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Black "teens" rioted in downtown Detroit on Feb. 9. Video here |
The western world is held hostage.
The future of humanity is currently handicapped, retarded,
by our present inability to grapple with this reality.
We could have been on Mars, but
instead we have 2013 Detroit [Police
stop dozens of teens in downtown Detroit clash, Detroit News, 2-11-13]:
City boosters hoped a downtown rampage by a horde of teenagers Saturday night wouldn't dissuade visitors from returning to the city.Nearly 100 teens descended on downtown, picking fights, running into businesses and being chased by police by car and on foot.In all, Detroit police stopped 76 teens ages 14 to 17 and five adults in their 20s, said spokeswoman Sgt. Eren Stephens. Eight teens with outstanding warrants were detained by police.No one was hurt in the incident, which left workers and customers jittery.Stephens said the clash apparently involved some type of dispute or rivalry among neighborhood youths.But residents and community leaders took the brouhaha in stride. "I think those incidents are isolated," said Ida Jackson, of Detroit. "It's not representative of Detroit."The chaos occurred near the Motown Winter Blast, the popular seasonal event at Campus Martius. It wasn't known whether the event had drawn the combatants to the area.But police said none of the disturbance occurred at Winter Blast and didn't affect it.Police didn't boost security for the Blast on Sunday.Representatives for Detroit Mayor Dave Bing would not comment about the commotion or arrests Sunday.Winter Blast producer Jon Witz said the incident didn't seem to affect attendance on Sunday. The three-day event attracted 85,000 people, including 30,000 on Sunday, he said.Malik Shabazz, a community activist who belonged to a gang as a youth, criticized the teens' behavior but said it's a consequence of the plight of city neighborhoods.The neighborhoods have been neglected by city and state leaders, leaving youths with little structure in their lives other than what is provided by troublesome gangs, he said."Children want attention, want structure, want rules," he said. "If they're not getting those things from society, they will act out. The streets will give what their broken families fail to give."The Saturday night disturbance was centered at Michigan and Cass downtown.At one point, teens wearing ski masks entered American Coney Island on Lafayette and began smacking customers and tossing chairs, according to broadcast reports by WDIV (Channel 4) on Saturday night.A restaurant worker called police, who responded in large numbers."Things happen. It's one of those things," restaurant owner Grace Keros told The Detroit News. "We're fortunate no one got hurt."
“It’s one of those things?” A massive ‘youth’ riot – a
Mahogany Mob – running wild in 90 percent black Detroit is labeled as “one of
those things?”
This is, of course, a city where in 2012 it was reported
black teens had taken over a gas station:
A Detroit man says his business is being held hostage by a group of teenagers who continually loiter inside and out of his gas station.
"There's a lot of good people around here," said the station owner, who wished to remain anonymous. But now, those good people aren't coming as often to the Marathon station along W. 7 Mile Road on the city's west side.
"This is a Bad Crew gas station," said one teen loitering out front on Tuesday. When asked what that meant, he said, "If you don't know, I can't even tell you."
Surveillance video obtained by FOX 2 shows as many as a dozen teens hanging out inside the store, smoking cigarettes, sitting on countertops and even spitting into sinks.
The owner says as many as 40 teens can be hanging out in front of the station at any time. "Destroying my store. Destroying my business," said the owner.
A video of the Detroit “teen” riot of February 2013 can be
found at Click
on Detroit. There is no “Escape From Detroit,” a city remade in the black
image. Devoid of white people in the city government; in the absence of whites,
devoid of legitimate entrepreneurial activity that can be taxed and provide
revenue to maintain the infrastructure of the city and supply much needed
public services; in the absence of even a modicum of law enforcement to be
eligible for the word ‘civilization’, 2013
Detroit represents the end-game of what happens when Africa is allowed to
flourish in the midst’s of one of America’s once great cities.
When Detroit was still part of a Western Civilization
(though only a few years after the black rebellion of 1967 convinced white
people that Detroit was getting too black for civilized society), those white
people in positions of power instituted Stop The Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets
(STRESS) as a last-ditch effort to make the city safe for… white civilization.
But, the usual suspects complained when extraordinary
policing methods cracked down on the one community responsible for bringing
ruin (eventually, spreading “ruin porn” throughout the entire story when the
law was neutered to protect and all for the proliferation of acts of
Spontaneous Blackness), crime, and property valuations to the city of Detroit [Detroit
police chief defends STRESS unit, The Afro-American, 4-28-1973]:
Detroit Police Commissioner John F. Nichols told a Congressional hearing that politics, a “vocal minority” and in part, newspaper headline writers were responsible for unfavorable publicity aimed at his controversial STRESS (Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets) anti-crime unit.Commissioner Nichols told the selected Committee on Crime STRESS has been the target of sharp criticism and favorable comment, by people in and out of Detroit.STRESS has become a cause célèbre, a nationwide symbol. It’s good news copy and the press is capitalizing on it, Nichols testified. He said, “Most of the stories are fair when you get past the headlines, but most people are headline readers.”A number of headlines written since the inception of the special plain-clothes tactical squad in January 1971 have involved police killings.Nichols remarks promoted quick comment by US Rep. John Conyers Jr. , D-Michigan, who while not on the crime panel was invited to take parat (sic) in the questioning of Detroit police officials by acting committee chairman Charles Rangel, D-New York.Conyers point out that Detroit has the highest ratio of police caused fatalities to civilian population anywhere in the country. He also challenged the commissioner’s statement that a “vocal minority has been critical of STRESS.”The Detroit Democrat cited the actions of courts, a bar association, an association of black police officers, civil rights groups and the murder indictment as justifiable criticism beyond the scope of a “vocal minority.”… Chief Nichols defended the STRESS unit as a “viable” force to reduce the street crime. He pointed to “nearly a 15 percent reduction in robbery: which he attributed to the unit.He also contended that the public response was overwhelmingly favorable. He said, many favorable comments came from black citizens who were the most frequent victims of street crime.
Rangel... Conyers? Aren't those two still around working assiduously to impede true progress and regress America to a level of civilization found in Haiti?
The line between civilization and barbarism is a thin one,
requiring either the application of laws mandating strict adherence to order,
or in the absence of a totalitarian response to disorder you have the chaos of
black-run Detroit.
STRESS was the only solution the white establishment could
come up with to defend the civilization white people had created, maintained,
and sustained in Detroit; the undoing of STRESS by the first black mayor of the
city, Coleman Young, in 1974 legally ensured that barbarism would overwhelm the
The black heirs of white civilization in Detroit lacked the ability to maintain or sustain civilization there, and instead created "ruin porn" and a community with conditions normally reserved for the third world.
The black heirs of white civilization in Detroit lacked the ability to maintain or sustain civilization there, and instead created "ruin porn" and a community with conditions normally reserved for the third world.
America is held hostage.
The western world is held hostage.
The future of humanity is currently handicapped, retarded,
by our present inability to grapple with this reality.
That reality is just who is responsible for the conditions
found in 2013 Detroit. Not only do the inmates run the asylum, they are
prepared to turn other major American cities (Indianapolis, Milwaukee,
Baltimore, Dallas, Savannah…) into just another reminder of what Actual Black
Run America – ABRA – does to the fortunes of a city.
Law and Order?
Lawlessness and Chaos are the hallmark of 90 percent black
Detroit in 2013.
The use of the word "teens" by the media has truly become comical.
As a matter of fact, there is a significant likelihood that many of these negro thugs are in their 20's, and not "teens" at all.
OT: http://it.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/18bfo6/to_the_people_upset_about_a_possible_black_pope/
anti-whites are already screaming racism because some people may be upset about the possibility of having a black pope.
You can't understand how much i hate these people, i have a fire inside me whenever i hear/read what this mad assholes say.
I want a German Dalai Lama next! or an Italian catholic as rabbi in Israel! let's see what those non-whites have to say about it, if they don't embrace these ideas it's because they are racist and need to be put in prison.
for god's sake, bring in the national guard.
"Malik Shabazz" community organizer, former gang banger REALLY.
I love how the MSM will use the afrocentric nom de guerre of any street hustler on the make. For example for years Mumia Ab Jamal's real name was Wesley Cook until I guess he finally changed it. But the MSM considered impolite to use the cop killer's legal name.
The typical black underclass hustler is treated like they are a pop star or actor and deserving of a stage name. Still it use to be common for the media to mention a celebrity's real name unless it was purely a gossip or entertainment piece.
hey paul royal oak dude here i saw this last night on the news and was sick at seeing these savages running by cops and punching people at random , soon they will be shooting people at random ,when paul are we as americans going to scream as loud as we can no more this far and no further wait till the heat comes than god help us all!!!
"Children want attention, want structure, want rules," he said. "If they're not getting those things from society, they will act out. The streets will give what their broken families fail to give."
When there's an opportunity to chimp out or gain something, they're "my kids". When there's a problem, the kids belong to "society".
I'd like to see a business owner open fire on one of these crowds of teens and put twenty or thirty in the ground. That's the only response that will affect the behavior.
I believe this summer is going to be a banner year for the negro intifada.
- The HNIC and Holder have been safely reinstalled in the District of Corruption.
- The drunken Mick "poleez" chief in Chicongo continues his negro apologizing blather.
- This should be the year of the Zimmerman trial.
- And, the negroes have a new action hero, a real life Django in Chris Dorner.
What this means for SBPDL readers is that if you don't have a pistol yet, get one. If you have one, carry it.
Wear a cap (or scarf for females) and sunglasses in public to help keep the ubiquitous security cameras off of your face. Males can wear facial hair that can be shaved off to change appearance. If you ever have to defend yourself, STFU and never speak of the incident to anyone.
The only reason cops ever catch murdering groids is because they're all crooks and they all run their moufs to their homies. All the cops have to do is pic up any generic nog in the hood and put screws to him to find out about almost any murder.
All white people look alike to the boogs. Any surviving Quantrell and Dajarvius aren't exactly going to report their encounter with you accurately:
"Well, we wuz goyn to rob dis hur white man when he pulled a gun and shot us!"
No, it will be as Pissed off Doc says, it will be "Sumdood" who just ran up outta nowhere and shot the poor, innocent negro.
Bottom line is, odds are in your favor to survive AND escape.
For the last 30 years China has been absolutely unapologetic concerning its eugenics policies. It makes sure the left side of the bell curve will not out reproduce the right side.
Also for decades China has celebrated "Shoot a drug dealer in back of the Head day"
Nationalist China started doing this long before the Communists came to power, so don't blame the just the Commies.
For generations after the Opium Wars China enduring mass narcotics dealing and addiction. Whole provinces were DETROITED. It is because of China's horror of mass opium addict that Chinese are not troubled by what to Western sensibilities is extreme punishment
China was only able to reclaim large sections of their country to civilization by executing its unrepentant gang bangers and drug addicts by the tens of thousands.
If we don't implement depo-provera shots in order to qualify for welfare for the chronic underclass, we will be in the same situation China found itself in. But, we won't the will to follow China's lead, instead we will simply be overrun.
Ex New Yorker here.....So hundreds of "teens" went around beating the shit out of people, but I was glad to hear that nobody got hurt. Detroit must be a truly amazing place. Also I was glad to know that these "teens" need structure in their life. What that means I don't know, but maybe they can have "structure classes" in school. "I's done gon ta skool an lernt bout havin dat structure an sheet."
Even in college we can have "Structure Studies" along with "Black Studies" to help the negro succeed in life. Maybe even a Structure Studies Student League. Now that we have cured the root cause of the "teens" problems the future is starting to look very good. Sorry folks, sometimes I can't take this crap seriously.
This is what in other circumstances would be called a "target rich environment."
City boosters hoped a downtown rampage by a horde of teenagers Saturday night wouldn't dissuade visitors from returning to the city.
OK, this starts out with at least a recognition that the teenagers are a "horde" on a "rampage," right out the era of the Mongols.
Eight teens with outstanding warrants were detained by police.
Teens with "outstanding warrants?" Did this happen in Ozzie & Harriet's America?
Stephens said the clash apparently involved some type of dispute or rivalry among neighborhood youths.
Ah, the famous "youths." Who bring such vibrancy to a neighborhood, whether Detroit, the Wisconsin State Fair, Johannesburg, or a Paris benelieu.
But residents and community leaders took the brouhaha in stride. "I think those incidents are isolated," said Ida Jackson, of Detroit. "It's not representative of Detroit."
No one was shot. So it's not representative of Detroit.
The neighborhoods have been neglected by city and state leaders, leaving youths with little structure in their lives other than what is provided by troublesome gangs, he said.
Ah, gangs are "troublesome." Like a Mongol horde was troublesome.
Neglected neighborhoods?
Again, we have to ask: what happened to the war on poverty? Or half a century of civil rights laws? Have these troublesome youth never heard of all the opportunities they have thanks to affirmative action, or seen the positive black role models provided by the telescreen?
"Children want attention, want structure, want rules," he said. "If they're not getting those things from society, they will act out. The streets will give what their broken families fail to give."
No doubt. But then who is it that is producing all these broken families? Whose behavior produces all these children on a rampage?
At one point, teens wearing ski masks entered American Coney Island on Lafayette and began smacking customers and tossing chairs, according to broadcast reports by WDIV (Channel 4) on Saturday night.
Ski masks? This sounds vaguely like a terrorist incident. Where is the TSA when you need a pornscanner?
"Things happen. It's one of those things," restaurant owner Grace Keros told The Detroit News. "We're fortunate no one got hurt."
Nothing to see folks, move along...
*) Riot In Vancouver after the Canuks lose the NHL championship
*) 9 Most Memorable Sports Riots
*) Sports Riots April 2012
This Shabazz is really a moron. The youths need "structure"? Well, we have structured environments available. It's called prison.
I see in recent news that Muhammad Ali's only son, an adult, is living in a ghetto section of Chicago and is receiving Food Stamps. Apparently his wealthy father has shown the usual black behavior and ditched his biological offspring, having met the son only a few times in his life and giving no support. He's an idol of the black community and that's the most an idiot like him will do for his offspring even though he's earned many millions during his career.
This is one of the most disgusting stories I have seen. We worry about sending our soldiers to Afganistan and look what we have in Detroit! Where is the Detroit City Council when we really need them? Call the Detroit Zoo, I'm sure they could use some additional animals... Good story for Black History month!
We could have been on Mars, but instead ...... we're hearing news from Campus Martius. I
Malik Shabazz, a community activist who belonged to a gang as a youth, and now belongs to an adult gang of white debbil haters known as the Nation of Islam ....
Enough please.
Can we secede already so we don't end up living in a country resembling Africa?
I find it oh so amusing when blacks and browns yammer on and on about their "civil rights" as if these things existed, set in stone, since the beginning of time itself. "Rights" as we know them today are mere artificial constructs created by an advanced people to produce a stable and prosperous society. Nobody had any "civil rights" until the White man invented them and applied them to his society. The idea that these blacks have the "right" to live with Whites is such an absurd notion. Rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Blacks never conceived of such things as "rights" yet they expect to be fully enfranchised with the same "rights" as another race who created the system of "rights" in the first place! It is the decision of Whites and WHITES ALONE to decide whether blacks are given "rights" in OUR SOCIETY. For a black to claim that he is being denied his "rights" by a White man is a logical fallacy because blacks never conceived of rights in the first place. We created a system of rights and applied it to OURSELVES, not blacks, not browns, not asians. The above groups have no rights in our society unless WE CHOOSE to give them rights. The blacks have no "right" to live in White neighborhoods, no "right" to procreate with White women, no "right" to affirmative action, no "right" to welfare, etc. because "rights" are nothing more than an abstract human creation, not a divine mandate of the universe. It's like George Carlin said :
"Folks I hate to spoil your fun, but… there’s no such thing as rights. They’re imaginary. We made ‘em up. Like the boogie man. Like Three Little Pigs, Pinocio, Mother Goose, shit like that. Rights are an idea. They’re just imaginary. They’re a cute idea. Cute. But that’s all. Cute…and fictional. But if you think you do have rights, let me ask you this, “where do they come from?” People say, “They come from God. They’re God given rights.” Awww fuck, here we go again…here we go again."
"Now, if you think you do have rights, I have one last assignment for ya. Next time you’re at the computer get on the Internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, i want to type in, “Japanese-Americans 1942″ and you’ll find out all about your precious fucking rights. Alright. You know about it.
In 1942 there were 110,000 Japanese-American citizens, in good standing, law abiding people, who were thrown into internment camps simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. That’s all they did wrong. They had no right to a lawyer, no right to a fair trial, no right to a jury of their peers, no right to due process of any kind. The only right they had was…right this way! Into the internment camps."
Held hostage? You ain't kidding.
Some "Cardinal from Ghana". Some spearchucker. Gonna be the next Pope. 1.2 billion Catholics will have to *literally* bow down and kiss the Black Man's ring now.
"But residents and community leaders took the brouhaha in stride. "I think those incidents are isolated," said Ida Jackson, of Detroit. "It's not representative of Detroit."
Not representative?
It is not only representative, this is acceptable behavior in Detroit.
Yes, white kids will become rowdy and turn over cars when their teams win, or lose sometimes as you've provided.
But I have never seen white kids decide on a whim to descend in mass numbers to a location for the sole purpose of destroying property and attacking strangers. Never.
So what set 'em of CF? I can't understand how the black mind works so I defer to you.
WHY DO you always bring up Haiti? lots of nice people in the country. but like Greece all the government gets is loans to repay other loans. so the people have no Future. kind of like the nonstop rioting in Greece. Greeks have no future
@Anonymous February 11, 2013 at 2:40 PM-
It was a lonely bright spot in the ongoing saga of the global black plague to learn that China refused to extradite a drug-smuggling black South African woman, even when SA tried to raise an international stink about it because if she were convicted, she would get the death penalty. Well, as she had the drugs on her person when caught, she was convicted in short order and executed. China paid no heed to SA trying to have international pressure put on them over it.
Oh jeez, CF is actually resorting to the lame and mindless "Whites Do It Too" tactic.
Yes CF, if you look back over the years, you can find isolated instances in which whites have behaved like uncivilized animals.
Or you can find daily instances of such behavior among negroes.
I expect more from you, this is weak.
Beating people at Random!
Hundreds at a time!
76 Arrested!
This is madness, pure tribal savagery attempting to spark a race war. These "teens" are the cannonfodder for the next big uprising.
Someday, they are going to enter a restaurant in Ski-masks and some White father is going to unload on them defending his wife and kids and the storm will really hit. If he is smart, he will simply gather up his family and leave, toss his gun into the nearest body of water and reply "no comment" to police and media.
I don't know what to say about people who stay in groid infested areas. It is like those people who go out in the wild and live with the bears, trying to be "one with the bears" till the day the bear eats them. If you are going to flee, why not flee to the Northwest and get away from them forever? If Paul has proven anything, if you move to the local suburbs the black undertow will FOLLOW. After a night like this, I would be FAX'ing my resume to every company I could find Outside of the Jungle. Imagine if your cute daughter had come home from being at the mall, scratched and wounded, wallet gone and the news media had the audacity to say "no one was injured" in a mob of hundreds. Imagine if you went to work and your business was swarming with groids, refusing to leave, driving away customers and the police waved their hands and told you to hire one of their own to drive them away.
@constructive feedback: yeah we turn over cop cars and start fires when our teams win a championship...so what? You guys kill each other over sneakers. And tagged dumpsters...and colors....
What is this nasty urine-colored camel herder doing in the USA in the first place?
White dispossession, i.e. the Great Replacement are the most important issues of our day.
The West is in its Death Throes as the poison of post-1965 non-white immigration starts to take effect on a massive scale.
If you are white, then DO WHAT IS RIGHT: start speaking up about the tragic, hideous, unacceptable replacement of white Euros by non-white Muds and Turd worlders that is as populated as it is only because of White do-gooderism.
The altruism gene is unique to whites. It is causing their inevitable total extinction.
- Arturo
[quote]But I have never seen white kids decide on a whim to descend in mass numbers to a location for the sole purpose of destroying property and attacking strangers. Never. [/quote]
* The Occupation was indeed a "Well Behaved Bunch"
* The various G8 protests
* The NATO protests in Chicago
No need for a paramilitary police presence at these places. The police that I saw must have been to keep "The Blacks" from stealing iPhones from the protesters.
Why do you say "YOU GUYS" when referencing to "Killers who are Black"?
Are you assuming that I have some propensity at MURDER, VIOLENCE and mayhem for no other reason than the human phenotype that appears in your eye when you see me?
A had on my hand on my handgun about 1 hour ago.
It was as I was looking for a postage stamp in my car NOT because my "Spidey Negro Sense" saw a person that I wanted to rob.
EITHER I am a "Special Negro" OR YOU have a certain stereotype that the PROPORTIONS and THE FACTS don't bear out.
HI Melanie. How are you this evening?
What is your point? We don't deny that White folk do stupid shit. If White people riot after sports event and someone feels threatened and shoots them - oh fucking well - they deserved it. If people want to act stupid, White or Black, they get dealt with swiftly and severely.
However, Black folk are going to chalk this "Teen Riot" up to kids wanting to have fun and need structure - what they need is an ass beating. If any of them were to have gotten shot and killed you know damned well that negroes everywhere would be woopin' and hollerin' about the injustice of the murder of aspiring rappers and honor students.
Whites on the other hand may see the events of sports riots as unfortunate events but regardless if the crowd was made up of doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, we aren't going to boohoo for a bunch of dumb asses.
You reap what you sow.
Constructive Feedback, no one here has ever argued that white dysfunction does not exist, so what exactly is your fucking point??
@ constructive feedback:
ah, the old "whites do it, too" argument... too bad when it comes to a lasting CIVILIZATION, you CAN'T say
"blacks do it, too" :) panjoomby
It's not representative of Detroit.
Blacks could burn down a block a day and they'd still insist their behavior is "not representative." They use sophistry like a child who has just found his father's gun.
China was only able to reclaim large sections of their country to civilization by executing its unrepentant gang bangers and drug addicts by the tens of thousands.
The difference is that all those gangsters and addicts were Chinese, not the Other. And the Chinese offer draconian solutions because that's all they can come up with. The "civilization" reclaimed from the gangsters is still a horror show, little better than N. Korea. As the old saying goes, consider the source. We should not look to Asiatic thinking for solutions if we can help it.
This is what in other circumstances would be called a "target rich environment."
Indeed. Keep in mind that Dorner is one man and has managed to paralyze a good portion of southern California. The LAPD immediately lost control of itself and started shooting up paper-throwers. Imagine what a squad or platoon-size unit could do.
A slow awakening is on the horizon but will it be enough people quickly enough to matter?
Alternative media is the only hope of the decent. MSM is the Soma drug of Brave New World sure there is Xanax and Paxil but the ever present drone of the MSM is the real drug. Sports,"News", Sit Coms all add to the stuppor when these are detoxed clear thinking is possible.
CF, you are a fool and a cog of the machine. If you had any real ambition you would advocate blacks move to Ghana or somewhere else in Africa and create the Utopia you so desire.
Either that our you are willfully desceptive and you know that blacks are the parasites of the human race and you could not live the lives of idolness and pleanty without Whites.
Which is it CF? Are you so stupid to believe that blacks could create a sutible existance or are you a liar?
When will you have something of value to add to the conversation? Deep down you know you are of an inferior race who long ago should have sucumbed like the Dodo. You know there is nowhere that blacks would have any standard of living without Whites.
This will not stop until they beat or kill a well known liberal who is willing to speak out. The rest of us don't matter. The nigger will back down if you confront them. Now if they have a gun and you don't, walk away. They are mouthy but true cowards. They want to intimidate you. Stand your ground they will back down. White men grow some balls, because eventually the time will come where you will have no choice or you will die or get hurt. Build your confidence now every single time nigger madness confronts you. The time is coming when you will have to defend your wife or kids whether you want to or not. Had one of these "opportunites" yesterday. They I knew I meant business, they shut their mouths. I was hoping it would escalate to take it to the "fullpull" , no such luck, they always back down. These people are sub-human. I can't wait until is starts, you know "open-season"
A couple of sports riots? Yeah. In Chicago youths terriorize the streets every night. With they trappin, they kerping it real, they earning. They wantonly kill each other, night after night. Black youths roam Mich ave. in packs pushing, robbing, stealing. Same on Chicago, on Oak street, at the malls.
Sports riots don't come close to the organized terrorism of black youth on parade, armed, untelligent and full of hate
As a teen my white friends and I who lacked structure and smoked dope all day never attacked people, were armed or took over stores. Even the ones whose parents spent evenings with Jack and Jim instead of them.
Over nothin. Over disrespect, which is comical because they could never spell it and do not know the definition.
Trial junkie here.
To Constructive Feedback,
Can't you think of another excuse? White perps of heinous murders are usually druggies, psychos, or career criminals. By contrast, garden variety blacks do so. I've seen some mind-boggling examples of Ordinary Black Folks doing horrific murders.
A common black on white murder is to kill a co-worker in a store.
Also, blacks regularly APPROVE of black on white crime. Dorner is a current example.
So is the answer boarding schools? Take the kids to structure away from parents to boarding schools. K thru 12. Like in Europe.
Ex New Yorker again.....I don't know why anyone would reply to any comment left by that guy called "constructive blackfeed" or what ever his name is. When I see his name I just scroll down to the next commenter. My time is to valuable to read his mombo jombo bullshit and especially want to reply to it. Don't pay any attention to the guy and he will go away.
Negroes do not do abstract thinking, they live in the "now" just like their cousins on the plain and in the jungle. Negroes understand "what is." Our job is to change "what is."
The negro race is too stupid to change and their numbers are too large to assimilate into society.
Peak oil, climate change, and the funny dollar will bring hunger to our country. Our job is to prevent the Obama thugs from stealing the food money we earn and giving it to the negro mob.
You make very weak connections,CF. Protests against war, and gatherings with serious political intentions are in no way comparable to recreational violence and destruction.
As I wrote on your blog,i think the way your mind works is dangerous.You want your people to change and improve but without admitting any fault and also while avoiding any comparison that isn't in your favor.
What vision do you have of blacks in america? You surely don't like violence but when we say we don't want violence, suddenly you're defending it. You're confused cf.
Either admit what's going on and take a position which is for or against, or don't talk.
The readers of sbpdl are decidedly against the high levels of black violence and we're against any violence in our community as well. It's that simple. Take a position cf.
Kids. White people don't pretend 18 yr old troblemakers are kids, we call them adults
For the haitian who says Greece has no future, well you are wrong son. Greece does have a future, the coming Golden Dawn.
Blood, honor, GOLDEN DAWN!
Cal Snowman -
Rights are an idea. They’re just imaginary.
I disagree. Natural Rights are axiomatic with being alive. You can't exists without them. Breathing, thinking, eating. Life, Liberty, Property. Most importantly you have the right to life, liberty, and property because you can have those things without taking them from anyone else. Sure Rights can be violated but it’s not a Natural Right to do so. The American System was created to prevent other men and groups of men from violating your Rights. Modern "civil rights" has turned the American System on its head. "Civil rights" can't exist without someone else giving up their Natural Rights. In BRA, White men must give up their life (time+work=money), liberty (association, speech), property (free housing, free medical) to the negro ostensibly because the negro cannot function in a modern civilization and cannot provide for himself. The negro, for the most part, can't respect or even exist without violating others rights and therfore he forfits his own. But BRA was not instituted for the benefit of the helpless, hopeless negro. The negro is merely a weapon of mass social destruction, a great battering ram, weilded by an insidious foe. The target was always the White Man’s Civilization and the veneration of Natural Rights at its core.
Ex New Yorker again.....I would like to add to "moondoggies" comment about niggers backing down. I learned from all those years doing street time in Frisco and New York (1960's and 1970's) that TOUGH GUYS do not go around starting fights and I knew some really tough motherfuckers. It was always some punk who thought he was tough that would get in your face. Tough guys have nothing to prove. I myself was not some big bad tough guy, but I was sure good at kicking ass on loud mouth punks.
The niggers were the worst. Big mouth full of jive and bullshit, but when they saw you were not afraid they would back off. That is now why they attack in groups. Five on one is much safer. Niggers are psychopaths that enjoy hurting people who cannot defend themselves. They prey on old people, gays, women and cripples. I have already told the story here about two niggers that stole a guys wheelchair and left him lying on the ground in Washington Square Park. I left NY in 1980"s and that was around the time the wolf packs started forming. They are afraid of people who will fight back. That is why I always enjoy stories about women with guns who have defended themselves.
Where's Robocop when you need him? Nowadays, I'd have to say that OCP are really the true heroes in "Robocop": a capable few who see the crime and decay and human misery and are doing what needs to be done for the greater good.
Nice to see you're still at it, Constructive Feedback (hilarious misnomer, btw). Of course, winning an argument with you is like playing chess against a mental retard, but, God help me, I simply cannot resist.
Those drunken white sports riots are:
1) committed by the absolute trashiest white people you could imagine. They are uneducated louts and are not representative of whites in general. They also weren't motherfucking teenagers either.
2) a rare occurrence having to do with the outcome of sports games. They are not about some ghetto turf battle or making a fun pastime out of terrorizing the general public. Sports riots are not committed for the sole purpose of hurting and terrorizing others who have done nothing wrong to the perps.
4)committed by otherwise law-abiding people who are under the influence of alcohol. Don't bother trying to claim that these "urban yoof" are otherwise law-abiding "honuh stoodints" when they aren't rioting. Your apples-to-oranges comparison might as well have been "they is good boys, they ain't did nuffin." For someone who claims to have no sympathy for wild jigaboo criminals, you sure make a lot of excuses for them.
"HI Melanie. How are you this evening?" Translation: "Muh dikk. Ooga-booga dem wyte wimmenz kekekeke." CF, who presumably lives in a black neighborhood, cannot go out to his car to retrieve a fucking postage stamp without a gun, yet he cannot make enough excuses for those who terrorize him because they share the same "phenotype." Telling, no?
As for these vicious boot-lipped troublemaker yoofs, one day very soon somebody like me will be calling the shots, quite literally, and most likely purely by happenstance. Police batons, attack dogs and tear gas at first, then fifty caliber machine guns, armored units, poison gas, and even tactical nukes could be turned on them. It's damn near inevitable. Even against official orders of maintaining the status quo and leaving the marauders unmolested, somebody with sufficient guts and a lack of patience for bullshit will say enough is enough and break ranks and give the order. I cannot wait for this to happen. It will be nothing short of fucking glorious. I might even have to renew my cable subscription for such an occasion.
"I don't know what to say about people who stay in groid infestead areas
I read once that Jesse Jackson once said that integration is the time frame between the first black family moving in and the last White famliy moving out. Seems to be holding true whether or not he actually said it.
"The "civilization" reclaimed from the gangsters is still a horror show, little better than N. Korea.
I think China is also a country where the citizens have been disarmed with no recourse to change their government...I could be wrong though. In my travels, I have found that most countries do now allow a citizen to have weapons and here in Afghanistan it is illegal to have even large machette type knives UNLESS you are police, army or TALIBAN! Afghan citizen co-workers have told me this and getting caught with a weapon is an automatic 20 years in prison if not, worse!
Perhaps CF has reason to be paranoid. The squids have been known to flip without warning upon those they promoted in the past - Jews caught in the Germany of 1938 for example. It's fairly obvious they're stoking up TNB in a major way. The ultimate purpose for this will be quite evil whichever way it shakes out. Evil is what squids do better than anything, after all.
Could it be possible that the squids plan to flip upon their very favorite folks in the whole wide world? In a sense, it would be highly amusing if they did so - if nothing else just to see the gaping expressions upon groid faces. It's easier to dispose of 40 million of the most troublesome and costly proles than to get rid of 100 million or so. 40 million has been done before, after all. On the other hand, the Occam's razor view is that the squids plan to eliminate YT with the assistance of CF and his brethren. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
"For the haitian who says Greece has no future, well you are wrong son. Greece does have a future, the coming Golden Dawn.
Coming soon to the US I hope
"HI Melanie. How are you this evening?" Translation: "Muh dikk. Ooga-booga dem wyte wimmenz kekekeke."
I caught that too, and reading Melanie's comments, I think she is just fine and her husband is a lucky man, as I am with my wife.
Hey PK,
These people are Bantu savages. Tribal to the core. They can't grasp the concept of high civilization, nothing can change that. Especially a DWL education / indoctrination. That just feeds the entitlement monster. The Romans did not invite my Germanic barbarian ancestors within the walls, give them free housing, food, money, health care and encourage them to have as many blonde whelp bastards as possible. They fought them hard and fierce. Sword and shield. We are close to them crossing our Rubicon. Our civilization must defend itself against these savages. Blood and Fire is probably the only way out of this mess.
Thanks for being a voice in the wilderness,
CF questions white thugs (NFL thugs, NHL thugs, and European soccer hooligans) as typical of whites, and to justify typical negro behavior.
No one denies negroes are humanoids, only that negroes are less evolved. Where whites get worked up over big events, negroes get worked up over a pair of sneakers.
For all you have claimed to stand for, your lack of comment/"insight" on Dorner is curious, at best.
AKA: What the fucking fuck?
Dem poor oppressed "teens" jus needz em sum more edjewkayshun. Dey needz ta lurn bout der "Roots" from real Hollywood filmz an those Afrikin studies ...true dat!
Den getz a job in da 'Get Whitey!' industry.
Kunta Kinte for the win!
"Truer words..."
Left Coast White Guy
Been out of the loop lately with work.
Recently took on a job doing group therapy with women in jail who are addicts. Pretty much lower SES black women with a number of kids. All chronic drug addicts.
Interestingly, these women are all in their 40's, early to late. I am forty.
I live in WDC, which is changing but was GHETTO and still is in parts. Looking at these women as they share their stories, I think about their kids, who are in their teens and twenties - the same ages of the 'youfs' rioting in Detroit.
Addiction is a self-centered disease. These people are entitled in their mindset and because stuff does not go their way, they use, and then consequently, their families fall to shit.
One woman in the group, a total loudmouth, has seven kids. Six went through the foster care system. One was shot and this woman heard about it on the news. This lady's family is originally from NC and moved on up to WDC and got into drug dealing, etc.She bitches about how her kids aren't taken care of by the system blah, blah. Why did you have them? Why did you not give them up for adoption?
In fact, a number of women in the group are from families in the South. Migrate north, cause drama in the cities via breeding kids they can't feed so the kids join gangs to steal and feed themselves.
This is what we are deaking with here. Entitled people who spawn kids that are not nutured and who left to their own devices. Then these 'youf's terrorize us. I would say that their parents shoudl be put in jail for these kids' behaviors, but fact is most of their parents probably are in jail.
Not a damn thing you can do with these people. A friend of mine who is a defense attorney shared with me that he believes that %80 of low income black families have drug addiction as a problem.
Look, middle class white Americans are the ones in this country that have values. The elite are frivolous, don't care, and are too busy dealing with covering up their own problems (Hiltons, Khardashians). The low income folks, mostly black, value fast money via hooking, selling drugs, etc. Honetsly, fuck the elite and fuck the dregs in the ghetto.
The women in thr group share with me how WHITE police officers try to get these women to do tricks for money for dope,etc. Yeah DC 's (and Chicago's, and Atlanta's, and NY's etc) finest.
This country is a joke. Our government is broke and corrupt. Our law enforcement is just like the criminals. Our poor under class is unemployable and yet entitled to freebies. The elite are useless and have no vested interest in being contributing citizens. What is left? The white middle and professional classes, which are being eroded by these aforementioned issues.
It is time to move to the Red States white middle class and professionals. Go someehere where people will appreciate your skills and where you are not taxed to hell. Where there are no friggin groids, turdheads, whatever. Then Secession.....we are losing our asses in Amurkistan.
White Mom in Turdburg aka WDC
Where's Robocop when you need him? Nowadays, I'd have to say that OCP are really the true heroes in "Robocop": a capable few who see the crime and decay and human misery and are doing what needs to be done for the greater good.
Nice to see you're still at it, Constructive Feedback (hilarious misnomer, btw). Of course, winning an argument with you is like playing chess against a mental retard, but, God help me, I simply cannot resist.
Those drunken white sports riots are:
1) committed by the absolute trashiest white people you could imagine. They are uneducated louts and are not representative of whites in general. They also aren't referred to as motherfucking teenagers either, even when in fact they are teenagers.
2) a rare occurrence having to do with the outcome of sports games. They are not about some ghetto turf battle or making a fun pastime out of terrorizing the general public. Sports riots are not committed for the sole purpose of hurting and terrorizing others who have done nothing wrong to the rioters.
3) committed by otherwise law-abiding people who are under the influence of alcohol. Don't bother trying to claim that these "urban yoof" are otherwise law-abiding "honuh stoodints" when they aren't rioting and unleashing synchronized mayhem. Your apples-to-oranges comparison might as well have been "dey eeiz goot boys, they ain't did nuffin." For someone who claims to have no sympathy for wild jigaboo criminals, you sure make a lot of excuses for them.
"HI Melanie. How are you this evening?" Translation: "Muh dikk. Ooga-booga dem wyte wimmenz kekekeke." If I read his typo-riddled babbling correct, then our resident black apologist CF, who presumably lives in a black ghetto, cannot go out to his car to retrieve a fucking postage stamp from his automobile without a gun for fear of his life because of the ubiquitous violent black criminals, yet he cannot seem to make enough excuses for those merciless moolie marauders who terrorize him. And all because they share the same "phenotype" as him. Telling, no?
As for these vicious boot-lipped troublemaker yoofs, one day very soon somebody like me will be calling the shots, quite literally, and most likely purely by happenstance. Currently, although they are uneducated simpletons, black criminal yoofs well understand that if they are gunned down during the commission of a crime by one of their non-black victims in self-defense a la Trayvon Martin, the "community" will in short order scream and riot and loot and demand "justice" in the form of a politically-motivated kangaroo court such as the one George Zimmerman is facing. However, police batons, attack dogs and tear gas at first, then fifty caliber machine guns, armored units, poison gas, and even tactical nukes might be used on them very soon. It's damn near inevitable. Even against official orders of maintaining the status quo and leaving the marauders unmolested, somebody with sufficient guts and a lack of patience for bullshit will say enough is enough and break ranks and give the order to pacify the mob by any means necessary. I cannot wait for this to happen. It will be nothing short of fucking glorious. I might even have to renew my cable subscription for such an occasion.
Isn't self preservation virtue for any given species? So what's going on whites? Are you going to let some primitive bacterium infect your colony? Seriously, this shit gives us all a headache, including the parasites...
I live in metro Detroit and didn't hear about this until I read it on your site. Listening to a local CBS talk radio station this morning ( 97.1 the ticket ) they went as far as to suggest these might have been kids from the suburbs coming down and making trouble. Then they talked about how unruly suburbanites are when they come to sporting events downtown. Are you fucking kidding me ? The mass media cover up for these degenerates never ceases to amaze me. Thank God for sites like yours to keep us informed of the truth about what's going on out there.
I'm never gonna be anymore ready than I am now. Bring on the collapse
@ SwampThizzle
"HI Melanie. How are you this evening?" Translation: "Muh dikk"
LOLOL! That was awesome
-Sweep the leg-
As someone who lives in the NW suburbs surrounding Detroit, this is why I refuse to go into the town for any reason other than work. And if for work, I go straight to the job site, and leave straight out out town once finished.
The only way this will change will be if I were to get a CPL (Michigan's version of carry/conceal permit). I'd hate to use it. But inevitably, if you go to Detroit enough, you will end up having to use your weapon. I guess it's all the more reason for my I should never visit the city.
Winterfest needs to be moved. Detroit is no place for it.
-Tim from Michigan
To Coonstructive Feedblack:
Let's just say that whites (for the sake of arguement) riot after every sports championship. That would equate to 4 riots per year (8 if they occur in the losing city as well).
First of all, whites are not going to riot over a Negro Basketball Association championship, so that knocks the number down to 3/year.
Secondly, we all know that riots do not occur after EVERY championship. We DO know that chimpouts are occurring at an increasingly frequent rate.
Thirdly, are you trying to suggest that there are only whites at these sports riots? Silly.
To the post re: a darkie for the Pope, scary stuff man,
The Catholic Church is near insolvency due to its issues with pedophilia and sex abuse. Now it is kissing black butt.
In DC, low income youfs, translation ghetto turds, can attend private Catholic schools with fed funded waivers. It is called the Opportunity Scholarship Fund.
Yeah buddy, the Catholic Church is on the ghetto gravy train now. Just one more reason for me not to attend mass with my kids.
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
From January to April 1983 I had an internship for old Hudson's Department Store Company on Woodward Ave in downtown Detroit. The Hudson Building was massive, at one time having the 3rd most floorspace in the world. I was amazing just how ruined Detroit was then. Hudson's was in the process of shutting down the very last of its retail operation. Only the headquarters staff occupied the very top floors. Because there was a army of substance addicted zombies circling the Hudson Building 24/7, Hudson employed a company of security guards with german shepards to track down any bums that might try to hide out on the vacant floors.
I also lived in Chicago for decades in Chicago's seedy Uptown on the Northside. When like thousands others, I lost my job at a major bank in Chicago's financial district, I tried to make a living as a freelance computer programer, to make ends meet I worked various delivery jobs for companies based out of the near southside, 22nd street Cermak.
There is no comparison in the level of social dysfunction between Detroit and Chicago.
Will Chicago turn into a Detroit? I doubt it, Illinois passed drivers licenses for Illegal Aliens. The latest census showed Chicago already lost 9 percent of its black population in the last decade. Hispanics are displacing Blacks at an accelerating rate. In the next decade, especially if a mass amnesty I expect another double digit rate of black displacement.
The Chicago suburbs, Northwest Indiana and Wisconsin will be flooded with blacks leaving the Chicago southside.
Replacing blacks with Hispanics is like replacing heroin with methadone. But its is the best our clueless elites can come up with.
Looks to me like another black gangs beating up whitey - a hate crime - LOL! The only thing that will slow up these black gangs is for them to start being shot. In the dark it would have been extremely easy to shoot some of those "unstructured teens" and if you kept your mouth shut forever, the "teens" themselves would most likely get the blame for the shooting. Same goes for the guy with the overrun gas station - anyone could pop some of those unruly youths right through a candy bar rack. In the midst of the chaos no one would ever figure out where all the shots came from - it would put a black gang funeral to shame.
This town is 52% black, 35% hispanic and 11 % white. This is what happens when there is not enough white people to support them!
Any-Ole-Mouse, negroes are a collective plague on the white community. And now our hi-yalla Talented Tenth president is ready to dump another 10-20M dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks-but-way-harder-working-than-Negoes Mexicans on the welfare rolls. And you Talented Tenth are OK with that! Son, we can't take care of you much longer, and we D@mn sure aren't going to bail out Detroit! You need to pull up your big boy pants, take some personal responsibility for the brithas and sistahs you claim to live, move the hell out of the nice, safe, white community you run off years ago to and move back to your people's homeland (the ghetto) where you can actually do some good. Take a gun and a rope with you and start lynching black trash like black folks used to do 100 years ago. Black folks knew some bruthas needed killing back then and took care of matters on the spot. Black women weren't squirting out vast wards by a better than 2:1 ratio either.
But times have changed, and without the whip hand of white judgement on bruthas, y'all are reverting to your traditional African patterns of fornicating with any female and dumping the babies on the women (and then on to the white taxpayers) to take care of. Them says are gone, brutha. We got a couple generations of Mexican gals moving here who can't speak English and are already above a 50% bastardy threshold. How much money you think we got left to suckle your sprogs? Thass right: none.
Take care of your own, son. Your Dusky Messiah is getting ready to dump another 10-20M dumb peasants on us white folks to take care of. We can't afford to take care of you and all of your kinfolk no more.
"Are you assuming that I have some propensity at MURDER, VIOLENCE and mayhem for no other reason than the human phenotype that appears in your eye when you see me?"
Yes, the same way that I assume a great white shark has the propensity to be dangerous.
Now, to be fair, 99.9% of all great white sharks have never attacked a human, therefore I am indeed being prejudicial. And although we all know there is no greater sin than "prejudice", I'm acting in the best interest of my life, safety, and security, therefore my conscience is clear.
Any person who does not assume that a great white shark is dangerous, is a fool.
CF, you are likely a hard-working, educated, law-abiding negro, and it isn't fair that you are pre-judged based on the atrocious behavior of so many of your negro brethren.
I sympathize, I really do.
But life isn't fair...
It is time to move to the Red States white middle class and professionals. Go someehere where people will appreciate your skills and where you are not taxed to hell. Where there are no friggin groids, turdheads, whatever. Then Secession.....we are losing our asses in Amurkistan.
It is time for the Republican party to grow up or become extinct.
Stop pandering to the the know-nothing religious right and dedicate yourselves to fighting the Racial and Cultural Maxists. Everyone of incarcerated drug addicted underclass gangbanger breeding octomoms should have been placed on depo-provera at their first teenage pregnancy. And that pregnancy should have been ABORTED!!!!
This country will turn itself around we make sure to reduce out of wedlock births by 2/3rds no make that 3/4ths, 7/8ths. We should consider having a zero tolerance welfare pregnancy policy. Start giving out mandatory merit badges in abortion providing in order to make Eagle Scout. How about instead of having 4 or 5 copy cat CSIs or the horribly PC Law & Orders tv shows, we had Marcus Welby Abortion Doc, Detroit or Dr Quinn Abortionist East Saint Louis. Every episode could be the exact same, Dr Quinn aborts a guaranteed future gang banger, flash mobber and the the teenager is put on depo-provera instead of becoming a dropout welfare mother. I could watch every episode and never get tired. Hell, I would give up watching the NFL.
Mr Paul Kersey - I could not have assembled a better cast of characters as you have - if I tried to. You are a gentleman and a scholar (on how White folks think and want to read about themselves).
[quote]CF, you are a fool and a cog of the machine. If you had any real ambition you would advocate blacks move to Ghana or somewhere else in Africa and create the Utopia you so desire.[/quote]
Mike Tyson: Why don't YOU aspire to move all White Americans to Ghana or Mali - making a clearing for you to replicate your "Brilliance"? Tell them that once you clear out all of "The Blacks" it will be just like Europe but without the DWLs running things. (Even under harsh climatic conditions? Do you fear that Evolution would increase your melanin content?)
The bulk of you demand that I accept the assumption that BLACK PEOPLE ARE PRONE TO ACT VIOLENT.
It doesn't matter what I produce that would tend to broaden your view - YOU will always view the "White Street Pirate" as the exception.
You view ME - the....
* College Educated
* Literate
* Gainfully Employed
* Resident Father
* Married to a Black woman...
....NEGRO who has never committed a crime as the EXCEPTION. (Well I did get arrested over night in college for drunken disorderly behavior when I told the police man that HE COULD NOT COME INTO OUR HOUSE to shut down a frat party, stealing our beer tap and the needle from our record player. But I am sure that Mr Kersey won't hold that against me. He might appreciate my revolutionary spirit in that instance).
On the other hand, the Occam's razor view is that the squids plan to eliminate YT with the assistance of CF and his brethren. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
With all due respect, Bogo, Occam's Razor and the Squid Theory should never be mentioned in the same sentence.
The Romans did not invite my Germanic barbarian ancestors within the walls, give them free housing, food, money, health care and encourage them to have as many blonde whelp bastards as possible. They fought them hard and fierce.
Right up until they were offered citizenship in exchange for military service. The mistakes being made today are not new.
Look, middle class white Americans are the ones in this country that have values.
Thanks for throwing all us working class whites under the bus. Are the Golden Dawn a bunch of paunchy, grey-headed middle class guys? Were the patriots at the Battle of Athens middle class? If you think it's going to be the middle class in the field when the SHTF, it's time to crack a history book.
"The bulk of you demand that I accept the assumption that BLACK PEOPLE ARE PRONE TO ACT VIOLENT."
It's not a "demand". You are free to do as you please.
Without exception, crime rates around the globe indicate that blacks are disproportionately violent. There is no data in existence to suggest that blacks are NOT disproportionately violent.
Please feel free to reject these facts if you like.
If the next pope is black,what will he be called?Tyrone Shitavious da first.
"You view ME - the....
* College Educated
* Literate
* Gainfully Employed
* Resident Father
* Married to a Black woman...
....NEGRO who has never committed a crime as the EXCEPTION."
Yes. Or to be more accurate, let's just say that there are far too few negroes of your ilk.
Whether or not you qualify numerically as an "exception" is irrelevant.
Was not trying to throw working class whites under the bus. My grandfather laid bricks and my grandmother worked in a pizza shop. They were honest, hard working folks.
White Mom
"The West is in its Death Throes as the poison of post-1965 non-white immigration starts to take effect on a massive scale."
Arturo on February 11, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Amen! The problem in a nutshell.
"You make very weak connections,CF. Protests against war, and gatherings with serious political intentions are in no way comparable to recreational violence and destruction.
As I wrote on your blog,i think the way your mind works is dangerous.You want your people to change and improve but without admitting any fault and also while avoiding any comparison that isn't in your favor."
It is not often one can destroy CF in one sentance and encapsulate his thinking in another. This may be one of the best refutations of CF I have ever seen, including my own. Bravo!
CF, If you think "Whites do it too!" please see my article published here in SBPDL called "Whites do it too!" which documents the nauseous criminal category that ONLY negros enact. Interracial Elderly rape, as documented by the FBI, show an "Epidemic" of such crimes against the White race while the FBI could not find ONE CASE of a White man doing the same. I pary that one day there is a comeuppance.
10mm AUTO
P.S. Great Comments on this thread.
It was good that Rome died.
They were deploying African (must have been blacks in some numbers) auxiliaries in northern Gaul and Britain.
The first centralized multicultural mess. Good riddance. The Angles, Franks, Lombards, Burgunduans, Vandals et al did a good thing. Rome was a sewer and many of their ideas were hiding back science and philosophy.
Don't be stupid CF, you really letting your lack of logic shine thru, sports hooligans are sports hooligans, run of the mill white folk don't descend in 100 headed groups and perform anarchy.
You being argumentative and dishonest in comparing sports hooligans to normal people, this shows how one sided you view point is, another riot happened in london, and guess what, it was blacks aswell, and speckled with a few whites who've been raised in a black ghetto, so they think they are black and act black by going on a splurge of riotous behaviour.
Can you never concede, do you always have to put stupid argumentative points, that are totally non colinear?
Then you say you want to help your people, you display the genetically inherited behaviourism of the don't snitch ghettoism.
Weldone for proving to us that no matter what DNA rules.
SEC "Youths" and their university hijinx:
TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- Three Alabama football players were arrested Monday for second-degree robbery while another was charged with fraudulent use of a credit card.
Freshman linebacker Tyler Hayes, 18, freshman safety Eddie Williams, 20, redshirt freshman D.J. Pettway, 20, were each charged with two counts of second-degree robbery while redshirt freshman H-back Brent Calloway, 20, was charged with one count of fraudulent use of a credit card.
Tuscaloosa police had arrested Williams on Monday and charged him with carrying a gun without a permit, according to the Sheriff's Office.
According to arrest warrants, Pettway, Williams and Hayes attacked and robbed two UA students, Samuel Jurgens and Caleb Paul.
The trio is accused of physically attacking Jurgens with “punches to the head and face” and kicks to the ribs and back and stealing his backpack, which contained an Apple MacBook Pro. Jurgens was knocked unconscious and was treated for several cuts, a mild concussion and severe swelling.
I'm just wondering why no assault charges were filed?!?
As a followup to my last comment, I understand from the comments on al.com that up to 14 "youths" might have actually been involved in this lighthearted campus tomfoolery.
Why is haiti an example, why aren't you living in haiti? Your answer is the reason why we bring up haiti the whole time.
Greece actually had a GDP, haiti doesn't, Greece actually pays pensions, and a whole bunch of things haiti doesn't.
You've actually compared the country that gave the world plato, pythagoras and democracy to haiti, how in your mind do you find it possible to compare the 2.
Haiti is an interesting case, 1 half of the island, is dysfuntional, and the other side semi functional, what's the reason.
Can black people not be honest about black dysfunction with out feeling like they being disloyal to their blackness, we have you a haitian, and we have constructive feedback, from different parts of the world, raised differently, yet both of you display an inability to see the facts of black dysfunction, why is that, my answer is that your shared black DNA dictates that you behave this way.
PK, sorry about that... evidently the "14" number was a football joke that went sailing over my head - d'oh! ;-)
White Mom in Turdville:
It is time to move to the Red States white middle class and professionals. Go someehere where people will appreciate your skills and where you are not taxed to hell. Where there are no friggin groids, turdheads, whatever. Then Secession.....we are losing our asses in Amurkistan.
The only way a white country would be allowed to exist by the elites would be if they a) had sufficient WMDs (and willingness to actually use them) to make an invasion too costly for the squids; b) Agreed to be a protectorate of Putin - who has WMDs and willingness to use them. For this reason, Alaska would be the most logical choice. If Alaska seceded and signed a defense pact with Putin the next day, there would be little the squids and their toadies could do about it.
The 64 million dollar question in such a scenario is whether Boss Volodya is actually his own mobster (possible) or one of the squids (not impossible). Squids are quite elusive and only a small number are known publicly (Soros, Buffet, House of Saud, Bushes, Blankfein, Carlos Slim, Adelson). Others are much more in the background. As Whiskey has mentioned, squids number 5000 or less.
Silent Running:
With all due respect, Bogo, Occam's Razor and the Squid Theory should never be mentioned in the same sentence.
I am well aware of that, but I was engaging in a bit of an experiment upon a troll there.
I'm just wondering why no assault charges were filed?!?
Gayle, it's because the university athletic departments have corrupted local law enforcement. Both the university and city need to have their pants sued off for this, under the RICO and conspiracy laws.
You view ME - the....
* College Educated
* Literate
You may have gone through college and have a credential, but nobody who produces the nonsense you do can be called "educated". And literate, given how mis-spelled and un-grammatical your posts often are? Repulsive Throwback, you are the poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Please tell us what institutions(s) granted your degrees(s) and in what specialities, so we can check against their reputation for holding Blacks to lower standards.
Don't worry Detroit and Chicago - NYC has really stupid teens as well:
Cops shoot armed teen in late night cross-rooftop Brooklyn encounter
A relative of Mercado’s said the suspect and a pal were shooting “dummy bullets” on the rooftop.
“They were up on the roof shooting for fun,” said Hennesy Mark, Mercado’s sister, who lives in the building where he was shot. “It wasn’t real bullets. It was dummy bullets. They were just shooting up in the air.”
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC is correct about Catholic schools.
Re: In DC, low income youfs, translation ghetto turds, can attend private Catholic schools with fed funded waivers. It is called the Opportunity Scholarship Fund.
Yeah buddy, the Catholic Church is on the ghetto gravy train now. Just one more reason for me not to attend mass with my kids.
Here are the stat's for Illinois:
It is a list of schools that qualify for Perkins and Stanford Loan Forgiveness Program.
Lines 208 through 346 are schools in Chicago that are not part of CPS, and almost all of them are Catholic / parochial.
ST FERDINAND SCHOOL, at 30.2% low income, has the lowest rate of "percent of students that are low income".
Everybody is going to Catholic school for free in Chicago.
And people wonder why people move to the burbs?
CF: No matter what you say, you demand to live with the WHITE MAN, since even you know the black man can not create a civilization.
I assume the implication is that
'the teens will outgrow their delinquency, so dont worry'.
This Alabama football robbery is begging for the Paul Kersey treatment.
I bet those two students that got beat down by those gorillas were cheering and hooting for them a month ago.
Having read the report the negroes went with the tried and true, "you got a light?" opener before the assault began.
If a nigger ever asks for a light, shoot him.
[quote]CF, you are a fool and a cog of the machine. If you had any real ambition you would advocate blacks move to Ghana or somewhere else in Africa and create the Utopia you so desire.[/quote]
Mike Tyson: Why don't YOU aspire to move all White Americans to Ghana or Mali - making a clearing for you to replicate your "Brilliance"? Tell them that once you clear out all of "The Blacks" it will be just like Europe but without the DWLs running things. (Even under harsh climatic conditions? Do you fear that Evolution would increase your melanin content?)
It's simple White Europeans tamed the wildreness of the Americas and created a standard of living that no other nation has ever known.
The Americas were stuck in a time warp with the redman there was no advances. When Whites arrived they created the greatest nation on Earth in record time. The only record your people have is the record for destruction.
That is my answer where is your retort?
Got a light?
No got a beretta, bitch.
SoCal Snowman: Rather than trusting Wikapedia on the matter of the Japanese internment during WW2, read "Democracy on Trial", by Page Smith, an old-style liberal. The only thing that most people know about it is the Evil White Man narrative you posted. It wasn't that way.
"They were deploying African (must have been blacks in some numbers) auxiliaries in northern Gaul and Britain
I have never read anywhere of the Romans deploying Numedians in Europe nor with any of their legions anywhere but in their African campaigns. What sources may I ask suggest this? No offense meant, just curious as I have a great number of historical references related to the Roman empire to include the Republican era and later to the East and Western empires and no mention of blacks being utilized outside of Africa and only in limited campaigns then and for specific functions.
"and we D@mn sure aren't going to bail out Detroit!
Probably better not say that too soon because personally, I believe the gubmint will in fact bail out Detoilet and any other black controlled city in Amurkistan because not to do so wut be racissss and cause riots.
This is a common saying by white southsiders who families have moved and moved and moved for years. I first heard it as a kid in the 70's when South Shore was turning
The near south suburbs have been decimated by an estimated 200k blacks from public housing who left Chicago proper.
Plain and simple solution -100 riot, then 100 get shot dead in the streets, and so on and so on. PROBLEMS SOLVED. O N E AT A TIME!
Plain and simple solution -100 riot, then 100 get s h o t d e a d in the streets, and so on and so on. PROBLEMS SOLVED. O N E AT A TIME!
But still cannot form a proper sentace. .....act violent.....,, common black mistake. Prone to act violently is correct
In white Chicago neighborhoods white children go to private or catholic schools to aviod CPS. In black hoods working and middle class blacks send thier kids to catholic school so they don't have to go to CPS
Probably better not say that too soon because personally, I believe the gubmint will in fact bail out Detoilet and any other black controlled city in Amurkistan because not to do so wut be racissss and cause riots.
As you even stated before, Detroilet is simply too black to fail. It's not just the Feds, though. The MI legislature is Repuke-controlled, but they're like a bunch of white girls who just can't wait to spread their legs for the groids of Detroilet and shower them with gifts of money extorted from their husbands, sons, uncles, etc.
The Republicans in Michigan have been trying to remove the first A from Detoilet's ABRA designation, with an emergency financial manager law which would have allowed the EFM to re-write union contracts, fire, hire, buy goods and services and essentially replace the entire City Council and city bureaucracy. You can just imagine how many Black sons, daughters, nephews, and friends would have suddenly found themselves in jobs which match their true abilities and qualifications—e.g. unemployed.
The forces of BRA couldn't allow that to happen, so there was a ballot measure last November which related in some way to the EFM law. IMO it was a very misleading ballot proposal (it overturned the new EFM law but it sounded a lot like it retained it), and it just barely squeaked out a victory. That saved the corrupt Detoilet government... for now.
Anonymous (February 11, 2013 at 4:37 PM):
"Not representative?
It is not only representative, this is acceptable behavior in Detroit."
Acceptable? I got the impression it was compulsory.
Moondoggie (February 11, 2013 at 6:42 PM):
"This will not stop until they beat or kill a well known liberal who is willing to speak out."
Yeah, like the "liberal" (even if white) would not blame "racism", "poverty", "society" etc. - and/or describe it as an "accident".
Dream on.
Bogolyubski (February 12, 2013 at 10:09 AM):
"If Alaska seceded and signed a defense pact with Putin the next day, there would be little the squids and their toadies could do about it.
The 64 million dollar question in such a scenario is whether Boss Volodya is actually his own mobster (possible) or one of the squids (not impossible). Squids are quite elusive and only a small number are known publicly (Soros, Buffet, House of Saud, Bushes, Blankfein, Carlos Slim, Adelson). Others are much more in the background. As Whiskey has mentioned, squids number 5000 or less."
Bogolyubski (February 12, 2013 at 10:12 AM):
"With all due respect, Bogo, Occam's Razor and the Squid Theory should never be mentioned in the same sentence."
Would you care to define the terms "squids" and "Squid Theory"?
spirals dysfunction (February 12, 2013 at 9:50 AM):
"Haiti is an interesting case, 1 half of the island, is dysfuntional, and the other side semi functional, what's the reason."
If I'm not mistaken, the name of the island is Hispanola, not Haiti.
By the way... Another island, or at least peninsula, which serves as another interesting case: Scandinavia. The northern/western part is semi-functional, and the other part dysfunctional (geographycally almost the direct opposite of Hispanola) - does anyone wonder why?
Anonymous (February 12, 2013 at 1:58 AM):
"Isn't self preservation virtue for any given species? So what's going on whites? Are you going to let some primitive bacterium infect your colony?"
I agree with you, but I think it has to get worse before it gets better. We need a "casus belli". Preferably a solid one.
Anger, hate and resentment is building up, slowly but securely. Today ore or less the whole West seems like a "powder ked".
Something substantial is bound to happen. And I think it can happen anytime now. Remember November 8th, 1938. A Jew was sufficiently wise to murder the German ambassador to France. What followed? Yes sir, the Kristallnacht... and the rest is history, too.
Anonymous (February 12, 2013 at 8:34 PM):
"This is a common saying by white southsiders who families have moved and moved and moved for years."
And by "This" you refer to...?
@ So CAL Snowman, and who else were thrown into camps in America during WWII? Germans and Italians.
Most if not all of what we're told about WWII has been a one sided version; the winners!
For the record the internment of those people was wrong, but I wasn't alive then so I couldn't object. FDR was a commie.
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