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Invasive Species Threaten the ecosystem of the Everglades -- How does this Parallel Black History in Chicago and Detroit? |
While reading this book, I came across this story [Fla. 'python challenge' draws about 800 hunters, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1-13-13]:
An armed mob set out into the Florida Everglades on Saturday to flush out a scaly invader.
It sounds like the second act of a sci-fi horror flick but, really, it's pretty much Florida's plan for dealing with an infestation of Burmese pythons that are eating their way through a fragile ecosystem.
Nearly 800 people signed up for the month-long "Python Challenge" that started Saturday afternoon. The vast majority — 749 — are members of the general public who lack the permits usually required to harvest pythons on public lands.
"We feel like anybody can get out in the Everglades and figure out how to try and find these things," said Nick Wiley, executive director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "It's very safe, getting out in the Everglades. People do it all the time."
Twenty-eight python permit holders also joined the hunt at various locations in the Everglades. The state is offering cash prizes to whoever brings in the longest python and whoever bags the most pythons by the time the competition ends at midnight Feb. 10.
Dozens of would-be python hunters showed up for some last-minute training in snake handling Saturday morning at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie.
Many of the onlookers dressed in camouflage, though they probably didn't have to worry about spooking the snakes. They would have a much harder time spotting the splotchy, tan pythons in the long green grasses and woody brush of the Everglades.
The recommended method for killing pythons is the same for killing zombies: a gunshot to the brain, or decapitation to reduce the threat. (The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals doesn't approve of the latter method, though.)
Pythons are kind of the zombies of the Everglades, though their infestation is less deadly to humans. The snakes have no natural predators, they can eat anything in their way, they can reproduce in large numbers and they don't belong here.
Florida currently prohibits possession or sale of the pythons for use as pets, and federal law bans the importation and interstate sale of the species.
Wildlife experts say pythons are just the tip of the invasive species iceberg. Florida is home to more exotic species of amphibians and reptiles than anywhere else in the world, said John Hayes, dean of research for the University of Florida's Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences.Invasive species, eh? So is that what happened to Detroit?
A community, a neighborhood, a city is nothing more than a fragile ecosystem that can be changed overnight by merely driving away the people responsible for creating the conditions where prosperity, innovation, and peace flourished (the very conditions that attract individuals to the community, neighborhood, or city to begin with).
Why bring this up today? Well, it is after all Black History Month. Why not a quick trip through Venkatesh's book Gang Leader For a Day where we can learn about the black history in Chicago?:
I decided to use that time to do some research on housing projects in general and the Robert Taylor Homes in particular.
I learned that the Chicago housing Authority had built the project between 1958 and 1962, naming it after the agency's first African-American chairman. it was the size of a small city, with forty-four hundred apartments housing about 30,000 people. Poor blacks had arrived in Chicago en masse from the South during the great migrations of the 1930s and 1940s, which left a pressing need for the city to accommodate them.
In the beginning, the project was greeted with considerable optimism, but is soon soured. Black activist were angry that Chicago politicians put the project squarely in the middle of an already crowded black ghetto, thereby sparing the city's white ethnic neighborhoods. Urban planners complained that the 28 buildings occupied only 7 percent of the 96 acre plot, leaving huge swaths of vacant land that isolated the project for the wider community. Architects declared the building unwelcoming and practically uninhabitable from the onset, even though the design was based upon celebrated French urban-planning principles.
And, most remarkably, law-enforcement officials deemed Robert Taylor too dangerous to patrol. The police were unwilling to provide protection until tenants curbed their criminality - and stopped hurling bottles or shooting guns out the windows whenever the police showed up.Nature can teach us many lessons. You can attempt to throw nature out with a pitch-fork, but she'll always return. Black people have turned large-swaths of Chicago into, well, the type of conditions normally reserved for a sci-fi horror flick.
In newspaper headlines, Robert Taylor was variously called "Congo Hilton," "Hellhole," and "Fatherless World" - and this was when it was still relatively new. By the end of the 1970s, it had gotten worse. As the more stable working families took advantage of civil-rights victories by moving into previously segregated areas of Chicago, the people left behind lived almost uniformly below the poverty line. A staggering 90 percent of the adults in Robert Taylor reported welfare - cash disbursements, food stamps, and Medicaid - as their sole form of support, and even into the 1990s that percentage would never get lower. There were just two social-service centers for nearly 20,000 children. The buildings themselves began to fall part, with at least a half dozen deaths caused by plunging elevators.
Tomorrow, we will discuss the solution to the black violence in Chicago, threatening to turn one of America's still great major cities (a world-class city still) into just another 2013 Detroit -- that 90 percent black city, a fact which can never be mentioned when discussing the city's demise.
After all, like Chicago, Detroit was 85 percent white in the 1950s...
People are starting to wake the hell up New Book: “An Epidemic of Black Mob Violence.”And how the media ignore it.
The first and only book to document the recent epidemic of black mob violence: Hundreds of examples in more than 75 cities. All since 2010.
Thomas Sowell:
”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
Funny how they claim its the first though Paul
"And, most remarkably, law-enforcement officials deemed Robert Taylor too dangerous to patrol. The police were unwilling to provide protection until tenants curbed their criminality - and stopped hurling bottles or shooting guns out the windows whenever the police showed up."
Oh My God.
Speaking of invasions, VDARE's Allen Wall has brought up the issue of the Gramscian takeover of Evangelical Christian churches and institutions by the DWL/Globalist/Utopian gang, and their use of the money and influence to push amnesty.
As I have stated previously on these threads, Christianity, as presently constituted, is part of the enemy camp. Leftists are like a metastisizing cancer. They own and control every singe institution in the western world.
The negro is an invasive species, for certain. What is truly sad though, is that we humans are still a higher order predator that could easily halt the menace.
If only we had the will.
Off topic, I watched a truly excellent movie earlier this week. It is a Russian film entitled "Chekist" and can be viewed with English subtitles in its entirety on youtube.
The CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter Revolution and Sabotage) was the predecessor to the NKVD and ultimately KGB in Soviet Russia.
If you can stomach it, it gives you an excellent idea of what the left has in mind for all of us once they get amnesty and abolish the 2nd Amendment.
For added relevance, imagine the wormy, mop-topped Chekist "Katz" as Tim Wise and the leather jacketed executioners as Eric Holder's very own Black Panthers. Oh, and when the CHEKA officers are pontificating on politics, simply substitute the words "equality and multiculturalism" for "Revolution". Its a great insight into the enemy thought process.
"The Extraordinary Commission for Combating Racism and White Privilege" coming to a city near you in 2017...
Happy Viewing!
I just woke up from a fifty year nap.Did the residents of Robert Taylor Homes ever curb their criminality so the police could patrol it?
Also,it is great to be back.Do we really have a Negro president?
I don't know what the fuck this blog is attempting to do BUT let me just say that this is some of the worst propaganda I've ever seen. It's obviously written by someone who has probably lost something - a job, significant other or their dignity - to a black person. It's amazing to see someone put so much energy into the degradation of one group people who did not chose their skin color. Black people, niggers, niggas, colored folk, coons, coloreds or whatever you want label us today aren't going anywhere. Ever. Never. Get used to it. Soon your children and their children will be friends with one, start to date one or better yet - have a baby with one!!!! OH THE HUMANITY!!! :-O
Wake up Dwight Mann.
We, our culture, our anger, our disdain for you pale ones, our violence and our in general superiority over you "ain't goin' nowhere". Deal with it. Excuse me while I get back to my great life, in my big house, driving my awesome car and eating my really good food. :-)
- A Black Woman
Bogolyubski (et al):
I was raised Catholic and have had both of my kids baptized; however,I cannot bring myself to the church, mass, or even send my son to Sunday school. I tried, but got turned off. I did not feel welcome as it is just another leftist, elitist venue
The Catholic Church a number of years back was looking at candidates in Africa for pope. That's when I knew it was over for me. An African pope....my God.
All of these "big" institutions, such as banks, churches, and corporations are just arms of the Feds, who are just lackeys for the elite and the perpetrators of the New World Order.
I have become isolationist in my thinking. I feel as if Amurkistan is like one big episode of the Twilight Zone. I want no part of it. I want my freedom. I am nobody's serf. As soon as I get out West, I am starting a think tank, a salon of sorts with a focus on secession. I was born free and will remain free, and more importantly, my kids will be free. I did not ask to have to live around groids or have them infest white neighborhoods because of Section 8. Real estate agents are legally allowed to share demographics on neighborhoods, etc. How is that fair? Where is my freedom of choice as a consumer?
Santos mentioned in the prior thread that groidism is domestic terrorism. And I believe it was Californian who pointed out that groid guerrilla acts of violence are political. Furthermore, whites and other people who actually work have no say and cannot file chargefor hate crimes against blacks. We live in an era of tyranny and the Government is tyrannical. It is our God given right to do whatever means necessary to free ourselves.
Working class and middle class whites are being terrorized in this country. Furthermore, we are being gaslighted, which is a form of psychological abuse, at the hands of the media, banks, corporations, churches and on and on.
Coulter and Ryan and prime examples of rich white repubs who have a fetish for the darkies. Many people who have money and are in the elite have sexual deviancies and now they are trying to "normalize" their deviancy through such things as the homo-erotic displays see in the NFL. Or by proudly noting as Ryan did that he smacked some black butt. Sorry to crude and rude here friends but tis true!
My first document requesting Secession or my freedom from the bondage of this sadist psycho-sexual and economic slavery is that this Government and its allies are perpetrating abuse on my family-this abuse is economic through unfair taxation wthout representation, it includes threats to my family's physical safety via accepted forms of domestic terrorism, and it is psycho-sexual abuse and I have a choice to bear and procreate White children and so does my daughter-no, chocolate is not our flavor AND THAT IS OUR CHOICE.
We here at SBPDL are in fact victims of doemstic abuse and terrorism via forced Groid Integration on us in our workplace, our neighborhoods, our schools, and in our daily relationships. It is our inalienable and God given right to be free of this forced, unnatural integration.
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
A Black Woman:
This blog is not propaganda honey, it is the God's honest truth and it apparently it hurts.
Oh well, you will get over it. You will have to soon enough.
And please, don't go anywhere, stay exactly where you are and please don't follow us anymore! Whites do not want to be around you, It is you all that want to be around us, to harass us, to terrorize us, and to ursurp our hard earned money to finance your friends Shitniqua and Shitvaious and their brood in their Section 8 shacks.
Yes, we have lost something...a once great country called America.
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
Off topic: From the land of Unfair Campaign and White Privilege, Duluth, Minnesota. White guy maced by feral black chick while waiting in line at a gas station. She was buying a boat load of muffins.
You can also read the pathetic Duluth News Tribune article basically excusing away the behavior here:
Superiority my ass haha. If it wasn't for retarded whites you would still be slaves. Africa is a real superior nation isn't it? I don't even think you're black never once heard them use the term awesome.
"A Black Woman" why do you want to live around evil, racist, angry, bigoted whites? Let's not live together. Deal?
@ Black Woman
Which African automaker designed and manufactured your awesome car? Methinks you doth project too much. It's not your skin color we dislike, it's everything that IS NOT skin that we can't stand. It's funny, you openly proclaim your disdain for the White Race and then wonder why a site such as this exists? Maybe you should ask yourself why wealthy blacks run as fast as they can away from their own people to live in the affluent White suburbs with the hated White Man. Without White food aid and White medicine your pathetic sub species would have gone extinct years ago.
Meant to say in my post that whites cannot file charges against blacks for hate crimes and that it is NOT legal for real estate agents to share demographics of neighborhoods.
White Mom
Anonymous said...
It's amazing to see someone put so much energy into the degradation of one group people who did not chose their skin color.
Sweetie, the color of your skin is not the problem being discussed here.
Many thousands live in high-rise buildings in Chicago. Most are quite nice and desirable places for apartment dwellers. It's not the inanimate buildings that are at issue, it's who is in them. The residents of the Robert Taylor homes were to blame for whatever problems there were, most residents having been criminal or quasi-criminal to begin with.
The current wave of shootings is partly due to the projects having been closed, thus dispersing all the gang members throughout other neighborhoods.Those people have created crime waves in other areas; even middle class type blacks have found themselves trying to get away. The projects should have been kept right where they were. Closing them had a destabilizing effect upon all other areas. Inflicting those project people on others has just totally ruined entire neighborhoods.
Black Woman said:
"Black people, niggers, niggas, colored folk, coons, coloreds or whatever you want label us today aren't going anywhere. Ever. Never."
Truer words were never spoken.....They've been going nowhere for centuries.
gang leader for a day is a good book! did you find it via the 1st freakonomics book? (s'where i did). btw, excellent chicago crime site at (seriously) www.heyjackass.com/
compiles chicago murders (even woundings!) for 2012 & 2013 - breaks it down by race (gee, wally - lots of black ones!) found it at secondcitycop.blogspot.com
"We, our culture, our anger, our disdain for you pale ones, our violence and our in general superiority over you "ain't goin' nowhere"."
On the contrary, you were once at 13% of the US population. Now you are at 12% of the US population. Your race engages in auto-genocide by being either unable (most likely) or unwilling to show self control regarding violence, unprotected sex, drug use, etc. All we whites need do is to sit back and to watch the carnival side show act through to completion.
"Deal with it. Excuse me while I get back to my great life, in my big house, driving my awesome car and eating my really good food. :-)
- A Black Woman "
Enjoy it while you can as the Mexicans don't like blacks much at all and have already surpassed the number of blacks in the US.
"Gang Leader For a Day" is well worth reading for insights into the denizens of America's inner cities. He describes a world in which civilization has pretty much collapsed, replaced by petty warlords and their "youth" gangs. There's some behind the scenes stuff on Midnight Basketball (essentially, a power play to gain money and prestige for another race hustler), as well as how the Chicago Establishment sees the gangs as a form of muscle (hence voter registration drives in the 'hood).
As I say, it comes back to the politics.
Black woman,
Does it bother you that nearly every black man would rather have a white woman? I'm sure it does, and yet you promote it our of contempt for us just not wanting to be around you. Does it bother you that black women are the least attractive and least desired females on the entire globe? When we think of black women, we think the video a few days ago of the black women and her brood and how they behaved. That us what comes to our mind. I wonder what comes to a black mans mind when he thinks of the women of his own kind? Is it a pleasant thought? I would venture to guess otherwise. Why is that?
Will Chicago, in fact, become a Turd World sh*thole like Detroit?
@ Black Woman 12:23. Black culture superior to white culture? It's not April Fools Day yet, you stupid fool.
Do you mind telling me how African mud huts are superior to European Gothic cathedrals, FOR A START?
Black culture and its inherent violence and illegtimacy,has only been detrimental to Western culture.
One last question, would you choose to live in Zimbabwe or England? Case closed, you moronic cretin.
It's amazing to see someone put so much energy into the degradation of one group people who did not chose their skin color.
Well, assuming the poster is not being ironic, here is the response:
If you believe that SBPDL is wrong, can you please show us any article posted here which is factually incorrect? Or analysis whose conclusions are faulty?
Let me explain something: no one cares about the color-of-your-skin. They are concerned about the reality that blacks have violent crime rates several times that of white people. And that this violent crime is used to terrorize White people, Asians and Hispanics (though the latter tend to fight back with no apologies). Perhaps you are aware of the recent wave of violent black-on-white flash mob attacks? Try googling Beat Whitey Night at the Wisconsin State Fair. Look at the gangbanger drive-by shootings. Or the endless urban riots which since the 1960s have resulted in blacks driving whites out of their traditional neighborhoods. How about black-majority-rule governments in Zimbabwe and South Africa ethnically cleansing Whites from the lands in which they were born?
Has it ever occurred to you that the reason that white people have the attitudes they hold re blacks is not because of "bigotry" but because of the crime and welfare dependency and school trashing which seem to be symptomatic of many (not all!) black communities? Or the fact that the standard of living in black-majority-rule cities and countries seems to go over the cliff once white people have been purged from the equation?
Do you take pride in the black stewardship of cities such as Detroit? Doesn't it bother you that even your white liberal buddies move out of black majority polities? Or white liberal parents would rather send their children to private schools than risk them in public education where they will have all the "blessings" of diversity?
How about post-colonial Africa--proud of Liberia, Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, Zimbabwe? Is this record being taught in Black "History" Month?
Why is it that after half a century of civil rights legislation, a war on poverty, every possible social engineering scheme starting with affirmative action and just about everything else that blacks have demanded we see every last pathology among them skyrocket: violent crime, illegitimacy, school drop outs, welfare dependency, the endless race hustling?
Assuming your post is serious, I am interested in your responses. You see, some of us here really want that "Dialog on Race" which the AG has called for.
So do your best.
Anonymous said...
I don't know what the fuck this blog is attempting to do BUT let me just say that this is some of the worst propaganda I've ever seen. It's obviously written by someone who has probably lost something - a job, significant other or their dignity - to a black person. It's amazing to see someone put so much energy into the degradation of one group people who did not chose their skin color. Black people, niggers, niggas, colored folk, coons, coloreds or whatever you want label us today aren't going anywhere. Ever. Never. Get used to it. Soon your children and their children will be friends with one, start to date one or better yet - have a baby with one!!!! OH THE HUMANITY!!! :-O
Wake up Dwight Mann.
We, our culture, our anger, our disdain for you pale ones, our violence and our in general superiority over you "ain't goin' nowhere". Deal with it. Excuse me while I get back to my great life, in my big house, driving my awesome car and eating my really good food. :-)
- A Black Woman
February 2, 2013 at 12:23 PM
Desiree'! Long time no see!
@ Black Woman 12:23. Unfortunatley, you are right...blacks aren't going anywhere. Blacks will remain parastiically fixed on host white cultures. It's a historical fact.
It is WHITES, however, who will inevitably go somewhere, however. As soon as things get "too black," and school systems inevitably turn to crap and violence inevitably becomes rampant, whites will move.
AND that is where blacks are screwed, Black Woman... because without whites to support and sustain them, blacks WILL regress into chaos, crime, poverty, and confusion.
Name me ONE successful black society. Just one. Detroit, maybe? East St. Louis? Haiti? ANY black African country? You see, Black Woman, it is blacks who are entirely dependent on the white man. What a curse for white society.
Some have asked that the blogger post some of the comments made by blacks and other agitators so we can see what they are writing.
I don't think this is a good idea. As with this comment by a black woman who is more likely a white teenage boy,they all tend to take conversations off track and make the commenter the sole focus of the comments.
It's almost always nothing more than a distraction. An occasional Constructive Feedback comment, or something mildly informative and opinionated, that goes against our generally agreed upon anti-blackness is fine but some pretend black person just spouting off a bunch of BS and the subsequent defenses and insults really don't help me to learn anything or give me any inspiration,which is the main reason I read the comments.
Ex New Yorker here....This comment is for White Mom in Turdburg and any others that are planning to evacuate to a non-black safe zone in the Mid-West.
When you get here don't talk much about the black cesspools that are filling up America. They don't know about it and do not want to hear about it. They are so naive about what it is like living around blacks because they have never done so. Where they live is 99% white and all they know about blacks are what they see on television and THEY WATCH A LOT OF TELEVISION.
They see the "boob tube coon" and to them that is how black people act. The hip cool black guy who is there to save the day. Not the psychopath violent animal who considers murder a sport. They have never lived around blacks and are totally asleep about what is happening to America.
A couple months ago the high school football team went to play a game in some town down on the interstate. There was a black kid watching the game and a 16 year old from my town says to a friend of mine. "Hey look, a black kid. That's the first one I ever saw."
Even where I live there are only a handful of people I can talk to about blacks and the reason for that is these people are also refugees from Mau Mau land like I am. One commie liberal in town told me that all the poor suffering blacks need is a good education. Most of the people around here are Neo-Con Republicans, but I still consider them "redneck liberals".
The subjects you can talk about are....
and only during certain times of the year you can discuss who you think should be voted of the island next week.
These people are not to smart when it comes to knowing what is happening in the real world. The good thing is they won't be raping your daughter or killing you for your TV set.
I mentioned in a comment a couple of months ago that I felt as though blacks were an invasive species. It stemmed from an article you posted were Eric Holder proclaimed his people a protected people that required differrent laws and liberties than everyone else. I thought of endangered species but there is no way blacks will ever be endangered, so invasive was the only realistic comparison.
PS. Pythons were the first thing I thought of. Glad to be on the same page. Keep the fires burning.
Do you not realize that black people are only 13% of the population and it's the mexicans we will all be related to soon.
Only if the change the rules allowing City Wirkers, Police and Fire toluve outside city limits.
The only thing keeping whites in the city is this rule.
Some have asked that the blogger post some of the comments made by blacks and other agitators so we can see what they are writing.
I don't think this is a good idea. As with this comment by a black woman who is more likely a white teenage boy,they all tend to take conversations off track and make the commenter the sole focus of the comments.
It might be worthwhile for SBPDL to have a separate topic titled "Dialog on Race" where these comments can be diverted.
They don't have 48 Hours or Gangland in these towns?
Never met a black woman yet who didn't think the world revolved around the end of her nose
Blacks are invasive species they take overe a white area ture into a getto thene say their in a bad neighborhood thene they move to next white area to take overe
Now, now. We are all getting twisted up over nothing. Some groidal sow wanders in and starts mouthing off. Here is some comic relief for our Proud Black Des..er Wynum.
Uncle Ruckus!
Ex New Yorker again....This comment is in defense of "black woman". Yo Mama...I feel your pain.
There are a lot of white people that do not know much about how the black mind works. What a white person thinks is aberrant behavior is considered normal behavior for a black person. When a wolf attacks a sheep that is not abnormal. That is natural and normal to the wolf. That is it's nature.
Do you consider raping a 75 year old woman or a 12 year old girl wrong. I was on a web sight a while ago that listed black crime and was in shock at how often little girls were raped by blacks. The only thing wrong in the eyes of the rapist was he got caught. Raping young girls is normal.
All these violent, brutal and sadistic killings that fill a normal person with rage are normal to the black way of thinking. That is their nature.
The black woman thinks we are the strange ones, not her.
Pimping 14 year old girls. Thousands of children in gangs killing each other. Selling dope in school. Robbing and stealing. Turning beautiful cities into rat infested shit holes. Getting the government to support you and pay your way. A culture of death and destruction. All this is normal to the black way of thinking and living.
Adding to the problem is the white socialist thinking they can assimilate the savage into being civilized. It won't work. It is like trying to talk a cannibal into being a vegetarian. Give it up.
So don't have to much ill will for the black woman. From her point of view what we think is strange she thinks is normal. In the eyes of the black savage it is the white man that is fucked up. They even call it "acting white" if a black person does becomes civilized.
ex New Yorker-
Thank you for the tip. I do like to lay low and I really do need to chill out after 16 plus years of dealing with niglets, third world turds, Musloids, and other variations of the jungle man throughout my service gigs in the 'commuoooonity'. I honestly just want a cheap place to rent in Cheyenne where I can send my kids to school without worrying about getting harassed to and from the school and without worrying about what turdisms my kids will pick up. I'll use SBPDL as my outlet. Maybe I'll just home school my kids. I do hope to meet some kindred folks out there, but you are right, those who have not been in arm to arm or brain to sub-cerebral combat with groids on a daily basis have NO clue. I have a sack of loot saved and just want to get a chill cheap place - maybe even Laramie.
Neocons annoy me. Nocluecons is a better title. but here's the thing...at some point Shitavious et al. will be running out of the gibs on the coasts and then the brood will move towards "the Peeps" in the middle. What then?
As far as dialoguing on the board with groids, you really are just wasting your time. They don't care about what whitey has to say, they just want gibs. They want the gibs, freebies in rent food, transpo, phone, and they want to roll in the hay with a white person with whom they can bear a mixed half breed sheboon baby as a trophy. I had a black dude say to me once about how we wanted to 'put a black baby in there'. Hell no Dontreau!
Anyway, regarding post high school training, there are alternatives to the b.s. laden Hitler youth U's. Google e-institute and check it out...
White Mom in Turdburgville aka WDC
Replying to "Black Woman"...hahaha! The hispanics are overthrowing you big time! You are still the lowest on the pole. You can try to blow yourselves up, but still the low. In just a short time hispanics will be much more the minority in the US and strangely, they hate you people. They're also more intelligent so they will prevail. Being white, I just hope they're not as shitty as the blacks.
I have directed numerous people to this site as they are the type of white people who live in groid free zones and have little to no experience with groids. As another poster pointed out, all they see are the magic niggers on tv. Even when it comes to crime rates and the fact that niggers are responsible for the majority of it, they are oblivious.
The war we are engaged in is psychological warfare and the more people we can wake up the better. However, the forces arrayed against us are monumental and deeply entrenched and have far more resources. The worst of these is the libtard multicult brainwashing that takes place in public schools.
Wasn't it Adolf Hitler who said something to the effect of "give me the minds of your children and I will rule the world?"
The multicult libtards have taken his message to heart and are furiously engaged in a war for the minds of the children.
In a way, it reminds me of when I lived in Asia and had conversations with Chinese who had escaped from Red China. They told of how they had to watch everything they said lest a neighbor or even their own children should report them to the authorities, get them arrested and sent off to a "re-education" camp.
In America, it's called "sensitivity training" or by other euphemisms but the intent is the same- to brainwash people and/or punish them for not towing the party line, being "reactionary," being "dissidents" and worst of all being "racists!"
Yes, it can happen here and it already is happening and will only get worse.
"The police were unwilling to provide protection until tenants curbed their criminality - and stopped hurling bottles or shooting guns out the windows whenever the police showed up."
I wonder why nobody ever thought to position snipers to get the bottle-throwers. Just one or two hit by gunfire after throwing things, and the problem would have been greatly reduced if not eliminated.
But I forgot: shooting rioters be raciss.
The negro is an invasive species, for certain. What is truly sad though, is that we humans are still a higher order predator that could easily halt the menace.
If only we had the will.
If only we could keep "law" enforcement from persecuting self-defense while excusing the criminals. Ask George Zimmerman about that. Nobody has been willing to take out the special prosecutor in charge of his ordeal, or the DWL who appointed her. They are the real problem.
Yeah either it is diarrhea or a random troll. probably some White teen age boy in his room looking for (C)Rap videos and stumbled on this site.
Very often people who believe in HBD and White rights are mistaken for StromFront types. Don't feed the trolls.
I will say that I have no problem engaging honest opinions other than my own even if they are not well thought out.
Back to the topic, I live in Asia most of you know this. Blacks and Muslims are invasives species. All cultures can be invasive you will see it with Asians but not much notice in taken unless violence and crime follow.
Blacks belong in Africa killing, rapping, and maiming each other to their own content. Blacks in civilized society destroy that society and bring it to their level.
It seems UN Agenda 21 hasn't been noticed yet by SBPDL. Ruh Roh because the agenda is to "cleanse" all rural areas and force people into the green ghettos, as I like to call them, where we will all live happily ever after. Learn the following: "smart growth" means this is the only place development will be allowed to occur which will be inside the "urban growth boundary". "sustainable development" is the propaganda term used to denote this agenda, comprehensive planning is the "plan" which has been preordained by the NWO, but they pretend you will have input, "utility service area" is the same as "urban growth boundary" and what it means is outside that "service area", no services will be provided, none nada, zip, zilch. No living off the land, no wells allowed, no septic, no electric, no gas, no burning wood, or coal or pellets, no cable, no phone. They will no longer be providing utility services, period. Oh, it's gonna be fun. You can think you can escape it, but you cannot. And guess what kiddies, they are now planning on "desegregating the census tracts". Google it. bringing the boys in z hood to your town real soon...
@Ex New Yorker:
That was very informative. Whether these unsuspecting types know it or not, they had better wake up quickly. Otherwise they are quite doomed. Once the Repukes pass amnesty, the floodgates will open. The refugee-resettlement racketeers will have a massive infusion of cash. Those folks need to turn off the damned TV - seriously. They have no concept of what's coming.
Somewhat off topic, but this link is for the black female who thinks so highly of her (sub) race:
It seems UN Agenda 21 hasn't been noticed yet by SBPDL.
UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21UN Agenda 21
Blacks are indeed an invasive species and the problems they create will only grow worse for one important reason- natural selection (which weeds out the less intelligent and less able) has been thwarted by UNnatural selection. Instead of the stupidest being eliminated from the gene pool, blacks are essentially paid to feed and breed in an out of control manner with the stupidest among them having the most children. Over time, this will produce a population that is of an increasingly lower IQ with all the "disabilities" that entails. They will increasingly find themselves less and less able to function in a modern world and will be on the level of Australian Aborigines which have the lowest IQ of any population in the world.
The problem is two-fold: 1.)a population that is devolving before our very eyes and 2.)will require even greater subsidies and "supports" (at an increasingly massive cost)to survive as they become less and less competent and less functional.
An additional problem is created by their uncontrolled breeding in that 75% are said to be born out of wedlock with brood sows giving birth to children by several different sperm donors. This obviously leads to accidental in-breeding as no one knows who they're related to. There's no need to go into the genetic consequences of such in-breeding as it's well known to be highly destructive.
As a race, they have no future in a modern world but will create untold destruction as they continue to decline in intelligence and increase in numbers. The destructiveness we see today is nothing compared to what will exist in the not so distant future unless something is done to stop them from breeding.
Finally, as has been abundantly pointed out by others, blacks are of a tribal mentality and will vote strictly along color lines and support anyone who is black or promises to sustain or increase their ebt, welfare, section 8, Affirmative Action and other race based subsidies paid for by others.
As can be seen by one and all, the results are the Detroiting of any city they infest in large numbers. They want that level of control and dominance but then proceed to create shitholes; and then wail for others to supply them with all the supports they need to live in a first world environment as opposed to the 3rd world environment they create with stunning regularity.
There is no hope for blacks as they are their own worst enemy. There will be no hope for this nation unless the majority wake up and deal effectively with the problems created by this parasitical species.
Like virtually all rants by black people about "racist" things, your comment is devoid of any discussion about the truth or falsehood of the 'offending' material. Instead, you're just throwing out a lot of emotional static because you don't want to hear the truth. Why don't you actually try to analyze Paul's assertions on their own merits? Have you ever thought of that? Why don't you disprove what we're saying, instead of whining at us about your hurt feelings and thinking that we'll fall all over ourselves in terror at offending your delicate person of color(TM) sensibilities like the self-hating white people you're used to dealing with? Sorry, your intellectual laziness and childish, contrived outrage won't work here. You will have to act like a rational, thinking adult with us if you expect us to take you seriously.
PS: Are you really as stupid as you sound?
Californian, your comment to this cretin was so thoroughly and completely excellent that I have saved it to my personal notes on my computer, to be read and savored again at will. Thank you.
So CAL Snowman said:
It's not your skin color we dislike, it's everything that IS NOT skin that we can't stand.
Speak for yourself. I hate everything about them, including their skin colour. And even if they really were just like White people, only with black skin, they'd still be as ugly as sin.
Dear A Black Woman:
Quick question.. why is it that you all try to look white?
your pal,
I agree she not black, more like a. Bill maher type by the he wrote.
To A Black Woman 12:23 pm,
I know its a tough pill to swallow but if black men could, we’d have precisely the same “community” as the Congo and South Africa where repeated rape of everyone from infants to old women runs rampant. Drug wars and shoot outs by militias CONSTANTLY (where now, as soon as a shoot out occurs, someone calls the cops and it’s squashed), etc.
We are EXTREMELY privileged as People of African Descent in Predominately White Countries. And every black woman that walks around hating white men and defending black dysfunction should know exactly what our circumstances would be if not for white male laws keeping black men in check. It is, truly, a hard pill to swallow.
White men are the only thing standing between you and the violence of black dysfunction. And you are a part of the problem because you coddle and make excuses for this lifestyle and disgusting behavior. You keep our neighborhoods crime-ridden and foul with your silence and support of what is destroying us.
Evolve or Die.
Another Black Woman xoxo
And this, my friends, is how it's done:
All the classic telltale signs of a black sow narcissist, amazingly she didn't call anyone "ignorant" which happens to be the favorite negro word for doing intellectual battle and of course just like her chocolate Jesus president she has to tell everyone how nice of a car and house she has, Black's are truly delusional in their love of self, next time you see Lord Obama watch how he goes out of his way to tell everyone how rich he is, "gotta ask the rich, like myself, to pay their fair share" he does it every time.
anonymous at 9:18 pm
Exactly. I had a friend in DC who moved back to the mid West. She is an attorney who is half Indian and worked in a boutique law firm that focuses on Indian interests. She said to me once "rural America is under attack" and that "people are being commodified." So true.
Again, it is the elite, the gubbies, and the corporate goons who want to put everybody in cities and take the land outside the cities for their greedy selves. Everyone working in the cities will have access to "great city services"; however, they will be taxed heaviliy, subject to a scrutinizing police state via highway cameras and "spotlights" lining the streets, as WDC does.
Sure our country is bankrupt...but you should the the Homeland Security Building being set up here in DC. Unreal.
Regarding the commentary on schools and children, Child Protective services and its minions have gotten out of control. I knew a guy in DC whose paramour worked as an attorney for CPS and she warned him re: how he disciplined his daughter that people, his own lovely US citizen-neighbors, would call CPS in a heartbeat.
Blacks assimiliate easily into a prison state such as this as they need the control and they enjoy trying to control whites.
Whites are not good serfs or slaves or poice state citizens due to our innate sense of individualisim. Good for us!
The word community is thrown around alot and to me I see it as the Left's way of bringing about communism and a police state. Sorry neighbor but get the eff out of my business, a phrase I exercise often here in Turdburg!
Anonymous at 9:18 is right on. I know ex New Yorker said for me to lay low out West, BUT eventually, one must exercise resistance. There is the passive form of which I am engaging in...strategic foreclosure, not paying my loans and other bills. I will soon empty my accounts and get on the rolls for some gibs myself! BUT...eventually the resistance will be active, and that means a fight, verbal or otherwise.
So, the conflict will be do you stay in an "urban sustainable community" and get the servcies, but sacrafice your freedom, be scrutinized, and have people tell you how to live. OR do you haul your butt to the West to a red state and ruff it with your freedom.
Everyone forgets that FREEDOM is not FREE...the groids et al want to be here in the US and want freedom and respect but don't want to work or pay for it. The whites want to be left alone, but that is going to take a fight and secession and a closed borders policy. And the Feds will not want this to happen as whites are their cash cow. We are a precious commodity, BUT we have been violated that is not acceptable
There will be a fight. There is no avoiding it.
By the way, I have no issue with StormFront types!
White Mom in Turdburg aka WDC
Happy Black History Month, SBPDL! I hope we can all be enlightened by shining the spotlight on the many glorious achievements brought forth by African Americans. Michael Scott King (philandering hypocrite and Communist sympathizer), Rosa Parks (NAACP operative and hand-picked Plaintiff engaging in meticulously pre-planned, non-spontaneous actions), etc. I find it ironic that blacks that HAVE actually contributed to society and human knowledge are universally ignored both in February, as well as the rest of the year. Such individuals are “sell-outs” or “white.” Finally, I find it bitterly ironic that blacks universally fall in line with the annual propaganda fest, and do not see anything wrong with be patronized and held up like children, receiving a participation trophy. They claim to want “equality,” yet whenever there this an opportunity for them to be treated differently, to their advantage, they line up like the 30K in Atlanta tramping each other for Section 8 vouchers. What a fitting display of the character of a “free” people. All of this serves as proof of Neal Boorz’ long-held observation regarding blacks and discrimination – that blacks have absolutely no problem with the existence of discrimination – AS LONG AT IS APPLIED IN THEIR FAVOR.
And now an observation from my new neighborhood. Although I’m sure this is just an “isolated incident” that means nothing and from which no larger conclusions can be drawn, but just what are the chances that, in my new, more expensive neighborhood, occupied by Whites and Koreans, the ONLY house occupied by groids, which is two doors down from me, features the following: shattered glass from a broken beer bottle on the sidewalk, the only inoperable vehicle I have observed in the subdivision (parked on the street for all to enjoy its mid-80s Honda Civic beauty), and piles of leaves from 4 months ago when the groids decided to rake them, only to abandon the rest of the job. I cannot confirm if they are renters, so Section 8 cannot be ruled out. Now extrapolate outward 3 years, and what other problems might be added to these? Will these trends lead to an increase or decrease in property value? Oh wait. I can’t do that because I’m white, and dat be rayciss™.
FYI, my dad is in management at a manufacturing plant in Arkansas. Groid central if you’ve ever been there. In the last few months, they were forced by the federal government to discharge many long-term Hispanic employees who did not have valid SS numbers (note that I’m no fan of Browns, so that’s not where this story is going). As such, they were forced to hire a large number of new employees, almost 100% of which were black. Well, the place immediately began to fall apart. The groids would show up for paid training, then quit after one day or just a few hours after the actual work began. Many stated that “you’re not paying me enough to work this hard.” You know, because they have so many other options with their 9th grade education and 6th grade reading and comprehension skills. Those that stayed bitched about everything under the sun, worked at a snail’s pace, loitered and congregated instead of working, got in fights, etc. TNB galore. They couldn’t stack pallets straight, immediately wanted raises and promotions (as in after one week on the job). Even better, many informed management that they would be taking off Michael Scott King day, on which the plant would be open. They were advised that they were welcomed to do so, but that they should not return in the event they chose to exercise that right. Thus, a large number of “employees” took them up on the offer. Back to unemployment courtesy of YT.
This stands in stark contrast to the Mexicans that work there. Say what you like about them (and I have plenty!), but they show up to work, work hard, and don’t cause problems. They operate as a community and teach each other how to perform the jobs to help bridge the gap with the language barrier. In fact, management has reached the conclusion that they would rather invest in these employees vs. groids because, EVEN WITH THE LANGUAGE BARRIER, it is far easier to train, retain and realize tangible productivity from these employees than groids. Many eventually become shift leaders, etc. This phenomenon has played out over a decade, such that it’s hard to argue with the conclusions. Further, the only time my dad was ever threatened with physical violence was, of course, by a groid. You see, the groid was performing his job incorrectly and was wasting expensive product ingredients, in violation of the simple, one-sentence instructions displayed in front of him. So when the issue was addressed by a supervisor, what would the normal, civilized response be in the employer-employee relationship? To alter your actions in order to comply with the requirements of the position? Of course not! This person is a groid! Instead, just like in the Atlanta security guard video, when any semblance of authority is applied to a situation, the groid becomes incensed and violent. He threatened to beat my dad, shaking his fist in his face. Bear in mind that my dad was in his mid-60s at this point and about half the size of this particular, feral orc, whom also had a history of workplace violence. Fortunately, the police arrived quickly and escorted him off the premises, while simultaneously being relieved of his employment. Impulse control? Respect for authority? Teamwork? Just remember, no conclusions can be drawn from these events, as they are merely “isolated incidents” and the results of “institutional racism.”
I have another one for you. Through my job, I am aware of a case where a black male executive, in his early 60s, in a respected, well-paid position within his community, engaged in rampant sexual harassment of every female that had a pulse - black or white. This was documented in sworn deposition testimony throughout the case. He had been married for over 30 years, had children and grandchildren. For all intents and purposes, he was Cliff Huxtable. However, he used his influence on a hot, early 20s black chick with a master’s degree, to promote her into a position where she was not qualified, and began shagging her at any time and in any manner in which he pleased. This went on for YEARS. She left, came back. A complete farce. THEN, when she didn’t get yet another $$$ promotion or get assigned to whatever project she wanted, she cried rape! She was a willing participant in the entire ordeal, and only when she didn’t continue to get advanced into positions for which she was unqualified did banging a guy over 30 years her senior for years on end, did the situation magically become rape. Don’t worry – the courts sorted all of it out, and both are now ruined.
Finally, with regard to the poster’s concerns about Agenda 21, I for one am all over it. I believe others here are, as well. I hope that PK will write about it in the future, perhaps from the angle of which it will necessarily force close-proximity integration of all people with violent groids, as an effect of the disintegration of personal property rights in Amurkistan. He often offers a glimpse of the future, and Agenda 21 might be an alternate prism with which to do this, as it’s completely relevant to the larger discussion. Liberal socialism pursues its destruction on multiple fronts, so we must react in kind to be at all effective.
RIP Chris Kyle – you single-handedly did more to protect fellow Americans from the Islamofascist murderers than any average citizen could even hope to do. And you died selflessly trying to help a fellow soldier in need. America owes you an impossibly steep debt.
Gwinnett Gladiator
Mr. Rational:
Right on re: self-defense. This is most definitely the fatal flaw in the justice system, if you can call it justice. The police are useless, they really are. I think states, cities, counties, districts, whatever, should have their own militia. Just have an organized group of citizens who are armed and who can be called upon if there is an issue. The police are ineffective and cause more harm than good. Lawyers are snakes and are predatory, The whole system is rife with sociopaths who hide behind the badge or license they acquired to wreak havoc.
Groids and other turds can do what they want now in Amurkistan. The police state is a bully state with its target being whites. Make no mistake about it!
The whole public service system in the US as we know it, that being the post office, the public schools, the fire department, along with banks,etc. MUST collapse. That is the only way the bad blood will dry up. Good blood will be lost too. It is sad, but this is what happens when you allow cretins to infiltrate the system. Th fact is that when blacks and other turds are let in, they just suck servcies dry...whether via employment or usage of the services or both.
Whites in Amurkistan MUST become mercenary and isolationist from other groups. That is the only way the reset will work.
White Mom in Turdburg
Dear blackie; you are cordially invited to go F*#K your self. This is not a racist site. It is a realist site. And the reality is-you are the problem. We don't want to hear your opinion. It does not matter to us one bit. Now go back to eating your cheetos.
i patrolled the robert taylor homes and stateway gardens. the souless depravity that took place in these buildings is too disgusting to print. absolute savages
I honestly just want a cheap place to rent in Cheyenne - maybe even Laramie.
White Mom in Turdburgville aka WDC said: I honestly just want a cheap place to rent in Cheyenne - maybe even Laramie.
In early 2012 I created a criteria for livable place and came up with both Yankton, SD, and Sheridan, WY, on my list (before they said they were good places).
I subscribed to both local papers.
Yankton has since proven itself beyond remorse (see my blog), Sheridan looks good still.
I was also looking at eastern Tennessee or Kentucky or western Virginia, just because the climate of the west is dry.
If I don't find a job soon, stop in Chicago and pick me up.
Me: http://www.paradisegone.com
Forgot I post using Google account now because Name/URL never ends up getting posted, goes into spam.
The great migration is itself the mark of failure. People don't migrate out of Japan much, nor Switzerland, nor New Zealand, nor even Germany, and all have their own unique set of problems.
Blacks have been part of America since well, Jamestown. Unfortunately they have always been problematic, as they propped up a disastrous and otherwise economically unaffordable manor system out of literally the Middle Ages: the plantation system was originally set up with indentured Whites, who inconveniently kept dying from disease hence imported African slaves. All to keep up the great manor houses mirror images of those in the old Saxon kingdom of Wessex.
Blacks in the old South left at the first opportunity as being rural and poor meant misery; meanwhile their White and equally poor neighbors mostly remained, preferring poverty plus land ownership and individual freedom over say, urbanization and money but loss of individual freedom.
The fundamental failure of Black people in America has been to make money. America is a high-cost nation, and getting only more so. All those goodies from government AND particularly government rule by hereditary elites (akin to France's ENArchs, i.e. Harvard-Yale-Princeton-Stanford HYPS) costs a lot of money. The ability to ride on White money redistributed relies on:
A. Growing economies so White middle class does not get angry with "money off the top"
B. Growing economies not threatening HYPS elites with things they don't like: fracking, pollution, etc.
C. Other non-White groups either not growing much or not demanding money themselves in welfare transfers.
D. Infringement on White personal freedom being either minor or offset by greater money/goodies.
As you can see, nearly none of these applies hence a Western-World crisis. China has its own version.
The Zombie apocalypse, Doomsday Prepper, etc. stuff all around is a recognition that the post-War system cannot hold: it is running out of money as demands explode from the Third World immigrants and existing Black population. External oil shocks, collapse of the US conventional military deterrence, etc. all present existential threats to the current order if no one trusts or accepts nominal electronic dollars in banking systems anymore (and indeed if the electronic banking system itself is systematically attacked or destroyed) -- currently state-backed Chinese hackers attack US bank sites daily.
Dependency on an ever expanding Welfare state is one of the most stupid strategic choices Black people made: and it is the folly in particular of King who assumed the money would always be there, along with the ability to take it. But like the Palestinians, Black people never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Gwinnett Gladiator continues to impress with his superb reporting skills. He even managed to address an aspect of the open-borders issue which is not covered by the usual La Raza types and their DWL enablers.
Re: Chris Kyle. The number of folks in the pro-2nd amendment movement who have come to sudden violent deaths in the last month is very disturbing. It would not in the least surprise me if the PTSD vet who turned his gun upon Kyle was in the employ of the DHS, FBI or BATFE. After all, Eric Holder still has his job - despite all the bluster from lying Repukes last year.
Don M. I agree sir and see the magical negro as closer to a Stalin than a Hitler. Have you read Stalin and His Hangmen by Rayfield? He chronicles Bolshevik atrocities in great detail. Reportedly the cruellest Cheka were Chinese, delighting in torturing people in unimaginable fashions. Perhaps off topic but I recall the noting of one Cheka member was was American and black, Johnson I believe was his name. His delight was in flaying people alive. The left would say he was just getting even for racism, but what racism could he have endured from white Russians? He was simply a vicious brute, nothing more.
Californian, your comment to this cretin was so thoroughly and completely excellent that I have saved it to my personal notes on my computer, to be read and savored again at will. Thank you.
One of the good things about SBPDL is that we can post responses to the usual BRA party line. Even if the poster to whom I responded was a troll, "she" was still stating the same old nonsense which you'll hear all over the Homeland. Notice the intellectual bankruptcy of "her" side: she never once did state where SPBDL is wrong, she just had invective.
Thanks to websites like this one, the Word is spreading.
Here is something from the BBC regarding black youth in S. Africa. Disturbing.
"Do you not realize that black people are only 13% of the population and it's the mexicans we will all be related to soon." - Demographics is hard. Hispanic fertility is played out, both here and in mexico, they can't send more. Blacks by contrast held their percentage of the population in the face of the largest and most rapid demographics shift in human history. over the past 50 years the black population doubled. they are not shrinking by any measure. Likewise africa(and perhaps asia) will be the source of chain migration of the 21st century given both their massive birth rates and collosal populations respectively, atleast until America collapses. We're not likely to be related to them though, more replaced by them.
One analogy is of an abandoned cargo ship full of grain, the only life aboard is acouple dozen rats. Before the grain runs out the rat population grows into the millions, then the rats turn on each other until they are all dead. That analogy is the same for a city, country, or planet.
As usual, all but for the one comment from angry black woman, excellent commentary!
Yes, RIP Chris Kyle. To Bogolyubsk: "The number of folks in the pro-2nd amendment movement who have come to sudden violent deaths in the last month is very disturbing. It would not in the least surprise me if the PTSD vet who turned his gun upon Kyle was in the employ of the DHS, FBI or BATFE. After all, Eric Holder still has his job - despite all the bluster from lying Repukes last year." Today, completely by accident, I found a site called "Know the Lies." Interesting posts there about the government doing all of the killing...
Slightly off topic, but also kind of on topic: My one and only Grandson goes to a Church Preschool. There is one black girl in his class. Was able to proudly decline the invite to her birthday party. Just N O! Probably with Grandson is going to be his cousin who is half black. The Baby Daddy has three other children with two other black women - and was living with one of them when Grandson's aunt couldn't keep her legs closed for him. Baby Daddy wants nothing to do with his fourth child - Grandson's ONLY cousin. And, the aunt continues to look for her next - ah hem - groid boyfriend via some site called "Meet Me" on facebook. It posts all the guys that she is trying to hook up with, and being in the Charlotte area, there is no shortage of them. Sickening. The aunt and cousin live with my DIL's Mom - and DIL spends way too much time with her Mom and sister - and the cousin - for my liking. What can you do...
"The recommended method for killing ******s is the same for killing zombies: a gunshot to the brain, or decapitation to reduce the threat."
I just wanted to savor this thought for a moment.
I don't know why some of you are cheering on the Hispanics. The Mexicans are as much an invasive species in white America as are blacks, and they are growing and spreading like kudzu. They went from 0% to 14% of the population in 30 years. When they "ethnically cleanse" the blacks from an area, where do you think those blacks will go? (Hint: Not Africa.) And who do you think their next target will be? (Hint: Check your mirror.) Yes, it will be so much fun - like being in a real, live Jurassic Park.
Slightly off topic, but also kind of on topic: My one and only Grandson goes to a Church Preschool. There is one black girl in his class. Was able to proudly decline the invite to her birthday party. Just N O! Probably with Grandson is going to be his cousin who is half black. The Baby Daddy has three other children with two other black women - and was living with one of them when Grandson's aunt couldn't keep her legs closed for him. Baby Daddy wants nothing to do with his fourth child - Grandson's ONLY cousin. And, the aunt continues to look for her next - ah hem - groid boyfriend via some site called "Meet Me" on facebook. It posts all the guys that she is trying to hook up with, and being in the Charlotte area, there is no shortage of them. Sickening. The aunt and cousin live with my DIL's Mom - and DIL spends way too much time with her Mom and sister - and the cousin - for my liking. What can you do...
Stay the hell away! I'm dead serious. You and everyone in your household could be killed - very easily. This type of thing happens all the time with the families of coal-burners. If a worthless coal-burner slut rejects a sprog baby-daddy, they often go completely ballistic. Cicero's "Big Lie on Parade" site even has a special category for it - called 'The Tax Man Cometh'.
"- A Black Woman
All of what you are enjoying is coming to a violent end in the not distant future black woman, nobody does genocide like white people and the Saxon is truly beginning to hate.
It doesn't help distinguish us from the Stormfronters when certain delusional nitwits consistently pop up to share with us their views on the conspiratorial v___e s___s (i.e., Jews & Co.) who secretely control the world for their own benefit and gain. Fortunately, most of them use handles, so you can see them coming and rapidly scroll past their comments without having your blood pressure elevated to dangerous levels by the sheer malignancy of their stolid, persistent, self-satisfied ignorance.
"I wonder why nobody ever thought to position snipers to get the bottle-throwers."
No to the sniper thing because that would have a disparate effect on blacks and we all know that can't be tolerated by da gubmint.
"Another Black Woman xoxo
An interesting post by, apparently, another black woman. OH! people, please start using some sort of posting handle by which we can know who is making some comments. You are not, and never will, be ANON via the IP address of whichever computer you are using, we general population cannot normally trace it but DA GUBMINT can so enough of the ANON thing and come up with some sort of name.
The Storm Front site is a site that is totally blocked, to my knowledge, at all the units to which I have been attached for the past near 10 years so I have no real idea what the site is about. Will have to look it up when I get stateside.
"and they are growing and spreading like kudzu.
Now that's funny! I once suggested that instead of a rover on the moon that we should shoot a load of Kudzu up there and in a year the place would have an atmosphere, other plants could be sent later and the place would become more habitable that Detoilet, Shitcongo or Washington District of Coloreds. We must make all needed precautions not to allow blacks or muslim into space with us though.
Anonymous @ 6:24 said...
"The recommended method for killing ******s is the same for killing zombies: a gunshot to the brain, or decapitation to reduce the threat."
I just wanted to savor this thought for a moment.
Just bear in mind, this shot requires a fair level of skill, as the brain is the only vital organ in the head, and a tricky target to hit.
Don't bother with Stormfront. It's very possibly a flytrap set up by the regime and/or its nomenklatura. There was a case a few years back where some Canadian stasi were patrolling that site and had some poor chump in Kanuckistan arrested for crimethink.
Thanks YT for my free phones..yes multiple phones, free rent, medicaid, food stamps,tuition assistance,unemployment, free daycare... now get off the computer so you can get back to work to pay for my free stuff! YT you should hate your ancestors for brings us over to America. I just sit back at laugh at you YT, when will you wake up... the government wants us to be on assistant, no one in the government tries or cares to get me off assistancw
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