Built an apartment complex? Get a McDonald's or Popeye's Fried Cat franchise? Huh? Even those chains know enough not to risk anything with a negro franchisee.
********* My response to Anony-
There are small businesses, mom & pop negro "grocery stores" (read malt liquor, cigarettes, beer, wine, scratch off lotto, cheese doodles, etc.) that are located in the negro coonmunity not far from where I live. There are also "News Stohs", which are really filled with porn magazines, sex toys, and video booths where Lajayveeyus can get a bj on the down low from his homey in "privates". There is also plenty of money to be made in the illegal drug business.
Before you get all excited about how they are turning their lives around opening business enterprises, understand that these businesses open only sporadically - that is, when Uncle Tyrone feels damn good and ready to get out of bed at noon and unlock the dohs. On Saturday he may not open at all, especially if he got a good load on Friday night. Ditto other any other days out of the week when opening was just too damned inconvenient.
A string of Christmas lights has been hanging from the outside entrance since opening day. Really festive. No windows, either - in the store or in the door. Makes you feel real safe and secure going into that place, I'm sure. That's how negroes operate in my neck of the woods, anyway. Oh, and there are plenty of brothers who have nothing but time to hang out in the front of Uncle Tyrone's "stoh", waiting for some passerby to ax for some change.
I hope I have cleared up the erroneous fact that negroes don't build bid-nesses.
I lived on 12th street between 4th and 3rd avenue in the mid-1970's. Nearly all the commercial office and factory buildings between Broadway and Fifth Avenue from 14th St. down to 8th St. were bought up by Arabs. The Saudi's turned everything into high rent apartment buildings or condos. During the lean years I was a dumpster diver. EVERYTHING I OWNED came from dumpsters. As these buildings were being cleaned out the dumpsters were like a gold mine filled with free shit. The only thing I spent money on was rent, food and drugs.
The furthest uptown I made it to was 22nd St. As soon as I moved in the same thing happened again. Three buildings on that block was sold to the Arabs. Building by building the Saudi's bought anything they could get their hands on. All paid for with oil money.
My late wife was friends with a rich couple who owned a five star hotel in London. They told us how the same thing was happening there. That was twenty years ago and now look what has happened to London.
While this was going on in New York the Koreans where also taking over the small delis and fruit stands. They were very nasty and unpleasant people to deal with. I only spent my money with Jews and Italians. At least they were nice enough to say "thank you" after you made a fifty dollar purchase. The Koreans would never say thank you.
I could rant all night about New York. That's why I'm hoping they vote for Hillary Clinton as Mayor.
Nearly all these Muslims are moving into the larger cities. To me a large city is anywhere that has three or more traffic lights and a welfare office. Some one some where up at the top of the food chain has decided to turn America into a third world country. What I see as the problem is all these open border people are cheering them on. Why would you welcome people into your country who want to kill you.
Rodeo season has started in the Mid-West. Last week the town was filled with rodeo fans. There was free camping at the fair grounds. Hundreds of rednecks and cowboys with their families. No shootings, muggings or fights. There wasn't even any car jackings. America is still alive and well in the heartland.
So will our street soon be blocked by masses of islamic taxi drivers during their worshiper will there be traffic delays while they face MECA and will the ACLU or the SPLC be demanding a end well im not holding my breath waiting for that
So why would a nation do this? Why would the U.S. allow unlimited numbers of Mexicans, central Americans, people from all over the globe to just move in? I think it is all perfectly rational, if the policy makers are the central bankers. The life blood of the bankers is debt. At the level of the central bankers, they just issue "money" and loan it out. They want more consumers stationed in first world countries because the debt is marginally guaranteed. All these new U.S. muslims, mexicans and all these new European refugees will take on debt. It will be in the form of a credit card account or a car loan, college loans, maybe a mortgage. The bankers don't care where the payments come from, whether from the immigrant's job or government wealth redistribution. Why would it matter?
Why the addition of muslims? It's real easy to motivate them at present to leave their current locations and settle in Europe or America. (((They))) can't issue them credit in their native countries, too risky. Also, it serves the greater purpose of depopulating the lands around Israel and therefore removing potential soldiers.
The motivations seem pretty straightforward to me. Why the native populations will sit about and do nothing about it is the real puzzle.
One of the fastest growing groups of moslems in the US is hispanic converts.
If we don't get rid of these muzzies, we will soon be longing for the good old days, when all we had was black dysfunction and the occasional flaming ghetto.
Think a Boston Marathon a week....
Firearms and ammunition. You don't have enough. (Centerfire Systems has AR15`s for $399 right now and 5.56 is down to $5 a box. It will never be any cheaper.)
Stay alert, stay alive.
Interesting how there are more of them here than their (((cousins))) yet you don't have a single prominent Mohammed in the supreme court, no federal reserve chairmen, no leaders of industry, media, or finance. At the end of the day, all these alien peoples envy us, hate us, and would see us dead or enslaved. Frankly I don't even have a problem with their religion more than the fact that they're not white European. The Shlomos, Mohammeds, Joses, Pajeets, Chongs, and Mandingos need to be excluded from our lands if we are to preserve our culture and realize our true potential.
A 'melting pot' only works when you use metals in the right proportions. You don't throw in a fistful of bamboo, some desert sand, a handful of bagels, some curry, a sombrero, and a bucket full of feces and expect it to strengthen your steel alloy, just so you don't throw a bunch of mud races into our European societies and gain any social capital. There's nothing these types can do for us that our own can't do as well or better; they need us, we don't need them.
Make no mistake, all this conflict and each clash of civilizations is to one end: The abolition of all religions, the abolition of the nation state (and ultimately private property), and shackling "the mob" (that's us) in a totalitarian socialist world government. This "great work" is also known as the New Atlantis, New Age, New Order, etc. The objective is as old as history as are the core beliefs and methods and symbols of it's architects.
Look at any piece of this ongoing madness and see how they are all designed to undermine the cohesion of family, faith, or nation, this is not by accident and it has an ultimate objective. Prepare to survive, both mythology and history warns of the results of this mad hubris, but like modern communism, it doesn't stop the idea of "it'll work great this time around as long as someone as clever as I am is put in charge of it".
Mind you, that's only through 2009. Imagine the numbers Obama let in over the last 8 years.
To Anon at June 5, 2017 at 10:42 PM who wrote, "Why would the U.S. allow unlimited numbers of Mexicans, central Americans, people from all over the globe to just move in? I think it is all perfectly rational, if the policy makers are the central bankers. The life blood of the bankers is debt. At the level of the central bankers, they just issue "money" and loan it out. They want more consumers stationed in first world countries because the debt is marginally guaranteed. All these new U.S. muslims, mexicans and all these new European refugees will take on debt. It will be in the form of a credit card account or a car loan, college loans, maybe a mortgage. The bankers don't care where the payments come from, whether from the immigrant's job or government wealth redistribution. Why would it matter?
Why the addition of muslims? It's real easy to motivate them at present to leave their current locations and settle in Europe or America. (((They))) can't issue them credit in their native countries, too risky. Also, it serves the greater purpose of depopulating the lands around Israel and therefore removing potential soldiers."
Brother, you are 100% correct. That is the most Red Pill'ed (or "Woke" as the blacks may say) commentary that I've ever read on the SBPDL forum.
Stay Strong,
Jefferson in NC
“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves. A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” –author Dresden James
The glorious utopia is just around the bend.
All the people of the earth will rally around the glorious rainbow flag and sing kumbaya.
Mommygov will give all comrades a chocolate fountain and unicorn that shits fragrant rainbow fewmets.
Katy Perry and Ariana Grande told me so it must be true.
Anonymous said:
Why the addition of muslims? It's real easy to motivate them at present to leave their current locations and settle in Europe or America. (((They))) can't issue them credit in their native countries, too risky. Also, it serves the greater purpose of depopulating the lands around Israel and therefore removing potential soldiers.
The motivations seem pretty straightforward to me. Why the native populations will sit about and do nothing about it is the real puzzle.
Bingo. Depopulating and destabilizing the countries surrounding Israel is key to the agenda. That's why Hillary created the mess and mayhem in Libya and that's why, among other things, they want Assad out and Syrians flooding Western Europe and the US.
Added points to this strategy for them are to threaten Russia by destroying their next door neighbor, and the removal of the meddlesome, higher intellect white gene pool, which in not too distant times stood up to this type of aggression. We all know, dangle some free sh*t in front of Africans and they will follow you to the ends of the earth. They have not the future time orientation to understand that what a government "gives" they can easily take away.
That's the plan- has been since 1948. Those whites who do not understand this will die on their knees, along with their offspring. As someone in a previous threat stated, you may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.
Paintjob Theory said:
A 'melting pot' only works when you use metals in the right proportions. You don't throw in a fistful of bamboo, some desert sand, a handful of bagels, some curry, a sombrero, and a bucket full of feces and expect it to strengthen your steel alloy, just so you don't throw a bunch of mud races into our European societies and gain any social capital. There's nothing these types can do for us that our own can't do as well or better; they need us, we don't need them.
Make no mistake, all this conflict and each clash of civilizations is to one end: The abolition of all religions, the abolition of the nation state (and ultimately private property), and shackling "the mob" (that's us) in a totalitarian socialist world government. This "great work" is also known as the New Atlantis, New Age, New Order, etc. The objective is as old as history as are the core beliefs and methods and symbols of it's architects.
Look at any piece of this ongoing madness and see how they are all designed to undermine the cohesion of family, faith, or nation, this is not by accident and it has an ultimate objective. Prepare to survive, both mythology and history warns of the results of this mad hubris, but like modern communism, it doesn't stop the idea of "it'll work great this time around as long as someone as clever as I am is put in charge of it".
Yes, and beautifully said! The Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly is ending today. Up until about ten years ago, the MSM denied it even existed. And yes, the old "divide and conquer" strategy is as old as the hills.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating: There will be, one way or another, a tremendous culling of the white race, like it or not. There are just too many simpering, lilly-livered, passive, deluded cucks to survive the sort of evil we see before us. Right now, I MEAN RIGHT NOW, the white men, women, and children should be taking to the streets to protest that miserable Muslim mayor who advocates Muslim invaders and genocide. Do any of you see that going on? No? Any protest WHATSOEVER? Of course not. Sixty years of feminization, mockery of white males and organized religion, the dissolution of the family, have turned Western civilization into a bunch of limp-wristed PUSSIES.
Don't think for a nano second this is not by design. Your (((friends))) have been working on this overtime since 1945 if not before. Cast off your bondage (credit card interest, television, MSM, public education, welfare -corporate and public) and become once more the strong white race your ancestors were. Make no mistake. These (((people))) absolutely hate you and wish for nothing less than your genocide. a few of my clients are kosher. They will not even eat off of a plate that they suspect was eaten from by a dirty gentile. Ahem....that would be ....YOU. Are any of you awake yet???
I know I am preaching to the choir here. I am very slowly making my way toward self reliance, but it is a very slow and arduous process, made worse for the fact that I actively hid from the above realities for the first 45 years of my life. "White privilege", I suppose, allowed me to do that. I am awakened now, albeit very late. There is no time left to lose.
Chicongo terrorist Padilla is a PR, yes?
I could rant all night about New York. That's why I'm hoping they vote for Hillary Clinton as Mayor.--WHY? to destroy the place?
I will take Koreans over some other 'minorities'.
Paint Job Theory:
Your comment, above:
"A 'melting pot' only works when you use metals in the right proportions. You don't throw in a fistful of bamboo, some desert sand, a handful of bagels, some curry, a sombrero, and a bucket full of feces and expect it to strengthen your steel alloy, just so you don't throw a bunch of mud races into our European societies and gain any social capital. There's nothing these types can do for us that our own can't do as well or better; they need us, we don't need them."
Is awesome. I copy/pasted it to a friends Facebook page since he is almost converted (I'm stealing it!!!! You're welcom)
Personally I'd not take any minority over another, as all seem to have agendas in which at least one item is displacement and flat-out replacement of Whites. A fact which is furthered along by some Whites themselves. Race traitors? Perhaps. Many I suspect are simply deluded while some have a vested interest in helping the downward spiral along.
It's a proven fact that the majority of people (Whites mostly I'd wager) that upon finishing high school very rarely touch anything educational again. That's a good part of the problem right there. We do not care to educate ourselves and stay active. Preferring instead to remain constantly entertained (binging, theme-parks, etc) all the while our society is slowly being maneuvered out from under us all.
While I'm all for the Knight Rider philosophy that "one man can make a difference", such a difference can, and usually does, have varying degrees of impact. Up to and including none at all. It's going to take a concerted effort.
The problem is, as so many here realize, most Whites do not wish to acknowledge there is even a problem. Liking instead to adopt political correctness as a means of changing the world. That is simply a ruse developed by minorities to advance their own cause at White expense. After all, as the old saw goes: what better way to vanquish an enemy than to make them an ally?
I recently came across an YouTube video of a younger Black man who had moved to the heart of the Ozarks and was upset that his school-age daughter was now being called names. Well. What did he expect? It would be no different than if I moved to Harlem and expected to fit in. Naturally, he never looked at it from that viewpoint.
Whether Whites wish to acknowledge it or not, segregation has returned. It is simply called "safe space" this time around. It's almost creepy to see the reverse parallels that are occurring, but it is not surprising. As always, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance--but those up on the Tower sounding the alarm are being drown out by the festivals the townsfolk are having in honor of the invaders they have willingly allowed across the defenses.
"... you don't have a single prominent Mohammed in the supreme court, no federal reserve chairmen, no leaders of industry, media, or finance."
There was a president though, by the name of Obummer or something like that.
Immigration grows the economy, economists agree. High housing and consumer prices also grow the economy, economists agree. A labor surplus lowers wages and low wages are good for the economy, economists agree.
When muzzles take over France what do you think they'll do to all those crosses over the graves of our D Day heroes...?
It is kind of chilling that Oded Yinon's strategic plan seems to be taking place in the Middle East. The only major threat to Israel that is left is Iran and various neocons have been beating the drums against that Shiite state for years. And notice that the MSM is trying to blame them for Sunni terrorism. And another bad thing is that the Persians we are going to desroy are white people, sort of.
Basically, between the Yinon Plan for destroying Arab countries (with the US doing the heavy lifting) and the Kalergi Plan for mongrelizing Europe and the US with Third World savages, we're pretty well fucked.
i'd like to return to the 1951 numbers.
You don't have enough.
Roger that. We need a forklift & a pallet or two to move our "stuff" around. That or a hand truck and a three day weekend. We're just one family though. I'd advise all whites to keep stacking up. The Muzzies are well armed, and the blacks are starting to enter the race. Even if they are violent and stupid, it's alarming to hear about more and more of them attending gun shows as well as CCW classes.
Be ready.
KHRUSHCHEV said "we will bury you from within." I remember this from my childhood.
We don't need an invasion, as we are (with the help of crooked politicians, ACLU, etc) killing ourselves from within. Sad.
This picture is sad, but what stood out to me were the clueless Whites standing there with them in solidarity. I'd like to see these same Whites try to block a street and kneel in Christian prayer in a muslum country - hopefully it'll be recorded so I'll something to watch when I'm feeling down and need a good laugh!
Obama sitting back on his vacation and calling us blue collar racist redneck
Brother, you are 100% correct. That is the most Red Pill'ed (or "Woke" as the blacks may say) commentary that I've ever read on the SBPDL forum.
Stay Strong,
Jefferson in NC
The main article itself indicates a widening of Paul's focus. A year ago, that comment would not have been published. It will be interesting to see what comes next. Will we be able to name the actual architects of our decline without using acronyms or parentheses?
Once again, a plug for the best book on that subject - or any subject - that I ever read: Douglas Reed: The Controversy of Zion. Find out who's behind the third-world invasion (and the wars, and the degeneracy), and why, and how.
Hands down, the absolute best thing you can be doing as a race realist right now is laying
in supplies for the coming War. TPTB have determined that as a demographic, Whites are too smart for our own good. They want mud masses that will stay glued to the TV and vote accordingly.
Basically what's going to happen is at some point in the near future, the gloves will come off and Whitey will be declared enemy #1. It's going to be too late at that point to prepare. I suggest a few AR/AK type rifles with a minimum of 2000 rounds for each rifle, medical supplies and medicines, water & food stockpiles and lastly communications means. I've been doing this for over a decade now and could arm and supply a local platoon. Be ready. It's looking like Trump will be a one termer and after he's gone, it's over. The domestic enemies of Liberty and Whites will go all in. We have 6 years left, tops.
Get busy.
Operation Defend Europe needs help.
My FFL Guy won't bother with Spooks, he said he's never sold to ANY who could pass the background check. But they get plenty of weapons from stupid whites who leave guns in their vehicles. Nomesayin?
People who control Pop Culture are terrorists of the soul:
#ManchesterOneLove | Unity, Celebrities & DIC* BICYCLES
Dayum Truth Corps, hell, I want to be in your barracks side by side when the shht goes down! I can guarantee you 1000% that you wouldn't be disappointed in the slightest... I think we both know who all the enemies are... I know I'm not taking any prisoners... Isn't this pretty much why we're at where we're at today? We won't make that mistake again... I know for myself this is a promise I know I can keep! If they ain't white, they ain't right (even though many whites aren't right) but we know that part is easily fixable, but only after the war is over....
Speaking of... I need a new handle on here... Maybe something like this: Public Enemy #1... Since in fact that's exactly what I (we) am.
There is simply only one way I could ever love and embrace this country called America ever again...
You all know what that's going to take... And until that happens I can't love a country at doesn't love me.... They ALL need to go !!!
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