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Well, 97 % of National Register of Historic Places in America are for White Males.... |
The answer to those questions is a simple statement: "Black people didn't build America, but they are lending a helping hand in its destruction."
How about some real history (and no, ancient aliens didn't help build America either): The Men Who Built America, courtesy of the History Channel:
John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and J.P. Morgan rose from obscurity and in the process built modern America. Their names hang on street signs, are etched into buildings and are a part of the fabric of history. These men created the American Dream and were the engine of capitalism as they transformed everything they touched in building the oil, rail, steel, shipping, automobile and finance industries. Their paths crossed repeatedly as they elected presidents, set economic policies and influenced major events of the 50 most formative years this country has ever known. From the Civil War to the Great Depression and World War I, they led the way.Considering that street signs in America are increasingly being replaced with some fellow named Martin Luther King, it's hard to believe a series such as this is being funded today.
Using state of the art computer generated imagery that incorporates 12 million historical negatives, many made available for the first time by the Library of Congress, this series will bring back to life the world they knew and the one they created. The event series will show how these men took a failed experiment in democracy and created the greatest superpower the world has ever seen. We see how their historic achievements came to create the America of today.
What do you think?
Now, if we are willing to open the floor for debate on who killed Detroit and Birmingham... that would be primarily the descendants of slaves.
I stopped watching the Hitler Channel after seeing too many stories on UFOs and "Ice Road Truckers."
"John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and J.P. Morgan rose from obscurity and in the process built modern America."
You decided to add a little humor to your articles, right? I hope so because it sounds a lot like Obama's 'you didn't build your business, the government did'. Modern America was built by millions of white Americans and they would have built it with or without a handful of robber barons.
Blacks picked cotton and hauled bricks. That's about the size of it. That's their contribution. Much less important than the horse, maybe about the same as the donkey.
The problem with blacks building America and Africans making Europe rich is that if they were such engines of wealth creation then, why are they such engines of failure creation now. It seems the only time blacks can create value is with a white guy with a whip behind them. Maybe instead of waiting for Superman we should just put Bubba with a whip in the back of the class. Will be cranking Phds in no time.
I would not put too much faith in the History channel showing the truth about this. They follow the BRA PC mantra. Witness their mini series America the History of Us. I looked forward to it but could not watch more than twenty minutes because of all the blacks depicted as fighters in the Revolutionary war. You would think that blacks made up one third of the Minute Men.
I will bet that the laborers, especially the skilled laborers, will be depicted to be black in this History channel PC crap too.
I don't know how any right minded person could argue with your point, however there are very few rational whites or blacks left. I'm afraid America won't make it to 2025 in any form we are comfortable with. May God have mercy on us.
wait till the pig-libtards get the obama and his mooch wife the street signs to be put up one block away from the martin king blvds signs. all over this country. wow i can't wait to pull them down and melt them into fishing sinkers. say i won't. godspeed whites!!!
Just another reminder that cheap labor isn't cheap. Most whites got nothing out of the institution of slavery yet all these years later we are all still dealing with the toxic waste it left behind. There doesn't seem to be any end in sight to all this insanity. Watching television is a bizarre experience in itself as blacks are represented in proportions way over their actual numbers. Then they play these roles which are wildly out of touch with reality: genius doctors and scientists, super cops, solomon-like judges, ultra-patriots, the greatest soldiers, and so on and on. You'd think they were the master race with mere whites as just being bystanders. Now, the people who organize all this and cast blacks in these roles are mostly white, leading to the question of what is wrong with them? Is there some brain disease they've fallen victim to? The propaganda drivel goes on without stop, 24/7/365.
On a subtler note, for those readers who need to have their hearts broken, go to Vintage Poster Works and look at the poster "Hope of a Nation."
Words fail.
I'm surprised they're running the series on a account that it's about...............history (at least ostensibly). I thought the "history channel" only televised reality TV shows about pawn-shop owners and truckers.
Looks good, unfortunately I no longer care to pay for cable. Still the message is spot on. Historians are starting to take a more, how shall we say, "historical" approach to history.
The Minority/Feminist/Marxist approaches (also known as the White Males are really really really EVIL approach) to history were fun for awhile, but unfulfilling, and ultimately untrue.
Even what was built with profit from slave labor (in the South at least) was for the most part destroyed or stolen.
To build a nation requires a dream, a vision and a dedication to a purpose. For black people to claim they built America is like the horses who pulled the wagons west claiming they settled the west.
Nevermind. If an alien civilization were discovered on another world and had been in existence for 50,000 years, as soon as the first black woman stepped foot on the new world and gave birth, she'd tell the kid: We done builted all dis and dese here aliens stoled it all! Then she'd she gaze around herself at all the aliens had accomplished and feel overwhelmed with resentment and hostility at the "injustice what done be done to black folks!"
Far fetched? Hardly. African immigrants in Sweden are already screaming they were responsible for Sweden's existence and culture and they "done builted dis!"
Everywhere blacks go, they claim all the credit for what exists even though they had nothing to do with it and were never present in the location until modern times.
These delusional beliefs are the result of coming from a race that has never accomplished anything. In order to protect their own self image and sense of worth, they have to steal the credit for what others have done. These delusional beliefs and mythologies could well be termed "negrophrenia" and are part and parcel of the pathology of the negro mind.
Why is it that every street named Martin Luther King, Jr. looks like a war zone?
Ex New Yorker here....Hello comrades. The Soul Brothers were also good at digging ditches, mopping floors and shinning shoes. Every little bit helps when you be builditing da nation.They also used to know how to "dance and sing.
Georgia county runs out of food stamps. Enjoy!
This History Video is going to do a hatchet job on these men. They are going to look like criminals, cheats and killers.
Meanwhile, all the black workers will have dignity, class, clean shirt, perfect English and nice pretty white wives.
This will be an Anti-White video
It was understood clearly before the turn of the twentieth century that slavery was a very uncompetitive economic system. Land in the north of America sold for nine times what it could be had in the south. Many Southerners were acutely aware that slavery was the source of their poverty and poor work ethic.
I ask blacks who use the "we built America" card how it is something to despicable and uncompetitive could have built anything except what they claim in other conversations--brutality, poverty and ignorance? I've lost touch with two people after asking that question. Funny that.
Slavery didn't work well for the Soviets or NorKo's either.
Off topic but related: One of the multi-cult memes (is that the right word?) is "The Chinese built the railroads". When I hear that, I ask "Which railroads? The Union Pacific? The Norfolk and Southern? The Chesapeake and Ohio?" That shuts the multi-cults up, and hopefully makes them think. Chinese labor was used building the Central Pacific, from Sacramento California to Promotory Utah, about 1000 miles. Then the Northern Pacific then hired some Chinese to lay track. Less than 1% of the rails in this country were laid by Chinese, but the ruling Regime always magnifies non-White achievement.
Don't worry, in 10 years they will teach that Henry Ford stole the idea of the assembly line from his negro assistant, Jerome Washington.
lol, Cornelius Vanderbilt sounds like a black name now
dav said... The problem with blacks building America and Africans making Europe rich is that if they were such engines of wealth creation then, why are they such engines of failure creation now. .
Interesting point.
If blacks built America, then why do they have a difficult time simply maintaining cities such as Detroit? Why can they not build new cities? Why do they need to be propped up with AA, minority business programs, and all the rest of the race hustles--and even then, can not compete.
Thing is, if blacks could build so much under the coercion of slavery, why then do they fail to replicate those accomplishments under BRA? You'd think that parts of the country under black domination, such as the several major cities dissected on SBPDL, would now be the sites of expanding industry and well maintained infrastructure. Or that former slave worked agricultural regions of the Deep South would be economic powerhouses.
To take this further: why have the Caribbean and post-colonial Africa fallen into such disrepair under black majority rule? You would think that with the heavy hand of the racist-colonialist-apartheid oppressor gone that blacks would rise to the challenge and build new civilizations which would be an example unto the nations. But the situation on the ground in Haiti or Africa, one is given to understand, is not quite that.
The whole thing ought to give the lie to the claim that blacks "built" America or created the wealth that colonial powers expropriated. It might also call into question the Marxist labor theory of value. You have the same labor force, the same environment, the same resources--but two entirely different outcomes. Is there any more stark contrast than Detroit (or Rhodesia or...) under white rule and then under black?
Of course, race realism provides one answer: different genetic heritages result in the differences in quality of civilization--and wealth production.
Back in the old days, the Black Muslims demanded their own country, a separate Black only nation carved out of America, along with reparations cash. Free from evil Whitey and his racism.
Looking at the endowments, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of Black Americans, I think it would have been a great idea.
Detroit would have all been in one place.
"They are going to look like criminals, cheats and killers"
Famously Quoted-
"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime."
If the shoe fits... only the painfully naive and/or delusional believe that vast wealth and businesses are built on hard work and ethics alone. Work -is- required, and you need to at least give the appearance of some modicum of morality to enter into business partnerships but if you think the knife is not always twisting in the other hand, the one that you are not shaking by agreeing to the deal, you are in need of help.
Blacks didn't build anything--except as a tiny percentage of workers hired for projects like the Erie Canal or the levees in southern Louisiana, but the overwhelming majority of the men who built American in the 'Industrial Age' were immigrant or rural American Whites.
Slaves were far too valuable to be used for dangerous work--by 1850 a healthy adult male slave was worth $1000 or more--a huge sum in those days, where unskilled laborers were paid one dollar a day.
Looking at the New World, the most prosperous nations are the USA, Canada and Australia. Blacks and slavery where almost nonexistent in Canada. The closest Australia got to slavery was her white prisoners. As for slavery in the USA, only 7% of all slaves sent from Africa came to the US. It was by no means dependent upon slavery, and even then it was highly localized to the South.
Brazil by far was the largest slave nation in history and other Latin and Caribbean nations received far more slaves than the US. So why aren't they as prosperous and successful? If the key to economic success was slave labor, Canada should be a third world country and Brazil should be a superpower.
If first world, modern societies and nations are predicated by African labor, then where we find an abundance of African labor we should find magnificent, glimmering cities and nations. Instead wherever we find large concentrations of Africans we find the most backward hell holes on Earth. But how can this be? Surely Africa should be a first world paradise instead of a third world dump. The liberals will blame Africa's current situation on the "legacy of colonialism" and the "legacy of slavery." Okay, let's run with that. The liberals NEVER ASK WHY the White man was able to colonize Africa and much of the rest of the world. WHY weren't those super strong, super smart Africans able to repel a handful of White colonists? Whites sailed to Africa on wooden boats with rotten food and contaminated drinking water and were somehow able to colonize an entire continent of their "equals."
In "Wealth of Nations", Adam Smith argues that slave labor is inefficient and not as productive as work done by free men.
"From the experience of all ages and nations, I believe, that the work done by free men comes cheaper in the end than the work performed by slaves. Whatever work he does, beyond what is sufficient to purchase his own maintenance, can be squeezed out of him by violence only, and not by any interest of his own."
Even when I was being educated in the public schools back in the mid-twentieth century, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Ford and J.P. Morgan were all lumped together as robber barons and the heroic struggle was portrayed as the struggle to break their monopolies and scrub their dark satanic mills. All poppycock of course and malicious poppycock to boot given that the America they built was a place in which the real inflation adjusted wages of the workers they employed DOUBLED between 1850 and 1900 and continued to rise until government meddling took a downturn in the business cycle and turned it into the great depression. Anyhow, just wanted to get that said.
In the distance i can hear the white, liberal online social activists warming up their keyboard fingers to start countless online petitions against this show...
White guilt is still very alive amongst them.
The liberals will blame Africa's current situation on the "legacy of colonialism" and the "legacy of slavery."
Well, again, it is the DWL ideological babble machine being cranked up to full volume. When faced with a reality which does not fit into their ideology, DWLs create a new delusion and assume if everyone chants it, eyes closed and ears stopped up, then it must be so.
More magical thinking...
"To build a nation requires a dream, a vision and a dedication to a purpose. For black people to claim they built America is like the horses who pulled the wagons west claiming they settled the west.:
Nothing to add; just thought this was worth repeating.
Despite politically correct dogma, slavery did not build America....it merely benefited a few people at the expense of many. Slavery, by its very nature, is corrupt and inefficient. At one time, slaves were used to work in factories, a much more complex function than plantation work. Such an experiment did not work because slaves possess neither the skill, initiative or intelligence to successfully work in and/or run factories.
Also, according to black historians, slaves deliberately engaged in "slow downs," sabotage and a submissive personality. Such actions do not build a great nation. Blacks want us to believe that they build this nation while they deliberating worked to negate any positive results. They can't have it both ways.
Slavery is wrong, not only morally, but as a practical matter as well.
Malcolm X Street in Lansing, Michigan looks like a war zone, along with the other streets.....boarded up buildings, junked cars, decaying houses, empty factories.
The legacy lives on.
If all the infrastructure built by the colonial powers in Africa had been built as part of the extortion we know as "foreign aid", it would be considered a great humanitarian gesture.
Stop propping them up with donations to PBS
Ford was no friend to the working white man.While he was a rabid anti-Semite,he went out of the way to recruit poor blacks from the south,thus contributing greatly to the northward migration to factory jobs.
Have you heard Black people say, "It it wasn't for us, there'd be no America?" Or, "Don't you know that slaves built America?"
Which completely explains why Sub-Saharan Africa is the teeming, technologically advanced, economic powerhouse of this modern world.
If Blacks are so super-duper proficient at constructing civilizations, then had better all scurry back to Africa. That place has "opportunity" written all over it.
bubo: Much less important than the horse, maybe about the same as the donkey.
Definitely the donkey. Blacks reign supreme at making asses of themselves.
Which completely explains why Sub-Saharan Africa is the teeming, technologically advanced, economic powerhouse of this modern world.
This point needs to be explored more: why, if black labor supposedly built America, has black labor failed today? Why can't that same black labor create industry in Detroit? Or wealth in the Deep South? Or a food surplus in Zimbabwe? Or efficiently run mines in Congo? Or efficient agriculture in the West Indies? Or an end to power outages in South Africa? Or jobs in London's new ghettos? Or functioning cities in Liberia? Or...?
Perhaps trolling DWLs can volunteer an answer. And one that does not involve the usual cop out of "legacy of slavery-colonialism-segregation-apartheid." If wealth could be built under all those things, then with the heavy hand of segregation-slavery-colonialism-apartheid removed, why do things collapse economically? The same labor pool is still there. The same environment. The same resources. Shouldn't blacks then be able to organize their own labor and, without the rake-offs of white exploiters, create societies which would rival Detroit under Henry Ford?
This is a point I have seen raised on occasion by Africans. They will berate their fellow countrymen for squandering resources and infrastructure. There's "no reason," they claim, that Congo or Nigeria could not be wealthy societies. But like too many people in today's Matrix, they are unwilling to face certain realities.
I'd like to see SBPDL push this issue further. The race hustlers make a big production out of "blacks built America" but then do not have to face up to these questions. It is one more example of how the roots of dysfunctions are generally ignored even when the answers are right in everybody's face.
45jack said...
"I would not put too much faith in the History channel showing the truth about this. They follow the BRA PC mantra. Witness their mini series America the History of Us. I looked forward to it but could not watch more than twenty minutes because of all the blacks depicted as fighters in the Revolutionary war. You would think that blacks made up one third of the Minute Men."
I had exactly the same experience with "America: The Story of Blacks," except that I'm not sure that I lasted twenty minutes. (You've got a strong stomach.) I'll record the first episode of "The Men Who Built America," but if, as I expect, it turns out to be "The Blacks Who Built America," I'll delete it and never watch another.
I'm surprised the History Channel would play this, since they are too busy focused on pleasing minorities, feminists, conspiracy theorists, and UFOlogists.
"Ancient Aliens" really does make my blood boil. It essentially spits on all the hard work and achievements of men. Aliens did not build America, or any country for that matter. Whites did.
Or maybe the Nazis built a time travel device and built it. Who knows. The History Channel tends to go down that kook route.
Saying that blacks built any country is as crazy as saying aliens did.
On another note, hearing the name "Rockefeller" would sure turn many a tinfoil wearing hat head. Conspiracy theorists can not shut up about this family.
You certainly worship capitalism.
Capitalism in it's unfettered form is as toxic for the U.S. as Cultural Marxism cold ever be. In creating a folk-culture killing, positive values mocking, and trashy, inane war-mongering nation, they run neck and neck.
Capitalism can be every bit as sick and soulless as Marxism. Out of those listed, the only man who did any real good for the nation was Carnegie, with Ford on the margins. The rest were nothing but crooked plutocrats.
You need to step out into the real world and realize there are whites doing without too, and they also rarely benefit from Capitalism. Going back to the fifties or the 19th century isn't a viable alternative.
i think most of you would gladly leave those whites behind; the same as the people at Am.Ren. would.
I hate elitists.
Elitist-hating Anon at 5:15 PM: I am one of those left-behind Whites. That's why I call myself Discard. I am long familiar with lower-class Whites, and truthfully, a fair number of them are not much better than their Darker soul mates. No doubt some here make no distinction between White trash and the White working class, but having been commenting hear for a couple years, I'd say you're wrong that most people here think that way. Stick around.
I am long familiar with lower-class Whites, and truthfully, a fair number of them are not much better than their Darker soul mates.
Absolutely, Discard. This is why we should be cracking down on dysfunctional behavior, no matter who it's coming from.
The dwl has slyly inserted the notion that black sells into the infrastructer of hollywood film industry, once it was established greed took over.
This is an extremely racist site. And historical very incorrect. But white people tell there history based on lies to make themselves look good. So it is expected. I will pray that good open your eyes and your hearts, you can't make it to heaven with what's in your hearts.
Why are all you white racist people mad? Are you jealous and insecure, that your ancestors did not lend a finger, sweat, blood and tears to the built this nation? Stop your ignorance, get over it and face it. Your ancestors were not stolen from their homeland and brought to this nation, sold, beaten, women raped, men beaten and chained, nursed your mammy babies, feed and put food on your family tables, made your family rich off the back of other people. No your people robbed, stole and killed and took the glory, like they always did. You don't have to believe me, it's your history. SMILE! and take the credit.
You know how you can tell white people are stupid and incapable of excepting the " truth"? They come up with an insult when the real truth is displayed and anyone dares to call them on their bs. They would rather believe lies than the truth. History for the most part has been manipulated to show whites as the good guy. When in truth many of the things they've done is rather shameful, yet black people are to reap the shame of slavery. "Yes we enslaved ourselves, yes we deserve to compared to donkeys,Yes we deserved to be considered less than a human. Yes we were only good enough take orders from a master." Get out of here! Face your past with shame all white people should and leave black people out of it. No one forced you white people to treat other people like animals you did it yourselves. Until white people can face their true character, racism will always exist. Why? Because the way they have painted it makes them the good guy, it makes them look good and justified. They insult black people still because they can't face their own ridiculousness. And that is the "TRUTH". They hale Hitler a man who killed millions why because to acknowledge Hitler was wrong would mean they would have to acknowledge their own wrongs. I tell you this thing called white superiority and supremacy is a myth. What it is are people who have taken history and shaped it for its own benefit. If white people would actually acknowledge their frailties I guarantee the superior smugness and air would fade. Their only benefit is the fact that they are the majority, but soon that will fade. They only better hope minorities are more merciful and less barbaric. Read my lips "Power makes people do crazy things."
Zensster and Bubo, your clearly racists, which is sad. Your ignorance is so palpable, but its ignorance, so it penetrates absolutely nothing. The fact that Ppl like to say, "go back to Africa then" is hilarious to me.
You should seriously learn your history before making idiotic comments. It was the manual labor of being in the fields, picking cotton, hauling bricks, manning the sugar canes, ya know the much less important contribution that generated Americas wealth that funded people like Rockefeller, and JP Morgan's ideas for our now great nation. The industrial revolution was funded off the backs of the slaves, while they recruited the Asians, Irish, and Italians to mine, and build the railways and so forth. But again, none of that could have and would not have happened, if the "whites" had not come to what we now know as America, kill off the Ppl that inhabited this country (Native Americans) and then kidnap, chain, and imported my ancestors here to work in their fields on what was now their land, feed their families, take care of their children, and generate a whole lot of wealth for them and their families, paving a way for their futures, as well as Americas. There's your short history lesson. You say go back to Africa as if that's where I myself came from. No, I'm a descendant from AFRICANS... say it again with me, I'm a Descendant FROM AFRICANS WHO WERE, WERE being the operative word here, FROM AFRICA. I myself am just as American as you, even more so, because I accept what and who America is. A mecca of diversity. No matter how shameful our history is, and yes, we should be ashamed of some of our history, I know that America would not and could not be what it is today of it were not for the many lives that were sacrificed.... Including slaves. You guys may Jaye to hear that, being all pro white and all, but it's facts. So there goes your mini history lesson.
It was understood clearly before the turn of the twentieth century that slavery was a very uncompetitive economic system. Land in the north of America sold for nine times what it could be had in the south. Many Southerners were acutely aware that slavery was the source of their poverty and poor work ethic.
I ask blacks who use the "we built America" card how it is something to despicable and uncompetitive could have built anything except what they claim in other conversations--brutality, poverty and ignorance? I've lost touch with two people after asking that question. Funny that.
Slavery didn't work well for the Soviets or NorKo's either.
Slavery didn't built America it was the WHITE who did built the America Dream
Everywhere blacks go, they claim all the credit for what exists even though they had nothing to do with it and were never present in the location until modern times.
These delusional beliefs are the result of coming from a race that has never accomplished anything. In order to protect their own self image and sense of worth, they have to steal the credit for what others have done. These delusional beliefs and mythologies could well be termed "negrophrenia" and are part and parcel of the pathology of the negro mind. Disgusting....
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