How about you read the findings of this report, published in the journal Pediatrics, and then come up with some ideas? [Guns sent 20 children to U.S. hospitals every single day, study finds, Los Angeles Times, 1-27-14]:
Twenty children or adolescents were hospitalized for firearm-related injuries every day in 2009, and 453 died of their wounds, a new report says.
The study provides one of the most comprehensive recent efforts to tally the number of children hurt nationally in gun-related incidents. It was published Monday in the journal Pediatrics.
A national database of patients younger than 20 who were admitted to hospitals in 2009 shows that boys represented nearly 90% of the total, and that the rate of gunshot-related hospitalizations for African American males was 10 times that of white males.
Blacks ages 15 to 19 were 13 times more likely than their white peers to be injured by gunfire.
And 70% of all black children hospitalized for gun injury (compared with 32% of all white children injured by firearms) were classified as victims of assault. Latino children and adolescents were three times likelier than white children to be hospitalized with a firearm-related injury.
Hospital care for youths injured by gunfire cost $147 million in 2009, according to the report, but that is a fraction of the overall cost of the injuries. It doesn't include physician-related services, rehabilitation and ongoing care and rehospitalization, and does not take into account many victims' loss of future productivity. (Past research has found that almost half of children hospitalized for gun-related injury are discharged with a disability.)
Among Latino youths, firearm-related injuries were three times higher than among white children, the data show. And African American girls were more than six times as likely as their white counterparts to be injured by gunfire.Got any ideas yet?
The only benefit of a true zero-tolerance gun control policy among the black population (this paper makes it clear which demographic is responsible for the incredible financial burden on hospital care for treating those children of gunfire wounds) is we can train our trauma surgeons employed by the military on life-saving techniques before they go into a war zone.
For the killing fields of Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Philadelphia provide hourly opportunities for new techniques to be developed that will save the life of a black person shot by another black individual (one of the truly unexplored reasons why homicides have declined so significantly in places like Chicago and New York City: heightened proficiency of emergency room surgeons/care courtesy of an almost endless supply of black bodies to experiment new techniques upon).
![]() |
Proficiency of trauma surgeons has only improve as America's hospitals fill with non-white victims... |
Consider this: a study conducted by Dr. David Livingstone, Wesley J. Howe Professor and chief of trauma surgery at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School and director of the New Jersey Trauma Center, reviewed all the interpersonal gunshot cases at the hospital between 2000 and 2011, using the data from the trauma registry, emergency department billing and hospital finance records.
Only four percent of his patients were white (odds on what percentage of blacks were behind these shootings?) [Degree of Gunshot Violence Takes Turn for the Worse, Study Suggests,, 1-3-2014]:
Of the 6,322 patients who presented with firearm injuries, 92% were male. They were young, with a mean age of 27 years (±9 years). In fact, they were very young: 29% of all gunshot victims were between the ages of 20 and 24, and nearly 20% were teenagers aged 15 to 19.
In keeping with other studies, the research confirmed that gunshot violence disproportionately affects blacks and Hispanics. Eighty-six percent of gunshot patients who presented at the Level 1 trauma center were black, and 9% were Hispanic. Whites and Asians represented 4% and 1% of all gunshot patients, respectively.What does the average person treated at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center (serving 65 percent black Baltimore, perhaps ground zero for gun crime in America) look like?
Funny you should ask...
Violence is the leading cause of death for young adults in Baltimore and is a widely recognized public health concern.
VIP Background Dr. Carnell Cooper started the Violence Intervention Program (VIP) in 1998 after seeing victims of traumatic violent injury being treated, released, and readmitted months later due to another, often more serious, violent injury.
Dr. Cooper recognized that this "revolving door phenomenon" occurred repeatedly, with patients being discharged without any form of counseling or intervention to the same streets where they had sustained their injuries. Seeing this caused Dr. Cooper to ask a simple scientific question:"How can we reduce the number of repeat victims of intentional violent injury coming through the doors of Shock Trauma every day?"
To answer this question, Dr. Cooper, Dr. Paul Stolley, and other colleagues completed a comprehensive case-control study (Archives of Surgery, Vol. 135, No. 7, July 2000) that identified the risk factors for repeat victims of violence.How about a more in-depth look at both the societal cost (in terms of wasted man hours trying to save criminals lives and the drain on taxpayers money going to save them) of black people on trauma centers in Baltimore (a gun is just a tool; a person must make a conscious decision to use this tool as a weapon)
The study identified the following risk factors:
- African-American male
- Median age 31 Unemployed
- No health insurance
- Income less than $10,000 yearly
- Current drug user
- Past or present drug dealer
- Positive test for psychoactive substances upon admission
- Additionally, eighty-six percent (86%) of the victims felt that disrespect was involved with their injury, and a majority of the victims had a history of involvement with the criminal justice system.
[The trauma of gun violence: Dr. Edward E. Cornwell III, trauma chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, describes gunshot wounds as "more and more a juvenile disease.", Baltimore Sun, 3-12-2000]:
So what happens when the human body meets the gun industry's deadliest creations? It's not pretty. Ask Dr. "Eddie" Cornwell, the trauma chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital. During the 16 years he has been a trauma surgeon, Cornwell has saved his share of gunshot-wound victims, and he has watched many others go to the medical examiner for autopsies.
Edward E. Cornwell III, 43, realizes that only a quirk of fate separates him from the African-American youths he is trying to save. He says his parents made the difference.
Cornwell has strong opinions about gun violence. Recently, he shared his thoughts with Perspective Editor Mike Adams.
How many gunshot wounds does Hopkins treat annually?
It's been slowly increasing. We had about 365 in 1997, about 380-some in 1998 and 390 last year. Baltimore actually stands out a bit, apart from the national trend.
From the early to the late 1990s, in Boston, New York Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, the numbers of penetrating trauma, gunshot wounds and stabbings, have gone down. Baltimore is different, and I don't have a complete explanation for it. But, in the neighborhood around Hopkins, about 80 percent of the crime is centered around trying to obtain or sell illegal drugs.
How would you describe the typical gunshot wound victim treated here at Hopkins based on age, race and economic background?
Simply put, young black males. The typical patient would be in his late teens or early 20s, someone from the surrounding neighborhoood. As I said before, in 1999, we had about 390 gunshot cases, and those patients from the narrow age of 15 to 20 years old represent close to 60 percent of our gunshot wounds and close to two-thirds of all of our deaths.
What's the societal cost of these gunshot cases? Who's paying the bill?
You and I are paying the bill. The taxpayers are paying the bill. That's the sad truth throughout the country. To be a Level 1 Trauma Center as we are, we need to be open, ready and available 24 hours a day. That means the lights are on, the CAT scan is ready, the operating room is ready to go, the blood bank is available, people are in-house who are specialists in certain areas and prepared to take care of these patients whether they show up or not. And then, when the patients show up, they may or may not be able to pay. Many of my patients are Male X, Male Y, Male P, for hours before we even know a name.A sensible gun policy for America?
Make it illegal for black people to own a gun.
Those black people found possessing a gun?
Throw them in jail immediately.
Those found using a gun in a crime?
Execute immediately.
America doesn't need gun control; it needs black control.
Paul, please do an article about the current columbus city schools scandal. Im sure you'll find it very interesting and.....typical.
Guns are the evil and once they are a gone a glorious 1000 year utopia with each according to his needs will commence comrade. After the dear leader messiah bans guns with his divine magic scepter there will never be another crime. No one will use their fists, bats, rocks, sticks, hammers, clubs, or feet to harm another person because Imam Hussein the Messiah, ummm umm umm, will smote them.
Once again, Jared Taylor hits ye old nail on ye old head...This is a MUST WATCH...
I live around the corner from John Hopkins on Chestnut Ave. Lets just say that Hopkins and the Ravens are about the only thing this town has. If either one of those were to leave, well than this could very quickly turn Detroit. You should see all the security around John Hopkins. Its like you're driving onto a military base or something. They have security patrolling on bikes, in cars, and walking around. They have the little call stations with the blinking blue lights on top to summon guards in case you're attacked. Guards posted in shacks at parking lot entrances. I just can't imagine how much they spend securing the campus from the Mongolian hordes encircling it. I will have to record it as I drive through. Still, the groids manage to pick off a few unlucky souls. Gun control laws here are very strict. It is almost impossible to get a CCW and you might just get blown away no questions asked if you were to open carry. Hence the onslaught against John Hopkins Students continues unabated with no fear of repercussions. Jail for them is a vacation. Hell they might even get to impregnate a guard (serious, look it up) in between playing cards with the homies, doing drugs, getting on facebook, and just about anything else they desire. For me or you to go to jail would be devastating. For them,.. not so much. Hell, as inept as the Baltimore City prosecutors office is there is probably like at least a 50% chance the case won't even make it to trial. I consider myself an expatriate working and living here in Baltimore. I can't wait to leave but am forced to live here for the time being. Such a shame to throw away Baltimore. As I said before, lots of history here...
-Baltimore Guy
A lot of medical knowledge can be learned from Negro afflictions. But will it apply to people? They are not as cuddly as rats, either.
This was presented to us on Australian TV as proof of America needing gun control. They gave us no breakdown along race and circumstance lines, though that part wasn't hard to work out.
As for solutions that are closer to reality. I had this to say today at AR just a short time ago on a closely related story:
The NRA has been pushing.... to give FLFDs complete Federal and state immunity from prosecution or civil lawsuit if they make a decision not to sell to someone even if they pass NICS. But for my money, they're not pushing hard enough.
Once we get that, then FLFDs should blanket refuse to sell to blacks. Any that do, should be considered traitors, enemies and accomplices to black violent crime, and should be named and shamed out of business if they do.
Please don't insult Mongolians anymore.
I'd much rather live around them, anyway.
once again p.k. you have hit a three run homer out of the park ,here is the thing that pisses me off the govt wont disarm blacks but they will try sooner or later to disarm white america,those that resist will be killed or jailed & listed as terrorists,or crazy i believe their plan is to let blacks kill as many of us as they can before we snap and kill many thousands of blacks,then comes martial law soon after civil war part two, i weep cause my america is being raped & destroyed in my lifetime & its not just blacks but the rich white liberals behind everything if we win this war we need trials then hangings so this wont be allowed to happen ever again ...mad as hell in michigan...
The good doctor said, " What's the societal cost of these gunshot cases? Who's paying the bill?
You and I are paying the bill. The taxpayers are paying the bill. That's the sad truth throughout the country."
It may be that the lifetime cost to society is quite a bit lower when these guys lay each other in their graves. Otherwise, they will collect benefits of one kind or another (even jail is hideously expensive) and probably father several children that they have no way to support.
That mall shooting over the weekend was near Baltimore? They had a gun free zone sign up that should have stopped it because criminals always obey all laws. Das Radio said the poor downtrodden vibrancy took a taxi cab over there. Didn't the cabdriver find it strange a protected diversity toting a shotgun around?
We got a large infestation here in Houston after Hurricane Katrina. Is there a spray or bait you can recommend to eradicate Negroes?
PK, how dare you shine your bigoted light of facts, numbers, and testimonials, on the poor, oppressed, urban youths who are only struggling to be. Have you no idea how hard it is for young bruda to garner respect out on da skreet? Thank goodness the all mighty "mocha median" will be speaking tonight. Oh how I, wish it were mandatory for you evil Yts to have to watch this great man put you in you place.
Speaking of black control, anyone catch this article in the Atlantic about income inequality? They note some interesting findings from a new report but dance around the elephant in the room:
countenance said...
As for solutions that are closer to reality. I had this to say today at AR just a short time ago on a closely related story:
The NRA has been pushing.... to give FLFDs complete Federal and state immunity from prosecution or civil lawsuit if they make a decision not to sell to someone even if they pass NICS. But for my money, they're not pushing hard enough.
Once we get that, then FLFDs should blanket refuse to sell to blacks. Any that do, should be considered traitors, enemies and accomplices to black violent crime, and should be named and shamed out of business if they do.
January 28, 2014 at 4:25 PM
What in the world makes the NRA or anybody else think Uncle Sam is going to allow freedom of association? It has been forbidden since the 60s and CRA trampled it. Not that there was much left to your Constitutional protection from abuse at the hands of the centralized federal government (read: Bill of Rights) since The War of Northern Aggression was decided in 1865.
It's complete foolishness to think that the freedom of association will be allowed. And the NRA ought to stop wasting it's members dues on such chimerical pursuits.
Post help wanted ads in the front yard, and that should fix that issue.
Thanks for the inspiration. Haven't done a gun poster for awhile.
I think tonight is the State of the State Address night.
I wonder how the mulattoed negro in chief will spin his anti-American, destruction of America, policies impact upon America tonight.
Half negro, half white liberal, a volatile mix for the materialization and manifestation of ruination and stagnation of the white man's higher culture of civilization.
Did God sleep? Did Lucifer come out and propagate on that cold November night back in 1960 when a white liberal woman and an African negro consummated, out of wedlock, and did conceive, he of the devil's brood.
We are doomed, finished.
Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bell tolling our coming death bother you. For it may as well be written in stone, the losers have won and they intend to do, what all losers do, when they win, destroy!
I'm PDK: Thank you.
Paul K takes the Pitch, he swings -Crack!- it's a high fly ball! It's going...going...Gone! Another HR for Whites at SBPDL!
Seriously, this is great, lots of info, good breakdown and quotes that are Jawdropping! Like this one:
"Additionally, eighty-six percent (86%) of the victims felt that disrespect was involved with their injury, and a majority of the victims had a history of involvement with the criminal justice system."
86% felt that they were "disrespected" so that is why they got shot! Disrespected!
This is the very definition of feral. Like Hyenas or dogs, if they don't kowtow to the pack, they are shot, stabbed,beaten, etc. Just like the movie "Enemy Territory".
May I also state that I really hate the liberal academics tendency to put every uncomfortable truth to negros in a passive voice. "Gun Violence" happens, like a snowstorm happens. People shot are victims but the perps are strangely difficult to define. If you are not White, you would have a hard time deducing that it is negros shooting other negros, nearly exclusively.
The real number I want to know is White kids assaulted by negros either with guns, knifes or other where the perp and victim don't know each other.
Let's call that "the Front".
Anybody remember the episode of the Sopranos where the black rapper paid one of Tony's guys to shoot him in the backside so he could gain some street cred? I'd say the only thing to do is lock them up quicker and fix them up slower.
"But, in the neighborhood around Hopkins, about 80 percent of the crime is centered around trying to obtain or sell illegal drugs."
We all know that guns don't cause violence; but here is another favorite topic of libertarians: Drug prohibition causes violence. Like hell, it does. The so-called "drug violence", like most violent crime, is perpetrated by blacks and mexicans. I don't believe for a minute that decriminalization, followed by the glorious Free Market Low, Low Prices, would suddenly turns devils into angels, or sinners into saints.
The War on Drugs has been a colossal mistake, is a detriment to the country, and should be ended; but nobody should expect niggers to stop being niggers if drugs suddenly became legal. In California, where weed has been legal for years (with a "prescription"), has seen several instances of violence against weed store owners. I would expect more of the same in Washington and Colorado, where it just became legal -- especially if lots of blacks move there to smoke (like they have anything else to live for?).
Look at it from this perspective; in the coming upheavals, knowledge of doctoring post gunshot wounds (Civil War Pt. 2 or DHS or otherwise) will be a skill possessed by more than less.
Sadly, if YT is paying for it in the short term, hopefully He/She will benefit him/her in to long run....
Off topic but hilarious. "Demaryius" Thomas, a fleet footed feetsballa wif duh Broncos, gets inspiration from his mother and grandmother. Problem is, they're both doing time for cocaine distribution! He momma be gotten 20 yurrs and gran momma be gotten life!
Fucking liberals and their "human interest" stories trying to elicit sympathy for these parasites.
Blacks will get guns illegal or not. Don't make guns illegal, make out of control Negroes illegal. Prison is not a serious option anymore. It doesn't work and it costs too much. Strip these feral thugs of their citizenship, deport them, and make it illegal for them to return. If they do set foot on our soil again send them straight to the gallows.
Ex New Yorker here...The truth comes out. I always thought that black yuffs were shooting each other because they are being OPPRESSED. Now I know. It be because dey is done been DISRESPECTED. On and on it goes with no end in sight. Take away the guns and they will still find ways to kill each other.
How DARE you say African-Americans shouldn't have a right to own guns, Paul!?! Do you know what would HAPPEN if they lost their firearms, Paul? They would be SLAUGHTERED by the KKK the very next day!
The KKK never went away; it still preys on innocent Black youth. Now, however, it is just a conglomeration of corporations pumping their poison into the ghettoes (ugh! I hate that word!) of Amerikka - their liquor, their cigarettes and their ugly movies that make African-Americans look like BUFFOONS. It saps these beautiful, talented chocolate people of all their strength; they were the Mighty Egyptians 2,000 years ago, and now they have to subsist on miniscule handouts from "The Man" just to survive. I HATE AMERIKKA!!!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Anonymous said...
"But, in the neighborhood around Hopkins, about 80 percent of the crime is centered around trying to obtain or sell illegal drugs."
We all know that guns don't cause violence; but here is another favorite topic of libertarians: Drug prohibition causes violence. Like hell, it does. The so-called "drug violence", like most violent crime, is perpetrated by blacks and mexicans. I don't believe for a minute that decriminalization, followed by the glorious Free Market Low, Low Prices, would suddenly turns devils into angels, or sinners into saints.
The War on Drugs has been a colossal mistake, is a detriment to the country, and should be ended; but nobody should expect niggers to stop being niggers if drugs suddenly became legal. In California, where weed has been legal for years (with a "prescription"), has seen several instances of violence against weed store owners. I would expect more of the same in Washington and Colorado, where it just became legal -- especially if lots of blacks move there to smoke (like they have anything else to live for?).
It's a great comment. Every human motivation, whether for intoxicants, or violence is skewed by negro behavior. They do not function like non-black humans.
If drugs are legalized, they will still kill for them. If weapons are available, they will kill wantonly with them. If social support is available for those unable to work, their natural corruption, dishonesty, will steal that support. Their innate behavior, if allowed to continue in this society will end all freedoms. Your economic freedom will be stolen to support them. Your rights on whatever level will be restricted as they abuse those freedoms.
Negro behavior will ultimately result in the state enslaving all of us. This society was not designed for them.
This is INCREDIBLY racist!!!
10mm auto spotted the same thing I did...the "passive voice" description of the problem. The article says that "gun violence AFFECTS the black population disproportionately". As if gun violence is like cancer, or a hurricane, a tsunami, or some other misfortune that randomly occurs. There is nothing random about motherfucking niggers blowing the shit out of each other. It's what they do. Gun violence doesn't affect blacks, blacks cause/perpetrate gun violence. It's not a minor distinction. Words matter. I saw this up close and personal for years, working nights in the operating rooms of a tertiary level one trauma center. As I have said before here, the floors and hallways of our operating rooms would literally be awash in the blood of these feral animals. Many times we would have one black male shot to pieces in one OR, and you could look across the hall into another OR and see another black on that table, and these two nigs had shot each other, and now they were 20 feet apart being operated on. Night after night after night, black bodies soaked with blood being hurriedly transported into OR's. We would drain our blood banks trying to keep these animals alive. It was insane. The black female nurses hated all these dying niggers. Their attitude was extremely callous..."let em' die." The nurses knew it was pointless to pour endless valuable resources into trying to salvage these escapees from nature's discard pile.
How can black on black gun violence be such a pressing issue? Did you not see the POTUS speech where he invoked equal pay for equal work and being able to take a day off to tend to a sick child? Income inequality is the real demon's maw today! If those damn rich white people would simply pay "their fair share" then everything would be puppies and unicorns and shit. Businesses and their "profit" motive keep people down by insisting they actually produce goods and services of value before raising salaries. It is good for people to work to make money, but business owners are all rich capitalists who "cheat" and exploit their workers. Just because someone cannot read or write or speak intelligently or coherently doesn't mean they cannot be a senior vice president or senior federal judge or some type of surgeon. The POTUS needs to give power back to the people. How can you even afford legal weed without a higher minimum wage? Tell'em BO...Jesus we need a white homeland NOW!!! God bless Robert E Lee, he tried his best!
Please don't insult Mongolians anymore.
The Mongols maintained law and order in the lands which they ruled. And cities pillaged were rebuilt under Mongolian rule, such as Baghdad, and even became cultural centers. How many cities have blacks rebuilt? As for law and order or culture under BRA...let's look at Detroit or Newark or Baltimore or...
PK, how dare you shine your bigoted light of facts, numbers, and testimonials, on the poor, oppressed, urban youths who are only struggling to be.
I am sooooo in agreement. "Facts," "numbers" and "testimonials" are constructs of the racist sexist heteronormalist islamophobic white male patriarchy to justify white male patriarchy. If we could liberate ourselves from "facts," "numbers" and "testimonials" we could liberate oppressed peoples from racism, sexism, heteronormalism and islamophobia. We need to hold hands with liberated peoples from Detroit to Zimbabwe and sing "Children of the Rainbow" to appreciate how much can be accomplished when "facts," "numbers" and "testimonials" are overthrown.
I.M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
More facts, better research and data will do nothing.
The thieves and liars in Congress already know this, and they don't care. You can't convince them of anything because they're already committed to their current position: tax whites to death, and create a permanent voting underclass of entitlement recipients.
Once amnesty becomes voter registration for all 20 million Mexicans, no white person will win another election except by doing exactly what Al Sharpton tells him.
The enormous cost of black gunshot victims is the reason the University of Chicago closed it's adult trauma center. Now they only patch up lil' bangers.
Since they can't or won't curb their violence the black rabble that populate the area around the hospital choose to protess and scream racism. Who cares that their feral behavior was causing the hospital to lose so much money it would have gone bankrupt had they not shuttered the trauma 1 unit?
Besides: erbody poda hep.
So true, PK. My new slogan to people asking how we can "save" the country in these tough times...Segregation and Sterilization. Very simple.
Every time I see Atlanta in the news tonight b/c of the weather, I think about all that traffic and real reason why its such a mess. Paul has several articles on that issue. Some people are still stuck past 2am. Kids spending the night at school.
Wonder how much of this is black dysfunction? What a nightmare, glad not down there. Hope your doing alright Gwinnett Gladiator! Bet there are some massive chimpouts goin on...
NC Guy
Segregation and Sterilization
Start the chorus!
'Gun violence causes black people!'
'Poverty causes black people!'
'Poor education causes black people!'
Anonymous said...
Once again, Jared Taylor hits ye old nail on ye old head...
THANK YOU for letting me know about this man. Excellent stuff!!
MOS 0312
"Victory through superior shot placement"
Haha. The tide might be turning agains one really gives a crap about the blacks and their eternal "stuggle." Since hetero white males can't seem to defend civilization, maybe the white LGBTQ will have the balls to finally tell blacks to STFU and GTFO.
White gay males have NO PROBLEM criticizing blacks. They have the top position on the victimhood ladder now.
"Face it blacks, you’ve lost a lot of real estate in the social justice wars, and the gays are pitching absolutely fabulous rainbow tents on it."
Carolina Cicero sez:
Got asked recently why I'm so racist, considering my academic background.
"It's simple." I shrug. "That old stuff? If the facts do not conform to the theorem, then, discard said facts."
AA, EEOC, MLK's "dream"...these are but theories, the sad part being that all the statistics coming out as of late...tend to point to a whole new theorem.
My physics prof, himself a very wily Hindu person, noted that to us all: "Oft, you study the evidence, the theory stands up from it and aims itself at you."
Ergo, I don't need a "reason" to despise these two-legged versions of Blattella Africanus Americanus. (My really bad latin showing..LOL!)
But, lessee: Typical IQ around 65-75, which means a PLC's got more intellect, they didn't learn real agriculture (not to the extent that Aryans, Asians, Arabs and Indians did...), no wheel (owch!)..
So, what are they good for?
You get an answer, let me know.
Libertardians swallow the liberal LIE that black violence is because of gangs or drugs. Most nig violence is over petty disputes. They have next to no impulse control. This is why they rape and rob and murder so frequently, they are highly emotional and impulsive, in the moment. No self restraint.
They kill.people over $5. One chimpout in dc during the Barry years was a father who shot his own son dayud over who ate the last dorito in the bag. Yes, no shit. Both of them retrieved firearms but the father's shot hit.
The theorem doesn't conform to the cannot discard facts or you just have bullshit like liberalism
I for one no longer consider myself a race realist; I now consider myself a non-apostate.
I am a non-liberal, non-apostate white. Should a liberal or a negro attempt to corral me into the nastiness of racist, with their jackboot superiority, I shall inform them that I am a non-apostate, then turn the table and accuse them of being, an apostate.
I drop this little gam off just in case anyone was wondering whatever happened to PDK the race realist. Well obviously I've transformed myself into PDK the non-apostate.
So with that cleared up, I'll just say Thanks.
Yet yet whites have many more guns per person than blacks. Blacks simply are less responsible with the one gun they have than whites are with their many guns.
I can't believe that the real reason(gettin dis'd) was allowed to be printed by the ministry of truth. I was even more shocked by the numbers. What do these NAPA's think its a sport? The groids truely have no empathy or, compassion for their fellow tribes men. Oh well, we all know it was those ebil yts fault. How can one not expect D'andre to not shoot Shitavios in the face for stepin on his Jordans? Who among us hasn't done or would do the same?
Carolina Cicero x2:
The theorem doesn't conform to the cannot discard facts or you just have bullshit like liberalism
My point, comrade! Exactly! QED!
I've a friend who did some social anthro work for a gummint agency. This person was...tense...was...once so liberal as to be disgusting.
That changed after a few years tabbing data. "Nothing will ever work with these....!!"
No. The facts overwhelm ANY and ALL pet whiny librull mantra stuff. Blacks cannot operate a sophisticated mechanism called _society_. PK's endless demos are more than proof.
We now return you to the destruction of America still in progress....
OT: A 7-year-old girl is beaten unconscious by at least 4 boy classmates in a MD elementary school.
There is no mention in the article of the races of anyone involved. A demographic search on the Thomas Claggett Elementary School in District Heights, Md shows that it is 92% black. One clue about the victim's race is that they know who the father is and he was available for comment, but it isn't clear.
Even if we were able to disarm them, they would still have fists and use pack attacks.
DaShui said...
"Please don't insult Mongolians anymore.
I'd much rather live around them, anyway.
January 28, 2014 at 4:29 PM"
Then move to their countries (if they let you) and stop pushing these non-White foreigners in ours where they do nothing but take high paying jobs, AA government contracts, training programs, lottery school seats, college admissions, real estate and now entire neighborhoods and cities away from native White Americans and their children on the West Coast.
We conquered, built, maintained and defended this country. Your two-faced mongols have no right to displace and disfranchise us in our own land. It is ours and nobody else's !
In the early 70's, before there was formal Emergency Department training, I would moonlight in EDs from Tifton to Warner Robbins. Very good money when our annual salary was around 10K as a resident. Anyway, the different types of complaints I would see were clearly racial. The asthmatic kids, chest pain men and anxiety filled women were typically white. Occasionally I would see a work-related trauma/laceration in a white man or even trauma from intoxication or Doberman bite. The real savagery, however, was almost exclusively in blacks and it would be inflicted with any object other than their fists. Book ends, broom handles, rocks, finger nails, knives, glass, etc.I remember one late night shift in Tifton when a young buck was brought to the trauma room unresponsive. His GF had stabbed him in the chest with a letter opener (at least that is the story we were given) for some reason. The autopsy revealed a severed aorta so he was beyond being a tax burden. Another guy was brought into the ED with a recent history of being 'pushed down a flight of stairs'. He was unconscious and clearly drunk. He did move, though, when I cracked an ammonia cap under his nose. I immediately transferred him to the nearest hospital with a neuro unit and after he left I got the skull films back. .22 cal bullet in his squash. Don't know what happened to him. Probably died, but hitting them in the head usually doesn't cause much damage unless you get the part that controls breathing or eating. Anyway the point of the story is: 1)What is seen in the EDs is just a fraction of the real incidence of black mayhem. They will just put scotch tape or duct tape over a laceration rather than interrupt the moon walk. 2) the chief complaints are different by races....Blacks don't need Drs' they need large animal vets with a specialty in trauma.
If drugs are legalized, they will still kill for them.
They kill for ANYTHING. Air Jordans, drugs, even pieces of fried chicken.
escapees from nature's discard pile.
Nice turn of phrase. Since "aybah poda hep", those ought to contribute by assuming room temperature.
Californian said:
"The Mongols maintained law and order in the lands which they ruled. And cities pillaged were rebuilt under Mongolian rule, such as Baghdad, and even became cultural centers. How many cities have blacks rebuilt? As for law and order or culture under BRA...let's look at Detroit or Newark or Baltimore or...January 28, 2014 at 10:21 PM"
Never heard of the Mongol raids and invasion of Europe in the 12th century which historians regard as SOME OF THE DEADLIEST CONFLICTS IN HUMAN HISTORY ? WTF ?!!
Have we now been so blinded by black abuse, that everybody else has become angels and should get a pass to live with us even when they committed some of the worst massacres and genocides against our own people and are now fully participating in taking our jobs, schools and real estate away from us and our children ?
Newsflash ! Just like DWLs who think that being anti-racist will save their sorry ass with black thugs, the Chinese won't make a difference between you and the groids when they'll be ready to take it all over, OK ?
The non-White parasites are coming from all sides now, and we only have each other to save ourselves. For someone going by "Californian", you really ought to know better if you're truly White. WAKE UP !
We all know that guns don't cause violence; but here is another favorite topic of libertarians: Drug prohibition causes violence. Like hell, it does. The so-called "drug violence", like most violent crime, is perpetrated by blacks and mexicans. I don't believe for a minute that decriminalization, followed by the glorious Free Market Low, Low Prices, would suddenly turns devils into angels, or sinners into saints.
Ending the drug war might make sense in a white society. But for whatever reasons, blacks seem unable to handle individual liberty. Part of libertarianism is that people are to be responsible for their actions. Which means using guns and drugs responsibly, respecting private property, and not exploiting the welfare system. Do we see any of that in the 'hood? Of course not. Freedom failed.
The presence of large numbers of blacks means lots of irresponsible behavior--like gunfights over trivial matters. Libertarians also believe in the sanctity of private property, meaning a business owner could legally put up a sign saying "Whites Only." Think blacks are going to respect that?
Libertarianism might work with a population which is high-IQ, future time oriented and high impulse control. Do we see any black majority city or country becoming a free society? In the real world, they end up as kleptocracies, welfare hustles, dictatorships and human rights debacles. Blacks themselves either create Big Government, or so thoroughly trash things that the only way to get it under control is to have a police state. Let's note that the USA does have a black chief executive and a black AG, and is becoming a progressively less free society.
Libertarianism is largely a white movement. Blacks demand a massive government apparatus for affirmative action, welfare, social engineering, taxpayer supported ERs, agitprop (e.g., black "history" month), and to control their violent behaviors--like a war on drugs.
The vision of liberty (and it is a noble vision) is not going to be realized if there are substantial numbers of blacks.
Liberty: it's a white thang.
This is OT, but the thread on Melissa Harris-Perry on GLP got me thinking about the state of affirmative action in the academic and literary world. It's obvious that sub-par work from these people is accepted, as they are not expected to live up to White norms even at the top of the scale (and knowing they're living on White denial of their inferiority has to be galling to them, but that's another story).
What we need is language for this. Here's a few words that might just go viral if we spread them around:
Blackademia, n.: the portion of post-secondary faculty which cannot be held to normal standards of scholarship or even personal conduct, because that would be "racist". Blackademia is known for being long on grievance and demands, and short on facts and reason.
Blackademic, n.: A faculty member of African descent whose work is easily recognized by its stilted language and doctrinaire positions on all social and racial issues.
Blacklete, n.: A "stoont" whose intellectual capacity is insufficient for college admission (if their criminal record shouldn't bar them from campus outright), but who nevertheless receives a scholarship to play in a revenue sport. Blackletes often receive credit for courses taught exclusively by blackademics for blackletes, though their attendance may not be verified.
Afflete, n.: see Blacklete.
Now here's a heart-warming story (for the average Crystal Methodist) from the cold climes of Sweden.
The regime and its minions are perfectly OK with unleashing negroes to molest children, and will come down with the full jackboot on anyone who complains too loudly. The only reasonable response for the Swedes - one which their own deeply-held Crystal Methodism would not even allow them to contemplate - would be to a) kill the perp; and b) kill any and all police, magistrates, lawyers, Duranties and others who attempted to protect the perp from justice. The likelihood of something like this - a real popular uprising - taking place? Almost zero. Barbara Spectre plans to import even more groids freshly expelled from her real country to "mix it up" with the kiddies to bring about a brown Sweden as fast as possible.
The scarlet-handed Nigerian in Londonistan, fresh from slaughtering a hapless Brit soldier-chump who faithfully served his Bankstein overlords in Trashcanistan and retruned to be completely disarmed at home, told the truth:
Remove your governments. They are not for you.
Liberty = white thang
same goes for constitutional republican form of govt
but 50% + 1 = Obongo forever
this production is over. as we begin to rebuild, let's remember how it came to be and NOT make the same mistakes over again
democracy = disaster
"Democratic ideals among an homogenous population of Nordic blood, as in England or America, is one thing, but it is quite another for the white man to share his blood with, or intrust his ideals to, brown, yellow, black or red men.
This is suicide pure and simple, and the first victim of this amazing folly will be the white man himself."
~ Madison Grant-1920 in a forward to the book The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard ~ historic Unitarian Christian, dismissed by secular humanists posing as christians.
I posted this comment on PK's last piece on the Enemy Territory" movie, and with his approval I'll repost it here and expand a bit as I think it's fitting:
As a career FF for a decade now I can attest to the fact that we in the FD get to see the negro in his true element.
Trashed shrewn rentals, (they don't own) large screen TVs in the living rooms & bedrooms with Cable or satellite (I've yet to enter a residence where it wasn't on and blaring). Snack food everywhere, sinks & stovetops full of dirty, unwashed dishes, pots & pans... There is always the dirty couch & easy chairs, stained with food, hair grease & even animal feces.
All occupants are related but never married. All occupants are receiving multiple forms of aid/assistance be it Welfare, SSI Disability, Medicaid/Medicare, Utilities etc. Yet they NEVER pay for services rendered by private Ambulance, Fire/EMS etc.
What I describe here is the tip of the iceberg. It gets must worse & this is 95% of negro residences I get to see.
The total costs of the negro to the Medical industry as a whole from the first responder to the Hospital to the therapist after discharge are STAGGERING.
Anyone who says they are just like us is a lair & worse, an enemy.
As far as the guns & children go, my children see my guns & know that they are mine, not to be touched. They are secured in my safe or on my person without exception. A negro with a gun is like giving a loaded ak-47 to a chimpanzee, it will never end well.
Get you house in order because this madness cannot & will not last.
Fed up Firefighter
"You and I are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other races. Whether it be right or wrong, I need not discuss; but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think. Your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living amongst us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."
Statement to the Deputation of Free Negroes (14 August 1862), in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Baler, Rutgers University Press, 1953, Vol. V, page 371.
"Here comes the orator, with his flood of words, and his drop of reason." -- Benjamin Franklin
Addison and G. I recently took a look at Jensen again. Addison is good at spewing out rote info, things he has memorized. But the thing he lacks is abstract reasoning. He cannot quite make the leap to original thought. It's the source of his frustrations. He has the talk, he has the info, but he cannot organize it to stand up to scrutiny.
I pity the nigger. He's got white relatives around him propping him up. If he were around proper darkies he'd probably get himself shot for being too white. Poor mutant.
Bogolyubski, with all due respect, please stop quoting that "scarlet-handed Nigerian". He butchered a white man on a public street, in broad daylight. That was his statement. I don't give a fuck if he said "2+2=4" or recited Newton's Three Laws of Motion; any truth contained in his words, after that act, are utterly void and irrelevant.
If you must quote somebody, use a proven philosopher or a Founding Father. There is plenty of wisdom out there from decent, human men, that we don't need to scrape the rare vitamin from the shit-stained cranium of the savage. I know you're proud of your catchphrases that you've refined over the course of several posts in the ether, but this one has to just fucking stop.
Thank you.
SF Seal said...
Never heard of the Mongol raids and invasion of Europe in the 12th century which historians regard as SOME OF THE DEADLIEST CONFLICTS IN HUMAN HISTORY ?
I was being ironic in my post about the Mongols. My point was, the devastation that blacks have visited on numerous cities globally is on the level of a Mongol invasion and in some ways worse.
The difference is that at least back in the Medieval era people understood that the Mongols were the enemy and tried to fight them. Today, the white world has largely given up on resisting the black tide, at least in an organized manner--George Wallace and Ian Smith were of the final cohort of white leaders.
Today, too many whites grovel before black hustlers like MLK and Mandela and deify them as Messiahs. It's the sort of behavior you might see in a conquered populace. Why too many white people have chosen to act this way is something for debate. But really what needs to be on the table is how white people can resist.
Black Control and laws to achieve that end are definitely needed but I agree with other posters- gun control is essentially worthless as regards groids. Just look at any black nation where many of the blacks cannot access guns~ you see videos and pics of hordes of rampaging feral negroes armed with machetes, spears and knives. Or they simply attack in mobs and beat the person down and burn them to death with flammable liquids. Or simply crush their skulls with rocks and/or cinder blocks.
If negroes couldn't own guns, they'd simply use other weapons and tactics to achieve the same level of mayhem and destruction. The costs would be the same except Trauma units would simply be learning how to treat and deal with multiple stab wounds inflicted with various stabbing implements, to deal with burn victims and with crushed skulls.
I don't know any human being (non black) who wants to live around blacks~ especially concentrated populations of blacks~ and for good reason. Who wants to have to carry a weapon for self defense against an ever present threat of attack? No civilized human wants to live that way but with blacks, that's what kind of environment one must contend with.
I once compared blacks to destructive feral hogs and how areas negatively impacted by the presence of feral hogs initiated eradication campaigns. Not one official wanted to feed the hogs, subsidize their breeding or provide them with shelter against the elements. Nor did anyone blabber about trying to domestic them and turn them into common barnyard animals. They were recognized for what they were and dealt with accordingly. Yes, many the feral hogs were once domesticated stock that escaped into the wild and then regressed over a several generations to their natural state (as have negroes off the plantation) but some were imported ( Africans today) by hunters (idiotic self serving politicians and other idiots)and were/are feral from the start.
The same common sense approach should be used as per negroes as is applied to feral hogs. And, just as self-serving hunters (who transport feral hogs to new areas for them to infest) are charged with crimes, so too should those who try and spread the black plague to new areas.
If confinement and containment doesn't work, then the only option is eradication/expulsion as the problems will only increase in severity as will the harm done by their presence.
Just as I wouldn't want one cent of my money going to feed and breed feral hogs, I don't want one cent going to the feeding and breeding of feral niggers. However, I'd be glad to help pay for their containment or eradication/expulsion.
Anonymous said...
Libertarianism is largely a white movement. Blacks demand a massive government apparatus for affirmative action, welfare, social engineering, taxpayer supported ERs, agitprop (e.g., black "history" month), and to control their violent behaviors--like a war on drugs.
The vision of liberty (and it is a noble vision) is not going to be realized if there are substantial numbers of blacks.
Liberty: it's a white thang.
Liberty is fundamentally a creation of white men. Black behavior, both their innate behavior and the resentment and anger that leftists have indoctrinated them with, is going to further destroy the liberty we have left. Our freedom began its death spiral with their emancipation, which ultimately led to our loss of freedom of association and the loss of our economic freedom with the state forcing us to care for them, cradle to grave.
Blacks are a huge factor behind government growth. But there's another group that is anti-liberty, females. This is a big old generalization. But women as a political force absolutely look to the state for their well being and through their compassionate tendencies, look for the state to care for a variety of "victims" they identify. Obama is a creation of black and largely female voters. The state wants power and the energy of female voters and the dysfunction caused by negroes are going to continue to deliver power to the state.
You might remember Obama had this little cartoon he was pushing about a fictional Julia in the "Life of Julia". Julia was shown throughout various phases of her life being helped with one or another government agency. Most men would have reacted with amazed disbelief that this was presented as a positive thing. Obama's people are cunning, they understood that whole play with contraceptives, Fluke, Julia and the War on women. Hell, last nights Obama SOTU speech contained what seemed to be about a thousand references to various single moms.
I'm not writing this to anger all those women who are awake to the issues of race and our freedom and culture's survival. But if you don't recognize trends and influences, there sure is no hope of ever addressing them.
Greetings from the ATHell, where we learned today that the responsibility for both reacting to mother nature and yesterday’s traffic catastrophe is the sole fault and responsibility of…the white Repuke governor! Nathan Deal was assailed by arrogant, asswipe libtard “journalists” in today’s press conference for failing to take magical, pre-emptive actions that would have prevented all human discomfort (the proper role ub da gubmint). Those theoretical actions remained undefined by the wise journalist, who mere asserted that “more should have been done.” Just like the familiar meme regarding “civil rights” – “we have come so far since [insert drivel regarding white oppression here], but much more still remains to be done.” If only magical negro mayor Kasim Reed was the governor, none of this would have even happened! As if the National Guard in any state is a 100% active-duty force that can be instantly and simultaneously mobilized over hundreds of square miles within 30 minutes, during which all hell broke loose… And the GA State Patrol should have been permitted to use their surplus, hovering land speeds acquired from Tatooine, which are unaffected by icy roads.
I’ve often said that I would like a job description that would allow me to fail spectacularly in excess of 50% of the time, yet bear zero responsibility, and continue in said job without any references to or ramifications from said failures. I believe this is the job description for a television meteorologist. I mean, so what if your predictions were off by 100 miles, which resulted in an additional 5.5 million people being directly affected. All I take away from this experience (where I emerged unscathed, but my brother was stuck in a vehicle for 8 house on the I-75 corridor) is yet another example of the dire necessity to be self-reliant in times of need.
On topic – although SBPDL is a beacon of fact-based reality in a sea of liberal fantasy, in spite of the absolutely damning nature of the facts presented, I have very little confidence that such facts – wherever or however presented – have any effect. Since there is only one race – the human race™, any fact-based conclusions, however credible and regardless of the source, must be dismissed as racist if disparate impact results. Logic in BRA is magical and subject to the forces of PDK’s “preferred illusion.” Further, if the conclusions reveal that black people are the cause of any societal ill, as a result of their magical, angelic status, the conclusions are accepted as true, but immediately set aside in order to transition away from facts and back into nebulous concepts and un-provable assertions such as da turrible, turrible legacy ob da slabery, etc. We’re perpetually herding cats.
Black people MUST occupy a minimum of 13% of the workforce in all professions. Otherwise, this is prima facie evidence of racism and must be corrected by the government. Similarly, black people can only perpetrate 13% of all violent crime. When objective reality demonstrates otherwise, damage control is asserted, with the focus shifting to an invisible, undefinable yet unassailable assertion that white people have caused blacks to behave in such a manner via slavery and oppression and poverty and institutional racism.
Back OT – I have a personal observation to share in regard to the recent references to the H1B visa program, and the real world shit-sandwich it represents for white people. My wife works for a company that is engaged in manufacturing, with 100% of said manufacturing occurring in China. However, at the location where she works in an administrative capacity, multiple workers are non-citizen, H1B visa holders. As you know, these workers are supposed to only be permitted when qualified, American workers are not available in highly specialized, high-demand professions such as engineering. Yet the people I know to be here on H1B status are merely administrative workers with no specialized skills or training, at all. Some have been present in excess of a decade, and all are Asian in this case. Further, some of them replaced higher-paid, highly experienced white workers, including in management positions. Of course, it would be racist to note that the white workers did not speak Mandarin Chinese, and the replacements workers do. It would also be racist to question whether, under the H1B visa game, whether “qualified, American workers” does not equate to workers that will not accept depressed wages and ever-diminishing benefits, and that cannot be held captive with the H1B “gun to the head.” I’m a big free-market supporter, but when da gubmint provides a tool like H1B for businesses to economically dispossess white people in favor of anything but white people, I fail to see a major distinction between this policy and importation of the brown hordes.
Stay thirsty, my friends…
Gwinnett Gladiator
Speaking of H1B's, one has to wonder just what would happen if there was a concerted effort to note the companies which hire them, the company managers who accept them, and the H1Bs themselves, and publish names, addresses/normal haunts and pictures of all of the above.
I would not be surprised if it became a lot less attractive to hire H1Bs.
PK. Every word is true. The problem, nationwide, is the blacks. Not guns. Was the problem at Rourke's Drift the short stabbing spears or the shrieking Zulus holding same? The gun is the great equalizer. As the English soldiers proved during that battle. The state monopoly on violence and firearm ownership is right out of the tyranny play book. Mao, Stalin, Hitler edition. Volume NOW.
We lose the right to own firearms, it's fucking over. Nothing left but the end. Fire. Blood. Slavery. High tech modern feudalism. Jeeze. I'm chipper tonight.
Speaking of Zulu. Watch the late sixties technicolor movie of the same name. One of Michael Caine's first films. Based on a true story. Fucking epic. Ground braking film at the time. Portrayed black Zulus as primal shrieking bloodthirsty savages. Filmed in Africa, hired real Zulus as extras.
Story exemplified all we owe the blacks. Hot lead and cold steel. Last twenty minutes is fucking epic. The Zulu sang prior to charging, to psych themselves up. Nig Nogs still do that, they listen to rap music now. In the movie, on the last day, the English sang a response. "Welshmen Never Yield!"
Then those hard white red coated sons of bitches gunned THEM down.
There's a lesson there brothers and sisters. Heed it.
Bogolyubski, with all due respect, please stop quoting that "scarlet-handed Nigerian". He butchered a white man on a public street, in broad daylight. That was his statement. I don't give a fuck if he said "2+2=4" or recited Newton's Three Laws of Motion; any truth contained in his words, after that act, are utterly void and irrelevant.
If you must quote somebody, use a proven philosopher or a Founding Father. There is plenty of wisdom out there from decent, human men, that we don't need to scrape the rare vitamin from the shit-stained cranium of the savage. I know you're proud of your catchphrases that you've refined over the course of several posts in the ether, but this one has to just fucking stop.
Thank you.
I appreciate your point, anon. I actually dislike quoting the stinking groid and will try doing it less (sort of makes me gag). Your point about founding fathers and others from our own history is excellent as well. That quote is for the lurkers - a little 'shock therapy' if you will. The average publick-skool-edumacated Crystal Methodist having uncomfortable feelings needs this kind of emotional shock sometimes to comprehend what is going on - since they've been taught since kindergarten to hate and denounce all those old Dead White Males. The hapless soldier might be alive today if he'd never signed up to go fight a war to make the Banksteins richer and free up Barbara Spectre's native land to export even more groids to places like the UK, the USA, Sweden and the like.
Californian said
Today, too many whites grovel before black hustlers like MLK and Mandela and deify them as Messiahs. It's the sort of behavior you might see in a conquered populace.
This is the sad truth, and it's saddest of all to see this in my own people. Last week I was invited to dinner at a former colleague's home (or what you Americans would call a coworker, although I have no evidence that he has ever orked a cow). The occasion was my impending emigration from South Africa, and of course the subject of future prospects for SA came up.
My hostess, like so many Afrikaner ladies, really wants to believe that, with a little goodwill, it will all work out; so she does. She told me that, with my negative attitude, it's as well that I'm leaving.
My landlady, a German, but life-long SA resident, can't understand my antipathy for Africans.
Never in my life could I imagine that I would leave behind a nation of zombies.
Through most of my life, we lived under a system of Apartheid, because most of the (White) voters voted for it. I myself never voted for the government candidate. That was because the government's voter support was so overwhelming that in many elections their candidate was unopposed. When there was an opposition candidate, I voted for him just on the principle that a government should have an opposition. He never won. Of course, we all knew that a black government would be a disaster. I thought that a Parliament's job was to debate, i.e. examine all sides, before passing laws.
Now that we have empirical proof of that view - a black government that is a disaster - suddenly the majority of Afrikaners are denying it? Can this be happening?
I don't see any resistance. It breaks my heart. May the world remember that, once, we were men:
"Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will breach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen, and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me two divisions of those marvellous fighting Boers and I will remove Germany from the face of the earth."
- Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery, Commander of the Allied forces during WWII.
"The Americans fight for a free world, the English mostly for honour and glory and medals, the French and Canadians decide too late that they have to participate. The Italians are too scared to fight; the Russians have no choice. The Germans for the Fatherland. The Boers? Those sons of bitches fight for the hell of it."
- American General, George "Guts and Glory" Patton
"Take a community of Dutchmen of the type of those who defended themselves for fifty years against all the power of Spain at a time when Spain was the greatest power in the world. Intermix with them a strain of those inflexible French Huguenots, who gave up their name and left their country forever at the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The product must obviously be one of the most rugged, virile, unconquerable races ever seen upon the face of the earth. Take these formidable people and train them for seven generations in constant warfare against savage men and ferocious beasts, in circumstances in which no weakling could survive; place them so that they acquire skill with weapons and in horsemanship, give them a country which is eminently suited to the tactics of the huntsman, the marksman and the rider. Then, finally, put a fine temper upon their military qualities by a dour fatalistic Old Testament religion and an ardent and consuming patriotism. Combine all these qualities and all these impulses in one individual and you have the modern Boer."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
SoD, second that.
Here's the video of the final attack from Zulu. The song is called "Men of Harlech". I remember being taught that one in school.
Watch this when you're feeling blue. Very cathartic.
Dad was an intern at Oakland/Alameda in '66-'67. This was before crack, before guns were common on the streets.
The blacks still killed and maimed each other. Dad remembers stabbings, bludgeoning. Mom was a nurse and nearly all the trauma cases were blacks. They never snitched. Dad would overhear them telling detectives they had no idea who did it. Then he would overhear them and their homies plotting vengeance on Leon or Calvin (this before the 'La' and 'De' names became commonplace).
Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. Blacks are a means to an end in the eyes of psychopathic goobmit control freaks.
Then those hard white red coated sons of bitches gunned THEM down.
Unfortunately we're not fighting the battle of Rorke's Drift, we're fighting the battle of Isandlwana where the same soldiers were betrayed by atrociously poor leadership and virtually wiped out.
Your young brudas are barbaric savages that are terrorizing our communities killing steeling and raping. And you talk about respect! What kind of respect do you think will come from other races ? Maybe that's how blacks get respect but you will never get that from anyone else!
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