Birmingham, Al: the 73.4% black city is awash in black crime... why not put on burlap sacks and pray for change? |
Which brings to the city of Birmingham, Alabama. There's not much to say about the 73.4% black city of Birmingham that Mr. John Bennett didn't discuss in his provocative piece at American Thinker [Civil Rights and the Collapse of Birmingham, Ala, 2-25-13]. To the point, Mr. Bennett provided us a glimpse into the demographic breakdown of Birmingham's public employees:
From the top down, considering the racial breakdown of Birmingham city jobs, data indicate that blacks are fully empowered in the sphere of government. Whites are 22% of the city's population, and hold 27% of public jobs (1180 of a total of 4273). Blacks are 73.4% of the population and hold 71.3% of public jobs (3051).
On the surface, this is surprisingly close parity between population percentage and representation in government jobs. However, serious racial disparities remain within several city departments. For instance, the City Council has 35 black staff members, but only four whites; in the Mayor's office there are 75 black and 12 white employees; Municipal Court Department: 89 black and six white; Public Works: 827 black, 99 white; Parks and Recreation Department: 301 black, 43 white.This portrait of a black-run city would be incomplete without these demographic numbers, showing us just who is in charge of the day-to-day maintenance of Birmingham.
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The actual iconography for the 10/30 Birmingham "Stop the Black Crime" event |
But the story of Birmingham would be incomplete without bringing to light the tale of former black Mayor Larry Langford, currently rotting in jail for 15 years on 60 convictions for public corruption. Meanwhile, Birmingham has been rotting since 1963.
Prior to his convictions, Mayor Langford embarked on an ambitious public relations crusade in 2008, hoping to restore some luster to the "Magic City": he wanted to build a $100 million pentagon-shaped police headquarters in the city to combat crime, smaller in scale then the Department of Defense headquarters in Washington D.C. ; he pushed for the release of public funds to build a dome-stadium, believing a state-of-the-art sports venue would resurrect the once named "football capital of the south"; and he pushed for the 2020 Olympics to be held in his city [Mayor Pushes Skeptical Birmingham to Dream on an Olympic Scale, New York Times, 8-28-08]:
But those ideas were dwarfed by Mr. Langford’s proclamation this month: He wants the Olympics.
“Why shouldn’t Birmingham host the Olympics in 2020?” Mr. Langford, 60, asked in an interview at City Hall, smiling coyly and puffing a menthol cigarette.
With 230,000 people, Birmingham is far smaller than most of the cities that have played host to the Summer Olympics. It lacks sufficient hotel space, transportation options and athletic facilities, as the mayor concedes. And Atlanta, the last American city to host the Summer Games, in 1996, is only 145 miles away.
No matter, Mr. Langford said. “Our city has allowed the world to tell us for too long that we’re ‘less than’ and ‘too small,’ and we’ve bought into it,” he said. “We need to start thinking big.”
The response has alternated between laughter and frustration. Roads are deteriorating in the city. The murder rate is rising. And the county that Birmingham is part of, Jefferson, where Mr. Langford was the president of the County Commission until 2007, is on the brink of what could be the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history.
“Birmingham has an incredible number of needs, and we never have sufficient money to fund even half of them,” said Valerie A. Abbott, a member of the City Council. “Why would we spend money on something where we have no hope of being selected? It does not take a very sharp person to see that we’re out of our league and don’t have any hope of getting into the league.”
But in a city forever toiling to escape Atlanta’s shadow and the shame of its racial history, Mr. Langford, who is black, envisions a lofty future.A "lofty future" for the almost 3/4ths black city of Birmingham?
Only in the wildest imaginations of white liberals does the black-run city of Birmingham have a chance of prospering.
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What percent of blacks are born out of wedlock? How about -- "Wake up from the dream. Restore Birmingham. Restore the West." |
But it's another decision by Mayor Langford that requires an in-depth discussion now, for it serves as one of the great moments in black history. And it involves, sack cloth and ashes.
Burlap sacks.
You see, 73.4% black Birmingham was in the grip of a black crime wave. So the mayor went Old Testament on a city where Vulcan, the Pagan God of fire, lords over. [Birmingham mayor fights crime with Christian rally, Birmingham News, 4-25-2008]:
More than 1,000 people gathered at Boutwell Auditorium Friday night, wearing burlap sacks, their foreheads dabbed with ashes, to observe what was proclaimed by Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford as "a day of prayer in sackcloth and ashes."
The night featured collective prayers for forgiveness and fiery sermons calling for the city to repent in order to stop the violence plaguing the city.
"Let there be so misunderstanding: Satan is at work in this town," Langford said. "And It is time to pray."Oh, it gets better. [Birmingham mayor fights crime with Christian rally, Tuscaloosa News, 4-26-2008]:
Struggling to confront a worsening homicide rate, the mayor asked pastors and citizens Friday to don burlap sacks and ashes Friday in an Old Testament-style sign of biblical repentance.
Mayor Larry Langford said his “sackcloth and ashes” rally at Boutwell Auditorium was inspired by the Book of Jonah, where residents of the ancient city of Ninevah wore rough fabric and ashes as a sign of turning away from sin.
A pastor who helped organize the rally said Langford bought 2,000 burlap bags to be handed out at the event.
“We believe things begin to dramatically change when the mayor, or leader, calls for prayer. I don’t think there’s ever been a city called to sackcloth and ashes,” said the Rev. Steve Green.
Since he took office last year, Langford has held three prayer rallies as a way of addressing crime and violence. Bibles were handed out at one of the events.
“This city needs to humble itself,” said Langford, a professing Christian.
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Vulcan, a statue built long-ago by the white citizens of a dead Birmingham, still stands guard over a now 73.4% black city |
This wasn't the first time prayer was invoked to restore order to a city ravaged by black criminality [Birmingham Mayor Suggests Prayer, Wearing Sacks to Curb Spate of Homicides, Fox News, 4-28-08]:
Birmingham city officials have turned to prayer in the past to cope with the city's crime problems.
The former chief, Annetta Nunn, promoted the idea of turning people toward God to quell the violence in the city's neighborhoods, and she instituted a Bible-based plan of civic responsibility for cleaning up rundown neighborhoods.All the while the statue of Vulcan, the largest cast-iron statue in the world mind you, watches on -- overlooking the mess of present-day Birmingham.
Before Mayor Langford decided to hold sack-races in Birmingham, a most curious article appeared in the pages of the Birmingham News -- Mayor Langford realized that black people were responsible for the deteroriating circumstances of the city and he felt the need for blacks to be held accountable for their actions.
So he called for a rally of black men only to address this issue [Langford plan has sights set on crime Black men challenged to step up to the plate, Birmingham News, 2-4-08]:
The city of Birmingham is launching an initiative that in other major cities is credited with successfully helping bring down violent crime rates.
The solution to ending violence in Birmingham lies with black men, who must take responsibility for their communities, Mayor Larry Langford said.It's an issue Langford pledged to tackle with the same vigor as each of his other initiatives since taking office in November.
The mayor wants to fill the seats at Fair Park arena Friday with black men willing to change the plight of their communities where homicides, violence and apathy are most prevalent.''We need to become leaders in our community,'' Langford said. ''We need to say enough is enough.''
Langford late last week met with a small group of black professionals to discuss his plan and set the first mass meeting for Friday at 6 p.m.His call to mobilize black men is similar to programs in other major cities designed to curb crime and invigorate struggling communities.
Langford said he created his ''Plan 10/30: Why am I dying? Do you care?'' initiative after seeing cases of violence and homicides in the city, mostly committed by black men.The plan's title reflects the fact that crime statistics show a majority of crimes in the city are committed by black men aged 10 to 30.
Already 11 people have been killed this year in Birmingham. Most of the homicides involved black men as the victim, suspect or both.''We can't blame folks for what's going up in our community now,'' Langford said.
Several speakers will give short presentations, discussing challenges and giving examples of how each man present can help.''I'm not asking anyone other than black men,'' Langford said. ''If you're white, don't get offended, you didn't create this problem. We did.''
Organizers said they want a cross section of black men to attend Friday's meeting. Every concerned black man is encouraged to come, Langford said.''The goal is to put the 'neighbor' back in the 'hood,''' said Frank Matthews, co-director of the mayor's office of citizen's assistance and a coordinator for the meeting. ''The mayor started his 23 in 23 neighborhood cleanup, now he wants to restore safe neighborhoods beginning with African-American male accountability through project 10/30.''
Langford said his meeting is not about creating new government policies, but encouraging personal responsibility. After the first meetings, Langford said he would then invite the entire community to join.''It has to start with us and then we bring everyone else,'' Langford said. ''I need the ones who look like me right now.''
Practical approach
Langford's call for only black men will be seen as controversial, but his approach is practical, said David R. Forde, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama.''The sad fact is for Birmingham your significant problem is in black neighborhoods,'' Forde said. ''You have to start somewhere. If Mr. Langford feels he has to talk with a small group initially, start there.''
Forde said the program should be broadened later to get ideas from all concerned with solving the problem.''It's a problem not just for black people, it's a problem for everyone in Birmingham,'' Forde said.
Forde was an evaluator for Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative, a 10-city community based program to reduce crime in cities that included Memphis, Indianapolis and Atlanta.His report on that program showed aggressive participation in the program and partnerships with the community, law enforcement and prosecutors reduced violent crime by half in some cities.
Mayor Langford is correct -- the violence and criminality in Birmingham is the fault of black people; but so are the sorrowful conditions found in post-1963 Birmingham.''There are no overnight solutions to this,'' Forde said. ''There is a significant problem in Birmingham, and the only way we're going to do something about it is not just relying on the mayor to do something. We all have to do something about it.''
On February 7, 2008, roughly 2,500 black men answered the mayor's call to address black-on-black crime in the city of Birmingham [Birmingham mayor's anti-crime rally brings out about 2,500 black men, Birmingham News, 2-8-08]; not long after, 3,500 black women would attend a summit on black violence called on by a man who still had dreams of hosting the 2020 Olympics in a city plagued by black crime [About 3,500 metro Birmingham black women attend summit called by Mayor Larry Langford, Birmingham News, 2-29-08]:
A crowd of black women left Fair Park Arena in Birmingham tonight saying they felt empowered, uplifted and encouraged by a stage full of speakers delivered energetic speeches, telling them they hold the key to improving the community, their lives and the schools.
"I was really proud of Birmingham women as a whole, coming together in such a forum," said Felicia Sanders, 37, of Center Point. "I was just impressed by all the speakers."
Sanders was among the nearly 3,500 black women to attend tonight's anti- crime summit called "Leap Up to the Challenge." The event was organized to address black issues in the community including black-on-black crime, relationships, parental responsibility and education.On April 4 of 2008, black families would come together to watch videos of Birmingham in the 1960s, when the white people in charge of the city dared to fight a revolution that would birth a world capable of producing the very conditions the black citizens of Birmingham gathered together on April 4, 2008 to protest.
They even sang "We Shall Overcome" for old-time sakes...
All the while, Vulcan looked on at a city whose leadership and the majority of its citizenry were far, far different then the one that had erected so many years earlier.
Burlap sacks and ash did nothing to stop black violence in the city of Birmingham; Mayor Langford, who was electing in 2007 promising change to the "Magic City" under the campaign of "Let's do something" is in jail -- his grandiose hopes for the city piled under those discarded 2,000 sacks.
All the while, Vulcan looks on.
This has been another great moment in black history.
Any Christian brothers and sisters on the blog? Please identify yourselves.
Please pray that Birmingham and any other "Earthly concern", run by Black folks that Mr Kersey loves to focus your "Jesus filled heart" upon, will one day seek God's hand - as those who are Christian but critics humble themselves to a GREATER PURPOSE and attempt to forge a "Jesus Connection" with those fellow Christians that they have a beef with.
May the church say - Amen??
Sackcloth and ashes?
Welcome back, Middle Ages!
CF, the first and only thing White people can reasonably pray for right now in race relations is to put Black people at a safe distance. Only then can we concern ourselves with YOUR problems, and frankly after 4 decades of demands to feel guilty for an institution that ceased to exist a century before I ever heard of it, I have no energy left for you and yours.
Baltimore Schools: 4 teachers abused a day by students.
CF, please STFU.
White People
CF complains that we gloss over white crime, so here is one of the most vile stories I've read in a long time. The victims were two black males. These kids deserve to fry. I don't care if they were trying to turn their lives around or just got their GED's - doesn't matter. If you are white or black I don't care if you volunteered to help feed the homeless if you committed a crime - to fucking bad. Look at the pictures of those kids. They look like low IQ retards. I say good riddance.
If sack cloth and ashes were all it took to stop black criminality and their civilization destructive tendencies, we wouldn't need this website.
Yahoo news article on life in Atlanta.
Article is useless, but what surprised me were the abundant race realist comments! As I've said before, most of the internet news media sources in Atlanta forbid commenting, so I was delighted to see so many white people boldly identify what everyone can plainly see to be the problem. Plenty of ignorant DWLs (many are female, of course), too, but as Californian has repeatedly stated, we are best served by developing a complete command of the factual arguments, then take them straight into the lion's den and deliver them in a calm, cool and collected manner.
In the meantime, I'm working on a plan to get out of A-T-Hell in not-too-distant future.
Finally, I just want to say how good it feels to universally ignore CF's incoherent rantings. Do yourself a favor - it's a huge burden off your shoulders. Whenever you that avatar, you can just keep scrolling, knowing that it is only another word salad rant about black dysfunction being far less important than federal debt and financial corruption issues. He must be chairing the Atlanta chapter of Ron Paul for President for 2016.
Gwinnett Gladiator
Vulcan, a statue built long-ago by the white citizens of a dead Birmingham, still stands guard over a now 73.4% black city
Suggested alternative caption: Vulcan can't believe what he sees and laments that his white creators had not taken him with them as they fled a now 73.4% black city. He now stands in constant fear of being looted for scrap.
off topic
2nd one..gee what would Bono say???
Re: CF
So, if the guilt angle doesn't work, just go with the pity angle. I blame the Northern churches for what has happened in the last 150 years. They were the ones who instigated the C.War. They also helped forced integration on the South, probably because, they were tried of the mass migration of blacks to the north.
Lawzy Jeebus, in He hebbenly crib up durr, ah's hopes you finna be watchin' what we's be doin' and fo-gives us what shit we done be heapin' upon erra-bah roun' hurr.
Wearing potato sacks and praying cannot diminish the black genetic urges to rape, destroy, assault, overwhelm and kill.
"Welcome back, Middle Ages!"
Good times, good times...
- Bernard Gui,
The mountebankery just never ends. Even the Musloids are more up front about their intentions. Christianity, as it is presently constituted, is the enemy and should be treated accordingly.
Birmingham should be cleansed of the black. Or at least, have those blacks put in their servile place.
Ex New Yorker here....Burlap sacks? If I had read this on any other sight I would have thought it was a joke.
I first left comments on this sight about a year ago. The comments were about WHITE FLIGHT. I will say again what I said then. YOU DID NOT FLY FAR ENOUGH. Burlap sacks to fight crime? These people are fucking nuts. Get as far away from them as you can. These Negropolitan cities are going to come crashing down and you do not want to be anywhere near them when it happens.
Move into the nearly all white mid-west and hunker down. After the Mexicans and the drug cartels take over California there will be a large migration of people into this area. Get hear before they do.
Blacks have declared war on the white man. Get away from their killing fields. The only thing that whites have in their favor right now is that most of the blacks are still using up their ammo killing each other.
Blizzards and wild fires are the only threats where I live. It is so much safer when you don't have to live around a bunch of dangerous criminals.
The Lord an High O-hole, Emporor Obama has decided that he needs to remind Whites that they better not try to Stop him Wrecking the Country.
In furtherance of this policy, Da Holy One has released thousands of illegals into the Country, including several hundred Haitians being deported for crimes to rape pillage and murder. See: )
Anyone attempting to stop these predations will be accused of racism and then shot. As always, screw you Whitey. Long Live Obama!
We now return to our regularly scheduled program.
CF, I have no desire to spend any time, effort or money dealing, praying for or even seeing negros.
Plus, after listening to negro whine "it bez YT's fault" for years while the flower of our folk are raped, robbed, murdered while we have held our hand in abeyance, it is so typical of you to ask for even more.
When I see a negro, my one prayer is: "Lord make me fast and Accurate."
"fellow Christians" huh?
You mean those african folk that spend Sunday getting all dressed up, then drive a $80k luxury car from their $10k home on MLK JR Drive to "Church" just to make a spectacle out of themselves for four hours? Those Christians?
Not my fellows, but thanks anyway.
My Christian belief has SUBSTANCE. Someting negroes know nothing about. Theirs is a religion of IMAGE, and a graven one at that. Negroes make a mockery of Christianity.
As I perused the news online, and further cursorily perused the blogs I prefer, it was once again, disheartening story after disheartening story.
MSN had a story about a vigil held for Trayvon Martin, the adulterated, incorrigible, 17 year old black punk on the common black path to prison time, at of course the white tax payer’s expense, attended by many including his father, who stated there will never be closure for me. Of course not Mr. Martin, he is now your rice bowl, your meal ticket, yes we get it buddy. Trayvon was referred to as “unarmed”, and I suppose true if one discounts a martial arts fighting ability, however, he was not referred to as a fully grown black male in another tribes territory, a gated community, which was experiencing B&E perpetrations since about the time Trayvon started visiting the said gated community, acting as though he was scoping out future B&E prospectus homes.
The Frontpagemagazine had a few depressing truths of which to speak. Still yet another on Islam, the insane scourge of humanity, and of course one must remember that according to white liberals, there is nothing wrong with them, it is the white man’s evil treatment of them that makes them “angry”. In reality, they are of course not angry, they are hateful, and because as losers that is the best emotional sword they can wield to get even with those who prosper better than they.
Denise Prager had one on environmentalism and genetically modified rice to save the lives and eyesight of third world children. It seems liberalism, in any manifestation can destroy or ruin anything.
On Jared Taylors’s, American Renaissance was a piece from the American Thinker on a Paul Kersey like story about Birmingham. I used to read and comment at Am. Thinker when I first came to computers 3 years ago. From what I remember, talking about blacks would have been, or was taboo.
Sarah Block who visited Paul’s website to comment a few days back, proudly, and with highfaluting arrogance, proclaimed herself to be a progressive white female. She then began to demonstrate just how ill with the intoxication of liberal ideology she was as she spewed her illusion. By the way, liberals, progressives and socialist are but different peas in the same pod, and collectively, they are cattle herding America into ruination.
Nick Styx had a lengthy post on VDare a few days ago, that though was both very good and insightful, was also a painful reminder of America in our time.
Also in the news today was a story about Janet Napolitano and HS. She was saying spending cuts would prevent HS from protecting America. I call Janet, Janet “do nothing” Napolitano because when she was Governor of Arizona, she did nothing to protect Arizona from the Mexican invasion.
In fact, why have a funded by white taxpayers, HS, if Janet is in charge? She has done nothing to protect America, and plenty to help ruin America as SHS. Further, because HS is the biggest employer in America, and further still, since Janet will not do her job, why bother with a HS department in the first place?
China is investing in intelligence, attempting to genetically increase the Chinese IQ, while America’s liberal zeitgeist ideology is dumbing down white IQ by agendizing a mixing of white with lower IQed, blacks and browns baby production.
America is 16 ½ trillion dollars in debt. The anti-American Messiah, BHO, was re-elected to finish America off by our, against our Founding Father’s wisdom, fully enfranchised democracy. The liberal democrats have ruled Washington and therefore America since 1/07.
Without the thought of secession, I would see our crisis as hopeless, fairly much the way wealthy white Americans, who have, since Obama’s coronation in 1 0/9, abdicated their American citizenship and taken citizenship elsewhere.
By the way, anyone else see that piece on Tina Turner a couple of months back, she was applying for Swiss citizenship. Even wealthy blacks are tired of, among other things, supporting their fellow blacks. Thank you.
Praying, singing, dancing, crying etc., and not one word about sexually responsible behavior.
Blacks seem hell-bent on crippling themselves and, by extension, fouling their surrounding communities by having their children brought into this tough world with no forethought or planning by ignorant immature too young females.
Where is the passionate rhetoric from black "leaders" extolling the importance of contraception so that black children can grow up with space, peace and quiet, better economic circumstances, older more mature parents, ect?
Where is the big push from black "leaders" to get the entertainment industry to promote reproductive responsibility?
Where is the criticism from black "leaders" over Obama's unconscionable negligence in not using his powerful position to promote sexually responsible behavior to black youths?
The complete impotence of blacks on this most important issue of self improvement is caused by their intellectual weakness and by an attitude of militant sluthood.
Blacks have a strong sense, correctly, that they can't compete qualitatively as do Asians and Jews;
therefore, their sense of power comes from being a Third World swarm.
Being a Third World swarm gives blacks two sources of low-life power.
1) They have the democrat party by the short hairs from which blacks get endless fawning, endless scapegoating against innocent White America, massive anti-White racial discrimination, and a huge cannibalization of the economy for their moribund population.
2) The implied threat of low-life violence - No "justice" no peace - if they don't get their way.
Blacks are the unenchanced - no cold winter natural selection - primitive template of the human species and there's no reason to believe that they're going to change for the better.
ABC news changed the title and link to the rise in assaults on teachers in Baltimore article:
Student on teacher assaults on rise
The intro into the video on that page in the article shows a 'white fist' in the background. Right. /eyeroll
Mr Rational:
This is a mighty "Bitch Ass'ted Christian" claim of yours.
I did NOT ask you to HELP BLACK PEOPLE.
I asked you to HELP FELLOW CHRISTIAN SOULS, some of whom are lost.
It seems to me that "The Christian" who sorts out "Jesus' Flock" by the color of the wool is HIMSELF an abomination to all that can be assumed from a straight reading of the biblical text.
That is unless you believe in the discredited story that "Black people have the curse of Ham"?
Mr Kersey - do you notice that this one post that references religiosity has so few respondents?
Just image IF you posted a story about a Black megachurch who's edifice and social programs were SELF-FINANCED - without a dime of Government Money? AND which produced a collection of Blacks with:
* Higher than average college graduation and employment rates
* Low criminality rates
* Higher two-parent family counts?
Or would you, a Christian man, I presume - would go looking in the gutters for "Black non-believers" because it is more entertaining to your Deer Hunting friends at V-Dare?
Hey Leg Swipe - Was that "White Guilt" OR "Christian Consciousness"?
I'll pass. "Urban" [euphemism for dysfunctional black] healthcare experience has afforded me about 4 lifetimes of "connection" with your kind. Not to mention what my family endured at the hands of marauding, mindless Oakland blacks before our move through the tunnel to a white suburb.
My prayers?
Dear God, please return Restrictive Covenants, the right to live without fear of black incursion into our white communities. Grant my suburb the wisdom to vote down Agenda 21's plan to construct an "affordable housing community" [for resettled sec 8 Richmond CA. blacks] on our surrounding hillsides and open spaces.
Please, dear God, keep CF and his kind thousands of miles away from my neighborhood and community, friends, family, loved ones, from any decent white person.
Thank you.
'We shall overcome'
That is hilarious. It is an extraordinary event for an individual to overcome a genetic limitation but the notion that a race can overcome its genetic limits on outside of evolution over many generations is absurd.
Good article about stereotyping.
Christians? Europe is the Faith the Faith is Europe.
Wherever three of you are gather there I am.
Blacks out.
OT: One Year Ago Today
Conservative Treehouse has a few updates on the Trayvon Martin case. Interest is dwindling, the lies and corruption are piling up...
"Mr Kersey - do you notice that this one post that references religiosity has so few respondents?"
CF, this post is just another example of black people acting like idiots.
Entertaining perhaps, but not exactly news.
Constipated Flashback said:
...attempt to forge a "Jesus Connection" with those fellow Christians that they have a beef with.
CF, "The Lord helps those who help themselves." ... and I don't mean helping themselves to my stuff through the use of a crowbar or confiscatory taxes. You want to be considered equal? Well, damnit, BE equal: ACT as equal! Our rules for societal engagement are pretty damned simple, dude! Know and practice the difference between right and wrong.... as in be more right than wrong. STOP making excuses for those who are more wrong than right!!! Give up, eschew, and encourage your fellows to do the same when it comes to the victim mentality and abusing 'helping handouts' that are and have always been intended to be temporary!
Be the change you want to see... which, I concede, you may be doing but you are nonetheless a statistical outlier.
We whites have a fault in this too, as we must stop our disingeuous white liberals from assuaging their white guilt and victimhood complex by wasting money on breeding failure.
Without the need to prop up a 'downtrodden' underclass, the progressive platform becomes obsolete. I have zero sympathy for people who are able bodied yet feel the need to have their way paid and hand held from womb-to-tomb.
Can you feel the frustration? Its not hate, man, its pure frustration at such obvious and long running foolishness and waste.
That's like wondering if pigs can fly.
Burlap sacks and ashes? Lol. More negro theatrics, a one act stage play with no meaning other than "look at me!" Of course, one is required to ignore the fact that the silly negro is involved in massive levels of corruption as it pretends to be a paragon of virtue and decency. Pay attention to the false image presented and ignore the ugly reality. It's da image dat counts along with the illusion of actually doing something that has about as much chance of effecting change as a snowball in hell has of not melting.
Very similar to negroes publicly complaining about crime in da hood and then having a no snitching policy and accusing the police of being racict when they come into da hood to arrest the thugs. Just present the image of concern, wail about the problem and then go back to business as usual~ protectin' DaMarcus the drug dealer/rapist/murderer/carjacker/burglar/ and thief because he be "fambly."
Like I said, negro theatrics and presentin' dat image while engaging in worthless "looks at me!" behavior. The eternal negro floor show and travelin' bullshit band live and in person on stage.
Christianity is 2000 years old. White suicide liberal death cult is what, 100 years old? Round about the time whites began to abandon Christ. How the fuck is this the fault of Christianity?
Blue blood yankee protestant crones are not Christianity. Europeans are dying because they abandoned God, a people without God are not a people.
I'm surprised that the damn statue hasn't been stolen and scraped for the metal! And we know why that former mayor wanted some of that Olympic money, so he could peel some off the damn top! can we say Atlanta? we all know the bigger the check the more negroes it will feed or buy big screen t.v.'s for all his cousins! also Mr. Kersey, please look into the Pittsburgh police chief(fired) just broke last week and the feds are involved!!! GODSPEED&SEGREGATION now!
Rational Feedback is a black man trying to promote the interests of his race through Christianity It worked for Martin Luther King. It's still an effective ploy.
But some things have changed. First of all America is much less Christian than it was sixty years ago when MLK was leading his movement. Secondly, the press then portrayed black people as simple, good, decent people oppressed by nasty white people. The power of MLK's movement was that it encouraged whites in the north to hate whites in the south all the while preaching about love and peace.
Ultimately race matters will need to be resolved rationally without appeals to religion. After all for almost two thousand years Christianity accepted and defended slavery. Much of the appeal of Christianity to ancient Romans was that it preached that slaves should obey their masters. The alternative religions like Mithraism appealed to soldiers. Christianity appealed to women, the poor and slaves.
Christ himself probably would have opposed Food Stamps, Public Housing, and Public Welfare. He encouraged private charity not public works programs. He would certainly have opposed black murder and rapes. He was the Prince of Peace it's very unlikely that he would have approved of the low level race wars that are waged in the hearts of our cities.
It is an extraordinary event for an individual to overcome a genetic limitation but the notion that a race can overcome its genetic limits on outside of evolution over many generations is absurd.
Good point.
"Christ himself.. He encouraged private charity not public works programs."
Private charity, without unlimited access to OPM, doesn't put up with unending bullshit and ingratitude. Not for long anyway.
Who cares what CF thinks. White crime is not the focus of this blog, and in comparison to nonhuman crime is negligible. On that note, however, you know who doesnt gloss over white crime even though it pales greatly in comparison to the volumes of nonhuman crime? The LMSM. Oftentimes their over-coverage of the rare occurence of white on nonhuman crime catalyzes more nonhuman crimes in response.
CF is a moron anyways and a piss-poor troll as far as trolls are concerned. Only a fool will maintain a presence somewhere that they are unwelcome and have no purpose being present.
Constructive Feedback will always need the White man to feed him/her.
As much as we racist piss him/her off, "it" will never leave us. It will starve without us.
So, keep on posting fellow White racists. The coloreds have no choice but to "take it" since they can never establish a functioning culture above that of grass huts and mud pots.
This is an unusual site. So many problems in our country--so much bitterness.
It seems to me that "The Christian" who sorts out "Jesus' Flock" by the color of the wool is HIMSELF an abomination to all that can be assumed from a straight reading of the biblical text.
Perfect example of someone attempting to remove a speck from his brother's eye while utterly ignoring the massive BEAM OF TIMBER in his own. The "Christians" with dark wool are those who are first and foremost above all others on earth in sorting by color, as can been seen in the multitudes of congregational standing ovations when St. O.J. beat the rap - to give a single example of millions. Please do explain to us, Feedbag, how it is possible for a supposedly good tree to produce such thoroughly putrid and rotten fruit?
Ultimately race matters will need to be resolved rationally without appeals to religion. After all for almost two thousand years Christianity accepted and defended slavery. Much of the appeal of Christianity to ancient Romans was that it preached that slaves should obey their masters. The alternative religions like Mithraism appealed to soldiers. Christianity appealed to women, the poor and slaves.
Slavery is not outlawed or completely proscribed in scripture. The Hebrews took slaves from neighboring tribes - despite being enslaved in Egypt themselves. The only warnings about the practice were about the possible corruption via the influence of pagans held as slaves. The connection of Christianity with the abolition movement did not come about until the 18th century. Slavery was abolished in much of the world in the 19th century through the action of nations which were majority Christian - mainly by the British and the French - even though the entire notion was quite extra-scriptural in nature. The traditional church position on slavery for the bulk of its history was neutral - accepting it as part of the human condition. It never endorsed the practice and only started condemning it in the late 1700s, though there were some misgivings expressed by the Vatican over the Spanish and Portuguese policy of enslaving Indians in the New World.
A pastor who helped organize the rally said Langford bought 2,000 burlap bags to be handed out at the event.
He might have brought 2000 burlap sacks but I guarantee they were paid for with public dimes.
As a self-described Christian, you must be aware that man's law does not supersede God's law. You must also be aware, that as Jesus himself explained while on the cross, God forgives sin and welcomes one only AFTER he admits his sin and changes (or at least genuinely attempts to change) his ways. Where am I going with this, you may ask?
Approximately 95% of blacks vote for policies in which property owned by whites will be confiscated and handed over to blacks. They vote for politicians explicitly for this, and only this, reason; as these same politicians generally support other policies (abortion, gay marriage) that most blacks oppose. You know the saying about blacks - conservative on Sunday, thieving liberal the rest of the week.
You may think this is justified, as it's perfectly legal. But it is theft. It's the use of force, or the threat thereof, to take the property of another. The fact that the government allows it changes nothing in God's eyes. While God commands each of us to give to charity, to do so is each man's choice (free will being a central tenet of Christianity); and how to do so is also each man's choice.
So, the majority of blacks support the theft of private property on a continuing basis, and offer no apology for doing so, and give no indication that they intend to stop. Most blacks provide cover and excuses for the many violent criminals amongst them. Criminals who prey on my community. And they offer no indication of change; only excuses and justifications.
The majority of blacks support efforts to disarm me, taking away my God-given right to defend my life and property, preventing me from protecting my family should the need arise.
I'm sorry, CF, but the majority of blacks violate my rights simply through the political policies they support. Policies that NO government has the rightful authority to implement. And rather than apologize and repent, they demand more opportunities to violate my rights. That most of them do so politically rather than violently is immaterial. What matters is that the do so.
When that changes, I'll feel differently. Until then, I wish you and yours well, but I wish to escape your daily violations.
Which is why I have consciously and with a clear conscience ceased paying my debts. For what? So I can continue feeding our beastly government and it's putrid supporters of this BS. Damn right I am going to try for another kid. More whites please! Also, less of my money going to feed some stupid Haitian.
Also, for the naive people who thinks Afticans are a 'pleasure' to be around, think again. I worked an alternative school in DC where the founder, a Nigerian, took the funds that were supposed to be for the school and instead embezzled them and bought his own property. He is now in jail in North Carolina.
Mother Africa: the big turd mound painted gold.
White Mom in the District of Craptopia
Very similar to negroes publicly complaining about crime in da hood and then having a no snitching policy and accusing the police of being racict when they come into da hood to arrest the thugs.
Funny you should mention this issue today. In light of the the resignation of the Son of a Preacher-Man (His High Holiness the Right Rev. Jesse Jackson), a US bathouse congressional seat was up for grabs in his Emmanuelville district, so a special primary 'erection' was held there yesterday. I note with interest that the hood rats voted as they were told - for Squid Bloomberg's hand-picked gun-grabbing candidate. All the little sprogs can sleep a little safer tonight - since gun control has worked so effectively in cutting down crime in Emmanuelville.
Negroes are first and foremost creatures of the jungle with jungle morality. The prime directive in the jungle moral code is "Eat it before it eats you."
The prime directive in Christianity is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Negroes are incapable of understanding the prime directive of Christianity. It is against their nature.
Christ on a cross! When he had a chance he didn't even condemn capital punishment.
Christ seemed to have a problem with the Temple Cult of Judaism (which Cicero also highlighted in in his speech Pro Flacco.) Chasing the moneymen out the temple was the blasphemy. Slavery? No mention. Freedom? No mention. Equality? Nothing.
Reciprocity? Yes. Humility? Yes. Working hard? Yes.
Jesus would be horrified by porch monkeys.
One of my fondest memories of being a young teenager in 1963 was the night I sat with a young lady under the Vulcan Statue and exchanged sweet kisses, perhaps a life-threatening act these days.
Much has been lost, and nothing gained by integration and the takeover of our cities by Negroes.
When YOU see that the 40% or so WHITE FOLKS who vote for the same POLICIES as 'the Negro' does - then we can reach a tentative agreement with each other.
[quote]CF, I have no desire to spend any time, effort or money dealing, praying for or even seeing negros. [/quote]
SELF INFLICTED BLINDNESS and confinement to a segregated nursing home and a bed pan - would achieve the very same thing for you, sir.
You won't have to ban all "Negro help staff" from your room. None of them would volunteer because of the smell.
And the smell of your own excrement would block out that "Negro smell" that entered your room - but for your blindness - you can't see that a Black changed your diapers.
CF, that's just disgusting. You really are a class act, aren't you?
Segregated nursing home? Please God, would that we had such an option.
How many black-on-white sexual homicides of elderly women occur because we allow Black males to work in nursing homes with helpless White women?
AnalogMan, that's one reason that I thank God for a large family! Between 10 siblings (I'm the second oldest, oldest girl), large extended family, I won't be dealing with strangers in nursing homes. I myself took care of one great-aunt and my beloved sister-in-law unti the day the day they died, peacefully, at home, in their own beds. When they had to have hospital stays, I and other family members took turns staying with them, including sleeping on fold-out chairs, so as not to leave them to the tender mercies of the grossly overweight black nurses who must have had odds on who could answer the buzzer more slowly.
I stayed with my father when he had a heart attack until he died (in the hospital). I knew better than to wait for those lazy sows to do anything, so I changed his bed, swept and mopped his floor, dusted, and cleaned his room myself. (He was raised "old school" in the deep South and called a negro "nigger" to the day he died. He didn't hate anyone, it was just natural to him. He worked for the city and would "shoot the breeze" with some of the negro employees, and say "nigger" right in front of them. How he never got disciplined or fired, or the city sued, I'll never know, because the city was majority-black and mostly run by blacks. But blacks and whites in this city have a kind of "live and let live" policy for the most part. Ie, in local politics-"you ignore my thievery and I'll ignore yours".
No one in my family has ever been subjected to the "tender mercies" of black nurses with no oversight, and no one ever will be. No nursing homes, we take care of our own. If only that principle could be extrapolated to the white race at large. God knows other races do it, when it comes to opposing and undermining whites, whatever they may do to each other. Whites were invincible before too many of them were infected with this "white guilt" disease.
I feel exactly the same way about whites (or whoever) who vote for said policies.
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