This assault upon your daughter ends with a laceration on her face - from the temple to the chin - requiring 47 stitches to close up (a razor was used in this animalistic attack).
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In the racial triage system, it's obvious no matter the care, this family will let their privilege die |
Instead of demanding immediate justice upon those who barbarically attacked your daughter, maiming and disfiguring her in the process, you immediately take to social media and verbally spar with any person noticing the racial dynamics of the five assailants.
They were all black females.
Your daughter is white.
From the Web site Conservative Treehouse, we learn:
The Mother, Billie Joe Howe-Fuller, of the attacked victim, now known to be Stephanie Nicole Fenner, is speaking out on social media platforms appearing quite upset that a racial prism is being used to outline this story:
[...] this girl is my daughter and whomever started this racist shit are morons. We r not a racist family so don’t believe everything u read. At least the journal and cny although vague have all the facts correctly inatead of guessing at shit like these crazy people on tjose blogs.Apparently Mrs Howe-Fuller is upset because in one of the comment sections of a local media report was a link where the story was discussed on a white-pride site StormFront. Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family.
A horrific crime + A white victim + A black/minority mob + A PC-infected police department + an unwilling local leftist media unwilling to confront the culture of the attackers = just another buried crime story; you know, so no-one has to have “that” conversation.
On behalf of those brave enough, and willing, to have “that” conversation out in the open we will keep demanding answers – and force the disinfecting sunlight.The great sin isn't that your daughter was attacked, in a five-on-one assault that required immediate medical attention for her when it was over... no.
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Dare notice blacks attack white people (even if you are the one attacked), well, that makes you the scumbag... |
The great sin is that people have noticed your daughter was attacked by five black women, in a assault that required 47 stitches to close up the gash on her face.
You might not be a racist family Billie Joe Howe-Fuller, but pointing this out doesn't remove the scar from your white daughters face.
It's a visible reminder of a privilege you are no longer fit to keep.
More like a burden.
The burden of whiteness, which you have officially relinquished with demands for people not to notice the racial dynamics of an encounter your daughter will recall each time she looks in the mirror.
In a racial triage system, Ms. Howe-Fuller and her daughter must be left to roll around the muck their holier-than-thou crusade has left them in. You know what a triage system is, right?:
The term was used further during World War I by French doctors treating the battlefield wounded at the aid stations behind the front. Those responsible for the removal of the wounded from a battlefield or their care afterwards would divide the victims into three categories:There is no care Ms. Howe-Fuller or her daughter can receive to remove the self-hatred they've been taught/inculcated by in a relentless campaign to ensure they have no self-preservation mindset. Though a gash - requiring 47 stitches - is on her daughters face, the real enemy is those who dare notice who put it there in the first place.
- Those who are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive;
- Those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive;
- Those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome.
This used to happen to (mostly)asian females on the NYC subway years ago. Often the black female responsible would wait for the police to arrest her. it was "proof" that she was worthy of being a "Bloods" member.
"Blood in/Blood out "
The motive for the attack was never revealed in the papers but these attacks were frequently in the NY papers in the 90's.
People almost never deserve to be attacked, but it does make it hard to sympathize with someone when they defend their attackers. I realize that these people aren't defending their attackers per se but to deny any racial element is pretty much the same thing.
It's better they let public opinion run its course, especially when they are absolutely ignorant of the ethnic reality that caused their victimization.
Wow mom, whats it gonna take, your daughter getting killed? Geez, its like the white race has gone mad.
This is what we are up against. A woman's own maternal instincts for her daughter are trumped by her desire to protect those that harmed her child.
The level of brainwashing is simply astounding. She has more rage for that man that posted a link to the Council of Conservative Citizens than the 5 pieces of garbage that tried to filet her daughter's face.
I think it is easy to be a DWL when you are segregated from blacks. You can marinate in the lies from TV, movies, and the news media. I guess when blacks burst into your DWL world and nearly slice someone's face off, the denial kicks in...big time.
Maybe she'll start a scholarship for the animals that did this, and hug their necks.
Are the cops coaching these pathetic responses? Surely at least ONE nasty uncle has said something about nogs and offered to kill in retaliation?
Momma appears to be a coal burner and most likely the daughter was as well, which led to anger amongst the sista's! If appearing racially correct is more important than justice, go for it! Consorting with the enemy is its own punishment.
It was always the race traitor white women that loved the beatings I took at the hands of a black the most. I'm a very bitter man, I'm close to truly hating women anymore. Here's to 24 single, alone, and never even having a girlfriend. Most of the posters here will probably disagree with me, but our women are our greatest threat at this time. Why should I even try to defend them anymore? Can some one please help me answer this question? Why bother?
-One pissed off Irishman
"whomever started this racist shit are morons. We r not a racist family so don't believe everything u read. At least the journal and cny although vague have all the facts correctly inatead of guessing at shit like these crazy people on tjose blogs."
i no u r butt wut am i.
Color me shocked, that a mother with two last names, and a daughter with a different (third) last name, is a nutjob. How many nuclear power plants would we have to build, to successfully electroshock all the Dingbat White Liberals like her back to normalcy?
Steph got her some big time street cred now, they love them Frankenstein scars on white tail down in the hood....and I got the same feeling that Anon@5:27pm has about l'il Steph burning her white buns for coal. What I can't understand is why them black galz that sliced her don't get it that they can't compete with white tail even if YT got Frankenstein face.
Yup, she hadda b b'n mud-sharking with 4 or 5 groids to get all them niggeresses all TNB'd up like dat...
Amazing, really amazing. The mother seems to be profane, argumentative and trashy. Oh well, it's better those types fall victim rather than more normal types. In other news the NY police have arrested a black who has knocked out at least seven women, two of them 78 years old, in the past few weeks. What's notable is that the perp is 35 years of age so he's hardly a "youth".
Never allow negroes within 30 feet of you. If they close that gap, move away and ready whatever weapon you have available.
It's the 30 foot rule.
You don't use a black cashier at a store. You don't use a black taxi driver. You don't use a black at the grocery meat counter. You don't use public transportation. You don't get your hair cut by a black.
You do not put yourself within 30 feet of a negro. They need to be next to you before they can slash you with a razor, beat you with their fists, push you in front of a train, stab you or set you on fire.
Pissed Off Irishman, one of the reasons I quit holding doors for them, letting them into traffic, etc, is because they might be on their way home to burn coal. Better that the innocent suffer, than to give solace to the guilty.
You shouldn't hate them, though. Just be sure to come back here in a couple years to announce your wedding to your Asian girlfriend, so some hardcore Grrl Powerist can call you a traitor for burning rice.
Like General Casey after Ft. Hood:
"If our diversity is a casualty,
I think that's worse." There you have it, self-destruction by Whites.
Fight the biterness and cynicism. There are decent white women out there; you're half my age, so there are probably fewer brainwashed ones among your peers, but they're out there. Right now they're wondering where the manly men are, surrounded as they are by metrosexuals, pansies and poofters. Keep the faith- we need more cute Irish kids in the world!
There has to be some other factor here, like maybe mom is dating a bantu, and that's how her precious daughter got in that situation, and mom doesn't want people to start pointing out that mom caused it by getting involved with bantus? Mom's reaction is a lot more personal and forceful than ordinary liberal racial apologetics.
How can brainwashing alone overrule nature? Its astounding how whites can be so altruistic that it overrides darwinian instincts. I was totally brainwashed myself from our education system & tv but once I lived around blacks & was victimized by them, it totally brought be back to reality. Being one of the only few white boys in high school everyday I was in survival mode. It was apparent to me from day one they hated me b/c I was white. All the white guilt programed into me faded when I realized this. Ayn Rand once said, "Any entity that does not value itself will be extinct". I truly don't get white people like this mom. Don't whites value themselves? Don't they want to live to see the next century?
It appears the mother has a greater fear of being labeled a racist than seeing her daughter disfigured. The shame is that the daughter will most likely learn and embrace her mothers lack of good sense. These will not be the last scars inflicted on this child by negroes.
If that's true, if the mother and/or daughter are coalburners, that explains the vehemence. No matter if they'd had acid thrown in their faces which blinded and grotesquely disfigured them, they'd have no choice but to defend the nigs now. As coalburners, the nig males are all they have and all they'll ever have. The black females can't stand them, no decent white man will ever have them, they have nothing and no one if they don't have male nigs from here until death do them part. The awareness of their degradation would make them doubly shrill in "defense" of the only place they have to turn now-"a woman scorned" and all that.
This girl's boyfriend was black, so it wasn't a random attack on a good white girl. As another commenter said, it was likely a black girl mad about her being with a black male.
Click the "conservative tree house" link and there are pics of the girl hugged up with some black guy.
I am nearly speechless. Her face will never be the same, with scar tissue tucks and puckers, cut nerves and damaged muscles, yet the mother is denying the clear racial element, outright. Not saying, "IKAGO" or "The ones I see on TV are nice". (TOISOTVAN?)" but "Whites, stop pointing out the obvious and die."
Lady, These are people who you may not agree with their politics, but the reason they care and even comment is that you are part of the White family, a fallen member who deserves sympathy in a dark moment.
"'Honor the gods, Achilles; pity him. Think of your father; I'm more pitiful; I've suffered what no other mortal has,I've kissed the hand of one who killed my children.' He spoke, and stirred Achilles' grief to tears; He gently pushed the old man's hand away. They both remembered; Priam wept for Hector, Sitting crouched before Achilles' feet. Achilles mourned his father, then again Patroculs, and their mourning stirred the house."
The Iliad 503-513
She does not defend the negros to ransom her daughter; she does not weep for her evil disfigurement as a general and sad act of war, but spurs and even denys the righteous rage of others that any father or mother would feel (and should feel) to defend the negros, a self declared enemy in the Enemies land. Why? So she be...what? Righteous? Not Racist?
Sorry this one is beyond me.
The black girls attacked the white girl because she was dating blacks. While I don't like what happened, the black girls were trying to protect their race.
I'm opposed to race-mixing [ and black crime] but I see that in a way, in this case, I have more in common with the black girls than the white daughter and her mother. The black girls were protecting their black race, the white girls were selling-out their white race.
A lot of black men make a big stink about how proud they are to be black, yet if they get a chance they much prefer White women. So how proud can they really be about being black if they don't even want their own black women.
There's a big rift amongst blacks between men and women. Blacks are the epitome of a Matriarchal society. The women only want the men around to sire children, but don't want them around as fathers. The black women treat their black boys like garbage from a very young age, as they simultaneously treat their black daughters with the utmost respect. I saw that when I lived in NYC.
The Communists in Washington know blacks are Matriarchal, so Uncle Sam's policies serve to keep the black Matriarchal set-up, and to intensify and worsen the situation.
The white women I know who prefer black men prefer black men because the white women know they'll be the boss in the house. They'll be the bread-winners, the big kahunas, the boss -- or so they think. F*ck 'em.
One problem with getting rid of Jim Crow, the breaking down of Jim Crow laws let all the white trash out of the Pandora's box.
I'm trying real hard to feel bad for the White girl and her mother, but I'm having difficulty, in this case, I find it difficult.
Anyone who wants to get involved with a race that produces so many violent criminals -- they know in their hearts what the risks are. To my mind, the white mother is just as guilty as the black girls for this brutal attack [ and yes it is a brutal and horrible attack]. And where's the white father? The white mother probably divorced him so she could be "independent" and be "the boss".
To those who have children and DON'T race-mix : Keep your white children away from blacks as best you can anyway. The blacks used to attack white girls with razors, cutting up their faces, in the Bronx during the 1960's/1970's.Yet another reason so many Whites fled NYC.
The Italians in NYC did/do everything they can to keep the blacks out of Italian neighborhoods. The problem is : The government is on the side of the violent black criminals.
From : Tony
What a better way to eliminate the liberals by having them adopt black kids, who at some point will make their life a living hell or better yet taking their life someday. Idiots whites that engage with blacks even just dating them deserve what they get. I saw 2 young white families with white children, and of course a little nig in tow today to prove their bleeding heart liberal status. Sickening to say the least.
Any white man who votes or supports liberals is digging his own grave. And yes that includes all you union guys. Damn we have become such as stupid society.
What irony, liberals believe in evolution, but ignore the premise of survival of the fittest.
As we all know you can't fix stupid. Time to stop trying. Let them destroy themselves, pass the popcorn.
Anonymous said...
This girl's boyfriend was black, so it wasn't a random attack on a good white girl. As another commenter said, it was likely a black girl mad about her being with a black male.
As several have speculated here. Yes, I read a news story (can't be bothered to find it now) that confirmed this was the motive for the attack. The victim was a former White girl who went over to the dark side, and is no longer our concern. She is past saving, but may serve as an example for others. Good riddance to her.
She's a mudshark so her assault is just an occupational hazard. Many black women get mad with resentment at whites who take "their" men and react accordingly (for blacks, that is). I wonder if boyfriend will stick around now that his trophy white woman is damaged .
In regards to her comment on Facebook: "stop sharing this site, scumbag, the facts are not true!"
The facts are not true?
fact - noun \ˈfakt\
: something that truly exists or happens
: something that has actual existence
: a true piece of information
There is a difference between White men and women regarding race and "noticing" the fact that the vast majority of Black people either hate Whites and are willing to act out that hate in ultra-violence, or tolerate those Black people who do.
White women are like all women, everywhere. They overwhelmingly side with the conqueror. Which in this case is Black men and women. Nothing new, Vichy France was filled with French Women and Nazi Soldiers living it up while French men were in forced labor slave camps or POW camps. This amounts to the historic grudge French men have for their women and why any real commitment is zero particularly among elite. The French male knows well he is utterly disposable for his women.
A White man, on the other hand, finds value in courage both physical and social. Asking women to stand up for their men against conquerors is like asking men to give birth; the converse is men will fight all too readily and the current BRA offers nothing but garbage to your average White guy. Sure there is "n-ball" as the euphemism goes, but your average X Box game offers more fun than watching a modern day minstrel show by subliterate thugs with a cut body.
Started looking over crime rates and stats for negroid females and Surprise! Surprise! Guess What? Reams of data and videos on negroid females cutting faces. Box cutters, razors, "Pin knifes" (Whatever they are), folding knifes, razor blades wrapped in duct tape, you name it.
Just going back to the attack of the White Girl at McDonald's on 6/06/09 forward I found that the "face cut" is the negroid female's way of marking up her rivals and marking her territory. I would say at least 50% were over a buck who had mounted the wrong shezilla and she ended up paying the contract. The other half is gang initiation, where they cut a passerby (White or Asian) in a female version of the knockout game. Lovely.
Somehow this doesn't seem to have gotten into the Press. Where are the stories about negroid females cutting on each other, cutting on Whites? No one seems to have written very much about this, though it seems to be a very prominent feature in negroid females mating rituals.
I wonder Why?
One Pissed Off Irishmen --
You are quite correct. BRA is built on White women's support. White women voted overwhelmingly for Obama. They idolized King and still do. They support the Kardashians (its not White guys who love those sluts). White women find Black women the "perfect" embodiment of hypergamy and fatness in one big rolling People of Walmart scooter, and the epitome of cultural wisdom. Meanwhile in today's welfare/female-employment environment there is nothing more disgusting to them than a nerdy White guy and they suck down any nasty bad boy thuggishness around. White guys they idolize are punks (Justin Bieber) or fake-thugs on TV and Movies (Sons of Anarchy, Walter White, Game of Thrones) and White women if you hang around them will show open contempt for things like honor, duty, and compassion in men. Nobody of course does animalistic thug better than Black guys (White guys tend to be more organized and less impulsive and thus more dangerous individually and less so collectively -- compare/contrast Whitey Bulger vs. Detroits gangstas).
Let me add, now that its clear that the girl was dating a Black guy, women don't care that people abuse them. They care about guys not being sexy.
Bill Gates then, and Mark Zuckerberg now, were one of the titans of industry (though admittedly weasels, but so is Justin Bieber or any number of murderers women fall for). And they had to buy wives, a pathetic project manager at MS and some schlumpf respectively.
This is the social dominance at work. And bit by bit, White guys need to reclaim social dominance. Take stands when you can. Be assertive and dominant. It will take a hefty amount of this over time. But it can be done.
As far as "coal burning" goes, that describes about 95% of most attractive White women who will have at least one Black guy in their repertoire. It is not as if there is any penalty (indeed its celebrated) and potential White guy boyfriends/husbands won't know. Even if by some miracle they did, so what? About 95% of White guys are beta males or lower, and have to take what they can get. Really on 5% of the top White guys matter and are sexually visible to women.
Irishman, I am a 26 year old white woman who is dating a white man. I am as race-aware as anyone you will ever meet. I read this site weekly but I have never commented before. Your comment struck a nerve with me because it made me feel sad for you - don't give up. There are many, many women who think like me; I know because I personally know many women who think like me.
Don't live with unneeded hatred in your heart against women you don't even know - maybe the next woman you meet and think, "Oh, she's just a typical woman who I would never get along with" is actually a great match for you. It's not like people like me can be out in the open with our beliefs. We can't - we have jobs and we must watch what we say to people we don't know well. Only after I know a person well will I even start to think about talking about race and what I think about race relations. But when that happens, I'm usually pleasantly surprised because most white people I know think like me on at least a basic level (understanding the truth about crime, etc). Anyways, good luck and don't give up!
I'm sure the mother thinks that by defending the sub-human creatures she will be protected from another attack.
No, you've just made yourself a bigger target because you won't complain.
An incident like this is a teaching moment in which we can ponder racism in America. Look at how you jump to the conclusion that the attackers were female youth of color. Obviously, you do not watch television programs like CIS and Oprah, which ought to make one question the narrative. No doubt this attack was really made by Skinhead KKK Neo-Nazis, who uploaded fake photos of innocent youth of female color as part of the terrible legacies of slavery and segregation. If only America had a great leader like Nelson Mandela, we could have a rainbow paradise.
--I.M. Klewless, MFA
--Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
I'm so weary of the double standard. Imagine a black girl attacked by 5 whites. Every TV station in the US would be breaking for a "news flash" with the race of the victim and perps front and center. The marches!! The protests!! The demands!! The begging for forgiveness!!
Either we speak up or we deserve whatever we get.
TWMNBN have succeeded in tricking millions like this woman into displacing their maternal instincts toward the hostile non-human filth of the world. Figuratively speaking, they feel the urge to suckle and nurture vipers as a group, just as other creatures suckle and nurture only their own offspring.
Refusal to assimilate empirical data and recognize patterns in it (i.e., that negroids initiate unprovoked attacks on non-negroids and should therefore be avoided) is to willingly discard one of the basic faculties that differentiate humans from animals.
Tar-pits left over from the Jurassic are full of the remains of dinosaurs who blindly stepped into them as if they were solid ground. The stinking sewers that used to be Amerika's cities will one day be full of the bones of defectives like this woman who refuse or are unable to recognize that negroes are a physical threat to humans, and don't want anyone else to recognize that fact either.
obviously this girl must be one of those freaky girls that are into black guys, one of the girls that beat her is probably her boyfriends other girl? I'm not racist, but it does sadden me to see inter racial couples together and if they have children that child will live it's life always being criticized and picked on!
You are all truly truly sick pathetic hate mongers. Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state I completely get the "white race" fear, you're all uneducated red necks if someone is going to beat your daughter it better be you huh? Perhaps a little less inbreeding and a little more reading is in order here or do you have time between the factory and the bar? I don't know where you get all this free time...oh wait I guess you get TONS of free time waiting in your double wides for your 16 year old pregnant daughters welfare check. I imagine its a good way to keep you in Pabst in between your own govment check. There really needs to be a IQ test to vote in this country although from looking at your posts maybe a spelling test.
Mudshark alert!
White Mom, aka Viking Bitch had the original article on her blog. Homegirl is a mudshark. She exited a drinking establishment into the midst of sheboon chimpouts in progress prior to her injury. When queried by a reporter as to the motive for the attack she replied,
"None of your business!"
Sounds like she is complicit in her misfortune. She might have even intended to mix it up with the sheboons.
No sympathy. Its actually a shame they didn't finish the job before she defecates a litter of halfrican sprogs for us to pay for.
In case anyone was wondering, but the victim was a coal burner.
Recent poll has most Americans pessimistic about the future through 2050.
I can't fathom why.
Every day we have more diversity in this country, and everyone knows that Diversity Is Our Strength.
Not to mention, we are privileged to have a President with the Audacity of Hope.
What more could anyone ask for? Don't ask for science, or education, or low crime rates, or civilization for that matter. That be hetero White male sheeeit.
In Eugene OR, Knoxville, TN, Birmingham AL:
Looks like a form of the billboard campaign is under weigh.
Maybe the mother has her sights set on a fine brutha? POS.
Whiskey can be annoying at times, but I must give him a hat-tip for the 'Crystal Meth of Religions' meme he came up with. The idea has been developing in the Dark Enlightenment for some time now of course. Auster was starting to delve into to a decade ago. but Whiskey gets credit for the perfect descriptive term. Here we see the sheer power of its intoxicating indoctrination right before our very eyes. The Crystal Methodists have no limit to their nihilism and negro-worship. They will literally toss their own kids upon its altar.
A person willing to toss their own child upon the altar of an insane ideology or religion is ripe to do absolutely anything. Think Kim Jong-Un is bad - feeding his uncle to dogs? Folks like the mother in this story would gladly feed millions of white infants to dogs to keep propping up their madness. It's a black hole with no bottom, insatiable. There's simply no reasoning with such people, no talking, no dealing. There is one thing and one thing only that they understand. As I have said before, Musloids are low-level pikers compared to these folks.
What a brave, strong woman! Not giving into her deeply inborn racist impulses (she's white, after all; all whites are inclined toward vicious racism). Huzzah!
It was just a few misguided kids who did this to her daughter, and she's calling the racists on it. Those cowards. Hiding behind their keyboards and hurling their poison. Makes me sick.
No racism on The Internet!!! Kill hate with kindness!!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Not excusing it, but the girl looks like white trash, poss. a mudshark. (Hint: Look at the ey makeup.) (And the nose ring.) (And the dull, blank stare.)
My guess? Jealous black sows. Girlfriend was tryin-a steal dey man.
I blame parents when children do something stupid. Similarly, I blame white men when white women act like this.
Amen, i love my irish man. And we hav cute irish kids.
Signed the irish german wife.
How about, after the spotlight is gone they still have to live there and certainly dont want to b targeted bc they blew the whistle. They may be killed next time. Dont agree with it but c the reasoning. If it was my kid, ooohhh it would b on.
Definitely a new spin and stil a hate crime.
I see the if I had a daughter(moochelle) she would look like that sow said some things to a blogger for sharing the ugly sows racist acts. I say keep on posting and sharing to all that you can family! that sow will end up putting her fat ass foot in that o-rang-mouth! either she or the rest of the sow pact will make themselves so guilty. you and I know that blacks just can't keep their traps shut when they somehow think they are in the drivers seat! run that o-rang mouth baby boo. it will be one of the reasons you'll be going to jail. and another reason for a civil court case against her too! if this ho be gotton a job(highly doubt it) but even if she gets a job she will be paying that girl for life. one way or another!
Picture that girl as YOUR wife or daughter.
From Irishman: "It was always the race traitor white women that loved the beatings I took at the hands of a black the most. I'm a very bitter man, I'm close to truly hating women anymore. Here's to 24 single, alone, and never even having a girlfriend. Most of the posters here will probably disagree with me, but our women are our greatest threat at this time. Why should I even try to defend them anymore? Can some one please help me answer this question? Why bother?"
I know what you mean brother, but please do not give up hope. You read stories of white girls like this & think so many of our folk are beyond redemption. So be it. There are going to be casualties in this war & she obviously WANTS to be..
If we lose our women then truly all is lost. Only a white woman can birth a white child. Are there empty, shallow, amoral & vacuous white women who have not a shred of racial loyalty?.. Of course there are, just as you have the same for white men.. But do not worry about them brother. In this war they are the lost ones. The "casualties". They are beyond redemption & MUST be severed from the white family. In fact, these creatures do us a great service. With their moral sickness (coal burning) & depravity. With their empty, hateful lives, they have removed themselves from us. Literally & figuratively. Good riddance!..
I look at my beautiful white wife of 30 years & my 2 beautiful white daughters & my 3 wonderful white children & it gives me hope. They are out there brother. I know it does not seem like it but they are. Me & the wife where just at Kohls the other day & there was a very beautiful white women who appeared to be in her early to mid 20's. She was pushing a stroller with probably the most angelic, cherubic child we had ever seen. We commented to her about her lovely daughter & she gushed & smiled... My point is, is this woman was very young. Your age. There was a time, not very long ago where this woman was single & found the love of a good WHITE MAN & now they have a legacy!..
Do not concern yourself with the lost ones. Nothing can be done for them.. There are plenty of wonderful & decent white women out there brother who want the love of a good white man & a family. Keep searching. Best of luck to you.
One Pissed Off Irishman said...
It was always the race traitor white women that loved the beatings I took at the hands of a black the most. I'm a very bitter man, I'm close to truly hating women anymore. Here's to 24 single, alone, and never even having a girlfriend. Most of the posters here will probably disagree with me, but our women are our greatest threat at this time. Why should I even try to defend them anymore? Can some one please help me answer this question? Why bother?
-One pissed off Irishman
Dude, trust me, there still are race-conscious white women out there. I am dating one now, and I have dated other white women who don't date non-whites in the past. There is one out there for you too. You might have to look for her outside of the places where you have looked before though.
The pics of the "victim" are quite revealing here...
This poor little white girl is in fact another race traitor. She is another who has bought into the false images of the black male presented by Hollywood and the music industry. Unlike the African males she so clearly idolizes and who are acutely aware of the realities of race, she is yet another white female brainwashed by the school system and the mass media into thinking there is no such thing as race which gives her that extra bit of license to act on her Bantu fetishes.
The negroes will correctly see her for what she is and will treat her accordingly. Dear old mom will end up with Africanized hybrids as grandchildren and/or her daughter's corpse when the negroes are finished putting their primitive seed into her.
When White girls willingly choose the dregs of society and spread their legs for them I just cannot have any sympathy for them. The situation is made even worse given the demographics for the White race. We are set to become minorities in our own countries already and these tramps are using their wombs to spawn even more non-Whites. Disgusting.
I checked out the mom's Facebook. Good grief, she is some foul-mouthed, embarrassingly stupid white trash.
She won't learn anything from this attack. Maybe when it happens the next time?
I want to say something about this absurd notion that black men are the most desired of men. Reeeediculous. It stands out when you see white women with black men because it is so rare. Part of whats going on with Kim Kardashian's mainstream media created celebrity is scratching the misogynistic itch.
Watch what they do, not what they say. The mainstream media purports to be all for women and conservatives are (supposedly) waging a "war on women." So the mainstream media pushes the women-are-all-nasty-greedy-sluts meme and traditional people react to it and they are the bad guys. Very clever.
White liberals, the cancer of the white race, to borrow, via a paraphrasing from Susan Sontag's infamous quote, "The white race is the cancer of the humanity", circa 1967. By the way, Susan's adage certainly seems to me to be, the otherwise unspoken creed and mantra of liberalism.
What a non-liberal white's eyes bears witness to here is the liberal, false, but feigned "noble courage".
Do not you see how courageous they appear to be? However looks can be deceiving and that is precisely what is transpiring here. Their acts of noble courage are only "persona" deep.
For those not in the know we all have a persona. It is a mask we wear to show the world, pretending it is what we are when in reality we are something else we wish the world not see.
As with a firearm, so to with a persona. It is not the persona that is inherently bad, many times it is good and proper. It is however the person using the persona that makes the persona either good or bad.
The mother clearly masquerades as an adult. One is supposed to believe that her false noble courage is real when in fact it is the persona, an illusion designed to cover her failure to mature beyond her selfishness and cowardice.
Both her daughter and our white gene pool/race now pay the price for her cheating of natures charge to mature.
But she sure looks courageous doesn't she? Nobody can see through her illusion. Further the jackboot liberal headhunters will not target her, for she totes the liberal agenda, an agenda whose ideology is illusion to begin with.
There is a price demanded of the mothers cheat of her responsibility to mature.
First her daughter must bear the burden of her mother's liberalism, her failure to mature by mating up with a different sub-species of human. Second her daughter's future child/children will bear that same burden as mulatto negros. Further, our white gene pool/race, down their linage, is finished as a true member of our magnificent white gene pool/race.
Lastly a new, mixed breed of negro begins to materialize, one with a physically larger, higher IQed cerebrum, and this new breed will eventually, attempt to finish our white race off via miscegenation, murder or some other means.
White liberals and their liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.
The S&S solution is the only long term, viable solution I know off.
May God himself help guide us; we seem to have lost our way. Thank you.
I'm unclear as to what this mother is fearful of here. Does she think that pointing out all five attackers were black forces people to imply that her daughter must have been doing something racist to incur their wrath? She clearly believes black people are innocent lambs, perpetual victims who would never engage in crime because of the color of someone's skin.
At any rate, she is more concerned with her daughter (and by extension, herself) being labeled as racist than bringing the savage attackers to justice.
Looks like someone's lifestyle choices are crashing down around them.
Mom and daughter seem to have grown up with the Quentin Tarantino mindset whereby the greatest aspiration in life for a white person is to be able to hang out with black people.
Unfortunately, in real life every black person out there doesn't get the memo that you're a "good person" and a "cool person" because you have a black friend or date a black guy. Quite the contrary--many will hate you specifically for these reasons.
Mom has been brainwashed into thinking that the only people blacks savagely attack are "bad people", aka racists. If people were to point out a gang of black thugs slashed up her "good" daughter, others would then believe like her that the daughter (and her family) must be "bad people" (racists) who had it coming.
It's readily apparent mother and daughter have embraced the Walmart-white mudshark way of life. So I have no sympathy for Frankenstein face and can offer no advice or solace. As they say in Chicago, "She got what she paid for, didn't she?" These women voluntary choose to be proto negroids; they chose to leave civilization and to live under the law of the jungle.
Years ago there was the Nicole Simpson case. I thought it would be an eye opener for the dwills and the CBs---apparently it wasn't. I didn't follow the trial; to me it was cut and dry.
I agree with the posters above who have remarked at the extraordinary depth of the brainwashing. This is total identification with and support for the enemy! This surpasses the Red Chinese and even science fiction alien bodysnatcher scenarios! It's disgusting and disheartening, but only convinces me that more and more race reality will be the antidote to the koolaid.
Unamusementpark covered a similar incident a while back. Re-post of my comment:
Lived with a woman (just sharing an apartment.. not a GF) many years ago in college. She was very typical of a lot of young women I knew around that time:
Very liberal
Lots of lefty friends
Vegan / vegetarian
Grew up without a father or anything close to a father figure in her life. (note: I think this is a cause when it comes to young women who are attracted to thug culture.. no positive male influence in their early lives).
Anyway.. her liberalism did not extend to black women. She would physically recoil in horror whenever ghetto-like black girls would walk past. She finally told me why: In high school she dated a black guy (it was the ‘in’ thing to do). A group of black girls retaliated by beating her so badly that she needed skin grafts. This was a Mila Kunis sized girl, so it wouldn’t have taken much to physically overwhelm her. She had something like 1/2 dozen big fat black chicks jump her at once.
A lot of black men make a big stink about how proud they are to be black, yet if they get a chance they much prefer White women. So how proud can they really be about being black if they don't even want their own black women.
Does anybody remember that 2010 anti-white shooting spree in Connecticut by the black guy/workplace beer thief
Omar Thornton? His girlfriend at the time of his murder spree and subsequent suicide was some trashy looking white chick. She joined in with other family members of Omar Thornton to tell the local media in Connecticut all about the "racist graffiti at work" pictures she had seen on Omar Thornton's cell phone. The cops in Connecticut took this cell phone as evidence after Omar Thornton shot himself dead, but these pictures were never located on this cell phone or anywhere else.
The Negresses were simply marking their territory by slashing the the white whores face.
The white whores are simply doing what white whores do.
I have 0% sympathy for them or any other woman that lies with dogs. Lie with dogs then get the flees that come with them.
As for Irishman: Quit the pity party and get yourself in good shape and educate yourself with knowledge and skills that will appeal to the finer white women. Don't let bitterness of the past burn you down inside.
This won't last forever. This culture will collapse at some point and the whores will still be whores, but the Negro will no longer be placed on the pinnacle pedestal of sainthood. The days of the lie are numbered, but we whites, must persevere in our struggle to maintain our dignity when it's under continual assault. Hold your head high and keep yourself dignity intact, we're not animals.
There are plenty of good and honorable white women. At 24 you're still way to young to be so cynical. This $hit of race-mixing started in earnest when I was in school in the 80's and has gotten worse. This is a planned scenario to weaken our culture and civilization. Make no bones about it. Just look at all the media devoted to race mixing and ask yourself one question: Why? Why?
If there is no agenda then why? Many chalk it up to liberal sickdom and that would Occams razor's explanation, but me thinks there's more to it than that.
I watch the media like a hawk and they are stretching the boundaries of propriety every day, that's just their stock and trade.
Chin up white man.
Well said Kathy. Like someone commented above, if we lose white women then we are truly lost since only a white woman can birth a white child. Miscegenation is not a loss for blacks, interracial couples produce black offspring. But, for whites miscegenation is a compounding loss.
Anonymous said...
You are all truly truly sick pathetic hate mongers. Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state I completely get the "white race" fear, you're all uneducated red necks if someone is going to beat your daughter it better be you huh? Perhaps a little less inbreeding and a little more reading is in order here or do you have time between the factory and the bar? I don't know where you get all this free time...oh wait I guess you get TONS of free time waiting in your double wides for your 16 year old pregnant daughters welfare check. I imagine its a good way to keep you in Pabst in between your own govment check. There really needs to be a IQ test to vote in this country although from looking at your posts maybe a spelling test.
January 4, 2014 at 9:39 PM
You misspelled government, and "its" should be "it's". Contractions...learn to use them. There is more that you did wrong, but I have to go back to my double wide to drink Pabst and wait for my 16 year old pregnant daughter's welfare check.
"Anonymous said...
You are all truly truly sick pathetic hate mongers. Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state I completely get the "white race" fear, you're all uneducated red necks if someone is going to beat your daughter it better be you huh? Perhaps a little less inbreeding and a little more reading is in order here or do you have time between the factory and the bar? I don't know where you get all this free time...oh wait I guess you get TONS of free time waiting in your double wides for your 16 year old pregnant daughters welfare check. I imagine its a good way to keep you in Pabst in between your own govment check. There really needs to be a IQ test to vote in this country although from looking at your posts maybe a spelling test."
Dearest Anonymous,
Permit this "uneducated red neck" to correct your poorly-written diatribe.
You are all truly, truly, sick. pathetic, hate mongers. Being WHITE isn't a species; being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state, I completely get the "white race" fear; you're all uneducated rednecks. If someone is going to beat your daughter, it had better be you, huh? Perhaps a little less inbreeding and a little more reading is in order here, or do you have time between the factory and the bar? I don't know where you get all this free time...oh, wait, I guess you get TONS of free time waiting in your double wides for your 16 year old pregnant daughter's welfare check. I imagine it's a good way to keep you in Pabst in between your own government checks. There really needs to be an IQ test to vote in this country, although, from looking at your posts, maybe a spelling test would be more appropriate.
When you're castigating others for being stupid, grammar and punctuation are your friends.
Your idea for an IQ test for voting is an excellent one, as well as your idea for a spelling test. (Government, dear, not "govment.")
You're welcome.
Do not await a Napoleon. Do not await another Hitler. Think carefully about gently informing people in a humourous way about the nigfuxxation
Southron said...
"This is what we are up against. A woman's own maternal instincts for her daughter are trumped by her desire to protect those that harmed her child. "
This is the best argument against the laziness of supremacist thinking.
We, as a culture, have created idiots like this. Between this thought process and the tolerance of Islam, I truly wonder if we're suicidal as a people. If I couldn't look at history of only a few decades ago and see differently, I'd think it was an inherent trait.
Did None of the braver, saner men reproduce before they went off to war...
I just can't understand it. I mean... I've grown up in the same media exposure these people have, and it is clearly feeble minded to me. I can't comprehend the sheer lack of self preservation instinct.
Your theory that white women are innately attracted to negroes falls apart under a very brief examination. Miscegenation on the scale we have now is a very recent phenomenon. Before the 1960s nearly every white female in this country wouldn't be caught dead in the company of a negro male. The very thought of dating a negro was repulsive to them. There was no innate attraction to them at all. Quite the reverse. They were repellent to white women.
So why are things different now? Back then there was a powerful social stigma attached to black/white miscegenation. Beginning in the 1960s and the civil rights era was when things began to change. The mass media, using their considerable power to influence young people and set national trends, began chipping away at the social stigma of black/white miscegenation by presenting various films portraying the black man as merely a misunderstood white man with dark skin. As time went on everyone got in on the act - the courts, academia, the music industry, and so on. They all worked and have greatly succeeded at not only destroying the stigma of miscegenation but now also promote it in many ways. Have you seen the TV commercials lately?
The bottom line is that the miscegenation going on today was largely a creation of media elites. They have done as much as they can to make the negro an object of desire for white women while at the same time portraying white men as wimps.
You seem to have bought into this as well to some degree.
The Duke of Wellington feared the lower orders of society, but he also cared somewhat for them, as they provided the fodder for his cannons. I think that what you must remember here with these lower class whores is that they are encouraged to mate with negroes in order to produce mulatto. Not long ago the law prevented such mating. Discouraging it to the degree that it was barely practiced.
We have also abandoned these whites to a cannibal horde and at a certain point the cannibals will find you and you and you.
It's important that we do not raise a mulatto underclass equipped with a negro physique and a European brain and that we discourage the development of such a subspecies.
"whomever started this racist shit are morons. We r not a racist family so don't believe everything u read. At least the journal and cny although vague have all the facts correctly inatead of guessing at shit like these crazy people on tjose blogs"
About a literate as a one of those people they seem to admire!
"Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is"
Au contraire, being white is indeed a species, homo sapiens.
Being black is also a species, a different species, homo africanus.
In a sane society of homo sapiens, homo africanus would have no more rights to rights than any other african gorilla.
Human rights are for homo sapiens, not homo africanus.
hypie out...
Lily White said...
"Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state I completely get the "white race" fear, "
...maybe because it isn't "white on white crime" that is leveling almost every major city in the US. Or that we know that whites are maybe 8% of world population and it is Only white countries that are "encouraged" to accept all the third world's trash. Ethnocentrism is natural and healthy. So in reality, the ..."ignorant rednecks" that want to fight for and preserve their own kind, are more enlightened or at least thinking in terms of reality.
When you're 8% of the world population and Everyone else is flooding your borders to coopt the success you've carved out, then you face cultural and national extinction within a few generations.
White people are going to be a minority in GREAT BRITAIN, by 2050.
You seem to mistake that people here are calling for the carpet bombing of Mecca or Ethiopia (though in the prior it might be doing the world a favor), we just want to retain what we've created for our children. That may entail forceful measures if that is all that is left. You are the illogical one in insisting on western civilization prostrating itself before any and all comers.
SolInvictus: Please reread my post. I was responding to one "Anonymous" who claimed to be a liberal from a blue state. I was correcting his/her atrocious writing, whereas you seemed to credit me with what he/she said.
I've had interracial relationships. My parents were hardcore liberals and always told me darker people were simply better people, more moral and wise.
I unlearned all that BS eventually. All people have a capacity for evil, some more than others.
I am dating a White woman now, and its just better and easier. We share a common culture, common outlook and neither of us is "looking for conflict".
Racial problems in America are all being stirred up by the Left. Given their own instincts, most races will self-segregate.
it is known that black women hate white women. i live all around them so i know. a grown black woman burned my eight year old son with a lighter one day and police did nothing because we were white. but if we come out and say its racism then we become racist. im sick of what the blacks are doing to us all because their ancestors nobody in their family has even met ws a slave. get the hell over it and cant wait for obama to get out of office so yall can be knocked down to size. keep in mind i have plenty of educated black friends who dont act like ghetto idiots
One of the saddest things that I see on an occasional basis is white grandparents taking care of their daughters bastard offspring, usually an amalgamation of white/black.
The daughter, I'm assuming, is probably too shiftless to take care of her own offspring, so the poor white grandparents are stuck in their retirement years raising mulatto bastard children for their crack whore mothers, so that they can go out and copulate with low-IQ Negroes. Am I being harsh?
Whenever I see these poor folks with their looks of bewilderment and confusion I'm deeply troubled. These offspring will grow up to associate most likely with the dark side of their genetics and will come to hate the people that raised them. I'd like to believe otherwise, but I can't.
I've known a few mulatto people. One girl and one guy. They were both nice people, and were actually married to one another, but I felt like they never felt like they were a part of either race. They seemed to me to live in limbo.
Society tells us that mixed race couplings are not just normal, but good and virtuous, even superior!
The architects of social engineering are some sick SOB's. They truly put forth the message that brown is the preferred color in our Brave New World of chaos and confusion. Tradition, heritage, normalcy, are all seen as archaic relics.
Here's a list that I borrowed summarizing social engineering:
• Multiculturalism (anti-racism): instituted to promote hatred between all cultures and the west (whites)
• Socialism: instituted to promote hatred between producers and consumers
• Atheism: instituted to promote hatred of ultimate questioning
• Scientism: instituted to promote hatred of the uncredentialed
• Media-Entertainment dominance: instituted to promote hatred of truth
• Glorification of vice (drugs, porn, sport, gaming, sluttery): instituted to promote hatred of virtue
• Pedagogy: instituted to promote hatred of family
• Political correctness: instituted to promote hatred of the rights of the minority and loyal opposition
• Normalizing deviancy: instituted to promote hatred of nature
• Fiat governance: instituted to promote hatred of regionalism, federalism, the balance of powers, and of the possibility of the republic itself.
Anon @ 904 pm. Blow it out your arse. Whites in the south know how niggers are and how to deal with them.
Perhaps you should return to those safe blue states and drink another frappucino.
You could wear a shirt that says I love negroes and donate all sorts of money to rainbow causes and they would hate your sorry white arse.
Listen up, you liberal anti-white rectal cavity. This redneck woman has an IQ of 130 and could out debate you anytime, anywhere. I don't drink Pabst, I like Greg Goose vodka myself. I own a real home and where I am in the south there are some beautiful homes with lovely armed whites in them.
When civil war happens and Luther is raping you with his 9 inch schlong, please pray to your guru and don't knock on my door for help, Kay?
Irishman, son, don't give up, there are young white women out there for you. I know it.I agree a lot of white women are worthless, as evidenced by the pious blue stater I mentioned above, but there is hope.
This whole series is good.
The 9:39 pm posting is a real gem They start off castigating people here for being waysiss then turn around and do exactly the same thing, going into a hate filled rant against all whites. Probably just another dumb-bunny black or possibly a degenerate white.
Oh and blue state rectal cavity. I don't give a shit about black on black crime. Let them die.
I only care about white folks period.
Limousine liberals like yourself just love to come to whiter areas in red states for the lower taxes and cheaper housing. Instead of being grateful you complain about your neighbors.
This is why the south hates idiots like yourself. Too bad we can't brand you like cattle to alert the good ole boys and redneck women so they can avoid you.
Sometimes I just stand in awe of my fellow white females in this country.
The sheer stupidity, the desperate attempts to deny reality; anything to show they belong to the hip-kid, multicult, coalition.
I stand in amazement at the raw fear: '...oh NO, I might get mistaken for one of THEM'.
Annie Get Your Gun (Annie Oakley),
It's a beautiful thing to hear a strong, faithful, intelligent white woman defend her people.
From your white brother on the left coast ( IQ 138 )
OT: NYC at the mayor de Blasio inauguration. uppity black woman-of-color goes berserk on stage about white privilege.
Hmmmm. Last I checked, it was not the government's job to "give a voice to the voiceless, to ease the suffering of the poor, and to increase opportunities for all." That is called grand theft via redistribution and it never works.
And btw leftoids, why are there so many poor people, joblessness, "inequality", and homelessness in one of the most liberal, progressive cities in America?
Bill de Blasio is a TRUE BELIEVER:
Yep, definitely a coal-burner. Too bad the Turdquillas didn't finish her off altogether and remove her from the gene pool. In fact, the sheeboons need to be steppin' up their game against the coal-burners, who are the worst of the worst when it comes to the Crystal Meth of Religions.
To One Pissed Off Irishman, Jan 4 5:44:
I cannot, in my right mind, fathom a young woman doing that to you.
In my day, we gals would've bent a bottle over the head of your black assailant.
I would've done everything possible to get him off of you.
It enrages me just to think of her smirking like that.
I probably would've first gone after the black thug, then after HER.
Of course, I'm a woman, I don't know how much damage I could've wrought, but I sure would've tried.
No wonder you hate women, you poor guy.
The elite have gone after the young, white woman's mind, and have successfully captured it.
That was part of the plan: attack from within.
Dissident said...
One of the saddest things that I see on an occasional basis is white grandparents taking care of their daughters bastard offspring, usually an amalgamation of white/black... These offspring will grow up to associate most likely with the dark side of their genetics and will come to hate the people that raised them. I'd like to believe otherwise, but I can't.
One of those offspring you mention resides in the White House.
Telling people your alleged IQ is pretty lame.Really.
One of the first commenters in this very long comment thread (Anonymous @ 5:27 PM) seems to have hit on the likely explanation for this very odd maternal behavior.
He said she was a 'coal burner'. I'd never heard that term before but I assume it refers to white women who prefer to sleep with blacks. He also said the daughter was also likely to prefer black men and that the black women who attacked her resented that.
We don't as yet know all the facts but this theory seems plausible.
I always found it hard to sympathize with OJ Simpson's white wife Nicole. I'm sorry that he tried to cut off her head but not very surprised. Look at the stats. Women who marry black athletes get hurt and/or killed.
White women often are attracted to black men. The dating sites are full of white women advertising for black partners. There are hardly any white men who are attracted to black women. This make the new mayor of New York seem doubly strange.
Let me indulge in an unproven speculation. It is pheromones. The Vomeronasal organ in women is known to be more sensitive than that in men. It is also well known that blacks have a strong body odor. It is a little controversial but probably also true, that black males have higher testosterone levels. Then it seems probable that women of all races can smell that black males are manly.
Actually it isn't really smell. The Vomeronasal organ is in the nose but is not a part of the sense of smell. Women who sense testosterone don't really smell it. They just vaguely know that they are attracted to it.
Sexual attraction is complex. The actions of pheromones on human women - if there really is one - are conjoined with many other stimuli. Women for example are attracted to good looks but black men are not good looking. Women are attracted to wealthy and social standing. Again blacks are deficient on these. All things being equal women prefer smarter men and again this factor seems to disfavor blacks.
But still we are confronted with the fact that many white women are attracted to black men. I think it is pheromones. Otherwise why aren't Japanese men more attractive? In America Japanese men make more money than whites. They tend to be solid citizens socially - stable and trustworthy. They almost never kill their wives. Male Japanese movie stars are often pretty, like young girls, whereas about half of all black movie stars are just plain ugly. I can only think of two male black movie stars who could be called handsome.
Yet it is well established that Asian men have the hardest time getting women in America. Almost all Caucasian men - except our 'Pissed Off Irishman' - do OK with women. Asian men are generally lonely and blacks - against all logic - are sought out by horny women.
Looks like another home invasion gone wrong - this time in Cleveland. Sons of D'Won, killin' YT for the sheer joy of DIE-versity.
"About 95% of White guys are beta males or lower, and have to take what they can get. Really on 5% of the top White guys matter and are sexually visible to women."
GOD Whiskey, thanks for saying this. Most white men work very hard to be sexually invisible to women. I like a man who can tell the truth. You can tell these other guys to piss off. You have nailed it.
I am usually only interested in about 5% (or less) of the white men in a room. Because most of them are ugly, too beta herb-ish, metrosexual, or like a women, they TALK TOO DAMN MUCH. Blah Blah Blah.
In my sphere, the majority of white men have lost their sex appeal. They don't even carry themselves or dress like men anymore. Only some men are true 10s, the rest just think they are. Just like female 10 beauty, 10 maleness is "universal." Most of you don't have it.
White men are looking for beauty, femininity, and thinness in white women, and white women are looking for quiet braun, solid and sexy male alpha-ness. They women are keeping up with the bargain, but the men are not.
There are thousands of beautiful women in high heels everywhere, but no real men to toss them around. So they become lesbians and race mixers in a state of desperation. I find more women attractive than I do white males. THAT is a problem.
Why would a white woman settle for a boring-ass beta herb white male provider who bitches all the time and can't get it up? Especially when the same beta males are worried about the wife potentially stretching things out trying to bring HIS baby into the world. Sagging tits means he can't get it up anymore. How boring. This is worse than DEATH.
I have met at least three WN males who talked a big game online, but in person, they were all overweight, gross, disgusting pigs. Dirty teeth, bad breath, greasy hair, beer guts, dandruff, mom jeans, zits, bald patches. And they talked too much too. No thank you!
At least Hunter Wallace at OD realized the problem with his weight and hideousness and started working out.
You white males have a SERIOUS problem on your hands. The problem is too much ESTROGEN, fear of a black planet, and CRAFT BEER surging through your veins. Women don't like it. We can smell it on you. You have man boobs and soft bodies. And the endless TALKING...dear God.
I wish I could see photos of the faces and bodies of the white men who talk shit on this blog. Including you, Kersey.
With a good PHOTO, we could see who really has a right to BITCH about these traitorous coal burning, mud-sharking white women. YOU all have dropped the ball on US. Your wives and daughters.
My white dad was a POS drunk abandoner and chronically absent. No inspiration there. My brother is a beta herb know-it-all asshole stay-at-home dad. GROSS!
Women need the control, inspiration, and physical love from a masculine alpha REAL MAN, and we will do many desperate things to get what we need. Like vitamins and minerals, we MUST have this physical thing or we DIE. And blogger Chateau Heartiste gets it.
It is called GAME.
And I am STARVING for it.
It actually is white MEN who inter-marry more than white WOMEN.
They marry twice as many Asians, as white women marry blacks.
Some men get testy about that on this site; but it's only the truth.
10mm AUTO said...
I am nearly speechless. Her face will never be the same, with scar tissue tucks and puckers, cut nerves and damaged muscles, yet the mother is denying the clear racial element, outright. Not saying, "IKAGO" or "The ones I see on TV are nice". (TOISOTVAN?)"
"TOISOTVAN"--good one!
@ Whisker Child.
That's very sweet of you to say, and it seems like you understand a little better than most.
I don't hate women per say, it's more of an anger driven fear of women. When I say women I mean White women as I don't give non whites any of my time. My mom was a drug addict, and a prostitute when she was alive, she got busted for it, and I was put in foster care for about a year. I moved from the shithole foster home in New Hampshire to my pops house in St. Louis, and started 6th grade in the hood.
The thing that cuts the deepest isn't open hostility from some white women, it's the lack of support I've found from any other white women in my life. The lack of any support or positive reinforcement. I've felt completely uncared for my whole life, out side of my dad, who true to Irish form is a hardcore alcoholic. Besides my pops, and 4 friends of mine who are as overlooked by women as I am, I got nobody.
I'm not as bitter as I probably sound, and I'm far from a misogynist. I'm what you would call an AFC. I'm not going to give up, I just have a lot of baggage, and some insecurities to work out. I pray someday my luck will turn around, we'll see. Who ever coined the term "Luck of the Irish" ought to be donkey kicked. I've never met a lucky Irish person in my life, and I've met a lot, my grandmother was born in Dundalk as was most of that side of the family.
-One pissed off Irishman
Maxim #13: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if they had never known you.
"Well, she’s in love with her badboy and knowing that she’s nearing poverty doesn’t matter to her.
That’s enough #realtalk for the day."
The love is gone, guys. What to do. What to do...
Body fat, immunity, and male attractiveness:
Anon @ 12:07pm - Funny you should mention Chateau Heartiste, that was how I stumbled onto this blog. "Game" hasn't helped me in the last year I've been trying to apply it. Probably because I'm short. Anyway, you sound like a horrible person. If you hate us White men so much, why don't you get off the internet we invented, hop on a plane we invented, and fly to the dark continent(Africa) and live out your remaining few months at that point in absolute sexual euphoria with your alpha male blacks that are just so sexy to you.
-One pissed off Irishman
Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime?
OK, let's assume the comment wasn't meant as satire. The answer is simple: black-on-white crime has a political component. Let me state that again: it's political.
The politics may be that blacks are attacking whites because they believe themselves to be "oppressed" and thus are striking back at The Man. (Never mind that blacks are a legally privileged group via civil rights law, affirmative action, hatecrime protection, and all the rest of the rackets.)
But there's a more primal element to the politics. Blacks are staking out territory. They are taking controls of streets, neighborhoods, entire cities. Violent crime is one aspect of this, the muscle, while black politicos provide the ideological justification. YT gets driven out of his house, his neighborhood, his city, becomes a refugee in his own country.
Look at the home invasion which Bogolyubski noted a few posts back. It's one more black guerrilla raid against white people. The purpose is not simply to grab some loot, but to instill terror by torture and senseless killings. This is a common pattern of warfare in west Africa, from whence the home invaders ancestors probably came. Same genes, same behavior.
How many white gangs conduct home invasions of black domiciles, and with similar sadism? White liberals continue to flagellate themselves over four black schoolchildren killed in 1963 by opponents of the civil rights movement. But the daily slaughter of white people by those liberated blacks today goes by the boards.
It's like a war in which only one side is fighting--or is even aware that a war is going on in the first place.
So yes, in this war, I will be on my side. I will support my people in their struggles.
Whiskey said...
This is the social dominance at work. And bit by bit, White guys need to reclaim social dominance. Take stands when you can.
I've seen a similar point made on various race realist websites, that there is a weird psycho-sexual thing going on. White people are losing it in this struggle. One aspect has been the failure of Scandinavian men to protect their women from third worlder sexual assaults. Or you look at the growing number of white men who identify themselves as "male feminists" and indulge in the most low testosterone activities tossed at them, like slutwalks. There's some perverse move afoot to feminize white men. Blame it on the conspiracy, blame it on women, blame it on too many guys throwing in the towel. It's there and may be behind the general collapse of civilization
And blogger Chateau Heartiste gets it.
Yes, he "gets" it, and Chateau Heartiste has run race realist articles. Good for him!
But here's the question: why should white men have to play all these games to gain access to women? Seriously. What used to come natural becomes a structured play in which one presents a facade and (when all is said and done) treats women as doormats in order to gain access to them. And why would women fall for this? Just some bizarre genetic programming?
There's something really wrong here.
""Women need the control, inspiration, and physical love from a masculine alpha REAL MAN, and we will do many desperate things to get what we need. Like vitamins and minerals, we MUST have this physical thing or we DIE. And blogger Chateau Heartiste gets it.
It is called GAME.
And I am STARVING for it.
January 5, 2014 at 12:07 PM"
Bla...Bla...Bla...Good God! Women will go on and on and on (527 words) to justify relations with another species.
Look, I got divorced a while ago and was still married in my heart and have never remarried (some men marry for life), however the lack of companionship has never made me want to sleep with a Labrador retriever or a chimpanzee or a Negress. The reason you are missing "game" may well be that you are past your Due Date, if you understand my meaning.
re: the white man rant
girl, you shoulda picked a better Daddy
otherwise, from what I see when I'm out and about, you're dead on
about fat and sloppy guys
the women, for the most part, look like they've been rode hard and put away wet
A lot of folks here are commenting on black women slashing the faces of Asian and white women. But it's a commonplace that blacks, both men and women, when attacking other races tend to focus their energy on the face and head, almost as if they're trying to literally obliterate the humanity of their victims. No other race does this so consistently.
Also, it must be psychological torture for black men, all of whom hate and have been taught to hate YT, that they are afflicted with an uncontrollable attraction to white women (just as all men on Earth are), the very race they hate so passionately. What is it like to be so attracted, completely beyond your control deep in your loins, to something you hate so deeply?
"I am usually only interested in about 5% (or less) of the white men in a room. Because most of them are ugly, too beta herb-ish, metrosexual, or like a women, they TALK TOO DAMN MUCH. Blah Blah Blah."
I note this comment, and all Whiskey's blather elsewhere: "I want to say something about this absurd notion that black men are the most desired of men. Reeeediculous."
Could someone post something, y'know, relevant to the topic? In God we trust, all others bring data sort of thing? Let me help.
The liberal Atlantic magazine tells us about "uncomfortable" (because un-PC!) racial preferences revealed in responses on dating websites. (Note: this is online, not in real life, so maybe these women couldn't "smell" the testosterone.)
Here's a short summary:
Asian, Latino, and White women responding to men preferred White men. Only black women preferred black men.
Asian, Latino and White women had the LOWEST response rate to black men, while black women had their lowest response rate to white men (De Blasio, call your office.)
Black, Latino, and White men all preferred Asian women, while Asian men responded most often to Latino women.
Black, Latino, Asian, and White men had the lowest rate of response to offers from black women. Gotta hurt sista pride!
For a shorter summary, let's use DWL-speak from the article: Unfortunately the data reveal winners and losers. All men except Asians preferred Asian women, while all except black women preferred white men. And both black men and black women got the lowest response rates for their respective genders. (Bold added)
Now, if you want to claim otherwise about white women, or black women, or whatever, kindly LINK to some real data. The data I've linked to show what we suspect: white men are the most prized male dating partners, and Asian women are the most prized women.
"Lily White said...
SolInvictus: Please reread my post."
I noticed that after I posted. My mistake. :)
I wish the site owner would use Disqus or something else that would allow editing of posts.
I wish the site owner would use Disqus or something else that would allow editing of posts.
Noooooo! That will cut off the people who cannot be anonymous, or the pseudo-anons like, well, me. Screw up a comment, apologize, and move on: whites won't slash you for it.
Whiskey said...
"As far as "coal burning" goes, that describes about 95% of most attractive White women who will have at least one Black guy in their repertoire. "
No, it doesn't. Maybe where you live. The vast majority of women I see with a black child have serious self esteem issues (usually for a good reason). This is scientifically proven (wish I had a link for the study but I know you are familiar with C. Heartiste and I'm fairly certain it was there that I read about it). They are much more likely to be overweight and less educated.
So, no. We aren't losing "95%" of our best.
Anonymous said...
"and white women are looking for quiet braun, solid and sexy male alpha-ness"
lol, finding "quiet braun" (it's brawn by the way, I like my women intelligent) and alpha-ness in black American males. You must not know many. You could not find a louder, more obnoxiously childlike, and more dependent group. Also, many of the "beta herb whites" have focused on education, career, and family (not abandoning their kids) so yeah, fitness can take a back seat when you're not on welfare and shooting hoops.
You're not entirely wrong though, and in fairness, self mastery is something we should focus on a lot more than playing call of duty.
I realized that in myself a while back, refocused on it and started on the Paleo Diet. I can't recommend that enough for you guys on here as it will shred you within a year and restore testosterone like you wouldn't believe. From experience, the change in mental state alone is absolutely magnetic to women.
But as it is scientifically proven (and easily visible in Walmart) that most white women that date blacks are overwieght and undereducated, then that likely describes you and we don't want you back in the club anyway. Enjoy the inevitable results you'll reap from your bad decisions founded on self admitted daddy issues.
Concentrate on your shooting, dogs, horses and business...
That's how old line aristocrats do it.
Ex-Brooklynite said...
" @Sollnvictus,
I wish the site owner would use Disqus or something else that would allow editing of posts.
Noooooo! That will cut off the people who cannot be anonymous"
It's not like you have to use your real name with Disqus and other forum programs. I don't.
It would also be nice to have your reply show up associated with the original post, and to upvote/downvote, and follow post of people you like.
I don't understand why sites like this and Heartiste use this outdated forum style. There's no upside and it's irritating to users.
Luck of the Irish is sort of a euphemism idiom.....
It's to say no other blood line has been shat on quite as much, but we always land on our feet we Irish!!!
Good luck with the women folk brother. You'll find one with pride enough in herself soon I'm sure. The ones with no self esteem go after whatever they can get. You wanna stay away from those anyway.
Wrong. Some men are like that, but not all. I'm with a strong, handsome, confident white man who thinks like I do regarding race. Don't blame men for everything that's going wrong in your dating life. It takes effort on your part to find a good partner. And looks aren't everything - looks fade. Brains matter more.
Also, to the anonymous anti-white guy chick...
STD rates are drastically higher among black males and black colleges are disease pits.
I remember a conversation I had with a black girl that went to an HBC in Montgomery that mirrored a separate conversation with a different girl going to FAMU in FL.
Rampant HIV among other things is a topic they address in orientation on the First Day because it is such an issue.
Not welcome to our campus, here are our wonderful facilities, but basically "watch out girls, the dick here is poison, go get a white guy from Florida State".
And both recounted their room mates' admissions of multiple bouts with syphilis, genital warts, etc etc.
And those are the "educated" ones.
So enjoy that... sleep tight mud shark.
This is why the vast majority of black girls I've known will absolutely jump at the opportunity to get a white guy. They know the deal (and unlike white girls they know how to cook damn fine fried chicken) and they are ironically especially fond of bondage. Go figure.
If I wasn't racially loyal with a preference for european features then I'd opt for one over the insufferably privileged and sociopathic American white girl. If we were down to the last 3 people on earth, I'd opt for one of them over your kind out of sheer spite.
The more I think about it, blacks are doing us a favor in one respect. I can't imagine how soft we would be without the constructive imbalance of their savage behavior in our midst.
Left to our own devices and the influence of disingenuous liberals, within a few decades someone could just walk into the disarmed, flabby, feminized version of America that would exist.
Trying to see some positive in the bad and if nothing else, it has kept us on our toes and awakened many to the real and violent nature of the world.
Now we just have to rise to the occasion like our predecessors.
Left to our own devices and the influence of disingenuous liberals, within a few decades someone could just walk into the disarmed, flabby, feminized version of America that would exist.
This actually is a good point. Look at the Scandinavian countries. They were all white up until recently. And Scandinavians had a lot of odd ideas about "people of color." Like they were just like us, except for the color of their skin. Look at how certain Scandinavian countries openly supported the ANC against apartheid South Africa. Or could be found lecturing Southern whites on how to deal with blacks.
No contact with blacks often results in the most bizarre ideas about blacks.
Now the Scandinavians are experiencing the usual violence which comes from dealing with blacks, and they seem to have few ideas of what to do. Other than make more concessions. This is so even as people of color burn their ancient cities. Perhaps they will "get it" before it is too late.
I am so glad I coined "die-versity" (go back and check, 'twas moi) and that it caught on.
But I am pissed that Paul didn't publish my comment even though most of you said pretty much the same thing. That's probably why he didn't run it. I sure am glad that a few others have used the word "mudshark" re: this incident.
I have enjoyed posting here, but I'm getting tired of the white female bashing, just as I became tired of it on Amren and other WN sites.
This site is different in that we get real time factual observations about how diversity is killing our cities, our communities and our people. I am grateful that this site exists, but then I get to the comments and I hear about how awful white women are and how mongoloid females are so much better.
Newsflash, rice burner. If white men and white women don't marry and have children, there won't be any white people, and no, your half-breed offspring does NOT count as white.
I read the article and wondered how could any woman be so blind and rabidly delusional about protecting her offspring, both by letting her miscegenate and by pardoning the obvious racial component to the attack, then I read these white men vs. white women comments and it makes sense.
If we are at each others' throats, we do not have each others' backs. Our people are just too important to let the social engineering keep us apart. Let's put the spotlight back where it belongs, which is how diversity is killing us with increasing efficiency every day.
"This actually is a good point. Look at the Scandinavian countries... No contact with blacks often results in the most bizarre ideas about blacks."
Exactly, but not just in regards to dealing with them. Imagine a Red Dawn type scenario, but after 50 more years of rampant liberal ideology and no blacks.
They're like a vaccination, inoculation against "dey pussies" syndrome.
Hell, even I'm an example of this. I didn't have a concealed permit and pistol, and an awakening of the need for personal defense outside of the home, until thugs put a tech 9 in my face...
lesson learned.
It may seem so at first, but if all of us posted honestly our IQs then maybe we'd quell that notion of us being stupid, inbred, doublewide livin', welfare collecting daughter impregnating, pabst swilling pusilanimus rednecks.
maybe not, lol
I love your suggestion that there should be an IQ test to vote in this country. Sadly, the Supreme Court has already struck IQ tests as voting perquisite down. If they were legal, though, I don't think you would like the way your plan worked. Let's just say the results would greatly support the "rednecks" assertions.
Left Coast White Guy said...
I think I can more accurately gauge that from the vocabulary of a comment than a number could ever indicate.
The "F'ing N*****s" guys are the ones I'd trust to pass me ammo but still wouldn't want marrying my daughters.
Then there's the ones with multi-syllabic responses and other indications of being well read read and intellectually engaged.
The latter are more useful for conversion of the masses, but the former are the rank and file you'll eventually need for muscle. Which is why I don't give them a hard time even when their comments are ignorant.
Hey...great Nom De Plum!
@Left Coast White Girl,
I get to the comments and I hear about how awful white women are and how mongoloid females are so much better.
No one said they were better. They were preferred by 3 out of four ethnic categories, including blacks. Frankly, if you could combine the looks of white women with the thinness, femininity, and submissiveness of Asians, you'd have a white woman that no white man would pass up. In a world where banksters and lawyers threaten to steal a man's livelihood and children through frivorce, any woman who shows the least sign of attitude or grrl power is too big a risk. Black women have attitude in spades; for white women, see this comment, including gems like I am usually only interested in about 5% (or less) of the white men in a room, and White men are looking for beauty, femininity, and thinness in white women, and white women are looking for quiet braun, solid and sexy male alpha-ness. They women are keeping up with the bargain, but the men are not, and then this gem: I find more women attractive than I do white males. (Note that the men are not even identified AS men, but "males.")
Yeah, with that attitude, no sub-super-Alpha white man would take the risk. And the super-alpha won't marry anyone not striking, and sweetly submissive. It is a problem.
One of the best threads in recent memory. You people have outdone yourselves. Anything relevant that I had to say has been said by others. Thank you all, and our host, too.
For a change of pace, I had a smile at Whiskey's comment that included the line "Sure there is "n-ball" as the euphemism goes". It took me back to my childhood, when nigger balls were a candy treat that you bought four for a penny. That's a picture of them up there. Referenced in this song from that era, parodying the children of Johannesburg's southern suburbs with a thick South African accent:
The Ballad of the Southern Suburbs.
Background note: Sky High Lee was a touring American wrestler.
"When he fights Willie Liebenberg there's gonna be a murder,
'Cause Willie's gonna donder that blerrie Yankee."
Use your imagination.
Left Coast White Guy said...
It may seem so at first, but if all of us posted honestly our IQs then maybe we'd quell that notion
Dammit, Guy, you were doing so well, why'd you go and spoil it by misspelling "pusillanimous"?
Just kidding.
Left Coast White Girl said...
I have enjoyed posting here, but I'm getting tired of the white female bashing
I have sympathy for that view (what does that make me? A White Knight? A Mangina? A Pedestalliser? Whatever...) but the truth is that a lot of White women are behaving very badly these days, as witness the original post and these comments. In my youth, in South Africa, for a White woman to lie with a kaffir was not only illegal, it was the ultimate degradation. Instant social suicide. I just can't comprehend what passes for acceptable behaviour these days.
I'm not saying that every White woman was a paragon of virtue, but at least they weren't so blatant. They kept up appearances. My father told me as a boy, "Until she proves otherwise, treat every woman as a lady, and every unmarried woman as a virgin". I still do that (I'm an anachronism), but sometimes it seems these days that's an insult to a woman.
So, yeah, I feel your pain, and I'd be the first to leap to your defense (rhetorically speaking), but the fact is many White women make chivalry hard work. I appreciate the traditional White women on this board, and thank you for your encouragement of those of us who are struggling. Please,ladies, don't go away mad.
@One Pissed Off Irishman
Relax dude, you're only 24. I didn't start getting knee deep in P***y until I was about 27. Then I just figured it out. I don't know if you've ever seen the movie "The Departed", but there is a line quoted by Matt Damon's character Colin, “Of course I want to see you again. What Freud said about the Irish is we’re the only people impervious to psychoanalysis.” Although the quote is probably not true, it's something we Irish folks (50% give or take Irish here) should embrace. We are so complex that we cannot be figured out, that was the meaning in the movie. You should take your insecurities and make them your strengths. Turn them around and have them work for you. Trust me dude, you don't have to be a 10 to get laid, you just need to do the right things. So some bitch watched your get your ass kicked? Tell it as a story and add some "colorful" humor to it and get the women laughing. I have been balding since 18 ( I keep my hair short now ) but used to make self deprecating jokes regarding that. Women like a man with flaws but that are secure enough to joke about them. Where your short comings are can be made up in other parts of your personality or features. I am tall so being bald doesn't bother me. Sure, having a full head of hair would be awesome, but I'm not going to let that prevent me from getting laid. Work where you can, if you smoke, quit, if you're overweight lose some. It's hard, but just minor changes have huge payoffs. I like a few beers, what guy doesn't, just tone it down. Straighten your posture, the unconscious effects of low self esteem is slouched shoulders. Smile, who cares if people don't like it. Meet with women, that is the key, and make them laugh. We are all insecure in some regard, nobody had a perfect childhood, but don't let that prevent you from getting laid man. Also, don't marry the first woman you find. My rule is this: Live a chick for 2 years before you ever marry her. I'm soon to be married myself. Good luck and make it happen!
Mandela was a terrorist!
Oh look, the poor criminal wept like a school girl as he was sentenced... I'm glad our tax dollars are being well spent to house him instead of stripping him of his right to live for his actions. As one poster put it, he can now train other lesser sentenced inmates on the dime of the tax payer. How dare his family lash out at them as though they were the perpetrators. SCUM:
You can't protect fools from themselves.
Lord have mercy. How happy I am, to be a white, middle-aged female, happily married to one almost 70yo white male, lo these over 30 years. How grateful I am to have come of age in a time and place where there was no angst between white men and women, it was a given that white men would marry white women and vice versa. If this is what life is like for young single white people, I am happy happy happy, as Whiskey would say, to be an old married woman, heading into my sunset years with my old man. The only thing I have to dread is him going before I do-if I didn't already know from sad experience how badly it hurts to lose loved ones to death, and to have to go on with life when they're gone, I could pray that I die before he does, because I can't stand the thought of life without him. The saving grace for him is that he has more strength of character than I do-than anyone I've ever known or heard of-but I still love him too much to want anything to hurt him. So ideally, we'd go about the same time.
I am truly sorry that it has come to this for white men and white women, if what I read here were true. My own anecdotal life experience says otherwise, but that's just my little world, where white men still date and marry white women, and nothing else is even thought of. White women don't hate white men, nor do white men hate white women, speaking generally, in my little world. Every wedding I've attended or heard of has been a white man marrying a white woman.
I'm not saying it's been without its problems and disgraces-people cheat, they divorce, etc-but even those events occur in a white world, and they are events, not everyday occurrences.
I don't believe what I'm reading here. I believe that events like the one in this article bring out the deepest bitterness and fear in white people, and they express all of that bottled-up fear and bitterness here that they must keep to themselves in this thoughtcrime world. I will never believe that the generality of white men and white women are more interested in anyone other than each other. If anything else is true, we might as well call it a day right now and accept the inevevitable, stop bashing our heads against the wall.
But I don't believe it, not for a minute.
I read the article and wondered how could any woman be so blind and rabidly delusional about protecting her offspring, both by letting her miscegenate and by pardoning the obvious racial component to the attack
Isn't mama a defender of miscegenation?
It is a joy to read your comments, I am full of sentiment. You are a sweet lady of the kind that no longer exist. You should be cloned.
Alas Melanie, such as you "don't believe" for a minute is the norm for Generation X and onward.
You are all truly truly sick pathetic hate mongers. Being WHITE isn't a species being a HUMAN BEING is. Where's all the hate for white on white crime? Where is the compassion for black on black crime? Being a liberal who moved from a blue state to a red state I completely get the "white race" fear, you're all uneducated red necks if someone is going to beat your daughter it better be you huh? Perhaps a little less inbreeding and a little more reading is in order here or do you have time between the factory and the bar? I don't know where you get all this free time...oh wait I guess you get TONS of free time waiting in your double wides for your 16 year old pregnant daughter's welfare check. I imagine its a good way to keep you in Pabst in between your own government check. There really needs to be a IQ test to vote in this country although from looking at your posts maybe a spelling test.
A Tori test you say?
I'm not saying it's been without its problems and disgraces-people cheat, they divorce, etc-but even those events occur in a white world, and they are events, not everyday occurrences.
Cultural Marxists knew that the white family (and, frankly, the Asian family) were conservative institutions that would always oppose their progressive agenda, and they had to do something to undermine them. Blacks have been their chief weapon, first destroying the economic underpinning of the white working class in the big cities. Then the divorce complex was invented to separate middle class children from their fathers' care and protection. There is no father mentioned in this story, and his authority has been undermined by law and feminism in any case. White women have shown willingness to blow up families and expose their children to strange men.
Some links for you. First, despite what you say, divorce IS an everyday occurrence for whites, with over 3000 divorces on average every day. Second, women initiate 70% of divorces, leaving men financially and psychologically devastated; look up post-divorce suicide rates for me. Third, having just ONE other sex partner before marriage will increase divorce risk at the 5-year point in a marriage by over 100%. Sexual continence is important to men who want to marry, and Asians from traditional families have it better than white women, who do better than Hispanics, who trounce blacks.
Sweetly submissive virgin white women ought have little problem finding willing partners. The ones with over 5 partners? They're more likely to wind up as an alpha widow, forever pining for the "best" man that ever serviced them. They're useless and dangerous to the men who might marry in this day and age.
I hope this short explanation will help, and that you use your influence with younger white women to keep their unmentionables on around men who are not their husbands. I am training the young men around me to avoid unworthy women, and to seek worthy ones. Let's hope our proteges meet in the middle.
99% probability she's a mudshark. They can't spell or speak using correct English and they're aggressively attacking the racial angle. She and her mom are probably both coal burning trash.
Terrible example of Orwellian thought crime. 5 angry brood sows attack a white girl and scar her. That's notable. Can't die from a razor cut on face. They wanted to make her "ugly." Deliberate psychological warfare.
I agree that she was probably into black guys. Her online mannerisms, her appearance. The mothers nuclear response to the race issue. Triage for sure, write them both off. They are lost. Consider the larger issue. The man / woman thing.
Attraction is biological. Women want MEN. Masculine. In nature the dominant male animals reproduce. Not the weak. White males are conditioned to be weak, non confrontational pussies. Guilt ridden catomites. Wear fucking skinny jeans!
This incident is just how things are. A certain proportion of white people need to be written off, triage baby, triage. Fuck them.
Man up white men. Also, I betcha the cut coal burner piece of white trash ass was missing something very crucial in her life.
A strong white father who was married to her mother living in her house.
Basics people, basics.
Son of Delbert
This mom, the daughter, and this Stephanie Fenner person look like total coal-burning skanks. It's all in the vapid, trashy look in their eyes, that ghetto eyebrow wax, and that "trying to be sexy" duckface pout. These women think they're hot stuff.
To all of you that seem to think Asian women are so damned submissive! that ain't so!
Melanie, I enjoy your comments so much. When the White men and women commenters here start fighting with each other*, my anxiety levels go up. I begin giving into fears that Whites will NEVER unite; even within the WN community. Your calming presence is like a salve to me.
*(A certain regular commenter make me wonder if this isn't done on purpose. He gets the sexes fighting quite regularly on this forum).
I enjoy Melanie's comments too.
Whatever happened to Sheila?
I'm appreciative of all white women that are race realists. I've got your back ladies.
Much of the banter on this site is born of extreme frustration and is not meant to demean our beautiful white wives,mothers, and daughters. We need to be cohesive and not divisive. Our enemies love it when we fight against each other. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Let's unite in white solidarity for our kids sake.
Too bad.We like it this way.Disqus,reddit,etc regularly get hacked,etc.Even shaky privacy is better than none.
I wonder how the mom would feel if it was HER face. I wish it was her race.
Hey, Addison? Any comments? ( I will bet that deep down inside Addsion is happy and smiling....)
Pissed of Irishman: Go to country western clubs. Learn to enjoy and love country music. Women/girls there are 99% pro-White even if they don't know it.
Are you in great shape? If not, start working out and start eating right. You know how to do it.
Do you smile? Are you polite? ALWAYS BE POLITE regardless of where you are since the smarter White women are always looking. Always.
Women NEVER stop looking and comparing. That is all they do. You are being checked out 24/7, so are you failing the test?
Shape up. Clean up. Work you ass off and have a nice car, clean clothes, nice home/apartment. No classy WHITE woman wants a loser.
It is that simple.
Dissident said...
I enjoy Melanie's comments too.
Whatever happened to Sheila?
I fully endorse that comment. I really appreciate the high standard of commentary here. Who would have expected it on such a racist, reactionary, extremist, right-wing site? You mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, redneck RACISTS have hidden depths.
I follow that Facebook page, American White History 2, mainly just to show solidarity. I'm not really a facebooker, I only agreed to let my daughter open an account for me to keep in touch with my immediate family, who are my only "friends". They're scattered from Canada in the north/west to New Zealand in the south/east, so I need some means of broadcast communication. I would prefer Retroshare, but I'm outvoted. Anyway, my long-winded point is that you have to see the Facebook commentariate to appreciate what we have here. Paul has built something remarkable.
I see Sheila commenting occasionally at Vanishing American, another recommended blog by a traditional White American woman.
@Pissed off Irishman: as well as the basics, shooting, fighting, and first aid you should expand your circle a bit, remember being white is not just about defending your patch its also being creative and having a proud culture, do an art course, learn how to play a musical instrument, consider literature, but, develop your own unique talent, and yes woman like that in a man, understand this that our art has been used against us for so long as a mind weapon to make the unnatural natural, mudsharking, gay adoption etc that a bit of righteous anger and counter subversion in those areas would be welcome. Anyway good luck.
Eloi tax.
The fact that Billie Joe and family might in any way be associated with people who notice the truth will likely expose them to even more attacks. The woman is just taking a rational, if desperate, step to stave off further aggression.
"Mrs Howe-Fuller and her daughter Stephanie have a culturally and racially diverse social network of friends and family."
Well, that's where the problem begins. Blacks are likely to target those who won't retaliate.
I'm glad I don't live around blacks and my social network is white and blue collar. Anyone have a problem with that? Guess what? I don't care.
Pissed off Irishman:
Find a woman who never went to college. Or a Russian.
Good point about art.
A little known fact. William the Conqueror was an avid embroiderer. He would actually spend a lot of time with female family and do embroidering designs. I shit you not. Churchill was a gifted painter.
White people do the same things as black people, so why single out the race of the people who did the crime? Lets catch the individuals instead. Yup individuals. These folks are correct, in not wanting to make it race thing. It isn't.It is a crime. White father John Gagan from the catholic church molested 715 kids. The girl that got cut up was white. so what!
And we all know how well dressed and put together the average " son of Obama" is. Your the reason why men of all races and creeds have grown tired of your antics .
Well, the Kard-ass-ian daughters have made it *popular* for young women to bang, cohort, date, and marry blackmen.
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