There's mixed reaction after a late-night decision to remove the Fountain of the Pioneers from Kalamazoo's Bronson Park.
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Pioneer Monument in San Francisco is coming down; a similarly named monument in Kalamazoo, Michigan is also being removed |
The 5 to 1 city commission vote was finalized around 1:00 a.m. Tuesday morning.
The decision means the controversial monument and the two reflecting pools will be relocated from the park within a few months.
Kalamazoo City Manger Jim Ritemsa says removal will make Bronson Park more welcoming and promote the idea of racial healing and social acceptance within the community
"We felt it was time for Kalamazoo to make a stand around racism, and the time was now," Ritesma said.
Monday's vote also changes a $2.8 million master plan for Bronson Park, which included $1.25 million in repairs to repair the concrete fountain. Fundraising was put on hold last fall after the fountain debate reemerged.
"I think it's an ambiguous and subversive work of art that needs to be used as a teaching tool," Marcia Stucki, a co-chair for the 21st Century Bronson Campaign, said.
The 21st Century Bronson Campaign was launched in 2016 with a goal to raise money for the park. To date, $2.2 million has been raised, according to city leaders.
Ritsema says more than $500,000 in pledges have been directed specifically toward fountain repairs.
"We are going to reach out to donors specifically for the fountain and inform of their decision, and let them decide if they want their donation returned or if they want to donate it to the entire larger project," Ritesma said.
Stucki says her family's foundation, Stucki Family Foundation has pledged $35,000 to the 21st century Bronson Campaign since 2016. However, Stucki said she will withdraw her pledge after after Tuesday's vote to remove the Fountain of the Pioneers.
"I am absolutely done with the city of Kalamazoo. My family is done with any contributions to Kalamazoo," Stucki said.
Chaser. [After final vote, city will remove racist Pioneer Monument statue: Last days for “Early Days”, San Francisco Curbed, 3-7-18]:As anticipated, the San Francisco Arts Commission voted unanimously Monday to remove the “Early Days” statue from Civic Center’s Pioneer Monument, placing the century-plus old bronze figures in storage until a long-term decision about their fate can be made.
The decision caps off a six-month long debate, after some San Franciscans approached the commission in August 2017 to complain about the statue, which features a pious but patronizing scene of a Spanish missionary helping a beaten Indian to his feet and pointing him toward heaven.
In February the city’s Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to recommend removing “Early Days” despite some commissioners expressing reservations about whether the sculpture has additional value as an expose of 19th century racism.
Argument over the “Early Days” scene dates back decades and the city considered removing the figures once before, according to an Arts Commission report on the statue released in February:
The “Early Days” sculpture grouping has been a longstanding point of concern for the community. Extensive debate occurred [...] in 1990‐1996 when the Pioneer Monument was relocated to its current site in order to make way for the construction of the New Main Library.
In August 2017, almost immediately following the events in Charlottesville, North Carolina surrounding the removal of a monument to Confederate general Robert E. Lee, the Arts Commission began receiving renewed requests from the public to remove the “Early Days” sculpture from the Pioneer Monument.
At the core of the repeated requests for removal is the allegorical sculpture’s depiction of the degradation and genocide of Native American peoples, utilizing visual stereotypes common at the turn of the twentieth century to depict all Native Americans which are now universally viewed as disrespectful, misleading, and racist.
The Arts Commission voted in October to begin considering removal; a series of unanimous votes since then means that the final days for “Early Days” are fast approaching. The rest of Pioneer Monument will remain intact.No matter what state they are located in, no matter to what white people they honor, every statue erected for a white person - regardless of the ideology they espoused in life - will come down. It doesn't matter if they were Confederates or spent their entire life agitating for advancing the rights of colored people, monuments to every white person or white people in general across the USA will come down.
TheTaliban is alive and well and living in America. Close your eyes to history. Shut off your brain as well. What’s left of it. Idiots!
They will only come down if people let them come down, as Edmund Burke famously said evil triumphs only when good men do nothing, at some point a line will be drawn and a MAJOR confrontation will occur, up to Civil War #2
It's completely understandable why the others want the statues down: they want to eliminate us from history. But for fellow whites to agree and to push for and vote for these monuments to come down is insane. I hope that we collectively come to our senses and end this madness. If not, I pray that future generations of whites repudiate us and do what must be done. I fear the day will come where we find ourselves in a hot civil war, and I pray that Trump can turn the ship around, but I have my doubts. May God help us and preserve us from ourselves.
Charlottesville is in Virginia, not NC, but Antifa did tear down a monument in Durham, NC after the Charlottesville debacle. The left doesn't have a clue what they are doing, messing with the 10th Amendment. Just like everything else they are doing, their actions are firming resolve on the right. Personally, being from and in the South, I can see a huge backlash of "there was a war that codified no secession" so there's no way in hell with this going to happen without a massive backlash. People who would donate $35k for a park who are now done with the city, are just the first wave of backlash. There will be more.
Frankly, it scares me.
I don’t think it’ll happen in Alabama.
Our mayor passed a law protecting all our monuments. Of course the black mayor bristled & then chimped out, putting up a plywood wall around the downtown confederate monument.
Our attorney general sued him within the hour.
The conflict is still ongoing.
Grab some popcorn...
After the war, we'll put all the surviving ones back up. And new ones for our new heroes.
Any tributes to our past enemies will be erased, as they wished to erase us.
Kalamazoo is 22% negro - well into the avoid at all cost zone.
San Francisco, well what would anyone expect?
They're finally going after the Spanish in Fag Francisco? Unbeleiveable!
I couldn't agree with you more, PK, if something promotes white people, the new owners will tear it down. The Confederacy has nothing to do with is anti-white people tearing down the people they despise.
A word to the negroes out there: you will not be treated better by other people. You people have joined sides with the anti-white groups and will eventually pay dearly for your stupidity.
Yes, if nothing is done, then this once great nation built by white people will become a dung heap. That is what becomes of all mestizo and black countries. South Africa is rapidly heading down the drain.
When they get their new park finished it will just become nicer and fancy place for the street bums to take a shit.
Part of your quoted material references a "Charlottesville, North Carolina ". Such a place does not exist. Perhaps some SJWs confuse the different Southern states. Could they perhaps be referencing "Charlottesville, Virginia"??? In any event the liberal progressive preoccupation with bronze statuary seems diagnostic of their true intentions: a rewrite of history.
They are just like the Taliban. Monsters.
We are past the point of no return now. Who cares about the liberal media dying? They can do whatever they want to us now, and nobody does a thing. Trump will not save us either, sorry. The 21st century is just going to be one long turkey shoot - and we're the turkeys.
This is to be expected in an age when people forget real history while believing in the Wakanda of fantasy.
Thinking of running for office....main platform is two things: Major focus on the revealing of latest science on race, dna differences and IQ/behavior differences and...
Every...single....monument that has been taken down by the Libs...GOES BACK UP!!!
Anyone voting for me?
Very good stuff here. PK, you'll love the quote from the teacher. Need to put together a book of these. Think how many teachers there are out there who have had this experience:
The priest isn't pointing to heaven, he is saying to the Indian, "If you just get up and head for the hills and go take care of yourself like a man we'll import black people to slave for us since you obviously love freedom, family and taking care to ensure both unlike some other races!
People...watching these monuments of White people being torn down and you're doing NOTHING!!! WTF!??
This is your unfolding destruction...Look at South Africa!! It's coming here; same dynamic!!
And want to puke? Watch the "music video" below. PK, would love your take; so much wrong with it. Our KIDS are watching this!!?? Go to stop it...
ot, but some whip-smart folks here commenting so thought I'd ask their thought son this:
So, March is going to see the big women's anti-gun march in DC. How about some creative skywriting over the march? Get some shekels together and hire a service? What is best short but effective phrase to have over the marching women?
How about an arrow pointing in direction of march with the word "Kitchen"?
Let's troll these libtards.
Other ideas?
You know, this may be cover for something else.
In Islam, all statues are forbidden on the grounds that *any* image of a human is idolatrous. The black power might just be a front for the muslims.
I see more physical battles occurring at the sites of monuments (((they))) want taken down. These will be the battle zones; the front lines of physical confrontations, each of which could spark the wider war we all see coming. Watch...
How about an arrow pointing in direction of march with the word "Kitchen"?
A 500-yard-long dick in the sky.
Or maybe "Estrogen is poison".
And the Long March Through the Institutions plods onward. Make no mistake, NONE of this is done for the benefit of black Africans who, let's face it, would rather have these millions be given straight to them, or at the very least put up a community center or throw a few celebrity basketball games/cookouts.
The useful idiots get their moment in the spotlight for virtue signaling and (((they))) get to erase another piece of our history and culture. The destruction of culture and history being the primary agenda here. Once you understand communism, their goals, who has been behind it for 1000+ years, and their methods of subversion, this sort of thing is just more pieces of the puzzle falling into place.
Expect more mass casualty events this year, particularly late April (the traditional time of sacrifice) and a full court press at gun ownership. People who have done something for which they believe they would be drug out and shot if they were found out are getting very nervous. Do not give an inch.
Every time I hear or read about a historical statue being removed I am reminded of war. I can still see the statue of Sadaam Hussein being pulled down in triumph. ((Their)) efforts to erase America's white past sure seem to be succeeding. This is war yt, and yt is losing more turf everyday. O/t my wife earns her living in an office setting. She unfortunately is seated next to a cb. This cb hates and I mean hates white people. The things she says to my wife are racist hateful and disgusting. There is no avenue of recourse because this cb actually thinks she is black and I guess that's enough.
South Africa has arrived in Michigan. History is being rewritten. Africans in America are marching onward from Detroit. Africans in America take over a city or town the first thing they do besides kill Whites and destroy the place is raise taxes they don't pay then pocket the money. Who do and voo doo is everywhere.
They want us dead. Until then, they want us miserable.
"We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it: to his home, to his centers of entertainment; a total war.
It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be; make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move.
Then his moral fiber shall begin to decline. He will even become more beastly, but we shall notice how the signs of decadence begin to appear".
Che Guevara, 1967
To anonymous at 6:35 AM Africa arrived in Michigan many moons ago.
“I can still see the statue of Sadaam Hussein being pulled down in triumph.”
The widely publicized photos of that focused only on the statue. Other original photos that showed the “crowd” showed it was fairly sparse and mostly populated by US military personnel. There were other photoshopped photos that had a larger crowd but it was clear that groups of people the original crowd was replicated in numerous places.
Of course, that war’s purpose was to eliminate a threat to our best (((buddy))) ever. When former Senator Ernest Hollings pointed this out (after he decided not to run for re-election!) there was an uproar. Even with no political future planned, he was forced to retract his statement.
“Thinking of running for office....main platform is two things: Major focus on the revealing of latest science on race, dna differences and IQ/behavior differences and...”
Paul Nehlen is sort of doing this in his effort to replace Eddie Munster (Paul Lyin’).
Make sure you are extremely knowledgable about the science. There are numerous scientists who want to maintain social status that will challenge what you say.
Consider avoiding the term “race” and use a more benign sounding term like “evolutionary lineage” which avoids the possible challenge that “biologists say that race is a meaningless concept” yet embraces the concept of evolution.
Tough needle to thread - want to avoid a science lecture that will go over peoples heads and possibly get drowned out in an Alinsky counterattack. But you want to be accurate since the science is on your side.
None of the communists that have been elected actually proclaimed themselves as communists. Even (((Bernie Sanders))) does not make much of his “socialist” orientation.
I think a good approach is to focus on a local “hot button issue” that has an implicit racial angle such as crime, affordable housing or local schools.
Good luck!
You do realize that cell phones have audio recorders...
Your protection can be found in tactically using the available technology to best effect as a "force multiplier". Even if your wife recorded something and had a customer have it on their phone to play to management if this scenario is realistic.
Today we gaze at the ruins of the Pyramids and marvel at the skill it took to build these edifices of granite so many thousands of years ago. Our cities of steel, brick, and glass (without constant upkeep) may last 150 years. There will be no evidence of our White culture when we are gone from North America, except perhaps Mt. Rushmore and Stone Mountain. The people of color will gaze at these and a few will wonder what "Gods" carved them, the vast majority will not (like now) give a shit. Our demise is their demise but, they are too stupid to know it.
It's time to tell the black community "This is our thing, stay out of it". How many times have you heard some she boon mouthing those words? This is our history, don't like it, tough titty for you.
Next stop: South Africa. We all know how this is going to end. With the failure of white stewardship will come the failure of civilization. Look forward to failure of agriculture, all infrastructure collapses into disrepair, famine, disease, tribal warfare, in short, black Africans will return to the state they were in before the Europeans came. Skinny, parasite infested, barely dressed savages, who will pick through the garbage dumps of the Chinese mining camps for food scraps. Maybe one of the brightest amongst them will be able to read the sign printed in Chinese, "Wakanda".
This has zero to do with "racism" and everything to do with virtue signaling white self-loathers. When La Raza becomes the majority here in New Hispania/Amerika probably sooner rather than later (especially if they keep the DACA Trojan Horse here) the freebies for blacks will be pared way down or possibly even eliminated. Hispanics don't like Anglos but despise blacks. This may actually spur a mass exodus of blacks to Africa when things become too unbearable here. YT is the best thing to ever happen to parasitic blacks and they know it; we have many whom embrace suicidal altruism and false white guilt. If black people's IQ were a bit higher they would have realized that the "Brownification" that is taking place is the worst thing that could ever happen to them. Whites will always survive via a relatively high IQ and our aggressiveness in the face of adversity.
People in Alabama worship sportsnigs! Don't kid yourself!
This is really depressing me. All of a sudden they are monument destroying happy?
OT - Ohio born - what is a cb? Do you mean Caribbean black? - I do know how hateful they are.
More OT - Someone I know got the name of a home health aide from a friend with Alzheimer's from a bulletin board and hired them. This black woman has done quite a few things that seem suspect to me.
What can I say to the friend? She thinks she did such a wonderful thing to me it's foolish and dangerous. They could have gone through an agency. Why have a black from Jamaica in your home when you could avoid that and have a white American work for you?
My wife works in a federally funded health clinic "welfare clinic". My wife her boss and the cb work in an adjoining cubicle. This is an ultra liberal place that is funded and ran by people who would love throwing the scarlet R at a college educated conservative woman. She is retiring this summer and just wants to glide out.
The liberal dimwits want to remove a modernist sculpture that doesn't even have a connection to the Civil War. It doesn't even look like a real person for god's sake.
I have a new favorite quote, and it is from Steve Bannon's recent speech to the National Front in Lille, France:
"Let them call you racist. Let them call you xenephobe. Let them call you nativist. Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day we get stronger and they get weaker."
I didn't see anything about what will be put up in its place. You can't just remove whitey's statue... you have to replace the former with a tribute to blacks/diversity/the multicult paid for by whitey to replace white culture and rub salt in the wounds every step of the way.
I suggest a statue of 'Ol railroad conducta Harriet Tubman, taking a squat and peeing on a head of Andrew Jackson with the rest of his body buried underground. Trail of Tears and all that.
"Of course, that war’s purpose was to eliminate a threat to our best (((buddy))) ever."
Second purpose was to eliminate Israel's primary rival of the day in their pursuit of Greater Israel (which is now being pursued by contractor proxies like ISIS).
Scumala Harris sucks of Benny Nathan-Yahoo. I wonder if Scumala will be running for HNIC? Her speech to AIPAC follows the text I did post.
Israel ‘made a desert bloom’ — and I helped — Kamala Harris to AIPACUS Politics
Philip Weiss on March 10, 2018
Senator Kamala Harris of California, who is viewed a progressive leader with higher political prospects, spoke to the rightwing Israel lobby group AIPAC last week. Her remarks to students were private and were not recorded, AIPAC told the Intercept’s Zaid Jilani.
The appearance is a reminder that Harris is taking the inside lane in the Democratic Party: Last year she met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. She was notably not a signatory to the Dianne Feinstein letter urging Israel not to erase a Palestinian village in the West Bank to make way for another illegal settlement. Harris seems to have calculated that she can alienate the leftleaning base of the party in order to cultivate the elites that are the springboard to higher office.
Until Harris provides her speech (under the crushing pressure from the media–not), we can have some idea of what she said from the speech she gave less than a year ago, in 2017, to AIPAC, from the AIPAC site.
On that occasion, Senator Harris proved herself to be another ardent Israel supporter in Congress, indistinguishable from a rightwing Republican; in fact, she said she would do all she could to prevent Israel from becoming a bipartisan issue. She also denounced the delegitimization of Israel (implicitly the boycott movement), celebrated the $38 billion US aid package to Israel, praised Israel as a democracy that shares American values, said “a state for the Jewish people is so essential,” never mentioned the occupation, said “Palestinians” only once in the context of the two-state solution, and called for taking on Iran’s support for terrorism.
And yes, Israel made the desert bloom, she said; and Kamala Harris played her part, collecting money in Jewish National Fund boxes in order to plant trees. FYI, the JNF is a discriminatory agency that provides land to Jews, and that used such tree-plantings to cover up the ruins of Palestinian villages from the Nakba, to which refugees were not permitted to return.
One AIPAC attendee reports that Harris said the same thing this year:
“As a child, I never sold Girl Scout cookies, I went around with a @JNFUSA box collecting funds to plant trees in #Israel.”
Still think it's your country, YT? Still think that you are a winner because MyTeam(tm) carried a sportsball over a goal line? Or you can choose to watch 1000 channels of telescreen?
In fairness, more White people are waking up. If nothing else, the decline in ratings for sportsball is one symptom. We see various Alt Right movements taking it to the streets. And there is the wider growth of militant nationalist movements in Europe.
What today's anti-statue movement has inadvertently done is give pro-White movements a good precedent. When it comes time to tear down the monuments to BRA, there can be no hesitation.
Stay armed, stay alert, and continue the struggle.
Anonymous at March 10, 2018 at 4:10 AM,
Exactly! Although the Native Indians encountered by the arriving Europeans were pretty much a stone age people I respect the ***k outta them. They did not stand a chance against the proliferation of White progress/technology yet they did have the stones to actually walk the walk and not just talk the talk of Better red and dead than red and continue living a way of life different than their Fathers' Ways. Respecting of one's elders is a hallmark of a society seeking wisdom.
By and large, Native Americans at least respected Nature - which should and must be be respected. Contrast that with blacks who do not respect anything other than mindless violence and senseless destruction.
They tear down these monuments because they feel they are mocking them, and in a way, I guess they are.
They are monuments men an women of strength and intelligence, with great foresight. They laid the foundation of all we have here today with nothing but their wits and sweat.
They were everything todays liberal SJW`s are not, and they know it. They represent something better. This is why they seethe with rage at them and try to destroy them.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Stand Up Broad, "Our demise is their demise but, they are too stupid to know it."
Exactly! Blacks will kill the Golden (White) Goose. And then they will blame the murdered White Goose for why they are perpetually ignorant, inept, and violent.
Anonymous, "Other ideas?"
March 10, 2018 at 4:22 AM
I suggest a more "femaley" persuasive approach using this (admittedly long) sky banner message: You're a single mom; it is 2 am and someone, more than likely a man, (and maybe he is not alone!) is trying to break down your door to get to you and your children. How do you defend your children and yourself?
I’m thinking of petitioning my high school to remove my senior picture from all copies of our yearbooks. The long straight hair with deep “surfer”bangs has to go. It’s just so outdated. Doesn’t fit today’s culture of anti whiteness. And the peter pan collar under the navy sweater is way too non black. What was I thinking?
If anyone out there has not seen or heard about the BLM flag being flown at a Vermont HS, here it is (see the pictures):
Many of these “Vermonters” are actually transplants from NYC and Boston. (((Bernie Sanders))), (((Ben & Jerry))) are classic examples. Enough to elect a few Jewish governors (((Shumlin and Kuhn))).
Any monument, by definition, mocks blacks, as they will never have the ability to create one on their own.
We erase history, lest we be forced to learn from it.
Coonocracy of fluid academic standards.
Tech vs UGA, but almost never does an athletic Negro with an above retard IQ actually study a hard science.
President Trump doing GREAT things insulting Maxine Waters with IQ insults.!! SO TRUE!! She's negroid!!
Keep hammering her!!
When I was 12 we went to visit San Fran, got lost and ended up on a bus in the bad part of town. A couple of apes tried to abduct my 16 year old sister. Threw a crate at the window where my Dad was sitting.
My opinion of the town remains the same.
Now days, I carry illegally in that crap hole. I’m rich enough to appeal my conviction to SCOTUS and make a name for myself. I’m sick of this crap
Cannon fodder.
Make no mistake. Once the battles start, the anti gun, gang bangers, and liberal hags will face the accurate deliberate actions of people clean their firearms more frequently than the average millennial shaves.
Eventually the people flee and free-state a bunch of Midwest states that can’t be swayed. Suddenly the remaining high income liberals are forced to pay the burden.
Besides, we all know what a majority minority does to home values. That $1million home isn’t worth $250k when the chimps roam and fight a turf war with Hispanics.
And yet that fantasy negro flick has grossed a billion.
People are so concerned they will be labeled “racist”. So they support Obama, Wakanda, and other outward displays of progressivism. Let’s let their 18 year old daughter come back at winter break, freshmen year at college, with a shiftless, unemployed Negro in tow. See how it fits then.
Today my relatives listed their home in a Gwinnett County Atlanta Suburb. Purchased for $290k over 20 years ago, in an exclusive country club area, the listing price is $325,000. This is the real impact of blacks, black crime, black neighbors, black kids in schools, and general TNB. In a little over 20 years the house gained $35,000 in value? The home is very well kept and updated, the club is nice, the HOA is tough. Blacks moved in. All around it crime has skyrocketed. The schools, which used to be tops in the county, are sub-par due to so many little nigglets achieving adulthood before achieving reading proficiency.
Blacks make everything worse.
Blacks make everything worse.
The Visible Black Hand of everyfuckingthing. Pardon my french.
As the descendant of many Confederate soldiers, I do not give two shits about the feelings of 13% of the population. Yet here they have all this power to take down historical monuments. Don’t get me started. This is BRA and DWL America today. Btw in addition to taking down the San Francisco statue of Father Serra and Sir Francis Drake, who freakin discovered the San Francisco Bay, a statue of Columbus is being taken down in San Jose California. This has got on my last nerve.
"As the descendant of many Confederate soldiers, I do not give two shits about the feelings of 13% of the population. Yet here they have all this power to take down historical monuments."
Unfortunately, the treacherous liberal abominations do give a shit (or at least pretend to) and have given them the power to do this.
So, March is going to see the big women's anti-gun march in DC. How about some creative skywriting over the march? Get some shekels together and hire a service? What is best short but effective phrase to have over the marching women?
Best thing you can do is ignore them and buy an AR-15.
The anti-gun movement has lost their central argument (guns cause violence) since it requires hiding the negro violence problem which the internet has exposed. They are desperate to gain ground. This is why they have thrown millions at high schoolers.
Liberalism in general is in defense mode. Good lord just look how excited they got over a FICTIONAL movie about an advanced Black society. Forget their normal rehashing of half-truths, they actually rallied around a 100% fake COMIC BOOK MOVIE.
And yet that fantasy negro flick has grossed a billion.
People are so concerned they will be labeled “racist”. So they support Obama, Wakanda, and other outward displays of progressivism.
Watching Black Panther is just the latest way to patronize negroes and the false liberal god of equality.
"Black Pander"
So, the cultural cringe continues. I doubt, though, that the people of color will be impressed by these whiteys cringing before them.
And yet that fantasy negro flick has grossed a billion.
Africans in America believe that shit to be real. That's like me a White believing Bat Man, Spiderman, Superman, and other comic book characters are real. Africans in America are really just as crazy as they act.
I'm surprised that it has actually managed to appreciate in value with all that crap going on around it. These wretched people have probably cost your relatives a six or seven figure sum.
I should open a restaurant and charge Blacks more to showcase the differences in lost home equity.
Best thing you can do is ignore them and buy an AR-15.
I second this.
Your wasting your money, and your breath, trying to reason with them. They don`t want to hear facts. They want to stay in their carefully crafted fantasy world.
Liberalism is a suicide cult and they want to take you down with them.
Buying a firearm, an AR-15 especially, is voting with your wallet. And it also might come in damn handy in the upcoming "sportiness". You never know when you might have to do your best "rooftop Korean" impression.
Stay alert, stay alive.
If you think things are bad for whites now, just wait until they become a minority in this country.
Their evolutionary level gives them the ability to make cave paintings on walls.
Watch what's unfolding in South Africa for a preview of what's in store for us.
Africans in America are really just as crazy as they act.
As are the libtards who worship them.
You never know when you might have to do your best "rooftop Korean" impression.
Words to live by. As I am.
Removal/destruction of iconic statues and rewriting of history, more examples of white genocide yet so many people still say it's not happening.
1967 to be precise.
I was thinking, keep it simple. Just a plain statue of a kneegrow yuf with his pants around his knees.
Along with the enemies themselves.
On that last point, I've thought about the same thing. You'd have a good chance of winning and even if you didn't you'd still be able to cash in on becoming a rockstar.
This is being done by virtue signaling White people and their (((friends))).
That's the listing price. They'll be lucky to get what they paid for it.
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