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Google Street View: Life in Black Detroit |
The footage, captured by Chinese "students" - who are on a STEM scholarship at an American university - show the dramatic footage of the dilapidated state of formerly world-class cities like Cleveland, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, Gary, Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, Dallas, Kansas City, Oakland, and, of course, Detroit.
Built by a people whose descendants have long since fled these cities, the leaders of the Chinese business community, military, and government can only look upon the ruins of hundreds of acres of private property, abandoned commercial real estate - all with a plethora of graffiti upon the decaying edifices - and wonder why their supposed great adversary, the United States, tolerates such blight.
This is no mighty empire the Chinese see, with the video of Detroit's tragic ruins bringing laughter to the room. The same variable is found in all of these cities, which goes unmentioned in similar meetings of American businessman, politicians, and high-ranking government and military officials.
Indeed, it is in those meetings of America's brightest minds in academia, business, government, and military that the question of how to eternally uplift this variable, promoting it above all others, is the normally the topic for discussion.
The Communist Chinese speak freely about how in each of the blighted areas of these major cities they watch reconnaissance footage of, the one common theme uniting them all is Black residents. One high ranking member of the education system in China points out, without protest, that the cause of such Blight is obviously these same Black people, for it reminds him of the type of environment they have encountered in Africa.
In Capitalist, Freedom-loving America, to dare utter such a statement -- well, you just can't do that. It wouldn't be prudent, would it? That the lowly state of Birmingham, Oakland, Memphis, Atlanta, Baltimore, Gary, and Detroit is due to the majority population found there - and not on white privilege or white racism - well, that isn't an accepted theory in the debate of urban renewal and the revitalization of American's great cities.
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"The Arsenal of Inequality" -- yes, that's a gun. |
Perhaps a copy of Escape from Detroit:The Collapse of America's Black Metropolis
By the time I'm done playing this scenario in my mind, I'm not laughing.
Thankfully, a story like Christine Ferretti's from The Detroit News instantly brings a smile to my face [Google Street View captures man in Detroit pointing gun, 9-20-2012]:
Detroit — Google is putting Detroit on the map - and not in a good way.
The Internet is abuzz over an image of a bare-chested man pointing a gun from the porch of an east-side home as part of its popular Street View mapping project. The pictures found on Google Maps — time-stamped September 2009 — are being reviewed by criminal investigators with the Detroit Police Department, Sgt. Alan Quinn said. The pictures depict a young man holding a long gun on the porch of a home on Brinker Street and then pointing it directly at the vehicle taking the images.
The face of the armed man and several others captured in the images are blurred. In Detroit, it is not illegal and no permit is required to have a firearm on personal property. The photographs were depicted in a Wednesday article posted on the tech website Betabeat. The story notes the images show "a gaggle of young men and one hanging out on a front porch in Detroit."
"Innocent enough, except that one of the young men is holding what looks to be a shotgun," the article says. "As the Street View camera drives off onto the next block, the kid aims the gun at the car. Whoever said cartography wasn't a dangerous job has clearly never been to Detroit."
Google media representatives could not be immediately reached for comment Thursday. It's unclear what the company's policy is for reporting this type of incident. Quinn said Detroit Police Department has no reports on file about the encounter. A representative with Mayor Dave Bing's office said Thursday they were unaware of the photographs and currently had no comment.Here's Fox Detroit on the pictures [Images of Detroit's "Google Map Gunslinger" Go Viral, 9-20-2012]:
Images of a shirtless man pointing a shotgun at a Google vehicle from the front porch of a Detroit home are making their way across the Web.
The images appear when Google Maps users search the 18800 block of Brinker Street on the city's near east side. In one image, the shirtless man can be seen brandishing the shotgun across the chest, while in the next frame, he's seen pointing the weapon directly at the vehicle.
The images were captured in September 2009 and have recently been posted on blogs and national news sites around the country.
The meeting is over, with members of the People's Liberation Army heading to a briefing on the racial gap in learning in America --- and the tremendous amount of money, time, and resources put into fixing this problem.
But the footage captured by the Chinese "students" - a camera-wielding de tocqueville - continues to play, the images of decaying inner-city areas confirming all the data the Chinese have accumulated on the "inequality of the races."
One member of the Chinese business contingent smiles, knowing that a joint real-estate venture his firm as invested in with an American company can pick up most of Detroit for fractions of a penny on the dollar.
"But it's not just Detroit," he thinks to himself....
Fox 2 News Headlines
The photo could easily be in Africa. Same sloppy oversized clothing, same slack-jawed stupid expressions.
Is this what we have done to the paradise built by our ancestors?
OT - This belongs on the other thread (the Newman article) but I have been busy and haven't checked SBPDL in a couple of days and I feel I owe you guys a response. First of all I find it quite amusing that some readers feel that I was attempting to derail the train of race realism by posting a link to "Wag the Moondoggie", as if I had the individual power AND the inclination to single handedly destroy the race realism movement at SBPDL, L O FREAKING L! You guys kill me, all of my previous posting was a cunning ruse to disguise my true identity as a leftist infiltrator and destroy the credibility of SBPDL once and for all! Believe me I knew beforehand the type of responses I would get. I was under no illusion that the community would just read the link and agree with me 100%. I suppose my point in posting that was just to reinforce the idea of the total spectrum dominance of the Western Media Matrix. It's just another huge chunk of the illusion that we call our reality. I understand that this is a race realist site, but look at all the ground we cover and all the things we discuss.
Consider this: WE ALL believe that Western civilization has been subverted by a globalist marxist elite that controls our world via ownership of the banking, media, and military institutions. We believe they install our presidents, flood our shores with NON WHITE immigration, and wage our wars in direct opposition to "We the People." However (to those in denial) it is ABSURD to think that these same Globalist Elite (that control all major Western institutions) could possibly have had ANYTHING to do with 9/11 or the moon landings. Come on. As Ex New-Yorker so eloquently stated :
"I love this country. People will believe any stupid bullshit they are told. Which of course is even more amazing shit."
It's all a lie, every last stinking word.
It must be nice for them, they can BUY a home for a mere $500-$1,000 of drug dealing money and live rent and mortgage free, then eat off of EBT cards or whatever the local varient is called, likely get their utilities even more subsidized than what every state and locality already provides and now free cell phones and minutes.
MUST...BE....NICE being black and "poor", when in reality these hoodlums are anything but. Everyone else (everyone fucking else!!!) in America has to bootstrap themselves except these apes.
This could easily be a scene in Africa indeed, the only difference is that the Africans probably work a little (just a little) since their governments don't provide so abundantly like ours does. What a sad state of affairs, and to think I once risked life and limb to defend this country. What happened to our civilization? Well, I don't need to tell the regular posters on here that this blog has the answers.
Hey So Cal Snowman.
Listen...you know as well as I do, that the very moment that you stray from the orthodoxy of acceptable protocol, then you're open to all sorts of ridicule. Even on a site such as this.
I happen to agree with you, but this is the domain of the race realist and not the conpsiracy realist as you know. The two ideas are not mutually inclusive it seems.
Deception is the hallmark of this age and the rabbit hole is much deeper than most suspect.
Also, look at minute 1:29 in the video PK posted. LOOK HOW THEY F-ING LIVE. THAT'S DISGUSTING.
No wonder they have so many health problems, not only do the eat and drink everything that's horrible for the body, but they allow conditions that just enable cockroaches, mice/rats, fleas and every other imaginable parasite sharing their homes with them.
Imagine that, the parasites live so rottenly they invite in other parasites.
Governments, whether "democratic" or otherwise all attract an overwhelming number of sociopaths. Several psychologists and criminal profilers have noted the large overlap in traits of sociopaths and politicians. The lack of remorse, the ability to compartmentalize conflicting behavior, the self-centered behavior, high self-esteem and, especially, the ability to smooth talk and convince people and CONTROL them. Bill Clinton is an excellent example. These traits are probably MORE important in a "democracy" since one is required to lie without guilt to get elected and tell the lies as if they are true.
As these sociopaths continue to empower government, it serves to encourage more sociopaths to seek power.
At the very top of this leadership pyramid, the disease is all consuming. This is due to the most ruthless and experienced sociopaths surviving the competition and being smart enough to not get caught or cold-blooded enough to deal with any obstacles.
Given enough time, the system is so fully corrupted that it is impossible to fix it through "the system." The system adapts to reinforce the mechanisms that shaped it. That is why arguing about Obama or Romney is a complete waste of time.
It's plausible and actually likely that like-minded sociopaths from various nations would collaborate to increase their power or create new structures that would expand their power.
I think that BRA is one aspect of this control being exercised. Those behind it are not the least concerned with fairness or justice or whatever BS they use to sell it. And this troubles them not one bit. If they can make a financial profit on it, so much the better.
Such people would certainly engage in conspiratorial activity. I doubt that they believe in Marxism which was actually created by relatively wealthy people to create yet another justification for power and control. The idea of a central bank must have had extra appeal to them.
Such people are certainly capable of engineering wars, revolutions and even apparently spontaneous social movements and take advantage of the chaos they create.
I don't believe they faked the moon landings, and I argued this on the previous thread.
As for 9-11, various wars and political assassinations and such, there I have no doubt that they did not come down as advertised. In fact one of the techniques used to maintain credibility is to have a commission of fellow sociopaths present a good fairy tale for the rest of us to be reassured that all is well.
The take-away is to assume what the government and the media say is a lie until proven otherwise by two independent sources. And good luck finding them.
Waldo says,
So Cal Snowman
I was wondering how I was going to thank you for the link Wagging the Moondoggie by David McGowan. I have spent a lot of time since yesterday reading his well thought out and researched stuff. If someone gets their panties in a wad, so be it, but as for me I think it just proves that the government and media can piss on our leg and tell us it raining, and we are suppose to believe it. Most of our people do!
Thanks again.
SoCal Snowman: Why not post your comments on the thread that they belong to? Simple good sense and courtesy.
This could be East Oakland. Thugs with hair trigger fingers stand around on porches and front lawns, randomly pointing their weapons at passersby. Even toddlers are not spared.
Thank goodness the freeway system bypasses those surface streets.
A child was found dead in a closet at this address. Still looking for the link
W74: Rats have fleas.
Great work PK. The idea of looking at this negro apocalypse from the Chinese perspective is brilliant.
But then unless they were prepared to "eliminate" all the Detroit negroes, why would they want to spend even $32 for it?
It's so obvious what is happening to this country that it fosters depression. If it were a mystery, it might be energizing.
China has its own share of ghost towns and ruined cities.
Though in their case it's the result of Marxist/Keynesian economics instead of african genetics.
It's debatable which is more destructive to civilization.
This could easily be a scene in Africa indeed, the only difference is that the Africans probably work a little (just a little) since their governments don't provide so abundantly like ours does. What a sad state of affairs, and to think I once risked life and limb to defend this country. What happened to our civilization? Well, I don't need to tell the regular posters on here that this blog has the answers.
Well, this blog is searching for answers. The thing that needs to be emphasized over and over is that blacks - whose savagery is simply a given - could never have brought about the calamity which has befallen the USA, and indeed the entire western world. Those most responsible (and don't misunderstand, blacks bear 100% of the moral responsibility for their depravity) are not black, but white (or at least apparently white). The calamity is all made possible, indeed inevitable, by what our host refers to as BRA.
There are several competing theories as to who is behind BRA:
Whiskey presents a fairly strong case that one of the main reasons for the triumph of BRA is the tremendous success of feminist indoctrination directed at white women starting in the 1960s (though this indoctrination actually started even before then - the 60s brought forth its acceleration). Added to this is what boils down to a 24 x 7 x 365 media campaign to promote female sluttery, BRA, and miscegenation. There is considerable truth to his position, though he doesn't really bother to explain who is behind this indoctrination campaign (the usual suspects) and why it is being done (genocide). Under this theory, the Masters of the Universe don't really need to rig the upcoming election for D'Won as there will be so many who will willingly vote for slavery they can simply take their "mandate" and do what they are going to do. A more interesting question is: Why has it been so tremendously successful? Why have so many non-elite whites, especially women, swallowed such an unbelievably poisonous lie? That's a hard question, though I recommend anyone interested read some of the extensive archive at Auster's VFR, where there have been some serious attempts to address it.
A second, slightly different view is represented of So CAL Snowman. The general outlines of what has transpired are in agreement, but So CAL focuses more on the who? and whom? aspect. Those who deny the existence of a ruling elite and of conspiracies, agendas and ideologies are historically illiterate. The histories are filled with numerous accounts of plots, conspiracies, and the like. The notion that America is somehow immune from all this is naive in the extreme. There has always been a ruling elite, though I think one can make a serious case that their level of control has never been anything like it is present. The dream of most elites or oligarchies throughout history has been of permanent rule. The system set up by the founders of the United States worked against that idea, and the game has been to alter and overthrow that system so that permanent rule would be ensured. The major battle was actually won in 1913 - a century ago. Everything since then has been directed towards the big goal - permanent rule over the entire planet.
Those are just two common views, which aren't even necessarily contradictory. I'll close off with a real thanks to PK for bringing up very interesting things from a different angle than anyone has looked at them in the past - the whole J.C. Watts / Opiate of America connection being unaddressed by anyone on the alt-right previously.
Maybe we're just teaching the rest of the world a lesson - "This is what niggers do, if you let them".
Expensive lesson, but if people learn .....
Ancient archaeology in realtime, nowtime, before our eyes. Who were the disappeared people who built these great monuments and cities, now inhabited by the invaders who destroyed their civilization and displaced them? Only fragile, fleeting glimpses remain; tantalizing clues telling their story, buried beneath the wreckage of the present.
Contrast Detroit with Windsor just across the river in Canada.
Despite a deficiency of African enrichment and having boring unhip Asians as their largest minority, 80% White Windsor has a very low crime rate and was rated by a business research group as one of North America's most promising cities for future prosperity.
This is completely baffling.
What could possibly be causing such a vast qualitative difference?
Sarcasm aside, Canada going to have a major political battle in the coming decades as a large portion of the cream of White America will be seeking to escape the unfolding MegaTragedy of America.
If the Canadians are patriotic and smart, they'll enact a legal parasite repellent to keep Andrew Young's human fleas and ticks from following their White host into Canada.
Boglyubski says,
"The histories are filled with numerous accounts of plots, conspiracies, and the like. The notion that America is somehow immune from all this is naive in the extreme. There has always been a ruling elite, though I think one can make a serious case that their level of control has never been anything like it is present. The dream of most elites or oligarchies throughout history has been of permanent rule. The system set up by the founders of the United States worked against that idea, and the game has been to alter and overthrow that system so that permanent rule would be ensured. The major battle was actually won in 1913 - a century ago. Everything since then has been directed towards the big goal - permanent rule over the entire planet."
Absolutely perfect summary of our present condition Bogolyubski. And I agree with you in toto. A BIG THANKS to the courageous Paul Kersey for his intestinal fortitude to allow some of this discussion to take place, even though he may not agree with it.
Thanks PK.
Does anyone have a cite for that Andrew Young quote? The last thing you want to do is to use it in an argument and find that Snopes has rated it as bogus. Well, it's the last thing I want to do.
In response to So Cal Snowman I would just simply like to point out that I have been following the workings of Ed Chiarini of Wellaware1.
He has been finding forensic evidence of the involvement of (actors) who manipulate us through the TV, movies, media and internet.
He must be doing something right because he IS naming the (elite) in their involvement in the portrayal of (fake) people.
He is called a kook and out of his mind for the forensic evidence and detective work he is doing to uncover the (acting) elite. It has been a very good learning tool for me to have found his (work).
You are not alone in your (search for truth) So Cal Snowman.
Black people should work out their own problems and improve their communities. They can’t come into safe neighborhoods then destroy it. White, Asian and Indian people have rights to segregate from blacks. Why the Media doesn’t tell about that blacks are dangerous, aggressive and impulsive. I don’t know how some white women date with them and have mulatto children. Those children will grow up and become dangerous because they will carry same black, African genes.
Bogolyubski said...
A more interesting question is: Why has it been so tremendously successful? Why have so many non-elite whites, especially women, swallowed such an unbelievably poisonous lie?
This is the essential question. What can be galling is not that the elites are particularly strong--it is that the opposition has proven so weak.
It just may be that this is due to "technical" reasons: the elites have a better organized (and financed) agitprop apparatus. Meantime, the opposition has been inept on the agitprop front.
Another reason is that there is a vision of a common humanity, liberated from the shackles of the past, holding hands and singing "I'd like to buy the world a Coke(tm)" (remember that commercial and shudder). I see this vision too much among non-elites.
Then again, it just may be that too many people are incapable of being true citizens, would prefer to be ruled as subjects as long as the bread & circuses keep flowing. Certainly most classical political theoreticians believes this to be the case. It is not insignificant that with the triumph of the civil rights agenda in America that we have also seen an explosion in elite power and police state style governance.
The dream of most elites or oligarchies throughout history has been of permanent rule.
True. It may even be that from their perspective, they see this rule as benevolent. But the practical end is the subjugation of the Western world.
Thought: a comment I once saw from a Czech activist was that what brought down communism and the Soviet Union was that people got tired of the lies. And that people were determined to tell the truth, no matter the cost.
if i had a giant tea party banner on my porch and the google propaganda cameras went passed my house with me on the lawn with my desert eagle 50cal. i wonder when the f.b.i. or homeland security would say hi? as W74 pointed out look at where the blacks live and the conditions inside the house are disgusting. also i blame the light brown colored people for the bed bug invasion lately. no check ups at the door and you don't know what the hell these pigs are bringing in this country. how about the old spook talking about a black eye on detRIOT cause some more ngr's can't act like humans. i'm not going to bring the repubs or MITT ROMNEY into this rant cause we got some here at this blog who can't tell us what party they belong too! again bubble head get involved in the tea-party. as you stated they repubs haven't done shit to stop this calamity. but i beg to differ with this person because the tea-party has gotten under the skin of the rhino repubs and have been made under the propaganda chi-town machine to be racists and they are the ones blocking this a-hole in charge of the congress. so if you are at best an independent you may be screwing yourself because in my state(pa) you can't vote in primary's so i beg to differ with wasting your time being an independant. cause bubbles if you want segregation it's going to start at the local level before it gathers steam to go national. just look at those counties in georgia that mr. kersey brought to our attention. also as he said "WE OWE THESE BLACKS NOTHING" godspeed whites!
Type in this peice of news,
We sure know who this won't has any affect on.
Sorry...OT. Did anyone know where Mike Smith Political Commentary went? Looks like maybe google blacklisted him.
Speaking of our elites and the overthrow of White America, what is the general consensus on the current financial crisis? Was it done on purpose? Why now? How does it further their plans?
Thank you drudge:
SEPTEMBER 20--A Florida woman who posed her newborn in a series of disturbing photos that she then texted to the baby’s father was sentenced this week to a year in prison for child abuse.
During a Circuit Court hearing Tuesday, Brittany Lester, 21, was also ordered to serve three years of probation in connection with the felony case. Lester, pictured in the mug shot at right, has been jailed since mid-March, after she failed to appear for a court hearing.
At the time of her arrest last August, Lester reported that she worked as a dancer at a topless club in Clearwater.
Cops learned of the troubling photos from the father of the five-week-old boy, according to police reports. The 22-year-old man told investigators that he had broken up with Lester, but that the two had agreed to “work together for the sake of” the baby.
However, the man reported, Lester got angry with him when she examined his cell phone and determined that another woman had been calling him. Soon after the man departed a motel room where Lester had been staying with the infant (and her three-year-old child), he began receiving disturbing photos sent from Lester’s phone.
Taken inside the motel room, the 13 images showed the diapered newborn in a variety of dangerous situations,
'they' breed and breed.
Snopes is bogus. Peel the curtains back & look at WHO runs it & their agenda.
Mr. Rational,
I'll reveal the source in "Black Mecca Down"
China has problems too. Just today the FT has an article on rural unrest, a widespread pattern, Communist Party bosses stealing land and selling it; with Macau being built essentially on high-rolling CP officials and connected executives.
China is a roiling mess of class/cultural hatred; when I was in Beijing in the 1990s, I visted GE's co-owned cement/power generation plant, the manager told us rural Chinese had to be stopped constantly from urinating and defecating in the stairwells and cooking in the bathrooms, they were largely illiterate and used to going in the fields whenever they felt like it. The village around it was like the sixth circle of hell -- I felt miserable just looking at it, everything covered in cement dust. Most of it a foot thick. The environmental degradation is something you can't understand until you've seen it yourself, outside Tsinghua University are beautiful canals -- filled with human feces and plastic bags. This from people pretty much all the same race.
Monoculture is necessary but not sufficient for advancement. What has held China back and still does today is that their social structure is so strong it won't allow technical innovation because that upends everything. What worries me is we are becoming like China, in that regard, particularly with racial taboos and an inability to speak the truth and worse, act upon it.
We can probably carry the dead sunk cost of Detroit and people like the Detroiters, if we liberate our productive population (nerdy White guys) to break society in a thousand different ways and become more powerful through new technology. But that requires honesty in allocating resources to those most productive, and getting out of their way.
My view of BRA's origin is that it is organic, like the Protestant Revolution was not so much Martin Luther (many figures like him before ended up burned at the stake, such as Huss). The Protestant Revolution was founded on printing, Gutenberg and others making affordable Bibles the middling classes could read and own, the rise in power of the merchant classes and decline of the nobility, particularly with gunpowder making feudal levies of lifetime skilled mounted knights depending on landed estates useless against mass levies of minimally trained musketeers and cannoneers.
THAT was a great social change leveraged by printing, gunpowder, and trade creating new power centers usurping the old in society.
In today's BRA, the changes have been mass consumerism and marketing, driven by mostly White women, ever greater technocracy reducing White guy sexiness, ever greater concentration of financial and social power in a few cities (London, New York, DC Metro Area, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai, Beijing), and the rise to power of technocrats who are semi-hereditary wielding power through hyper-concentrated governmental/corporate power. Crony Marxism and whatever you want to call it. Steve Sailer calls it the hi-lo team up; masses of non-Whites and their tribunes, various feminists/women's groups, and the rich guys like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates or George Clooney.
To accept a conspiracy theory, you have to believe that people are competent enough to make these changes from nearly every nation, save Japan, all across the Western world. No one who has ever worked in a large corporation could believe that, since most struggle to survive after charismatic founders leave. There is no conspiracy, everything is out in the open and driven by human nature.
The rich like the Gates or Buffetts want to keep power through a hereditary favoring pulling up the ladder of social mobility of those most threatening and HATE HATE HATE the idea of social change driven by new technology upending their genetic advantage. They also have children (like Charlie Munger's daughter) who flaunt aristocratic "superior" morality by making over NAMs. Which many White women follow. All have a vested interest in BRA, the "storyline" of original White guy sin, and magical NAM redemption on the cheap, with rule by semi-hereditary elites handing down goodies and keeping social change at bay. Thus a need for "diversity" and NAMs to keep their natural enemies, Nerdy White guys, at bay. This is not something that people sat around and plotted like the Wansee Conference, it was the organic and natural evolution of elites in power post 1945 who aimed to stay that way, aided by female consumers and marketers and technocrats.
Example: the Gates family fortune evaporates if say, a Nerdy White guy creates a hyper-computer using optical circuits without heat/power issues and petabytes of storage and processing power, running an OS/program combination that mimics closely enough a real person like in sci-fi movies/tv shows. KITT from Knight Rider in other words. Who would need Windows then? Where do all those billions go? Into dust if they've not been moved into hard assets like land. You can kill that threat in its crib by importing "diversity" and lauding over NAMs, making sure that Nerdy White guys have a heavy road to follow. Guys like Gates might not even be aware of it, just acting organically to secure their genetic advantage.
Dissident said :
"A BIG THANKS to the courageous Paul Kersey for his intestinal fortitude to allow some of this discussion to take place, even though he may not agree with it.
Thanks PK."
I second that notion. Thank you for allowing me to speak my mind, even though you may not have agreed with what I had to say. I have a tremendous amount of respect for SBPDL and I again thank you for all that you do. And to everyone that enjoyed the "Wag the Moondoggie" link, you are most welcome. I wouldn't have linked to that article if I didn't thoroughly research it and find it worth our while. I feel a bit sheepish in so much as I really don't deserve ANY credit for the article, Dave McGowan is the one that deserves ALL the credit.
Oh yes before I forget, PK have you heard about this new documentary on Detroit? It was released this September and has some people talking, I doubt they cover the race angle though.
"Speaking of our elites and the overthrow of White America, what is the general consensus on the current financial crisis? Was it done on purpose? Why now? How does it further their plans?"
While elites have tried targeting specific nations with economic warfare (see the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"), the financial crisis is an inevitable outcome of paper money, central banking, fractional reserve lending and facilitated debt. They really believed in their flawed economic theories. But if the crisis was not intended, you can be sure they are war-gaming it to find out how to benefit from it.
"To accept a conspiracy theory, you have to believe that people are competent enough to make these changes from nearly every nation, save Japan, all across the Western world. No one who has ever worked in a large corporation could believe that, since most struggle to survive after charismatic founders leave. There is no conspiracy, everything is out in the open and driven by human nature."
I think it works more like the mafia. There are temporary alliances of convenience as well as internecine struggles. These are ambitious sociopaths, after all.
Black people are so, so tired. Constantly tired. If you have ever ridden public transportation, been in a public space or anywhere movement is limited, and you watch them long enough, they dramatically yawn. Yawn big. And often. So wide their mouths almost resemble a post-kill wild animal. There is no self-awareness. And the smells they project. From the unclean and filth caked orifices from the oil and semen drenched and flake-away feces tinted snake-skin. This video and any other "black fight" videos clearly demonstrate one thing: This breed is incomprehensibly feral. When the family unit is broken down by incestuous rapes, pumped-in poison mindless ideology and dreadlock ensnared narcotics, this is what you get. The devil is here, folks. It ain't us. If you see something, say something.
"It's debatable which is more destructive to civilization."
No, it isn't. See you in Detriot!
Did anyone know where Mike Smith Political Commentary went? Looks like maybe google blacklisted him.
Mike has gone offline in the past, and then returned. Maybe he is taking a break from blogging? His website is worth checking out for life in BRSA (Black Run South Africa).
So CAL Snowman: And to everyone that enjoyed the "Wag the Moondoggie" link, you are most welcome. I wouldn't have linked to that article if I didn't thoroughly research it and find it worth our while.
No you didn't. Aside from the massive propaganda value to the Soviets of proving that Apollo was a hoax (which they somehow missed), and the undeniable sources of radio transmissions from both lunar orbit and the surface itself (monitored by amateurs), there's also the blatantly false statements about the Soviet program (the Soviets sent lunar orbiter probes and soft-landed a series of unmanned rovers, the Lunokhods), plus the fact that "the 1960s were not a particularly prosperous time in U.S. history"... which is a darn good reason to stop with a "flags and footprints" national prestige program once its propaganda objectives have been met.
If PK will allow it (he's refused to print several detailed rebuttals to you), I'd invite you to choose the three strongest claims in that article. I will not only rebut them, I will bet that I can find detailed, authoritative refutations no less than 5 years old for at least two out of the three.
We are supposedly race realists because we take evidence seriously and follow it where it goes; if we don't, we really are just the naked racists that liberals say we are. You have to apply that across the board.
What follows is my previous reply to you, which I hope PK will print this time.
WE ALL believe that Western civilization has been subverted by a globalist marxist elite that controls our world via ownership of the banking, media, and military institutions. We believe they install our presidents, flood our shores with NON WHITE immigration, and wage our wars in direct opposition to "We the People."
I don't necessarily believe any of those things. Maybe you should speak for yourself.
Those who deny the existence of a ruling elite and of conspiracies, agendas and ideologies are historically illiterate.
And those who see a conspiracy under every rock quite simply have no understanding of human nature. There's a reason Alex Jones suspects government mind control as being behind the Aurora shootings. That's the logical conclusion to conspiracy-mongering. That the absence of hard evidence only reinforces the conspiracy-mongering should tell you something.
To accept a conspiracy theory, you have to believe that people are competent enough to make these changes from nearly every nation, save Japan, all across the Western world. No one who has ever worked in a large corporation could believe that, since most struggle to survive after charismatic founders leave. There is no conspiracy, everything is out in the open and driven by human nature.
Thanks for that dose of reality, Anon. Hopefully we won't tailspin into tinfoil hat territory.
Anonymous said...
A child was found dead in a closet at this address. Still looking for the link
September 20, 2012 8:46 PM
Here you go - linked by Drudge.
"And those who see a conspiracy under every rock quite simply have no understanding of human nature."
Yes there are those that postulate conspiracies to explain everything to the extent that they explain nothing.
But to go to the other extreme and deny conspiracies that have at least circumstantial evidence of their existence is equally bad.
The widespread importation of immigrants of radically different racial, ethnic, cultural and religious groups has been undertaken for years by many if not most western countries. I don't believe that this is only attributable to cheap labor. I remember reading the comments of a British Labor Party MP or cabinet member say that third world immigration was deliberately intended to reshape Britain.
Google Maps: 18810 Brinker Street, Detroit MI
I did a virtual stroll through the hood. I was shocked that many of the houses looked like they were maintained (Section 8?). Almost all had metal grating on the front door which is common in negro / hispanic areas.
The striking thing about Gates, Buffet, the Wal-Mart heirs, Soros, Blankfein, and the rest is the remarkable unanimity of their ideology - which is globalist utopianism whose ultimate purpose (as Whiskey mentioned) is to ensure their permanent rule over the planet. In the past, competing elite factions wrestled each other. Today, the only elite factions who are not entirely on board with the program are those presently in charge of China, Russia and the Islamic world.
Conspiracy is really an inadequate and inaccurate term to describe what we see going on. One could just as easily use the term to describe Moromonism or Roman Catholicism. It is really a fundamentally Marxist ideology.
"Today, the only elite factions who are not entirely on board with the program are those presently in charge of China, Russia and the Islamic world."
I think this is the real reason we went into Bosnia and Iraq and have an extensive presence in all the "stans". The so-called missile shields and their radars planned for eastern Europe (against Iran) and Japan (against N. Korea) would coincidentally be useful against Russia and China.
Of course, Iraq and Iran are also threats to Bibi but that is surely a coincidence as well.
Google Maps: 18810 Brinker Street, Detroit MI
I did a virtual stroll through the hood. I was shocked that many of the houses looked like they were maintained (Section 8?). Almost all had metal grating on the front door which is common in negro / hispanic areas.
I did the same. That house in question, the one the negro gang is sitting on, was probably once some family's dream home before "the change" moved in.
I like the colors, tanish-yellow with redish-brown trim and a beautiful brown/tan roof. It has a nice fence and a shed in back.
Were the negro gentlemen sitting out front industrious enough they might actually cut the grass and trim the bushes and make it a respectable household. Alas, we can't expect them to actually do that. The bricks out front are still intact, but one look at the house next door says that this might not be true for long (we're already looking at a picture 3 years old). The trash strewn about the neighborhood as a whole tells me just how much they care about their own hood.
Maybe big daddy government should provide them with lawn-care and home maintenance vouchers so they can hire some illegals and H1B1 workers to do it for them. There's absolutely no reason we should expect these fine young gentlemen to maintain their own homes themselves, 'cause dat be slave work.
For those wanting to have a look at the blackconomy.
To the right, coin operated laundry facility.
Ahead a Church's Chicken and a Liquor Store and two barber shops (actually there are SEVERAL if you take a look around the area)
Behind us are some abandoned shope, a Liberty tax service and beyond that a "Shrimp Shack" (orange) and beauty supply store (no amount of these will make black women beautiful however)
To the Left a food mart (Ok, legiit) which sells Lotto (using who's money?), a hair salon, Jackson Hewitt tax service, some kind of urban clothing store, and a Liquor store which of course cashes checks.
Call me an evil "rayciss" if you want, but these are observations.
So CAL Snowman: You guys kill me, all of my previous posting was a cunning ruse to disguise my true identity as a leftist infiltrator and destroy the credibility of SBPDL once and for all!
Nothing of the sort. Far more tragically, you are a person of sufficient intelligence to comprehend Race Realism but, for some unknown reason, cannot accept certain aspects of reality that do not support an overarching conspiracy-oriented mindset which you are intellectually addicted to.
Along with physical materialism, there is spiritual materialism. For whatever reason or reasons, your spirit (or intellect) is unable to sufficiently embrace the scientific method whereby obviously deficient theories are clung to instead of being discarded in the face of countervailing facts.
Discard: Rats have fleas.
Rats aren't parasites and are perfectly capable of surviving as omnivorous foragers in the wild. While Blacks, too, are capable of surviving as omnivorous foragers, we all accept that—due to neural and prehensile limitations—rats will never pilot spacecraft. Blacks have no such excuse.
I've always considered the "New World Order" to be a euphemism for International Socialism/Communism.
Of course, not everything that transpires in the body politic is conspiracy, but to say that there is not some long range planning and conspiring is naive at best and idiotic at worst.
I'm not one to delve into this subject lightly, but to write off much of history as purely accidental is wrong in my view.
As an aside; just how in the hell did a handful of Muslim incompetents invade the most heavily guarded airspace in the whole world?
Strike the command and control center of the free world (Pentagon), and overturn 200+ years of Western Law in the process (Habeus Corpus, presumption of innocence, etc)?
You mean to tell me that a sophisticated group of rag-tag camel jockeys really pulled that one off. There's something rotten as Hell in Denmark, DC, NY and Hollywood. And why is it so hard to believe that our own government isn't full of these Marxist traitorous vipers?
Anon: (9/20 10:26 PM): China has its own share of ghost towns and ruined cities.
Though in their case it's the result of Marxist/Keynesian economics instead of African genetics.
It's debatable which is more destructive to civilization.
Outstanding comment! As I continue to maintain, Communist China will eventually make the Islamic terrorists look like a bunch of Boy Scouts. As Sherlock Holmes said:
Ah, Watson, it's a wicked world. And when a clever man turns his brain to crime, it's the worst of all.
China, not Islam, is that "clever man".
W74: It must be nice for them, they can BUY a home for a mere $500-$1,000 of drug dealing money and live rent and mortgage free, then eat off of EBT cards or whatever the local varient is called, likely get their utilities even more subsidized than what every state and locality already provides and now free cell phones and minutes.
In situations such as these, deeper perspective is needed to ferret out the truth.
Blacks are like someone who has become skilled in cheating at chess. Distracting one's opponent whilst palming a pawn or repositioning a piece only goes so far. Such cheating is a dire miscalculation on a par with expecting your opponent to make a less-than-best move.
Enter the realm of tournament level play or merely come up against someone of sufficiently sharp wits to notice such shenanigans and the jig is up (so to speak). There is only an illusion of comfort or ease for welfare-addicted Blacks. The reality is that of stagnation, failure and decay.
That Blacks have become so adept at gaming The System™ in no way means that they are competent enough to construct even a marginal simulacrum of Western civilizational infrastructure. In fact, all modern evidence indicates the exact opposite.
In this, Blacks and the Communist Chinese share a similarly self-destructive flaw. Both are almost utterly reliant upon cheating. Whether, as with Blacks, it is shirking responsibility and not cooperating with the law or, as with the Chinese, stealing intellectual property, violating patents or copyrights, counterfeiting products and so forth, all of it stifles real innovation, productivity and originality.
Bogolyubski: The histories are filled with numerous accounts of plots, conspiracies, and the like. The notion that America is somehow immune from all this is naive in the extreme. There has always been a ruling elite, though I think one can make a serious case that their level of control has never been anything like it is [at] present. The dream of most elites or oligarchies throughout history has been of permanent rule. The system set up by the founders of the United States worked against that idea, and the game has been to alter and overthrow that system so that permanent rule would be ensured. [emphasis added]
This last sentence is of utmost importance. Despite their own petty political aspirations and typical maneuverings, America's Founding Fathers achieved something unheralded in its time. They transcended themselves while cooperating to create a document of near-miraculous endurance and applicability; the Constitution.
For confirmation of this, one need only glance at how activist judges, corrupt politicians and even Supreme Court justices have been "interpreting" America's Constitution to serve the ends of those who do seek "permanent rule".
In fact, the convergence of America's bipartisan politics into a one party system of the almighty dollar is a direct reflection of how this "permanent rule" is being sought by those corporate and oligarchic powers that currently manipulate the entire American political process.
Having escaped out from under the entrenched elitism of European monarchy, America's Founding Fathers knew damn well just what lengths an aristocracy will go to in order that they retain and expand such power.
Examine the Bill of Rights and you will see that all of its amendments limit government power over the citizens. Compare that with most of the more modern amendments and it becomes obvious that many of them limit the citizens' power over their government.
This is the entrenchment of "permanent rule" in process which both 0bama and Romney are picture perfect examples of.
Dissident: Absolutely perfect summary of our present condition Bogolyubski. And I agree with you in toto. A BIG THANKS to the courageous Paul Kersey for his intestinal fortitude to allow some of this discussion to take place, even though he may not agree with it.
A hearty second to both sentiments.
Whiskey: Monoculture is necessary but not sufficient for advancement. What has held China back and still does today is that their social structure is so strong it won't allow technical innovation because that upends everything. What worries me is we are becoming like China, in that regard, particularly with racial taboos and an inability to speak the truth and worse, act upon it. [emphasis added]
Look up Creative Destruction and then consider how badly innovation and technical creativity are being held back, not just in China, but also in modern America.
At present, many major high technology American companies are so risk averse, especially with respect to employee lawsuits (e.g., harassment, discrimination etc.), that they would sooner employ a heard of bland, inoffensive drones that cannot innovate their way out of a paper bag rather than risk hiring one cranky genius who might invent them the next iPhone.
This is an obscene amalgam of artificial social "stabilization" (i.e., Social Engineering) and Political Correctness in action and it is killing America.
We can probably carry the dead sunk cost of Detroit and people like the Detroiters, if we liberate our productive population (nerdy White guys) to break society in a thousand different ways and become more powerful through new technology. But that requires honesty in allocating resources to those most productive, and getting out of their way.
Both of which simply will not happen with the current breed of corporate and political elite in place.
Anon (9/21, 2012 6:20 PM):
"It's debatable which is more destructive to civilization."
No, it isn't. See you in Detriot!
You display a severely limited understanding of civilization and what its construction or daily operation requires.
One simple example: While Blacks spread HIV/AIDS with alarming efficiency, it is China that has caused the world's largest medically caused AIDS epidemic (PDF).
Higher intelligence and its rapacious mindset renders China a far more dangerous player than Africa and the worldwide population of Blacks combined.
Dissident: As an aside; just how in the hell did a handful of Muslim incompetents invade the most heavily guarded airspace in the whole world?
They weren't "incompetents" and they didn't "invade the most heavily guarded airspace in the whole world". They invaded the cockpits of legitimately registered, freshly refueled, high capacity, long range aircraft which had beacons transponding their status as friendly jet airliners and—with prior professional technical training—managed to impact them into relatively large, hard-to-miss, exceptionally high value targets.
Their actions represented a totally unexpected and complete paradigm shift away from the usual airline passenger hostage-taking scenario which, like most intensively planned operations, was relatively difficult to anticipate.
A similarly commandeered aircraft whose passengers managed to receive adequate advance notification of their intended outcome overpowered their hijackers despite total loss of life for all on board.
Or do you maintain that the downing of Flight 93 was part of an overall false flag operation? If so, your logic is so twisted that you could use a corkscrew for a ruler.
Whoever said cartography wasn't a dangerous job has clearly never been to Detroit.
While I understand the writer's sentiments, please read "Drawing the Line: Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy" by Mark Monmonier. Gerrymandering is just the iceberg's tip of how cartography has been used to manipulate politics, war, religion and the whole meghilla.
Knowledge of and the ability to create maps has long been a hazardous occupation.
Whiskey said... All have a vested interest in BRA, the "storyline" of original White guy sin, and magical NAM redemption on the cheap, with rule by semi-hereditary elites handing down goodies and keeping social change at bay. Thus a need for "diversity" and NAMs to keep their natural enemies, Nerdy White guys, at bay.
What's the big threat to men in power? Other men. Because it does take men to overthrow an elite. The new class of IT people--mainly "Nerdy White guys" if you like--are the latest challenge to the overclass.
In response, elites have flooded the workplace with third world immigrants who can be played off against the White middle via ideologies such as multicultism. Or promote feminists (both female and male) to create a perpetual victim class. Victims do not start armed revolutions and can be bought off with the promise of protection.
Not to take this too far afield, but modern feminism creates a class of perpetual victims: women (and sensitive new age guys) are to be made so helpless that an off-color remark in the workplace will have them collapsing into tears and running to the government for protection. And the government is "protecting" designated victim group: from censoring un-PC speech to shaking you down at TSA checkpoints. Just consider how being a "victim" in today's America gives one legal privilege: AA, college "studies" programs, hatecrime laws, cash rewards for "discrimination" lawsuits, and the rest of the rackets.
Think a revolution can be made out of a class of perpetual victims? The reality is that even though American citizens are being displaced, and the government is expanding its repressive apparatus, there is no effective resistance.
This is not something that people sat around and plotted like the Wansee Conference, it was the organic and natural evolution of elites in power post 1945 who aimed to stay that way, aided by female consumers and marketers and technocrats.
It's worth reading "The Theory and Practice of Collective Oligarchism," the book within the book of Orwell's "Nineteen-Eighty Four" for a (satiric) analysis of this sort of thing.
It is not insignificant that the foot soldiers of the revolutions of 1848 and 1917-18 were a militant lower middle class of workers led by a militant upper middle class of ideologues. We can even see this in the American Revolution with its sturdy citizen-soldiers and Enlightenment philosophers, and in the collapse of the Soviet system (think of Solidarnosc ). "Nerdy White Guys" are the new threat to the upper echelons, and more so as IT becomes the very foundation of post-modern finance, media, communications, industry, politics.
OK, so much poli-sci lecture. Back when I was involved in conservative youth politics, we had a saying: "The upper class uses the lower class against the middle." It was pretty evident from the ways in which the various corporate foundations and government bureaucracies were promoting what we today would call "BRA."
You can toss in the destruction of the family, the breakup of neighborhoods (Title 8, anyone?), the purging of religion from the town square, the conversion of that town square into a mega-consumer mall, the decline of unions, the outsourcing of industry, people blanking out in front of their widescreens 8 hours a night, college athletics becoming big business and even bigger propaganda, and etc. Every last institution which was once the foundation for the middle class is being dismantled.
Meantime, your typical citizen believes they have more freedom because they can tune in to 500 channels, tweet all day, and swallow that Blue Pill.
"Despite their own petty political aspirations and typical maneuverings, America's Founding Fathers achieved something unheralded in its time. They transcended themselves while cooperating to create a document of near-miraculous endurance and applicability; the Constitution."
I am going to have to go against the tide on this one, as well as what I have believed almost all of my life.
Those that established the Constitution had little overlap with those that guided the Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and established the Article of Confederation. The Constitutional Convention was actually chartered to amend the Articles of Confederation, not scrap them. The public arguments made in favor of ratification claimed the centralization of power under the Constitution would protect our liberties. This was bitterly disputed by the anti-Federalists who almost carried the day. It seems likely that the reason for the Constitution was to assume all the war debts to enhance our credit worthiness so that we could build roads, canals and improve industry.
It was only a few years after adoption that fissures appeared prompting the Whiskey Rebellion (1791), Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798) and secession (1814, 1830's and 1861).
Of course, all that we have today including BRA have been deemed "Constitutional."
This is why I consider those that call for "a return to the Constitution" to be naive.
The widespread importation of immigrants of radically different racial, ethnic, cultural and religious groups has been undertaken for years by many if not most western countries. I don't believe that this is only attributable to cheap labor. I remember reading the comments of a British Labor Party MP or cabinet member say that third world immigration was deliberately intended to reshape Britain.
I remember that as well. We know about it because the creature in question, Andrew Neather, was too stupid to realize his own role in the conspiracy and basically admitted the plot as No Big Deal. In other words, he was a true believer, as most of these people are. If we accept his date of '01 as the flashpoint, this conspiracy lasted a piddly 8 years. It was brought down by human nature.
I don't deny that there are conspiracies or attempts at conspiracies, but this is what they tend to look like: secrecy attempted by those not competent to keep secrets and driven largely by ideology rather than canny strategy.
The striking thing about Gates, Buffet, the Wal-Mart heirs, Soros, Blankfein, and the rest is the remarkable unanimity of their ideology
One could as easily state that America, Canada, and virtually every country in Europe are remarkably unanimous in their ideology. Recall that abolitionism spread to many countries in essentially the same timeframe. Before the 19th century, it was relegated to a handful of radicals who had little influence over national policy. There really is a precedent for much of what we're seeing.
Anonymous said...
Type in this peice of news,
We sure know who this won't has any affect on.
September 21, 2012 7:30 AM
Sorry, Snopes says bogus.
@Zenster: On my prediction that Chick-fil-A would 'cave', cold comfort indeed. I used Disney as an example, from about 1930 to 1990 the name was synonymous with 'clean, wholesome, high-quality family entertainment'. Today they peddle sleaze just short of outright pornography. And how often do you hear ''Mr. conservative, great american, Sean Innaity'' mention that fact? LOL, he knows where his fat radio salary (only Limbaugh gets more) comes from!
randy newman...can ya write a song
"Or do you maintain that the downing of Flight 93 was part of an overall false flag operation? If so, your logic is so twisted that you could use a corkscrew for a ruler."
Zenster, while I always appreciate your thought out and reasoned approach to commentary here I will take exception to the 911 debacle.
There are literally reams of "anomolies" and mountains of evidence contrary to the official narrative of what happened. I'll go so far as to say that NO commercial airliner hit the Pentagon. And no commercial airliner crashed in Shanksville, PA, either. Virtually no wreckage at either crash site-just look at the official photo's?
I'm not saying that 'Muslim' stooges and dupes weren't employed or used, but I have serious issues with the official narrative. I would also wonder why a person of your mental acumen wouldn't also have some issues.
While we're on the subject, I'd like to say that there are many gatekeepers in the truth movement and many that like to keep the clash of civilizations narrative in a tidy one direction linear format. I don't agree with these notions. This rabbit hole is a twisted and descending maze of intrigue. To say it's not is oversimplification and an unreasonable assumption based upon photographic evidence.
I could spend pages writing on this subject, but this is SBPDL and not conspiracy inc.
Since you're of a scientific mind, I will refer you to 911physics.net and also Pilots for 911 truth. And also, please check out Architects and Engineers for 911 truth. None of these sites are writen by your average run of the mill conspiracy theorist, but by concerned citizens that don't buy into the governments official story of September 11, 2001.
I am a slave to the lowest forms of life. These creatures, these animals live a life of unquestioned ease, one where every need and many wants are provided and then some. I work and work and work with no respite while these parasites are free to have their days to themselves, to enjoy all life has to offer, to do anything at all or nothing at all.
I am mad beyond belief, and rightfully so, they have stolen my life. No ease for me, no rest. Only the treadmill. When the system collapses, everyone who supported BRA will face a heavy penalty, from the liberal enabler to the negro worshipping sports tards. Where has my life and wealth gone except into the pockets of these monsters and the black hole of government? The monkies on my back are gonna face a hard fall to the ground and beyond.
The government and the elite hates your guts whitey. They do everything they can to destroy you, your heritage, your history, your work, your worth, your peace, your happiness and your progeny. When enough people get it, then we get back what we always should have had.
"Anonymous So CAL Snowman said...
Consider this: WE ALL believe that Western civilization has been subverted by a globalist marxist elite that controls our world via ownership of the banking, media, and military institutions."
No, we don't all believe that. We don't all subscribe to a conpsiratorial view of history. Sure, I blame the wealthy elite and the cultural marxists for a lot of America's problems. But mostly I blame the american people for letting them do it. I blame them for being gullible rubes, who care more about public entertainments, like football and batman movies, than they do about the state of their nation.
"Believe me I knew beforehand the type of responses I would get. I was under no illusion that the community would just read the link and agree with me 100%."
Then why are you complaining now? You link to a website full of ignorant and willfully stupid drivel, and you are surprised to be called out on it? You imply that one of the great achievements of white american civilization was a sham, and you don't think people would comment on that? Why should we not question you? Why should I not point out that people who disbelieve in amply documented historical facts are proabably not very bright - as indeed the proponents of a "moon hoax" are not. Why should I not point out the intellectual dishonesty of those who subscribe to such "theories" (I explain what I mean by that in the original thread).
And if you think that "Ex New Yorker" is a man worth quoting, then you've just proved to me that you are not a man whose opinion is worth knowing.
"Anonymous said...
Waldo says,
I was wondering how I was going to thank you for the link Wagging the Moondoggie by David McGowan. I have spent a lot of time since yesterday reading his well thought out and researched stuff."
Well thoughtout and researched? It is ignorant drivel, posted by an unfunny nitwit (who thinks himself funny), rehashing the poorly thought-out lumpen-skepticism of other people who themselves have no training in, nor apparently any knowledge of, engineering or physics.
Dissident: I'll go so far as to say that NO commercial airliner hit the Pentagon. And no commercial airliner crashed in Shanksville, PA, either. Virtually no wreckage at either crash site-just look at the official photos?
Have you ever seen a totaled RV or house trailer? Notice how structurally insubstantial they actually are despite their outward appearance of solidity?
Although better engineered, passenger jet airliners share much of the same design criteria; as in maximum interior space, minimized weight and a focus on climate control.
Additionally, the typically high aluminum content of a jet plane's skin means that a lot of such an aircraft's exterior is consumed in a crash, especially if the plane is flying with full tanks, as were all of the 9-11 flights.
Landing gear and turbine cores are some of the few major components that usually turn up.
The crash of Flight 93 is very well documented with eyewitness reports, aircraft debris found at the impact sites and even seismic tremors being recorded which are identical in signature to other known aircraft impacts.
Ask yourself this, do you really want to place yourself in a class of people that includes Rosie "fire doesn't melt steel!" O'Donnell?
It is ignorant drivel, posted by an unfunny nitwit (who thinks himself funny), rehashing the poorly thought-out lumpen-skepticism of other people who themselves have no training in, nor apparently any knowledge of, engineering or physics.
<golf clap>
I just found the house with the armed man, and it appears that Google has censored the gun. Interesting...
Thankfully I still live in a 97% white area in the UK. Sure, theres some crime but very rarely was there murder. Until...
...blacks from the inner city started coming in (commuting) selling drugs.
We've now had 3 murders. The latest was only weeks ago. An 18 year old white lad stabbed to death by an inner city black. The kid was found dead on the street the following morning.
The groid was caught later the same day.
The story is that the white kid gave the groid a beating. But unable to take the humiliation of "losing face" he stabs him, taking his life in the process.
Its pathetic. Real men who lose shake hands and move on, better for the experience. Thats how I was brought up anyway.
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