Black Mecca Down: The Collapse of the City too Busy to Hate came out back in late 2012. But it's more timely than ever...
In late December 2013, we learned the hilarious truth about what blacks do to public transportation in America, by seeing but a glimpse of the 3rd world conditions they exclusively create in Atlanta's MARTA (Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta) transit system:
![]() |
An actual sign found in a MARTA station in Atlanta, Georgia (ridership is 74% black)... |
$1.11 million dollars.
That's one tiny example of the cost of black America.
$1.11 million dollars spent on a urine detection system for Atlanta's mass transit system, MARTA (Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta). At a cost of $10,000 per urine detection device (UDD), all 111 elevators in the MARTA system will soon be outfitted to dissuade the transit riders - 74 percent of whom are black - from using public property as a commode.
$1.11 million dollars spent on a UDD system, because the black population of Atlanta who rides MARTA are incapable of engaging in civilized, first-world behavior. [Urine detection system installed in Atlanta transit station elevator, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 12-19-13]The more things change, the the more they stay the same. As metro Atlanta and the entire state of Georgia becomes overwhelmed with a third world - nonwhite - population, the quality of life in regresses to that found in the 3rd world. [More urine detectors coming to MARTA elevators,, June 16, 2017]:
Tired of the stench of urine in MARTA elevators? You may soon get some, uh, relief.
MARTA is installing urine detection equipment as part of a $149 million effort to rehab its elevators and escalators. The work begins next week and will include graffiti-resistant wall panels and brighter lighting in elevators. It also will include new tread, handrails and mechanical systems for escalators.
But the urine-detectors for elevators may be the most novel change.
Tom Beebe, MARTA’s director of vertical transportation, said urination is a common problem for public transportation systems. He said MARTA is the first agency to try the urine detection technology, though others – including agencies in San Francisco and New York – are watching Atlanta’s effort.
With the new technology, if someone urinates inside an elevator, a strobe light will flash and a siren will sound, Beebe said. The alarm automatically triggers a call to MARTA police.
When the elevator door opens, the elevator will stop and won’t operate again until MARTA employees reset it. A crew will clean, sanitize and deodorize the elevator before putting it back into service.
Beebe said signs will warn people about the urine detectors. The detectors have already been installed on 13 MARTA elevators and eventually will be installed in all of them.
Beebe said MARTA has restrooms at 13 of its 38 stations and plans to add more in the future.
MARTA will overhaul 111 elevators and 116 escalators over the next two years.
Next week’s schedule includes:
*Monday: The elevator serving the westbound platform at the West Lake Station.
*Wednesday: The elevator serving the westbound platform at the H.E. Holmes Station.
*June 26: The elevator serving the northbound platform at the West End Station.
*June 26: Two escalators serving the northbound concourse at the Peachtree Center Station near the Baker Street entrance.We are only a few decades away (probably less) until you are warned not to drink the water - as you are when you travel to India or Mexico - when you visit Atlanta, Georgia.
In the end, racial realities are all that matter. If you ignore them - pretending to be color-blind and morally superior to nature - they'll appear time and time again, more ferociously until your world is assimilated into the 3rd world.
this is africa so what do you expect any public facility to smell like? These urinators are considered as Revolutionary Hero's by the Democrat Party
This ignores the reality that blacks have zero regard for signs, warnings, and alarms. They will urinate wherever they want, the alarms will sound, and all that will change is the subway will be loud as well as stink.
Oh, and who exactly will be responsible for cleaning it up? Black employees. So the cleaning will be non-existant.
If you'll notice, EVERWHERE there is a majority black population you will find warnings and signs and alarms. Blacks simply don't care. You may as well post "No Littering" signs in the forest so squirrels won't drop nut shells everywhere.
And when 99% of those triggering the alarms are black, the alarms will be deemed racist and removed.
In the rest of the world, public transit is a source of pride and an indication that a city has joined an elite club. The citizens of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Tehran and Panama City have shiny new systems. Yet, in America, first world people have no choice but to avoid mass transit. There is a good chance you will be robbed, assaulted and humiliated.
That's what happened to me on the NYC's #7 train. On a packed, standing room only train, I was holding on to a pole. A teen negro got on board and holds on to the same pole. This "African-in-American" begins to muscle his way into my space. Since it was a hot a humid day, his stank was overpowering. Normally, I would walk away but there was nowhere to go in the packed train. After a few stops, I was able to escape. I looked at that creature and he was looking right back at me. He probably felt good at his actions. Remember rule #1, avoid the groid, I got further away.
I'm also a train buff. When visiting a new city, I'm inclined to ride the rails. Not so here in Black Run America. I just googled subway systems in Taipai, Baku and, yes, Pyongyang. What do we have here: urine soaked public spaces. Before I go, another vignette of the NYC system. A female friend of my sister was traveling alone. A African in America male was playing with himself across from her. The premium express buses to-and-from the outer boroughs are exclusively utilized by white females. Gee, I wonder why.
The first time one of these gentle black folk gets locked into an elevator due to its malfunction, will be the last - after their multi-dollar settlement for false imprisonment against MARTA (and ultimately the taxpayer who funds it). Or one will sue cause s/he was frightened by the noise. It all be raciss.
Yesterday I asked this blog's commenters if anyone had any idea why there seemed to suddenly so many pro-black/anti-white commercials on TV. I was gratified to see that many others had observed the same phenomenon. So I guess I'm not just flipping out and having hallucinations.
But most people attributed it to some sort of spontaneous reaction by the advertisers. I don't think so.
If it were a zeitgeist phenomenon I wouldn't find it to be so offensive. But it looks to me to be deliberate attempt at 'mind control' by some government agency. It looks to me to be both pro-black and anti-white while largely ignoring Hispanics and Asians. The black minority really is a minority. There are more Hispanics in America than there are blacks. In my area - Northern California - we also have a lot of Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos and other assorted Asians. Yet in TV ads you never see a Mexican face. When I call some company on the phone I have to specify if I want to speak English or Spanish - so I know that corporate America is aware of the Hispanic population. But Mexicans are almost totally absent from the TV tube.
The pattern suggests to me that there is a government policy at work. I'm going to keep looking into this issue. I'll try to get a hold of some Congress Business Daily's. It might be there.
Welcome to America because that's life
I wonder if the Kangz pissed in their Egipshunn Elevators and Spaceships and Shit?
Try this if you're not easily offended or cucked too bad:
Any city that's 74% black, the public areas are going to smell like piss. That's a given. Hell, the threshold for foul smell is probably only somewhere around 20-30%. I`m honestly surprised that defecation isn't a big problem for MARTA.
Well, it probably is, you just don't need a fancy detection system for it.
Stay alert, stay alive.
When the elevator door opens, the elevator will stop and won’t operate again until MARTA employees reset it. A crew will clean, sanitize and deodorize the elevator before putting it back into service.
So what they`re saying is, don't expect to find a functioning elevator.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Money well wasted...
It must smell like home or else they wouldn't do it. As it is, it will take centuries for them to equate the sound of the urine alarm with the act of urination. Just like, in Africa, they didn't equate sexual intercourse with pregnancy until someone pointed it out to them.
And the madness continues.
Jim in Jersey
I am strongly opposed to urine detectors. This is just another sign of racism and oppression. Once a person has bought a "ticket to ride" they should have the right to piss where they want. The $10,000.00 price tag is a little steep. The money could be better spent by buying tennis shoes and ice cream cones for the poor and suffering population.
A solution to the problem is very cheap and simple. Each elevator should have a PISS BUCKET in the corner. How much does a bucket cost. Of course a new sign will have to be displayed. "Urine only. Do not shit in this bucket".
Pat---. Yet in TV ads you never see a Mexican face. When I call some company on the phone I have to specify if I want to speak
AND IN MEXICO--UNIVISION --You will see Whites, Spanish bloodlines on shows.
like China not wanting to look at Blacks in Starwars, etc.
Pat Boyle, I agree entirely. There has to have been some contact between the government with the large companies to promote this agenda more aggressively.
The blatant attempts to show blacks as essential instruments of white society are ludicrous, at best.
I'm wondering if we can get verification from anyone in the advertising world or from the marketing departments of these large companies. They can't all be on board with this.
Jim in Jersey
It's fairly simple, really. As others have indicated, mass transit systems are the calling card that a society has achieved first world status. The prospect of being able to work in, to take one small example, downtown Manhattan, and arrive swiftly, safely, and securely back in the suburbs of New Jersey in less than 20 minutes is a 20th century phenomenon. The negro takes no pride in a civilization he had no hand in creating or maintaining. The negro is a member of the "taker class". Paws perennially outstretched for "mo gibs", tearing down and destroying what was designed to be a public good is simply what the negro does. Think about it. It is not at all dissimilar to the monkey house at the zoo where the monkeys sling poo.
I was escorting my third grade class through the monkey house some years back when we came upon a monkey who was completely enraptured in pleasuring himself. This is fairly routine in the animal kingdom, not so much in first world civilization. But then, the negro was not instrumental in building any of the infrastructure we so commonly take for granted in America. Our airports, subways, buses, etc., all reek of urine and feces. They are overflowing with trash. You will never be able to reconcile a first world civilization with a species that never discovered an alphabet, had no concern over conquering the ocean, or mastering agriculture. It is abjectly unfair to expect the negro to behave any other way than the way he does.
To Pat: IMHO, we live in an era where corporations have less need to be competitive and will gladly tow the gubmint line for massive monopolistic enterprises. No need to appeal to consumers when the gubmint has the ability to hold a gun to your head and say, "Buy this, beeyatch, or swallow some lead!" - "healthcare, anyone????
So yeah, they will pick up the ball and run with whatever the pervasive theme is that the gubmint wants, which in our case, is the complete extermination of the white male and western values. Our (((friends))) discovered back in 1913 that the power to print money could easily translate into hegemonic, despotic rule. When you consider all the wars we've been involved with since that time, it's no surprise that their vice-like grip is tightening. The gloves are off now, and the pretense that we are still a free society is completely gone.
All this money wasted on "programs" and urine detectors. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just send them all back?
I'm told by many people who've been to various locations in Africa that when one gets off the plane, the air reeks of sewage since the negro populations not only urinate in the street but defecate there as well. I can't remember which city in which African country an article I read was about but the article warned people to beware of "flying toilets." Apparently, negroes defecate in plastic bags and then hurl the bags through the air as far away from the shacks they nest in as possible. This is exactly the type of thing negroes in America would be doing if the infrastructure were to break down and there were no functioning toilets.
However, these kind of third world problems are not restricted to negroes. In India, the same thing happens with people crapping in the streets like stray dogs with some streets in various neighborhoods being the unofficial "toilet street." There's even a hilarious commercial about it entitled "Put the poo in the loo" which can be viewed on youtube. That will automatically bring up videos about how Indians who live near the seashore use the beaches as open air toilets as negroes also do in Liberia. After all, as they claim, the beach is "self-flushing."
As for Africans, there's also been problems in Italy with negro "refugees" crapping in the streets of Italian cities with the disgusted Italians denouncing them as animals. Other European countries are experiencing the same problems.
With massive populations of low IQ people, all the aforementioned problems will arise and become commonplace and nothing will stop it. I've even read a story about how one African country was supplied with a state of the art sewage treatment system costing hundreds of millions of dollars and allowed it to decay into uselessness through neglect/lack of maintenance and the population just craps in the street.
Negroes pissing in elevators in Atlanta is just a foreshadowing of what is to come if these low IQ populations are allowed to breed like flies and overwhelm regions of the country. Everything will become unsustainable and descend into the type of pathetic world that only low IQ people can create. We already see what negroes can do to cities from Baltimore to Detroit etc. These cities are the canaries in the coal mine warning that the light of civilization is being snuffed out and the descent into darkness is well underway.
It's not just advertising that's onboard with the negrophilia agenda. I was watching the series "The Flash" on Netflix for awhile and every relationship involves race mixing. Even the Flash himself is marrying a negress. Other relationships in the series follow that agenda as well with only one that I'm aware of being between two white people. Even the negro playing the part of "Kid Flash" has a white woman as his love interest. It seems the "powers that be" that keep pushing this agenda want all possible children that might be born to be mulattoes and are simply trying to brainwash/influence young white people into accepting the extinction of their race through race mixing as if that were something laudable and wonderful. It's so "progressive and multicultural" that it's sickening.
In that regard, there was a Chinese commercial where a Chinese woman takes a black man and shoves him into a washing machine and when he comes out, he's washed clean and is Chinese. That had everyone in an uproar over how racist it was. Then, there was another commercial (Italian, if I recall correctly) that had a white man shoved into a washing machine only to pop out as a negro. That didn't create an uproar nor was it denounced as racist- it was gushed and squealed over as if it were so wonderful and so inclusive, so marvelous and heart-warming. Puke!
No comments on the very obvious black jury nullification in the Cosby trial? He knew the second he saw negroes on the jury that he was not going to be convicted.
I've heard white Atlantans call it "Marauding Africans Rampaging Through Atlanta"
I spent time in the Philly area (a white suburb, to be exact--the whites there are bad enough.LOL) Anyway, I got to know some nice, if fatally naive white libs who were from the burbs there but moved into the city-into a majority white area-just edgy enough for their city fantasies. However, work, etc took them into more "mixed" areas.
Anyway, one was on the bus one day, near the back. A groid was sitting in one of the very back seats. He started smiling and laughing to himself, then got off the bus.
The gal, and the other riders, had noticed a horrible stench-thought it was the guy himself. Nope. Before he left, he had evidently eased down his sagging pants and took a big old crap on the seat.
My wife and I just returned from a 26 day vacation in Japan. We saw clean streets,polite, clean, courteous and helpful Japanese people. We found our way one afternoon to a concert in a park in Kagoshima, perhaps 3000 people attending and when it ended there was no NO! trash anywhere and the beautiful grass areas were not littered with cigarette butts! Many, MANY people were on small motor scooters or bicycles and NONE were locked! Many bicycles had baskets on them, many with shopping or personal items in the baskets and no theft was happening! My wife and I are thinking of moving there for a year and see how it plays out.
Public transportation is shit. As a woman with a disability I occasionally have to utilize these facilities because I'm not authorized to drive with my condition. Anyway one time my mother with Parkinson's and I (epilepsy) were on local public transportation and these nasty, arrogant blacks were in the disabled seats, looking at us and masturbating.
No sense of decorum. I could share numerous stories of blacks ruining the RTA for us. Not to mention, they often don't pay to ride. They either know the driver, personally or have a card issued by the welfare office to ride free. Meanwhile, my mother and I pay the full fare to ride. I have many more stories, including my mom getting a broken to because negroes chimped out on the bus. No consequences.
Sen. E Warren (D-Mass.)said: "The character of a nation is not the character of its president, the character of a nation is the character of its people."
Though I am thankful to Lonnie Johnson for inventing the Super Soaker (it let me get the squirrels off my tomatoes from my living room window, feeling like a Chicago mobster as I silently slid the window to the side and poked my piece out) - as it stands, blacks, compared to everybody else, invented next to nothing.
But oh, the many things that have been invented BECAUSE of black dyfunction! Such as urine detection techonlogy, here, for MARTA, and in pools probably. There is also the Guardian Barrier, invented by married couple, Teresa Stevens and David Stevens:
The Guardian Barrier is a plastic rail that prevents the grappling hooks fired by the Somali pirate from latching to merchant ships - so simple, so ingenious!
At the time I first read that article, my hobby was zombie survivalism (everybody needs a hobby), I was still an SJW who hasn't realise what our fear of zombies really represent, and I thought, how useful this would also be to prevent zeds from climbing up! But it's designed to stop BLACKS from climbing up.
Now I look back, and I look at all that the whites have came out with to corral black dyfunction, both the Guardian Barrier, and the thought that went into urban planning, such as making bridges too low to allow buses to enter certain communities... I remember that story about an inventor who wasted his whole life making a clock over and over again -- if white people didn't have to waste so much time and energy on corraling black dyfunction, and plain being killed off before they can invent or make children that invent -- what more music, what more science, would there be in this universe that we can now enjoy? Blacks Ruin Everything. Some of them ARE Good, they look alike to the bad blacks like the peaceful Bonobos to the violent chimps, but it's too risky not to be wary.
I grew up in the 90s proud of how much better mainstream Canadian music is to mainstream American trash, but then I realise the Canadian music scene is dominated by all white bands and musician: SLOAN, Stars, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Feist, Tragically Hip, The Tea Party, Sarah McLachalan.
Whereas in America, the music that gets the big promotion is Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, and those inspired by its heavy beats and lack of layers. There is a huge promotion of shallow black culture, hyperized sexuality that isn't even SENSUAL, just tits and ass. Both Justin Timberlake and Brittainy Spears were mainly pop stars, that's how they first got back, but their later works have Hip Hop influences and both did collabs with lesser black stars. There is intentional promotion of blacks in America the way there isn't in Canada, at least how when I was growing up - though that is rapidly changing thanks to Justin (I'm praying that he'll get the Vote of Non-Confidence so we can boot him out soon). Even a lot of the popular white musicians in America have hip-hop influences, e.g. The Offspring, e.g. Eminem - that helped make hip-hop more mainstream. Taylor Swift is a blessed exemption, but remember what happened when she won an award instead of Beyonce?
Sample of Canadian music, alt rock Sloan's The Rest of My Life (2003):
- Note how layered the melody is, and how wholesome the music video is? It doesn't need T&A to attract monkeys and the entire video is monkey free.
Most Canadian music videos in the 90s and Y2K, were monkey-free, except this one:
Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard (With Chimpanzees, I never wanted it, addressed to me...)
- When I'm trapped on a Finch bus surrounded by the smell of weave, I cheer myself up by playing this song in my head, the ending of the MV makes me smile.
//...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...
I was escorting my third grade class through the monkey house some years back when we came upon a monkey who was completely enraptured in pleasuring himself.
June 18, 2017 at 9:24 AM//
I remember visiting relatives in Hong Kong and dozing off on the top deck of the bus - I would never dare to do it here, within the range of a groid.
If you can't avoid the groid, you need to conceal carry, not just guns, but pepper spray and walking stick -- they sell retractable walking stick that can fit inside a purse. If I can have a gun, I would have one, but even where guns are legal, it's good to have a less lethal weapon you can use to push back the horde without worrying about being charged with excessive force.
To protect against groping, you can carry both a long flat backpack AND a thin messenger bag. Flat backpack so you don't have to to take it off to avoid bumping people, long enough to hang down to cover your bottom. Messenger bag to hold in front of your chest, or when you get a seat, you can sit crosslegged, with the bag between you and a manspreading buck to keep his thigh from touching yours. I also figured that with the clipboard in my messenger bag, I could use it as a handy shield in case there is a another train stabbing. #ThirdWorldProblems
I'm not Muslim, but I have started wearing a headscarf during rush hour to protect my ears against people who don't cough into their arms or a tissue. It's also useful for pulling over my face when the skunk-scented enter the subway car.
No, blacks do not appreciate civilization. There is a problem in China (and from China) where country bumpkins are pooping in public because they are used to doing that in the countryside where there are no public toilets, just fields, but those are COUNTRY BUMPKINS (WHY there is a hukou system), their children, if educated, will grow out of it, what's more, even the country bumpkins that don't like being told to change want their children to change and fit in, because they understand that each generation should do better than the last.
Public urination is one of the things that can land a Chinese tourist on a Travel out BLACKLIST, this is our group's self-policing procedure to save face. Somehow I doubt that Obama would make any effort to corral his children. Haven't American blacks lived for almost a century by now in cities? Sure they didn't build those cities, but they were raised in those cities, and thanks to mandatory schooling, shouldn't they know what public toilets are?
//Anonymous Mr. Rational said...
there was a Chinese commercial where a Chinese woman takes a black man and shoves him into a washing machine and when he comes out, he's washed clean and is Chinese. That had everyone in an uproar over how racist it was. Then, there was another commercial (Italian, if I recall correctly) that had a white man shoved into a washing machine only to pop out as a negro.
Those two ads just popped up in another thread, so I bookmarked them. The Italian ad ("Colored is Better") came first; the Chinese ad even stole the soundtrack. Hilarious!
Note that the Italian ad is "funny", the Chinese one is "racist".
June 18, 2017 at 11:44 AM//
Or as Jack Sparrow would say, the Chinese commandeered the soundtrack. >_>
Oh, I remember there was a black who condemned this ad as racist, and then in the same breath, made the old small penis joke about shrinkage in the wash. Horses have even bigger dicks, but we are still laughing about Catherine the Great. The big foreign temptation in China isn't the ugly black bucks of NBA, it's Kdrama pretty boys.
@anonymous the Cosby trial believe it or not I hate to bust your bubble on the comment but someone had just reported that only one person was on the jury
and people wonder why businesses flee black areas. not to mention the rampant robberies, thefts, shoplifting, mugging and chimp-outs, you also have to spend money to keep them from pissing all over everything! Who could make a profit? you might just as well set up a business in the heart of the rain forest and try to sell things to the monkeys.
Piss in an elevator in Pyongyang and your life will change forever.
As far as black men playing with themselves, that's an everyday occurrence everywhere. I am quite certain that if a white man walked around with one hand on this junk in public he'd be arrested. Blacks do it in schools, grocery stores and of course, in court.
" Such as urine detection techonlogy, here, for MARTA,"
We had these things in the Vietnam war, mounted in choppers, to find concentrations of troops that generally tend to piss in a single area thereby creating concentrated areas of ammonia.
I think you are correct Pat. There is no monetary reason for a corporation to pander to such a small demographic with very little economic power. So I agree that there is more to this than corporate America going after africans in America's money.
Ohio born
Pissing in an elevator is not life! Maybe in Orcville?
Ohio born
"If it were a zeitgeist phenomenon I wouldn't find it to be so offensive."
You're not offended by the zeitgeist? Pardon me, but I find that pretty hard to believe. The mere fact that you are a regular poster here indicates that you have profound disagreements with the racial egalitarianism that's characterized the zeitgeist since the Enlightenment.
"But it looks to me to be deliberate attempt at 'mind control' by some government agency."
It may look that way to those who have strong feelings about race, but that's not a description of the average person who's the target audience for such ads. In any case, the whole idea of "mind control" is bogus, particularly in an uncontrolled environment where no one is being drugged or threatened. If there is anyone in control of your mind, it's you; and likewise for everyone else. If you don't want to see the ads, then turn off your TV. Others have the same choice. The fact that they keep watching, and keep driving up the ratings of shows like "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", should tell you everything you need to know about "the zeitgeist" and its attitude toward interracial sex.
SKIP said...
My wife and I just returned from a 26 day vacation in Japan. We saw clean streets,polite, clean, courteous and helpful Japanese people. We found our way one afternoon to a concert in a park in Kagoshima, perhaps 3000 people attending and when it ended there was no NO! trash anywhere
I don't know what it is about public transportation that channels the inner african to act out so demonstrably.
One of the most startling videos I have ever seen was a black rapper from the U.S. and his entourage riding the Tokyo metro. His crew videotaped him strutting through the cars, swinging from the handrails, and muh-dik'ing while they howled noises that sounded like it was direct from the Serengeti. The movements are indicative of something with direct and recent lineage to primates. It is astonishing.
The poor Japanese passengers had no idea what to make of it. It was as if a wild animal had been loosed from a zoo. They just silently stared in amazement.
James "King Tight" Blackston in Japan
... The kicker???
This same handrail swinging simian was convicted for raping and strangling to death a white teenager from Ireland, which, occurred on the very same Japan trip. He only served 3 years and is back in the U.S. hanging out with Snoop Dogg now.
These things are nominally human.
Though I am thankful to Lonnie Johnson for inventing the Super Soaker (it let me get the squirrels off my tomatoes from my living room window, feeling like a Chicago mobster as I silently slid the window to the side and poked my piece out)
In most of America, you can own and use pellet guns. I've nailed two of the furry pests today and offered them to the crows.
Elsewhere I suggest buying rat traps (some look like mouse traps on steroids) and baiting them with peanut butter. Tie them to something or a survivor will walk off with your trap; the staple which holds the rod which goes to the trigger is a good place to tie an anchor string. Bucket traps are good too, half-fill with water and spread sunflower seeds on the surface. The pests try to get the food, fall in and drown.
Pat Boyle, re black/white advertising. The U.S. Military is an even greater offender regarding pushing black male/white female relations. Virtually ALL posters of any type of "program" show that black male/white female EXCEPT!!!! the sexual assault is a crime posters which are/were ALWAYS, ALWAYS White male assailant/white female victim. I was aware of many black "soldiers" that raped/sodomized white female soldiers and in each case I personally knew of, the white female victim was degraded, vilified and transferred to where I didn't know with the black remaining on our FOB
I think I lost my long essay on excrement in public housing.
@Chinese in Canada I'm not sure on 1990s music video and if they were diversity or not. But now in 2017 only thing I can say just is don't watch because you do know runs the records company for money reason
And with genocide of the white male the white female will go extinct!
Ohio born
These detectors are rascist because they disproportionatly target African-Americans.
We had these things in the Vietnam war, mounted in choppers
And the NVA would hang buckets of piss in trees so that the USAF would go bomb some empty forest.
Fighting 2-legged animals will go much easier.
"I think I lost my long essay on excrement in public housing."
Follow your nose.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to set up a grid system with a stainless steel backing plate? 4mm gap between grid and plate, hook it up to 240V, and problem solved?
All casting in advertising and entertainment is done with mind control in mind.
Just look at the popular long-running British sci-fi TV show "Doctor Who", which was revived about 12 years ago. For those unaware, "The Doctor" is a time traveling alien who always journeys with a human companion or two, and those were traditionally young women. Since the reboot by the BBC, The Doctor's companions have consisted of a:
1) White girl (who has black boyfriend)
2) Gay white man
3) Black girl
4) White girl (who The Doctor first met at her a black man)
5) White girl
6) White girl (who has black boyfriend)
and finally the current, and logical iteration...
7) Black lesbian
Yet I could get past all this obvious casting manipulation until last night's episode, where they traveled back to 2nd century Scotland and found that a Roman legion stationed there had been almost completely slaughtered by an alien creature that sucked out their bones. But that wasn't even close to the most unusual aspect of the show. It turned out the five remaining Roman officers consisted of two whites, two sub-saharan blacks (one of whom was gay...duh), and a pakistani!
Does the BBC believe that the average viewer who has heard of the "Romans" will think that Roman army was made up of a mix of whites, blacks, and middle easterners (their dream of utopia in modern-day Britain)? Of course not, but the BBC hopes by suggesting that this was the case, people will cease to care about the truth regarding European history.
h"It is abjectly unfair to expect the negro to behave any other way than the way it does."
Fixed that one!
Anonymous said...
Pat Boyle, I agree entirely. There has to have been some contact between the government with the large companies to promote this agenda more aggressively.
Or a (((third group))) giving both their marching orders. Or pure cohencidence.
"people will cease to care about the truth regarding European history.'
Believe it or not, I've had arguments with American libtards who claim that the Romans brought thousands upon thousands of negroes to places like England, France and Spain and that these negroes contributed to each of these nations in critical ways. When I demand to know what critical contributions these alleged, imported, mythological negroes made, I get no concrete answer- just a huffy and vehement insistence that, 'Well! They did!"
Having been out of secondary school and university for many decades, I have no idea what may be getting taught in terms of history but it certainly seems like things have descended into pure idiocy. Even legends and myths are not safe. Not so long ago, I watched a re-telling of the legend of King Arthur and- you guessed it- not only was Guinevere a sheboon but one of the major knights of the round table was a negro as well. This resulted in an argument with a libtard when I objected and the libtard insisted that negroes were in England during the time period in which the Arthur legend took place. I couldn't help myself and sarcastically replied, "Sure! And all the knights rode zebras!"
Worse still, it's not only European history-I've had arguments with libtards who claim not only was Hannibal a negro but so was Cleopatra. It makes one wonder where these idiots are getting all these demented and warped ideas from. They sound like young children who have been teased and told the moon is made of cheese and then become outraged when told the truth and insist, "No! You're wrong! The moon is so too made of cheese! So there! Nyah! Nyah! Nyah! You're stupid!" Utterly amazing.
It was not until I went to Europe that I realized urine did not have to be the background odor of public transport. I literally had to leave home and go abroad to get perspective . Now the places I went are largely paradise lost....Time to stop running.
It was years ago, and the blacks got on (oddly enough at the zoo!) Well, they all went to the back, of course. It couldn't have been 20 minutes and "I gotta pee" etc. The father, tells the kid to stand up and urinate! This kid couldn't have been 6 or 7. They couldn't get off the bus and use a gas station, etc? I watched, the kid urinated all over the seats, and they took the next bus to the ghetto. I let it go. Being white, of course I would be a racist. There were no cameras, and of course now, all the blacks man the cameras and it would be "we lost that part" of the recording. After my layover, someone (black) came up to me telling me of the problem in the back. I, like any good employee, called the dispatcher, disabled the bus and now there was a bus "not in service" because you can't have a rolling toilet on wheels, or can you? So, I got a few hours with a NOT IN SERVICE sign and the groids had no bus for a while.
Many happy returns. These people are amazing!
Obviously, after reading the story, these people have not advanced. Too, I guess one hopes they can read!
St Louis
Anonymous said...June 18, 2017 at 10:22 AM
"I've heard white Atlantans call it 'Marauding Africans Rampaging Through Atlanta.'"
You win the prize for the most accurate comment about Marta. When Marta first opened its rail lines, the abbreviation was known as "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta." We went way past that many, many years ago.
And people who are not from Atlanta wonder why Atlanta has such a miserable rail system, when compared to Paris or London. Gee, I can't imagine.
It won't be long before Marta is shoved further down the throats of those in the white-flight areas of north Fulton County, Forsyth County, and beyond into the north Georgia mountains. Residents are fighting it but we all know that such a fight is useless when the lowly negro and Atlanta politics are involved. Wherever Marta rail lines go, the neighborhoods are ruined by the crime that follows - because the ridership is so overwhelmingly black.
Tip: Take Uber or another mode of transportation coming or going to the Atlanta airport. Avoid the nog on the trains. It's not worth it.
"Beebe said signs will warn people about the urine detectors."
Thats fine if you know how to read.
Is there any White website left that the so-called "Chinese in our countries" will not highjack and pretend that they are just like us as if the US and Canada were their birthright?
I mean this is becoming ridiculous, as if asians were forced to move to the US and Canada and don't have the choice to go back to their 99% homogenous land ?
Newsflash! You did not build the US and Canada especially when the overwhelming majority of asians came after the 1960's and are still foreign born. Western society and black dysfunction are not your problem and you have the right to leave !
And by the way, it is quite ironic to see any chinese here commenting on this particular topic when they are now well known to be some of the worst offenders of public urination and defecation:
*Great Insight Into Why Chinese Shit In Public:
*Don't defecate in public places and don't touch the paintings: Thailand releases behaviour guide for Chinese tourists:
Our men's bathroom at work has 4 urinals and 4 stalls. Blacks will ignore the urinals to use the stalls to piss. Of course they won't put the seats up so there's always piss on the seats. Animals.
That's what generally happens in non-black and monocultural societies.
I'm gonna stop posting here, I'm getting sick of us evil, mean white people who never did anything good...
At least that's how I'd think if I was a perpetual victim-ape like the writer of the following article which simply serves to make me dislike whiny blacks even more... An article written by a black woman who married and bred with a white man. She speaks of living in "the suburbs" which, incidentally, are 90% white. Why doesn't this negress move her fambly to a 90% black area? Hmmmm.... I wonder why? Then she would have nothing to complain about.
Temporary ink (squirters) might work, but obviously it would have to be some color other than black.
And in response to Pat,
I've noticed this phenomenon for longer than Obama's presidency, I think it is then that it picked up a bit. What is partly at play here is blacks' need for attention, recognition and inclusion in EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME. Asians don't go around looking for jobs without enough Asians because, crazily enough, they can get those jobs on merit. Other groups who are poorly represented in many if not all fields just don't make a fuss about it because they aren't @ssholes from Africa.
I'm sure you noticed that blacks made a stink about not being nominated and winning enough awards at the Oscars last year, and so what do you know? Blacks swept the awards show this year and everything must have been just right because no one complained.
You have the biggest stars with even bigger bank accounts kowtowing to black demands- I can see why P.K. calls this Black Run America. Blacks dominate commercials because they are the only ones who complain, and they will extort corporations and humans alike for every penny that they are worth if given the chance.
Maybe if enough Hispanics and Asians (the ones with the numbers and actual buying power) complain they will get more spots, but of course it will be at the expense of whites and commercials will look even that much more unnatural.
Another angle to consider. Blacks are more particular about packaging than whites- hence if the majority of disposable diapers are sold with a picture of an orc with puff tails on them whites will still buy them and blacks will be happy.
Southeast Michigan keeps putting a rapid transit system on the ballot every 2-4 years. I think the last proposal was going to cost homeowners (mostly white) $600.00 a year on 100,000$ evaluation. Something that I will never set foot in, but I'm paying for it. Moving blacks from Detroit farther out into whiteville. Heaven forbid that whites ever get away from the murder, mayhem, blight, litter, and pure unmitigated venom that "these people " spew. Disgusting beyond words. Off topic: someone on a comment section (I don't think it was sbpdl) wrote a few lines from a rap song. The most vile, disgusting language ever! If kids are listening to this kind of trash, we are indeed screwed.
Anonymous said...
All casting in advertising and entertainment is done with mind control in mind.
Just look at the popular long-running British sci-fi TV show "Doctor Who",
No, don't look at it. Don't stand for that mindrot. Above all, don't leave it where your innocent children may be exposed to it.
Remember that your children learn from your example. That includes not only what you do, but what you tolerate. If they see this kind of garbage, and you don't challenge it, they'll take that as tacit approval. It then becomes part of their worldview.
Kill your TV. Do it for the children.
If I use a pellet gun I'll risk blinding them
Risk? The two I hit earlier today took fatal thoracic wounds. I'll let the crows find the (lead) pellets in the corpses; it's not my problem. (Is this psychological preparation for dealing with dindus? Who am I to say?)
I'm just too squeamish to ever drown them in a bucket.
That's the beauty of a bucket trap; you don't see what happens, only the results.
If you're really clever (like me), you electrify the bucket trap. You put aluminum foil around the rim connected to ground, and a wire connected to line voltage in the salted water the seed is floating on.
Rat traps still work on tree rats.
Another angle to consider. Blacks are more particular about packaging than whites
Sounds like a good reason to start being particular about packaging. Avoid even the imagery of the groid.
On a previous thread, Johnny See said...
Thanks to whomever of you it was that recommended "the Controversy of Zion" by Douglass Reed. What a fascinating and revealing work. I am on chapter 13 and am enthralled. Want answers? Read it.
Last word on this. This book was written in 1956, and concludes with the events of that year; the Hungarian revolution, and the Suez crisis. However, the pattern that it exposes is clear in subsequent events, right up to the present.
I am presently reading Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil, by Gerard Menuhin, son of the famous Jewish violinist, Yehudi Menuhin. It's not as broad in scope, or as well organized as Controversy, but it has additional sources and is up-to-date as at 2016. It's a good supplement to Reed's book. Don't miss the revealing photos of Henry Kissinger on page 371.**
But if you plan to read only one book this year, it must be The Controversy of Zion.
** All right, that's a teaser, but worth a look. Scan for "Kissinger", second hit.
Hello Formerly Miss Greenbaum
" . . . So yeah, they will pick up the ball and run with whatever the pervasive theme is that the gubmint wants, which in our case, is the complete extermination of the white male and western values. Our (((friends))) discovered back in 1913 that the power to print money could easily translate into hegemonic, despotic rule. When you consider all the wars we've been involved with since that time, it's no surprise that their vice-like grip is tightening. . ."
Yes but when the money goes bad their control ends, it's as simple as that. Various financial crisis are now converging which will cause a bigger financial crisis than the one in 2008. Nothing was fixed after the 2008 crisis, the fundamental problem was too much debt and the solution to the 2008 crisis was more debt. The government, personal and private debt is now piled so much higher than in 2008 that the next financial crisis will cause a rapid cascade of bankruptcies throughout the economy except for the Federal government.
The Federal government cannot go bankrupt because the Federal Reserve prints the Government's money, also the world's reserve currency out of thin air, an "Exorbitant Privilege". This privilege will end when the U.S. Government (through our friends at the Fed) destroys the purchasing power of the dollar through printing it (again, just like 2008) by the ton to prevent the bankruptcy of financial institutions. This will accomplish the goal of avoiding bankruptcy by paying everyone off with greatly depreciated dollars but it will end the dollar's reign also.
When the Fed wrecks the dollar the Fed ends its own power too because their money will no longer have value. All those who have successfully used the current financial system to enrich themselves and buy and sell politicians like cheap whores and set U.S. Government policy will find that their political power, dependent upon money has disappeared. What comes next is unknowable now but if history is any guide the bad actors who currently run things will not be in charge.
NE Whitopia
Welcome to Africa! In africa we have people urinating ANYWHERE, next to school fences where children are playing, next to the side of the road, even next to the urinals in the restrooms. What people don't understand is how backwards and uncivilised these people really are. They will build a house but won't include a bathroom. They see nothing wrong with having a bath once a month, and then going to a shopping center and having a bath in the washbasin. They have no problem with littering and eat like animals. They have no problem with discarding leftovers into office desk drawers, or eating with their hands, and then using stuff with oil or sauce covered hands. The black civil servants are the worst! Before the 94 "democratic" election, you had a handful of whites doing all the work on time and efficiently. Then after 94 the ANC started getting rid of white civil servants and then only started employing ANC members. This meant that work did not get done, and there was no repercussions, in fact, the worse you were at your job, the vetter your chance of promotion. And if you were ever caught doing something dishonest like theft or corruption, then you would be guaranteed a promotion. Anyway, so because they insisted on just employing blacks, the amount of employees shot up to where South Africa's civil service is now bigger than that of the US, and yet they cannot manage to get the work done.
"Yes but when the money goes bad their control ends, it's as simple as that."
2008 gave them cover for an even bigger debt binge, with which to ensure that when the plug was pulled there could be no solution other than the elimination of existing money systems. This would follow with replacement by one central, global system over which they have total control. The US isn't just the prize anymore, its the wedge for a bigger plan that's been in the making for many years.
I think that their control is just beginning.
The interracial theme goes back to the sixties but was limited to adult-oriented films (not porn). The seventies introduced more blacks in sitcoms; Jeffersons, Sanford & Son, but these were targeting adult audiences.
In the nineties they crossed the line in my view. The teen-oriented "Saved by the Bell" attempted to normalize interracial relationships among teens. I knew at that point that children would be next and, sure enough, Disney, Nick, etc. began "we're all valuable" type themes. This continues to this day. If you have small children, please don't use the TV as a babysitter.
Portraying blacks as the saviors for dumb whitey are, of course, the opposite of reality and everyone with half a brain cell recognizes it for what it is, pure propaganda.
An Aussie commented here, IIRC, that viewing US TV would lead one to believe that blacks are 70% of the population instead of 13%. The proud, noble black man always requires special attention. No other race is forced to the front of the line like Homo-Africanus.
I know "Keeping up with the Kumdumpsters" is a popular show, but I don't know anyone who watches it. I figure that a lot of that type entertainment, much like the force-fed race mixing prevalent in TV period is put out as "popular" regardless of rating by (((those))) who control the networks, for the purpose of normalizing such behavior among the sheep.
Stay alert, stay armed.
There will be signs warning the groids that there is an UDD system in place. Why? For the bells, whistles and sirens to have any effect, they must also lock the doors while the pisser in onboard, trapping them in thier natural stink, while the noise is jacked to Metallica concert levels in order for it to be a deterrent. Otherwise, I would expect the jigaboo to come dancing out, a sense of pride showing as the system shouts "Looks at Muh" for him.
Wow. Watch the uppity negroid she-ape in this video! Some classy orc ramblings. This is incitement. She is suggesting cops be killed. Her Crip son pulled on a beaner lawman and got made good. She (like every other orc breeder out there) raised a nasty thug. Live like a thug, die like a thug. Got it negroid?
Watch this pig here...
We could either build detectors to detect neutrinos from space or urine from negroes. Tough decision.
//Not so long ago, I watched a re-telling of the legend of King Arthur and- you guessed it- not only was Guinevere a sheboon but one of the major knights of the round table was a negro as well. This resulted in an argument with a libtard when I objected and the libtard insisted that negroes were in England during the time period in which the Arthur legend took place. I couldn't help myself and sarcastically replied, "Sure! And all the knights rode zebras!"
June 18, 2017 at 4:15 PM//
England used to be great, it did a lot of good in her greatness for her citizens AND the rest of the world, but what happened?
Was the re-telling by BBC? I'm noticing by now that the government funded entities BBC and CBC is the source of many corruptions. I DIDN'T want to notice it because public channels like CBC and BBC (and TVO) was what I mainly watched as a kid, and there were many good shows, on British culture, nature, like David Attenborough's nature shows, like Gardens Around The World, like theatre sites all over England. But mixed in is mind poison and sex abuse scandals.
I've brought this up before, CBC has a new show called Kim's Convenience which I won't be watching, since I found out a negro cop is a recurring character. I wonder what the Korean actors must be thinking when they see this black playing a non-corrupted cop in a Korean store, instead of stealing and causing trouble? IKAGO exist but I have become sick of their representation as the norm. I could still enjoy my childhood shows like Justice League which had a black Green Lantern (John Stewart), but the aggressive BRA agenda coupled with BLM hostility turns me off to the point where when I see a new thing with a magical negro in it, I tune out, doesn't matter how small the inclusion is, it's contaminated. I won't watch Interstellar now that I found out there is a black astronaut in it. Maybe I'll mellow out in time, but since my eyes opened around the Chicago Torture Incident, with Obama's initial verdict of 'maybe hate crime' in sharp contrast to "if he had a son it will look like Trayvon Martin", I'm sick. It's weird how 180 the switch from SJW to race realist can be, but that was the last straw for me, that blacks could torture someone mentally disabled, someone who was like a child, and looked up to one of them, and that BRA can write it off? It's too much. I felt sick when the satirical media with leftist bent that I used to enjoy started dismissing and downplaying the abuse of that kid.
I had an old journal entry where I lamented 'the murder of Trayvon Martin', at the time I wrote it, I haven't seen through BRA's tricks - I took Trayvon Martin's acceptance into university as a sign that he was exceptional, and I mourned then that we had lost someone exceptionally bright, NOW, now I know he wasn't bright, he was just accepted to fill a quota. Now I also know what lean or purple drank is (what the skittles was for). Even the story his parents told of his heroics, that Trayvon rescued his father from a burning house, I view in a different light - his black father fell asleep while frying fish - this is just Typical Negro Behaviour - DUMB and irresponsible - in fact, did Martin Senior fall asleep, or pass out drunk or from drugs? How 180 my views has turned now that I went back and re-examined every story. It seemed unfair to me at the time that Rosa Park was made to sit on the back of the bus, but whose people was driving that bus? Whose people was funding that bus? Disproportionately, whites gives, blacks take, and ruin things for the givers at the same time, it was really generous that Rosa Parks was allowed on the white driven white funded bus AT ALL (that was a mistake), if she didn't like it, she should have organized her OWN BUS.
Mel says,
I was watching an episode of The Amazing Race and there were two black contestants who were ex-pro basketball players. While running to their next test one stopped to piss on a building and the camera captured the deed. Now this wasn't some rural setting but instead it was a modern European city with great architecture. Blacks think the world is my bathroom.
As far as mind control, which I feel is a real phenomenom in America, it is my opinion that drugs are not necessary as one poster had postulated. It is my belief that that all you need is repetition and time to accomplish the desired goal. Take the word Racist for example they didn't need drugs to get White people to cringe if they heard anything unflattering about blacks.
On another piss story, back in the 60's a friend of mine worked as a mechanic at Central Garage in Tampa, Fl where garbage trucks would come in for assorted repairs. He told me that the doors were usually all rusted out at the bottom because the black garbage folks would piss into the bottom of the door. He said the smell was awful and can you just imagine driving that truck day in and day out with that stench. Apparently they didn't mind because if they had they would have cleaned it up after their shift.
So now you all know that I am one of those old white men who Oprah says should die so the blacks can create the kind of history that pleases them and I won't be around to tell how they use to piss and shit on eveything.
Delaware Dude. when I was a young adult I got a job at our local race track as a guard. job involved checking barns for fire and other stuff. had a black guy there called admiral nelson. lazy old fart. everyone laughed at him. found out from another guard nelson was shacked up with a bimbo, typical. he bragged he always got up and pissed out the bedroom window onto the sidewalk in the front of the house. this was 1972 so not much has changed except it has gotten worse. smh and wondering how low can we go.
I will not assimilate quietly into that good night
When they said the doors would open, but the elevator would NOT work until cleaned, I though the same thing most of you noticed:
That elevator will be OUT OF SERVICE until a negro cleaning crew shows up.
Why not make it such that the door does not open at all, and the captured negro, like in a cage, can stay there until the negro clean-up crew shows up? Then they can arrest the negro.
Perhaps a screaming negro, stuck in his own sewer, MIGHT, just might, think about it. I am sure MARTA thought of that but knew the total damage to the interior of the elevator would result from a massive CHIMP-OUT. A video on that would be priceless. Might cause me to piss in my pants...............
This policy of theirs will NOT stop the shitting and pissing. It just assures the monkey that his shit and piss will be cleaned up. That is only encouragement. There is no penalty, embarrassment, or fine? So what's the point?
Being that the ridership is negro and other MMM (Minority Mystery Meat), just shut down the elevator systems!!! They were built by, and for, WHITE people and the Negro and MMMs won't even notice they don't exist.
We've left them the cities our fathers and grandfathers built, we've left them the mass transit which carries their fat a@@es back and forth to their Section 8 lairs, and they continue to piss and sh*t all over everything while demanding more gibs. Sounds like a recipe for success to me.
I left work early today due to some pressing issues presently going on in my own life. Each night when I leave work (around 9 pm), I pass by a negro neighborhood. One house in particular is littered with lawn chairs all over the front yard. There is no grass, just dirt. There is almost always a group of negroes sitting outside when the weather is warm. Today around noon I drove by the same house. Sure enough, two fat a@@ negresses were lounging around the yard, discussing world problems, I would imagine. These people are absolutely horrified by the idea of work. Why work when there is a money deposited into your account each and every month, along with a generous EBT card allowance? And the money LaJayveeyus brings home from his drug peddling provides all the extras that the government will not provide.
So why not continue to sh*t all over the place and pee where you choose? YT is always there, ready to lend a helping hand, to clean up the sh*t. Maybe THIS was the "shovel ready projects" that Obammy was talking about a few years back.
I have a dream.
Atlanta has a contest for whites who can write the best essay blaming the White Race for negro failures.
Then, take the winners and require they be the CLEANING CREW for these Ascending & Descending Toilets. Let's see how long these idiot race-traitor snow-flakes stay on the job cleaning up after Africans.
I will try to recreate the posting I lost (through my own fault) yesterday.
Around 1969 I became a Social Worker Trainee for the San Francisco Public Welfare Department. The very first day I went out with an experienced Social Worker. We went to the 'Pink Palace'. There was a strong smell of urine in the large Housing Project building. But that didn't bother me all that much. I was more concerned about all the human feces in the halls and elevators.
As it happened a few years later when I quit welfare work and went to graduate school the Pink Palace was on the curriculum. Unlike my classmates I had not only seen it - I had smelled it.
I was in Urban Planning. There were several major public Housing Authority buildings in the text books. One was the Pink Palace in the San Francisco Fillmore District and the other was the Pruitt-Igoe projects in St. Louis. Both of these developments were torn down as failures. The lesson I was taught in school was that high rise apartments are 'inappropriate' for black culture. Public housing - we were told must be low rise (Garden Apartment) construction. This kind of construction is considerably more expensive in central cities. But the received wisdom was that black people were for some unexplained reason inappropriate for taller buildings.
If you have ever seen pictures of Berlin at the end of World War Two you know that the Germans were living in rubble. But a few years later and we had the German Reconstruction Miracle. The Germans threw up reinforced concrete apartment buildings. Those building are still there, but now they are quite expensive. In America we have land and building space so we have large separate houses filled with large furniture and appliances. The Germans have apartments filled with high quality but smaller appliances.
The Pink Palace and Pruitt-Igoe were built to be like the German apartments. The Germans drive expensive Mercedes cars and live in small but luxurious apartments. But American blacks destroyed this kind of housing.
Here's the problem. Tall buildings require elevators. Blacks like to take a dump in the elevators.
Look at the comments under this video. I think the white majority has woken up.
Blacks are the reason we can't have anything nice!
"As far as mind control, which I feel is a real phenomenom in America, it is my opinion that drugs are not necessary as one poster had postulated. It is my belief that that all you need is repetition and time to accomplish the desired goal. Take the word Racist for example they didn't need drugs to get White people to cringe if they heard anything unflattering about blacks."
"They" didn't need drugs to get white people to set the negro free and grant him citizenship and the vote. That's something white people did all by themselves, to themselves. The modern white over-concern with the feelings of negroes is just another expression of that same impulse; more motion in the same direction.
We frequently find that psychological manipulations do not appreciably change an individual's firmly established opinion. A Communist or a Christian with strong beliefs is very little, if at all. shaken by adverse propaganda. Similarly, a prejudice or a stereotype is hardly ever changed by propaganda; for example it Is almost impossible to break down racial prejudice by propaganda. What people think of Negroes, Jews, bourgeois, or colonialists will be only slightly altered by propaganda attempts.
- Ellul, Propaganda, p. 33
Or in other words, a culture shaped by Christianity, as white people's has been, will act on its deeply ingrained beliefs, and those are not much affected by propaganda. If and when race mixing propaganda is used in such a culture, it's because it reflects the already existing Christian belief that race is meaningless. Thus, it's Christianity's racelessness that has given rise to the propaganda, not the other way around. It wouldn't be used unless it worked, and it wouldn't work unless it is believed. It's believed because the unimportance of race is something someone raised in a Christian culture already "knows" to be true. The Bible says so very plainly.
Myrtle Beach is done. Groids have turned it into Africa.
Wild video of negroids shooting people...
" . . . I have a dream.
Atlanta has a contest for whites who can write the best essay blaming the White Race for negro failures. . . "
Here's my essay about negroes:
I'm blackety, blackety, black;
I'm blackety, blackety, black;
I'm blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, black.
The end.
Where is my 40 ounce prize?
PK, are you writing the about the same race of negroes that once had flying pyramids in Egypt?
I know the ancient negroes only flew them about 100 feet off the ground and only for a couple of miles but still, don't they know what an elevator is really for?
I guess not.
Books as recent as the 1950s assert two Cleopatras: the first black (from the dynasty of the great pyramid); the second European (greek) after colonization.
Your post reminded me of this story about the formerly luxurious apartment building in South Africa where the tenants would just throw their garbage into the open center of the building, until it was 3 stories deep. I can only imagine the smell in that place.
The black man urinates on our property, while the brown immigrant man shits on our streets.
The liberal, man-hating white bitches who enable them are a HUGE part of the problem ===>
Time for White Sharia.
Sick n/Tired:
The building in question is called Ponte Flats. At that time, 1980's, it was the tallest building in the southern half of Africa. May still be. Any full view photo of Johannesburg easily shows the building.
Only "Europeans" could live there. Rent, at that time, was 450 Rand per month. One of the "owners" of De Beers Diamonds kept his Rolls in the garage.
I know. I lived there Pre-White Suicide.
"when compared to Paris or London. Gee, I can't imagine."
If you think the subways in Paris or London are cleaner, safer or free of niggeroes YOU HAVEN'T BEEN THERE! lol. Either of them is like you would find in Liberia an most are muslims. In Londonistan, virtually all cab drivers are black Somali muslims with all that implies. No offense meant, but I've been there..
The black man urinates on our property, while the brown immigrant man shits on our streets.
The liberal, man-hating white bitches who enable them are a HUGE part of the problem
It's what happens when you allow "everyone" to vote. The Founding Fathers had it right. Only property owners should be allowed the vote. Unlike some others who have commented here, I think property owners should include women.
I want to try and be positive but as a young white guy these days it is incredibly hard. On a side note I have a bunch of kids and am raising them right. I urge you all to get your kids to do the same "rather than complain be proactive".
Here are a couple of movies I recommend to those of us that hate MSM/Mass Media, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, pretty much every Clint Eastwood movie, Red Dawn, Death Wish, Gods and Generals, No Escape from the 90's, and I like the all of the Mad Max series. I made it through a couple of flash episodes as well but a SJW flash dating in love with his black sister while an insanely hot blonde woman flirts with him as his dad is a single black cop raising them both is just so over the top, its like a SJW's wet dream.
There are some good shows on Netflix and its cheap. From a southerner props to the black guy that called out black prejudices and the Chinese lady from Canada. Keep up the good work Mrs Greenbaum. We have to figure out a way to solve black crime. I have heard incentives for sterilization "not bad" but I came up with the idea of "maybe its been done before" of a culture change. I don't know how but if every black person started listening to country music instead of rap that would solve at least 1/3 of the problems right there. I do know quite a few farming country blacks "most have a family and are traditional" and they mostly detest inner city nnnigggggars.
Atlanta is not concerned with keeping, or even restoring, civilization. It is only concerned with making sure that black remain in power, and playing to the cameras for the 6 o'clock news. I have to ride Marta only once or twice a year, thank goodness, and I have a certain way of dealing with it. I only carry a few buck, no debit cards, a small crappy purse I can wrap across my body, an umbrella (for self defense if needed), cheap earphones or earplugs to drown out the Ebonics all around me. I keep to myself, stay aware of my surroundings, and stay alert. No problems so far but I ignore or overlook behavior that would make a monkey embarrassed. The dragging feet, the smell, the sounds.
And to add to the travel woes, young black males are riding around in a better part of Atlanta on ATVs, in large packs, breaking traffic laws and causing mayhem and wrecks.
Hell on wheels, indeed....
L in Atl hell
AChineseInCanada said...
Maybe I'll mellow out in time,
No, you won't. Once you have Seen, you can never Unsee. Trust me. It just gets worse.
You actually work around blacks????
To Pat, @ 10:03 am. Detroit built garden type projects for the poor. Built in 1943 there were 2,100 units. A bigger den of filth and crime you will never see. At the end of its existence it was all black. I'm not sure, but perhaps when it was first opened in 1943 it housed whites. By the 80's it was drugland U.S.A. Herman Gardens is gone now. No more projects. They now live in an apartment complex with regular folk. Glad I'm not in the market for an apartment. So I guess, whether the housing project is a high rise or garden style, doesn't really matter. It will be trashed.
"The liberal, man-hating white bitches who enable them are a HUGE part of the problem"
Um, it was White males that brought Blacks over here in the first place and it was White males who allowed mass immigration of Brown immigrants for the cheap labor and votes. Teddy Kennedy, a White Irish-Catholic male helped engineer the 1965 Immigration Act for such votes. So while you have White females like this nun that support this, it was all caused by White elite males. Get your facts straight.
Anonymous said...
Myrtle Beach is done. Groids have turned it into Africa.
Yep. I live in the Carolinas. Word on the street is that Myrtle Beach has been designated a "no-go zone" to whites everywhere. Families are cancelling plans there and rescheduling for other "safer" (read 'white') beaches. They'll never admit it, of course.
Part of this makes me smile. I have SJW friends who call me "rayciss" because I have called out negro misbehavior since the Zimmerman/Travon Martin affair. They OWN property at Myrtle Beach. Enjoy, BITCHEZ!!!
They should also have jizz detectors in the elevators since these vibrants are always playing with their schlongs.
The only time they are interested in using a public restroom is when they want to get some down low action, preferably with some limp wristed white SJW.
I won't watch Interstellar now that I found out there is a black astronaut in it.
Like the Marvelverse movies, I'm expecting that some WN shitlords will CGI over the GNOMES (Gratuitous Negroes Obtruding to Mimic Europeans—h/t AnalogMan) with White substitutes that audiences will appreciate to a far greater degree.
The problem with CGI substitutes that I've seen is that the eyes are dead. When someone develops a motion-capture system which gets the eye movements and lip sync close enough, the GNOMEs are obvious targets; you can even have White voice actors do the subs with their expressions put on CGI faces. The (((SJWs))) can't say anything about it without red-pilling even more White people. It's a no-lose proposition.
That thing is a complete moron. So what I read is that white parents should teach their children to be color blind and sensitive to africans feelings. Her half black shit cans are taught black is beautiful and their white daddy was mommas ticket out of da hood! I did not see 1 picture of the baby daddy, he has to be a drooling idiot!
Ohio born
Not just commercials, notice almost all the game shows have black hosts now.
"Or in other words, a culture shaped by Christianity, as white people's has been, will act on its deeply ingrained beliefs, and those are not much affected by propaganda. "
So propaganda doesn't work unless it's Christianity who's anti-white propaganda didn't work for the first 1800 years or so but now is so powerful that it cannot be broken despite the fact that the west is becoming more and more secular. And of course while it "shaped" our western culture it is not responsible for our peace and prosperity, our unique and beautiful civilizations and every marvel of the modern world.
Grade A, pilpul, but you're not fooling anybody here.
"Women hold up half the sky."
Women and men are NOT equals in nature, you dumb fuck.
A few years ago, after a visit to Japan, a friend of mine told me how much he liked it - no negroes, no crime and no guns. I said, "What makes you think those aren't related? No negroes= no crime. When there's no crime, there's no need for guns. PS: No towel-heads either.
the problem is not the commercials, the problem is you are still watching tv
They don't piss because they must. They piss because they can. It's the same reason many minorities walk in traffic lanes ignoring sidewalks, leave dirty diapers in shopping carts, and dump trash out of their cars in common areas.
I live in a luxury hi-rise in Houston. After Hurricane Harvey, many of these misplaced morons were put here at government expense, courtesy of FEMA. The lobby area is huge, boasting several sections including wine bars and coolers, full kitchen facilities, several areas with big screen TVs, a library, and a state-of-the art gym, all open 24 hours. A few month after Harvey, all it started being locked at 7PM when the office in the lobby closed. The management said this was because there was vandalism and theft from those areas. They also have valet trash service nightly, but for some reason, reeking bags of trash, dirty diapers and fast food refuse and malt liquor and wine bottles ended up in the stairwells, elevators and hallways. My new car was rammed hard enough in the garage to do $1300 in damage. Hit and run. Oddly, after about 8 months, the FEMA money ran out, the common areas are now open 24 hours again, there is no trash or noise, and all is well. Can't figure why.
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