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One of the weirdest letters to Black people ever written |
Gene Marks, a contributor to Forbes, has stepped in it with the publication of If I Were a Poor Black Kid. Predictably, the Black online media went nuts, with The Root, Newsone, Huffington Post and The Grio declaring war on poor Mr. Marks.
Baratunde Thurston, who we last saw crying over the news that Mein Obama was forced to release his birth certificate, provided some biting commentary in response to Marks' column, but it doesn't change the fact that Black America continues to fail to live up to the lofty standards (or come anywhere near replicating the achievements of) set by, gulp, white people.
Here's what Mr. Marks wrote:
President Obama gave an excellent speech last week in Kansas about inequality in America.
“This is the defining issue of our time.” He said. “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. Because what’s at stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, secure their retirement.”
He’s right. The spread between rich and poor has gotten wider over the decades. And the opportunities for the 99% have become harder to realize.
The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011.
Hold the phone Mr. Marks. Your kids ARE smarter than kids their age in the inner city (unless we are talking about the sons and daughters of the Disingenuous White Liberal - DWL - elite who send their kids to private school far removed from the coloreds), and this would almost be true if you made less than $20,000 a year and the kids in question come from a Black family making more than $200,000 a year!
There's a reason white people are fleeing Philadelphia (and it's not just the violent Mahogany Mobs attacking them); it has something to do with finding "good schools" -- read all white -- to send their kids too.
And how does having Black skin make things more difficult in 2011? Your joking right? Name one manner in which having Black skin makes life harder in Black-Run America (BRA)? Racism from whites? Well, blame the behavior of your fellow Blacks who gladly post videos triumphing their latest assault on a defenseless individual at WorldStarHipHop. Extra scrutiny from police? Well, blame the behavior of your fellow Blacks who fail to cooperate with the police and abide by the law!
What does your article state?:
I am not a poor black kid. I am a middle aged white guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me. But that doesn’t mean that the prospects are impossible for those kids from the inner city. It doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities for them. Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind. I don’t believe that. I believe that everyone in this country has a chance to succeed. Still. In 2011. Even a poor black kid in West Philadelphia.Okay, that's about all I could read. If I were a poor Black kid, after reading Mr. Marks advice I'd go out and join in a
Mr. Marks, you grew up in a country that was 70 - 80 percent white; the concept of white privilege makes sense in a nation that is (nearly) homogenous. Has anyone in Japan ever accused one of having a Japanese privilege in getting ahead? The same goes for China? What about Haiti... oh, that entire nation subsists on the charity of Western nations and church organizations sending food so that the Black people there don't subsist on dirt as their primary form of sustenance.
There is no Haitian privilege, save DWLs treating you like a sub-human species or an elaborate pet so that they feel better.
No Mr. Marks, your parents worked hard to provide you a safe community (meaning, far from the Black Undertow) where you could grow up, attend a solid school - okay, a primarily white school district - and they also believed that YOUR life would be better than theirs was.
In Black-Run America (BRA) circa 2011, it is white people who are working to ensure the children of the Black Undertow have it better than THEY did, at the expense of their children's future.
Everyone in this country doesn't have a chance to succeed. Consider that in a nation where every institution (be it government, academic, military, private, entertainment non-profit, etc.) is dedicated to advancing Black people -- many times with the threat of Department of Justice intervention if they fail to properly lower standards enough to accommodate this goal -- ahead of everyone else, single Black female still only have a net worth of $5 dollars.
Of course, Obama's War on White America is starting to get more explicit, with Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder declaring war on states daring to pass laws that ask prospective voters to show valid state issued identification. How dare you ask a Black person to show proper I.D. Don't you know that would allow bill collectors and other forms of registered mail to end up in their mailbox! Or worse, warrants for their arrest! Or worse, demands for a paternity test!
No, if I were a poor Black kid in BRA, the best one could hope for is to be plucked off the mean streets of Actual Black Run America (ABRA) Memphis, just like Michael Oher, and be adopted by rich white people from the suburbs.
Then they could spend vast sums of money on me to improve my high school GPA and SAT/ACT scores so that the NCAA Clearinghouse would accept my transcripts and grant me eligibility to play college football or basketball.
If I were a poor Black kid, Mr. Marks, that's what I'd do: everything possible to get adopted by rich white people. Since less than 28 percent of Black kids actually grow up in a home with parental units, the odds are pretty good a gullible, do-gooding white couple will provide a home and monetary resources for this to happen.
If not, being a poor Black kid means my breakfast and lunch at school are more than likely provided by tax-payers, and my parents are... more than likely on TANF/Welfare and EBT/Food stamps. And we probably live in Section 8 (government provided) housing.
But hey, it beats Haiti! We can engage in Mahogany Mobs in Philly without fear of any repercussions!
If I were a poor Black kid in America, I'd probably be glad I wasn't a poor Black kid in Africa. They don't even have satellite TV there! Certainly, there's no United States government to subsidize the proliferation of my family!
Question: In what ways has the United States - under the direction of BRA - helped erect massive safety nets that make being a "poor Black kid" one of the best things to be in the early 21st century?
"My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city."
LOLOL The absurdity of this statement is truly comical.
"What about Haiti... oh, that entire nation subsists on the charity of Western nations and church organizations sending food so that the black people there don't subsist on dirt as their primary form of sustenance."
Thats more geophagia thanks to hookworms more than any lack of food.
We can engage in Mahogany Mobs in Philly without fear of any repercussions!
Not for much longer!
Keep up the good work, Paul!
would have been better if you had went into depth at how advantageous it is to be a poor black kid.
Too bad the "journalist" didn't cite the public schools of Prince George's County, Maryland. The Washington Post recently said that this county has one of the highest concentrations of "affluent" blacks in the country, yet the student test scores in the county's public schools are the lowest in the whole of the state of Maryland.
Gee, why is this in an "affluent" black enclave?
Typical, Marks abases himself before BRA, and they piss all over him. Pathetic, "in 2011".
Obama is not interested in helping the middle class; all of his policies have been designed to crush the white working class by redistributing their wealth to blacks and by destroying their savings by printing trillions in fake money.
The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. --- Vladimir Lenin
Theres a great article in NY Times on
why black women marry later.
As far as the piece here goes...I dont think the writer has spent time with poor blacks!
If I were a poor black kid .... I wouldn't be reading anything, especially an article written by some lame-ass cracker in a magazine called "Forbes", which is a long line of rich-ass cracker racists. At least that's what Rev. Dr. RayRay Smif, the local preacher says when he's visiting mama.
I'd be listening to the newest rap CD and figuring out how to buy food with EBT and trade if for cash for kools and bus fare to the local grocery to rob some white people.
If I was a poor black kid, I wouldn't understand one bit that DWLs have been spewing propaganda and extorting money on my behalf for nearly 50 years. I'd probably rob one of these pansy DWLs first, because they aren't crazy like those other types of crackers.
From the article:"The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder."
The President who has the same skin color as those poor unfortunate black kids?
The President who never would have become President if he'd had the same thin resume ("community organizer") and white skin instead of that unfortunate black color?
Does he mean that President?
They just spew this stuff, don't they? It's like projectile vomiting, requiring no thought process at all.
Can't make 'em happy - don't even try.
Got it. Thanks, Mr. Marks!
Pardon me if I repeat myself, but DWLs who continue to blame black failure on White privilege nonsense rather than intelligence disparity are either . . .
All three? That smacks of cultism.
Consider multiculturalism to be a mind-manipulating cult. No cult member recognizes what is apparent to free thinkers; no cult member acknowledges he is a cult member.
Mr. Marks fits the cult-member profile. He and the rest of the international White community needs massive deprogramming.
Trisenko said...
. . . all of his policies have been designed to crush the white working class by redistributing their wealth to blacks . . .
And to paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, what will they do when White people run out of money?
There is no economic disparity.
There is an intelligence disparity.
Black Americans who are more intelligent than I tend to make more money than I.
"Typical, Marks abases himself before BRA, and they piss all over him. Pathetic, "in 2011"."
Yet he and all other BORG will grovel even more. They will hand-wring, bend over & continue to offer up sacrifices in spite of the fact that they will NEVER be able to satisfy BRA. They are blind to the fact that there is no benediction, no 'promised land' for them.
They are permanently stuck in purgatory...Would be extremely amusing and satisfying to behold if it didn't effect us all.
Marks goes on to place the blame for black failure directly at the feet of blacks - he simply lists all the things he would take advantage of, things that are readily available, but that blacks tend to ignore. In fact, many of the supposed disadvantages that blacks claim as excuses for their failure are debunked. This is why black "journalists" were so offended. No amount of preparatory ass-kissing will suffice if you break from the "blame white" meme.
Here are some excerpts:
I wouldn’t care if I was a student at the worst public middle school in the worst inner city. Even the worst have their best. And the very best students, even at the worst schools, have more opportunities.
And I would use the technology available to me as a student... many inner city parents usually have or can afford cheap computers and internet service... libraries and schools have computers available too. Computers can be purchased cheaply at outlets like TigerDirect and Dell’s Outlet. Professional organizations like accountants and architects often offer used computers from their members, sometimes at no cost at all.
I’d visit study sites like SparkNotes and CliffsNotes to help me understand books. I’d watch relevant teachings on Academic Earth, TED and the Khan Academy.
He then goes back to the black ass kissing, talks about income inequality, etc. If he believes what he says in his opening and closing paragraphs, the guy is clearly a liberal. But even some of them are coming around to the reality of black failure. He may not be a realist (yet), preferring the much more comfortable culture argument, but at least he's acknowledging - publicly - that black behavior is a problem.
**Jumbled writing, I know. Its early.
"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. --- Vladimir Lenin"
This needs to be repeated and repeated, so often that people become sick of hearing it.
That is the plan, that is how they're doing it-destroying us that is!
The original article has apparently disappeared from Forbes.
There is soooo much to say here. Marks is right in one way, that blacks need to take some responsibility in their lives instead of blaming the rest of the universe. But then again, whether it is Detroit or Haiti or the rainbow nation of south Africa, blacks chronically blame racism, colonialism, apartheid, or whatever cliche their DWL handlers are feeding them.
My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city.
Aaaaaagh! Right here, it starts! How about if we give his kids an IQ test, and then compare it with the median IQ of the kids in the 'hood and see where that leads us?
The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born ....
Ahem. And what are the legitimacy rates among children in his own neighborhood versus the 'hoods about which he is writing? What are the IQs of the parents in his neighborhood versus the 'hoods about which he is writing?
...two miles away into a more difficult part of the world ...
And why is it difficult? Could it have anything to do with the racial composition of these respective neighborhoods?
...and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011.
In 2011. Name me a single fact which would deny that black kid opportunities. Like a single school or university which would deny him entry because of the color his skin. That "skin color" will give that kid affirmative action. And a scholarship. And a minority grant. And extra points on many a city's civil service exams. And maybe a head start into a national military academy. And the automatic sympathy of any DWL regardless of any crime he or she might commit.
I am a middle aged white guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me.
Yeah, and life was easier because middle class values, such as hard work, marriage, obeying the law make, and not scamming the welfare system make for easier communities.
Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind.
To be a bit harsh here, maybe one reason that 1% controls the world is because they do not act like ghetto thugs?
It takes brains. It takes hard work.
Brains: ok, here is the issue DWLs shall dance around (and over which mainstream conservatives are no better). Brains get back to IQ, and we all know the score on median white vs median black IQ.
As for "hard work," be interesting for Mr Marks to explain why so many Latin American "people of color" are willing to migrate north and do all sorts of menial jobs while American blacks are not in this sector of the employment market.
If I was a poor black kid I would first and most importantly work to make sure I got the best grades possible.
A valid point. Assuming you had parents who cared (or should I say "parent" for the 'hood). And peers who were not going to turn on you for acting white. Or a teenage girlfriend who was not going to pop out an illegitimate kid who sucked up your time and resources.
And I would use the technology available to me as a student.
A valid point. But again, this assumes there is some desire to use these things for constructive purposes. It also requires some forward thinking on the part of those "kids" about whom he is writing. But is long term planning a genetic factor?
Trust me, they want to show diversity.
i.e., they bend over backwards to discriminate against white people.
President Obama was right in his speech last week. The division between rich and poor is a national problem. But the biggest challenge we face isn’t inequality.
And why do we have inequality?
* Population groups with low IQ are growing as they reproduce exponentially, while high IQ populations limit their own numbers.
* The low IQ populations have a history of violent crime against the high IQ populations, which drive the latter out of their own neighborhoods and schools and cities and even countries (e.g., Rhodesia).
* The middle class is declining in large part owing to the government's subsidization of the underclass. And because corporations are bringing in large number of illegal aliens to undercut middle class wages.
* And yes, there is inequality insofar as the system is rigged via AA ad nauseam to favor blacks over whites. And yet, blacks still can not compete.
Many come from single-parent families whose mom or dad (or in many cases their grand mom) is working two jobs to survive and are just (understandably) too plain tired to do anything else in the few short hours they’re home.
So what then is going to be done about these single parent families?
Except that my kids are just lucky enough to have parents and a well-funded school system around to push them in the right direction.
There was no luck involved. He chose to get married and have children within a two parent family, and probably imparts middle class values to his children.
But the opportunity is still there in this country for those that are smart enough to go for it.
Again, "smart enough." Shall we review the IQ question again? Or the 'hood culture question verus middle class values?
In sum: yes, what this fellow is saying s true enough in theory. But in practice, it is going to work only with people who have the IQ and the long term planning ability and impulse control to make it work.
Guess where that leaves us?
Why no mention of the First Family's kids?
They attend Sidwell Friends School.
The school does not do class rankings because doing so violates the Quakers' belief in egalitarianism.
So, why did they not attend D.C. public schools?
And where would these kids rank in their respective classes at Friends if the school chose to rank them?
Hopefully the attacks against Mr. Marks (who had ALL the best intentions in mind, and all the misappropriated assumptions in the DWL book) will help him wake up.
He was, after all, just writing an article to help explain away his guilt for Whites on average (well, almost all) doing better than almost all other blacks in the US. Like all DWLs really it was to make himself feel better...
But they still pounced on him. Good. Maybe he'll realize that there is NOTHING that he, nor any church or charity, nor his state, nor his country can do for feral black thugs and niglet factories. NOTHING.
And I dislike Disengenuous White Liberals just as much as any other poster on here, but I will say one thing: They're more than welcome to abandon their sinking ship and come sail with me...as long as they can understand why I'm afloat and their sacred African-built raft is barely getting by.
So come on over DWLs, once you change your mindset you're more than welcome to fight along side us.
A recent reader blog seems apropos here. He was venting about his local newspaper's choice of front-page news. (a black kid finally graduating from an "alternative school) From his blog:
"Rittenberry, who grew up in the Jack R. Wells public housing complex off H_____ Avenue, will the first of 10 brothers to graduate from high school."
"The worst time (of doubt) was when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. Rittenberry had no job, no car, not even his own place to stay..."
Can there be ANY QUESTION why there is such an "equality" gap between blacks and whites, given blacks' cultural self-destructive behavior?
Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind.
Sergei Brin, Larry Page because they discovered a better search method
Walton family because they own part of a firm that still leads the way in which Americans want to shop.
Ted Turner because Time-Warner bought his broadcasting empire from him
Michael Moore because he made mockumentaries that people like to watch. A giver of such wisdom that 6 of the 1% are worth more than the bottom 30% which means that the bottom 30% are worth around $1 000 each on average.
"...that the bottom 30% are worth around $1 000 each on average."
Not my fault. I was saving that much per month as a 19 year old. Don't blame the people who made good choices in life just like I don't blame the Waltons, Jobs, Gates, the Google guys, the entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, or even Michael Moore for that matter. Anyway, it's not so much about what you make, it's more about what you DON'T SPEND. Frugality (as opposed to cheapness) is the order of the day.
Anyway, the reason I checked back into SBPDL is because I wanted to share some good news with your guys:
Another Nigger rapper has just been shot over a trivial argument. Some kind of nigger beef I presume. The kid is younger than I am, but I won't hide the fact that I'm glad because it means there's one (hopefully more once the offenders are thrown in the brig) less thug alive in the world who's able to harm my family.
Here's what I think of the whole thing:
Thank you Blacklanta.
Its the Jared Diamond riff...
but different.
Jared in his best seller...
'The cannibals in Borneo are so much smarter than whites.'
[or something similar]
Michael Moore and figures is like a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it and danged if he knows how to use it!.
For example if you go to one of their sites an income of $38 000 puts the recipient, such as Michael Moore, in the 1% bracket.
This is a good example of white guilt coming back to bite a DWL in the ass. He thought he would be applauded for his white guilt, instead he has got his ass kicked,figuratively speaking, at least for now. Maybe he will become one of those that see, but I won't count on it.
Blacks in this country are the luckiest blacks in the world. From the moment a black is born to a single black mama and some black male sperm donor they enter into a special class of people, minority.The mother has a net worth of five dollars. How does the hospital get paid the thousands of dollars in hospital care that this black mother having this black baby will cost? Not to worry, the taxpayer will pickup the cost. That is just the start of a long list of freebies that this black will get all their life.
http://pennstate.scout.com/2/1139898.html its good 2 b a nittany lion
The linked story is back up.
Paleface 6
"My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city."
If you're stupid enough to say this, it's probably true.
Yale coach resigns amid resume scandal
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