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Racist? We all know truth has a well-known racial bias. |
Why? Because once again those pesky Ron Paul newsletters from the 1990s (when America was poised to save herself) are being trotted out to derail the Ron Paul for President campaign. We at SBPDL are not enthralled with his candidacy (though through his actions of severely retarding the growth of government by adhering to the US Constitution would be hilarious; the artificial Black middle class would die overnight), but will now ask this one simple question: can anyone prove that Ron Paul is wrong regarding the content of his newsletters?
The Business Insider published these excerpts:
Some choice quotes:
- "Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
- "We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational."
- After the Los Angeles riots, one article in a newsletter claimed, "Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks."
- One referred to Martin Luther King Jr. as "the world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours" and who "seduced underage girls and boys."
- Another referred to Barbara Jordan, a civil rights activist and congresswoman as "Barbara Morondon," the "archetypical half-educated victimologist."
Why try and disavow the truth? Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime in America; Black people make any city they live in unsafe (especially Prince George's County) and drive down property values primarily because the school system inevitably tanks once Black people become a numerical majority.
Remove Black people from the equation, and the United States of America is already on Mars. Instead, we have spent trillions on government housing, trying to close the racial gap in learning, incarcerating this disproportionately criminal people, feeding (EBT/Food stamps, free lunches at school), and housing (Section 8 Housing), plus trillions more in TANF/Welfare and health care. Oh, and we have had to abandon major cities because it is unsafe to live around Black people.
Still, Black people follow prosperity (what we call the Black Undertow), bringing true Climate Change to Whitopia's created for the sole purpose of avoiding Black people.
Black-Run America (BRA) could end tomorrow. All Ron Paul would have to do is, "Yes, I wrote those newsletters. More importantly, what I wrote was grounded in a truth that is outlawed in our time, because offending Black people is the greatest criminal offense in America, according to the white liberals who run it."
But he won't. All it takes is one person -- in a position like a Ron Paul - to show courage and say the equivalent of "F--k you" to those Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLS) who enforce BRA, and it's over.
People need dramatic examples to shake them from their apathy. By saying, "Yes, I wrote them. Prove me where I'm wrong," Ron Paul could change everything. By asking those in the media to show where he is wrong, he would show that the emperor has no clothes.
All they can do is call you a "racist." That's it.
You'll survive these attacks. By showing a little courage, you might even be surprised at how many people are there to pick you up and dust you off after you've been tarred and feathered, and been branded with the Scarlet R.
America's ready, or Real America is ready. Just wait until 2012. It's going to be the Year of SBPDL.
Those evil Ron Paul newsletters from the 1990s are true. That Paul -- the so-called fighter of liberty -- won't even dare protest the accusations of "racist" being thrown his way shows you the power of BRA. More importantly, it shows you that the concept of 'freedom' did fail.
There's truth in the Paul letters; that we can't even discuss them in a civilized manner is once again proof that freedom failed.
I'm kind of surprised that even he didnt stand up for himself in this instance- but then again Im not. The power of BRA is paralyzing- I still like Ron Paul though. Its between him and Romney for me. Between them, I dont care who wins just as long as they beat Obama!
Unfortunately, the only way to get into a position like the Presidency is to lie, lie, lie. The best liar usually makes it to the top when it comes to politics. To know that he would end the free ride for those that are unwilling to provide for themselves is enough for me. Welfare sickens me to the core. I don't live in this country to pay for these dregs to siphon off of my hard work and sacrifice, time to end the handouts.
SBPDL may not support Ron Paul, but the fact that he is the only candidate that is looking to give liberties back to We the People makes him the only logical choice in my book.
bamas in office...his ministers
rev wright...
so racism against whites is ok
It's fun being a cool kid, and messing with the nerds and the losers. One of the funnest things to do is take one nerd, pretend to be nice to him, and get him to attack another nerd for you. He gets all excited, thinks he's one of the cool kids now, then you get to smack him down and remind him he's still a loser too, and a sucker for getting played.
That's what Ron Paul was doing last week- going on a talk show and saying Michelle Bachmann hates Moslems. He was thinking, wow, now the cool kids like me. I'm helping them. But the warm glow of acceptance was short-lived. Having helped bash another nerd, Paul went back to the loser's table. But it must have felt great while it lasted.
Perhaps what we need is to create an incident here. Find a politician or other prominent person who is sympathetic to race realism (or simply to free speech) make similar statements, then stand up and defend them. And then start asking why blacks and DWLs are so hostile to free speech, which last I checked, was supposed to be a civil right.
This could be turned into a "Rosa Parks" moment.
Proving that going along to get along is still the status quo, I had thought Dr Paul would finally have the guts to stand up for the Republic. PK you've been great about shning a light on things, you and the other patriots. I don't have words for the rest of my reply it makes me sick my soul. Pvt Spencer keeping an eye on things
You know the Paul campaign will end when he has to "apologize" for the words. And he will. If the ruling elite can paint anyone as "racist" it is the pretty much the end.
But maybe Paul has a way to turn it around on them. Who can say?
I'm guessing the rumors will help Paul's campaign
One referred to Martin Luther King Jr. as "the world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours" and who "seduced underage girls and boys."
Perhaps his name should have benn 'Muhammad Luther King">
I believe Lew Rockwell, who then worked for Ron Paul, was mainly responsible for the newsletters. Rockwell, in his present anti-American incarnation, claims to know nothing about them.
Stand up white man.
At some point a prominent white man must not apologize, must not back down & must not grovel. Of course we must stand behind him too.
It is disappointing that Paul is backing down on this one.
He seems willing to fight the establishment when it comes the the government overlord class. But when facing the establishment of BRA... he buckles.
How can you be for the "truth" in one regard, but afraid to stand for it in other areas? That smacks of phony.
And I'm saying this as a huge Paul supporter (he had my vote until this news).
I Have to say no matter what, he is the ONLY one to vote for....even if he refuses to admit it as long as he gets in to office and we KNOW how he feels in his heart then its worth it to have him as the president.
They felt so badly about Rodney King that the first businesses to be looted were off licenses.
Cannot properly feel the rage without free malt liquor as everyone knows.
If he stood his ground and argued his case with passion and logic he would do better than anyone would expect...not going to happen though.
make it rain TRUTH said...
"That smacks of phony...(he had my vote until this news)."
If you are waiting for an openly racist "mainstream" presidential candidate, you will be waiting a very long time.
Ron Paul may not be openly racist, but SBPDL is right, his positions would create a level playing field where people succeed or fail by their own merit (Egalitarians may call this racist).
You can't win by being openly racist and you can't win by not pandering to the left on this (and other) issues. This is why we will end up with Obama or Romney ~ "Evil" or "Slightly Less Evil" and we will all be screwed when the rent comes due.
I have no idea why SBDL isn't supporting Ron Paul. He's going to get rid of affirmative action, drastically cut welfare, stop forcing us to keep all these dumb animals alive with our taxes, stop fighting wars for Israel,eliminate the artificial black middle class, allow states to overturn Roe vs Wade, etc
Veronica: Between them, I dont care who wins just as long as they beat Obama!
It is, perhaps, the greatest of all tragedies in American politics that so many of us no longer vote for a candidate that we want to see elected but, instead, vote in an effort to keep some other candidate out of office.
"I have no idea why SBDL isn't supporting Ron Paul."
Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008.
He's fucking nuts.
Ben N Indiana: Perhaps his name should have been "Muhammad Luther King".
Good one.
Too bad so few people know that Mohammad ― the name reads better if you fit in the words "ham" and "mad" ― wed his eleventh wife, Aiesha, at age six and consummated the marriage when she was NINE years-old.
Few people also understand that all Muslims are obliged to regard Mohammad as al-insan al-kamil ("the perfect man") and to be imitated in all aspects.
This is the source of endless pedophilia within Islam and it results in countless young girls suffering severe internal injuries and, sometimes, bleeding to death from hemorrhaging on their wedding night after attempting, or being forced, to accommodate their sexually mature husbands.
If Ron Paul was elected do you really think he would change? You forgot the the House and Senate who make the laws. Most people like their own leaders but hate everyone else's.
I haven't voted FOR a candidate in years. I always vote against the other guy. That is a big difference.
I foresee the next great dark ages coming on as those who can are replaced by those who can't and won't.
I think of the 2001 movie where the apes gather in bewilderment upon touching the black monolith. Imagine the great nonwhite masses staring at the crumbling works of extinct white men knowing that they can not maintain or mimic the lost culture.
Zenster: I do want to vote for a specific candidate, and get him elected. The issues mean a lot to me. Buuut I do very badly want to see Obama booted...for several reasons, so whoever is able to do that- bring them on.
Guys, to quote Patrick Bateman, "Cool it with the anti-Semitic comments."
The attacks on Ron Paul and Rand Paul -- look up the entry I did in 2010 on the Civil Rights battle that erupted when Rand talked about how a private business should be able to restrict who can frequent its establishment -- are a result of BRA.
That might sound crazy to a lot of people reading this blog, but Ron Paul is being attacked over TRUTHFUL things he wrote about Black people back in the 1990s.
You can't speak openly in public about the devastating costs of Black people to America. You just can't. How many major cities are ruined because of Black people?
Honestly... Detroit and Baltimore, two of America's former great cities, lay in ruins now after being Actual Black Run America (ABRA) cities for decades.
For those wondering, I've read MacDonald's work. I'm not some paid agent of the Mossad; I'm not some paid agent of the CIA; I'm just a guy who started a web site as a joke, and... it kinda got big.
I'm interested in one topic: SBPDL.
I've asked that people respect that. Talk about the jewish influence on American politics all you want to on other sites.
On this site, we'll talk about BRA. As this episode has shown, Ron Paul is being attacked over newsletters that publish TRUTHFUL things about the Black Undertow.
He apologized for them profusely, disassociating himself from them in the process. Guess what? A guy like Lew Rockwell wrote them; guess what; Rockwell used to talk about race a lot more than he does now (he still publishes people who attack Israel and our foreign policy).
ROCKWELL will not talk about race.
Race is the ticket. I'm for a world where merit matters. I'm also in favor of defending the historic majority population of America.
It should tell you something that the Federal government attacks a smart white guy like Trent Arsenault, who has donated his sperm to have many children, but they actively work to help subsidize Black people (Black men) having multiple children out of wedlock.
Just look through the archives of this site to find stories of Black women with 15 kids, depending on the state to take care of the kids (That means you) or dead-beat Black athletes with 10 - 15 kids that they can't even name and refuse to pay child support for.
One Black guy we talked about here has 20 + illegitimate kids, but a high IQ white guy is under attack for trying to stop America from turning into Idiocracy.
It's all about RACE. Ron Paul didn't bow to the Israel lobby; Lew Rockwell didn't bow to the Israel lobby; they both bowed before BRA.
You can believe whatever you want about The Jews. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about what they've made up in regards to the so-called JQ.
But Jews are welcome here. BRA does affect Jews.
To save America, it means saying "no more to BRA."
This means no more subsidizing of the Black Undertow.
This means no more lowering standards to help open access to schools, jobs, and government employment that Black people can't acquire through their own merit.
It means acknowledging why Detroit is a shit-hole and Pittsburgh is not.
Again, I'm not saying their aren't legitimate criticisms of American Jews; but the fact that NO ONE will question what I have dubbed BRA -- and that everyone is afraid to criticize Black people - tells me much more.
I'm looking right at you Lew Rockwell and right at you Ron and Rand Paul.
This will be the ONLY time in SBPDL history were those who want to make a case why I'm wrong will be allowed to be published on this issue.
There's too much going on that needs to be accomplished. You can talk about the JQ at other sites, but for one day only, make your case why I'm wrong.
Then, it will never EVER be tolerated again.
I have about 6 entries by me (and one by Zenster) I want to get in before Christmas that are VERY good.
More importantly, I've started making major headway into "Obama's War on White America" that one of my favorite polemicists is helping me on.
Here's my reasoning:In 1913,prices were lower than they had been in 1750.Since the Jews took over our money that year,prices have risen more than 30 times what they were in 1913.
Stuff Black People Don't Like: I'm interested in one topic: SBPDL.
Paul, your point is well-taken and I am immensely glad that you understand how important it is to expand the scope of discussion so that it also includes Cultural Marxism and Islam.
Neither entity should be a thing that Black people like, AT ALL.
Islam regards Blacks as less than animals. Even Obama ― Islamic arse osculator supreme ― is reviled by Muslim scholars as a "house Negro" (i.e., privileged slave), who is only serving White Christian America's ends.
Similarly, Marxism has been a prime mover with respect to rotating in and out of power a troop of hopelessly corrupt and incompetent dictators that are keeping all of Africa (not just sub-Saharan), the socioeconomic train wreck that it is today.
In today's America, Marxism continues to march under the false colors of Black Liberation Theology and its pursuit of the DWL wet dream of "social justice".
I would venture that one of the only tangents where the JQ comes into play is how Jewish controlled media refuses to address BRA despite how Jews routinely distance themselves from Blacks more than just about anyone else.
If keeping SBPDL focused upon BRA requires dismissing even that one tangential issue, it will be a tiny price to pay for keeping the spotlight turned on Blacks and the millstone that they continue to be around White America's neck.
As always, keep up the good work. If anything, you are a supremely capable guide dog (and I mean that in its very finest sense), for all of the Americans that do not yet see. I can only hope that, one day, a grateful nation will recognize your profound contribution towards re-railing our political system on its proper Constitutional tracks.
You're absoluely right about Lew Rockwell. He has turned around on race without admitting it.
One of his long-time writers is Fred Reed. When Reed wrote something about race and crime a few years ago, Rockwell didn't publish it.
we have had to abandon major cities because it is unsafe
Indeed. Somebody ought to calculate the Carbon footprint of that. Think of all the millions of commuter-miles that could be spared, the tons of carbon that would be kept out of the atmosphere, if it were actually safe for us to live near our jobs instead of being forced to live 20 or 30 or more miles away and commute every day.
"It is, perhaps, the greatest of all tragedies in American politics that so many of us no longer vote for a candidate that we want to see elected but, instead, vote in an effort to keep some other candidate out of office."
Very true.
And the greatest of all shocks in American politics was having a mulatto who'd done nothing but bite the white hand that fed him elected president.
Here's what happens when a negro is your "close personal family friend"
And some of you thought only random feral street negroes were dangerous
People use the "n" word here all the time. People have "made up" stuff about the so-called "JQ". Jewish elites have had a huge influence in creating BRA. To deny that is cowardly. Criticism of BRA is not allowed in this country. So is criticism of the jewish elite concerning their role in BRA and "cultural Marxism". Now I know why a few of my posts about Tim Tebow weren't printed. My opinion is that blacks and jews are plentiful in the MSM and the sports media. Tebow, being a conservative, white, Christian NFL player, therefore must be destroyed. Do you not agree? If you don't, you're either naive or afraid. Do you think they are on your side? And, they are not part of the historic American majority. There isn't just only "one tangential issue" in their role in BRA. So, criticism of the jewish elite and their role in BRA will never be tolerated again. So, maybe you can cut down on the use of the "n" word. It's uglier than the word jew. Hope you're too old if there is ever a draft for a war on Iran. Merry Christmas?
Zenster said:
"This is the source of endless pedophilia within Islam and it results in countless young girls suffering severe internal injuries and, sometimes, bleeding to death from hemorrhaging on their wedding night after attempting, or being forced, to accommodate their sexually mature husbands."
As long as they are Muslim women, how is this a bad thing? The fewer Muslims we have, the better off we are. I say let them exterminate themselves.
It isn't bad enough. Bad as it is it isn't bad enough. When it gets to be bad enough many will say what is now verboten. The question then will be does the United States become a complete police state or does it shatter into black pieces, brown pieces and white pieces? I don't know the answer. I only know it isn't bad enough yet.
Man! I'm a young African American man and I'm hurt. I never knew how hated we are. I'm very well educated and I researched stats found in previous posting. Some where right,others were wrong. But people must remember "we" aren't all the same. And "we" are still........"We The People."
Not all the black people in LA were on welfare, and I don't see any thing to prove that getting their welfare checks is why they stopped rioting.
If my little boy, lil' Evergreen, was there, he would have tried to stop people from rioting. See, not all black people riot. Lil' Evergreen would've gone to people's homes and told them he didn't approve of the rioting. He wouldn't put his hand on their shoulder and told them it wasn't all black people. Then he would have told them they couldn't move away, because then there wouldn't be any jobs for black people. And no one to pay taxes to support black people.
We told lil' Evergreen all about what it was like when black people didn't get handouts from whites. Don't want to go back to that.
Trying to explain Black Run America, the Civil "Rights" movement, affirmative action, and the dismantling of our immigration laws without mentioning the Jews' involvement is like trying to explain a dog-bite without mentioning the dog.
The feds delight in infiltrating our movement with Hal-Turner-type nut cases.
• They destroy our credibility.
• They distract us from our primary focus.
Not all those who ramble on about ZOG, Jewish takeovers, Zionism, etc/. are gov't plants. But many are.
Show me the guy wearing a swastika on his t-shirt at an anti-immigration rally, and I'll show you a guy on the federal payroll.
SBPDL and AmRen have the intelligence not to be distracted.
"People use the "n" word here all the time."
Not hard to believe, on a site called STUFF BLACK PEOPLE DON'T LIKE.
To anon at 12:48- wow! That was VERY close to where I live--too close. I guess it's just some DWL family trying to copycat The Blind Side
Slightly off topic, but here is the KC Star celebrating the changing demographics in previously all white Johnson County, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, that has boomed over the last half century because of 'white flight' from the vibrant, urban core of KC, MO.
In 1980 the county was 97 percent white, according to U.S. Census numbers tracked by United Community Services in Johnson County. By last year, the county was 82 percent white, driven heavily by growing Hispanic, Asian and black populations.
That Murrietta, California stabbing story is almost too horrific to fathom. That well-intended do-gooder DWL father got his daughter brutally murdered by bringing ghetto thugs into their home. Reason #1 why people are poor and miserable: because they suck and they deserve to be poor and miserable. Two people died that night: a beautiful girl and the naive liberal pansy that her father had been previously. Reading the comments, however, it looks like a bona fide lynch mob has formed in sleepy Murrietta and they will be storming the ghetto looking for this murderous beast. I hope they catch him and hang him and I hope his "homies" try to defend him. Then CNN can whine about the "racial hate crime that seems like something from another era" while I laugh maniacally.
I'm not a big Ron Paul fan, though I like Rand. I am extremely disappointed, however, that Paul felt it necessary to "apologize" for "racist" newsletters. As you point out, SBPDL, Paul doesn't kowtow to the Israel lobby but he caved to BRA.
However, while I understand your desire to keep this a single issue blog, please don't go the way of Unamused (and Auster) and make any and all criticism of Jews verboten. It smacks of fear and has no place on this blog. Jews' role in the creation of BRA was HUGE.
Since we’re allowed to discuss Jews today I’ll give it a shot. Here’s why you’re wrong. Yes BRA is a huge problem but you have to take a look at who’s behind it. Blacks are far too dumb to have had any part of it. BRA was created and continues to be propped up by Jews. And it’s every bit a cultural institution as it is a government institution. That means the people have to be behind it.
Even though Blacks are savage animals, Americans generally have a favorable view of them. White women regularly have sex with them and White men see nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t matter that blacks rape 40,000 White women every year, commit half the murders in the country, use up a huge amount of our resources, make our cities uninhabitable, commit heinous racially motivated assaults on us, are walking STD factories, look physically repulsive, have low intelligence, etc.
None of that fucking matters. Most Americans are probably blind to that stuff. Why is that ? Well for the reasons you talk about on this site; black glorification in professional and collegiate athletics, completely distorted images of blacks in movies and television, the news media refusing to talk about black crime, and basically just “the media” in general. The media in this country is by far and away the most influential institution we have. They are our cultural arbiters. They determine our mores, norms, and taboos. They set the parameters for what’s acceptable to discuss and what isn’t.
Whatever direction the NYC news media Jews and Hollywood Jews decide to push this country is where 90% of people will go. Most people don’t think for themselves, they just imitate the ruling class. 50 years ago, or even less, having sex with a black man was tantamount to committing bestiality, now not only is it perfectly acceptable but it’s encouraged. That’s what 50 years of shoving pro miscegenation propaganda in our faces does. There was a time when everyone knew the truth about blacks; they’re prone to crime, they’re less intelligent, carry disease, etc. But the media has managed to make all of that vanish. The media controls our collective thought process, it programs our minds.
There’s no point in discussing who controls the media. It’s not some sort of conspiracy. It’s blatantly obvious the Jews dominate it, and through it they’re able to dominate everything else.
Did anyone else notice that the self-described "very well-educated" black guy clearly doesn't know the difference between "where" and "were"? Most third-graders know that where I grew up. Even the dumb ones. Please note how even the "educated" blacks are dismally obtuse. That means really dumb, by the way, Anonymous 1:38PM.
Anonymous “edumacated” negro said:
Man! I'm a young African American man and I'm hurt. I never knew how hated we are. I'm very well educated and I researched stats found in previous posting. Some where right,others were wrong. But people must remember "we" aren't all the same. And "we" are still........"We The People."
Perhaps you can show us some of the stats that, in your humble opinion are “wrong”. Blacks only provide anecdotal facts. Why can’t you creatures present facts? Show us why they are wrong. Then we can show you why they are right.
Your laughable attempt to claim that Whites have anything in common with blacks and that there is a “we” is black dishonesty or black stupidity at work. The Constitution preamble begins with
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Now, every one of the participants in the Constitutional Convention and everyone that represented a State that accepted it as the law of the land was of one race. Which race was that, negro? Perhaps you can show us the historical documentation that these people ever considered blacks to be men? The Constitution, which is the contract that they accepted for the establishment of a government that they would live under, was formed for whom? Themselves and their “posterity”. Are negroes part of that posterity? No. So, no negroes took part in the creation and passage of the Constitution, no negroes were given citizenship under the created document, negroes were not allowed to become citizens in the first several Immigration and Naturalization Acts. In fact, the citizenship that you people were granted, and had nothing to do with obtaining, was a federal citizenship. You were not and are not citizens of the States you live in. The States were the sovereign bodies that were superior to the federal government. To claim that you were ever or ever will be “We the People” is just a sign that you people are incredibly stupid or pathetic liars. As a matter of fact, you don’t even call yourselves American. You are African-Americans. You even admit you are not “We the People”.
Thanks to the unconstitutional 14th Amendment, there is no “People” in this country. There are “peoples”. The only way to return to the sanity of a Constitutional government is to separate Whites from the dregs that now populate this country. You people bring nothing except the lowest traits to the table. This country has continued to slide into the abyss since the parasites that rule this nation let you off your leash. Your function is to make it impossible to dislodge them from the stranglehold they have on this nation. They promise you animals free money, housing, food, education, and no responsibility for obtaining them. So don’t delude yourself that you are wanted or have anything worthwhile to contribute. The collapse will occur soon enough, since millions of you parasites cannot be supported much longer as we incur more and more debt every year. I look forward to the day when there are none of you people anywhere near me and my family and I no longer am held hostage to the moronic philosophy that “we’re all the same” and forces us to live in the same society with you. We have nothing in common. The problem is, you people can only survive at the most rudimentary levels without Whites around. You people don’t have the honesty to admit this or the self-respect to create your own society. Most Whites I know would be happy to give you 12 to 13% of this nation as long as you stayed away from us and we didn’t have to support you. Tell me negro, do YOU think you can create a society that is equal to the one we have provided you. Well?
"It's all about RACE. Ron Paul didn't bow to the Israel lobby; Lew Rockwell didn't bow to the Israel lobby; they both bowed before BRA." - SBPDL
That's it. Yep. Ron Paul knows who his masters are. More mouse than man, he couldn't even defend the true statements in his own newsletter.
What a wimp.
Ms. Evergreen:
I hope everyone got the joke. I can see someone with no ability to appreciate irony jumping on you for being a typical black parasite and raising your child to perpetuate the pattern. Although I was expecting "your husband" to add his two cents worth by now.
"Not hard to believe, on a site called STUFF BLACK PEOPLE DON'T LIKE." Maybe SBPDL can continue censoring and substitute negro, negroid, african. My favorite is bantu. Has someone offered SBPDL an infusion of cash in exchange for ignoring the role of elite Jews in BRA?
"What a wimp."
Fine, write in David Duke. Good luck with that.
Paul, is criticism of someone who is you-know-what to be tolerated? Example...Zuckerberg, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook, is a moron. He thinks a $100 million donation to the Newark public schools will improve the racial IQ/intelligence gap.
"Moar lulz" from "Da Undertow":
You can't make this stuff up.
You are missing a huge opportunity by not embracing Ron Paul. Libertarian philosophy and race realism go hand in glove. It is the death of BRA.
"Ms. Ebergreen" - you owe me a new keyboard and mouth full of beer for that avatar. Hilarious! I haven't thought about the dark crystal in probably 25 years. Christ on a cracker, the people on here are way funnier than any comedian in the MSM.
Wow, one whole day! That is mighty white of you! Just kidding, it is your site.
But why don't you spend a day (or better yet, many days) reading up on the subject. Learn who is disproportionately (and massively so) responsible for the country we live in; what you call BRA.
And it is absolutely silly to think that one can't speak the truth about blacks but can do so about Jews anywhere but in the far corners of the internet.
'svigor' gave one of the best recent summaries on why so many of us are interested in the JQ:
"1. Power: They're the dominant ethnicity in America. 40% of the Forbes 400, the source of most of the political money in Presidential elections, they dominate the media, hold outsized power in academia and culture-creation, etc.
2. Immunity: In an age of "anything goes" and "adults scoff at silly things like taboos," Ashkenazis are the quintessential taboo. They're so taboo, you can't even mention there is a taboo. They have a gold-plated get out of jail free card; no matter what they do, there are large numbers of people willing to defend them. Notably, their thoroughgoing, zeitgeist-destroying hypocrisy on ethnicity vis-a-vis their interests vs. everyone else's (open borders, PC, diversity and multiculti for the west, closed borders, apartheid and homogeneity for them in Israel). Immunity from criticism? You might as well beg me to criticize them. (They're not only the ethnic superpower in America, but they get to play the Ultimate Victim card, too?)
3. Ethnocentrism: when someone criticizes the English, Poles, Germans, Scots, Russians, Americans, Anglo-Saxons, etc., it's no big deal; when someone criticizes Ashkenazis, somehow there's always an Ashkenazi there to defend the tribe. Ashkenazis are simply never up to no good, and never have been.
Sounds like a nut that deserves cracking IMO.
4. Aggression: Ashkenazis made a national pasttime out of criticizing whites and Europeans. I'm just returning the favor. In general they seem to be up to no good vis-a-vis white Americans' ethnic interests, particularly old-stock white Americans."
There is a giant-ass menorah (a religious symbol) on the grounds of the White House. Oh yes, there is a Christmas tree, but there is no nativity scene or any other Christian symbol.
Telling, no? I'll go out on a limb and say that blacks aren't responsible for this.
In the movie "Tombstone", there are a number of great scenes, but a pivotal scene that has always stood out for me is when Mort tells Wyatt, "THERE AIN'T NO LIVE AND LET LIVE WITH BUGS!!!"
Anyone who watches the movie will notice that there are two distinct Wyatt Earps in "Tombstone": The first is when Wyatt comes into town ...he doesn't want to get involved in the town troubles or politics, he just wants to make some money, have some kids, and live a normal life with his family. The second Wyatt appears when he learns the hard way that the quiet happy life he desires will be impossible as long as the murdering lawless gang know as "The Cowboys" is allowed to exist.
After their brother Verge is shot by the Cowboy gang, the pivotal exchange between Mort & Wyatt goes something like this:
MORT: "Wyatt!! Wyatt!! They hit Clems house too! ...shot up his wife! HIS WIFE!! WHO EVER HEARD OF THAT? They're bugs Wyatt ...all that smart talk about live-and-let-live ...there ain't no live-and-let-live with bugs!!!"
WYATT: "Alright you listen to me now ...we gotta get outta here."
MORT: "Get outta here??? Listen to yourself Wyatt ...'lie down and crawl ..you might get hurt' ...what kinda talk is that???"
You can watch the scene here:
For far too long White Americans have adopted the attitude of early Wyatt. Instead of fighting back when their communities become tolerated & diversified(read unlivable cesspools), they simply say, "We gotta get outta here" and move further away from the undertow. White Americans in large numbers volunteer to RISK THEIR VERY LIVES overseas waging war against foreign undertow situations, but at home they simply WILL NOT FIGHT BACK. They surrender civilization to the barbarians and move on. "Live free or die!" and "Give me liberty or give me death!" has become "Lie down and crawl ...you might get hurt." It truly is a testament to the absolute power of PC / "diversity & tolerance"/ leftist propaganda. It may well be the most powerful weapon ever created.
Civilization requires many things, but one thing it cannot exist without: The Rule Of Law(ROL). The ROL, simply put, says "inside these borders, we do not tolerate these behaviors." Put another way ....CIVILIZATION CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT INTOLERANCE.
Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights movement(and the media), or any other social movement in the last century cannot be denied. However, just like another poster has stated, there are payed cointelpro government types that swarm these kinds of sites, simply to infiltrate and to marginalize and to even radicalize. I say be very cautious with the rhetoric that's allowed on here, Paul. You can rest assured that the enemies of free-speech are waiting and salivating at the chance to pounce and shut this down.
I've studied the conspiratorial angle of history for nearly 16 years intently now. There are those that want to place the blame squarely on the heads of Jews without nary a mention of anyone else. This is not accurate and only obfuscates the whole cultural Marxist phenomena that has swept over this country like a dark cloud.
All Ron Paul has to say when they imply he is racist is this:
In your opinion I am racist. You are just saying that because I am White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
"I haven't thought about the dark crystal in probably 25 years."
My acting career didn't last long. That was my only mainstream role. I played the first "Magic Negro" character. Those stupid little white Gelflings would have been lost without me.
You can talk about the JQ at other sites, but for one day only, make your case why I'm wrong.
Wrong about what? A critique requires a thesis. What’s yours?
Or are you asking if your comment policy is wrong? Well, I don’t know what that is either. Your de jure policy is discussion of SBPDL only. Though your de facto policy is that everyone is fair game (whites/blacks/muslims/mexicans)...fair game all except for one group. And after today, criticism of them “will never EVER be tolerated again.”
Paul, I presume you are white. And I also presume, from my years of reading and commenting here, that you desire to preserve some lingering remnant of our people and civilization.
Given those two, perhaps erroneous presumptions, I note with puzzlement that you are willing to publish comments containing all manner of threats, insults, and calumnies against your own people, but routinely discard or chafe at the mildest questioning of a people who are not yours. Whether you are able to do this without the onset of debilitating cognitive dissonance, I do not know.
Though regardless, merry Christmas to you.
There is a book by Dennis Prager, a longtime radio talker in Los Angeles, and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, titled "Why the Jews: The Reason for Anti-Semitism". On the dust jacket are praisings from Rabbi Harold Kushner, Rabbi Schlomo Riskin, Rabbi Gunther Plaut, Martin Peretz (Editor of The New Republic), and Martin Gilbert, the Oxford professor and historian, and also the author of "Historical Atlas of the Jewish People". Can we agree that this book must not be itself anti-Semitic?
The book was first published in 1983, but is still easily and cheaply available on Amazon. Germane to this thread is chapter five, "Non-Jewish Jews and Antisemitism". In 12 pages, 59 through 70, the authors give their view of why so many Jews are enemies of Western civilization. The authors are liberals, (not leftists) and so would not agree with SBPDL on racial issues, but their short description of Jewish animosity is damning. (They have nothing to say about Jewish power, outside of their dominance of leftist movements.) How can it be that the facts of Jewish hatred that are openly discussed among Jews, can be taboo among those of us who are the objects of that hatred? How is it that we who can see what these honored Jews are writing about, are foolish conspiratorialists or government plants?
I am not trying to turn your blog into something that it is not, but BRA is an unintelligible concept without a context. If the subject of Jewish power and Jewish antagonism towards Whites comes up, delete the irrational ones. But why deny the truth?
Anonymous White Male: Your function is to make it impossible to dislodge them from the stranglehold they have on this nation. They promise you animals free money, housing, food, education, and no responsibility for obtaining them.
After wiping away all of the vitriol it is still so painfully the truth of this matter that I cannot pose a convincing counter-argument.
How far we have fallen.
If ever there was a case for it, America's enslavement of Blacks will probably go down in this nation's entire history as the single-most outstanding case of "buyer's remorse", ever.
Anonymous (December 21, 2011 11:31 PM): Just kidding, it is your site.
Then suck it up and stop whinging, emkay?
Notably, their thoroughgoing, zeitgeist-destroying hypocrisy on ethnicity vis-a-vis their interests vs. everyone else's (open borders, PC, diversity and multiculti for the west, closed borders, apartheid and homogeneity for them in Israel).
To me, this is the biggie. As Shiela so cogently pointed out at another forum:
That one sticks in my craw like a toothpick, sideways.
This one little bit of sheer hypocrisy threatens to ignite what may well be a new round of, this time, merited Antisemitism.
This world's Jewish population better get its story straight and do so in an effing heartbeat before it becomes impossible to reach any other conclusion than that Jews are gleefully inhibiting the West's autoimmune system.
Far too many of America's finest died in stopping the Holocaust. It's long past tea for this world's Jewish population to wise the f&%k up and start showing some genuine appreciation for it instead of opening this country's veins so every last scumbag piece of Third World ethnic flotsam can float lazily downstream on the American taxpayer's dime.
Regardless of any debate over Hitler's reason for hating the Jews, this time any re-ignition of Antisemitism will have a definite cause behind it.
Please keep in mind that this is from someone who has been a staunch defender of Israel's role as the Middle East's sole democracy.
Like I said, that "ethno-state for me but not for thee" sh!t is more stale than theater popcorn and it's time for American Jews to get on the same page as Western civilization.
After all, would Israel even exist today were it not for the intervention of Western powers? The time for a little respect is looooooong overdue.
I'll go out on a limb and say that blacks aren't responsible for this.
Oh yes they are, but only to the limited extent of their actual capacity to do real damage. Their handlers and appeasers are the ones who desperately need some extended sessions of intensive parking lot therapy.
Porter, please consider approaching this from the angle of Cultural Marxism. Paul, very graciously, is willing to include this important factor in discussion about the why and how of BRA.
There are few otherwise important points with respect to the JQ that cannot enter through that topical window.
Give it a try. I think Paul is, not just entitled to but entirely justified in keeping the spotlight turned on Blacks. It's up to us to focus on precisely who is outside of the circle eagerly prodding Blacks into the glare.
Remember to consider exactly who benefits most from fomenting horizontal class warfare in order to prevent any vertical spread of it.
As always, the parallels of this with Islam are very instructive. The exact same equations apply.
I'm a nationalist and I live in Great Britain. I would want a real nationalist to gain power but I think we might have to accept that we wont get all we want from the ballot. If Mr Ron Paul gets in he will , if he's true to his word , give you the chance to create the societies you want.
The state is your enemy, it is the body that through which our enemies enforce their will and destroy our lives. Weaken the state and get your nation back and being older and wiser you the people will never give these parasites power over you again. I have absolute confidence in Americans.
I'm voting UKIP which is no where near as 'right wing' (NS) as I am. It is however our version of Ron Paul and has the greater chance of getting in when compared to real nationalist parties. There's more than one way to skin a 'cat'. All the best.
Yes, Jewish people by and large control the media. Yes, the culture is negatively affected by their liberal view point. Yes, they are overwhelmingly uber-leftists and vote that way. Yes, most of them are champions of the negro constantly portraying him as something he clearly is not.
But not all Jewish people are that way and I know how frustrating things are for them. Look at Michael Savage for example. So politically incorrect he's been banned by the British government from entering England. They put his name on a list along with terrorists and murderers. That ever happen to Rush?
Many Jews are on our side. I just hope this website doesn't devolve into a "Jewish mass conspiracy" portal.
That's my $0.02. Keep the change.
Ron Paul's problem is that he's like a White Obama.
Like Obama, he's for Open Borders, anyone lives where ever they want. Repeatedly he's endorsed Open Borders.
Like Obama, he loathes the American Military and abhors American nationalism.
Like Obama, he hates Israel with a passion. Like Obama he believes America is always at fault, and "deserved 9/11." He is indistinguishable from Rev. Wright "America's chickens, have come home to roost."
The only difference between Ron Paul and Obama is their view of Black and White people, and size and scope of government. Both adhere to the kumbayah/grovel approach to foreign affairs and military spending.
The reason the attacks are effective on Paul is because a significant portion of White middle class people find his attitudes towards Blacks repellent. It is the flipside to Morgan Freeman movies and the lauding of Sandra Bullock and other female White celebs adopting Black babies. A talisman of status/power/belief. [You don't see male celebs adopting Black kids. George Clooney did not go to Africa to adopt a bunch of kids. Instructive.]
Paul's problem is like that of Obama -- both are ideologues whose ideas matter more than practicality.
For Paul, it is limited government as a religion, even when (Open Borders, disarming) it leads to disaster.
I am practical. I want only practical solutions achievable in today's political climate. I hope only to avoid the worst of the worst, not achieve a utopia that can never come.
This site WILL NOT HAVE that happen. As stated, this is the only thread were people can make their claims of why I'm wrong.
End of story.
I'm not a fan of Ron Paul for one reason. He thinks the drug war negatively affects Black people. I shudder to think how high crime rates would be if one million Black people were in jail.
It should be stated that I'm also for invading Mexico, launching a war on the drug cartels and for the forced deportation of all illegal immigrants to Mexico.
Oh, and for taking California back. Whites and Blacks have been ethnically cleansed from that state.
Blacks are heading south; whites to Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Colorado.
I want people to know this one thing: I'm for the continued growth of SBPDL. If you believe that Jews are responsible for every evil in the world - even your lunch being sub-par today - go elsewhere.
This sites growth is tied to staying on one message and it will continue to grow because of that.
Now, thanks for your comments. And have a Merry Christmas.
You presume that acting like Mel Gibson (an actor- Greek word in the original, 'hypocrites') in a Presidential campaign is going to sway voters?
Only AFTER he is elected, much like Reagan only said, "Tear down this wall" AFTER he was elected.
Rep. Dr. Paul did walk out on an interview, and the newsmedia babe was surprised. This man has guts, but he is not a sacrificial lamb.
And you needn't make that a prerequisite for his winning, any more than mandating that Romney tell the truth for more than fifteen seconds at a time- politics (sadly) for most 'Not smarter than a fifth grader' Americans is all about IMAGE.
At least Ron Paul is trying to maintain his image- he even sent out a Merry Christmas message, against the PTB. That's about all the guts we can expect, BEFORE he wins.
But I tell you my two cents- if he doesn't get the Republitard nomination, I WILL Vote the Obamanation back in, just to show to history that this country died at the hands of a n*gger.
Ron Paul or NO ONE.
- Fr. John+
Truth is not a defense against "racism". There simply is no clear and concise definition to the word, it can mean whatever the speaker wants it to.
The "Rev'run" Jesse Jackson once said, and I quote:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved…. After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.” - Jesse Jackson
"Oh yes they are, but only to the limited extent of their actual capacity to do real damage. Their handlers and appeasers are the ones who desperately need some extended sessions of intensive parking lot therapy"
@Zenster - I meant specifically that blacks aren't responsible for there being a giant-ass menorah on the White House grounds but no Chrisitan symbol.
I meant specifically that blacks aren't responsible for there being a giant-ass menorah on the White House grounds but no Chrisitan symbol.
Are you positive it was a menorah and not a spinning kwanzaa rim?
Anonymous (December 22, 2011 6:39 PM): @Zenster - I meant specifically that blacks aren't responsible for there being a giant-ass menorah on the White House grounds but no Chrisitan symbol.
Blacks played a role because they were a driving force to put that chair-warmer in the Oval Office.
Does anyone honestly think that the conspicuous absence of a cross on a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ isn't part of a direct effort by White-hating Obama?
The scumbag professes to be a Christian and yet he cannot bring himself to show the least respect for national sentiments? Does anybody really believe that this is not a calculated and intentional slight against White America?
It's all the more evidence that Obama is a closet Muslim. I still doubt that he is but, ask yourself:
What would Obama be doing differently if he actually was a Muslim?
That is why I call him a de facto Muslim.
Paul, I only ask that you be consistent with your position on Jews. If you don't want people criticizing Jews, then ban the subject altogether. No "gentile"-baiting allowed. No praising Jews allowed. No "Jews are white!" allowed. No nothing. Otherwise, they'll game you.
No talk about "ANTI-SEMITISM!!!" or THE HOLOCAUST!!!, either. None of Whiskey's "ANTI-SEMITES!!! theory of mind-control rays." Don't want us baiting them? Fine. Don't let them bait us.
One good thing has come out of this, though; I no longer think Zenster's a garden-variety Counter-Jihadist philo-Semitic Shabbos Goy.
If ever there was a case for it, America's enslavement of Blacks will probably go down in this nation's entire history as the single-most outstanding case of "buyer's remorse", ever.
The biggest mistake Whites made vis-a-vis Blacks was emancipation. As if that weren't enough, they made the world's second-biggest blunder by ending Jim Crow, and beginning "Civil Rights." I'm being a bit unfair to Whites here, though; when I say "White" here, I really mean "Yankee."
If the defeat of BHO next November will provoke the sort of spontaneous behavior that Negroes are noted for, and that behavior is so widespread and egregious that Whites are compelled to open their eyes, then the best candidate is the one with the best chance of beating Obama.
I suppose I'll chime in here.
Others have already mentioned or alluded to, putting it mildly, this curious excess of Jewry within the founding nuclei of most 20th century political and social movements. We the heretical rodents that regularly frequent SBPDL are well aware of what these movements attacked and of the atrocious consequences their success has visited upon America and the West.
A wide body of rigorously documented work on this subject is available, and thus I do not assume any burden of proof to argue the established.
Now, my problem with the disproportionate power wielded by Jews in academia, Hollywood, the news media, Wall Street, and campaign finance stems not simply from the level of achievement characteristic of this high-IQ group, but from its culture.
Prominent Jews and Jewish elites have been shown to be hyper-ethnocentric and extremely xenophobic. Regardless of whether the great masses of Jews share such sentiments, diligent study of Talmudic Judaism has acquainted me with perhaps the most vile, warlike, supremacist doctrines I've ever seen. It is little better than Islam.
Might Paul Kersey understand why I maintain reservations about this lot holding the keys to the kingdom, as it were?
In any case, assigning absolute blame for our predicament to Jewish interests and entertaining fantasies of a meticulous all-encompassing conspiracy is just stupid. Our country would not be languishing like this were it not for the Anglo-Protestant intellectual elites of New England and their blasted Yankee reformist impulses. Personally, I find the modern White Cultural Marxist far more loathsome than any feral Negro or avaricious Jew.
While I agree with Paul's wanting to keep the focus on Blacks, I would kindly ask that he actually honor his statement of intent. If he will not allow us to raise the ethnic duplicity of Jews or Jewish participation in the erection of BRA, then he ought to prohibit criticism of other non-Black groups as well. If he refuses to do that, then, quite frankly, I will consider him a hypocrite.
From this atheist mongrel, Merry Christmas to you all.
"It's all the more evidence that Obama is a closet Muslim. I still doubt that he is but, ask yourself:
What would Obama be doing differently if he actually was a Muslim?"
Or maybe he is the Antichrist.
I doubt it. I do sometimes wonder how things would be any different were the Antichrist among us and pulling the strings.
Svigor: One good thing has come out of this, though; I no longer think Zenster's a garden-variety Counter-Jihadist philo-Semitic Shabbos Goy.
I was wondering how long it would take you to figure that out.
Merry Christmas.
We're getting lil' Evergreen a bike that he can ride around at 3 AM in white neighborhoods. Back and forth. Up and down the street. If white folks call the police it'll be racist. Nothing weird about someone riding a bike around at 3 AM. No reason to call the cops - how would that be good for lil' Evergreen, to have the cops called on him?
Ivan .M: It is little better than Islam.
In that you are profoundly mistaken. Let's perform a simple thought experiment:
Are there any mosques in Israel? Yes, there're many.
Are there any synagogues in Saudi Arabia? [crickets]
Also, compare what the Jews have contributed to this world in terms of advancing modern medicine and the hard sciences.
The most simple metric is science-related Nobel Prizes. Consider these admittedly dated figures:
Muslims = ~20% of world population
Number of Nobel Prizes = 7*
Jews = 0.2% of world population
Number of Nobel Prizes = 165
* One of the Muslim Nobel Prize winners ― and sole Laureate in a hard science category ― Dr. Mohammad Abdus Salam, is an Ahmadiyya and, therefore regarded as a heretic and takfir. This also neglects the Nobel Peace Prizes that were idiotically awarded to the grandfather of modern Islamic terrorism, Yasser Arafat, along with incompetent IAEA chief and Iranian shill, Mohamed ElBaradei.
There are one hundred times the number of Muslims than Jews. Statistically, they should be earning 100 times the number of Nobel Prizes. Instead, they have earned less than a twentieth of that number.
Balanced for population disparity, Jews are winning around 2,350 Nobel Prizes for every one awarded to a Muslim.
As I have noted earlier, I am not any sort of cheerleader for Israel. That said, the Jews have brought far more to the table than Islam.
What have Muslims given us besides over 18,000 deadly terrorist attacks since the 9-11 atrocity?
Ivan .M: In any case, assigning absolute blame for our predicament to Jewish interests and entertaining fantasies of a meticulous all-encompassing conspiracy is just stupid.
Here we are in total agreement.
Never assign to conspiracy that which can be explained by simple stupidity.
One of the few reasonable explanations for why modern Jews are so actively interfering with America's progress is that by flooding our nation with Third World flotsam, they are diluting any chance that the White race will ever again be able to ignite another Holocaust.
To me, this is patently stupid because Israel ― Samson Option or not ― is still at the mercy of Islamic loons like Iran's Ahmedinajad who would just as soon see Israel "wiped from the face of the map" only so long as, in the words of his mentor, Ayatollah Khomeini, "Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of this world."
To put this into perspective, there are radical imams who would like nothing better than to see every last man, woman and child scourged from the face of this earth with Muslims in their paradise and the kuffar (that's us unbelievers), rotting in eternal hell.
Just as with WWII, Israel and the Jews need America to help defeat their worst enemy. In this case, Islam. The antagonism and outright betrayal that Jews sometimes engage in is as counter-productive (for them!), as it is damaging to the West.
Then again, not even the state of Israel has managed to act in a totally coherent manner. I chalk it up to theocracy which is the eternal enemy of mankind. In that one respect, Islam and Israel share a taste for theocracy and they both desperately need to get over it.
The big difference is that Jews aren't flying fully loaded passenger jet airliners into occupied skyscrapers. Still, mucking about with America's immigration policy even as they busily build their own ethno-state is a total load of horseradish.
PS: Bad link in previous post.
What have Muslims given us besides over 18,000 deadly terrorist attacks since the 9-11 atrocity?
Truth here.
Truth here.
Merry Christmas.
We're getting lil' Evergreen a bike that he can ride around at 3 AM in white neighborhoods. Back and forth. Up and down the street. If white folks call the police it'll be racist. Nothing weird about someone riding a bike around at 3 AM. No reason to call the cops - how would that be good for lil' Evergreen, to have the cops called on him?
Ms Evergreen is correct. It would only be 9;00PM or earlier in Africa where his little pure heart remains.
Just to add briefly to the many posts on here regarding the Jewish role in the creation of BRA, look at the upper echelons of the NAACP in the 50s and 60s, when the damage was done. MLK was the frontman, but most of the leaders (and actual brains) of the operation were Jewish.
Rosa Parks was mentioned by someone who wants us to create a kind of pro-white Rosa Parks moment to rally around. But you miss the point - how did the Parks incident, which was a minor municipal violation which could have been dealt with in moments by any nearby cop, become such a legendary incident? Because it was pre-planned, and its coverage blown out of all proportion by the media, which I think even the most mainstream of us would agree is a largely Jewish production.
These are just two of many. Fyi, I love your site, and I agree that we should keep the focus on the endless problems caused by blacks (NAACP - Negroes Are Always Causing Problems :) and not get bogged down on the JQ. But neither should we pretend it doesn't exist.
The sad thing is not that Ron Paul denied writing them. He is probably being truthful when he denies writing them. They don't look like his writing style, but oh, what I'd give to hear Paul say, "No, I didn't write them, but I should have!"
http://www.fox19.com/story/16449477/reality-check-the-story-behind-the-ron-paul-newsletters Will you watch this if you haven't already. I browsed the article, but need to look more deeply into it in a few. This explains the letters really quite well. Know one else will touch the truth. In a court of law you have to prove beyond shadow-able doubt and this video disproves the racist thing in my opinion.
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