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From Marvel's New Avengers #13 |
Can we count the ways Black Panther, as depicted in a recent Marvel comic, is nothing more than an extreme celebration of the nation-state?
Xenophobia? Check.
A big wall protecting Wakanda? Check.
Racial homogeneity? Check.
Isolationist? Check.
Putting Wakandans First? Check.
Anti-refugee/Anti-Intervention/Anti-Humanitarian? Check.
Extreme meritocracy/Monarchy? Check.
PK - I want to remind you that not all of your readers hate African-americans. Many of us participate in your blog site because we care deeply about African-americans. I've noticed a pattern of increasingly negative articles about African-americans. Please, for purposes of fairness, write about the really great things that African-americans are doing.
There is a wonderful movie about to release into the theaters called The Black Panther. Please write a column about this movie and the terrific African-american history that it depicts. Or write a story about the African-american women who are helping to raise orphans and plant trees in Chicago. Just try to be more fair.
Donald Trump has much better hair than any Wakanadian can ever have.
And you couldn't buy one of Donald Trump's wives for all the goats in Africa - not even his older ex-wives.
Ha! Good one PK!
ot: this monstrous orc killed a decorated Human cop. Where the outrage!? Ohio groid killed two White cops the other day. Who kneeling for them at football?
Now who says Wakandans aren't sharing the wealth? A poor black town has been trying to get another town to incorporate them for 30 years and it finally happened!
The gifts of Wakanda will be spread freely to the newly enriched community! Yay!
A predominantly black unincorporated community has won its decades-long fight to be annexed by an adjacent North Carolina town.
Feb. 16, 2018, at 6:41 a.m.
WALNUT COVE, N.C. (AP) — A predominantly black unincorporated community has won its decades-long fight to be annexed by an adjacent North Carolina town.
The Winston-Salem Journal reports Walnut Cove's Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the annexation of the Walnut Tree community on Tuesday. The vote follows 30 years of petitions by Walnut Tree community members and a September lawsuit alleging racial discrimination that's been settled by a consent decree, resolving the dispute without admission of liability.
The 73-household Walnut Tree Community Association and four individuals had filed the lawsuit to accelerate annexation so residents could participate in town elections and receive the benefits and services available to Walnut Cove residents, including reduced water-sewer service rates.
The predominantly white town had rejected multiple annexation applications from Walnut Tree, while annexing predominantly white communities.
Delaware dude. WMAR Maryland. Towson theater cancels all showing of black panther. now either they were aware of po-tential rioting from the Baltimore elite or there really was something wrong with the film. we'll never know for sure but I guess they want another theater to get destroyed first. just hope the gf can rescue the gkids for a safe weekend from that hellhole. keep the 40 ft. distance!
OT: Read it and weep, I was looking up crime in Baltimore and found this. Her name was Latrina.
Baltimore police searching for person of interest in connection to 2016 killing
Baltimore police on Tuesday released video footage of a man investigators say is a person of interest in the 2016 killing of a teacher's aide.
Police said the unidentified man was seen near where 41-year-old Latrina Ashburne was shot to death outside the home in the 2900 block of Rosalind Ave. in the Cylburn neighborhood on May 27, 2016.
There's more to the article, but the name Latrina has been verified, I thought it was a joke name. I hope I never meet anyone with this nom de bathroom!
I wonder if Latrina is dating Shitavious...
If Julie cares about African Americans, she will tell them the truth. First of all, the so-called bad things Julie dislikes are true. What does she consider bad? Mass murder of blacks by blacks. How about blacks are behind most robberies, and blacks trash neighborhoods wherever they go? These are facts!
OK, for Julie's sake, I do like some old 60s soul groups like the Temptations. Diana Ross has one of the most beautiful singing voices I ever heard. Contrary to what some say, I have seen some attractive Miss Black Americas .
As for this fictional Wakanda, the cartoon made me laugh because it was white people writing the dialog as proxy for a black king who never existed. Blacks jumped up and down for joy learning their school got tickets to see The Black Panther. Those black kids will believe that shit because nobody will correct them.
The way they succeed in life is to work hard, study, and stay out of crime. However, the left preaches that it is whitey's fault they have a hard time (with anything).
Xenophobia? Check.
A big wall protecting Wakanda? Check.
Racial homogeneity? Check.
Isolationist? Check.
Putting Wakandans First? Check.
Anti-refugee/Anti-Intervention/Anti-Humanitarian? Check.
Extreme meritocracy/Monarchy? Check.
The "Black Panther is alt-Right" meme has been going around for what, weeks now?
Keep On Trollin'!
@anon.. "Latrina".
A married couple, teachers at my school, had spent some of their early careers in the more rural parts of MS in the late 60's. The Mrs. had an interesting story that was relayed to students over the years by both; two black females students of hers had very 'unique' first names.
One was Female (Fe-ma-lay), and the other Pajama (Paj-ama). Upon inquiry, Female's mother had found the name already extant on the child's birth certificate (burf surf-tif-ikut, hattip to bob marley); Pajama's mother's inspiration had come from the Sears Catalog. :)
@Julie....."Many of us participate in your blog site because we care deeply about African-americans."
Julez... coupla questions.
do you think african americans care deeply about you?
we'll establish terms as: care deeply - overtly concerned with another's general welfare and well being.
why is it a 'good thing' for blacks to embrace (many as fact) the pigmented figment of jewish imagination and White technology (paying money to do so), rather than accepting their actual history and lack of positive contribution to the modern world? there is no prosperous technologically advanced black 'state' to be found on the globe at present.
if you truly walk your talk... would it not serve blacks' best long-term interests for their general welfare and well being to accept reality? it would be tough self-love for blacks (especially those in the US) and in any Western modern environment, as collective to accept reality; that the majority of everything they encounter daily, everything they touch and see is directly attributable to Whites' innovation/invention/maintenance?
Black Panther isn't a celebration of MAGA in blackface. It's actually a celebration of black hypocrisy or perhaps exposure would be a better word. If you asked black people if a black community or country had the right to apply all the Wakandan rules of self protection to themselves, they'd agree wholeheartedly and claim it was a righteous act. Conversely, if you then asked them if a white community or country had the same right, suddenly it would be, "Oh hell no!" There'd be immediate outraged protests that such a thing was racist, intolerant, hateful, bigoted, xenophobic, mean spirited and non-inclusive. Just think of all the times you've read stories in America where blacks have some organization, meeting, club or "space" that is restricted only to blacks and how they celebrate that and gloat over it but will throw an astronomical fit if anyone tries to exclude them from anything in the same manner. One rule and one set of standards for themselves and an entirely contradictory and hypocritical set of rules and standards for everyone else with all the attendant hypocritical excuses, reasons and justifications as to why it's ok for blacks to do it but not anyone else.
In that regard, I remember when Idi Amin kicked all the Indians out of Uganda and how black people were celebrating that as some kind of glorious act of black righteousness on his part and how they claimed he was just protecting black folks from people who didn't belong in a black country. There was a small group of blacks at work who were laughing about it and celebrating it. I asked them if it would be ok if England kicked out all the Africans that were in England. They were immediately offended, outraged and became rather hostile and belligerent and claimed that that would be a racist, evil and horrible act of intolerance etc. Simply by asking the question, I became a founding member of the Klan and a horrible, racist, cross burning monster.
So here's the challenge. If you know any black people, ask them if a black country like the mythical Wakanda would have the right to apply the Wakandan rules to their country and then ask them if a white country would be within their rights to also apply the same rules to their country. Just be prepared to be cussed out and called names and be denounced as a Klan member. Point out the black hypocrisy of their position and you'll cause them to have a massive fit and bombard you with all the hypocritical excuses, reasons and justifications as to why it's ok for blacks to do it but not for honky motherf*ckers like you.
Expose Black Hypocrisy.
I have insomnia again. I can't find my geology book so I started reading a book about movies. I read an article by the late Marxist paleontologist Stephen J. Gould on the film "Jurassic Park".
It is illuminating to compare that film with the new movie "Black Panther". Gould was a real scientist so he says right out that reviving dinosaurs is impossible. But of course he was wrong. In fact it is almost certain that science will shortly resurrect some dinosaurs. It will not be through extracting the blood of ancient mosquitoes trapped in amber like in the movie, but probably through CRISPER using the DNA of living birds as the jumping off point. In San Francisco at Tommy's Joynt you can eat Buffalo Stew (tastes like beef). Soon you will be able to eat fried T-Rex (tastes like chicken).
Wakanda and the Black Panther are offshoots of the "Black Athena" movement. These negroes believe that black people invented what we think of as Greek Philosophy - or I should say rather that white Greeks stole black ideas from Africa. Black Athena rests on the notion that ancient Egypt being in Africa was built by Africans meaning built by blacks.
These ideas have been circulating in crank books written by crank black writers for decades. I mentioned earlier that I once had a black employee who believed all that kind of stuff ("We wuz Kangz"). But just as advances in DNA research has killed off the idea of retrieving dinosaurs from bugs in amber, new DNA evidence has completely demolished the theory that the Egyptians who built the pyramids and the Temple at Luxor were sub-Saharan blacks.
You may not have heard about this yet (some of these studies were just published this month) - but after years of failing to extract usable DNA from the bodies of mummies, scientists have finally succeeded in getting useable DNA from mummy teeth. The analysis has quickly shown that the Egyptians were not related to sub-Saharan blacks at all but rather to the Caucasian peoples of the Levant.
To anyone who knew anything about real Egyptian scholarship this was no surprise but it should finally nail down the lid on Black Athena ideas like Wakanda.
Exactly what my day needed! The only black thing I intend on seeing for the next week is the black harley and the black 1972 chevelle that are in my garage.
"Or write a story about the African-american women who are helping to raise orphans and plant trees in Chicago." Julia
Well if she is doing it without money from the taxpayers I would like to hear about it.
Love your articles & your honesty, don't change a thing just to suit anothers whiney needs
And the cry goes out for 'sensible gun control'...
Ok, libtards, want sensible gun control? Want action that will make our gun crime rate drop overnight?
Trump, flood all cities with over 15% Negroid populations, and stop search and frisk all groid bucks 14 and over. Enforce all the existing laws and lock the negroes up with guns. Our crime rate will drop to that of Belgium.
But libs won't allow that...so fuck off!
Dey wuz kangz an sheeit, yo!!
Maybe (((they))) want to get rid of (((their))) plantation pets so (((they))) get them all riled up by a movie about a mythical place that doesn't exist.
The Mondays exit the theater and back to reality then they get pissed and act out.
More races hate the nogs than vice versa even with the breeding supplement GIBS from uncle sugar they just don't have the numbers.
Also the "gangsta" sideways shooting method is totally useless in battle.
Dooom or be Doomed.
@ anon 0425,
Shitavious is a real name that showed up in police reports.
PK your checklist is brilliant! We Whites must use it to mock the emerging Wakanda Cult.
How can Wakanda be so great and awe inspiring if it is the exact opposite of what liberals claim a society should be?! This point needs to be made relentlessly and derisively to the libs and cucks e.g.:
How can you support a film that promotes xenophobia and exclusive walls?
How can you support the idea of an elitist racist nation?
How can you support isolationism?
Wakanda is not multi-cultural. How can you support that evil?
Wakanda is not a democracy. It is ruled by an elite. How can you support that evil?
(We must use the word evil as often as possible and direct the questions specifically to the individual. Make it personal but do so in the form of a question and not accusatory.)
This is a perfect opportunity to go on the counter attack against the anti-White SJWs. Let us make the most of it without mercy.
Ex-New Yorker, I do hope you're recovering from your fall. I'm south-east of you in Missouri and we had the same rain/ice. I did the one legged split on the steps to my front porch. Black Ice.
Centurion, don't know if I ever said it, but thanks for all of the information on depression. I don't deal with it so much but it runs in the family on my Mothers side. I thank PK for allowing you to share.
I know a lot of readers here get fired up about certain subjects, such as the Obama artist. I look at it from a different point of view which is a positive one. Every time shit like this happens someone out there is converted. Someone wakes up. The paintings are ridiculous, not only in meaning but in skill set as well. Any so-called "normies" that tend to lean left are converted. Reading comments on news stories they often start like this, "You know I voted for Obama... but this (fill in blank) is getting ridiculous."
Five years ago you didn't see comments like this unless you went to a specific web site that catered to the right. So I say bring it on, keep the SJW shit sandwiches flying, it's only proving what rational humans have been saying for years.
I believe eventually our side will win. There have been a few examples of this in the last few years. Chick-fil-a comes to mind. I know you all know the story, that's a win for us. Target stores are a win as well. The guys can piss in the girls bathroom thing backfired. Of course they deny the sales decline had anything to do with that. These are small steps in a big fight. The establishment IS the left as of now, it's slowly getting chipped away.
The worst case scenario here is all out civil war, if that happens so be it. We know who will win. Get out into rural America, I have seen a few comments from people here saying they are staying in their cities because it's home. In other words they are not going to run from the problem. I understand your point of view. I never cared for the city life, I have always felt better in rural areas for some reason, even when I was a kid. I always liked being out in the middle of Kansas road tripping between Denver and KCMO. Just my thing I suppose. You can escape the cities though for now, maybe someday your city will be great again, but in the meantime you can live the good life in one of the thousands of small towns across our country. America is still here, you just have to find it.
"I'm so excited
I Just can't hide it
I know
I know, it's
Wakandacitis !!!"
Tonight is the night all the problems of the Noble Negro come to an end.
Yes, we have tried Ice Cream, Cool Cop Cars, Barbecue (excellent standby event), Balloons Galore, Pup Tents, Marches for Everytown, Midnight-Morning-Evening Bakkaball, free breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack & EBT/Food Stamps, etc,.....but now, after 60 years, 5 Trillion Dollars, Destruction of every major US urban center.......we have solved the (White created) problem of negro Dysfunction.....Tonight!!!......we bring you:
I can't wait. I'm going to park off-site, (range about that of a .223), and using binoculars, watch the wildlife migrate to the Wakanda Watering Hole of my local theater.
By the way, I just checked my local theater show times for this Masterpiece (which will garner EVERY SINGLE MOVIE AWARD), and it is showing on multiple screens.....good luck cleaning up the mess between each showing.......
"so residents could participate in town elections and receive the benefits and services available"
This sums it up. Let the tax drain begin.
Off-Topic (but there is no such thing as "off topic" when everything is set up to destroy the White Race), and this is a serious thought:
How come, in less than 24 hours, we know EVERYTHING about a 19 year old, yet we know next to NOTHING about the "shooter" in the Las Vegas event?
I find that extremely odd and it smacks of "conspiracy". Many of us gun lovers have all kinds of thoughts and opinions about the Las Vegas shooter that ALL add up to an event staged and planned to achieve gun confiscation.
The FBI-JUSTICE department spends $10 million PER YEAR, and so far one year, to investigate a RUMOR about Trump peeing in a bed with a hooker in Russia, yet we know next to NOTHING about a guy who shot up a concert audience.....yeah, really?
Wait a minute.
Wouldn't Wakanda benefit from some diversity?
Shouldn't the Wakandans invite in White people to enrich them? And shouldn't White immigrants be given all sorts of affirmative action goodies? And how about building them some Historically White Universities? And declaring a White Wakandan History Month? And naming a Wakandan national holiday after a White hero, like Ian Smith?
I mean, fair is fair, right?
There's more to the article, but the name Latrina has been verified, I thought it was a joke name. I hope I never meet anyone with this nom de bathroom!
There are websites which give lists of these outlandish black names. In some cases, this is because hospital personnel recommend the names, and the parent doesn't get the gag. This means saddling a kid with a moniker that can have social repercussions over a lifetime. It is one more way in which blacks marginalize themselves.
As others have noted, should be interesting to see the number of black children who will be named d'Wakanda or laWakanda over the next year.
After you read this, from an article, below, I shall add my 2 cents worth:
"In the case of Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old Florida mass-shooter, his mother’s sister, Barbara Kumbatovich, told the Miami Herald that she believed Cruz was on medication to deal with his emotional fragility.
This is strikingly similar to reports right after the 2013 school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, when Mark and Louise Tambascio, family friends of shooter Adam Lanza and his mother, were interviewed on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” during which Louise Tambascio told correspondent Scott Pelley: “I know he was on medication and everything, but she homeschooled him at home cause he couldn’t deal with the school classes sometimes, so she just homeschooled Adam at home. And that was her life.” And here, Tambascio tells ABC News, “I knew he was on medication, but that’s all I know.”"
As I posted about 2 years ago, I suffered horribly from Depression, so much that I considered, and planned, Suicide...... And, just to make this meaningful, I wasn't planning to go alone. I was on Prozac and Xanax, but luckily low dosages, (lower than the "therapeutic" dose). 30mg Prozac, and .25 Xanax when ever I "needed" it.
Let me tell you. Those drugs are EVIL. I remember telling a friend how they "bottle" up your emotions. I complained that I could NOT cry when I really wanted to cry. I would be all wired and frustrated and nerved up....I knew it was from the drugs and I even told my wife (who could not care less about this topic).
By this experience, I can see why a teen age boy can lose it and go on a rampage of frustration, anger, and compulsion. I almost did, but being older and wiser I KNEW something really serious, and wrong, was behind this.
Without the consent or knowledge of my Psychiatrist, I weened myself off them and started my OWN research (watching everything I could on YouTube about suicide, depression, insomnia, etc. etc. etc.and reading book after book about nutrition) and stumbled upon the life and work of Dr. Abram Hofer and his work with Niacin...that is how I cured myself in 3-4 days after DECADES of Depression. Completely and Totally cured. May, 2017
And, after I became normal I then, and only then, realized I had been suffering from Depression my entire life. But, that is all I had ever known. I did not even know what normal was. I finally saw clearly why I did the things I did, my entire life. Why I acted the way I did. Why I suffered from serious social anxiety (which made studying in College really easy and successful...but at a price of loneliness and sadness.....)
These teen boys were unloved (like I was), with odd-defective fathers (like I was), and were intelligent enough to think, ask, and wonder, but only got BULL SHIT answers from parents and society (like me).....then, after a few typical, life induced, emotional blows..... you begin your cycle into Depression and then, when you have NO HOPE left......Suicide.
We really don't want Suicide. We just want the horrific pain to end. Depression is a DEMON that you can kill...you only have to kill yourself to take it with you....
I understand these teen boys. I was one of them, but back in the 50-60's shooting up your school just wasn't the thing to do............instead you got a guitar, or set of drums, and played in a band and escaped into music and comic books fantasy.....(no, no Wakanda pun here because this ain't a funny topic...)
I'll bet every single one of these male school shooters was on Psychiatric drugs. All of them. And, I'll bet Ex New Yorker knows the street names of these drugs, since the testing and experimentation of them was the Decade of the 60's and the "uppers" and "downers" of the Hippie Generation were just relabeled as Prozac and Xanax and sold legally at CVS.
(PS, this is why I harp about the BIG PICTURE. Just about everything we are told is "true" in society today is one big fucking lie: Equality, Psychiatric Drugs, Harmless Vaccinations, Global Warming, Gun Control, Whole Grain Goodness, The American Dollar,...is one big FUCKING LIE.
In today's world, if Society promotes it, you have 100% assurance it is a LIE.
Though Ex New Yorker and I lived very different lives (mine in relative pampered cold luxury), we both reached the same conclusion in life...
Do read the article I linked above since they go through an extensive list of all the male teen shooters and the wonderful drugs they were on. Sickening.
Guns Don't Kill. Prozac Kills.
Needless to say, an accident led to many blacks complaining, social media-ing, and one guy even griped about how the wrong movie was played in his theater. Wow! For 5 minutes of technical difficulties.
Verified bad reviews! One person gripes about the movie now not having a 100% "fresh" rating at the "squattin tomatoes" website.
Reminds me of when they ask some dumb ass college kids what they think of xyz that Trump did/said, and they bash it, only to find out it`s something Obama did.
Imagine Trump saying we needed to build a walled city in the African dessert, and blacks in America should go there. RAYCISS!, they`d screech. Impeach him! Muh feelins! We built dis! etc, etc.
Now imagine Obama or Oprah saying it... Lawdy jebus! We is goin home! Da promised land, mm hmm.
I don't care who pays for it, just go.
If we spent every dime in the US Treasury to build it, but they all left, we`d still be money ahead in the long run.
Stay alert, stay alive.
A Swede named Ludwig Göransson scored Black Panther. Why didn't a strong black man compose the music? Kendrick Lamar apparently helped with the "tunes" for the movie, but a white Swede who worked with the band (((Haim))) had to score the actual non-black music. Puzzling.
Don't fo-get da reel Black Panthas! This article blends the popularity of the movie with the people who committed armed robberies and murders (and likely plenty of rape) with the magic land of Wakanda!
I’m not sure what’s going on with black folks but this movie has made them giddy. Must be really lacking in all kinds of stuff that makes life interesting. Basically a cartoon character has made them proud and loud. Silly bunch, for sure.
"The vote follows 30 years of petitions by Walnut Tree community members and a September lawsuit alleging racial discrimination that's been settled by a consent decree, resolving the dispute without admission of liability."
The botanical name of a walnut tree is Juglans nigra.
Pat, love reading your posts. If you're looking for a similar book to read when you can't sleep, I suggest "American Lion" the Andrew Jackson biography. I'm an avid reader of biographies and American history, but this book is so droll and long winded, I would read about 3-5 pages and it would put me right to sleep. No matter how wide awake I was at the time I started reading it.
And buffalo/bison meat is far better than any cow meat. It's the way beef should taste.
There was a poster on here a while back who compiled a list of ridiculous black names, and included the scientific name for a goldfish, which completely fit in with the rest of the outlandish names, but also made the list that much funnier.
"Or write a story about the African-american women who are helping to raise orphans and plant trees in Chicago." Julia
Well if she is doing it without money from the taxpayers I would like to hear about it.
Orphans no, bastards, yes. One only has to view the brown hills of Haiti to see how much the African of the species loves trees.
Julez... coupla questions.
do you think african americans care deeply about you? ...
If Julie cares about African Americans, she will tell them the truth. First of all, the so-calle.....
Like shooting fish in a barrel eh Julie? You rock.
@Julie: Please tell us more about this history that Black Panther depicts. Is this actually African American history, or African history? Because I'm not aware of either group having history.
Centurion; thank you for an insightful, inspirational comment. Life is difficult enough without having to battle extra demons. So happy that you are feeling better. Sad that it’s so difficult for these children to get the help that they desperately need and deserve.
So, Walnut Cove ultimately (in today's climate) had no choice. They would have eventually been forced to do it by the courts.
Howdy folks,
Julie's post are sarcasm. It's dry humor. The real question is will normal people go see this "movie"?
I believe it will flop like all negrocentric movies.
Remember America, if you see something, say something. You may have to say it 1,000 times but keep trying. If you say something maybe someone will actually listen.
CENTURION: "How come, in less than 24 hours, we know EVERYTHING about a 19 year old, yet we know next to NOTHING about the "shooter" in the Las Vegas event?"
My guess: FL-guy was extremely well-known to school authorities, students, and local PD (39 recorded visits), and LV-guy kept his nose clean and operated totally under the radar (0 visits by cops).
The real answer to LV is probably that the concert shooting was a smokescreen for the Saudi princes trying to kill each other on the same night (in Vegas), and the feds would rather not talk about that, so they dumped cold water on the whole story. It has to be something huge, because the usual suspects strangely dropped the "opportunity" to demonize guns (and bumpstocks) -- just went dead silent about it. Just another guess.
"Shitavious is a real name that showed up in police reports."
This got me wondering if his mama called him "Shitty" for short!
Below is an upgrade to an older song I posted here about 4 years ago, and still seems quite current. Sing away!
When the moon is in the seventh house
And KFC aligns with McD's
The crowds will come out at night
And screeching will ring from the trees
This is the dawning of the age of Shitavious!
The age of Shitavious!
Rioting and looting freely
Purple drank and crack galore
EBT cards flashing brightly
Windows breaking, QT's burning,
And police cars overturning
To Centurion, a huge "THANK YOU" for your information on niacinamide. I have been taking it since you posted the info here, and copied it for keeping. It has helped me a lot. I still have down times, but the niacinamide has been a big help. And just today I got some omega-3 and on the label it said it is good for mood support. Will see if it helps also. I took psyche meds off and on for several years, but stopped taking them after the shrink I was seeing told me once you are on meds you take them the rest of your life. I looked at him and thought if he thought I was going to take that stuff for the rest of my life he was the one who is crazy. I cancelled the next appointment, and very slowly took myself off the meds. After about a month I could tell the meds had me sedated, and to me being in an altered state of consciousness is not acceptable. Right about the time I started getting off the meds some information came up on the internet about bad side effects of psyche meds, and not long after that I came across an article that told about possible permanent damage from the meds. THEY ARE POISON! I tell people that any opportunity I get. (((Those))) who push these meds do not do so to help. (((They))) are out to destroy as many people as possible. If anyone thinks I am blowing smoke about this, take a look at the surnames of psychiatrists, and that should tell you something.
For a short time some years ago I was on a combination of Prozac and (I think) Zoloft. These were prescribed by a female, yuppie pill pusher (I won’t refer to her as a doctor) who was recommended by a female, yuppie (((therapist))). I never experienced any emotional effects even though she kept increasing the dosage but there were other effects that scared me out of taking any more of the stuff. One was that my memory would go completely blank about something that I had known practically forever. If someone had asked the name of my elementary school I would have answered “Oh, I went to ... “ and my voice would stop. Nothing would come out. The other thing was that I was getting clumsy: I would reach for something on a shelf right in front of me ... and miss. After that the pills went down the toilet. Maybe I made some lobsters in Long Island Sound happy. Never went back either of those yentas.
Yep. That's one reason the left hates him. An unapologetic white alpha is anathema to them.
Check out mugshots.com and type in "unique" to the search function. You won't believe how many Wakandans have the word unique as one of their names.
And those are pretty bad names you shared! ;)
It's funny how the Wakandans were fully aware of vibranium and its properties, but the tribes in South Africa were clueless about the gold and diamond deposits.
"If society promotes it, it's a lie."
Solid truth.
I wouldn't get too excited about DNA proving Egyptian mummies weren't sub-Saharan Africans and how that will finally shut delusional negroes up for good. Never happen. I've already seen comments on negro websites where the DNA results are declared to be "white man's science" and "a damn lie!" You see, "honkies are just trying to take away our history and accomplishments because they don't want to face da truth!"
The "we wuz Kangs" delusion in negro culture is so deeply ingrained that nothing will ever uproot it- especially not scientific evidence.
The totality of Black African history can be divided into three eras which are:
Mud and Feathers;
Whips and Chains;
Drugs and Welfare.
For those of you looking for good solid nutritional info related to moods and brain performance -- Julia Ross's great book "Mood Cure" is great. We -- and our kids -- are fed so MUCH poison as if it were food. "The Primal Blueprint" or "The Paleo Solution" will start you in the right direction. Cutting out grains made my own arthritis and carpal tunnel go away -- and when I eat them (sometime, I just HAVE to have pasta... alas) both come back; the carpal tunnel within a half hour, and the hip arthritis with in a couple hours.
My husband was suicidal his whole life, and when I (finally!) got him to begin taking Fish Oil "for his heart" (I had suggested it but didn't tell him it was prescribed in Germany FOR depression!); and taking it DID reduce his angina very noticeably, so he kept taking it) -- but to my delight, his depression receded way into the distance.
You must educate yourself (and manage your own health with the medical profession's help -- or without it!), because your docs do not (and really, CAN not) know everything about everything.
It's worth reading Theroux's book for an up front look at Africa under African rule. As he travels north from South Africa's Cape and into Angola, you see increasing black dominance as well as its dysfunctions and din of rap punctuated with demented dancing. Sort of like traveling from Colorado Springs through St Louis and then to Detroit. Same pattern as with Africans-in-Anywhere. You begin to see how Africans can not maintain White Civilization.
I do not say this lightly, since I had traveled in Theroux's range back when southern Africa was White ruled. In those days, young White women were not cut to pieces by Africans, and you could turn on a faucet in Cape Town and water would come out.
Non PC Infidel said...
I wouldn't get too excited about DNA proving Egyptian mummies weren't sub-Saharan Africans and how that will finally shut delusional negroes up for good. Never happen. I've already seen comments on negro websites where the DNA results are declared to be "white man's science" and "a damn lie!" You see, "honkies are just trying to take away our history and accomplishments because they don't want to face da truth!"
The "we wuz Kangs" delusion in negro culture is so deeply ingrained that nothing will ever uproot it- especially not scientific evidence.
February 17, 2018 at 3:12 AM
Yes, the whole "whitey`s out ta get me" is just another excuse for their failures.
The last thing a white has to do is actively subvert black achievement. He`d have to find it first.
There isn't a white alive who wouldn't love to see blacks start to take care of themselves. Not go to the moon, mind you, but at least be able to replicate a 18th or 19th century European standard of living.
Nobody wants Wakanda to be real more than white people.
Stay alert, stay alive.
How does this Theroux get away with publishing some truths in a travel guide?
Meconium. That sounds like a nice name for a baby.
These words were spoken to my friend and his wife at Lamaze class many years ago. The usual suspect of course. Single pregnant black female. My friend told me he had to 'splain the meaning of the word to her.
I'll wager Meconium is still doing time as I type this.
That's Kang Shitavious and Queen Latrine to you. LOL.
Prolonged laughter ensues - that's both concise and priceless!
Fourth era: Death and Decay.
This comment directed to @Julie near first post:
Disclaimer: I am black.
But even I not only agree with, but actually support the antipathy that most posters and PK readers feel about the nogs. I know I'm an REAL exception (I'm guessing in the 2-3% level) with regard to blacks and intelligence, or more importantly, common sense, but in the same token, I have the same disdain for most other blacks. Hypocrisy? Can't help my skin color, but common sense knows no color (or shouldn't). The fact I would harbor more kinship, so to speak, with people justifiably and rationally opposed to the general nog pop than to those same nog slimeballs turns a few heads, but whatev. - Luke
I read a review of this movie and how Wakanda protects itself by appearing to outsiders to be a typical negroid third world sh!thole. Oohhhhhh, I get it now, all became clear to me! Blacks are SECRETLY successful, we just don't see it!!!
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I tried posting
Wakanda protects itself by appearing to outsiders to be a typical negroid third world sh!thole.
Note that the Wakandan border wall is made of finely-dressed and fitted stone, while the largest non-Western stone complex on the subcontinent, the Great Zimbabwe, is built of undressed field stone.
Simply coming across that wall would have let explorers know something was up.
Blacks in a failing, defunct town finally succeed in attaching themselves to the teat of a more successful, mostly white I bet town that’s close by...
What progress.
You’re obviously in the wrong place if you “deeply care” about African Americans...I think this site is beyond fair when it comes to our “dusky brothers & sisters” from the motherland.
Here’s a hot take for you:
The Black Panther? IS A WORK OF FICTION. It’s not African American history, well, unless you count it like current Afro-history, revisionist history, where the blacks get to claim they made everything, while being able to maintain the upkeep on NOTHING.
The lady raising orphans in Chicago? How much is she getting from the state to do that I wonder?🤔
Janet: "Julie" is one of our regular satirists. "She" (no telling, really) lampoons libtards (or tries to, they are losing sanity so fast it's hard to keep ahead of them). Do Not Take Seriously.
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