Portrait of grief: Hadiya Pendleton funeral in Chicago, The Grio, 1-9-13]:
Hundreds of mourners and dignitaries including first lady Michelle Obama packed the funeral Saturday for a Chicago honor student whose killing catapulted her into the nation’s debate over gun violence.
Yet one speaker after another remembered 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton not so much as a symbol but as a best friend, an excellent student with dreams of going to college and a sometimes goofy girl with a bright smile and big personality. They said she was a typical teen who wanted to borrow her friends’ clothes and who never left home without her lip gloss.
And to her mother, Pendleton was the daughter she tried to keep busy so she’d be beyond the reach of the seemingly endless gang violence in the nation’s third-largest city.
“You don’t know how hard this really is, and those of you who do know how hard this really is, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Cleopatra Pendleton told the packed South Side church. “No mother, no father should ever have to experience this.”Horrible, just horrible. And to think... I forgot my reading glasses.
But luckily, I found them. Hadiya Pendleton might be a symbol for Chicago's gun violence/gangland violence today, but the ongoing, "senseless" acts of Spontaneous Blackness in the Second City - which have taken the lives of many other honor students - is a reminder of the true legacy of the 'Great Migration'.
Let's just take a stroll down memory lane for a glimpse into the type of community black people have created in Chicago [Slain honor student eulogized; Hundreds gather to say an emotional goodbye to 18-year-old shooting victim Maurice Davis, Chicago Tribune, 12-24-2002]:
Entire pews of people excused themselves from the church to regain control of their emotions.
The impact of the 18-year-old Englewood High School honor student's life led more than 2,000 students, relatives and neighbors to pack into Antioch Baptist Church, 62nd Street and Stewart Avenue, to say goodbye.
The impact of Davis' violent death caused numerous religious leaders, city officials and community activists, including Rev. Jesse Jackson and Arne Duncan, Chicago Public Schools chief, to say something too.
"In a time when so many athletes do what they can not to be held up as a role model, Maurice was simply a throwback to another era," Duncan said.
"Because Maurice was such a good person, this senseless tragedy represents a loss not just for his family, friends and teammates, but for the Chicago Public Schools system and the city of Chicago," he said.
Davis was shot after school Dec. 16 outside Englewood High School, 6201 S. Stewart Ave., when he tried to retaliate for an earlier attack on his 17-year-old sister, Tempestt Liggins, allegedly by a boy she had dated.It seems every decade or so, one of Chicago's rising 'honor students' is gunned down in an act of 'senseless violence', when it is really nothing more than a reflection of the type of community black people create. In the absence-less of whiteness, darkness fills the void [Killing Our Children, Chicago Tribune, 1-3-1993]:
His murder shocked people. It shouldn't have.
Before his death, killers claimed 43 children under the age of 15 in Chicago and its suburbs in 1992. After his death, 13 more kids were slain.
Most of these children you know little about. Many made the journey from birth to a slab in the county morgue with little more notice from middle-class Chicago than the few lines they receive in the list accompanying this story. But like the classified advertisement that writing instructors call the shortest short story-"For sale: One pair baby shoes; never used"-each of those paragraphs describing the 57 deaths is its own short story.
Taken as a whole, the list is a tragic novel of epic proportions. It is a tale of a society that-in its inability to perform a fundamental duty, the protection of its most vulnerable members-is yielding its claim to the term "civilization."
Yes, we have literature, opera and laws governing the height of grass in suburban yards. But we also have the following, now occurring often enough to be characterized as "routine": a baby going almost literally from cradle to grave, allegedly shaken to death by his mother's boyfriend for the crime of crying too much; a 10-year-old killed by a stray bullet as his father parks the family car so the boy can play in the snow; an adolescent fatally shot while nursing a gunshot wound received the week before during gang cross-fire.
Just seven months before Dantrell Davis died, a schoolmate of his, 9-year-old Anthony Felton, was shot to death, also by sniper fire, also on blacktop adjacent to the boys' school.
Pick a few more: There were Raphael, Christopher and Danielle Turner, ages 5, 7 and 4, killed by arson. There was Taylor Briana Huggins, 7 weeks old, allegedly beaten to death by her 15-year-old father. There was 12-year-old Shamin Watters, stabbed to death in a fight with a 14-year-old girl.
Emily Hernandez, Tyjuan Cox, London Akins, Kevin McMillan, Holly Staker . . .This article was part of a Pulitzer Prize winning series,but it is this line that stands out the most: "It is a tale of a society that-in its inability to perform a fundamental duty, the protection of its most vulnerable members-is yielding its claim to the term "civilization."
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Demography is Destiny: Civilization dies in Chicago as white children abandon the CPS System and the city is remade in a black image. The CPS system is 8 percent white today [Source: Chicago Divided} |
Because black people are using guns to commit such vicious acts of terror in Chicago, the Obama Administration is hoping to convince Americans to willingly disarm themselves and scrap the Second Amendment -- of course, in 1982, Chicago did scrap the 2nd Amendment because the demographic changes in the city brought unprecedented levels of violence to the city.
Black violence.
And what better way to highlight the violence then by discussing the death of an 'honor student' like Hadiya Pendleton, whose limitless promise was snuffed out because white people in Arkansas want to be able to purchase guns without background checks.
After all, Chicago is a city where the black population has made high school basketball games so unsafe, that only parents are allowed to attend the games. Civilization in Chicago? Please... [Duncan calls for police presence;Will be security at selected games in Public League, 1-15-2003, Chicago Tribune]:
And you wonder why only eight percent of the 400,000+ students in the CPS system are white...
But wait, there's more [Barrett Harris, 15, Honor Student, `Self-starter', Chicago Tribune, 1-17-1998]:
Barrett, a Wendell Phillips High School student and a member of the Junior ROTC, served as a role model to his peers, according to friends and family.
Barrett's enjoyment of an academic challenge went beyond his weekday classes. On Saturday mornings, Barrett attended programs at the University of Illinois at Chicago,
"He was always a hard worker," said his mother, Lolita Harris. "He was a self-starter who wanted to make something positive out of his life."
Barrett had several goals. He considered becoming a lawyer and then going on to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. Barrett also dreamed of becoming, if not the first, one of the first African-American U.S. presidents.Mr. Barrett was gunned down in the prime of his life, depriving both Chicago and America of a future legal scholar. But it wasn't as gruesome as the death of Dantrell Davis. It was the sniping of a 7-year-old back in 1992 that should have been enough to change the culture of death pervasive in Black Chicago. But it didn't [Sniper Kills Cabrini Kid Steps From School, Chicago Tribune, 10-14-1992]:
On Tuesday morning, as Dantrell started toward the Jenner School, yellow- jacketed members of the Cabrini parent patrol stood watch to fend off trouble. At the school door, teachers waited to shepherd children inside, more concerned with safety than tardiness.
Two police officers were stationed at a nearby corner in a squadrol. As a final precautionary measure, Dantrell`s mother, Annette Freeman, accompanied the 7-year-old boy on the short walk across the lot.
Dantrell never made it 10 feet. Moments after the 9 a.m. school bell rang, a single rifle shot was fired. It struck Dantrell in the head.
His mother crouched over the small body, screaming. ``Please baby, don`t die. Please come and get my baby. Please hurry,`` Ray Baker, a teacher who witnessed the shooting, recounted.Black people in Chicago are to blame for the conditions within their community. Hadiya Pendleton, Dantrell Davis... there is no honor in 2013 Chicago.
There is no civilization either.
The whole "honor student" thing doesn't mean much to me in these cases. In most of these ghetto schools, showing up 90% of the school year will guarantee you a spot in the top 10% of the class.
The taliban know that if they get caught emplacing an IED, or sniping at US troops-the response will be immediate, excessive and will surely maim or more likely kill them. It's called a deterrent. It works. It could work in chicongo.
Given all these mysterious shooting deaths, maybe Chi-Congo should consider gun control?
Oh, wait...
Maurice, the 18 year old honor student, was gunned down while "retaliating" for an insult to his 17 year old sister Tempestt, who happened to have a different last name.
Tragic - yes. Surprising - no.
Freedom has failed.
so many youth getting shot and killed in a community that has no snitch rule for years. Whenever the police try to solve a crime these same crying and babbling ninnies clam up tight. in this community it seems stupidity and sheep behavior rule the day.
Yesterday I drove into San Francisco. I met a friend for coffee and we exchanged books. I was anxious to get back over the Bay Bridge - before it fell down.
I made it.
The new Bay Bridge is a thing to behold but I think it may be too late. The big shake that they have been racing to beat may just win.
Keep your eyes on Oakland this summer. First comes the earthquake - then the race riot.
There should be plenty of TV coverage. When the Hayward Fault slips the black housing projects that are built on bay fill will sink. I hope the government is prepared. I doubt very much if the black residents are.
Yes, I am predicting a race riot. Naturally I can't predict the exact date of the earthquake, but I can predict the racial aspect. About three days after the shake the blacks in the devastated flat lands should start to march toward the undevastated hills where the white people live. I expect TV helicopters to gather some great footage as they fly over the black horde moving up into the hills.
Some things to consider. The Hayward Fault historically slips every 140 years. I slipped last 145 years ago. The major damage in San Francisco in the Loma Prieta quake was in the Marina. Geologically the area in Oakland most like that area is under the black housing projects. There was a lot of property damage in the Marina but that is a very rich area. There was not very much human suffering. That won't be true in Oakland. Welfare recipients don't prepare. They rely on the government but of course Oakland has one of the least effective local governments in the US. If it took weeks to begin to repair New York, expect months here.
Fairfield Ca. alleged teen girl killer arrested
Someone left a link concerning this case a few posts ago.
Fairfield was formerly a decent Bay Area ex-urban bedroom community with homes affordable for the commuter white working class. Creeping East Bay black and brown undertow has brought the town low. Before the Destructive Migration began, a large shopping mall featuring most of the desirable shops was built. Locals know that you can no longer go there after dark. The neighborhood surrounding the mall, formerly white, is now a ghetto, the mall a gang banger shoot out site.
Vacaville, the next town a little further north, is experiencing the same undertow phenomenon. And so it goes. Creeping undertow and death.
Why praise blacks who are killed if we don't damn blacks who do the killing?
BigLieOnParade is gone. Google reports that the address is not available for new blogs.
I think the attack on race-realist blogs is starting. SBPDL can expect to be hit soon.
So, the First Lady, Michelle Obama, graced the funeral of Hidiya Pendleton with her presence, so special was the teenage black girl. I genuinely question how special Hidiya was to gain this much notoriety.
I can think of a pulchritudinous young woman of angelic face and high intellect who was genuinely special, and who further, did not rate a Michelle Obama's presence at the funeral for her, murdered by a black man, deceased body, Eve Carson.
Eve was, among other things, high school President of student body and valedictorian. She went on to higher education at U.of NC, where again she was student body President. Eve also majored in both science and biology and earned membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
She had volunteered and participated in many decent charitable causes, and this all by the age of 23 when she was kidnapped, raped and murdered by a couple of "underprivalegded" black boys with time on their hands and evil in their hearts.
Eve's whole story can be gleaned online.
Blacks plain and simply are a more animalist sub-species of human. They are incapable of higher culture, and higher culture is civilization. Blacks are gene pool, and therefore gentically, engineered for a lower form of culture, tribal culture.
I personally do not mind black on black murder, but they should keep their animalistic way of life in their own backyard.
I'll always remember Eve Carson, but I have already forgotten about what's her name. Thank you.
Some of the comments on Paul’s “Tuskegee airmen” story brought up Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”. As I read on I thought how Harper did for the liberal ideology in the 20th century what Harriet Beecher Stow and her “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” did for liberal ideology in the 19th century. Both, arguably, the two most influential books of their respective centuries. This is important for liberal ideology embraces blacks as fellow constituents of the democrat party and ultimately seek a merging of the two, mutually exclusive gene pools. Further, the liberal ideology and the black ideology is what allow the blacks to parasitize both our culture, a free enterprise Republic, and our white gene pool.
Harriet’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was credited by Abe Lincoln as the book that started the Civil War. I suspect Harper’s book helped inspire LBJ, the staggeringly stupid, to sign and implement his civil rights legislation and great society programs. The aftermath of what came about because of these two books must now be endured until a secessionist; mutually exclusive, new white nationalist Republic can materialize.
After reading here at Paul’s I went over and perused at Nicholas Stix and saw a story about a quadruple murder of women ages 23, 23, 33 and 55 years of age. They were all white women, and obviously 3 of them were in their reproductive years.
There were pictures of the victims and perpetrators, as said the women were white, and the two perpetrators I immediately recognized as products of the black gene pool as the microcephallic trait of a relatively small skull and therefore it’s necessarily small cranial capacity capable of housing only a smaller, lower IQ cerebrum, jumped right out at me. Further, I recognized them to a lesser extent because their coloration was as black as the ace of spades.
The crimes were committed in Tulsa Oklahoma, which I believe is mostly white. The Mayors comment on the murders and the murderers made manifest his liberal ideology I spoke about above. Mayor Bartlett said “we can now get to the essence, and that is much bigger than crime, it’s about poverty”.
As with all liberal ideology this crime of a quadruple murder was about poverty, not about the more animalistic product of the black gene pool and its Negro sub-species form of human.
Lastly, ironically the bros brother perpetrators last name is Poore.
The alliance of white liberals, blacks, browns, Islamics and Amerindians, the people who vote or support democrats, are destroying our Founding Fathers free enterprise Republic and our white gene pool and white race.
Secession and a white nationalist state please. Thank you.
PS; It is very strange that we call this a crime of poverty, but do not mention the black, racist hate for whitey, while if a white mentions the perps blackness he or she would be caterwauled a racists.
There is a need for a serious analysis of this urban black dysfunction; i.e. the murder of their own children . No sane person can comprehend the killing of a seven year old child. These murders of the very young indicate a distinct social pathology exists in this group, urban blacks.
Such savagery is not caused by a low IQ. The core problem with urban black society is their tolerance of this constant extreme violence.
If there is ever a blow-back on this behavior it will be from the black community itself. Meanwhile they live in their own version of hell.
The question I have is: will the black community ever break away from blaming outsiders for these children's deaths. The murder of children is not a sign of being uncivilized; it is a sign insanity.
pat/Albertosaurus, to be honest, I have no sympathy for the blacks in the lowlands or the liberals who live in the hills. Then again, during the LA Riots, nobody went to loot Beverly Hills. If worse comes to worse, the CA National Guard could always move in a few Koreans.
From what I hear, this funeral of this honor student was treated more as a high society event and less of a funeral. If it were an actual black funeral, someone would have been murdered during the memorial services.
A whopping 93 percent of the population of South Side Chicago is Black.
If the south side of Chicago was it's own country, percentage wise it would be Blacker than South Africa.
The Southside of Chicago might as be renamed Bantu City.
Sorry, but I am much more concerned for our own. Many of my Jewish friends don't quite seem to understand that blacks are OUR Muslims. They are the ones murdering our people and we just lost another teenaged girl.
The naked body of 13 year old Genelle Allen was found in a California park...
Shorter "An Honor Student ...:
Negroes murder negros, blame society
See this: Negroes murder negros, blame sorcery.
The dead girl hung around with feral thugs and got shot for her inability to discern scum and to avoid them.
Her family probably knows who gunned down their daughter and because of the 'stitches for snitches' mentality they will attempt to exact their pound of flesh from the gangbanger.
I love this site.
Ex New Yorker.....Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Another news story about black children killing each other. Yawn. Just a big "wag the dog" media event. Of course what you don't see is the huge assortment of TV cameras and network camera crew trucks all packed in like sardines. The talking heads from the different channels all reading from their pre-written scripts and cue cards given to them by the government and studio heads in New York. All the trigger words like "guns and violence" but not once is the word BLACK ever used.
It seems to me like a dress rehearsal for another stage show. Same show, different actors. The grieving mother "My baby be daid" and all the knee jerk reactions about guns. At least this time no funeral members got shot. To many GUNS protecting the big shots. Same old same old. Remember, politics and wrestling is nothing but show business. Every body has their part to play. It is like the "good cop, bad cop" game played on a national level and the pod people go along with the program.
More funerals will be coming soon in Chicago with more mothers crying the blues. "My baby be daid. Boo hoo." This time with Swat Teams to protect the mourners. Nothing will change. More killing and death.
No one will ever talk about the real cause of all this carnage. A bunch of stupid fucking single welfare mothers breeding soulless children who's only thrill in life is KILLING EACH OTHER. When you be da killer you done gets respect. When you kill somebody you become a man.
I read the story last night on Yahoo and spent a long time reading the comments. I was amazed at how many people seem to be aware of all the bullshit. Maybe some people are starting to wake up.
I can honestly say I am happy to hear about negroes killing each other. I guess this happy feeling is just a symptom of negro fatigue.
"In 1992, 57 children age 14 or under were murdered in the Chicago area, felled by snipers, sacrificed by gangs, killed by parents. It was a year for burying the young."
This is a really interesting quote, chock full of information.
1) I have never head of the sniper problem before. negro deaths are uniformly described as "random" attacks, "Drive-by's", being "gunned down", gang related "confrontations" implying negros facing off on the street, and turf wars, where fire comes from automobiles, shootings outside clubs and raids on visible dealers and strongholds. The conventional wisdom is that negros can't shoot worth a damn, but based on this, the negro can do head shots at range on 12 year old children just fine. Individual assassinations of sprogs is a terrorist tech of reprisal. Not usually something one wants to do, because it hardens the determination of your enemy, rather than making him more pliable to negotiation.
2) "Sacrificed by Gangs?" WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? Beyond belief.
3) Killed by their own parents...negros like to say that the White man is a child molester, but this part shows that to be a lie. negros kill their own step-kids because a new buck has moved in with the woman, and like an animal, it seeks to destroy the children of the old buck and establish a new litter. This a naked devolution at its finest. Bucks don't just kill niglets that are not their own, they do it in sadistic and horrible ways, like this: ( http://newsone.com/435302/man-accused-of-killing-baby-with-drano/ ). The most common way is to fill the bath with scalding water and dunk the niglet in till it dies of burns or shock. It is such a common method that it has even gotten a "Street Slang" name, "Ghetto Lobster".
Tell us CF, how is this the White Man's fault?
The picture you have at the top of the post shows two white females. I wonder who they were and what they were doing there? SWPLs ghetto-tourists showing their boundless empathy,or maybe city stooges? Mayor Rahm was there. did anyone ask him if the massive 3rd world immigration into the city may have affected the quality of life to any degree? He said he wants Chicago to be the most welcoming city in the USA for immigrants. By George he's doing a good job.
Genetics amazingly produce the same results, in south africa you also get the vicious black on black mayhem.
The latest is a coloured girl that got raped, then the rapers evicerated her, and left her for dead.
Now there is a huge anti rape awareness campaign, protests and marches, the usual crap, resolutions are passed, a lot of talking is done.
All an excercise in futility ofcourse.
It happens in shitcargo, in haiti, in zimbabwe, in the congo, in south africa, what all these places have in common for the same problems in vastly different parts of the world is the genetics of its inhabitants.
South africa, 2.3million women men and children get raped per year.
How is that for mandelas freedom legacy, totally disgraceful.
It gets so tiering, where ever blacks congregate its tears, snot, showy displays of grief, and funerals become community events, it just never ends, notin south africa, not in haitu, not in zambia, not in any black dominated community, or country
Its just what the genetics dictate.
The key element in cases like this is to have a 'good victim', one who can't be connected to gangs, drugs, bad behavior, or anything similar. That's the green light for all the opportunists to set up their tents and make their pitch. Politicians can get some camera time while posing as being concerned and anguished over someone they've never met.
There was a disturbance outside in the line to get in and one person was arrested. Apparently even at a funeral blacks can't avoid getting into fights.
There's some idea out there that whites have some magic wand that they can wave and make the issues blacks have just go away. There is no such thing, the problems lie within.
Since the killer of the girl is still out there somewhere then it's apparent he's being protected. The people who he was trying to shoot must know his identity as well as others who know him. Blacks really don't care, she's just a casualty of the business as usual goings-on in the neighborhood. Time for all these publicity-seekers to go home and take their soapboxes with them.
Trial junkie here. I did a google search concerning the murder of Genelle Allen, mentioned by commenters above. It seems the suspect arrested is a barber.
Didn't SBPDL identify Barber as the most common profession for a black male?
On today’s comments someone mentioned IQ as not being the cause of all this black on black murder. I would agree in part, but not in total.
I believe criminals have, in general, a lower IQ than non-criminals, and therefore they have a greater propensity for criminal behavior than the higher IQed people. Therefore there is at least, a strong positive correlation of low IQ and crime. However I also believe that the black gene pool produces a human of lower IQ than the white gene pool. In fact studies have shown that black Africans have an average IQ of 70, whereas studies have also shown the white gene pool produces individuals with an average IQ of 100. American blacks have consistently shown an IQ of 85 for a few score years or more.
In yesterday’s comments there was mentioned studies on both white mitochondrial and y DNA and blacks. I was a bit surprised that they were 15% and 30% respectively, I would have thought the other way around. I haven’t yet checked for myself, but I’m sure he was sure of his facts. In any event, the 15 + 30 percent’s, = 45%, and that seems consistent with the IQ differentials between African and American blacks. That is, American blacks are half way between African blacks and whites and have near half the white chromosomes.
For those not in the know, Mitochondrial DNA is always and only passed down from mother to child, and y chromosomes are always and only passed down from father to son.
Those who have read PDK comments are aware that I harp on both IQ and gene pools. I believe that the black gene pool evolved in an environment targeting a tribal form of human sub-species which necessarily produces a lower IQ than those, here whites, gene pools that were increased by other environmental forces producing the higher IQ, which in turn, lends itself applicably to a higher culture, civilization. Further, that this differential reflects the more animalistic nature of blacks as compared to whites, and lastly, that it is in total, the black more animalistic individual, of lower IQ, that commits the higher amout of crime
I have spoken about what I consider to be the 13% solution of blacks. That what I have read has consistently shown blacks to be 13% of the American population since the civil war. Further, I believe, that the 13% solution is the optimum for a parasite/host relationship, whereby the parasite takes as much to continue on itself while not killing off the host it parasitizes in the first place.
The process I see evolving in American culture is a transmogrification of our Founding Fathers, free enterprise Republic into a socialist democracy. I see this as important because the former allows for the pursuit of happiness by individuals, while the latter affords only, ultimately, superiority for a few, and misery for the great masses.
We have therefore an ultimate war of ideologies with the two competitors’, mutually exclusive outcomes. It is our posterity that either inherits happiness or misery that hangs in the balance.
If sufficient time passes at the current rates, American blacks will eventually, by parasitizing the white gene pool, rival whites in IQ. This is dangerous because when two different populations compete for the same availing but limited resources one will out compete the other, pushing the latter into extinction.
If blacks garner enough white DNA for a higher IQ, but do not forfeit their gene pools greater propensity for reproduction we whites will lose out in that competition, and therefore, will be the ones to go extinct. Thank you.
Entire pews of people excused themselves from the church to regain control of their emotions.
Assuming this is not hyperbole, will we see these same "pews" of people take any serious action to change this situation? Like maybe knocking their community's illegitimacy rate down to something manageable? Or boycotting violent rap culture? Or voting for candidates who tell them the truth about BRA?
It is a tale of a society that-in its inability to perform a fundamental duty, the protection of its most vulnerable members-is yielding its claim to the term "civilization."
How would society protect its most vulnerable members? Perhaps the USA could put more people in jail. Or issue schoolchildren body armor. Maybe institute an apartheid style pass system to keep hostile demographics from killing each other.
There are a couple possible directions for this thing to go:
The first is more high falutin' speeches by public speakers, more sound bites, and more film-at-eleven of grieving community. i.e., nothing is going to change.
The second is that it will be used as an excuse for more repression: gun control, prison-industrial complex, social engineering, taxes on the productive to support the social engineering, SWAT teams kicking in doors all over the Homeland (with a high percentage of the doors belonging to law abiding gun owners), etc. One can "drone" on.
The thing is, has the "problem" of this kind of violence ever been "solved?" Is there any historical example?
The two big solutions which the USA has tried:
1) War on poverty (+ civil rights agenda).
2) War on drugs/crime.
Well, we still have poverty and we still have crime. Granted, the stats for violent crime have fallen over the last several years (assuming the numbers are honest. Ahem). But the kind of "senseless" violence we see in this article proceeds unchecked. Because it is not really crime so much as a form of ethnic cleansing.
It just may be that this is the shape of the future. And why not? Civilizations have collapsed before. Just look at the ruins of the Forum in Rome. Or the Mayan pyramids swallowed by the jungle. Or Detroit.
A few questions:
In the sniper killing of the boy, was the shooter ever identified? Could the shooter possibly have been white, given the circumstances? Most likely not.
Do negroes ever mourn the loss of a promising white child murdered by negroes?
And, one question from left field, does Obongo want our guns to enforce food rationing?
I do not always have time to read Paul's Posts, though I read most, weather I post a comment or not.
In any event I haven't seen a comment from white mom, I hope she is ok. Thanks.
Blacks historically haven't and still don't invest much in their crotch fruit [erm...'offspring']. Because so many of their 'chirrens' die in Afreeka from disease/starvation/primitive-livin' they pop 'em out accordingly and replace as needed. Not much has changed even living in a wealthy country like the USA. They still pop them out for benefits and hardly invest in the outcome of how their progeny turn out.
Truth be told, if blacks really cared about their own children:
A. They wouldn't use abortion as birth control
B. They wouldn't pop so many out for welfare
C. They would make a HUGE stink out of losing their babies to thug-life
People make a HUGE ass deal about white children being killed because white children usually have white people who give a flying fuck about them.
Here's another barber not making the national news...
"Steven Johnson, a black, AIDS-infected, unemployed Brooklyn barber, had spent the 40-minute siege at Bar Veloce on Second Avenue pistol-whipping and holding guns to the throats of his 15 hostages, while ranting, 'Die, motherf--king cracker!'"
"'White people must die and pay for what they have done to my people,' the barbecue lighter-waving fiend had shouted at his terrified captives, all of whom were white."
The funeral was around four hours long. I watched nearly the entire thing yesterday because some things you have to see to believe. I wish I had had the foresight to open it online and capture the vid stream so I could point out certain segments.
MO was there, but did not speak. No politicians spoke. Most of CPS’s top brass was there. Toni Preckwinkle, Anita Alvarez, Jesse Jackson, Rahm Emmanuel, Dick Durbin, Valerie Jarrett, Bobby Rush. Think I saw Jesse Jr. too.
A leader of the Nation of Islam was there to speak. The girl’s father, Nathaniel, is a member. Needless to say, there were no white people other than those there to be seen.
Father Michael Pfleger spoke.
Alpha Kappa Alpha is going to start a scholarship in her name.
I have never been to a black Baptist church, but the rites performed throughout the service were straight out of Catholicism, down to the very instruments used. But you definitely knew you were at no Roman Catholic service.
There was:
Dancing, singing, and stomping ala the black church scene in “The Blues Brothers”.
Two “angels” dancing in front of the crowd.
Teen cheer dance teams that lifted three “little angels” to Heaven.
Then came the receiving line. Seemed like everyone she ever met had to say something about her smile (Tom Wolfe anyone?). The King College Prep majorettes presented Cleopatra Pendleton with her team jacket. Somebody said she whispered the answers to chemistry tests to others.
One rather bad aspiring something in sunglasses sang a song during his minute.
After everyone spoke, they went over to be received by the mother. And the live broadcast switched cameras to show Cleopatra, the mother, hug the speaker(s).
The best though was the thug friend with the Hispanic girlfriend, arms around each other in that uncomfortable looking way that her body is pulled against his like their hips are attached, who said that she came from a good family, not like him, he had gang-bangers in his family.
This speaker was NOT shown being received.
I knew there was going to be something of note coming out of this funeral, that’s why I watched.
The girl knew gang-bangers and was likely friends with some, not the innocent little smiling girl as was consistently portrayed …. She was just another ghetto girl hanging out in a park hoping to get her freak on who went to a 94% black school when she was shot. Just another good old King College Prep student.
Full Auto said...
Here's another barber not making the national news...
"Steven Johnson, a black, AIDS-infected, unemployed Brooklyn barber, had spent the 40-minute siege at Bar Veloce on Second Avenue pistol-whipping and holding guns to the throats of his 15 hostages, while ranting, 'Die, motherf--king cracker!'"
How is a barber unemployed? Don't they just go out and spend a few hundred bucks to rent a "chair" in a shop?
"Tell us CF, how is this the White Man's fault?"
CF is not a "blame-whitey" negro, he seems to prefer misdirection.
ie..."Instead of constantly talking about atrocious black behavior, you guys should focus on dirty corporations and evil bankers".
"Assuming this is not hyperbole, will we see these same "pews" of people take any serious action to change this situation?"
LOL Blacks seem to enjoy protest marches, in which they carry signs that read "Stop The Violence".
Shockingly, this method is not effective in reducing violence.
God forbid they should take any serious steps like getting married before having children.
Negroes will never:
a) recognize that they are animals because they are in denial.
b) deal with any situation logically (Gee whiz guys, let's stop killing our own children) because they cannot think in the abstract.
Call me Pauly. I have never commented on a blog, I'm half drunk right now and don't have a G Mail account so this will come off as anonymous. So bear with me. It's a horrid tragedy when the young die, who gives a rat's ass about the color. God's mercy on you Hadiya. I'm a forty year old white guy. Generation X bitches! Past my prime, beat up, but I run pretty well. Married to a beauty blessed with a beautiful daugter just past 9 yoa. There would be a gaping wound in the universe if the two of them were not in it. Mine is a supportive role, I take care of my girls. Behind the scenes, no more, no less. I'm a white devil cop in suburban Chicago, so SBPDL is a new favorite news source of mine that I'm pushing on other white devil coppers. The Bantu do not like me, I am indifferent to, yet understand them. I work in a large south suburban Illinois city that sounds like "Juliet." Part of the "Blues Brothers" was filmed there.
I really think this country needs a reckoning of sorts. It's really all gone too far. The depraved Petrie Dish that is federally funded entitlement Feral Black America is a much more volatile Powder Keg than existed in pre WWI Europe. All it would take it a spark, an early July 2013 George Zimmerman acquittal for example. Remember the LA Riots? The interconnected media is much better now and the peanut brained Bantu all have Obama smartphones. Plus they get riled up really fast. Gear up, stock up, arm yourself. Beans, bullets, band aids. A reliable shotgun or rifle. Blades. The fire this time will be a lot more widespread than in '92. Not every black is your enemy, not every white is your friend.
It's about Quality, not Color. See clearly, protect the ones you love. Get Ready, the hour is late.
I just have to wonder why an "honor student" hung around with gang members. Here's a quote from the early reporting "Chicago police said that many of those in the park were gang members, but Pendleton had no known gang affiliations." The lastest reporting makes it sound like everyone in the park was an angel but I'm sure that's not true. In my rather rough high school the smart kids stayed well away from the drug dealers and violent kids. Blacks have no discernment when it comes to others blacks so they pay the price over and over again. You'd think they'd smarten up someday but I'm not holding my breath.
I love this blog - it's so nice to speak the truth freely and so sad to think there's anything special about that.
I wonder if this was a random killing as claimed or someone chosen for their clean reputation so they could be used as a prop in a political floor show?
After all, what's another dead nigger when it's death can be used to push an agenda.
"Tragic - yes. Surprising - no.
Well now, your idea of "tragic" and mine are clearly different. No offense meant:)
"I hope the government is prepared. I doubt very much if the black residents are.
HELL! White residents aren't prepared either as those damn hurricanes and snow storms keep sneaking up on the yankees up North, I MEAN! seriously!!! how CAN one be prepared with only a week or two of warning? gnomesayin?
"No sane person can comprehend the killing of a seven year old child
Actually, I CAN! so speak for yourself.
"The Southside of Chicago might as be renamed Bantu City.
We realists already got a name for the place...SHITCONGO~
Typical to blame Whitey and poverty for everything. They are all angelic victims. "No black man ain't never hurt no one!!!"
The natives are getting restless here in Jax, FL. Just this past week we've had a black male, with a very high paying job as longshoreman, get into an argument with a white guy at a gas station. Supposedly the argument might have had a "racial aspect." The black followed the man in his truck and shot him dead. I'm sure the local media is trying to set up the "he called me a nigger" defense.
Another black male with a good job working for Chase bank got a bad performance evaluation and threatened to execute his bosses and coworkers. Claiming racism of course.
Our black mayor, albeit an Oreo, seems to have empowered our feral honor students, just as I predicted.
""My baby be daid. Boo hoo." This time with Swat Teams to protect the mourners. Nothing will change. More killing and death.
Still waiting for the downside of this story:)
The Community has been blaming the random violence for decades. If they ever place the blame where it belongs they will have to admit that thier relatives and neighbors are the killers
The Community would have hopped onto a hundred hoopties hanging out the windows hurling ephitets, gang signs and driving on the wrong side of the road.
Corey Brooks would fuss
And a new member of the political class is born ....
Cleopatra Pendleton will be attending the State of the Union Address tomorrow.
And who weeps for Channon Cristian and the little girl in NJ savagely and senselessly killed for her bicycle? And all the other victims of the negro war on humans.
bubo: It's getting outrageous, isn't it? The law doesn't state that you can follow someone and kill/execute them just because they called you a name. The "he called me a nigger" defense is no defense at all. The fact that blacks think it's a legitimate defense and they can get off on a justifiable homicide charge is simply an indication of their desire to have the right to kill anyone and use their blackness as an excuse.
Conversely, if a person of another race killed a black person for calling them a name, they'd condemn the act as murder, racism, hatred and chimp out in the streets because the black guy had a right to say whatever he wanted because he's black. I've personally had black people chimp out because I said something and had them screech, "You cain't say dat! You white!!" Apparently, only they have freedom of speech and can determine what can be said and by whom.
In every situation, blacks want to be in charge and make the rules and have them vastly weighted in their favor so that they can do legally and without consequence what others will be condemned for or arrested and jailed for.
After all, dey so special! At least in their own tiny simian minds.
They are gonna give us a Black Pope.
One Ghanain called Peter Turkman.
Pope Blackamore I
I guess non of you white trash hillbillies, heard about the numerous mass killings by in breed poor white trash teenagers, shooting up schools, and movie theaters, oh yeah, how about when your lovely white seeds turn on you all and kill their parents, so shut the hell up, if u dumb asses would stop pointing the finger of blame and raise your children, and instill a sense of value in them, in which they wouldn't grow up and hate you to the point that they either kill you, or innocent others then maybe you could make a statement about African Americans, until then watch your back, Billy just made it home from school, someone called a few names, and he's headed straight to your stash of assault rifles, you know the rest.
"And who weeps for Channon Cristian and the little girl in NJ savagely and senselessly killed for her bicycle? And all the other victims of the negro war on humans.
We are not weeping, but the Saxons are finally beginning to hate deeply.
Mr. Kersey,
I¨d like you to write posts about James David Manning (www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX_6Aepg5lw), Thomas Sowell (www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ZPg6kOBkc)and Milton Friedman (www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPyoEbU_wc4&playnext=1&list=PL1F247DEB4A651538&feature=results_main).
I guess they are among "Stuff black people don't like", seeing as two of them are black but "acting white" and critisising typical black behavior, while the third was white, ruch and intelligent.
Oh, you can throw in Ted Nugent as well (www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=YkWjDrNltSg&feature=endscreen).
"I guess non of you white trash hillbillies"...If hillbillie is the opposite of NI**ER, that is a name I will wear with pride.
Yeah that's why you want to leave shitcargo so desperatly and always want to live among valueless whites
Tell us another one bahshantiqua
You don't see whites tripping over themselves to live in black shitholes, but you always see blacks rushing to live in white neighbourhoods.
Your theory just shows bitterness cause you haven't been able to leave the shithole ghetto.
I wonder if this was a random killing as claimed or someone chosen for their clean reputation so they could be used as a prop in a political floor show?
Interesting point.
Even if not planned, this incident has been turned into more political theater. You have to ask, what is the agitprop objective?
Let's see how this plays out in terms of pushing more gun control. Or more "redistribution of wealth." Or more power for the state.
"I guess non of you white trash hillbillies, heard about the numerous mass killings by in breed poor white trash teenagers"
This is the standard mindless retort from a low-IQ negro...
"Whites Do It Too!".
These rumours of a Black Pope are a sign of the end.
Also, darkie, you don't see whites wanting to live among whites. You see blacks wanting to live among whites. That's all anyone needs to know about the quality of negritude and whitopia.
Oh Detroit
I'm sure the local media is trying to set up the "he called me a nigger" defense.
This defense is often used successfully by DWL attorneys (typically TWMNBN). I remember there was a white guy gunned down in broad daylight before multiple witnesses at the annual fourth of July fair in St. Louis back in the 1980s (when it was called the VP Fair) because he used "nigger" against some honah stoodintz behaving in their usual upright and exemplary manner. The killers got off with sentences for manslaughter and no doubt all went on to become medical researchers, rocket scientists and inventors after a couple of years in the slammer.
The "he called me a nigger" defense is probably used all the time and works because hearing the word automatically causes a groid to lose his sanity (except when uttered from fellow orcs). It's a variant on the 'temporary insanity' defense. Of course only certain folks can use it in the "justice system" of the Banana Republick, as some are much more equal than others. Welcome to squid justice, comrades!
He called me a N****r!
Like colt 45 a malt brew marketed to the ghetto,
Guys, I really love this site. I live in Chicago so PDK's articles certainly resonate with me. What I really like about this site is the intelligent feedback from all of you. I'm going to ask all of you not to turn these forums into something like stormfront. Look, by all accounts, this was really a good kid. Both of her parents seem educated and well-mannered. The school she attended was for gifted students. There is a certain percentage of blacks that are out there doing the right thing and then getting killed by the lowlifes. Please, let's not make light of this true tragedy, and let's refrain from ridicule. If not, we'll be looked at as white trash.
I would think that welfare recipient is the most common job of nonhuman males. I mean how many brillo-trimmers can there be?
Admit it. It is the gun which is the problem. Remove all firearms from Chicago and 15 year old girls will no longer have babies on the public dime with 25 year old men, delay of gratification will break out all over, marriage and commitment everywhere, people working two jobs to get ahead, education and study the new passions of the neighborhood. Admit it. You'll feel better. What could go wrong?
Anonymous pooohsee at February 11, 2013 at 7:35 AM said...
I guess non of you white trash hillbillies, heard about the numerous mass killings by in breed poor white trash teenagers ......
I grew up in West Virginia. We have a paper called the West Virginia Hillbilly.
Give me one instance of this where it was we poor white trash hillbillies who were the accountable party in an event like Newtown, CT.
Fuck off you piece of shit. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Wanna play bitch? Get yourself a login name and don't post as an anonymous pooohsee.
Anonymous at February 11, 2013 at 12:48 AM said...
The Community has been blaming the random violence for decades. If they ever place the blame where it belongs they will have to admit that thier relatives and neighbors are the killers
The negro believe they where the only ones on the planet that picked cotton in the south.
They embrace that concept happily, shoving it in the face of any one that will listen. All through history, there are many contradictions to that supposed fact. But, no one wants to hear it. No one wants to mention it, and no would cares if they did. Some day, the majority needs to understand they are being "outclassed by the underclassed" because they do nothing about it! I ask you. Who's the fool?
"I guess non of you white trash hillbillies, heard about the numerous mass killings by in breed poor white trash teenagers, shooting up schools, and movie theaters, oh yeah, how about when your lovely white seeds turn on you all and kill their parents, so shut the hell up, if u dumb asses would stop pointing the finger of blame and raise your children, and instill a sense of value in them, in which they wouldn't grow up and hate you to the point that they either kill you, or innocent others then maybe you could make a statement about African Americans, until then watch your back, Billy just made it home from school, someone called a few names, and he's headed straight to your stash of assault rifles, you know the rest."
So full of grammatical and spelling errors, yet the poster manages to capitalize "African Americans". I smell a guilt ridden white libtard that can't stand to see its pet Negro's be held responsible for their own behavior.
This forum is a huge joke, it appears to be a site where low life uneducated cowards, can spread hate, and throw out outdated racial slurs, before you write another comment: (1) try proof reading, so many errors, it's actually sad, and (2) no one will know how pathetic you are until you open your mouth, so try keeping it shut, and keep your post to yourself, you are terribly out numbered and living in the past it's 2013, and we're not going anywhere, the violence that's going on is not a black or white problem, it's a national problem, all of this trash you're talking, I guarantee you don't have the balls to go up to any black man or woman, and repeat any if this, no one has the right to take another human's life, black or white, so talk on hate filled cowards, no one cares what you have to say anyway, that's way you're posting your ignorant comments on this useless site, I bet your mothers are soooooo, proud.
Charles E. Winchester, III said... is correct a bout the Rev. Manning, his sermons are really worth listening to.
Dan said at 7:29 AM:
They are gonna give us a Black Pope.
One Ghanain called Peter Turkman.
Pope Blackamore I
and at 9:58 AM
These rumours of a Black Pope are a sign of the end.
Many a true word spoken in jest. According to the prophecy of Saint Malachy, a 12th-century Irish monk, the next Pope will be the last one.
The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with current pope Benedict XVI's successor, a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.
Maybe it was his lack of geographical knowledge that caused him to identify the last Pope as "Peter of Rome" instead of "Peter of Accra"? Still, the destruction of Rome would be consistent with our experience in Detroit, Birmingham etc.
1.) This isn't a forum, it's a blog.
2.)Outnumbered, hardly. Nonhumans make up a around 13% of the population. hardly a majority. Your sense of comfort merely comes from the fact that the bulk of the current social atmosphere is that of libtardism. It will, in time, pass.
3.) You are sadly mistaken, correction, deluded about the state and cause of the "Violence" problem that is present in every major urban area. One only needs to pay attention to nearly any youtube video or news program to discern the species (nonhumans) of the "Violence" problem. I put violence in quotation bc I don't consider nonhumans killing nonhumans a problem, I consider it a public service.
4.) I have no problem telling nonhumans exactly what I think of them. That's something that nonhumans fear worse than a KFC shortage or EBT reload failure.
5.) My mother is very proud. Both of my parents and myself often speak of what will happen when the economy collapses and most of the country is plunged into a post Katrina status and you nonhumans expand and magnify the behaviors that you are so very well defined for. Rest assured, though, that we are very well prepared for that eventuality, and I will take pride in my own people with every squeeze of the trigger that I make.
Was that grammatically and punctually correct enough for your hypocritical ass? I seemed to count a good number of grammatical errors in your post. But nonhumans aren't exactly known for their graceful use of the language now are they?
Why do you nonhumans even come to sites such as this? Could it be that deep down you are certain that we are fundamentally speaking the truth? Could it be that you are actually understanding with your feeble minds that it is a real threat to your existence because when the collapse comes and the libtards can no longer protect you that aside from starvation we will be a real threat to you wastes of flesh?
I eagerly await your reply.
PDK wrote:
In fact studies have shown that black Africans have an average IQ of 70 ...
Actually Lynn and Vanhanen estimated that that sub-Saharan blacks have an average IQ of 60. Some critics were outraged and argued that they had IQs of 70.
The higher IQ of African-Americans of 85 is usually attributed to better nutrition and inter breeding with whites. But the actual white admixture in the whole population is not very much.
Steve Sailer writes that 70% of African-Americans have no white heritage at all and among the 30% that do, the average white contribution is only around 2.3%. There is also some black contribution to the white gene pool but not very much.
All this means that whites in America are indeed white and almost all blacks are purely African. There are however as many as 10% of the nominally African-Americans who are - like Obama - 50% white. These tend to very successful in black society and are very visible in the media. This probably means that the average black IQ is higher in America largely because of environmental reasons - nutrition - but that most high achieving blacks have decent IQs for completely genetic reasons - white admixture.
The policy point of all this is that tonight's State of the Union is supposed to emphasize increased spending on education. The best evidence is that that will be money wasted.
Black IQ can be raised environmentally if the black person is raised in some poor African village. Just give them better food, cleaner water, and medical care. The simplest way to do this is to transport them to Europe or America. Their IQ will jump from perhaps 60 to 80.
If you want a higher IQ yet, you will need to do so genetically. Cross breed the black with some whites. That will bring the population IQ up to about 85. That's about where we are in the US today.
Most white middle class people don't know anyone with an IQ of 85. In High School people this dumb are put in special classes. Socially they tend to separate themselves out. They were the thugs who smoked cigarettes at recess in a knot of social misfits that congregated in the parking lot. If you have a normal corporate job you will never meet such people unless you talk to the janitor. About the only place where such people routinely mixed with people in the normal IQ range would have been in the Army before the draft was abolished.
The white IQ of 100 and the black IQ in America of 85 is an enormous gulf. The media tries to gloss this over but this blog reports everyday the consequences of ignoring it.
There is absolutely no reason to believe that education can raise IQ. Obama tonight will call for more educational spending. He thinks that that is something he can do for his people.
He's wrong.
It might be possible to raise black IQs with a rigorous eugenics program. But better nutrition won't do much. Blacks are well fed in America already. Cross breeding with whites works but does nothing for blacks who breed with other blacks. Early childhood intervention works for a few years but gets washed out as the person matures. In the end such programs do nothing.
All liberals speak as if education increases intellectual capacity. They keep prescribing more education even though it has never worked in the past. We have spent trillions on these kind of solutions to no measurable improvement.
Our problem is to make the great mass of the electorate realize that blacks can be educated up to their present level of functioning - but not higher.
Education innovations for closing the white-black IQ gap are like weight reduction diets - always popular but never really effective.
Here in California we have ballot propositions for education spending. I always vote against them. White kids do just fine in our public schools and even better in private schools. Asian kids do better yet. There simply isn't any school crisis. It's a myth that benefits teacher's unions and the education bureaucracy.
n fact studies have shown that black Africans have an average IQ of 70 ...
Actually Lynn and Vanhanen estimated that that sub-Saharan blacks have an average IQ of 60. Some critics were outraged and argued that they had IQs of 70.
The higher IQ of African-Americans of 85 is usually attributed to better nutrition and inter breeding with whites. But the actual white admixture in the whole population is not very much
Ya wanna know low IQ? read about abos..who are blacks that sailed to Au 50000? years ago.
Have you read Brimelows 2 books?
and what he says about immigration
dragging down society and impacting school scores?
Bogolyubski (February 11, 2013 at 10:48 AM):
"The "he called me a nigger" defense is probably used all the time and works because hearing the word automatically causes a groid to lose his sanity (except when uttered from fellow orcs)."
Which sanity?
"This forum is a huge joke"
Your lame, mindless, unoriginal, and predictable comment is a huge joke.
I'll assume that you are a negro, because you write the same tired lines that all the other low-IQ negroes write.
The article implies that the 7-year-old niglet was shot by a sniper. Some have questioned the ability of a black sniper to make the shot.
Coincidentally, I just read another report that refers to the same incident as a "stray bullet".
Some have questioned the ability of a black sniper to make the shot.
Have you noticed that the caliber of the bullet has not been mentioned? This is part of the attack on "assault rifles"; if anyone wrote that the bullet came from a .38 pistol*, the incident would be worthless for pressing the anti-gun agenda.
* The one news item I could find that mentioned a type of weapon stated that no shell casings were found, making it likely that the bullet came from a revolver.
I graduated from John Adams High School in 1992 in South Bend, by that time in only two years the school had become incredibly dangerous and violent due to the sudden influx of blacks.
I was standing at my locker when a group of thugs kicked me into the locker, the special ed teacher pulled me into his office and chewed me out for being racist when I scowled and clenched my fists at the incident, because blacks are above criticism and you just have to laugh, smile and praise whatever they do.
President Barack Obama, a black man, 2nd term, sooo, u dumb asses can say whatever you want, but, your Present, the leader of your country, is a black man, it wouldn't have been possible if any of this shit you've been posting were true.
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