Your daily reminder #WakandaIsntReal. Long a colony of Portugal, Mozambique has been free of white rule (and dominated by black power) since 1975.
What's happened since whitey went back to Europe so an Afrofuturistic society could flourish? [17 killed in Mozambique garbage dump collapse,, 2-19-2018]:
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"The is what the world will look like when it ends" |
At least 17 people were killed and several others were injured when a massive garbage mound partially collapsed in Mozambique’s capital Monday after heavy rains fell on Maputo, local media reported.
Rescue workers believe there may be more bodies buried in the 50 foot-high garbage pile located in the impoverished neighborhood of Hulene, Radio Mocambique reported.
"Up to now, 17 dead bodies were recovered," said Despedida Rita, a councilor for Ka Mavota Municipal District. "We fear more might be unaccounted for so we will keep searching for bodies buried underneath the rubbish pile."
Many families in the densely populated area, located six miles outside of the capital, have fled their homes for fear of another collapse.
Five houses were buried by the natural disaster thus far. Reports suggest they were built illegally in a section where officials asked them to vacate.While white people build towers of concrete and glass stretching to the heavens, would-be Wakandans build towers of trash. [Life in 'trash land' captured by photographer, CNN, 8-27-2011]:
For some living in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, making a living from other people's waste is their only means of survival.
Portuguese photographer Jose Ferreira traveled to the Huléne garbage dump, not far from the city's airport, and captured the harsh reality of life in this "trash land."
Ferreira says that what struck him most was that despite the hardship, he found some of the "best people" he had ever met.
"Despite all the circumstances of how they live, they keep on showing their kindness and happiness and hospitality," he said. "We don't find these human qualities in many places in the world."
Ferreira explains that he met two types of people in the dump: the homeless and the "garbage collectors."
"Many of them living there depend on trash to survive, some search for food, others for types of recycling materials to sell to the factories," he said.
"The money they receive for all that they collect is not enough but it's something and they keep on returning there to collect more to sell again," he continued.
It is not known how many people live at the Huléne dump. Some reports have put the number at around 700.
The dump is located in a densely populated neighborhood and covers an area of approximately 17 hectares (170,000 square meters). It is the only official dump for the disposal of solid waste in Maputo, a city with a population of over one million.
The piles of waste at the dump can reach heights of 15 meters, according to a report by the Maputo municipal council.
One of Ferreira's photographs shows a truck arriving with trash from the city as a crowd of people run after the vehicle.
"At the moment that the truck would dump the garbage they would ''jump' on the trash and there you can find everything from food, recyclable material, dead animals and fetuses of newly born," he said.
Ferreira says he doesn't have a favorite picture. But there is an image he says was the hardest for him to take.
"The hardest to witness was when there were two women eating a dead dog's head that was already decomposing and raw," he said.
The dump has long been earmarked for closure, but for the moment it remains open.
After spending time in Huléne, Ferreira says that the biggest mistake people can make is to think that there is no room for embarrassment for those forced to make a living from other people's waste.
"There is a shame a lot more legitimate than any other because for most of them being there was never a choice," he said. "Many of them have seen the other side and dream of it themselves and every day they hope for a better life."
For Ferreira, his experiences have taught him to appreciate life more.
"The life we waste everyday because we want a better one or because we are never satisfied with it, is the life that many wish and yearn to have and would give everything to have it."
Your daily reminder: #WakandaIsntReal
Meanwhile, from the Africans in America news desk, another installment of “you can’t make this shit up.” Apparently, the revrun wasn’t able to fund the lifestyle to which he felt entitled from the collection dish alone, so he found another source:
My dog isn’t one of the smarter breeds, but as a puppy she was crate trained. For those that don’t know, it is a methology wherein the dog’s natural inclination to avoid soiling their own bed aids in training them to evacuate their bowels outside of the dwelling. This seems to be lost upon the negro.
I’m not saying these dump dwellers are bad, rather unbelievably ignorant.
It is one thing to rummage for materials of value that can be traded or sold, but to live there, is quite frankly asinine.
Funny how they refer to this as “a natural disaster.” But then again, when you think about it, every attempt by homo africanus to create civilization ends up being a natural disaster.
The next county to the west turned a landfill into a natural gas outlet.
It is methane so it is very smelly over there. There is a large noisy flame shooting out of a pipe.
There is a fancy sports complex for the children and some doubles homes.
This is what Whitey does with a trash dilemma.
OT: the summer Olympics I gave completely up. Why? The level of black worship has gone too far. Everytime a negro athlete excelled at a formally white sport, you would never hear the end of it. For instance, when the ugly Simone Biles (and victim of Egyptian Larry Nasr) won a gymnast medal at the Rio games, she was worshipped by the usual suspects.
The same thing is occurring at the Winter Olympics. Negresses who are involved in ice racing and bobsled are getting the Simone treatment. Well folks, this is where I shut it off. When a negro with USA titles is competing, I always root for the non-Americam European competitor. Africans-in-America were never, are not and never will be my fellow citizens. A group that brutally pummels us in the streets and steals our tax dollars is not deserving ; they are aliens. If I just found out they were all arrested and sent to detention centers, I would not shed a tear.
Black Friday in Wakanda
This is a terrible tragedy. But a tragedy easily avoided if the white colonial powers had instructed these African-americans in how to manage waste. Ultimately, this loss of life is the responsibility of white people. Particularly those in America.
Perhaps all those people lining up to see Black Panther ought to be flown out to Mozambique to dig out the garbage? I am sure O'Brien and Maher will find a photo op to sip a coconut shell drink.
Africa is real:
Well, if there is one consolation if our (((overlords))) succeed in their plans to exterminate YT, it is that their pets will suffer the same fate as the good citizens of Mozambique, scampering around garbage dumps for sustenance and drinking fetid water on a daily basis. Welcome to life without oppressive YT, negroes!
And now, a taste of Mozambique when it was still run by competent whites:
Five houses were buried by the natural disaster thus far.
Towers of Trash becomes a natural disater when they collapse?
"At the moment that the truck would dump the garbage they would ''jump' on the trash and there you can find everything from food, recyclable material, dead animals and fetuses of newly born,"
If I ever miscarry, or abort, even if the pregnancy was caused by rape, I would at least give the aborted fetus a dignified burial - who just dumps their own flesh into the trash? Even if the daddy of the deleted pregnancy was Ramsay Bolton I would still mourn the better-that-was-never-born. I don't understand the people who can just throw away stillborns or even live babies and then just FORGET about it.
"The hardest to witness was when there were two women eating a dead dog's head that was already decomposing and raw," he said. If this was my world I will never bring a child into it, not EVER. I remember now, this play I read in drama class, about a disadvantaged black community in Nova Scotia which was soooo tragic, one of their babies was bitten to death by rats. Now I think, when I read about mothers in the ghettos crying about one of their ded babies, WHY are you having babies in dumps and urban war zones? Bringing a child into such a world is criminal. You don't have to dress them in silks but you HAVE to be able to raise the child safely and give them something better at least as good as what you got when you were young.
Fantasy vs. Reality (Wakanda vs. Mozambique)
This deserves to be memed hard. Anyone good with photoshop?
The recent 'portraits' of Obongo and Michael should be in that pile.
Hey, can someone photoshop Obama's face onto the portrait of the negress chopping off the White woman's head? The other 'art' the same artist did.
Would be amazing statement.
Not a surprising story. In March 2017, more than 60 were killed at a huge dumpsite outside of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when the mountains of garbage collapsed. Many Wakandans would rent homes in or near the dump because the rents were cheap- the "houses" were made of sticks and mud. There's also the Dadora dump outside of Nairobi, Kenya which is equal in size to the ones in Ethiopia and Mozambique. The same conditions prevail with giant brained, super advanced Wakandan's feasting on the garbage or trying to harvest recyclables. They also swarm and climb all over arriving garbage trucks like a horde of rats. Just do an internet search of garbage dumps of Africa/images. These are images of the real Wakanda.
The same conditions would prevail in Wakandan dominated cities in America if all white supplied services came to an end and it wouldn't take all that long to happen. However, in America, our Wakandans would probably just pile the garbage up around and inside their homes and in the streets and blame the white man. They wouldn't even have sense enough to try and burn their garbage in a vacant lot.
This pile of garbage is the norm for Africa. They let raw sewage run in the streets of Kampala. The person mentions everything from junk to dead fetuses in the pile of garbage, and negro women eating a dead dogs head that was already rotting in the trash. This is a far cry from Toto's song called "Africa".
What the rest of the world could do for these people who are way over their heads and mental capacity is give free vasectomies to the men. Make them sterile and within a generation or two the problem is fixed.
Unfortunately we have many negroes in our nation as well! There will never be a Wakanda no matter had badly the SJWs want it to happen.
"The is what the world will look like when it ends"
All of these Wakandans are dressed in their Sunday best clean colorful outfits (got to keep up appearances), using white man's trucks and fuel to move their refuse around, and foraging off of trash which is likely nearly entirely made by white man. This picture actually is Star Trek tier advanced civilization compared to what's in store for these primitives without the white man's support.
The recipe for that Rotting Dog's Head Snack is in the forthcoming "Wakanda Ccokbook."
What the rest of the world could do for these people who are way over their heads and mental capacity is give free vasectomies to the men.
Wouldn't work. Haven't you read about the rampant promiscuity of African women? They'll whore themselves out for lunch money, literally; this is why HIV and other STDs are epidemic. It would only take a few un-fixed males to keep them knocked up as usual. You could improve the quality by fixing the dumber ones, but the quantity wouldn't change much.
If you are going to fix the numbers problem you do it by halting pregnancy, period. Tubal ligation, endometrial ablation or immune reactions to ova; I know the Gates foundation was working on the latter.
Kangs of the hill!
I hope they all get free tickets to see black panther, it will motivate them to leave that shithole and migrate to wakanda and start a new shit pile there.
Where was the Black Panther when they needed him?
In a sane world their would be no garbage pile, because their would be no consumer goods and thus no trash.
Most of the people that live there would have been eaten by lions, and more food would be available for others.
The world needs to leave these people alone and let nature take it's course. Helping Africa only increases misery for everyone.
The same would apply to our inner cities.
Years ago Cooper Anderson went to Africa to report upon everyday life, and I was stunned that he described everything accurately. The raw sewage, garbage, hideous diseases, yada yada yada but he also mentioned rape: "Rape and especially gang rape is an everyday occurrence in Africa. Many women suffer from fistulas when the vaginal wall is broken through into the rectum or bladder."
I later read that an outfit like Doctors Without Borders has to go out there to sew up the vaginas.... I guess there are no surgeons in Wakanda or possibly anyone who gives a fuck.
I don't have to read this article about the filth, degradation and misery of Africa. Last year I read "The Fate of Africa'.
This is not a race realism book or any kind of crank political tract. It is a serious and scholarly account of the history of the withdrawal of white colonial rule in Africa and what happened to the various black regimes that sprang up to take over the government of these new African nations.
It took me a while to read, partly because it is about 600 pages long but also because it is a very depressing work. Two of the highlights I'll share with you. All the new African governments had many similarities. One common attribute was the private zoo. It seems that many new black dictators decided to deal with the political opposition by keeping crocodiles and feeding the political opposition to their pets.
There were only two African dictators who actually built special purpose kitchens with which to cook their rivals. Those were Idi Amin and Bokassa. Although other black leaders are thought to have also indulged in anthropophagy no other seem to have been enterprising enough to build a purpose-built kitchen for cooking people.
I won't see "Black Panther" and Wakanda for months if at all, so tell me - How do the film makers depict the political zoos and kitchens in the movie?
It's a trashalanche!
You know what happens when there's an avalanche in the garbage dumps around here?
Absolutely nothing.
No people are killed. Certainly, no houses are destroyed. It isn't declared a natural disaster and doesn't require a 'national day of mourning'.
Because we don't hang around or live in our garbage.
Wakanda does exist. It's just not as pretty as they make it out to be.
Jim in Jersey
**"The is what the world will look like when it ends"**
Except they'll be dressed much worse. They won't be wearing next-to-new white-made "aid clothes".
I was going to leave a would-be funny comment,like a couple renting an apartment commenting on the 3story pile of garbage next door,I.e. "Dont worry,you can hardly smell it!"
But the article wasn't funny. These wakandans are frightening. This story is horrifying.Those savage females,fighting over a dead dogs head,are our world. They must be stopped!
In truth, you really can blame this on the white man. If left to their own means, black africans wouldn't be able to produce a 15 meter tall pile of anything. They are only able to create 15 meter tall hills of garbage because the food and trash products were produced or manufactured for them by someone else. They are the equivalent of seagulls at the local dump where I live.
They didn't address this in the movie, but Wakanda outsourced their garbage to Mozambique.
The massive rats that took over Jo-burg are the ANC and all their dusky brethren. They couldn't leave well enough alone living at the highest standards of any Negroids in Africa. They had to get uppity, now what has become of the nation they claimed to build, the nation they think is theirs.
Not in Ethiopia?!?!
But... but... They were never conquered by an evil racist, colonial, European power! That's IMPOSSIBLE!
In baffled rage,
Libby Cannaught-Noatis
This is a video of some christian cucks packing meals for Haitians. Everyone is White.
"The wild dogs cry out in the night
As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company
I know that I must do what's right
As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti
I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become".
-Lyrics from "Africa" by Toto
Do these lyrics portend dreaming of eating a rotten dog and then realizing someone is "frightened of this thing that I've become"? I'll say that's what it really means and that the guy that wrote this tripe travelled to Africa and saw the horrors there.
Too bad these A-holes never played "Sun City" and they could've seen the part of Africa the liberals killed so their pets could have freedom and MOAR GIBS!
I think this qualifies as ANOTHER african shithole. The list grows daily.
Ferreira says that what struck him most was that despite the hardship, he found some of the "best people" he had ever met.
This is typical of black worship. You see the same thing after the various natural catastrophes which hit Haiti -- suddenly, European and American journalists and NGO workers gush all over blacks, calling them "resilient" and taking video of smiling children (wouldn't you just looooove to have them in your suburb?). It's another aspect of the Noble Savage racket. DWLs are so deluded by ideology that they can not see an open sewer or garbage dump even when it collapses on top of them.
Too busy sipping coconut shell drinks, no doubt.
"...and fetuses of newly born," he said." along with
"... he found some of the "best people" he had ever met."
Can this STUPID AS SHIT, "reporter" reconcile those two phrases?
I guess, we Whites, are too harsh on these people? They wouldn't have to dig through dead dogs, dead babies and feces if it wasn't for White Colonialism, right?
Damn those White people. But, hey, when it gets really bad, Catholic Charities and Lutheran Services will love to use WHITE TAX PAYER MONEY to move these fine "best people" to a Section Ape apartment next to YOU......
It was either the HISTORY channel, or the DISCOVERY channel, which once ran a series: The World Without People" or something like that.
They wouldn't have had to make it up if they would have just changed the title to:
and filmed, on location, in Haiti, This Garbage Dump, Ponte Flats in Johannesburg......
Birth Control for negro women?
Your post reminds me of a quote from the Paul Theroux book, “The Last Train to Zona Verde" which was covered here before, once quite recently. I don't know how many people are familiar with the book, but it documents a man who served in Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, travelled extensively and had his firstborn there. As a man of 70, he went for a last trip to Africa and wrote about it in such a way to make the man seem bitter and hateful. It is the travelogue of a man whose faith was misplaced. Needless to say, his faith was crushed.
The quote I remembered...
In Luanda, the Angolan capital, one observant resident tells Theroux, “This is what the world will look like when it ends.”
Because of their genetic differences, Africans cannot create the same sort of high-functioning first world society that Whites and Asians do. There are hundreds of examples to prove this; not one to disprove it. Only (((media))) in the way of us knowing and spreading the Truth.
Genetics are real.
Science is real.
It explains the gap between White and Black civilizations.
All I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...hold on ...BWWWHAAAAAAAA😭...these po po wakandans dindu nuttin...we beez needing a go fund me to bury my dead nigga tyrome!!!! In case you missed it ...BBBWWWHHHAAAAAHAHAHA...the sound of trash just ringing out and when trash goes wrong
Gee you do not have to go to Mozambique, you can see this same thing in Haiti! Speaking of Wakanda, Haiti was freed over two hundred years ago, where's all those advance technology by Sub Sahara Africans in Haiti? It's hidden in the mountains of Haiti, these are those UFOs siting over American and the rest of the world. Those UFOs are the flying ships of the advance society of Wakanda like society buried in the mountains of "Chaine De La Selle" in Haiti, oops I let a secret slip! When you see an UFO, cross your arms in the Wakanda greeting or either bark!
Area 51 has been keeping this a secret from the rest of the world. It's time to reveal the truth! These are the same people who built the pyramids, let the truth be told!!
O'Brien and Maher can have a photo op eating a dead dog's head.
Pt. 1
Looking into the enemy camp, I can see that fair housing and the desire for a more integrated society is coming back on the front burner. And only coal burners could see this as a positive. I cannot print the weblink through Blogger, but the article is taken from common dreams dot org
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Agrees to Uphold Rule Ensuring Access to Housing in High Opportunity Areas Following Successful Lawsuit By Coalition of National Civil Rights Organizations
Judgment entered for plaintiffs in open communities alliance v. carson ensures greater housing opportunities for low-income families.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently agreed to abandon its attempt to delay a federal rule designed to provide greater housing opportunities for low-income renters. A federal court entered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, who are represented by a coalition of civil rights organizations who filed suit against HUD last year.
As a result of the lawsuit and the judgment entered, HUD is now implementing the Small Area Fair Market Rule (Small Area FMR), which promotes greater opportunity in housing choice for low-income and minority families and greater residential integration. The coalition of civil rights groups successfully challenged HUD’s decision to abandon the rule last year, with U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell in late December issuing a preliminary injunction requiring HUD to restore the rule. The judgment that Judge Howell entered on Friday confirms that HUD will not challenge the court’s ruling.
“HUD’s announcement that it will drop its opposition to a carefully drafted fair housing rule is a victory for those working to promote greater access to housing opportunity for African-American, Latino and low-income families across our country. The Small Area Fair Market Rent rule promotes greater opportunity in housing choice for low-income and minority families and greater residential integration,” said Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “Our lawsuit challenging HUD’s action is crucial to today's ongoing work to achieve a more racially integrated society. We will continue to turn to the courts to hold this administration accountable for actions that turn the clock back on important civil rights.”
Pt. 2
The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF), Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC law firm, Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) and Public Citizen Litigation Group brought the suit last year against HUD for suspending the Small Area FMR rule, which allows low-income families using housing vouchers to access a broader market of rental units. The suit was filed on behalf of two individuals who wanted to move to improved residential areas and the Open Communities Alliance, a Connecticut-based organization devoted to creating such opportunities for mobility.
In an opinion issued in December, Judge Howell ruled that HUD and Secretary Ben Carson unlawfully suspended implementation of the Small Area FMR rule without providing a reasonable justification for the delay. She also held that HUD failed to follow federal law requiring the Department to provide notice and an opportunity for public comment before acting.
“This is a win for low-income American families who deserve equal access to safe and affordable housing,” said Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF). “HUD must not delay restoring the Housing Choice Voucher program and we will continue to hold the Administration accountable. Blacks, Latinos and low-income Americans have an equal right to economic prosperity including the ability to choose where to live.”
HUD issued the Small Area FMR rule in 2016 after years of study and notice and comment. The rule changes the housing voucher formula in 24 carefully selected metropolitan areas, which collectively cover more than 200,000 voucher families. In those areas, voucher values that were previously calculated based on typical private rents for an entire area (despite enormous differences in the prevailing rents from neighborhood to neighborhood) now are to be based on fair market rents for each zip code. The new formula, in effect, raises the allowable rent amount for thousands of participating families should they choose to move to higher-rent, higher-opportunity areas.
“We expect HUD to implement this new program in good faith, and we are pleased to see that they have already issued guidance in response to the court’s ruling,” said Philip Tegeler, PRRAC’s Executive Director. “We look forward to working with local housing authorities to ensure that the program is as successful as it was intended to be.”
“HUD’s decision not to fight the court’s holding that the agency acted unlawfully by delaying this important rule assisting low-income families in securing affordable housing is welcome news. Unfortunately, the resolution of this case does not indicate that this administration has embraced the agency’s mission of creating strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Instead, HUD recently delayed an important tool to assure compliance with the long-standing statutory duty to affirmatively further fair housing,” said co-counsel Allison M. Zieve, of Public Citizen Litigation Group.
“Entry of a judgment in plaintiffs’ favor preserves an important housing program, allowing voucher holders the chance to live and raise their children in high-opportunity neighborhoods,” said John Relman, managing partner of Relman, Dane & Colfax. “This litigation also sends an important message to the Trump administration, that its lawlessness will be met with swift and powerful resistance from the civil rights community.”
If you go to the original article, it takes you to 5 different pages of pdf files which the inquisitive may want to peruse. I will!
Ken I do the same thing which is root for white athletes. This led to a big argument with a boomer-con relative who is "patriotic" and thus roots for "Americans". He's "colorblind" yet for some reason moved his family 70 miles north of NYC and commuted that distance for eighteen years.
Mozambique and Angola were part of the Portuguese Empire until the 1974 coup in Lisbon brought down the home government and led to the "liberation" of Portugal's African colonies. Interesting thing is that by the early 1970s, most of the effective troops in the Portuguese colonial army were black Africans. They saw Portuguese rule as better than anything they'd get under the various insurgent movements, especially in light of the running disasters of black-majority-rule in the rest of Africa (Congo, Uganda, Nigerian civil war, ad nauseam).
This has all played out since as Mozambique and Angola disintegrate under the forces of "liberation."
Just think, in about 100 years they will evolve to the same level as the Haitians. (YT free since 1804). Then they will just throw the trash into the streets rather than the city dump. Problem solved, no more collapsing death trap refuse heaps!
"Despite all the circumstances of how they live, they keep on showing their kindness and happiness and hospitality," he said. "We don't find these human qualities in many places in the world."
It never occurs to him that they are most likely sizing him up for the boiling pot.
WHY are you having babies in dumps and urban war zones? Bringing a child into such a world is criminal. You don't have to dress them in silks but you HAVE to be able to raise the child safely and give them something better at least as good as what you got when you were young.
They don't care and never have.
They want children and don't care if their pockets are empty. To put off having children for the sake of society or stability is a White/Western idea.
Welcome to the age of dysgenics. Intelligent Whites are convinced through White guilt to have 1 or no children while an African queen living in the dumps has a dozen. Of course if liberal belief in blank slate was based in reality this would be less of a problem but all evidence says NOT REALLY.
Bantu will procreate even if they are starving. This has been going on well before the White man showed up. To think they would ever do otherwise is folly.
Evolutionary disaster
Wouldn't work. Haven't you read about the rampant promiscuity of African women? They'll whore themselves out for lunch money, literally; this is why HIV and other STDs are epidemic.
I remember reading about school girls in South Africa that would whore themselves out to the local police. Not to buy food but for spending money so they can have new clothes and trinkets.
It didn't seem to dawn on them that anyone paying for a prostitute is at higher risk for HIV.
Oh and let's not forget the problem of "dry sex" which the MSM will never mention. Basically the males prefer not only unprotected but unlubricated sex which increases the risk of vaginal tearing. The vagina can actually stave off a lot of infections naturally but not if you are tearing holes in it.
It would only take a few un-fixed males to keep them knocked up as usual. You could improve the quality by fixing the dumber ones, but the quantity wouldn't change much.
A million dollars says liberals will propose genetic engineering once it is possible. They will completely drop their denial games (but what is race? Can we measure intelligence?) and demand that YT pays billions to boost the average intelligence level of Africans. But it will be too late since these moron liberals and globalist conservatives have already caused an irreversible situation by assuming these "developing" countries just need more aid and Western technology. The entire continent is headed for widespread civil war and chaos as the populations outstrip their economies. This is why we need to get control of liberalism and White guilt. The African population is going to explode and we cannot have liberals in charge because we know they will be too weak to say no to refugees.
It's worth noting that white people also display this type behavior with their children and pets. While I would not go so far as to call it worship, it is definitely an observable white trait. The irony is that in displaying this behavior, they inadvertently place the negro into a lower state, similar to kids and animals.
If you are going to fix the numbers problem you do it by halting pregnancy, period. Tubal ligation, endometrial ablation or immune reactions to ova; I know the Gates foundation was working on the latter.
Gates knows best.
Went in promoting condoms and learned that the African males didn't care about his do-gooder dreams.
Last I read he was paying a company to develop an anti-hiv cream that the women could apply before sex. Basically no faith in the males.
Gates clearly has a case of the guilts from his monopoly days. He is clear example of why the top level of the income tax should in fact be quite high (and also the capital gains tax). Too many Whites turn into miserable anti-White globalists once they have lots of money, and this is especially true if they acquired their wealth via inheritance or questionable means. Better to tax their income and spend it on US infrastructure.
On it...
There was a libertarian in the last thread that basically said we should just let the Blacks in places like Chicago kill each other.
That's not a solution. Most of the time they maim each other and the homicide rate does not offset their birth rate. The undertow continues to expand and devour new cities. This is an ongoing problem that needs real solutions.
Libertarian ideals would work with a White population. We don't have that so we need to drop the Randian attitude of basically doing nothing. It's pie in the sky thinking when you have Africans in your country. Sorry but that is the reality and I'm a former libertarian.
My dog isn’t one of the smarter breeds, but as a puppy she was crate trained. For those that don’t know, it is a methology wherein the dog’s natural inclination to avoid soiling their own bed aids in training them to evacuate their bowels outside of the dwelling. This seems to be lost upon the negro.
Early explorers to Africa noted how the Bantu would not only sleep on the ground but in pits. Which meant if it rained they would be covered in mud.
You see Wakanda would have happened if YT did not show up and ruin what was clearly an upswing towards progress.
Here ya go....
Have they tried hashtags or a children's crusade?
Here in Amerikwa the *preshus* children saved up their lunch money and booked some buses for a cross country tour to get the guns. (riiight)
School is out early this year in the FLA county chock full of (((them))).
Don't (((they))) care about the glorious motherland or is that only when there is a fictional agitprop film to take advantage of the Africans?
Grumpy Cat
The collapse of a 50 foot tall garbage dump represents the modern reality of the Wakanda (We wuz Kangs….) mindset. For the record, there are Panthers only in the Americas. None in Africa.
Recent DNA testing on Egyptian mummies show zero Sub-Saharan DNA. That should settle who built the pyramids. Racial realism is not racism but putting forth a totally false racist narrative is.
'Black Panther' star from Upstate buys hundreds of movie tickets for underprivileged Upstate kids
The "portraits" in their rightful place:
How's this ?
Wakanda in action folks:
...the sound of trash just ringing out and when trash goes wrong ...
Heh heh heh.
In Luanda, the Angolan capital, one observant resident tells Theroux, “This is what the world will look like when it ends.”
Yeah, I remember that line.
He was running into the iron law of black urban development: any city dominated by blacks will return to the African mean. This is one reason the South Africans imposed a pass system under apartheid. Otherwise, blacks will flood the cities and turn them into apocalyptic wastelands.
Theroux could have been describing Port au Prince, Detroit, the Calais "jungle," Ponte City (in Johannesburg), Baltimore's "space to destroy," and many more enriched metropolises.
By the way, anyone know how if the Cape Town faucets are working? Last report, they were running out of water under black empowered management. Cape Town is located on the seacoast. Perhaps some Vibranium can desalinate the water?
You would think harpo the whale or madonna would be there helping to pick through the trash. Damn they gotta eat.
"...and fetuses of newly born," he said." along with
"... he found some of the "best people" he had ever met."
Can this STUPID AS SH*T, "reporter" reconcile those two phrases?
These are stock phrases which are inserted into any story about Africa (whether on the African continent or Africa in America). No matter what the crime, atrocity or utter insanity, blacks must be made to look like they are an indispensable part of civilization. I mean, how can we live here in White America without an infusion of Africans into our neighborhoods, schools and workplaces?
Ah, the noble African!
They are, of course, afraid that if too many White people took the Red Pill they'd see Africans for the ignoble savages they really are. And then the war would begin.
“Gates clearly has a case of the guilts from his monopoly days.”
I sometimes wonder if these nouveau riche are given a deal early in their careers where they are promised club membership and an easier rise if they go along with the globalist/universalist program. It would explain their almost uniform, Davos outlook.
Are they sure it was a garbage mound and not a hut built from garbage? When it comes to recycling Africans are very conscientious.
Well they have forty million in the USA. Dispersed to the widest places. This over four hundred years.
We have about sixty percent or roughly one hundred seventy million. It's any ones guess what state of united we are! All it takes is a core group. The messages are becoming more clear every year.
There are many people to convert. Let's get started. Keep it subtle.
No, this can't be! That rotting tower of garbage is really a shining castle! Who are you gonna believe, the fantasy of Wakanda or your lying eyes?
Slightly off topic, but since it involves Mozambique:
Three bald men so far have been killed in Mozambique because of the believe now current that the heads of bald men contain gold. From BBC article.
People of Mozambique also have a custom of "dancing with the dead". They dig up recently deceased relatives and dance with them ceremonially. There is a concern that diseases could get out of control this way. From AmRen article.
Just two more stories from Africa that can be easily verified.
Coffee squirted from my nose because of you. Dead dog's head indeed. ROFLMAOPMP
I've never understood why ghetto blacks don't take birth control when is offered to them for free.
They are already here - Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee.
Anon at 3:32 wrote: "I remember reading about school girls in South Africa that would whore themselves out to the local police. Not to buy food but for spending money so they can have new clothes and trinkets."
Talk about regressing to the black mean anywhere in the world! I well remember reading about school girls in DC doing the exact same thing. This was during the Clinton era where there was a lot of discussion over whether a BJ constituted sex per se (it's certainly not a dental exam) and it came to light that DC school girls were routinely giving BJs and more to classmates and others for relatively small amounts of money so they could buy cheap "bling" and other "necessities" of life in BRA. All of those interviewed strongly denied being prostitutes ("Ah ain't no ho") but the only real difference between them and the street walkers seemed to be that the street walkers actually walked along the streets, while these girls conducted business at school, in cars, or wherever they could.
If it was (and is) happening in DC, you can bet it's happening in any other black infestation as well.
The first house they should move a loud HUD family into should be next door to the judge who overturned the ruling. Good grief.
I have four children and other whites treat me like I'm insane, retarded, or a leper. Maybe they think we're "white trash", despite my children being thin, cute and generally well behaved, with manners and no electronic devices.
I think the absolute lack of help or even kindness from fellow whites regarding white children, probably puts a damper on the few whites that want to have children. I know if I had to send my kids to day care I wouldn't have had children, who trusts their children to the dregs of black and browns that work at those places? And how many white girls are taught that being a mother and a housewife is acceptable and desirable? None! I know I certainly wasn't. It's all about "stuff". Do you have the right house and car and accessories? Children aren't desirable "accessories" to whites, whites want to be "dog parents" and buy their dogs cute organic doggie treats at the dog bakery and send it to doggie day care, and then take vacations to Turd World slums so they can come back and show off and gush about how authentic it was and what a connection they have to the place!
Sometimes I think we're doomed. Especially when I see whites fawning all over a mulatto child of a white woman, or any and every non white child they see.
Back in the good old days when companies offered retirements, the investor class was not making good enough money. When tax laws changed to favor the investment class living off the investments (rather than reinvesting in growing the businesses) we began sinking a lot faster.
Re: No faith in African hegroids? Why would he? Isn't it obvious with their breeding and child rearing strategies the she shegroid takes on a fuller role. She is not a single mom, she is the head of a small, independent matriarchal family with an itinerant "worker" (man) looking for alternative economic opportunities!
An old friend did the same thing, though they moved al.ost twice as far out of the city as their business doesn't require it. They have vacationed in Africa and have even mentioned the attractiveness of blacks even though their spouse is whitey, white white!
And the county where they moved? Less than 10% black!
Another raving libtard I know praises blacks and listens to a lot of blues. This fine lady has an advanced degree and lives in a county that is 96% white.
And I'm somehow the racist? I'm getting my ducks in a row and moving to an area where it is cold, there are more wild animals than people and no public transportation.
Ferreira says that what struck him most was that despite the hardship, he found some of the "best people" he had ever met.
Is it just me or is the guy from the place that formerly colonized this cesspool insane? They went from poor cousin status in their own country to kangs with one dump for a million people where people get together to get ahead. Oh, and there's some affordable housing there, too! What will they think of next?
And unlike a sharknado this is REAL!!!
Trump administration gave up on this rather quickly. Awful.
Sunshine, I don't know where you live, but PK has my permission to give you my email address. I had it on my profile for a while but I got so many evil hateful emails from nogs, I turned if off.
We know another couple who have 5 kids. All thin, cute and white. A few years ago when I was still in Florida the four adults and the 5 kids went to Costco. We were in the food court and a white woman gave us the death glare. I walked right over to her and asked her, is something wrong? She tried to act like she didn't know what I was talking about, but I reamed her ass. My husband and the parents looked down, like oh shit, what now. I said it loud seem to have a problem with 5 beautiful white children, but don't have a problem with a big family of Latinazzzzz or Haitian voodoo fucks do you????? She took her food and left. I have to admit I made quite the scene. Most people cleared the food kiosk after that. My husband, the couple and everyone else in the food court didn't know whether to shit or go blind.
I'm in my late 50's so I know the score. I grew up in a sundown town. Allegedly my grandpa and his friends were in the Klan. My grandma told me stories her ancestors told her post civil war about how bad it was for whites.
Don't try to make friends with young women your age. Find a woman like me who's quite vocal about it, but not too crazy. There are lots of women and men like me who have no children, wish they did and would LOVE to have a pseudo daughter and grand kids.
Maybe we'll meet one day.
Bingo! I posted several threads ago about the curious coincidence of Microsoft being spanked for "monopolistic business practices" while the SEC was approving the merger of Exxon-Mobil.
Bill Gates hasn't had much in the way of legal trouble since then, although Microsoft is pretty much going about things as usual. What changed? Maybe the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation shoveling boatloads of cash to further the agenda had something to do with it?
95+% of ALL media outlets in this country are owned by six companies. The rabbit hole goes very deep, but nobody at the SEC, FCC or FTC seems to be alarmed. Certainly not enough to cause any waves about it. Oh well.
Pop some popcorn. Once the collapse happens, it will be quite a shit show.
he found some of the "best people" he had ever met.
We don't find these human qualities in many places in the world."
Yeah there's almost no where in the U.S. where you will find open, kind and generous people. No not in any house in any suburb in any city will you find that. It's only the people who literally live in garbage that have those good qualities. Any troubles they have are the fault of all of us bad people really.
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