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"And If we keep standing for this, we are going to be some straight bitches..." and "She was just there" is the reason Hadiya Pendleton was gunned down by two black guys in Chicago |
The gunman in the slaying of Hadiya Pendleton told police he was in the middle of a three-year battle with a rival gang when he opened fire at a South Side park and hit the 15-year-old who "had nothing to do" with the feud, according to prosecutors."If we keep standing for this, we are going to be some straight bitches."
"She was just there," Michael Ward, 18, told police after he was arrested with Kenneth Williams, 20, prosecutors said during a hearing where both were denied bail.
Williams told witnesses he and Ward were driving around on Jan. 29, looking for members of a rival gang that had killed one of Ward's friends, according to prosecutors. Williams had also been wounded by a rival gang member last summer, police said.
"Ward stated that his gang and the rival gang had been shooting at one another since 2010. [Ward] stated that when the rival gang killed one of his friends, he thought, 'If we keep standing for this, we are going to be some straight bitches,' " prosecutors said.
That is the reason two black guys in Chicago, not far from the Obama's Chicago home, shot Hadiya Pendleton.
Now, let's look at the words of Harry Belafonte at the 2013 NAACP Image Awards, where he blasted white America fighting for their constitutional rights to bear arms as the reason black people are creating "rivers of blood" in cities like Chicago:
The group most devastated by America’s obsession with the gun, is African Americans. Although making comparisons can be dangerous, there are times when they must be noted. America has the latest prison population in the world. And of the over 2 million men, women, and children who make up the incarcerated, the overwhelming majority is black. We are the most unemployed, the most caught in the unjust systems of justice, and in the gun game, we are the most hunted. The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage. (Applause)
The question is, where is the raised voice of black America? Why are we mute?
Where are (Applause) Where are our leaders? Our legislators? Where is the Church?Mr. Belafonte, black people are responsible for the gun violence in the black community; disarming white people is not the answering to ending the "river of blood that washes the streets of our nation" -- that black people have access to guns (legal or illegal) is the reason cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, St. Louis, and Philadelphia are seeing so many neighborhoods turn to "blight" as white flight leaves black people in charge of the political and economic life of the city.
Mr. Belafonte, a black 18-year-old named Michael Ward killed Hadiya Pendleton because, "If we keep standing for this, we are going to be some straight bitches."
White America is nothing more than "straight bitches" (to borrow Mr. Ward's term) for tolerating black criminality and black dysfunction that makes Detroit and much of Chicago unlivable.
You want to end gun violence in America? Well, Guns, Blacks, and Steel provides the answer: disarm black people in America. Gun violence in the black community would end, since it's black people pulling the trigger...
Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
Ex New Yorker here....I bet the cops solved this case by getting some gang bangers to talk. That "don't snitch" bullshit goes out the window when someone sticks a cattle prod up your ass. These thugs like to brag when they kill somebody because it adds status to them in the hood. Looks like these fuckers did to much bragging.
Now they are fresh blood for the the Down Low Summer Camp. I am sure King Obama will mention in his speech tonight that the killers were black. In your dreams.
All we need is to place firm rules on Black behavior, and prohibitions on what Black people can own and carry, and the Black violence problem will be solved.
Just like they were during the period of the various "Black codes" laws!
Oh, wait...
If Black people can't handle freedom, they obviously belong in a country with a system that doesn't allow for it. Liberia, Ghana... Zimbabwe might not be too much of a step down for the architects of 21st-century Birmingham and Detroit.
Negro family values. For all you Negro lurkers that will respond with "Dem YT devils be doin' it too" I challenge you to find ONE credible news story where a White mother went into a school and helped her White teenage daughter beat another girl.
"The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children..."
Sob, sob, Mr. Belafonte. Your eloquent statement needs the following addendum to paint the real picture:
"...and is caused mostly by the inability of black people to exercise impulse control. Indeed, the leading cause of death among young blacks is young blacks. Black culture is inherently a culture of violence."
Harry, Harry, dirty, dirty, dingy Harry. My solution would be to deny blacks weapons from a higher culture than their gene pool produces people for. In fact, I would allow blacks only the type of weapons their Mesolithic Stone Age culture produced, flint knives and stone spearheaded spears.
I’m thinking gun shops can have a black and a white section. The white section with the weapons the white cerebrum produced and the black section with the weapons the black cerebrum produced.
Yes Sir Harry, I can see the Christmas like joy expressed in every black boy and man’s face as they enter the black section and behold a spear they just cannot resist the urge to pick up and chuck. Further, spear chucking could conceivably save some money, which means less time wasted robbing and stealing. That in turn suggests more time for procreation with the white taxpayer picking up the tab for still yet another black, crying for more of someone else’s belongings.
Think of it Harry, blame whitey for black travails and shortcomings, and then get the thrill of a lifetime, spear chucking, it will be great. Just wait till you hold that spear in your own hand and feel the black power flow from the spear and into your body, it will be unbelievable.
Blacks just do not belong in the higher created and maintained white culture. Blacks are a more animalistic, lower IQed sub-species of human.
Perhaps you could become a reincarnation of Marcus Garvey and lead your black people back to Africa where the white man can no longer take advantage of you and yours.
What do you say Harry boy, sound good? I know it does. Go for it. Thank you.
No, this is clearly the result of armed white men roaming de community with assault rifles randomly gunning down black honor students to exterminate future black leadership...
And Rational, alas Birmingham and Detroit ARE already Zimbabwe! Now we just need some "war veterans" to run whites off their property!
Oops sorry that's already been done
Slightly O/T Prototype Detroit citizen: Hairy Sow
OT - 4 Alabama Crimson Tide Members Facing Charges
" A former five-star recruit for Alabama was arrested for the second time in two days and was among four freshmen, all suspended Tuesday, who face charges of second-degree robbery or credit-card fraud stemming from Monday arrests."
"Williams and running back Brent Calloway, 20, both admitted to using a stolen credit card to buy snacks from vending machines inside a dormitory, the documents said.
Pettway and Hayes are charged with second-degree robbery; Calloway is charged with fraudulent use of a credit card. Both were arrested Monday along with Williams, according to online records from the Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Office."
Why are there no ASSAULT charges here?
"The report said the alleged victim suffered "several lacerations to the face, mild concussions and severe swelling."
The best part though has to be the reaction of the Alabama athletic department :
"We are very disappointed in the actions that have resulted in the charges against these student-athletes," the statement said."
They are not outraged, they are not considering re-evaluating their recruiting process, they are not flabbergasted that "student" athletes viciously assaulted and robbed other students, NO they are "disappointed" in their athletes. FUCKING DISAPPOINTED, like the parents of a sixth grader that received a "D" on his algebra test. This is what is has come to. PK, everything you ever wrote about college athletics is confirmed a million times over.
This may be slightly off message. I have had a theory for years regarding why certain gruesome black-on-white crimes are not given wide-spread media coverage. I truly believe that the government is fearful of awakening a sleeping giant, namely the white race. Whites can be extremely viscous when pushed. Examples are Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Whites are well armed, disciplined, level- headed and pro-active. Once pushed too far, watch out. Tens on millions of whites killed one another in WWII over a period of a few years.
The government is concerned that unleashing censorship and news blackouts could cause great bloodshed.
This is something I certainly do not want to occur, but if the violence and crime spread, how else can it be dealt with.
I was born in 1945. I thought crime was bad in the 1950's and 60's, it is just mind-boggling today. I dread to imagine how things will be in a decade.
smart blacks seem to think other blacks are smart - or they think the right education could make other blacks smart! the IQ taboo means it's not well known that blacks tend to be much stupider than all other groups (& that a 120 IQ is a pretty rare event for a black - & that almost 1 in 5 blacks is retarded). if we could discuss IQ we could discuss lower expectations & increased behavioral controls on blacks... these young bux shot "cleopatra's daughter" (but NOT Cleopatra Selene II, daughter of Cleopatra VII of Egypt & Roman Mark Antony) - panjoomby
Trial junkie here.
You are somewhat correct. Some menbers of the MSM have said they are worried that covering black-on-white murder will "stir up racism."
Regarding PDK's comment about a black section in gun shops which would carry African designed weapons, such as stones and spears.
If this would become widespread in da hoo'd, instead of referring to perpetrators as gunman, the would be identified as stone- throwers or SPEAR-CHUCKERS.
Good idea?
Blacks worship and promote to figurative leadership roles those black me most willing to blame black problems on whites regardless of all evidence to the contrary.
Blacks are like junkies who can't admit they have a problem, and instead blame the world around them.
Jeeze, I hate being in a country with black people. At this point in my life, I've just had it. They're ignorant and worthless. They really are.
Yet they sensationalize even the slightest (often fabricated) white-on-black incident.
almost 1 in 5 blacks is retarded
If you use the original, White-normed cutoff of 85 IQ, it's 1 in 2.
I grew up in a very White, liberal university town. Most of the Blacks lived in a housing project, and the elementary school district boundaries were drawn to separate them from the kids from the nice White districts. But even those Blacks who lived in the nicer parts of town were prone to tribal behavior, stealing and all the rest. I had a bicycle which was my transportation to and from school stolen, by Blacks. I saw it once afterward when I was riding home through "that" neighborhood.
Blacks contribute nothing worth having to White society. White people owe Black people NOTHING.
Let's break down this story.
Harry Belafonte
* A large amount of White Genetics
* Wealhty is spite of "racist" America
* Uses his race to improve his position even though he has a large amount of White genes
* Lives among rich Whites not among blacks
* Considers himself among the elite and will use the position of his race to further his politics. Every black vote is a vote for Harry's side!
Harry is not an "authentic" black man at least Ole' Dirty Bastard from the WuTang Clan kept it as real as can get. Even though he had wealth and fame he still lived in the hood and acted out his "blackness".
They make a lot of speeches about it, mostly out of a sense of opportunism, but the vast majority of blacks don't really care much about all this violence that causes whites to get alarmed. It's just considered business-as-usual, a part of everyday living. Tough for those who fall victim. Why should the white community care more about blacks than the blacks do themselves?
The difference between Chicago and The Congo: Here the perps will be fed three meals a day for life, or a few years, and there they would have only netted a few meals ...
It's the jungle mentality.
It is obvious that blacks are incapable of blending in to a civilized society. Eastern Europeans, Asians, Far Eastern people have all assimilated but the blacks just keep on doing what they do. Overall, a worthless race in my opinion.
The more I see the crocodile tears from the likes of Sybrina Fulton and the false outrage from those like Harry Bellafonte, the more I think White society needs to demand a Pledge of Responsibility from the so-called Black community before it is allowed to claim anything, including the vote. Here is a first draft:
"I pledge my responsibility and gratitude, to the founding people, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, which they created. One Nation, of which I know I am not a part, though it supports me better than any nation created by my own race. With liberty, in which I am barely able to function, and justice, which I am hard-pressed to appreciate for its virtues. I prove my appreciation because I would not wish to live anywhere else, especially not in a country dominated and ruled by people like myself. I pledge my responsibility for what I do, and to hold my children, neighbors and community responsible for what they do, and no-one else in their stead. I pledge my faithfulness to this country created by others, and to remake myself in its image rather than this country in my own."
Let's ask Harry Bellafonte to say that. Or we could wait until hell freezes over.
"And of the over 2 million men, women, and children who make up the incarcerated, the overwhelming majority is black...The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children."
That makes sense: releasing '2 million unjustly-imprisoned blacks' is the perfect recipe for reducing the number of murdered black chidren.
Didn't ole Dirty Bastard kill his girlfriend?
Please talk about the Chris Dorner incident. He's a terrifying example of tribal narcissism writ large. His 'manifesto' is illuminating on the larger issue. A warrior mindset, extensive training, 21st century equipment and tactics. Absolutely No Disciplie. The very idea that he was killing Non Combatants never entered his tribal peanut brain. Just like the vapid Bantu in Chicago he probably did not want to be thought of as a "straight bitch." So he murdered people. Many people will say he was crazy, unhinged, mentally ill . . . Which implies an absence of accountability. He knew what he was doing, never considering the great civilization built by Europeans that he and his people exist within. That he served. That he attacked. The latest corporate news said he's dead. Went down fighting. Took another cop with him. Another widow. Another fatherless kid.
You and other bloggers, as well as the alt news online are the only source of unedited truth out there. You and those like you are waking the sleeping white giant. Keep up the pressure, tilt at those fucking windmills and remember OUR history.
Only 3 percent of the English colonists fought against George II. There are a lot of us. I'm afraid Chris Dorner will be made into a martyr by the propaganda / corporate media machine. They will blame guns and all of us blue eyed white devils.
I blame the dead Bantu warrior. And the system that deliberately created so many like him.
Fight the good fight,
A 3 year running battle with another tribe, sounds like something out the jungles of the congo.
They were driving around looking for the opposing gangs members, transalating into african talk, it means they were out hunting members of the opposing tribe that were in their hunting grounds.
Scary stuff, but rather amazing to see DNA dictating expected behavioural patterns, its like a national geographic documentary.
All the do gooders trying to impede DNA from rulingN impossible, and rather fun to watch too
Anonymous at 4: 16,
Negro Lurker here, not that it matters but here's a similar story with a white mom inciting a fight amongst children.
And no, this isn't me trying to say "whites do it too" or that its excusable. I will never agree with or support disgusting behavior and values regardless of color. I agree with this blog and object to black dysfunction AS a black person. There are a couple of us out here despite the popular belief that we all just love violence and chaos.
North Star
This is OT, but you and your readers will appreciate the apparent hidden meaning. The US Air Force website is currently running a banner ad for 'African-American Heritage'. Juxtaposed below this banner is one for 'Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness'.
Was this done by design, or it is just a hilarious coincidence?
Ha ha spear chucking! Problem is it would become an Olympic contest because of PC. Another way for the negro to demonstrate athletic ability...no wait...it's already included. The javelin. Isn't that a YT's thing?
"I truly believe that the government is fearful of awakening a sleeping giant, namely the white race."
I disagree. The government has nothing to do with it.
It's all about political correctness and liberal orthodoxy.
like people give a fk about belafonte
[who looks more white than non]
says or does....
hot air.
now that the AA cop is dead,,,how bout a write up
over at Breitbart theres all kinds of info on his fans
If Obama succeeds in granting amnesty to up to 20 million illegal aliens with in a couple of years we will have a massive race war between Hispanics(mostly Mexicans and Dominicans) and Blacks. The Hispanic vote along Hispanic driven congressional apportionment will be guaranteed to dwarf the black electorate.
So DWLs will begin abandoning blacks in order to favor the Mexicans.
Steve Sailer's theory is that most urban riots are actually victory or liberation riots. Blacks may riot this year over Trayvon Martin, but after that especially if congress passes mass amnesty, the Mexicans will be doing the mayhem.
Also the major figures of the Congressional Black Caucus namely Shelia Jackson Lee(TX), Maxine Waters(CA), and Charlie Rangel(NY) could easily be defeated in the next Democratic primary by Mexicans and Dominicans. Rangel actually lost his primary last year in an election where both sides were commiting voter fraud, but for strategic reasons the Dominicans in Harlem let Rangel win so not to jeapordize foolish Black support for amnesty.
Illinois gave drivers licenses to illegal aliens, Mexicans will begin liquidating blacks from the borders of their neighoborhoods very soon.
Maxine Waters' (D-CA) Compton district is already majority Hispanic and notorious for almost daily mexican vs blacks riots in the public schools. Shelia Jackson Lee, the dumbest member of congress is a Open Borders lunatic who is a apparently unaware her district is plurality Hispanic.
What is my point?? SBPDL readers will find it quant that they talked about Blacks gangbangers killing blacks. Next year it will be about Mexicans slaughtering Blacks.
"She was just there," Michael Ward, 18, told police after he was arrested with Kenneth Williams, 20, prosecutors said during a hearing where both were denied bail.
"Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!" Williams added.
The Revolution opened up the existence of BRA. A war for equality is a pretty fucking stupid war to fight.
"I agree with this blog and object to black dysfunction AS a black person. There are a couple of us out here despite the popular belief that we all just love violence and chaos.
North Star"
North Star, welcome to SBPDL, I wish there were more like you, please feel to contribute.
It is time to get real in Amurkistan. We are a third world country. Most whites are civilized. The other hordes of turd heads are not. The have painted this turd called Amurkistan several times over... Still the paint fades and the truth is revealed. It is what it is and it is only going to get worse, not better.
Whites move to the Red States and abandon the third world invaded areas . Then we secede. We just do it. We do not 'ask' permission from the squids. Who the hell are they and how dare they?
It is time whites get angry and indignant. It is time to walk away. We can go. It is our life, our liberty, our happiness , inalienable God given rights that are sing usurped by elitist assholes, libtards, sand turds, and groids. We don't owe anybody anything. We are not cornered. We need to do a paradigm shift in our thoughts, actions, and feelings.
We are the outliers. We are not the masses. We are the three percent that was needed to overthrow the King of England. We can do it. We just need to keep posting here and mentoring others. We need to take on a different mindset that WE are the ones who are being discriminated against therefore we do what we have to do.
People have ragged on me for not paying my mortgage, etc. One person mentioned that they believed I am a stealing. I look at it like I am taking back the American dream that was stolen from me by libtards, squids, nigs,et al. Our dreams, freedoms, etc are being stolen. So are we going to take it?
I am not. If I have to lie, cheat, and steal to overthrow the shackles this tyrannical government has put on me then I am doing it.
White Mom in Turdburg aka WDC
Off topic, and if P.K. will let me introduce those who don't know about "Mike Smith" (Over at "Mike Smith's Political Commentary") an inside look at S.A and the ANC.
11th of February 2013
A year ago I reported on the ANC and especially President Jacob Zuma’s empty promises of creating 500,000 jobs in 2009 and in 2011 how he admitted that the ANC failed in job creation, but then promised 4 million jobs by next year, 2014…
Zuma admitted the ANC failed to create jobs, blamed whites
Like I said, the ANC has not created a single job since they have come to power 19 years ago and they never will. They are Marxist terrorist scum who can only destroy.
They have never and will never create anything in South Africa except for poverty and misery.
But the Lumpenproletariat will gulp up all the junk coming from their beloved ANC masters. Zuma even promised them a place in heaven if they voted for the ANC and carried an ANC card…This is what he said:
"When you vote for the ANC, you are also choosing to go to heaven. When you don't vote for the ANC you should know that you are choosing that man who carries a fork... who cooks people."
"When you are carrying an ANC membership card, you are blessed. When you get up there, there are different cards used but when you have an ANC card, you will be let through to go to heaven."
More accurately, nonhuman crime would henceforth be referred to as "Stone" and "Spear" Violence, and the libtards and dumbocrats would begin trying to pass legislation banning possession of stones and spears.
Harry Belafonte asks why community and church leaders aren't speaking up. I want to ask what else they are doing? It's the only topic that exists in africa america. They're either planning violence, doing violence, or crying about violence in vain attempts to stop violence.
He repeats the same cliche in front of a crowd who have all heard it before. Well, we've all heard it before too Harry, but we are no longer sitting at a distance, immune to your violence, and whereas your cliche attracts applause from your audience of allies, the rest of us are beginning to stir and agitate.
"The group most devastated by America’s obsession with the gun, is African Americans. Although making comparisons can be dangerous, there are times when they must be noted. America has the latest prison population in the world. And of the over 2 million men, women, and children who make up the incarcerated, the overwhelming majority is black. We are the most unemployed, the most caught in the unjust systems of justice, and in the gun game, we are the most hunted. The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage."
This quote is amazing, almost like it was written by CF or one of our black trolls. "The most "hunted"?" The only people who hunt negros ARE negros. However, this quote also admits to negro dysfunctionality. Even a White hater like Belafonte (and he is a huge White hater) says,"Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage."
Let's look at this closely. It is true that Whites are debating the Constitutional issues of the gun and its place in the fabric of society, but not because negros are shooting each other. We can't stop a negro from blowing away another. The reason no one speaks "of the consequences of our (meaning black) racial carnage", is that there isn't anything anyone can do to stop negros from having guns. If negros can get crack and heroin, they can get guns. However, Belafonte is exactly right here in that blacks are incapable of being responsible enough to own weapons and he says that in his own words. But he expects Whites to take care of the problem!
My answer; take care of your own fu%*ing problem Harry. Blacks make it very clear that they have no interest in allowing Whites to influence them at all. They want to "Keep it Real" and get their street "cred". They put themselves in prison and if they don't like the Justice system, there is always Repatriation. No one is keeping you here under big bad White man's Law. Check Orbitz for flights.
Given black hatred of Whites, the White man is the least able to influence the negro anyway.
Further, requesting the White to care is like asking the Chinese to help us with our manufacturing issues. It's none of our business and against our interests. Whites like guns for a number of reasons, ranging from the esoteric and philosophical to the practical and the aesthetic. Why should we harm our own population banning a device with so many uses because the negro can't keep himself from killing with a gun?
Belafonte admits in this speech that negros just can't keep from killing and wants Whites to do something about it.
White Mom, I apologize for my earlier characterization of you. I was wrong to judge you or your financial decisions and to make you feel excluded in a public forum.
10mm AUTO
No matter what is said and done, blacks will remain violent, feral parasites upon the larger society as long as they are allowed to be. No matter what dysfunctions exist within themselves, it will always be blamed on others. That is standard operating procedure for blacks. They will always play the victim card, the martyr card and the blame whitey card.
There's no sense in listening to them-none at all. All their blame games take place for two reasons. The first is to exonerate themselves in their own minds and deny any responsibility for their own problems and secondly, to use that as a way of holding out their paws for mo' money etc. from the people they blame for all their self created problems.
It's just the "nigger hustle." Give them each a mansion to live in, $2000 a month to live on and they'll still be just as dysfunctional and still be blaming everyone else for it all. I guarantee it would be declared to "not be enough" and "mo' needs to be done to solve da problems in da black community." It was the same BEFORE the civil rights era and it is the same now and will forever be the same until people face up to the hustle and tell the negro to shut the hell up and fuck off.
That is the only cure. The only way to win the "game" is not to play.
Belafonte is a hard lefty and a nasty racial enforcer quick to call black moderates and conservative Uncle Toms. Does anybody remember Belafonte calling Colin Powell a "House N****R" .
Yet Belafonte has for 50 years been married to a white woman. Before that he was married to a very light skinned black woman. At least two of his children are married to whites.
For someone who covets adulation from blacks as a race leader and role model, he spends rather little of his personal life with them.
Please talk about the Chris Dorner incident. He's a terrifying example of tribal narcissism writ large. His 'manifesto' is illuminating on the larger issue. A warrior mindset, extensive training, 21st century equipment and tactics. Absolutely No Disciplie. The very idea that he was killing Non Combatants never entered his tribal peanut brain. Just like the vapid Bantu in Chicago he probably did not want to be thought of as a "straight bitch." So he murdered people. Many people will say he was crazy, unhinged, mentally ill . . . Which implies an absence of accountability. He knew what he was doing, never considering the great civilization built by Europeans that he and his people exist within. That he served. That he attacked. The latest corporate news said he's dead. Went down fighting. Took another cop with him. Another widow. Another fatherless kid.
While Dorner's "manifesto" reads like a typical Marxist black-supremacist screed from Desiree or one of the other groid trolls who stops by to lay a turd from time to time, it's worth noting that at least two of the four he killed were non-white: the Asian duaghter of the retired upper-level officer who fired him (also Asian) and her black fiancée (also an LA cop). I think the other two cops killed were white but haven't yet confirmed this.
It's an interesting case from several aspects, but not in terms of being racially-motivated - unless he killed the fellow groid for planning to marry an Asian, which I suppose would be a factor if Dorner were an NOI type. I think more details need to surface before much intelligent commentary can be made. One thing which has been interesting is how the Ministry of Truth is making no mention whatsoever of his leftist, Obamabot gun-control views and the like. (Not that I ever expect anything apart from mendacity from the Ministry of Truth, mind you).
I thought of you when I saw this - http://www.kiplinger.com/slideshow/real-estate/T006-S001-10-cheapest-u-s-cities-you-ll-want-to-visit/index.html?cid=24
The poll is worth noting - because polling in the "Bizarro World" (Superman Comic Definition) that we live in perpetually yields Oxymoronic Observations... and conclusions. We are so screwed. My funk has not abated since the first week of November - any others here "fee-lins" me?
White Mom, well said! It's time! The problem is our white men have lost their survival instinct and will most likely just continue to only pound keyboards in anger. I talk to so many women who feel the same way, but men are more politically correct.
Off topic, and if P.K. will let me introduce those who don't know about "Mike Smith" (Over at "Mike Smith's Political Commentary") an inside look at S.A and the ANC.
Mike Smith's Political Commentary is a very good website. He exposes life in black majority rule South Africa:
There's some excellent analysis, and it's interesting to compare politics and life in the rainbow nation of SA with BRA America.
Another point: white people can use the internet to keep in contact with each other globally, and support each other in their struggles against hostile systems.
10mm AUTO said...
Excellent analysis of Harry Belafonte's gun speech by 10mm AUTO. As is usually the case, the fact that blacks are perpetrating most of this violence is left out by Belafonte. Now here's a question: do guys like Belafonte leave out the race of the perpetrators because it would mean casting aspersions on blacks? Or do they genuinely not understand the concept of cause-and-effect?
That is, do they think that violence is something that just happens to blacks, like the weather? In the same manner that poverty, bad schools, and disintegrating cities just happen to blacks without their having any role in causing these fiascoes?
Look at the way in which blacks blame everything on slavery-segregation-apartheid. It's always someone else's fault, and not only that, often someone out of the past who can have no impact on them today. Reasonably speaking, other populations have been enslaved, discriminated against, etc., yet have accomplished great things. Look at China, which has risen from the wreckage of the late Manchu era, European colonialism, the Japanese invasion, and the Communist era to become a superpower.
To repeat my party line, in the last 50 years blacks have been given everything they have demanded, yet we see the dysfunctions getting worse.
If one were to get inside the black mind what would one see? Would they be able to add the proverbial 2 and 2 and get 4?
Political correctness is a censorship of free speech, which in turn leads to mind and behavior control.
PC was instituted to deny us of our liberty. We have every God given right to throw it to the curb.
White Mom
Neighbor: This Is Detroit and We Will Come Squat in Your House If You’re Not Home
"If one were to get inside the black mind what would one see? Would they be able to add the proverbial 2 and 2 and get 4?"
You would be seeing the world through a blood red haze of rage, frustration, and resentment. You'd pretty much have a constant erection as well.
Their little primate brains are constantly flooded with testosterone and other neurotransmitters responsible for aggression and lust.
They do not have the neurological capacity to understand multifaceted causes and effects into the future. That is, they cannot rationally explain why whites often have nice things and they often do not. All they know is "whites have, I want." This is a primary cause of their child like anger and resentment
They are cargo-cultists at heart. For the last 40+ years they have said the magic incantation, "Whitey beez rayciss!" and cargo appears in the form of TANF, EBT, WIC, SSI, et cetera.
Just as those Pacific islanders built bamboo runways long after WWII was over in hopes of enticing air drops from the gods, the Negroes will continue the incantation for decades after the cargoes have stopped coming
NiggerBelefonte married a white woman
10 MM AUTO said :
"However, Belafonte is exactly right here in that blacks are incapable of being responsible enough to own weapons and he says that in his own words. But he expects Whites to take care of the problem!"
Of course he expects Whites to take care of the black violence problem because like just every other black dysfunction, it's Whiteys fault! Whitey made the blacks violent and depraved so Whitey can make the blacks peaceful and civilized. In Belafonte's "mind" the White man just doesn't want to make the black man civilized and peaceful, Evil Whitey prefers that the black man be feral and violent. Even though blacks parrot the "we are all equal" canard, Belafonte sure as hell proves he thinks otherwise. Belafonte proves he (like most blacks) believes Whites possess the power to completely change the behavioral patterns of an entire race! Not only that, but Whites have the power to change the behavioral patterns and living standards of an entire race with a snap of the fingers and twitch of the nose a la "Bewitched." I'm curious what Belafonte would have White people do to curb black violence. Undoubtedly he would ask for vast sums of money, but as we have seen with black athletes and entertainers, wealth does not insulate one from their violent tendencies. What else can White people do to curb black violence? Would Belafonte sign off on the disarming of blacks and blacks only as PK has suggested? Would Belafonte sign off on "STRESS" measures and "Stop and Frisk" policies? Would Belafonte sign off on contraceptive shots for welfare checks? All of the above measures would greatly curb black violence but we all know that Belafonte would squeal "Dats Rayciss." In the end there really is NOTHING that White people (realistically) can do to curb black violence absent what amounts to Martial Law in their communities.
Well, North Star, I don't believe, for one second, that you are a Negro, but since you found a kind of, sort of, similar story about mothers and school fighting, maybe you can find one about 32 year old White men raping and murdering 13 year old Negro girls.
Just find at least one of a white male raping elderly black women (say, 65 or older). Bonus points if the white male is 15yo or younger. Extra bonus points if the black female is 80yo and above.
What else can White people do to curb black violence?
Strong conditioning against acting out starting from early childhood, with harsh penalties from the teens onward. Of course, "dat be rayciss!" It would also require a huge resurgence in White racial and cultural confidence, which the DWLs would rather die than allow to happen.
Of course, they may get that option.
What else can White people do to curb black violence?
What can people do to curb black violence in Africa? In Haiti? YOU CAN'T. You get a collective brain cell and REFUSE to live with blacks anymore.
They're going to kill us. Research South Africa Boers.
North Star said...
Negro Lurker here, not that it matters but here's a similar story with a white mom inciting a fight amongst children.
Assuming this post is on the level, I'd point out a couple of things:
The problem is not aberrant individuals within a larger demographic. Obviously, there are whites killers, abusers, maniacs, etc., etc. The thing is, the incidence of violent crimes is much, much higher among blacks than other racial groups. This makes conditions in cities dominated by blacks frequently unlivable. Consider the number of black people who want to escape from black majority cities and countries by moving to white areas.
Why would black people want to move to areas where they would be victimized by that white racism we are always being lectured about?
The point is, even blacks understand that white run polities are much more livable than those run by blacks.
Consider the numerous black flash mobs which have assaulted people of all races in this country over the last several years. Now, can you show us a proportionate number of white violent flash mobs? Or a white analog to the black gang-banging and drive-by shootings? Since there are several times as many whites as blacks in the USA, presumably there are several times as many white drive-bys and flash mobs?
If North Star is on the level, then I would be interested in their posting solutions to the black initiated violence which goes beyond all civilized standards.
"NiggerBelefonte married a white woman"
Almost ALL sucessful black men marry attractive White women and that goes for sucessful black women marrying White men too if the woman is attractive enough. OR they marry attractive hispanic types, sometimes beautiful hispanic types just make mistakes because real hispanics are caucasion, that idiot Kardashian is an example though I think she may be East European heritage but still seems to love her some nigger wide receivers and rappers.
"For someone who covets adulation from blacks as a race leader and role model, he spends rather little of his personal life with them.
Well, this fact proves he is not stupid, right?:)
uncle tom=
Belafonte is a hard lefty and a nasty racial enforcer quick to call black moderates and conservative Uncle Toms. Does anybody remember Belafonte calling Colin Powell a "House N****R" .
Yet Belafonte has for 50 years been married to a white woman. Before that he was married to a very light skinned black woman. At least two of his children are married to whites.
For someone who covets adulation from blacks as a race leader and role model, he spends rather little of his personal life with them
I'm surprised that Mr Belafonte couldn't make the connection between high levels of black murder victims - and high levels of incarcerated blacks.
Any effort to curb black violence will always result in blacks screaming racism loud enough to rattle the roof and shake the windows. They'll resist every attempt to do so while still screaming, "Sumthing gots to be done! Sumbody gots to hep da black community!"
They are beyond all help and are a write off as they are their own worst enemy.
If blacks complain about the number of liquor stores in their neighborhoods and the problem of widespread acoholism/drunkeness and you close the stores down, they'll scream it's racism and "Why a brutha gots to drive ten miles out of de way to get dat 40 oz?!? Why dey ain't closed da liquor sto's in da white areas?"
The main problem with negroes is that they want to be seen as just like everyone else and be treated just like everyone else when their own behavior shows clearly that they are not the same and are not just like everyone else.Then they expect whatever measures are put in place to deal with their dysfunctions to be inflicted on others who do not exhibit those dysfunctions.
The gun control debate is a perfect example. Blacks are responsible for most of the murders using handguns but if you attempt to stop them from having them, they'll scream, "If'n we caint have dem, den nobody should!" while ignoring the fact that others aren't engaging in the violence and murder rates that they are. In the same regard, they object to stop and frisk measures to curb black criminality (even though they are responsible for the majority of crimes) because innocent suburban kids/people aren't also subjected to it.
If black teens are forming criminal flash mobs, they'll scream it's racism if only the black teens are banned from malls and shopping areas after 6 PM. No, everyone innocent must also be banned even though it's black teens who are the ones committing the crimes!
The main problem is that blacks are so concerned with their image that any effective policy put into place to curb their bullshit will be rejected if it "makes dem look bad" and will be declared to be "rayciss!" So, they want those policies inflicted on everyone else so they can pretend it's not just them but rather a widespread problem in every community when it isn't.
The answer is to institute those policies anyway and deal harshly with them when they chimp out over it. And, I might add, tell the libtards to shut up and blow it out their asses when they support the chimping blacks.
Nothing else will work.
I understood retarded [and they deserve respect] is >75 IQ
yes the IQ taboo...
what the White societies can not dis-gust!
Mr. Rational said...
almost 1 in 5 blacks is retarded
If you use the original, White-normed cutoff of 85 IQ, it's 1 in 2.
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