Years from now, a young, impressionable student will ask where you were on that day.
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Those who can see -- Emma West's John Rocker moment |
“There was something called Teach for America,” she replies, all of the eyes in the classroom fixed on her. “It was widely accepted in that time that with more money and resources, and the best and brightest dedicated their abilities to teaching minority students, that we could improve their test scores to the standard established by whites.”
The memory of the two years she spent in one of the worst schools in St. Louis, with 10 resources officers dedicated to maintaining the peace and metal detectors spread throughout the school to warn of guns or knives being brought in by “students” floods her mind.
“No matter how passionately people believed in change, there was no hope,” she muttered, while slowly running her left hand across the scar on her back where one of those students in St. Louis stabbed her.
After a moment of hesitation, the teacher slowly rises to her feet. “The news media made the sensational claim that a mother, much like the one who cares for you and loves you at home, was evil for daring to point out that her country was overrun with people who didn’t belong there.”
It was this incident that the young student had hoped to have addressed.
“Early that same year riots had broken out all across that country, where people who looked similar to the ones that this mother addressed on a train in London, burned, looted, and pillaged the cities when – 60 years earlier – there weren’t any of those people in the country. In some cases, these people made us undress as a form of humiliation.”
Shuddering at the recollection of the tyranny that once existed, where people who voiced opposition to the ruling regime were denounced as mentally deranged for espousing such views, the teacher finally answers the student’s question.
“I was in a coffee shop in St. Louis. A friend e-mailed over this video of that very mother who would say things that anyone who ever rode public transportation would privately think to themselves, but publicly refrain from saying for fear of the consequences.”
Walking to one of the windows in the classroom, the teacher stared outside to view a world where that tyranny was now gone. Turning to nothing but anxious young faces hoping to soak up as much knowledge as possible, she said, “for her words, she was arrested. In the eyes of ruling establishment, she had committed treason by daring to articulate what those in power knew a large percentage of the population were privately thinking.”
Every student in the room knew the details of this story.
“But then I read where they took her son away and placed her in “protective care” which meant she was to be treated as clinically sick. I sat in my chair at that coffee shop for two hours without moving. It was at that moment I realized that the concept of freedom – which was birthed in the very nation where that mother was now in custody - had failed.”
Hunching ever so slightly on her desk with her hands propping her up, the teacher stared right at the little boy who had posed the question, and, with a smile, said, “I wasn’t the only one.”
History is full of minor moments that become the impetus for major change; incidents that are seemingly trivial at the time they transpire, but end up as powerful rallying points because they address the private concerns of millions.
As one of Albion’s Seed, the rise of tyranny in England is sad, but the rise of tyranny in Black-Run America (BRA) is even worse. Recall when Atlanta Braves pitcher was forced to undergo mental evaluation for saying this to a Sports Illustrated reporter:
JOHN ROCKER has opinions, and there's no way to sugarcoat them. They are politically incorrect, to say the least, and he likes to express them.
· On ever playing for a New York team: "I would retire first. It's the most hectic, nerve-racking city. Imagine having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing."
· On New York City itself: "The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. I'm not a very big fan of foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?"
For these comments, Rocker was suspended, forced to undergo psychological testing and endure “sensitivity” training, not to mention paying a $20,000 fine.
Those who have ever wondered the origins of “Paul Kersey” need look no further than this incident. What he said was true and for speaking this he was sent to have his sanity tested.
The same thing that happened to Rocker now has happened to Emma West in England. Worse, her young child has been removed from her (while in America, this is allowed to produced 15 children, all paid for by the state).
Whitopias allow bus routes or a train station to be built near their city, inevitably the Black Undertow will follow, immediately dropping property value.
Or in Cleveland, because Black people refuse to pay for public transit, fares go up for everyone else. In Detroit, Black bus drivers are afraid to go into parts of that city because Black people beat them up. In Atlanta and Montgomery, public transportation is basically a jobs program for otherwise unemployable Black people and a mode of transportation that is exclusively Black. DART in Dallas isn’t much different.
Once, a person asked if you could quantify the cost of Black people to America. The answer is no, because you’d have to factor in car repairs, gas, road maintenance, lost of productivity from commuting to and from work, etc., for those who have fled major cities to Whitopias. It could be argued that massive traffic jams all around America’s major metropolitan areas are directly related to white flight from cities that are now majority Black -- which means by virtue of that fact, they are unlivable.
The age of Black-Run America (BRA) will end; but it will only end when people realize that this tyranny must be confronted.
Though a seemingly insignificant event that YouTube and other social media has helped go viral, the Emma West video – the Epic Tram Lady - and the subsequent reaction by the state (her arrest and the removal of her son from her custody) show that courage in the face of tyranny and persecution is our only ally.
Not only America, but England and all of the West is ruled by anarcho-tyranny (how many Muslims have been arrested for calling for the death of Englishmen while protesting in London?) which ensures that anyone who voices reasonable opposition to BRA or the entrenched political class – Disingenuous White Liberals bent on globalization - will be declared insane and forced to undergo mental evaluation.
So that they can be made an example of, lest others realize their “marginalized” views are actually shared by millions.
Keep in mind that the following article was written by a DWL in Seattle. To any readers who don't know about the details of this story - all you really need to know is that the groids in Seattle (6.8% black) have been going ape with pack-attacks lately. All the gay stuff is just a distraction from the reality that all the attacks are done by the usual suspooks and that their victims are not black.
Rainier Valley Post
SPD: Danny Vega Murder #10 in String of South-End Street Robberies, Attacks
December 2, 2011
RAINIER VALLEY – According to Seattle Police Department (SPD), the recent robbery and beating death of Othello-area neighbor and business owner Danny Vega was the tenth in a string of increasingly violent street robberies in the Rainier Valley in the last eight weeks.
South Precinct Police Captain Michael Nolan said the victims range in age from high-school students to middle-aged professionals, most of which were simply walking home from work or school after getting off a Metro bus or light rail train.
He said the spike represents an increase not just in South Seattle, but across the city, and that the suspects may be using public transportation to get around and target victims with cell phones, laptops or other expensive electronic equipment.
“Street robberies are a concern for the department, in every part of the city, particularly along transit routes and arterials,” confirmed SPD spokesman Sean Whitcomb.
Nolan added that, while they haven’t ruled out the possibility that any of the victims – including Vega – were targeted because they were gay, [NO THEY WERE ATTACKED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BLACK] there is no evidence that the robberies or attacks should be classified as hate crimes.
Nonetheless, the NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abuse, in partnership with the Asian Pacific Islander Women and Family Safety Center, Chaya and the Capacity Project, are hosting a community gathering and potluck on Sun., Dec. 4, from 2 to 4 pm at Church of Hope (3818 S. Angeline St.) in Columbia City.
“The gathering will be an opportunity to acknowledge the profound loss and the on-going toll of this violence in all our communities,” said NW Network Executive Director and Rainier Valley neighbor Connie Burk in an email to the community. “Folks will have the chance to share skills and strategies for safety, [HERE COMES THE DWL PART] to take action in support of racial and economic justice for Seattle’s Southend, to express solidarity for youth empowerment projects, and to give and receive support.”
She added that, “in the wake of Danny’s death and these multiple attacks, people feel more fearful about walking in their neighborhood.”
Captain Nolan agrees.
“Enough is enough,” said Captain Nolan. “We’re working hard to catch these guys. It’s a high priority for us and we’re making some gains.”
How about that distraught Negro seated adjacent to Ms. West?
Am I supposed to feel sorry for him?
I'm with his belligerent tormentor on this one:
Regarding John Rocker, this New Yorker was a Leftist at the time of his Sports Illustrated shenanigans. Although I disliked his comments, I knew they had truth to them.
More than ten years passed before I fully extricated myself from the ideological straitjacket.
I find it sickening that this lady is being singled out for punishment for stating something that is factually correct.
I take comfort in knowing that she had the courage to speak about it in front of people, and that tells me what is bubbling below the surface with White society in Britain. People will keep speaking up, saying enough is enough! Don't let them subjugate you with political correctness!!!!!!
Here is a great video called The Mantra Response. Watch it, share it!
The whole Emma West affair has been thoroughly depressing, not just for the lack of unequivocal support for her from our side, but because the YouTube comments show an ugly, moronic white subculture. A high percentage of the threats of violence against her are coming from quisling whites, who use their "anti-racist" rants to demonstrate their "superiority" to other whites. The EUSSR is sadly much further along the marxist project than we are.
Freedom of speech, of course. It doesn't mean I have to like or respect this woman for what she says.
Anon. @ 11:15:
They are not a "subculture"
Those who reject the imposition of racial "equality" are the subculture. For now.
Wake up white man.
I have never liked the Atlanta Braves and I couldn't have cared less about the John Rocker. When he said those comments, I thought "I'm Black and I'm not a troublemaker. Black people are not monkeys. These are broad-sweeping generalizations that make no account for the INDIVIDUAL". I lost respect for John Rocker.
"These are broad-sweeping generalizations that make no account for the INDIVIDUAL"
Just like the bullshit broad-sweeping generalization "Whites owned slaves".
In fact, most whites did NOT own slaves, and have never owned slaves.
In fact, whites ENDED slavery.
But until people like YOU Evergreen stand up equally against bullshit broad-sweeping generalizations like "Whites owned slaves", then take your selective outrage and shove it up your ass.
"But until people like YOU Evergreen stand up equally against bullshit broad-sweeping generalizations like "Whites owned slaves", then take your selective outrage and shove it up your ass."
I know most Whites didn't own slaves. I know that only a few did. I wrote about this in a blog entry relating Mississippi to a banana republic. In fact, here is the link:
I know that I will not get an honest or intelligent response from you, evergreen, but since you are trying to show us how enlightened you are about "freedom of speech", how do you feel about "freedom of association"? And more importantly, how do you feel about "freedom of disassociation" from you and your people?
I have never heard an intelligent or honest response to this from a black person. They will usually waffle around and try to claim historical victim hood and institutional racism. But, they will never acknowledge that humans have the right to associate or not associate with someone or group of someones. This is because if this happened, evergreen and his fellow negroes would be cut off from all "da goodies". And since they know they are incapable of producing "da goodies" without Whites around to do it, the last thing they would ever want is to be separated from White people. Why only 12% of a population's rights somehow supersede the rights of the majority will not be addressed.
Whites have been forced to live with you people now since after World War II. But you still can't produce anything of value, be it a viable culture, a healthy local government, a robust economy, a vibrant intellectual process. The onus is on you negroes to show you can produce and not be a massive net liability to all the countries you live in. And, of course, blacks, like our pet negro, are never recipients of affirmative action largesse. It is always some other negro. No, all negroes are recipients of affirmative action. They just lack the honesty to admit it.
So, tell us, evergreen: when the SHTF, what are you going to do? Are you going to continue to leech off the declining numbers of Whites that will let you, or in fact, be able to let you? Or will you try to produce, with your racial kinsmen, a society that is not the dregs of humanity? There is no evidence your people are capable of this. What do you think? I mean, the civil rights movement was, essentially, a promise from the left that you people were equal. Or, as I like to say, “da check be in da mail”. But, the check has never been in the mail because you people have no bank account. Three to four thousand years of recorded history have proven this. But, Whites were told to ignore everything they knew and just take the government’s and the media’s word that it was just a matter of letting you people live with us and, by golly, we’d see what stuff the negro is made of. Well, now we know. And you people get worse every year.
I know you think you shouldn’t have to bear the sins of your race. But, when the collapse finally comes, and everyone is more concerned about surviving than with your feelings, do you actually think any White person will take the time to “get to know you”? Or, do you think they will just fire?
If ever there was an incident that should have Whites marching in the streets, Emma West's arrest is it. Instead, fellow Whites were shrieking for her arrest and castigating her honesty. The state has made it very clear that it will not tolerate dissent here. People won't fear merely losing their jobs, but their children. Whites are dying not with a bang, but with a whimper. This whole incident sickens me. That poor, desperate woman and her child are "prisoners of conscience," and the rest of the merry sheep party on.
'those dark days major media outlets tried to claim that white babies were inherently racist.
Yes I saw that Newsweek!
Did ya know that 70 million
Visit US each year?
Off topic, but did you hear about this:
The board of a Kentucky church voted to ban interracial couples from becoming members, but now will likely drop the ban due to public pressure.
"The board of a Kentucky church voted to ban interracial couples from becoming members, but now will likely drop the ban due to public pressure."
Jeez, did they not consider the fallout in advance??
Welcome to Orwell's 1984. Far worse than this woman having her life dismantled for excercizing her right to Free Speech is the real goal of all this "hate speech" rubbish.
It is all aimed at Thoughtcrime.
By restricting freedom of expression, eventually a state is arrived at where individuals are incapable of even formulating a Politically Incorrect thought.
We are already well along in this. People voluntarily self-censor and it will only get worse until, eventually, there happens some sort of physical backlash.
Anders Breivik was just the start.
"For these comments, Rocker was suspended, forced to undergo psychological testing and endure “sensitivity” training, not to mention paying a $20,000 fine.
Those who have ever wondered the origins of “Paul Kersey” need look no further than this incident. What he said was true and for speaking this he was sent to have his sanity tested"
The hilarious part is that this guy's supposedly married to some black chick
to take action in support of racial and economic justice for Seattle’s Southend, ...
Sounds like the usual herd of leftwing interest groups, spouting the same cliches. They are trying to fit in this incident to their ideology. Since members of the black underclass can not be blamed for these crimes, this is going to get translated into demands for more spending on programs which will benefit these groups, as well as more agitprop against white people.
Same old script, new actors. express solidarity for youth empowerment projects,
Ah, yes, "youth" empowerment. But aren't the perpetrators "youths," just as "youths" are burning cars in France, and "youths" are sacking neighborhoods in London?
Just what we need, more "empowered" youths.
More on Emma West:
Some brave Britons won't be intimidated!
Evergreen said, " Black people are not monkeys."
Nor are monkeys black people.
Not all criminals are black, nor are all blacks criminals.
However, 52 percent of homicides in America are committed by blacks; most by the 2.5 percent of Americans who are black males, aged 18-49.
For once I would like to hear a black whiner (Morgan Freeman) admit the severity of black-on-White violence. I would like to hear a 'proper' Negro (Colin Powell) stop defending Obama and face the reality of the black undertow.
So far I've heard from none, save Larry Elders.
YouTube "Tram" video - Over 9 million views and rapidly closing in on over 200,000 comments in less than one week. That's not simply "ooh, look at the racist", it's people waking up to the horror of being arrested simply for airing opinions that defy our society's rulers. Whether you agree with this woman or not, whether you're white, black, or whatever, that is ominous.
Very well said, Sheila. I only add that I spent a couple of days bouncing around pro-white, nationalist, regionalist, etc., groups, trying to convince them what an opportunity this is. Few cared except for the momentary "news" thrill. Even fewer thought it important. They just keep on with their endless intellectual masturbation, unwilling to be bothered. I see that in all of GB nineteen protestors showed up today. I find it more disgusting than the behavior of the regime, which I know is our enemy.
Thanks to SBPDL and the author of this piece for standing taller than the rest. I'll forward this website, at least until I can afford to donate.
~ BritinDixie
I don't know anybody over here who doesn't think like this just with a little better command of the Queens English.
Who's going to be first in USA? Bring a friend with a ccw permit!
My Tram Experience in France (with English subtitles):
Our pet negro always tries to sound innocuous, while claiming victimhood and blaming Whites that don't want to associate with him as some kind of evil aberration. But, I found this on Steve Sailer's site today. Always remember this when evergreen mouths off. In fact, repost it everytime he does.
Evergreen said:
"If I took this IQ stuff seriously, then I wouldn't have expected much from myself, and therefore, would have gone into some kind of blue collar labor for a "career". Someone says "Black people have low IQ's in general"? What next? Take some menial job? If I am to live up to my best, I have to expect the best from myself, and so do other people. Who gets tested? What role does culture play in it? What role does expectation play?
I often ask "what helps ME"?? It is me the individual I'm worried about?"
Heaven forbid that you White folks ever think about what's in it for you. Why, to negroes, that's a hate crime.
Here is the address of the British embassy in DC. Might be worthwhile if we each dropped them a letter expressing our concern over the growing police state in the UK.
Anyone here read Orwell's "1984?"
British Embassy
3100 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington DC 20008
The DailyMail
Northcliffe House
2 Derry Street
W8 5TT
0044 20 7938 6000
I wonder would they be able to explain how three days in a row they had youtube stuff of white women giving out as if they had occured three days in a row whereas woman on train to Manchester is from 3 years ago.
Whatever could their agenda be?
Trams Be Racist: My Tram Experience in France (with English subtitles):
Notice the head covering worn by the Black individual who is expressing his desire to "kill" all White people "slowly".
He is most likely a Muslim. In better times, numerous White riders on that train would immediately have pummeled such a sack of sh!t into unconsciousness.
His debarking from a stationary train car would have been the height of good fortune.
You guys are being too hard on Mr. Evergreen.
I like his mantra of "what's in it for ME, as an individual?"
Indeed. What's in BRA for ME? What's in AA for ME? What's in white taxes to black pockets for ME?
Ad infinitum.
There's nothing in any of it for ME. Smashing it all? There's lots of stuff in that for ME.
The hilarious part is that this guy's supposedly married to some black chick
Barry Bonds is famously racist against Whites, and his wife is White.
Nobody has a problem with the idea that there were slaveholders who were simultaneously racists, and "partaking" of the help.
For an excellent look at the situation in Europe I would recommend reading "America Alone" by Mark Steyn. Europe is engaged in a demographic suicide in which the native population is no longer replacing itself. Women there are having fewer children while non-native people from Africa and the Middle East are supplanting the previous population. If the trends hold, in a very short time the Europe that we have known will be gone, to be replaced by Eurabia.
RedMoonProject: If the trends hold, in a very short time the Europe that we have known will be gone, to be replaced by Eurabia.
The ultimate question is; what shall other Western powers do if, and when, the nuclear arsenals of France or Great Britain fall into the hands of an ostensibly Democratically elected Muslim majority population?
No longer will it be a matter of rescuing Europe from itself, as in WWI and WWII. It will be a matter of saving Western civilization from successful Third World European colonists who would like nothing more than overseeing the extermination of all White culture.
How then, should America and any other White cultures respond?
This is why the immediate deportation of non-assimilating, colonizing minorities is so important. Demographic jihad poses such dire consequences for White culture that not preempting any such outcome presents the need for measures that will make Nazi Germany look like a Sunday picnic.
Traditionally humane measures that are familiar to Whites will evaporate in the face of societal pressures that Third World immigrants promise to bring to bear.
Again, what shall we Whites do in response?
To those who can't bring themselves to excuse Emma West for her lack of the Queen's English, let it be remembered that the Queen herself is a traitorous figurehead.
~ I am Emma West!
Thud -
Checked out your blog. Very nice.
Here's another English woman with an outstanding rant on the subway. I'm sure the thought police are hunting her down right this minute. All thought criminals must be exterminated, you see:
More 2010 homicide stats:
Intentional homicide rates per 100,000 population by region
Southern Africa 32
Central America 25
East Africa 23
South America 21
Caribbean 21
West and Central Africa 19
Africa 20 17.4
Americas 16.2 15.5
East Europe 15.7 7
World 7.6 6.9
Central Asia and Transcaucasian countries 6
North Africa 6
North America 4.7
South Asia 4
Europe 3.5
Oceania 3.5
Asia 3.1
East and Southeast Asia 3
Near and Middle East/Southwest Asia 3
Southeast Europe 1.5
West and Central Europe 1.2
Re London: I visited London perhaps 10x in the 2007-2009 period. My own joke about the experience went this way: When someone asks me if I've ever been to England, I say 'No, but I've been to London several times'. Because the reality is that large areas of London no longer look like England. The BNP has done some videos to illustrate this -- just driving around and filming what's seen on the streets.
"The hilarious part is that this guy's supposedly married to some black chick"
There was nothing racist about Rocker's rant.
Just gotta let you know "Paul" and others....
Check this out:
A black "conservative" who has been "allowed" to come on to the new FM talk station in San Diego to provide discussion on all things "race related" on LaDona Harvey's show.
As I read on the internet after a long 10 hour day of aerospace machining/manufacturing in San Diego, making bearings for generator turbines or the most complex parts for a predator drone, I get to hear this latest propagandist espouse a black to talk to me about race relations?
If I only had the time to call... Mark Dice where art thou?
Yes, beer is way better than Kool-Aid in similar amounts of moderation, and beer has also been perfected by the White Man! Ever try a San Diego or West coast style IPA??? That is what REAL BEER is! Hoppy & packs a punch!
Since you live in Colorado Paul, will you promote Br. Nathaniel Kapner? Have you been able to meet him?
Kudos on the "Paul Kersey" name. Have you ever watched that abomination called 'Deathwish V'???
I know all the others were good. Imagine hollywood doing that now-a-days? So anti-PC F*ck all.
Keep it up "Paul", not all of us have the time to write articles like you. Although I hated English classes, I am glad I learned how to write well.
And even though I am not religious, I do thank the Lord that I am of Northern European descent!
Want another #'d post? Ask why I can buy or find a wrench that states: "Made in India" but I can not even find a screwdriver that loudly proclaims "Made in African't"???????????????\
Just more proof that blacks suck major ass! At least the Hindus/Sikhs/Muslims of the Indian sub-continent c an produce their own tooling to the point that they can manufacture airplanes and nuclear missiles. Although, they let the US or Russians (read Whites) to produce the most valuable items necessary for an airfarce (sic) or nuclear program....
One simple reminder to all blacks and other non-whites: Who invented the gun? or better yet- Who invented the Kalashnikov or the "AR-15/M-16"????? The tools you dirty f*cks use to fuxate further?
That's right! The same White Man that you proclaim to hate so much for the same slavery that your OWN brethren sold your ancestors in to!!!!
Here's an example of what blacks do to my "America's Finest City:"
I think Mitchy was who was sent to kill me at 13. I went to Gompers in San Diego @1987-89.
So much for that bussing White kids into ghetto schools because that is where they put the science and math programs to he'p the un-he'p-able.
I educate the young Whites I mentor about my personal experiences with blacks. I even was suspended in Elementary school for calling the only black there a "nigger." I was 8 years old! I only resorted to that because of harassment throughout that day. I politely asked him to stop picking on me multiple times. I did not know why I was being singled out that day, but all I remember is that I took what measures I needed to take care of myself. That is why I called him a "nigger." I knew it would get him (Harold Cox) more quickly than the whole day I had been putting up with his shit.
But, guess what happened? I was suspended from school for using the "n-word" even though the black "chimped out" on me. Luckily I was able to block every blow from my martial arts training. It never occurred to me to punch back because of the liberal indoctrination we received at this Montessori School. It was all hippie B.S. I defended myself and never struck a blow in retaliation, and yet I was suspended for calling a spade a spade just because I got sick of being picked on?
This was back in 1982!!!!
After watching history repeat itself & thank the Lord for giving me the knowledge that I have got to research from the internet!
Keep it up "Paul!" A lot of hard working White men depend on you to keep producing words of wisdom while we produce the things that keep the world turning.
I wholeheartedly promise to send some fedres TP to you but I have to take care of my bills and deal with the IRS looking for handouts to give to my section neighbor who's place is a little bit nicer than mine.
"You guys are being too hard on Mr. Evergreen."
Evergreen is fantastic. Too stupid to realize how his every statement only helps sway more anonymous readers/lurkers to recognize the problems posed by blacks. Even this comment will get a:
"Wow. I don't go around calling people stupid. You don't even know me, I'm an individual. My dad, who is from Wisconsin, where he got both of his degrees, raised me to think of myself as an individual. I go to school and have a job. When I was a kid I got picked on. And they were white. So white people can be mean too. I've been a victim of black crime. And I called the police. So not all black people believe in no snitchin. I'm not a generalization."
Endless, pointless anecdotal crap that does nothing to address the point - because he lacks the intelligence to understand statistics.
"In school I took a statistics class. I wondered how it served the individual."
Meaningless pseudo-intellectual garbage that further misses the point.
But I digress. The great things about Evergreen: his lack of intelligence is clear in his 6th grade writing style. And he's one of the smart ones. No way he got into GA Tech or GA State on merit.
He demonstrates that everything for blacks comes down to what's good for black people - even if it requires a violation of the rights of others.
Want to simply get away from blacks, leave them alone but not be forced to interact with them, not have your money taken to support their unacceptably large families?
Sorry, Evergreen recognizes that he might miss out on some of the goodies that whites provide. Can't have that. So to make sure that Evergreen's existence is maximized, you must put up with the attitude, the failing schools, the blown city budgets, the increased violence and crime, the higher taxes, and the generally reduced quality of life that ALWAYS comes with blacks. Oh, and you better keep your damn mouth shut about it. Because Evergreen is an individual, and he didn't personally cause it. So what if having him around guarantees the rest will come; he's an individual. He'll even tell you how he doesn't approve of it while he demands that you put up with it so he can benefit from what you and your people provide.
Please, Evergreen, keep posting. Your drivel gets difficult to read at times, but you do so much to open more eyes.
Racist Woman on a tram is a series of three videos from user MANSMINDvsWOMANS.
The Manchester train one, the second used by the Daily Mail, was made 2 to 3 years ago.
Woman on the Underground was made in June.
They were shown three days in a row as if they occured over those three days.
In one of those videos he edited badly and you can clearly her one of the victims say "Stop winding me up."
A least one of the victims asked that the provocation stop.
67 year old man baited on Oakland bus. Shopping stolen
I think I can see why the man in the UK did not choose a 67 year man who was bigger stroner than him and who was prepared to hit back.
The media's outrage in this case is as real as that in the Duke University hoax.
Racist Woman on a tram is a series of three videos from user MANSMINDvsWOMANS.
The Manchester train one, the second used by the Daily Mail, was made 2 to 3 years ago.
Woman on the Underground was made in June.
They were shown three days in a row as if they occured over those three days.
In one of those videos he edited badly and you can clearly her one of the victims say "Stop winding me up."
A least one of the victims asked that the provocation stop.
67 year old man baited on Oakland bus. Shopping stolen
I think I can see why the man in the UK did not choose a 67 year man who was bigger stroner than him and who was prepared to hit back.
The media's outrage in this case is as real as that in the Duke University hoax.
Anonymous (December 3, 2011 2:50 AM): There was nothing racist about Rocker's rant.
In this you are correct. Xenophobic, yes. Racist, no. Considering that much of this world is ferociously xenophobic ― even as it squeals about White racism and demands entry to Europe or America ― Rocker's feelings are hardly any sort of mystery.
When out of doors, the rarity of hearing people speaking plain English has begun to make me feel the same way.
Lets try the other shoe people.
Black man is told by citizen of country he is guest of in of to speak the language. Proceeds to assault said citizen.
Heck I am white and get stares and told to be quiet when I speak English on the the subway or bus.
i'll betcha if the black guy behind her had gotten up and beaten the crap out of her, the commenters on youtube would say she deserved it.(Except for the fact she had a kid.)
I'll also betcha this comment will never appear on this website. I'm trying to remember when I've advocated violence or suchlike...
Anonymous (December 3, 2011 6:53 AM): 67 year old man baited on Oakland bus. Shopping stolen
Your link is upgefucked.
Van: Endless, pointless anecdotal crap that does nothing to address the point - because he lacks the intelligence to understand statistics.
I wonder if mr_evergreen will even comprehend how you have just provided him with some exceptionally valid and thoroughly constructive criticism.
Anecdotal accounts do not translate into applicable data unless aggregated in sufficient number, weighted for accuracy and sorted appropriately.
Why am I thinking that your sincere efforts will not receive any reply from him?
Finally, we are in violent agreement. More than anything here at SBPDL, mr_evergreen provides everyone with a superb object lesson as to the futility of expecting rational debate from nearly all Blacks, even one who has had university level schooling.
@anonymous Dec 2 3:09: they shouldn't have to consider any fallout. They ought to be allowed to deny anyone they want membership. Notice it was just for membership, they weren't banning anyone from attending. My local radio talkshow hosts were moaning about how racist this was and told a caller who said he agreed with the church that he was kooky.
And on topic, what is being done to Emma west makes me physically ill.
Lyanna Washington explains what happened on Oakland bus
but does not explain how the "white guy's" shopping went missing.
Thomas Bruso Amberlamps incident
His being tased is important but the fact that he was being goaded by two black people is not?
Haste makes waste Zenster these two links work for the time being.
For these comments, Rocker was suspended, forced to undergo psychological testing and endure “sensitivity” training, not to mention paying a $20,000 fine.
Bobby Valentine was suspended for 3 games for going back into the dug out after being ejected.
On June 28, 1997, Wells took the mound wearing an authentic 1934 Babe Ruth hat, which Wells bought for $35,000. Manager Joe Torre made Wells take it off after the first inning because it didn't conform to uniform standards.
I guess Selig was worried what ESPN would say and write about him if he acted according to baseball rules on the matter.
More than anything here at SBPDL, mr_evergreen provides everyone with a superb object lesson as to the futility of expecting rational debate from nearly all Blacks, even one who has had university level schooling.
I want to be crystal um and um I want to be crystal clear um and I want to be crystal clear that this should be especially not even as Obama cannot string a sentence together unaided and Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis is a couple of hundred pages of poor poor pitiful me bunk.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell "1984"
Ironic that Emma's last name is West.
"I am Emma West"
"I wonder if mr_evergreen will even comprehend how you have just provided him with some exceptionally valid and thoroughly constructive criticism."
He won't, but this seems to be the norm among blacks.
When presented with statistics of rampant black criminality, the typical negro will respond with "whites commit crime too".
Anonymous (December 3, 2011 12:43 PM): Haste makes waste Zenster these two links work for the time being.
Ummmm … no.
This is where your original link connected to. I don't know how your right click button works but mine functions just fine.
Anonymous (December 3, 2011 1:32 PM): When presented with statistics of rampant black criminality, the typical negro will respond with "whites commit crime too".
This is known as "tu quoque" and it is a common logical fallacy.
This argumentative technique is a favorite of Muslims who, when confronted with so many violent passages in the Qur'an, retort that the Bible has plenty of them, too.
They do this and all the while disregard the well-known fact that Christians no longer implement such harsh measures while Muslims have maintained their exact same violent practices and hateful, genocidal doctrine for well over one thousand years and continue doing so right up and until today.
Finally, we are in violent agreement. More than anything here at SBPDL, mr_evergreen provides everyone with a superb object lesson as to the futility of expecting rational debate from nearly all Blacks, even one who has had university level schooling.
Agreed. Argue with Black men enough and you realize they don't give a shit about abstracts like "well, it's contrary to my interests, but also true." Relatively few Whites can handle this, but almost no Blacks can (but there are always exceptions, like in the recent Roissy thread on the Sullivan/Coates Race & IQ kerfuffle.
"Demographic jihad poses such dire consequences for White culture that not preempting any such outcome presents the need for measures that will make Nazi Germany look like a Sunday picnic."
Traditionally humane measures that are familiar to Whites will evaporate in the face of societal pressures that Third World immigrants promise to bring to bear.
Again, what shall we Whites do in response?"
Whites will do what they have always done, grind to a halt till those terrible decisions of forced deportation or other are inevitable.
An interesting parallel is being played out in in the Hit series "The Walking Dead" on AMC. Each member of the group represents a segment of the population against the stark background of total lawlessness and Anarchy and Death (Mahogany Mobs). Reflecting reality, the negro character has no skills or ability to help and is really a representative of Whites hope of a "magic negro" that is just like us.
In the clip below, the group has taken some casualties because of stupid decisions by their leader, who represents "White Values" but little more. Items such as stockades, barrier fences and traps seem beyond them and were never erected around their camp, leading to several members being killed by the Zombies. Without going too deeply into the story, the group abandon their old camp and has taken refuge at a small farm run by a Vet (representing "Old Knowledge" but he insists on a "no carry guns" policy and collects Zombies and put them in the barn (Obvious parallel to prison) in the hope that they can be restored.
In this scene, the "Survivalist" of the group finally hands out the pitiful store of guns they have and is being chastised for doing so when the leader is shown "leading" Zombies into the barn for storage. The total disconnect for reality forces him to snap and leads to this scene. Each member of the group, representing different segments of society, are forced to decided for themselves as to what their reaction will be under the test before them. It is a gripping and powerful.
This is a scene repeated throughout History. Liberals would like you to believe that Demographic evolutions are unstoppable, but that is crap. History is filled with examples of people throwing off either an oppressive minority or an invading peoples. I give you for example the battle of Tours in 733AD, which lead to the final freeing of Europe from the Muslim heel.
We have an oppressive minority here that must be expelled. We all know that, but many of us are caught up in our illusions that they can be tamed or "made civilized" just like us or that some other option is available. Whether it is paid or forced sterilizations here or expulsion the time is rapidly coming (if it not already here) of people saying "Enough!" Do you train, are you in shape, do you have enough knowledge of small unit tactics to take on 20 groids and win (Hint: It's not to stand you ground and shoot wildly till your .32 gun locks back empty and the MMob takes you down.). Do you carry a CW? Do you watch the negroid for signs of attack?
This last year has been a shock with the attacks on Whites at the Wisconsin State fair, people being dragged of their motorcycles and out of their cars. I ask the question poised by Shane in the clip above: "Do you want to survive?? Well you are going to have to fight for it, I mean FIGHT! Right here, right now!!"
The time is coming...
10mm AUTO: We have an oppressive minority here that must be expelled.
First off, thank you for taking my post to heart. It is a serious issue that, as you so amply noted, branches into numerous other meaningful sociocultural facets.
With respect to this "oppressive minority", there is great irony in how the Founding Fathers took such pains to craft our Constitution so that it effectively combated any "tyranny of the majority". It even has checks and balances to avoid a "tyranny of the minority". Ergo, the triumvirate of executive, legislative and judiciary estates.
Much like a Capitalist Free Market Economy, both are quite vulnerable to bad actors. In a reciprocal manner, each of these entities require good faith participation for them to function productively.
For the first time in American history we are confronted by the specter of a large population segment that absolutely refuses to assimilate or integrate. What's more, this segment also demonstrates a distinct unwillingness to display anything that remotely approaches socially cohesive behavior.
As an example; consider how a relatively non-integrating faction of Polynesian immigrants who, nonetheless, obeyed all traffic regulations, building codes and general rule of law would not present too much of an overall problem.
What then to do about a population segment that, literally, obsesses over contradicting much of what constitutes accepted civilized behavior, consistently engages in predatory criminal violence, largely refuses to cooperate with law enforcement yet, stridently demands every last legal, commercial and judicial accommodation imaginable?
The insult to injury being that, given these numerous accommodations, there remains on the part of this population segment an unreasonable and unjustified degree of overt hostility, if not aggressiveness, which poses serious obstructions to this nation's basic functionality.
If that were not enough, there is also the matter of how so many of these individuals participate in highly destructive parasitic behavior to the point of overpopulating the national landscape with totally unsupported families that routinely enter into the criminal legal system.
Few better definitions exist of the word, "unsustainable."
Now, please consider how both sides of America's political aisle are eagerly assisting in the introduction of yet another identical population segment.
Yes, what went before was intended to describe typical "Black" demeanor.
Go ahead and substitute "Muslim" in the foregoing set of sociocultural equations and please tell me if there are any contradictions.
The term "double whammy" don't even begin to describe what is happening to 21st century America.
"What he said was true and for speaking this he was sent to have his sanity tested.
The same thing that happened to Rocker now has happened to Emma West in England. Worse, her young child has been removed from her"
Stalin would be proud.
You need to stop being mean to my boy. He's a good boy. He goes to college and has a job. His daddy and me raised him good, not to steal. His daddy and me still together.
White kids used to pick on him. He's been the victim of of black crime. He called the police.
Sometimes he walks around by himself in white neighborhoods at 3 AM. Nothing weird about that. Racist white people called the police. They were worried that he was up to something. But he's an individual. Don't see how its good for him to have the cops called. How was that good for lil' Evergreen? That's what his daddy and me call him. Lil' Evergreen.
I remember when he took statistics. Couldn't figure out how it was good for him. 'Cause he's an individual. Didn't serve the individual, he always said.
His daddy and me taught him, always live around white people. Good for you. Don't matter if its good for them. What's good for you? They got to have you around. Wouldn't be good for lil' Evergreen if no white people want him around.
We told him about Jim Crow. Bed time story. Lil' Evergreen cried, don't want to go back to that.
Now he won't leave you white people alone. Not good enough to live and let live. No, got to have laws to make you white people keep lil' Evergreen around.
His daddy and me pretty sure he wishes he was white. Oh, lawdy.
Anonymous (December 4, 2011 12:59 PM): Stalin would be proud.
That odd whirring sound you hear in the background is the near-sonic velocity spinning of George Orwell in his grave.
Muslim girl gang spared jail because they were not used to alcohol
Can you say that either Emma West or Enoch Powell were wrong?
Petition to free Emma West.
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