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The 1805 Haitian Constitution banned white people from owning property on the island -- it ended 'white privilege' by the sword |
No, were aren't talking about 2013 Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, or Birmingham -- we are talking about past civilizations that white people created and were ultimately deprived of any and all 'white privilege' via revolution.
In the case of Haiti, it was a total loss for white civilization (and eventually mulatto's) as the black slave population rose up in a fury not even seen in Django Unchained, slaughtering on the whites on the island in the process. Riccardo Orizio book is a powerful reminder of just how precarious civilization is, and what happens when 'white privilege' is removed by revolutionary forces.
Just as 2013 Detroit (90 percent black) is a city completely devoid of white privilege, it is also devoid of civilization. And the clues of why that might be are hidden within the riddle of the 1805 Haitian Constitution -- that glorious black republic. From Orizio's book we learn the Haitians instituted discrimination within their constitution:
Do we even need to bring up what Haiti looks like in 2013? Just drive into any urban area, any ghetto known as a "food desert" and you'll see a glimpse of Haiti in America.From the Haitian constitution of 1805:Article No. 12- “No white person, of whatever nationality, may set foot upon this territory as a land owner or master, nor may such persons in future acquire any property whatsoever.”Article No. 13- “The preceding article does not apply to white women who have been naturalized by the government, nor to their eventual offspring. The provisions of this article also include those of Polish and German birth whom the government has naturalized. (p. 136)
Where a white nation to have a constitution of this nature, people would be flocking to this hypothetical nation in a manner dwarfing the flood of immigrants to the United States today. The prosperity would be... unimaginable.
But a nation like Haiti only has charity organizations and Sean Penn flocking to its soil today; a city like Detroit in 2013 - which has enacted a de-facto 1805 Haitian Constitution via the reality of 'racial democracy' and the virtually in-electability of white political candidates - has watched its population decline since Coleman Young took power in 1973.
Middle class black people flee to white suburbs in search of economic opportunity, safe schools, and strong communities that black Detroit can't provide. The same goes for Birmingham; the same goes for Atlanta; and the same goes for Chicago.
The end of 'white privilege' in a civilization founded, funded, and sustained by white people is simply the end of civilization itself.
This has been another great moment in black history.
The slave, boukman, pledged all the souls of Haiti to Satan for 200 years if he(the lord of darkness) would expel the french. On or near the 200th anniversary, the earthquake occurred, and most of us saw that as his interest payment.
i'm Haitian. i like reading your blog. you seem to bring up Haiti a lot.. it's a mess i admit it. but you seem to forget why the slaves never wanted to white people to set foot in the country. France sent 50,000 troops to recapture the island by any mean necessary. they were ready to butcher all the rioting, revolting slaves and just bring in new ones From Africa. those slaves did what they had to do to Survive.
instead of criticing Haiti today take a look at France today. France can't run away from its past of colonising. and France today has troops in Mali, a former African colony to get rid of islamist occupying the country. the ironic thing is millions of blacks and Arabs are colonising France and millions more are just waiting to come. if you can read French look at this website http://www.defrancisation.com/
another things. the blacks in Haiti are not the original occupants of the land. if every black person in Haiti were to die there would still be 4 million haitians abroad(mostly in America and canada) and millions of Blacks in Africa. but with rampant race Mixing in America and in France the French will go the way of the Indians. just like the French brought black slaves to Haiti during colonisation to replace the indians they are bringing millions of africans and arabs to France and the same thing is happening. the white people of France will be replaced just like they replaced the Indians with blac slaves In haiti. THAT'S PRETTY IRONIC IF YOU ASK ME
Thanks again to Paul for adding to our knowledge of Black History. The story of Haiti and the mass murder of whites there needs to be better known. While you're at it, may I suggest a post on the Nat Turner revolt in Virginia? I think it, along with the story of Haiti, might serve as a useful response to the claims of certain folks who like to make naked assertions that TNB is a new phenomenon - the result of LBJ's "Great Society" policy and the like.
At any rate, the basic outlines of Haiti are known to some of us, so let's look at the white response to this genocide in the early 19th century. Did they do the sensible thing and simply set up a cordon sanitaire around the place and really let the groids rule themselves? Hell no. White folks just had to go back in, first as missionairies, then as capitalists. A mere 110 years after the 1805 constitution, the US Marines were on the ground in Haiti - securing territory for the United Fruit Company. What is the damned defective gene in white folks that refuses to realize that savages are savages? If the place had been cordoned off, the savages might have all starved to death through their own stupidity and evil so no Marines would have been needed - just some virgin land for new banana plantations.
Also note there was no outcry from whites elsewhere over this genocide, nor was there a serious attempt at re-conquest and revenge (Yes, I'm aware of Napoleon's half-assed attempt which ended in defeat - he had a lot more pressing issues than Haiti of course). So the devil-worshippers of Haiti got away with it and even picked up some white concubines in the process. The whites of the era would have been completely justified to invade and completely depopulate the place - literally putting everyone and everything there to the sword. Instead, the problem just never goes away.
BTW, did anyone read the sneering description (from Publishers Weekly) of the Lost White Tribes book at Amazon? It reads like a screed from Tim Wise - celebrating the defeat of these remnants and looking forward to the day when America and Europe are like Haiti, Jamaica and Guadeloupe: Pockets of whites hanging on in remote places, barely surviving and headed for ultimate extinction.
I've not read the book and have no idea if the original author or the translator takes the same celebratory tone about the genocide of whites in Haiti (or similar events elsewhere), but the copywriter for Publishers Weekly in 2001 was definitely a DWL of the Tim Wise type. This should serve as a good example of just how deeply these genocidal asshats have infiltrated every institution in the country. Mind you, this little sneering screed is 12 years old. It's only worse by now.
Well, the president of the US has declared his right to kill enemies at will, and he would decide who is an enemy. Includes US citizens.
Sounds like treason, this negro president whose litmus test is that "generals fire on US citizens."
Time to impeach, convict, and imprison this negro president.
White people won't disappear - they're just going through a bottleneck right now. The wheat and the chaff, and all that. (Guess what? We're the chaff.) The elites will live on, and conquer the stars and so forth.
The elites have planned to melt humanity into one big, brown stew; they've been seasoning us with race-mixing propaganda for decades. Soon it will be feeding time.
The issue in Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham and elsewhere, where BRA demands tribute from whites, is known by another name, Taxation Without Representation.
It is time to deprive the negro of white dollars.
off topic....from AWD site:
Proponents of such unconstitutional measures desire to forge a world government of sorts under the control of the United Nations. Various methods are used to expedite this plan, including the infamous ‘Agenda 21′ that has raised the alarm among some citizens.
Haiti is a fine example of what happens when white civilizations begin to live in the here and now, with no forethought of the consequences their choices will have on the desendants of their race. In prehistory civilizations like the Greece, persian,China, the Vikings, they were able to maintain their civilizations for many centuries. Why? They knew the importance of borders . If you found yourself in an empire or tribe that was not your own you learned the customs and culture or you didnt survive. Their was no tolerance of people from other lands imposing a different view on the locals. Even in those days Africans were taken as slaves, but blacks were very rarely allowed to assimilate in any numbers in Europe or Asia. Were they smarter than our forefathers? No. In the New World of America our ancestors were able to express themselves freely without fear of repricussions from the various monarchies or the church. In many ways this was good. It allowed people to use this new freedom of the mind create a better life one that was not all work. With free time they were able to discover their own humanity and a greater compassion for the fellow man. With slaves being used in America it resulted in people humanizing the black man, for many slave owners knew nothing of the violent negro tribes in Africa. So in their new found compassion for the fellow man they began freeing the black man into an unsuspecting population. Fast forward and we have a country in wich much of people have foresaken their own civilization and are allowing their children to be indoctrinated into a culture of blind negro worship.
Im hoping the powers that be unleash HAARP once more to quake the niggers so hard this time in Haiti that the crevice left where an island used to be is so deep you need Challenger to fly out of it.
''Fast forward and we have a country in wich much of people have foresaken their own civilization and are allowing their children to be indoctrinated into a culture of blind negro worship''.........Isn't that the truth! It's a total shame as well.
I fairly recently saw a BBC, 1 hour long production on blacks and slavery. It wasn’t too bad considering the possibility of liberal ideology infringement. One thing that caught my attention was the pendulum like vacillation between whites seeing blacks as inferior, to equal, just more primitive, then back to being inferior over a 50 - 100 year or so time frame, circa 1800 - 1900.
This was to me quite reminiscent of our dichotomy of today between white liberals and non-liberal whites. Where white liberals continue to press racism as a negative emotion based on different skin color, instead of the intellectual reality that it is, born of genetics, and is further recognized so by non-liberal whites.
Neoteny is the prolongation of human fetal, cerebral growth rates in the post natal period for 9 -12 months. This is what allows the human brain to become so large for a mammal and primate of our size. Blacks have a shorter period of neotenous growth, which results in a physically smaller, lower IQ cerebrum. Further this phenomenon is reflected in black infant/babies crawling, and walking before white infant/babies. Humorously, most at that stage would consider the black baby superior because in our culture the first one there is the winner. But in reality human growth is much more the tortoise and the hare. It takes longer to grow a bigger brain, and so it is the whites who win out in the long run of human development.
There is a feedback loop in evolution. The gene pool produces the individual DNA, which in turn produces the individual, who then is acted upon by environment and finally the individual’s environmantal success in turn affects the gene pool.
The blacks struggle in the higher white created culture not because evil whitey holds them down due to some negative emotion born of the phenomenon of us and them, white and black, but because blacks are genetically predisposed to live in a more primitive, animalistic, tribal environment. Blacks simply cannot cut muster for higher cultural standards and further though they want the benefits of the white higher culture they expect to be free to act out their more primitive, animalistic self as well. They want to eat their cake and have it too.
White liberals pretend they think the only difference between whites and blacks is the color of the skin, but inadvertently display their knowledge of the truth by living in whiteyville, talking the talk but not walking the walk of the talk they talk. However, and much worse, the cowardly liberal elites are pushing for a melding of white and black gene pools as witnessed by their targeting our young white females to procreate with black males. This is dangerous for whites, our race and gene pool.
White liberals, people who fail to mature beyond their cowardice and selfishness and therefore cheat nature, can achieve power, fame and fortune by hiding behind the liberal ideology that has become the ambience and zeitgeist of our times.
White liberal purveyors of the “evil white man” Tim Wise, Susan Sontag, Bill Ayers etcetera, are the flimflam con men of our times, guiling all by working the negative side of social chess, to accrue a profit at the collectives expense. These are those who practice the lowest form of niche creation by selling out their own kind, for their own gain, without having to achieve an adults psyche.
Together, white liberals and blacks, team up to cover themselves from their own loser reality, doing so at the expense of the collective, for a small and selfish gain. Is there any doubt a fully enfranchised democracy is a folly of Old Testament, Biblical proportions.
America is doomed. Thank you.
I'm not blind to the evidence that makes you feel the way you do, but other ethnicities have had advanced civilizations for their time. I think African-Americans *could* have had a chance to be productive members of society had it not been for the emergence of demand for drugs by leftist, spoiled white college hippies of the mid-60's. Smuggling and trafficking became a source of quick, easy cash. Real cash, and you were your own boss or your superior was someone you respected and he respected you. My lightly informed assumption tells me it went downhill from there. Remember there are always people like Thomas Sowell, Alan Keyes and Morgan (?) Armstrong who agree with conservative (economic, social) values. Where I live, I have plenty to be ashamed of white people too. Meth is rampant here. A neighbor said to me, Meth is getting to be such a common phenomena around, it's starting to feel like a Quinton Tarantino movie.
I'd have burned your island to a cinder just to reset.
Reply to The_Saxon,
Kevin Sabet is a former Obama administration drug policy administrator strongly OPPOSED to marijuana and other drug legalization schemes favored by hard left and libertarian crackpots alike.
Sabet writes that increasing and overwhelming evidence suggests that frequent pot smoking by teenage boys and young adults lowers their later adult IQ by 6-8 points. Combine pots smoking with binge drinking and the IQ drop is 8-10 points.
Worse even after ceasing to smoke pot, there can be lasting effects on IQ that are slow to diminish because the male brain is still developing into ones mid-twenties.
The impact on frontal lobe brain development involved in socialization, empathy and work place habits and skills are especially significant.
So, yes pot smoking definitely promotes the growth of the IDIOCRACY,
Most urban gangbangers simply do not have 6-10 IQ points to burn off "CRUNKING and then hope to one day enter the workplace as contributing adults.
People who claim that marijuana and psychedelic drug use is not harmful to IQ like to claim Steve Jobs was a druggie in his teen and young adult years.
My response is that Jobs' drug use in his youth is probably overstated. Second that fact that a famously driven overachiever as an adult was for a time a real dirty hippie slacker in his youth is not a good endorsement for pot smoking.
Last, perhaps given the high intelligence of both his parents, Steve Jobs was one of those unique individuals on the far right side of the bell curve who could very well burn off a few IQ points worth of brain cells and still be wildly successful in life.
Perhaps black drug use, like black poverty and black crime, are born of, and are reflections of, the more animalistic, physically smaller, lower IQed, black gene pool produced, black cerebrum.
As for whites, beyond the young and stupid, experimental stage, most drug abusers I would assume to be either low IQed whites, or the immature, perhaps both, who by the way, will probably age into liberalism.
Both the black and whites of this lower order will become democrat voters or at least democrat supporters. Thanks.
PDK said...
Perhaps black drug use, like black poverty and black crime, are born of, and are reflections of, the more animalistic, physically smaller, lower IQed, black gene pool produced, black cerebrum.
What supposed positive effect does marijuana really have???
An increased apperception of the otherwise common or mundane??
A video game, cartoon, silly tv show, casual sexual experience may very well be more enjoyable while high.
Both I think a sixteen year old pot smoker who finds renewed giggling appreciation of the Mary Ann vs Ginger dilemma while watching the same episode of Gilligan's Island he saw as a 9 year old while sitting in his pj's is pretty sad.
Likewise, I sure getting CRUNKED makes the long otherwise boring hours gangbangers spend hanging out on the street corner waiting to sling dope go by quicker.
Intelligent folks get their psychic rewards learning new things, engaging in stimulating conversations, or developing meaningful human relationships.
That is why it is so painful having to be stuck with a hardcore pot head and attempt to have a worthwhile discussion on any topic. After a brief time the pothead gets flustered and says "Hey want to get high" or "Do you mind if I get high" or "That is so racist".
Take a look at this:
Well, the president of the US has declared his right to kill enemies at will, and he would decide who is an enemy. Includes US citizens.
Sounds like treason, this negro president whose litmus test is that "generals fire on US citizens."
Time to impeach, convict, and imprison this negro president.
I see this type of statement a lot. It's not going to happen, and here's why:
1. The courts, congress and government are all controlled by the same folks. Both political parties are owned by the same folks. They want D'Won to read their announcements on the teleprompter. He could sacrifice a white toddler on live TV and eat the heart with blood dripping form his chin and those with the ostensible power to remove him from office would do nothing. They all knew about his ineligibility before he was nominated and what did they do?
2. The upper-level of the US military officer corps is filled with globalist traitors who work for the Squid Empire - not the shell of America.
3. Apart from a minority of the enlisted (mostly those in real combat), the military itself is filled with groids, wymyn, illegal aliens, etc. who have no loyalty whatsoever to the dead old republic and will do whatever ordered to do by their kommissar-officers - no matter how lawless, genocidal or evil the order is.
In short, there is no opposition and there is no such thing as the "rule of law" which so many conservatives love to prattle on about. There is basically nothing left to conserve. The only course is to raise the black flag. I sincerely hope that the group Anonymous hacks all USSA military tech and secrets and publishes it all to the Russians, Chinese and even the Iranians. The sooner this evil empire collapses, the better. As one of the squids or a shill said after the 're-erection' of D'Won: It's our country now. That was one of the few times a DWL actually spoke the truth.
Time to impeach, convict, and imprison this negro president.
By the way, why isn’t the supposedly active Tea Party not perusing this reform?
PDK said…
The blacks struggle in the higher white created culture not because evil whitey holds them down due to some negative emotion born of the phenomenon of us and them, white and black, but because blacks are genetically predisposed to live in a more primitive, animalistic, tribal environment. Blacks simply cannot cut muster for higher cultural standards and further though they want the benefits of the white higher culture they expect to be free to act out their more primitive, animalistic self as well. They want to eat their cake and have it too.
Sometimes I’m so damn mystified as to why liberals charges of oppression could at any fucking length be a valid accusation against an explanation such as this. This explanation you just reaped - the liberals see it as a “cover” for the White Man’s oppression. So if say a liberal were to supervise on an individual basis the education of a niglet to white standards of literacy and an attempt later to delve into advanced studies after the intermediate achievement was reached, and if this niglet couldn’t get past 6th grade level material, the highest it could ever achieve, failed every single time in the exact same manner as before, and the niglet grew up around no white oppression, the whole experiment wouldn’t even cause a single scratch in White Oppression Theory?
Time to impeach, convict, and imprison this negro president.
By the way, why isn’t the supposedly active Tea Party not perusing this reform?
There is a lesson from Haitian history that seems to have been overlooked.
Slaves do not as a rule free themselves. Haiti is the biggest exception. What is the reason? Disease.
Whites colonized every part of the globe starting in the fifteenth century. But in the Old World the whites became rulers on top of huge native populations. In the New World whites replaced the natives altogether. Why? Disease.
The French troops were not beaten in battle by the Haitians. Napoleon did not withdraw from Haiti because of the force of arms. There is still some dispute over how black's resistance to Yellow Fever exactly works. This is unlike black resistance to malaria which is well understood. But no one doubts that the French troops died and the Haitians lived. Yellow fever killed all the white people. Or almost all. The Haitians merely mopped up the few white survivors.
Similarly the whites in America survived small pox while the Indians didn't, leaving the the continent open to a new race.
The lesson is clear. The removal or substitution of a race can only be done with disease.
Consider the effectiveness of British arms in India. Last year I read all the Cornwell-Sharpe India novels. Wellington beat the Indians up and down the sub-continent. He had almost always been outnumbered. His martial prowess was unsurpassed. Yet today India is still full of Indians. British customs and language remain but not many actual Brits. You can't defeat a whole people on a battlefield.
That's why the next round of wars will likely be fought with diseases. Various black activists promote the idea that AIDS is an artificial disease created by white men to torture black men.
You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe that. AIDS is just about the worst kind of disease to use as a weapon. A good disease weapon must have a vector that is uncontrollable. Small pox is spread by air. Yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes. Before the mosquito connection was understood, it was unstoppable. But AIDS requires some action by the human being like anal intercourse or intravenous injection. These activities are completely controllable. If you don't want AIDS just avoid these practices. There's much less you can do about air borne infections.
The biggest killer disease in absolute numbers was probably the Spanish Flu pandemic just after the First World War. Flu is an air borne disease and even when Western Medicine knew how it was spread they were largely powerless to restrain it.
So a purpose-made disease will likely be either a weaponized flu strain or a variation of smallpox. The trick is to make it such that it is only deadly to the target race. I have no idea how that would be done or even if it could be done. But if it can be done almost certainly it will be done.
My memory is failing me since I'm hitting 60, but did I give you the idea to look up this Haitian constituion? I read the book about 5 years ago and noted the "white women" part and could not believe it (actually, I do)
So, I am glad you looked into it. Just shows that no matter where, Black men crave white women....can you blame them. Would YOU want a black woman? GAG, Barf, ......
I enjoyed reading over the clarification that followed the "keep out whitey" article (no. 12).
Article No. 13-“The preceding article does not apply to white women who have been naturalized by the government, nor to their eventual offspring. ...."
I could only shake my head and chuckle. "Where da white wimmins at?" has a deeper history than I realized.
good history! excellent comments on disease vectors, pat albertosaurus. re history: george macdonald fraser (1925-2008) author of the politically incorrect historical flashman novels, wrote in the last year of his life how britain has destroyed itself: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-506219/The-testament-Flashmans-creator-How-Britain-destroyed-itself.html#axzz2K94YKNHZ
Anonymous said :
I could only shake my head and chuckle. "Where da white wimmins at?" has a deeper history than I realized."
Yes I also find it amusing that black men are the biggest White Supremacists on the planet. They claim to hate the White race, but they just can't keep their paws off of the White women. You never see Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc. absolutely losing their mind over black women. You never see the above groups raping black women or even professing a passing desire for black women. It just shows the very envious, child-like mind of the black, that they would rather breed with Whites than their own kind.
Anon said:
"What supposed positive effect does marijuana really have???"
Marijuana Fights Cancer
Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana : All The Reasons Pot Is Good For You
How many people die each year due to alcohol related deaths? Alcohol Linked to 75,000 U.S Deaths A Year How many people die each year due to marijuana related deaths? I couldn't find ANY hard data to quantify yearly deaths related to marijuana use. I'll take a pothead over an alcoholic any day of the year. The media does a wonderful job of showing alcoholics as grim, hard, worldly men of action, the American ideal, while at the same time portraying the marijuana smoker as a loser idiot. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Alcohol and Tobacco lobbyists.
Anti-Pot PSA
Haiti. What a real feather in the cap as far as Negro accomplishment is concerned. Imagine how vastly different the place would be if it had been populated by northern Europeans instead of Africans.
Anon @ 9:51 said:
"It is time to deprive the negro of (tax)white dollars."
HERE, HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about it, people. Without white tax dollars the Negro would STARVE.
"Bogolyubski said...
Well, the president of the US has declared his right to kill enemies at will, and he would decide who is an enemy. Includes US citizens.
Sounds like treason, this negro president whose litmus test is that "generals fire on US citizens."
Time to impeach, convict, and imprison this negro president.
I see this type of statement a lot. It's not going to happen, and here's why: ...
Noted DWL Juan Cole listed the kill memo in his site today.
One rule of thumb for me here in America is whether a person is a liberal or non-liberal, whether a person votes or supports democrats or republicans.
If there is a strong positive correlation between pot smoking and liberal/democrat, our culture better understand what that strong postive correlation reflects before said culture makes pot legal.
Most states that have legalized, or are close to legalizing pot, are liberal/democrat states, aren't they?
Liberal/democrats are the destroyers of America's Founding Fathers, free enterprise Republic, and the pushers for a socialist democracy, and by the way, a socialist and diverse, multi gene pool democracy, itself serving as the harbinger of the new world, one world order of globalism, socialism, diversity and democracy.
This state of affairs would top the Ten Plagues of Egypt for greatest tragidy of all time. Thanks.
Haitian, unfortunately has some valid points.
Those who read PDK comments know I worry about our white gene pool, and see those of the liberal/democrat alliance out to meld it with the blacks and the browns
Disgusting and perverted, but real. Thanks.
An interesting fact about Haiti...three of their richest families, Mevs, Brandt, Bigio are not black but TWMNBN.
I see we have a new troll. Isn't that lovely?
Its name is Haitian.
You do speak the truth about what the French government is doing to the French people. And I agree that France's actions in Mali reflect the idea that the French government still views itself as the protector of it's former colonies. I'd prefer if the French allowed the factions in Mali to sort things out for themselves.
- Ulick
"Haiti. What a real feather in the cap as far as Negro accomplishment is concerned. Imagine how vastly different the place would be if it had been populated by northern Europeans instead of Africans.
HELL! just look at the OTHER HALF of the same damned island and that half doesn't seem to have the problems the black half does and the DR people know it and work hard and non PC to keep those Haitians out of DR to the dismay of the UN and US
"3. Apart from a minority of the enlisted (mostly those in real combat), the military itself is filled with groids, wymyn, illegal aliens, etc. who have no loyalty whatsoever to the dead old republic
You are sooooooo right here.
"So, yes pot smoking definitely promotes the growth of the IDIOCRACY,"
All of the IQ tests that I have read about state that black IQ is already lower at early ages ( 3 to 10 years old).
You cannot blame Pot for low IQ. The level of IQ is determined mostly by genetics not environment.
You sound like the type of person who believes the government, academia and media propaganda that all people are created equal. I suggest you read The Bell Curve and study up og genetics.
There is hope for you but you need to take the red pill and wake up!
By the 1960s, Moynihan had already been tracking the breakdown of the black family over the past generation.
If black failure in America is primarily due to drugs (and I know you emphasized 'could'), what's the explanation for black failure in other parts of the world where drugs are less prevalent?
A) Haitians still butchered 40,000 whites.
B) China is working on this targeted bio weapon right now. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be that difficult knowing and learning what we are about genes and dna mapping.
Oh, and
C). If that Pandora box gets opened, nothing will stop it from being used on us either.
Pat @ 12:03: AIDS requires some action by the human being like anal intercourse or intravenous injection. These activities are completely controllable.
You don't really understand the African mind, do you?
A sexually transmitted disease is ideal for the purpose. Easily avoided under normal conditions, with no medical intervention required, but quite irresistible to Africans. It's the best proxy presently available for a genetically-keyed virus - which, as you noted, will inevitably be developed. The 1982 novel, The White Plague by Frank Herbert (better known for his Dune series), explores this theme.
AIDS, however, has been a huge disappointment to me, personally. Although it's spreading through the population quite nicely, it's just too darned slow. They can still breed faster than they die.
Reply to
europeasant said..
You had to willfully ignore my points about serious pot abuse and the bell curve.
Let me make my self clear. Extensive research on the effects of marijuana smoking on IQ for a wide range of teenage males are showing significant negative results. Also there are alarming negative impacts on social and communication skills.
These studies were done overtime and included male subjects from across the bell curve for IQ and sociability. For male pot smokers the drug is linked to a stagnation in academic growth during the teen years.
Pot use by the right half of the bell curve may mean lower than expected life achievement. But for the left side of the bell curve the impact may involve the loss of employ-ability.
For the underclass(the far left of the bell curve) marijuana use means a dramatic increase in not just unemployment but anti-social behavior.
Obviously combining regular pot and alcohol abuse ie "CRUNKING" makes matters even worse.
Nobody today is making the sort of unfounded beneficial claims that "Big Pot" is making, on the behalf of alcohol or tobacco.
Are there medically useful substances in the marijuana plant. Yes, I think so. And Kevin Sabet does not deny that. But, even if you made marijuana a schedule 2 substance like the opium poppy and the coca plant and open to wider medical research, it does not mean that the idiocy that is the current shambolic "medical marijuana" movement is a good idea, especially for the underclass.
So CAL Snowman (February 6, 2013 at 2:48 PM):
"Yes I also find it amusing that black men are the biggest White Supremacists on the planet. They claim to hate the White race, but they just can't keep their paws off of the White women. You never see Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc. absolutely losing their mind over black women. You never see the above groups raping black women or even professing a passing desire for black women. It just shows the very envious, child-like mind of the black, that they would rather breed with Whites than their own kind."
Oh, so at least they have good taste on that subject.
Racist, homophobic, crave white women... Looking good. Maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to go along with them after all?
You do speak the truth about what the French government is doing to the French people. And I agree that France's actions in Mali reflect the idea that the French government still views itself as the protector of it's former colonies. I'd prefer if the French allowed the factions in Mali to sort things out for themselves.
France doesn't really exist as a country any more. It's a province of the EUSSR, itself a continental division of the emerging Squid Global Empire. The Mali adventure has nothing whatever to do with protecting former colonies, national pride or anything of the sort. The squids want to keep control of the oil fields in their newest province Libya so the operation in Mali is part of the strategic plan. The shiny new USSA drone base in neighboring Niger is part of the same plan.
Actually there is something good to say about marijuana that I never hear being said.
That great entertainer who masquerades as a newsman, Bill O'Reilly, often makes the argument that marijuana is a "gateway" drug. That means that marijuana itself isn't so bad but it leads to cocaine and heroin. I'm surprised that O'Reilly who has had the benefit of a Catholic education doesn't know the phrase Post quo ergo propter quo. The whole notion of gateway substances is too obviously fallacious to merit serious consideration.
In fact, the evidence is that marijuana, if anything, works in the opposite direction. It seems to guide young people away from harder drugs.
Black crime is in fact down. The peak was in the early nineties during the "Crack Wars". The testimony of the police seems to be that today the kids just smoke pot not crack.
BTW I still predict rising black crime rates - back to and above nineties levels. Economic fundamentals have turned seriously against blacks. In a few years today will be considered "the good old days".
France gets its uranium from Mali?
They power their country on nukes.
You do speak the truth about what the French government is doing to the French people. And I agree that France's actions in Mali reflect the idea that the French government still views itself as the protector of it's former colonies. I'd prefer if the French allowed the factions in Mali to sort things out for themselves.
europeasant said: You cannot blame Pot for low IQ. The level of IQ is determined mostly by genetics not environment.
This is nonsense, as a few moments' thought will show you.
Intelligence is largely genetically determined, but not entirely. What we inherit is a potential; a ceiling to what we may achieve. But Environmental factors can prevent our achieving that potential. A blow on the head with a hammer can reduce your IQ to zero. Malnutrition can inhibit brain development. Foetal alcohol syndrome is an example of mental retardation caused by prenatal environment. Children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy have smaller brains at birth. And yes, smoking pot can inhibit mental development.
Please don't comment on sbpdl in the same way one might comment on youtube. People have really civil conversations here and i'd hate to see it get ruined with insulting bravado.
@Jassi-totally agree. I love the long informative posts here, from commenters who are well-educated and well-informed, rather than the drive-by "snark" which teaches nothing.
"Actually there is something good to say about marijuana that I never hear being said.
There is another thing too, pot smokers are never guilty of jumping up on a police car and trying to kill police (that is a job for other police officers apparently)but they do tend to do stupie stuff behind the wheel of a car, GET BEHIND IT for example!
Haiti, like the other caribbean islands, was hell on earth for the black african slaves.
I read that about 8% to 10% of all the blacks who were shipped out of africa by the transatlantic slave trade traded ended up on that island!
The genocide of 1804 was tragic, but it's to be seen in the context of the failed reconquest of the island by Napoleon, whose troops pretty much attempted to exterminate the blacks.
Haiti was very strongly anti-french for a few decades only, imo.
By the late 19th century, french merchants were back and the local elites prized them very much.
Polish and German mercenaries who had defected from Napoleon's army were allowed to settle and they must have been very appreciated, given how common polish and german names are among haitians.
White germans, danes and white arabs ( lebanese) have had a great time living in Haiti.They own the place.
Bogolyubski :
The US, especially the south, wasn't happy at all about the events in haiti. I suppose that europeans and americans would have been interested in doing something, but it might not have been practical. Last but not least, once the french were ousted it allowed businessmen of other origins ( germans, english, danes, arabs) to take control of the Haitian economy. For a long time, there was lots of money to be made there.
Of course, black mismanagement eventually run the place to the ground, but I'm guessing that for a century or 2 it was a good place to make money in tropical goods like coffee.
I'm also of haitian origin, btw.
Quemada Haiti from End of the neat to the other.
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