This situation will change, but for now, we are losing.
It's during the 45th anniversary year of the landing on the Moon (the July 20, 1969 lunar mission should have ushered in a new era for mankind; instead we've been actively pursuing policies to take us back to the stone-age by transferring wealth from whites to pay for fecund blacks and brown people) that we should pause, and reflect on what this moment truly represented.
Norman Mailer did.
The long-time leftist agitator wrote a book on NASA's mission to put a man on the Moon by the end of 1960s, and it contains one of the more profound observations you'll ever find describing what Neil Armstrong's journey represented.
An almost forgotten book, Of A Fire On the Moon, Mailer expends a lot of energy deriding WASP America's ambitions to travel to the stars and the apprehension he feels to a new era dawning for Mankind.
This era never came; instead, we entered an era when an 83 percent black city could declare the largest bankruptcy in US history and no one would dare notice it was because of the collective efforts of individual black people that Detroit was now the world's greatest experiment proving racial differences in intelligence and behavior exist.
Consequently, just as NASA - bemoans - notes in Social, Cultural, and Educational Legacies: NASA Reflects America’s Changing Opportunities; NASA Impacts US Culture (p. 461) it was the collectively efforts of individual white people who put a man on the moon.
Discrimination and a belief in merit gave us the July 20, 1969 Moon landing; a steadfast belief in legislation against discrimination and removing any qualification with quota-based government hiring gave us 2014 Detroit.
But let's get back to Mailer's book Of A Fire On the Moon. Going by the alias "Aquarius," Mailer writes of a party he attended in Houston while the three white astronauts were completing the journey to the moon.
At the party, he encountered a usually loquacious black Ivy League professor (who espoused some form of 'black power' and mentored black students on campus), who was uncharacteristically laconic and drinking heavily. Mailer writes: "He was normally so elegant a man that it was impossible to conceive of how he would make a crude move - now, you could know. SOmething raucous and jeering was still withheld, but the sourness of his stomach had gotten into the sourness of his face. His collar was a hint wilted." (p. 124)
It is here Mailer unloads with the most masterful part of his book, observing the source of the black Ivy League professor angst:
"But there were tother reason for drinking as well. America had put two White men on the moon, and lifted them off. A triumph of White men was being celebrated in the streets of this city. It was even worse than that. For the developed abilities of these White men, their production, their flight skills, their engineering feats, were the most successful part of that White superstructure which had been strangling the possibilities of his own Black people for years. The professor was an academic with no mean knowledge of colonial struggles of colored peoples. He was also a militant. If the degree of his militancy was not precisely defined, still its presence was not denied.
His skin was dark. If he were to say, "Black is beautiful" with a cultivated smile, nonetheless he was still saying it. Aquarius had never been invited to enter this Black man't vision, but it was no great mystery the Black believed his people were possessed of a potential genius which was greater than Whites. Kept in incubation for two millennia, they would be all the more powerful when they prevailed. It was nothing less than a great civilization they were prepared to create. Aquarius could not picture the details of that civilization in the Black professor's mind, but they had talked enough to know they agreed that this potential greatness of the Black people was not to be found in technology. Whites might need the radio to become tribal but Blacks would have another communion. From the depth of one consciousness they could be ready to speak to the depth of another; by telepathy might they send their word. That was the logic implicit in CPT. If CPT was one of the jokes by which Blacks admitted Whites to the threshold of their view, it was a relief to learn that CPT stood for Colored People's Time. When a black friend said he would arrive at 8 p.m. and came after midnight, there was still logic in his move. He was traveling on CPT. The vibrations he received at 8 p.m. were not sufficiently interesting to make him travel toward you - all that was hurt were the host's undue expectations. The real logic of CPT was that when there was trouble or happiness the brothers would come on the wave.
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Mailer noted what the moon landing meant to the concept of black superiority and black power in a now forgotten book chronicling the Apollo 11 mission |
Well, white technology was not built on telepathy, it was built on electromagnetic circuits of transmission and reception, it was built on factory workers pressing their button or monitoring their function according to firm and bound stations of the clock. The time of a rocket mission was Ground Elapsed Time, GET. Every sequence of the flight was tied into the pure numbers of the time line. So the flight to the moon was a victory for GET, and the first heats of the triumph suggested that the fundamental notion of Black superiority might be incorrect: in this hour, it would no longer be as easy for a militant Black to say that Whitey had built a palace on numbers, and numbers killed a man, and numbers would kill Whitey's civilization before all this was through. Yesterday, Whitey with his numbers had taken a first step to the stars, taken it ahead of Black men. How that had to burn in the ducts of this Black man's stomach, in the vats of his liver.
Aquarius thought again of the lunar air of technologists. Like the moon, they traveled without a personal atmosphere. No wonder Blacks had distaste for numbers, and found trouble studying. It was not because they came - as liberals necessarily would have it - from wrecked homes and slum conditions, from drug-pushing streets, no, that kind of violence and disruption could be the pain of a people so rich in awareness they could not bear the deadening jolts of a civilization on each of their senses. Blacks had distaste for numbers not because they were stupid or deprived, but because numbers were abstracted from the sense, numbers made you ignore the taste of the apples for the amount in the box, and so the use of numbers shrunk the protective envelope of human atmosphere, eroded that extrasensory aura which gave awareness, grace, the ability to move one's body and excel at sports and dance and war, or be able to travel on an inner space of sound. Blacks were not the only ones who hated numbers - how many attractive women could not bear to add a column or calculate a cost. Numbers were a pestilence to beauty.
There was something to be said after all for arriving on time. CPT was excellent for the nervous system if you were the one to amble in at midnight, but Aquarius had played the host too often.
"You know," said the professor, "there are no Black astronauts."
"Of course not."
"Look," said the Black professor, "do they have any awareness of how the money they spent could have been used?"
"They have a very good argument: they say if you stopped space tomorrow, only a token of the funds would go to poverty."
"I'd like to be in a position to argue about that," said the Black. "Damn," he said, "are they still on the moon?"
"They took off already," said Aquarius.
"No trouble?"
If the Blacks yet built a civilization, magic would be at its heart. For they lived with the wonders of magic as the Whites lived with technology. How many Blacks had made a move or inhibited it because the emanations of the full moon might affect their cause. Now Whitey had walked the moon, put his feet on it. The moon presumably had not spoken. Or had it, and Richard Nixon received the favor and Teddy Kennedy the curse? Was there no magic to combat technology? Then the strength of Black culture was stricken. There would not be a future Black civilization, merely an adjunct to the White. What lava in the raw membranes of the belly. The Black professor had cause to drink. The moon shot had smashed more than one oncoming superiority of the Black. (p. 125-127)
For the moment, we find ourselves on the losing side of history.
This situation will change, but for now, we are losing.
Our civilization has been on CPT (colored people's time) for too long.
As NASA's own publication Social, Cultural, and Educational Legacies: NASA Reflects America’s Changing Opportunities; NASA Impacts US Culture makes clear, the agency was forced to go on CPT by the state in the early 1970s.
But Mailer's words make clear what the successful Apollo 11 mission meant... may those of European ancestry remember them well.
For history will stop beating to the clock of CPT.
Mailer, a notorious drunk, must have been sober when he wrote this though no doubt he did not know what he was writing :) If his editor's did, they probably dared not expunge it as he was after all a literary lion back in the day.
The black professor (not a professor of physical science you can bet on that) isn't really envisioning a future great black culture. More than likely just projecting lies of Egypshun greatness forward a few thousand years.
Heck, moon shot was nothing. In old egypt, the could fly to the moon & back anytime they wanted & they didn't need no machines to transport themselves. Them people could FLY
Trial junkie here. I just perused the wikipedia article on Mailer's book and the 17 Amazon reviews. None of them mentioned the Black Ivy League Professor.
They didn't want to consider the ramifications.
I see that often while trolling black websites. Blacks thinking they did something or accomplished something
NASA is now just one more welfare agency.
Ex New Yorker here....When "DeShawn the Jungle Boy" has two bullets inserted into his body by an opposing tribal member does his family pay to have them removed. Who pays for the hospital room until he is released back into the wild.
When the up and coming young teen "Jamal the Pimp Daddy" is judged guilty of "disrespect" and ends up DOA at the local emergency room who pays for the funeral. Does his mother apply for aid from a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUNERAL FUND or some other agency that hands out free money for the poor and suffering who have been murdered in cold blood by their neighbor.
When "lil poop" becomes a millionaire rap star after being shot three times does he pay back the government for his medical bills.
When 18 year old "Lipeesha the Hood Slut in Heat" has her third baby in three years where does she get the money for her costly stay in the maternity ward.
Who pays for a security cameras on a school bus. Metal detectors and cops in schools. Security guards and police officers. Muggings. Rapes. Mob robberies. Stolen cars and insurance rate increases. Bullet wounds and hospitals visits. Patient recovery and rehabilitation. Court cost. Jury fees. Jails and prisons. Probation officers. And of course the most important thing of all....expensive counseling centers run by ex-gang members and drug dealers who are helping "misguided and high risk urban youths who are looking for good jobs so they can turn their life around". Who pays for all this shit. YOU DO.
To hell with this stuff about how we could be on Mars. We could also be building shopping malls on Pluto.
PK said: """"For the moment, we find ourselves on the losing side of history. This situation will change, but for now, we are losing.""""
I'm in complete agreement.
Each and everyone of us need to do our part to keep the flame of civilization lit. We are the torch bearers.
Philadelphia Mike
As most of you probably already know that there is actually a C-P-T! It must come natural to those colored's to be fashionably late at every moment in time?
Oh, but never late for that EBT card though. Funny how that works out isn't it? When that form has to be filled out and returned on the date or they are shit out of luck with those benefits. You can bet that's the only on time thing they can relate too!
Damn those slave-ships and modern day traitor Lib-Rat's!!!
"""Whites might need the radio to become tribal but Blacks would have another communion. From the depth of one consciousness they could be ready to speak to the depth of another; by telepathy might they send their word. """
There was an obvious typo in this paragraph. I think Mailer meant "drum beat", not telepathy. Or...did he mean "ebonics"?
"When a black friend said he would arrive at 8 p.m. and came after midnight, there was still logic in his move. He was traveling on CPT (Colored People's Time). The vibrations he received at 8 p.m. were not sufficiently interesting to make him travel toward you - all that was hurt were the host's undue expectations."
No future time orientation in CPT. It's a perception based on a self centered entitlement attitude.
"For history will stop beating to the clock of CPT."
Thank you, PK. Great article. I truly believe (like many others here) that this dark age is just a temporary blip.
Yesterday, anonymous said: "we are all of one race , the human race"
Actually, there's no such thing as the human race. We're a species, not a race.
But, if you really want to have it your way, go for it. All one race. Hurray !!! Now we can end affirmative action and racial quotas straight across the board. Everywhere. In each and every aspect of our society. We can finally return to being a merit based society.
I am so glad now that we are all one race. The human race. Now, I can sleep tonight.
I just read Maya Angelou's biography on Wikipedia.
I see a lot of Maya Angelou bashing here. Come on, folks. Even though she is to poetry what Yoko Ono was to singing, at least Ms. Angelou worked for a living, almost all of her adult life.
You've got to at least give her credit for that.
anon @ 2:58 pm
Lol, scribbling "poetry" off the top of ones head just isn't working for a living to my mind.
Even if it's good poetry which Maya A's certainly was not.
She was paid because she was a two-fer (blk,F) who scribbled meaningless feel good & feel guilty type platitudes.
I for one won't miss her.
Oyeah, she's supposed to have had such a hard life before discovering her "inner" artiste including yeegadz being rafed while real real really young. Her whole "biography" was probably invented by her literary agent almost all "entertainers" & "artistic types" bio's are fake, designed to make them look like they're just super duper people overcoming great oddz...Like that black girl in the wheel-chair shown in PK's previous nasa entry - just show, just propaganda, just to elicit sympathy but their awful hate filled ape like faces do not lie they are all murderous
/H hypie out H\
C'mon you racist, white-privileged, white nationalist, racist white people! To say that all blacks are inherently predisposed to violence, mayhem or {fill in the blank} is patently absurd! IKAGO! IKAGO!!!!!
It is the MSM, not blacks, who are to blame. Blacks are the salt of the earth. Noble savages who are slaves on the liberal plantation.
Non-Racism is the absence of skin color as a component within any construct under consideration.
The image of a successful White getting a noose around the neck by an ignorant negro reminds me of the English guy who had to drop his pants to stop getting beaten.
If I was me, I would have told Apernathy to "Back it up!" had him tazed and removed from NASA property as a security risk.
Look at those Cargo cult grins. Those apes think they are winning.
"I see a lot of Maya Angelou bashing here. Come on, folks"
I don't care if they work or starve. She hated whitey. That's enough for me.
"Everything you loved about what used to be your country came from one group of people. It’s the group you belong to. It’s the white race. And it’s not an accident that the same people who hate your country, your religion, and your family hate your race more than anything.
You’re a white man. “American” doesn’t mean anything anymore. If anything, citizenship is actually a burden. As a white American, you are a second-class citizen in jobs, education, and government benefits. No one cares about you and no one ever will. Those in power will deny that your suffering even exists. So why are you fighting for these people?
The nation you loved is still there. But it’s not in the flag of a government that hates you or in the guns that serve people who don’t care about you. It’s in the faces of the white people that built this country and that sustain it today. That’s what you have to fight for.
You need to fight for a country of your own. We need revolution if ordinary people anytime, anywhere are to have anything even close to a moral and pleasurable life. And it makes more sense than spending your rapidly diminishing days shuffling through this horrifying nightmare that used to be your country.
You aren’t alone. We’re fighting for it right now. I can’t force you to join us. I don’t know where you are in your life.
But I want you to know one thing. You can’t pretend you don’t know anymore.
You can’t kid around with talk about “taking back the country,” or “freedom,” or “liberty,” or the “Real America.” This is the Real America now. This is freedom. This is what it led to. This is the only thing it could have led to. What happened to the American Dream? It came true. “Equality” is being taken to its logical conclusion – and all you can ever hope for is serving the people who hate you.
You can’t pretend this is still your country or that you are a free man. You aren’t.
You can’t pretend that you can keep playing by the rules and somehow win. You won’t.
I’m not saying you need to drop everything. I’m not pretending I know exactly what to do. But I’m saying you need to remind yourself each morning that you are a slave and people who hate you rule you. I’m saying you need to recognize that America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people. I’m saying everything good and generous about you is being used to kill you. I’m saying there are people out there like us who really care about you and want to help you. Your government and your society does not.
You can ignore me. Wave the American flag and pretend everything is going to be OK. But it won’t be. Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Look – really look – at the culture that surrounds you. I think you know it too.
Do you get it yet? America, your America, is finished. But you don’t have to be. It’s time to fight for what comes next. It’s time to fight for a country of our own.
It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again."
-Gregory Hood
Black people. Failed race. Major disappointment to whites who once bended over backwards for them. White civil rights activist from years ago, now can only say to blacks Is shut up go away. You have wasted my time and effort. I no longer care and I will stand up to you and challenge you with your pathetic bullsh--t. Small white female. Florida cracker.
The Negroes of Africa are among the most primitive people on this planet; maybe this is what Mailer was trying to say with 'CPT'. The study of racial aspects and racial differences is, I'm sorry to say, very complex and not easily conveyed to the layman. If any reader of SBPDL needs scientific evidence to be convinced of racial differences, I urge him or her to visit the site Erectus Walks Among Us.
At the time of first contact the Negroes of Africa were living in conditions more closely resembling the animal kingdom than humanity. They did not cultivate any crop or domesticate any animal; textiles were unknown-they used leaves and bark; ceramics were unknown-they cupped their hands; there was no system of writing (and there was no oral tradition!); architecture was mud, wattle and fronds; there was no metallurgy; no calendar; no observation of moon or stars.
There were no psycho-kenetic pyramids nor hang gliders nor advanced medical procedures; all that is bulldink and jive.
""""You need to fight for a country of your own. We need revolution if ordinary people anytime, anywhere are to have anything even close to a moral and pleasurable life.""""
Sorry, Buddy. I can't ascribe to anything of the sort.
If the USA doesn't change for the better, then it's time for me and my family to go somewhere else.
That's it. Plain and simple.
Admittedly off topic, but we talk here about DWLs and here's a great example of the type. The article discusses the discovery of graves of Confederate soldiers in VA. You'll see a variety of your fellow Americans expressing opinions on the evil nature of those men. Their graves should be urinated upon and the like. Can't imagine the obscure article has drawn a lot of negroes. These are just your modern white people, hating on men whose shadow they shouldn't be allowed to walk in. Excuse the distraction, but I find this behavior sickening.
Maya angelooooooooo
re 'You've got to at least give her credit for that.'
I give her credit for bootstrapping her way our country..climb right up.Brilliant manipulation of DWLs.
She loved Mumia ...and the panthers.
FTWCS that is enough.
""""""at least Ms. Angelou worked for a living, almost all of her adult life.""""""""""""""""
She was a ho. Started out as a ho and then a madam, so yeah, suppose that is a 'working woman' after a fashion.
No different than ho LaTeesha Shaniquious Le'beautiful-Harris down on the ol' MLK Blvd. turning dem trix to make a livin'.
"""""""""""You've got to at least give her credit for that""""""""
Just curious, you weren't one of her former customers? Yes, no?
Just sayin'.
Anonymous/Gregory Hood said...
As a white American, you are a second-class citizen in jobs, education, and government benefits. No one cares about you and no one ever will. Those in power will deny that your suffering even exists. So why are you fighting for these people?
….spending your rapidly diminishing days shuffling through this horrifying nightmare that used to be your country.
You can’t pretend you don’t know anymore.
You can’t pretend this is still your country or that you are a free man. You aren’t.
You can’t pretend that you can keep playing by the rules and somehow win. You won’t.
...remind yourself each morning that you are a slave and people who hate you rule you…. America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people.
Amen. I've edited it down to my favorite parts. America today is a filthy lie. I sure didn't begin life believing that and didn't spend much of my adult life believing that. Quite the contrary. But I do now. And you're right, no one can pretend they don't know it any longer. It's all right out there in front of you.
Vdare wasted no time trashing Maya Angelou. I don't even think the body was cool. Now, I personally didn't find her work good. But she worked, and wrote with words, and if she encouraged other negroes to do the same, then why bash her?
Agreed. Blacks have plenty of failure to point out, but Maya Angelou trashing? Really?
F you? We're all white here, well, probably most of us. We all found SBPDL for the same reasons.
Quarrelling almost our own? We really need unity here, to turn this ship around. Let them starve? We won't get too far with that,. At best we can ween them from the govt teet. Cut off supply too quickly the Bantu's could rise up, could get ugly.
Let's exercise a little more civility. The enemy is all around, not within our own.
This is off the topic of the post, but I want to ask a very simple question. Would you leave the "diverse" communities and frustrations of your lives and create an intentional community elsewhere?
I don't believe we will survive it.
Whites pay taxes and don't have many children. They support the Black family.
I'm White with one kid. I earn my own living.
My neighbor is Black with four with two new adopted Blacks. He works a pointless government job that pays so well and gives so much free time, there is time for affairs, drug use and parties.
Who do you think will represent the future?
Every Detroit will stay a Detroit. Every Black city will stay Black. They eventually own wherever they go. The vast majority of them will not survive without White tax money and White-funded government workers to help.
Helping Blacks is a "false economy". We aren't helping them rise up or be successful, just keeping them fed and healthy so 12% of the population will be 25% in a few years.
We won't get through this.
Some thoughts...
If the Blacks yet built a civilization, magic would be at its heart.
If the blacks yet build a civilization? Surely Mr Mailer is not denying that ancient Egypt was a great black civilization? Or that the USA was built by the labor of blacks?
Seriously, his statement might have reflected some sort of optimism back in the 1960s: since blacks were now free at last -- both in post-segregation American and post-colonial Africa -- they would take a giant step for mankind and build some new civilization.
And here we are 45 years later and where do we see that black civilization? In the ruins of Detroit and the usual laundry list of trashed cities? In the kleptocracies and boneyards of Africa? In the burnt out neighborhoods of London and other EUropean cities?
Go back to the 19th century, and white liberals had the same stars in their eyes about free blacks showing what they could do in Haiti and Liberia. Well, we have seen how all that has played out in the last couple centuries. It's as if civilization comes to a stop when white people leave a city or country.
It's something to ponder: after white people leave a territory, and blacks take over, advances in science, technology, engineering, medicine, architecture, and just about everything else comes to a screeching halt, then crashes and burns.
Interesting statement, when you take it apart:
"When a black friend said he would arrive at 8 p.m. and came after midnight, there was still logic in his move. He was traveling on CPT (Colored People's Time)...."
So is Mailer saying that black people have a different time sense? If so, from where does this difference come? Is it biological-genetic...i.e., racial?
Look at the contradiction: on one hand we are told that race-is-just-a-social-construct (tm). Then with the party line changes to blacks have an inherently different time sense. And this difference, apparently, makes blacks cooler than whites. This was a common enough assumption way back in the mid-20th century--blacks were the latest incarnation of that Noble Savage which DWLs sought out to provide enlightenment, groovy man. We see this trend today in the deification of MLK and the worship of Mandela.
You wonder what blacks think of these DWLs...perhaps they are playing them for all the money (and laughs) they are worth.
From Missouri:
Vincent Anderson, 19, of Little Rock, Ark., last month pleaded guilty to first-degree assault for the Oct. 28 attack, in which he drove a stolen 1994 Ford Thunderbird into a group of joggers at the intersection of Aquamsi and William streets. Three of the joggers suffered minor injuries.
Anderson faced up to 15 years on the assault charge. His passenger, Marcus Jones, 27, of Cotton Plant, Ark., was sentenced to 90 days in jail for two misdemeanors -- vehicle tampering and resisting arrest -- in connection with the case.
In the videos, a man could be heard swearing profusely and laughing loudly as tires squealed in the background.
"I said we'll scare the [expletive] out of [expletive]s," the man said, apparently referring to the attack on the joggers.
A voice also could be heard saying, "We
had fun" and making a reference to the video game "Grand Theft Auto," in which criminals use stolen vehicles to cause death and destruction.
Blacks mowing down White joggers for fun.
I was thinking that this Ivy League professor would be Cornell West. He always talked about the evils of the space program.
Thanks Paul for posting this. But I don't think the edifice will fall, but not soon.
The way I will see is when we have an election in Michigan. The Michigan Democratic Party is offering to completely pay for Detroit by screwing the suburbs. If the Democrats win, then we have years to go before we hit the tipping point.
Mailer ascribes all these deep thoughts to Da Professa.
That sullen, perplexed look was just because he couldn't figure out precisely how many Eldorados and Lincoln Continentals a billion dollars could buy.
I find myself agreeing with a lot of what he says. I love my country, I hate our government but I love my country. At least the part I'm living in. I believe this country is worth fighting for and another American revolution is way past due.
You can pack up and leave and that's fine, but after the revolution, you may find it a bit harder to get back in. You have to do what you think is best for you and your family. Don't hold it against me if I decide to stay.
Just curious. Read about this book over at Gates of Vienna, and wondered, Paul- is this picture from a building in Detroit?
- Fr. John+
Agreed. Disgusting comments from so called Americans. They're our ancestors and deserve our respect. Anyone pissing on one of those graves should be shot.
I have always laughed at the idea that because I am a geeky white guy who is meticulous and pays close attention tI the time, the schedule, the budget... you know, all of the little annoying details that separates a successful student or worker from an inefficient and burdensome one... somehow means I am less in tune with the taste of apples, the grace of dance or the thrill of sports.
I chuckle at the idea that idiots spending the day idle know just how pleasurable a well cooked steak compared to those who work up an appetite. It is also hilarious to think of some unemployed criminal who lazily indulges every whimsical pleasure MD spends every other night drunkenly dancing in a club has a better grasp on what pleasure is...
It is all a silly way of appealing to some idea that those people "have "something we don't, and are thereby distracted.... if truly analyzed carefully it just comes off as a very polite way of calling them idiots.
But I assure you: I occasionally wish to take a week off to get drunk and chase women around the club like every night was Friday, but I quickly remember that the idea is juvenile.
And "juvenile " is how I see the twenty to forty year old men in NBA Pajama suits speaking only in slang.
Yes, former hooker, former Madame. Hater of white people, sorry poet.
Let's just be honest
Anonymous and Anonymous said ” """"You need to fight for a country of your own. We need revolution if ordinary people anytime, anywhere are to have anything even close to a moral and pleasurable life.""""
Sorry, Buddy. I can't ascribe to anything of the sort.
If the USA doesn't change for the better, then it's time for me and my family to go somewhere else.
That's it. Plain and simple.”
No offense intended Anonymous #2, but I've gotta go with Anonymous #1 on this one although I don't believe that we are at the point of all-out revolution. It appears that Anonymous #2 plans to sit back and and wait for someone else to make the USA change for the better. Unless one is black, one can't expect to wait around for someone else to step in and make sacrifices to make life good. If the USA changes for the better, it will be because of the active involvement of white people.
Hater of white people? She had at least 2 white husbands under her belt.
with regards to
My neighbor is Black with four with two new adopted Blacks. He works a pointless government job that pays so well and gives so much free time, there is time for affairs, drug use and parties.
without getting too personal...where?
and yes, black fecundity is obvious.
PAUL....Ya see the yahoo news on Rachel Jentel..she got her diploma.
negro worship 24-7
Paul- is this picture from a building in Detroit? to the rescue. Feeding the Amazon image URL to it, I got back this page which identifies the scene as the Lee Plaza Hotel. Yes, it's in Detroit.
The purpose of BRA is to control Whites, particularly White males. Our overseers have no love of negroes or any of the other non-Whites. It's just that the negroes, mestizos etc. are easy to buy off (with YT's money).
This would also explain the ongoing purge in the military and replacement by non-Whites and LGBT. It removes the threat to THEM and with a cadre who know who their patrons are. So not only is the possibility of a military coup reduced, they now have a loyal army probably eager to do whatever needs to be done to enforce their dicta. The upside is that it makes US military intervention overseas a laughable proposition. Iran is not going to quake in their boots over an attack by the "Rainbow Brigade." Maybe the neocons think they can get by with drones.
While the success of UKIP, FN etc. in Europe is encouraging, these EU Parliament seats have no power. We'll see if the gains carry over to the local parliaments. Still, voting in the US is largely an illusion.
My approach to voting is:
Vote defensively on all ballot measures. This means vote against any measure that gives more money or authority to the state. Be aware that courts and legislatures are now nullifying successful ballot measures so voting FOR a good measure is likely to be increasingly ineffective beyond sending a message.
Voting for a political candidate is a mixed bag and, in my opinion, is almost not worth it. First, they are all notorious liars. It's what's required to get and hold the job. In fact, politics attracts sociopaths as does any position of power. Second, the rare sincere candidate that wins is likely to be totally ineffective unless he does something like do a major dump of classified documents or secretly records deliberations. More likely, he will go along to get along. Finally, if he is a real pain in the ass, he will be smeared in the media, the DOJ will arrange a "sting" or the intelligence services of our best ally in the middle east will find some dirt on him and make it public.
My rule of thumb is that if the candidates are closer to each other than the ideal, it's probably not worth the effort.
If you are going to be a single-issue voter, the issues should be Second Amendment preservation, immigration restriction and stopping the US military from being used as GloboCop. Forget about abortion, balanced budget, flat tax. They are merely distractions used for fund raising.
Voting state/local is far more effective than federal. If there ever is a "reset" as I believe will occur, power is likely to become decentralized. So voting locally sets the initial conditions of the "reset".
With voting, keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed. Most people vote to either control the behavior of others or to live off their efforts (or both).
""""""""Vdare wasted no time trashing Maya Angelou."""""""""""""
Know what? Good for them! Where's it written any more to be all respectful to recently deceased public figures? Oh, like they're all better than us, that what you saying? HUH?
REMEMBER: The groids started this. THEY started this bashing of recent deceased public figures. Whenever a southern public figure has passed from the last few decades,BOOOM! Immediately you see on the networks a groid reporter solemnly intoning that "While it may be true that so and so was a decent person, lets not so quickly forget that they were....basically.........a racist."
They do that every single fucking time. Every time, and they'll continue to do it.
Give it back to them. What makes their people so f'ing special? Huh?
"""""I don't even think the body was cool.""""""""""
Good. She was a frickin' ho and a madam. No different than the ghetto trash sluts who do gangsta rap.
"""""""But she worked"""""""""""""""
Yeah, she was a working woman. On the streets and all.
"""""and wrote with words""""""""""
"""""""and if she encouraged other negroes to do the same, then why bash her?""""""""""""
How exactly did she encourage groids to do anything but hate whitey? And gimmedat stuff, now attitude? Her legacy is the same as what Al and Jesse's will be: A race hustler, cept in her case a HO HUSTLER, literally true in more ways than one.
See, she was part of the problem. She was one who wanted reparations, the whole nine yards. In college I heard her lecture (our class was forced to go) and basically in between her inconsistent ramblings (drugs, alcohol related, not sure so can't directly comment on that part) but aside from her ramblings, she basically blamed white folks for everything. SBPDL would have no problem highlighting Angelou's various tirades vs society, vs YT, etc. In fact that wouldn't be bad if PK were to create an "in memorium' type post of basically the top 5-10 things that Maya Angelou said re: YT, race relations etc during her life.
And then after reading it, you tell us if she was oh soooooo great.
But I truly hate that attitude. It's ok for blacks to criticize a famous white person and point out what they perceive to be their flaws but if we do it.....OH NO! Angelous was such a saint, can't do it!
She was a frickin ho. And a madam.
Aside from pop culture, we generally don't make a habit out of glorifying that kind of garbage trash,
so why should we start now??
"""""""Agreed. Blacks have plenty of failure to point out, but Maya Angelou trashing? Really?""""""""
Go support her. Go buy one of her books and enjoy yourself.
She was an f'ing ho.
AGAIN, why NOT trash her? Why's she so special?
Now, a true patriot like Thomas Sowell, I can see your point.
But Angelou?
THATs the best that the groids have to offer?
>>tink said...
""""""""""""Hater of white people? She had at least 2 white husbands under her belt.""""""""""""""
AGAIN.She was a ho. These were exclients of hers. Apparently she had a whole LOT of folks underneath that belt, which grew in proportion over time.
Its a ho by any other name.
REMEMBER: If its okay to trash white people when they die, then give it back to the groids. What makes them so special anyway??
Maybe if we're real lucky, Detroit will name a few public schools after her. It would be so apt, a ho turning tricks madam gets her name across an elementary school in Detoilet.
And you know that some community will do it.
Agreed.Whites must put aside petty differences, embrace and encourage all that is good -and try to improve what is not-so-good about our culture.Things get heated at times,sure,but we all must remember to put our race first always.This must trump all else.For example,if I see a White person that I cannot stand getting a bad time from a nog,I will help the White person first.After the trouble has passed,I can tell the White person that I helped them because they are White,and even though we may never be good friends we must help each other always.A White you cannot stand is still much more important than any nog that claims to be your friend.Nogs are your 'friend' until a few more nogs appear.Then,they don't know you.Perspective,friends perspective. Thank You.
Richard Cranium
You sound like a breath of fresh air-and a hell of a good Woman!
Thanks for an honest post.
Richard Cranium
All anyone must 'do' is spend any time at all around nogs.Take a drive(if you dare) through a nog neighborhood.Compare what you see in reality to the pleasant,benign black characters seen on any and every tv show these days.
Notice a difference ?
I am all for learning and reading all we can about topics that concern us,make no mistake.
However,there is an endless supply of hard data and everyday examples of the fundamental differences between Whites and nogs.We have a surplus of data.We also have a deficit of corrective action .Truth is our best weapon,coupled with concrete steps to get the nog numbers down and to stop the gravy train.It seems everyone is supposed to 'tighten their belts' or 'make do with less' these days.Everyone,of course,except the nog.Pitiful and outrageous.
Richard Cranium
We have a genuine, certified, bonified, rarified actual NEW Negro invention just hit the market! Yes! This new product will change the lives of millions of people! The sheer genius of this invention will rock the world. This aint no super-soaker--not even peanut butter.
Yes this product, invented by an actual member of the Negro Felon League, won't cure cancer, doesn't increase the fuel mileage on your auto, and has no potential to make your life safer from violent members of other races. But it will change your life in ways unimagined-----for only $39.99 + shipping and handling.....
Order yours today!! Better yet, buy 2 and help this soon-to-be ex-feetsball playa avoid bankruptcy due to lack of financial planning skills.
Nothing is going to happen.Nobody is leaving.Whites must stop these pissing contests and create the world we desire.That whole silly conversation is why nogs are getting away with murder.We argue about vague possibilities meanwhile.
Come on,are you on acid ? Most of us would give our left nut for our own White country.
All anyone must 'do' is spend any time at all around nogs.Take a drive(if you dare) through a nog neighborhood.Compare what you see in reality to the pleasant,benign black characters seen on any and every tv show these days.
Notice a difference ?
I'll never forget seeing the Eddie Murphy movie Norbit and they show a small town center that is clean, litter and graffiti free. However, you see black folk everywhere. Everyone, especially black people, know that that town would not look like that with black folk running around. Take a peek at the fiction for yourself.
"If the Blacks yet built a civilization, magic would be at its heart."
that be "Black" magic, right?
But they be "Melanite Cosmic Beings" and sheeit!!
Can't stop laughing at this!! Really? Some blacks actually believe they are descendents of advanced extra-terrestrial beings. If so WTF, happened to Africa(or wherever else these creatures happen to abide)in the last few thousand years or so?
I think I've read every novel Mailer ever wrote. I've read many, many essays of his too.
He is a brilliant writer but don't expect him to actually make much sense. He's fun to read but he doesn't expect himself to be logical or reasonable in his writings - why should you?
Mailer was in a sense a performance artist. He was a celebrity writer and his performance was just living his life. He was always on public television and occasionally on mainstream entertainment shows like Johnny Carson.
He reminded me a little of Christopher Hitchens - brilliant, erratic and usually drunk.
Pat Boyle
"Anonymous said...
Vdare wasted no time trashing Maya Angelou. I don't even think the body was cool. Now, I personally didn't find her work good. But she worked, and wrote with words, and if she encouraged other negroes to do the same, then why bash her?
Agreed. Blacks have plenty of failure to point out, but Maya Angelou trashing? Really?"
What does it mean to be an artist in the modern world? Nothing. Modern art museums are filled with heaps of garbage which are called "art", assembled by pretentious talentless hacks who style themselves artists. Stupid thugs gather in sound studios to rant and shout obscenities into a microphone, over the backing beat of a drum-machine, and it is called "music". People who have nothing interesting to say, and are incapable of putting that nothing into readable prose are celebrated as literary writers and poets.
In a sane world, Maya Angelou would be remembered, if at all, as an ex-madam who scribbled doggerel, not as a poet. That she is so is only due to Bill Clinton having vaulted her to prominence (he chose her to read one of her awful poems at his innauguration - before that, almost no one had ever heard of her) so as to show how hip and with-it and black he was.
Paul, what is with letting all these honorific encomiums to Maya Angelou through? The negress could barely speak English, let alone write it. My college graduation back in 1980 was fouled by her speaking - a choice of the administration, since none of the student picks met with official approval. By anonymous' definition, rap "artists" are also negroes working with words. Shall I bow down to them, as well?
Here's a revolutionary idea . . . let's reserve "praise" for something heroic and beyond what ought to be expected of nominally civil people. A negro who doesn't go to jail by age 25 is not a hero simply by hewing to a few of White society's norms. Same thing with soldiers - someone who's a POW is not, in my definition, automatically a "hero." All those the Halfrican has honored lately with medals of honor have been those who risked their lives to save others. I thought, per Patton's definition, the whole point of war was to make the other guy die for his country. I thought earlier medals were reserved for killing more of the other guy, not merely for saving our own. Additionally, what decent White would consent to be "honored" by the Halfrican? Is there no one left with any standards?
Of course, I'm merely an old Caucasian woman, whose death Oprah and friends are anxiously awaiting. There is nothing and no one in today's America 2.0 that I honor. No one I would consider pissing on if they were on fire. I've opted out and I just don't give a damn any more.
"Blacks were not the only ones who hated numbers - how many attractive women could not bear to add a column or calculate a cost. Numbers were a pestilence to beauty."
Numbers be racist and sheeit.
Of course blacks are not interested in space. The money used on spaceflight could be handed to them so they can sit around building up enough "vibrations" to get off their ass and do something.
Besides, numbers were invented by the white man to make counting hard for the black man.
The lengths that some people will go try try to explain the behavior of lazy, stupid blacks are astounding. Mailer says that it isn't that they are stupid, it is just that "thinking" takes away from the visceral sights and sounds of living. Why think when you can just do, right?
The left, and Hollywood in particular, have long tried to push the idea that black failure isn't failure, because they are tied into some spiritual nexus that whites just don't understand. They are actually successful, just in their own way, according to them.
I wonder how long it will be until holding any kind of yardstick up to a black will be deemed racist.
Tests and qualifications have been written and rewritten in order to pass as many blacks as possible, but they are still failing miserably.
Why not just announce that testing blacks in any way is racist, and they automatically pass everything? Whites, of course, will still have to take them. Blacks can simply be asked whether they passed or not, and bingo...overnight success!
This could open up a whole new world for blacks. Since numbers and measurements are racist, black businesses could report profits when they are having losses. They can craft business models that can't possibly work, and give themselves pay that is insanely high. Then the white man, since numbers are his thing, and are a "pestilence" , can make the whole thing work so that blacks can create their "beauty".
The ancient Egyptians were not, nor even part black. Tutankahmen's DA tested 99.96 Caucasian. His parents and relative, to include Ramses I and II, and Cleopatra, were white people. I have home schooled my grandchildren through my grandson's third year of high school and my granddaughter's first year. The problem I am about to run into when I put the into public school next year is, in Social studies, I not only taught them about the Civil Rights movement, I also taught them "White History". I don't know how well that is going to go over, but the subject is clearly labeled, "White History". Within that I have further taught them, "Black Invention Myths" and "It's a Wonderful Race", although I changed that cheesy ending. I will attempt to post my Foreword in a separate post as it is too much for this one.
What I found most interesting in the passages of Norman Mailers book was the negro professor inquiring whether or not there had been any problems with the moon landing. It proves he wanted it to fail. If they are our countrymen than wouldn't he look at it as a collective triumph? Blacks aren't true Americans. All the money in the world won't make them either.
Meanwhile, in Oakland, CA; a parent attacks an 8 year old with a hammer.
No one is ever shown on camera or identified but everyone in the story is black except the studio reporters. Which, 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 means the attacker is a minority.
all these articles documenting the negro reaction to whitey being on the moon are great and packed with stunning bits of information.
this article brings up the idea of a great black culture that has been repressed by whiteys. i would like to see a few articles on this idea. particularly the origins of the great black civilisation myth and the black nationalism of men like marcus garvey. how does that all relate to today? how does the myth of black greatness being suppressed by whitey play into the psyche of the black man today? i think there would be some interesting conclusions as well as dusty pieces of the puzzle brought to the light of day.
Sheila said ”. . . Of course, I'm merely an old Caucasian woman, whose death Oprah and friends are anxiously awaiting. There is nothing and no one in today's America 2.0 that I honor. No one I would consider pissing on if they were on fire. I've opted out and I just don't give a damn any more.”
I was with you until your last paragraph. Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by America 2.0, but to have no honor for anyone in today's America seems extreme to me. It is difficult for me to watch many of the episodes of the military channel where actual military engagements are accurately re-enacted without getting a lump in my throat. There are many incidents equal to the intensity of the actual event portrayed in the movie Lone Survivor that don't even make the news. Every one of the participants in these frightening and dangerous events is a hero in my book whether or not they receive a Medal of Honor. It isn't their fault that they have an incompetent a-hole for a Commander in Chief.
I believe that the requirements for a Medal of Honor are generally that one must have distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in a military action against an enemy of the United States. To my knowledge there has never been a requirement for a high body count although it is easy to see how high body counts could often be associated with high risk. Saving the lives of fellow soldiers at great risk to one's own life while engaged in a military action against an enemy of the United States is rightfully something that justifies a Medal of Honor.
I do find it revolting that someone as unworthy to call himself an American as Obama is permitted to touch a Medal of Honor, and even worse, to present one. For Obama, the presentation is just a photo opportunity – he doesn't give a shit about the soldier.
all these articles documenting the negro reaction to whitey being on the moon are great and packed with stunning bits of information.
Yes Yts got to the moon..smarts and hard work got USa and us there.
not wopee goldberg
not MLK
not sharpton
not jesse jackass
not OJ simpson
not maya angelo
I think you mean black boys. There are very few black "men". Having a shitload of kids doesn't make a man.
I've worked in a number of larger southern cities. I learned right quick it there was a large black population, leave early for work. I don't know how many times traffic was held up (a lot of traffic) because some black s.o.b. had one hand on the top of the steering wheel, the seat laid back into the backseat area, talking on a cellphone, trying to look cool but just pissing people off by driving 25 mph in a 40 zone. Honking doesn't help. And don't honk unless you're armed.
They make it really easy to hate them.
Never heard of her til she died. Then every evening, newscasters going on like she was the best thing that ever shit between a pair of heels.
Glad they got her planted so I don't have to hear anymore of that crap.
Let's not forget that Mailer wrote "The White Negro" an early (50s or 60s, I can't recall now) essay that lauded blacks for being everything that we "racists" condemn them for, and encouraging White hipsters to emulate them. Mailer hated White "bourgeois" society and advocated anything that disrupted or degraded it, and saw the negro as a noble savage solution to inauthentic living, blah blah sixties tripe, etc. He has never been one of us, even if he let the cat out of the bag on this one.
I hope you're right. Whites can't choose to be stupid forever.
Norman Mailer said...
"The time of a rocket mission was Ground Elapsed Time, GET."
NB with IPMS says...
The time of a groid's chimpout is Black Elapsed Time, BET.
--NB with IPMS
Seconded. Brilliant!
I had to attend a die-versity seminar as part of management training development several years ago.
When the instructor said that black people have a "non-linear sense of time", my buddy and I almost choked trying not to laugh out loud.
It's been a source of humor ever since.
Hi PK,
I really hope you would write a detailed column about that so-called “Maya Angelou” who was the archetype of the magic negro and one of the greatest FRAUD imposed on our children by BRA in public schools:
Birth name wasn’t Maya Angelou but Marguerite Annie Johnson.
Insisted on being called “Dr. Angelou” when she never attended nor graduated from any university, and only got a bunch of BS honorary degrees !
Worshipped as a Saint by the MSM when she was nothing else than a teenage mother, a prostitute and a madam in the first place !
Praised as a “poet” when the she was mostly known because of her SEVEN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL FICTIONS (no less !) which she claimed were written to “challenge the common structure of the autobiography by critiquing, changing, and expanding the genre” LOL
There you have it, just like MLK, Rosa Parks, “Roots”, etc, nothing but grandiosity, posturing and LIES to train teachers “how to talk about race”.
Look it up and it never fails every time…
YOU may not get through this and surely do not deserve to,with that attitude.If you have given up,I am sad for you.Please don't piss on the eternal flame because you are sweating.Move away.After the real people do the work I am sure we will see you.
Much better,get with the idea that we need your help.You have talents nogs can't even dream of.Pick a favorite and direct it in a way helpful to your race.If you just refuse to,get out of the way.
Richard Cranium
Didn't Ralph Cramden send Alice to the moon? How come Mailer did not write about that?
Norman Mailer is the quintessential liberal. You may or may not know about his sponsorship of Jack Henry Abbott, a lifelong criminal incarcerated for most of his life. Abbot demonstrated a talent for writing, Mailer could not resist this prison Shakespeare and touted him as the next great literary talent. He wrote to the Parole Board many times and helped win his release. What did Abbott do upon release? Killed an aspiring actor . Richard Adan, 21 in the Village in NY. This is a recurring theme among liberals, refusing to see the reality of this world.
Exactly, I had to take some Egyptology class taught by some high steppin, self impotent purple. The lies spewed in the course were simply nauseating. The black students ate it up like barbecue sauce off their greasy fingertips. Different from the Truth I knew about the ancient world, these asses are allowed to publish lies and instruct in colleges. Disgusting. Thanks for your comment, keeps me aware and keeps me prepared.
Right, let "them" tell it, especially the females, wow what a bunch of delusional self important nothings.
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