If you've read The City that Bleeds: Race, History, and the Death of Baltimore, you know black people in Baltimore carefully protect their 70 percent black city from gentrification by using black criminality to keep out white people from recolonizing their city and ever being a demographic threat to black political power.
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A reminder: #WakandaIsntReal |
So what does black political power look like? Not so shockingly, exactly what you'd expect black dysfunction to look like. [Baltimore mayor creating office to steer black men from crime and violence, Baltimore Sun, 2-2-18]:
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is poised to launch a new effort to support and expand mentoring and other services aimed at helping African American boys and men avoid falling prey to crime and violence.
The mayor’s new Office of African American Male Engagement is set to begin operations on Feb. 12 and is modeled after a similar effort in Philadelphia. It will be led by Andrey Bundley, the former city high school principal and mayoral candidate.
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is poised to launch a new effort to support and expand mentoring and other services aimed at helping African American boys and men avoid falling prey to crime and violence.
The mayor’s new Office of African American Male Engagement is set to begin operations on Feb. 12 and is modeled after a similar effort in Philadelphia. It will be led by Andrey Bundley, the former city high school principal and mayoral candidate.
The details of the office — including Bundley’s salary and how much it will cost to run — have not been revealed but the mayor mentioned it during a meeting with community leaders this week. She said she is modeling the effort after Philadelphia’s Office of Black Male Engagement.
Jack Drummond, director of Philadelphia’s office, told The Sun that his office has trained police officers and school teachers about how to avoid letting their biases creep into how they perform their jobs. The office also houses the city’s My Brother’s Keeper, a nationwide initiative started by President Barack Obama when he was in office to address opportunity gaps for boys and young men of color.
“It’s been in flux around the nation,” Drummond said of the initiative. “But it’s growing and we’re looking to reinvigorate that work.”
Bundley said his office’s staff, which will include “three millennials” and an employee “who knows the streets,” will build on a network of existing mentoring programs and experienced male role models — including sports coaches in schools, reentry counselors for men coming out of prison and church workers.In 1918, Baltimore was almost 90 percent white. It didn't need of an Office of African American Male Engagement to try and steer the black minority from committing crime, because laws were put in place to deal with black criminality swiftly and to protect white residential/commercial property owners from the consequences of black dysfunction.
#WakandaIsntReal, folks.
Drugs Inc. had a Baltimore episode that was downright brutal.
A little third world shithole right here in the BRA.
Do the nogs of Philadelphia have a competition with the Mondays of Baltimore to see who can create the biggest shithole?
Maybe all the whitey crackas should leave these areas so the glorious motherland utopia can be built by the Mondays.
How about a black shithole month with 28 different ruined BRA cities in profile?
What midnight basketball, free ice cream, some space to destroy, running off the police by sail fawn filming F' the police chanting mobs didn't work out?
It must be the turrible waycism that is turning Baltimore into a shithole.
*ANOTHER "MENTORING" INITIATIVE: You can't get black men to care for their own offspring but somehow there are enough of them to mentor other people's kids. Combined with the propensity of blacks to be selfish, this doesn't make sense although there are likely some white liberal idiots eager to virtue signal. I hope the blacks tell them to get lost.
*ANOTHER INITIATIVE DESIGNED TO SPECIFICALLY HELP BLACKS: Institutional favoritism of blacks continues. Try doing something in a poor white area and declare that the intention is to help whites. The Earth will explode. This is also more redistribution of income as a sizable portion of the money will come from non-black taxpayers.
*"FALLING PREY TO CRIME AND VIOLENCE": Once again blacks have no agency. Bad things just happen to them and of course they happen because whites are racist. The tone in which these articles are written is approaching that of parody.
*OPPORTUNITY GAPS FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN OF COLOR": If you're black and aren't an unadulterated fuck-up, white liberals in positions of power will favor you at every turn, from school admission to employment to contract bidding to outreach programs. This claim of an "opportunity gap" is one of the biggest lies of our time.
The mayor's new Office of African American Male Engagement is set to begin operations on Feb. 12 and is modeled after a similar effort in Philadelphia.
You couldn't pick a finer city to mimic, than Philadelphia. It's been reported that African crime has dropped to such low levels, that liquor stores and check ca$hing stores are removing all their bulletproof glass, and melting it down to be repurposed as Midnight Basketball hoops. Police are so bored, that they spend all their time training for riot duty, to repel the mobs of frothing white kids from sneaking into the highly anticipated Wakawaka movie.
The only truly effective ways to end the scourge of black crime in America are: 1.)Sterilization of the males and females thus reducing the number of blacks to the absolute minimum over time and/or 2.) Deportation back to Africa. Anything else is a costly pipe dream and will never work.
What other subset of the population needs so many programs, all of which fail to do any good?
Maybe they should just rename Baltimore to Wakanda? That'll surely convert these reprobates into rocket scientists!
John Cougar Mellencampy likes to kneel and bob:
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is poised to launch a new effort to support and expand mentoring and other services aimed at helping African American boys and men avoid falling prey to crime and violence.
I hate it when African American boys and men fall prey to crime and violence. What kind of twisted human being could write this stuff? Our nation is not safe until these people can be identified and forced into some productive line of work. Maybe they could make pancakes or something.
So they’re going to copy (ape) a program that has been operating in Philadelphia. No mention of what, if anything, that program has accomplished and at what cost.
Here’s a suggestion for an alternative “program”: an all-white police force in which each officer gets to shoot two or three alleged perpetrators per week - no questions asked. The allowance can be adjusted up or down based on the current social climate and would have no upper limit, I.e., open season.
Think that might have an effect?
In related news, they are launching multiple programs in Alaska to teach the local wolves not to bite people and cute animals like rabbits and deer.
Remember how some of you talked about removing a civilization's monuments and replacing them with your own? I'm not talking just putting up your own, I'm talking about replacement and mainstream acceptance that this is a good thing:
Maxine Waters and Colin Kaepernick are just two of the people chosen to immortalize in place of actual heroes.
Going to start the new office during Black History Month. I wonder what amount of money, time and effort will be wasted on this guaranteed to fail plan. When will the Tax payer put his foot down and say "no more"? Since the 60's the liberal moron and the Negro have worked hand in hand at wasting tax dollars with zero good to show for it. You cannot show me a majority minority town or city in America that is successful. The world for that matter. Now is the time for real change.
A full on effort to get as many Negroes as we can to move across the pond and recolonize their motherland. Since nothing has worked why not try stop and frisk again. This is not the time to worry about stepping on feelings. They will get over it. Can you imagine the government without White Liberals and Negroes screwing everything up? Utopia im telling you.
These cities like Baltimore are filled with dead people. They believe themselves to be alive but they are dead inside. This is why they do what they do. Everything done by them is to further their own death and dying. The political forces that run these cities are only concerned with power and control. Dead zombies that were voted into office by other dead zombies. Like the blind leading the blind they make speeches about fighting crime while they themselves are as corrupt and criminal as the predators that roam the streets. Garbage in...garbage out.
It was just a couple days ago two black women beat a three year old baby to death with a baseball bat because he ate a cupcake. This is not something someone would do if they were in the world of the living. These are the hollow people, the empty people, the ones who are already dead.
Crack head mothers on welfare having babies and raising children that kill other children. State supported zombies that are killing each other for a goddamn pair of shoes or cell phone. These cities have become a burial ground for the dead. The dead killing the dead.
As the bodies pile up on the streets the speech makers at city hall are working on overtime trying to find an excuse for why the dead are killing each other. Masses of wasted money being spent on useless "programs" to help save the lifeless zombies that fill the streets of these doomed and dying cities. Nothing will ever change in this macabre orgy of death. It is what it is. A great masquerade of self righteous dead people who rule over a city of dead and decaying zombies who are so filled with hate they cannot even see their own self destruction.
This country now has two basic types of people. Those who are alive and those who are dead.
Here is the thing: from an African-in-America perspective, Baltimore is a paradise. They got an empowerment center, they got spaces to destroy, they got plenty of warlord gangs for assorted raids against the next 'hood.
YT makes a mistake in projecting his/her own ideal future onto blacks. But blacks use their own powers to make their own ideal future a reality.
Yeah, things can be kinda primitive in Baltimore. But Africans-in-America got plenty of tech -- cell phones, EBT cards (food by magic), automobiles (like the one on which the young scholar in the photo is dancing), and enough guns and ammo to equip the Wakandese army. And all courtesy of John/Jane Q Taxpayer. That's some might fine superpower, making Whites pay to have a city their ancestors built turned into another African [expletive deleted].
From his Fortress of Attitude(*) high atop an undertaker's billboard in downtown Baltimore, his Ear of Under-Service detects a frantic cry for help. Quickly donning the Hoodie of Social Justice, he chills into action. Yes, up in the sky, it's a midnight basketball, it's a flying pyramid, no, wait, it's Dindu Nuffinz!
Alighting in a Maryland Metropolis Meeting Room, Dindu confronts a host of catatonic political candidates, frantic PR flaks and manic mentoring millenials.
"How is your fair city threatened?" Dindu asks, pulling off a Glove of Gibs and examining a well manicured fingernail.
"We have tried everything to cover up the black violent crime rate but it continues to grow, bigger than a mountain of magical meteoric metal," bemoans an embattled Brother's Keeper.
"Simple," yawns the Activist African, "just make an official announcement about 'streets ringing out' and 'shots gone wrong'."
"You mean 'streets gone wrong' and 'shots ringing out'," interjects an inner city high school principal, wearing the ballistic vest and crash helmet that compose the uniform of his calling.
"Whatever," Dindu glances out the window where a teen is pulling the fender off of a burnt out patrol car, "I'll just use my..."
"Oh come on! Not the Voice of Passivity again!"
The assembled assemblypersons gawk in horror at the pugnacious principal, who gestures at the ceiling in disgust, then elucidates:
"Everyone is on to that con. What with the Internet, anyone with an IQ over 85 knows it's blacks who are the perpetrators of most of the shootings."
Great Sharpton's Ghost! Has Dindu (once again!) finally met his match?
"No problemo," Dindu signals a waiting contingent of No Snitch Irregulars who bundle the principle off to a Newark advertising agency for the terminally deluded, "I'll just use my Super Vision of Obfuscation and declare that 'African-American boys and men are falling prey to crime and violence'. The public will buy it faster than a block of tickets for a new black superhero movie."
"Thank you, thank you, oh Hero of the 'Hood," cry the Buoyant Baltimoreans, "would you like to stay and engage some real African American boys and men?"
"Love to," Dindu sidesteps to the window, "but I want to get out of gunfire range before the sun goes down."
And so he flies off into the darkening horizon, but wherever African American violence threatens the public image of an enriched city, the cry shall go up:
Dindu Nuffinz!
(*) The producers gratefully acknowledge the anonymous blogger who suggested the "Fortress of Attitude." And stay tuned for the further adventures of Dindu Nuffinz, coming to a theater of the absurd near you.
Well, at least four people will get a government paycheck out of this failure.
I wonder how long will it take for people to realise that programs cannot fix dysfunctional. If I were a cynic I might think that such programs are merely a source of income for criminals who need a cover for their activity.
Go figure, black men need help making the right choices. And they are supposed to get this help from...other blacks?
Let's just for a moment try to imagine opening an office for the betterment of young white men, how quickly that would be burned to the ground and deemed racist and divisive.
If we as a people can't see how endangered we've become and how we NEED to come together and take care of our own. Im not wishing ill will on anyone, ( they hurt themselves enough) . Im just saying we need to point our people in the right direction. Too many whites are getting sucked into the "progressive lifestyle" because people are unaware of the dangers, because the only blacks they know are on tv. And the programs paint them in this wonderful light, while making whitey look stupid. Black run America is trying hard to weaken the white race and we need to stop it.
We WUz KAANgZ in Baltimore....
Here we go again, another worthless "program." These things have to be stroked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and twice on Sunday.
Showtime has a new series, The Chi. The hour long pilot had two funerals, doesn't waste any time. This program illustrates negroes very well.
Female in FL
this is one of those problems that will persist despite lavish amounts of money being spent. Its the sub culture of drugs, violence, poor education, poor family structure and on and on.
Step right up, folks, and place your bets!!
Put your money down on this being another taxpayer-funded failure and that, a year, or two, or three from now, things will be as bad as they are, if not worse than, today.
We all know it, don't we?
We all know that this is precisely what's going to happen, don't we?
Yet our society-at-large continues to play the game of pretend that this time, it will work!.
How...much...longer can we pretend??
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Ha!
"Avoid falling prey to crime and violence"...
Can't beat that for clarity of analysis.
Well, at least four people will get a government paycheck out of this failure.
Which gets to the real purpose of such programs: another race hustle to provide salaries for otherwise unemployable blacks and their DWL enablers.
Do I have to state the obvious, again? That over half a century of "programs" have failed to "solve" the "problems" of the black underclass. War on Poverty or Midnight Basketball, such programs makes no difference because they do not (or can not) deal with the genetic issue. The result is that just about every black dominated city in America spirals downward. And all subsidized by John/Jane Q Taxpayer.
This race to the bottom will continue until YT stands up and says: "No!"
Something to think about in the continuing chaos.
Well naturally they're violent and naturally they cannot achieve. There are endless examples of their violence. Mozambique is a very good example of their lack of achievement.
A country in South Africa, Mozambique has extensive natural resources, enough that it could literally change the future of that country. But what has been done with it's considerable natural wealth since achieving independence from the Portuguese in 1975?
Very little except corruption in government. That country is 99.66% African. 0.06% European.
Its utilities infrastructures pretty much don't exist, they use basic sailboats to fish, and continue to do simple subsistence farming.
With no limits on population growth, their educational system hasn't been able to keep up, consequently about half the population cannot read or write.
Mozambique is the world Blacks would create on their own, their "Wakanda". Unless they learn proper agriculture techniques, construction and other contemporary skill-sets from others (since they have no innate curiosity) this country will remain on the same level as those from a thousand years ago.
It is also very, very telling that, even with all this natural wealth, and tens of thousands of years on the land, Africans *still* couldn't make a showing of it. And they wish to complain about the last 500 or so years of slavery? Citing *that* as the entire cause of their failure to thrive as a race?
Even if you grant their lives sucked under the Portuguese since the 1400's, that's still only the smallest fraction of time they were on that land, doing nothing. So either they were perpetually enslaved (and will use that as an excuse) or they simply did nothing beyond getting up in the morning, killing some game, and calling it a day.
Blacks didn't just pop into existence five centuries ago, in all the complaints and calls for reparations it's always left out that, prior to slavery, their existence was marked by the same typical failures we see from them today. They are a violent, non-achieving lesser race. That's not racist, that's provable fact.
Provable by history, demonstrated today by their own actions, able to be extrapolated into the distant future.
Wakanda isn't real. Put that on every meme template.
So what if they cry waycism.
The wayciss card has four bent corners and a gnarly crease down the middle.
Its value is now seriously declining with a down arrow next to it even in the laugh out loud SJW price guide.
Baltimore should be renamed Wakanda. Blacks made it what it is, after all.
Well, maybe Mogadishu or Port au Prince would be more appropriate.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Some more of that indispensable vibrant diversity:
"OPPORTUNITY GAPS FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN OF COLOR": If you're black and aren't an unadulterated fuck-up, white liberals in positions of power will favor you at every turn, from school admission to employment to contract bidding to outreach programs. This claim of an "opportunity gap" is one of the biggest lies of our time."
boy, isn't that the truth. I always have to roll my eyes at all the " lack of opportunity" malarkey. If any black male makes even the SLIGHTEST effort, every employer, college, etc will absolutely descend on them with offers just so they can meet their quotas and get at least a slight return on it. I'll bet black boys with a c minus average in school and only a handful of disciplinary actions get 5 times the offers of scholarships and jobs than all but the valedictorians of the white students.
According to this passage:
"Jack Drummond, director of Philadelphia’s office, told The Sun that his office has trained police officers and school teachers about how to avoid letting their biases creep into how they perform their jobs."
I wonder if he will have them recite the line used by the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz:
"I do believe in spooks...I do, I do, I DO believe in spooks."
This would affect their bias of believing blacks are just like us! No doubt many liberals have that bias and it needs to be stopped before they get themselves and others killed.
So by admitting that these programs are for blacks they are acknowledging that black people are the problem. You don't reinvent the wheel bc the wheel is fine on its own. You only try to fix broken things and improve on things that work.
So either the negro is not broke or he is unable to be fixed. I'm sure one of these days they'll find a program that works.
To stop the violence maybe they could offer up a ritualistic torture every Monday if there were no murders for that week. 1 is better than 5. Imagine if the death toll dropped to 52 in a year.
Maybe they could make pancakes or something.
Robots already run grills better and cheaper (and safer, no risk of a robot giving you hepatitis). Robots won't trash your schools, steal your car at gunpoint or knock up your daughter with a niglet either.
Our nation is not safe until these people can be identified and forced into some productive line of work.
There is nothing that 90% of them can do that's worth paying them, and that's rapidly rising to 99%. They are obsolete even as farm equipment, literally unemployable. Their future, if they have one, is to be exhibits in the open-air zoo that is the Dark Continent. The claim that they are anything better is a steaming load of Wakanda.
in all the complaints and calls for reparations it's always left out that, prior to slavery, their existence was marked by the same typical failures we see from them today.
Arabs took Black slaves back to Arabia for over 1300 years, from ~650 into the 1960's. Malcolm X reported a slave market in Mecca on his hajj. Do Blacks call for reparations from the oil states? Of course not, Arabs don't care so can't be emotionally blackmailed.
Is everybody READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? Which former scholar-athletes are you cheering on today? What songs do you hope Justin Timberlake will perform at half-time? Got plenty of pisswater beer and Doritos?
And who isn’t looking forward to the White-denigrating ads aimed at the lowest of common denominators?
Geez you'd think by now they'd take a look around, raise dey hands up to Jesus, give up and welcome back YT with open arms.
Well, a guy from small town Indiana is about as American as mom and apple pie. And about bout as realistic as marketing pork rinds effectively to Muslims and Jews.
I knew an older hippy generation guy who seemed to be programmed to speak out against racism pretty regularly and to be pretty rabid about bout bout it. He spoke of race riots and the terror of racism. I remember graduating high school at the tail end of the 80's and wondering what black people were kept around for, but I didn't say it until lately.
Yesterday’s (((WSJ))) had an article about college admissions dividing up the review of admission applications by section (essay, test scores, transcripts etc.) among different reviewers spending a total of 8 minutes on each application. The concern was that this approach would undermine the “holistic review” and short change historically underrepresented communities.
I think the fears are groundless as the article was accompanied by a photo of reviewers at Georgia Tech - a female SJW-type and a negro.
Concern with university admissions is pointless when all but a few STEM programs are now SJW indoctrination and even STEM is heavily pozzed with it.
The universities need to be purged of Marxists top to bottom. Neutron bombs will do, get rid of the infestation, leave the buildings. Start over with STEM and fine/performing arts only, calculus and chemistry required as weed-out courses for everything but the arts, and no faculty or staff who were eligible for affirmative action or express any SJW tendencies. Then police on merit.
Know how many Blacks we'd have if they had to pass chemistry and calculus their first year? All the ones actually worthy of going to university, that's how many.
Yet another shakedown to pad the pockets of their fellow tribesmen. Notice the (((article))) didn't mention a word about how these "similar programs" are producing results anywhere.
That aside, I don't want to hear one peep about the sportsball game in these comments tomorrow. Any of you who watch this shit should feel ashamed at yourself for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The sportsball players, (((networks))), and (((team owners))) want you and your children dead or enslaved; at best they are indifferent to you or your cares for a first world peaceful civilization. Might as well write out a check to George Sorros while you sit down and numb your brain with that poison.
It is amazing how many of these bastards and SJW get 100k + jobs with full Benefits because of “non-profits, think tanks etc.”. Basically extortion on taxpayers. They get WORTHLESS 4 year degrees in AFRICA BAMBATA or whatever then expect a private industry to “need” them. It is amazing our economy still goes when you examine all the drains. No wonder everything is so expensive, the company who sales it has to have a p.r firm and director of diversity and about 40 other worthless positions with huge salaries to avoid being sued into oblivion. ITS ALL A RACKET!
helping African American boys and men avoid falling prey to crime and violence
What about the humans falling prey to African crime and violence?
The hell you say! I was sure the Freddy Gray mural, and dead heroin pusher youf center would turn things around. I seem to recall the last mayor had such a program going, but it was raided and they found large quantities of narcotics, and guns.
They just need mo better juju. Maybe obama could take some time off from his full time job of trying to destroy America, and do some community outreach. He'd be a natural jumping and jiving around on a street corner.
John Cougar Mellencampy likes to kneel and bob:
Johnny must be running out of ideas. That song sounds an awful lot like a slowed down version of Ghost Riders In The Sky.
How long before there's a remake of Jack and Diane titled Jack and............Jack. Idiot.
Best part of the video was him almost hitting himself in the teeth with the mic at around 2:40.
Having to use temp workers regularly, you are so right. If you're in a rush, they deliberately slow down, leaving you to do most of the work. They come in late, want to wear headphones, and talk on cell phones constantly, continually ask ",When's break time?", and do even the most basic stuff wrong. Then they want to argue about it. Talk about work ethic, they don't even understand the concept of ethics. Sometimes they go to the bathroom, or on break, and never come back.
I think I know what's coming next because I've seen it all before.
For me it changed in 1966. I had grown up in Arlington Virginia. There were no black people in Virginia then except for black maids who commuted across Key Bridge but had to be back across the Potomac by sunset.
I went to a Catholic military high school. We had exactly one Jew and no blacks or Hispanics. Then I transferred to public high school in Arlington and they didn't allow blacks then either.
I first was around blacks (and Mexicans) when I was in the army. So when I came to California in 1965 I hadn't been around a lot of minorities. Then one day I sat in on a friend's class and the teacher mentioned casually that blacks had lower IQs. I was thunderstruck. I had never imagined such a thing but it certainly explained a lot of things about America that had always seemed a little confusing.
I looked into it and the evidence seemed overwhelming. I expected everyone to soon come around to the obvious facts which had been concealed up until then
But it didn't work out that way. IQ which had been largely accepted suddenly in the sixties became controversial and everyone was conducting studies and experiment to see if the black intelligence deficit was environmental or genetic. Every week there was a new magazine article 'proving' IQ was environmental or didn't exist at all.
We know today that IQ differences are largely genetic and that as we slowly improve the environment it will become almost solely genetic. The web and YouTube will have videos from cranks who maintain that intelligence is purely environmental just as they have videos that the earth is flat. But normal people now realize that in a society where everyone tries to give equal opportunities for everyone the remaining differences are from inborn factors.
This took about fifty years. I think in the next fifty years we will come to appreciate how the other non-intellectual racial characteristics like propensity to violence and impulsiveness will likewise come to be appreciated as being largely genetic.
This will be resisted by the socialists and liberals. They prefer the theory that poverty (from the unfair environment) causes crime. I expect this debate will take a long time. Liberals cling to their self satisfying delusions tenaciously. But these strange ideas like the notion of the brilliant, civilized and peaceful black people from the blessed kingdom of Wakanda will slowly fade.
It happened at least once before. Today virtually all educated whites and Asians realize that blacks are not very smart. We have won that fight. Now we will argue for about another half century about their character and criminal tendencies. The MAOA genes are probably just the first of a series of discoveries.
Shhhhhhh. You're infringing on their permanent victim status. If we waited for opportunity to come to us, we'd still be living in trees. Opportunity doesn't come to you, you go out and make it happen.
Wakanda is real. A lovely place in northern Illinois. In 2000 the black population was less than 1%.
@Anonymous 8:04 2/4
A country in South Africa, Mozambique has extensive natural resources, enough that it could literally change the future of that country.
Excellent Post. Africa has 60 percent of the world's arable land, and yet, they can't produce their own food if their lives literally depend on it. In fact, if Africa were populated exclusively by White people, it can feed the world.
For more African agricultural dysfunction read about The Zebediela Citrus Farms
Our senior and valued contributor D-FENS wrote at 10:03 about testing. Let me relate another anecdote about testing that you may not have heard.
The senior Democrat in the Senate who is on TV constantly complaining about Trump and the Republicans is Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Schumer is a famous test taker. His office likes to brag about the fact that he got a perfect 800 on both parts of the SAT.
That would be remarkable except for the fact that he took that test twenty six times. He worked as a student for a test prep company. He and his co-conspirators signed up for the SAT and immediately thereafter wrote down all the questions they could remember. After a while they had a list of most of the questions and then they looked up the answers. His company could then sell the public a sure-fire test prep battery and any customer could then 'ace' the SAT.
I don't remember what I got on the SAT but I do remember what I got on the grad school version from ETS - the GRE. I remember because I also got a perfect 800 (only on the verbal part not the math section). So I guess I'm just as smart as Chuck except I took the test only once and he took it 26 times.
I have a black uncle (my aunt is a mudshark) who owns a successful painting business in a major city, all because of these types of preferential programs that require a certain amount of minority contractors be hired on any public projects.
As I've said before on here, I grew up in a small town where pretty much every household had multiple guns in them. We could have at any time used those guns to rob stores, old people, and kill each other, yet we had a low crime rate and no murders. After reading posts like this, I thank white Jesus that me and my friends didn't "fall prey" to that predator of crime which causes shots to ring out, or streets fo wrong.
No negroes simply no problems. Simple as that.
Getting all cultured up and watching the 2008 based Metropolis today.
Even a sci-fi dystopia that is almost 100 years old blows Wakanda out of the water.
I can't believe how EPIC and years ahead of its time this is even with the pro communist message.
I'll stick with Whitey culture, thank your very much.
Archie Bunker
What a sad read, that link. The actual whites who made those lands productive a hundred years ago worked unimaginably hard to make that the success it was. To think they gave it to incompetent family members didn't mean anything to the ANC, hell they got to finally get investment dollars from the Russians.
That the original white people who knew what they were doing weren't begged back should prove to any black loving liberal that the ANC NEVER wanted reconciliation of any sort. Ugh!
Ha, ha, ha! Look at the pictures! Liberal YT'S get handcuffed to protest their pets treatment! Look at these cucked Scandihoovitards! Ha, ha, ha! I hope they get to go to jail and spend some time with the vibrant super predators they love so much!
....Creating Department in 70% Black Baltimore with Stated Goal of Stopping Black Crime
Wasn't that called the 'police department'?
Jim in Jersey
Once again, black criminals are not responsible for their actions. They are merely victims of the mysterious forces of crime and violence that are causing these otherwise angelic young men to commit crimes against their will. I don’t know where it comes from, but I’m sure somehow whitey’s involved.
"The growing success is a beacon of hope in the area of land restitution in South Africa, where
more than 80% of commercially used land returned to its indigenous owners since 1994 has
failed to stay economically active and provide a living for them."
Farms gone wrong; the new [black] owners are not to blame.
Wakanda is real. A lovely place in northern Illinois.
Sorry, but that's Wauconda. Different spelling.
You can find several streets and roads which might be named after the fictional Wakanda if you try.
D is for depressing said...
For more African agricultural dysfunction read about The Zebediela Citrus Farms
Just one of the cases reported in the book The Great South African Land Scandal. You can download the book in PDF format here, or read it online at https://greatsalandscandal.blogspot.com/
To them, they are making the right choices. To try to project a white persons version of right choices on them is being racist.
I love these, but you really knocked it out of the park with this one. Fantastic job sir/madam.
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