Captain Ed Dwight.
In some alternate version of history, Dwight was the first black man to walk on the moon.
But that's not the case in our reality.
Thanks to Chuck Yeager.
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From Ebony magazine (1965 article "The Troubles of 'Astronaut' Edward Dwight), we get this hilarious picture of Yeager and Dwight. Caption? Yeager to Dwight: "Now, we call this an airplane..." |
In Yeager: An Autobiography by General Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos, we get an inside glimpse at one of the most amazing moments in American history.
A time a lone white man dared tell the entire establishment - pushing their black avatar - "no."
The year is 1962.
The first class of pilots selected to undergo astronaut training (this was after the astronauts had been selected for the Mercury team) was assembled and prepared to train at Edwards Air Force Base. Only problem... it was all-white:
From the moment we picked our first class, I was caught in a buzz saw of controversy involving a black student. The White House, Congress, and civil rights groups came at me with meat cleavers, and the only way I could save my head was to prove I was a damned bigot.
In late 1961, we were ready to start screening applications for our first class at the space school, and because they would be the first bunch, the screening process was particularly thorough. We wanted only the very best pilots, and our first couple of classes consisted of experienced military test pilots, who had graduated from Edward’s test pilot school, and whose abilities and academic background were demonstrably outstanding. Our space course was six months of intensive classroom work and flight training. My staff at Edwards culled the applications, pulled out the most promising student candidates, conducted preliminary checks of their records, and forwarded their recommendations to a selection committee at the Pentagon, which carefully reviewed the background of each applicant, conducted personal interviews, sought evaluations from their superiors, and further winnowed the list.I was a member of the final selection committee, and after several months of interviewing and tough deciding, we published our list of the first eleven students. Actually, we had 26 names in order of preference, but we didn’t publish our list that way: we just named 11 guys alphabetically as the members of our first class, and listed the first three or four alternates, in case any of them dropped out.The quality of those selected was such that they added tremendously to the prestige of our new school, which was our intention all along. I was thrilled with the choices. But when our list was published I received a phone call from the Chief of Staff’s office asking whether any of the first 11 were black pilots. I said, no. Only one black pilot had applied for the course and he was number 26 on the list. I was informed that the White House wanted a black pilot in the space course.The Chief of Staff was Gen. Curtis LeMay, probably the most controversial personality in the Air Force, since his days as the tough, cigar-chewing head of SAC. I knew him pretty well. General LeMay wasn’t what I would call a smoothie. He was blunt: you didn’t have to read between the lines dealing with him.He got on the phone and said, “Bobby Kennedy wants a colored in space. Get one into your course.” I said, “Well, General, it’s gonna be difficult. We have one applicant, a captain named Dwight, who came out number 26. We already published our list with the 15 who made it, and it’s going to be embarrassing to republish the list with Dwight’s name on it because now everyone knows who the first 15 are.” He said: “Okay, I’ll just tell them they’re too late for this first class.” But a 150-millimeter shell came ripping in from the White House, and LeMay was told: “By God, you will have a black pilot in that program – now!” He called me back: “Do what you have to do, Yeager, but get that colored guy in.” I said, “Okay, general, but what I think we ought to do is take at least 15 students in the first class, instead of 11, and make him number 15. Give me a little more money and I can handle this many in the school.”He agreed, and we brought Dwight in. Ed Dwight was an average pilot with an average academic background. He wasn’t a bad pilot, but he wasn’t exceptionally talented, either. Flying with a good bunch in a squadron, he would probably get by. But he just couldn’t compete in the space course against the best of the crop of experienced military test pilots. In those days, there were still comparatively few black pilots in the Air Force, but Dwight sure as hell didn’t represent the top of the talent pool. I had flown with outstanding pilots like Emmett Hatch and Eddie Lavelle; but unfortunately, guys of their quality didn’t apply for the course. Dwight did. So we brought him in, set up a special tutoring program to get him through the academics because, as I recall, he lacked the engineering academics that all the other students had.Hell, I felt for Dwight, remembering my own academic problems in test pilot’s school. It’s really a rough situation, and he didn’t have a Jack Ridley working with him – a genius in explaining the most complicated problems in understandable language. He worked hard, and so did his tutors, but he just couldn’t hack it. And he didn’t keep up in flying. I worked with him on that, and so did other instructors; but our students were flying at levels of proficiency that were really beyond his experience. The only prejudice against Dwight was a conviction shared by all the instructors that he was not qualified to be in the school.So we had a problem. General LeMay had asked me to keep him informed about Dwight’s progress and knew what was happening at Edwards. About halfway through the course, I flew to Washington to attend an Air Force banquet and was seated next to General LeMay. He asked me if there was any improvement with Dwight. I said, “No sir. We’re having a lot of trouble just trying to keep him from getting so far behind the others that it will be hopeless. He’s just not hacking it.” The general grunted. The he looked me in the eye and said, “Chuck, if you want to wash out Dwight, I’ll back you all the way.” I about fell out of my chair.But it didn’t come to that. Dwight hung on and squeezed through. He got his diploma qualifying him to be the nation’s first black astronaut, but NASA did not select him and a few powerful supporters in Washington demanded to know why. The finger of blame was pointed at the school and I was hauled on the carpet to answer charges of racism raised by Dwight and some of his friends.All hell broke loose. A few black congressmen announced they would launch an investigation of the incident, and the Air Force counselor, their chief lawyer, flew to Edwards from the Pentagon to personally take charge of the case. Man, I was hot. I told that lawyer, “You do not have a case of discrimination here. The White House discriminated by forcing us to take an unqualified guy. And we would have discriminated by passing him because he was black.” Maybe “discrimination” was the wrong word, but I made my point. Anyway, the decision was made to fly in a group of black civil rights attorneys and a few congressmen and show them Dwight’s school records.I met with them. I said, “I’m the commandant of this school, but the truth is that I lack the college education to qualify as a NASA astronaut. It so happens, I couldn’t care less. But if I did care a lot, there isn’t a damned thing I could do about it because the regulations say I must have a college degree. Captain Dwight may care a lot about getting a diploma from this school, but the fact is he lacks the academic background and the flying skill to do it. Anyone with his grades deserved to be washed out, or it would be discrimination in reverse. Now, here are his complete school records from day one. Let’s review them page by page.”The group had no idea that he had received special tutoring and was shocked to see his poor grades; they were satisfied that prejudice was in no way involved in this case. But that wasn’t quite the end of it. I was so damned mad that I told the Air Force lawyer, “Hey, I want to file some charges of my own. I’m a full colonel and he’s a captain, and I want to charge with insubordination. If he brought charges against me and couldn’t make them stick, I want that guy court-martialed.” I was told, no way; the Air Force would not allow that to happen because they taken enough heat over this matter already.I was disgusted. I knew damned well that Dwight had taken a cheap shot at my West Virginia accent to try to save face. Hell, if I had been from Philadelphia or New York, he wouldn’t have even tried. He was prejudiced against me, figuring that anyone from my part of the world was a redneck bigot. Many Southern whites who are honest will admit having problems about race in a general sense, but I didn’t have to be the type who thought of all blacks as niggers to flunk Ed Dwight. And what really hurt was that the guy called into question not only my professional integrity, but also my most basic loyalty to the Air Force, which had allowed me to climb as high as my talents would take me. Ignoring the fact that I was a raw kid, often made fun of as a hillbilly, they gave me a chance to crawl in the cockpit of an expensive airplane and prove that I had what it took to fly that thing. I knew prejudice. I ran up against officers who looked down theirs noses at my ways and accent and pegged me as a dumb, down-home squirrel-shooter. But, damn it, the Air Force as an institution never let me down for an instant. In spite of where I came from or what I lacked, they trained me and gave me every opportunity to prove myself.
Nowadays, it has become fashionable for some companies to advertise themselves as “equal opportunity employers.” The Air Force practiced that with me right from the start, and I would never deny to anybody else the chance to prove his worth, no matter who or what he is. There never were black pilots or white pilots in the Air Force. There were only pilots who knew how to fly, and pilots who didn’t. (p. 342-347)
There still aren't that many black pilots in the United States Air Force or United States Navy.
Knowing that Capt. Ed Dwight came in 26 out of 26 applicants (before his blackness helped him get in the astronaut training program), well, this simple fact should punctuate why the story of the Tuskegee Airmen is truly a celebration of segregation.
Had those black pilots who trained in Tuskegee, Alabama been forced to compete with white fighter pilots, well, they'd likely have come in last just as Capt. Dwight did.
The history of America post-World War II is nothing more than a never-ending quest to uplift black people by any means possible.
In the process, whereever black people have been uplifted, that portion of society (be it government, academia, entertainment, sports, or a neighborhood/community) has regressed to the black mean.
It's fitting that one man, Chuck Yeager, broke the back off those pushing for the first black astronaut.
Not only did he break the sound barrier, but he broke the power of those pushing Black-Run America (BRA) by simply saying "no."
Talk about the right stuff.
Knowing that Capt. Ed Dwight came in 26 out of 26 applicants (before his blackness helped him get in the astronaut training program), well, this simple fact should punctuate why the story of the Tuskegee Airmen is truly a celebration of segregation.
Had those black pilots who trained in Tuskegee, Alabama been forced to compete with white fighter pilots, well, they'd likely have come in last just as Capt. Dwight did.
The history of America post-World War II is nothing more than a never-ending quest to uplift black people by any means possible.
In the process, whereever black people have been uplifted, that portion of society (be it government, academia, entertainment, sports, or a neighborhood/community) has regressed to the black mean.
It's fitting that one man, Chuck Yeager, broke the back off those pushing for the first black astronaut.
Not only did he break the sound barrier, but he broke the power of those pushing Black-Run America (BRA) by simply saying "no."
Talk about the right stuff.
GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Black---, not equalling a YT>?????? WHAT a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let the chips fall where they may.
1998, that scumbag Bill Clinton's BRA nominee for Air Force Secretary:
Did Jones lie when he told the committee in June that he had decided to stop flying fighter jets in 1991 voluntarily?
Jones' immediate superior at the time, Col. Thomas Dyches, said that he stripped Jones of his flying status on Aug. 6, 1991, and that Jones had vowed to fight the decision. Dyches said he made the call after Jones failed to train sufficiently and had been involved in two ``tail-scrapings'' the same day, poor landings that caused thousands of dollars in damage to an F-16.
``Sadly, I must tell you he misrepresented the facts to you and to the American people,'' Dyches testified.
Maj. Allan Estis, who flew with Jones on many sorties, said Jones was an erratic flier. Estis said he retired from the Reserve when he learned of Jones' nomination.
Jones countered that Dyches had given him time to make the decision for himself. Three days later, Jones announced to the squadron that he would no longer be a pilot.
* Jones overstated the number of hours he had flown, telling the Senate he had logged at least 2,000 hours. The actual number was either 1,184, as Inhofe asserted, or 1,399, as Jones contended yesterday.
* Jones denied again yesterday that he had ever tried to sell Amway products to subordinates in the Air Force, a breach of regulations. Maj. Thomas Massey, a fellow reservist, said that he witnessed Jones doing just that, and that an enlisted man ``asked if we could `get Captain Jones off our backs.' ''
July 23, 1998|By Carol Rosenberg, INQUIRER WASHINGTON BUREAU
WASHINGTON — In an embarrassing defeat for President Clinton, the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday rejected the nomination of Daryl Jones as Air Force secretary amid accusations that Jones had lied about his flight record and pressured subordinates into buying household products.
Controversy surrounded Jones almost from the moment Clinton chose him in October, hailing the lawyer-politician as a former F-16 pilot with intimate knowledge of the Air Force.
On paper, Jones, 43, had impressive credentials: an Air Force Academy graduate, a fighter pilot, a successful lawyer and businessman, and a state lawmaker.
But former pilots complained about Jones' service record. They said he did not take criticism well and misrepresented his career.
At a nine-hour hearing last week, airmen testified that as an Air Force Reserve pilot, Jones flew the wrong way while coming in for a landing and damaged his aircraft by scraping the plane's tail on four occasions.
Tags: Daryl Jones, Bill Clinton, Party Favors
Original source:
"The history of America post-World War II is nothing more than a never-ending quest to uplift black people by any means possible."
As domestic policy and as the outstanding preoccupation of the nation, I think you are absolutely right. The lives and aspirations of 87% of the country altered for the very people most likely to beat them to death. America, land of the free, home of the brave.
This country is rapidly on the way out. It's better to abandon any emotional attachment you still have left for a country which has changed so much in the past 50 years as to be unrecognizable.
One charge leveled at the old Soviet Union was that it would fail because its system violated laws of human nature. Well, this place does that in so many more areas, and sets for itself impossible goals. I suppose they will choose brute force to hold together their quota-driven, radical egalitarian, diversity-worshiping, conflict-ridden, atomized, poverty-stricken swamp.
Don't forget the FedEx black "pilot", Auburn Calloway, who was formerly a Navy "pilot".
His story is famous among FedEx people and the aviation community, but got next to no media coverage.
I wonder why?......
Negroes just be raping girls right in the school room now! Worst thing is, this made him late for calculus class.
17-year-old student raped classmate in Maryland school hallway during first-period class
Jocori Marece Scarborough was charged with rape and assault after police say he dragged a 15-year-old classmate down a school hallway and raped her. The attack happened during the Salisbury, Md., high school's first period on Monday.
Read more:
Amazing if true:the black pols relented when they saw Dwight was a loser.Never happen today...NEVER!!!
re: Auburn Calloway.
You can't take them anywhere. Not even they're a Talented Ten.
Yeoman's work, PK. Bravo!
And guys, please realize that this running topic is going to attract lots of non-regulars here, so (looking at you Bogolyubski) please tone down the secret acronyms and codewords so we don't get 20 replies asking "What's a Palmetto Marshmallow Biter or TWMWMWM?"
"...The finger of blame was pointed at the school and I was hauled on the carpet to answer charges of racism raised by Dwight and some of his friends."
No surprise there. Dwight goes "full-groid" on an American Hero to cover his failure. Too bad the justifiably-pissed Yeager was restrained from counter-suing. That could have been sweet.
Anonymous said...
This country is rapidly on the way out. It's better to abandon any emotional attachment you still have left for a country which has changed so much in the past 50 years as to be unrecognizable.
It's an important comment. It's healthier for you if you are able to drop the attachment to a place that's gone and is not coming back. Just look at it all with as much detachment as your situation allows. Way healthier.
The U.S. is now a kind of enterprise zone where you might be able to make money and enjoy the scenery. Learn to look at it through the eyes of an illegal. That's how they see it. You owe it, the new America, nothing.
Anonymous said...
This country is rapidly on the way out. It's better to abandon any emotional attachment you still have left for a country which has changed so much in the past 50 years as to be unrecognizable.
It's an important comment. It's healthier for you if you are able to drop the attachment to a place that's gone and is not coming back. Just look at it all with as much detachment as your situation allows. Way healthier.
The U.S. is now a kind of enterprise zone where you might be able to make money and enjoy the scenery. Learn to look at it through the eyes of an illegal. That's how they see it. You owe it, the new America, nothing.
May 10, 2014 at 6:02 PM
You said it. I have alleigences, but to this nation is no longer one of them. God, family, whites. That's it.
Auburn Calloway was a should've been washout in Navy Flight School, who only got through by crying racism-after making it to the fleet, he was classified as substandard, and crying race the whole time.
Leaving the Navy, he hired on with a cargo airline, Flying Tigers. He was so piss-poor that at the end of his one year new hire probationary period, they shit-canned him. (and you can imagine how much they wanted to keep his worthless ass, a a PC token)
Not long after, Flying Tigers was bought by FedEx. Calloway got a job with Fed Ex, but didn't disclose Flying Tiger had shit-canned him--If memory served he also lied about parts of his Navy stint.
Several Flying Tiger pilots had been retained by FedEx after the buyout. They had worked with Calloway before. When they saw this POS working there at FedEx, they blew the whistle on him--he was already in hot water for fudging his flight logs.
If only Chuck Yeager had been around to toss this scum out of flight school.
Bobby Kennedy and Edward R Murrow were pushing for a "colored" in space. I wonder how many more there were behind the scenes pushing for it.
The best part is how they wanted to blame Chuck Yeager for Edward Dwight's incompetence.
That is pretty much how our country at large works now. Blacks fail, and whites get blamed for it.
Can you imagine if Dwight had been picked to land on the moon? A poster on an earlier subject talked about how difficult the landing was, and that Neil Armstrong's skills saved the day.
Dwight's affirmative action incompetence would have turned the most advance vehicle ever built into a smoking, greasy crater.
Buzz Aldrin should thank his lucky stars Dwight got flushed down the toilet before he could do any real damage.
The Russians put a dog in space. That would be analogous to putting a Negro in space. They wouldn't have anything to do with all the work and intelligence it took to make it possible, they would just be along for the ride on the coattails of whites...same as it's ever been, in everything.
(BTW, can someone please tell me that the dog made it back to earth safely?)
""""""""There still aren't that many black pilots in the United States Air Force or United States Navy."""""""""
And how could there be? Among its qualifications, the US Armed Forces uses an IQ Test to "wash out" the undesirables that obviously can't cut it.
Also, uh....doesn't the Armed Forces have a prohibition vs accepting convicted felons into their ranks? And there are sooooo many young groid males behind bars at a fairly young age, or at least within the age group (ca.18-24) who would normally be attempting to enlist in the Armed Forces.
What is also interesting of note is that when Yeager pushed back and refused to back down, the Civil Rights attorneys let it drop. Today they wouldn't and would continue to persist until they hounded him out of the Air Force, preferably with a court martial.
Regarding BRA, times have definitely changed but they have also remained the same and increased for the worst.
"Ol Chuck may not have been a bigot before but I bet he was when this was over. Experience with blacks has a way of doing that to people.
. . . I was hauled on the carpet to answer charges of racism raised by Dwight and some of his friends.
The group had no idea that he had received special tutoring and was shocked to see his poor grades; they were satisfied that prejudice was in no way involved in this case.
I was so damned mad that I told the Air Force lawyer, “Hey, I want to file some charges of my own. I’m a full colonel and he’s a captain, and I want to charge with insubordination. If he brought charges against me and couldn’t make them stick, I want that guy court-martialed.” I was told, no way; the Air Force would not allow that to happen because they taken enough heat over this matter already. . . “
In a previous topic I posted that I wasn't convinced that Dwight was an asshole for remaining in the school even when he could see that he wasn't qualified because it wasn't clear how much pressure he was under to stay in the program. I also wasn't convinced that he ever claimed that he was qualified which was some indication of moral character.
Now I have more information, and I now believe that calling him an asshole was too gentle. He is an asshole with no moral character (I had to leave out the string of crude adjectives describing Dwight and his race to get past the moderator) being no different from all of the rest of the AA undertow. He clearly knew that he was unqualified, yet he filed the usual complaint hollering dat b raycism. He lied in his complaint knowing that it could ruin Yeager's career. He demanded to be an AA astronaut knowing that his incompetence would risk the lives of other astronauts – never mind, I forgot that biologically Dwight lacked the forward time orientation to comprehend this. And as usual for the undertow, he suffered no consequences because Yeager was allowed no recourse. Dwight probably should not have even been a pilot.
Few employers are in the position to withstand the onslaught of criticism triggered by challenging AA. Had Yeager been lesser in status and of fortitude, Dwight might have gone down in history as the astronaut crashing the lunar lander, but BRA would have spun the story into fable of an unbelievably heroic effort to save the lander by Dwight that God himself could not have managed.
Tragically, the AA aberration continues in all areas of the government and business, and the longer it continues, the more damage our country suffers. It will never be known how many lives have been lost and how many taxpayer dollars squandered because AA policies place incompetent people in places requiring competence.
I still chuckle at gullible Black Americans are WRT fake Black history.
The Tuskegee airmen are way up there in myth making.
If you look at their combat losses -- the figure is trite.
They spent the entire war on milk runs.
If you compare their losses to a real fighter squadron it's a night and day difference.
Even as late as March of 1945 P-47 groups were replacing their entire on-strength complement of aircraft every four weeks!
Flak was so heavy that pilots would be bringing back cripples.
You can see the footage on You Tube.
If the Tuskegee boys had faced real combat, the unit would've run out of blood in a few weeks. They didn't have Black pilots in 'the pipeline' to replace any losses.
Most groups lost 25% to 50% of their pilots each month. (Usually wounded)
The entire story arc is fake.
The Tuskegee boys did mix it up with Jerry -- and took a terrible beat down in minutes. The whole battle was a mistake.
The Tuskegee boys were a media property, pure and simple.
They did him a favor by not going along with what the politicians wanted. He would probably have ended up killing himself as well as any others that were with him. The astronaut program would have been set back by many years. It illustrates what politics are all about in this country which is fakery, fraud, deceit and projecting phony images. It was rotten then and it's rottener today.
More men at the top need to start saying "NO". Negros need to hear this more often and they wont expect everything to be giving to them when they whine.
I used to be a mechanic for a Northern California air tanker company that flew under contract for the US forestry dept. on forest fires. We hired a new director of maintenance who happened to be African/ American. He had an impressive resume from American Airlines, was a Babtist minister, seemed to know what was what. Come to find out he'd been fired from AA for "missing assets" and he was using a company credit card for personal purchases, along with cash missing from the office safe. He was given the choice of resigning or having charges filed against him. He decided to drive into the sunset in his BMW. I think he got hired so our company could say they were PC. He was the only A/A in a company of 150 people.
Melanie said...
Anonymous said...
This country is rapidly on the way out. It's better to abandon any emotional attachment you still have left for a country which has changed so much in the past 50 years as to be unrecognizable.
It's an important comment. It's healthier for you if you are able to drop the attachment to a place that's gone and is not coming back. Just look at it all with as much detachment as your situation allows. Way healthier.
The U.S. is now a kind of enterprise zone where you might be able to make money and enjoy the scenery. Learn to look at it through the eyes of an illegal. That's how they see it. You owe it, the new America, nothing.
May 10, 2014 at 6:02 PM
Fred on Everything
Eye-balling the Fifth Century
July 21, 2011
When a country works reasonably well—when the schools teach algebra and not governmentally mandated Appropriate Values, when the police are scarce and courteous, when government is remote and minds its business and works more for the benefit of the country than for looters and special interests, then pledging to it a degree of allegiance isn't foolish. Decades back America was such a country, imperfect as all countries are, but good enough to cherish.
As decline begins, and government becomes oppressive, self-righteous, and ruthless yet incompetent, as official spying flourishes, as corruption sets in hard, and institutions rot, it is time to disengage. Loyalty to a country is a choice, not an obligation. In other times people have loved family, friends, common decency, tribe, regiment, or church instead of country. In an age of national collapse, this is wise....
I've often wondered if affirmative action and quotas would ever be implemented in aviation. Now I learn it was, all the way back in 1962! It's probably one of the first examples of affirmative action and quotas ever. This was a great article PK, excellent research, you've uncovered facts and history unknown by probably 95% of Americans. If there are any other instances of affirmative action and quotas (of any kind) in aviation, does anyone know where I can find them? I find it fascinating.
Did anybody else read that black pilot report on the Stripes newspaper site from 2003 that PK linked? Hilariously pathetic. Read the part about what percentage of blacks would have not advanced if it weren't for "waivers". I will let this site's more articulate posters take it from here.
Sierra Nevada
From the 2003 Stripes article:
"Bringing more blacks into the cockpit “is not just the right thing to do, it’s a business imperative,” Contres said. “The nation’s demographics are changing, and today’s students are tomorrow’s [military] pilots.”
But if Pentagon officials have long agreed that increasing the black cadre is a priority, why are there still so few black pilots in the military?"
~~ Followed by this classic gem of a topic header:
"Is racism at work?"
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Sierra Nevada
Dwight's affirmative action incompetence would have turned the most advance vehicle ever built into a smoking, greasy crater.
I wouldn't call the LEM "the most advance vehicle ever built". It was designed to be reliable (therefore SIMPLE) and light. The propulsion systems were pressure-fed with hypergolic propellants, as stone-simple as you can get and still be able to throttle them. The engineers got rid of a heavy bubble canopy by having the astronauts stand next to the windows during the landing. They got rid of a heavy airlock by just de-pressurizing the entire LEM and using an inward-opening door.
The LEM computer was advanced for its day, but the F-1 and J-2 engines in the lower stages beat anything in the LEM or CSM all hollow. Most of the rest was details: clever materials like aluminum honeycomb, cleverly applied.
Of course, this is where the barely-civilized but cold- and future-adapted White man excels.
Final comment of the night, slightly OT.
This just hit me ~
According to the DoD, around 24,000 service(wo)men were sexually assaulted in 2012, most by fellow "brothers" in arms. And remember…This is the official government-provided number.
Speaking of brothers…What percentage of these assaults are committed by PFC Shitavious Malcolm Doorag? I'll bet the DoD had that report somewhere on the web, now shuffled away so as to make hard-drive space for the upcoming Armed Service's Gay Somalian Pride Ancestry Diversity Month announcement and related promotional materials (downloadable in .PDF form for your convenience).
Sierra Nevada, recent USAF vet.
My only thought reading this article was... If there were 10 million alternate universes and in half of them Dwight was picked to go to the moon regardless of his qualifications, maybe in one of them did the moon landing succeed. The rest? Crashed in flames, no survivors.
The Auburn Calloway attack was dramatized on Mayday, a Discovery Channel series that examined air crashes and disasters. Amazingly, the actor portraying Calloway is a negro.
Even if Dwight had been picked by NASA, the best he would have gotten was a subordinate position on a flight crew. More likely, he would have been named to a support crew which ranked below the backup crew. The man who actually picked the flight crews, Deke Slayton, was keenly aware of the relative strengths and weaknesses of each of the astronauts and selected accordingly.
Realizing that one mistake could jeopardize the goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade, if not dooming the entire program, I don't think Slayton would risk picking Dwight.
Original Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper was by all accounts a great pilot and flew successful missions in Mercury and Gemini. However, he had a lackadaisical attitude to training and was never picked for an Apollo crew even though he was still on flight status.
If Dwight was the first man on the moon or even was among any of the men that landed on the moon, would Gil Scott-Heron have titled his magnum opus as "Uncle Tom on the Moon" or "Oreo Cookie on the Moon"?
If you have enough pull, enough connections, you can become a pilot in the military. The bum John McCain is a good example of that.
You need to look at this one:
White Privilege 101:
"(BTW, can someone please tell me that the dog made it back to earth safely?)"
That dog, Laika, on Sputnik 2 did not survive as the satellite was not equipped with a heat shield. There was a subsequent flight with two dogs Strelka and Belka which were returned alive.
And don't forget, while we're talking aviation, that "proud, strong" black "man"/mass murderer, David Burke, who killed 42 innocent people, plus his own sorry ass, in 1987.
Burke was a life-long piece of shit who in a sane world, would have already been locked up in the Graybar Hotel--certainly not working anywhere.
Burke's actions (which could have killed many many more on the ground-"luckily", the plane crashed in a remote area and not a crowded city), were also glossed over /minimized in the media, especially his race and his own sordid past-but they had many ramifications behind the scenes including revised employee security procedures by the airline industry, mandatory 10 year background checks of all prospective aviation/airport employees by the FAA, revised polices by many corporations on senior executives traveling together (several high ranking Chevron executives were among the victims), and near-disastrous financial consequences for USAir.
Just think of him as another black person bringing "change" and enriching our vibrant, diverse tapestry /sarc
OT - The Lunar Module Ascent engine which powered the takeoff from the moon could not be test fired as it's hypergolic propellants (used for simplicity as they ignited on contact) were so toxic and corrosive they would require the engine be rebuilt after every test.
So that critical engine was fired for the first time on each mission when the astronauts lifted off to return to the orbiting Command Module.
You can find many interesting details in Tom Kelly's "Moon Lander" and another book (I forget the author's name) "How Apollo Flew to the Moon".
Slightly OT but pertains to AA in action:
If any of you have not heard of Lee “AA” Paige, the super ATF agent you should watch this video. It was recorded several years ago, but it is always fun to watch. The starring Orc demonstrates, not only incompetence but other Orc characteristics such as greatly exaggerated self esteem.
I suspect that he was assigned the duty of teaching children about gun safety in Florida because is was something that his superiors felt would be hard to f*ck-up. FYI there is no such weapon as a Glock foty. There are several models of the Glock line that shoot the .40 caliber cartridge with the full size service model being the Glock 22. As best that I can ascertain from watching the video it appears that Paige racked the slide to check for a round in the chamber with a loaded magazine in the pistol. As any rocket scientist would know, when the slide is released with a loaded magazine in the pistol another round is fed into the chamber. And of course, pointing the loaded pistol at his foot and pulling the trigger resulted in an injury.
Also, in typical groid fashion, he sued the government for allowing the video which was taken by a parent present at the circus to reach the public. For some reason the video has caused him much embarrassment and has made it difficult for him to find a job. I'm sure he has milked the system for as much disability as possible.
Occasionally, the AA screw-ups are so large and so public they they cannot be buried or spun into a heroic fable. Please enjoy:
Watch Discovery HD FedEx Flight 705 "Fight for Your Life" when Auburn Calloway attempts to murder three pilots in a gruesome hammer and speargun attack
The Russian dog, 'Laika' ('barker') died in space.There were no provisions or plans for the dog to return to earth.
Richard Cranium
Judge a black person by the content of their character or hold them accountable for their own shortcomings and failures and they immediately run to hide behind the color of their skin and scream racism.
I once worked with blacks who would not perform their duties and expected everyone else to carry their load and do their work for them and had a massive hostile attitude if anyone objected to it. Naturally, I objected and was declared to be a racist. The blacks closed ranks, filed complaints with the office libtard and generally tried to coerce me into becoming their servant (subject to their abuse) as they gloated over their "victory."
I quickly informed them that I had an attorney and would sue the piss out of them for defamation and slander if they continued their BS. That when they stood before the judge, they would have no evidence at all~ just their false claims~ and saying, "I feel he be a rayciss! I think he be a rayciss!" would be proof of nothing. I further stated I'd make them look like fools in court and would take them for everything I could and force them into bankruptcy.
I told them they were screaming racism because they thought they had something to gain but I was there to tell them they had something to lose and I'd make sure they did. It shut them up completely and made them afraid of the consequences. It didn't change their ignorant, screwed up mentality and just increased their hostility but it did put a stop to the screams of racism.
Bottom line- You don't have to take crap off these black morons and you don't have to be afraid of their claims of racism. When you point out how they have something to lose, suddenly they back down and run. They'll hate you for standing up to them and putting them in their place but so what? They already hate you.
Stand up to the assholes and never back down.
I did a web search for more info on Ed Dwight, but all I found was a generic reference that he was a test pilot. No mention of his career as a pilot before or after test pilot school, no assignments, no list of aircraft flown. There is a pic of him standing at the front of an F-104 Starfighter, a notoriously difficult aircraft to fly. You had to be on the ball to fly it as they were very unforgiving aircraft, designed to be a "missile with a man in it" with small wings that lead to many pilots losing control. Was Ed an F-104 pilot and if so, why not mention in? His USAF bio is but a few sentences. Did he break any records or did he break any aircraft? This guy was given dozens of breaks and instead of saying "Thank you for trying, Chuck", Yeager had to endure vitriol from the White House on down. Had it been someone else running the school they would have been charged with some bogus crime under the UCMJ and court martialed.
This question goes to Sierra Nevada or Pat doyle, both guys who seem to know various historical facts about things.
QUESTION: Upon his 18th birthday, suppose that Trayvon's Twin wanted to enlist in the armed services.
IF a US Citizen has a criminal record or committed a felonious crime (rape, robbery, murder etc) and assuming it would indeed show up on a routine background check, does that fact alone disqualify him from admission and serving his country?
In other words, is it official policy for the armed forces to reject all criminals, convicted felons, etc from admission into the service?
I used to assume that much would be so, but, with the current administration, you have to wonder. Does anyone doubt that Eric Holder, if it occured to him, would indeed attempt to compel the Armed Services to accept all and any applicants regardless of criminal record?
I mean, if he's trying so hard to allow convicted felons the right to vote (even from the pen) why can't we assume that he would compel the Armed Services to accept ALL candidates regardless of criminal background?
You know he would if it occurred to him.
JANUARY 20, 2017
And of course this mindless push for "diversity" extends to sex, too. Look at the cases of Lt. Kara Hultgreen and former Lt. Carey Lohrenz, for example.
The almost full SD sex difference in visuospatial & spatio-temporal skills (a pretty basic prerequisite for successful ACM)means nothing to the radical egalitarian fools running the military these days.
Equal outcomes are mandated and you WILL comply!
This anecdote is the most perfect encapsulation of race in the modern United States that I've ever read.
It combines the pinnacle of white male achievement, the inability of black males to measure despite welfare and discrimination in their favor, and the shameful and cynical abuse of racism charges in the face of white magnanimity. It's perfect.
This story should be distributed in booklet form to everyone in The first world who can read.
"Bringing more blacks into the cockpit “is not just the right thing to do, it’s a business imperative,” Contres said. “The nation’s demographics are changing, and today’s students are tomorrow’s [military] pilots.”
Revealing statement.
One way in which advanced countries are "enriched" by mass third world migrations is that standards must be lowered to accommodate the lower-IQ/lower skilled. We have seen this throughout academia and government--and in policies like public housing. Things get pushed down to the lowest common denominator.
One field in which a country can't afford to be second best is the military. This is especially true with pilots, where you really need that proverbial "right stuff." The history of combat aviation demonstrates that it is the superior pilot who will triumph--not the technology. What will happen when an affirmative action air force goes up against a foe with top notch pilots and gets kicked out of the skies?
Will the Pentagon do what it did after Vietnam and institute a new form of Top Gun to maximize pilot skills? That worked because the program placed the best (largely white) pilots pit in the cockpit. But now that pilot selection is being politicized, we will see the usual suspects screaming "racism." And then push incompetents through flight training. Better to lose a war than be "racist," eh?
In many third world militaries, politics takes precedence over skill. They promote people based on their political reliability and/or tribal affiliation. The system works fine until the military gets into a shooting war against professional soldiers. Then the system falls apart.
Effectively, by importing the third world into the Homeland, the USA is turning itself into a third world country.
Factoid of the day:
Blacks have some inherent advantages in being pilots - especially fighter pilots.
One of the most important attributes for a fighter pilot to have is good eyesight. If you can see him before he sees you, you live to fly another day.
Blacks have much better eyes than whites or East Asians. In the relevant age cohorts black myopia rates are almost half of whites. The same is even more true for the Japanese.
OTOH nearsightedness adds from 6 to 8 points to your IQ. There are many human attributes that correlate with IQ but eyesight is the most strong.
The causal factor may be Microcephalin. This gene and its supporting genes correlate at nearly .85 with IQ using the Lynn/Vanhanen national figures.
Microcephalin appeared suddenly in humans around 37,000 years ago in the populations that had recently left Africa. This marked a time in the Upper Paleolithic of revolutionary change. Anthropologists call this the 'Big Bang'. This is the time when behaviorally modern humans emerged.
It seemed to have taken place in the Middle East or Southern Europe or perhaps further north.
Today all the people outside of Africa have this gene. Africans don't. One consequence of this gene is that it seems to make your eye sockets to large which leads to myopia. The other effect is that it makes your brain larger probably by making your skull larger.
The white pattern is large brain and large eyes - smart but weak eyesight. The black pattern is small brain and small eyes. Good eyesight but not too clever.
WARNING: Some of the research on which this little posting is based is very new. It only appeared in the academic journal 'Intelligence' last month. It awaits replication.
Pat Boyle
Anonymous said...
My only thought reading this article was... If there were 10 million alternate universes and in half of them Dwight was picked to go to the moon regardless of his qualifications, maybe in one of them did the moon landing succeed. The rest? Crashed in flames, no survivors.
This is the major conundrum for the negro and it's enablers. We actually live in the universe where the white guy stuck the landing....
In the interest of truth:
The Lunar Module Ascent engine which powered the takeoff from the moon could not be test fired as it's hypergolic propellants (used for simplicity as they ignited on contact) were so toxic and corrosive they would require the engine be rebuilt after every test.
This is simply false. The N2O4 oxidizer is storable for years, and is used in RCS systems on the Space Shuttle, comsats and space probes on long-term missions. The Aerozine 50 fuel, half hydrazine and half UDMH, is chemically very similar to the fuel used in those probes, comsats and the Shuttle RCS and OMS (monomethyl hydrazine). They're toxic but their corrosive properties can be inhibited. If they were that corrosive, the LEM lower stage would be in danger of leaking and catching fire from the remaining fuel after landing.
Anon notes:
If you have enough pull, enough connections, you can become a pilot in the military. The bum John McCain is a good example of that.
It didn't hurt that both his father and grandfather were admirals in the Banksta Banana Navy. Juan was involved in a little disaster on the USS Forrestal (167 dead as I recall) which, when added to all the planes (3-4) he lost while flying in Vietnam, prevented his highness from become the third Adm. McCain. After Vietnam, his squid masters sent the drooling CT Yankee to AZ, where even a certifiable nutcase could win as a Repuke at the time. Juan hasn't given up is aspirations of admiralty though, he only recently tried to get a job as admiral of the Al-CIAduh airforce in Syria. If he's extra good, maybe his squid bosses will allow him to serve as Admiral of the "Ukrainian" army of Al-CIAduh.
Interesting to see that Fred Reed has finally come to the same basic conclusion many of us here came to around five years ago.
Remember the axiom: Worse is better. The place is already in flames, so it's pointless to waste your energy pissing on it. It cannot be saved. What's needed is gasoline, and lots of it.
>>Pat said:
"""""The white pattern is large brain and large eyes - smart but weak eyesight.""""""
True, but not necessarily universal across the board. There are plenty of whites with superior eyesight. Example, ballplayer and WW2/Korean Fighter Pilot Ted Williams. His eyesight was around 20-05, and that is quite superior. Perhaps the Air Force puts the premium on those with the best eyesight for that very reason, namely, the ability to hit the target dead on with exact precision.
While eyesight may indeed be beneficial for groids, there must be several other factors hindering them from being accepted into the Air Force and Armed Services at large since if all it took to get in was having perfect eyesight, then they'd be dominating the services hands down and they're not.
But my question to you still remains: Do you think that Holder and or others will push to permit convicted felons and or misdemeanors on one's background to enlist? In other words, suppose Trayvon's twin doesn't get convicted on a technicality and in about 2yrs from now, decides he wants to enlist in the Army or in the Air Force.
I think if Eric Holder had his way, the twin would be allowed to apply for service.
And my question to you is: At present, do the services allow convicted felons to enlist?
I truly believe that the administration would definitely permit them to enlist. I do see a day when that is coming, if it hasn't already.
Where else are they going to get the lions share of 18-24 young males in order to AA them into the service? Most are in the pen.
Juan hasn't given up is aspirations of admiralty though, he only recently tried to get a job as admiral of the Al-CIAduh airforce in Syria. If he's extra good, maybe his squid bosses will allow him to serve as Admiral of the "Ukrainian" army of Al-CIAduh.
And true.
Bogolyubski said...
Anon notes:
If you have enough pull, enough connections, you can become a pilot in the military. The bum John McCain is a good example of that.
It didn't hurt that both his father and grandfather were admirals in the Banksta Banana Navy. Juan was involved in a little disaster on the USS Forrestal (167 dead as I recall) which, when added to all the planes (3-4) he lost while flying in Vietnam, prevented his highness from become the third Adm. McCain. After Vietnam, his squid masters sent the drooling CT Yankee to AZ, where even a certifiable nutcase could win as a Repuke at the time. Juan hasn't given up is aspirations of admiralty though, he only recently tried to get a job as admiral of the Al-CIAduh airforce in Syria. If he's extra good, maybe his squid bosses will allow him to serve as Admiral of the "Ukrainian" army of Al-CIAduh.
McCain is a despicable old f**k. He's white and he'd lead an all black DHS SWAT team to murder you and rape your wife in a heartbeat.
Interesting to see that Fred Reed has finally come to the same basic conclusion many of us here came to around five years ago.
The Fred Reed article that was linked to is dated 2011. Not quite 5 years ago, but I think Fred has been on target for a while.
Hey Sierra Nevada,
Is it true that USAF vets have access to military website records that civilians don't? I've been trying to find my birth father (USAF) from 1966. His name isn't on the Vietnam Memorial, so...
Dispatches from Europe ...
A Dominican Republic-born rapper named Monkey Black (no joke) was stabbed to death by two Gypsies in Spain.
Gypsy-on-Black violence in Western Europe. I have zero doubt that at least some of the Spanish newspapers are casting this as the end product of racism and putting the blame where it ultimately belongs, Whites, who didn't do enough to prevent this type of tragedy.
To anonymous @ 9:12,
All branches of the armed services liberally utilize the all-important waiver. The waiver can be used for anything that would normally bar a person from enlistment. You know....bad credit, previous drug conviction, armed robbery....murder...Whatever! A few years ago (this info is both available online and through a FOIA request, but it's tucked away online) the Army issued a manslaughter waiver to a troop. There have also been numerous waivers issued in all branches for more pedestrain things like robbery and sexual assault. It's more common than one might imagine (or not?). The waiver is probably the only thing that ensures that the black\brown and black\brown-worshipping white undertow has a shot at enlistment.
The best thing I did as a white female was to separate, honorably, from the service. Unless they bring back the WAC/WAAC, I would adamantly insist all white females stay out. It's becoming a federally-funded Detroilet, only difference is that thanks to YT's tax money, PFC Shitavious and Senior Airmen Marquez Guzman now know not to aim a weapon sideways if they are trying to kill someone. Their ilk have simply made it unsafe -on many levels - along with their armed legions of Soulja-boy worshipping white race traitors, male and female alike. I will try and find that document on types and numbers of waivers issued in the Services and post the link - it's fascinating. Reading this article makes me proud of Yeager, who would not have a chance at survival in today's Armed Forces. Pathetic.
- Sierra Nevada
Also Anon,
Just Google "felony waiver" and see what pops up. Very enlightening Sunday night reading. Looks like more servicemen were issued waivers for manslaughter than I though! ~Sierra
Unless they bring back the WAC/WAAC, I would adamantly insist all white females stay out.
Interesting. Why would you say this is so?
I see the military in recent years has made a major production out of sexual assault in the ranks. How much of this is the result of large numbers of people of color enlisting?
"Anonymous said...
This country is rapidly on the way out. It's better to abandon any emotional attachment you still have left for a country which has changed so much in the past 50 years as to be unrecognizable."
Quite so. This nation is already dead. It just hasn't stopped twitching yet.
Time to plan for what comes after - in the post-America America.
According to Wikipedia (I also think this is mentioned in Tom Kelly's "Moon Lander"),
"According to the Science Channel's documentary Moon Machines, the fuel and oxidizer were so corrosive that the engines had to be rebuilt after each firing. This meant that each ascent from the Moon was performed with an engine that was not tested prior to flight."
From Charles Murray's "Apollo: The Race to the Moon", the LM oxydizer was "so volatile that a technician used a stick to flick a few drops in the snow which then caught on fire."
Ex New Yorker here....About John (Keating 5) McCain. If you do a search under VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN McCAIN you will find out about this phoney war hero. He lost 4 jet planes before going to Nam. The American Free Press has done extensive stories about him and his mob connections, which may be archived on their web sight.
When he ran for Congress he was the LIMPING WAR HERO whose limp went away soon after his arrival in Washington. He started the USS Forrestal fire by "wet starting" his plane. The flame shot out so far that it set off a heat seeking missile on the plane behind him. The missiles hit McCain's plane and blew off his "drop tank" which filled the deck with burning jet fuel. The inferno poured into the the floors below the flight deck and killed even more men. It was one of the worst accidents in Navy history. A couple days later he was transferred to the USS Hornet as I recall. His ship mates were about to lynch him. I also read that the crew on the Forrestal cheered when they heard his plane was shot down over Nam..
Regarding military waivers for criminals...
Please see this webpage:
The U.S. military willingly enlists known gang members, many of them with long criminal records. Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, MS-13, they're all there and, if you Google around, you can find pictures of gang graffiti in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is what the U.S. military is like now. If you talk about the Constitution or patriotism, you're immediately suspect as a possible-terrorist ebil Tea Party rayciss. If you're a Black who has a Crips tattoo and 15 misdemeanors in your past? Welcome aboard!
This magical negro, Ed Dwight, is not the greatest negro of all time. No, the greatest negro of all time is Barrack Husayn Obongo.
However, although he was a NASA washout, this Dwight did go on to other magical magnificence. He eventually became a great negro sculptor, whose work "is among the most expensive ever conceived". Who knows that except for the white man's raycizm his sculptures could have surpassed those of Michaelangelo, Rodin or even Bernini.
Looks like Rahm Emanuel might lose his reelection bid for Mayor of Chicago, to Black female Toni Periwinkle.
Looks like the free advertising CNN gave Rahm with his "reality" show isn't paying off.
Emanuel has alienated African-American voters who helped put him in office by instigating Chicago’s first teachers strike in 25 years, closing 50 public schools, opening new charter schools and unveiling plans to build new schools and school additions, with the educational largesse heavily concentrated on the North Side.
Rahm made a misjudgment.
He thought Blacks actually care about the quality of public schools.
When it comes to public schools, Blacks only care:
1. That school teacher positions go to Blacks. The entire Black middle class, or what passes as a Black middle class, depends on cushy government, public-sector jobs.
2. That standards are kept low. That way, the Black teachers don't have to exert too much effort to actually teach and the Black students can keep collecting Social Security, EBT, welfare (which might be jeopardized if they fail out of school) without too much effort or too many questions being asked.
To anonymous @ 2:24, re: my view
White women of sound mind (i.e. the non-coal burning, non-feminazi type) and minority males do not, and should not, mix. Yes, blacks (and browns, and whigger whites) had to trade in their saggy pants and pockets of ditch weed for a government-sponsored uniform, but it didn't change them. The fruits of this experiment can be seen in the high number of sexual assaults that have been going on as of late. Actually, they have been going on for some time now, but only recently has it been presented to the public. As we all know, where there are blacks, there are going to be problems. The integrated military is no exception.
Additionally, weak-minded white teenage females with little-to-no home training often go bat-shit-banana-sundae crazy over all the dark meat on base (their first ever!). And similarly, young educated whites - even a few Asians - in the officer ranks have their own special and inexplicable eccentricities that favor blacks over their own race. That's another topic for another comment section. Essentially, the WAC and its similar sister services along with military racial segregation are two institutions I never experienced, but sorely miss.
Whatever one's view, I worked in an office that saw the names, the numbers, and the circumstances of some of these sexual assaults, along with the other crime reports. It's part of the reason I visit this website.
-Sierra Nevada
I remember Chuck Yeager and the way my parents would speak of him on those occasions he was in the news. I suppose its largely due to my parents, but I grew up knowing Chuck Yeager was a man to be respected and, in my young eyes, he was a hero.
I guess we all know how black boys grow up when their heroes can't do anything but play games or shake down white people.
To Anon @ 3:07,
Precisely! Black gang members (Descendants of Dwight?) are the ideal recruit for today's military. They understand core concepts like loyalty (blood-in, blood-out, nukka!), firearms (but not how to properly fire one), and outrunning the enemy.
Sierra Nevada
With an average IQ of 85 and probably a narrower standard deviation than 15, even with 40~ million African-Americans (to distinguish them from their even less intellectually endowed sub-Saharan brothers) there simply not enough qualified blacks to occupy cognitively demanding occupations in numbers proportionate with their overall demographics. Two percent black air fighter pilots is probably still only a result of affirmative action.
""""Anonymous Anonymous said...
Philly Mike-- I know your message is heart felt but please skip the list going forward. All I do is scroll past it and it interferes with my review of the comments. Can't you post & update it elsewhere? Again, suggestion made in all due respect-- I'm an avid reader of your own comments and this list deserves a more permanent place than the comms section here.""""
Thanks for your input, but the list is only posted periodically. The last list before this one was posted 2 weeks ago.
It's important that readers who aren't regulars here understand the gravity of the situation...that we, as a people and as a culture, are under siege. Our very survival depends upon each and every one of us bearing the torch in his/her own way.
So, I understand that the list takes up a lot of space, but I feel the need...a sense of necessity, almost continue to update it as long as PK permits. And I honesty believe that through our perseverance we could very well be saving lives…the lives of our White brothers and sisters .
Being forewarned is being forearmed.
I won't post the list more than every two weeks. Believe me, I don't get any enjoyment from compiling it. But it's a necessary task that someone's got to do. I'm just trying to do my best at helping break the White Silence...not just here but out there, in the real world, as well.
And I really hope that you're trying to do your best as well. Thanks again for giving me the thumbs up for (most of) my posts.
Philadelphia Mike
Yes the codewords get thick at times which wastes a lot of time.Nobody wants to learn a new language.The simple truth is what people are starved for.Having to cut through a dozen acronyms just puts new people off and makes 'us' seem cliquish, as clever and comical as most of the acronyms and metaphors are.That being said, this is just my opinion and I am not the only person on this blog.We need as many new White people as possible.
Details like that make you realize just how much nerve the astronauts had to have .Not to mention the quality of engineering and manufacturing that had to go into everything-every piece, part, nut and bolt.Would you have the nerve to test out a rocket engine for the first time on the moon-knowing if it did not start you'd be stuck for a long time ? If I am honest with myself I would probably not want to take that risk and I am not ashamed to say so.Thanks for your always interesting posts . Richard Cranium
Philidelphia Mike is the Keeper of the Dead. I can not imagine a more thankless job. Bless you.
For those who might be interested in the Why, Amren has posted an article from a former public defender.
They don't think like Us. They never will be like us. Read and understand the level of depravity and "primitive thinking" (best expression I can come up with) Whites are forced to deal with.
"Now, here are his complete school records from day one. Let’s review them page by page."
I wish that someday this could be done with Obama. The public at large would likely be equally "shocked" at the result.
The most shocking aspect of this story is that in the days before widespread Affirmative Action, Dwight had the gall and presumption to team up with Black congressmen and lawyers and claim his was simply a case of racism by a white yokel, despite knowing he full well he couldn't cut the science or flying and needed intensive tutoring (which none of the other candidates needed) just to keep afloat.
Even in the early 60's, Dwight, due to all the "uplift" he no doubt got at every step of his career path, really did feel that what the DWLs had told him for years was the truth--that he really was the "smartest and most skilled guy in the room". Mirror that with the president today who thinks the same thing and who has the DWLs in the media and in Hollywood parroting the lie 24/7 to the rest of us.
"Now, here are his complete school records from day one. Let’s review them page by page."
I wish that someday this could be done with Obama. The public at large would likely be equally "shocked" at the result.
Unfortunately, that's not the case. 50 years ago it was nice to see that when presented with overwhelming facts to refute their opinions, people could be swayed to accept a black candidate actually wasn't qualified for a position.
Today, when presented with heaps of low grades and test scores by a black pilot, a congressional panel would simply blow them off. The tests and the examiners were all "biased", don't you see? The flying instructor refused to see the innate brilliance of the black pilot's skill because he was "blinded by subconscious racial hate". Even when presented with tests full of incorrect answers to physics problems that have a hard and fast number solution, the panel would simply say that the black pilot was at a disadvantage with these math questions due to his distant ancestors not coming from Europe.
In fact, today simply stating that a black candidate HAD lower test scores that other applicants is a form of racism, truth be damned.
And mulattos
I be shock, shock dat youze be so prejudiss. Nex ding youze sez is dat my hero the "Rev. Dr." Martin Luther King Jr. was a liar, shame on youze. Everyone know he got street name after him everywhere, dat's where da police seems to be busy all da time.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s papers were donated by his wife Coretta Scott King to Stanford University's King Papers Project. During the late 1980s, as the papers were being organized and catalogued, the staff of the project discovered that King's doctoral dissertation at Boston University, titled A Comparison of the Conception of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman, included large sections from a dissertation written by another student (Jack Boozer) three years earlier at Boston University.[1][2]
As Clayborne Carson, director of the King Papers Project at Stanford University, has written, "instances of textual appropriation can be seen in his earliest extant writings as well as his dissertation. The pattern is also noticeable in his speeches and sermons throughout his career."[3]
Boston University, where King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology, conducted an investigation that found he plagiarized major portions of his doctoral thesis from various other authors who wrote about the topic.[4][5]
According to civil rights historian Ralph E. Luker, who worked on the King Papers Project directing the research on King's early life, King's paper The Chief Characteristics and Doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism[6] was taken almost entirely from secondary sources.[7] He writes:
Moreover, the farther King went in his academic career, the more deeply ingrained the patterns of borrowing language without clear attribution became. Thus, the plagiarism in his dissertation seemed to be, by then, the product of his long-established practice.[7]
The incident was first reported in the December 3, 1989 edition of the Sunday Telegraph by Frank Johnson, titled "Martin Luther King—Was He a Plagiarist?" The incident was then reported in U.S. in the November 9, 1990 edition of the Wall Street Journal, under the title of "To Their Dismay, King Scholars Find a Troubling Pattern." Several other newspapers then followed with stories, including the Boston Globe and the New York Times.
Boston University decided not to revoke his doctorate, saying that although King acted improperly, his dissertation still "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship." However, a letter is now attached to King's dissertation in the university library, noting that numerous passages were included without the appropriate quotations and citations of sources.[1][8][9]
Original source:
This is why the Shlomos push for white miscegenation. They know what black are own their own. If we ever were to segregate again. Blacks given their own nation to self rule we know it will quickly turn into Africa & Haiti. Blacks without white civilization & liberals uplifting them return to savagery. Now in that world I wonder how many white women who today chose to stab white men in the back & date black, how many of them would willingly choose to leave modern white civilization to go live in poverty just for BBC?
This makes me think back to the time when I was accepted to a large public university (some 30 odd years back).
I sat (next to several blacks) during an orientation meeting for new students. We were asked to fill out some printed questionaires for the university/guidance counselors.
Needless to say, about half-way through, the black students were rolling their eyes, and asking for help, because they had absolutely no reading or comprehension skills whatsoever!
I found this an affront; here, unqualified individuals were rewarded with admission, and in most cases SCHOLARSHIPS, based on their race or origin, not abilty!
This is EXACTLY why this country is in the shit-storm of mediocrity it now faces.
The LCD--Lowest Common Denominator--rules by Presidential administrative fiat--read POLITICAL PANDERING to minorities.
What a fucking place!
One Word....Drones
Hey, I resemble that remark! Ha ha, just kidding. It's me, Swampy. Been away for a few weeks.
"One of the most important attributes for a fighter pilot to have is good eyesight." - flat out false. you need good visuo-spatial processing(among other things) to be a good pilot.
Affirmative action has no place in the cockpit of a fighter or other military aircraft. Yeager thought as a command pilot and test flier that he didn't have the ability and said so. Obviously, the black lobby just couldn't have that, right?
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