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Do the CPS teachers strike because of an understanding of racial realities? |
In today’s post on the Chicago public schoolteachers’ strike, a reader explains in clear terms what the teachers are striking against: the prospect of teacher evaluations based on standardized test scores. The teachers refuse to accept a system in which their career, their salary, their future is determined by their ability to educate the ineducable.
Of course, not a single Republican politician or mainstream conservative writer in the country would understand this, since they believe that blacks have the same intellectual abilities as whites, and that it’s only the soft bigotry of low expectations that is holding the blacks back…
Remember, it was a few weeks that SBPDL published the racial breakdown of the students of 400,000+ students enrolled in the CPS system, and it doesn’t look anything like that of the Chicago high schools John Hughes immortalized in his 1980s films:
Total: 404,151 (FY2011-2012) Student enrollmentPreschool: 24,232Kindergarten: 29,594Elementary (1-8): 236,452Secondary (9-12): 113,873
Student racial breakdownAfrican-American: 41.6%Latino: 44.1%White: 8.8%Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.4%Native American: 0.4%
Better though, is the breakdown of the teachers, administrators, employees, and principals of the CPS system [all information courtesy of the Chicago Public Schools official Web site]:
Total: 40,678 (2009-10)Total positions:Public schools: 35,711Non-public schools: 35Citywide: 3,473Central/regional: 1,459Principals total: 529African-American: 49.8%White: 30.8%Latino: 17.5%Asian/Pacific Islander: 1.5%Native American: 0.3%Racial breakdowns (all staff):African-American: 40.0%White: 36.1%Latino: 20.4%Asian/Pacific Islander: 2.9%Native American: 0.7%Teachers total: 21,320African-American: 29.7%White: 49.7%Latino: 16.1%Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.6%Native American: 0.9%
We already know the teachers are striking over the indignity of being offered a pay raise of only 16 percent (from an average salary of $76,000), which Chicago Teachers Union has countered with a demand of a 30 percent raise. But what is truly driving this strike?
Well, what if it’s the realization that Waiting for Superman to close the racial gap in educational achievement ain’t gonna happen any time soon and that proposed metrics to tie student performance (scores on standardized tests) to ¼ of a teacher’s assessment is the primary grounds for pedagogical rebellion in the Second City? [Question at heart of Chicago strike: How do you measure teacher performance?, Sevil Omer, NBC News, 9/12/2012]:
With negotiators trying to hammer out an agreement that would end Chicago’s teachers strike, one of the key sticking points is how to evaluate whether a teacher is doing a good job, an issue that has riled school boards across the U.S. in recent years.Chicago’s school leaders are proposing that student performance on standardized tests count toward 25 percent of a teacher’s assessment, growing to 40 percent in five years, according to NBCChicago.com.
But Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis is critical of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s push to make great use of standardized tests in teacher reviews, calling the process flawed. Union officials say the system wouldn’t do enough to take into account outside factors such as poverty, crime and homelessness.
"Evaluate us on what we do, not the lives of our children we do not control," Lewis said in announcing the strike. It was unclear what union officials proposed instead.
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White kids in Chicago schools can only be found in 1980 John Hughes films (like The Breakfast Club) |
Recall the reason that such cheating was necessary in the overwhelmingly Black APS system (School: Teacher Helps Students Cheat Because She Says They’re ‘Dumb As Hell’, CBS Atlanta, 8-28-2012):
A former fifth-grade teacher implicated in a cheating scandal reportedly gave students the illegal assistance because she thought they were “dumb as hell.”According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, math teacher Shayla Smith was accused of offering students the answers to a test they were taking at the time. She had reportedly been responsible for supervising them while the tests were being completed.Schajuan Jones, who taught a fourth-grade class across the hall from Smith’s former room, overheard her talking to another teacher about the test.“The words were, ‘I had to give your kids, or your students, the answers because they’re dumb as hell,’” Jones was quoted as saying about the interaction between Smith and the unidentified third teacher.
Though few will ask the question, it is vital to inquire of those striking CPS teachers if they too feel the way about their students as Shayla Smith did of her pupils in the APS system.
Are the striking teachers in Chicago afraid to tie their salaries (and career aspirations) to primarily non-white students that are “dumb as hell,” knowing that to have these students test scores – those same students they baby-sit teach - count toward 25 percent of their evaluations would be tantamount to spotting an opposing football team a seven touchdown lead?
Let’s quickly look at the reality of life in the CPS system:
- In Chicago, white students comprised three percent of suspensions -- and 10 percent of the total student population -- but black students, who had a larger overall representation at 42 percent, comprised 76 percent of the city's school suspensions. The data show that in 2009 to 2010, Chicago suspended the third largest percentage of black students among the country's 20 biggest school districts. The only districts with higher black suspension rates were Philadelphia and Prince George's county, outside of Washington, D.C. "Some of the worst discrepancies are in my home town of Chicago," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who formerly led the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system, said on a Monday call with reporters. "We began peer juries where students were responsible for disciplining each other and finding alternative ways to resolve disputes. It is clear that Chicago –- and many other cities -- still have a lot more work to do." [Huffington Post, Chicago Public School Students Face Racial Discipline Gap Education Department, 3/6/2012]
- What about improvements in test scores?
How about scores on the ACT?:Twenty years of reform efforts and programs targeting low-income families in Chicago Public Schools has only widened the performance gap between white and African-American students, a troubling trend at odds with what has occurred nationally.
Across the city, and spanning three eras of CPS leadership, black elementary school students have lost ground to their white, Latino and Asian classmates in testing proficiency in math and reading, according to a recent analysis by the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research.
Even for schools so often weighed down by violence, poverty and dysfunction in their neighborhoods, news of this growing deficit was surprising to researchers considering the strides African-American students had made nationally over the same period.
"It has certainly been shocking to us to discover there has been progress in some areas but without equity progress not shared equally among all the students," said Marisa de la Torre, a researcher on a recent report by the consortium that examined two decades of changes within CPS. "You don't really want to leave one group of students behind."
Since the early 1990s, black fourth- and eighth-graders in the U.S. have improved their reading and math scores at a greater rate than whites on the annual National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, a key performance indicator across demographics. Educators and politicians hailed this as an important step toward closing an achievement gap that had confounded them for decades.This is an important issue in Chicago, where almost half of CPS students are black, the vast majority from low-income households. Yet for all the talk and attention paid to boosting African-American achievement in recent years, there has been no such breakthrough.
"It's not the students' fault. It's our fault as adults," CPS' new chief, Jean-Claude Brizard, said recently in a speech to the Chicago Urban League. "In order to turn things around, we must make sure that the students and their achievement always comes first. Not adults. Not politics. Not administrators. Not contracts."
Poor test scores are only part of the equation. Only 1 in 2 African-American students in Chicago graduates from high school, a number that has increased over the past decade but not at the rate of other racial and ethnic groups. School suspensions, expulsions and disciplinary cases also affect black students disproportionally. [CPS fails to close performance gap
Black students still losing academic ground despite reforms, study finds,
11-14-2011, Chicago Tribune]
This year’s new counting method emerged after complaints that some high schools were trying to boost their scores by preventing low-achieving juniors with too few credits from taking the PSAE and the ACT until their senior year, meaning the potentially lower scores would not be counted against the school.
Using an apples-to-apples, juniors-versus-only-juniors comparison, results contained in a CPS Powerpoint released to reporters Thursday indicated the average ACT score racked up by CPS juniors rose from 17.3 to 17.4 on the 36-point college admission test.Again, comparing only juniors to juniors, the percent of CPS students considered “college-ready’’ in all four ACT subjects tested — reading, English, math and science — also increased from 7.2 to 7.9 percent, a paltry showing but still an uptick nonetheless.And, under the old counting method, the percent of CPS juniors who passed the Prairie State this year held flat, at 29.3.But CPS’s news release reflected only the new counting method in its reported scores. As a result, CPS found that the percent of students passing the Prairie State declined one full percentage point, and the CPS ACT average dropped by 0.1 of a percentage point, to 17.2.The headlines of the CPS news release were uncharacteristically negative: “Mostly Flat and Declining High School Test Results Underscore Need for More Time on Task and Extended School Day for Students. PSAE shows that only 7.9 % of student test takers meet college readiness benchmarks.’’Chicago Public School officials emphasized the more dire score calculations, however, and contended they proved the need for a longer school day and year, as Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been demanding.“These results show we have work to do,’’ new Chicago Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard said in a news release. “Students need more time in the classroom with their teachers and that time needs to be best used to boost student achievement.’’ [CPS High School ACT Scores Go Down – and Go Up, Chicago Sun Times, 8-18-2011]
What are some of the current metrics for students when it comes to grade-level proficiency in reading and math?:
Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math.
In 2011, the U.S. Department of Education administered National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests in reading and math to students around the country, including in the Chicago Public Schools. The tests were scored on a scale of 0 to 500, with 500 being the best possible score. Based on their scores, the U.S. Department of Education rated students’ skills in reading and math as either “below basic,” “basic,” “proficient” or “advanced.”
Nationally, public school 8th graders scored an average of 264 on the NAEP reading test. Statewide in Illinois, the 8th graders did a little better, scoring an average of 266. But in the Chicago Public Schools, 8th graders scored an average of only 253 in reading. That was lower even than the nationwide average of 255 among 8th graders in “large city” public schools.
With these NAEP test results, only 19 percent of Chicago public school 8th graders rated proficient in reading while another 2 percent rated advanced—for a total of 21 percent who rated proficient or better.
79 percent of Chicago public school 8th graders were not grade-level proficient in reading. According to the U.S. Department of Education, this included 43 percent who rated “basic” and 36 percent who rated “below basic.” [U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading, CNSNews.com, 9-10-12]And what of the ACT average of the teachers who are tasked with educating what Auster deems the “ineducable” in Chicago? Try a whopping 19:
You’ll hear a lot of numbers bandied around in the coming days regarding the Chicago Teachers Union strike – average salary, anticipated size of the district’s deficit, level of state financial support.But the number I find most disturbing is: 19.That’s the average Chicago Public School teacher’s score on the ACT test if they took it when attending high school, according to a 2008 Southern Illinois University study.Despite all of the bright teachers, there are enough who scored so badly on the ACT that they dragged the average down to 19 out of a possible score of 36.To put that number in perspective, today every high school junior in Illinois – whether they are going to college or not – is required to take the test. This year their average test score was just shy of 21.
But none of this stuff matters, right? Let’s just keep our eyes averted from reality and look to the skies, Waiting for Superman together.
Chicago Public Schools is going the way of the Detroit system: basically, the teachers are paid to provide surveillance for eight hours a day (and the school to offer free lunches that the parent(s) can’t afford), baby-sitting students so that the police department in the Second City can have a momentary reprieve:
Chicagoans are likely going to notice more uniformed officers on the streets during the duration of the teacher strike.
"We're emptying out our offices," police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Sunday night at a press conference at the Harold Washington Library. "We're taking officers who are on administrative duties -- we're shutting down administrative duties -- we're putting those officers on the streets to deal with potential protests at various locations throughout the city."
And this city, Chicago, is labeled a “world class city”? Maybe now you understand why Mayor Emanuel sends his kids to extremely private the University of Chicago Lab Schools:
The University of Chicago Lab School is an elite, diverse and costly school that has long educated the children of Chicago’s rich, famous and clout-heavy. Annual tuition at the Hyde Park school ranges from $21,876 for grades 1-4 to $23,676 for grades 5-8 and $24,870 for high school students.
In Chicago, you must always be prepared to Mind the Gap in racial achievement: now you know why the teachers of the Second City are striking, as having their salaries and careers tied to student achievement (where no measurable achievement will ever be quantified, unless you pull the APS method of cheating) is a metric they aren’t willing to have on the bargaining table.
View more videos at: http://nbcchicago.com.
The public school system is designed to produce mostly failures because the majority of the urban public school population is incompatible with Western Civilization. When these schools were filled with actual Americans there were no problems educating the students and keeping academic standards amongst the highest in the world. As the article stated, 79% of ALL CPS 8th graders are not grade level proficient in reading! This begs the question of just why/how are these kids in the 8th grade if they cannot read at an 8th grade level? I would imagine that holding these kids back would be next to impossible because it would create an insanely huge backlog of remedial students, not to mention the social/racial angle of holding back so many "vibrant" students of color. I wonder how long it would take to bring these kids up to speed so that they were grade level proficient in reading, IF it could be done at all.
What we see here is Big Government working PERFECTLY to achieve its ends. Any problem that Big Government attempts to tackle invariably makes the problem WORSE. This is because Big Government Bureaucracies thrive on FAILURE! It sounds counter-intuitive but in reality failure is success for Big Government. Failure is success for Big Government because failure calls for bigger budgets, more bureaucrats, more legislation, more taxes, more meetings with consultants, more, more, more, MORE! We need more money for failing schools, more qualified teachers, more diversity sensitivity training seminars to combat systemic racism, more free lunches, more property taxes to pay for everything!
So you see, from the point of view of Big Government, failure is success and success is failure. It's completely insane but 100% true.
"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought"
-Orwell 1984
If race-is-just-a-construct, then wouldn't standardized testing reveal that students across the racial spectrum have similar scores? How could there be such vast differences in outcomes, especially when inner city schools often see more money spent on them?
You would think that the public schools would be the perfect laboratories for DWL ideology. Here, young people who are blank slates can be given all the benefits of a liberal education, free of prejudice.
How is that working?
Every year a new crisis in education is discovered. And every year teachers' unions roll up their collective sleeves to "solve" the crisis. And then a year later when the situation is as bad as ever, a new crisis is discovered, and etc. But until the education establishment is at least willing to face up to factors such as the (lack of a) black pro-education culture, and the genetic component to intelligence, nothing positive can occur.
...a reader explains in clear terms what the teachers are striking against: the prospect of teacher evaluations based on standardized test scores. The teachers refuse to accept a system in which their career, their salary, their future is determined by their ability to educate the ineducable.
Well, if the system is at variance with reality, perhaps it will all start crashing down. And the truth might be told.
But are teachers going to stand up and say why there are ineducable students in the first place? Again, the cultural and genetic factors. And while we are at it, look at how DWL programs, such as the welfare state, have bred generations of irresponsibility among the black underclass?
You know what is so ironic? That all those arguments of rightwingers and conservatives which have been mocked for decades--like the genetic component to IQ, and the negative impact of the welfare state--are playing themselves out in the real world across the schools of America. Yet such is the power of DWL ideology that the truth is impossible for them to recognize.
Time for that Red Pill...
I'd like to raise a point:
What if the truth about the connection between genetics, IQ and education outcomes were widely accepted; what would be the outcome?
And if you had the power, how would you change the education system in America such as to maximize the outcomes for all races?
Another piece of evidence in the black middle class file. Black teachers are generally as stupid as their students they have AA gimmie degrees and could give two shits about their jobs.
Anyone collate all the cheating scandals university and high school? From recollection all the latest scandals are black. Wasn't it the black studies department in Harvard that was recently involved in scandal? Just curious?
Part of me thinks "Greedy ass teacher's union!"
The other part of me thinks "What is the average prison guard paid? Whatever that number is, that's what these 'teachers' should be paid, because that is what they are doing."
In that respect, they do perform a valuable service, at least until 16-year-old Javaree'yon knocks up 14-year-old Dy'quonish so she can get her Baby D'ashiquia money.
Another fine example of TNB:
I haven't been able to find a picture or a description including her race, but given the demographics of Jamaica, NY, and the fact her last name is French, it's a pretty solid bet that she's Haitian.
Another day in the land of perfect equality. Divershity is our strength.
Off topic, but oh so delicious!
Courtesy of the Great Tomato Bubble :
The Curiously Rapid Rise Of Barack Obama
Even the black teachers realize the inherent incapability of most blacks so therefore don't want to be tied down to their inability to make progress. They simply phrase it in an oblique way. Due to the constant racial politics of the past forty years the white student body is less than 9%, and who knows what they're lumping into the "white" category. The whole thing is a money pit and I, as a resident, would like to wash my hands of it all. They succeeded in driving whites out of the system so now let them pay for it all. They should all be forced to pay for their children's education. Get rid of the school breakfasts and lunches. Whatever happened to the idea of parents feeding their own children? You breed 'em, you feed 'em. Dump the whole system and start all over.
If you were a white person and scored a 19 on the ACT you probably couldn't even get into anything but a community college LET ALONE TEACH.
OMG. I can't take the stupidity.
Californian said...
I'd like to raise a point:
What if the truth about the connection between genetics, IQ and education outcomes were widely accepted; what would be the outcome?
And if you had the power, how would you change the education system in America such as to maximize the outcomes for all races?
Bingo! You would do exactly what is being done right now!
They have nearly 1 administrator for every teacher! Why not decrease the number of administrators, to either increase the number of teachers and lower class sizes, or free up funds to pay teacher salaries?
John Taylor Gatto is right in that modern public education is a jobs program and has little to nothing to do with actually educating children. He also claims that only 25% of school funding is spent on kids, 75% is on admin and capital expenses.
"Since the early 1990s, black fourth- and eighth-graders in the U.S. have improved their reading and math scores at a greater rate than whites on the annual National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, a key performance indicator across demographics. Educators and politicians hailed this as an important step toward closing an achievement gap that had confounded them for decades." - Then the cheating regimes were uncovered right?
Those poor liberals, now their salaries are going to be determined by the product of their welfare breeding schemes.
Ex New Yorker here.....I can see that the problem in Chicago is caused by white people. This is quite obvious. I think the Soul Brothers need to call in some experts in "racial relations" to patch things up. With strong impute and advice from Je$$e Jack$on and Al $harpton the situation will be resolved and every body can go home and be happy.
Expecting the "poor and oppressed" to learn anything in school is only adding to their oppression. Just because a person does not know how to read and write should not prevent them from going to college and later getting a job working for the government.
No one is forcing these people to be "teachers"; no one is forcing them to work in the Chicago public schools. The fact is, they have chosen to be wardens there because they are not qualified to teach or work in better circumstances, and they are being paid far better than what their poor qualifications could earn them in the private sector.
It is really amazing, though, to see so many white women represented in those classrooms. There is no reason for that, and no need.
How long can this go on for? How long can we continue to lie to ourselves about blacks?
It's like 90% of the white race has one foot nailed to the floor, but absolutely cannot figure out why it keeps going around and around in circles. Madness.
Blacks don't care about education and think that being educated is
"acting white." There is zero point to trying to educate people like that who resist every attempt you make. The only education they desire is how to game the system for section 8, ebt cards, and welfare. All of which needs to be cut off!
Schools for blacks are simply baby sitting and baby feeding stations...until they get old enough to get arrested and go to jail, drop out or get pregnant and curse the world with another parasite (or two or three) feeding off the system.
We need to return to three main principles: 1.) If you don't work, you don't eat 2.) God helps those who help themselves 3.) Charity begins at home.
If you won't work or try to better yourself and make no effort and won't help yourself, go live under a damn bridge! Knock on my door with your hand out for da gibs and I'll set the dogs on your worthless black ass.
So CAL Snowman said...
Off topic, but oh so delicious!
Courtesy of the Great Tomato Bubble :
The Curiously Rapid Rise Of Barack Obama
That's just a quick outline. All quite accurate. Here are a couple of additional tidbits:
How is it that a major NY publisher signs on D'Won - who never wrote anything in his life - to a multimillion-dollar book deal? The new "author" misses his deadline three times - no problem.
Why was the junior senator from IL a) on a junket in Russia with the execrable Repuke senator Dick Lugar; b) detained for five hours by the Russians and accused of being a "British Spy"?
The list is nearly endless. No one cares, all court challenges rejected out of hand by the "impartial" judiciary. It's a complete joke. It's not as if I use the term Banksta Banana Republick without reason.
Mind the Gap
I'm perplexed as to whether this should be labeled an oxymoron or a redundancy.
They are trying to use the standardized test scores to get rid of the white teachers. Once the teacher population reflects the student population, this whole matter will drop.
The US Department of Education(Propaganda)must be disbanded,dissolve,defunded,done away with. It's just like the person that created it, Jimmy Carter, worthless. Each state must take care of educating it's state's population. Washington DC is worthless and has proven it many times over.
you need dumb black teachers to teach dumb black students! remember the ebonics movement in oakland, ca. in the 1990's? i wonder how that would of turned out if it was implemented. just think the nigroids might have been able to learn if they can read and write what they like. something needs to be done with this stupid race before they sink us like the titanic. what will be the next excuse for their race? maybe they can send some of these stupid black kids to the middle east. they love to bully and shot their guns right? i bet they would wish they were in chicago in their nice sect.8 house with that ebt card at the ready for when the weed makes them "hongrey" and some white libtard female at the ready. this nation must rid itself of the leeches. godspeed whites!!!
"And if you had the power, how would you change the education system in America such as to maximize the outcomes for all races?"
In the real world that can't be done but, you can maximize the outcome for as many as possible by separating classrooms by race and having those students taught by someone of the same race.
Speaking of Chicago's future rapper-astrophysicists, check out this one from SecondCityCop
"A 16-year-old boy was seriously wounded early this morning in a shooting on the North Side in the city's Uptown neighborhood. The boy suffered wounds to his leg and groin area, police said.
Then the blogger writes
The inside scoop on this morning's "shooting"... The bullet had a downward trajectory and the "victim" had powder burns on his clothes. He was tucking a gun in his waistband and accidentally shot himself.
We should be teaching these kids useful skills, like how to work a pistol safety switch, instead of all that useless math and science junk.
"How long can this go on for? How long can we continue to lie to ourselves about blacks?"
Until the money runs out or the printing press breaks down.
Once again Paul pens an article that truthfully shows the problems Chicago faces. The power of modern lies is amazing. Why is it that so few people can see what is right before our eyes?
Barack Obama is a real life Manchurian Candidate. Research his life and all the inconsistencies, lies, and fraud are apparent to a five year old. The question is- who put him there and why?
The Indianapolis Star today shows photo of a sign at a local black church which shows a photo of blacks hanging from trees. The pastor wants to encourage blacks to vote in the election, as if the GOP will return to lynchings:
“The sign is a reminder of what price has been paid for a precious privilege,” Thornton said, “which is to vote.”
“I don’t think it is as harsh as the fact that when we talk about African-Americans being murdered and killed at an alarming rate,” he said. “It’s not as harsh as the fact we make up about 12 percent of the population and about 90 percent of the incarceration. It is not as harsh as the drugs that we are being exploited within our communities.”
Hey dummy, who is murdering the blacks right now, including aborted black infants? Why are black males in jail? Why do they continue to sell drugs and commit the majority of the crime?
Please post comments, or send email to the church:
Rev. Joy Thornton, senior pastor
Greater St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church
5502 East 38th Street Indianapolis, IN 46218
(317) 545-5673
request email form:
There is a large genetic component to intelligence. The gap will never close unless there is cheating or dumbing down or unless the black underclass stops breeding. Of course the problem is that so many white people believe that we are all "born equal" and we just need to discover that secret magic formula to obtain equal outcomes.
Arne Duncan the current education czar was the CPS previous chief and is a died in the wool DWL. CPS has tried all types of solutions such as smaller schools, schools for boys only, schools with fancy uplifting names and nothing has worked. All these changes cost money but I guess it is the belief that "we must do something".
Take a survey amongst your circle of friends and you will be amazed how many will accuse you of being a racist for merely bring up the reason for "the gap".
We could do ourselves a lot of good if we could reduce the role of the universities. Not doable in the current political climate, but a good start would be to switch from scholarships to vouches. If you only get so much money to go, the students would select the less expensive schools, and effectively, damage the overpriced. After education aid would be based on achievement. You get more money only after you have passed a test of some type. Real standards based on accomplishment would kill all this malarkey BS because they would make it superficial.
Anonymous said...
The US Department of Education(Propaganda)must be disbanded,dissolve,defunded,done away with. It's just like the person that created it, Jimmy Carter, worthless. Each state must take care of educating it's state's population. Washington DC is worthless and has proven it many times over.
That certainly brings a journey down memory lane. Remember the tough-guy Newt and all the other brave Sir Robin Republicans back in the heady days of late 1994/early '95? The class of '94! They were going to abolish the Dept. of Edumacation! Repeal stupid laws! Suckaaaahs!!! The Deepahtment of Edjumacashun has grown steadily ever since, and now even has a security division whose recent request for mucho rounds of hollow-point ammo was naturally approved Newt's fellow Repukes Weepin' Johnny and the Brokeback Boyz. The Republicans truly need to change their name to the Jerry Sandusky Party. The flim-flammers keep the shell-game going and the idiocracy just keeps coming back for more.
The Indianapolis Star [and Sickle] today shows photo of a sign at a local black church which shows a photo of blacks hanging from trees. The pastor wants to encourage blacks to vote in the election, as if the GOP will return to lynchings:
“The sign is a reminder of what price has been paid for a precious privilege,” Thornton said, “which is to vote.”
For starters, his church should have their 501c(3) IRS status revoked and should have to start paying taxes. He's actively engaging in politics, which they're not supposed to do under Senator LBJ's amendments of the 1950s to the tax code (signed into law by the 'nice' Republican Dwight Eisenhower). Don't hold your breath expecting Eric "My People" Holder to do anything (not that he's any different than Ashcroft or the Mexican who followed him in this regard). Black churches have routinely violated this law for decades with no adverse effects - even taking up collections for political candidates in the pews. The minute a predominantly white church starts making statements on moral issues of any kind, the Ministry of Truth, $PLC, ADL and the Usual Suspects rev up the agit-prop machine and the IRS investigates, the YT church shuts up, and BRA continues on its path.
Lots of good comments on this thread.
John Taylor Gatto is right in that modern public education is a jobs program and has little to nothing to do with actually educating children.
It's worth reading Gatto's "Six Lesson Schoolteacher."
He gets at the fundamental problem with modern education. It's not simply the political indoctrination, but the destruction of the individual.
For example, he says: "The current debate about whether we should have a national curriculum is phony; we already have one, locked up in the six lessons I've told you about and a few more I've spared you. This curriculum produces moral and intellectual paralysis, and no curriculum of content will be sufficient to reverse its bad effects. What is under discussion is a great irrelevancy."
It's like 90% of the white race has one foot nailed to the floor, but absolutely cannot figure out why it keeps going around and around in circles. Madness.
Excellent metaphor.
They are trying to use the standardized test scores to get rid of the white teachers. Once the teacher population reflects the student population, this whole matter will drop.
Interesting point.
DWLs make a big deal about the schools being "re-segregated." But they refuse to see that it has been their own disastrous policies which have led to this state of affairs. Of course, they will not face up to the possibility that maybe those big-bad segregationists were on to something.
The US Department of Education(Propaganda)must be disbanded,dissolve,defunded,done away with. It's just like the person that created it, Jimmy Carter, worthless.
Reagan promised to abolish the DOEd and did not. This is not to absolve Carter. But we have seen Bush use the DOEd for his No Child Left Behind. Both parties see federalized education as a way to enhance their own power, and that of the Leviathan state.
Those poor liberals, now their salaries are going to be determined by the product of their welfare breeding schemes.
As the saying goes: "Karma, dude, karma!"
Why is it that so few people can see what is right before our eyes?
It's called The Big Lie. Too many people prefer to believe a pleasant reality than an unpleasant truth. Consider this statement:
There is a large genetic component to intelligence. The gap will never close unless there is cheating or dumbing down or unless the black underclass stops breeding. Of course the problem is that so many white people believe that we are all "born equal" and we just need to discover that secret magic formula to obtain equal outcomes.
Right on the money.
If white people woke up to the reality, they'd also have to recognize they were in a world of hurt. The "problem" of education can never be "solved" given the assumptions of DWLs. Consider how just about every DWL social program has failed, and failed miserably: war on poverty, centralization of education, AA, busing, dumping tons of money, etc., etc. Dysfunctions among blacks have skyrocketed: illegitimacy, violent crime, school dropouts, the race hustling. Look at the DWL policies for Africa: black majority rule, state socialism, anti-apartheid, foreign aid—these have created an endless parade of despotism and human rights debacles. Yet DWLs do not learn. It's as if the DWL-run world is being engulfed in a wave of idiocy. Which may be the case.
The expanding low-IQ populaces make progress for America uncertain, if not unfeasible. We've seen schools dragged down by the need to warehouse the underclass. And we need to look at the dysgenic function of the welfare state in encouraging the lowest common denominator among the underclass to breed, while the higher-IQ sector is marginalized for "acting white".
This is not the future that Americans once expected. Go back 50 or 60 years and look at how the visions of the 21st century used to be one of glittering cities, space travel, and Spock-like rational scientists solving all problems. Then compare this with 2012's Detroit.
Science is being perverted today insofar as it can not publicly recognize the genetic factors in intelligence. Since the foundations are not valid, the policies inevitably go in the wrong direction.
Again, it is the Big Lie. But the thing is, it's not just the Establishment doing the lying—people are lying to themselves.
"How long can this go on for? How long can we continue to lie to ourselves about blacks?"
Until the money runs out or the printing press breaks down.
The disintegration of education is a symptom of a larger disintegration of American society. We can see this with the decline of cities under BRA, the inability to control the frontiers, the endless treadmill of the welfare state, the wave of black-on-white violent crime, the decline of infrastructure, the skyrocketing national debt, the expanding paramilitary police measures to maintain a minimum of order, ad nauseum. You'd think that with the lights literally going out in various towns across the Homeland, someone might take notice. But people can not tear themselves away from the bread & circuses.
OMG. I can't take the stupidity.
I understand the sentiment!
Interesting, is it not, that the primary product of modern education is just that...stupidity!
I think it is funny how black malcontents harp on and on about the right to vote and civil rights in general, and yet they do not vote in large numbers to this day. The black church IS the black political forum.
I went to a black church for a funeral for an elderly black man once, and the black preacher used the opportunity to give a flaming racist speech about YT and all of his oppression and then pass the collection plate. He even started talking politics from the pulpit...at a funeral! It was sickening how the congregation whooped and hollered in reply to this nut job. They were acting like robots. I wanted to get up and walk out, but stayed out of respect for the deceased.
Blacks do not even follow politics at all, or know what the hell is going on in the world and they still scream for equality and special rights and air their list of grievances.
The polls in my black neighborhood are always empty on election day. They still don't get that evil racist YT elected Obama.
Anon at 1:26 PM: It doesn't matter if Blacks actually vote, as long as they are registered. That's part of what "community organizers" do, along with ensuring that they sign up for every possible freebie. The poll workers just mark the ballots for them.
Of course, it's not really even necessary for them to register, or even exist. If the census says there are 20,000 Blacks in a given area, the activists will see that a certain percentage of them will "vote".
I encourage people to look at the CPS Disciplinary Manual and look at the punishments. You can start at page 12:
If those black students being suspended 76% of the time were in a decent school system, they would have been thron out long ago. The 3% white suspensions I would geuss were attacked and had to be given the same punishment.
As for the blacks composing teachers, administration, and principals, most of them where churned out by diploma mills such as Chicago State University, or had entrance to better schools given to them, along with their degrees.
"No one is forcing these people to be "teachers"; no one is forcing them to work in the Chicago public schools. The fact is, they have chosen to be wardens there because they are not qualified to teach or work in better circumstances, and they are being paid far better than what their poor qualifications could earn them in the private sector."
Oh, come off it! I'm in a very similar situation as these poor souls, and I can't believe anyone with a grain of honesty or honor in them would point and laugh at me.
Nobody told me that these creatures are ineducable, okay? Ever since I was a little kid, the message I got from... everywhere was that we're all the same. I was raised in a functioning town and went to a respectable state university, so where was i supposed to learn the truth before stepping into the hellhole of an inner city classroom?
Not all of us are rich and not all of us are dumbass products of the very ghetto where our schools are located with 19s on our ACT. Most of us grew up in middle class families, so we're teachers, not "teachers", and we have college loans to pay back and mortgages to pay off. You think it's so easy to switch careers when career preparation takes so much time and financial investment?
If you must know, I did very well on the LSAT and equally well on the GRE. If I knew that this career path would take me into a hopeless, dangerous environment, I would've chosen another one. But the only caution I was given was that this career isn't the most lucrative. That was okay with me. Most of us went into teaching because we love kids, had a good experience in school and wanted a job that would blend in nicely with family life.
People like you make me tired. You show me that there is no right side with which i could form a united front. There are no good guys. Just dumb violent animals and people stabbing each other in the back and kicking each other down whenever possible. Why don't you go taunt cancer patients for being bald because they "chose" to undergo chemo? Screw this job. Screw my loans. Screw this country. I'm going to bed. Hopefully, the world will end tonight in a nuclear holocaust and tomorrow never comes. Good night.
Memphis Teaching Fellow said... Ever since I was a little kid, the message I got from... everywhere was that we're all the same. I was raised in a functioning town and went to a respectable state university, so where was i supposed to learn the truth before stepping into the hellhole of an inner city classroom?
Unfortunately, you have a point. Most Americans are living in The Matrix, a system of illusions comprising their perceived reality. It's there when you turn on your television, when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.
It often takes a shock for people to see the reality. Fortunately, with the Internet, there is a means to take the proverbial Red Pill.
Anyway, hang in there and know that more people are waking up to the reality of race.
Memphis Teaching Fellow: Speaking of urban teachers in general, Blacks tend to fall into the "useless" category, and Whites into the "didn't know better" category. It's hard to imagine any White smart enough to actually earn a college degree being willing to go to jail every day and pass time with the inmates, unless they were forced to by circumstances. It's almost Friday, so cheer up.
Dude, go teach homeschoolers and work towards teaching in a private whitopia school.
Help this east coaster who knows nothing about the ACT out (and pays no attention to the re-centering and revisions of the past ten years): what does a score of 19 mean?
If you ignore the re-centering of the past 10 years, than 19 on the ACT would be roughly equivalent to 900 on the SAT. I probably don't have to explain to you what a ridiculously low score that is.
There was something I was looking for over at GoV, so I did a search there for it.
I don't give a damn how it got there, it got there.
At least you're not a woman as well. Then you'd get to hear that it is the fault of all white women that our country and the white race are in trouble. Stay on here long enough and you'll get blasted for what you eat too.
"At least you're not a woman as well. Then you'd get to hear that it is the fault of all white women that our country and the white race are in trouble. Stay on here long enough and you'll get blasted for what you eat too."
I am a woman. And the "it's all the white women's fault" crowd isn't really a downer because its members only live on the internet. If you're shy or single, or both, don't be discouraged. Real world, flesh and blood men tend to be rather nice, provided you filter for the obvious like criminal history, mental illness and, as much as it pains me to say- people irreparably damaged by traumatic experiences. But, yeah, human beings tend to sort for this stuff automatically, and in my experience, seemingly normal guys you meet at work, in school and through friends are very unlikely to treat you badly. They are a lot more likely to be the type who'd stop to help if you were stuck on the side of a road and buy you a cup of hot chocolate to warm you up. The grumpy internet men don't seem to come up for air often, or at least, I haven't encountered them, so they can't really ruin a girl's day. Unless they are someone like Arne Duncan. But he is an empty suit, so I'm not sure he could be counted as a real life, flesh and blood man...
Californian: Science is being perverted today insofar as it can not publicly recognize the genetic factors in intelligence. Since the foundations are not valid, the policies inevitably go in the wrong direction.
This is what happens when science is made subservient to ideology. Now, consider that Liberal ideology consists almost entirely of Magical Thinking™ and is it any surprise that New Age (rhymes with "sewage") pseudo-science, with its crystals and Wiccan nonsense, has garnered such a following?
Again, it is the Big Lie. But the thing is, it's not just the Establishment doing the lying—people are lying to themselves.
Liberals can't help but lie to themselves. They are not on speaking terms with the truth. Facts must not be allowed to confuse them. History, statistics, objective observation and analysis all militate directly against Liberal dogma. It is precisely why Liberal ideology is dogmatic. No other mode of substantiation can possibly validate what passes for Liberal thinking.
A quick thought experiment:
How many people, late in life, suddenly and wholeheartedly convert away from Conservatism and over to Liberalism?
Much like Race Realism, Conservatism is a one-way door precisely because it is reality-based. This is why Liberals are so desperate to maintain their ironclad control over the Public Education system. No other opportunity of such magnitude presents itself with respect to indoctrinating susceptible (i.e., young) minds.
In East Asia, the answers are given before the test. There are youtube videos of students and parents rushing to get the answer sheets. East Asians encourage cheating because it's gets them ahead.
Eugenics is the only answer. Sterilize everyone, regardless of race, with an IQ under 90. That will get rid of 70% of the blacks and a lot of the mestizos too.
Zenster said...Now, consider that Liberal ideology consists almost entirely of Magical Thinking™
Modern liberalism has taken on the aspect of a mass cult. It's like religion was during the post-Reformation wars of religion, without Christianity's uplifting aspects. Or you can look back to the Iconoclastic struggles of the Byzantines, or the conflicts between Nicean and Arian Christians in the later Roman Empire. Western powers tore themselves apart, and in each case undermined the unity they needed to confront hostile non-Western powers.
Those religious conflicts might seem bizarre to the modern eye, yet today we see inquisitions in the name of political correctness, indoctrination in the name of multicultism, and mass hysteria over the use of taboo words. But at least in previous eras, the leaders of the Western world were not intentionally handing over territory, cities and their own people to outsiders. These magical days, entire White countries, such as South Africa, have been given to the barbarians in the name of that magic phrase, "equality."
The past religious struggles divided Christian nations, giving the Ottomans, Muslims and barbarian tribes the opening to overrun the frontiers. Now look at today, how more citizens within the West are becoming alienated over multicultism, and how the frontiers are being overrun via mass third worlder migrations.
And I do see more White people saying that they would not fight for a society which treats them as heretics. You have to wonder how much of the government's need to hire private military contractors (i.e., mercenaries) is because of the inability to mobilize sufficient volunteers. Or look at how NATO has been anemic at best in fighting against Islamic terrorism. The same countries which could once field entire armies for foreign expeditions are hard pressed to keep a couple of brigades in the fray. Who knows, maybe this is a healthy thing, indicating that the rank and file do not believe in the magic.
At the same time, there is a general DWL blindness to the depredations caused by black-majority-rule in Africa, or to third world "youths" running amok in European cities. And need I comment on how every DWL program and policy in the USA has been a proven failure in uplifting blacks, yet liberals jihad on, smashing ever more icons and then wondering why society continues to degenerate?
It goes beyond the realm of rationality and into the realm of, well, magical thinking. But you can not sustain a society on the basis of delusion. And we can see this today in the widespread pathologies taking hold in the Western world--the inability to control the borders; the rationalizing away of exploding underclass violence; the decline of the middle class; the growing police state needed to enforce PC diktats; the lights literally going out in many cities.
Any other era would see the mass migration of unassimilated third worlders into the first world as a barbarian invasion. But through DWL magical thinking, the invasion is perceived as a positive thing.
You wonder how future historians will view all this, as they excavate the rubble.
Californian: It goes beyond the realm of rationality and into the realm of, well, magical thinking. But you can not sustain a society on the basis of delusion. And we can see this today in the widespread pathologies taking hold in the Western world--the inability to control the borders; the rationalizing away of exploding underclass violence; the decline of the middle class; the growing police state needed to enforce PC diktats; the lights literally going out in many cities.
We are in violent agreement. Liberalism exhibits all the symptoms of a pathology. One of my essays-in-progress deals with the "Imperative of Failure" whereby Liberals are obliged to morally and ethically cripple their own offspring lest they penetrate the veil of Magical Thinking™.
Only by demagnetizing a child's moral compass can there be any hope of maintaining the illusion that Liberalism works. No finer example of this can be found than how Liberals heartily embrace Islam despite the way that Muslims would like nothing better than to murder every last pro-feminist, gay-loving, anti-religious, sexually liberated, gun hating one of them.
No finer example of this can be found than how Liberals heartily embrace Islam despite the way that Muslims would like nothing better than to murder every last pro-feminist, gay-loving, anti-religious, sexually liberated, gun hating one of them.
Here's a point which I raised with liberals: how is it that progressives can embrace Islam when Islam stands for things which would otherwise be termed sexism-homophobia-intolerance-repression? I have found it is very difficult to get a straight answer out of liberals. One response is that "Islam is 'just a religion'," and that large numbers of Muslims moving into Europa is no different from, say, Lutherans moving to France or Anglicans moving to Italy.
What makes this all the more odd is that liberals united in their opposition to white-ruled South Africa because "apartheid was racism." But if racism is anathema to liberals, then why isn't the sexism-homophobia-etc., of Islam also anathema?
On the far left, there is a more cynical play at work here. Some leftists see in Islam an ally against the Western, capitalist world. They support Islam not because of its beliefs, but because Muslims can be used as muscle against European and North American institutions.
But most liberals are not in bed with this sort of tactic, at least not ostensibly. The DWL inability to oppose Islam is a real conundrum, and something which ought to be examined more.
Who knows, perhaps underneath it all, liberals really do want to submit to someone, anyone who is stronger than them. And Islam fits the bill.
Californian: I have a friend who's response to any liberal insanity is WYBS (Whip Your Bad Slave). He is convinced that liberalism, as opposed to the more cynical and sinister leftism, is a neurotic condition, compulsive groveling, best left to psychology rather than political discourse.
My own view is that liberals are simply weaklings who need to be told that they are strong, and that the real leftists have tailored their story line to flatter the weaklings into place. Challenge that story line, and they are unmanned, and will call you names.
He is convinced that liberalism, as opposed to the more cynical and sinister leftism, is a neurotic condition, compulsive groveling, best left to psychology rather than political discourse.
I believe it was Plato who said that there were two kinds of slaves: those who were forced into servitude, and those who by nature desire to serve. Modern liberalism goes beyond politics or ideology. It's become a form of ritual groveling. Maybe in previous generations there were sufficient alpha personalities around to keep the grovelers under control, but for various reasons they are no longer very dominant in Western society.
Perhaps this offers some way to reclaim the current crisis.
Californian: Some leftists see in Islam an ally against the Western, capitalist world. They support Islam not because of its beliefs, but because Muslims can be used as muscle against European and North American institutions.
This is the Shock Troop Model™ and one that continues to successfully explain most of Liberalism's infatuation with pet minorities. Even radical gays work to actively undermine the nuclear family and, therefore, serve their purpose as well. All of these protected species continue to help fracture what was once a relatively solid White interest voting bloc.
But most liberals are not in bed with this sort of tactic, at least not ostensibly. The DWL inability to oppose Islam is a real conundrum, and something which ought to be examined more.
Wherever there are Liberals who have "fallen out of bed", you will still find epidemics of self-loathing and self-hatred powerful enough to drive voluntary suicide in the name of absolving White guilt over putting to shame every other race on earth.
Who knows, perhaps underneath it all, liberals really do want to submit to someone, anyone who is stronger than them. And Islam fits the bill.
There is much to be said about how Liberalism (like Communism), requires a greater degree of blind faith than religion itself. Any desire for submission by Liberals is more likely a byproduct of mistakenly perceiving Islam as being quasi-benevolent due to its temperance and supposed "peacefulness".
There remains a single devastating factor not yet introduced which is a shared trait among Liberals, Muslims and Blacks. It is one that explains much of their otherwise irrational behavior. This malaise is known as "cognitive dissonance".
For Liberals it manifests as:
"We can spend our way out of a recession!"
"Let's tax our way to prosperity!"
"We gun-haters will use Blacks and Muslims to crash The System™ and then abruptly snatch the reins of power away from two of this world's most violent groups!"
For Muslims:
"The 9-11 atrocity was a CIA false flag operation and Osama bin Laden is a hero for blackening America's eye!"
"The Holocaust is just a Zionist fabrication and we will complete what Hitler left unfinished!"
For Blacks:
"The System™ be keepin' the Black man down, now give us our AA jobs, welfare, TANF, EBT and minority business loans!"
"We can run any city better than Whites but they always leave and take all the money with them!"
Is anyone sensing a pattern here? It's this sort of ability to comfortably accommodate irreconcilable internal contradictions that render totally dysfunctional most Liberals, Muslims and Blacks. Such philosophical hypocrisy allows for the most outre constructs and demands which would cause near-terminal embarrassment in most sane people.
Much as with other "reverse Alinsky" strategies that I have suggested elsewhere, it is vital to create situations in which this endemic cognitive dissonance is highlighted and turned into a source of humiliation for those who dare to flaunt it.
Unfortunately, there are strong legal currents at work to make any such maneuvers into various and sundry forms of "hate speech" offenses or "hate crimes".
James Burnham* has a chapter in his Suicide of the West called "The Guilt of the Liberal." Its thesis is that guilt is an often irrational emotion, but one which Christianity (and religion in general) has handled via a Savior taking the guilt of the world onto his shoulders and removing it by self-sacrifice. Christian dogma and Christian rituals channel otherwise irrational guilt away from the faithful, thereby allowing for rational thought and an advancing society.
(Burnham means by "guilt" the irrational emotions, not guilt over specific crimes which one has committed.)
The decline of religion in the West has much to do with he explosion of liberal guilt, Burnham implies. And this in turn is translated into the liberal monomania over civil rights, anti-colonialism, and social engineering--to absolve themselves of real and (mostly) imagined guilt.
If you go back a few decades, liberal guilt was seen as something of a pathology. There were still some two-fisted liberals (perhaps like JFK who was not exactly enamored of MLK) and plenty of conservatives who who did not buy into it (William F. Buckley, jr., opposed the civil rights movement and supported White-run South Africa during the 1950s-60s). Today, guilt has become the norm not just for liberals but for societies which they dominate. Perhaps this is one result of the purging of religion from the public square. You might also consider how the promotion of secularism by the left -- including the avowed atheism of communism -- has something to do with morally disarming society.
Liberals like to think of themselves as rationalists, but they are driven by irrational impulses. Much of liberalism makes no sense. Its policies have been miserable failures: liberal education has created several generations of illiterates; social engineering has devastated entire cities; civil rights have led to massive increases in state power; black-majority-rule in Africa has led to the rise of despotism and human rights fiascos; the list goes on. Yet despite the debacles, liberals continue in a quasi-religious frenzy of wrecking all that was built up by centuries of Western Civilization.
Look at how liberals celebrate the loss of Western territory and the subjugation of White peoples in places such as Algeria and South Africa. Has any civilization in history ever seen such losses as good things? Or consider how liberalism would go into paroxysms of rage over apartheid, but calmly accept Islam with all of its anti-liberal orthodoxies.
Liberalism is clearly the realm of the irrational, but most people look the other way. Thing is, the liberals are dragging down the West with their irrationality.
(* And yeah, I know, I am plugging Burnham again, but "Suicide of the West" is one of the best single analyses of the liberal syndrome out there. http://www.amazon.com/Suicide-West-Meaning-Destiny-Liberalism/dp/0786100222 )
More importantly, your John Hughes comparison is moot as none of them were set in Chicago (home/school). They were all set the northern suburbs, filmed in the northern suburbs, with a racial make-up that fits - wait for it - the northern suburbs. Although I do appreciate the shock value added by the inaccurate comparison.
The other stuff in the post is not important.
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