- [Life During Wartime: 8% White Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Spending on Security, Police and Metal Detectors, SBPDL, 12-26-12]
- [Life During Wartime: 98% Black Birmingham City School system Require Police State Measures to Keep the Peace, SBPDL, 3-19-2013]
They hate you.
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Race doesn't matter; except when it does.. the curious case of the Obama Administration and Eric "My People" Holder's War on Public School Discipline |
That's all one can surmise from the recent announcement by the Department of Justice, decreeing black public school students are now above-the-law (and beyond the hand of discipline). How dare public school administrators dare hold black public school students responsible for their dysfunctional behavior, that when aggregated together from districts across the nation, paints a depressing picture for the future of law and order.
It's all about the Newark World Order (NWO) being administered nationwide. [Departments of Justice and Education Issue School Discipline Guidance to Promote Safe, Inclusive Schools, Justice.gov, 1-8-14]:
The Department of Justice (DOJ), in collaboration with the Department of Education (ED), today released a school discipline guidance package that will assist states, districts and schools in developing practices and strategies to enhance school climate, and ensure those policies and practices comply with federal law. Even though incidents of school violence have decreased overall, many schools are still struggling to create positive, safe environments.
Schools can improve safety by making sure that climates are welcoming, and that responses to misbehavior are fair, non-discriminatory, and effective. Each year, significant numbers of students miss class due to suspensions and expulsions—even for minor infractions of school rules—and students of color and with disabilities are disproportionately impacted.
The guidance package provides resources for creating safe and positive school climates, which are essential for boosting student academic success and closing achievement gaps.
"A routine school disciplinary infraction should land a student in the principal's office, not in a police precinct," said Attorney General Eric Holder. "This guidance will promote fair and effective disciplinary practices that will make schools safe, supportive, and inclusive for all students. By ensuring federal civil rights protections, offering alternatives to exclusionary discipline, and providing useful information to school resource officers, we can keep America's young people safe and on the right path."Translation: how dare teachers and administrators take the necessary precautions to protect fellow teachers, administrators, and the students they teach by having the audacity to castigate black students who fail to follow the rules governing proper behavior!!
How can rules apply when their blackness absolves them from being judged at all, their character - or lack thereof - merely a secondary consideration?
How do you notice blacks behaving badly at all! [Gov't: Most School Discipline Need Not Mean Court, ABC.com, 1-8-14]:
The Obama administration on Wednesday pressed the nation's schools to abandon what it described as overly zealous discipline policies that send students to court instead of the principal's office. Even before the announcement, school districts around the country have been taking action to adjust the policies that disproportionately affect minority students.
Attorney General Eric Holder said problems often stem from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that can inject the criminal justice system into school matters."A routine school disciplinary infraction should land a student in the principal's office, not in a police precinct," Holder said.
But it's about race, too, the government said in a letter accompanying the new guidelines it issued Wednesday.
"In our investigations, we have found cases where African-American students were disciplined more harshly and more frequently because of their race than similarly situated white students," the Justice Department and Education Department said in the letter to school districts. "In short, racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem."
Even in an article published by the Daily Caller, education professionals were more concerned with the welfare of the black K-12 public school population than with what occurs when this population's dysfunction is allowed to interfere with the educational process for whites (then again, since Brown v. Board, the government has forcefully demanded we all lower ourselves to the level of the black population.. a fact both political parties work overtime to ensure is their motto as well):
“It’s ridiculous to assign quotas for discipline based on race,” she said. “If we did that, for one thing, we’d have to believe that Asian students are severely under-disciplined.”
Andrew Coulson, director of the Center for Educational Freedom at the Cato Institute, said the letter’s policies, if implemented, would actually harm black children, by making the classrooms they inhabit “more chaotic.”
“The kinds [of kids] who just want to be free to learn in peace, who are not disruptive, have their education injured by the disruptive kids who remain in the classroom,” Coulson told TheDC. “And since African American kids are more often assigned to schools like that, they’ll be the ones most hurt.”
Frederick Hess, director of education policy at the American Enterprise Institute, described the letter as “troubling,” and an attempt to intimidate schools into initiating bad policy.
“As best I can tell, they are telling schools that even if you have policies that are clearly neutral, that are clearly evenhanded, that are clearly designed to create safe environments for students and educators, DOJ still might come down on you like a ton of bricks,” Hess told TheDC.
Hess said it is desirable for schools to eliminate policies that treat black students unfairly, but DOJ’s new recommendations, “have overshot by a mile in terms of their proposed solution.”
As we move farther and farther away from a pre-Brown vs. Board of Education world, it should be obvious why such policies existed then, measures implemented (largely based on empirical evidence the Department of Justice is attempting to enforce against from ever being collected again) to ensure whites were able to be educated in a safe environment for both students and educators.
Sadly, we live in Black-Run America (BRA), where the Department of Justice will soon rule it's discriminatory for a white female to take a white male as a husband; after all, such a coupling ensures the plague of whiteness - and standards the black population is incapable of replicating - endures; obviously, such a move violates some portion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
So, "
Why Not Just Make it Illegal to Fire/Arrest/Discipline/Hold Responsible/Reprimand/Ignore/Criticize Black people?"
No matter how hard we try not to notice, the reason the world of pre-Brown vs. Board of Education/Jim Crow/Sunshine Laws/etc. always finds a way of showing itself...
As a White Parent, there are only 2 things I work for: To have a house/home in the Whitest neighborhood I can find and Second, to place my children in the Whitest school I can find.
This is the advice I give to all Whites. Don't spend your money on fancy cars, dishes, towels, diners out, vacations, clothes, etc. etc. All of that is useless and a waste.
Work and spend your money on your home's location and your children's school. If you have no children, then live in the safest area )(Whitest) and use your remaining money to buy guns, ammo, gold and silver and begin your move to the North West Republic.
Nothing is more important than preserving your White life and those of your children.
Oh, there will be zero tolerance for any White kid with a NRA decal or T-shirt, but little Sambo can scream, beat other kids, grope the White girls and pee in the hall way........
This "country" sucks and I can't wait till it explodes, as it will, as it must.
In Sweden, sand niggers aren't even prosecuted for rape since they couldn't resist the temptation of slutty sexual exhibitionism on the part of whorish blonde girls.
Given that precedence, we truly need, in the name of Justice, an excutive order that homo africanus of the maloid gender can't be prosecuted for rape or sexual assault on a white female slut-bitch-whore.
Only makes sense if we seek a Just society where africans can express the flower that is their beautiful culture.
BTW - for those who laugh about blacks not inventing anything, that's only a recent historical development as they've already invented everything that needs to be invented. Of course, YT stole the credit & the patents....TWB I guess
H\ hypie out H\
I couldn't have articulated this any better than PK. I have always wondered how the Jews during WW2 could line up and enter trains and march into gas chambers like docile lambs. The White American is doing the same thing by standing by and watching all we have created and stood for be undermined and slowly destroyed, in many cases by white politicians and liberals who accept this as the face of the new century.
We live in scary times and unless a mass awakening occurs we'll be the minority.
Indeed they hate us. (Video at link)
An upstate New York teenager was arrested yesterday in connection with an online video showing him punching an elderly woman in the head as she exits a Rochester convenience store.
Devin Alexander, 16, was busted Wednesday on a probation violation charge, according to a Rochester Police Department spokesperson (who declined to reveal how Alexander, who was on probation for a robbery conviction, allegedly violated terms of his supervision). The teenager is currently in custody.
Fed Up Firefighter
seen a lot of hate towards europeans (esp scots/english/irish)
but we are with our american brothers all the way.
this obsession with "dem english" makes no logical sense in this day and age.
we are all one;outnumbered and outgunned (illegally) esp in the EU ... one word: crossbows
welcome to hell
Obama and Holder obviously never read this "Assault on Learning" piece about Philly and the unabated violence against teachers by black and hispanic students.
I assume most race conscious people have already read the report, but if not, it's well worth the time in my opinion.
Soon there will be no more white schools regardless of the community. That was,in essence, the basis of busing the blacks for miles to white schools. It focused on the nice buildings, intact books, and pupils wanting to learn. It was successful, not because they were better funded, but because white people know how to follow rules and desire to learn. The schools originally successful when majority white now fail the black majority which took their place, but the system is the same, the difference is in the student body. Better to begin home schooling as early as possible. Save your money so you can afford to own a home with a stay at home mom who can teach her children what is disappearing from classrooms daily.
Even the millionaire's gated community houses will be worthless if they end up in Aztlan or New Africa.
Plan ahead to live in an area of your own race once the civil war starts, not an small enclave, a big area three or four states in size that will be controlled by your own race.
How long will it be before the negroes are complaining that the environment at in de publik skools be gettin in da way of der learnin and sheet?
Negroes are spoiled, violent sociopathic children.
The racism lies not in the discipline or arrest of misbehaving black students; the ultimate act of racism is forcing blacks to go to school til they reach adulthood. They are, broadly speaking, inherently incapable of sitting still for seven hours, and learning from books and lectures.
Exceptions should be made for the Talented Ten who can exceed the limitations of their DNA, and allow them to continue their education. The rest of them -- those who have flunked out or exhibited disruptive behavior -- should be sent to trade schools, where they can focus on a future career in baksketball, rap, street hustling, or EBT Card Management.
I seriously hope that all white teachers leave the schools which are vastly overpopulated by non-whites and let the non-whites try to teach their own. Let their own kind face daily violence and threats from these animals who are raised as an economic crop by their brood sows.
When enough black, brown, yellow and red teachers have their rear-ends handed to them by these loving students, they will clamor for change and racism will not be allowed as an excuse to silence them.
Save your own life and put your life's work into something that is actually meaningful and will be fruitful. We need you, they don't. Holder and its comrades have made that abundantly clear.
I love it. Liberalism continues to do everything in its power to destroy Blacks and return/reduce them to the level of brute savages. I welcome this DOJ directive whole heartedly. More and more Whites will put their kids in private school, move to white communities for the schools, home school, etc. I envision the rise of home school collectives, where many White families educate their children together, outside the grasp of Eric Holder's radical policies. White children can learn English, math, biology and who George Washington was. The public schools can be abandoned to feral black thugs as a network of junior penitentiaries.
"Sadly, we live in Black-Run America (BRA), where the Department of Justice will soon rule it's discriminatory for a white female to take a white male as a husband; after all, such a coupling ensures the plague of whiteness"
I was just musing on this very subject last night. Clearly outlawing White coupling is the natural and linear path that BRA must take. For the White race, having a preference for ANYTHING White is automatically considered a mortal sin under the big tent of Progressive Liberalism. I'm surprised more liberals aren't on the internet squealing about this very issue (but then again, White liberals see themselves as the "right kind" of White).
It's funny reading the statement by Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute. It seems like he kind of understands the general double standards at work here in BRA when he says :
"It’s ridiculous to assign quotas for discipline based on race,” he said. “If we did that, for one thing, we’d have to believe that Asian students are severely under-disciplined."
So Andrew implicitly understands that Asians are NOT severely under-disciplined, they just simply do not act out and cause mayhem on the same level as blacks and browns. Good start so far I'm thinking. But then he has to go and dive head first into the Magic Liberal Blue Kool-Aid Lagoon with this nonsense:
"The kinds [of kids] who just want to be free to learn in peace, who are not disruptive, have their education injured by the disruptive kids who remain in the classroom,” Coulson told TheDC. “And since African American kids are more often assigned to schools like that, they’ll be the ones most hurt."
At this point I want to smack Mr. Coulson upside the head with a large mouth bass. Those poor African American students, they just want to learn but they are ASSIGNED to those mythological disruptive schools. He REFUSES to make the connection that these schools are disruptive precisely because they are filled wall to wall with African American students. How can an individual be racially aware regarding Asian students and be so god damned ignorant and clueless when it comes to black students? The double think required to be Andrew Coulson must be destroying his fragile little mind.
"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"
Good advice Centurion!
Up until the 9th grade I went to a "urban" school that was diverse. It was horrific, many on the minority students behaved worse than savages and the teachers did almost nothing. The school was out of control. This was 20 years ago.
My children are now in a 99% white district. I'll do whatever I can so they can avoid the Marxist crap my parents tried to indoctrinate me with.
Our post-industrial society requires high IQs and lots of education. These DOJ guidelines just bring people down to black culture -- a culture of no accountability, no rules and a culture that does not value education.
Presented without comment:
Two White girls arrange anothers shrank rape by a pack of vibrants.
I have a young friend, a fairly recent college grad, who has had a pretty rough time finding meaningful employment in This Obama Economy.
This summer he seemingly caught a huge break. He was hired to teach at his alma mater, a large public high school in Delaware. The district is under the scrutiny of the Just-us Department for "disparate impact".
8 weeks ago my friend implored for the umpteenth time for a troublesome student to please come back in the classroom. My friend had to go to the door to tell the kid's friends to move on and for the kid to come back in. Upon passing the young teacher the sainted kid staged a trip and fall. He accused the teacher of tripping him. The student was backed by 2 "eyewitnesses", AKA members of his posse.
Needless to say the teacher was suspended immediately. He had a brief hearing and was terminated.
He is now ejected back into This Obama Economy with little hope in the near term.
Meanwhile I have another friend who knows a civilized black girl who attends the same school. This girl reports all the black kids know Obama and Holder have their back and they have free reign in the school. This black girl wants to learn, wants peace and civilization, and is ill every day at the prospect of entering this building, such is the tension and anarchy the Just-us Department has wrought.
Today's lesson includes important basic vocabulary:
rac·ism - noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm
The attempt to hold negroes to any standards of behavior, morality or lawfulness.
this is just niggeriffic
I'm truly starting to hate my once beloved country! (world over too!)
also did you see the eric "the dick holder" has basically taken the law into his own hands. he said on the DOJ website today that the law in Utah that banned GAY-FAGGOT marriage recently will not be accepted by the federal GOV'T and that they are to get married anyway and will be given full federal benefits and securities. so the Gov. of Utah doesn't really matter to the federal Gov't. and I have yet to see a bootlicker (repub) say one fucking thing about this unconstitutional procedure.
there has to be hell to pay!!!
funny how the white race went to the moon and spooks have to be hand held in everything!!! WE DO OR WE DIE!!!
Jay Santos said...
Today's lesson includes important basic vocabulary:
rac·ism - noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm
The attempt to hold negroes to any standards of behavior, morality or lawfulness.
Read it & weep Addison.
Meanwhile I have another friend who knows a civilized black girl who attends the same school. This girl reports all the black kids know Obama and Holder have their back and they have free reign in the school. This black girl wants to learn, wants peace and civilization, and is ill every day at the prospect of entering this building, such is the tension and anarchy the Just-us Department has wrought.
When I first heard about Obama all the way back in 2007, I told my friends and family that if Obama ever gets to be the POTUS, the blacks will take it as a signal that they will be allowed to do just about anything they want, especially if it involves white people. Sadly, it really seems by now that I was right about what I said back then.
A good article by Fred Reed over at Takimag on this issue:
More conservative drivel. "Liberalism" doesn't drag blacks down, blacks drag blacks down. The other part of your post; private school collectives and other assorted nonsense, is why white people are becoming impoverished at such an alarming rate. Big $$$ for private schools, build a neighborhood then abandon it 20 years later for another neighborhood 20 years away then rinse and repeat. You cant allow your kids to watch television, listen to the radio...
90210 / off topic
is this awful?
also Holder is [probably] not Black but mid eastern heritage..like obongo
he 'pretends to be black'
[barry soteroe is mulato]
Another blow to the prostate body that is public education. The white enrollment in the Chicago schools is counted at only around 8% and I think that's exaggerated by lumping in all sorts of swarthy varieties as being white. I certainly feel sorry for those whites, the real ones, stuck in the system. They won't learn anything and might even absorb some of the negative ghetto attitudes prevalent there. Certainly, never send a female child into a heavily black environment. They'll get molested, raped, harassed, the whole bit. A pregnancy through rape or coercion is a definite possibility which would be the kiss of death for any white family.
"I have always wondered how the Jews during WW2 could line up and enter trains and march into gas chambers like docile lambs."
I think few, if any, simply walked into gas chambers. Not an efficient way to kill large numbers. In what we call the concentration camps, most probably died, like Ann Frank, of disease.
The true "death camps" were established in occupied Soviet territory where Jews and other partisans who sided with the Soviets were executed, mostly by gunshot.
The book "Bloodlands" goes into great detail on the mass murders by both the Soviets and Germany between the late 1920's and 1945. It is not a "holocaust denial" but a balanced account of what happened based on historical documents and forensics.
Just as some benefit from the multicultural narrative spewed out by BRA, there are some that benefit from the conventional portrayal of WW2.
students of color and with disabilities are disproportionately impacted.
What do you want to bet that these "disabilities" are largely "conduct disorder" (propensity to TNB) and retardation (being on the bottom half of the Black bell curve)?
"A routine school disciplinary infraction should land a student in the principal's office, not in a police precinct," said Attorney General Eric Holder.
Eric Holder created this problem in the first place, by suing school districts for "disparate impact" if they landed their Poor Put-upon Picaninnies (PPP's) in the principal's office more frequently than Whites or Asians. Unable to enforce discipline within the school's own system, schools turned to the police.
What we really need is reversible sterilization of all academic failures and conduct problems by age 10. They could get free reversal after they have (a) graduated from high school, (b) gotten employment that makes them self-sufficient, and (c) gotten married. What would really happen is that ghettos would become baby-free zones almost instantly, and public schools would be safe for normal Americans starting in about 7 years.
"In our investigations, we have found cases where African-American students were disciplined more harshly and more frequently because of their race than similarly situated white students," the Justice Department and Education Department said in the letter to school districts.
They're lying. What they found is that administrators in heavily-Black schools punished more severely than those in mostly-White schools. They did not find that administrators treated similar offenders differently in the same school.
"In short, racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem."
Correct. Absolving Black "stoonts" of responsibility for their actions can destroy whole schools.
Hess said it is desirable for schools to eliminate policies that treat black students unfairly
Because of high impulsivity and present-time preference, Black offenders must be punished more immediately and harshly to get them to behave. This is the only fair thing to do, especially for those forced to share schools with them.
We need to send a message to Washington, starting with zero budget for the EEOC and CRD of DOJ. H\
JESUS CHRIST!!! People need to check out that link Whiskey posted. Because from my personal experience, that is the SOP for young white women these days.
-One Pissed Off Irishman
I taught in a semi-urban school district for just over a decade...guess what drove me a new career?
We spend far far more money per pupil on the disinterested dregs of humanity, than we do future scholars. Made me sick until I couldn't take it anymore.
Depo Provera
Just as some benefit from the multicultural narrative spewed out by BRA, there are some that benefit from the conventional portrayal of WW2.
D-Fens, You are right on it here. Every narrative or received "wisdom" should be viewed through the prism of "who benefits".
My sister-in-law gave up teaching altogether after 1 year of teaching in South Dallas. Black teachers also harassed white and Hispanic teachers.
This is a great law. I also wholeheartedly support an end to drug prohibition, and handing out free contraception and abortions to Blacks.
Thank you.
I spent 5 years working as a on site IT consultant for public schools (Chicago Public Schools and Illinois District 202). During this time I had black students attempt to rob me twice on the job. The first time I had a group of 3 of them approach me and ask me for a dollar, I told them to go to hell, so one of them tried to reach in to my pocket and I shoved him in to a locker. As I did this another nig yelled to his friends that I had a radio on my belt and they all ran off. The second time was in a special ed (behavior disorder) school for CPS. Although I had been used to the security at CPS I was rather surprised to see this school had actual chain link cages with desks in them in case a student got out of control. While I was repairing a iMac, one of the nigs tried to walk off with my toolbag. I noticed in time, yelled at him and snatched it out of his hand.
The school took zero action in both incidents. With the former I was surprised because it was a suburban school who had recently spent several million dollars covering the entire school (sans the class rooms) with networked CCTV cameras. Its not that they didnt work, its just that the almost exclusively black "security" department refused to take action. Even when we had laptops stolen by janitors out of our store room which had a CCTV camera pointed right at it, they couldnt catch they guy. Unsurprisingly I had heard several times that they had caught students having sex in the stair wells and retained those videos.
Today's lesson includes important basic vocabulary:
rac·ism - noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm
The attempt to hold negroes to any standards of behavior, morality or lawfulness.
Good one!
Some obvious points:
* The slogan about "Judging people not according to the color of their skin but the content of their character" has once again been shown to be a canard.
* A black establishment will side not with all Americans but with their fellow blacks; i.e., on a racial basis.
* BRA ideology takes precedence over reality to the point of insanity.
* Mainstream conservatives, as usual, refuse to draw the obvious conclusions about the racial issue (or if they do, keep quiet on it).
* The public schools will continue their downward spiral.
* Once again, race realists understand the issue and are so many voices crying in the wilderness.
Whiskey said...
Presented without comment:
Two White girls arrange anothers shrank rape by a pack of vibrants.
Interesting story. Anyone have any thoughts on the psychology behind young white females participating in this sort of crime? Is there a cultural or political thing going on here?
One more thing about the story Whiskey posted: how does this fit the feminist "narrative?" White females abetting black males in a gang rape.
Be interesting to compare the reaction to that of the Duke University Trio case of a few years back.
All that photo needs is a couple of "I'm With Stupid ---->" t-shirts.
About the white "gang rape twins" Whiskey mentioned: I knew as soon as I saw the dead, cold stares of those two girls that this happened in FLORIDA. I wasn't surprised a bit. I live here - this place is a fucking toilet bowl of humanity. You'll find more open, flagrant race-mixing here than anywhere else, probably in the world. It's like this state is some sort of Satanic petri dish, a prototype of what humanity will be in 15, 20 years. Ugly, dumb, dishonorable, violent and brown.
Spend your vacation dollars elsewhere. This state is a hood rat's paradise.
Two Floriduh mudsharks beat and help three adult nigger bucks rape a third white girl. They filmed it. Obama's sons at work. Jesus fucking Christ.
Ha ha, Whiskey beat me to it. Speaking of whiskey, those two coal burner bitchez are true whiskey-tangoes.
Even the millionaire's gated community houses will be worthless if they end up in Aztlan or New Africa.
No, they will be fortresses complete with 24x7 private security armed to the teeth with an unlimited license to kill. That's the way it already is in the third world, and that's the way it is headed here. People simply so not understand just how completely concentrated into a relatively small number of hands the wealth of the USA is. The gap between the one-percent and the rest is a chasm. Squidmeister Warren Buffet, a bloodsucking parasite who creates nothing, amassed so much money he literally did not know what to do with it all so he asked his fellow squid Bill Gates to help give it away. (Three guesses what it goes to fund - and the first two don't count). As the concentration process continues, you'll see some well-off folks (upper 5%) fall into the peasantry - zeks and proles, peons, serfs, coolies.
Folks have been warned and warned and warned again - starting with Jefferson's warning about central banking (fictional-reserve banksterism, made into an art-form of fraud and criminality by TWMNBN) being a greater threat to the nation's sovereignty than an invading army. It's invariably dismissed by the shit-sandwich consumers, grape-drank swillers and Crystal-Methodist Conservatards as tinfoil hattery. There's no resistance at all - only bogus opposition. Whose gonna stand up to D'Won and Holder? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Big Bird? The Michelin Man? All are arguably as effective than anyone in the official "opposition"- whether they're Repukes or Tea-Party Patriotards or conservatards or Churchians.
LOL, One of the Hollywood rapists is named Jayvon.
I can just hear it now ... "Justice For Jayvon!" Groids holding marches and rallies across the country, lardass Al Sharpcoon comes out, saying those evil white girls MADE him rape that girl. He beez a goot, boy, he din doo nuffins, he was an aspiring rapper, he was just starting to turn his life around, etc., etc. ....
Why Not Just Make it Illegal to Fire/Arrest/Discipline/Hold Responsible/Reprimand/Ignore/Criticize Black people?
Isn't it already??
Blacks at it again.
And no mention of race.
I see this is a website where you go google black attacks, and make propoganda, how about you google all the school shootings by white boys everyday that we don't hear about. Stop being in denial :)
Hey Whiskey, I went on youtube, and typed in Hollywood Florida. Check out what popped up.
Apparently in Hollywood Florida blacks can't even buy a car without slamming some poor Asian woman's head into the concrete. Hollywood must be turning into "the hood".
-One Pissed Off Irishman
"It's ridiculous to assign quota's for discipline based on race," she said. "If we did that, for one thing, we'd have to believe that Asian students are severely under-disciplined."
Assigning quota's based on race for discipline is on the same level as moving Section 8 groids into every neighborhood so the crime rate is spread out evenly over every community. That way, they can claim they are no worse than anyone else and all people and neighborhoods are the same as the crime rates are the same. Of course, that ignores the fact of who is committing the crimes in all those neighborhoods and is designed to cover up the truth. Ditto for race based quota's for punishment of students~ if we spread the punishment out, we can claim blacks are no worse than any other student demographic. That, of course, requires punishing non-black students for minor offenses with the same severity as blacks are punished for serious offenses.
It's all about presenting an "image" which is what blacks are all about. Substance doesn't matter- only the illusion presented. Denying the false image or pointing out the illusion is bigotry and racism deserving of punishment. You're just tryin' to make blacks look bad and feel bad about themselves! You are unfairly targeting and attacking blacks!
As for Asian students, I guess we could expel them for bringing dangerous stabbing instruments (chopsticks) to school at the same time Dontabious is expelled for bringing a gun.
If people here haven't figured it out yet. Addison Sarter is a COINTEL PRO(look it up) mole. He's just some fed poking fun at a few of you while keeping tabs on us.
-One Pissed Off Irishman
Addison Sarter said...
I see this is a website where you go google black attacks, and make propoganda, how about you google all the school shootings by white boys everyday that we don't hear about. Stop being in denial :)
Actually Addison, if you look at the statistics, even with all those crazy White boys shooting up schools, they are safer than flying on a commercial airline. They are a relatively rare occurrence. And if I remember right, the VT shooting involved an Asian. Therefore in this argument, you really lose. Get over the fact that you've been intellectually bitch slapped.
However, Black on Black and Black on White (and other races) is a daily and common occurrence. Camden, Gary, Chicago, Baltimore, Birmingham etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on and on.
AddisonSarter said: I see this is a website where you go google black attacks, and make propoganda, how about you google all the school shootings by white boys everyday that we don't hear about. Stop being in denial :)
It is so enlightening to see an enlightened person of color on this website. White people are today unleashing a wave of terror on black people in America, with white people committing endless numbers of violent flash mobs, games of knockout king, and driveby shootings. This has to be so because I see it on television programs like CIS. Yet it is innocent black schoolchildren who are being punished for all those school shootings. White people even gun down innocent black schoolchildren like Trayvon Martin for the "crime" of being black.
I.M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
Addison Sarter said...
how about you google all the school shootings by white boys everyday that we don't hear about. Stop being in denial
You are right, Addison, schools with white people are incredibly dangerous places. So here's an idea: why don't black people stop trying to get into them? How can blacks get a better education if they are at a daily risk of being gunned down by trenchcoat wearing white youth? Just think how safe black schoolchildren would be if they could only attend schools with no white students!
White people need to start demanding our own schools and neighborhoods as part of the reparations owed us for the American Holocaust.
As a nyc public school teacher I can tell you they are promoting underqualified black women to supervisory positions at an alarming rate. All the older white and Jewish principals who know and accept black limitations in behavior and intelligence are retiring and the new breed are taking over. They have no interest in enforcing discipline and instead tend to focus on blaming teachers for not keeping children with no interest in education "engaged". Any effort by teachers to enforce discipline is now frowned upon and there is a lot of talk about using arts programs to turn failing black schools around. Assaults on teachers and other students are not reported and the only way to hold students accountable is to call the police yourself. It is reaching critical mass at this point and many new white teachers are running to find a school with whites or Asians or leaving the profession all together. The creeping hand of Obama knows no bounds.
From the is-it-serious-or-is-it-satire department:
how about you google all the school shootings by white boys everyday that we don't hear about. Stop being in denial :)
Well, Madison, Sandy Hook and Columbine were national news. It was national news when a White kid with a grudge against a teacher came to school with a shotgun recently. The teacher made tracks, but the kid shot a girl before offing himself (the girl later died).
Meanwhile, the torture-murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom (White) by Blacks never received any MSM exposure. So, if you're not actually satirizing yourself, why don't you list some of these un-reported White school shooters?
Nothing to see here.. move along.. Eric Holder
Californian: "Interesting story. Anyone have any thoughts on the psychology behind young white females participating in this sort of crime? Is there a cultural or political thing going on here?"
It's nothing political, nothing specific to mudsharking, and it's nothing new. It's simply evil, which not even "the fairer sex" is immune to. There are women out there who wish they could rape, but lack the necessary equipment; so they act as accomplices, luring victims into the trap, and then get off on watching it happen. Many child rapists have a female partner to lure the kid (the Stranger Danger lessons always tell kids to "watch out for that man"), and even "warm" the kids up before the man takes over.
Also, one of the bitches, Patricia Montes, is a hispanic. Not 100% "white".
RE... And if I remember right, the VT shooting involved an Asian.
And at VRG Tech, some time later..
'that is public education. The white enrollment in the Chicago schools is counted at only around 8%'.
How will the skruzl be funded in da future?
It's blacks beating the doors down to live in white neighborhoods and go to white schools, not the other way around.
Blacks depend of whites for support, we are burdened by them.
How in the world do blacks think they get to set the rules and make the big decisions when they have nothing to offer but dependance?
the white man has put himself in this position, we have no one to blame but ourselves, It's too late now. The white race is doomed.
Actually according to the FBI stats, Whites account for 86 percent of murders of whites so it is clearly evident that whites are more likely to be killed by Whites than a blackman.I know you can't do math since you are from Alabama and your parents are cousins. But 86 percent is very high, so don't fear me, fear little jimmy who is going to shoot up your school, movie theaters, shopping malls, and bomb your buildings like In Oklahoma :)
Oh, I don't know, maybe all this is positive. Obama seems in his second term to feel free to express his previously concealed racial ideas. This is good.
Obama is often called 'the first black President'. A bit more of Eric Holder and his ideas and he will likely become 'the last black President'.
These goofy school policies are easy enough to reverse. Giuliani reversed goofy police policies in New York and they had a renaissance of law and order. Of course that's about to reversed once again with De Blasio, so we may be doomed to another cycle or chaos and crime before sanity returns.
But I imagine some Republican politician will find it easy enough to change all these Holder policies back again. Or perhaps this will trigger a national move toward vouchers or home schooling. It may very well be that public schools as we have known them are now dead. But if so, that's not the end of the world. Our present education system is corrupt and archaic.
The entire educational establishment has resisted accommodating to the reality of home computers. We started to assemble kids into one room for their education for economic reasons. We only could afford so many teachers. Those economic conditions have changed.
It is not written anywhere that white kids are doomed to only be educable when they are in a classroom filled with black kids. Holder's pronouncements are likely to simply drive the races apart in education. And that's so bad.
White parents have been trying to keep their kids out of classrooms with blacks since at least 1954. Holder's racist pronouncements are likely to simply accelerate that process.
Addison (nice white name)
Didn't your people sue the Whites people to gain entrance into these violent White schools?
You once had your own black schools. Safe. No racist Whites to keep you down. No redneck rayciss White red-neck country boys. No sir, Sambo.
But, tell me Addison (nice Irish name), why do you demand to be around us? Why? We don't want to be around you. WE move away, you follow. We guy expensive homes, you demand sectin 8.
What is your with your people, Addison (nice Celtic name, "son" of Addi)
I forget, which article of the Constitution delegates school discipline to the federal government?
Good to see our current resident moolie troll Addison Sarter is at it again. I kinda felt sorry for him and was hoping you guys hadn't run him off, but now I'm reminded why anybody would want to run him off in the first place. He merely recites insane and inaccurate stereotypes of blacks - as opposed to our stereotypes, which are accurate and 100% verifiable - about how "white boys [pumped full of SSRIs, btw] shoot up schools awl de tahm n we never hear 'bout it n sheeit," completely oblivious of the facts that it is always national news when that happens and that even school shooters are overrepresented among biscuit-lipped jigaboos per capita. White school districts don't need metal detectors, Addison. Why is that?
Hey, Addison, have you ever heard of a single instance of a gang of adult white males enlisting black high school girls to beat and hold down another lil sista so that they could brutally rape her (and then film it)? Of course not. Jesse and Al would make sure that no other news stories would be covered until the evil racist perps were brought to justice. Also, and you know this to be true whether you admit it or not, white people would never do something so fucking heinous. We're too damn decent. Even with the media censoring black crime and the silly "African" names of the perps, it's still obvious who did it. The dead giveaways are the senseless brutality and bottomless depravity of the crimes, as if Beelzebub himself released a plague of demons from the ninth circle of hell upon the earth.
Yes Addison, because that happens everyday right? You are in such denial it's sickening!
No one here defends the mentally deranged idiots that shoot up schools. Why can't your people ever accept responsibility for anything?
Responsibility to a Negro is like Kryptonite to Superman.
They run from it.
White men have kept the scourge of Negro dysfunction at bay for over 200 years, now though, we're going to see this great nation turned into a third world $hit hole.
Black Communists leading our nation and black thugs raging acts of wanton crime.
Better arm up white men and women. Better move your precious babies away from these festering boils of humanity.
Feral Bio-Weapons have been unleashed upon our way of life. They are mindless robots programmed to kill and rape and they do it with the sanction and impunity of government.
This isn't how homicide risk works. Your statistical likelihood of being killed by a white or black depends upon how many killers you know or encounter who are either. Same with acquaintance vs stranger
Swamp Thizzle said...Addison Sarter...merely recites insane and inaccurate stereotypes of blacks
Everything Addison has posted has been a repeat of slogans. Nothing original. He also is unable to answer any questions, like:
"Can you name any black majority rule city or country whose crime rates, educational standards and economic status equal or exceed that of similar white run polities?"
"Why, if blacks believe they are 'oppressed' by whites, do blacks mass migrate into white run cities and countries?"
"Can you name the policies, programs or budgets which would cause blacks to have the same standards as whites when it comes to rates of violent crime, school graduation and economic achievement?"
"There are women out there who wish they could rape, but lack the necessary equipment; so they act as accomplices, luring victims into the trap, and then get off on watching it happen."
See Ian Brady and Myra Hindley of the Moors Murders in the UK in the 60's
For those of you who have daughters, I strongly urge you to show them the Daily Mail article cited by Whiskey, and use it as a teaching tool to illustrate the following lessons implicit in the article:
1.Never assume that blacks have the potential to be your true friends.
2.Never assume that the kinds of "white" people who would "befriend" blacks, or who are avid consumers of "black culture" ( hip hop and rap "music",etc.) are in any way capable of exercising good judgement.Such people obviously lack the kind of discernment necessary in order to make healthy life decisions,and must be avoided at all costs.
3.Never "befriend" anyone (even if they are "white") who are drug users.It is painfully obvious that anyone who would encourage you to engage in the kind of self-destructive lifestyle inherent in the use of drugs,is NOT the kind of person who could EVER be considered your TRUE FRIEND.
Whiskey's link brought back a childhood (grade school) memory of a classmate. This poor kid was forcibly sodomized and beaten by his mother's boyfriend.
Turns out the mother helped hold him down. Mom and BF were convicted and he went off to foster care.
The pure evil of this kid's mother was just astounding.
It is NEVER too late.That is just an excuse to do nothing.I've done it more than once in the past,but now do my best to avoid defeatist attitudes regarding any situation or project. If you think you are beat,you already are beat as it becomes a self-fufilling prophecy.There is nothing the White race cannot do-look all around you! Everything you see was invented by White people. We have a lot to be proud of. Thank You for reading ! Richard Cranium
I am with you all the way on points 1 and 2. No Doubt, well said !
Point number 3 is debateable,at least to me.Anyone regularly using hard drugs(coke/crack,speed/meth,heroin,etc.) should be avoided.Even this has different shades of seriousness.Solidly employed 30 year-old White men,drinking in an upscale bar on a Friday,and stepping into the john for a couple quick toots of coke are not a big danger or law enforcement problem.Ghetto,turned-out, 24/7, desperate crackheads really are a whole different animal.Drunks can be very dangerous,potheads are completely harmless.Completely avoiding all users of any drugs whatsoever will put you in a room all by yourself.Common sense and a good set of eyes will help you avoid 95% of all the problems nigs cause. Being prepared and ready to do what you must without hesitation will hopefully handle the rest. Thank You for a great post !
Richard Cranium
Arabs, North Africans and Hispanics are counted as white when killing and as "other" when getting killed.
It's also a reasonable point to make that if you avoid loud mouthed rednecks with a meth habit or biker gangs you are probably not going to get killed. I feel inclined to point out that murder of spouses is a grey area. Even there black men murder white spouses in disproportionately high numbers. Interracial rape is almost exclusively niggers muhdikking white women too.
As a White Parent, there are only 2 things I work for: To have a house/home in the Whitest neighborhood I can find and Second, to place my children in the Whitest school I can find.
School is the problem, not blacks. you will not be free until you free yourself of the dependence on theft that is the state, and its indoctrination centers. set up an organization to plunder others to pay for you, and you will soon find that others, especially ones as tribally focused as blacks, can figure out how to use that organization to plunder YOU to pay for them.
Cancel cable TV, remove your children from government control (homeschool them, and you don't need to do MUCH to get them to pass state exams), gradually remove your consent from the State. Voluntarily sending your most precious creations into the State's hands is worse than ANYTHING blacks have ever done to you.
All you (fellow) white men who watched black dominated sports this weekend are part of the problem. Stop making it "OK" in front of your family to be absorbed into the mythical mixed race culture.
We are all not going to "just get along."
Rest in peace poor old ignorant Rodney King.
I'm praying for us all
Thanks for nothing. Somehow quit co-signing for the 99% of your race that is nothing but a dangerous liability to a modern society.Perhaps you and the other one or two decent blacks in the US could start a club.You won't have to worry about the pitfalls of growing too quickly. Richard Cranium
1. These cities you naked detroit etc are run by blacks now, but the southern strategy type government defunded these areas with urban decay, redlining by forcing blacks into ghettoes, then drugs that the American government allowed to flow into black communities, job discrimination which created unemployment , mix all that together you get chaos. This chaos was created by the government who just so happened to be white, whites have destroyed nearly every African Civilization, from Congo to Detroit, with their racist policies, just read a book.
2. Blacks do not migrate to white countries, they were kidnapped and brought on slave ships, blacks were forced to migrate and blacks leave the ghetto to escape the horrible conditions in the ghetto that whites created.
And 3 well due to over 400 years of oppression, it would be hard to sum it in 20 seconds, but if I was the mayor or president : Due to the welfare system that the white government created which promised assistance to blacks as long as the FATHER left the family, this 40 yr cycle could be reversed with anti- teen pregnancy awareness in every school, due to the lack of resources and opportunities removed by the government..more jobs should be created in ghettos, create after school programs or outlets that the government defunded and funds for white communities, Prevent the government from allowing drugs and guns to flow in black communities, put an end to police harassment ( blacks believe in the no snitch rule due to the 70 years of police harassment of black teens, today many cops in Oakland were found guilty of planting drugs on innocent black males, who would snitch to the police if you can't trust the police, then put an end to redlining that still exists, which locks blacks in ghettoes, and then since the government does not fund or give black schools the same amount of money and resources as white schools, I would change the racist public school system. So instead of the government giving black children the worst schools, the government would give black schools the same amount of resources that are given to white schools. Now your turn how will you end the white on white crime since whites account for 86 percent of murders of whites, and how will whites prevent whites from shooting up every public place from schools, to shopping malls, churches, movie theaters etc? These rampages are getting out of control and also don't forget to prevent Europeans from bombing other marathons like they did the Boston marathon :)
Addison, you explain very well why we Whites want segregation.
But you want to live with us.
Your race is retarded.
Wow, it is interesting to see another brother who peruses this site. I rarely leave a comment on this site, just like to listen and learn what white folks are thinking, Ironically, myself a black man, believes most of what is posted in the stories on this site, in fact I think I told Paul once in a post long ago that I thought that he was black because some of his insights into the pathologies and ignorant idiosyncratic behaviors of the black community were so nuanced, real, and raw. As teacher in a 99.9 black school for some 20 years and I will tell you sir that it is not resources but the dysfunctional culture of black America, the music, the clothes, the attitude, and little appreciation for knowledge and a love of materialism that is the cause of blacks not doing well in education. The number one channel that they watch is BET not major networks but our own ignorant music videos and shows. They love o be cool and wear fancy shoes and don’t know a thing. Not all maybe not even a majority but its enough to sour a classroom and a school and pollute the general atmosphere of learning and destabilize a community. The problem is that our hoodlums are heros and are scholars are disrespected and called nerds and lame etc. I do everything to keep my children away from urban music and tv even though they attend the same school that I teach at with the same black kids. They make perfect scores in math on their state exams and on the weekends they are playing chess with the Asians, Indian, white Kids, while the majority of black parents are at the traditional ghettoized Saturday football game. Its our stupid culture, if you put virus filled software on the best computer it will be slow and dysfunctional. We need a cultural shift. Paul has given up on black people but I hope all black people could read his writings, it might shame them into improving because he is 90+% right . Our problems did not start with whites, they might have temporarily capitalized on our own ignorance with slavery and such but we were enslaving blacks too we just did it stupidly and to their credit they have been trying to offer assistance to Africa and free online courses from Ivy League schools are available there and here but do we take advantage , no we rather listen to “Lil” somebody rap about murder and drugs. I don't blame whites and when black people blame whites those blacks justify their inferiority. Everyone's a little racist or there would be no races, personally I think of myself above race and just examine effective groups and I am trying to quilt together a philosophical model of character traits to leave my children so that they can be successful and let me say this, white people are successful, so are Asians, black Americans as a group are NOT, therefore that culture will not get many entries in my guide to success. You can cite whatever reasons you want for black dysfunction but the fact is , that it is! Jews lived in ghettos too, as Asians and immigrants in general but through hard work and industriousness found a way to contribute to America and thus were awarded for it, many black individuals have done this and black in the military are also a place of pride but as I said it does not take a majority to tip a neighborhood toward dysfunction , just a certain percentage as Malcolm Gladwell says “ a tipping point” and our communities are overwhelmed by ignorant people who make living in black neighborhood horrible.
That settles it. Addison is satire. Very well done, too. You could have kept it up indefinitely, but this time you went over the top. I literally laughed out loud at this one:
this 40 yr cycle could be reversed with anti- teen pregnancy awareness in every school
Is that you, Don M?
Loved this line, too:
Prevent the government from allowing drugs and guns to flow in black communities
Well done, and keep them coming!
"I know you can't do math since you are from Alabama and your parents are cousins. But 86 percent is very high"
*actually, it’s not. It is selective in that it does not include all violent crime (see my better statistic below).
1. The answer to this is secession. I hope my countrymen see this. Why stay in a country that hates you simply for resisting their idiocy? Why die in their war of terror? Why be subject to their arrogant pronouncements (which always turn out to be wrong)?
2. Here's a little math for you, pal. Black males, being around 6-7% of the population commit vastly disproportionate amounts of crime.
I know you may not be able to comprehend that, being a gelled up Jersey Guido who fantasizes about My Little Pony from his basement, but facts are still facts to those of us who can.
Here’s just a small sampling:
a. Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
b. Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
c. Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.
d. NYPD stats: 70% of shooting suspects in first half of 2013 were black ...
www.nydailynews.com/ news/ crime/ blacks-70-shooting-suspects-2013-nypd-article-1.1522917
*blacks represent 25.1% of the city’s population
e. “About 90% of interracial violent crime in our nation is committed by blacks against whites. The black-on-white murder rate in the U.S. exceeds the white-on-black rate by about 2.5-to-1”
f. “I would rather not report what is known about U.S. interracial rape statistics because it could be taken as incendiary, but the previous numbers in terms of black/white proclivity are dwarfed. (See Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, “Victims and Offenders.”). OK, here’s a hint: Because the number of white-on-black rapes is so low nationally in any given year, the ratio ranges from 100-to-1 to infinity.”
A Discussion on Race, Crime and the Inconvenient Facts
John F. Gaski, Investor's Business Daily, August 26, 2013
"These cities you naked detroit etc are run by blacks now, but the southern strategy type government defunded these areas with urban decay, redlining by forcing blacks into ghettoes, then drugs that the American government allowed to flow into black communities,"
Wrong. Those cities were never "defunded." Please cite a source to prove it instead of mouthing off.
"then drugs that the American government allowed to flow into black communities"
A CIA plot, right?
@Addison Sarter-
I have learned to just ignore you trolls for the most part, because your spiel is so repetitive and predictable that it became a soul-sucking bore to reply.
But this one I can't let pass, for the benefit of the white readers here-
Allocation of resources, that's your usual excuse for the poor performance of blacks in school. Allow me to direct you to look up the Kansas City Public School District experiment, in which billions-not millions, billions-of court-enforced (white) taxpayer dollars were poured into this school district, subsidising such things as field trips abroad, an Olympic-size swimming pool with underwater viewing area, etc. When none of that worked, money was allocated to provide taxi service to suburban white students in an effort to lure them to this school district with its state-of-the-art facilities. They built it, but the white students still wouldn't come. (One wonders why such measures were considered necessary to lure white students in the first place, away from their suburban schools lacking such facilities, and why their presence was considered necessary, considering the school district was already sucking the money of their parents through state-wide taxes at an unheard-of rate, thanks to a judge who decided to pour money into the district with no holds barred. In other words, the district was receivng floods of white taxpayer money, but still the actual, physical presence of white students was considered necessary, or at least desirable).
Look it up. Then tell us some more about the "unfair allocation of resources". Do you know the DC public school district, majority black, spends more money per student than any other district, yet has a poor showing in academic placement?
Blacks have been given every conceivable "Head Start" in order to produce equality of outcome. The achievement gap continues to open.
What will it take to admit the plain truth?
"What will it take to admit the plain truth?"
It will take White people's refusal to swallow the Politically Correct, blank-slate nonsense and spit it back at the Marxists and race hustlers. Only when White people refuse to be the scapegoats for a failed race will they stop demanding that Whitey give them what they will never be able to make themselves, including simple peace and order where they live.
Mr Rational, well said. It does put the onus back on white people, as always, but that in itself is telling-apparently, we are eternally the only ones expected to meet, or capable of meeting lofty, or even ordinary standards. We're not only expected to meet them on our own behalf or those of our children, but on behalf of blacks as well-that well-known "white man's burden". Apparently, it's just not to be expected of blacks. If I were, God forbid, black, I would be thoroughly ashamed. But shame itself is a foreign word in their lexicon.
Melanie;great point,that is the root of the problem.Nigs are proud of what everyone else is ashamed of.How do you fight that ? Their numbers need to screech to a halt if we are to have any hope,as in no more 8-child families.We just cannot afford it.A one child policy for welfare,strictly enforced,would cut the numbers significantly if it could be sustained.That avoids the eugenics bs that depo provera would cause.Eventually ,say a couple months before Christmas,offer a reasonable amount of money for 'reversable' sterilization.Gotta start somewhere. Signed,Nor
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