There’s a quote conservatives love to
use, believing it shows a former President of the United States racism and
paternalistic attitudes toward blacks.
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LBJ to Kennedy in 1962: If only [John] Glenn "were a negro" |
Few ever cite the quote, but it comes
from Ronald Kessler’s book Inside the White House: The
Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most
Powerful Institution.
entirety of the quote is important. Some would say it shows Lyndon B. Johnson’s
hateful view of blacks, but considering he did everything to enshrine them as a
protected class (a permanently endangered species), it’s hard to take those
people seriously:
Johnson, like other presidents, would often reveal the motivations in asides that the press never picked up. During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years.” (p. 33, Kessler)
love to quote LBJ here, but it’s not the true quote, which helps to define not
only the actual character of the man, but also your die-hard white liberals as well.
Disingenuous White Liberals, that is.
That blacks vote for their self-interest is reasonable (how in the world would black people survive in the free market world - a still egalitarian free market world - the Koch Brothers wish to make America is never explained, except with people saying something about welfare being a modern-day plantation. Me thinks the blacks like this plantation...)
That blacks vote for their self-interest is reasonable (how in the world would black people survive in the free market world - a still egalitarian free market world - the Koch Brothers wish to make America is never explained, except with people saying something about welfare being a modern-day plantation. Me thinks the blacks like this plantation...)
Their actions, in the short-term, might
impress the press and earn accolades from academia and celebrities; but in the
long-term, their actions are so perilous it’s not an impossible statement to
claim they are fatal.
Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917 – 1963, by Robert
Dallek, contains a statement by LBJ that dwarfs his observations on blacks and
Worries about Johnson extended to his management of the space program. Despite the success of Alan Shepard’s suborbital flight in May 1961, by February 1962 NASA had still not matched cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s orbital success the previous April. Bad weather and technical problems had aborted ten televised U.S. planned launchings between May and February. But on February 20, John Glenn’s spaceship orbited the earth three times in just under five hours before a pinpoint landing in the Atlantic near Bermuda, where helicopters from a nearby U.S. cruiser waited to life Glenn and his capsule from the ocean.
The White House was jubilant, especially because it knew that problems with the capsule’s heat shield had brought the mission close to disaster. Another successful flight by Scott Carpenter in May gave Kennedy – in contrast with the steel price conflict, stock market downturn and Estes scandal – something to cheer about. (If only Glenn “were a Negro,” Johnson told Kennedy, who laughed at what became his favorite example of Lyndon’s constant preoccupation with political calculations.) (p. 501 – 502)
A “constant preoccupation with
political calculations.”
Does this statement not accurately
describe how white liberals (and those white conservatives fawning at the
thought of a 2016 RNC ticket with some combination of Dr. Ben Carson and Lt. Col. Allen
West) have used blacks to their advantage?
“If only Glenn “were a Negro,” Johnson told
Kennedy, who laughed at what became his favorite example of Lyndon’s constant preoccupation
with political calculations.”
There’s nothing funny about this
statement; it’s a sick indictment of a country devoted to the cause of
perpetuating democracy, as opposed to the cause of perpetuating the actual
At the time America was knee deep in a Cold War and a space race with the Russians, Vice President Johnson's main wish was John Glenn having been born a negro...
At the time America was knee deep in a Cold War and a space race with the Russians, Vice President Johnson's main wish was John Glenn having been born a negro...
To really get a grasp on how loony Liberals are about Negroes and Africa watch Henning Mankell's Firewall or read the book.
Mankell himself, a Swede, lives in Africa on Madagascar. The story is close to science fiction but absolutely plausible. If the story is fiction the psychology is positively fact.
This quote shows a peculiarly White trait: loyalty to Party before loyalty to Tribe. Insanity - parties are fluid, race is relatively permanent.
I' m wondering about LBJ's amcestry. His swarthy looks are common in today's America, but seem out of place for a 50s/60s politician. Weren't most of them Nordic-looking WASPS/Dutch/Germans.
Something I've always wondered: which governors did Johnson say this to?
I don't doubt he said it but I've always heard it as he said it to 2 governors. I've always been curious as to which 2 it was.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need an actual psychologist to study the symptoms and underlying causes. It's kind of like animal hoarders or people that dress up their pets and treat them like people.
The problem is that the space race for america was not just about besting the soviets, but besting them with leaps in progress. I think NASA saw sending a black astronaut into space as a step backwards. The astronaut wouldn't be technically proficient as a pilot and his mathematical deficiencies would hinder him if quick decisions needed to be made in emergencies. Basically, the entire mission would be controlled by the men on earth in Mission Control, as it had for the test flights with monkeys (and in the soviets' case, with dogs). At this time in history, shooting a black astronaut into space would have been the equivalent of shooting a porcupine or coconut into space--what was the point?
We'll learn. We'll have to learn the hard way, but we'll learn.
The next couple decades are gonna be a rough ride.
The space program is nothing but a giant waste of resources. A massive boondoggle and a silly hoax to boost the confidence of insecure white people. Those untold billions spent on rocket ships could have been spent feeding the hungry people of Africa. THEY'RE DYING! And we were spending money to send tin cans to a dead rock!
Thank God Obama has scrapped this silly vanity project. Africa is rising ... get used to it, haters. Your new neighbors will be black and beautiful!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Negro Occupation Government.
Life in the NOG.
Thomas Sumter
One more generation at most, before the white man wakes up..
A generation is 22 years, ibelieve within 15yrs tops rhis will happen...
Whites are bright, with all the diversity going on now most of us will see the change...
Of course many female whites wont get it. But most white will.. CANT WAIT...
Here's another one:
Notice the killer claimed a white man did it.
Well, say what you want about LBJ, but he was right. How many other politicians have been far sighted enough to lock in the vote of an entire race of voters for 200 years? The liberals are now attempting to do the same thing with Latinos and women. The formula for success appears to be to convince the targeted demographic that the party will make their lives better a/k/a give you stuff directly or through AA.
I won't be surprised if Hillary gets tossed aside after all of the Benghazi crap floats to the surface, and then we could see our magical Latino contender. I'm not really seeing another black after our current experience with a black Prez. Although 95% of black voters would eagerly support another black candidate not many white voters would want a repeat of our current experience. However, I believe that black voters would support any minority candidate over a white, and many whites will support a Latino.
It comes down to voters having to decide to either vote for the party that will forever deliver free stuff or for the party that thinks we should live within our means. With our large number of irresponsible low IQ voters that is like asking kids if they would prefer ice cream or broccoli for supper.
A Compassionate Oregonian said ”The space program is nothing but a giant waste of resources. A massive boondoggle and a silly hoax to boost the confidence of insecure white people. Those untold billions spent on rocket ships could have been spent feeding the hungry people of Africa. THEY'RE DYING! And we were spending money to send tin cans to a dead rock!
Thank God Obama has scrapped this silly vanity project. Africa is rising ... get used to it, haters. Your new neighbors will be black and beautiful!”
Except he didn't actually scrap NASA because it would make him appear to be a “low tech” president. Instead, he just has them doing busy work of no value so now the organization is an all cost but no benefit operation existing to give AA blacks important sounding jobs with good pay. It will work until the money runs out. But at least NASA no longer makes public the impossibility of a qualified black astronaut.
bra contains the seeds of its own collapse, bra paid for by printed us dollars themselves printable due to reserve currency status of the dollar which leads to expension of BRA ie more Somalis..which leads to more deficits financed by more money printing...when will the world cry uncle?
Annon said….
It will work until the money runs out.
The money will never run out. It's all fiction. They just print it. If they just distributed it, then of course it would make it worthless.
Well, say what you want about LBJ, but he was right. How many other politicians have been far sighted enough to lock in the vote of an entire race of voters for 200 years? The liberals are now attempting to do the same thing with Latinos and women. The formula for success appears to be to convince the targeted demographic that the party will make their lives better a/k/a give you stuff directly or through AA.
I won't be surprised if Hillary gets tossed aside after all of the Benghazi crap floats to the surface, and then we could see our magical Latino contender. I'm not really seeing another black after our current experience with a black Prez. Although 95% of black voters would eagerly support another black candidate not many white voters would want a repeat of our current experience. However, I believe that black voters would support any minority candidate over a white, and many whites will support a Latino.
It comes down to voters having to decide to either vote for the party that will forever deliver free stuff or for the party that thinks we should live within our means. With our large number of irresponsible low IQ voters that is like asking kids if they would prefer ice cream or broccoli for supper.
Interesting post on the 2016 edition of the Mostest Important Erection Evaaahh. Hillary's viability depends a great deal upon how much the Ministry of Truth is willing to cover for her Benghazi badass bungle. She would still appeal to the feminism-addled brains of white females. But if it's revealed that she was the one who tossed the poofter charged with running guns and MANPADs to Al-CIAduh to fight Assad to make the neighborhood safer for a certain unmentionable tail which wags all manner of dogs, she's toast.
While a loyal member of La Raza would be a very good choice for the D-Jerseys of the Bank Party to win their beauty contest with their R-Jersey comrades in holy crusade of killin' off YT, the D-Jerseys have Deval Patrick as Magic Negro 2.0. I almost sort of hope the Tea-Party Tards manage to nominate Ben Carson and Condo-sleezah Rice to go up against Patrick and Al Sharpton. We can then refer to 2016 as the "Model T" edition of the MIEE: Your can vote for any candidate you like as long as they're black.
Speaking of Libya, the late Colonel - who became a loyal supporter of the Banksta Banana Republick prior to their engineer of his demise - was sitting on a fairly massive supply of gold, which he was planning to use to back the Libyan dinar as an alternative oil denominator. It was something north of 300 tons as I recall. Its whereabouts are as unknown as that of the gold confiscated by FDR from obedient moron Amurikans in the 1930s and allegedly deposited in Fort Knox along with treasury holdings - which cannot be seen even by sitting members of Congress.
Bogolyubski said ”. . . While a loyal member of La Raza would be a very good choice for the D-Jerseys of the Bank Party to win their beauty contest with their R-Jersey comrades in holy crusade of killin' off YT, the D-Jerseys have Deval Patrick as Magic Negro 2.0. I almost sort of hope the Tea-Party Tards manage to nominate Ben Carson and Condo-sleezah Rice to go up against Patrick and Al Sharpton. We can then refer to 2016 as the "Model T" edition of the MIEE: Your can vote for any candidate you like as long as they're black. . .”
I had not considered that frightening possibility, but it would be similar to fighting fire with fire. It seems possible that Carson/Rice might prevail in that dilemma as they seem to be the whiter blacks.
Blacks and Latinos hate each other. Witness the LA barrio tension.
Delaware dude, OT gain. seems yesterday in deepest, darkest, kill-me-ton, de, a local anti-violence grandma was struck by a stray? round fired from the gun of one of two local groids having an old west style shootout in broad daylight. can we sell them some kind of bullet with a proximity device that would eliminate collateral damage to bystanders. I mean, I can't believe number of rounds expended for a hit. guess it goes to show they aren't all that with precision.
Carson and Condoleeza - I can see the same stupid emptiness in their eyes that I see in most other negroes. They have learned to parrot and posture as whites, nothing more than mimicry.
Whites love negroes who act, talk, and dress like whites. They can be invited to parties and won't embarrass anyone. It makes whites feel proud that they have changed their negro pets for the better and they love to show off their handiwork.
More years of black prezidentzees would take this country down faster than anything. Especially those two Uncle Toms, which will air out the black dirty laundry, as the underclass welfare ghetto blacks and the uppity-nigga bourgeois blacks duke it out in the streets for all to see.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need an actual psychologist to study the symptoms and underlying causes."
Good luck finding a head doc who is not a libtard. There are some, I guess, but probably about as rare as say, honest politicians? Now that I think about it, "honest politicians" has become an over-used oxymoron.
Delaware Dude,
You said "I can't believe number of rounds expended for a hit. guess it goes to show they aren't all that with precision." When I went into the military, and going through basic training, I saw how "they aren't all that with precision". The big bad big city tough boys, black or latin, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, for the most part, with an M-16. Those of you who have fired an M-16 know it shoots about as easy as a ,22 rifle. Precision doesn't go along with the black kulcha. All the years I worked as a machinist I never saw a black do machine work. Saw mestizos, but no blacks.
Interesting blog. Yes, LBJ was certainly a piece of work. The modern day equivalent of Rahm Emmanuel. I don't care if I spelled his name wrong.
Keep up the good work!
My enduring opinion is that LBJ was ground zero for the serious destruction to our country in the second half of the 20th century.
1. Civil rights (or the damage to individual rights it contained)
2. The Immigration Act
3. Vietnam war mis-management
4. the Great Society welfare
5. the Kerner Commission
Did I miss anything?
"Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need an actual psychologist to study the symptoms and underlying causes."
I'll give my usual plug for James Burnham's "Suicide of the West." It's a classic work analyzing -- among other things -- the psychological factors behind modern liberalism.
""""""""This quote shows a peculiarly White trait: loyalty to Party before loyalty to Tribe""""""""
Not so fast. There is a white group that puts loyalty to their tribe ahead of most things whenever push comes to shove. Sure, they do publicly claim to have the groids best interests but they won't live near them, attend school with them and their worship centers are pretty much groid-free.
We could learn a lot of important lessons about putting the tribal interests ahead of most things, especially if we were to observe this particular group in action.
To them at least, the interests of their tribe matters very, very, much.
LBJ was one of the all-time sleaziest people we've ever had in office. But then again, it's quite a contest for the title of who is the sleaziest since there's so much competition. That's really something to make the American voter proud.
@ "A Delusional Oregonian:"
I'm not much for the space program based on principle--after all, what's the point in the end?
We should be using money to rebuild the UNITED STATES" infrastructure!!
But, why , oh why is "sending money to Africa" preferably justified??
Shouldn't they learn to get their own shit together already--after all, as some delusionals like to say, "that's where civilization started," yet, it's probably the most uncivilized and dysfunctional place on Earth--even with untold free billions going there way!!
Enough already!!!!
OT - but just too ironic....laying 5 to 1 that the "culprito negligente" was an illegal alien invader from ol'Mexico...we have never know since it sure as hell won't be "reported" by our "professional" news Apparatchic's, lol....evidently this just happened a few hours ago...happy commuting 2 U :)
"For almost a year and a half workers had been constructing a bridge to cross the main Interstate that runs between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, but it took just minutes to bring the entire structure crashing to the ground. The blaze began after a construction workers´ blowtorch was fanned by strong winds and ignited the wooden scaffolding that was being used to build the new flyover, across Interstate 15 in Herperia, California. Driven by high winds, the fire took hold extremely quickly and began burning the supports surrounding the bridge. Debris began to fell onto the I-15 minutes after the fire began"
/H hypie out H\
Bogolyubski's mention of the possibility of four black candidates made me think about the possibility that such a condition would only occur under conditions of political motivation without consideration of actual qualifications of the candidates. I'm not a statistician so I welcome any of you who are familiar with this area of mathematics to correct my crude attempt at calculating the probability of having four black candidates for president/vice president.
Blacks make up about 13.1% of the population so theoretically the probability of one black candidate would be .131, and the probability of all four candidates being black in a given year would seem to be .131 x .131 x.131 x.131 which equals .000294. This means that the probability of the candidate pool of any given year being something other than all black would be .999706. The probability of the pool being something other than all black for 53 (number of years since civil rights in 1961) years should be .999706 ^ 53 which is .985 which means that there is only a 1.55% chance that an all black pool would occur a single time in 53 years. Amazing, only a 1.55% chance that this would randomly occur a single time in 53 years or a 50% chance that we would see this miraculous event a single time in 2353 years, yet we might see this in our own lifetimes in 2016! Again, I'm no statistical expert, but if these calculations are correct, they suggest that something other than merit could be at play.
Worthless ghetto thug kicks cat twenty feet into the air then laughs about it.
"Andre Robinson, 21, is seen laughing as he lures the unsuspecting kitty toward him before he kicks it with full force, sending it flying 20 feet through the air. Video of the vicious May 2 act was posted on Facebook and circulated for several days before cops arrested Robinson on Monday. He has eight prior arrests, including one for knifepoint robbery...."
Anonymous said...
Bogolyubski's mention of the possibility of four black candidates made me think about the possibility that such a condition would only occur under conditions of political motivation without consideration of actual qualifications of the candidates. I'm not a statistician so I welcome any of you who are familiar with this area of mathematics to correct my crude attempt at calculating the probability of having four black candidates for president/vice president.
Blacks make up about 13.1% of the population so theoretically the probability of one black candidate would be .131, and the probability of all four candidates being black in a given year would seem to be .131 x .131 x.131 x.131 which equals .000294. This means that the probability of the candidate pool of any given year being something other than all black would be .999706. The probability of the pool being something other than all black for 53 (number of years since civil rights in 1961) years should be .999706 ^ 53 which is .985 which means that there is only a 1.55% chance that an all black pool would occur a single time in 53 years. Amazing, only a 1.55% chance that this would randomly occur a single time in 53 years or a 50% chance that we would see this miraculous event a single time in 2353 years, yet we might see this in our own lifetimes in 2016! Again, I'm no statistical expert, but if these calculations are correct, they suggest that something other than merit could be at play.
Of course the numbers are worse than your calc. That 13% drops to some tiny number if you consider two basic requirements for office; no felony convictions and the general need for at least a college degree.
LBJ was a corrupt sleazebag. in the '64 election a huge number of voting machines in Texas malfunctioned. in the part of the state he held sway in. hmmm. and also ...condoleeeezzza rice is a neocon ass kisser. she said as i clearly remember...we have an Israel centric foreign least she openly admitted it. but she is nearly as bad as Hillary. not as shrill but not loyal to American interests.
We can then refer to 2016 as the "Model T" edition of the MIEE: Your can vote for any candidate you like as long as they're black."
OK, I don't care who you are, that remark is funny.
Jay, You got at least all in the top ten. Feminism was necessary to get Mom out of the home and begin to bring middle class wages down by doubling the workforce and sexual "education" was used to break the children away from parents by portraying them as Square and values such as Chasity, Fidelity, Loyalty, Honor, Duty and Courage were disparaged. But yea, you are firing on all cylinders.
Anon: NOG...Love it.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need an actual psychologist to study the symptoms and underlying causes."
Read. "The anti industrial revolution" by Rand. The author knew the left was psycho 60 years ago. Good read. Still as applicable and relevant to today.
That is the short end of it. This can only go on as long as we are the worlds reserve currency. We will no longer be the worlds currency when the other nations lose faith in or financial stability (a kind of faith based religion if you will). Once they lose faith and depth to another currency, say bye bye money makers and hello total economic collapse that will make the great depression look like our glory years!
Dude, Blacks hate us whether they are democrat or republican. They are black, we are white. That is THE factor in their brains and THE factor MISSING in almost all whites! They hate us!
Want to know how your average, coddled, over-indulged narcissistic black person thinks? Because they DON'T think like you. First they demand more blacks be hired on SNL, forget about merit and content of character... SKIN COLOR, BABY. They got that. Now, they bitch about her being too authentically black. Too "coonish" while cracking jokes in front of whites. Makes blacks feel uneasy, squeamish.
The real problem with these people is that they are permanent malcontents with a flaming inferiority complex.
"It was too aggressive. Too in your face. Too…Black. More specifically, it was the type of stereotypically Black comedy that plays well in front of Black audiences but feels “coonish” when in front of Whites. Which is unfair to her, and says more about me and my own racial issues than it does about that skit."
You must be new here. That is one regular poster's attempt at satire.
Anonymous said ”Of course the numbers are worse than your calc. That 13% drops to some tiny number if you consider two basic requirements for office; no felony convictions and the general need for at least a college degree.”
Very true. Although these adjustments would also apply to potential non-black candidates, it applies disproportionately to blacks and would tend to lower the number from 13.1% which would indeed make the calculation worse.
An even more careless error that I made was forgetting to adjust for the fact that there is only one election every fourth year which means that there have been only 13.25 elections in the 53 years since 1961. Even using the optimistic 13.1% for percent of eligible black candidates the four year election cycle adjustment results in a .39% chance of a random lineup of four black candidates during a single election since 1961 and a probability of 50% that such a lineup will randomly occur once every 9413 years. Obviously, in BRA being electable trumps being qualified. Rather than vote for the most qualified of two qualified alternatives, we would actually be voting for something more along the lines of the least unqualified of two unqualified alternatives. At least we would be guaranteed to cast a PC vote.
White men need to stop being Beautiful Liars and join the Party. Wake up and realize that Black women are***Flawless. Let’s focus our attention on building social practices and policies that support Black women instead of neglecting them.
And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out...
It would have been the height of foolishness to send leroy into space or God forbid, to the moon.A nog never would have been able to do all the unexpected maneuvers required to land Apollo 11-and we would have looked like fools at a time when that actually meant something.We HAD to beat the Russians -no excuses.What a sorry and sad thing racial politics is when it would endanger the lives of many and quite possibly flush the largest, most difficult thing we ever did down the black crapper.This will end someday.Let each and every one of us do all we can to speed up the process.Thank You for a great post .
Richard Cranium
Polar Bear, there's definitely something about Blacks and cruelty to animals. Australian aborigines think a suffering animal is just the funniest thing, but then most of them make your Black population look like rocket scientists.
Africa is rising?? What measure are you using?
You could have poured all the space program money into africa and it wouldnt look any different to what it does today....just a few more corrupt rich
Yt can learn a lot from BRA in the sense of white women really need to start havin dem babies living modest and milking the state for all it is worth, seems middle class honest white teaxpayers are the worlds biggest suckers...milked by squids on top and bra on bottom
"Shelter rescuers catch accused Brooklyn cat-kicker Andre Robinson’s feline victim"
A team from North Shore Animal League caught the grey and white kitty, which some at the Brevoort Houses have named "King."
Meanwhile, the 21-year-old alleged punter caught on a Facebook video stuck close to his mother, who insisted "the cat is fine," as he left jail and returned home...
But, why , oh why is "sending money to Africa" preferably justified??
This is a very good point.
If American blacks think it is so critical to spend money on poverty, etc., at home as opposed to the space program -- then why dump all sorts of taxpayer funds on Africa? It's not as if the moneys sent to Africa accomplish anything. What you get is more poverty, more populations which can not feed themselves, more AIDS, more human rights debacles, more attacks on YT in South Africa, more "refugees" headed towards white countries, and more cash into the bank accounts of kleptocrat Big Men. [Come to think of it, these are the same things we have gotten out of the war on poverty and a thousand other race rackets in the USA since the 1960s...]
But I suppose all this taxpayer money send to Africa makes Blue Pills back in the Homeland feeeeeeeel so good that they are saving the children.
Anonymous (probably one of Mark Z's paid trolls)
Blacks and Latinos hate each other. Witness the LA barrio tension.
Yes they may well hate each other. They both hate YT more though. No sale on that particular turd-taco talking point. You'll have to try down the street, hombre.
Polar Bear raises an interesting factoid:
"Andre Robinson, 21, is seen laughing as he lures the unsuspecting kitty toward him before he kicks it with full force, sending it flying 20 feet through the air. Video of the vicious May 2 act was posted on Facebook and circulated for several days before cops arrested Robinson on Monday. He has eight prior arrests, including one for knifepoint robbery...."
While murders of whites like Nathan Trapuzzano have no effect on the DWL wymyn's love for the negro, nor even the slaughter of toddlers like Antonio Santiago or the torture and murder of elderly victims, perhaps this is the type of thing that might cause at least a few of them to reconsider their negro worship, were it to be publicized in an effective way. Mexicans treat animals like shit, too.
Of course the numbers are worse than your calc. That 13% drops to some tiny number if you consider two basic requirements for office; no felony convictions and the general need for at least a college degree.
If they can get away with a Betty-Crocker birth certificate, six social security numbers, other names used on property in Shitcongo, I fail to see why college degrees couldn't be fabricated or felonies erased with a puff of putrid smoke from a banksta's blunt. You're making the common error of thinking that laws still mean something for the likes of the characters listed in the above-mentioned fecal roster. They don't. To paraphrase the late Leona Helmsley, laws only apply to little people (e.g. YT zeks, proles and helots). They only mean what some blackrobe says they mean.
One of my bucket list must thing to do before I die or this country known as America becomes third world is..... To go down to the great state of Texas and go to the Johnson library and finding the gravesite(which is in the open I looked) and proceeding to SHIT & PISS on that F-ing traitors grave!!! And if that bitch ladybird gets collateral spray damage then so be It too!!! I'm wanting so bad to post it on you tube too!
GREATWHITES that's how much I feel this BASTARD put the screws to our beloved AMERICA!!!
-Fireforce- here....
"Did I miss anything?"
The Gun Control Act of 1968. But aside from that ommission, your list of LBJ's destructive acts is solid.
Delaware dude, Monday, beautiful a salisbury, md high school has a chimp raping a student at 8 a m in the hallway. camras everywhere and nobody b c'n or hearin' nuffin. release on 100k bond. 17 years old. yes, it is about low impulse control and poor future time orientation. on an aside note, the local gold club recorded a hit in the parking lot. 4 in a car shoot 1 in the leg, again multiplr rounds expended. ah, the joys of warm weather in kill-me-ton, de. stay safe and keep the 30 ft. distance.
What's the point? .......Really? We spent billions, if not trillions to get.........Tang! The greatest breakfast drink ever!
On a serious note, I could not agree more. The money spent on space was pointless. Imo.
If P.K. will allow. Off topic, still though, it's SBPDL.
(Black Folks, It's Time To Stop Taking Care Of White People)
Massachusetts groid who raped and murdered his white teacher update:
Look at the innocent boy in his soccer uniform. So upset about his parents' divorce. And his teacher asking him about Tennessee forced him to display the content of his character.
I couldn't agree more with the poster who said White people need to live more modestly. A friend decided not to have a second child because he wanted to send his daughter to private school. Is there a single ethnic person who would think like that? I bet his daughter would also rather have a close relative to talk to when she is an adult than a slightly better job. Just absurd.
I remember (decades ago), a U.S. delegation to China was taken to a rural area to visit an ethnic tribal village to see how the people lived and how well they were treated. Upon arriving, one member of the US delegation became suspicious and lifted up the edge of one of the traditional hide tents only to discover fresh green grass growing underneath. The village had obviously been set up in haste as a propaganda effort.
In America, we have our own continuing mega version of this type of propaganda- the elevation to positions of importance of unqualified and undeserving negroes. Worse yet, the continued effort to "uplift" the negro through all the well known programs is just a facet of this propaganda effort to show how well they're treated and how they're capable of being more than just third world tribal primitives in a first world environment. Even as cities like Detroit, Baltimore and others get turned into shitholes courtesy of their black populations, the propaganda machine must churn out stories blaming any and all factors other than the black population and portray them as victims. Even the high rates of crime from murders to rapes, home invasions to robberies must be covered up or alternately excused due to "poverty" (and da legacy of da slabery) and much of it also blamed on inanimate objects such as guns. In furtherance of the propaganda cause, the media must show "magic" hyper-capable, super intelligent negroes on tv and in movies. News programs will refuse (in most cases) to identify the race of the villains and, instead use euphemisms such as "youths," "teens" or simply omit critical info.
Few dare to point out that all of this is an effort doomed to failure and that a low IQ negro population (with all their dysfunctions, lack of capacity and lack of capability) are directly responsible for their own condition and will never rise above their natural state no matter how much money or how many programs are thrown at them or how many excuses are made for them.
Resistance to the propaganda and refusing to believe the lie is ~gasp~ Racism! Resistance to it all means you're a "domestic terrorist," a xenophobe, hateful, bigoted, prejudiced and a roadblock to "progress."
In this new American "cultural revolution," being an apostate means you will be sentenced to a re-education camp/seminar euphemistically called "sensitivity training" where you will be forced to have a one way dialogue on race, forced to recant and denounce your "white privilege." Only then will you receive a state sanctioned stamp of approval and be accepted as one of the "saved."
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated or ground into the dust.
Or so they think.
As a protest, stop using anything invented after say 1970 then.Many advances were made in electronics, metalurgy,chemistry, new fabrics, computers and so forth that found their way into new and better consumer goods.The space program is expensive, sure.So is a welfare society and phony wars.You would be very surprised how many products and new technologies that we take for granted came from the knowledge gained from the space program.We have money to give away to the whole world, why not do something amazing like go to the moon ? Richard Cranium
Richard Cranium said ”It would have been the height of foolishness to send leroy into space or God forbid, to the moon.A nog never would have been able to do all the unexpected maneuvers required to land Apollo 11-and we would have looked like fools at a time when that actually meant something.We HAD to beat the Russians -no excuses.What a sorry and sad thing racial politics is when it would endanger the lives of many and quite possibly flush the largest, most difficult thing we ever did down the black crapper.This will end someday.Let each and every one of us do all we can to speed up the process.Thank You for a great post .”
Had Ed “AA” Dwight been at the controls of the lander rather than Neil Armstrong there would have just been one more smoking hole on the surface of the moon rather than a landing. Apparently, the landing was to be entirely computer controlled because of the enormous number of measurements, calculations and flight adjustments that had to be made in real time coupled with zero fuel in reserve. It turned out that that the inflow of information and number of calculations overloaded the computer and it couldn't keep up with the landing in progress which had become a crash in progress. Armstrong turned off the computer and somehow landed the thing manually and visually with only seconds of fuel remaining. What sounds impossible was accomplished by Armstrong. People like Armstrong don't come in black.
We can't achieve our maximum potential without people such as Armstrong, but rather than accept that the leading edge of achievement will always consist of white people, BRA would rather pull the plug and remain in the jungle.
-JSF- said ”What's the point? .......Really? We spent billions, if not trillions to get.........Tang! The greatest breakfast drink ever!
On a serious note, I could not agree more. The money spent on space was pointless. Imo.”
Everyone is entitled to an opinion except Sterling, but you might want to look up spin-off technologies from the space program. I'm fairly sure that you will find things born as a result of the space program that have directly improved your life. These technologies don't include the value of the space program as a tool for winning the cold war with Russia. The space program was probably less expensive than WW3. Imo your opinion doesn't seem to based on fact.
"People like Armstrong don't come in black."
That sentence perfectly summarizes the "Black Astronaut" question.
Richard I understand what you are saying, however these discoveries would have come eventually without the need for space. Nothing was created, on a consumer level, with materials harvested from space. But again, I hear what you're saying.
Please see my response to Richard above. Covers this as well.
Regarding the cat-kicker--G.K. Chesterton summed it up:
"The definition of a savage is someone who laughs when he hurts you and howls when you hurt him".
To add to the very good post concerning Neil Armstrong and how he had to go above and beyond--two more words:
Sully Sullenberger-the pilot of the miracle on the Hudson aircraft
Thankfully, he came of age before all of the AA insanity was in place, so a man like that was able to rise on his merit, brains, and work ethic. And when the time came to rise to the occasion above and beyond even his excellent track record over the years, he did. If he had been 20 years younger, with the same attributes, he might have been managing an Arby's or a Payless shoe store, while an AA hire crashed the plane.
I've got some serious negro fatigue today.
Actually Africans that come to Amrrica dominate. The refugees help USA economy, African Immigrants have the highest academic achievement out of any race in America,
In my Fl town, too many whites still defend the Trayvon's & Shitalivous as wonderful downtrodden minorities. OT I am taking the long list of murdered whites and plastering them all over my town starting with Baby Antonio West pic on top. I am a small white female ex-democrap
Glad you are here.You sound like a great lady.Thank You for your efforts. Richard Cranium
You cannot be serious? Wow.
Today's Tuskegee factoid.
The operation to do strategic day light bombing of Nazi Germany was called The Pointblank Directive. It ended on D-Day. It worked. There were almost no Nazi planes in the skies over Omaha Beach.
The Tuskegee Airmen only began their bomber escort missions after the invasion was over. The heavy bomber and fighter losses had been back in 1943.
Pat Boyle
LBJ. Add voter fraud, which really came into its own for the first LBJ election- lots of dead people voted for him. He's also a prime suspect in the JFK assassination and there's all sorts of slimy backstory of the "hair, teeth, & eyeballs" variety, much as with Clinton.
Bogolyubski said...
Of course the numbers are worse than your calc. That 13% drops to some tiny number if you consider two basic requirements for office; no felony convictions and the general need for at least a college degree.
" If they can get away with a Betty-Crocker birth certificate, six social security numbers, other names used on property in Shitcongo, I fail to see why college degrees couldn't be fabricated or felonies erased with a puff of putrid smoke from a banksta's blunt. You're making the common error of thinking that laws still mean something for the likes of the characters listed in the above-mentioned fecal roster. They don't."
Not sure if you mean Barrak's (sp? ask me if I care) photoshopped birth cert.
Turns out Sterling's ex-skankster has a rap sheet, mostly for theft, and a list of aliases.
Sterling follow up.
Various Black personalities suggesting "appropriate" punishments.
"Reverend Jesse Jackson is calling for the Clippers to employ some kind of 'symbolic expression' to protest the statements made by team owner Donald Sterling. Jackson told TMZ he beleives [sic] the league 'must respond and respond quickly' -- and says the players should do something during the game to 'show a sign of indignation"
That would be the same Reverend Jesse Jackson who used to spit or pee (or?) into White people's food at the hotel where he worked, so he does qualify as an expert practicing racist, at least in the "concrete expression" category. (Some recent squidmovie featured a Black maid doing the same to her White employers in the 1950's. This may be another curious aspect of Black culture.)
-Beyond Hatred
By the way the real plantation was not as it is portrayed in the movies (Django, 12 Years a Slave). And it certainly isn't like the modern welfare state.
The large cotton plantation in the antebellum South worked hard at suppressing promiscuity. Slaves were encouraged to have strong family ties. Most lived in single family houses and had some income and personal land. The cotton business was very competitive, a lunatic like Di Caprio in 'Django' wouldn't last long.
The average plantation had only six white people - three men and three women or children. These family members might have had a hundred slaves. Therefore they discouraged rebellions, and runaways by good treatment. They couldn't afford chains, guards and prisons.
Slaves ate well and had long life expectancies for the age. Almost all plantations had a full time nurse. The larger ones maintained a hospital.
Politicians don't understand how plantations actually worked.
All the facts cited here are from Fogel's cliometrics study of plantation economics. He had a black wife and a Nobel Prize in Economics. If you want to disagree - cite your sources.
Please note how all this makes a mockery of the "Legacy of Slavery" argument. Thomas Sowell likes to point out the modern black criminal and sexual behavior is new. A hundred years ago blacks had levels of religion, freedom from crime and marital stability equal to that of whites. That seems to be the true legacy of slavery. Blacks were controlled on plantation by enforcing virtue. When blacks were liberated and left to their own devices we have gotten all the social problems.
Pat Boyle
I take a back seat to no one in my - ah - distaste for blacks and their culture. However, I find it interesting that nobody here puts Johnson's lament (too bad Glenn wasn't a Negro") in its likely proper context. As most of you know, in '62 Kruschev was using the 'treatment' of blacks as a propaganda weapon against us. So Johnson probably was just musing how a negro 'naut would defang that kind of charge by the Soviets.
Additional facts about the highly-touted Tuskegee Airmen:
As noted, skilled Luftwaffe pilots by mid-July 1944 had been vastly thinned out. The best remaining were reserved for defense of the Reich against daylight raids from England where almost all raids were staged. The Red Tails in Austrian, Italian and Romanian missions were mostly up against Luftwaffe pilots who had minimal training and experience due to lack of available fuel and heavy losses suffered from 8th USAAF fighter pilots. Also, many of the Luftwaffe pilots defending the Tuskegee Airmen's targets were Romanian and Bulgarian with limited combat experience. In addition, the TA mostly flew ground support and other minor Italy-based raids where mostly 2nd-tier Luftwaffe pilots served.
The Tuskegee Airmen had a total of 112 aerial kills. Their own losses were 66 pilots KIA and 32 shot down but taken as POW's. The number of TA who were shot down but were rescued, escaped or were discharged due to injuries is unknown, at least to me. So that would put their kill/loss ratio at roughly 1:1. Considering that the average kill/loss ratio for P-51 pilots in Europe was about 6:1, to say the Tuskegee Airmen's combat record was at best sub-mediocre is being hyper-generous.
The Communists have always used the stirring-up of Black rage as a tool to fight the United States and Capitalism. The fruits of Commie efforts have yielded the likes of MLK, Angela Davis, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Frank Marshall Davis, Malcome X, Obummer and all the rest of the black radical leftists.
Today's BRA has become their successful legacy.
More on Affirmative Action and the Tuskegee Airmen:
The Tuskegee Airmen had no aces.
Their closest one was Lee Archer, who had three confirmed kills. He claimed two others, but was only given credit by the Air Force for a fourth kill in the politically-charged PC atmosphere of 2008. Archer always called himself an Ace even though there is no proof of his claimed fifth kill. Archer was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) and an amazing 18 Oak Leaf Clusters. Compare that with, for instance, Triple-Ace Bud Anderson, White P-51 pilot of the 357th FG who flew 116 combat missions, shot down 16 German aircraft and was awarded the DFC with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters.
It's almost like Archer was awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster every time he landed his P-51 without F'ing it up.
How about that Great Society comrade?
Goddamn what a glorious utopia the KWA is.
”It's almost like Archer was awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster every time he landed his P-51 without F'ing it up.”
Well sure. That is how AA works today. In the world of AA, not F'ing it up beyond all recognition is a win.
One of my bucket list must thing to do before I die or this country known as America becomes third world is..... To go down to the great state of Texas and go to the Johnson library and finding the gravesite(which is in the open I looked) and proceeding to SHIT & PISS on that F-ing traitors grave!!! And if that bitch ladybird gets collateral spray damage then so be It too!!! I'm wanting so bad to post it on you tube too!
GREATWHITES that's how much I feel this BASTARD put the screws to our beloved AMERICA!!!
You may as well coat Lady Bird's grave too.
See, her thing as First Lady was this "clean up America" deal. Which sounds nice on the outside, but it led to a lot of our onerous zoning laws and really cut into people's property rights to do as they pleased. A guy collects old cars for 20 years and makes a living selling parts from them, this bitch comes along, and suddenly it's illegal and he has to send it all to scrap - or, like they did back in the day, bury the stuff. As far as I'm concerned she's just as bad as LBJ was.
Way to go Florida lady , you rock.
You will wake up more than a few I'm sure :)
B.S. - Better than Oriental Asians ? Or call-center Indians ? I think, no, I know that you are mistaken or joking.
Richard Cranium
If John Glenn had been born a negro, he wouldn't have been an astronaut. Duh.
ROFLMFAO! I would actually pay hard earned money to see a compassionateOregonian move to the hood in Detroit, Philly or where I used to live in North Charleston and then tell us how beautiful your neighbors are and how safe you feel without a gun of course! ROFLMFAO! Ahahahaha my goodness! My sides hurt!
This is an excellent post. Blacks actually became a solidly Democrat constituency under FDR. And this was because of FDR's introduction of welfare programs.
LBJ's REAL accomplishment was this: 'Upon signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon Johnson is said to have told aide Bill Moyers, "I think we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."'
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