The left
would have you believe evolution is not only real – and all those
knuckle-dragging Christians are holding back true progress – but also that this
evolution stopped cold with the different racial groups of humanity.
the orthodoxy of equality requires a child-like faith in this trade-off.
Every other
animal, beast, fish, reptile and microorganism was touched by evolution, save
humans. For, race is nothing more than a social construct.
of whether or not you believe in evolution, it believes in you.
A divine
belief in a creator doesn’t qualify you as a nut, as those steadfast adherents
to the divinity of the theory of evolution would try and make the general
public believe.
Nor does a
belief in evolution make you an enemy of faith and a divine creator.
Since July
20, 1969, the United States of America has sunk tremendous resources into
uplifting the black population of this country.
This has
been our de-facto mission.
![]() |
His dream would have ushered the next step of Western Civilization... |
It was
easier to land on the moon than undo the harsh truths of evolution.
For just as
Detroit rose from the ground Amerindians called a hunting terrain for
centuries, in less than 40 years of continuous black political rule it has regressed
back to nature.
No matter
the trivial nature of a white persons existence, it was their seemingly
insignificant contributions to the progress of civilization that made Detroit
into the “Paris of the West.”
Remove the
people who create these conditions, and they instantly vanish.
In Michael
Neufeld’s biography of the great scientist Wernher Von Braun, we get to read
about when one man’s dream captivated a people to strive for greatness off this
tiny, spinning rock (today, only
one man’s dream is allowed to be the roadmap for the future; a roadmap
with, inevitably, “Detroit 2014” as its final destination).
Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War contains Von Braun’s opinion of what the first steps
on earth’s natural satellite meant in the grand scheme of human history.
At a press conference, Neufeld
But it was Norman Mailer in His Apollo 11 book, Of a Fire on the Moon, who penned the most unforgettable portrait of von Braun at the Cape. During the prelaunch press conference, the Marshall director stole the show from Mueller, Debus, and the others when he issued the most quotable line of the afternoon. “When asked how he evaluated the importance of the act of putting a man on the moon, Von Braun answered, “I think it is equal in importance to that moment in evolution when aquatic life came crawling up on land.” (p. 431)
As outlined
in a 1965 Playboy interview, Martin Luther King believed the American
government (white people, the tax payers, naturally) should have embarked on a plan to
spend roughly $50 billion to uplift black people. It was the January issue,
when Hugh Hefner’s magazine published this exchange:
Along with the other civil rights leaders, you have often proposed a massive program of economic aid, financed by the Federal Government, to improve the lot of the nation’s 20,000,000 million Negroes. Just one of the projects you’ve mentioned… is expected to cost $141,000,000 over the next ten years, and that includes only Harlem. A nationwide program such as you propose would undoubtedly run into the billions.
About 50 billion, actually – which is less than one year of our present defense spending. It is my belief that with the expenditure of this amount over a ten-year period, a genuine and dramatic transformation could be achieved in the conditions of Negro life in America. I am positive, moreover, that the money spend would be more than amply justified by the benefits that would accrue to the nation through a spectacular decline in school dropouts, family breakups, crime rates, illegitimacy, swollen relief rolls, rioting and other social evils.
Though four
years later white America would land on the moon, the implementation of Project Negro
Uplift would overtake any other national campaign as the highest priority and
loftiest moral goal.
![]() |
The implementation of his dream has led to the complete collapse of Western Civilization.... |
And not one
penny spent to uplift blacks – as MLK was positive it would – has gone to lower
black dropout rates, black family breakups, black crime rates, black
illegitimacy, black reliance on relief/welfare, or staved off black rioting
(mob assaults on whites) and other black-in-origin social evils.
American cities that have been at or near the top of
the list of per-capita misery statistics - most murders, nonfatal gun violence,
most addicts, most high school dropouts, lowest test scores in both math and
reading comprehension, most cases of H.I.V. and syphilis – are all majority
In some cases, the white
population of is below 10 percent.
When man set foot on the moon
back on July 20, 1969, a new step forward in evolution – as Wernher Von Braun
correctly surmised - should have started.
In America, the exact opposite
We made it national policy to
return life in this country to a level just above the primordial ooze we long
emerged from; we made it national policy for devolution and Idiocracy to pave the way for our
Once beneath the stars, in the mind of Wernher Von Braun, the universe was ours; today, beneath those same stars, our cities regress to the black mean of the inhabitants found there.
Forget the stars, Detroit in 2014 isn't even ours.
With all due to respect to Wernher Von Braun, the moment when we understand racism has nothing to do with the plight of black America, and everything to do with those racial differences evolution slipped into our genetic code (thus, reverting our national policy and efforts away from fulfilling Martin Luther King's fantasy and back to Von Braun's dream)... well, that's the moment we can look back to the stars and smile.
Remembering the tangible reality of evolution and how it touched the various races of mankind via the ruins of Detroit, and smiling when we once again see - in person - its reality via the American flag white men planted on the moon back on July 20, 1969.
Once beneath the stars, in the mind of Wernher Von Braun, the universe was ours; today, beneath those same stars, our cities regress to the black mean of the inhabitants found there.
Forget the stars, Detroit in 2014 isn't even ours.
With all due to respect to Wernher Von Braun, the moment when we understand racism has nothing to do with the plight of black America, and everything to do with those racial differences evolution slipped into our genetic code (thus, reverting our national policy and efforts away from fulfilling Martin Luther King's fantasy and back to Von Braun's dream)... well, that's the moment we can look back to the stars and smile.
Remembering the tangible reality of evolution and how it touched the various races of mankind via the ruins of Detroit, and smiling when we once again see - in person - its reality via the American flag white men planted on the moon back on July 20, 1969.
We will land on Mars. The journey will continue. But it will be a Russian (or Chinese) man who takes the first step. And that's okay.
I feel certain that BRA's NASA, it it were the one to accomplish this feat, would be sure to put a Trayvon in position to step out onto Mars in a Triumph of Diversity.
There was a movie made about von Braun called "I Aim at the Stars".
Under BRA, the negroes - dey be da STARZ.
If BRA's NASA did it, it would only be to put Trayvon to plant his Nike's on the soil of the Red Planet.
Heck, the USSA should never have any more white astronauts in future. They not b b'n as gud on TV 'n all dat sheeit
/H hypie out H\
Here is a link about the vice president of Russia mocking obongo about his ineffective sanctions. The Russians know we are utterly dependant on them to put our people into orbit. We, the nation that put man on the moon, now relegated to hitching rides on another nations rockets to get into low earth orbit?.
You can have black people or you can have a space program but you cannot have both.. It is almost to much to bear?
The capture of the nazi scientists by American forces in WWII was an incredible stroke of luck. In one fell swoop they nabbed the best of the best in rocketry. It was a once in a lifetime discovery of the pot of gold. An they made the moon landing their goal and the rest is history. Try to reconcile this amazing feat with a group of people who cannot read, do math or even speak properly and you see the gap. How can a bunch of illiterate nog nogs add to society that wants to go to mars, return to the moon keep advancing. Have you ever heard of flying mud huts??? HaHa.
I'm enjoying the collapse in progress of BRA. I laugh every day at some headline, economic or crime stats of the Kwanstain, Amerikwa.
I feel nothing for a government and system that plots my destruction. I have zero allegiance to it and contribute nothing to the destroyers. It won't turn out like the fifth column of globalist race traitor scum think it will.
That's a great contrast of dreams you've presented there PK.
I'm just anxiously awaiting that first black astronaut! Or have I missed it?
For those who may have missed this one:
The old negro space program
Just to illustrate that it was also White courage and competence and not just technology that got us to the moon here is a small clip dramatizing the landing.
See, the computer was going to proudly put the lander into a crater the size of a small stadium or crash it into the sides. Neil took control and manually "flew" the LEM on a tail of fire over the far edge, around several boulders the size of houses, over one the size of a bus for a final touchdown before the fuel ran dry. That is why the seemingly odd comment about "a bunch of guys about to turn blue". NASA knew how much fuel was left and NOBODY was bothering Neil on the approach. His concentration was total and he landed safely.
Whites are going back. My children and yours.
Negros hate everything the moon landing stands for, because it is White.
Here is a good clip with the full explanation of what was going on.
Hair-raising! (Unless you have a nappy brillo head.
White are the forward thinking innovators in all fields, including human rights. Blacks can complain all they want, rewrite history all they want concerning de ebil legassy ob de slabery, blah de blah. The fact is that slavery has been around since the dawn of mankind and it was Whites who decided it was an offense against human dignity and ended it. Blacks, Arabs, and Asians all still practice some form of slavery whenever they can get away with it.
We learned to be innovative enough to move humanity forward in the area of human rights, we learned to be innovative enough to land on the moon, to create modern communications systems, skyscrapers, everything else about modern civilization. Now we need to learn to be forward thinking enough to protect ourselves and our future children. White people don't like to hurt others. They like to do this politely, when they can. Probably eventually they will.
Heinlein, when alive, used to write about the moon being used as a penal colony in the future, a place to ship off our undesirable population. That may still be a long way off - but eventually, if we do colonize other places, we may bring back the penal colony and say goodbye to our feral blacks once and for all. It could be billed as a "growth and learning opportunity" rather than as a punishment to keep the libtards happy. Maybe some of them would even evolve into real human beings.
Although we should all have equal rights, all men are not created equally. And that is a plain and simple fact that most people in the Western culture are unwilling to acknowledge.
Natural selection is the key mechanism of evolution. However, by means of oppression and suppression, natural selection (and it's called natural for a very good reason) is being replaced with an (un)intelligent design planned by Western governments and propelled by the Western ministries of truth.
But what lies ahead for humanity is much more mind boggling scenario. Seriously, I do wish that some of you would research terms such as "singularity" and "transhumanism" to really see where it's all headed.
Some day in the not too far distant future (probably one or two generations from now) people will look back and WISH the conflicts they're facing were as simple as black and white.
Natural selection will be taking a turn that most people don't really grasp yet. It will be replacing us flawed humans (all of us, of all races) with artificial intelligence.
Believe it or not, these ARE the good old days.
Hate crimes reporting act:
Bye bye blogs like this one and talk radio.
It really is a shame.
From "The Right Stuff" to "Gibs me dat stuff."
Almost too sad for words.Von Braun had many fantastic ideas.A true genius, a man of vision that made what was thought to be impossible, possible, and he made it look easy.He had great plans for a moon city,a REAL space station orbiting the Earth where rockets would be assembled and sent on manned Mars missions.
I am certain that if he had been given a free hand and left to the tasks,he would have achieved all he tried.
Contrasting the optimism and achievements of Von Braun and the whole NASA crew with garden-variety ghetto/negro disfunction and pathologies is truly ridiculous and depressing.What a mess this country is in, turning into a ghetto like Detroit-everywhere.Politicians are all useless hacks, pushing all the problems onto the next generation and living high on the hog in the meantime.The whole government is a sham and a lie.But forget all that.The big problem is an 80 y/o sports team-owner that said something 'bad'.Color me disgusted.
Richard Cranium
MLK Jr. HaHaHa
"It was easier to land on the moon than undo the harsh truths of evolution."
Whoa, I made a similar comment a few articles ago. I'd like to think I contributed to the article in that way. Still, this was perhaps the best article I've seen written on here!
MLK loved those white hookers. Amerikwa couldn't even build the statue to martin looter koon and had to outsource it to China. Ahahah!
Coincidence that a mini earthquake hit the district of cesspool shortly after the statue was revealed?
But von Braun was an honorary SS member and an evil nazi! (sarc)
Trial junkie here. One of the fantasies many blacks have that complacent whites are unaware of is that the 1969 Moon Landing never happened. They claim it was faked in a TV studio.
Their reasoning, if you can call it that, is that if blacks can't figure how to land on the moon, white people can't either.
MLK vs WvB...MLK wins by TKO. The future has been decided & it don't belong to us.
They not even gonna let us kiss the kids good-bye when the come for us. Mercy is such an old fashioned, out of date, passee virtue that has no place in a BRA that is in full SWAT mode.
They's havin' a tunna funna with us now & the future is looking like whole lots more fun times for them.
As we descend into a long period of savagery & hellishness, a new Dark Ages, never forget that it was the USSA that did this to you.
Wasn't the Russkies.
Wasn't the Chicom's.
Was the USSA & you overwhelming voted for it in the mere hope that you'd get a few extra scraps with your social security check or maybe a few extra free pills on your Medicare.
You sold out your kids 'n grandkids whole future as free people for a buck & an aspirin & didn't even get your buck or your Bayer.
When they b gang banging your granddaughter, think about what you did & didn't do. You may not be Dark but you did your part starting the new Dark Age.
Best we can hope for is a plague that'll specifically attack homo africanus
/H hypie out H\
Hypie: "If BRA's NASA did it, it would only be to put Trayvon to plant his Nike's on the soil of the Red Planet."
In case you guys didn't see it on Drudge today, here's the artist's rendering of NASA's New Mars Spacesuit. It's just like in the movies!!
I knew the US and USSR experimented on these things in the 60s, but now it appears they've burst through the glass canopy.
I think there have been a couple of black people who've ridden the Space Shuttle. Of course, they were scorned as "Uncle Toms" by the groids just because they wanted to be "Americans", lift themselves out of the slime of black dis-function and accomplish something worthwhile.
From an engineering and project management standpoint, you have to look at the Apollo program as perhaps the greatest achievement of mankind to date. In 10 years, over 400,000 people worked directly and indirectly to place men on the moon. It's no coincidence that an overwhelming majority of these people were white men. The derivatives from that program, be it silicon chips, micro-electromechanical systems, supercomputers and microcomputers, software and microprocessors - were also created using technology developed by NASA. These are technologies that have had a positive impact on mankind and his productivity (of course some jagoffs have taken that technology to enrich crap like WSHH, but I digress).
There was no Harrison Bergeronesque burdens put upon that program. You didn't have HR and diversity directors with nothing to do but to harp on project managers to hire unqualified blacks, underqualified South Asians, and the lot. There was an aggressive timeline, thousands of problems to be solved, and yet it was accomplished within a decade.
Had DWLs had their fingers in the Apollo pie in the 1960s, we'd still be f---ing around with trying to get a monkey into orbit.
@ Anon/Trail Junkie there is a movie with OJ "Killing Gloves" Simpson where there is a studio set out in the desert faking a mars landing. I believe it is called Capricorn One from 1977-1978 timeframe. Hal Holbrook, Telly "Kojak" Savalas, Elliott Gould are some other actors in the film.
My husband was telling me that apparently a bunch of white guys have been successfully sending rockets back and forth into orbit successfully for at least a decade in this country.
If you Google the "X Prize", you'll be able to read all about the various accomplishments entirely funded by the private sector, and achieved by a whole bunch of white faces, by the looks of the photos on their website.
Gee, you'd think something that important would get at least a MENTION in the MSM...oh,wait.
White people peaked with the moon landings. Then we tried to turn dogs into cats. It didn't work, it didn't happen, it never will, but we keep throwing money at it.
Now the keys to the bank have been handed over and MLK's request looks like peanuts! We're inundated with a black horde wanting more & more.
This experiment is a massive failure. Not one single politician held responsible for the unknown millions (billions) of tax payer dollars spent funding stupid programs they knew would fail.
Someone stand up and yell "stop it! " White people must stop using deodorant! Maybe then they'll go away.
King: About 50 billion, actually – which is less than one year of our present defense spending. It is my belief that with the expenditure of this amount over a ten-year period, a genuine and dramatic transformation could be achieved in the conditions of Negro life in America. I am positive, moreover, that the money spend would be more than amply justified by the benefits that would accrue to the nation through a spectacular decline in school dropouts, family breakups, crime rates, illegitimacy, swollen relief rolls, rioting and other social evils.
We passed $50 billion in freebies to blacks decades ago. The Pigford settlement alone was over $1 billion by itself. Thankfully, the brilliant MLK was right. Black crime, illegitimacy, welfare dependency and rioting have all plummeted! Hallelujah!
Ok, after you finish laughing, we can get back to reality.
Black dysfunction has always been bad, and it has only gotten worse. The only difference is that whites are forced by the police power of government into the sisyphean task of civilizing them.
Have you ever watched 2001 or 2010? If the space exploration arc we were on had continued, we'd be exploring the Solar System by now.
Instead, we're bumming a ride to the International Space Station from the Russians. With only a brief lull between Apollo and the Space Shuttle program, the United States has had the capability to put a man in space since the days of Alan Shepard.
No longer. NASA's new mission, according to it's black moron director, Charles F. Bolden, Jr, is Muslim outreach. Their "foremost" job is to make Muslims feel good about themselves. That makes about as much sense as wiping your rear end with a rake.
We've gone from 3..2..1..ignition! to 3..2..1. EBT card loaded! Hit the checkouts!
J. Hannibal Smith said…
There was no Harrison Bergeronesque burdens put upon that program. You didn't have HR and diversity directors with nothing to do but to harp on project managers to hire unqualified blacks, underqualified South Asians, and the lot. There was an aggressive timeline, thousands of problems to be solved, and yet it was accomplished within a decade.
Had DWLs had their fingers in the Apollo pie in the 1960s, we'd still be f---ing around with trying to get a monkey into orbit.
Well done. I always appreciate an appreciation of Harrison Bergeron…. You've had some experience with HR and diversity plans, that's clear.
This if for Constructive Feedbag a couple posts back but since it involves the Mother Wheel it is space oriented.
Hey now CF. I thought we were a league of gentlemen and ladies here. Gentlemen don't call gentlemen liars. Being a Negro doesn't give you the right to violate the code anymore than being a...whatever...does Sterling. Furthermore CF I have on the highest authority the word about what is going on.
That's right! I have not only been to the mountain top I have been to the Mother Wheel and have had intimate conversation with his Holiness Faro Stepfut. We've chatted many times, sometimes for hours Earth time, although just a few seconds on Mother Wheel Differential Time. And It's recorded in the Akashic files.
The deal is CF, Magic Johnson has wanted to own a team for long time but no team has been available. Stepfut believes that Sterling is an old fart due to move along soon so move him out a year or two earlier, pass the ball to Magic. The only question was how to do it. Stepfut knew the answer; he's nobody's fool.
As we all know, the old duff, Sterling is freely associating with a hybrid of some nature involving Negro blood.
So Magic turns on the charm and starts palling around with her. Now, I have no idea of Magic's sexual orientation but a guy whose been dying of AIDS for thirty years or so is either on the needle or on the down low. Are you digging me? I don't know whether Sterling wears rubbers or not but you can see that the prospect of Magic's infecting his girl friend thus infecting him might cause Sterling just a little anxiety. Not that at eighty some Sterling has to worry about dying from AIDS. But, who's logical at those critical times? Are you following me, CF?
Naturally as you or I would do Sterling tells the woman he doesn't want her to hang with Magic and his AIDS. I mean, CF, AIDS is AIDS. Who wants to get all skinny like that even if you are eighty some with one fut in the hole anyway?
So, this is a different scenario than you read in my previous comment. New script. Stepfut writes out the script, transmits it to Magic and Magic gives in to the girl and says 'Go.' Stepfut puts the mental freeze on Sterling so he zombies out his part of the script.
Presto, Magic gives the tape to Silver and that mighty intellect devised the most draconian punishment over nothing that he can think of. Let alone the two and a half million smackers for getting suckered the rest is outrageous. Silver might as well have told Sterling he's never to eat a steak again for the poor old sod's duration remaining on this planet.
How absurd can you get; I'll bet we go a lot further soon but this is plenty enough for the is.
So there's a forced sale and Magic gets the team bargain basement.
Do you have a feeling for the Theatre of the Absurd CF? Well, you better. You're in it, even a key player.
In this multi-cult world I thought we were all brothers. Color is irrelevant. I didn't want to create hard feeling by saying Sterling had singled out one particular race so like the euphemisms for Negroes like teens and youths I made it generic.
Lie, you say, Lie. You are sentenced to never see another basketball game for life either on TV or live. popcorn ever. That sentence comes from Faro Stepfut on the Mother Wheel too.
A bit of OT material:
Obama and Holder have begun using bank regulations to coerce banks into breaking business relationships with a variety of businesses the administration doesn't approve of, including:
1. ammunition sales
2. firearm sales
3. coin dealers
4. those trafficking in racist materials
If changes in our society keep pace, there will be a day when your presence at a blog like this, will have financial consequences. It's going to happen.
What never fails to amaze me is that minorities seem to have zero comprehension that the technologically sophisticated society they enjoy but did not create is also maintained by white people, without us it would collapse. Even if there were no crime, just neglect, facilities and machines would run down quickly, crime just accelerates that process. It never seems to enter these morons little heads that someone, somewhere at sometime not only built everything but keeps it running day by day through ordinary, unappreciated work, people like the guy in Detroit who was beaten the other day in broad daylight. The collection of different talents and the ability to use them cooperatively, peacefully with a view towards future rewards is what sets us apart, that's what's called civilization.
The pendulum is swinging away from us, for now. What do we do with it? (a) Do we eagerly point out our "opposition's" failings? (b) Do we educate the masses and mash the DWL faces in the muck? (c) Do we play the long-war and lay down a solid foundation of traditional, fundamental, Western civ. educational based arguments that may see us, if not our progeny, through?
I see a successful and viable thread somewhere between (b) & (C). When a paradigm-shift meets opportunity, it's good when the narrative can make the most of it's first shoot. We need to be more subversive than overt going into this election cycle.
Just food for thought.
"the orthodoxy of equality"...another great term coined by SBPDL. The posts and subject matter keep getting better and more accurate. Heres a new video which helps explain not the white flight; but the forced expulsion of an entire (white) european (Polish) civilization from detroit. The place was called Poletown.
Sterling as property manager:
"As has been widely reported, one of Donald Sterling’s former property supervisors testified in a 2003 housing discrimination suit that when she remarked on an odor at a newly acquired building, her boss responded, 'That’s because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they’re not clean. And it’s because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day.”
Race realism, pure and simple. Germans develop rocketry a couple of generations ago while browns and blacks exist in a vacuum of inertness. Simple to understand, verboten to express in BRA.
--NB...with IPMS
What never fails to amaze me is that minorities seem to have zero comprehension that the technologically sophisticated society they enjoy but did not create is also maintained by white people, without us it would collapse.
In other words, an inability to follow cause-and-effect relationships. It's the same animism which produces cargo cults, both in the third world and the "image is everything" culture in the USA. If they conjure the spirit of an airplane, a helicopter, or a functioning government by following the forms, they think they'll get one.
Could this be the root cause of it all? Animism and the inability to use logic?
Blaming YT when it fails fits too. Somebody had to mess up their relationship with the spirit world and take THEIR stuff, and that messing is called "racism".
They will never believe you.
Richard Cranium
The left doesn't "believe in" evolution any more than you "belive in" the existence of the planet pluto.
Von Braun did in fact use slave labor where most were worked to death to build the V2s. Many were not even Jews but Slavs, often Poles, also French POWs. As a man he lacked the courage to even try to make their work less harsh ... they were put on starvation rations, for example, no gas masks for making the toxic fuel.
However intellect and ability do not always or even often match goodness. Look at many famous people. Von Brauns genius and vision had no moral center as he had none, but his techical vision was magnificent.
Much neglected is Sergei Korolev, equal to Von Brauns vision and drive, but with a tenth his budget, manpower, and manufacturing base. Korolev still beat Von Braun in satellite launch, impact on the Moon, man in space, and spacewalk.
Korolev died in 1966 from overwork. Had he lived but ten years more he might have established a permanent Soviet Moon colony.
Crazy Ass Negro
One cannot turn a baboon into a human being with out a total replacement of DNA. Nature cannot be fooled.
OT: A huge group of what appears to be mostly all niglet students broke into and vandalized their own high school in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Maybe I am just dating myself here, but at my all white high school back in the late 1970's and early 1980's, the senior pranks consisted mostly of just us kids taking toilet paper rolls from the bathrooms and throwing them up into the tree branches outside, or throwing the tied-together gym shoes up over the telephone lines. I don't believe that anybody back then ever even suggested any ideas about breaking into the school in the middle of the night and pissing all over the hallways like these disgusting niglets apparently did.
Delaware dude, OT on this one. seems a bus load of n'er do wells (kids with emotional problems) have ganged up and tore the snot out of a white kid on da sho't bus. boys and girls in the melee, bus driver did nothing, principal did nothing. at some point we need to realize the anger and violence in these kids at this age needs to be curtailed. i'll keep my suggestions to myself. what I b b'n raciss and sheet. stay safe and keep the 30 ft. distance.
Yeah, the first man on Mars would probably be some black guy, the spaceship janitor. As I recall, when Admiral Peary? discovered the North (South?) Pole, he had his valet, a black guy go put the marker there. Now it is said by BRA that a black discovered the place!
Von Braun inspired some kids from West Virginia. One eventually worked for NASA (Homer Hickam)and wrote a book about it called "The Rocket Boys". The book was made into a movie called October Sky. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't seen it already.
MLK was not a stupid individual- he was a hustler of exceptional talent. He knew the American Negro would never be able to go "mainstream" and be a part of civilized society. He was merely doing what any negro tribal leader (annointed or self appointed) does for the tribe- he was bringing home da goods! Everything he had to say was merely "feel good" nonsense and a denial of the reality of negro dysfunction and lack of capacity. However, it naturally had to be put in palatable terms so that the entire poison pill would be swallowed without thought or question by those who were susceptible to such manipulations.
Now, instead of 20 milllion screaming negroes, we have over 40 million. If it keeps up, we'll eventually have 60 million, then 80 million.
No civilized first world nation can survive that.
Whiskey, you don't think that Sergei Korolev's USSR relied on slave labor for their dams, railroads, power plants or space facilities?
For the record, Sergei Korolev who was imprisoned himself in the Gulag, died of a botched surgery.
I really should stop reading your posts.
This is the fruit of MLK's Dream
I am not sure if NYC can survive this.
If Darwin's theory was correct they why aren't the apes(real ones) not driving cars by now. And if evolution was so, then why didn't the real apes develop a language. Remember if we evolved from apes that would mean they had a head start and in theory they should of been the ones to keep us(humans) in the zoo's!
It is difficult for me to decide whether Wernher Von Braun was an evil genius or merely a genius caught in the gears of the Nazi war machine. It is very likely that Von Braun would have been executed had he objected to the use of slave labor or refused to toe the Nazi party line. Either way, he became a remarkable asset for the United States. The technology created directly and indirectly from Von Braun's efforts have benefited the entire population of the United States and probably most of the world beyond measure.
Martin Luther King, on the other hand, was an asset only to black people. Basically, he was able to persuade lawmakers to enact laws and put into place governmental policies to mandate income redistribution from working whites to blacks. Everything the blacks have gained as a result of King's efforts have come at the expense of white people. Sadly, there is nothing to show for this great sacrifice by white people. Blacks are more helpless, ignorant, and violent than ever, and there is no end in sight to the ever increasing cost of carrying blacks while they complain that not enough is being given to them.
Von Braun = white mindset of achievement and maximum effort
King = black mindset of dependency and minimal effort
Obama and Holder have begun using bank regulations to coerce banks into breaking business relationships with a variety of businesses the administration doesn't approve of, including:
1. ammunition sales
2. firearm sales
3. coin dealers
4. those trafficking in racist materials
Okay, I can see what the deal is with Obongo and Cockholder wanting to mess with the banking business of people who sell guns and ammo, and people who blog and run websites that tell the truth about BRA, but coin dealers? Seriously, WTF is up with that? I guess this is just their way of going after people who presumably possess quantities of a valuable form of alternate currency that BRA cannot easily manipulate or seize arbitrarily - gold and silver coins.
james m said ”This is the fruit of MLK's Dream
I am not sure if NYC can survive this.”
A problem is that the lives of so many blacks have become so petty and meaningless that they must add significance to their existence by creating issues to address. If they were working or actually raising their children they wouldn't have time to worry about who might have dissed them in some imagined way. It shouldn't be a surprise that idle hands are the devil's playground as our grandmas told us.
So now a negro is head of NASA. I'm sure he was promoted ahead of more senior white men in line for the job. whites are being pushed aside in every way. without an uprising we are going to be marginalized completely . i weep for our children.
von Braun and most of his colleagues made a conscious decision to turn themselves and the results of their work to the West. A small minority chose the Soviets.
Trial junkie said May 1, 2014 at 5:14 PM:.
“One of the fantasies many blacks have that complacent whites are unaware of is that the 1969 Moon Landing never happened. They claim it was faked in a TV studio.
Their reasoning, if you can call it that, is that if blacks can't figure how to land on the moon, white people can't either.”
Don’t have to be a jealous negro to question that shit sandwich from the Vietnam and Cold War propaganda, especially since we can‘t (nor the Russians or any one else) go back today, but somehow were able to do so several times with only 1960’s technology. Sorry but that doesn’t make any sense regardless of our current national budget or debt when our economy was booming in the 90’s, were more advanced than in 1969, and certainly not in the midst of a major war.
Hell, even NASA itself admitted back in 2005 (before Obama) that any current mission to the Moon is still too dangerous for the astronauts due to RADIATION:
So we didn’t care to protect them then, BUT everything went fine anyway ???????
And for y’all true believers, here’s Jack Schmitt from Apollo 17 supposedly walking on the Moon without even his SUN VISOR ON for God‘s sake ! WATCH :
White people have been and are still dominating every single scientific and technological fields. There’s no need to still drink the Kool-aid about the Moon landings when negroes will still be jealous of anything we can do better anyway.
C’mon now…who's truly complacent here ?
'What never fails to amaze me is that minorities seem to have zero comprehension that the technologically sophisticated society they enjoy but did not create is also maintained by white people'.
does not surprise me at all.
'they' are not taught [in school and on TV] that White Males built the modern world.
Nor are White scientists contrasted with 'head hunters and africans' in their education.
Von Braun and all his German comrades were appalled then they were informed that the space program was to be manned. That exponentially raised the budget and slowed their progress. But for Kennedy and his cretins it was always about the drama. No men on the moon, no moon project.
The space program, like war, was an entirely governmental project, and war is necessarily highly socialist in nature. By the time it undertook the Shuttle it never failed to spend a dollar when a dime would do. But it's real crime was in keeping entrepreneurs out of space because it was the gorilla in the room. Now that NASA is dead except for it's commitment to Global Warming and diversity the path has been opened to new ideas and plans. Let the Chinese have their fun with their own NASA sinkhole, better for them then to build ghost cities.
Off Topic, me and a coworker went out of the office for our regular break, as we are exiting the doors, i spot a jigaboo staring us down like he wanted something, being fully aware of how these subhumans work i quickly turned around and engaged in a conversation with my coworker, not even 2 seconds had passed by after my coworker sat down to smoke a cigarette (non smoker here)jiga shows up bumming for a cig, i looked the creature straight in the face and said what! with an angry look on my face, that didn't last long as my white coworker crumbled and with a smile saying "its going to be 5 dollars, handed the freeloader a cigarette, typical i muttered to myself! this has become a pattern, i see it on a daily basis at work, heading home or at a store, jigaboo bums a cigarette from us and we gladly and politely hand it out, this is what i call deviated robbery, the chimps already know we will obediently give our cigarettes away for free, so they are thinking," why should i buy cigs those dam crackers give them away for free! Next time your out take notice of this, jiga will come bumming you for a "square"
26 year old with opened eyes in Pittsburgh
Here's an interesting comparison of the two recent subjects of Ministry of Truth hyperventilation.
Conceal carry holder in South Carolina kills a black robber who held up a Waffle House at gunpoint. The family is saying the boy is good and should not have been shot just bc he tried to rob a place at gunpoint and pointed his pistol at people!
In the late 50s early 60s my father worked for NATO. Installing Redstone and Jupiter missles in italy and Turkey...And yes the missles were nuclear tipped, all aimed at Russia...
In Turkey one of our sites was 50miles from the Russian boarder...The Russians got pissed and placed there rockets in Cuba... This Action kicked off the bay of pigs incident...
Of course the American people never knew of our missles so close to Russia, in Turkey...
Van Bruen was instrumential in the development of said missles...
But no our govt. Never lie to us...
Conceal carry holder in South Carolina kills a black robber who held up a Waffle House at gunpoint. The family is saying the boy is good and should not have been shot just bc he tried to rob a place at gunpoint and pointed his pistol at people!”
So little Dante and Jawan go into a Waffle House with a gun to rob and threaten people at gunpoint, and cousin Tamika believes that CW license holders like the one who stopped the robbery need more training so they won't shoot people. And of course she is puzzled that Dante would do such a crazy thing. He was always sharp, always goofy, loved to dance, he was a respectable boy who had never been in any trouble before.
I suppose this is another one of those mind control things where the gun seized little Dante and made him go berserk without warning.
Remember Obama has 'diversity visas' to bring in more black and muslim chaos.
”. . . In Turkey one of our sites was 50miles from the Russian boarder...The Russians got pissed and placed there rockets in Cuba... This Action kicked off the bay of pigs incident...
Of course the American people never knew of our missles so close to Russia, in Turkey...
Van Bruen was instrumential in the development of said missles...
But no our govt. Never lie to us... “
Well, did anyone ever ask the government if we had missiles in Turkey exactly 50 miles from the Russian border? Just kidding. Of course the government lies. They always have and always will, and we continue to tolerate it.
Anonymous said...
Conceal carry holder in South Carolina kills a black robber who held up a Waffle House at gunpoint. The family is saying the boy is good and should not have been shot just bc he tried to rob a place at gunpoint and pointed his pistol at people!”
So little Dante and Jawan go into a Waffle House with a gun to rob and threaten people at gunpoint, and cousin Tamika believes that CW license holders like the one who stopped the robbery need more training so they won't shoot people. And of course she is puzzled that Dante would do such a crazy thing. He was always sharp, always goofy, loved to dance, he was a respectable boy who had never been in any trouble before.
I suppose this is another one of those mind control things where the gun seized little Dante and made him go berserk without warning.
I am so sad for Dante and his family. Except for this one armed robbery, Dante seemed like a model for young African-Americans. He graduated from school and was a good kid who was hoping to work in the music field. It is a terrible loss.
Why didn't the man shoot the gun out of Dante's hand? Or fire a warning shot into the air? He could have tried to talk to Dante and explain that he also had a gun. Give him some kind of warning at least. He didn't have to kill Dante.
Why didn't the man shoot the gun out of Dante's hand?....COME ON, REALLY? if this guy did not take action, dante would have shot him in the face, finished the robbery, disappeared into the night and it wouldn't even be on the local news. Just another white man killed in a "robbery gone wrong".
If Darwin's theory was correct they why aren't the apes(real ones) not driving cars by now. And if evolution was so, then why didn't the real apes develop a language. Remember if we evolved from apes that would mean they had a head start and in theory they should of been the ones to keep us(humans) in the zoo's!
Evolution requires tens of thousands of years of breeding for the best and brightest, the survival of the fittest, to grow beyond what they once were.
Apes breed for quantity over quality and strength over intelligence. 200 years out of the jungle is too soon to expect any sort of evolving to occur, in fact, I would expect regression given the breeding patterns, with exception of where they've crossbred with those of superior intellect.
Wow, are you incapable of recognizing sarcasm?
”Wow, are you incapable of recognizing sarcasm?”
Yep, it looks like WW3 might have missed it that time.
That's because Imam Barry, effectively pulled the plug on Nasa early on in his administration, by canceling the space shuttle missions
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