One hundred years ago, Baltimore was nearly 90 percent white. White people were in complete political control of the city, and they passed zoning laws to protect their posterity from black dysfunction and black crime, which was noticeable via pattern recognition.
Laws and social policy should exist because of pattern recognition (to protect not only the present status quo but guard against preventable evils for future generations as well); totalitarian thought control and political control exist today to stifle the observation of pattern recognition.
One hundred years ago, nearly 90 percent white Baltimore saw the construction of the city's water infrastructure, which is still in use today.
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In 70 percent black Baltimore, best estimates show at least 16 percent of city's residents get free water... |
Of course, the city is 70 percent black today, and losing citizens (it's white population is below 25 percent and dropping) on a daily basis.
With this new black majority, comes hilarious challenges only possible when a white majority is absent, namely the ability to provide sustain a first world quality of life.
You see, the new black majority (just like in Flint, Michigan) believes potable water is not just a right, but one that should be free. [Baltimore water discount program short of meeting need of tens of thousands of families, Baltimore Sun, June 17, 2017]:
As Baltimore continues to raise its water rates for city customers, the public works department has set a goal of doubling enrollment in discount programs to help the poor and the elderly.
But even if the city hit that target — and records show it is not close — it would be missing tens of thousands who could qualify for reduced monthly bills.
Nationwide, water rate increases are outpacing inflation, pushing bills to levels in the next five years that researchers say could become unaffordable for one in three U.S. households. In Baltimore, rates are scheduled to rise this summer and again next summer, doubling the cost of water in just eight years.
Baltimore officials say they're eager for needy customers to sign up for the discount programs. Critics say they're not doing enough to make that happen.
Adding urgency: Customers who fail to pay their water bills may eventually lose their homes to tax sale.
"It's definitely clear that a lot of people have no idea that discounts are available," said City Councilman Kristerfer Burnett, who represents West Baltimore. "In my position, we take a lot of those calls for help. I am very well aware of the impact that the rates have had on people.
"When you talk about the prospect of a tax sale, it is deeply troubling."
Officials say they are in a bind: Rate increases are necessary to fix the city's century-old water infrastructure and pay for more than $2 billion in federally required repairs to stop sewage from entering the city's waterways. But the increases have made it more difficult for Baltimore's sizable low-income population to make the payments.
The city offers three discount programs to help the poor pay their water bills.
Officials have set a goal of enrolling 10 percent of customers — roughly 20,000 water accounts.
But at most, public works figures show, 8,800 water accounts are enrolled.
Far more would likely qualify. Many more Baltimore households are enrolled in state utility discount programs, which have similar eligibility criteria.
Some 21,000 city households are in Maryland's electricity and heating financial aid programs. A spokeswoman for the state Department of Human Resources said internal figures indicate as many as 60,000 households could be eligible.
Public works spokesman Jeffrey Raymond said the agency wants everyone who is eligible for discount water programs to enroll, but he put the onus on customers to sign up. Customers who have trouble paying their bills should contact the department.
"By all means: Let us know," Raymond said. "We want to make sure we're hearing from people who need assistance."
He said the city's new meters and billing systems have empowered water customers by giving them information about their usage, including signs to spot potential leaks. The information can help customers figure out how to change their habits and identify plumbing problems to reduce their bills.
The public works department engages in a variety of efforts to market the financial aid programs and get people the discounts, Raymond said. Officials distribute fliers to senior centers and nonprofits, keep applications on hand in the office at 200 Holliday Street and train customer service representatives to screen people for the programs.
The city's discount plans target families that make less than 175 percent of the poverty rate and poor senior citizens. Raymond said the programs cost the city roughly $1 million in revenue each year.
Raymond said the agency is considering assembling lists of potentially eligible customers by looking at who is signed up for other anti-poverty programs.
About 4,100 accounts are enrolled in the Hardship Exemption Program, which excuses low-income water customers from paying a monthly fee for environmental cleanup, which is a maximum of $15 a month.Civilizations do not happen overnight, nor can a civilization created by another race be maintained/sustained by an alien race once they've driven the former out by high rates of crime/dysfunction/misery from the latter...
Baltimore has 622,793 people living in the city, and 20,000 households enrolled in discounted water bill program represents only three percent of the city, but how many people live in each of these households and enjoy virtually free potable on the (shrinking) tax payers dime?
Say on average five people reside in each of the 20,000 eligible households receiving discounted water bills, then you are talking about 16 percent of the city's residents basically receiving free potable water.
Adds up quick.
All in all, the quality of life and conditions found in 70 percent black Baltimore in 2017 are a reminder why white people in 1917 Baltimore (nearly 90 percent white) passed laws and social policy to exclusively protect their interests and their posterities future.
And the civil rights revolution not only did away with those sane policies protecting western civilization, but ushered in a world where black people have a right to free potable water...
By the time I die, there will be nothing left to leave anyone. White Americans are paying, not only their bills , but everyone else's. This cannot be sustained. Free food, free rent, free heat, free lights, free water, free healthcare, free schools, free lunch at school, free breakfast at school, free turkey at thanksgiving and Christmas. This is insanity at its finest. I've had enough. I can't even look at them anymore. Three year old shot himself this afternoon. Black men milling about the complex where the shooting occurred. Middle of the afternoon. No job. I would hazard to say that every single person shown on that news story was on welfare. Sick bunch of idiots. No end in sight.
Well, good luck with that.
They'll be fine, till the run out of other people's money. Which will end sooner, rather than later.
Civil Rights was never about Equal Rights, but about Special Rights.
Good Luck, America, at my age I am close to "outta here".
I donate to SBPDL more for the humorous entertainment than anything else.
Pay them to get sterilized; that's all that can be done at this point. Even though it's probably already too late.
Won't be long before Baltimore becomes like Detroit- vast empty expanses of land where derelict buildings once stood but were torn down and everything started reverting to woodlands and fields. By then, most of the Baltimore negroes will have moved on to destroy other white towns though. Like I've said before, negroes are to cities like black mold is to a house when it spreads and makes it uninhabitable. There's no fixing the problem as long as negro coddlers keep up their BS and sensible people are prevented by law from doing what is necessary to stop the black plague from spreading.
"Laws and social policy should exist because of pattern recognition (to protect not only the present status quo but guard against preventable evils for future generations as well); totalitarian thought control and political control exist today to stifle the observation of pattern recognition."
That's a curious statement. By saying "laws and social policy should exist" it sounds like you approve of totalitarian "thought control", but just disagree with the current regime's social policy. It wouldn't be unusual in white nationalist circles to hear that in the white separatist nation that is going to be set up (any day now, no doubt), certain groups or types of people should be prohibited. If that's the case, then it's just a matter of who is exercising the "thought control" via social policy and the laws designed to bring about its objectives. Change the people in charge, and suddenly you're all for it, right?
But my question is, what exactly IS "thought control"? Without taking physical control over you can I really stop you from thinking something? Or can you stop me? I've seen no evidence that would make me believe it. Lacking such evidence, I'd call "thought control" a term without a referent; something that doesn't exist.
Of course, it's always been true that cultures incentivize certain ways of seeing the world and discourage others. But as Jack Nicholson's character Frank Costello says in the movie "The Departed": "I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me!" Our cultural environment influences what we believe, but we also help construct that cultural environment by participating in it. The erroneous idea of "thought control" depends very much on ignoring the way the individual contributes to the construction of culture.
Sail foams, blunts, mc Dees, grape drank, weaves, who has money to pay for water?
What's the problem? The nogs can have all the free water they want, Baltimore is a port city and the Atlantic Ocean is inexhaustible, drink up!
Well, I'm pretty sure that the surrounding suburbs (Whitey), is going to pick up the bill.
Increased water rates is how this is done.
Never in my 4+ decades have I seen a more useless race plague the US. Here near the formerly great MotorCity, DTE Energy really comes after you concerning gas/electrical payment. Late? Honestly forgot? You get a prompt shutoff notice. My dad has always maintained that we YT's carry the deadbeats in the D. So it goes in today's article. Rates go up for YT, water is free or reduced for blacks.
OT but not really considering it's blacks, my IKAGO @ work foolishly claims they could "keep it all running w/out you YT's". Uh huh, proofs all around us.
Something worth pointing out from the above article, the mention of "programs". My dad always said all the big cities are chock full of negroes because that's where the freebies & giveaway programs are.
Have these parasites no shame?
Things change in 100 Years hate to say it that just part of life some good and bad
I really treasure your work, Great post.
The Detroit water system is another "interesting" situation-it is controlled by Detroit and Wayne County negroes, but it also serves a huge portion of the suburbs,too. All kinds of "programs" to help the Detroiters who won't or can't pay their water bills, but Whites have to pay their way, and support the Black Undertow, as usual. The largest body of fresh water in the world is right at our doorstep, and yet water rates are higher than many other places far from any water. If you ask why your rates are so high, they will trot out some hocus-pocus to show why you're getting such a great deal . As with anything run by negroes, anywhere in the world, corruption, fraud, and incompetence is the usual situation. The gas company is always asking to contribute to their "Thaw" fund, which will pay the gas bills for these poor unfortunate negroes-I always throw that crap away-they can give away MY money to these deadbeats, but they never offer to cut MY rates.
"Nationwide, water rate increases are outpacing inflation, pushing bills to levels in the next five years that researchers say could become unaffordable for one in three U.S. households. In Baltimore, rates are scheduled to rise this summer and again next summer, doubling the cost of water in just eight years"
Okay. This is not, (on the surface, at least) a black problem, as much as a math problem: instead of increasing rates on, say 25% of the population to pay for an estimated 2 billion in repairs/upgrades, raise the rates less across the board with no discount programs so EVERYONE has a smaller increase. Use the education programs to help the poor lower their usage.
But wait, I forgot: 1) blacks run the city, and presumably the water distribution network, and they suck at math, 2) education programs only work if one can read, (75% black population, nuff said) and 3) da turrrble legscy ob da slavery n sheet, yo, err boda poda hep, specially dem white cracker mofos, and 4) aspiring rappers need to take lots of showers before they start college to turn dey lifes around.
I was wrong. It is, soley a black problem. Fuck it, let them drink grape drank while the city burns.
The Hardship Exemption Program: HEP.
As in "Ehbah poda hep".
I wonder if a lone, white city employee slipped that one past the quota-fillers.
I made the prediction very recently that we would soon start hearing demands that Section 8 covers electric, natural gas/HHO/propane, and broadband internet. The most likely financial path would be that landlords would be required to pay those bills, but then would be able to increase the rent which Section 8 would cover.
"state utility discount programs"
OK, so the punchline here is they're looking to sign up as many Bantu into "state" free-shit programs so that they can continue to fleece white taxpayers to support them after they have chased off all the white taxpayers.
Bets on whether this money even is used to repair or maintain the infrastructure? I'm guessing some negro elected or appointed big men simply blow all the money on "bling" and nothing is done to the cities water and sewage infrastructure until some state emergency management comes along and not only pays the bill but also does the work (being sure to hire enough minorities to property represent the 80% "minority" population).
"20,000 households enrolled in discounted water bill program represents only three percent of the city"
Bearing in mind the lion's share of the remainder of the locals just don't pay any utility bill whatsoever and if they have minor children utility companies aren't allowed to shut off service and the denizens just ignore bills.
Black Africans are the perfect footsoldiers for communism. In a system where the allocation of resources is based on "to each according to their need" they finally wind up on top because if there is one thing they are exceptional at, it's being helpless and needy.
Why not free utilities? Even if an officer is found not guilty of shooting down one of these NAPA's, the payout is still coming.
And we wonder why places like Baltimore... Are headed down the drain! Ha, ha, ha!
If they are not spending their money for water, what are they spending their money on?
Anon @ 11:57PM is your typical pompous @$$.
"Thought Control"? If you have Intellectual Integrity, practice Race Realism, you'll know it when you see it. Really
I would like to invite Gwoobus Harmon, Pat Boyle, Paintjob Theory, 10mmAuto, and X-New Yorker to educate this 2nd rate Sophist.
They always said if someone else is spending their on other people that what make them happy
A pet peeve:
For all of you who leave a link to a video or article, please don't provide a link to Washinton Post and other rags that require you to turn off AdBlock, or make you sign up with them, OR subscribe to them.
I want nothing to do with WaPo (Washington Post) or others like that. Thus, I can not open the link.
Drudge has articles I want to read, but there are many that make you do the above. I won't do it. I'll find another source of the news/topic. With this internet, one should never pay a Liberal Communist rag for "news".
THIS is an article for us.
Smart, Clever. This writer needs to join us here.
I wonder how many of these desperately poor people who supposedly can't afford to pay their water bills are nevertheless able to find enough money for malt liquor, $150 sneakers, and gaudy tire rims?
" I wonder how many of these desperately poor people who supposedly can't afford to pay their water bills are nevertheless able to find enough money for malt liquor, $150 sneakers, and gaudy tire rims?"
So who picks up the tab? I assume the State of Maryland, which is to say the white taxpayers of that state.....and a token number of black taxpayers.
“And the civil rights revolution not only did away with those sane policies protecting western civilization, but ushered in a world where black people have a right to free potable water...”
In 2010 the UN recognized water and sanitation as a human right ( This of course is idiocy because water and sanitation is available only where it can be provided, whereas a fundamental right exists because the individual exists. Historically, the presence of a fundamental right has not depended on the action of a government, individuals other than the individual possessing the right, or available resources. It now appears that the developing definition of a fundamental right is that a fundamental right is any benefit to non-YT that can be provided at YT’s expense. Apparently the fundamental inalienable human rights of non-YT are now the fundamental inalienable responsibilities of YT.
"Have these parasites no shame?" It's a well known fact that they don't.
As far as blacks being able to keep things running in America without whites, South Africa provides a pretty clear picture of how that would work out. If every white person suddenly disappeared, the south western states would look like Tijuana or Juarez, and the major cities, towns, farmland would all resemble Zimbabwe within 2-3 years. Not to mention multiple no-go radiation zones from when the nuclear power plants start melting down.
"Have these parasites no shame?"
I'm gonna have to go with.....NONE AT ALL and no pride either.
At least my dog is smart enough to appreciate his free water. He even feels guilty when he has bathroom accidents! Not an african't!
Ohio born
Good thing we burned Berlin and the rest of Germany to ground so we could be blessed with the United Nations.
In my town, the utility bill is all inclusive- electricity, water and waste water. The interesting thing is that negroes get utility credits and whatever amount of "credit" they haven't used per month, they can go down to the utility company and exchange it for cold, hard cash. It's a way for them to "earn" money as one groid explained to me. So, if the credit is $200 a month and only $130 is used, they cash the rest in for the $70 remaining. As the groid told me, that's why they'll only use one lightbulb and if they need to go to another room at night, they'll unscrew the lightbulb from whatever lamp they're using at the time and take it with them to the other room and screw it into a socket and repeat the process when they return to the original room. To keep the bill lower still (wastewater), toilets aren't flushed until absolutely necessary. Showers use a lot of water too so showers and baths are also limited and not a priority. That certainly explains a lot of the foul smells I've encountered in public from local negroes on occasion!
The local utility has a program whereby we can all "help." If your bill is $197.10, they'll round the bill off (if you agree to it) to $198 and use the extra 90 cents to "help the poor." In other words, you're paying for the "credit" the negroes receive so they can cash in at the end of the month and buy their 40's, blunts and crack rocks or so sheboons can get their fur done and their claws did. I naturally declined to "help." However, the problem is that one has to "opt out" or it's automatic. So, I've often wondered how many people notice this and opt out and how many decide to opt in from of a mistaken belief that someone like their grandmother is being helped.
On another note, don't go to public pools in the summer that are near groid infested areas. It's where they go to take their "baths."
Ah Baltimore. Wonders why every thing goes wrong
Elects someone named Kristerfer.
This shit just writes itself.
ricpic said...
So who picks up the tab? I assume the State of Maryland, which is to say the white taxpayers of that state.....and a token number of black taxpayers
"black taxpayers" is really a misnomer. Some might pay taxes, but largely through their AA jobs which are not open to anyone who is not a negro and particularly woman.
I think this is a lost cause. It seems inevitable to me that in the near future the government will provide public water to all peoples in the nation - including illegals - for free.
Water is important. I looked into certain water issues a couple years ago when there was the Flint Water crisis. The problem began when so many of the largely black residents of Flint and Detroit stopped paying their water bills. Some might argue that this was a consequence of the changes in the auto industry and the flight of the tax-paying and water bill-paying white population. But the proximate cause of the crisis was the simple failure or the inability of the poor black population to pay for their water.
This led to a new water source being sought. Detroit and Flint were then administered by the state government and unelected professional administrators were appointed. One of these under state pressure to save money foolishly decided, apparently without much consultation with real water experts, to use the stinking foul Flint River until the new facility on Lake Huron was built.
Most of the public outcry at the time was because the water from the river stunk and was turbid. But the real problem was that the river water was acidic. Flint had not converted from lead feeder pipes as most of the states in the West have. There is not much of a problem as long as the water is mildly alkaline, but acidic water dissolves the lead compound film that kept the water from contact with the metallic lead. Lead in the water is actually odor free and invisible.
After all, the Romans had used lead pipes for centuries with no bad consequences because their water sources were not acidic. The stories about lead poisoning in ancient Rome are from their other uses of lead. Most of our modern problem with lead poisoning has come from using it as a gasoline additive to boost octane ratings - not from our municipal water sources.
So basically the whole crisis was precipitated by black people failing to pay their water bills. One fortuitous result has resulted from the Flint River water crisis - it has accelerated society's war on lead in the environment. Cities all across America are pulling up the lead feeder pipes in their water distribution systems and replacing them with steel or plastic. In California where we already have had steel feeder pipes for decades we will probably have programs to pull out all the lead pipes in houses and outlaw the use of lead solder. We have had many programs to rid the world of lead paint. We will probably outlaw even brass faucets because they have a tiny amount of lead in them.
So big forces are in motion. Paying the water bills of negroes is a minor action in this campaign.
All of them, Richard?
Survey said . . .
DING-DING-DING-DING!! Number One Answer!
Ferguson, parents settle over police killing of teen Michael Brown
A year after the flint water incident happened the liberals blame a racist group for the bad water
Black taxpayers who work for the government which means whitey tax money
" A year after the flint water incident happened the liberals blame a racist group for the bad water"
And they are correct, BLACKS are/were totally responsible for the water thing and no greater racist group exists here in Amefrica
The real cause of the Flint water crisis was a black brain running things.
I knew this was coming when they began all the talk about the lead in the water a year or so ago. I said to myself, "Gonna have to tax the white man for the crumbling infrastructure the black man is using"... now I have to amend that to "Gonna have to tax the white man for the crumbling infrastructure the black man is using and demanding for free"
Who couldn't see that coming, though? The cost of upgrading an unmaintained public utility will be astounding. Now, not only do they want the entire system revamped, they don't want to pay to have it done. No great surprise, they don't want to be responsible for anything.
Jim in Jersey
I like to day-dream about the "Black Swan" event that will trigger the coming economic "collapse" or the coming "racial wars".
The financial situation in Illinois can do both. They are within a week or two of defaulting on numerous debts. The State owes 15 Billion in unpaid bills. They don't have the money. They won't have it in 2 weeks, and in 2 weeks their credit rating will drop to JUNK. Then, due to financial obligations, many Pension funds have to sell them. On top of that, who will buy them or any new ones? BANKRUPT. GAME OVER Illinois.
Even if the State could get a budget together in 2 weeks, they can't raise the 15 Billion for bills due NOW and they can't get more. The person in charge of paying the bills, on behalf of the State, says that after paying COURT ORDERED bills, there will be nothing left for services.
Now, the financial problems will be enough to spook (puns intended) the market, the value of the dollar and any other State in financial all of them? BUT, when the State of Illinois can't pay for any schools, State Universities, supplies, etc. then we enter the spooky area of Chimp-outs when the benefits are cut.....and some will have to be cut.
There is NO WAY the State or any of the cities will cut funding to illeglas. Dat be Raycisss
Pay attention. Summer is here. If Illinois blows up, then we may have an interesting summer.
I thought we already had free for the blacks. Can't turn off utilities in the winter.
Nice too, that they run the thermostat at 80 and leave windows open in winter, to shove it in our faces.
Then go to the good ol' Catholic church and food drives, help the inner city churches.
"Hep me, hep me, hep me" and rarely a thank you.
Let's see, the free Obama phone, utilities, have 12 kids, and YT is to pay...
For a group with an IQ of 70, they use every drop of that 70!
We often hear of the "first white man" in a city. Who will be the last?
"Now, the financial problems will be enough to spook (puns intended) the market, the value of the dollar and any other State in financial all of them?"
If Illinois goes you stand a chance then of a cascading event as Banks call in debts from other municipalities that have also just kicked the can down the road instead of getting their financial house in order. This goes all the way to the top and then beyond US shores. It only takes one crack at the right place and time to burst a dam.
2 horrid thoughts about this black created water mess:
In every US city we have make-believe jobs for overpaid negroes. While they do (or don't do) their jobs, they are collecting Pension-Health benefits while the city around them crumbles. We are now witnessing the collapsing infrastructure. It is going to reach out to you.
What does this mean to us White folk? These negro gov'ment workers will soon be retiring and they will be heading for YOUR WHITE TOWN. They sure as hell don't want to live in the dysfunctional city they created, with no water, no electricity, etc. They will take what they can from their Federal Guaranteed Pension.....and move next door to YOU.
But, who will pay the pension? The abandoned cities will have no tax base. Ah, the State containing the city (Detroit = Michigan Pays........Baltimore? Michigan Pays....Chicago gets paid off by Illinois which will be bankrupt in less than 2 weeks).
So now, White Folk, you get F'd twice. They move into your area with their gawd awful famblies, and YOU are paying the taxes that pays the pension that makes it possible for them to destroy all the equity in the house you built in trying to get away from them !!!!
This Will Not Last. We Are Reaching The End Point.
PK's Reset is about to occur. Please, be ready.
On another note, don't go to public pools in the summer that are near groid infested areas. It's where they go to take their "baths."
Not to be indelicate, but it's where they go to take a "other stuff". Try not to get a visual on that. I did and my eyes are now burning. Perhaps just as bad, they adore coconut oil due to their ashy skin. In swimming pools you can see puddles of it for around their bodies. It's enough to make you dry heave if you've ever experienced it. The smell alone, along with their natural negro odor, is positively revolting.
I hate to say this but population increase and moochers are making everybodies water go up exponentially. I have a well and it saves about 30-40 a month on average and that is just for the yard. To the guy posting in whitetopia in the NE just wait my man, its only a couple of years before they find out how great white topia is. That is the #1 reason I wouldn't move to anywhere in the PNW EXCEPT Idaho or Montana. Can you imagine the SJW liberal love fest when the black/hispanic population reaches greater than 50% in the greater Seattle area "I am sure they will all sing kumbayaha with smoores around the campfire". The SJW's out there don't realize why its so nice with the woods, rain, and beach.
Thanks to the poster yesterday about Tampa's Bush Gardens. I was leaning there over SJW Disney as I have four kids but am now thinking of taking that dreaded Disney trip. What is sad is that for a family of 6 you can buy a 5k car for the price of a weekly Disney trip. I figure now is the time to do stuff, we could very well be the last generation to know what true freedom feels like without having shots ringing out. Within the last year we had a murder in our small Alabama coastal town "two in the last 50" that wasn't race related and just three days ago a black on white killing at a gas station in Gulf Shores Alabama "which never has murders unless its some drunk tourist or similar". The black guy responsible had texts that were racial slanders on his phone because he knew the white victim but its been pretty hush hush and not much has been released.
Here is a hyperlink read for the guy that doesn't want to sign up "I couldn't agree with you more Anti MSM "iroincally has gotten pretty leftist so has the U of Alabama (always putting diversity in the limelight and trying to get out from its own shadow) YIKES!!!!" We are in for it~ Roll Tide Yall ~
what exactly do they think those welfare checks are supposed to be used for? They are all like teen-agers who think all their money is to be used for having fun. I wonder how many of them even know what the word " budget" means?
On the flipside, if for example all heating gas is "free", in the winter all windows are open & the heat is set on "hell".
I would suspect the darkies would prefer a tap that spews malt liquor all day.
Blacks are the only group of people on the face of this earth with their hands stuck out in perpetual anticipation of a freebie. Welfare, crime, corruption, legal payoffs, whatever, something for nothing.
@Detroit refugee quote blacks are a useless race they probably say the same thing about us hard working class whites
@paintjob theory mention blacks are foot soldier for communists. I'm surprised that you didn't say the Marxist runs the country like old Russia
@anonymous you end your comment on screw diversity. I think it's a little late because diversity all really kick whitey in the butt so fast we didn't feel it
Don't forget the fancy rims on the hideous car!
If that was the case, I hope to hell they read this blog and that they get the hell out of they're ASAP!
It's like this YT. I work for a large matter supplier that happens to nationwide. The incident at Flint was pure incompetence by Negro management. A competent water quality professional could've neutralized the acidic product via elementary treatment techniques. By addition of products o proper corrosion inhibitor dosages. Me thinks they were trying to save a buck or two. A competent organisation would've never let this happen, Mo money fo dem programs. Till this day we've never had a training seminar o n mentioned issue. No affirmative action hires that's why!
@anonymous some liberal came out and said that white people put the pipes together incorrectly so they can poison blacks in the Area
Your second paragraph really hits home for me. I did a hitch in the service and was in a fairly technical field. The job I did must've been 85% white males or more. The main thing I noticed was that other working groups in the unit had a higher percentage of blacks, and the people that had the easiest job where I worked was the folks with the largest percentage of Blacks.
These folks strangely enough worked in groups, with higher ranking people running three person crews. The funny thing about the military is that the more people one supervises, the easier it is to make rank. And the more people there are that do your job, the easier it is to make rank (you don't compete with 20 other people, you compete with 200 or more people). Well... to shorten it up, these people didn't know the technical end of their jobs, troubleshooting problems, how to go about fixes that weren't easy. In the years I served, almost 100% of the time, the dummy jobs (where the most blacks were) had to get help to fix their own problems, usually by the upper enlisted people telling the shop I worked in to go fix their problems/troubleshoot for them.
Why did I mention how they made rank earlier and easier than others? Because these people largely couldn't fix their own shit but had a lot more higher ranking people. Since they had so many people, their "senior" enlisted wound up with a lot more cushy and important jobs. They wound up in positions like 1st Sergeant and needless to say, monkeyshines were covered up and important work didn't get done thanks to the paintjob-believing cucks who would rather pretend morality than get the damned job done.
@pat Boyle fake news had reported that the auto company left Detroit not because of blacks but auto companies are cutting down to cheap labor. And the Roman pipes being clean or not I not even sure about that especially something over century go
Wonder if we offer these reprobates a few states of their own if they would take the offer. Here are three states, run them as you please. Not sure who blacks will tax for their existence, but it won't be us. Make black America great (not again). Do it on your own. Jiffy pop for all, as we watch the biggest shit show, since Eve bit the apple.
OT, here in pittsburgh the city and surrounding burbs are increasingly more violent, shootings about every other day and always involving "teens" and "youths". A near riot at a city school last year was a new low. Boon she-rillas destroyed the place and MASSIVE response by police all quietly forgotten and down the memory hole the story went. It sucks here and I hate the fag mayor pedutto who begged obama to send us more muslims. If your thinking of coming here, dont. Its that bad and pittsburghs surrounding boroughs are all going dark at a rapid rate. Thank you, new world order.
One last note, some of the boroughs south of pittsburgh have a neat celebration of the areas veterans by displaying photos of the same on telephone poles, in uniform at the time of there service. Most are older, WW2 and many Vietnam Era as well as more recent, war on terror etc. It occurred to me that all those I've seen, 1 or 2 hundred, are all white men and a few women... these same boroughs are increasingly getting darker. How long until there is a demand to remove them as it celebrates, wait for it... white christian men with guns! This is strictly verboten and will not stand. I wager a paycheck they'll be gone in just another year or two.
...another observation from the guy posting about pittsburgh. An aquantance of mine served in the marine corps reserve and dealt with the toys for tots program. He candidly told me how the boons would show up in an escalade and unload their sprogs for da free gibs. I have not since donated to the poor or needy, all these programs are exploited by lazy shift less America hating parasites.
I read about this on Yahoo, the comments are great.
If they stopped paying to patch up gunshot wounds for any dindu who has a previous arrest record, they would have an extra couple hundred million $$ to put towards their bills.
Indianapolis named in top 50 most violent cities in America. I knew it was coming. All due to negroes and their filthy culture.
Maryland Energy Assistance Plan (MEAP) is the name of the wealth transfer scheme at play. Years ago, I worked for a heating oil company out of Baltimore, MD. Have you ever seen a 60" television? I did, back in 2011. A colored stripper, who was paid in dollar bills called the oil company at night because she didn't see the delivery truck show up that day, as she requested. She had children, you understand, and her furnace was out (what you are taught to say).
After dragging the fuel hose around the swimming pool, I soon found out that her oil tank was practically full. I walked to the front door to see if there was a problem with the furnace, and when she opened the door, it felt like a kiln.
Maryland Energy Assistance Plan (MEAP) is the name of the wealth transfer scheme at play. Years ago, I worked for a heating oil company out of Baltimore, MD. Have you ever seen a 60" television? I did, back in 2011. A colored stripper, who was paid in dollar bills called the oil company at night because she didn't see the delivery truck show up that day, as she requested. She had children, you understand, and her furnace was out (what you are taught to say).
After dragging the fuel hose around the swimming pool, I soon found out that her oil tank was practically full. I walked to the front door to see if there was a problem with the furnace, and when she opened the door, it felt like a kiln.
Bongs, liquor bottles? Yeah, you wish that was the extent of it.
Blacks pay for their utilities? I thought for sure that would be a gimmie in BRA.
Hmm. Learn something new every day.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Now, the financial problems will be enough to spook (puns intended) the market, the value of the dollar and any other State in financial all of them? BUT, when the State of Illinois can't pay for any schools, State Universities, supplies, etc. then we enter the spooky area of Chimp-outs when the benefits are cut.....and some will have to be cut.
Never. They will never cut black "entitlements".
Our militaries planes, ships and tanks will sit idle for lack of fuel, our infrastructure will crumble around us and there will be nothing left to buy with it before there stops being money(even if it`s worthless) on a black mans EBT card in America.
Maybe if Washington DC were a smoldering pile of rubble. But not before.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Too right! See them lined up at the food bank, momma weighs 400 lbs. but all her children are skin and bones, they wear rags and she has a $200 hairdo and fancy fake fingernails.
My beloved Indiana is not in debt. We have a surplus, have had for over 10 years.
"I would like to invite Gwoobus Harmon, Pat Boyle, Paintjob Theory, 10mmAuto, and X-New Yorker to educate this 2nd rate Sophist."
That's not sophistry it's "pilpul". Learn what it is, how to spot it, and who uses it. The aim, as applied by trolls around here is to distract and divide.
@Sick n' Tired
Everything touched by the karasites in South Africa turns to shit. Even King Midas can't win because shit overpowers gold. They have turned South Africa into Azania.
" . . . Have these parasites no shame?
June 21, 2017 at 2:49 AM"
Sorry but I respectfully have to disagree, they are totally all full of themselves with PRIDE.
Anonymous said...
I read about this on Yahoo, the comments are great.
June 21, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Those damn near read like SBPDL! I can believe they`re still up! Someone`s asleep over at Yahoo.
Stay alert, stay alive.
""Thought Control"? If you have Intellectual Integrity, practice Race Realism, you'll know it when you see it. Really"
Not much of an argument.
"I would like to invite Gwoobus Harmon, Pat Boyle, Paintjob Theory, 10mmAuto, and X-New Yorker to educate this 2nd rate Sophist."
They're too scared to answer my questions because they can't make an intelligent argument for "thought control" any better than you can.
LOL! So damn true. Also, one can attain the weight of 400lbs, but cannot pay a water bill. Ridiculous. I saw three beasts in a variety store last night, each had to be between 300-400 pounds.
Illinois just went under for good. California, Connecticut and New York look next. Make no mistake, these genetic dead ends are about to hit the reality of their genetic failure. Zombie apocalypse or not, these things have reached the end of their effective lifespans. Dieversity was always a luxury item. Bankruptcy ensures their extinction. China is moving into Africa, and Europe is being overrun. No more free nothing for this worthless relic of The Stone Age. Get food, water and guns. Pass the ammo and make some militia friends. Its all over. They kicked the can as far as it will go. The End of That Road is HERE...
I was recently looking for an affordable smartphone so I went to Track Phone which sells refurbished phones,I found one with a 60 min. card for $25.00 This phone is eligible for the "free" phone program. As I was looking at these phones I ran across some that were new and also eligible I didn't know whether to shit or go blind! these phones were $750.00 and eligible for "FREE"service!I am disabled for real and live on less than $700.00 a month and I settled for a $25.00 phone that I actually NEEDED and when I saw these phones that are a LUXURY I knew who they were aimed at and it pissed me off for a week thinking about the hard time I have juggling bills and paying for food when I used to pay taxes and there are leeches that can afford $750.00 phones that live off Govt.programs.And by the way befor Obuttfuk left office Safe Link as it's called upped the Free min!
> ushered in a world where black people have a right to free potable water...
Well, how else will the globalist megacorporations manage to privatize Africa's water, Paul?
This is all pre-PR for Things To COme.
Day gots da right to things they can't create, and you gots da obligation to slave away to pay for it.
I swear to god these stone age creatures should all be offered $20,000 each to go to the African nation of their choice.
> Civil Rights was never about Equal Rights, but about Special Rights
Civil Rights was about weaponizing blacks against the white majority so that 1.4% could band together nepotistically and prevail.
As it has been wherever (((those people))) have ever gone. They can't fight white man's war. They fight termite war--tunneling out civilizations from inside and below.
In 2010 the UN recognized water and sanitation as a human right ( This of course is idiocy because water and sanitation is available only where it can be provided, whereas a fundamental right exists because the individual exists.
"Human right" means someone has the power to make YOU slave to pay globalist corporations like Bechtel and Pepsi Cola to build water and sanitation projects in stone age areas...
...while you get to pay again locally for the actual stuff flowing either way through these systems.
You pay for the pipeline AND the bandwidth, sucka.
"Human right" is (((cleverspeak))) for "something we can profit from by fleecing those nice docile domesticated hard working white people while destroying their civilizations in acts of Creative Destruction."
So Barack Obama's and Rahm Emanuel's state is going bankrupt?
Boy, those Dems really really really want to bring down Trump voters.
I've been hearing about the problems of Illnois since the 1980s when I lived in Wisconsin and Chicongo started exporting its groids (along with Detroit) to Milwaukee. With predictable results. Illinois was supposed to collapse in the '90s (Clinton years) then again in the Aughts (Obama years).
But somehow all these years...Illinois limped along.
Now suddenly six months into Donald Trump's presidency, after his election by the vast majority of counties in the US and apparently a majority of legal voters--suddenly Illinois is collapsing because nobody will lend it money?
Tell me, just TELL ME, that the (((banksters))) aren't in charge.
I read about this on Yahoo, the comments are great.
June 21, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Those damn near read like SBPDL! I can believe they`re still up! Someone`s asleep over at Yahoo.
Jesus, people, nobody's asleep at Yahoo.
It is clickbait to draw our clicks, our eyeballs, and therefore advertiser dollars to Yahoo.
DON'T CLICK. Just describe it--we'll get the drift without enriching the MSM in this skanky practice.
Save our clicks for more worthy sites, like this one.
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