Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Kroger Grocery Store in 69% Black Macon, Georgia Closing Because of "declining sales and negative profit over an extended period" (laymen terms: b/c of black criminality)

Previously on SBPDL: Two Kroger Grocery Stores in 98% Black communities in Memphis Closing Because of High Rates of Theft

Macon, Georgia is 69 percent black and 27 percent white. 

Why is this important? 

Because it helps explain why a Kroger location in the city - Kroger being one of America's largest grocery chains - is closing because of "declining sales and negative profit over an extended period"...[Macon midtown Kroger closing next month, Macon.com, 3-26-18]:

Midtown Macon and its Vineville and Stanislaus neighborhoods are losing their grocery store. 
The Visible Hand of Black Economics strikes again in 69 percent black Macon, Georgia
The Kroger store at 400 Pio Nono Ave. is scheduled to close April 20, the company's Atlanta division announced Monday. 
"We're dumbfounded," one worker said Monday as the news became public.

The building, with its clock tower rising up between Vineville, English and Roff avenues, employs 125 workers and does a brisk business at the gas pumps. 
"All 125 associates will be considered for reassignment to other Kroger locations as outlined in the company's collective bargaining agreement," a release stated. 
The statement cited "declining sales and negative profit over an extended period" as the reason the store will be closing. 
"Its closure is necessary to make Kroger more competitive in the market," the release stated. 
Shoppers were encouraged to choose the Kroger locations at 660 North Ave., about 3.4 miles away, or 4650 Forsyth Road, 3.7 miles away, or 4628 Presidential Parkway, a little more than 4 miles from the midtown store. 
Locations on Tom Hill Sr. Boulevard and Hartley Bridge Road also will remain open. 
In August 1994, residents of the Vineville Neighborhood Association fought plans for the store, and a Bibb County judge ruled against the company that December, saying that the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission's approval of the project was "a manifest abuse" of its authority. The association maintained that the store would bring an increase in traffic, noise, trash — and a decrease in property values. 
The Planning and Zoning Commission approved new plans in March 1995, but neighbors sued again. 
After months of legal battles, the Georgia Supreme Court approved Kroger's project. 
Work began on the 23-acre site in January 1997, and the 78,000-square-foot building opened that November. 
"One of our arguments back then was that the store ... would not be successful," said Jim Marshall, a former Macon mayor who represented the association in litigation. "Our worry was that it wouldn't have staying power. It's hard to imagine what you might wind up putting in there." 
The historic Vine-Ingle community seemed to eventually embrace the "CitiCenter" concept, which had a nail salon, insurance agency, gift shop, bank and police precinct inside. 
A toy train circled the frozen food section, and the store had enough bells and whistles to draw a large crowd on opening day. 
A loft apartment project once planned behind the supermarket was scrapped after a fire in March 2011 destroyed the old Atlantic Cotton Mills buildings slated for redevelopment.
At the end of the day, publicly traded companies must answer to balance sheets, income statements and shareholders.

The Visible Black Hand of Economics is a foolproof concept, capable to withstand any peer review and providing irrefutable evidence to how and why communities flourish or flounder in the United States of America.

The blacker a community in the USA, the less likely social capital will flourish.
In laymen terms: a food desert is what occurs when you regress to the black mean. 

The same principle is true in Memphis, Macon, Montgomery (Alabama), or Madison, Wisconsin. It's a phenomenon regardless of the level of state intervention or nonprofits pumping money to keep the charity grocery stores afloat to stave off a food desert. 


Anonymous said...

Panhandlers, violent crimes, shoplifting, government regulations and mandates, finding qualified individuals to work at the store........operating an inner city food store is an impossible nightmare situation.

D-FENS said...

I’m sure they had plenty of undocumented sales.

Anonymous said...

Were any white employees beat down by angry teens? It didn't mention violance against whites working there. Oh yeah, not PC.

Westminster Dragoon said...

I keep seeing comments about moving away from diversity.

Just a reminder that Census Bureau data has been compiled into a "Racial Dot Map" online-


A handy resource for those of us seeking a "safe space" of our own.

Anonymous said...

I go to the post office to mail packages typically once a week, to the main post office that stays open until 7.

Last week I had to wait for this black woman with her keedz who was trying to mail a big box of junk food someplace, using one of the boxes they sell at the post office, and she was bitching because the clerk explained she'd have to buy the tape too, they don't tape up packages for people. Now it's not that unusual for people to not know what they're doing to mail a box, but this was just painful, finally the clerk, an Asian of some sort, had enough and she got a box the size they wanted from the back and folded it so they could weigh the crap and find out what it would cost and get them the hell off her counter. I overhear the zip and it's not really that far away, 2, 3 hours, must be the weekly food ration for the soon to be college dropout as what I could see poking out of bags was crap junk food.

I go outside and here's a car in the handicapped spot idling with another one relaxing in the passenger seat; hit me right off had to belong to these morons inside. I was both disgusted and amused by the irony of them parking there.

So this week I'm back again and this time a different car is parked sideways across two of the handicapped spots, idling, possibly the same woman in the drivers seat while they sent in apparently the one who sat on her ass in the car last week to do the same thing - and the same clerk has to go through the same thing again so these idiots can mail off ramen noodles to the kid too lazy to go to the store. Meanwhile the young one, maybe 6, is running around picking things up. The clerk gets rid of her faster this time, explaining the stuff has to be in the box so she can weigh it, again. It was 5 minutes to close when I left and she was nowhere near getting that crap packed when I walked out, but the little one came running out with a Priority Mail envelope I'm pretty sure had the cards and things she was carrying before, in it, stealing them. At least by then the adult had moved the car, now just parked in a fire zone at the curb.

Never occurred to me to wonder how much of that junk food had been shoplifted.

All I could think of was that it seems like every time I'm near these creatures I hate them more and more. Can't go to the mall, can't go out at night, can't drive down the road, now can't even mail crap without having to be around them - who about 75% of the time stink of pot. Even one Sunday morning at the flea market I passed a couple groups of them that smelled of it.

Anonymous said...

Africants in America think everything around them is a handout rather than a privilege. They are so repulsive, even grocery chains run from them. Maybe it's time to revisit 'white flight' and rename it something more 'inclusive'.

Just think of the staggering amount of consistent and constant theft that it would take to render a national chain unprofitable.

Anonymous said...

Can't live with 'em, forbidden by government decree to live without 'em.

Anonymous said...

The Visible Hand of Blackonomics circles the globe like a tornado, creating food deserts from Atlanta to Zimbabwe. Let them eat mudcake.

Anonymous said...

Know nogs
Know crime
No nogs
No crime

Anonymous said...

So we have a food desert in our city. no chain was interested in putting a store in place. Finally, a chain agreed to build a store there. my son worked the survey gang for the store. After that he applied for his concealed carry because of the locals. Anyway, it seems the chain, family owned, met with city officials. Conditions were set, 2 police officers on duty at all times, 1 in the store, 1 in a marked patrol car out front. The city agreed to pay for losses exceeding the average of all the local chain stores in the 'burbs. Was in there once. Filthy, dirty, a total mess of things compared to the same chain not 5 minutes from my house. As the county becomes more sect. 8 here, that will be the shape of things to come.

Anonymous said...

"Midtown Macon and its Vineville and Stanislaus neighborhoods are losing their grocery store".

So Vinlanders and the descendents of a man named Stanislaus are responsible. And "negative profit over an extensive dedicated period" means "cannot turn a profit no matter how much they get in food stamps".

Black areas are not food deserts, they are simply hungry for laughs! Why are blacks the only ones with "food deserts"?

Anonymous said...

Our city had a serious lack of supermarkets. A local family chain agreed to put a store in a bad area. Conditions were as follows: 2 police officers on duty at all times, 1 in the store, 1 in a marked patrol car out front. The city agreed to pay for all losses exceeding the average of the chain's suburban stores. Now with this being said, they still experience carjackings, purse snatchings, and muggings on a regular basis. Two cops are simply overwhelmed by the situation. the press wont cover the truth but it does leak out on occasion. Sadly, the store not 5 minutes from my house is getting darker and will continue to devolve as sect. 8 spreads throughout the county.

Anonymous said...

Delaware dude. At anonymous @ 10:14. it is already called the Safety Relocation Initiative. White flight be all raciss and sheeeit.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who lived in, graduated college from and married his lady from Georgia. And while the biggest liberal he's stated he "only likes skinny white women" and left his job... in Georgia! He escaped the grocery business after his store went 24 hours and he went from managing workers to managing to see the reality of black crime. He has two kids and he comes off as liberal but has admitted to believing there's a difference. He says he just wants to live in peace, but I believe that for some people their fantasies are more important than their reality.

Anonymous said...

Let them eat mudcake, someone wrote? I wish these guys would eat that instead of people. Behold the cannibal soldiers of Liberia, which includes fighting naked, because it makes you invisible AND bulletproof of course (no, this is not parody) and child sacrifice. These are Vice documentaries. Featuring Generals Butt Naked, Rambo, Bin Laden, Mosquito, and his nemesis, Spray Mosquito

long version: (Listen to the first minute!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo

short version: (has extra footage): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMwI5unlK9M&t=486s

Anonymous said...

**I'm not sure if I mentioned that the links to the cannibal soldiers of Liberia also feature child sacrifice (one is sacrificed before each battle) and the drinking of the child's blood.

Non PC Infidel said...

I've seen the same thing happen with pharmacies, grocery stores and other businesses located in or near black areas. They close down due to the high rates of shoplifting and then the blacks start wailing about where are they going to shop, where are they going to get their prescriptions filled etc. Hell, I've even seen Burger King, Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken close down locations in black areas and move miles away from the "enrichment." Probably because the only staff they could get were incompetent/incapable/unreliable and were stealing the place blind. Cue the wails of, "Dere ain't no jobs!"

All in all though, it's just a story that's on repeat mode because blacks are too stupid to get the connection between their own behaviors and the consequences. They're too busy laughing about what they're getting away with and expect that everyone will just continue to put up with it and absorb the losses. When that doesn't happen and stores and companies bail out of the area, that's the evil white man taking everything away from them, mistreating them, doing them wrong and trying to keep da black man down. Cue all the black resentment and the cries of "we be da innocent victims! Ya'll be doin' us wrong!"

Oh look! There comes a rev'run, a community activist and a mob of "concerned black people" marchin' and talkin' about how they need investment in the community and how ebberbody is supposed to help. And, like clockwork, here comes the white cucked libtarded city councilman to kiss their butts and act like they're so sweet and innocent and how he's going to do everything he can to "make a difference." Not to be outdone, here's Shaniqua stepping up with her brood of fatherless brats on welfare to speak up about da racism and lack of opportunities. YES! All the clowns have gathered!

Do you hear the circus music too?

Anonymous said...

Moron liberals still haven't learned a basic requirement of government which is to protect and encourage commerce.

They can't stand the idea of locking up Blacks over stealing but they don't get that tolerance of criminals means putting Blacks out of work.

When the big chains try to setup shop in Black areas we see liberals:
1. Complain that they don't pay enough
2. Complain when they leave and make excuses for theft

I realize some of these cities are managed by Blacks but they are taking their cues from White liberals.

Ricky Tucker said...

Kroger could have tried to stick it out, the crime in Macon/Bibb county is actually going down because all the Wakandans are moving down into Warner Robins/Houston county.. you know: better schools, nicer neighborhoods..the WRPD are stretched to the limit right now because of the exploding crime rates. I lived through the death of one South GA city and now seeing another great community fall.

Anonymous said...

In case any liberal readers *want to believe* that theft isn't a major factor:
Ellis said Kroger employees told him that thefts and lawsuits from "slip and falls" contributed to the decision to shut down.

Read more here: http://www.macon.com/latest-news/article206979409.html#storylink=cpy

These giant corps need to be honest and shove their books into the face of any Black or liberal that tries to deny the problem.

Open the books for the store and let everyone see the numbers. Embarrass these liberals and Black leaders that try to live in a fantasy world. Black workers will be out of a job because you idiots can't face simple realities. You hate us for telling the truth but your childish fantasy world has put the Blacks you claim to care about out of work.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I've even seen Burger King, Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken close down locations in black areas and move miles away from the "enrichment." Probably because the only staff they could get were incompetent/incapable/unreliable and were stealing the place blind.

There is another factor which is that no one wants to wait on them and that includes Blacks.

I truly believe that welfare dysgenics has taken them one rung below third world.

Before the 60s they were able to conduct basic business, even if in a half assed way. Now even with EBT they can't keep a Kroger open.

Welfare has encouraged the reproduction of the irresponsible. William Shockley was deeply concerned about this as he believed welfare would end up working against Blacks by decimating their already fragile middle class through dysgenics. Instead of looking at his arguments the mainstream media vilified him as a wayciss and even turned his family against him.

When future Whites build a William Shockley statue I hope it is so large that it can be seen across multiple states.

Anonymous said...

**I'm not sure if I mentioned that the links to the cannibal soldiers of Liberia also feature child sacrifice (one is sacrificed before each battle) and the drinking of the child's blood.

And their leader was Western educated. Got his degree from a private University in Massachusetts.

All we need to do is educate them.

Antidote said...

In other News:
Apparently the Reverend Doctor Al Sharpton has a younger brother named the Reverend Doctor Glasgow----who is also in the prayer chapel and race hustling business. He participated in Little David Hogg's anti-2nd Amendment March, and when he returned to town it was discovered his car had been stolen. But he didn't call the popo; he and another Negro hopped into a vehicle and went looking for the suspook---a 23 year old female. When they found her, she got a bullet in the head. In the Negro argot this is called a 'driveby' shooting and also 'No justice-No peace'.

KeyserSatöshi said...

These giant corps need to be honest and shove their books into the face of any Black or liberal that tries to deny the problem.


In black-run-America???

Will never happen!

This country will rush headlong, kicking and screaming, straight to its coming collapse while mouthing its platitudes of "diversity is our strength", before it ever faces up and admits the Truth.

Anonymous said...

Our city had a serious lack of supermarkets. A local family chain agreed to put a store in a bad area. Conditions were as follows: 2 police officers on duty at all times, 1 in the store, 1 in a marked patrol car out front. The city agreed to pay for all losses exceeding the average of the chain's suburban stores.

Wow. What is next? National guard in the bakery?

Can you share the city?

Anonymous said...

As a Telegraph reporter published a live Facebook post during the news conference, she asked Ellis to respond to people who asserted that it should be left up to Kroger whether to close a store or not.

"But the store has a responsibility to the community," he said. "Every business has a responsibility to the community for which it serves. Of course, ultimately, it’s their responsibility. It’s their decision."

Read more here: http://www.macon.com/latest-news/article206979409.html#storylink=cpy

So does the community have any responsibilities? How about supporting the store and not stealing from it?

I am so sick of these empty suit Black leaders. They show up for a press talk and then rush back to their gated White community in a dark tinted SUV.

Marc B said...

Stores closing due to a White customer base insufficient to offset it's NAM majority is a good sign. From these examples it can be extrapolated that many organizations, infrastructures and local governments disproportionately serving non-whites could meet the same fate even faster with targeted White non-participation.

Why I’m Racist said...

Outside a high end grocery store I frequent I often see this pure black goliwog with a begging bowl going around in the parking lot axing for donations “to help troubled youth stay off drugs” n sheeit. I think to myself “How charming, our own little slice of Africa.” Does store management do anything? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

It might have worked if all the food and workers were behind Plexiglas where blacks could not steal, or rob the store. Anywhere there are negroids you will have the same problems.

Pat Boyle said...

I never intended to write all these comments on groceries but the Gods of Destiny seem to have chosen this path for me.

It is just after eight in the morning. I just finished my grocery shopping. I got two grocery deliveries - one from Safeway and one from Amazon Fresh. The Amazon groceries come before seven and are in bags with ice and dry ice. Amazon has some things that Safeway doesn't have like prosciutto and lactose free 1/2 and 1/2. Safeway has booze - this week I'm drinking champagne.

Everyone will soon shop this way. Bezos regrettably will get richer yet, but you won't have as much of the negro problem. Whites and Asians don't want to go to a grocery store filled with blacks. Grocery stores don't want to have to deal with the theft and bad behavior of blacks. So if no one wants blacks (the public and the stores) then more and more grocery stores will close and people will have their groceries delivered.

In the fifties the pop science magazines like "Mechanics Illustrated" and "Popular Science" ran stories about how in the future we would all have personal airplanes. Didn't happen. But we do have lots of home delivery and soon self driving cars. Those magazines failed to foresee the effect of liberating the negroes. Blacks everywhere bring three things - murder, rape, and robbery. We are just beginning to develop the technology so that we can live with this corrosive element amongst us.

Remember - 8% Ghosts.


Anonymous said...

A tale from the wonderful murder capitol of Wakanda, Chicago. Back in the 80's or early 90's, near an African holding pen known as Cabrini Green, stood a firehouse. The vibrant residents in the area took it upon themselves to redistribute the wealth from the firefighters cars in the lot so they removed an engine or bambulance or both in order to protect the cars in inside the station.

As one can imagine this did bring cries of racism from the usual suspects but the irony of course is that they couldn't even leave the cars of the people who save their lives alone because I'm sure they didn't think there would be a downside.

The projects are long gone but thankfully their residents are spread like cockroaches all over the city and suburbs making America more diverse.

It's Out of Control said...

OT, but apparently a copy-paste of about 600 other articles about "aspiring rappers" who just happened to be ignoring popo orders:

"CNN: The man shot and killed by Sacramento police was turning his life around, his brother says"

"He was arrested before, but he's been different lately," (his brother) Stevante Clark told CNN sister network HLN.
"He really changed his life. He was a people person who everybody wanted to be around. We came from underprivileged, broken homes, but he didn't care about nothing else but his kids."
Stevante Clark told HLN his brother "wasn't a thief."
"I just want to make sure his kids go to school, my mom is good, and he gets buried in a way where we don't have to worry -- the nicest funeral," he said.
The Rev. Al Sharpton has pledged his support for Clark's family and said he would be in California to help them fight for justice, according to a statement from his organization.

Unknown said...

Small rural town in the Ozarks, plenty of poverty here...but it's White poverty. Our WalMart is spotlessly clean and very helpful clerks abound. There are 3 other grocery stores in town and they are also super clean and well stocked. Hell, even the gas stations are clean. Must be due to all those "Bible & gun clingers". All-White areas are still to be found, I suggest you find one ASAP.

Anonymous said...

With the new rule to not try to stop shoplifters in high crime areas In Atlanta, how do the businesses thrive or even make a profit?

D-FENS said...

The thing is, Kroger had to fight tooth snd nail to get the store built when Macon probably wasn’t much less darker.


You will hear the fat obese negro women say "Da place was bizzee all da time !!, not realizing it was busy with their sons and husbands and sistahs' shoplifting everything.

Sales were "down" because SALES were down. The "community" WAS in the aisles and "shopping"...actually shop-lifting and stealing from "da man!!!". DAT RITE !!!

So, yeah, hippo, you and you fambly were going to the store, but robbing it out of bizzness. This is what you get when you don't have, within your genetic code, an innate "instinct" to "act White" and pay for what you want. Grazing the aisles like the Veld back in African will not work in a White Civilization.

Thus, the White Civilization moves out, leaving you with rural Africa.

BUT, hey, this is a great OPPORTUNITY for a fine upstanding black male, or group of black males, to open a real WAKANDA GROCERY store without the racism and hate of White Men. This will be an empty location, already known as a grocery store, ready to re-open under BLACK MAN RULE !!! What an opportunity for the community. The community can shine and show what they can do (Wakanda) now that the evil, nasty, pink, gun owning, racists White Man is finally (Praise da Lord) GONE !!! "We be free, we be free, we bees frees at last, Oh Lawdy !!!"

But no. There is not a single negro who can run a grocery store. Is there Not a single group of negro pastors, funeral home owners, chicken shack, barbeque pits who can organize, buy out the fixtures/freezers and open an account with a Grocery Distributor? Are there not plenty of youts turning their lives around to FINALLY GIVE them the jobs they need so much to get off the mean streets? .................silence...........without the WHITE MAN they starve.

WTF, negro. The negro is useless. Serves no value. Servers no purpose. If the negro had ANY INTELLIGENCE, which they don't, they would want to be well-fed, well-housed negro slaves. We Whites would be free to travel to Mars, Jupiter and on, while they cleaned the toilets and hauled away garbage...but no, We White Men are forced to feed and breed these useless creatures....while they destroy what ever we have built....

This..........will...........not......end........well. But it WILL end.

AR in Illinois said...

This map is AWESOME!!! Will definitely come in handy when we go to move. Every white person should know about this. It's funny (or sad, it's how u look ai it) that it resembles the maps in sci-fi movies where they're showing time-lapse of where the disease/plague/infestation of the movie is going to go.

rexfreeway said...

What happens with the tax payer supported EBT card program? Instead of buying staple foods with it they buy koolaid pickles and junk food. Well for the first week of the month. Then it's time to hit the soup kitchens and two free meals at school. By the third week they send in the sheboon sows at the grocery stores to shove a felonies worth of seafood, steaks and maple bacon along with whatever booze they can stuff under their moo moo's. They are so used to shoplifting some stores that they wont even hide it. And go into a full chimpout when they are stopped.

What sucks even more is when they close these stores the Negroes head for the next closest store and ply their trade at the new store.

The day they closed a walmart in my town other walmarts with very low shoplifting had a spike in shoplifting and car broken into .

I want nothing to do with that ilk or their culture.

Anonymous said...

"As the county becomes more sect. 8 here, that will be the shape of things to come".

Section Ape has been slowed under the HUD run by a black brain surgeon, he limited language to make it less inclusive. As much as I don't care for him, I know he doesn't care for other Groidian-Americans.

Californian said...

Amazing, is it not, how even something as basic to modern civilization as grocery stores can not hold up under the vicissitudes of Africa in America. A country can get along without shopping malls, but groceries? Well, perhaps some rock stars can do a benefit concert to feed the starving multitudes of Macon, Georgia, once a city of the USA and now a growing deadzone of Black Run America...

Anonymous said...

Se the new Death Wish remake, Paul? I hear he shoots a lot of bad white guys .....

Anonymous said...

From the It Can't Happen Here department: I just saw a story in the local paper of my 90% white/less than 5% black community about a woman who was cycling on one of our normally safe bike paths through the woods, when a man started swinging a baseball bat at her. She described him as "dark skinned" (our town is also about 85% DWL,) The police found the man nearby still carrying the bat. When taken into custody, he said "you're just arresting me because I'm black."

Frank Force said...

All those pie charts and buzzwords just for Kroger to say negroes are stealing the store blind. Like a cheap prostitute, they are screwing it in every orifice.

PB said...

"BUT, hey, this is a great OPPORTUNITY for a fine upstanding black male, or group of black males, to open a real WAKANDA GROCERY store without the racism and hate of White Men."

They could even have underground Pyramid parking. I thought a runway on premises might help but I forgot that Wakandans mastered take-off without the need for primitive White-man tools like runways for aircraft.

PB said...

"Never occurred to me to wonder how much of that junk food had been shoplifted."

If it wasn't there'd by no point in the whole exercise (Maybe I'm White-thinking too much?)

Anonymous said...

You can still see some of the bullet ricochet/dents on that firehouse. Back in the day, you couldn’t stand in front of a window for fear of snipers. Now it’s million dollar yuppie homes with shitheads walking around. No thank you!

Anonymous said...

Are there not plenty of youts turning their lives around to FINALLY GIVE them the jobs they need so much to get off the mean streets?

I have heard of aspiring rappers, aspiring brain surgeons, even aspiring life turnarounders. But aspiring grocery store managers? Doesn't seem to be on the agenda.

Brian in Ohio said...

He has two kids and he comes off as liberal but has admitted to believing there's a difference. He says he just wants to live in peace, but I believe that for some people their fantasies are more important than their reality.

Peace or diversity. You cant have both.

Stay alert, stay alive.


I wish the decision makers at Kroger would be honest. Imagine:

"Kroger is closing these locations due to the fact the customer base is African.

It is impossible to run a White Style, open format, grocery store in any African area. We anticipate closing ALL stores in all locations that are now, or shall be, African.

It would be prohibitively expenses to put everything behind counters, pre-1910, nor would the Federal Government allow such action NOR installing Bullet-Proof "glass" so as to protect our employees from beatings, gang rapes, razor assaults, and hammer blows while re-stocking.

It is also impossible to find any Africans able to do the work duties needed to run a First World, White concept of the self-service grocery store, which requires "Acting White". Of hundreds of applicants, not a single one has been found capable. Most could not fill out the application, nor find the location of the stores.

It is also impossible to find, or pay, or beg, White people to work at these locations due to the real and actual fears of being beaten coming to work, acid splashed in their faces, having their cars destroyed-ransacked-burned, or stolen while at work.

Thus, it is with NO regret that Kroger has been forced to close these locations so as to stop the rapidly escalating destruction of personnel and property.

The Kroger Corporation is willing to donate, for free, all fixtures of all type....freezers, shelving, register locations and soft-ware, and will provide initial training to any Minority Controlled company that wishes to re-open a grocery store. This is an excellent opportunity to empower the community to reach out and serve the community and provide community opportunity for the youth of the community and end the cycle of poverty and racism in the community. The community has now a location they can call their own, without outside oppression, hate, etc., and can provide livable wages at whatever the community finds fit.

Please call 1-800-382-5968 (1-800-FUC-KYOU)for more information."

Brian in Ohio said...

On more than one occasion I have witnessed blacks open food and drink in the store and consume it as they shop. They don't give it a second thought.

If you ever find empty food wrappers stuffed in the shelves, now you know why.

This is why I do my shopping in the early hours of Sunday morning, to avoid the diversity.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

"Coincidentally" the same low-IQ Negro problems are happening down-under in Australia, now that they foolishly opened the the "refugee" floodgates to their White nation.


Anonymous said...

Wakanda muh buthuer


Only us White People can get the irony of this next thought:

The negroes of Africa drive out the White Farmers.....thus creating a food desert and they starve....then they blame the White Man for forcing them to starve...racissss and sheeeit.

The negroes of America drive out the White Grocery Stores...thus creating a food desert and they starve...then they blame the White Man for forcing them to starve..racisss and sheeit.

Descent to the mean. Descent to the African life style = A constant state of starvation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Recently I looked into text to speech apps so that I could listen to articles/websites at work. Today I was able to listen to all the articles on Amren and some other conservative/realist sites, as well as SBPDL. I have to say, even after listening to people who write for a living all day, the comments at SBPDL were by far the best listen.

It was hilarious to hear the text app read the ebonics phonetically (how it actually sounds), such as hearing the narrator read "keeds" instead of kids. I had to pause it when I got to Non PC Infidel, as his writing is all the funnier when spoken out loud.

I don't think I'll ever miss a comment again!

I highly recommend this approach, I listened to more content today then I might usually read in a week.

Sick n Tired said...

Where I live in S. Florida Publix & Winn Dixie are the main 2 grocery stores. There was a Winn Dixie about a block away from Publix, but the Winn Dixie was where all the blacks shopped, and the store was pretty much all black staff. Publix had a decent mix of black, white, Latin employees, but it was where the whites shopped. A while back I noticed more and more "non-typical" Publix shoppers than usual. Fat sheboons with gold teeth and a litter of sprogs clogging up the aisles, thugs with neck tattoos and their pants hanging off their asses, and just more blacks shopping there in general, then I found out why, THEY CLOSED THE WINN DIXIE! Most likely for the same reason that Kroeger is, rampant theft by dindus, the employees probably letting their family & friends walk out with carts full of groceries, shorted tills, or scanning only a few cheap items while bagging up booze and steaks.

Bud said...


Read how the anti-crime bill in Baltimore is turning into a pro-crime bill.


The intent of the Comprehensive Crime Bill is to provide tougher sentences for repeat offenders and individuals who use guns to commit crimes. Baltimore.

What it is turning into is:

"invest in anti-violence institutions that focus on how we can decrease crime in our city"

"funding the Safe Streets program"

"allotting more money for victim and witness relocation"

"providing funding for the Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School"

"providing grants to local governments and nonprofits to fund evidence-based health programs"

"funds a police initiative to help commanders put resources in the right place and time to target gun violence"

"Amendments include cutting the length of sentences considered excessive, allowing for expungement of nonviolent felonies and requiring conflict resolution classes in city schools"

Anonymous said...

BUT, hey, this is a great OPPORTUNITY for a fine upstanding black male, or group of black males, to open a real WAKANDA GROCERY store without the racism and hate of White Men

I have been saying this for years.

The Black governments can fund a new Black-Mart. They can pay everyone $30 an hour as both liberals and Blacks desire.

The liberals and Blacks in these areas seem to believe that Blacks can do no wrong and it's the corporations that are at fault.


Anonymous said...

See the new Death Wish remake, Paul? I hear he shoots a lot of bad white guys .....

The original is a great movie but the criminals are still multiethnic.

I can't think of a single movie that accurately depicted the 70s Black crime wave in NYC. All the movies depict the gangs as involving all races. Crime increased for all groups but violent Black crime skyrocketed.

Not one is allowed to talk about the 60s/70s Black crime increase. No one wants White people asking why Black crime went up after the civil rights movement. Hollywood would blacklist a movie that depicted it honestly.

Alfa158 said...

Ok so there’s a nail salon. How about the weaves shop? And, they don’t need to worry about Kroger leaving, it will be replaced with a brand new store with those futuristic , high-tech transparent walls. Verrrrry Jetsons, don’t you know!

Anonymous said...

Read how the anti-crime bill in Baltimore is turning into a pro-crime bill.

Amendments include cutting the length of sentences considered excessive, allowing for expungement of nonviolent felonies and requiring conflict resolution classes in city schools.

"So that children understand at the age of 10, 11, 12 that you don't have to fight. You don't have to maim or kill to resolve a conflict," Anderson said.

So the schools have to teach 10 year olds that killing is wrong? Gee whiz I sort of thought parents are supposed to do that and at a much younger age.

Not like anything matters there at this point. The whole state is doomed anyways. Too many liberal Whites voted for high taxes/no guns and sent family oriented Whites to nearby states. Black people will be taking all of Baltimore including the harbor and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. I say better your backyard than mine. The liberal workers of DC should have to live in their mess or at the very least drive through it on the way to work. You reality hating morons should not be able to escape your own destruction.

Anonymous said...

While on the subject of Baltimore:

So he was 70 and decided take a bribe? Why not retire and get some slack AA board position?

Anonymous said...

I like that term "negative profit". Every time i see a negro i'll remember that phrase.

Awakened white said...

I want nothing to do with that ilk or their culture.
Yep! Like my favorite saying. Stop the hate, separate.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing when they get their self driving cars perfected, food stamps will be delivered and the apes will either fight for the booty, or the drug dealer will have his delivery-deliverers bring them in.

Anonymous said...

Was he not a people-person as well as the kind of person nobody wanted to be around? Wow! After the birth of his two daughters! Better late than never. I guess the whole "chased by a helicopter" deal with cops in hot pursuit into the yard makes no difference to these people.

As soon as I saw he was shot in his grandparents backyard, I knew that where he was shot immediately trumped the fact that he didn't give up because he was obviously caught. I guess he never learned that it isn't a good thing for the jig to truly be up!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE post the town!

PB said...

"I like that term "negative profit". Every time i see a negro i'll remember that phrase."

I liked "undocumented sales" from D-fens.

Ohio born said...

I lived in Valdosta for a brief time in the 80's it was segrated nicely. The only whites you saw in the hood then we're white women from Valdosta state College with jungle fever. Fast forward 35 years (my brother works there still) the place is a complete black hole! We have fallen far at a breakneck speed!

Paintjob Theory said...

"The association maintained that the store would bring an increase in traffic, noise, trash — and a decrease in property values. "

The same ignorant and racist argument once proposed by segregationists. How wrong they were.

Anonymous said...

On a similar theme, last year there was this incident at a Houston-area Home Depot store:


70-year-old Army Veteran Fired for Confronting Shoplifters

PEARLAND, Texas -- A 70-year-old Army veteran has been fired from a Houston-area Home Depot after trying to stop suspected shoplifters from taking thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise.

KTRK-TV in Houston reports that Jim Tinney says he was fired last month from the store in Pearland.

Tinney says he was trained to not confront shoplifters and knows he violated company policy, but that his military training just kicked in when he noticed three men attempting to steal tools. He threw a paint roller extension pole toward the suspects' feet. The men escaped.

The Home Depot said in a statement that only trained company security personnel can pursue and engage shoplifters, citing the safety of customers and associates.

A Pearland Police Department spokesman says he has no information on the shoplifting case.

There you have it. Home Depot knows what's going on and turns a blind eye. Who pays for the cost of shoplifting? Customers -- also known as white people.

The comments at this article have since been deleted, but very tellingly readers (overwhelmingly in the military or veterans) sided with the company since the fired vet had violated company policy.

He was, of course, doing the right thing in the face of corporate cowardice. He had a sense of right and wrong. The company has no moral foundation.

This line was hilarious: "The Home Depot said in a statement that only trained company security personnel can pursue and engage shoplifters, citing the safety of customers and associates." I have been in countless Home Depots in multiple states and I've never seen anyone remotely resembling "company security personnel." It's less confrontational to simply let the inventory walk out the front door. It also keeps the company from being accused of "racism" and having the entire building burned down by plundering orcs.

I noticed this too: "A Pearland Police Department spokesman says he has no information on the shoplifting case." Exactly. These actions take place routinely yet there's no official record of it, so it's as if it never happened, and there's no resulting stain on the reputation of "duh community."

If you think, "Well, it was just over tools. Surely the company would look at it differently if it were 'serious crime.'" Think again:

“He’s stealing my kid!” Home Depot employee says he was fired for intervening in kidnapping case


Anonymous said...

Yet another story of Home Depot firing the good and letting the bad get away:

4 Home Depot Employees Helped Catch a Shoplifter (They Don't Work at Home Depot Anymore)

The corporation says it's concerned about its employees and doesn't want them to get involved. Those at the top don't seem to realize that predators feed on the deliberately helpless, and Home Depot and its employees are viewed as easy targets because no one is supposed to do anything, no matter what happens. If that's not encouragement for the orcs, I don't know what is.

And if Home Depot is doing this, you can bet it's the same in other companies all across the country, to include grocery stores.


Anonymouses (Anonymi ?) at 6:41 AM and 6;50 AM, above:

This "let them steal and walk" will continue as long as there is sufficient White People left to pay "full price" for their purchases. To stop this behaviour WILL result in fights with the niggerians in the store, law suits, and tribal screams of RAYCISSSSSSSS. Unfortunately, that would be bad for business in America. To stop THEFT, in America, is bad for business..........this country is more than Fucked.....please prepare.

So, until there are no more Whites to pay, this will continue. As each Home Depot (any other store) begins to feel the negro pain, they will be shut down, one by one, in a "code of silence", but NEVER will the policy change. They are open today because each of these negro infected stores have enough Whites, still, to pay for the products the negro steals. Just Another Tax in the Wall.

Home Depot, and ALL OTHER chains, will look (quietly) for White areas in which to open stores, while (as quietly at possible) close negro-ville locations. This is what they have been doing since around 1965 and is why places like Detroit have NO Home Depots, NO OUtback-Olive Garden- Carrabbas restaurants..........

This will continue until there are no "White Areas" left, which will occur in about 20 years due to the MASSIVE mud invasion of America. The Organ Grinders have no intentions of decreasing the MASSIVE mud invasion so every one of our children will bear the burden.

This will NOT end well..........but, it will end.

Anonymous said...

“was turning his life around”

If I only had a dime for every time I’ve read a “dead thug” story that included those words...

Either American cops have an uncanny knack for snuffing out only those black criminals whose lives are on the upswing, or every black criminal in America is in a perpetual state of personal self-improvement.

Or it’s just bullish!t the “fambly” says so they can get paid…

Anonymous said...

F*ck Kroger. I saw where they just announced they were going to stop selling any magazines about firearms and shooting in their stores. Bunch of cucks. They deserve they failure...

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Macon. It is black,black, and more black now. It was pretty black back then. The fire that was mentioned in 2011....guess who started that....that's right, blacks. I drove daily by that old mill. It was some beautiful old buildings. I had a key to enter back in the 90's. A company I was doing work for had a warehouse inside. I could never go alone or after dark but I did get a close look around. It was a beautiful site. Those buildings were so old. But standing still, and quite sturdy. I was surrounded by ghetto tho. Except for the Kroger in front of it. It was neighborhood blacks who started that fire. Looking to keep warm or just to start a fire, who knows? Anyway I don't recall anyone being punished for it. Buildings built by Whites lasted 100 yrs. Would've lasted longer too, except, well, you know. It was a beautiful piece of White workmanship, and White heritage. Its gone now. Burned for several days if i remember correctly. I am glad I don't live in Macon anymore.

Anonymous said...

Mill fires usually burn long and hot. You have a nice coating of oil from the various machines that aeresolizes and manages to get on quite a few surfaces - kind of similar to how flushing the toilet puts up a mist of toilet water into the air of the bathroom.

Then, you have a nice, big open space that allows for maximum airflow to keep a fire supplied with all the oxygen it needs.
Then there is the construction of the building itself. Old school, heavy timber support columns, coupled with big open areas and oiled wood that is 100+ years old?

Let me put it this way . . . you leave firewood outside for a few months to "season" the wood, which means allowing the moisture to be drawn out of the wood to dissipate into the surrounding air. How dry is that wood going to be after a century?

Anonymous said...

When I lived in the shithole known as Atlanta-Metro, I witnessed a sow pushing a cart full of gimmiedats towards the door. I maneuvered my cart and stopped to impede her progress. She slammed into my cart and said “move dumb f’ing white boy!”
I said, word for word, “pay for your shit you fat f’ing whore.” Her buck starts running in the door and skins out as soon as he saw me. She was on my left, open carry 40 cal Glock on my right.
We shopped there a couple times a week until finally escaping that hellwhole N-Town. Every time through the checkout, always something was discounted.

Anonymous said...

My people stopped burning buildings when the Saxon women converted the men to Christianity.
The groid, hell, they still haven’t mastered water navigation, ship building, or even cultivating food crops.

Anonymous said...

After I read the story about the HD employee fired for following the kidnapper, I scrolled down and saw some of the other local stories on that site. Holy shit, every one of them involves orcs chimping out, brawling in Walmart, at fast food restaurants (even employees were involved), shooting over a car stereo dispute, murder over a break up, and so on. I didn't realize Milwaukee was such a mess.

Alice Cooper said...

Actually, it was originally pronounced "Kil-i-wau-kee," which is Algonquin for "the poisoned land."

White Trash Hillbilly said...

Hey Pat...whats up with "Remember - 8% Ghosts"??? Did I miss something?

Standup Broad...you mentioned small town in the Ozarks. Im in STL so we're almost neighbors.
I recently took a trip from STL down to Hot Springs, AR, passing through several small Arkansas towns along the way. The poverty was on full display. Since those areas are mostly white, it wasn't at all intimidating. I'll be going that way again someday...Hot Springs was awesome.

Speaking of Macon, Georgia...

Over the Christmas holiday my gf and I drove from St Louis to Tampa, Florida and wound up going through Atlanta on I-75. Since I'm an Allman Brothers fan I thought it might be interesting to have a look around at Macon. I was particularly interested in seeing the location of Duane Allman and Barry Oakleys accidents, since they happened only a few blocks apart (weird).

I researched the spots and plugged them into my phone. Traffic was really heavy through Atlanta and by the time we arrived in Macon the sun was beginning to set. I made my way through horrendous filthy negro nest after negro nest. After a bit I arrived at the sites. Not surprisingly they haven't changed since the early 70's. I was able to drive along the very routes these two followed on the day they died. Very nostalgic for me.

By this time the sun had set and it was twilight. As I drove by Duane Allman's accident site I realized that a white couple driving a vehicle with out-of-state plates in this neighborhood was not the wisest decision I had ever made. The glares I received from the ugly nogs only reinforced my concerns. It was at this time that my "low fuel" indicator light came on. Now I was freaking out. Its getting dark, Im deep in negroville, and Im low on fuel...NOT GOOD. Needless to say I drove straight outta there as quickly as possible. I found a nice truck stop a few miles down the freeway and all ended well.

Im really glad to have seen these places as I was always curious about the incidents,but let me forewarn any others wishing to make a similar trek. Its heavy duty n*ggerville. Make sure you travel during daylight hours, have plenty of fuel, and do not stop for any reason. If you're not so inclined you're probably better off just driving by on the freeway and avoiding it altogether.

Anonymous said...

Are you thinking what I am thinking? Namely, that we need some sort of SBPDL "glossary of terms" for n00bs. Suggested entries include:
1) B.R.A., courtesy of Mr. Kersey
2) undocumented sales, courtesy of D-fens
3) weaponized compassion, courtesy of Cyka Blyatsky
4) negative profit, courtesy of anonymous (???)

These are just a few that I've written down, and their origins to the best of my recollections. I'm sure there are several more gems I've neglected to mention, so if anyone wishes to chime in, please do so.

P.S. -- Happy Easter to any and all Christians on this site.

Mr. Rational said...

Are you thinking what I am thinking? Namely, that we need some sort of SBPDL "glossary of terms" for n00bs.

(psst!  go to sbpdlglossary.wordpress.com and give the password "Kersey sent me" at the door.)

Silverwolf said...

The patels will move in.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had any delivery service for groceries in my area because blacks run amok in the grocery stores. I can't even walk down a grocery aisle without a black woman acting like she owns the aisle and getting pissed if I don't thank her for moving her shelf ass out of my way so I can get stuff..
I absolutely hate shopping around blacks. But the closest we have to getting our groceries without actually going into the store is Walmart grocery. But due to two disabilities I have it's not possible for me to drive up. I'd rather have groceries delivered to me. But we don't have it. The problem is that everyone hires blacks in my city. Uber drivers are mostly black. Lyft drivers black. Uber eats...Amazon flexx and every fast food place. Once I had a black pizza guy. He incompetently dropped my pizzas on the ground outside and I wasn't comped either.
And then blacks complain on YouTube about working for those companies and then tell each other how to avoid delivering to certain people. So they probably would steal people's food if a grocery store here offered grocery delivery they would get the job.