Year Six is coming, starting on May 23.
Before this date, The City that Bleeds will be released.
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Year Six is coming... |
Soon there after, the sequel to Escape from Detroit will be released (to be accompanied by a billboard going up in the old Arsenal of Democracy).
On July 20, 2014, The Wrong Stuff will be released.
And to celebrate the 9th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a book on race and New Orleans will be released on September 1.
While millions (tens of millions) silently hum John Brown's Body, SBPDL exists to remind people that this age will pass.
It will pass because our job is to see it through.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Now it's time to work harder to awaken those minds willing to consider something is terribly wrong with the current paradigm.
We can't save everyone, nor should we try.
If you support SBPDL, please consider making a donation at this time via PayPal -- on the right hand side in the scroll-down bar (or, if you'd like it to be tax-deductible, please make the donation through the link to
For a donation of $50.00 or more, we'll send you a signed copy of The City that Bleeds (please include your address you'd like it to go and email us
Capital campaigns are important, and SBPDL needs your help right now.
Until the day we make officially erase the memory of John Brown from the annals of history, please consider making a donation to Stuff Black People Don't Like.
For nearly five years, SBPDL has been your source for cutting edge commentary and news, forcing many other Web sites to adapt their coverage and even ape much of what is written here.
We value every reader and work hard to bring you one of the Internet's most unique sources for news, historical inquiries, and commentary.
Help us prepare for Y:6.
Thank you in advance,
Paul Kersey
I just want to say I second Paul's call for contributions. I've bought one of his books. This is great original research he provides us. How many of you had heard of the Chuck Yeager affirmative action prior to this?? I know I hadn't. Let's keep it going ...
Now ... Here is something that I think might make some of you smile, especially if you like watching leftists turn on each other and tear themselves apart.
Occasionally, we get satirical posts from "A Compassionate Oregonian". Here's the real life version ...
Background: This is at a "Law and Disorder" conference in Portland. The point of the conference is to protest, well, law and order. Cause, you know, arresting people from crimes is racist and sheeeit.
Enter a group of angry radical feminists, led by one particularly angry Black female.
The whole thing devolves into crazy shouting and creepy cult-like chanting. Police are called in (by "anarchists"!). Insane.
Call it the radical side of Portlandia.
The crazy thing is, you'll find similar groups on any college campus in America.
This eye opening sight is worthy of our support. Gentz, please join me in pitching in :)
/H hypie our H\
Congrats PK! And Happy Mothers Day to all the awesome White moms out there!
NC Guy
I've been reading SBPDL since Y:1. Thank you immensely.
If we donate, does that mean we can use racially disparaging remarks again without fear of being blocked? Earnest question.
Sierra Nevada
Tokowitz performed a mea culpa on Anderson Cooper's show. Evidently he be cray-cray for da negress.
Hope it was worth it.
--NB with IPMS
That depends.We charge by the word.How much are you planning to spend ?
I am Red Sector A
f we donate, does that mean we can use racially disparaging remarks again without fear of being blocked? Earnest question.
Sierra Nevada
I dunno, but most of my comments
[usually off topic, not rude or using the n word] are blocked.
God Bless... Keep the truth alive.
I hope my site has provided additional viewers from the TRUE NEWS USA OFFICIAL BLOG LISTINGS where your blog is listed.
I guess by now that you realize that you've probably saved many of our White brothers and sisters from bodily harm...possibly even death. Word spreads...the truth spreads. We carry forward the facts...the tragedies...the eye opening truths...which you give us and in turn we tell our friends, acquaintances and families. And they, in turn, tell even more people. And the pattern continues. Being forearmed is forewarned.
Thank you. You've been tremendously instrumental in getting the word out that all is not well...not well at all. Your altruism is admirable. Not once have I ever seen you condone violence as a solution. And for this, I really do applaud you. Bringing the facts...cold and surface is the best route for us to take.
We, as a people and as a culture, are under siege. The injustices perpetrated against us are kept under tight wrap...and when these injustices and acts of violence do manage to make it to the public eye, they are minimalized.
So what can we do? To be vocal, to be bold, and to be self assured will strengthen us collectively. And to all of you reading this, any one of you can be alphas if you aren't already. All you have to do is believe...and I mean really yourself.
Thank you again, PK, for your dedication...your devotion...your true concern in trying to preserve civility...accountability...common a nation whose media and politicians no longer promote a safe and ordered way of life.
Be All That You Can Be...Be an Alpha.
Philadelphia Mike
I meant to say: Being forewarned is being forearmed.
Philadelphia Mike
I would like to extend my gratitude to the comment makers here. You all know who you are and I can't thank you enough for your wisdom. It has helped me in more ways than you could ever know.
"If we donate, does that mean we can use racially disparaging remarks again without fear of being blocked? Earnest question.
Sierra Nevada
I second that request. I also want to use the word GENOCIDE without getting my comments blocked.
The mission must continue.
The Orwellian doublespeak, doublethink and thought crime must end.
They are, largely, oriented around creating Fake Black History.
Common Core is now overrun with Fake Black History. Pandering to ghetto egos is being embedded into the three R's.
(Resentment, revenge and raging)
{ Reading, writing and 'rithmetic are not normative for Black Recipient Americans. }
thank you paul for this blog and all the insightful comments from activists everywhere., we are an invisible force, fighting for truth
be like walter white, be alpha be the best you can be against BRA demoralisation is their biggest weapon
OT: NRA Conference causes less black violence in April.
H/T Countenance Blog
Indianapolis: NRA convention causes dip is black violence.
Instead of throwing money down the black hole trying to prevent the violent blacks from shooting people, let's give that money back to the white taxpayer and let them arm themselves.
The promotion of black degeneracy hurts white people and our culture. Child-like black behavior sparks pathological altruism and charity in whites, to to a point where we put our own people at risk.
The racial integration of our society has been like a stain that can't be washed out. The overlords know this. That is why black degeneracy is taught in the schools. That is why blacks are no longer forced to assimilate or held responsible for their behaviors. It hurts whites.
Yes, black behavior is shocking. It makes us mad. It makes us uncomfortable. It makes us run. It divides us as a people. It forces us into PC silence. Blacks are used as tools to hurt us.
We have to speak up and stop letting them hurt us.
OT: New World Order's Goldman Sachs funds program to keep black males out of jail, hires blond white girls at mentors.
"Such crime-blotter moments are Goldman’s concern thanks to a financial product called a social-impact bond. Goldman is anchoring a $21 million plan to help a Boston-area nonprofit called Roca expand its efforts to steer young men like Aguilar away from dealing drugs, stealing cars or committing assaults and murders."
Anonymous said...
"OT: New World Order's Goldman Sachs funds program to keep black males out of jail, hires blond white girls at mentors."
The focus seems to be browns, not blacks. Goldman is selling bonds to rehabilitate hispanics in the Boston area. "Toxic assets" comes to mind. Seriously, this should make clear who is likely funding the amnesty legislation this year. I'm sure GS owns most politicians, so the vote is a sure thing. Expect rand paul to get behind it along with fellow TP'er rubio. That burnishes rand paul's image as a helper to browns along with his ongoing groid outreach. It also shows that rubio was "right (get it?) all along" with his "CREAM Act."
Don't worry...hillary will win. If you think barry sotero is a redistributionist, you ain't seen nothin' yet. She's much more extreme than he is.
Obamacare wasn't this nation's undoing. Amnesty will be the killing blow. Without a MASSIVE reset, the US is finished. And even then...
Got preps?
--NB with IPMS
I have a question that maybe y'all can help me with. I have heard that parts of our history have been changed to cater to blacks lack of history. My daughter goes to a private school and the school doesn't teach bullcrap common core. Can anyone direct me to a safe website so I can read these changes? I just want to see for myself the indoctrination of public school kids. Thanks
Did you know that in 2011, Obama created a new US Govt Patent Office in….. that's right Detroit. Got to give them blacks jobs peering at patent diagrams that they're holding upside down. "Yo mufaga, what be dis?"
"The focus seems to be browns, not blacks."
Who cares, really? Did you read the entire thing?
The focus is on violent non-Asian minorities (NAMs). They commit almost all of the violent crime in America and the majority of them are parasites, snacking on EBT for their entire lives too.
The article says "groups LIKE Roca." There are more black versions of these youth intervention groups. Blacks dominate and the most imprisoned of all groups. These programs shake down customers and corporations for social justice money. The leaders of the groups get millions of dollars in grants.
Civil Right Hero and racial shakedown expert Bob Woodson's "Center For Neighborhood Enterprise (CNE) in Maryland/Virginia and the "Running Rebels Community Center" are other black ones. It is one big redistribution of wealth slavery reparations program.
And I will bet that most white men are not going to protest this one little bit.
Thanks to both PK and all of the commenters for this illuminating blog. While I have been aware of the savagery of blacks for quite some time, I did NOT realize the reality of interracial crime stats (mostly due to the duplicity of the media).
This blog has really opened my eyes to the point that I recently purchased my first firearms, a Glock G19 and an MP 15-22. As Philadelphia Mike is fond of saying...forewarned is forearmed. Now I'm well armed, as well.
Keep up the good work, all.
I love how the so=called "conservative" talk show hosts like Laura Ingram and Limbaugh say things like "I don't care what color they are...purple, green, black, white, blue, whatever..." and "I don't care how you have sex, I don't want to know the details about your sex life, just play football bla bla bla..." These people stand for nothing. NOTHING.
The take no position, and that is just as evil. That is why we are in such a mess.
Well, I care about white people. And I care that men are having raunchy, diseased, deviant anal sex in public places. And I hate their in-your-face gay pride parades in my city. And the fact that they can adopt children to molest. I think it is all wrong and should be banned.
People like Limbaugh and Ingram are not Christian conservative leaders. They are a big bunch of egalitarian cowards and hypocrites.
I've said before...SBPDL has been a godsend to me.
I thought I might literally be the only person on earth aware of the pulsating black malignancy gnawing out the center of the USA. When I stumbled on SBPDL it was an awakening.
Philadelphia Mike nailed it. Always be Alpha. ALWAYS BE ALPHA.
Never apologize for your white identity or your station in life, and never apologize for your beliefs.
If someone calls you a racist, the correct response is
If someone mentions white privilege, firmly inform them that you checked your privilege and you are okay with it.
Take every opportunity to attack the prevailing narrative. Attack the black grievance industry and all the awful, tiresome black race hustlers. Especially that prick in the Oval Office.
Attack radical feminism whenever you see it.
Attack Islam. Attack white do-gooderism. Attack the hypocrisy and illogic of progressivism.
Be cool and smart about it. Histrionics, racial epithets and calls for violence will turn your audience off. Subtlety, humor and a complete command of facts and statistics will carry the day. Leave the KKK hood/robe combo in the closet.
Remember that there are millions of whites who have been taught/shamed/indoctrinated into believing that what they feel and what they see are wrong and shameful. When you confidently and calmly state your case, you give strength to others.
I'm white. I got an education. I work, save, pay taxes, take care of my family, wash my car and mow my grass. I don't have illegitimate kids, I don't participate in "drive-by's", never bought or sold crack, never been on welfare or gotten an EBT card, never been assigned a case manager or social worker, never been arrested or paroled, and no one but me has ever made my house payment. I'm not an aspiring anything, especially a rapper, and no one has ever had to defend me on the courthouse steps by claiming I was on the cusp of turning my life around.
Fuck this shit. I'm white. I'm confident. I'm fully armed with facts, logic, confidence, and yes, steel, and I know how to use all of them. I'll never apologize for who and what I am.
Thanks to SBPDL, thanks to all of you.
Forward, march.
Anonymous said...
"The focus seems to be browns, not blacks."
Who cares, really? Did you read the entire thing?
The focus is on violent non-Asian minorities (NAMs). They commit almost all of the violent crime in America and the majority of them are parasites, snacking on EBT for their entire lives too.
The article says "groups LIKE Roca." There are more black versions of these youth intervention groups. Blacks dominate and the most imprisoned of all groups. These programs shake down customers and corporations for social justice money. The leaders of the groups get millions of dollars in grants.
Civil Right Hero and racial shakedown expert Bob Woodson's "Center For Neighborhood Enterprise (CNE) in Maryland/Virginia and the "Running Rebels Community Center" are other black ones. It is one big redistribution of wealth slavery reparations program.
And I will bet that most white men are not going to protest this one little bit.
Interesting article. First, make prisons insanely expensive. Second, make prisons real comfortable. Then prisons are both unsustainable and no deterrent at all. Into that void steps the social service/rehabilitation scammers. Viola, money flows in that direction.
Key sentence in the article is "Taxpayers, meanwhile, aren’t on the hook if the interventions don’t work out. " In fact, taxpayers and everyone else remain "on the hook", because they will be the victims of crime and will later pay for the carnage at the hospitals where Jamal, who should have been in prison, is shot and gets $300,000 worth of surgery for free.
OT: In the Chester County town of North Coventry, Pennsylvania, which is a suburb of the City of Philadelphia, there lives a 55 year old negro male named Wayne Snowden, who owns some type of window washing small business. Last Friday afternoon, Wayne Snowden, the negro small business owner, was at home and reportedly upset with one of his employees, so he fired that employee. Then Wayne Snowden decided to soothe his anger a bit and unwind by drinking some Heineken beer. After getting a bit intoxicated, Wayne Snowden, the negro small business owner, also felt the urge to step onto his front porch and discharge his 9mm Glock pistol down his street. This 9mm bullet fired in negro anger then struck an innocent 8 year old white boy in the leg as he was riding around on his bike.
The 8 year old white boy suffered a gunshot wound which hit an artery in his leg, but he was flown by medevac chopper to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and was listed as in stable condition there. Wayne Snowden the negro has been charged for aggravated assault and other offenses in relation to this incident.
What is simply just classic TNB is the NBC Philadelphia video at the link above. Wayne Snowden the drunken negro got a bit chimpy while talking to the TV media crews. Their cameras were recording as he was drinking his Heineken and smoking his cigarette on his front porch. You can totally see for yourself how this sweaty and drunken negro grumbles on in slightly slurred speech tones about how he owns guns legally for his own self protection, but then this same negro suddenly just grabs the NBC Philadelphia reporter's cordless microphone and tosses it into the street. It was a total chimp out moment right there. In the same video, the same reporter mentions that the police now feel that Wayne Snowden's drunken ramblings on camera can be used in court to incriminate him.
I called the 24/7 nurse hotline at Peyton Manning's Riley Children's Hospital last week. My daughter was complaining about stomach pains and it was a Saturday night so I had a few questions.
The operator of the hotline was an effeminate negro male and not too bright! He took my information and then told me a nurse would contact me within 15 minutes. I could hear Twanisha in the background yapping and head-cranking about something while laughing loudly in the cubicle next to him. Very unprofessional. But I was hoping that a competent person would return my call.
The "nurse" calling was a young black female, speaking in casual black ebonics while chewing gum. She was not helpful, and I had to keep asking her, "Are you SURE you are a registered nurse??" I finally ended the call, realizing that there was absolutely nothing that this woman could help me with.
She was also reading from a script, and suggested that I contact my child's doctor and she could "follow up" with me the next week. She said it might be "stress" and asked me the exact same questions that I had answered for the male operator previously. I didn't want this incompetent Affirmative Action woman anywhere near my family.
I also realized that we are effing effing doomed.
This weekend, I was shopping for shoes at Nordstrom's at the Indianapolis Fashion Mall.
Working in the shoe department were two flamboyant, dark-skinned black males with copped hair wearing women's clothing and shoes. Yes, they were WORKING IN THE WOMEN'S SHOE DEPARTMENT.
One of the men was about 6'3, wore a floral silk butterfly top, capri leggings, and a pair of women's leather gladiator sandals with heels. Probably in size 15.
The other transvestite black male employee was wearing a mini-skirt, women's pumps, full makeup, jewelry, and a sequined pink tank top.
Why is this OK? What the hell is going on??
Anonymous said...
This weekend, I was shopping for shoes at Nordstrom's at the Indianapolis Fashion Mall.
Working in the shoe department were two flamboyant, dark-skinned black males with copped hair wearing women's clothing and shoes. Yes, they were WORKING IN THE WOMEN'S SHOE DEPARTMENT.
One of the men was about 6'3, wore a floral silk butterfly top, capri leggings, and a pair of women's leather gladiator sandals with heels. Probably in size 15.
The other transvestite black male employee was wearing a mini-skirt, women's pumps, full makeup, jewelry, and a sequined pink tank top.
Why is this OK? What the hell is going on??
Hilarious. Are you sure they were men? Negro females are notoriously hard to distinguish from males.
"What the hell is going on?" We are living through a kind of prolonged nightmare in the United States. Virtually everything you knew to be one thing, is now another. What was good or even neutral is now bad. What was bad is now acceptable and good. Get used to it, because it's here to stay. Be grateful that a third negro, maybe the manager of the shoe department didn't drag you in the back and rape you.
"Hilarious. Are you sure they were men? Negro females are notoriously hard to distinguish from males."
Oh yes, they were men all right. My husband's gay-dar noticed first. They were tall, gay, extremely effeminate males. One had boobs (padding?), the other did not. They were vogueing and posing while standing in place. I know that black females are very masculine, but these were definitely men.
I was shocked to see all of the millionaire Nordstrom customers strolling about the shoe department on Mother's Day with these two ghetto trannies working. What a statement that Nordstrom has made in the name of Progressivism! Hilarious.
This sick, sick culture is being rammed down our throats. I am fed up with it.
detoilette desparately needed patent office due to superior inventiveness of it's 83% majority population.
Conservative talk show hosts? C'mon, we live in an age that puts the angry reds worst nightmare of "McCarthyism" to shame. They have completely flipped the table on us.
Slogan of the day, everyday is now: U speak, U lose.
Can anybody blame Rush for not wanting to lose his $20-$30 million a year gig? Would you?
Any non-leftist in the media can only talk in code & must mouth certain phrases or it's OVER for them.
The scarlet letter used to be "A" not's it "R" & applied liberally by all liberals. It is the letter that'll ruin any career & therefore any family connected to that career (or even just a job).
Of course, those who will not SEE will still not & probably never understand why I've reached the point where I'd welcome the Russian Army to our shores as LIBERATORS....Hell, their no more my shores than this is my land anymore.
I welcome anyone who will help stop the Genocide & ethnic cleansing that is in full operation here in the USSA but will definitely take the Russkies over the Chicom's or NoKo's...
Speaking of NoKo's any "pools" available for entry as to picking a Day when they'll wipe out the West Coast on Aztlan? The former greatest of all states, California ?
Sorry but I won't shed a tear when the warheads fall. Imagine Bongo or whoever will TWEET our response & follow-up by filing a suit at the World Court.
What a pathetic laughing stock we have become.
Nobody but blacks, spics & a few deluded nostalgic whites is rooting for the Home Team :)
Am hoping that at a minimum that a huge chunk of homo africanus will go with the target cities. Thanks the upside of our urban "infestation", when our cities burn & irradiate so will their denizens.
YT not smart enough to already got the hell outta Dodge, well, sorry about you being collateral damage.
Kim Jung-Il, achieve your place in the sun of world history !!!! Let the count-down begin & hope to hell you "sky saviors" have good GPS on them which they should since Bill Clinton gave you the guidance systems as a bribe for you not to be such bad boys anymo', USSA burn in Hell
/H Hypie Out H\
I heard that ESPN ran a piece on Michael Sams being drafted by the St. Louis Rams where he kissed his whatever the term is. Here is an interesting comment that was posted on Rim Job's FreeRepublic:
"They’re pushing the envelope. Time for our black friends to speak out. There’s safety in numbers"
Let me add my own thanks for this site, for PK and the regulars. Reading the comments today, it's clear that things have gone downhill in the past five years to a degree and at a rate that we could never have predicted. There is no reason to believe that the next five years will be any better.
I have now arrived at my destination after leaving South Africa three months ago. Last week, they held a general election in South Africa. I've been on airports and planes since then, so I couldn't follow the results, even if I'd been interested.
Anyway, my point is that I found this video online this morning. I warn you, it's not pretty. It shows a political discussion in SA, where a woman is hunted down and killed by a mob for supporting an opposition political party.
Bogolyubski, you'll appreciate this bit. It's a translation of a comment by one Wessel Hermanus Basson, who writes:
With all respect to everyone who says it's cruel, just last week 90% of Whites voted for a rainbow nation. We warned and warned and warned again what the true situation is in the country, and still we live as if everything is normal. Accept that the next five years are going to be just as cruel as the video. All thanks to our own people who choose to stand steadfastly behind the system.
My former country is dead. My brother accused me of joining the "chicken run". I told him I'm not running from a fight; we gave up that fight long ago.
Here's the link. Hope the video is still there.
Jay Santos said:
"Key sentence in the article is "Taxpayers, meanwhile, aren’t on the hook if the interventions don’t work out. " In fact, taxpayers and everyone else remain "on the hook", because they will be the victims of crime and will later pay for the carnage at the hospitals where Jamal, who should have been in prison, is shot and gets $300,000 worth of surgery for free.
May 12, 2014 at 10:05 AM"
Direct Hit! Yet strangely covered up? Is it the stupid journalist drawing the conclusion or has it been ordered to "miss" this?
Analogman, I did not realize you are White SA. I'm sorry. I knew the good ol' USA would put you on the long waiting lists. We appreciate you and keep tabs on ya.
You are not forgotten! Come to America but be forewarned we have our own DIEversity programs.
Scot Irish
Here's another video about the drunk sambo who "randomly" shot the little white boy on his bike:
Scot Irish, thanks for the thought, but I'll be all right. Matter of fact, I have family in the USA who can sponsor me for immigration. I've just come from visiting them. For various reasons I opted to join another daughter - not the least of those reasons being the "DIEversity" you cite. I really, really loathe negroes, and I don't hide it. I'd never survive in America - I'd either provoke my own murder, or get arrested.
It was an interesting visit. On the Marshall Coulter thread, Anonymous asked another Anonymous:
"What have you done to denounce BRA or defend fellow whites?? Are you marching in defense of white families with Hunter Wallace and League of the South?"
As a matter of fact, yes, I did. I was at that demonstration in Richmond, VA. My picture is on the internet. And, people, it was fun. My daughter, who stayed on the sidelines because she can't afford to lose her teaching job, told me afterward that they were the nicest group of people she's ever met.
And we are nice people. People need to see us, identify us with our cause, and realise we don't have horns. We need to meet one another, because we'll like one another, and we may make some good friends. Matter of fact, that's how Hunter Wallace met his lovely wife, Renee. Mainly, we need to get organized, and visible.
AnalogMan said ”. . . I have now arrived at my destination after leaving South Africa three months ago. Last week, they held a general election in South Africa. I've been on airports and planes since then, so I couldn't follow the results, even if I'd been interested.
Anyway, my point is that I found this video online this morning. I warn you, it's not pretty. It shows a political discussion in SA, where a woman is hunted down and killed by a mob for supporting an opposition political party. . . “
Extremely disturbing video. Was she supporting a white party, or are there any white parties? It looks a lot like the ANC/Winnie necklace behavior of the past.
Okay, you have watched South Africa fail, and now I presume that you are in the US. How far behind SA are we? I was thinking that with a black population percentage of about 13% rather than 68% as in South Africa that we had a ways to go.
There almost aren't words for how disturbing this video is. It certainly demonstrates "tolerance" as currently practiced in the rainbow nation. However, something tells me that this video isn't exactly plastered across all media in south africa at the moment. As disturbing as it was, perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that the FUSA gubmint is importing these subhumans by the hundreds of thousands, dispersing them across the country at taxpayer expense, then expecting this type of behavior to magically disappear when they step foot on our soil. I wonder how a sick liberal might try to explain away this video. The legacy of apartheid, I guess?
Bless you for getting out of that hellhole at any cost.
Anon said
Extremely disturbing video. Was she supporting a white party, or are there any white parties? It looks a lot like the ANC/Winnie necklace behavior of the past.
Okay, you have watched South Africa fail, and now I presume that you are in the US. How far behind SA are we? I was thinking that with a black population percentage of about 13% rather than 68% as in South Africa that we had a ways to go.
That's a very, very important question. Let me address that in order:
The party she supported was the Congress of the People (COPE), a breakaway group from the ANC. Most Whites support the Democratic Alliance, a multiracial party whose election boast is that they fought Apartheid - as they did. Its leadership is and was dominated by TWMNBN. The National Party, the party of Apartheid, is defunct, with many of its leaders having joined the ANC. The closest thing to a White party is the Freedom Front+, a hardline rightwing party consisting of former Nationalists who were expelled from the party for resisting its drift to the left. They have almost no support.
That necklace thing is very much a part of the present, still. I haven't followed the news in SA for years, but a few months ago I saw a newspaper at a supermarket checkout that reported on a necklace party for some thieves. The press was there to bring us full-colour coverage of the condemned men waiting with their gasoline-filled tires, the flames, the charred bodies. Everybody had a festive time. Except the victims, of course. They were just spoilsports.
Now, the crux: how far behind is America? Not far behind, at all. Here is an article from 2000, A Warning for America from South Africa By Gemma Meyer. Read it, and reflect on how much worse the situation has become since then.
My sense is that America has passed a tipping point. Forget about that 13% figure, the negroes have allies, and they're not even the senior partners. They now have the White house, they dominate the civil service, particularly the crucial Department of Justice, they now have a Federal agency as a gatekeeper to the civil service to ensure they control entry to the civil service, they have My Brother's Keeper, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, the whole gamut of Civil Rights laws, a court system that's out of control... in a word, America is screwed.
I honestly don't see any peaceful way out of this. War is hell, and everybody loses; but some survive. We are at the point where survival is the best we can hope for.
AnalogMan said ”That's a very, very important question. Let me address that in order: . . . “
Thanks for the brutally honest and well presented response. I received a 404 page not found error message when I attempted to follow the link. It might be the method of browsing I'm using.
It looks to me like we all need to decide what we are actually going to do. I'm certainly not ready to give up. The NRA style organization for whites mentioned by a previous poster is a good idea, but it will need to be something more generic than a white people only club to draw the members that we need. The NRA appeals to anyone who values the 2nd Amendment regardless of race, and because it is directly related to a constitutionally recognized fundamental right it is more PC. Any white only organization will only be viewed as another KKK by most people. We must rally a lot of people to make this work, and an organization that appeals only to a fraction of the white population won't accomplish this task. Perhaps the National Association for Advancement of all Americans (NAAA) would be a more appealing name and focus on something other than specifically cutting off support for the undertow.
No politician wants a bad NRA scorecard. The NRA reportedly has about 5 million members, and that is enough to get the attention of most lawmakers as well generate enough revenue to get things done. I suspect that these 5 million members largely vote as a unified block and they represent over 4% of the voting public without factoring in the likelihood that these members probably influence the votes of their friends and families.
On the other hand Stormfront is viewed as a white supremacist organization and I would make a wild guess that they have 100,000 members. This probably makes the operators of the website some money, but I have never felt that the organization has shaped legislative matters in a positive way.
Got this in email today
philanthropy news or somesuch
While nonprofit and government initiatives in and foundation support for the field of black male achievement have increased steadily in recent years, corporations, faith-based organizations, and other constituencies need to be more deeply engaged in those efforts, a report commissioned by the Foundation Center and the Open Society Foundations' Campaign for Black Male Achievement argues.
Based on interviews with fifty leaders in the social, academic, government, and business sectors, the report, Building a Beloved Community: Strengthening the Field of Black Male Achievement (72 pages, PDF), maps the landscape of work in the area of black male achievement and offers recommendations for strengthening the field going forward. For instance, the analysis found that in 2011 foundations awarded $40.4 million in grants of at least $10,000 in support of black male achievement. More recently, national and local government initiatives such as My Brother's Keeper, a public-private partnership launched by the White House, have highlighted the need for policy reforms, cross-sector collaboration, and the strategic use of data. At the same time, other constituencies, including the corporate and faith sectors, remain untapped resources with respect to work designed to improve the life outcomes of African-American men and boys and should be urged to support scholarships and employment opportunities for black males, do more to address civil rights issues, and focus on raising awareness of social justice issues.
"The barriers to success that black men face have been in plain sight for decades, so it is particularly heartening to see a movement taking shape that is specifically crafted to address these challenges and change the odds for one of the most disenfranchised populations in America," said Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone, in the report's afterword. "We are moving in the right direction, but we need to keep in mind that our commitment must be for the long haul."
Building on the 2012 study Where Do We Go From Here? Philanthropic Support for Black Men and Boys (40 pages, PDF), the new report adds to a growing suite of resources at
"This report provides a snapshot of the breadth and depth of engagement in the field of black male achievement in this pivotal moment," said Seema Shah, director of research for special projects at the Foundation Center and lead author of the report. "Our hope is that it contributes to ongoing efforts to boost strategic collaboration and invites individuals and organizations from every sector and area of the country to see the role they can play in improving the life outcomes of black men and boys."
(Photo credit: Urban Prep Academies)
"New Research on the Field of Black Male Achievement Highlights Successes and Opportunities." Foundation Center Press Release 05/13/2014.
Anonymous said...
"The barriers to success that black men face have been in plain sight for decades"
Yep, they're black. There is no more obvious barrier to groid success than genetics.
--NB with IPMS (Since the abbreviations and acronyms are confusing to new visitors, my handle stands for "Neighborhood Bartender with Irritable Plantation Master Syndrome.")
AnalogMan said ”. . . Now, the crux: how far behind is America? Not far behind, at all. Here is an article from 2000, A Warning for America from South Africa By Gemma Meyer. Read it, and reflect on how much worse the situation has become since then. . . “
The original link didn't work for me, but I found it at It is a sobering letter.
Thanks, AnalogMan, for the video post - and for what I would have to call the takeaway quote from one of the remaining whites there in Mandelaland:
With all respect to everyone who says it's cruel, just last week 90% of Whites voted for a rainbow nation. We warned and warned and warned again what the true situation is in the country, and still we live as if everything is normal. Accept that the next five years are going to be just as cruel as the video. All thanks to our own people who choose to stand steadfastly behind the system.
This is exactly where we're headed, folks. If you think you're immune, your family members are immune - think again. The mob of negroes in SA is behaving in their true natural state. Here's Rousseau's "noble savage" for you - in full crimson color. If they'll do this to one of their own for simply not voting ANC (she probably voted for a Zulu party - there are no exclusively white parties in SA as it would be illegal), what do you think they'll do to some white person who happened along? Violent as it is, the video isn't even the shocking thing.
The truly astounding thing is that 90% of the whites remaining in SA - where the ruling ANC openly discusses their extermination - continue to support the system. Insanity is a wholly inadequate term to describe this. It has no precedent I know of in history. Savages like those in the video are being imported and resettled into every single white country, often with the aid of folks who identify as "Christian". As this was South Africa, I would not be at all surprised if 90% of the murderous mob were "Chrsitians" - the very ones the idiot Christian triumphalists chirp about when someone mentions how Christianity has all but vanished in places like Europe. If this is "Christianity", it deserves to vanish.
Bogo, stop blaming everything on Christians. These are not Christians but in name only. Seriously, remove the plank from your own eye.
There is no single authority who decides who is and is not a Christian. If self-styled Christians are destroying us, then we will have to call Christians to account until one faction or the other either changes their label or goes on the warpath to re-define it.
@Left Coast White Guy
I've yet to see a single Christian church condemn the ongoing genocide of Boers in SA. Not one. Mr. Rational is correct. While there are individual Christians who understand the evil of this, they are very few in number - and the denominations and organizations are under control of the Crystal Methodists. In the USSA, even Orthodoxy, long thought to be sort of a last redoubt for the older Christianity, has fallen to our genocidal enemies. I'm simply no longer falling for the IKAGO fallacy when it comes to self-identified "Christians".
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